Are you an adult. Quiz: How mature are you?

To pass this numerological test, you need to add up all the numbers of your date of birth: for example, October 15, 1984 = 15 + 10 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 4 = 47.

Please note that when counting, the date or month of birth is not divided into units and tens. The date or month of birth, consisting of two digits, must be added in its entirety.

You should get a two-digit number no higher than 59.

If the two-digit number is greater than 59, then add it up again.

A two-digit number is your destiny, the influence of higher powers and the result of what your future is.


From 1 to 9. Zero level

In addition to the tasks of the family, you no longer have any karmic goals, you do not need self-development, and you can do anything. The only condition: life according to the law of conscience.

From 10 to 19. First level

The primary attention for you is the development of your personality, the improvement of the spirit and the education of the will. Earthly affairs are waiting for people like you, and high matters are not for you.

From 20 to 29. Level two

A person who is at this level must work out earthly karma, while relying on his origins, on the experience of his ancestors. Develop intuition, learn to control your own subconscious.

From 30 to 39. Third level

The level of people capable of influencing the consciousness of others. If you are on the third level of incarnation, then know that your credo in this life is to teach others a spiritual outlook on life, the basics of being. Therefore, you yourself need to learn a lot in order to pass on your knowledge to others.

From 40 to 49. Fourth level

Intellectual, philosopher, teacher. Your goal is the desire to know the highest meaning of being, the foundations of the universe and thus reach a new level of consciousness.

From 50 to 59. Fifth level

You are an observer, an intermediary between the Higher Mind and people. Such a person is a carrier of secret information. Your goal is to work on yourself in solitude. However, this does not mean at all that all Level 5 carriers are always bright and clean. Very often these are the minions of fate, who receive all the benefits more easily than the rest. It often happens that these people, ceasing to look after themselves and educate their souls, sink. They begin to live by consumption. But to whom much is given, much will be required!

10 - lucky number. A sign of honor, self-confidence. Ups sign. Very auspicious for the future.

11 is a complex number. Warns of hidden danger, trials and treason.

12 - a symbol of suffering and anxiety. A person of number 12 may fall victim to intrigues. You should not climb on the rampage and join all kinds of alliances and organizations to fight against something.

13 - a sign of a change in plans, a place of stay, warns of danger. The ancients said that the one who understands the number 13 receives strength and power.

14 - warns a person about danger from natural elements. Along with this, it has a positive effect on transactions, business, but with a certain risk. In the future, you should be very careful.

15 - the owners of this number have a remarkable temperament, combined with personal magnetism, which they use to achieve their goals. More often these are people of oratory and music.

16 - a messenger of future disasters and the collapse of plans. This is the number of evil fate that can befall a person, so you need to make decisions very carefully.

17 - a highly spiritual number. Brings the owner happiness, freedom and changes in life.

18 - the number of destruction of the spiritual side of the world. These are hard-hearted people: family brawlers and despots, fighters, participants in various kinds of covens and revolutions. It is also a label of "black" business, deceit and betrayal by others.

19 - this is a symbol of the Sun and therefore an incredibly auspicious number that brings happiness, success, respect and recognition.

20 This number has a dual nature. On the one hand, this is a call to action, the implementation of new plans, but these plans must be truly grandiose. On the other hand, these are obstacles on the way. You can overcome them by developing the spiritual principle in a person.

21 is the universe. The number of honor, vitality and success. It means victory after the battle. A very lucky number in terms of the future.

22, 58 - the number of a kind, trusting person with a bag of mistakes over his shoulders. Warns the owners of delusions, that they live in captivity of illusions and awaken only in the hour of danger. For the future number requires caution in everything.

23, 59 - have a magical effect, portend success, help in business and career. This is a good sign that promises good luck in all your endeavors.

6, 24, 33, 42 - lucky numbers: support in all new affairs, good luck in love. In relation to the future, a favorable sign.

25, 34 - the ability to comprehend life through one's own experience. The number cannot be called lucky. Due to its nature, its owner is subjected to serious tests. But in the future, everything is favorable, because a person, guided by his life experience, will not make the same mistake twice.

26, 35, 44, 53 - mortal danger in the future. Such a person has a heightened premonition of catastrophes, a highly developed intuition in this regard. Over the years, you need to be as careful as possible.

27, 36, 45, 54 - good sign. The owner of these numbers is rewarded due to productive thinking, creative work and high intelligence. In relation to the future, the number is favorable.

28, 55 is a very contradictory sign. You have great abilities. But these are people with half-truths in their minds and with opposition to the law. They tend to go through life only a comfortable path. Not pioneers. In relation to the future, not a very favorable number.

29, 38, 47, 56 - you can expect insincerity, deceit and even betrayal from others. The owner of the number will constantly face ordeals, betrayals from friends and the opposite sex. The future carries increased danger.

30, 39, 48, 57 - a sign of mental, intellectual superiority over others. However, you do not hide your craving for material wealth. The sign is neutral. It does not portend either happiness or unhappiness. It all depends on the desire of the owner.

31, 40, 49 - are similar to the previous ones, except that these people are self-absorbed, often lonely, even being in the thick of things. From a material point of view, the number is quite unfortunate.

32, 41, 50 - this sign has the same magical power as 23. A person is in harmonious relations with a large number of people. The sign is favorable for the future.

37, 46 - a sign of goodness, happy love and friendship. Harmony with the opposite sex and good luck in joint projects. Favorable for the future.

43, 52 - a rather unlucky sign. It symbolizes revolution, coup, trials and blows of fate. The future is unfavorable.

51 - a sign of great potential, the nature of a warrior. Envisions an unexpected career. Favorable to the military, sailors, as well as leaders.

Of course, you should not rely solely on numerology, since the fate of a person depends on many other factors. However, sometimes it does not hurt to listen to the magic of numbers and draw conclusions.

This test will allow you to find out the level of your spiritual development, i.e. maturity of your soul. Is she young or already experienced? Is she just beginning to explore this complex world or has she come with a special mission to change it and give it something that it has never had before? Try to find out with this quiz.

During this test, you will need to enter some of your data on the basis of which you will find out the level of your spiritual development (maturity of the soul). Try to answer the test questions sincerely to get the most accurate analysis.

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Adulthood does not mean growing up. A person becomes an adult when he enters a new phase of his life and begins to take work, relationships with people and his future more seriously. An adult has thoughts about his future needs, and superficial entertainment and meaningless affairs no longer seem so attractive. If you feel like you're stuck in adolescence and you feel the need to become a more mature person, you should check if you're ready for the next stage in your life. Remember that all adults are different. Perhaps what describes other adults will not apply to you.


Analysis of relationships with people

    Assess the quality of relationships with people. As people get older, it becomes harder to maintain friendships. Your circle of friends may become wider, but close friendships may become less. Perhaps you have a few friends you've known since childhood and a few new friends that have come along. Think about how long you have been in touch with people, both romantic and friendly.

    • Are you able to maintain strong relationships with people for a long time?
    • Are you able to overcome difficult stages in life without losing touch with friends?
    • Have you been in a long-term stable romantic relationship?
    • If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are growing up.
  1. Analyze how well you manage to resolve conflicts. Even the most mature people have arguments. How you behave in a conflict situation says more about you than what caused the conflict. Adults are aware that all people are different and remain calm. They may agree, disagree, or compromise. They also know when to apologize and are good at forgiving.

    • Remember that an adult and a passive person are two different things. Just because you never fight back doesn't mean you've matured.
  2. Think about what you want from a romantic relationship. Young immature people need bright emotions and passion. When a person grows up, he begins to look for a partner who is not only interesting, but also suitable in character. Ask yourself the questions below. If you answer yes to them, most likely, your relationship can be called mature.

    Imagine the perfect event. Where does it go? How many people are there? What do you do? In their youth, many people like noisy crowded parties in clubs or bars. As people get older, they begin to appreciate quieter activities with friends more. Sometimes you may want to go to a noisy party, but dinner and board games at home seem more interesting to you.

    • If socializing and talking to people means more to you than parties and alcohol, that's a sign that you're maturing.
  3. Think about how you treat children. When a person grows up, he begins to separate himself from the younger generation. You may not like the musical preferences, clothes and entertainment of young people. You may not even approve of what they choose in life and their behavior (you think that your generation is better brought up). However, you can also admire their innocence, playfulness, humor, and freedom from duty, since all these qualities people often lose with age. This means that you no longer belong to this group and consider yourself an adult.

    Attitude towards obligations

    1. Make a list of your obligations and tasks. An adult person not only has obligations, but is also able to cope with them on time. Think about what is in your area of ​​responsibility. Are you able to complete all tasks on time and without reminders? Here is a small list of responsibilities that adults often have:

      • child care;
      • caring for elderly parents;
      • payment of rent or housing loan;
      • maintaining the car in working condition;
      • grocery shopping and cooking for the family.
    2. Think about your priorities. In adolescence, the main priorities are to take care of yourself and have fun. With age, priorities change and begin to include caring for others. For example:

      • You may be worried about health, pension, debts.
      • You may be looking for financial stability rather than wealth.
      • You can start saving money for your children's education and medical expenses.
      • You may even be considering what to do if you or your spouse dies.
    3. Think about your living conditions. Being independent is one of the main goals of an adult. If you know how to clean the apartment, do minor repairs around the house, and generally keep the house in order, you can say that you are an adult. Answer the following questions:

    4. Consider who is dependent on you. Being an adult means taking care not only of yourself, but also of others. Maybe some people depend on you. Having dependent people is a sign of maturity. If you can answer yes to at least one of the following questions, then you have adult responsibilities:

      • Do you manage a team at work? Are you responsible for specific clients? Are you required to perform certain tasks? Do you do carpooling?
      • Do you care about family members? Do you have any children? Do you have pets? Are there sick or disabled people in your family?
      • Do you help your friends when they need help? Are you responsible for certain friendly activities?
    5. Assess your financial situation. Many people consider financial stability a sign of growing up. However, not all young people manage to quickly achieve financial independence, and many turn to their parents for help for some time. Analyze your financial situation. How good are you at making money? Ask yourself the questions below. If you answer yes to many of these questions, it means that you can be considered financially independent.

      • Do you pay taxes?
      • Are you paying rent or a home loan? Are you able to pay everything on time?
      • Are you saving money? Do you invest in them?
      • Do you pay all bills on time?
      • Are you worried about your credit history?
      • Do you have debts? Are you able to pay them on time?

    Way of thinking and habits

    1. Think about the future. Where do you see yourself in five years? Ten years? Do you have a plan or are you just waiting for something to happen to you? In childhood, a person lives in the present moment. Perhaps he is thinking about what will happen tomorrow or in the coming months. An adult person seriously evaluates his future. He may strive to do something that will affect the future and seek stability rather than adventure. Growing up can manifest itself in different ways:

      • You have decided to save money for retirement.
      • You have started to buy more expensive and durable items that will last a long time, instead of cheap items that you plan to quickly throw away.
      • You are planning to become a parent. If you already have children, you are making plans for their future, not just your own.
    2. Think about how important health is to you. The more mature a person becomes, the more clearly he understands how his decisions affect health. A person begins to think about nutrition and sports. He may also start exercising more to maintain his figure. A person may experience death. Think about your relationship with your own health.

      • Do you suffer from joint pain or lack of flexibility?
      • Do you exercise for longevity?
      • Do you exercise because of heart problems or to solve some health problem (for example, high cholesterol)?
      • Are you worried about the high levels of salt, fat and sugar in your diet?
      • How often do you think about your death?
    3. Think about how you make decisions. In youth, people are often guided by what their peers, relatives and society will think of them. They can make decisions based on the wishes of their parents or what is considered acceptable and expected in their environment. If you are able to make decisions based on their interests, it speaks of maturity.

      • There may come a point in life when you stop considering the opinions of others important and start doing what makes you happy. Your desires may meet the expectations of others, but they may also contradict them.
    4. Analyze how your tastes have changed. What did you like 10-20 years ago and don't like now? What do you like now that you didn't like before? Perhaps you have reconsidered your attitude to things that seemed boring or unpleasant to you. Here are some signs of growing up:

      • You may decide that the music that teenagers and students like is just awful compared to the music you listened to at their age.
      • You may enjoy movies and shows that you found boring.
      • You have a desire to think over the design of the house and remove posters from the walls.
      • You like to cook, not buy fast food.
    5. Assess your habits. Adults often have many habits that define their way of life. Think about these habits. What do you do everyday? Can you opt out of any of these cases? Do certain rituals help in overcoming difficult situations? These habits can be:

      • a cup of coffee every morning;
      • dating your spouse on the same day every week;
      • inability to go to bed without brushing your teeth;
      • dinner at the same time every day.
    6. Being polite can also be a sign of growing up. For example, you stopped calling people by their nicknames and address them by their first names.
    7. Age is not a criterion for maturity. Some may be completely independent at 18, while others may find it difficult to grow up in their 30s or even 40s.
    8. Warnings

    • Many signs of growing up are due to the culture of the country and depend on a number of circumstances. In each case, a person makes a choice. Perhaps you will not give up your love of sweets and remain a sweet tooth for life. Perhaps you will never be able to become a neater person, do not like to get up early in the morning and do not dress or behave according to age.
    • Becoming an adult does not mean giving up everything interesting. Don't take yourself too seriously. An adult who can see the world through the eyes of a child will never lose his curiosity and wonder. Just don't confuse this with childish behavior.
    • The biggest danger of growing up is that people don't have much time in their lives, so they often give up what they love and do what they find boring just because they want to conform to social norms. Refusal of artificial restrictions will allow you to maintain youth and interest in life.

Many feel a sense of nostalgia for childhood, continuing to stay in it. Are you a mature person or an eternal child? To find out, take the test!

1. Cartoons that were shown on TV when you were little (s) ...

a) you vaguely remember them;

b) you can easily sing their background music;

c) you have a complete collection of them on video.

2. The last game you played on your computer...

a) football (hockey, tennis);

b) solitaire;

c) shooter.

3. You will never miss...

a) a new film by Woody Allen;

b) the "last" James Bond;

c) continuation of your favorite animated film.

4. Being a parent to you…

a) very responsible;

b) I am not in a hurry with this question;

c) I have already become one.

5. Your spouse gave you a jumper that you yourself would never have bought. You…

a) tell him (her) everything: he (s) still does not know your tastes;

b) without holding back a smile, put the thing away in the closet;

d) gratefully accept and wear - he (s) wanted to please you.

6. Your mother for you ...

a) mother;

b) a person who can be trusted;

c) friend.

a) one who has a clear plan for April Fool's Day with all the ensuing "consequences" for others;

b) one who is limited to a couple of not entirely new jokes;

c) the one who looks for April Fool's ducks in the newspapers.

8. You find the fashion for scooters ...

a) amusing

b) cool;

c) not serious.

9. You lent your car to a friend (girlfriend), and as a result, the fender was dented. You…

a) never lend him (her) anything else;

b) do not talk to him (her) for a week, then forget about what happened;

c) say that it’s not scary: this could happen to you too.

10. When the blues hits you, you...

a) pounce on chocolates and cakes;

b) go to unwind;

c) Call your best friend(s).

Calculate the scores using the table and review the findings.

30-24 points: You haven't grown up yet! Your charm, of course, can not leave anyone indifferent. But have you ever wanted to be a little more mature? Most likely, you are not always easy to appreciate, you make a "frivolous" impression. Pull yourself together, become responsible and finally more independent. You will see that wearing a formal suit from time to time is not fatal. But do not kill the child in yourself, but learn to "be" him consciously!

23-17 points: A child at heart, you know how to act “like an adult”, take responsibility and not depend on anyone. Jokes typical of a teenager, or buying a bright gadget of the latest model - why not, if you need to raise your emotional mood? The spirit of "school change" is not forgotten, you actively allow it in easy communication with friends. In general, you managed to find the golden mean!

16-10 points: Your childhood is far behind you. But aren't you too serious? Sometimes it's good to relieve stress. Work on your speech, try sometimes to speak without thinking. Buy yourself a scooter! You will see how, by returning some childhood habits, you will find a feeling of lightness and joy.

When needed: to determine the psychological age and the corresponding personality characteristics.


You have 10 questions. Choose the answer option (“A”, “B”, or “C”) that best matches your beliefs and opinions about yourself. Highlight your answer with a tick or circle.


1. Do you like your body?
A. To be honest, I have something to complex about (I have a lot of imperfections).
B. More often than not.
Q. Yes, I have come to terms with my shortcomings.

2. Do you like your work?
A. I like what I do.
B. I don't like to work.
Q. Not always, but there are moments when you really like it (this rarely happens).

3. If something works out for you:
A. Your self-esteem rises.
B. You experience surprise and joy.
Q. For you, this is a matter of course.

4. If you urgently need to resolve a serious business issue, you:
A. Try to solve it yourself in a short time.
B. Asking for help from others or shifting responsibility onto someone else's shoulders.
B. Postpone his decision for a short time in order to come to the right conclusions and develop further tactics for doing business.

5. You receive very good news. At the first moment you:
A. You pretend that it doesn't matter to you.
B. You can't believe it.
C. A feeling of joy overwhelms you.

6. Do you often blame yourself for failures in life?
A. Rarely.
B. All my troubles are to blame for life circumstances, sometimes those around me, but not myself.
B. It happens sometimes.

7. When you get paid, do you:
A. Go shopping.
B. Distribute debts.
C. You immediately put aside part of the money to the account, which you replenish monthly.

8. Having become ill with a chronic illness, you:
A. You yourself try to do everything for recovery.
B. It does not bother you much, leave everything as it is.
B. Go to doctors and pharmacies.

9. Which phrase is closer to you?
A. All's well that ends well.
B. Accept everything as it is.
B. Everything that is done is for the best.

10. Do you have a dream?
A. I prefer to make plans for life, rather than soar in the clouds.
B. Yes, I love to dream.
B. No. Everything that I dreamed about has already been realized.

The key to the test for determining the psychological age of a person


The test for determining the psychological age allows you to assess the self-perception and psychological tone of the candidate or employee.

Key to the test

Count which answers the respondent singled out more - "A", "B" or "C".

If there are more “A” answers: the person being assessed belongs to the “teenager” group. He is characterized by complexes and some self-doubt, as well as maximalism, which does not allow him to grow up and become an independent person.

If there are more “B” answers: the assessed person belongs to the “child” group. If the answers "B" were given to more than 90 percent of the questions, then the assessed person is referred to the "adorable baby" group.

If more answers are “B”: the assessed person is an independent, mature person, an “adult” who can “turn on” an inner teenager or child at the right time. At the same time, the assessed person knows how to solve important issues, enjoy life and create.

If the person being assessed in the questionnaire has more than 90 percent of the answers "B", then he belongs to the "superstar" group and does not know how to show the qualities of a "child" and "teenager", which complicates his personality and relationship with him.


"Adorable Baby"

Psychological age 7-12 years.

When a person ignores the demands and norms of his inner teenager and adult, then the essence of the child begins to take precedence over the other two. In psychology, there is a term for such people: carriers of the Peter Pan syndrome. Carefree child Peter Pan does not want to participate in the difficult adult life. On the one hand, he is a charming "baby", on the other hand, he is an egocentric monster who believes that the world should revolve around his beloved.

Work, responsibility, the need to earn money and run a household - all this makes the “baby” bored and afraid. Life should bring him only pleasure. Therefore, the "adorable baby" loves computer games, participate in costume parties, various bright fun contests.

The “big kid” is absolutely not adapted to life - a 30- or 40-year-old person can be interrupted by odd jobs, have no family and live life in a nightclub or on the couch in front of the TV.

Many “kids” consider study and work to be boring activities. Therefore, they often bypass the university, getting a job. At work, as a rule, they have a hard time, because, in their opinion, the authorities do not understand them and their colleagues are boring. As a result, they often change locations. These "children" are irresponsible, they can overwhelm the project, because "there is no inspiration." By the end of the working day, they always do not have time, they work under duress, trying to stay on sick leave if possible. Such people are ready to spend all the money they earn on new gadgets or video games (to the detriment of utility bills).

"Big kids" perceive people in terms of usefulness and necessity. One can quickly fix his car - which means he is good for friends, the other is ready at any moment to make a company for going to the club - a good friend. Friendship implies mutual obligations, which Peter Pan is not capable of observing - as a result, he does not have true friends, but there are acquaintances.

Relationships with the "big kid" are always on edge. He, like all children, is often offended, calls names and wants the world to revolve only around him.

Such people, as a rule, do not occupy high posts. But, even being content with an ordinary position, they can pretty much spoil the nerves of their colleagues. For example, they are the best tellers to the authorities, so next to the "child" you need to keep your eyes open. If he doesn't like you, he may even assemble a coalition of employees against you. Therefore, it is better to stay away from this "little vengeful dirty trick." You need to communicate with him affectionately, listen or pretend that you are listening to him. It is better not to tell anything about yourself, otherwise someday it can be used against you.

A "kind child" is sweet and charming, but if decisive action is expected from him, he may be afraid of this. His emotional development remained at the initial level - it is difficult for him to understand what society wants from him: colleagues, leader. Therefore, if the "child" is included in the work of the team, then all his actions must be controlled and the result rechecked.

With subordinates or colleagues, the “child” can be very cruel, as he unconsciously competes for the attention of the “mom” - the leader. Not adapted to everyday life.

"The Eternal Teen"

Psychological age 16–18 years.

If for some reason a person’s maturation has not ended, then psychologically he is not a “pretty baby”, but not yet an adult - he is an “eternal teenager”. He has the same fears of a cruel world, but he stands firmly on his feet and tries to resist everything alien, showing nihilism and maximalism. The teenager has an iron will and a great desire to take place in life. At the same time, low self-esteem, which he is trying to increase at the expense of someone.

"Teens" are good manipulators: they are ready to "walk over corpses" without looking back. They do not analyze their actions at all, they cut from the shoulder. They are not interested in the feelings of others, because such people lack empathy (the ability to empathize).

As a rule, three components: risk, disregard for others and talent for manipulation allow "teenagers" to successfully move up the career ladder.

Due to the lack of empathy, the “teenager” develops difficult relationships with loved ones. The teenager believes that it is possible to humiliate relatives, push them around, because they love him - they definitely will not be followed by reciprocal aggression. Hence the frequent conflicts in the family and among friends-colleagues who feel sympathy for them. At the same time, “teenagers” choose a driven person, ready to endure humiliation, as friends.

If you want a “teenager” to be part of a team, you need to give him simple, yet ambitious tasks, and also often present small positive surprises.

Only when the “teenager” stops worrying about what others think about him, he begins to take a calmer view of what is happening around him, stops chopping off his shoulder when it is necessary to make an important decision, and gets rid of the habit of blaming everyone around him for his troubles. Until this period, these qualities interfere with his work.


Psychological age - 60-70 years.

If the test does not contain answers characteristic of a “child” and a “teenager”, then the assessed person is referred not just to the group of “adults”, but to the group with the dominant qualities of the inner adult - the “superstar” - a personality in which the inner child and a teenager who looks like a very old man.

People of this group, as a rule, do not like entertainment, they constantly criticize everything and everyone around, make plans for many years to come, trying to strictly adhere to what was planned.

They don't like change - it scares them, so the "superstars" work in one place for a long time. As a rule, such individuals choose "exact" professions - everything that requires a rigorous calculation and a strict procedure. They are responsible, honestly perform everything on time with virtually no errors. And they demand the same attitude to work from colleagues: they do not tolerate when colleagues are late, miss deadlines, do not fulfill the terms of the contract, fail or do everything at the last moment.

This is a rather complex psychotype, to which you need to look for your own approach. It's not uncommon for "superstars" to become leaders. Then wartime comes for subordinates with mandatory "curfews" and rare "leaves". Such leaders rarely deviate from instructions, rules and established norms of behavior.

Feelings such individuals keep in themselves and show rather dryly. They need to follow their orders, but in relation to the instructions of the leadership, they are often very responsible. At the same time, they almost always have their own point of view, and if it does not coincide with the opinion of the leadership, they can either lie low and become a source of sabotage, or openly express and start a “war” with the leader.