Interaction of a speech therapist teacher and educator. "Interaction between a teacher and a speech therapist in the correction of speech disorders in children

Prepared by a speech pathologist
Kumakova Yulia Ivanovna
MBDOU "Bell"

The effectiveness of correctional and developmental work in a speech therapy group largely depends on the continuity in the work of a speech therapist and educator.

Interaction with educators is carried out by a speech therapist in various forms. This is a joint drawing up of long-term planning of work for the current period in all areas; discussion and choice of forms, methods and techniques of correctional and developmental work; equipping a developing object space in a group room; mutual attendance of classes and joint implementation of integrated complex classes; as well as weekly assignments. In the calendar plans of educators at the beginning of each month, the speech therapist indicates lexical topics for the month, an approximate vocabulary for each topic studied, the main goals and objectives of correctional work; lists the names of children to whom educators should pay special attention in the first place.

The weekly tasks of the speech therapist to the educator include the following sections:

Speech therapy five minutes;

Outdoor games and finger gymnastics;

Games for the development of lexical and grammatical categories and coherent speech;

Speech therapy five minutes serve for speech therapy of educators' classes and contain materials for the development of vocabulary, grammar, phonetics, coherent speech, exercises for fixing or differentiating the set sounds, for developing the skills of sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis, for developing phonemic representations and non-speech mental functions, that is, for repetition and consolidation of the material worked out with children by a speech therapist. A speech therapist may recommend that educators use five minutes in certain classes. Usually 2-3 five-minute sessions are planned per week, and they must be kept within the framework of the lexical topic being studied. The speech therapist not only gives recommendations on how to conduct five minutes, but in some cases also provides materials and manuals for their implementation.

Outdoor games, exercises; finger, articulatory gymnastics serve to develop general and fine motor skills, coordination of movements, coordination of speech with movement, development of imitation and creative abilities. They can be used by educators as physical education minutes in the GCD, outdoor games for a walk or in their free time in the afternoon. They are also necessarily maintained within the framework of the studied lexical topic. It's in the games and game tasks, the emotional attitude of the child to the meaning of the word is most successfully revealed.

When planning the individual work of educators, the speech therapist recommends classes with two or three children a day in those sections of the program that these children experience the most difficulty in mastering. It is important that during the week each child has at least one lesson with caregivers individually. First of all, speech therapists recommend classes on automation and differentiation of sounds. The competent work carried out by kindergarten teachers with children with speech development deficiencies is of great, often decisive, importance in the effectiveness of the correctional process.

Theme: Trees in Autumn. Sounds [A] - [U]. Sound [I]

Need to know:

  • 8-10 names of trees, learn on a walk and from pictures (as well as their leaves and fruits)
  • what happens to the leaves of trees in autumn
  • which trees stay green
  • distinguish between early and late autumn
  • why is early autumn called golden

Dictionary: foliage, leaf fall, needles, crumble, fly around, fall off, rustle, spin, multi-colored.

Form a word: birch leaf - birch, and oak, maple, linden, chestnut, willow, alder, mountain ash, poplar, aspen, apple tree?

Development of lexico-grammatical processes

1. Game "Call it affectionately" (oak, maple, aspen, birch, mountain ash, chestnut, spruce, willow, pine).

2. The game "Where will we see this sheet?" (oak - on oak, maple - ...)

Exercises for the development of logical thinking.

"4th extra"

Birch, maple, poplar, bluebell.

Spruce, oak, aspen, poplar (with explanation)

"Solve the problem"

The oak trunk is thicker than the aspen trunk. And the aspen trunk is thicker than the birch trunk. What is thicker: an oak trunk or a birch trunk?

vocabulary work(using illustrative examples). Explain the meaning of the words "tuesok", "bast basket", "birch bark".

Exercise "Say the other way around» for the selection of antonyms.

Pine has long needles, spruce has ...
Maple has large leaves, and birch has ...
A birch has a light trunk, and a maple has ...
The oak has a thick trunk, and the birch has ...

Development of coherent speech (preliminary work)

1. Reading literary texts (L.N. Tolstoy "Oak and Hazel", A.S. Pushkin "A Sad Time").

1. The game "Clap, stomp." To words with the sound [A] - clap, with the sound [U] - stomp.

2. The game "Battle". Children are divided into two teams, one of the teams should name words with the sound [A], and the second with the sound [U]. The team that comes up with the most words wins.

3. Determining the place of the sound [AND] in words: Dina, caviar, children etc.

4. From the proposed pictures, select only those in which the sound [I] is present. With the selected words, make sentences, divide them into words and draw (lay out) diagrams.

Topic: "Food" Sounds [I] - [A].

"Call it kindly."

"One is many."

Soup - soups - lots of soup(s)

Shchi - shchi - a lot of cabbage soup

Cutlet - cutlets - a lot of cutlets

Milk - milk - lots of milk

Pie - pies - many pies

jelly - jelly - a lot of jelly

Sausage - sausages - a lot of sausages

Juice - juices - lots of juices (juice)

Canned food - canned food - a lot of canned food

Mince - mince - a lot of mince

Porridge - porridge - a lot of porridge.

"Product Account".

One fried cutlet - two fried cutlets - five fried cutlets

One fluffy cake - two fluffy pies - five fluffy pies, etc.

"What, what, what?"

Rye bread - rye Semolina porridge - semolina
Chicken broth - chicken Carrot cutlets - carrot
Fish broth - fish Beet cutlets - beetroot
Meat broth - meat Cabbage cutlets - cabbage
Cow's milk is cow's Potato pancakes - potato
Goat's milk is goat's
Buckwheat porridge - buckwheat Names of fruits and vegetables:
Rice porridge - rice "Name the juice, jam"
Millet porridge - millet Pear juice - pear
Hercules porridge - hercules Pear jam - pear, etc.

"Call by example."

Fry potatoes - so what is it? – fried

Cooking beets - so what is it? - boiled

Soaring a turnip means what is it like? – steam room

Freezing cranberries - so what is it like? – frozen

Marinate tomatoes - so what are they? – marinated

Canned cucumbers - so what are they? – canned

Salting cabbage - so what is it? - salty.

Subject: Vegetables. Sound [P], [Pb], [K], [K]

"Call it kindly." Cucumber-cucumber - cucumbers (tomato, potato, eggplant, pepper, pumpkin, radish, carrot, beetroot, onion (bulb), turnip, garlic, parsley, dill, cabbage, beans).

"One-Many". Tomato - tomatoes - a lot of tomatoes, etc.

"Vegetable Count". One pumpkin - two pumpkins - five pumpkins, etc.

"Choose a sign".

Carrot (what?) - orange, crispy, tasty, healthy, sweet, large, etc.

"What, what, what?" Tomato juice - tomato th etc. A bed with cucumbers - cucumber and I etc. Carrot puree - carrot oh etc. with the names of other vegetables.

"He she They".

Growing - growing ut(ripens, turns green, sings, blooms, turns red, plants, digs, spuds, loosens, waters, cleans).

They plant - planted, planted, planted (digging, watering, loosening, hilling, harvesting).

"Choose Action Words" Carrots, beets, turnips, radishes - they pull; cucumbers, tomatoes, peas - pluck; cabbage - cut; potatoes - dug up.

"Say the opposite." Choice of antonyms.

The zucchini is large, and the cucumber is small.

Potatoes are large, and radishes are small.

Peppers inside are empty, and carrots are full.

The tomato is soft and the cucumber is hard.

Write a descriptive story about vegetables (by choice), according to the plan:

Is it a vegetable or a fruit?

Where does it grow?

What does it look like (color, shape, size)?

What does it feel like?

What does it taste like?

What can be prepared from it?

Development of phonetic-phonemic processes

Pick up words with a given sound [P, Pb], [K, K]

Divide words into syllables: cabbage, tree stump, movie, carpet, axe, cat, etc.

Make sentences with the words of the previous task, lay out (draw) a diagram.

Automation of sound C in words: Leva, Matvey, Egor, Maxim.

Sound automation [Ш] in isolation: Sasha, Ildar, in syllables: Slavik, Ilya, Artem, Leva.

Automation of sound [Р], [Рь] in syllables: Slavik, Arseniy, Timur.

In the words of Lev, Maxim, Katya, Pasha, Olya, Vika.

Theme: "Fruit". Sounds [T], [T], [K] - [T]

1."Call it kindly." Apple - apple - apples (pear, lemon, orange, plum, tangerine, apricot, cherry, banana, tree, garden, branch, seed).

2. "One is many." Peach - peaches - lots of peaches, etc.

3. Fruit Count. One apple - two apples - five apples.

One red apple - two red apples - five red apples, etc.

4. "Choose a sign". Mandarin (what?) - juicy, orange, round, small, etc.

5. "Name the juice and jam." Lemon juice (what?) - lemon th etc.

Lemon jam (what?) - lemon oh etc. with the names of other fruits.

6. "He she They". Pear grows - pears grow ut(ripens, turns yellow, sings, blooms).

7. "What have you been doing? What did you do? What they were doing?". .

They plant - planted, planted, planted (watered, loosened, harvested).

8. "Tell me which tree?"

A tree with apples - an apple tree - an apple tree. Tree with pears - pear - pear.

A tree with plums - plum - plum. Tree with peaches - peach - peach.

Tree with apricots - apricot - apricot.

9."The Fourth Extra".

peach, persimmon, turnip, banana; lemon, raspberry, apricot, cherry; cucumber, pumpkin, garlic, Apple.

10. "Say the opposite."

The peach is big and the apricot is small.

An apple has many seeds, and a plum has one seed.

The orange is bigger and the tangerine is smaller.

Lemon is sour and peach is sweet.

11. Write a descriptive story about fruits (by choice), according to the plan:

Is it a vegetable or a fruit?

Where does it grow?

What does it look like (color, shape, size)?

What does it taste like? What can be prepared from it?

Development of phonetic-phonemic processes

1. Name the first sounds in words etc.

2. Name the first sounds in words book, braid, button, stool, TV set, plate etc.

3. Pick up words for sounds: [K], [T], [T].

4. The game "Clap, stomp." On syllables with the sound [T] - we clap, and with the sound [T] - we stomp.

5. Sound analysis of words cat, tina.

6. Game "Fishermen". Children take turns using a magnetic fishing rod to catch object pictures from the aquarium, name them and determine the place of the sounds [K], [T], [T] in words.

Same automation.

Topic: “Insects. Sounds [P], [T], [K], [O].

1. "One is many." Mosquito - mosquitoes - mosquitoes (fly, butterfly, beetle, spider, dragonfly, ladybug, ant, caterpillar, grasshopper, water strider, wasp, bee, Maybug).

2."Call it kindly."

Bee - bee, etc.

3. "Check".

One ant - two ants - five ants, etc.

4. "Choose a sign".

Ant (what?) - small, hardworking, fast, fussy, etc.

5. "Finish the sentence."

An ant was sitting near ... .

The ladybug was crawling on ... .

The beetle hid under ... .

The fly landed on ... .

The caterpillar sat on ....

The fly crawled over ... .

6. "It happens - it doesn't happen."

The girl is catching a butterfly. The girl is caught by a butterfly. Butterfly caught by a girl.

Butterfly catches a girl. The girl caught a butterfly. The butterfly caught the girl.

7. Listen to the story, answer the questions and retell. The development of connected speech.


This small insect is well known to each of us. The cockchafer is safe for humans. It can neither bite nor prick, but it greatly harms trees and bushes, devouring leaves on them. The female beetle lays eggs on the ground. White worms crawl out of the testicles. After three years, they turn into May bugs.

Questions: a) Is the cockchafer dangerous to humans?

b) What about plants?

c) How is the cockchafer born?

8. Write a descriptive story about insects (by choice), according to the plan:

Is it an insect, amphibian, reptile or fish?

What body parts does it have (head, chest, abdomen, legs, wings, antennae)?

Where does he live?

What role does this insect play in the environment?

Development of phonetic-phonemic processes

1. Sound analysis of type words poppy, whale, current.

2. Determination of the place of sounds [P], [T], [K] in words and their designation on the diagram.

3. The game "Syllabic store". Dividing words into syllables.

Automation of sound [R] in isolation - Timur, Matvey. In the words: Maxim, Olya, Arseny, Vika.

Theme: "Migratory birds". [X] - [Xh].[ To] [ X] .

1. "Call it kindly."

Nestling - chick (nightingale, lark, starling, goose, duck, swan, crane, wagtail, stork, heron, rook, swift, swallow, cuckoo; feather, head, neck, wing, nest).

2. "One is many." Swift - swifts - many swifts, etc.

3. "Bird Count". One rook - two rooks - five rooks, etc.

4. "Name the baby."

Starling - starling - starling. Swift - sheared - haircuts.

Swan - swan - swans. Stork - stork - storks.

Crane - crane cub - cranes. Duck - duckling - ducklings.

5. "Tell me, what pack?"

Wedge of swans - swan th.

Caravan of cranes - crane th.

A flock of ducks - ducks and I(a flock of rooks, nightingales, geese).

6. "Who is superfluous and why?". Classification of objects. Crane, heron, duck, pigeon; starling, crow, sparrow, dove.

7. "The birds have flown away." No (who?) - no swan, duck, etc. No (who?) - no swans, ducks, etc.

8. "Insert a suggestion." Use of prepositions from, into, to, over, on, by.

Rook flew out ... nests. The rook has arrived... a nest. The rook flew up to ... the nest. The rook is circling ... in a nest. The rook sat down ... a branch. Rook walks ... arable land.

9. "Who is screaming?" Selection of the appropriate concept.

Swallow - chirps.

Rook - shouts "gra".

Nightingale - floods, whistles, clicks.

Cuckoo - cuckoo. Crane - cooing. The lark is ringing.

10. Write a descriptive story about migratory birds (optional), according to the plan: Who is this? What kind of bird is this (migratory, wintering)? Where and how does he build his house? Appearance (parts of the body; size, color of feathers, structural features: length of legs, neck, beak shape). How does he sing? What does it eat? What are her babies called?

Development of phonetic-phonemic processes

1. The game "Wonderful bag". The child takes a subject picture from the bag, names it and determines the location of the sounds [K], [X] or [Xh].

2. Sound analysis of words with laying out a graphic scheme: poppy, henna.

3. The game "Say the opposite." Change sound [X] to sound [X]: ha-ha-ha-ha, ho-ho-ho-ho, hee-hee-hee~hee. Change the K sound to the X sound: ka-ka-ka-ka, ko-ko-ko-ko, ku-ku-ku-ku.


Sound automation [Ш] in isolation: Rinat, in syllables, words: Slavik, Ilya, Artem, Leva, Sasha

Automation F in the words: Sasha, Artem, Slavik,

Automation of sound L in syllables: Olya, Slavik, Ksyusha. Automation of sound [Р], [Рь] in syllables: Slavik, Arseniy, Timur, Matvey. In the words of Lev, Maxim, Katya, Pasha, Olya, Vika, Ilya.

Topic: "Mushrooms. Berries. Late fall". Sound [S]. [C] - [C]

1. "One is many."

Mushroom - mushrooms - mushrooms (porcini mushroom, boletus, boletus, russula, volnushka, honey agaric, boletus; toadstool, fly agaric).

"Call it kindly." Berry - berry (strawberry, currant, gooseberry, watermelon, raspberry, blackberry, strawberry, blueberry, blueberry, cloudberry, lingonberry, cranberry).

2. "Edible - inedible."

Boletus (what mushroom?) - edible. Fly agaric (what mushroom?) - inedible, etc.

"Forest - garden."

Cloudberry is a wild berry. Strawberries are garden berries, etc.

3. "Check". One russula - two russula - five russula.

One white mushroom - two white mushrooms - five white mushrooms, etc.

4. "Pick up related words". Selection of single-root words.

Mushroom - fungus, fungus, mushroom picker, mycelium.

5. "What, what?".

Mushroom soup - mushroom oh. Mushroom dish - mushroom oh.

"Name the juice and jam." Currant juice (what?) - currant th Currant jam (what?) - currant oh etc. "Choose a sign". Watermelon (what?) - large, juicy, sweet, tasty, fragrant, etc. Cranberry (what?) - ....

6. " Say the opposite."

The porcini mushroom is edible, while the toadstool is inedible. Honey mushrooms have long legs, and the waves have short ones. Boletus grows under birches, and aspen mushrooms grow under aspens.

The boletus has a thick leg, and the russula has a thin one.

7. "What is redundant and why?". Classification of objects.

Honey mushrooms, butterflies, fly agaric, russula; fox, boletus, blackberry, boletus.

8. "Questions to backfill!". Developing the ability to answer questions in full sentences.

There are three waves on the edge. What is more - edges or waves? What is more in the forest - mushrooms or white mushrooms? There are two russula and a toadstool in a clearing. Which is more - hats or legs?

"Fix the mistake." The blueberry grows on the tree; currant grows in a swamp; lingonberry is a garden berry.

9. Write a descriptive story about mushrooms and about berries(optional), according to the plan: What is it? Where does it grow? What is the appearance (shape, size, color of the cap; length, thickness of the leg). Edible or inedible mushroom? What can be prepared from it?

Sound pronunciation:

Find words in which the sound [C] is at the beginning of the word, at the end of the word.

The game "Clap - stomp." To words with the sound [C] - we clap, with the sound [C] - we stomp.

Sound analysis of words sleigh, Sima with laying out a scheme of colored chips.

Repetition of syllables: sa-so-su-sy, zu-za-zo-zy ...

Yaroshevich T.Ya.
Speech therapist MBDOU d / s No. 12, Belgorod;
Kukhtinova Zh.G.
Physical education instructor MBDOU d / s No. 12, Belgorod

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Publication Certificate: not issued

It is possible to ensure the upbringing of a physically healthy and developed child only if there is close cooperation between the entire teaching staff of the preschool educational institution, medical personnel and parents.

In order to increase the effectiveness of correctional and developmental work in the conditions of a preschool educational institution and to combine efforts in this direction, a model of cooperation between a speech therapist teacher and a physical education instructor has been built in our institution.

Continuity and interconnection in the work of a speech therapist and physical education instructor contributes to the effectiveness and solid consolidation of the results of speech therapy work.

Correction of the speech and general development of preschool children with OHP is carried out not only by a speech therapist, but also by a physical education instructor. If a speech therapist develops and improves children's speech communication, then a physical education instructor in special classes with children solves the problems of general physical development, health promotion, development of motor skills and abilities, which contributes to the formation of psychomotor functions. Particular attention is drawn to the possibility of automating the sounds set by the teacher-speech therapist, fixing the lexical and grammatical means of the language through specially selected outdoor games and exercises, developed taking into account the studied lexical topic.

At the beginning of the school year, the speech therapist introduces the physical education instructor to the diagnoses of children (their speech characteristics), psychological characteristics and age characteristics.

Having revealed the level of psychoverbal development of children, the goals and objectives of the formation of speech motor skills are jointly determined and plans for individual correctional classes are drawn up.

In the course of joint correctional and developmental activities, the physical culture instructor performs the following tasks:
- development of auditory, visual, spatial perception;
- coordination of movements;
- general and fine motor skills;
- fixing the sounds set by the teacher-speech therapist in free speech;
- speech and physiological breathing;
- formation of tempo, rhythm and intonational expressiveness of speech;
- work on facial expressions.

The joint activities of a speech therapist teacher and a physical education instructor are shown in Scheme 1.

When planning classes, a speech therapist takes into account the thematic principle of selecting material, with a constant complication of tasks. It allows you to organize communicative situations in which the teacher controls the cognitive and speech development of children. The thematic approach provides a concentrated study of the material, repeated repetition of speech material daily, which is very important both for the perception of speech and for its actualization. A concentrated study of the topic contributes to the successful accumulation of speech means and the active use of them by children for communicative purposes; it is quite consistent with the solution of both the general tasks of the comprehensive development of children and special correctional ones.

A concentrated study of the material also serves as a means of establishing closer ties between specialists, since all specialists work within the same lexical topic. As a result of a concentrated study of one topic in the classes of a speech therapist and physical education instructor, children firmly master the speech material and actively use it in the future.

The speech therapist teacher introduces the physical education instructor to the thematic work plan for the academic year, according to which a set of speech material is jointly compiled for the development of movements.

In special correctional work in the process of physical education, the tasks of verbal regulation of actions and functions of active attention are solved by performing tasks, movements according to a model, visual demonstration, verbal instruction, development of spatio-temporal organization of movement.
Features of planning further activities with children in physical education classes are that the section that includes tasks for the development of general motor skills is supplemented by tasks for the correction and correction of motor disorders characteristic of children with general underdevelopment of speech.

Significant changes are made to the "Mobile games" section. It is planned in accordance with the lexical topics of speech therapy classes and the work of the educator. For example. When a speech therapist works out the lexical topic "Pets" in a physical education lesson, the outdoor game "Rabbits" is used, in which children reinforce the ability to jump on two legs, moving forward, as well as the skill of case agreement of nouns (with the ball: who is with the dog? - the dog has a puppy; who has the cow? - the cow has a calf).

Studying the lexical topic “Professions”, the physical education lesson uses the outdoor game “Firefighters in training”, in which children practice the ability to climb gymnastic walls and reinforce the use of future tense verbs (I will be a fireman. I will be a builder. I will be a teacher. ). The purpose of such planning is to consolidate and expand the child's vocabulary, the formation of basic grammatical categories, and the activation of children's speech. Often, due to the peculiarities of the development of children with OHP, a physical education instructor has to change the rules of the game, that is, “push apart” the regulated framework. This can manifest itself both in the complication and in the simplification of the rules.

The plot form of classes is also used, which also contributes to the development of speech. All plot lessons, topics for them, games are agreed with the teacher-speech therapist, based on the stage of speech development at which the child is in a given period of time.

In these classes, there is a connection between the development of speech and the formation of movements. The higher the motor activity of the child, the more intensively his speech develops. But the formation of movements occurs with the participation of speech. This is one of the main elements of motor-spatial exercises. The rhythm of speech, especially poems, sayings, proverbs, used in story lessons, contributes to the development of coordination of general and fine voluntary motor skills. Movements become smoother, more expressive, rhythmic. With the help of poetic speech, the correct rate of speech, the rhythm of breathing are developed, speech hearing, speech memory develop; the poetic form always attracts children with its liveliness, emotionality, setting children up for the game without special settings. All sections of the lesson (introductory, main, final parts) are subordinate to this topic.

The material for pronunciation and for pronunciation of the text is selected by the teacher-speech therapist, in accordance with the speech disorders of preschoolers, taking into account their age and stages of speech therapy impact, and the sets of exercises are compiled by a physical education instructor, taking into account the necessary speech motor skills. AT Appendix 1 a plan for the relationship between a speech therapist teacher and a physical education instructor on lexical topics is presented.

Children, having learned to control individual movements, gain confidence in their abilities, and this confidence contributes to the success of the work on the development of general and articulatory motor skills. Poetic texts normalize the rate of speech of children, which affects the formation of the syllabic structure of the word. Children listen to sounds, words, controlling their own speech. During such physical activity, the articulatory apparatus of the child is strengthened, phonemic hearing develops. In turn, in the correctional work of a speech therapist there is a motor activity of children, which contributes to the development of general and fine motor skills.

Continuity and interrelationship in the work of a speech therapist and physical education instructor contributes to the effective and lasting consolidation of the results of speech therapy work.

For example, when studying the lexical topic "Winter fun", a physical education instructor conducts a plot physical education lesson "Winter fun".
During the warm-up, the instructor uses a poetic form.
Let them fly to our room, Arms bent to the shoulders.
All snowflakes are white. Torso to the right, to the left.
We are not cold now, Hands up.
We are charging. Squat, hands forward.
Walking and running are accompanied by poems about winter fun.
Snow, snow, white snow
He sleeps us all!
The children all got up on skis,
And they ran through the snow.

When performing general developmental exercises, the instructor uses riddles about objects for winter fun, and the children imitate the movements of a hockey player.

I'm not a simple stick
And a little curled up.
Playing hockey without me
Not interesting for children (stick).

Explaining the main types of movement, the instructor uses a poetic form (throwing with the right and left hands at the target).

We will now see with you
Like throwing snowballs at a target.
You guys aim like this
To get into the cap with a snowball.

In the final part, poetic speech is also used, which restores the rhythm of breathing.

One, two, three, four, five,
We went for a walk in the yard.
They sculpted a snow woman,
The birds were fed with crumbs,
Then we rode down the hill,
And they rolled in the snow.

In the classroom, non-traditional equipment and aids made from improvised means, waste material (plastic bottles, cans) are widely used: “Health path”, “Snake-walker”, “Pigtails”, “Throwing bags”, “Correction traces”, “ Colored blocks" and much more. When selecting material for a lesson, it is necessary to know the level of development of motor qualities, the emotional state of the child, his motor and vocabulary, and his state of health.

Thus, the relationship between a speech therapist teacher and a physical education instructor in a compensatory group for children with SPD is of great importance and is the key to the success of correctional and developmental work.

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Appendix 1

Plan for the relationship between a speech therapist teacher and a physical education instructor on lexical topics

This article contains material on the interaction of a speech therapist with a teacher. The article talks about the goals, objectives, the delimitation of the functions of a speech therapist and educator.

Interaction between speech therapist and educator

Teacher speech therapist : Artemyeva K.A.

caregiver : Tremasova S.V.

Separation of functions of a speech therapist and educator

The educator first of all has to deal with the age-related features of speech that are natural for the child, in other words, the phonetic (pronunciation of individual sounds and their combinations) and musical (rhythm, tempo, intonation, modulation, strength, purity of voice) originality of children's speech. Overcoming such shortcomings does not present any particular difficulties, since the educator, with the right teaching methods, only helps the natural process of the normal development of children's speech, accelerating it. In this way, he facilitates the child's mastery of such complex activities as speech, and contributes to his earlier mental development.
The teacher's classes are built taking into account the next topic, and their tasks are correlated with the tasks of a speech therapy lesson. The main vocabulary work is carried out by a speech therapist, while the teacher forms the necessary level of knowledge on the vocabulary topic in children during walks, in drawing, modeling and construction lessons.
The teacher teaches children to clearly express their requests, desires, answer questions with a beautiful full sentence.
When observing objects of reality, the educator introduces children to new words, clarifies their meaning, promotes their repetition in different situations, and activates them in the children's own speech. This work is also the main one for conducting speech exercises in speech therapy classes and contributes to the improvement of children's speech skills.
The educator necessarily encourages the child to speak out in the initiative. Children should not be stopped by suppressing their desire to speak out, but on the contrary, support the initiative, expand the content of the conversation with questions, and create interest in the topic of conversation among other children.
A speech therapist, in close cooperation with educators, works to familiarize children with new words, clarify their meanings and activate them, and selects lexical material on the topic.
In subgroup classes, the speech therapist reinforces the technical skills and visual skills formed in children by the educator. Classes in visual activity conducted by a speech therapist have the goal of further forming such complex forms of speech as planning speech. Thanks to this, the speech of children in the classroom becomes a regulator of their behavior and activities.
The teacher should conduct classes to clarify the movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus daily using a set of articulation exercises provided by a speech therapist. The teacher should assist the speech therapist in introducing the sounds set by the speech therapist into the child's speech. This work is carried out with the help of nursery rhymes, tongue twisters prepared by a speech therapist.
The teacher should consolidate skills in coherent speech with the help of poems, etc., prepared by a speech therapist.
The educator with all the content of his work provides a complete practical acquaintance with objects, using them in everyday life as intended. The speech therapist in his classes deepens vocabulary work, the formation of lexical and grammatical categories in children, and during special exercises ensures their conscious use in speech communication.
The joint activities of a speech therapist and educator are organized in accordance with the following goals:
- improving the efficiency of correctional and educational work;
- exclusion of duplication by the educator of the speech therapist's classes;
- optimization of the organizational and content aspects of the correctional and pedagogical activities of a speech therapist and educators, both for the entire group of children and for each child.
In preschool educational institutions of a compensating type and speech therapy groups, there are a number of problems that make it difficult for a speech therapist and educator to work together:
- combining the program "Correctional education and training of children with general underdevelopment of speech (5–6 years)" by T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina with the main general educational program of MDOU;
- the absence of requirements for the organization of joint activities of a speech therapist and educators in the regulatory documents and methodological literature available today;
- the difficulty in distributing the planned corrective work within the framework of working hours and the requirements of SaNPiN;
- the lack of a clear division of functions between the educator and the speech therapist;
- the impossibility of mutual attendance of classes by a speech therapist and an educator in groups of different ages.
Joint correctional work in a speech group provides for the solution of the following tasks:
– speech therapist forms primary speech skills in speech pathologist children;
- the teacher reinforces the formed speech skills.
The main types of organization of joint activities of a speech therapist and educator: joint study of the content of the training and education program in a special preschool institution and drawing up a joint work plan. The educator needs to know the content of not only those sections of the program for which he directly conducts classes, but also those that the speech therapist conducts, since the correct planning of the educator's classes ensures the necessary consolidation of the material in various types of children's activities; discussion of the results of the joint study of children, which was conducted in the classroom and in everyday life; joint preparation for all children's holidays (a speech therapist selects speech material, and the educator fixes it); development of general recommendations for parents.
Based on these tasks, the functions of a speech therapist and educator are divided as follows:
Functions of a speech therapist:
Studying the level of speech, cognitive and individual-typological characteristics of children, determining the main directions and content of work with each of them.
Formation of correct speech breathing, a sense of rhythm and expressiveness of speech, work on the prosodic side of speech.
Work on the correction of sound pronunciation.
Improvement of phonemic perception and skills of sound analysis and synthesis.
Work on the correction of the syllabic structure of the word.
Formation of syllable-by-syllable reading.
Acquaintance and assimilation of new lexical and grammatical categories.
Teaching coherent speech: a detailed semantic statement, consisting of logically combined grammatically correct sentences.
Prevention of violations of writing and reading.
The development of mental functions closely related to speech: verbal-logical thinking, memory, attention, imagination.
Functions of the educator:
Taking into account the lexical topic during all classes in the group during the week.
Replenishment, clarification and activation of the vocabulary of children on the current lexical topic during all regime moments.
Continuous improvement of articulation, fine and general motor skills.
Systemic control over the set sounds and grammatical correctness of children's speech in the process of all regime moments.
Inclusion of worked out grammatical structures in the situation of natural communication in children.
Formation of coherent speech (memorization of poems, nursery rhymes, texts, acquaintance with fiction, work on retelling and compiling all types of storytelling).
Strengthening reading and writing skills.
Consolidation of speech skills in children in individual classes on the instructions of a speech therapist.
Development of understanding, attention, memory, logical thinking, imagination in game exercises on defect-free speech material.
The teacher conducts classes on the development of speech, familiarization with the environment (cognitive development) according to a special system, taking into account lexical topics; replenishes, clarifies and activates the vocabulary of children, using regime moments for this; controls the sound pronunciation and grammatical correctness of children's speech during the entire time of communication with them.
A speech therapist in frontal classes formulates topics and works out material with children on pronunciation, sound analysis, teaches the elements of literacy, and at the same time introduces children to certain lexical and grammatical categories. The speech therapist directs the work of the educator to expand, clarify and activate vocabulary, assimilate grammatical categories, and develop coherent speech. When planning classes for writing and developing graphic skills, the teacher is also guided by the methodological instructions of the speech therapist.
Teachers should be reminded to:
rules and conditions for articulation gymnastics
the need for daily exercise
individual work with subgroups of children with the same defects
automation of already delivered sounds (pronunciation of syllables, words, phrases, memorization of poems)
control of pronunciation by children of already set sounds during regime moments
The work of an educator and the work of a speech therapist are different in correcting and shaping sound pronunciation in terms of organization, methods, and duration. It requires different knowledge, skills and abilities. The main difference is that the speech therapist corrects speech disorders, and the teacher, under the guidance of the speech therapist, actively participates in corrective work.
The teacher actively participates in the correctional process, helping to eliminate the speech defect and normalize the psyche of the problem child as a whole. In his work, he is guided by general didactic principles, while some of them are filled with new content. These are the principles of consistency and consistency, the principle of an individual approach.
The principle of consistency and consistency involves the adaptation of the content, methods and techniques of the educator's activities to the requirements imposed by the tasks of a particular stage of speech therapy influence. The phasing in the work of a speech therapist is due to the idea of ​​speech as a system, the assimilation of the elements of which proceeds interconnectedly and in a certain sequence.
Taking into account the sequence of mastering these aspects of speech in speech therapy classes, the educator selects for his classes the speech material accessible to children, which contains the sounds they have already learned and, if possible, those that have not yet been studied are excluded.
In connection with the correctional requirements, the methods and techniques of the work of the educator also change. So, at the initial stage, visual and practical methods and techniques come to the fore, as the most accessible to children with impaired speech. Verbal methods (story, conversation) are introduced later.
The principle of an individual approach involves taking into account the individual speech characteristics of children. This is due to the presence of speech disorders of different structure and severity in children and the non-simultaneity of their overcoming in speech therapy classes. In such an interpretation, the principle of approach requires the educator to: deep awareness of the initial state of speech of each child and the level of his actual speech development; use this knowledge in their work.
A distinctive feature of the teacher's frontal classes in a speech therapy group is that, in addition to teaching, developing, educational tasks, he also faces correctional tasks.
The teacher must be present at all frontal sessions of the speech therapist, makes notes; he includes individual elements of a speech therapy lesson in his classes on the development of speech and in evening work.
The speech therapist takes into account the characteristics and abilities of children. If the child is doing well in certain types of classes, then the speech therapist can, in agreement with the teacher, take him to an individual speech therapy lesson.
In the same way, a speech therapist tries to take children from a walk without compromising the health of the child for 15 to 20 minutes for individual work.
In the afternoon, the teacher works, in accordance with his schedule of classes, to consolidate the spoken skills and develop speech. It is advisable to plan frontal classes on the development of speech and cognitive development in the afternoon.
During routine moments, self-service, on a walk, excursion, in games and entertainment, the educator also carries out correctional work, the significance of which is that it provides an opportunity to practice children's speech communication and consolidate speech skills in their life.
Educators should create conditions for the development of speech activity and speech communication of children: organize and support speech communication of children in the classroom, outside of class, encourage them to listen carefully, listen to other children and listen to the content of statements; create a situation of communication; to form the skills of self-control and critical attitude to speech; organize games for the development of sound culture of speech;
draw attention to the duration of the sound of the word, the sequence and place of sounds in the word; carry out work on the development of auditory and speech attention, auditory-speech memory, auditory control, verbal memory; draw attention to the intonation side of speech.
The work of an educator in the development of speech in many cases precedes speech therapy classes, creating the necessary cognitive and motivational base for the formation of speech skills. For example, if the topic “Wild Animals” is planned, then the teacher conducts an educational lesson, modeling or drawing on this topic, didactic, board, role-playing, outdoor games, conversations, observations, introduces children to works of fiction on this topic.
Special studies have established that the level of development of children's speech is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine differentiated hand movements. Therefore, it is recommended to stimulate speech development by training the movements of the fingers, especially in children with speech pathology. Interesting forms of work in this direction are carried out by a specialist in folklore. After all, folk games with fingers and teaching children manual labor (embroidery, beadwork, making simple toys, etc.) provide good finger training and create a favorable emotional background. Ethnology classes contribute to the development of the ability to listen and understand the content of nursery rhymes, to catch their rhythm, and increase the speech activity of children. In addition, children's knowledge of folklore (rhymes, Russian folk tales) can be used in individual lessons to reinforce the correct pronunciation of sounds. For example: "Ladushki - ladushki" - to fix the sound [w], Kolobok's song from the fairy tale of the same name - to fix the sound [l].
The educator thinks in advance which of the correctional speech tasks can be solved: in the course of specially organized training for children in the form of classes; in joint activities of an adult with children; in the free independent activity of children.
Aesthetic cycle classes (sculpting, drawing, designing and appliqué) create conditions for the development of communication skills: when doing some crafts, images, etc. together. lively dialogues usually occur, which is especially valuable for children with reduced speech initiative. But sometimes educators do not realize the pedagogical significance of the current situation and, for disciplinary purposes, forbid children to communicate. The task of a professional, on the contrary, is to support and encourage the speech activity of preschoolers in every possible way, direct it in the right direction and use it to solve correctional and developmental problems.
Even greater potential in terms of speech correction has an unregulated scope of classes and the predominant in duration (up to 5/6 of the entire time spent in a preschool educational institution) activities of children (under the guidance of a teacher or independent). Here, individual and subgroup correctional-oriented forms of interaction between the teacher and pupils can be organized: special didactic and educational games; entertaining exercises; conversations; joint practical actions; observations; tours; methodically thought-out assignments and labor assignments, etc.
A speech therapist works with children daily from 9.00 to 13.00. Frontal speech therapy classes are organized from 9.00 to 9.20, individual and subgroup speech therapy classes - from 9.30 to 12.30, teacher classes from 9.30 to 9.50. From 10.10 to 12.30 children are on a walk. After an afternoon snack, the teacher works with children for 30 minutes on the instructions of a speech therapist and conducts evening classes in one of the types of educational activities.
Together with the teacher, he arranges a parent's corner, prepares and conducts a pedagogical council and parent meetings. The speech therapist discusses with the teacher the approximate daily routine of the children and the approximate list of activities for the week. Speech therapist and educator, each in their class, solve the following correctional tasks: education of perseverance, attention, imitation; learning to follow the rules of the game; education of smoothness, duration of exhalation, soft voice delivery, a feeling of relaxation of the muscles of the limbs, neck, torso, face; teaching the elements of logopedic rhythm; - correction of violations of sound pronunciation, development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech, phonemic processes.
Requirements for the organization of the work of the educator: Constant stimulation for verbal communication. All employees of the nursery / kindergarten and parents are required to constantly demand that children observe speech breathing and correct pronunciation; Kindergarten teachers should know the scheme of the normal development of the child's speech (A. Gvozdev) and draw up a memo for parents; Educators of speech therapy groups should have a speech profile of children - speech pathologists, know their speech therapy conclusion and the state of speech development; Educators of speech therapy groups should conduct speech therapy work in front of a mirror, complete the task. speech therapist on individual notebooks and albums, notebooks for classes.
The teacher of the speech therapy group should not: rush the child with the answer; interrupt speech and rudely pull, but tactfully give a sample of correct speech; to force the child to pronounce a phrase saturated with sounds not yet delivered to him; give to memorize texts and verses that the child cannot yet pronounce; to let out on stage (matinee) a child with incorrect speech.
The work of a speech therapist in a mass preschool institution differs significantly in its structure and functional duties from the work of a speech therapist in a speech garden. This is primarily due to the fact that a speech therapist at a speech center is integrated into the general educational process, and does not go along with it, as is customary in speech gardens. The work of a speech therapist is based on the internal schedule of the preschool educational institution. The schedule of work and the schedule of classes is approved by the head of the preschool educational institution. Since at present there is no correctional program for the work of speech centers, a speech therapist in his work must rely on and master modern technologies. In connection with the tendency for the speech of children at preschool age to worsen, with a lack of places in speech therapy kindergartens, children with more complex speech defects began to get into mass preschool institutions, which are difficult to overcome in the conditions of a speech center. Educators are deprived of a specialized correctional hour for working with "difficult" children, and must carve out time in their work or include components of correctional assistance in the general educational process of their group.
The educator, together with the speech therapist, plan classes for the development of speech, discuss the goals, objectives and desired results of each lesson for the development of speech.

Abbakumova S.I.,

teacher speech therapist





- The work of a teacher in groups for children with FFN



- Continuity of a speech therapist teacher and educator in a speech therapy group




Most children with developmental disabilities require the intervention of a number of specialists: defectologists (speech therapists, audiologists, oligophrenopedagogues, deaf teachers), doctors, psychologists. Each of these specialists is necessary for the child, but none of them can replace the other, and therefore the desired success can be achieved only if their efforts are combined, i.e. if the impact is complex. At the same time, it is very important not only the treatment itself, the education and upbringing of the child; but also the definition of the type of institution where they should be carried out: specialized children's homes, preschool and school institutions for mentally retarded children, the blind, the deaf; for children with developmental delays.

The duties of a speech therapist include working in close contact with teachers and educators, attending classes and lessons, consulting teachers and parents (persons replacing them) on the use of special methods and techniques for helping children with developmental disabilities.

1. The work of a speech therapist with preschool teachers

The speech therapist should pay special attention to the organization of work with educators in all groups of the kindergarten, starting from the second younger group.

Experience shows that the organization of preventive work helps to reduce the number of phonetic disorders in children. First, a speech therapist conducts subgroup classes with children, and then educators, on the instructions of a speech therapist, conduct similar classes on their own. In the classroom, the speech therapist offers various exercises for the development of speech breathing and voice, articulatory and fine motor skills.

To implement the relationship in the work of a speech therapist and educator, it is recommended to use the interaction sheet and the fine motor skills examination card (see Appendixes).

The interaction sheet between the speech therapist and the educator on automating the delivered sounds will help the educator see what sounds the speech therapist is working on with each child of the group, and control the correct pronunciation of these sounds by children in regime moments.

Diagnosis of fine motor skills of children is carried out by a speech therapist. An analysis of the results obtained will allow developing a number of exercises for children whose fine motor skills lag behind the age norm. The teacher performs these exercises with the children as part of their classes.

Also in the preschool educational institution should be kept a "Notebook of the relationship of a speech therapist and educator." In this notebook, the speech therapist writes down tasks for the educator for speech therapy work with individual children (from 3 to 6 people). For example, individual articulation exercises, analysis of subject and plot pictures specially selected by a speech therapist, repetition of texts and poems previously worked out with a speech therapist. You can include various options for exercises to develop attention, memory, distinguish sounds, and form the lexical and grammatical components of the language. All types of tasks should be familiar to children and explained in detail to the teacher. In the accounting column, the teacher notes how the material was learned by the children, who and in connection with what had difficulties.

2. Interaction of a speech therapist and educator when working with children with FFN

A speech therapist and educator work together on the development of the speech of children with FSP, guided by the general requirements of a standard program of education and upbringing. The elimination of gaps in children's speech development is carried out mainly by a speech therapist (section "Formation of pronunciation and development of speech").

The main areas of work on the development of children's speech are:

the formation of full-fledged pronunciation skills;

development of phonemic perception, phonemic representations, forms of sound analysis and synthesis accessible to age.

As the child advances in the indicated directions on the corrected speech material, the following is carried out:

development in children of attention to the morphological composition of words and the change of words and their combinations in a sentence;

enrichment of the children's vocabulary mainly by drawing attention to the methods of word formation, to the emotional and evaluative meaning of words;

educating children in the ability to correctly compose a simple common sentence, and then a complex sentence; use different constructions of sentences in independent connected speech;

the development of coherent speech in the process of working on a story, retelling, with the formulation of a certain correctional task for automating the phonemes specified in the pronunciation in speech;

the formation of elementary skills of writing and reading by special methods based on corrected pronunciation and full phonemic perception.

It is important to note that the formation of elementary skills of writing and reading is one of the most effective ways of developing oral speech for children with FFN.

At the same time, the teacher conducts classes in which the vocabulary of preschoolers is expanded and refined, colloquial, descriptive and narrative speech develops. All these directions in the work on speech correction are interconnected.

In accordance with the “Regulations on preschool institutions and groups of children with speech disorders”, a speech therapist and two educators work in each group. A speech therapist daily from 9.00 to 12.30 conducts speech therapy work with children frontally, with subgroups and individually. Time from 12.30 to 13.00 is allotted for filling out speech therapy documentation (frontal plans, individual notebooks, planning tasks for the teacher in the evening, etc.), preparing for frontal classes, selecting and making didactic aids. The number of frontal speech therapy classes depends on the period of study: in the first period - 2 lessons, in the second - 3, in the third - daily. In the afternoon, the teacher works with children for 30 minutes on the instructions of a speech therapist. Due to the need to conduct corrective speech therapy classes, some of the teacher's classes are postponed to the evening (an approximate daily routine in the older group).

Proper maintenance of speech therapy documentation is necessary to monitor the process of corrective work and evaluate the effectiveness of the techniques used. During the academic year, in addition to the main documentation, the speech therapist draws up, in addition to the main documentation, the “Notebook of working contacts of the speech therapist and educator”, in which the speech therapist fixes individual tasks for evening classes and determines specific requirements for the selection of speech material depending on the stage of correction. The teacher notes the features of the proposed training exercises and the difficulties that arise for each child.

The work of a teacher in groups for children with FFN

The work of a teacher in groups for children with FFN has its own specifics. The task of the educator is to identify the degree to which children lag behind in the assimilation of program material for all types of educational and play activities. This is necessary to eliminate gaps in the development of children and create conditions for successful learning in an environment of normally developing peers. To this end, in the first two weeks, the educator determines the capabilities of children in speech, visual, constructive activities, in mastering counting operations, etc.

Together with a speech therapist, the educator analyzes the features of the speech development of children. The teacher should have an idea of ​​whether the child uses a short or extended form of utterance, whether he owns different types of coherent speech that are accessible by age to children in the older group: retelling from a picture, a series of pictures, a description, a story from personal experience, etc.

When assessing the state of skills in these areas, the general educational program requirements for this age group should be taken into account. Based on the heterogeneity of the composition of children in the FFN groups, due to different etiologies of the disorder and sociocultural factors, it is important, as a result of the initial examination, to differentially assess the degree of lag in the assimilation of the educational material offered for the middle and senior groups of the kindergarten of a general developmental type. There are different options for meeting program requirements: fully complies, lags behind, lags far behind. After the survey, the teacher gets an idea of ​​the state of each child's skills in the following areas: elementary mathematical representations, speech, visual activity, constructive activity, gaming activity, motor skills, musical and rhythmic abilities. This will make it possible to strengthen their corrective orientation during the classes and to implement an individual approach in a targeted manner.

At the pedagogical council, the speech therapist and educator report the results of the examination and collectively discuss the choice of a typical program and options for its implementation, taking into account the capabilities of children. The presented speech material should be correlated with the level of phonetic, phonemic and general speech development of children. Excessive speech loads can adversely affect the correction process.

Classes aimed at developing the correct coherent speech of children (clarification and expansion of vocabulary, improvement of the grammatical structure of speech) are held throughout the year, both by the educator and the speech therapist.

The process of upbringing and education in kindergarten provides for a certain range of knowledge about the world around and the corresponding volume of vocabulary, speech skills and abilities that must be mastered by children at this age stage.

It should be noted that a speech therapist and an educator, working on the development of children's speech, do not replace, but complement each other.

The educator focuses on the program material offered for a given age level of children in a preschool educational institution of a general developmental type. He teaches the native language in the classroom and guides the development of children's speech outside of classes in everyday life (in games, at home, on walks), taking into account the peculiarities of the speech development of children. The process of learning the native language has some originality.

At the beginning of training, the educator uses mainly methods and techniques for the development of speech that do not require a detailed statement of children. So, the visual method of teaching is widely used, for example, excursions, acquaintance of children with certain objects, showing pictures and videos. The use of verbal teaching methods comes down mainly to reading works of art to children, the stories of the teacher, and conversations. The teacher pays much attention to the development of dialogical speech. This includes various forms of questions and answers: a short answer, a detailed answer (somewhat later), understanding the various options for a question, the ability to maintain a conversation with an interlocutor. At the same time, in the second half of the year, much attention is paid to the development of the main types of monologue speech.

The main areas of work of a speech therapist and educator under this program are the formation of a full-fledged phonetic language system in children, the development of phonemic perception and initial sound analysis skills, the automation of auditory pronunciation skills and abilities in various situations, the development of skills to change the prosodic characteristics of independent statements depending on speech intentions.

The teacher of a preschool educational institution of a compensating type carries out a correctional orientation of education and training in the classroom and during extracurricular time. It is necessary to follow a general approach to the selection of speech material in speech therapy classes and the teacher's classes. At the same time, the educator has more opportunities to consolidate the achieved speech skills and abilities in children's activities and in didactic games, which are a synthesis of games and activities.

It is known that the communicative activity of the child is manifested in the interaction of the child with adults and peers most clearly in play activities.

Preschoolers with FFN are distinguished by difficulty in establishing contacts, a slow reaction to the actions of a communication partner. Some children with FFN are characterized by stereotypical ways of communication, their monotony, and emotional immaturity. The educator should specifically create situations that require the child to display different forms of communication - situational-business, cognitive, personal. It should be identified when the child is most active, interested, in what situation he feels most free. The teacher must demonstrate communication patterns, involve passive children, and maintain speech activity. An adult should encourage children to dialogue, encourage sociability, and observe pedagogical tact.

The educator needs to carefully listen to the speech of the children and be well aware of which sections of pronunciation correction the speech therapist is currently working on. Special requirements are imposed on methods for correcting phonetic and grammatical errors. The teacher should not repeat the wrong word or form after the child, he should give a speech pattern. If an error occurred in the speech material that was learned by the main composition of the group, then the child should be asked to pronounce the word correctly. Otherwise, it is better to limit yourself to a clear pronunciation of the sample. If the error is common and occurs in many children, you need to discuss this with a speech therapist.

It is important to teach children, under the guidance of a teacher, to hear grammatical and phonetic errors in their speech and correct them on their own.

The teacher should encourage children to self-correct mistakes. In speech situations of an emotional nature (game, lively dialogue), the so-called delayed correction is used. In relation to children with manifestations of speech negativism, the correction of errors is carried out without fixing the attention of the whole group.

When introducing children to the outside world, the teacher draws attention to the names of objects, objects. At the same time, in addition to the age capabilities of children, the state of the phonetic side of speech, corrected by a speech therapist, is taken into account. Words accessible by sound-syllabic structure are entered into the active dictionary. The teacher must monitor their clear and correct pronunciation, since, in addition to general developmental tasks, he also implements the tasks of a correctional focus - he actively consolidates pronunciation skills.

Formation of graphomotor skills

In the clock grid, special time should be allocated for the formation of graphomotor skills in children. The teacher conducts this activity. This process includes the development of a number of skills and abilities. An important role among them is played by the development of spatial orientations, primarily orientation on a sheet of paper. The solution to this problem is impossible without a certain level of development of visual perception and the ability to accurately coordinate the movement of the hand.

In the process of developing graphic skills, voluntary attention and memory are brought up in children. Children learn to listen carefully and memorize the teacher's explanations, work independently, evaluate their own work and the work of others. At all stages of learning, exercises are not a mechanical repetition of the same processes or movements, but a conscious purposeful activity of the child. At the same time, the teacher constantly monitors the correct fit and position of the child's hands.

Before the start of the lesson, it is advisable to include exercises to train the movements of the fingers and hands. Elements of finger gymnastics can also be included in the course of the lesson as a physical education session.

Continuing the upbringing of the skills acquired by children in the classes of drawing, application, design, the teacher teaches children to navigate on a sheet of paper - to be able to determine the parts of a sheet of paper and the location of the drawing on it.

The development of the skill to accurately coordinate the movement of the hand is carried out by performing various tasks: drawing lines in a limited space, correct, accurate stroke and shading of figures. For sketching, tracing and shading the figures, checkered notebooks are used.

The complication of the material of both visual and auditory dictations consists in an increase in the number of elements, and their more complex arrangement, as well as in an increase in elements that are differently colored.

3. The interaction of a speech therapist and educator when working with children with GENERAL UNDEVELOPMENT OF SPEECH

The transfer of the new positive experience gained by the child in remedial classes into real life practice is possible only if the child’s closest partners are ready to accept and implement new ways of communicating and interacting with him, to support the child in his self-development and self-affirmation.

An important condition for the effectiveness of the organization of training and development activities directly in the classroom will be how consistently the didactic principles are implemented:

1. Development of dynamic perception.

2. Productivity of information processing.

3. Development and correction of higher mental functions.

4. Providing motivation for learning.

These principles allow us to outline the strategy and directions of correctional and developmental activities and predict the degree of its success.

The need to take into account the indicated principles is obvious, since they make it possible to ensure the integrity, consistency and continuity of the tasks and content of training and development activities. In addition, taking them into account makes it possible to provide a comprehensive approach to eliminating a child’s general underdevelopment of speech, since in this way the efforts of teachers of various profiles are combined - a speech therapist, educator, music director, physical education instructor, etc. (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Model of interaction between subjects of the correctional and educational process in a group for children with general speech underdevelopment.

The teaching staff of the preschool educational institution is represented by educators, a junior educator, a physical education instructor, a music director, a teacher-psychologist, a methodologist, a head teacher and other specialists.

In general, speech therapy work with preschool children is subject to the general logic of the deployment of the correctional educational process and, therefore, can be represented as an algorithm broken down into a number of stages, which, in order to achieve the final result - to eliminate shortcomings in the speech development of preschoolers - are implemented in a strictly defined sequence .

Continuity in the planning of classes of a speech therapist and educator

A big problem in the implementation of the main directions of meaningful work with children with OHP is the implementation of specific interaction between the educator and the speech therapist, ensuring the unity of their requirements when performing the main tasks of program education. Without this relationship, it is impossible to achieve the necessary corrective orientation of the educational process and the construction of an "individual educational route", overcoming speech insufficiency and difficulties in the social adaptation of children.

The main tasks of the joint correctional work of a speech therapist and educator are:

    Practical assimilation of lexical and grammatical means of the language.

    Formation of the correct pronunciation.

    Preparation for teaching literacy, mastering the elements of literacy.

    Development of the skill of coherent speech.

At the same time, the functions of an educator and a speech therapist should be fairly clearly defined and delineated (table).

Table. Joint correctional activities of a speech therapist and educator

Challenges for the speech pathologist

Tasks facing the educator

1. Creation of conditions for the manifestation of speech activity and imitation, overcoming speech negativism

1. Creating an environment of emotional well-being for children in the group

2. Examination of children's speech, mental processes associated with speech, motor skills

2. Survey of the general development of children, the state of their knowledge and skills according to the program of the previous age group

3. Filling out a speech card, studying the results of the examination and determining the level of speech development of the child

3. Filling out the survey protocol, studying its results for the purpose of long-term planning of corrective work

4. Discussion of the survey results. Compilation of the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the group as a whole

5. Development of children's auditory attention and conscious speech perception

5. Education of general and speech behavior of children, including work on the development of auditory attention

6. Development of visual, auditory, verbal memory

6. Expanding the horizons of children

7. Activation of vocabulary, the formation of general concepts

7. Refinement of the existing vocabulary of children, expansion of the passive vocabulary, its activation in lexico-thematic cycles

8. Teaching children the processes of analysis, synthesis, comparison of objects according to their constituent parts, signs, actions

8. Development of children's ideas about time and space, shape, size and color of objects (sensory education of children)

9. Development of the mobility of the speech apparatus, speech breathing and, on this basis, work on the correction of sound pronunciation

9. Development of general, fine and articulatory motor skills of children

10. Development of phonemic perception of children

10. Preparing children for the upcoming speech therapy session, including completing tasks and recommendations of a speech therapist

11. Teaching children the processes of sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis of words, sentence analysis

11. Consolidation of speech skills learned by children in speech therapy classes

12. Development of perception of the rhythmic-syllabic structure of the word

12. Development of children's memory by memorizing various types of speech material

13. Formation of word-formation and inflection skills

13. Consolidation of word formation skills in various games and in everyday life

14. Formation of sentences of different types in the speech of children according to models, demonstrations of actions, questions, according to the picture and according to the situation

14. Monitoring the speech of children on the recommendation of a speech therapist, tactful correction of errors

15. Preparation for mastering, and then mastering the dialogic form of communication

15. The development of children's dialogic speech through the use of mobile, speech, desktop-printed games, plot-role-playing and dramatization games, theatrical activities of children, instructions in accordance with the level of development of children

16. Development of the ability to combine sentences into a short story, compose descriptive stories, stories from pictures, series of pictures, retellings based on the material of the educator's classes to consolidate his work

16. Formation of the skill of writing a short story, anticipating speech therapy work in this direction

Continuity of a speech therapist teacher and educator in a speech therapy group

The elimination of speech disorders in children requires an integrated approach, since speech disorders are associated with a number of reasons, both biological and psychological and social.

A complex approach involves a combination of correctional and pedagogical and health-improving work aimed at normalizing all aspects of speech, motor skills, mental processes, educating the child's personality and improving the body as a whole. The joint work of a doctor, a speech therapist, a psychologist, an educator, a logorhythmist, a music worker, and a specialist in physical education is necessary. This work should be of a coordinated complex character. According to experts, the need for such interaction is caused by the peculiarities of the children's contingent entering the preschool educational institution. Actively influencing the child by means specific to each discipline, teachers build their work on the basis of general pedagogical principles. At the same time, determining the objectively existing points of contact between various pedagogical areas, each teacher carries out his own direction not in isolation, but supplementing and deepening the influence of others. Therefore, taking into account the individual characteristics of each child with speech pathology, specialists plan a single complex of joint correctional and pedagogical work aimed at the formation and development of motor and speech spheres.

Interaction of a speech therapist and educator in the correction of speech disorders in children of a speech therapy group

The success of correctional and educational work in a speech therapy group is determined by a well-thought-out system, part of which is speech therapy of the entire educational process.

The search for new forms and methods of working with children with speech disorders led to the need to plan and organize a clear, coordinated work of a speech therapist and educators in the conditions of the speech therapy group of the MDOU, in whose work the following main areas are distinguished:

Correctional and educational;

General education.

The educator, together with the speech therapist, participates in the correction of speech disorders in children, as well as the extra-speech mental processes associated with them. In addition, he must not only know the nature of these violations, but also master the basic methods of corrective action to correct some of them.

Most of these children also have deviations in other components of the language system: children experience lexical difficulties, have characteristic grammatical and phonetic errors, which is reflected in coherent speech and affects its quality. Many children are characterized by insufficient formation of attention, memory, verbal-logical thinking, finger and articulatory motor skills. Corrective work should not be limited only to exercises in planned speech. Therefore, the main tasks in the work of a speech therapist and educator in overcoming speech disorders can be called a comprehensive correction of not only speech, but also non-speech processes closely related to it and the formation of a child's personality. Also to increase the effectiveness of correctional and educational work. And to exclude direct duplication by the educator of the speech therapist's classes. Joint correctional work in a speech group provides for the solution of the following tasks:

The speech therapist forms primary speech skills in children;

The teacher reinforces the formed speech skills.

In accordance with these tasks, the functions of a speech therapist and an educator should be divided.

Functions of a speech therapist:

Studying the level of speech, cognitive and individual personality characteristics of children, determining the main directions and content of work with each child.

Formation of correct speech breathing, a sense of rhythm and expressiveness of speech, work on the prosodic side of speech.

Sound correction.

Improvement of phonemic perception and skills of sound analysis and synthesis.

Eliminate the shortcomings of the syllabic structure of the word.

Formation of syllable-by-syllable reading.

Development of new lexical and grammatical categories.

Coherent speech training.

Prevention of violations of writing and reading.

Development of mental functions.

Functions of the educator:

Taking into account the lexical topic during all classes in the group during the week.

Replenishment, clarification and activation of the vocabulary of children on the current lexical topic during all regime moments.

Systematic monitoring of the delivered sounds and the grammatical correctness of children's speech in the process of all regime moments.

Inclusion of worked out grammatical structures in the situation of natural communication in children.

Formation of coherent speech (memorization of poems, nursery rhymes, texts, acquaintance with fiction, work on retelling and compiling all types of storytelling).

Strengthening reading and writing skills.

Consolidation of speech skills in individual classes on the instructions of a speech therapist.

Development of understanding of speech, attention, memory, logical thinking, imagination in game exercises on correctly pronounced speech material.

Before classes, the speech therapist conducts survey : It lasts for a month. The speech therapist, together with the educator, carries out purposeful observation of children in the group and in the classroom, reveals the structure of speech disorders, behavior, and personal characteristics of children.

The main task of this period is the creation of a friendly children's team in the speech therapy group. The formation of a children's team begins with explaining to children the rules and requirements of behavior in a speech group, teaching calm joint games, creating an atmosphere of goodwill and attention to each child.

In the process of creating a team, it also reveals the peculiarities of the behavior of children, their character, tactfully correcting deviations during the corresponding games, conversations, and the implementation of regime moments. Work experience shows that if you do not create a calm atmosphere in the group, do not teach children to play together, communicate correctly with each other, do not correct personal and behavioral deviations, then the transition directly to speech work will be impossible.

The speech therapist, together with the educator, draws up a parent's corner, prepares and conducts a pedagogical council and parent meetings.

After the examination, an organizational parent meeting is held, at which speech therapy and psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children are given, the need for a comprehensive medical, health-improving and pedagogical impact on them is explained, the content and stages of correctional and developmental work are explained.

The speech therapist discusses with the teacher the approximate daily routine of the children and the approximate list of activities for the week.

Tempering procedures are included in the child's daily routine. Daily walks, outdoor games, sports activities strengthen the nervous system, create an emotional lift. Air baths have an active effect on the cardiovascular system, normalize its work.

Speech therapist conducts daily classes in the morning. These classes can be frontal (12 children) and subgroup (6 children). In addition, individual classes are held to correct sound pronunciation disorders (for example, automation of sounds according to the child's individual notebook) and to consolidate the acquired skills of speech free from stuttering.

The teacher conducts daily classes in the morning and evening hours with all the children. In the frontal classes provided for by the "Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten" (speech development, familiarization with the environment and nature, development of elementary mathematical concepts, drawing, modeling, application, design), children are strengthened the skills of using independent speech.

Speech therapist and educator, each in their class, solve the following correctional tasks:

Education of perseverance, attention, imitation;

Learning to follow the rules of the games;

Education of smoothness, duration of exhalation, soft voice delivery, a feeling of relaxation of the muscles of the limbs, neck, torso, face;

Teaching the elements of speech therapy rhythm;

Correction of violations of sound pronunciation, development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech, phonemic processes.

In the classroom, didactic games, games with singing, elements of dramatization games, outdoor games with rules are used. Solving correctional tasks, a speech therapist also reveals the characteristics of children's behavior, the degree of motor impairment, sound pronunciation, etc.

In an individual lesson, the teacher implements a program developed by a speech therapist for each child, which may include:

Exercises for the development of the articulatory apparatus;

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers;

Exercises for automation and differentiation of sounds set by a speech therapist, and control over them;

Work on speech breathing, on the smoothness and duration of exhalation;

Lexico-grammatical tasks and exercises for the development of coherent speech.

Based on this scheme of individual work, the teacher can build their classes taking into account the speech problems of each child. So, knowing that the child has the sound [C] at the stage of automation, the teacher can include tasks with this sound, even minimally, in all group activities. For example, in mathematics, a child is invited to count only dishes that have the sound [C] in their name - pots, pans, stewpans. And let the other child count teapots, cups, spoons (if he goes through “hissing” sounds with a speech therapist).

In a lesson on the sound culture of speech, each child can be offered to parse words with the sounds that they correct with a speech therapist.

Observation of the dynamics allows the teacher to visually track the dynamics of the sound pronunciation of all the speech children of the group or a particular child. Based on the conventions, the teacher offers the child only the speech material that he can do. It becomes easier for the teacher to pick up poems for the holiday (in case of difficulty, a speech therapist helps). There are fewer problems in the classroom: the teacher knows what answers he can expect from the child, and does not seek to demand impossible efforts from the latter. Thus, the child has no fear of answering in the classroom, there is no consolidation of the incorrect pronunciation of those sounds that he is not yet capable of.

List of work contacts of a speech therapist and educators when working with children with ONR (4th week of October)

Sound pronunciation


letter, sound


Vocabulary. Lexico-grammatical concepts


Connected speech


General motor skills

General set of articulation exercises No. 1 (with all).

Lena, Sveta - work on individual notebooks.

Roma, Dima - see cards.

Serezha, Ira - automation of sound (c) in open syllables

a (ay)

1. With all the children, the game “Raise the signal” (highlighting sounds at the beginning of a word).

2. Breathing exercise "Whose rope is longer?".

Roma, Tanya - individual work

Dictionary (speech material is selected by a speech therapist in accordance with the lexical topic being studied).

The game "One - many" (with the ball).

Individual work: Sema, Faith - agreement of nouns with adjectives; Petya, Vanya - single and many others. h.


Polina, Artyom - agreement of nouns with numerals

1. "Magic bag" (compilation of descriptive stories).

2. Reading the fairy tale "Tops and Roots", a conversation about the fairy tale.

Individual work: Vova, Katya - compiling a descriptive story according to the scheme;

Petya, Vanya - compiling comparative stories-descriptions (tomato-cucumber)

1. Carrying out finger gymnastics: "The hostess once came from the market."

2. Speech - movement: exercise "Vegetables".

3. Learning physical education minutes "We three cabbage, three ..."

4. Laying out the letters a, y from beans, beans, peas


+ - coped;

Z - to fix.

The teacher must clearly understand the dynamics of the development of the phonemic side of the speech of each child. The speech therapy screen, compiled by a speech therapist, reflects the dynamics of work on correcting sound pronunciation and helps the educator to systematically monitor the delivered sounds. The shield is made of a material that allows the use of magnetic or adhesive colored sound symbols. The screen is placed in the working area of ​​the educator.

Screen of work on sound pronunciation (4th week of October)

Surname, name of the child




Isolated pronunciation

in syllables

In words

In phrases

In phrases

In sentences

In verse, connected speech

[w] -

[R ]-

[with] -

[with] -

[c] -

[l] -

[with] -

[w] -

[h] -

[sch] -

[h] -

[h] -

The teacher in the selection of speech material must remember the speech problems of each child. But he does not always have the opportunity to track those moments that may interfere with the correct consolidation of speech material. In mass literature, suitable tongue twisters, tongue twisters, and poems are not always printed. Therefore, a speech therapist helps to select speech material that corresponds to the norm of sound pronunciation of children with speech disorders, recommends educators to work with ready-made printed publications, advises using literature and speech material that is correct from a speech therapy position.

An important role is given to speech breathing. The most important conditions for correct speech are a smooth and long exhalation, a clear and relaxed articulation. In each exercise, the attention of children is directed to a calm, relaxed exhalation, to the duration and volume of the sounds being uttered. The speech therapist and the educator make sure that when inhaling, the posture is free, the shoulders are lowered.

The teacher can offer children to practice fine motor skills of hands in shading, tracing figures along the contour, cutting out. Thus, not only the general tasks of the group in preparing the hand for writing are being worked out, but also corrective work is being carried out on the interaction of fine motor skills and the articulatory apparatus (especially in children with a dysarthric component).

Columns with lexical and grammatical tasks are aimed at repeating the material covered by a speech therapist. This allows the teacher to once again identify the problems of the child and help in overcoming them. In your free play time, invite your child to play not just a didactic game, but a game that corresponds to a lexical speech therapy topic (Zoo lotto, Pick a Pair game - antonyms).

The lexical theme, which the speech therapist works out in his classes, is continued in the educator's classes and outside them. At the beginning of the school year, a speech therapist draws up a promising thematic plan, which is agreed with the teacher. Lexical topics are selected and combined in such a way that the material learned when studying some topics is generalized and expanded when studying others. For example, the topics “Fruits and vegetables”, “Mushrooms and berries” are reflected in the theme “Autumn”, and “Wintering birds” and “Wild animals in winter” are reflected in the theme “Winter”. Or they are coordinated in such a way that the material covered is repeated, consolidated in the next topic. For example, the topic “My family” is reinforced when studying “My House”, and in the classroom on the topic “Clothes”, knowledge of “Furniture” is consolidated. In a similar way, the topics “Transport” and “Animals of hot countries”, “Library” and “Fairy tales”, etc. are consistent.

Approximate content of the work of the educator and speech therapist

(2nd week of September, senior group, topic "Vegetables")

Corrective tasks of the week

The content of the work of the educator

The content of the work of a speech therapist

Phonemic perception: highlighting the sound [a] among other sounds

Formation of auditory attention: didactic game "Find a vegetable" (with a bell); "Well no"; "What do you hear?"

The concept of "speech and non-speech sounds"; acquaintance with the sound [a] and the letter a (the game “Catch the sound [a])

Sound-letter analysis and synthesis: highlighting a stressed vowel at the beginning of a word; analysis of the scale of two sounds

Work on the assignment of a speech therapist to consolidate conditional skills (second half of the day)

Highlighting a stressed vowel at the beginning of a word; analysis of the scale of two sounds

Vocabulary: vegetables

Expansion, activation and consolidation of vocabulary on the topic in all classes and in the process of all regime moments

Introduction of conditional words into the child's connected speech

Inflection: singular and plural nouns

Formation of ideas about the singularity and plurality of objects (in the classroom in mathematics, modeling, drawing, for a walk).
Consolidation of a new lexical and grammatical category in games during the day (“One - many”, “Pick vegetables in baskets, etc.)

Acquaintance with a new lexical and grammatical category

Syntactic level: animate and inanimate objects

Consolidation of concepts in games on the instructions of a speech therapist (walk, regime moments, correctional hour)

Acquaintance with the concept of "animate - inanimate"

The development of coherent speech: making sentences following the traces of the actions performed

Awakening children to pronouncing the actions they perform during all regime moments

Learning to answer questions with a full sentence in the game "Live Pictures" and verbalize the actions performed

Sound pronunciation: development of air jet directions, development of articulation

Exercises for the strength of exhalation “blow on dill” (option: hang a picture in the doorway of the hygiene room), Practicing a general set of dynamic and statistical articulation exercises on the instructions of a speech therapist (morning, evening)

Development of a directed air jet for setting specific sounds, working out a special set of articulation exercises for setting specific sounds

Speech is movement

Learning and playing the game "Vegetables" during the day

Using them as exercise

fine motor skills

Learning finger gymnastics exercises “The hostess once came from the market” (time to prepare for breakfast, lunch); mosaic, lacing, spinning tops, etc. (afternoon)
Work on the instructions of a speech therapist (second half of the day)

Work in subgroups with children with fine motor disorders

To optimize the organizational and content objects of correctional and pedagogical activities, you can create a list of working contacts of a speech therapist and educator both for the entire group of children and for each child.

For each lexical topic, the speech therapist selects speech material, determines correctional goals and methods for their implementation. Speech skills worked out by a speech therapist in frontal and individual classes are fixed by the educator not only during classes, but also in all regime moments. After all, the educator is with the children in a very different environment: in the locker room, bedroom, play area, etc. He works with children all day and has the opportunity to repeatedly repeat the speech material developed by the speech therapist, repeat and consolidate new words, without which it is impossible to introduce them into independent life .

The improvement of a coherent statement takes place in the formation of a complete response in frontal and individual lessons, compiling stories and descriptions on a lexical topic, in games and exercises, dramatization games, dramatization games: “I am a storyteller”, “You ask, and I will tell”, “ I'll guess, and you guess." The duration of the individual lesson of the educator–10-15 minutes.

All the teacher's classes, didactic games, regime moments are used to exercise children in accessible independent speech. The basis for this work should be the skills acquired by children in speech therapy classes. The teacher organizes such routine moments as washing, dressing, eating, and at the same time exercises the children in short or detailed answers to questions, depending on the stage of speech therapy work and the individual speech capabilities of the child. Morning and evening walks strengthen the physical condition of children, provide good sleep.

The correct organization of the children's team, the clear conduct of regime moments have a positive effect on the physical and mental state of the child and, consequently, on the state of his speech. The ability to approach the child, taking into account his individual characteristics, pedagogical tact, calm, friendly tone–these qualities are necessary when working with children with speech disorders.


The success of correctional and educational work in a speech therapy group is determined by a strict, well-thought-out system, the essence of which is speech therapy of the entire educational process, the entire life and activities of children.

The only way to implement speech therapy–this is a close interaction between a speech therapist and an educator (with different functional tasks and methods of correctional work).

Corrective tasks facing the educator of the speech therapy group:

1. Continuous improvement of articulatory, fine and general motor skills.

2. Fixing the pronunciation of the sounds delivered by the speech therapist.

3. Purposeful activation of the used vocabulary.

4. Exercise in the correct use of the formed grammatical categories.

5. Development of attention, memory, logical thinking in games and exercises on defect-free speech material.

6. Formation of coherent speech.

7. Consolidation of reading and writing skills.

The main directions of correctional work of the educator:

1. Articulation gymnastics (with elements of respiratory and vocal) is performed 3-5 times during the day.

2. Finger gymnastics performed in combination with articulation 3-5 times a day.

3. Corrective mini gymnastics for the prevention of violations of posture and foot is performed daily after sleep.

4. Evening private lessons educator on the instructions of a speech therapist, fixing sound pronunciation.

The work is carried out by the teacher according to the individual notebooks of the children. The content of these classes is determined by the program:

a) pronunciation of syllables, words, sentences to a fixed sound;

b) repetition of tongue twisters, short stories, poems;

c) an exercise in sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis;

d) repetition of lexical and grammatical exercises;

e) exercises for the development of attention, memory, thinking.

5. Frontal classes according to the preschool educational program (and in accordance with the calendar plan of speech therapy work).

A distinctive feature of the frontal lessons of the educator in the logo group is that, in addition to educational and upbringing tasks, he also faces correctional tasks that are directly related to the topic of each lesson.

6. Correctional work outside of class: during regime moments, self-service, household work and work in nature, on a walk, excursion, in games and entertainment. The special significance of this work is that it provides an opportunity for a wide practice of free speech communication of children and the consolidation of speech skills in the daily life and activities of children.

Linguistic material for the speech zone:

1. Mirrors;

2. Visual and illustrative material on lexical topics;

3. Visual and illustrative material on phonetic groups;

4. Narrative pictures for working on the phrase;

5. Toys for improving diaphragmatic speech breathing;

6. Benefits for improving manual praxis;

7. Benefits for the development of visual memory;

8. Benefits for the development of phonemic hearing.

So, every child with certain developmental disabilities needs effective and speedy rehabilitation that allows the child to overcome developmental disorders, while he must cope with his difficulties as soon as possible in order to "catch up" in the development of children who do not have deviations. in development. This is possible only if a single correctional and developmental space is formed around each such child, which is called upon to support not only the speech therapist and teachers of the kindergarten group that the child attends, but also, to varying degrees, all adults who surround him in everyday life and influence his development. : medical staff, head of physical education, music director, head of art activities, family.


1. Preschool; Pedagogy /July/ 2008. Interaction between kindergarten and family in overcoming speech disorders in preschool children.

2. Scientific and methodological journal Speech therapist, No. 2, 2008. Smirnova L.N. Interrelation in the work of a speech therapist and educator.

3. Scientific and methodological journal Speech therapist. No. 3 2009. Ivanova O.F. Ways to optimize the joint work of a speech therapist and educator.

4. Karpova S.I., Mamaeva V.V., Nikitina A.V. Interaction in the work of speech group specialists. / Speech therapist in kindergarten, 2007, No. 9 (24).

5. Ivanova Yu.V. Preschool logopoint: documentation, planning and organization of work.–M.: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2008,126 p.




1. The culture of speech of the child's environment: the speech of others should be correct, accessible, one should not rush to answer, constantly approve, encourage correct speech.

Benevolent attitude towards children suffering from speech impairment. Creating a favorable external environment, a calm plan, respect, trust.

2. Constant stimulation to verbal communication. All employees of preschool educational institutions and parents are required to constantly demand that children observe speech breathing and correct pronunciation.

3. a) Kindergarten teachers should know the pattern of the normal development of the child's speech (A. Gvozdev) and draw up a memo for parents;

b) Educators of speech therapy groups should have a speech profile of children with speech disorders, know their speech therapy conclusion and the state of speech development.

4. a) Educators of the preschool educational institution should conduct systematic work on the education of sound culture and the development of speech.

b) Educators of speech therapy groups should conduct speech therapy work in front of a mirror, carry out the task of a speech therapist in individual notebooks and albums, notebooks for classes.

5. a) Parents should pay serious attention to the child's speech stimulate the correct speech of the child, constantly talk to him, just talk about events in the child's life in the garden, in the family

b) Parents of children with speech disorders should systematically; perform the tasks of a speech therapist to consolidate the delivered sounds of the dictionary on topics, grammatical structure, coherent speech. Make notebooks colorful and neat. Follow the correct pronunciation.

Memo to the teacher of the preschool educational institution

During the period of the child's stay in preschool, it is you who are the guarantor of his rights.

In the process of education and training UNACCEPTABLE:

Careless, rude treatment of a child;

Biased criticism, threats against him;

Deliberate isolation from the children's team;

Making excessive demands on a child without taking into account his age and state of health;

Photographing him in an untidy state.


From the first minutes of the child's stay in the kindergarten, create for him an atmosphere of care and attention as close as possible to home;

Without reducing the requirements for the behavior of the child in the team, provide him with the most comfortable conditions of stay, as well as the possibility of short-term solitude;

In case of revealing facts of child abuse in the family, it is necessary to inform the administration in a timely manner.


The teacher of a speech therapy group should not:

1. Hurry the child with the answer.

2. Interrupt speech and rudely pull, but tactfully give a sample of correct speech.

3. Force the child to pronounce a phrase saturated with sounds that have not yet been delivered to him.

4. Let memorize texts and verses that the child cannot yet pronounce.

5. To let out on stage (matinee) a child with incorrect speech.


Constantly monitor the speech of children, cultivate a critical attitude towards their speech. If sounds are staged require only correct answers, correct articulation

If the child began to stutter:

1. Do not emphasize your special attention to his speech (do not notice stuttering).

2. Protect from the ridicule of comrades.

3. Go with this child to the simplest form of the answer on exhalation, the voice is slightly lower than the usual volume, exclude the accelerated rate of speech.

4. Do not require difficult and long answers, it is better to repeat the answer of a friend.

5. Have constant contact with a speech therapist, doctor, psychologist, parents.

1. Worksheet for the interaction of a speech therapist and educator

for automation of delivered sounds

MDOU No. ___________

Worksheet for automating staged sounds

Group ________________

Speech therapist ________________________________________________________________

Dear educators!

To successfully automate the set sounds, please pay attention to their correct pronunciation in speech by the following children:

Last name, first name

Automated Sounds


"____" ___________ 20____


"+" the task was completed correctly;

"-" the task was completed incorrectly;

«  » Intermittent task performance.


When calculating points, only the “+” sign is taken as a unit, the instability of performance in this case is negative and needs to be improved.

Group characteristics:

Group B

Group C

Group H

Group Oi

Children who scored 15-14 points. Fine motor skills are well developed.

Children who scored 13-12 points. Fine motor skills are not well developed

Children who scored 11-9 points. Fine motor skills are poorly developed.

Children who scored 8 or less points. Fine motor skills lag behind the age norm.

Note: n - beginning of the year, k - end of the year

Speech therapist __________________ Educator ____________________

Interaction of a speech therapist and educator in the correctional process for the development of speech in preschoolers

The methodological material is recommended for educators, speech therapists and other specialists of preschool educational institutions.
Joint work of a speech therapist and educator should be carried out in the following areas:
- timely examination of children in order to identify the level of their mental development, features of memory, thinking, attention, imagination, speech;
- ensuring the flexibility of pedagogical influences on students, taking into account the changing abilities of students on the basis of correctional work;
- planning individual work with each child;
- development of cognitive interests, cognitive activity based on the development of the surrounding reality;
- children's mastery of communicative means of communication.
Especially the interaction of a speech therapist and educator is necessary when organizing a personal approach to children, since when organizing it, it is necessary to create the following pedagogical conditions:
- to see in each child a unique personality;
- design situations of success for each child in the educational process;
- to study the causes of children's ignorance and eliminate them.

The interaction of a speech therapist and educator is also necessary because the elimination of speech defects requires an integrated approach, since speech disorders are associated with a number of reasons, both biological and social. An integrated approach to overcoming speech disorders involves a combination of correctional-pedagogical and health-improving work, and this requires the interaction of a speech therapist and educator.
Unfortunately, such interaction between a teacher and a speech therapist is not implemented in many kindergartens. This depends on many reasons, but above all on the leadership of the kindergarten, on the personal characteristics of the speech therapist and educator, on their desire to improve the process of speech development of preschoolers.
Scientists have studied and investigated specific types of interaction between a speech therapist and an educator.
So, together with a speech therapist, the educator plans classes on the development of speech, familiarization with the outside world, preparation for literacy and preparation of the hand for writing. Continuity in the work of a speech therapist and educator involves not only joint planning, but also the exchange of information, a discussion of the achievements of children, both in speech and in other classes. On the basis of such interaction, the educator performs, in addition to general education, a number of correctional tasks, the essence of which is to eliminate shortcomings in the sensory, affective-volitional, intellectual spheres, due to the peculiarities of the speech defect. At the same time, the educator turns his attention not only to the correction of existing shortcomings in the development of the child, to the enrichment of ideas about the environment, but also to the further development and improvement of the activities of the preserved analyzers. This creates the basis for the favorable development of the child's compensatory abilities, which ultimately affects the effective mastery of speech.
Compensation for the child's speech underdevelopment, his social adaptation and preparation for further education at school dictate the need to master, under the guidance of an educator, those types of activities that are provided for by the programs of a mass kindergarten of a general developmental type. The educator should pay special attention to the development of perception (visual, auditory, tactile), mnestic processes, accessible forms of visual-figurative and verbal-logical thinking, motivation.
An important aspect of the teacher's work is the development of cognitive activity and cognitive interests in children. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the peculiar lag in the formation of cognitive processes as a whole, which develops in children under the influence of speech underdevelopment, narrowing of contacts with others, incorrect methods of family education and other reasons.
The correct, pedagogically justified interaction of the educator and the speech therapist, uniting their efforts in the interests of speech correction in children, is based on the creation of a benevolent, emotionally positive environment in the kindergarten. The psychological atmosphere in the children's team strengthens children's faith in their own abilities, allows you to smooth out negative experiences associated with speech inferiority, and form an interest in classes. For this, the educator, as well as the speech therapist teacher, must have knowledge in the field of developmental psychology, individual psychophysical differences in preschool children. They need to be able to understand various negative manifestations of children's behavior, notice signs of increased fatigue, exhaustion of passivity and lethargy in time. Properly organized psychological and pedagogical interaction of the educator with children prevents the appearance of persistent undesirable deviations in their behavior, forms friendly relations.
The work of an educator in the development of speech in many cases precedes speech therapy classes, prepares children for the perception of material in future speech therapy classes, providing the necessary cognitive and motivational base for the formation of speech knowledge and skills. In other cases, the educator focuses on consolidating the results achieved by children in speech therapy classes.
The task of the educator of the speech therapy group it also includes daily monitoring of the state of speech activity of children in each period of the correctional process, control over the correct use of sounds set or corrected by a speech therapist, learned grammatical forms, etc. Particular attention of the educator should be paid to children with a late onset of speech activity, who have a aggravated anamnesis, and are characterized by psychophysiological immaturity.
The teacher should not fix the attention of children on the occurrence of possible errors or stutters in speech, repetitions of the first syllables and words. Such manifestations must be reported to the speech therapist. The duties of the educator also include a good knowledge of the individual characteristics of children with general underdevelopment of speech, who react differently to their defect, to communication difficulties, to changes in communication conditions.
The speech of the educator in everyday communication with children is important. It should serve as a model for children with speech disorders: be clear, extremely intelligible, well intoned, figuratively expressive and grammatically correct. Complex constructions, turns, introductory words that complicate the understanding of speech should be avoided.
The specifics of the work of the educator when interacting with a speech therapist is that the educator organizes and conducts classes on the instructions of a speech therapist teacher. The teacher plans individual or subgroup classes with children in the second half. 5-7 children are invited to the evening speech therapy session. The following types of exercises:
- consolidation of well-placed sounds (pronunciation of syllables, words, sentences);
- repetition of poems, stories;
- exercises for the development of attention, memory, logical thinking, phonemic hearing, sound analysis and synthesis skills;
- activation of coherent speech in a conversation on familiar lexical or everyday topics.
In the process of correctional work, the educator pays great attention to the development of fine motor skills. So, in extracurricular time, you can invite children to put together mosaics, puzzles, figures from matches or counting sticks, train in untying and tying shoelaces, collect scattered buttons or small objects, pencils of different sizes. Children can be offered work in notebooks to develop writing skills, recommended for children with speech disorders.
A special place in the work of the educator is occupied by the organization of outdoor games for children with speech disorders, in view of the fact that children in this category are often somatically weakened, physically intolerant, and quickly get tired. When planning work on organizing play activities, the teacher must clearly understand the reality of the physical capabilities of each child and select outdoor games in a differentiated way. Outdoor games, which usually form part of physical education, music classes, can be held for a walk, at festive matinees, at an hour of entertainment.
Games with movement must be combined with other activities for children. Outdoor games at the same time help the successful formation of speech. They often contain sayings, quatrains, they can be preceded by a rhyme to select the leader. Such games also contribute to the development of a sense of rhythm, harmony and coordination of movements, positively affect the psychological state of children.
The work of the educator in teaching children the role-playing game is also a necessary element of his pedagogical activity. In role-playing games, the educator activates and enriches the vocabulary, develops coherent speech, teaches ritual interaction in social situations familiar to the child (doctor's appointment, shopping in a store, traveling in transport, etc.). Role-playing games contribute to the development of communication and speech skills, stimulate the sociability of children, and develop social skills and abilities.
Having studied the scientific literature on the interaction of a teacher and a speech therapist in kindergarten on the development of speech in children with speech disorders, I came to the following conclusions.
1. Together with a speech therapist, the educator plans classes on the development of speech, familiarization with the outside world, preparation for literacy and preparation of the hand for writing. Continuity in the work of a speech therapist and educator involves not only joint planning, but also the exchange of information, a discussion of the achievements of children, both in speech and in other classes.
2. The teacher in specialized kindergartens performs, in addition to general educational tasks, a number of correctional tasks, the essence of which is to eliminate shortcomings in the sensory, affective-volitional, intellectual spheres caused by the shortcomings of the speech defect. The educator should pay special attention to the development of perception, visual-figurative and verbal-logical thinking, the development of interest in knowledge.
3. Pedagogically justified interaction between the educator and the speech therapist, uniting their efforts in the interests of speech correction in children, is based on the creation of a benevolent environment in a specialized group of kindergarten. The psychological atmosphere in the children's team strengthens children's faith in their own abilities, allows you to smooth out negative experiences associated with speech inferiority.
4. The work of an educator in the development of speech in many cases precedes speech therapy classes, prepares children for the perception of material in future speech therapy classes, thereby providing a basis for the formation of speech knowledge and skills. In other cases, the educator focuses his attention on consolidating the results achieved by children in speech therapy classes.
5. The task of the educator includes daily monitoring of the state of speech activity of children. The speech of the educator in everyday communication with children is important. It should serve as a model for children with speech disorders.
6. The interaction of a speech therapist and educator is necessary because the elimination of speech defects requires an integrated approach, since speech disorders are associated with a number of reasons, both biological and psychological.