Tasks for the admission of children to school. Exercise for the development of observation

Soon to school. Admission to the first class is a particularly responsible matter.
Requirements for the preparation of children have increased. The interview or psychological testing plays a major role in the decision to enroll in a school.
Gotta get ready!

Parents are increasingly faced with the fact that interviews turn into real exams, and admission not only to gymnasiums and lyceums, but also to regular schools (!) Is carried out on a competitive basis. Does this mean that for toddlers who have not received special training, the chances of enrolling in first grade are close to zero? Strictly speaking, no, because according to the decrees of the Ministry of Education and Science, all children who have reached school age are admitted to the first grade of a general education institution, regardless of their level of preparation and residence in the territory to which the school is assigned.

A prerequisite for enrollment in the first grade is that the child reaches the age of at least 6.5 years by the beginning of the school year. Only the lack of free places sometimes serves as a reason for refusing to admit children who do not live in the nearest microdistrict. No one also has the right to demand the ability to read and write from a future first-grader - all tests and assignments are checked only intellectual development of the baby.

The main task of testing should be to familiarize teachers with children entering the school and the possibility of adjusting the training program depending on the level of their general development. Thus, the results of any interviews conducted with the child are only advisory in nature, otherwise it is considered a violation of the current legislation.

However, to neglect the preparation for school is still not worth it. Having made, after the interview, the first impression of the child, the teacher will not change it soon. This process is individual in each case and depends on the abilities and character of a particular child, as well as external conditions (peculiarities of upbringing in the family, "experience" acquired in a preschool institution, etc.). Parents need to focus on approximately two to three months of regular classes for the development of logic, thinking and memory. In any case, such a training will be very useful and will definitely come in handy for a future first grader. Loving parents themselves will perfectly prepare the child for admission testing in the 1st grade, and in a school of any level. Testing the child, as a rule, the future first teacher. We assure you that she will develop the most favorable, positive attitude towards your “wunderkind” after brilliant answers to “tricky questions” for which the baby was prepared at home!

Interviews usually check the following aspects: perception, memory, attention and concentration, thinking, motor skills, speech. They also ask questions on the topics "World around", "City", "Daily routine". The tests also include simple arithmetic problems.

In aspect PERCEPTIONS Of great importance is the visual memory of the child, his ability to memorize colors, shapes, components of objects. The task for perception can be formulated, for example, in this way: draw a dragonfly (Fig. 1).

MEMORY- one of the most difficult aspects. As a screening test, they most often offer a series of simple pictures or geometric shapes that must be remembered in 10-20 seconds and then drawn on a blank sheet. This often requires more training.

On the ^ ATTENTION AND CONCENTRATION there are separate tasks. For example: memorize the drawing with dots and try to repeat it (Fig. 2). To the right are the options for performing the test.)

^ To test the THINKING of a future first grader, the following tasks are offered:

1. Name as many similarities and differences as possible:

  • cat and dog (pets, tail, ears, whiskers, hair; scratches/bites, meows/barks, catches mice/guards the house, etc.);
  • shepherd and cow (legs, nose, alive, moving; man/animal, talking/mooing, etc.);
  • crow and pike (tail, breathe, feed; bird / fish, flies / swims, croaks / is silent, etc.).

2. Draw the fourth boat so as to keep the pattern (Fig. 3).

The development of MOTOR SKILLS of a future student is often tested using a practical task, for example: draw a little man. The evaluation criteria here are the adequacy and accuracy of the image (Fig. 4).

Tests from the SPEECH DEVELOPMENT section may sound like this.

1. Name in one word:

  • A boy who goes to school (student);
  • woman playing tennis (tennis player);
  • a person who plays the piano (pianist).
  • If a horse is made of wood, what is it like? (Wooden.)
  • If dad has dark hair, what is he like? (Dark-haired).
  • If it's raining today, what day is it? (Rainy).

2. Say it right:

  • One mitten, but many (mittens).
  • One ball, but many (balls).
  • One tree, but many (trees).

In addition, you need to know words that are close and opposite in meaning (synonyms and antonyms), be able to break words into syllables, distinguish between vowels and consonants, and rhyme words (bear - bump). Often children are given tasks write a story from a picture. It is useful to learn a few short poems and simple tongue twisters with the baby (“A good pie is a curd inside”), practice solving popular riddles (“A girl is sitting in a dungeon, and a braid is on the street”).

^ When talking on the topic "The world around" the child should know:

  • names of insects, animals, their young, habits and habitat;
  • be able to divide them into groups (wild and domestic, predators and herbivores);
  • know the names of plants (trees, flowers, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms), as well as their division into edible and inedible.

An important place in the conversation between a teacher and a preschooler is occupied by the topic “City”. The kid needs to be able to navigate well in the rules of behavior for pedestrians on the road, determine the type of transport, correlate stores and goods sold in them, and distinguish between professions. The child must learn your home address and phone number. Knowledge of the seasons and days, the ability to determine the time both by electronic and conventional clocks will come in handy when answering questions on the topic “Daily routine”. In order to boldly solve problems in mathematics in the future, the future first-grader must count from 1 to 20, solve the simplest examples for subtraction and addition (such as 3-1 =…; 4 + 4 =…; 15-2 =…; 20-9 =… ; 10 + 1 = ...) and recognize the signs "greater than", "less than" and "equal to". The kid can be offered such a picture with the task: where are there more balls? (Fig.5).
According to the rules of the interview only full, clear and specific answers count to the questions posed. For example, if you want to give the last name, first name and patronymic of the pope, then the correct answer is: "My dad's name is Mikhail Vasilyevich Ivanov," and the wrong one: "Papa Misha."

Children need to respond quickly enough to tasks - they give little time for reflection. Has the meaning pre-workout at home even if the child is generally well prepared.

It should be borne in mind that, getting into an unusual environment, children often become nervous and often, having the necessary knowledge, they are not able to concentrate and give the correct answer.

An unfamiliar place, strangers - all this creates a stressful situation, especially for kids who have not attended preschool institutions. Therefore, parents need to take care of the moral and psychological preparation of the preschooler. Parents can easily check, expand and strengthen the child's knowledge on their own: methodological manuals and collections of test tasks are widely presented in bookstores. Such manuals usually contain numerous options for exercises and logical tasks formulated in a form that is understandable to the preschooler and provided with illustrative material.

When enrolling a child in the first grade, parents inevitably think about the readiness for teaching their son or daughter. Let's try to succinctly formulate the skills and abilities that any child must possess in order to enter a normal, mass school and successfully adapt to the learning process in its initial link.

So, a child entering school must:

  1. Be able to identify yourself (full name, patronymic, surname). Be able to fully name mom, dad, grandmother.
  2. Know the seasons, the number and names of months in a year, days in a week. Know what season it is, what month it is, what day it is. Be able to answer questions like "When do birds fly south?", "When is it cold and snowing?", "On what day do people rest and don't go to work?", "At what time of the year do the leaves turn yellow and fall off?", " When do we pick mushrooms and berries? etc.
  3. Be able to read (possibly by syllables) a small and very simple text of several sentences.
  4. Be able to write (or copy) a simple phrase. For example: "He ate soup", "Misha washed the window".
  5. Direct and reverse counting within twenty (1, 2...20; 20, 19...1).
  6. Be able to add and subtract numbers within the first ten.
  7. Possess the skill of generalization on the basis. That is, from the proposed pictures, the child should be able to choose those that have something in common. For example, if pictures of a tram, a wheel, an apple, a cat, and a bus are offered, then the child should put the tram and bus aside and say that these are vehicles or vehicles, or "people ride them." If a series of words is offered: "shoes, boots, slippers", then the child must choose a word that applies to all of them. In this case, the word is "shoes".
  8. Master the skill of exclusion from a row. A number of words have been proposed: "cheese, butter, plasticine, sausage." The child must not only exclude the "superfluous" word "plasticine", but also (most importantly!) Explain why it is he who is superfluous. "Plasticine is superfluous because it is molded. It is inedible. And everything else is food. They eat it."
  9. Find similarities and differences between objects.
    • What do carrots and potatoes have in common?
    • They are both vegetables, they are eaten, they are used to make soup, they grow in the ground, they have a peel, etc.
    • And how do they differ from each other?
    • They differ in shape. Carrots are so triangular, and potatoes are round or oval. And they also differ in color. Carrots are orange and potatoes are brown.
  1. Be able to compose a story from a picture or a series of pictures. In some schools, children are asked to first arrange the pictures in the correct order, and then tell a story from them. The story should be coherent, have a beginning and an end. At least a mention of the emotional state of the characters is highly encouraged ("In this picture, the girl is sad because her balloon flew away", "The boy was very offended", "The children were glad that they had built a slide", etc.)
  2. Know the basic geometric shapes (circle, oval, triangle, square, rectangle) and see their combinations (there are two triangles and one square in this picture). Know how to draw them.
  3. Memorize 5-7 out of 10 clearly named simple words.
  4. Remember and name at least six of the 12 pictures simultaneously shown to the child within 30 seconds.
  5. To be able, at the request of the teacher, to recite a short poem by heart.
  6. Be able to answer questions like "What happens first: lunch or dinner? Spring or summer?", "Who is bigger: a cow or a goat? A bird or a bee?", "A cow has a cub - a calf. And a horse?"
  7. Know 10-12 primary colors.
  8. Be able to draw a human figure with all the main parts of the body (including the neck, fingers, etc.).

Most schools do not currently test for admission. There are also educational institutions for which this list of skills and abilities will be too short or simple. What we have listed is the basic level: if it is, then the child, in principle, is able to study and master the primary school curriculum.


I'm embarrassed to ask - what will they teach in the first grade if the children know and can do all this. zadolbali poor children with their preparations, instead of games they sit and learn all sorts of garbage, and then somatics rush from all the cracks and begin to drag them to the doctors.

04/24/2017 05:37:39 PM, you can go crazy

We also had the same points, but they didn’t ask to read. And in the special schools testing is much more difficult, according to the profile of the school. But children usually study, prepare, so it’s not difficult for them, if, of course, the child generally has the ability for the profile that his parents chose for him)

Our testing program at school turned out to be a little more complicated; everything is the same, the points are the same, but the tasks themselves are more difficult, for example, to be able to read the text in a large paragraph and be able to retell it, but it’s true that all parents of future first-graders were warned about this after the new year and therefore there was time to prepare. We did not count on our own strength, all adults work for us from dawn to dusk, so we immediately turned to the center for preparing for school. Fortunately, now this is not a problem, and there are many educational courses, so the question is always only in choosing a program and how far from home are they. Well, it seems to me that the author of the article missed the moment of psychological preparation for school, but this is very important! The child in the kindergarten and the requirements are the same, but here the school is a new life, completely different requirements) You must be able to listen, you must be able to obey the requirements of the teacher, be able to maintain attention and concentration for a long time, everything is different, this, dad-mother, will not be taught! We specifically chose courses to prepare a child in this regard, as it is not surprising that there were not very many of them in Moscow, i.e. you come, talk, they completely agree with you, but seem to let you pass by your ears ... Only at the "presidential school", they paid attention to my fears and understood that I was actually talking! So, which of the parents of future first-graders agrees with me about the psychological component of preparing for the first grade, you can keep these courses in mind!

Comment on the article "Entry to grade 1: 17 questions and tasks for testing"

What should a child be able to do before school? School maturity test. And readiness for school is determined by the quality of the child's adaptation to Is the child ready for school at 6 years old? What makes up school readiness? Go to first grade at 6.5 or 7.5? Psychologist's opinion.

The school is English, there were children in the class who could and who could not. With those who did not know how, the teacher dealt with depending on the relationship with the parents. I think everything should be taught in school. If a child knows everything, then what will teachers get paid for?


No need. All the same, some of the children will not be able to read, and all the same, everyone will be taught from the ABCs from the basics. My practically did not know how to read, it did not affect academic performance in any way. The girl who read the best in the class is not the first in the class in terms of academic performance.

the better he reads, the more attention can be paid to other full-fledged sciences
and not read the condition of the problem by syllables
they will teach, of course, they teach those who do not read at all
but they are not excellent

I know what the child has learned, but I am afraid that this is not obvious and not enough for the school. Now he is still sick for the third week, and that's it. And I would like to know not the private opinion of a particular teacher, but objectively, according to the law - what a first-grader should know - be able to pass ...


I can only give my personal opinion. I left the elder for the 1st grade at home, we will hand it over at the end of the year to go to the second grade.
At the beginning of the year I asked the teacher:
1. Reading - 30-40 words per minute, answer questions on the text.
2. Mathematics: addition-subtraction within 20, if Peterson - then within 100 with a transition through a dozen. Solving text problems: in one step (finding the amount, how much more / less, how much is left, etc.) and in two steps (Vasya has 5 pieces, Petya has 2 more, how many in total). The ratio of dm-cm, the concept of a curve, a straight line, a segment.
3. The world around - depending on the textbook. In general: living-non-living - the difference, insects, birds, animals (mammals), fish, reptiles - general information, structure, Russia - the capital, coat of arms, anthem, plants - how animals differ, plant species.
4. Russian language: write, copy, write from dictation, dictionary words, division into syllables, hyphenation rules, exclamatory, motivating and declarative sentences, exclamatory and non-exclamatory sentences, the stem of the sentence, nouns, adjectives, verbs (in some programs, words-objects, actions, signs), prepositions with words separately, orthograms: a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence, a proper name, zhi-shi, ca-cha, chu-shu, ch-chk. In some programs related words, synonyms, antonyms. Update: the spelling is a deaf consonant at the end of a word, and the sounds are soft-hard consonants, voiced-deaf, vowels.
Somewhere I could make a mistake or forget something.

Shouldn't do anything. According to the Law on Education of the Russian Federation, there is no attestation in grade 1, which means there are no grounds for not transferring. Another thing is that they can put pressure on you, here it is at your discretion, as your intuition tells you. And to leave, and at the PMPK, they usually don’t want to teach such people. I sent all the amateurs to teach excellent students, here we are finishing the 5th grade.

Section: Preparation for school (the child cannot read before school). Good afternoon! My daughter will be 6 in a month. She does not know all the letters, she does not show much interest and grasping on the fly regarding letters.


my daughter went to school practically not reading (5-6 words per minute). I learned, of course, but I think that being able to read 25 words per minute by grade 1 would be much easier. but unfortunately before school she was practically not given reading.

Section: Education, development (what a child should know in English in grade 1). what i want to say. I'm shocked. a child at school is reputed to be abandoned (largely through the efforts of No tutors, there are no courses outside of school. What he knows / can do - reads texts (for vocabulary ...


My second grade daughter has English for the first year of study (Biboletova, Enjoy English). English lessons three times a week. There are no tutors, no courses outside the school. What he knows / knows how - reads texts (on a vocabulary of 50-100 words) - I buy books in the Biblio Globe on Lubyanka myself (Three Little Pigs, about a caterpillar), knows transcription, retells, freely builds sentences according to the constructions that they studied, talks about write essays for yourself, family, hobbies, write essays > 15 sentences - I wrote about a friend at the weekend, come up with riddles / poems with rhymes, make and sign postcards for the holidays, knows schitaki / poems.

Conference "School and additional education of children" "School and additional education of children". I understand that each school is different, but nevertheless - to whom what conditions were set? somehow it’s really cool with us: to read freely count to 20 (thanks for that ...


This is what will pass.
Learn to count to 20, read and write correctly.
For some reason, we believe that repeating will not hurt anyone.
And it’s better to let the child get bored than, God forbid, he won’t have time and he will have to deal with him already at school.
One joy is that by the end of the first class, they still begin to gradually accelerate ...

no requirements were presented, the tests were mainly for general development (memory, speech, intelligence, motor skills).

Preparing for school.. School. A child from 7 to 10. I'm afraid that I won't overdo it and retrain the child. He perceives everything well and quickly. Suddenly, having taught him the program of the first and second grades, he will be uninteresting and bored at school.


I can say a little that they are preparing for school.
Letter and sound, what is the difference. Vowels and consonants. Hard and soft consonants. Word schemes. stress. Hyphenation.
The development of speech. Generalization, i.e. clothes, dishes, shoes... Seasons and days of the week. Listen to the story and answer the questions. Name the words from the story with some letter. Make up words with some letter.
Mathematics. Forms are voluminous and flat (for example, a circle and a ball, which is different). Counting in twos, threes, fives and tens. Addition and subtraction, more than 20 is not worth it. concept
They write, sometimes they already write. But more paint, draw, outline. Tasks for attention, logic. Riddles.
And if the child is weak, the more he masters at home, the better. Look at the books of Natalia Pavlova "We write after the ABC", "We read after the ABC", mathematics according to Peterson.

03/16/2005 03:46:39 PM, LaMure
2. Lena, it seems to me that you have formulated the most effective option - >>Find immediately the teacher to whom we plan to go immediately to the second grade>>. It is better to come to the second grade in such a way that something is already familiar, because the child will already spend energy to enter a new, but for other classmates, well-established life. If the teacher is familiar, his attitudes, requirements, etc. are familiar - this is already half the battle.

3. About the standards - as far as I know, there are no clear standards. Somewhere, only the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities are required, and everything is decided by the teacher and the head teacher, somewhere, a psychologist’s conclusion is required for this. You need to find out at school, in the city or district department of education.

And I have an even more "extreme" approach. I think it's better at once in the fifth. But not at 7 years old, but later. You see, in the second grade there are children who have really managed to get to know each other in a year, create “groups” and get involved in a certain way of life that is familiar to them. Being in such a class as a "newbie" (and even without experience in the first grade) is quite difficult (IMHO). There is a risk that the child will often find himself in stressful situations. If he is strong, he will be tempered mentally, but if he is weak?
And the child can go through the entire primary school program on his own (with his parents, with a tutor) in a year - without problems. And then pass the exams for elementary school and go straight to the fifth grade. It is there that the whole style of life changes dramatically for children, new teachers appear, and the presence of a new student in the class attracts less attention than in the second grade.
(And in order to do this not at the age of 7, but later - when the child "grows up" to the 5th grade - you can do something else for the time being: for example, intensively study music or something else that attracts the child.)

Tell us what your children can do by the end of the first grade? What did you learn in school or do you know how to do at all? That's a big difference. For example, at the age of 5 my daughter read thick books, and after the 1st grade, the child should read at a speed of 50, or something, words per minute ...


And we have a large store of knowledge, although we were prepared.
1. Reading - now 98 words per minute (was 20). At the moment we are reading Homemade.
2. Mathematics - within 100 without going through a dozen (this does not apply to counting up to 20). + tasks in three actions with diagrams. + the concept of length (but this is more related to the count (1 dm is 1 ten. We didn’t ask for multiplication and we don’t know, although we understand the principle (2 * 3 is three times 2)
3. Writing - I do not take into account the ability to write as such. We write from dictation, + dictionary words, + simple rules (zhi-shi, cha-cha)
As a result, we got a lot for the first class - this is a great store of knowledge. But we will still be 7. Maybe this is the reason.

18.07.2003 11:46:49, Already second graders

Hmm, I learned, but is the school all merit? I taught to write, sat, explained, analyzed each letter, trained, so my merit is not less than 80%, modestly I am like that :))
mathematics - nothing, she knew how to do everything herself and before school, half learned multiplication in company with her older friend.
the work was very good, they sewed and glued something, and in general everything is fine
so it's nothing special

By the first grade, a child should be able to do a lot: to fully serve himself, behave in a team, obey adults and know a huge number of things: from the laws of nature to the phonetic analysis of words. And he should also be ready to answer questions about who is better - mom or teacher, how to thread a needle and how much a loaf of bread costs.

And although no one forces parents to teach future first-graders to read and solve examples in kindergarten, and there are no official exams and tests for admission to first grade in Belarus, everyone understands that you need to prepare for the first grade - especially if you are going to send your child to school, to which you do not belong by registration, or you apply for an elementary school at a prestigious gymnasium. So what should a child be able to do by the age of 6-7? After analyzing tests and tasks for children of this age on various educational sites, the correspondent came to the conclusion that we, respectable parents, don’t even think about much of what a future first grader should know or be able to do ...

A simple test for future first graders

The minimum knowledge of a future first-grader is evaluated not by the number of words that he can read per minute, and not by knowledge of the multiplication table. To assess a child's readiness for primary education, they may be asked the following questions:

  1. Give your last name, first name, patronymic.
  2. How old are you? How much will it be in a year? And after two?
  3. What are your parents' names?
  4. In the morning you have breakfast, and in the afternoon...?
  5. Compare an airplane and a bird. What do they have in common, how do they differ?
  6. Football, gymnastics, tennis, swimming is...?
  7. What needs to be done to make the water in the kettle boil?
  8. Knife - what is it? Bicycle - what is it? Kilogram - what is it?
  9. Compare square and rectangle. What do they have in common, how do they differ? What other geometric shapes do you know?
  10. What country do you live in? What is your address?
  11. Birch, oak, aspen - is it ...?
  12. What domestic, wild animals do you know? Why are they called that?
  13. A cow has a calf, a dog has ..., a horse has ...?
  14. Why does the barrier go down before the train passes?
  15. Cucumber, tomato, carrot, beet - is this...?

Every preschooler knows how to draw, as well as draw different lines on paper. But his ability to do this is most often tested in very specific ways. For example, Kern-Jirasek test.

It consists of three tasks during which the child should not be prompted:

  1. Draw a human figure (the more details the child reproduced - fingers, eyelashes, hair - the better);
  2. Copy a short phrase (for example, write “He ate soup” on a sheet and ask the child to rewrite the phrase as accurately as possible on a blank sheet);
  3. Copy 10 points located one below the other at an equal distance vertically and horizontally.

Another "drawing" test, showing the development of fine motor skills in a child, is as follows: draw a circle with a diameter of 2.5-3 cm with a compass. Let the child circle it along the contour without lifting his hand from the paper. Pay attention to how accurately he will complete the task.

Teachers also offer parents to attend school preparation courses at least a year before school, or independently develop their child’s attentiveness, observation and perseverance, offering him to perform various exercises ... For example:

"Ten Triangles" Invite the child to draw ten triangles in a row with colored pencils. When the work is completed, ask him to shade the third, seventh and ninth triangles. The task is repeated only once. The child performs it, as he understood on the first try.

"How can it be used?" Any object can be made an object for the development of the child's thinking and ingenuity. For example, a regular pencil. Ask your child how to use it? Let him come up with at least 10 options (draw like a stick, a fishing rod, a thermometer, etc.).

"Nonsense". For this task, you need to prepare pictures with absurdities - for example, vegetables hanging on trees and fruits growing on the beds. Within two minutes, the child must find all the inconsistencies shown in the picture.

Psychologists say that a child should not only be able to do many things, but also want to go to school. Does your child want to be a first grader? This can be tested by asking him a few questions. True, the test offered on many educational sites will surely cause a smile from parents who, in all honesty, would choose the “wrong” answer options ...

A test that can be used to determine whether the child wants to go to school and what attracts him there

  1. If there were two schools - one with lessons in Russian, mathematics, reading, singing, drawing and physical education, and the other with only lessons in singing, drawing and physical education - which one would you like to study in?
  2. If there were two schools - one with lessons and breaks, and the other with only breaks and no lessons - which one would you like to go to?
  3. If there were two schools - one would give tens and nines for good answers, and the other would give sweets and toys - which one would you like to study in?
  4. If there were two schools - in one you can get up only with the permission of the teacher and raise your hand if you want to ask something, and in the other you can do whatever you want in the lesson - which one would you like to study in?
  5. If a teacher in your class fell ill and the director offered to replace her with another teacher or mother, who would you choose?
  6. If there were two schools, one would give homework and the other would not, which one would you like to go to?
  7. If mom said: “You are still quite small, it’s hard for you to get up, do your homework. Stay in kindergarten and go to school next year,” would you agree with such a proposal?
  8. If mom said: “I agreed with the teacher that she would go to our house and study with you. Now you don’t have to go to school in the morning,” would you agree with such a proposal?
  9. If your friend (girlfriend) asked what you like most about school, what would you say?

Review the child's responses. 1 point is given for each correct answer, 0 points for an incorrect answer. If the child scored 5 points or more, we can safely say that he is internally ready for school.

However, let's leave the child behind. Indeed, often our parental opinion about our own child seems to us much more objective. In this case, you can try to assess the readiness of the baby for school by answering questions ...

Test for parents of future first graders

  1. Does your child want to go to school?
  2. Is your child attracted to school because he learns a lot there and it will be interesting to study there?
  3. Is your child able to do something on his own that requires concentration for 30 minutes (for example, building a construction set)?
  4. Is it true that your child is not at all shy in the presence of strangers?
  5. Does your child know how to make up stories from the picture in at least five sentences?
  6. Can your child recite a few poems by heart?
  7. Can he change nouns by numbers?
  8. Can your child read syllable by syllable or, even better, by whole words?
  9. Can your child count to 10 and back?
  10. Can he solve simple subtraction or addition problems?
  11. Is it true that your child has a firm hand?
  12. Does he like to draw and color pictures?
  13. Can your child use scissors and glue (for example, to make appliqués)?
  14. Can he assemble a cut-away picture from five parts in one minute?
  15. Does the child know the names of wild and domestic animals?
  16. Can he generalize concepts (for example, call tomatoes, carrots, onions in one word “vegetables”)?
  17. Does your child like to do things on his own - draw, assemble mosaics, etc.?
  18. Can he understand and follow verbal instructions accurately?

10-14 points - you are on the right track, the child has learned a lot, and the content of the questions to which you answered in the negative will tell you the points for further efforts;

9 or less - read special literature, try to spend more time with your child and pay special attention to what he does not know how.

Advanced test for future first graders

Parents who doubt whether to send their child to school from the age of 6 or 7 can use the tips that the portal site published in the article and in the material. If you are completely sure that your child is completely ready for the gymnasium at the age of 5, and the whole environment considers you crazy, take the test below with your child, which is used by some development centers to assess the capabilities of their pupils and answer questions which are designed to determine whether your child has all the abilities that a 6-7-year-old child needs - the one who goes to first grade ...

  1. How old is dad (mother, sister, brother)? When are their birthdays?
  2. Where and by whom does father (mother) work?
  3. What shoe size do you have?
  4. How to thread a needle?
  5. How to sew on a button?
  6. What to do if you cut your finger?
  7. What to do if you hit your head and feel sick?
  8. How to make a phone call?
  9. You swim (in a river, in a lake, in the sea). What are the signs that you need to get out of the water immediately?
  10. Where can you not eat ice cream?
  11. How to behave at the table?
  12. When does a bee sting? The difference between a bee and a wasp.
  13. What can you eat if your stomach hurts?
  14. What can not be eaten if the tooth hurts?
  15. What food do you want to drink after?
  16. How much and when can you drink in the heat?
  17. How to wash dirty dishes?
  18. Which potatoes boil faster - whole or sliced? How to fry it?
  19. How to peel old and young potatoes? How to clean carrots?
  20. Where to put leftover food, unusable?
  21. How to make tea? How much sugar should be put in a glass of tea?
  22. How much does a loaf of white (gray) bread cost?
  23. Can you bathe a dog the same way you bathe a cat? If possible, how?
  24. The apartment smelled of gas. What to do?
  25. How to clean shoes, wash a shirt?
  26. Where is the ice thicker - near the shore or in the middle of the reservoir?
  27. There is a puddle of water on the floor. Which rag is best to remove water - dry or wet?
  28. Why can't zoo visitors feed the animals?
  29. What rubbish should be swept with a wet broom?
  30. How to behave at a party?
  31. What does dad (mom) love the most?
  32. Why not play on the construction site?
  33. How many slices of bread do you need for lunch?
  34. How many minutes does it take you to get to school on foot?
  35. How to deal with flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches?
  36. What is your address (home phone number)?
  37. How to care for indoor flowers?
  38. The electrical appliance began to spark and a burning smell appeared in the apartment. What to do?
  39. A glass object (glass, decanter) fell to the floor and broke into small pieces. What to do?
  40. The ball flew to the pavement. How to proceed?
  41. The earthquake happened at night. What to do?
  42. Bitten by a dog. What to do?
  43. In front of you is a wounded bird. How to proceed?
  44. How to draw a correct circle without a compass?
  45. How to draw a straight line without a ruler?
  46. There was a sharp pain in the foot while walking. What to do?
  47. What to do with old newspapers and notebooks?
  48. A spoon or cup has fallen into boiling water. How to get it?
  49. During the rain, a large puddle formed in front of the entrance of the house. What can be done to make it easier for people to get in and out?

You can learn more about testing when entering 1st grade in my Everything a Preschooler Should Know When Entering 1st Grade.

Testing upon admission to the 1st grade

Soon to school. Admission to the first class is a matter of special responsibility. Requirements for the preparation of children have increased. Many educational institutions have introduced an interview or psychological testing.

Parents are increasingly faced with the fact that interviews turn into real exams, and admission not only to gymnasiums and lyceums, but also to regular schools (!) Is carried out on a competitive basis. Does this mean that for toddlers who have not received special training, the chances of enrolling in first grade are close to zero? Strictly speaking, no, because according to the decrees of the Ministry of Education and Science, all children who have reached school age are admitted to the first grade of a general education institution, regardless of their level of training.

A prerequisite for enrollment in the first grade is that the child reaches the age of at least 6.5 years by the beginning of the school year. Only the lack of free places sometimes serves as a reason for refusing to admit children who do not live in the nearest microdistrict. No one also has the right to demand the ability to read and write from a future first-grader - all tests and tasks check only the intellectual development of the baby.

The main task of testing should be to familiarize teachers with children entering the school and the possibility of adjusting the training program depending on the level of their general development. Thus, the results of any interviews conducted with the child are only advisory in nature, otherwise it is considered a violation of the current legislation.

However, to neglect the preparation for school is still not worth it. Having made, after the interview, the first impression of the child, the teacher will not change it soon. This process is individual in each case and depends on the abilities and character of a particular child, as well as external conditions (peculiarities of upbringing in the family, "experience" acquired in a preschool institution, etc.). Parents need to focus on approximately two to three months of regular classes for the development of logic, thinking and memory. In any case, such a training will be very useful and will definitely come in handy for a future first grader. Loving parents themselves will perfectly prepare the child for admission testing in the 1st grade, and in a school of any level. Testing the child, as a rule, the future first teacher. We assure you that she will develop the most favorable, positive attitude towards your “wunderkind” after brilliant answers to “tricky questions” for which the baby was prepared at home!

At interviews, the following aspects are usually checked: perception, memory, attention and concentration, thinking, motor skills, speech. They also ask questions on the topics "World around", "City", "Daily routine". The tests also include simple arithmetic problems.

In aspect PERCEPTIONS Of great importance is the visual memory of the child, his ability to memorize colors, shapes, components of objects. The task for perception can be formulated, for example, in this way: draw a dragonfly (Fig. 1).

MEMORY is one of the most difficult aspects. As a screening test, they most often offer a series of simple pictures or geometric shapes that must be remembered in 10-20 seconds and then drawn on a blank sheet. This often requires more training.

On the ATTENTION AND CONCENTRATION there are separate tasks. For example: memorize the drawing with dots and try to repeat it (Fig. 2). To the right are the options for performing the test.)

To test the THINKING of a future first grader, the following tasks are offered:

1. Name as many similarities and differences as possible:

a) a cat and a dog (pets, tail, ears, whiskers, wool; scratches / bites, meows / barks, catches mice / guards the house, etc.);
b) a shepherd and a cow (legs, nose, alive, moving; man/animal, talking/mooing, etc.);
c) crow and pike (tail, breathe, feed; bird / fish, flies / swims, croaks / is silent, etc.).

2. Draw the fourth boat so as to keep the pattern (Fig. 3).

The development of MOTOR SKILLS of a future student is often tested using a practical task, for example: draw a little man. The evaluation criteria here are the adequacy and accuracy of the image (Fig. 4).

Tests from the sectionSPEECH DEVELOPMENT may sound like this.

1. Name in one word: A boy who goes to school (student);

woman playing tennis (tennis player);

a person who plays the piano (pianist).

If a horse is made of wood, what is it like? (Wooden.)

If dad has dark hair, what is he like? (Dark-haired). If it's raining today, what day is it? (Rainy).
2. Say it right. One mitten, but many (mittens). One ball, but many (balls). One tree, but many (trees).

In addition, you need to know words that are close and opposite in meaning (synonyms and antonyms), be able to break words into syllables, distinguish between vowels and consonants, and rhyme words (bear - bump).
Often children are given the task of making up a story from a picture. It is useful to learn a few short poems and simple tongue twisters with the baby (“A good pie is a curd inside”), practice solving popular riddles (“A girl is sitting in a dungeon, and a braid is on the street”).

When talking on the topic " World around"The child should know:

  • names of insects, animals, their young, habits and habitat;
  • be able to divide them into groups (wild and domestic, predators and herbivores);
  • know the names of plants (trees, flowers, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms), as well as their division into edible and inedible.

An important place in the conversation between a teacher and a preschooler is occupied by the topic “City”. The kid needs to be able to navigate well in the rules of behavior for pedestrians on the road, determine the type of transport, correlate stores and goods sold in them, and distinguish between professions. The child must learn your home address and phone number.

Knowledge of the seasons and days, the ability to determine the time both by electronic and conventional clocks will come in handy when answering questions on the topic “Daily routine”.

In order to boldly solve problems in mathematics in the future, the future first grader must count from 1 to 20, solve the simplest examples for subtraction and addition (type 3-1 =…; 4 + 4 =…; 15-2 =…; 20-9 =…; 10 + 1 =…) and recognize the greater than, less than, and equal to signs. The kid can be offered such a picture with the task: where are there more balls? (Fig.5).
According to the rules of the interview only full, clear and specific answers count to the questions posed. For example, if you want to give the last name, first name and patronymic of the pope, then the correct answer is: "My dad's name is Mikhail Vasilyevich Ivanov," and the wrong one: "Papa Misha."
Children need to respond quickly enough to tasks - they give little time for reflection. Has the meaning pre-workout at home even if the child is generally well prepared.
It should be borne in mind that, getting into an unusual environment, children often become nervous and often, having the necessary knowledge, they are not able to concentrate and give the correct answer.
An unfamiliar place, strangers - all this creates a stressful situation, especially for kids who have not attended preschool institutions. Therefore, parents need to take care of the moral and psychological preparation of the preschooler. Parents can easily check, expand and strengthen the child's knowledge on their own: methodological manuals and collections of test tasks are widely presented in bookstores. Such manuals usually contain numerous options for exercises and logical tasks formulated in a form that is understandable to the preschooler and provided with illustrative material.

Fig.1. Draw a dragonfly

Fig.2. Remember the first drawing and reproduce
(Children answer differently)
Fig.3. Draw the missing boat Fig.4. draw a man

He should sit in a way that is comfortable for him, so that the table and chair are adjusted to his height.

When everything is ready, seat the child, put a folded sheet of paper in front of him, give the first task and wait for him to complete them. Then ask him to unfold the sheet for the second task, and so on.

1. Draw a man. Since you know how (we don’t say anything else and repeat the instructions for all the child’s remarks without our own explanation). If he asks if you can draw a woman, say: "You need to draw a man." If the child has already begun to draw a woman, wait until he finishes and repeat the request to draw a man. It happens that a child refuses to draw a man (later I will explain why this may be). Then we do the next task.
2. The child turns the sheet over and sees a sentence at the top left. You say: “Look, something is written here. You don’t know how to write yet, but try, maybe you will succeed in the same way. Look carefully and write the same in the free space next to it.” Those. we invite him to copy the phrase. If your child already knows how to read written text, write any phrase in another language unknown to him, for example, in English: He eats soup.
3. Then he moves on to a group of dots. You say, “Look, there are dots drawn here. Try here, nearby, to draw in the same way.” You can show with your finger the place where he will draw them.
After the test is over, do not forget to praise the child.

If in the first task the child flatly refuses to draw a man, do not insist - this is information for you to think about. Such a refusal may indicate trouble in the child's family, when the father is absent at all, a threat comes from him, or psychologically traumatic impressions are associated with him.

Regarding the interpretation, J. Jerasek noted that the high quality of performance indicates a greater likelihood that the subject will successfully cope with the school curriculum. However, if he coped with the test poorly, this does NOT mean that at school he will become a loser and an ignoramus. Not at all. And these kids do well. It just happens that a child schematically draws a person, which affects the total score.

So if you scored not the points you would like - think about whether you are doing everything for the development of your child? Show him more attention, more often with him all the games and exercises that develop fine motor skills, memory and thinking.


a) Test “Drawing of a person”
“Here (it is shown where) draw some uncle, as you can.” While drawing, it is unacceptable to correct the child (“you forgot to draw the ears”), the adult silently observes.
1 point: a male figure is drawn (elements of men's clothing), there is a head, torso, limbs; the head is connected to the body by the neck, it should not be larger than the body; the head is smaller than the body; on the head - hair, a headdress, ears are possible; on the face - eyes, nose, mouth; hands have hands with five fingers; legs are bent (there is a foot or boot); the figure is drawn in a synthetic way (the outline is solid, the legs and arms seem to grow from the body, and are not attached to it.
2 points: fulfillment of all requirements, except for the synthetic method of drawing, or if there is a synthetic method, but 3 details are not drawn: neck, hair, fingers; the face is completely drawn.
3 points: the figure has a head, torso, limbs (arms and legs are drawn with two lines); may be missing: neck, ears, hair, clothes, fingers, feet.
4 points: a primitive drawing with a head and torso, arms and legs are not drawn, they can be in the form of a single line.
5 points: lack of a clear image of the torso, no limbs; scribble.

b) Copying a phrase from written letters
“Look, something is written here. Try to rewrite it the same way here (show below the written phrase) as best you can.”
On the sheet, write the phrase in capital letters, the first letter is capital: He ate the soup.
1 point: well and completely copied sample; letters may be slightly larger than the sample, but not 2 times; the first letter is capital; the phrase consists of three words, their arrangement on the sheet is horizontal (maybe a slight deviation from the horizontal).
2 points: the sample is copied legibly; the size of the letters and the horizontal position are not taken into account (the letter may be larger, the line may go up or down).
3 points: the inscription is divided into three parts, at least 4 letters can be understood.
4 points: at least 2 letters match the pattern, a string is visible.
5 points: illegible scribbles, scratching.

in) Drawing points

“The dots are drawn here. Try to draw next to the same.
In the sample, 10 points are evenly spaced vertically and horizontally from each other.

1 point: exact copying of the sample, slight deviations from a line or column are allowed, a reduction in the pattern, an increase is unacceptable.
2 points: the number and location of points correspond to the sample, a deviation of up to three points by half the distance between them is allowed; dots can be replaced by circles.
3 points: the drawing as a whole corresponds to the sample, in height or width does not exceed it more than 2 times; the number of points may not match the sample, but they should not be more than 20 and less than 7; let's rotate the picture even 180 degrees.
4 points: the drawing consists of dots, but does not match the sample.
5 points: scribble, scribble.
After each task is evaluated, all points are summed up.
So, if the child scored in total for all three tasks:
3-6 points - this is a high level of readiness for school;
7-12 points - quite an average level;
13-15 points - so be it, a low level of readiness, the child needs an additional examination of intelligence and mental development (or maybe the child just had a bad mood? - in a day we will pass the test again! God forbid, everything will work out, but need to be more careful!)

G) QUESTIONNAIRE. The last part of the Kern-Jerasik test
Reveals the general level of thinking, outlook, development of social qualities.
It is conducted in the form of a question-and-answer conversation. The task may sound like this: “Now I will ask questions, and you try to answer them.” If a child finds it difficult to answer a question right away, you can help him with a few leading questions. The answers are recorded in points, then summarized:

    Which animal is bigger, a horse or a dog?
    (horse = 0 points; wrong answer = -5 points)

    In the morning we have breakfast, and in the afternoon…
    (lunch, soup, meat = 0; dinner, sleep and other incorrect answers = -3 points)

    Light during the day, but at night...
    (dark = 0; wrong answer = -4)

    The sky is blue and the grass...
    (green = 0; wrong answer = -4)

    Cherries, pears, plums, apples - what's that?
    (fruit = 1; wrong answer = -1)

    Why does the barrier go down before the train passes?
    (so that the train does not collide with the car; so that no one gets hurt, etc. = 0;
    wrong answer = -1)

    What is Moscow, Odessa, St. Petersburg? (name any cities)
    (cities = 1; stations = 0; wrong answer = -1)

    What time is it now? (show on a watch, real or toy)
    (correctly shown = 4; only a whole hour or a quarter of an hour shown = 3; does not know hours = 0)

    A small cow is a calf, a small dog is..., a little sheep is...?
    (puppy, lamb = 4; only one correct answer = 0; wrong answer = -1)

    Is the dog more like a chicken or a cat? How? What do they have in common?
    (per cat, because they have 4 legs, hair, tail, claws (one similarity is enough) = 0;
    for a cat without explanation = -1, for a chicken = -3)

    Why do all cars have brakes?
    (two reasons given: braking downhill, stopping, avoiding a collision, etc. = 1;
    one reason = 0; wrong answer = -1)

    How are hammer and ax similar to each other?
    (two common signs: they are made of wood and iron, they are tools, they can hammer nails, they have handles, etc. = 3; one similarity = 2; wrong answer = 0)

    How are cats and squirrels similar?
    (determining that these are animals or giving two common features: they have 4 legs, tails, wool, they can climb trees, etc. = 3; one similarity = 2; wrong answer = 0)

    What is the difference between a nail and a screw? How would you recognize them if they were on the table in front of you?
    (the screw has a thread (thread, such a twisted line around) = 3;
    the screw is screwed in and the nail is hammered or the screw has a nut = 2; wrong answer = 0)

    Football, high jump, tennis, swimming...
    (sports (physical education) = 3; games (exercises, gymnastics, competitions) = 2; don't know = 0)

    What vehicles do you know?
    (three ground vehicles + plane or ship = 4;
    only three land vehicles or a complete list with an aircraft, a ship, but only after explaining that vehicles are what you can move around in = 2;
    wrong answer = 0)

    What is the difference between an old person and a young person? What is the difference between them?
    (3 signs (gray hair, lack of hair, wrinkles, poor vision, often sick, etc.) = 4;
    one or two differences = 2; wrong answer (he has a stick, he smokes...) = 0

    Why do people play sports?
    (for two reasons (to be healthy, hardened, not to be fat, etc.) = 4;
    one reason = 2; wrong answer (to be able to do something, to earn money, etc.) = 0)

    Why is it bad when someone deviates from work?
    (the rest must work for him (or another expression that someone is harmed by this) = 4; he is lazy, earns little, cannot buy anything = 2; wrong answer = 0)

    Why do you need to put a stamp on a letter?
    (so they pay for forwarding this letter = 5;
    the other, the one who receives, would have to pay a fine = 2; wrong answer = 0)

Let's sum up the points.
Sum + 24 and above - high verbal intelligence (outlook).
The sum from + 14 to 23 is above average.
The sum from 0 to + 13 is the average indicator of verbal intelligence.
From -1 to -10 - below average.
From - 11 and less - a low indicator.
If the verbal intelligence score is low or below average,
an additional examination of the neuropsychic development of the child is necessary.

1. A. Kern, modified by J. Jirasek. Gutkina N.I. Psychological readiness for school. -
M.: NPO "Education", 1996
2. Psychological readiness for school. - 4th ed., revised. and additional.-
SPb.: Peter, Series "Tutorial", 2004.

The following tests for admission to the 1st grade are used after the Kern-Jirasek test:

3. Test "Find differences" . Reveals the level of development of observation.
Prepare two identical pictures that differ from each other by 5-10 details (such tasks are found in children's magazines, in developing copybooks).
The child looks at the pictures for 1-2 minutes, then talks about the differences he found. A preschool child with a high level of observation must find all the differences.

4. Test "Ten words".
The study of voluntary memorization and auditory memory, as well as the stability of attention and the ability to concentrate.
Prepare a set of one-syllable or two-syllable words that are not related in meaning. For example: table, viburnum, chalk, hand, elephant, park, gate, window, tank, dog.
The condition for the test is complete silence.
At the beginning, say: “Now I want to test how you can remember words. I will say the words, and you listen carefully and try to remember them. When I'm done, repeat as many words as you can remember in any order."
In total, 5 presentations of words are carried out, i.e. after the first enumeration and repetition by the child of the memorized words, you again say the same 10 words: “Now I will repeat the words again. You will again memorize them and repeat those that you remember. Name the words that you said last time, and new ones that you remember.
Before the fifth presentation, say: “Now I will name the words for the last time, and you try to remember more.”
Apart from instructions, you should not say anything else, you can only gently cheer.
A good result is when, after the first presentation, the child reproduces 5-6 words,
after the fifth - 8-10 (for senior preschool age).

5. Test "What is missing?"
This is both a test task and a simple but very useful game that develops visual memory.
Toys, various objects or pictures are used.
Pictures (or toys) are laid out in front of the child - up to ten pieces. He looks at them for 1-2 minutes, then turns away, and you change something, removing or rearranging, after which the child should look and say what has changed. With a good visual memory, the child easily notices the disappearance of 1-3 toys, moving them to another place.

6. Test "The fourth is superfluous".
The ability to generalize, logical, imaginative thinking is revealed.
For children of older preschool age, you can use both pictures and a verbal series.
It is important not only that the child chooses the excess, but also how he explains his choice.

Prepare pictures or words, for example:
image of white mushroom, boletus, flower and fly agaric;
pan, cup, spoon, cupboard;
table, chair, bed, doll.

Possible verbal options:
dog, wind, tornado, hurricane;
bold, courageous, resolute, evil;
laugh, sit, frown, cry;
milk, cheese, lard, curdled milk;
chalk, pen, garden, pencil;
puppy, kitten, horse, piglet;
slippers, shoes, socks, boots, etc.
If you use this technique as a developmental one, you can start with 3-5 pictures or words, gradually complicating the logical series so that there are several correct answers, for example: cat, lion, dog - a dog (not from the cat family) may be superfluous, and lion (not a pet).

7. Test "Classification".
The study of logical thinking.
Prepare a set of squats that includes different groups: clothes, dishes, toys, furniture, domestic and wild animals, food, etc.
The child is invited to arrange the pictures (preliminarily mixed) into groups, then complete freedom is provided. After completion, the child must explain why he will arrange the pictures in this way (often children put together animals or an image of kitchen furniture and utensils, or clothes and shoes, in which case offer to separate these cards)
High level of task completion: the child arranged the cards correctly into groups, was able to explain why and name these groups (“pets”, clothes”, “food”, “vegetables”, etc.)

8. Test "Composing a story from pictures."
Often used by psychologists to identify the level of development of speech, logical thinking.
Pick up pictures from the series of "stories in pictures", cut them. For senior preschool age, 4-5 pictures are enough, united by one plot.
The pictures are mixed up and offered to the child: “If you arrange these pictures in order, you get a story, and in order to correctly decompose, you need to guess what was at the beginning, what was at the end, and what was in the middle.” Remind that you need to lay out from left to right, in order, side by side, in a long strip.
A high level of task completion: the child correctly folded the pictures, was able to compose a story based on them, using common sentences.

It is not enough to test only one child. Are you yourself ready?
Come on "Test for parents of future first graders"

  • Does your child want to go to school?
  • Is your child attracted to school because he learns a lot there and it will be interesting to study there?
  • Is your child able to do something on his own that requires concentration for 30 minutes (for example, building a construction set)?
  • Is it true that your child is not at all shy in the presence of strangers?
  • Does your child know how to make up stories from the picture in at least five sentences?
  • Can your child recite a few poems by heart?
  • Can he change nouns by numbers?
  • Can your child read syllable by syllable or, even better, by whole words?
  • Can your child count to 10 and back?
  • Can he solve simple subtraction or addition problems?
  • Is it true that your child has a firm hand?
  • Does he like to draw and color pictures?
  • Can your child use scissors and glue (for example, to make appliqués)?
  • Can he assemble a cut-away picture from five parts in one minute?
  • Does the child know the names of wild and domestic animals?
  • Can he generalize concepts (for example, call tomatoes, carrots, onions in one word “vegetables”)?
  • Does your child like to do things on his own - draw, assemble mosaics, etc.?
  • Can he understand and follow verbal instructions accurately?

10-14 points - you are on the right track, the child has learned a lot, and the content of the questions to which you answered in the negative will tell you the points for further efforts;

9 or less - read special literature, try to spend more time with your child and pay special attention to what he does not know how.

Advanced test for future first graders:

If you are completely sure that your child is completely ready for the gymnasium at the age of 5, and the whole environment considers you crazy, take the test below with your child, which is used by some development centers to assess the capabilities of their pupils and answer questions which are designed to determine whether your child has all the abilities that a 6-7-year-old child needs - the one who goes to first grade ...

  1. How old is dad (mother, sister, brother)? When are their birthdays?
  2. Where and by whom does father (mother) work?
  3. What shoe size do you have?
  4. How to thread a needle?
  5. How to sew on a button?
  6. What to do if you cut your finger?
  7. What to do if you hit your head and feel sick?
  8. How to make a phone call?
  9. You swim (in a river, in a lake, in the sea). What are the signs that you need to get out of the water immediately?
  10. Where can you not eat ice cream?
  11. How to behave at the table?
  12. When does a bee sting? The difference between a bee and a wasp.
  13. What can you eat if your stomach hurts?
  14. What can not be eaten if the tooth hurts?
  15. What food do you want to drink after?
  16. How much and when can you drink in the heat?
  17. How to wash dirty dishes?
  18. Which potato boils faster - whole or sliced? How to fry it?
  19. How to peel old and young potatoes? How to clean carrots?
  20. Where to put leftover food, unusable?
  21. How to make tea? How much sugar should be put in a glass of tea?
  22. How much does a loaf of white (gray) bread cost?
  23. Can you bathe a dog the same way you bathe a cat? If possible, how?
  24. The apartment smelled of gas. What to do?
  25. How to clean shoes, wash a shirt?
  26. Where is the ice thicker - near the shore or in the middle of the reservoir?
  27. There is a puddle of water on the floor. Which rag is best to remove water - dry or wet?
  28. Why can't zoo visitors feed the animals?
  29. What rubbish should be swept with a wet broom?
  30. How to behave at a party?
  31. What does dad (mom) love the most?
  32. Why not play on the construction site?
  33. How many slices of bread do you need for lunch?
  34. How many minutes does it take you to get to school on foot?
  35. How to deal with flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches?
  36. What is your address (home phone number)?
  37. How to care for indoor flowers?
  38. The electrical appliance began to spark and a burning smell appeared in the apartment. What to do?
  39. A glass object (glass, decanter) fell to the floor and broke into small pieces. What to do?
  40. The ball flew to the pavement. How to proceed?
  41. The earthquake happened at night. What to do?
  42. Bitten by a dog. What to do?
  43. In front of you is a wounded bird. How to proceed?
  44. How to draw a correct circle without a compass?
  45. How to draw a straight line without a ruler?
  46. There was a sharp pain in the foot while walking. What to do?
  47. What to do with old newspapers and notebooks?
  48. A spoon or cup has fallen into boiling water. How to get it?
  49. During the rain, a large puddle formed in front of the entrance of the house. What can be done to make it easier for people to get in and out?

Finally, I would like to remind everyone:

    all the proposed methods can be used as educational games;

    when a child enters school, it is not necessary to use all of the listed tests; school psychologists choose the most informative and simple to perform;

    it is not necessary to complete all the tasks at once, you can offer to complete them for several days;

    now packages of similar methods have appeared on sale, including not only a description, but also visual material, approximate norms.


Based on materials from the site kmist.nm.ru

Parents are increasingly faced with the fact that interviews turn into real exams, and admission not only to gymnasiums and lyceums, but also to regular schools (!) Is carried out on a competitive basis. Does this mean that for toddlers who have not received special training, the chances of enrolling in first grade are close to zero? Strictly speaking, no, because according to the decrees of the Ministry of Education and Science, all children who have reached school age are admitted to the first grade of a general education institution, regardless of their level of preparation and residence in the territory to which the school is assigned.

A prerequisite for enrollment in the first grade is that the child reaches the age of at least 6.5 years by the beginning of the school year. Only the lack of free places sometimes serves as a reason for refusing to admit children who do not live in the nearest microdistrict. No one also has the right to demand the ability to read and write from a future first-grader - all tests and assignments are checked only intellectual development of the baby.

The main task of testing should be to familiarize teachers with children entering the school and the possibility of adjusting the training program depending on the level of their general development. Thus, the results of any interviews conducted with the child are only advisory in nature, otherwise it is considered a violation of the current legislation.

However, to neglect the preparation for school is still not worth it. Having made, after the interview, the first impression of the child, the teacher will not change it soon. This process is individual in each case and depends on the abilities and character of a particular child, as well as external conditions (peculiarities of upbringing in the family, "experience" acquired in a preschool institution, etc.). Parents need to focus on approximately two to three months of regular classes for the development of logic, thinking and memory. In any case, such a training will be very useful and will definitely come in handy for a future first grader. Loving parents themselves will perfectly prepare the child for admission testing in the 1st grade, and in a school of any level. Testing the child, as a rule, the future first teacher. We assure you that she will develop the most favorable, positive attitude towards your "wunderkind" after brilliant answers to "tricky questions" for which the baby was prepared at home!

Interviews usually check the following aspects: perception, memory, attention and concentration, thinking, motor skills, speech. They also ask questions on the topics "World around", "City", "Daily routine". The tests also include simple arithmetic problems.

In aspect PERCEPTIONS Of great importance is the visual memory of the child, his ability to memorize colors, shapes, components of objects. The task for perception can be formulated, for example, in this way: draw a dragonfly (Fig. 1).

MEMORY- one of the most difficult aspects. As a screening test, they most often offer a series of simple pictures or geometric shapes that must be remembered in 10-20 seconds and then drawn on a blank sheet. This often requires more training.

On the ATTENTION AND CONCENTRATION there are separate tasks. For example: memorize the drawing with dots and try to repeat it (Fig. 2). To the right are the options for performing the test.)

For checkTHINKINGThe future first grader is offered the following tasks:

1. Name as many similarities and differences as possible:

a) a cat and a dog (pets, tail, ears, whiskers, wool; scratches / bites, meows / barks, catches mice / guards the house, etc.);
b) a shepherd and a cow (legs, nose, alive, moving; man/animal, talking/mooing, etc.);
c) crow and pike (tail, breathe, feed; bird / fish, flies / swims, croaks / is silent, etc.).

2. Draw the fourth boat so as to keep the pattern (Fig. 3).

The development of MOTOR SKILLS of a future student is often tested using a practical task, for example: draw a little man. The evaluation criteria here are the adequacy and accuracy of the image (Fig. 4).

Tests from the sectionSPEECH DEVELOPMENTmay sound like this.

1. Name in one word: A boy who goes to school (student); woman playing tennis (tennis player); a person who plays the piano (pianist). If a horse is made of wood, what is it like? (Wooden.) If dad has dark hair, then what is he like? (Dark-haired). If it's raining today, what day is it? (Rainy).
2. Say it right. One mitten, but many (mittens). One ball, but many (balls). One tree, but many (trees).

In addition, you need to know words that are close and opposite in meaning (synonyms and antonyms), be able to break words into syllables, distinguish between vowels and consonants, and rhyme words (bear - bump).
Often children are given tasks write a story from a picture. It is useful to learn a few short poems and simple tongue twisters with the baby (“A pie is good - inside the curd”), practice solving popular riddles (“A girl is sitting in a dungeon, and a braid is on the street”).

When talking on the topic "The world around" the child should know:

names of insects, animals, their young, habits and habitats;

be able to divide them into groups (wild and domestic, predators and herbivores);

know the names of plants (trees, flowers, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms), as well as their division into edible and inedible.

An important place in the conversation between a teacher and a preschooler is occupied by the topic “City”. The kid needs to be able to navigate well in the rules of behavior for pedestrians on the road, determine the type of transport, correlate stores and goods sold in them, and distinguish between professions. The child must learn your home address and phone number. Knowledge of the seasons and days, the ability to determine the time both by electronic and conventional clocks will come in handy when answering questions on the topic “Daily routine”. In order to boldly solve problems in mathematics in the future, the future first grader must count from 1 to 20, solve the simplest examples for subtraction and addition (such as 3-1 =...; 4 + 4 =...; 15-2 =... ; 20-9 =...; 10 + 1 =...) and recognize greater than, less than, and equal signs. The kid can be offered such a picture with the task: where are there more balls? (Fig.5).
According to the rules of the interview only full, clear and specific answers count to the questions posed. For example, if you want to give the last name, first name and patronymic of the pope, then the correct answer is: "My dad's name is Mikhail Vasilyevich Ivanov," and the wrong one: "Papa Misha."
Children need to respond quickly enough to tasks - they give little time for reflection. Has the meaning pre-workout at home even if the child is generally well prepared.
It should be borne in mind that, getting into an unusual environment, children often become nervous and often, having the necessary knowledge, they are not able to concentrate and give the correct answer.
An unfamiliar place, strangers - all this creates a stressful situation, especially for kids who have not attended preschool institutions. Therefore, parents need to take care of the moral and psychological preparation of the preschooler. Parents can easily check, expand and strengthen the child's knowledge on their own: methodological manuals and collections of test tasks are widely presented in bookstores. Such manuals usually contain numerous options for exercises and logical tasks formulated in a form that is understandable to the preschooler and provided with illustrative material.

In addition, in many schools there is a so-called zero school - a preparatory class, where classes are taught by qualified teachers. They will identify weaknesses, develop an individual program, with their help the child will be better prepared for such an important event in his life: entering the first grade.

Fig.1. Draw a dragonfly

Fig.2. Remember the first drawing and reproduce
(Children answer differently)

Fig.3. Draw the missing boat

Fig.4. draw a man

Fig.5. Where are the most balls?

How to know if your child is ready for school

admission to school, first grade test, self-testing, child's readiness for school

How to find out on your own, without the help of a specialist, whether the child is ready for school? What tests and methods are usually used by psychologists, the selection committee when entering school?
Parents can assess the level of “maturity” and readiness of the child for school, for admission to the first grade, through observation and answering questions.
The technique was developed by psychologist Geraldine Cheney, this technique is used for admission to Kamennomostovskaya secondary school as, in fact, to any respected school (this is visual, simple, capacious and effective).
Do it for sure!

Evaluation of the development of cognition

1. Does the child have basic concepts (for example: right / left, big / small, up / down, in / out, etc.)?

2. Does the child know how to classify, for example: name things that can roll; name a group of objects in one word (chair, table, wardrobe, bed - furniture)?

3. Can the kid guess the ending of a simple story?

4. Can the child remember and follow at least 3 instructions (put on socks, go to the bath, wash there, then bring me a towel)?

5. Can the child name most of the uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet?

Baseline Experience Assessment

6. Did the child have to accompany adults to the post office, to the store, to the savings bank?

7. Was the baby in the library?

8. Has the child been to the village, to the zoo, to the museum?

10. Does the child show an increased interest in something. Does he have a hobby?

Assessment of language development

11. Can the child name and designate the main objects around him?

12. Is it easy for him to answer questions from adults?

13. Can the child explain what various things are used for, for example, a vacuum cleaner, a brush, a refrigerator?

14. Can the child explain where the objects are located: on the table, under the chair, etc.?

15. Is the baby able to tell a story, describe some past incident with him?

16. Does the child pronounce words clearly?

17. Is his speech correct in terms of grammar?

18. Is the child able to participate in a general conversation, play out any situation, participate in a home performance?

Assessment of the level of emotional development

19. Does the child look cheerful at home and among peers?

20. Has the child formed an image of himself as a person who can do a lot?

21. Is it easy for the baby to “switch” with changes in the daily routine, move on to new activities?

22. Is the child able to play, study) independently, compete in completing tasks with other children?

Assessment of the ability to communicate

23. Does the child join in the play of other children, does he share with them?

24. Does he take turns when the situation calls for it?

25. Is the child able to listen to others without interrupting?

Assessment of physical development

26. Does the child hear well?

27. Does he see well?

28. Is he able to sit still for some time?

29. Does he have developed coordination of motor skills (can he play ball, jump, go down and up stairs without the help of an adult, without holding on to the railing, ...)

30. Does the child look alert and enthusiastic?

31. Does he look healthy, full, rested (most of the day)?

visual discrimination

32. Can the child identify similar and dissimilar forms (find a picture that is different from the rest)?

33. Can a child distinguish between letters and short words (cat / year, b / n ...)?

Visual memory

34. Can a child notice the absence of a picture if he is first shown a series of 3 pictures, and then one is removed?

35. Does the child know his name and the names of objects that are found in his daily life?

visual perception

36. Is the child able to arrange a series of pictures in order?

37. Does he understand that they read from left to right?

38. Can he put together a puzzle of 15 elements on his own, without outside help?

39. Can he interpret a picture, compose a short story based on it.

Hearing ability level

40. Can a child rhyme words?

41. Can you distinguish words that begin with different sounds, for example, forest / weight?

42. Can he repeat a few words or numbers after an adult?

43. Is the child able to retell the story, retaining the main idea and sequence of actions?

Evaluation of attitude towards books

44. Does the child have a desire to look at books on their own?

45. Does he listen attentively and with pleasure when people read aloud to him?

46. ​​Does he ask questions about words, about their meaning?

After you have answered the above questions and analyzed the results, you can conduct a series of tests used by child psychologists when entering school.

1. Degree of psychosocial maturity (outlook)-
The child must confidently answer the following questions:

1. Give your last name, first name, patronymic.

2. Name the last name, first name, patronymic of dad, mom.

3. Are you a girl or a boy? What will you be when you grow up - an aunt or an uncle?

4. Do you have a brother, sister? Who is older?

5. How old are you? How much will it be in a year? In two years?

6. Is it morning or evening (afternoon or morning)?

7. When do you have breakfast - in the evening or in the morning? When do you have lunch - in the morning or in the afternoon?

8. What comes first - lunch or dinner?

9. Where do you live? Tell me your home address, phone, e-mail, ICQ (this is a joke, don't stress :))

10. What does your dad, your mom do?

11. Do you like to draw? What color is this ribbon (dress, pencil)

12. What season is it now - winter, spring, summer or autumn? Why do you think so?

13. When can I go sledding - in winter or summer?

14. Why does it snow in winter and not in summer?

15. What does a postman, a doctor, a teacher do?

16. Why does school need a desk, a bell?

17. Do you want to go to school?

18. Show your right eye, left ear. What are the eyes, ears, nose for?

19. What animals do you know?

20. What birds do you know?

21. Who is bigger - a cow or a goat? Bird or bee? Who has more paws: a rooster or a dog?

22. Which is more: 8 or 5; 7 or 3? Count from three to six, nine to two.

23. What should you do if you accidentally break someone else's thing?

And now, (attention!), the evaluation and interpretation of the child's answers is done as follows:

For the correct answer to all sub-questions of one item, the child receives 1 point (with the exception of control questions). For correct, but incomplete answers to sub-questions, the child receives 0.5 points. For example, the correct answers are: “Dad works as an engineer”, “A dog has more paws than a rooster”; incomplete answers: “Mom Ganya”, “Dad works at work”.

Control tasks includequestions 5, 8, 15, 22. They are rated like this:
No. 5 - the child can calculate how old he is - 1 point, names the year taking into account the months - 3 points.
No. 8 - for a complete home address with the name of the city - 2 points, incomplete - 1 point.
No. 15 - for each correctly indicated use of school paraphernalia - 1 point.
No. 22 - for the correct answer - 2 points.
No. 16 is evaluated jointly with No. 15 and No. 22. If in No. 15 the child scored 3 points, and in No. 16 - a positive answer, then it is considered that he has a positive motivation to study at school.
Evaluation of results:
the child received 24-29 points, he is considered school mature,
the child received 20-24 points - medium mature,
the child received 15-20 points - low level psychosocial maturity.

2. Orientation test of school maturity Kern - Jirasek(Їrasika) updated
Age: Preschool 5-7 years old, Ready for school.
Question: willingness to learn.
Purpose: To determine the level of readiness of the child for schooling. The test reveals the general level of mental development, the level of development of thinking, the ability to listen, remember and understand, and perform tasks according to the model.
Content: The Kern-Jirasek test consists of 4 parts:

a) test “Drawing of a man” (male figure);

b) copying a phrase from written letters;

c) drawing points;

d) questionnaire.

Short story
This test was proposed by J. Jirasek as a modification and update of the existing A. Kern technique and received the combined name "Updated Kern-Jirasek test".
In 1978, the Kern-Jirasek graphical test was first published in Russian, but it was widely used only 6-10 years later. The exceptional simplicity of testing, maximum accessibility have made it a favorite tool not only among psychologists, but also teachers, and even kindergarten teachers.

Some unfortunate specialists quite freely interpreted the results of the survey, labeling children who did not score the required number of points “underachieving”, “lagging behind”, and even using stronger expressions that put an end to the child who was “unlucky” to pass the test qualitatively. Meanwhile, J. Jirasek warned against such an interpretation, he supplied the methodology with very clear instructions and gave precise explanations for the interpretation (see Part 2).

What will tell Kern-Jirasek test and who is it for?

This technique is intended for 5-7 year old children, its purpose is to test their readiness for schooling. This includes an assessment of the child's personal maturity (task 1), his fine motor skills of the hands and visual coordination (task 2), the test also allows you to identify the visual-spatial perception of the future first-grader, visual memory (task 3) and thinking (based on the overall assessment of the entire test) .

The test can be used both individually and in a group.


The child is given an A4 sheet folded in half and a simple pencil. The sheet should lie like a notebook. On the unfolded side (on the left half of the sheet), at the top, write a short sentence in advance in written (NOT printed!) Letters: He ate soup.

At the bottom, you draw a group of dots as shown in Figure 2. The right half of the sheet is for the child who will complete the task of copying.

He should sit in a way that is comfortable for him, so that the table and chair are adjusted to his height.

When everything is ready, seat the child, put a folded sheet of paper in front of him, give the first task and wait for him to complete them. Then ask him to unfold the sheet for the second task, and so on.

1. Draw a man. Since you can(we don’t say anything else and repeat the instructions for all the child’s remarks without our own explanation). If he asks if you can draw a woman, say: "You need to draw a man." If the child has already begun to draw a woman, wait until he finishes and repeat the request to draw a man. It happens that a child refuses to draw a man (later I will explain why this may be). Then we do the next task.
2. The child turns the sheet over and sees a sentence at the top left. You say: “Look, something is written here. You don’t know how to write yet, but try, maybe you will succeed in the same way. Look carefully and write the same in the free space next to it.” Those. we invite him to copy the phrase. If your child already knows how to read written text, write any phrase in another language unknown to him, for example, in English: He eat soup.
3. Then he moves on to a group of dots. You say, “Look, there are dots drawn here. Try here, nearby, to draw in the same way.” You can show with your finger the place where he will draw them.
Don't forget to praise your child after the test is over..

If in the first task the child flatly refuses to draw a man, do not insist - this is information for you to think about. Such a refusal may indicate trouble in the child's family, when the father is absent at all, a threat comes from him, or psychologically traumatic impressions are associated with him.

Regarding the interpretation, J. Jirasek noted that the high quality of performance indicates a greater likelihood that the subject will successfully cope with the school curriculum. However, if he coped with the test poorly, this does NOT mean that at school he will become a loser and an ignoramus. Not at all. And these kids do well. It just happens that a child schematically draws a person, which affects the total score.

So if you scored not the points you would like - think about whether you are doing everything for the development of your child? Show him more attention, more often with him all the games and exercises that develop fine motor skills, memory and thinking.


a) Test “Drawing of a person”(very important!) - used in all schools of the CIS:
“Here (it is shown where) draw some uncle, as you can.” While drawing, it is unacceptable to correct the child (“you forgot to draw the ears”), the adult silently observes.
1 point: a male figure is drawn (elements of men's clothing), there is a head, torso, limbs; the head is connected to the body by the neck, it should not be larger than the body; the head is smaller than the body; on the head - hair, a headdress, ears are possible; on the face - eyes, nose, mouth; hands have hands with five fingers; legs are bent (there is a foot or boot); the figure is drawn in a synthetic way (the outline is solid, the legs and arms seem to grow from the body, and are not attached to it.
2 points: fulfillment of all requirements, except for the synthetic method of drawing, or if there is a synthetic method, but 3 details are not drawn: neck, hair, fingers; the face is completely drawn.
3 points: the figure has a head, torso, limbs (arms and legs are drawn with two lines); may be missing: neck, ears, hair, clothes, fingers, feet.
4 points: a primitive drawing with a head and torso, arms and legs are not drawn, they can be in the form of a single line.
5 points: lack of a clear image of the torso, no limbs; scribble.

b) Copying a phrase from written letters
“Look, something is written here. Try to rewrite it the same way here (show below the written phrase) as best you can.”
On the sheet, write the phrase in capital letters, the first letter is capital: He ate soup.
1 point: well and completely copied sample; letters may be slightly larger than the sample, but not 2 times; the first letter is capital; the phrase consists of three words, their arrangement on the sheet is horizontal (maybe a slight deviation from the horizontal).
2 points: the sample is copied legibly; the size of the letters and the horizontal position are not taken into account (the letter may be larger, the line may go up or down).
3 points: the inscription is divided into three parts, at least 4 letters can be understood.
4 points: at least 2 letters match the pattern, a string is visible.
5 points: illegible scribbles, scratching.

c) Drawing points(see figure 2 above)
“The dots are drawn here. Try to draw next to the same.
In the sample, 10 points are evenly spaced vertically and horizontally from each other.
1 point: exact copying of the sample, slight deviations from a line or column are allowed, a reduction in the pattern, an increase is unacceptable.
2 points: the number and location of points correspond to the sample, a deviation of up to three points by half the distance between them is allowed; dots can be replaced by circles.
3 points: the drawing as a whole corresponds to the sample, in height or width does not exceed it more than 2 times; the number of points may not match the sample, but they should not be more than 20 and less than 7; let's rotate the picture even 180 degrees.
4 points: the drawing consists of dots, but does not match the sample.
5 points: scribble, scribble.
After each task is evaluated, all points are summed up.
So, if the child scored in total for all three tasks:
3-6 points - this is a high level of readiness for school;
7-12 points - quite an average level;
13-15 points - so be it, low level of readiness, the child needs an additional examination of intelligence and mental development (or maybe the child just had a bad mood? - in a day we will pass the test again! God forbid, everything will work out, but need to be more careful!)

d) QUESTIONNAIRE. The last part of the Kern-Yirasik test (Kern-Yurasik in another spelling)
Reveals the general level of thinking, outlook, development of social qualities.
It is conducted in the form of a question-and-answer conversation. Exercise may sound like this: “Now I will ask questions, and you try to answer them.” If a child finds it difficult to answer a question right away, you can help him with a few leading questions. The answers are recorded in points, then summarized:

1. Which animal is bigger - a horse or a dog?
(horse = 0 points; wrong answer = -5 points)

2. In the morning we have breakfast, and in the afternoon ...
(lunch, soup, meat = 0; dinner, sleep and other incorrect answers = -3 points)

3. It is light during the day, and at night ...
(dark = 0; wrong answer = -4)

4. The sky is blue and the grass...
(green = 0; wrong answer = -4)

5. Cherries, pears, plums, apples - what is it?
(fruit = 1; wrong answer = -1)

6. Why does the barrier go down before the train passes?
(so that the train does not collide with the car; so that no one gets hurt, etc. = 0;
wrong answer = -1)

7. What is Moscow, Odessa, St. Petersburg? (name any cities)
(cities = 1; stations = 0; wrong answer = -1)

8. What time is it? (show on a watch, real or toy)
(correctly shown = 4; only a whole hour or a quarter of an hour shown = 3; does not know hours = 0)

9. A small cow is a calf, a small dog is ..., a small sheep is ...?
(puppy, lamb = 4; only one correct answer = 0; wrong answer = -1)

10. Is the dog more like a chicken or a cat? How? What do they have in common?
(per cat, because they have 4 legs, hair, tail, claws (one similarity is enough) = 0;
for a cat without explanation = -1, for a chicken = -3)

11. Why do all cars have brakes?
(two reasons given: braking downhill, stopping, avoiding a collision, etc. = 1;
one reason = 0; wrong answer = -1)

12. How are hammer and ax similar to each other?
(two common signs: they are made of wood and iron, they are tools, they can hammer nails, they have handles, etc. = 3; one similarity = 2; wrong answer = 0)

13. How are a cat and a squirrel alike?
(determining that these are animals or giving two common features: they have 4 legs, tails, wool, they can climb trees, etc. = 3; one similarity = 2; wrong answer = 0)

14. What is the difference between a nail and a screw? How would you recognize them if they were on the table in front of you?
(the screw has a thread (thread, such a twisted line around) = 3;
the screw is screwed in and the nail is hammered or the screw has a nut = 2; wrong answer = 0)

15. Football, high jump, tennis, swimming are...
(sports (physical education) = 3; games (exercises, gymnastics, competitions) = 2; don't know = 0)

16. What vehicles do you know?
(three ground vehicles + plane or ship = 4;
only three land vehicles or a complete list with an aircraft, a ship, but only after explaining that vehicles are what you can move around in = 2;
wrong answer = 0)

17. What is the difference between an old person and a young one? What is the difference between them?
(3 signs (gray hair, lack of hair, wrinkles, poor vision, often sick, etc.) = 4;
one or two differences = 2; wrong answer (he has a stick, he smokes...) = 0

18. Why do people play sports?
(for two reasons (to be healthy, hardened, not to be fat, etc.) = 4;
one reason = 2; wrong answer (to be able to do something, to earn money, etc.) = 0)

19. Why is it bad when someone deviates from work?
(the rest must work for him (or another expression that someone is harmed by this) = 4; he is lazy, earns little, cannot buy anything = 2; wrong answer = 0)

20. Why does a letter need to be stamped?
(so they pay for forwarding this letter = 5;
the other, the one who receives, would have to pay a fine = 2; wrong answer = 0)

Let's sum up the points.
Sum + 24 and above - high verbal intelligence (outlook).
The sum from + 14 to 23 is above average.
The sum from 0 to + 13 is the average indicator of verbal intelligence.
From -1 to -10 - below average.
From - 11 and less - a low indicator.
If the indicator of verbal intelligence low or below average,
additional examination of neuropsychic development is necessary child.

1. A. Kern, modified by J. Jirasek. Gutkina N.I. Psychological readiness for school. -
M.: NPO "Education", 1996
2. Psychological readiness for school. - 4th ed., revised. and additional.-
SPb.: Peter, Series "Tutorial", 2004.

The following tests for admission to the 1st grade are used after the Kern-Jirasek test:

3. Test "Find differences". Reveals the level of development of observation.
Prepare two identical pictures that differ from each other by 5-10 details (such tasks are found in children's magazines, in developing copybooks).
The child looks at the pictures for 1-2 minutes, then talks about the differences he found. A preschool child with a high level of observation must find all the differences.

4. Test "Ten words".
The study of voluntary memorization and auditory memory, as well as the stability of attention and the ability to concentrate.
Prepare a set of one-syllable or two-syllable words that are not related in meaning. For example: table, viburnum, chalk, hand, elephant, park, gate, window, tank, dog.
The condition for the test is complete silence.
At the beginning, say: “Now I want to test how you can remember words. I will say the words, and you listen carefully and try to remember them. When I'm done, repeat as many words as you can remember in any order."
In total, 5 presentations of words are carried out, i.e. after the first enumeration and repetition by the child of the memorized words, you again say the same 10 words: “Now I will repeat the words again. You will again memorize them and repeat those that you remember. Name the words that you said last time, and new ones that you remember.
Before the fifth presentation, say: “Now I will name the words for the last time, and you try to remember more.”
Apart from instructions, you should not say anything else, you can only gently cheer.
A good result is when, after the first presentation, the child reproduces 5-6 words,
after the fifth - 8-10 (for senior preschool age).

5. Test "What is missing?"
This is both a test task and a simple but very useful game that develops visual memory.
Toys, various objects or pictures are used.
Pictures (or toys) are laid out in front of the child - up to ten pieces. He looks at them for 1-2 minutes, then turns away, and you change something, removing or rearranging, after which the child should look and say what has changed. With a good visual memory, the child easily notices the disappearance of 1-3 toys, moving them to another place.

6. Test "The fourth is superfluous."
The ability to generalize, logical, imaginative thinking is revealed.
For children of older preschool age, you can use both pictures and a verbal series.
It is important not only that the child chooses the excess, but also how he explains his choice.
Prepare pictures or words, for example:
image of white mushroom, boletus, flower and fly agaric;
pan, cup, spoon, cupboard;
table, chair, bed, doll.
Possible verbal options:
dog, wind, tornado, hurricane;
bold, courageous, resolute, evil;
laugh, sit, frown, cry;
milk, cheese, lard, curdled milk;
chalk, pen, garden, pencil;
puppy, kitten, horse, piglet;
slippers, shoes, socks, boots, etc.
If you use this technique as a developmental one, you can start with 3-5 pictures or words, gradually complicating the logical series so that there are several correct answers, for example: cat, lion, dog - both a dog (not from the cat family) and a lion (not a pet) can be superfluous.

7. Test "Classification".
The study of logical thinking.
Prepare a set of squats that includes different groups: clothes, dishes, toys, furniture, domestic and wild animals, food, etc.
The child is invited to arrange the pictures (preliminarily mixed) into groups, then complete freedom is provided. After completion, the child must explain why he will arrange the pictures in this way (often children put together animals or an image of kitchen furniture and utensils, or clothes and shoes, in which case offer to separate these cards)
High level of task completion: the child arranged the cards correctly into groups, was able to explain why and name these groups (“pets”, clothes”, “food”, “vegetables”, etc.)

8. Test "Composing a story from pictures."
Often used by psychologists to identify the level of development of speech, logical thinking.
Pick up pictures from the series of "stories in pictures", cut them. For senior preschool age, 4-5 pictures are enough, united by one plot.
The pictures are mixed up and offered to the child: “If you arrange these pictures in order, you get a story, and in order to correctly decompose, you need to guess what was at the beginning, what was at the end, and what was in the middle.” Remind that you need to lay out from left to right, in order, side by side, in a long strip.
A high level of task completion: the child correctly folded the pictures, was able to compose a story based on them, using common sentences.

And further...

It is not enough to test only one child. Are you yourself ready?
Take the First Grader Parent Quiz

· Does your child want to go to school?

· Is your child attracted to school because he learns a lot there and it will be interesting to study there?

· Is your child able to do something on his own that requires concentration for 30 minutes (eg building blocks)?

Is it true that your child is not at all shy in the presence of strangers?

· Does your child know how to make up stories from a picture of at least five sentences?

Can your child recite several poems by heart?

Can he change nouns by numbers?

Can he solve simple subtraction or addition problems?

· Is it true that your child has a firm hand?

Does he like to draw and color pictures?

Can your child use scissors and glue (for example, to make appliqués)?

Can he assemble a cut-away picture from five parts in one minute?

Does the child know the names of wild and domestic animals?

Can he generalize concepts (for example, call tomatoes, carrots, onions in one word “vegetables”)?

· Does your child like to do things on his own - draw, assemble mosaics, etc.?

Can he understand and follow verbal instructions accurately?

10-14 points - you are on the right track, the child has learned a lot, and the content of the questions to which you answered in the negative will tell you the points for further efforts;

9 or less - read special literature, try to spend more time with your child and pay special attention to what he does not know how.

Advanced test for future first graders:

If you are completely sure that your child is completely ready for the gymnasium at the age of 5, and the whole environment considers you crazy, take the test below with your child, which is used by some development centers to assess the capabilities of their pupils and answer questions which are designed to determine whether your child has all the abilities that a 6-7-year-old child needs - the one who goes to first grade ...

1. How old is dad (mother, sister, brother)? When are their birthdays?

2. Where and by whom does father (mother) work?

3. What size shoes do you have?

4. How to thread a needle?

5. How to sew on a button?

6. What to do if you cut your finger?

7. What should you do if you hit your head and feel sick?

8. How to make phone calls?

9. You swim (in a river, in a lake, in the sea). What are the signs that you need to get out of the water immediately?

10. Where can you not eat ice cream?

11. How to behave at the table?

12. When does a bee bite? The difference between a bee and a wasp.

13. What can you eat if your stomach hurts?

14. What can not be eaten if the tooth hurts?

15. After what kind of food are you thirsty?

16. How much and when can you drink in the heat?

17. How to wash dirty dishes?

18. Which potato boils faster - whole or chopped? How to fry it?

19. How to peel old and young potatoes? How to clean carrots?

20. Where to put leftover food, unfit for consumption?

21. How to make tea? How much sugar should be put in a glass of tea?

22. How much does a loaf of white (gray) bread cost?

23. Is it okay to bathe a dog the same way as a cat? If possible, how?

24. The apartment smelled of gas. What to do?

25. How to clean shoes, wash a shirt?

26. Where is the ice thicker - near the shore or in the middle of the reservoir?

27. There is a puddle of water on the floor. Which rag is best to remove water - dry or wet?

28. Why can't zoo visitors feed the animals?

29. What rubbish should be swept with a wet broom?

30. How to behave at a party?

31. What does dad (mom) love the most?

32. Why can't you play on the construction site?

33. How many slices of bread do you need for lunch?

34. How many minutes does it take you to get to school on foot?

35. How to deal with flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches?

36. What is your address (home phone number)?

37. How to care for indoor flowers?

38. An electrical appliance began to spark and a burning smell appeared in the apartment. What to do?

39. A glass thing (glass, decanter) fell to the floor and broke into small pieces. What to do?

40. The ball flew onto the pavement. How to proceed?

41. The earthquake happened at night. What to do?

42. Bitten by a dog. What to do?

43. In front of you is a wounded bird. How to proceed?

44. How to draw a correct circle without a compass?

45. How to draw a straight line without a ruler?

46. ​​A sharp pain appeared in the foot while walking. What to do?

47. What to do with old newspapers and notebooks?

48. A spoon or cup fell into boiling water. How to get it?

49. During the rain, a large puddle formed in front of the entrance of the house. What can be done to make it easier for people to get in and out?

Finally, I would like to remind everyone:

· Kamennomostovskaya secondary school of 1-3 levels is considered to be one of the best schools in the region;

All the proposed methods can be used as educational games;

When a child enters school, it is not necessary to use all of the listed tests, school psychologists choose the most informative and simple to perform;

It is not necessary to complete all the tasks at once, you can offer to complete them for several days;

Now packages of similar methods have appeared on sale, including not only a description, but also visual material, approximate norms.