Requirements for registration fos. Formation of a fund of appraisal funds

Department of Education and Science of the Bryansk Region

State budget educational institution

Primary vocational education

"Vocational School No. 38"

Methodical development

On the topic:

« Fund of appraisal funds»

Makarenkova N.P.

Rognedino village


1. Introduction

The FOS OBEP is formed immediately after the goals of the educational program are determined and its components are developed, in particular, the work programs for UD and PM.

FOS OPOP - a set of methodological materials, forms and procedures for current monitoring of knowledge, intermediate certification for each academic discipline (hereinafter - UD) and professional module (hereinafter - PM), state (final) certification, providing an assessment of the conformity of educational results (knowledge, skills, practical experience and competencies) of students and graduates to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard NGO / SPO.

The FOS of the OPOP of a profession/specialty is formed from sets of control and evaluation tools (hereinafter referred to as CBS sets), created in accordance with the work programs of UD and PM.

CBS kits are brought to the attention of students during the first two months from the start of training.

CBS sets are an obligatory part of the OPOP of the profession / specialty of educational and methodological complexes (hereinafter - EMC) UD and PM.

2. The purpose and objectives of creating a FOS OPOP of a profession/specialty

FOS OBEP are created to certify students for the compliance of their personal achievements (knowledge, skills and acquired competencies) with the step-by-step requirements of the relevant OBEP (current control and intermediate certification), to establish, during the certification tests of graduates who have completed the development of the OBEP profession / specialty, the fact of compliance / non-compliance the level of their preparation to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards of NGOs / SPO (state (final) certification).

Tasks of the FOS OPOP of the profession/specialty:

  1. control and management of the process of acquiring by students the necessary knowledge, skills, practical experience and mastering the competencies defined by the Federal State Educational Standard of the NGO/SPO;
  2. control and management of the achievement of the objectives of the OBOR, defined as a set of general and professional competencies (hereinafter - OK and PC) of graduates;
  3. assessment of the achievements of students in the process of studying UD and PM, highlighting positive / negative results and planning preventive / corrective measures;
  4. ensuring the correspondence of learning outcomes to the tasks of future professional activity through the improvement of traditional and the introduction of innovative teaching methods;
  5. achieving such a level of control and management of the quality of education, which would ensure the recognition of the qualifications of graduates by employers in the industry.

3. Evaluation of the results of mastering the OBOR of a profession/specialty

Evaluation of the results of mastering the educational program includes:

  1. ongoing monitoring of progress;
  2. intermediate certification;
  3. state (final) certification.

The current control of progress is a check of the assimilation of educational material, regularly carried out throughout the semester. At the same time, the emphasis is on establishing a detailed, real picture of the achievements and the success of the students in mastering the work program of UD and PM at a given point in time.

Current monitoring of students' progress can be carried out in the following forms:

  1. survey (oral or written);
  2. performance of laboratory, settlement-graphic, creative and other works;
  3. test;
  4. testing;
  5. protection of the results of independent work (abstract, project, research work, etc.);
  6. other.

Intermediate certification is carried out at the end of the semester and can complete the study of both UD or PM as a whole, and a separate section (sections).

Such control helps to assess larger sets of knowledge and skills, in some cases even the formation of certain PCs. Intermediate certification summarizes the work of students during the semester or academic year. Its results are the basis for certain administrative conclusions (transfer or not transfer to the next course, the appointment of a scholarship, etc.). At the same time, the knowledge and skills of the student are not necessarily subject to control again: intermediate certification can be carried out based on the results of the current control (test or exam “automatically”).

The main forms of intermediate certification are:

  1. offset;
  2. differentiated offset;
  3. exam.

The state (final) certification (hereinafter referred to as the GIA) serves to check the quality of the development of the BRI as a whole. It is carried out with the participation of external experts, including employers, and allows you to fully evaluate the OC and PC acquired by students.

The form of the GIA is the preparation and defense of the final qualifying work (thesis, graduation project), the subject, which must correspond to the content of one or more PM.

4. Structure and content of the FOS OPOP of the profession/specialty

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of NGOs / SPO, the assessment of the quality of training of students and graduates is carried out in two main directions:

  1. assessment of the level of mastering disciplines;
  2. assessment of students' competencies.

In this regard, CBS should include tests, standardized tests, standard tasks and other assessment tools to assess knowledge, skills and the level of acquired competencies.

Evaluation tools accompanying the implementation of each OBOR profession/specialty should be a tool not only for evaluation, but also for training.

The structural elements of the FOS OBOR are:

  1. FOS passport;
  2. CBS kits developed according to EA and PM, designed to assess skills and knowledge, the formation of competencies at certain stages of mastering the BRI;
  3. a program for monitoring the results of mastering the BRI of a profession/specialty;
  4. recommendations for updating CBS kits taking into account the results of monitoring;
  5. requirements for the qualification of developers of KOS kits.

Structural elements of KOS UD are:

  1. samples of evaluation tools intended for the implementation of input control;
  2. samples of evaluation tools intended for the implementation of current control;
  3. samples of assessment tools for intermediate certification of students (typical, non-standard tasks (tasks), problem situations, scenarios of business games corresponding to future professional activities, etc.);
  4. samples of evaluation tools for the final control of students.

Structural elements of KOS PM are:

KOS MDK kit, which includes:

  1. explanatory note (passport),
  2. samples of evaluation tools intended for the implementation of input control,
  3. samples of evaluation tools intended for the implementation of current control,
  4. samples of evaluation tools intended for the implementation of boundary control (sections of the MDK),
  5. samples of assessment tools for intermediate certification of students (typical, non-standard tasks (tasks), problem situations, scenarios of business games corresponding to future professional activities, etc.),
  6. samples of evaluation tools for the final control of students;

A set of KOS educational and industrial practice (hereinafter - UE and PP), which includes:

  1. explanatory note (passport);
  2. educational practice program;
  3. internship program;
  4. guidelines for compiling a practice report;
  5. an example of keeping a diary of an internship.

The set of CBS for the state (final) certification (hereinafter referred to as the GIA) has the following structure:

  1. explanatory note;
  2. GIA program, including: requirements for registration of the procedure and protection, criteria for evaluating the final qualification work.

The CBS sets of each DM and PM should provide verification of the assimilation of specific elements of the educational material of the work program of the DM/PM/PM and RP.

Each assessment tool in the OBOR FOS should be accompanied by indicators/assessment criteria.

5. Formation and approval of the FOS OPOP profession / specialty

The FOS OPOP of the profession/specialty is formed on the key principles of assessment:

  1. validity (objects of assessment should correspond to the set learning objectives);
  2. reliability (use of uniform standards and criteria for evaluating achievements);
  3. equity (providing students with different levels of learning equal opportunities to succeed);
  4. timeliness (providing feedback);
  5. efficiency (correspondence of the performance results to the tasks set).

When forming the CBS, their compliance should be ensured:

  1. GEF NGO/SPO of the relevant profession/specialty;
  2. the curriculum and OBEP of the relevant profession/specialty;
  3. work program UD and PM;
  4. educational technologies used in teaching UD and PM.

The purpose of each control task and means determines its use to measure the level of achievement by students of the established learning outcomes on one topic (section) and / or a set of topics (sections), UD and PM as a whole.

Each evaluation tool in the CRP must be accompanied by indicators and evaluation criteria.

The CBS must necessarily include the assessment tools specified in section 2 of the work program UD / PM “Content and structure of the discipline / module”.

The development of other procedures, means of control and evaluation, their inclusion in the CBS is carried out by the decision of the teacher (s), the leader (s) of UD and PM.

KOS are developed for each UD and PM. The expediency of developing a single set of the same name UD or PM for various professions / specialties is determined by the decision of the methodological / subject-cycle commission (hereinafter - MC / PCC), which provides teaching UD / PM.

6. Approaches to the formation of CBS (assessment of development results) PM

The result of mastering the PM is the readiness to perform the corresponding type of activity and the PCs that provide it, as well as the development of the OK provided for the BRI as a whole.

The final form of control for PM is the qualification exam. The assessment of mastering the PM involves demonstrating or confirming that the student is ready to perform the specified type of professional activity and the formation of his competencies, defined in the section “Requirements for the results of mastering the OBEP” of the Federal State Educational Standard of the NGO / SPO. The result of the check is an unambiguous decision: "the type of professional activity is mastered / not mastered."

The final certification for the PM (examination (qualification)) is ideally carried out as an external assessment procedure with the participation of representatives of the employer. In the future, it can be supplemented by a voluntary certification procedure (an independent external assessment).

The condition for admission to the exam (qualification) is the successful mastering by students of all elements of the PM program: the theoretical part of the module (MDK) and practices. It is possible to conduct an intermediate certification for individual elements of the PM program. In this case, the recommended form of certification for educational and / or industrial practice is a differentiated test (DZ), for MDT - an exam (E) or a differentiated test (DZ).

The tasks of the current and midterm control in PM (certification by MDT and practice) are the assessment of the formation of competency elements (knowledge and skills), individual competencies, followed by aggregation (combining individual data into a single indicator) of assessments.

The results of intermediate and final control on PM are the same, but not identical. The control of the development of the MDT and the passage of practice is aimed at assessing the learning outcomes. The subject of evaluation activity here is an educational institution. Control of the development of PM as a whole is aimed at determining the level of qualification. The subject of appraisal activity is the employer. Different focus and different subjects of control require different verification tools.

7. Algorithm for developing KOS PM

It is advisable to start the development of the content with an analysis, if necessary, adjustments and clarifications.performance evaluation indicatorsgiven in section 5 of the module program.

In the process of analysis, special attention should be paid to the correctness of the formulation of indicators. An indicator of the development of competence can be a product or process of practical activity. If the result indicator is a product of practical activity, then a reference to the quality standard of this product (for example, GOST) should be provided. If the indicator of the result is the process of practical activity, then the criterion will be the correspondence of the learned activity algorithms to the given one (regulations, time parameters, etc.). At the same time, the evaluation criteria are based on the stage-by-stage control of the process of completing the task.

If there is no normatively fixed standard of a product or process (for example, GOST), it is possible to use the qualitative characteristics of the product or process (correctness, accuracy, etc.), but in this case it is necessary to establish criteria for them. The evaluation indicator can also be the justification of the students for their actions.

You can formulate the performance indicators as follows:

Activity Product Evaluation

Evaluation of the process of activity


  1. Conformity (for example, window dressing, display stands, aesthetic display of goods, color scheme) withobsession and rules(formulation of trade offers)
  2. Conformity (for example, simple questionnaires to collect quantitative and qualitative information) goals and objectives (survey)
  3. With compliance with the requirements for(structure when compiling simple declarations);
  4. Achievement (set goals and objectives)
  1. Conformity (technological requirements, SNiP, SanPiN, GOST, etc.)
  2. With matching stages(for example, determining malfunctions and the scope of work of the car, its units and systems) instruction card
  3. Implementation of all forms of banquet services according with professional service standards
  4. Compliance technological sequence (route, algorithm)
  5. Fulfillment of requirements(for example, safety regulations during disassembly, assembly of components, assemblies of the car and troubleshooting);
  6. Usage new technologies (or their elements) with ...
  7. Execution ... using new (please specify) technologies (or their elements)


Evaluation of the process and product of activity during observation (verification):

  1. Accuracy (correctness)selection (for example, materials for ..., mode ...); accuracy (e.g. diagnostics, definitions, calculations)

Note . The word "correctness" can be used if the criteria for correctness are unambiguous

  1. Accuracy and speed(for example, reading blueprints)
  2. Speed ​​and technicalityperforming all types of work (for example, serving visitors to food establishments)
  3. Timeliness(for example, the provision of emergency first aid in terminal conditions)
  4. Efficiencyinformation retrieval
  5. Correctness (rationality)allocation of time to complete the task

Evaluation of the student's rationale for choosing a solution:

  1. Argumentation(for example, the benefits of a trade offer)
  2. Validity (for example, selection and design of commercial advertising information for consumers)
  3. Adequacy (e.g. method evaluations…)
  4. Clarity and reasoning(for example, expressing one's own opinion)
  5. Completeness and accessibility(for example, recommendations to the consumer in oral and written form, in Russian and foreign languages);

It is expedient to compile the list of indicators taking into account the skills and knowledge available in the structure of the BRI that correspond to this type of activity. It should be remembered that competence is not reducible to a separate skill or knowledge, which means that the indicators of its formation should be of a complex nature.

Indicator statements should not:

  1. duplicate the wording of competence, for example:
  1. contain the words “skill”, “skill”, since skill and skill cannot be indicators of themselves, for example:
  1. use the words “knowledge”, “presentation”, since knowledge and presentation do not yet mean mastery of competence: you can know, but not be able to apply this knowledge in an outside educational, non-typical situation, for example:

OK is the result of mastering a holistic BEP. When studying one or another PM and / or UD, general educational, communicative, organizational, analytical skills are formed that ensure the development of OK, therefore, to determine the indicators for their assessment in the PM program, it is necessary:

  1. Determine what contribution to the formation of each OK makes the study of PM, i.e. what general skills does he form(not only the content itself can and should be taught, but also the organization of training, the methods used, forms, atmosphere).
  2. Determine indicators for assessing OK, taking into account the specifics of the content of the PM and the time of its study. For example:


Key indicators of training outcomes

Organize their own activities, choose standard methods and methods for performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality

The rationality of planning and organizing activities for ...(indicate taking into account the specifics of the content of the PM),

Timely delivery of assignments, reports, etc.

Compliance with selected methods(carrying out marketing research) their goals and objectives

Validity of goal setting, selection and application of methods and methods of conducting (lesson (lesson));

The formulation of indicators for evaluating the result is carried out taking into account the rules:


small numbers;

The predominant use of forms from verbal nouns (correspondence, fulfillment, choice, organization, calculation ...).

After clarification of the indicators are developedtypical tasks for the exam (qualification) by PM.

Tasks can be designed to test both PC and OK, as well as a comprehensive test of competencies. Before starting the formation of tasks, it is necessary to group the OK and the PC so that the task simultaneously implies the verification of both groups of competencies. It is also advisable to highlight in the list of OKs those that can be verified only on the basis of the portfolio.

Typical tasks should be competency-oriented, complex. It should be remembered that competence is manifested in the willingness to apply knowledge, skills and abilities in situations that are not identical to those in which they were formed. This means that tasks are aimed at solving not educational, but professional problems. The content of tasks should be as close as possible to situations of professional activity.

Types of control and evaluation tasks for assessing the results of the development of PM



Options, varieties



Finished product manufacturing

Practice-oriented project

Making a working model of the mechanism

Development of a method for preventing the disease

creative project

Making an object of arts and crafts


Assembly (disassembly) of the whole from individual elements

Job with redundant item set

Job with an insufficient set of elements

Task to change the system by replacing part of the elements or their relative position, interconnection

Assembling the mechanism (with checking it for operability)


Identification of a problem, pattern, trend, involving independent work with information sources

Scientific research

Technological research

Forecasting the development of the situation

Diagnostics of a technical device with the definition of a breakdown (defect)


Demonstration of professional activity as a specialist

"Field" option

Imitation game option

"Surrendering the test at the bedside of the patient."

A group simulation game that includes the roles of all participants in the technological process.


Formation of proposals within the framework of professional activities to resolve a specific problem situation

"Case method"

Suggest the best way to solve the pedagogical problem at school.

The development of standard tasks should be accompanied by the establishment of criteria for their evaluation. The set of evaluation criteria can be drawn up as an expert sheet.

The formulation of typical tasks should include requirements for the conditions for their implementation (place of implementation - educational / industrial practice or directly an exam (qualification); the time allotted to complete the task, the need to monitor the process of completing the task, sources that can be used, etc.). The choice of conditions also depends on what type of evidence that the result is achieved by the student is considered reliable.

In the explanatory note (passport) of the CBS, it is necessary to indicate and justify the preferred form of the exam (qualification): completion of a case assignment, defense of a course project. The choice of a course project as a form of examination is possible in the case when its implementation is associated with the target order of employers, relies on work experience in practice, reflects the level of mastering the competencies assigned to the module. If, with this option of conducting the exam, it becomes necessary to additionally check the formation of individual competencies, it is necessary to provide appropriate tasks.

Tasks for the exam (qualification) can be of 3 types:

Tasks focused on checking the development of the type of activity as a whole;

Tasks that check the development of a group of competencies corresponding to a specific section of the module;

Tasks that test individual competencies within a professional module.

In the course of developing the content of typical tasks, the indicators for evaluating the results of mastering the PM are being refined.

Development standard tasks for step-by-step verification of the MDT and the results of the internshipperformed subject to the following provisions.

When compiling assignments, it must be borne in mind that professionally significant information for mastering the type of professional activity is assessed, aimed at the formation of the PC indicated in Table 3.1. PM programs, as well as OK.

Tasks to check the assimilation of the required amount of information should also be of a complex practice-oriented nature.

The test for educational and (or) work practice can be set on the basis of the data of the certification sheet (characteristics of the professional activity of the student in practice) indicating the types of work performed by the student during the practice, their volume, quality of performance in accordance with the technology and (or) requirements of the organization where the practice took place.

Indicative list of evaluation tools

No. p / p

Name of the evaluation tool

Brief description of the evaluation tool

Presentation of the evaluation tool to the CRP

Business and/or role play

Joint activity of a group of students and a teacher under the control of a teacher in order to solve educational and professionally oriented tasks by playing simulation of a real problem situation. Allows you to evaluate the ability to analyze and solve typical professional problems.

Description of the topic (problem), concept, role and expected outcome of the game

Tasks for independent work

A means of testing skills to apply the acquired knowledge according to a predetermined methodology for solving problems or assignments for a module or discipline as a whole.

Job set


A means of monitoring the assimilation of the educational material of a topic, section or sections of a discipline, organized as a training session in the form of an interview between a teacher and students.

Questions on topics / sections of the discipline

Case tasks

A problematic task in which the student is asked to comprehend the real professionally oriented situation necessary to solve this problem.

Set of case tasks


A tool for testing skills to apply the acquired knowledge to solve problems of a certain type on a topic or section

A set of control tasks by options

Round table, discussion, controversy, dispute, debate

Evaluation tools that allow students to be included in the process of discussing a controversial issue, problems and assess their ability to argue their own point of view.

List of discussion topics for holding a round table, discussion, controversy, dispute, debate


Targeted selection of student's work, revealing his/her individual educational achievements in one or more academic disciplines.

Portfolio Structure

Computer testing programs

Electronic workshop

Virtual Labs

Means that allow you to quickly obtain objective information about the assimilation of controlled material by students, the ability to present this information in detail and personified

List of computer tests, electronic workshops,

virtual labs


The final product resulting from the planning and execution of a set of educational and research tasks. Allows you to assess the ability of students to independently construct their knowledge in the process of solving practical problems and problems, navigate in the information space and the level of formation of analytical, research skills, skills of practical and creative thinking. Can be done individually or by a group of students.

Topics for group and/or individual projects


A didactic complex designed for independent work of a student and allowing him to assess the level of assimilation of educational material.

Sample Workbook

Multi-level tasks and tasks

Distinguish tasks and tasks:

a) introductory, allowing to evaluate and diagnose knowledge of factual material (basic concepts, algorithms, facts) and the ability to correctly use special terms and concepts, recognition of objects of study within a certain section of the discipline;

b) the reproductive level, allowing to assess and diagnose the ability to synthesize, analyze, generalize factual and theoretical material with the formulation of specific conclusions, the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships;

c) a productive level that allows assessing and diagnosing skills, integrating knowledge of various fields, arguing one's own point of view, and performing problematic tasks.

A set of multi-level tasks and tasks


The product of the student's independent work, which is a summary in writing of the results of the theoretical analysis of a certain scientific (educational and research) topic, where the author reveals the essence of the problem under study, gives different points of view, as well as his own views on it.

Essay topics

Message / Report

The product of the student's independent work, which is a public performance on the presentation of the results of solving a specific educational, practical, educational, research or scientific topic

Topics of reports, messages


A means of control, organized as a special conversation between a teacher and a student on topics related to the discipline being studied, and designed to clarify the amount of knowledge of the student in a particular section, topic, problem, etc.

Questions on topics/sections UD, PM

Typical task

Standard tasks that allow you to test the ability to solve both educational and professional problems. The content of tasks should correspond as much as possible to the types of professional activity

Set of typical tasks

Creative task

A partially regulated task that has a non-standard solution and allows diagnosing skills, integrating knowledge from various fields, and arguing one's own point of view. Can be done individually or by a group of students.

Topics for group and/or individual creative assignments


A system of standardized tasks that allows you to automate the procedure for measuring the level of knowledge and skills of a student.

Set of test tasks

Training apparatus

A technical tool that can be used to control the professional skills and abilities acquired by a student in managing a specific material object.

A set of tasks for working on the simulator


A tool that allows you to assess the student's ability to write down the essence of the problem, to independently analyze this problem using the concepts and analytical tools of the relevant discipline, to draw conclusions that summarize the author's position on the problem.

Essay topics

A set of control and evaluation tools for the academic discipline



(code, name)


Explanatory note

A set of control and evaluation tools (hereinafter referred to as CBS) by discipline

(code, name of discipline)

is intended for the implementation of current control and intermediate certification of students.


* The name of the topic (section) or topics (sections) must correspond to the work program of the discipline.

Cover form for exam papers

tickets by UD/MDK


Speciality (code, name):


Group: No.____

Semester: №___


Considered at the meeting of the MC/PCC __________________________________________________________


Chairman of the MC/PCC ____________/_________________________/

Signature Signature transcript

Examination Form

ticket by UD/MDK


Speciality (code, name):


1. Question (task No. 1)………………………………………………………….………...

2. Question (task No. 2)………………………………………….………………………...

3. * …………………………………………………………………………………………..

Signature Signature transcript

* A practical (th) task/task is included at the discretion of the teacher. It is considered and approved at the meeting of the MC/PCC. The criteria for assessing the discipline developed by the teacher and approved at the meeting of the MC/PCC are attached to the set of examination tickets.

Criteria for evaluation:

Exam List Form

questions on UD/MDK


by discipline/MDK "____________________________________________________________"

specialty ______________________________________________, ____ course

  1. Question title
  2. Question title
  3. Title of the question

Teacher ______________________ /_________________________/

Signature Signature transcript

Considered at the meeting of the MC/PCC ______________________________________


Protocol No. __ dated "___" _______ 20__

Chairman of the MC/PCC ____________ /_________________________/

Signature Signature transcript

"____" __________________ 20__

Making an assignment for

business (role-playing) game

Business (role-playing) game

(name of the discipline)

1. Topic (problem) …………………………………………………………………….


2. Game concept …………………………………………………………………….


3. Roles:

- …………………………………………………………………………………..………;

- …………………………………………………………………………………………...

4. Expected result(s):………………………………………...…………….


  1. Criteria for evaluation:

Making a case task

Case task

by discipline________________________________________________________

(name of the discipline)

Specialty (code, name): ______________________________________



3. ………………………………………………………

Criteria for evaluation:

Making questions for

interviews, testimonials

Questions for an interview

by discipline_________________________________________________________

(name of the discipline)

Specialty (code, name): ______________________________________


Chapter ……………………….…………………………………………………………….

1. . …………………………………………………………………………………...……..

2. ………………………………………………………………………………..………….

n ….……………………………………………………………………………………..

Chapter ……………………….…..………………………………………………………...

1. …………………………………………………………………………………………...

2. …………………………………………………………………………………………...

n ……………….…………………………………………………………………………..

Criteria for evaluation:

Making a set of tasks

for control work

Set of tasks for control work

by discipline ______________________________________________________

(name of the discipline)

Specialty (code, name): ____________________________________________________



Option 1

Subject ……………………………………………………………….………………………………………

Option 2 …………………………………………………………..…..…………………………………

Exercise 1 ……………………………………………………………...………………………………..…

Criteria for evaluation:

Making a list of topics

Course projects on UD / PM

Topics of course projects (works)

Specialty (code, name): _____________________________________________________


Group: ___________

Form of education: (full-time, part-time)




Topic of the course project (work)

Criteria for evaluation:

Making themes for the round table

List of discussion topics for the round table

(discussion, controversy, dispute, debate)

by discipline ____ ________________________________ ___________________

(name of the discipline)

Specialty (code, name): ______________________________________


1. ……………...……………………………………………………………………………..


n. ……….……………………………..…………………………………………………….

Criteria for evaluation:

Making a task

for portfolio

by discipline _____ ____________________________________ _________________

(name of the discipline)

Specialty (code, name): _______________________________________________


1. Portfolio title __________________________________________________

2.Typeportfolio ___________________________________________________

(documents, works, reviews, mixed)

  1. Checked OK

OK, which are subject to



result evaluation

4. Portfolio structure(invariant and variable parts):

5. Portfolio evaluation criteriaare contained in the methodological recommendations for compiling a portfolio.

Registration of group and / or

individual creative


Topics for group and/or individual creative assignments/projects**

by discipline___________________________________________________________

(name of the discipline)

Specialty (code, name): ______________________________________


Group creative tasks (projects):

1. ……………………………………………………………………………………..……...

n …………………………………………………………………………………………..…

Individual creative tasks (projects):

1. …………………………………………………………………………………………….

2. ………………………………………………………………………………………….…

n ……………………………………………………………………………………..……

Criteria for evaluation:

Set design

assignments by type of work

A set of tasks to complete

independent work, work on the simulator, stand

by discipline____ ____________________________________ ________________

(name of the discipline)

Specialty (code, name): ______________________________________


Task (task) 1. ……………………………………………………………………………

Task (task) 2. ……………………………………………………….………………...

Task (task) n. ……………………………………………………………………………

Criteria for evaluation:

Essay topic design

Essay Topics

(abstracts, reports, messages)

by discipline____________ ____________________________________ _________

(name of the discipline)

Specialty (code, name): ______________________________________


1. ………………………………………………………………………………………….....

2. …………………………………………………………………………………………….

3. ………………………………………………………………………………………...…..

… …………………………………………………………………………………………...

n. …………….……………………………………………………………………………....

Criteria for evaluation:

A set of control and evaluation tools for the professional module



SVE specialties/NGO professions


(code, name)

Explanatory note

The result of mastering the professional module __________________________

(code, name)

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ the readiness of the student to perform the type of professional activity _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ and its constituent professional competencies (PC), as well as general competencies (OC) that are formed in the process of mastering the OBEP as a whole.

The form of attestation for the professional module is an exam (qualification). The result of the exam is an unambiguous decision: "the type of professional activity is mastered / not mastered."

FOR SPO: indicate the preferred form of the exam: the implementation of case tasks, the defense of a course project (for technical specialties). In the case of an exam in the form of defending a course project, it may be necessary to additionally check the formation of individual competencies. For this, appropriate tasks should be provided.

The evaluation tools used in CBS are presented in the table.

Module element

Controlled competency code

(or parts of it)


current control

Intermediate certification

Final control





1. Evaluation of the development of the MDT__________________________________________

(code, name)

Samples of registration of evaluation tools are presented in Appendix 2.

2. Evaluation of educational and (or) work practice

A differentiated credit for educational and (or) work practice is set on the basis of the data of the certification sheet (characteristics of the student's professional activity during practice) indicating the types of work performed by the student, their volume, quality of performance in accordance with the technology and (or) requirements of the organization, in which the practice took place.

Form of certification sheet

Certification sheet

(characteristic of the professional activity of the student during the educational / industrial practice)

1. Full name of the student, group number, specialty / profession _____________________

2. Name, legal address of the place of practice (organization), ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Time of the practice __________________________________________

4. Types and scope of work performed by students during practice:



5. Quality of work performed in accordance with the technology and (or) requirements of the organization in which the practice took place


"___" ____________ 20___ _____________________ /_________________/

the date

____________________________ / ________________________/

Signatures of the head of practice, representative of the organization

3. The structure of the CBS for the exam (qualification)

Tasks for Ek are formed in 3 ways:

1. Tasks focused on checking the development of the type of activity (of the entire module) as a whole.

2. Tasks that check the development of a group of competencies corresponding to a specific section of the module.

PC1. Determine goals, objectives and plan work with parents.

OK2. Organize their own activities, determine methods for solving professional problems, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

OK4. Search, analyze and evaluate information necessary for setting and solving professional problems, professional and personal development.

Compliance of the prepared consultation plan with the required criteria.

Validity of the choice of the type, methods and techniques of counseling.

The validity of the choice and the optimality of the composition of the sources necessary to solve the problem.

Rational distribution of time for all stages of solving the problem

The coincidence of the results of self-analysis and expert analysis of the developed plan

  1. Assignment for the examiner. Option___________


Read the task carefully. You can use(specify what) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The time to complete the task is _____________.


Task text

  1. Examiner's Pack


The number of task options for the examiner is _______.

Task completion time - ______.

Equipment:________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Literature for the student:


Methodological aids:at least 5 out of 10 indicated.

Reference literature:at least 5 out of 10 indicated.

Criteria for evaluation

Completing the task:

- reference during the assignment to information sources;

- rational distribution of time to complete the task

It is obligatory to have the following stages of the task execution: familiarization with the task and work planning; receiving the information; product preparation; reflection on the completion of the task and correction of the prepared product before delivery.

Prepared product/implemented process

Characteristics of the product / process (evaluation criteria: description of the quality standard; a given algorithm; stages of the task completion process, etc.) and a mark of completion / non-completion. You can use one of the tables:

Portfolio Protection(if enabledVEto)

1. Type of portfolio ______________________________________________(portfolio of documents, portfolio of works, reflective portfolio, mixed type of portfolio)

2. Verifiable learning outcomes :__________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

3. Evaluation criteria:

Portfolio evaluation

1.3. Portfolio Requirements

by discipline_____ ____________________________________ __________________

(name of the discipline)

Speciality(code, name):__________________________________________


1. Portfolio name ___________________________________________________

2. Typeportfolio __________________________________________________________

(portfolio of documents, works, reviews, mixed)

  1. Checked PC OKs

OK and PC, which are subject to



result evaluation

OK2. Organize their own activities, determine methods for solving professional problems, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

OK4. Search, analyze and evaluate information necessary for setting and solving professional problems, professional and personal development.

The validity of the choice and the optimality of the composition of the sources necessary to solve the problem.

Rational distribution of time for all stages of solving the problem

The coincidence of the results of self-analysis and expert analysis of the developed plan

4. Portfolio structure (invariant and variable parts):

4.1. ………………………………………………………………………………………

4.2. ………………………………………………………………………………………


4.n …….………………………………………………………………………………..…

5. Evaluation criteria

Tested Competency Codes

Outcome evaluation indicators


(Not really)

General competencies:

Professional competencies:

This assessment tool should be accompanied by developed methodological recommendations for its compilation and use.

Indicate the codes of the checked OK, and also, possibly, the PC, the verification of which is not provided directly during the examination (qualification) for the PM.

This evaluation tool should be accompanied by developed methodological recommendations for its compilation, use and evaluation.

General provisions

1.3. FOS for the discipline is part of the educational and methodological complex for the discipline (in accordance with clause 1.6 of the Regulations). The procedures for their development and approval, as well as the requirements for the composition are determined by STO 02069668 2.001-2008 "Educational and methodological complex"

Structure of the appraisal fund

2.1. The structural elements of the FOS in the discipline are:

a) title page

c) FOS passport;

d) required elements:

- test and examination materials;

- means specified in the work program of the discipline;

e) additional elements:

- sets of evaluation tools (an indicative list is given in clause 2.4).

2.2. For each assessment tool, the FOS should provide criteria for the formation of assessments.

2.3. The composition of the FOS must necessarily include the funds specified in the relevant section of the work program of the discipline.

2.4. In addition to the mandatory elements, the following control and measuring materials can be included in the FOS (subject to their use in the educational process):

− business and/or role-playing game;

− report, message;

− case-task;

− colloquium/interview;

− control work;

− round table, discussion, controversy, dispute, debate;

− portfolio;

− project / creative task;

− multi-level tasks and assignments;

− settlement and graphic work;

− abstract;

− simulator;

2.4.1. Business and / or role-playing game.

A brief description of: Joint activity of a group of students and a teacher under the control of a teacher in order to solve educational and professionally oriented tasks by playing simulation of a real problem situation. Allows you to evaluate the ability to analyze and solve typical professional problems.

Representation in the form of FOS: Topic (problem), concept, roles and expected result for each game.

2.4.2. Report, message.

A brief description of: The product of the student's independent work, which is a public performance on the presentation of the results of solving a specific educational, practical, educational, research or scientific topic.

Representation in the form of FOS: Themes of reports, messages.

2.4.3. Case task.

A brief description of: A problematic task in which the student is asked to comprehend the real professionally oriented situation necessary to solve this problem.

Representation in the form of FOS: Tasks for solving a case problem.

2.4.4. Colloquium / interview.

A brief description of: A means of monitoring the assimilation of the educational material of a topic, section or sections of a discipline, organized as a training session in the form of an interview between a teacher and students.

Representation in the form of FOS: Questions on topics/sections of the discipline.

2.4.5. Test.

A brief description of: A means of testing skills to apply the acquired knowledge to solve problems of a certain type on a topic or section.

Representation in the form of FOS: A set of control tasks by options

2.4.6. Round table, discussion, controversy, dispute, debate.

A brief description of: Evaluation tools that allow students to be included in the process of discussing a controversial issue, problems and assess their ability to argue their own point of view.

Representation in the form of FOS: List of debatable topics for holding a round table, discussion, controversy, dispute, debate.

2.4.7. Portfolio.

A brief description of: A targeted selection of student work that reveals their individual educational achievements in one or more academic disciplines.

Representation in the form of FOS: portfolio structure.

2.4.8. Project / creative task.

A brief description of: The final product resulting from the planning and execution of a set of educational and research tasks. Allows you to assess the ability of students to independently construct their knowledge in the process of solving practical problems and problems, navigate in the information space and the level of formation of analytical, research skills, skills of practical and creative thinking. Can be done individually or by a group of students.

Representation in the form of FOS: Topics for group and/or individual projects.

2.4.9. Multi-level tasks and assignments.

A brief description of: Distinguish tasks and tasks:

a) reproductive level, allowing to evaluate and diagnose knowledge of factual material (basic concepts, algorithms, facts) and the ability to correctly use special terms and concepts, recognition of objects of study within a certain section of the discipline;

b) reconstructive level, allowing to evaluate and diagnose the ability to synthesize, analyze, generalize factual and theoretical material with the formulation of specific conclusions, the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships;

c) creative level, allowing to evaluate and diagnose skills, integrate knowledge of various fields, argue one's own point of view.

Representation in the form of FOS: A set of multi-level tasks and tasks.

2.4.10. Settlement and graphic work.

A brief description of: A means of testing skills to apply the acquired knowledge according to a predetermined methodology for solving problems or assignments for a module or discipline as a whole.

Representation in the form of FOS: A set of tasks for performing settlement and graphic work.

2.4.11. Abstract.

A brief description of: The product of the student's independent work, which is a summary in writing of the results of the theoretical analysis of a certain scientific (educational and research) topic, where the author reveals the essence of the problem under study, gives different points of view, as well as his own views on it.

Representation in the form of FOS: Abstract topics.

2.4.12. Test.

A brief description of: A system of standardized tasks that allows you to automate the procedure for measuring the level of knowledge and skills of a student.

Representation in the form of FOS: Fund of test tasks.

2.4.13. Training apparatus.

A brief description of: A technical tool that can be used to control the professional skills and abilities acquired by a student in managing a specific material object.

Representation in the form of FOS: A set of tasks for working on the simulator.

2.4.14. Essay.

A brief description of: A tool that allows you to assess the student's ability to write down the essence of the problem, to independently analyze this problem using the concepts and analytical tools of the relevant discipline, to draw conclusions that summarize the author's position on the problem.

Representation in the form of FOS: Essay topic.


Rules for registration and requirements for the compilation of a fund of evaluation tools and control and evaluation tools.


Kunashak 2018

This methodological manual defines the concepts, general requirements and rules for the design of control and evaluation tools and the formation of a fund of evaluation tools.

When developing a methodological manual, the requirements of a number of literary sources, developments of other existing rules and requirements were analyzed and summarized.

Compiled by:

Kamaldinova I.Yu. - Chairman of the Central Committee of the Kunashaksky branch of the "BTPTiS named after M.G. Ganiev"

Reviewed and approved:

Yusupova R.M. - methodologist of the Kunashak branch of the “BTPTiS named after M.G. Ganiev”






1.1 General provisions……………………………………………………….

1.2 Structure and content of the fund of evaluation funds………………….

1.3 Development, coordination and approval of the fund of evaluation funds









5 APPENDICES…………………………………………………………


5.1 Layout of CBS for academic discipline…………………………………..

5.2 Layout of CBS by professional module…………………………


This methodological manual was developed to help the teaching staff of the Kunashak branch of the M.G. Ganiev BTPTC and contains general requirements and practical recommendations for the formation of funds of evaluation tools for assessing the quality of mastering the basic professional educational programs of primary and secondary vocational education.

Used designations and abbreviations:

FSES - federal state educational standard OPOP - basic professional educational program SPO - secondary vocational education

NGO - Primary Vocational Education FOS - Evaluation Fund

KOS - control and evaluation tools UD - academic discipline

PM - professional module MDK - interdisciplinary course

VPD - type of professional activity VKR - final qualifying work OK - general competencies

PC - professional competencies Software - practical experience

GIA - state (final) certification PCC - subject-cycle commission

UP - educational practice

PP - industrial practice UMR - educational and methodical work

UPR - educational and production work


    1. General provisions

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards for Primary and Secondary Vocational Education, in order to certify students for the compliance of their personal achievements with the step-by-step requirements of the relevant basic professional educational program, funds of assessment tools are created to assess knowledge, skills and mastered competencies.

FOS isa set of control materials (assessment tools) designed to measure the level of achievement by students of the established learning outcomes.

Evaluation tools- these are control tasks, as well as a description of the forms and procedures designed to determine the quality of learning by students of educational material, academic disciplines, professional modules.

Evaluation- the process of determining and analyzing the achieved learning outcomes in terms of their compliance with the requirements set forth in the Federal State Educational Standards, OBEP, work programs of disciplines, professional modules.

Assessment includes:

    goal setting;

    selection of methods adequate to the objectives of the assessment and the nature of the results learning;

    analysis of the received results;

    making decisions.

According to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, an educational institution develops funds for evaluation fundsfor each implemented basic professional educational program .

Funds of evaluation funds are formed on the basis ofkey principles assessments:

    validity: the objects of evaluation must correspond to the goals learning;

    reliability: the use of uniform indicators and criteria for evaluation achievements;

    objectivity: obtaining objective and reliable results when conducting control with various goals.

The formation of the FOS should ensure:

    transition from the assessment of individual skills to an integrated (complex) and interdisciplinary evaluation;

    transition from the passive role of the student in the control process to the active construction of content answer;

    orientation of evaluation to standards known students;

    assessment of the dynamics of individual achievements students;

    change in the nature of the assessment: from a one-time assessment using one measurer to a comprehensive one(portfolio).

Assessment of the quality of mastering the main professional educational program should include:

    current certification for the course of the discipline, MDK, educational practice;

    intermediate certification for UD, PM, educational / industrial practice;

    state (final) certification.

Specific forms and procedures for current and intermediate certification for each discipline and professional module are developed by the educational unit independently and brought to the attention of students within the first two weeks from the start of training.

Educational departments create conditions for the maximum approximation of the programs of current and intermediate certification of students in disciplines and interdisciplinary courses of the professional cycle to the conditions of their future professional activity - for which, in addition to teachers of a particular discipline (interdisciplinary course), employers, teachers, reading related disciplines.

Evaluation of established learning outcomes is carried out in two main directions:

    assessment of the level of development disciplines;

    assessment of the level of formation competencies.

To assess the level of mastering the UD / PM program by students, teachers / foremen of industrial training develop criteria for assessing knowledge, skills and competencies based on a rating scale in accordance with the Regulations on the current and intermediate certification of students in programs of primary and secondary vocational education.

    1. Structure and content of the appraisal fund

Structural elements of the fund of assessment tools are sets of CBS developed for each academic discipline and each professional module in accordance with the curriculum. If the same discipline with the same requirements for its content is included in several BEPs, then a single set of CBS is created for it.

KOSs should contain the object of evaluation, indicators for evaluating the result, evaluation criteria and the evaluation method.

The CBS set is structured in accordance with the content of the work program of the academic discipline/professional module.

for academic discipline


    passport of a set of control and evaluation funds;

    the results of mastering the academic discipline, subject to verification;

    control and evaluation materials for the current certification in the discipline;

    control and evaluation materials for intermediate certification in the discipline.

Structural elements of the KOS kitaccording to the professional module are:

Passport of a set of control and evaluation tools;

Control and evaluation materials for the current and intermediate certification according to the MDK.

    control and evaluation materials for certification in educational and (or) industrial practice;

    requirements for the implementation and defense of course work / course project (if available in the educational plan);

Control and evaluation materials for the exam (qualification). Evaluation tools for the GIA graduates include tasks for the implementation of the WRC, indicators and criteria for evaluating the result of its implementation and

    1. Development, coordination and approval of the fund

evaluation tools

The general management of the development of the FOS is carried out by the deputy director of the training unit for MMR / RPM.

The head of the department is responsible for the development and updating of the CBS sets for the academic discipline/professional module.

The direct executor of the development of a set of CBS for an academic discipline/professional module is a teacher, a master of industrial training in the relevant profession/specialty. A set of CBS can be developed by a team of authors on behalf of the Chairman of the PCC. It is recommended to involve employers in the development and examination of control and evaluation tools

When drawing up, agreeing and approving a set of CBS, its compliance with:

    Federal State Educational Standard NGO / SPO according to the relevantprofessions/specialties;

The main professional educational program and the curriculum of the relevant profession/specialty of the NGO/SVE;

Work program of the academic discipline/professional module;

    educational technologies used in the implementation of this academic discipline, professional module.

Works related to the development of a set of CBS are included in the individual plans of teachers, masters of industrial training.

A set of CBS for an academic discipline, a professional module is considered at a meeting of the PCC and approved by the chairman of the commission of the PTC or OOD.

A printed copy of the CRP kits is included in the OBOR package. An electronic version of the fund of evaluation funds is provided to the educational and methodological department of the BTP&S.


The result of mastering the academic discipline is a comprehensive test of skills and knowledge, as well as the level of competence formation.

The purpose of creating a FOS of an academic discipline is to establish the compliance of the student's level of training at this stage of training with the requirements of the work program of the academic discipline.

The tasks of the formation of the FOS in the discipline:

    control and management of the process of acquiring by students the necessary knowledge, skills and the formation of competencies defined in the Federal State Educational Standard for the relevantspecialties/professions;

    control and management of the achievement of the objectives of the BRI implementation, defined as a set of QA and QA alumni;

    assessment of the achievements of students in the process of studying the discipline, highlighting positive / negative results and planning preventive / corrective measures;

    ensuring the correspondence of learning outcomes to the tasks of future professional activity through the improvement of traditional and the introduction of innovative methods learning.

Specific forms and procedures for current and intermediate certification for each academic discipline are determined by the curriculum for the profession / specialty and the work program of the discipline.

It is advisable to start developing the content of a set of CBS for an academic discipline with an analysis and, if necessary, adjusting and clarifying the indicators for evaluating the result given in section 4 of the program of the academic discipline.

In the process of analysis, special attention should be paid to the correctness of the formulation of indicators.

The formulation of indicators for evaluating the result is carried out taking into account the rules:


    small numbers (indicators should not be too lot);

    predominant use of forms of verbal nouns (construction, calculation, execution, choice, organization, calculation…).

Examples of the wording of indicators for evaluating the result are given in table 2.

Examples of formulating indicators for evaluating the result in the discipline "Statistics" (specialty 030912 "Law and

social security organization")

table 2

Learning Outcome

Outcome evaluation indicators

U2 Prepares statistics in the form of tables, graphs and charts information:

    reasonable choice of tables, graphs and diagrams adequately to the statistical data;

    application of mastered algorithms in a familiar situation;

    application of methods adequate to the training task;

U3 Calculates basic statistics indicators

    informed choice statistical indicators adequately task;

    calculation of statistical indicators in accordance with standard.

U4 Conducts analysis

statistical information and makes appropriate findings

Correspondence of the conclusions to the analysis of statistical information.

Z1 Knows the legal framework on the organization of state statistical reporting and responsibility for violation

the order of its presentation;

    software proficiency material;

    the formation of the conceptual apparatus;

    compliance with the preparation of a request for information search in various sources, databases according to the condition tasks.

It is expedient to compile the list of indicators taking into account the skills and knowledge available in the structure of the BRI.

If knowledge, skills and competencies can be tested using the same forms and methods of control, then it is recommended to decompose (combine) them (see Table 3).

Examples of formulating indicators for evaluating the result in a discipline

"Statistics" (specialty 030912 "Law and organization of social security"), taking into account the decomposition of knowledge, skills and competencies

Table 3

Learning Outcome

Outcome evaluation indicators

U1 Collects and processes information necessary for orientation in their professional activities

Z1 Knows the legal framework about the organizationstatestatistical reporting and liability for violation of the procedure for its representation;

Z2 Knows the modern structure of state bodies statistics;

Z3 Knows the sources of statistical accounting information;

OK4 Carries out search and use of information necessary for the effective implementation of professional tasks, professional and personal development.

OK5 Uses information and communication technologies in professional activities.

PC 4.3 Monitors and analyzes social processes(conditions,

causes, motives of manifestation) in the municipality.

    application of mastered algorithms in a familiar situations;

    application of methods adequate to the learning task;

    compliance of the preparation of the request and the information found upon request on the official websites of the Federal State Statistics Service and the Federal State Statistics Service for the Tyumen Region to the supplied tasks.

    correspondence of conclusions and arguments about objects, processes, phenomena based on a comparative analysis of information about them according to given criteria.

The result of this stage of development of the CBS set is the completion of Table 1 of the layout of the CBS of the academic discipline (see Appendix 1, Table 1).

The next step is to determine the correspondence between the learning outcomes and the components of the academic discipline, indicating the forms and methods of control (see Appendix 1, table 2).

After determining the forms and methods of control, standard tasks are developed for the current and final certification.

Typical assignments should be practice-oriented and be accompanied by criteria for their evaluation.

The formulation of typical tasks should include requirements for the conditions for their implementation; the time allotted to complete the task; the need to monitor the process of completing the task; sources that can be used, etc.

If a typical task implies an unambiguous answer (test, practical task), then it is necessary to provide reference answers.

The developed materials are drawn up in accordance with (see.

Appendix 1).


The final form of control for PM is an exam (qualification). He checks the readiness of the student to perform the specified type of professional activity and the formation of his competencies, defined in the section "Requirements for the results of mastering the OBEP" of the Federal State Educational Standard. The result of the test is an unambiguous solution : "type of professional activity" mastered / not mastered ".

To assess the level of mastering knowledge and skills, as well as the level of formation of competencies in the study of PM, current and intermediate certification is carried out.

It is recommended to begin the development of the content of control and evaluation tools for PM with an analysis and, if necessary, adjustment and refinement of the indicators for evaluating the result given in Section 5 of the work program of the professional module.

In the process of analysis, special attention should be paid to the correctness of the formulation of indicators. It should be remembered that an indicator of the development of competence can be a product of practical activity or a process of practical activity (see Table 4). When evaluating a product of practical activity, a reference is made to the quality standard of this product (for example, GOST); when evaluating the process of practical activity, the correspondence of the learned activity algorithms to the given one (regulations, time parameters, etc.) is determined. An indicator of the evaluation of the process can also be the justification of the students for their actions.

In the absence of a normatively fixed standard of a product or process (for example, GOST), it is recommended to use the qualitative characteristics of the product or process (correctness, accuracy, etc.), but in this case it is necessary to establish criteria for them.

Types of formulations of indicators of mastering competencies

Table 4

Activity Product Evaluation

Evaluation of the process of activity


    conformity (showcase design, demonstration stands, aesthetic display of goods, color scheme)content and rules (registration of trade proposals);

    conformity (the simplest questionnaires for collecting quantitative and qualitative information)goals and objectives ( survey);

    compliance with the requirements for structure when compiling the simplest ads);

- achievement (set goals and objectives of the lesson);

- conformity … ( technological requirements, SNiP, SanPiN ...);

    matching stages (determination of malfunctions and the scope of work of the car, its units and systems of instruction map);

    implementation of all forms of banquet servicesaccording with professional service standards;

    compliance technologicalsequence (route, algorithm)…;

    fulfillment of requirements (instructions and safety rules during disassembly, assembly of components, vehicle assemblies and elimination malfunctions);

    usage new technologies (or their elements) at…

    execution ... usingnew

(you can specify which ones)technologies (or them



Evaluation of the process and product of activity during observation (verification):

- accuracy (correctness) choice (materials for ..., mode ...);

- accuracy (diagnostics ..., definitions, calculations)


    accuracy and speed reading drawings;

    speed and skill performing all types of work on servicing visitors to enterprises nutrition;

    timeliness (providing emergency first aid in case ofterminal states);

    efficiency informational search;

    correctness (rationality) distribution of execution time tasks;

Evaluation of the student's rationale for choosing a solution:

    argumentation benefits of trading suggestions;

- validity selection and design of commercial advertising information for consumers;

    adequacy method evaluations…;

    clarity and reasoning (statements of own opinions);

    completeness and availability (recommendations to the consumer in oral and written form (in Russian and foreign languages));

The list of indicators of the development of competencies is recommended to be compiled taking into account the skills and knowledge available in the structure of the OBOR that correspond to this type of activity.

After clarifying the indicators of the results of mastering competencies, standard tasks are developed for the exam (qualification) for the PM.

Assignments should be practice-oriented and provide for a comprehensive assessment of professional and general competencies. Before starting the formation of tasks, it is necessary to group general and professional competencies so that the task simultaneously involves testing both groups of competencies. It is also advisable to highlight in the list of OKs those that can be verified only on the basis of the portfolio.

Types of control and evaluation tasks for assessing the results of the development of PM are shown in table 5.

Types of control and evaluation tasks for assessing the results of mastering a professional module

Table 5







Manufacturing of the finished product.

Practice-oriented project

Production of a working model of the mechanism. Development of a technique for solving a production problem. Drawing up a scheme or algorithm


creative project

Making a decorative item

applied arts


Assembly (disassembly)

Job with excess

Movement assembly (with

whole from individual

accurate set

checking it for


elements. Task-


with insufficient

ny set of elements

cops. Exercise

to change the system

topics by replacing

we are the parts of the element

goods or their


niya, interconnections



Identification of a problem, pattern, trend, involving independent

work with information sources

Scientific research

Technological study

Forecasting the development of the situation Diagnostics of the technical means with

definition of breakage (defect).


Demonstration of professional activity in the role of a specialist.

"Field" option.

Imitation game option

A group simulation game that includes the roles of all participants in the technological




proposals within the professional

activities to resolve certain

problematic situation.

"Case method"

Suggest the best way to solve the technological problem.

The development of standard tasks is accompanied by the establishment of criteria for their evaluation. The formulation of typical tasks should include requirements for the conditions for their implementation (place of implementation - educational / industrial practice or directly an exam (qualification); the time allotted to complete the task, the need to monitor the process of completing the task, sources that can be used, etc.).

In the CBS passport, it is necessary to justify the preferred form of the exam (qualification): completing assignments, defending a course project, etc.

Tasks for the exam (qualification) can be of 3 types:

    tasks focused on checking the development of the type of activity as a whole;

    tasks that check the development of a group of competencies corresponding to a specific section module;

    tasks that test individual competencies within a professional module.

The developed materials are drawn up in accordance with the layout (see.

Appendix 2).


Evaluation funds for state (final) certification - are developed by a teacher / foreman of industrial training, considered at a meeting of the PCC and approved by the head of the educational unit after agreement with the employer (s).

Evaluation tools for the state (final) attestation should provide a step-by-step and integral assessment of the competencies of graduates of NGOs/SVE.

A set of assessment tools for the state (final) certification of graduates of the NGO/SVE consists of standard assignments for the completion of the WQR, the main indicators for evaluating the results and criteria for evaluating the results of the implementation and defense of the WQR.

The development of the content of the CBS GIA begins with the analysis of each topic of the WRC and the refinement of the indicators for evaluating the result, through the PC and OK, formed during the development of the OBOR.

The topics of the WRC should correspond to the content of one or more professional modules and meet modern requirements for the development of science, technology, production, economics, culture and education.

If the implementation of several topics of the WRC is aimed at checking the same OK and PC, then they are decomposed (combined). And for the enlarged WRC group, one standard task is being developed.

The assignment for the performance of the WRC should include a topic, a brief description of the planned result, initial data: conditions and resource support necessary for the performance of work. Typical assignments must be accompanied by criteria for their evaluation.

The developed assignments for the WRC, the main indicators for assessing the results of the implementation and defense of the WRC, and the evaluation criteria (assessment tools of the GIA) undergo a mandatory examination for compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of NGOs / SPO at a meeting of the PCC.

Leading specialists from employers conduct an examination of the GIA assessment tools for compliance with the requirements of professional standards and / or qualification requirements in order to determine the relevance, level of complexity and feasibility of the WRC.

The approved GIA assessment tools are brought to the attention of graduates no later than two weeks before the start of the production (pre-diploma) practice.

The achievement of indicators for evaluating the results of the implementation and defense of the WRC is assessed by the state attestation commission in the context of relevance, practical significance, novelty, performance level, technical, informational and economic support.

The level of formation of the graduate's competencies based on the results of the completion and defense of the WRC is determined in accordance with the rating scale.

Appendix 1. Model of KOS UD

Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk Region

State budgetary professional educational institution

"Bakal College of Professional Technologies and Service named after M.G. Ganiev"

Kunashak branch

A set of control and evaluation tools for the academic discipline

(index, name)

Kunashak 20



1 Passport of a set of control and evaluation tools ………..…….

2 The results of mastering the academic discipline, subject to


3 Evaluation of the development of the academic discipline……………………………….

3.1 Forms and methods of assessment ………………………………………..….

3.2 Typical tasks for the current certification for educational


3.3 Control and evaluation materials for the intermediate

attestation for educationaldiscipline………………………………...…….

As a result of the development academic discipline (index, discipline name) the student must have the prescribed GEF on professions/specialties (code and name of the profession / specialty, level of training) the following skills, knowledge that form professional competencies, and general competencies:

U2…………… Un…………… Z1……………. Zn……………..

In the process of mastering the academic discipline, the student will have the opportunity to increase the level of formation of general and professional competencies:

OK1………….. OKn…………… PC1 …………….. PCn …………..

(indicate from table 2 of the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty / profession skills, knowledge, competencies for the discipline )

The form of intermediate certification in the academic discipline is

(indicated in accordance with the training plan).

2 The results of mastering the academic discipline, subject to verification

As a result of certification in the academic discipline, a comprehensive check of the following knowledge and skills is carried out, as well as the dynamics of the formation of competencies:

The results of the academic discipline to be assessed

Table 1

Learning outcomes:

Z, U, OK, PC

(the code)

Outcome evaluation indicators






Зn OK1


Note: It is possible to combine Z, U, OK and PC and check them with one indicator.

3 Evaluation of the development of the academic discipline

    1. Forms and Methods evaluation

The subject of assessment is the skills and knowledge provided for by the GEF in the discipline (index, name of discipline), aimed at the formation of general and professional competencies.

Control and evaluation of the development of the academic discipline

table 2

Elements of the academic discipline (sections / topics)

Checked Z,

U, OK and PC

(the code)

Assessment indicators


Form and method of control

assessment system)

Note: The technology for evaluating U and H by discipline is prescribed in accordance with the specifics of the discipline;

    1. Typical tasks for the current certification in the academic discipline Topic / section ....

Tasks for evaluation Z1, Z2,…, U1, U2…OKn.., PCn…. :

(prescribe examples of typical tasks in accordance with Table 2)

      1. Exercise.

      1. Practical work Exercise

        Independent work Exercise


Tasks for assessment Z2, Z3, ..., U3, U3 ....:

(prescribe examples of typical tasks in accordance with Table 1)

    Tasks in a test form (example) Exercise.

Read the text of the proposed case carefully and answer the following questions:

    Practical work Exercise

    Independent work Exercise

    1. Control and evaluation materials for intermediate certification in the academic discipline

The subject of assessment is skills and knowledge. Monitoring and evaluation is carried out using the following forms and methods:

Assessment of the development of the discipline involves the use

(rating offset).


(list of questions and tasks)

Instruction for students

Task execution time - hours.



Literature for students:

permitted enjoy.


Task execution time - hour.


Sample answers (

Exam sheet (



Appendix 2. Model of KOS PM

Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk Region

State budgetary professional educational institution

"Bakal College of Professional Technologies and Service named after M.G. Ganiev"

Kunashak branch

A set of control and evaluation tools for the professional module

(index, name)

the main professional educational program in the specialty / profession

primary/secondary vocational education

(code, name, level of training)

Kunashak 20



1 Passport of a set of control and evaluation tools ……………...

2 Forms of control and evaluation of elementsprofessional


3 The results of mastering the professional module to be



3.2 Evaluation of mastering the theoretical course of professional

module ……………………………………………………………………

3.3 Typical tasks for assessing the development of the MDT……………………..

3.3.1 Typical tasks for the current certification according to the MDK………….…

3.3.2 Test and evaluation materials for intermediate

certification according to MDK………………………………………………………

3.4 Defense of the course project/work…………………………..…….

4 Evaluation on educational and (or) industrial practice…………..

5 Testing and evaluation tools for the exam


1 Passport of a set of control and evaluation tools

The result of mastering the professional module is the readiness of the student to perform the type of professional activity

and its constituent types of practical experience, professional competencies, general competencies, skills and knowledge that are formed in the process of mastering the BRI as a whole:

The form of attestation for the professional module is an exam (qualification). The result of the exam is an unambiguous decision: “the type of professional activity is “mastered / not mastered”.

According to the results of development PM (index, name) assigned

occupational qualification (the code,

Name). (if there is a module in the Federal State Educational Standard that provides for the development of a certain type of professional activity in accordance with the ETKS)

2 Forms of control and evaluation of elements of a professional module

Table 1

PM element

Form of control and evaluation



current control

MDK ...


Oral survey Written survey Testing Examinations

Expert assessment of the implementation of a practical lesson, laboratory work




Expert evaluation of the implementation of educational

production order




Expert assessment of performance

production order

Course work/

course project

exchange rate protection

work / course project




3 The results of the development of the professional module, subject to verification

3.1 Assessment of the level of formation of general and professional competencies

Based on the results of mastering the professional module, a comprehensive check of the level of formation of the following professional and general competencies is carried out (Table 2):

Control and assessment of the formation of competencies

table 2

results learning

(PC, OK, SW)

Outcome evaluation indicators

Note: If the passport contains a transcript of professional and general competencies, then their codes are given in the table , it is possible to combine OK, PC, software and check them with one indicator.

    1. Evaluation of mastering the theoretical course of the professional module

The main purpose of assessing the theoretical course of a professional module is to assess skills and knowledge. The evaluation of the theoretical course of the PM is carried out using the following forms and methods of control in accordance with table 3.

Control and evaluation of the development of IBC

Table 3

Elements of MDK (sections/topics)

Checked Z, U, OK and PC, software

Assessment indicators


Form and method of control


number of points (with

(the code)

assessment system)

Note: The assessment technology is prescribed in accordance with the specifics of the MDK.

    1. Typical assignments for assessing the development of MDT

      1. Typical tasks for the current certification in MDK:

Exercise 1:

Task text: ….

Evaluation criteria: ... Task 2: ...

      1. Control and evaluation materials for intermediate certification according to MDK

The subject of assessment is skills, knowledge and developed competencies. Monitoring and evaluation is carried out using the following forms and methods:

(the forms of assessment and control for carrying out current control are indicated,

intermediate certification (if it is provided) in accordance with Table 2).

The assessment of the development of the IBC provides for the use

(a description of the assessment system is given in accordance with the regulation

on certification of students and the discipline program (rating system, examination, differentiated offset).


Tasks for the final control are given (list of questions and tasks)

Instruction for students

Read the assignment carefully.

Task execution time - hours.


Note: When compiling the task, it must be borne in mind that the mastery of the skills and knowledge, competencies specified in section 1 of this layout is assessed.

Literature for students:

Indicate if in the exam she permitted enjoy.


Number of options for examinees - by the number of examinees.

Task execution time - hour.

Equipment: indicate equipment, tools, natural samples, models, document forms, computer programs, including those used for electronic testing.

Sample answers ( sample answers / key to tests, tasks)

Exam sheet ( the teacher receives it in the classroom

parts on the eve of the exam and handed over on the day of the exam)



    1. Defense of the course project/work (if her performance provided for by the work program PM)

Tasks for students:

      1. Course topicsworks/projects


    to the structure and designworks:

    to the defenseworks:

      1. Criteriaestimates

  1. Assessment on educational and (or) industrial practice

Types of work and verifiable learning outcomes for educational / industrial practice (if any)

Table 4

Checked result codes

(PC, OK, SW, U)

Types of jobs

Note: The table is filled in in accordance with the program of educational / industrial practice.

  1. Control and evaluation materials for the exam (qualification)

The exam (qualification) is designed to control and evaluate the results of mastering the professional module (title) by profession NGO / specialty SPO: (the code, title).

  1. Tasks for the examiner:

Option No.

Exercise 1

Codes of tested professional and general competencies: Instruction

Read the assignment carefully.

You can use(specify how)

Task execution time -

Task text: ...

For example: accessing information sources during the assignment, rational distribution of time for completing the assignment (the following stages of completing the assignment are required: familiarization with the assignment and planning work; obtaining information; preparing the product; reflecting on the completion of the assignment and correcting the prepared product before delivery), etc. d. Should be reflected in section 5 of the work program of the professional module (mainly for general competencies)

  1. Examiner's Pack

Number of options for each task / task packages for examinees:

Time to complete each task:


Literature for the student:

Evaluation criteria (if the result is evaluated at the (qualification) exam, a certification sheet for assessing the development of competencies is used; if the process of completing the task is evaluated, an expert observation card is drawn up) (see Appendix 3).

    Portfolio Protection (if provided within the module) (see Appendix 3)

Typeportfolio (portfolio of documents, portfolio of works, mixed type portfolio)

Tested learning outcomes: Criteria for evaluation

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