Questions on general erudition for adults. Test your horizons with an erudition test

The concept of erudition includes the depth and breadth of knowledge gained as a result of education. At the same time, education can take place in state institutions or in an independent form. A distinctive feature of erudition is the systematization and structure of this knowledge in the human head. This is the main difference between a true erudite and a person who is capable of chaotically and “pieces” snatching out and assimilating various kinds of information, i.e. have superficial knowledge.

To determine whether you have true knowledge with the indicated characteristics, an erudition test will help. In addition to the test given in this article, you can use other online tests. Examples of scholars in history are such personalities as:

  • Leonardo Da Vinci;
  • Dmitry Mendeleev;
  • Mikhail Lomonosov.

However, one should not confuse an erudite person with a person who has a broad outlook. The first representative includes both knowledge in various fields and is a true specialist in his own professional field.

For example, if the average architect is a specialist who has studied architecture and knows how to build modern buildings, then an erudite architect has deep historical knowledge about the development of architecture in various countries. He also has knowledge of how a certain type of building design is related to the geographic location and technological progress of a certain period. Therefore, it is in his competence to design and reproduce one of the historical buildings.

erudition test

To check your general erudition, an online test will help you, which can be taken for free on our portal. Questions can be answered online. From such an online test, it is unlikely that you will be able to find out whether you are a good specialist with deep knowledge in the professional field, but you can check how broad your horizons are with the help of the questions below.

Presentation on the topic: "Checking erudition"

Questions are selected from different fields of knowledge:

  1. What does the word classicism mean in Latin:
    • right;
    • harmonious;
    • exemplary (correct).
  2. The phrase "architecture is frozen music" belongs to:
    • Goethe;
    • Schelling (correct answer);
  3. The smallest bird on earth is:
    • martin;
    • hummingbird (correct answer);
    • tit.
  4. Light phenomena in physics studies:
    • optics (correct answer);
    • electricity;
    • acoustics.
  5. Which river is the longest?
    • Amazon;
    • Volga;
    • Neil (correct answer).

Presentation on the topic: "Coffee erudition test"

  1. Which of the famous writers said "born to crawl, cannot fly":
    • Bulgakov;
    • Gorky (correct answer);
    • Mayakovsky.
  2. In chronological terms, the Middle Ages are:
    • end of V - middle of XVI (correct answer);
    • XVI - XVII;
    • mid-XI - end of XV.
  3. Which Soviet film won an Oscar:
    • "Mom got married";
    • “Moscow does not believe in tears” (correct answer);
    • "Afonya".
  4. In which sea it is impossible to drown:
    • in the Dead Sea (correct answer);
    • in black;
    • in red.
  1. The Western Empire went into decline due to:
    • barbarian attacks;
    • problems with maritime trade (correct answer);
    • both reasons are correct.

As can be seen from the list of questions, they cover different areas and require knowledge. When taking an online test, be honest with yourself - look for information only in your head, based on previously acquired knowledge. And even if the results of the test do not please you very much, this can become a motivation for gaining deeper knowledge.


And how are you doing with the knowledge of important historical aspects?

Test your knowledge by taking our quiz.

Be warned, it won't be easy.

Below the test you can read some interesting historical facts.

1. The shortest war in history was between Great Britain and Zanzibar. It began and ended on August 27, 1896, and lasted exactly 38 minutes.

2. In Napoleon's army, the soldiers addressed the generals as "you".

3. Only in 1947 in England was the post of a person who should be firing a cannon abolished when Napoleon Bonaparte entered the country.

4. The last words of Albert Einstein on his deathbed left with him, because the nurse who was next to him did not understand German.

5. The imperial throne in Japan for the last 13 centuries belongs to the same dynasty.

6. The Grand Vizier of Persia of the 10th century, Abdul Kassim Ismail, carried his library everywhere with him. Wherever he went, 117,000 volumes of books always followed him. Moreover, the books were arranged in alphabetical order, and they were carried by 400 camels.

7. In ancient China, a person committed suicide by eating almost half a kilogram of salt.

1. How to translate the phrase: "Oh, goy thou, good fellow!"?

Answer: Be rich, good fellow.

2. What does the name Columbus mean in Spanish?

Answer: Dove.

3. Which plant in the French translation of the Thousand and One Nights tales means "sesame"?

Answer: Sesame.

4. The only bird that has auricles.

Answer: Owl.

5. The ancient Romans wore a tunic. And what did they wear when the cold came?

Answer: Several tunics - one on top of the other.

6. Alexander III liked to treat his generals with vodka hidden from his wife in the wide tops of his boots.
What were the tops called in those days?

Answer: Freebie.

7. We mainly use only the beginning of this saying, and its end: "... just choked on his tail." Remember the beginning.

Answer: I ate the dog...

8. Barbarians were easily recognized by this garment.

Answer: Pants.

9. In Greek, indivisible is an atom. What is the Greek word for dividing into parts?

Answer: Anatomist

10. Say "Close your eyes" in Danish.

Answer: Ole Lukoye.

11. Why is a toilet called a toilet?

Answer: Serial production of toilet bowls was first undertaken at the beginning of the 20th century. Spanish firm Unity (in Spanish Unitas with emphasis on and).

12. What is the name of the Russian sister of the Japanese national doll?

Answer: Matryoshka.

13. Bed, faucet, knife and fork, handset. What does it all mean?

Answer: Road signs service.

14. What do the French call the first shot at a target?

Answer: Debut.

15. What was the name of the Russian woman who was the first to take off from the ground on an apparatus heavier than air?

Answer: Baba Yaga.

16. On board a salvaged 18th-century ship, a large wooden mallet was found in a doctor's belongings.
What is being used instead of it now?

Answer: Narcosis.

17. Julius Caesar ordered his soldiers to decorate their shields and weapons with jewels. What for?

Answer: To make it a pity for the soldiers to leave them during the retreat.

18. How would you say "shoes" in Tatar?

Answer: Shoe.

19. What do we used to call the Chinese apple?

Answer: orange. Apel is Dutch for apple, sing is Chinese.

Answer: Gorilla.

21. You are in a room 100% filled with methane gas. What happens if you light a match?

Answer: Nothing. There is no oxygen in the room.

More erudition questions:

  1. She is the nickname of the leader of the peasant uprising in Western Ukraine in 1490-92.
  2. People spend a lot of energy to fight it.
  3. It can be room, meat and market.
  4. She played an important role in genetics.
  5. Some like to turn her into a mammal of the proboscis family.
  6. He is young, then old, then young again.
  7. Since 1991 he has been the Vice President of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  8. It can be synodic or draconian.
  9. Some songs and poems incorrectly claim its ability to emit electromagnetic waves.
  10. There are 235 of them in the metonic cycle.
  11. It can consist of 28, 29, 30 or 31 identical parts.
  12. There is a horse in this.
  13. It is mentioned in the Old Testament.
  14. He was recommended to be added to the salad by the heroine of Svetlana Nemolyaeva in the film Office Romance.
  15. It falls close.
  16. It contributed to the discovery of an important law.
  17. There is such a faction.
  18. We know about her culinary abilities from early childhood.
  19. She is a painter, a student of Venetsianov.
  20. Herzen accused her of committing a criminal offense.
  21. She is an old Russian women's headdress.
  22. So called in Russia a multi-barreled gun of the sixteenth century.
  23. Its name has more than twenty identical letters.