Umk classical line in geography. Educational and methodical complex in geography

I work with the Classical line in geography. It is convenient to work with the textbook of Barinova I.I. on the lesson. The text of the paragraph has everything you need - assignments and questions to students that need to be asked during the lesson, questions to repeat after each topic, colorful pictures and diagrams, workshops that students perform at home or in the classroom, there are various memos, geographical nomenclature.

Somova S., teacher, MBOU secondary school in Bagrationovsk, Kaliningrad region

The strengths of the textbook on geography in the 7th grade from the "Classic Line" include clarity, structured material, a reasonable combination of scientific content and accessibility for students.

Egorkina G.K., teacher of geography, MBOUSSh №4 named after Nisanov Kh.D. Proletarsk, Rostov region Line UMK Geography. "Classic Line" (5-9)

I work with the "Classic Line" in geography. A colorful textbook, an interesting, accessible text of paragraphs, there are maps of Russia and the world. The pluses can also include the presence of an electronic application to textbooks.

Smazhenko Z., teacher of geography, MBOU "Novobezginskaya secondary school", Belgorod region

I work with atlases and contour maps in geography of the Drofa-Dik publishing house, I teach in the Classical line.

Separately, I want to note the atlas of geography for grade 7 - it complies with the Federal State Educational Standard, there is useful reference information, good print quality. The Atlas helps schoolchildren to learn information about the continents and oceans, the features of nature. Thanks to the publisher!

Nikonorova L.R., geography teacher, St. Petersburg

I often watch webinars on geography, they help a lot and develop the professional competence of the teacher. Thank you for organizing them.

Emelyanova O.V., teacher of geography MBOU "Chernoborskaya secondary school"

I work with the Classical line of UMK in geography. Of the pluses, I want to note the material available in the study, there is a sufficient amount of visual material, the textbook has very good questions for repeating the topics studied after the sections.

Kostochkina Yu.V., teacher of geography, MBOU secondary school №34, Moscow region

Textbooks for grades 5-7 form a holistic view of the diversity of the modern world, knowledge about nature, the population and its economic activities, and reveal the complex relationships between society and the environment. In the textbooks of grades 8-9, the educational material is presented compactly, a variety of diagrams and drawings make it easier to understand the material. Tasks of different levels of complexity, creative and problematic nature are presented.

T. M. Fominykh, teacher of geography MAOU Lyceum №34, Tyumen

All textbooks are well illustrated - they contain a huge number of photographs, diagrams and maps. The material is presented in an accessible language, which corresponds to the age characteristics of the students. The logic of the presentation of the material makes it possible to effectively teach students of different levels of preparedness.

N. M. Kiryanova, teacher, secondary school №102, Moscow

UMC, in general, is very pleasant. Satisfied with the presentation of educational material, enough drawings with maps.

S.R. Alikeeva, geography teacher, Tyumen region, Setovo settlement

, Geography

The textbook complies with the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education, is recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and is included in the Federal List of Textbooks. The textbook is addressed to 5th grade students and is included in the classic line of geography textbooks. Modern design, a variety of questions and tasks, additional information and the possibility of parallel work with an electronic supplement to the textbook contribute to the effective assimilation of educational material.

Dronov Valery P. Viktor Pavlovich L. E. Savelyeva , Rom Vitold Yakovlevich 2017

Geography of Russia. population and economy. Grade 9 Tutorial

Schoolchildren and applicants , Geography

The textbook corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education in geography, is addressed to students in grade 9 and is included in the line of textbooks by I. I. Barinova, T. P. Gerasimova, V. A. Korinskaya, V. P. Dronova and others. The textbook continues the course "Geography of Russia Nature" and is built taking into account the main directions of modern school geography - historical, environmental, etc. The textbook has an extensive, well-developed methodological apparatus, contains a large number of illustrations.

Barinova Irina Ivanovna

Geography of Russia. Nature. 8th grade. Textbook

Schoolchildren and applicants , Geography

The textbook gives a general overview of the nature of Russia, describes in detail the natural-territorial complexes of the East European Plain, the North Caucasus, the Urals, Western and Eastern Siberia, and the Far East. Particular attention is paid to the protection of natural resources and environmental problems. The publication contains a large number of diagrams, maps and color illustrations. The textbook is recommended for publication by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and is included in the Federal List of Textbooks. The Drofa Publishing House publishes textbooks by I. I. Barinova "Nature. Grade 8" and V. P. Dronov, V. Ya. Roma "Population and Economy. Grade 9" at the rate "Geography of Russia" for grades 8-9. The textbooks come with atlases and workbooks with contour maps, as well as a teaching aid for teachers.

Gromova T. P.

Geography. 6th grade. Toolkit

Schoolchildren and applicants , Geography

The manual is part of the Teaching Materials on Geography and is intended for use when working with the textbook "Geography. Primary Course. Grade 6" by T. P. Gerasimova, N. P. Neklyukova, created in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education. The manual contains: a description of the course, methodological recommendations for lessons, a list of programmatic practical work, examples of tasks in a workbook and tasks for thematic and final control.

Korinskaya Valentina Alexandrovna , Dushina I.V. , Shchenev Vladimir Andreevich

Geography of continents and oceans. 7th grade. Textbook

Schoolchildren and applicants , Geography

The textbook complies with the Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education, is addressed to students in grade 7 and is included in the line of textbooks by I. I. Barinova, T. P. Gerasimova, V. A. Korinskaya, V. P. Dronov and others. The textbook tells how the nature of our planet in as a whole, and about individual continents and oceans. Particular attention is paid to the history of the discovery and exploration of continents, the peculiarities of nature, the peoples, their inhabitants, and states.

Barinova Irina Ivanovna , Kopacheva L.P.

Geography. Grade 5 Diagnostic work

Schoolchildren and applicants , Geography

The textbook is part of the teaching materials for geography, the basis of which is the textbook by I. I. Barinova, A. A. Pleshakov, N. I. Sonin "Geography. Initial course. Grade 5". It is designed to organize thematic and final control of subject and meta-subject results of the study of geography. Test assignments are compiled taking into account the planned results of mastering an exemplary program in geography and are grouped according to topics studied in grade 5.

Solovyov Mikhail Solovyov , Barinova Irina Ivanovna

Diagnostic works for the textbook by I. I. Barinova “Geography of Russia. Nature. 8th grade"

Schoolchildren and applicants , Geography

The textbook is part of the teaching materials for geography, the basis of which is the textbook by I.I. Barinova "Geography of Russia. Nature. Grade 8". It is designed to organize thematic and final control of subject and meta-subject results of the study of geography. Test assignments are compiled taking into account the planned results of mastering an exemplary program in geography and are grouped according to topics studied in the 8th grade.

  • Gerasimova Tatyana Pavlovna , Neklyukova Nina Petrovna

    Geography. Initial course. 6th class. Textbook. VERTICAL

    Schoolchildren and applicants , Geography
  • Textbooks of the publishing house "Drofa"

    by geography

    education and science of the Russian Federation for use in

    educational process in educational institutions, on

    2012/2013 academic year (Appendix)

    Please note that due to the fact that general educational institutions that have switched to the Federal State Educational Standard independently form curricula (see the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education, Section III, paragraphs 16, 17), teaching in grade 5 is also possibly according to the textbooks "Introduction to natural science subjects":

    UMK “Introduction to natural science subjects. 5 classes»

    No. p / p (FP)


    publishing house

    Sonin in science subjects

    Ivanov in natural science subjects

    The classic line of teaching materials in geography. 5-9 cash desks

    No. p / p (FP)


    publishing house



    This line of textbooks preserves the best traditions in the presentation of educational material with a gradual complication of the level of content presentation in accordance with the age characteristics of students; development and deepening of fundamental geographical concepts from grades 5 to 9. At the same time, the textbooks of the line have modern scientific content and methodological apparatus. The 5th grade course "Introduction to Geography" is propaedeutic in relation to the 6th grade course. In the course of the 6th grade “Geography. Beginning course” the emphasis is on the topic “Views of the image of the earth's surface”. Consolidation and application of the formed skills occurs in the course of studying the earthly shells. The 7th grade course "Geography of continents and oceans" is devoted to the patterns of formation of the appearance of our planet and the manifestation of these patterns on the continents and in the oceans. In more detail, compared with previous editions of the textbook, a description of the historical and cultural regions and individual countries is given. Grade 8 course “Geography of Russia. Nature” opens the study of the geography of Russia and contains information about the geographical location, nature features and natural resources of the country, natural complexes and the nature of the regions of Russia, as well as the human impact on nature. Grade 9 course “Geography of Russia. Population and Economy” contains information about the characteristics of the population and the economy of the country, the geography of intersectoral complexes, as well as a comprehensive description of large regions of Russia. Line textbooks have the same structure, following which will help the teacher organize the learning activities of students.

    edited and

    No. p / p (FP)


    publishing house

    V, / Ed. Klimanova.

    V, et al. / Ed. Klimanova.

    And others / Ed. Alekseeva

    And others / Ed. Alekseeva

    This line implements the possibility of a deeper study of the subject at the level of basic general education in classes and educational institutions of the humanities. The 5th grade course is dedicated to the Earth as a planet and is propaedeutic in relation to the 6th grade course. The formation of the Russian civic identity of students is the key conceptual idea of ​​the line, which is realized not only through the assimilation of the content of the 8th-9th grade courses "Geography of Russia", but also through the inclusion of material about Russia in the world in the 7th grade course "Geography. Country Studies» , texts about famous Russians in the course 5-6 classes “Geography. Geoscience". The course "Geography of Russia" makes a key contribution to the spiritual and moral development of students, the achievement of the personal results of education set by the standard. Its content has a personality-oriented character, based on interdisciplinary connections with history and literature.

    The methodological apparatus of the line's textbooks is built on the principles of a system-activity approach. The textbook is considered by the authors not only as the main source of information, but also as a means of organizing the activities of students to achieve the subject, meta-subject and personal learning outcomes set by the Federal State Educational Standard at all stages of the lesson.

    Line UMK “Geography. 5-9 grades "

    edited by

    No. p / p (FP)


    publishing house

    , / Ed. Dronova.

    , / Ed. Dronova.

    , / Ed. Dronova.

    , / Ed. Dronova.

    This subject line is built in accordance with the traditional for domestic education principle of studying the course of geography in the basic school - from the general to the particular. In accordance with it, textbooks are gradually forming fundamental physical-geographical and socio-economic knowledge at different territorial and hierarchical levels: planetary - continents and oceans and their parts - Russia and its individual regions - their locality (small Motherland). At the same time, in all the textbooks of the line, such cross-cutting areas of modern education as humanitarization, sociologization, ecologization are implemented, which contribute to the formation of a common culture of the younger generation. In the course of grades 5-6, these areas are most fully disclosed in the paragraphs "Man and the Earth's crust", "Man and the atmosphere", "Man and the biosphere", the section "Geographical shell". Courses of grades 7, 8 and 9, developing these approaches, update previously acquired knowledge with questions from a special “Remember” heading that precedes each paragraph. The content of all textbooks of the line ensures the formation of the worldview value-semantic sphere of students on the basis of a system of basic national values, the personal foundations of Russian civic identity, social responsibility, and tolerance. In achieving the above results, the role of courses in grades 8 and 9 is especially significant. They form the geographical image of our country in all its diversity and integrity on the basis of an integrated approach and show the interaction and mutual influence of the three main components - nature, population and economy.

    UMC “Natural science. Grade 5"

    No. p / p (FP)


    publishing house

    Ivanova: inanimate and alive



    The classic line of teaching materials in geography. 6-9 grades

    No. p / p (FP)


    publishing house


    Barinova of Russia

    Rum of Russia. population and economy.

    edited and

    No. p / p (FP)


    publishing house

    And others. Geography.

    etc. Geography.

    etc. Geography of Russia

    etc. Geography of Russia

    Line UMK “Geography. 6-9 grades "

    edited by

    No. p / p (FP)


    publishing house


    , / Ed. Dronova. Continents, oceans, peoples and countries

    etc. Geography of Russia.

    And others. Geography of Russia.

    Each of the presented three lines of teaching materials in geography continues at the level of secondary complete general education with the following textbooks:

    No. p / p (FP)


    publishing house

    Geography (basic level)

    Choline (profile level)

    Choline (profile level)

    The composition of educational and methodological complexes You can look at www. ***** in the Catalog section.

    During the period of transition to the federal state educational standard, the Drofa Publishing House will publish textbooks that comply with both the State Educational Standard and the Federal State Educational Standard.

    For questions on organizing joint work, please contact the information and methodological department tel./, e-mail: *****@***ru

    GEF in geography

    Slides: 27 Words: 1610 Sounds: 0 Effects: 1

    Teaching geography and GEF LLC. Goals of school geography. Goals have three levels. Reflecting the contribution of the subject to the formation of a scientific picture of the world. Reflecting the acquisition of knowledge and skills by schoolchildren. Reflecting the possibilities of geography in the education and development of students. A new concept of the subject "geography". Item targets have changed. place in the curriculum. The main task is to integrate school geography into a single subject. Subject results of the development of the BEP of basic general education. General history Social science Geography. Characteristic features of the system of school geographical education. - GEF in geography.ppt

    Geography standards

    Slides: 37 Words: 877 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    The federal component establishes: The maximum amount of teaching load. Mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs. Requirements for the level of training of graduates. Study time standards. Place of the subject "Geography" in the Federal Basic Curriculum. Including: In the VI grade - 35 hours, based on 1 academic hour per week. In grades VII, VIII and IX - 70 hours each, at the rate of 2 study hours per week. In the Federal Basic Curriculum for Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation. Implementation of practical work on the ground. At the stage of secondary complete general education at the basic level. - Geography Standards.ppt

    New Geography Standards

    Slides: 12 Words: 995 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    The functions of the second generation standards have changed. The activity approach is implemented in the requirements for the content of training programs. Number of hours. New (sub-topics): Main resource bases. Making a weather forecast. The concept of human capital. Labor resources and economically active population of Russia. Territorial differences in the human development index. population quality; The concept of production capital. Distribution of productive capital throughout the country. Light industry and environmental protection. Topics that are no longer covered. Composition, place and importance in the economy. - New standards for geography.ppt

    Geography Program

    Slides: 5 Words: 584 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    A basic level of. Beginner course in geography. Grade 6 - M.: Bustard, 2007. 2. V.I. Sirotin. Geography. Geography of continents and oceans, grade 7 - M.: Bustard, 2008. 2. V. I. Sirotin. Geography of continents and oceans. 7th grade. 4. V.A. Korinskaya, I.V. Dushina, V.A. Shchenev. Geography of continents and oceans, Grade 7. Work program in geography. 4. Atlas. Geography of Russia. population and economy. Grade 9 - M.: Bustard, 2008. 2. V.P. Dronov. Workbook. Population and economy of Russia. To the textbook by V.Ya.Roma, V.P.Dronov “Geography of Russia. Population and Economy". Grade 9 - M.: Bustard, 2008. 3. V.I. Sirotin. - Geography Program.pptx

    Teaching materials for geography

    Slides: 15 Words: 53 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    Teaching materials for geography and cartographic support Senior school. UMK "Spheres" 10 - 11 class. UMC "Polar Star" Geography. Modern world. 10-11 class. UMK of the Drofa publishing house, edited by A.I. Alekseev 10 - 11 class. UMK Classic line 10 - 11 class. UMK publishing house "Russian Word" 10 - 11 class. TMC publishing house "Ventana-Graf" Grade 10. Profile course "Public geography" V.N. Kholina grade 10. Profile course "Public geography" V.N. Kholina grade 11. - Teaching materials for geography.ppt

    "Geography" profile level

    Slides: 28 Words: 800 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    Geography. The structure of the educational and methodological complex. Sphere of use. Innovation. The novelty of the project. School equipment. A computer. Course structure. Printed textbook. Site of information support. The role of the information support site. Statistical information. Creative projects. Multimedia textbook. Types of multimedia tasks. Disk. Verification tasks. Photo galleries. Reference material. Practical tasks. Evaluation of the location factors of industrial enterprises. Formation of basic skills and competencies. Assessment of students' knowledge. Point-rating system. - "Geography" profile level.ppt

    Geography textbooks

    Slides: 14 Words: 721 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    Updating the content of the geography course in the teaching materials of the new generation. UMK to the textbook by V.P. Dronov, V.Ya. Roma "Geography: population, economy." Widely used in Russian schools. The clarity and accessibility of the language of presentation in the textbook is noted. The content of the textbook has also been changed and substantially supplemented. Statistical information has been supplemented and updated. Geography of Russia. population and economy. Grade 9 Workbook for the textbook V. Ya. Roma, VP Dronova `Geography of Russia. population and economy. Grade 9`. Non-standard lessons-tests, olympiads, additional materials are also offered. - Geography textbooks.ppt

    Textbooks Russian word

    Slides: 43 Words: 973 Sounds: 0 Effects: 59

    Advantages of the unity of the author's team. Continuity of material. Stylistic unity of the text. The general structure of the organization of content and methodological apparatus. Serial design. Features of geography textbooks for grades 6-11 of the publishing house "Russian Word". Features of geography textbooks for grades 6-11 of the publishing house "Russian Word". The transition from the "knowledge" paradigm in education to the "activity" one is taken into account. methodical apparatus. Repetition block. Two-level questions and questions on the map. Test tasks. The illustrations in the textbook are different in typological composition, form and content. - Textbooks Russian word.ppt

    Geography textbook for grade 6

    Slides: 28 Words: 895 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    Main directions of activity. Lines of federal textbooks. Geography. Program. Program content. Program structure. Features of the program. Conceptual foundations. Geography course. Course structure. Course breakdown. Course features. Textbook structure. Questions before the paragraph. Paragraph title. Questions and tasks after paragraphs. Separation of additional material. The structure and content of the textbook. Use in the design of reproductions of paintings. Use of schematic drawings. Use of simplified schemes. Use of computer schemes. Usage. - Geography textbook for grade 6.ppt

    Geography textbook for grade 7

    Slides: 38 Words: 1773 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    School textbook. Geography Course Content Components. Modern society is based on knowledge. Changing models of learning. Geography in the school of the XXI century. Development strategy. Global world of the XXI century. The content of the course 7 cash should become active. Changing models of teaching in the Federal State Educational Standard. New requirements for learning outcomes. Skills are the operational part of knowledge. Fundamentals of geographical science. General geography component of the course. New course structure. Types of educational activities. The potential of geography. Redistribution of educational material. General geography component of the textbook. - Geography textbook for grade 7.ppt

    Geography textbook for grade 9

    Slides: 69 Words: 939 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    Geography grade 9. Course "Geography of Russia". Features of the textbook. Principles of construction of structure and content. textbook text. Textbook types. Types of illustrations. Classification schemes. Structural schemes. genetic schemes. Maps and maps. Tables with text. Diagrams. Statistical data (absolute and relative). Drawings. Photo. methodical apparatus. Questions and tasks aimed at testing different components. Questions and tasks aimed at working with different sources. Partition ratio. Textbook structure. Sectoral structure of the economy. -

    I work with the Classical line in geography. It is convenient to work with the textbook of Barinova I.I. on the lesson. The text of the paragraph has everything you need - assignments and questions to students that need to be asked during the lesson, questions to repeat after each topic, colorful pictures and diagrams, workshops that students perform at home or in the classroom, there are various memos, geographical nomenclature.

    Somova S., teacher, MBOU secondary school in Bagrationovsk, Kaliningrad region

    The strengths of the textbook on geography in the 7th grade from the "Classic Line" include clarity, structured material, a reasonable combination of scientific content and accessibility for students.

    Egorkina G.K., teacher of geography, MBOUSSh №4 named after Nisanov Kh.D. Proletarsk, Rostov region Line UMK Geography. "Classic Line" (5-9)

    I work with the "Classic Line" in geography. A colorful textbook, an interesting, accessible text of paragraphs, there are maps of Russia and the world. The pluses can also include the presence of an electronic application to textbooks.

    Smazhenko Z., teacher of geography, MBOU "Novobezginskaya secondary school", Belgorod region

    I work with atlases and contour maps in geography of the Drofa-Dik publishing house, I teach in the Classical line.

    Separately, I want to note the atlas of geography for grade 7 - it complies with the Federal State Educational Standard, there is useful reference information, good print quality. The Atlas helps schoolchildren to learn information about the continents and oceans, the features of nature. Thanks to the publisher!

    Nikonorova L.R., geography teacher, St. Petersburg

    I often watch webinars on geography, they help a lot and develop the professional competence of the teacher. Thank you for organizing them.

    Emelyanova O.V., teacher of geography MBOU "Chernoborskaya secondary school"

    I work with the Classical line of UMK in geography. Of the pluses, I want to note the material available in the study, there is a sufficient amount of visual material, the textbook has very good questions for repeating the topics studied after the sections.

    Kostochkina Yu.V., teacher of geography, MBOU secondary school №34, Moscow region

    Textbooks for grades 5-7 form a holistic view of the diversity of the modern world, knowledge about nature, the population and its economic activities, and reveal the complex relationships between society and the environment. In the textbooks of grades 8-9, the educational material is presented compactly, a variety of diagrams and drawings make it easier to understand the material. Tasks of different levels of complexity, creative and problematic nature are presented.

    T. M. Fominykh, teacher of geography MAOU Lyceum №34, Tyumen

    All textbooks are well illustrated - they contain a huge number of photographs, diagrams and maps. The material is presented in an accessible language, which corresponds to the age characteristics of the students. The logic of the presentation of the material makes it possible to effectively teach students of different levels of preparedness.

    N. M. Kiryanova, teacher, secondary school №102, Moscow

    UMC, in general, is very pleasant. Satisfied with the presentation of educational material, enough drawings with maps.

    S.R. Alikeeva, geography teacher, Tyumen region, Setovo settlement