The trajectory of the planets of the solar system around the sun. What planet rotates in the opposite direction? The movement of the planets in orbits

Scientists suggest that planet X is moving towards the Earth, which is capable of destroying all life. Apparently, this is Nibiru, which experts have been looking for so long. All the cataclysms that are now taking place in the world, according to scientists, are the reason for the rapprochement with an unknown planet.

Scientists from the US Geological Survey believe that the giant planet X (Nibiru) actually exists and is already approaching Earth. All the recent natural anomalies point directly to the tidal forces of the mysterious planet. At the moment, typhoons, powerful eruptions and earthquakes are often recorded on Earth, as well as heavy rains in arid areas where the Sun usually shines brightly.

"Global warming, volcanic eruptions, drought in previously rainy areas and vice versa, rain where it never happened are all indications that the Earth is moving closer to Planet X," says Dr. Trowbridge.

A global climate change heralds the arrival of Nibiru, a planet orbiting our parent star in a highly elongated ellipsoidal orbit with a period of 36,000 years. According to the calculations of some scientists, including Isaac Newton, the Apocalypse will come in 2060 with the arrival of the mysterious ninth planet.

Then the tidal forces of the giant space guest will begin to tear the Earth apart, intensifying volcanic and seismological activity. In addition, Nibiru may bring with it an asteroid shower. Our planet's magnetosphere will also be under attack, climatologists conclude.

“The last one, although it has not yet been discovered, is rapidly approaching - I just feel how it flies closer to us,” Trowbridge said. He added that researchers could not previously identify Nibiru due to the fact that it has a special elongated orbit, and its period of rotation around the Sun is 36 thousand years.

Planet X - Nibiru (Nibiru)

NASA recognized the possibility (in 1982) of another new planet in the solar system. A year later (1983) NASA launched IRAS (Infrared Artificial Satellite) which spotted a very large object. The Washington Post summed up the interview with a scientist from the JPL IRAS program.+

A celestial body possibly larger than the giant Jupiter and possibly as close to Earth as possible in size, may be part of this solar system, was discovered in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope.

What is Nibiru?

First, Nibiru is one of many planets orbiting a dark star or Brown Dwarf. This Dark Star has five minor planets, a sixth Earth-sized planet, Motherland, and a seventh planet or object we call Nibiru.

The homeland is in many ways similar to the Earth and the place where the Ennanek Giants or Gods of old live there. Nibiru is basically uninhabitable and mostly acts as a battle station or spaceship.

When a dark star is at perihelion (the point in the orbit of a celestial body closest to the Sun) at 60 or 70 par., Nibiru's orbit, which is at 60 par. from its star, has an orbit large enough to pass through our solar system, usually close to the orbit of Jupiter, but this can change.+

Nibiru's orbital inclination is about 30 degrees to our Sun's plane of motion, or the ecliptic. As Nibiru passes through our solar system, moving in the opposite direction in relation to other planets, this sometimes shifts the orbit of the planet, being the main cause of destruction.+

Its passage has a great impact, but is fleeting and takes only a few weeks or months in most cases, it disappears from view. The planet Nibiru is fiery red in color, with a debris trail and several satellites flying around it.+

Nibiru or its satellites are responsible for such incidents as the destruction of Maldek, which is now the asteroid belt. It is also the cause of craters or surface cracks on the Moon and the planets of our solar system, as well as changes in their axis of inclination and orbits. She is responsible for the disappearance of Atlantis and endless floods. She is the link between our solar system and the system of a dark star or star - the Brown Dwarf.

Nibiru was known as the winged (or horned) disc in the earthly past of humans.

Fact: once Nibiru entered the solar system, it rapidly accelerated below the ecliptic, passing behind and below the sun before returning and passing below the sun at an angle of 33 degrees. NASA is now observing Nibiru with the new S.P.T. (South Pole Telescope Area) telescope at the South Pole.

For the first time people will be able to see Nibiru every day since May 15, 2009 as a faint reddish object. It will move directly in the earth's orbit. This means that until 2009 the only way to see it is from the southern hemisphere of the Earth.+

By May 2011 it will be visible to the naked eye to all people on the planet. December 21, 2012 Nibiru will pass through the ecliptic of the planet as a bright red star and will look like the second but the size of the sun. Earthquakes will pass and bad weather will begin.

But the worst, however, will come February 14, 2013, the Earth will pass between Nibiru and the Sun. The poles will move, the tilt of the planet will change! Great changes on the Earth, the strongest earthquakes and the most powerful tsunamis will pass through the world!

After July 1, 2014, Nibiru will no longer terrorize our world and will move away from our part of the galaxy. NASA knows about Nibiru, but in order not to cause panic, they hide the truth from people!+

Well-informed person from NASA, D.o.D. - national military intelligence, S.E.T.I., and the CIA assume that 2/3 of the planet's population will die during the change of poles from the passage of Nibiru.+

Another 2/3 of those who survive, in the beginning, hunger and death await for 6 months!

The most secret US government agency is well aware of what to expect and prepare for it. The Vatican has the same information. The population will not be warned and will not be given a chance to prepare!+

The volume of incoming information from knowledgeable people, observatories and the Vatican is a wide stream. The most important story on earth in 3,000 years is rapidly being freed from the shackles of the masters of the financial markets.+

So there is still time to prepare for this disaster. Anyway, we should see this red planet in Earth's blue sky. Let's watch this new possible disaster and keep everyone in the thick of things.

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How do planets move?

With the naked eye, we can distinguish seven celestial bodies, the position of which relative to the stars changes.

Ancient astronomers called these celestial bodies planets (translated from Greek as "wanderers"), they include the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

How to determine the position of the Sun relative to the stars? Just as the ancient Egyptians, Babylonians and Greeks did, you need to observe the starry sky just before sunrise or immediately after sunset. This is how you can be sure that the Sun changes its position relative to the starry sky every day and moves approximately 1 degree to the east. And exactly one year later, the Sun returns to its previous point relative to the location of the stars. Based on the results of these observations, the ecliptic is naturally determined - the visible trajectory of the Sun's movement between the stars.

While moving along the ecliptic, the Sun passes through 12 constellations: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. The belt along the ecliptic, about 16 degrees wide, in which these constellations are enclosed, is called zodiac.

The sun during the apparent movement along the ecliptic on the days of the equinoxes is at the celestial equator, and then gradually moves away from it. The greatest deviation in both directions from the celestial equator is approximately 23.5 degrees and is observed on the days of the solstices. The Greeks noticed that the speed of the apparent movement of the Sun along the ecliptic in winter is somewhat greater than in summer.

The rest of the planets, like the Sun, in addition to the daily movement to the west, also move to the east, but more slowly.

The moon is moving east faster than the sun, and its trajectory is more chaotic. The moon completes a complete revolution along the zodiac from east to west in an average of 27 and one third of the day. The period of time during which the moon makes a complete revolution along the zodiac, moving from east to west, is called sidereal circulation period. The sidereal period of the Moon's revolution can differ from the average period by as much as 7 hours. It was also noticed that the Moon's trajectory across the starry sky at a certain moment coincides with the ecliptic, after which it gradually moves away from it until it reaches a maximum deviation of about 5 degrees, then again approaches the ecliptic and deviates from it by the same angle, but in the opposite direction.

Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are five planets that are visible in the starry sky as bright points. Their average sidereal periods of revolution are: for Mercury -1 year, for Venus - 1 year, for Mars -687 days, for Jupiter - 12 years, for Saturn - 29.5 years. Actual orbital periods for all planets may differ from the averages given.

The movement of the planets from west to east is called direct or proper. The speed of the direct movement of these five planets is constantly changing.

In addition, it was an unexpected discovery that the direct movement of the planets to the east is periodically interrupted and the planets move in the opposite direction, that is, to the west. At this time, their trajectories form loops, after which the planets again continue their direct movement. During the reverse or backward movement, the brightness of the planets increases. The illustration shows the backward movement of Venus, which begins every 584 days.

Mercury reverses every 116 days, Mars every 780 days, Jupiter every 399 days, Saturn every 378 days.

Mercury and Venus never move away from the Sun by a significant angular distance, unlike Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

It should be noted that it was so difficult to link the movement of the planets with the movement of the stars that the entire history of the development of ideas about the world can be considered as successive attempts to overcome the observed discrepancies.

Dr. Alexander Vilshansky

In an approach to understanding the reason for pushing some bodies to others (pushing [amer.] - pushing) was substantiated based on the concept of gravitons (graviton hypothesis). This approach also makes it possible to understand the reasons for the rotational motion of the planets in the solar system. The reason for the rotation of the Sun itself is not considered in this article.

The movement of the planets in orbits

The eternal and constant movement of the planets in their circumsolar orbits seems somewhat mysterious. It is difficult to assume that absolutely nothing prevents the Earth from moving along its orbit at a speed of 30 km / s. Even assuming the absence of aether, there is a sufficient amount of more or less large cosmic dust and small meteorites through which the planet passes. And if for large planets this factor is small enough, then with a decrease in the size of the body (to an asteroid), its mass decreases much faster than the cross section, which determines the dynamic resistance to movement. Nevertheless, the majority of asteroids rotate in orbits at a constant speed, without signs of deceleration. It seems that Newtonian "gravity" alone is not enough to keep the system in perpetual rotation. Such an explanation can be proposed within the framework of the graviton hypothesis set out in .

"Space broom"

Fig.1 (image on the left) shows the trajectories of gravitons that take part in the creation of "pushing" (pushing force) if they pass through a large mass that does not rotate. In this case, the pattern of forces that create pressure on a smaller mass is completely symmetrical. Figure 2 (image on the right) shows the trajectory of gravitons and the total acting force on a small body from a rotating large mass. It can be seen that the sector from which the gravitons come, forming the right (relative to half) part of the absorbed flow, which compensates the left part of the free flow, turns out to be somewhat larger than the number of gravitons coming from the left hemisphere. Therefore, the total vector X is slightly larger than the vector Y, which creates a deviation of the resulting vector Z. This vector, in turn, can be decomposed into two vectors. One of them is directed exactly to the center of gravity O, and the other is perpendicular to it, and is directed along the tangent to the orbit. It is this component of the repulsive force that causes the planet to move along its orbit during the rotation of the massive body S.

Thus, around a rotating massive body, there appears, as it were, a "panicle", a "pinwheel", which drives each elementary mass of the planet tangentially to the orbit in the direction of rotation of the main mass. Since the impact is made on each elementary part of the planet, the action of the "panicle" is proportional to the mass of the body entrained by it in orbit.

But if the matter were limited to this, then the speeds of the planets would continuously increase, and circular orbits could not be stable. Obviously, there is also a braking factor, and it must also be proportional to the mass. Such a factor is most likely the graviton gas itself, that is, the gravitons themselves, penetrating the body from all sides. No matter how great the speed of gravitons, but if they affect the elementary masses, as explained earlier, then the elementary masses themselves will experience a certain resistance when moving through the graviton gas.

It is interesting to note that R. Feynman in one of his lectures, considering the possibility of explaining gravity by "pushing" (pushing), puts forward as the main objection to it precisely the decelerating effect of the graviton gas, if we assume its existence. Of course, Feynman is right, if we restrict our consideration to the very fact of the presence of such a "gas", and do not understand in more detail the consequences of the graviton hypothesis, namely the existence of the "Space broom". At a certain speed on a given orbit, an equality of the accelerating force (from the side of the "panicle") and the decelerating force (from the side of the graviton gas) arises. And thus Feynman's main objection is removed.

The force of the panicle decreases in proportion to the square of the angle at which the planet is visible from the side of the Sun. The force of resistance to movement from the graviton gas practically does not depend on the distance, but depends only on the mass of the body moving in orbit. Thus, it does not matter what kind of mass is in a given orbit. By increasing the mass, we increase the driving force, and at the same time we increase the braking force. If the Earth were in the orbit of Jupiter, it would move steadily at the speed of Jupiter (in fact, Kepler talks about this). The orbital parameters do not depend on the mass of the planet (with a sufficiently small relative mass). An important consequence follows from all this - a planet can have satellites only if it has not only a certain mass, but also a certain speed of rotation around its axis, creating the effect of a "space broom". If the planet rotates slowly, then it cannot have satellites, the whisk "does not work." That is why Venus and Mercury do not have satellites. The moons of Jupiter also do not have satellites, although some of them are comparable to the Earth in size.

That is why Phobos, the satellite of Mars, is gradually approaching Mars. Most likely, the parameters of Phobos are critical. The "broom", formed by Mars with its rotation speed of 24 hours and a mass of 0.107 Earth, creates just a critical force for the semi-axis of 10,000 km. Apparently, all bodies that have a product of relative mass and relative rotation speed less than 0.1 (like Mars) cannot have satellites. In theory, Deimos should behave the same way. On the other hand, since the Moon is moving away from the Earth, it can be assumed that the energy of the "Broom" in the Earth is excessive, and it accelerates the Moon.

On the reverse rotation of the distant satellites of Jupiter and Saturn

The reverse rotation of the outer satellites of Saturn and Jupiter is due to the fact that the “cosmic broom” at such distances ceases to effectively “revenge”. Nevertheless, the attraction of the central body takes place. But this attraction is rather weak, so the situation is somewhat different than in the case of a conventional (“fast-flying”) satellite. As the satellite approaches, the planet seems to elude it. See Fig.2A (image on the left) For the same reason, objects located in the solar system at a very large distance from the Sun can move along tractors different from those calculated without taking into account the action of the "cosmic broom".

Turning Elliptical Orbits into Circular Orbits

The angle at which the planet is visible from the apogee of the satellite is significantly less than the angle at which it is visible from the perigee of the orbit. This leads not only to that. that (as already mentioned) the force of repulsion (attraction) decreases, but in proportion to it, the total flow of gravitons that create shading decreases, and hence their relative number, which has a tangential velocity shift. Therefore, at the apogee, the satellite is "driven" forward by a smaller number of gravitons, and at the perigee - by a larger one. See Fig.3 (image on the left) It follows, in particular, that the perihelion of the orbit of any body revolving around a star must always shift, following the direction of rotation of the star itself. Therefore, in the presence of graviton (and any other) deceleration, the elliptical orbit should turn into a circular one - after all, the maximum deceleration will take place at high speed (at perigee), and the minimum at apogee. Equilibrium must occur in a well-defined orbit. Roughly speaking, at first the elliptical orbit turns into a circular one, and then the radius of the circular orbit is gradually "brought" to a stable one. In fact, these processes can hardly be separated physically.


Any celestial body of small size that has fallen into the gravitational field (gravitonic shadow - see above) of a fairly massive rotating body (stars), regardless of what orbit it had initially, at the first stage will go into a circular orbit, and then will be dispersed by a “broom » to the equilibrium linear velocity. Therefore, any star should have an "asteroid belt", even if it does not have a planetary system. These small fragments form into a layer at a certain distance from the Star, and this layer can be fractionated (consist of smaller pronounced layers).

Let us consider how long it takes for the complete rotation of the planets when they return to the same point of the zodiac where they were.

Periods of complete revolution of the planets

Sun - 365 days 6 hours;

Mercury - about 1 year;

Venus - 255 days;

Moon - 28 days (according to the ecliptic);

Mars - 1 year 322 days;

Lilith - 9 years;

Jupiter - 11 years 313 days;

Saturn - 29 years 155 days;

Chiron - 50 years old;

Uranus - 83 years 273 days;

Neptune - 163 years 253 days;

Pluto - approximately 250 years;

Proserpina - about 650 years old.

The further a planet is from the Sun, the longer the path it describes around it. Planets that make a complete revolution around the Sun in more than a human life are called high planets in astrology.

If the time of a complete revolution is carried out for the average life span of a person, these are low planets. Accordingly, their influence is different: low planets mainly influence the individual, each person, and high planets mainly affect many lives, groups of people, peoples, countries.

How does a complete revolution of the planets

The motion of the planets around the Sun is not in a circle, but in an ellipse. Therefore, during its movement, the planet is at different distances from the Sun: a closer distance is called perihelion (the planet moves faster in this position), a more distant one - aphelion (the speed of the planet slows down).

To simplify the calculation of the movement of the planets and the calculation of the average speed of their movement, astronomers conditionally accept the trajectory of their movement in a circle. Thus, it is conditionally assumed that the movement of the planets in orbit has a constant speed.

Given the different speeds of movement of the planets of the solar system and their different orbits, to the observer they seem to be scattered across the starry sky. It seems that they are located on the same level. In fact, this is not so.

It should be remembered that the constellations of the planets are not the same as the signs of the Zodiac. The constellations are formed in the sky by clusters of stars, and the signs of the Zodiac are symbols of a section of the Zodiac sphere of 30 degrees.

Constellations can occupy an area of ​​less than 30 ° in the sky (depending on the angle at which they are visible), and the sign of the Zodiac occupies this area completely (the zone of influence starts from the 31st degree).

What is a parade of planets

There are rare cases when the location of many planets, when projected onto the Earth, is close to a straight line (vertical), forming clusters of the planets of the solar system in the sky. If this happens with nearby planets, this is called a small parade of planets, if with distant ones (they can join nearby ones), this is a large parade of planets.

During the “parade” of the planets, gathered in one place in the sky, they “collect” their energy into a beam, which has a powerful effect on the Earth: natural disasters occur more often and much more pronounced, powerful and radical transformations in society, mortality increases (heart attacks, strokes, train accidents, accidents, etc.)

Features of the motion of the planets

If we imagine the Earth, motionless in the center, around which the planets of the solar system revolve, then the trajectory of the planets, adopted in astronomy, will be sharply violated. The sun revolves around the Earth, and the planets Mercury and Venus located between the Earth and the Sun will revolve around the Sun, periodically changing their direction to the opposite - this “reverse” movement is indicated by “P” (R) (retrograde).

Finding and between is called the lower opposition, and on the opposite orbit beyond - the upper opposition.

Already in May, earthlings will see a celestial body, which in 2012 can change the fate of our civilization.

The ancient prophecy about the "red star", the approach of which to the Earth brings global changes, turned out to be a reality - in a few weeks the impending red dot can be seen in the sky.

This is the legendary Nibiru, the "X-planet", the "planet of the devil."

With an interval of 3,600 years, it flies in its orbit near the Earth, causing floods, earthquakes and other cataclysms that every time change the course of the development of civilization.

“Nibiru is like a ghost from ancient predictions,” says the researcher of this planet, Muscovite Yulia Sumik. - The Mayan priests, and the ancient Sumerians, and the astrologers of the Egyptian pharaohs wrote about her. But for modern astronomers, Nibiru has become a discovery, it began to be studied only recently ...

While scientists, equipped with the most modern technology, collect information about an unknown guest, Nibiru is moving inexorably towards the Earth.


Nibiru, one of the most mysterious objects in space, the inhabitants of the southern hemisphere of the Earth can be observed in the form of a red dot as early as May 15, 2009. And by May 2011 it will be seen in Severny, it will grow in size. On December 21, 2012, Nibiru will look like the second largest Sun. But red, bloody color ...

The American scientist and writer Alan Alford claims that a highly developed civilization has existed on the planet Nibiru for 300 thousand years. Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, who walked on the moon, also claims: "Aliens exist."

“I believe that life exists outside of our planet, and I ask the government to declassify all the information collected in this regard,” he said in an interview with a Zhizn journalist.

Scientists suggest that the influence of the "devil's planet" will be unkind: on February 14, 2013, when the Earth will pass between Nibiru and the Sun, a global cataclysm is possible. The magnetic poles will shift and the tilt of our planet will change! The strongest earthquakes and the most powerful tsunamis will bring disaster to many continents, and above all to America. But after July 1, 2014, Nibiru will move away from Earth in its orbit.

The planet Nibiru was first recorded by powerful telescopes in 1983. Then American scientists Thomas Van Flanders and Richard Harrington stated that the planet has a highly elongated elliptical orbit. Its mass is from 2 to 5 masses of the Earth, the distance from the Sun is about 14 billion kilometers.


It turned out. that this mystical cosmic object was known thousands of years ago. In ancient legends, the planet that brings trouble to the Earth is described as a “second Sun” - “luminous”, “brilliant”, “with a shining crown”. Our ancestors considered Nibiru "the ship on which the Gods live." The movement parameters of the planet Nibiru are so amazing that many astronomers tend to consider it an artificially created and controlled giant space ship.

The sun

“The Earth is going through the end of the “fifth sun” era,” Yulia Sumik explains. - According to the Mayan calendar, the end of the "fifth sun" dates back to 2012. According to Mayan astrological charts, the "first Sun" lasted 4008 years and was destroyed by earthquakes. The "Second Sun" lasted 4010 years and was destroyed by hurricanes. The "Third Sun" lasted 4081 years and fell under a fiery rain that poured from the craters of huge volcanoes. The "Fourth Sun" lasted 5,026 years, and then the flood happened. We are now living on the eve of the fifth era of creation, or the “fifth Sun,” also known as the “Sun Movement.” The Maya believed that at the end of the 5126 year cycle, some movement of the Earth would occur, which would entail a change in civilization.

This Maya legend is defended not only by observations of the heavens, but also by much more “mundane” evidence - objects found by archaeologists.

The Sumerians have not only written texts confirming the existence of Nibiru, but also numerous images of a round disk with two large wings. This symbol - the winged disk - was revered by the Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians and many other peoples for thousands of years. The ancient sages believed that it was from such an apparatus that the inhabitants of Nibiru first arrived on Earth 450,000 years ago. One Sumerian seal, held in the British Museum, depicts deities holding "cords" stretching from the Sun in their hands. The priests thus reported that the aliens had saved life on Earth by "curbing" a capricious star. The Sumerians called their teachers "protecting the Sun", and the "cords" - divine threads, cobwebs covering the entire Earth. Let's believe that they will save our world this time too...

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