Desire for the new year to have a baby. Ashes in champagne

The birth of a new life in itself is a miracle and depends on a large number of factors. In many ways, the responsibility for the likelihood of conception lies with the woman. Weight, diet, level of physical activity, the presence of bad habits - all this matters when planning a pregnancy. To increase the likelihood of conception and give birth to a healthy baby, the expectant mother should reconsider her lifestyle. Sometimes this is not enough. Then a woman can resort to the help of folk signs, rituals and rituals.

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    Pregnancy planning

    When medicine turns out to be powerless, the experience of our ancestors helps out, who believed in the miracles of folk signs that are passed down from generation to generation and help even the most desperate women.

    Folk omens

    Someone is skeptical about beliefs, while others follow them unconditionally. Without a doubt, 90% of success in the intended business is faith in yourself. Then any miracle will be possible. Therefore, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the following folk signs in order to get pregnant soon:

    Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

    Help of stones and minerals

    Properly selected stones have a beneficial effect on their owners. They bring good luck, soothe, protect, and also help when trying to get pregnant.

    You can choose agate to help. It doesn't matter what kind of jewelry it will be in: a pendant, a ring, a bracelet. A woman should choose jewelry based on her inner feelings. It should be comfortable to wear.

    Pearls also come to the aid of those who dream of getting pregnant. A woman who has received a pleasant surprise in the form of a pearl product can prepare for motherhood. It will come in the near future.

    It is worth taking a closer look at the stone that suits a woman according to her zodiac sign. Undoubtedly, it will have a beneficial effect on its owner. A suitable stone should always be carried with you.

    The right plants

    The choice of indoor representatives of the flora can affect the success in trying to conceive. There are flowers that fill the house with good luck and prosperity, attracting new life, and there are those that interfere with this. Therefore, it is worth taking seriously the choice of home flowers, having learned more information about their action.

    The most popular assistant is ficus. This plant absorbs negative energy around it. There are many stories about the early conception of the mistress of the house after the appearance of ficus in it. It is advisable to put a pot with this useful plant in the bedroom near the bed.

    There are also very interesting flowers - “female happiness” and “male happiness”. The names speak for themselves. It is said that they quickly attract new life to the house where they are. Another property of these plants is that they improve family relationships. The main thing is to regularly care for the flowers, showing love and care.

    If several indoor plants suddenly and simultaneously began to bloom in the house, this is a favorable sign. He says that soon the family will be visited by the joyful news of the addition.

    miraculous places

    Many couples turn to very expensive treatment, spend a lot of time on it, but there is no result. Often the best way to get pregnant is a simple change of scenery. In a new place and breathe in a new way.

    No wonder many psychologists advise to leave your comfort zone more often. Fresh impressions open up previously hidden opportunities for people.


    A trip to the warm coast sometimes replaces years of unsuccessful treatment. Therefore, many couples who go south to relax and recharge, return from there already three. Positive emotions during the trip will also affect the ability to conceive as soon as possible.

    If there is no way to get out to the sea, the method proven by many “lucky ones” will help - visualization. It is enough to devote 10-15 minutes to this method. Turn on the recording of the sound of the waves, get comfortable and imagine how the sea shakes on its waves, and warm water takes away all the negativity. Systematic visualization exercises help to achieve excellent results in achieving your desires.

    Visiting "places of power"

    Holy places, or "places of power" are points where energy flows intertwine. They also include the so-called prayer places. Having been there, a person can recharge, cleanse his energy and pray for the fulfillment of his most cherished desire. If it is for the benefit of the one who asks, then it will certainly be fulfilled.

    Such "places of power" can be found on all continents. They are connected both with natural phenomena and with the events that once took place there. There are ten popular places where couples who dream of finding the happiness of becoming parents constantly make pilgrimages.

    1. 1. Alanya, Gate of Desires (Turkey). This place is located on the coast of Alanya and is a large natural hole in the rocks. A woman must pass through this gate, making a wish to have a child.
    2. 2. Mount Ullu-Tau in Kabardino-Balkaria. This place is one of the most energetically strong in the Caucasus. It is also called Mother Mountain (from the Karachay-Balkarian language "Ullu" is translated as "mother", and "Tau" - "mountain"). From ancient times to this day, many people flock to it for meditation and prayer. Ullu-Tau is famous for miraculous cases of healing and fulfillment of desires. And in most cases, it helps women get pregnant.
    3. 3. Lake of the Pregnant Woman on the island of Langkawi in Malaysia. Langkawi is a place of untouched nature and purity. This island is covered with greenery and jungle, incredibly beautiful gardens. There you can see two majestic waterfalls. On the small island of Pulau Dayang Bunting is this famous and legendary lake. It is said that a beautiful goddess married a simple man, but their first child died, and the heartbroken mother buried her son in the waters of a beautiful lake. Thus she consecrated him. Then she returned to heaven. Since then, having bathed in this wonderful lake, barren women gain the opportunity to give birth.
    4. 4. Sculpture of a boy Frantik in the Czech Republic. The healing springs of this country are known to many people. There is a legend associated with a small statue of the boy Frantik holding a fish in his hands. You need to touch the fish and say your desire to yourself several times.
    5. 5. Convent in Murom (Russia). There come couples who dream of having a baby. According to legend, Saints Fevronia and Peter lived in Murom, loved each other and died on the same day. Since that time, they believe that those who fall to their relics with prayer will receive healing from childlessness and find the joy of a family hearth. The best date for such prayers on July 8 is the Orthodox Valentine's Day. It was then that Saints Peter and Fevronia were canonized. It is also recommended to bring consecrated icons of these saints with you from Murom.
    6. 6. Kykkos Monastery in Cyprus. The miraculous icon of the Mother of God is kept in this monastery. It belongs to the brush of St. Luke. It is believed that he wrote it directly from the Mother of God herself. Despite multiple fires in the monastery, the relic was saved. Now it is located near the royal gates. Part of the icon is covered with a cloth; a belt with stones hangs on it (from infertility). It is worn by women who wish to be healed.
    7. 7. The sacred river Ganges (India). Hindus believe that it brings fertility. Girls who fail to conceive a child must take a bath in the waters of the Ganges. This can be done in the following places: Gomukh, Gangotri, Allahabad, Benares, Kolkata. It is not for nothing that legends are made up of the fertility of the Hindus.
    8. 8. Scarab beetle in Karnak (Luxor, Egypt). The temple complex of Karnak is famous not only for its incredible architecture. The walls of this temple are decorated with a huge number of images of Min - the ancient Egyptian god of fertility. There it is worth getting a talisman for the future father and mother - the Scarab Beetle. In order for this amulet to fulfill the desire to conceive a child, you need to go around it seven times.
    9. 9. The pool of the monastery in Gondar (Ethiopia). Near the capital of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, is the city of Gondar. It houses a complex of ancient monasteries, which preserved the shrines of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. There is also a swimming pool, in which a woman will be healed of infertility. At Christmas, childless girls are helped to descend into this pool by tying them with ropes.
    10. 10. Church in Tsalebiko (Greece). It is known to many and is located in a place called Tsalebiko. It is located on the top of the mountain. There is a legend that a woman suffering from infertility must crawl over bare stones from the foot of the mountain to the altar of the church. Then in the near future she will definitely become a mother.

    Make the most of your holiday

    Many folk omens are associated with the celebration of the New Year and Christmas. The night from December 31 to January 1 is always the beginning of a new period in the life of every person, when they make plans, set goals and leave everything bad in the old year. Christmas is a great sacred holiday, in which prayers acquire incredible power.

    If the dream of having a baby already in the New Year is very big, a well-known method will help: write your desire on a piece of paper, burn it to the chimes, and drink the ashes with champagne.

    At Christmas there is a special rite to help desperate women. It is necessary on the eve of this Holy Feast, standing on the threshold with your right knee, to drink water. Before doing this, it is necessary to read a short conspiracy:

    Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary!

    Fly to me yourself, but no,

    So, send messengers,

    Son or daughter

    I beg you to help me.

    In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,

    Now, forever, forever and ever.

    Red thread and pregnancy

    The red thread on the wrist is a well-known and widespread amulet in our time. And, of course, he helps women who want to get pregnant. Many remember that it was after they were tied with a red thread that the good news came to them.

    There is no wisdom in using this amulet. The most important thing is to be tied by a loved one who wants only good. Then the fulfillment of the dream will come very soon.

    Gender of the child

    The gender of the unborn child is something that depends little on the parents. Whoever is born - a boy or a girl - is a great happiness. But if there are already five daughters in the family, and everyone is expecting an heir, the father and mother begin to think about how to influence the sex of the next child. There are also many popular beliefs about this.

    The ancient Hellenes believed that it is better to conceive a son on the right side (daughters - on the left). The Chinese lie with their heads to the north during intercourse if they want a boy. To have a girl, they turn towards the south.

    To conceive a son, folk beliefs advise putting a gun or an ax under the marital bed. In the conditions of our time, a toy car is also suitable.

    It is believed that the mood of the parents at the moment of intimacy affects the sex of the child. If a man wants a son, he should make sure that the woman gets more pleasure during intimacy than he does.

    There are countless signs. Each nation has its own, based on the characteristics of the place of residence, religion, legends. It is important to choose something that is close in spirit, sensations. A woman will intuitively feel that she will be helped.

    It must be remembered that signs gain strength only if you believe in them with all your heart. Happiness comes when there is a willingness to accept it.

New Year is not just a new leaf of the calendar, but also a time of hopes, dreams, aspirations. Every year we make a wish to the sound of the chiming clock. Sometimes we think in advance what we will write on the cherished piece of paper, sometimes spontaneously, but always with a sincere belief that it will definitely come true in the New Year. True, some later forget what they made on New Year's Eve, while others complain that the wish did not come true either this year or last. We suggest doing everything according to science. Here are the main rules of dreamers.

1. Focus on just one wish on New Year's Eve.

Do not interfere in one heap and ask for everything at once, think about what is really the most desirable thing for you right now. For example, the desire “I want 10 million” will be wrong if by this you mean buying a new car, an apartment, laying the foundation in a country house and a trip to the islands.

Imagine that a child comes to you and asks you to give him 300 rubles. Asking “for what?”, you find out that the baby wants to make a bird feeder in the yard, and he needs money for planks, nails and a hammer. You understand that there is a hammer in the house, albeit an old one, but there is one; planks can be taken from grandfather in the garage, all that remains is to bribe the nails: in total, you need 70 rubles, no more. This is how the Universe considers your desires and begins to fulfill only the most important: after all, there is an apartment, the car is still on the move, so you don’t need so much money!

Some part of such a dream will come true, but the feeling that the wish did not come true completely will remain - and this is already a shame. If you want money for the sake of money, to put it in a jar and admire it, then “I want 10 million” is the right desire.

2. Make a wish only about yourself and for yourself.

This is an important point for parents, because often we do a lot for children, for the sake of their happiness and well-being, forgetting about ourselves. But! As you know, happy children - only happy parents! You should always start with the most difficult - with yourself, your loved one. Do not wish for a child, for example, that he grows up healthy. Of course, health is important, and there is no doubt that you sincerely want it, but this is not about you!

Think about what your child's health means to you personally. Maybe peace of mind, the ability to do your own thing, family well-being, the ability to direct time and money to another area - that's what you think! And the health of the child with such desires is implied.

Often, women also like to think about their husband: promotions, salary increases, so that they help around the house more often ... Firstly, this desire is not about you. Secondly, think about what it will give you personally? Pride in your man, the opportunity to make repairs, travel more or something else? Here it is! Everything else will follow. If you want to change the world, start with yourself!

3. Do not trifle, think big.

You need to want more and more. You won't get everything anyway, so why be modest? The more you want, the more you'll get. If you don't want anything, you won't get anything. For example, if you want a car, let it be the best! There is no need to wish for an old "Zhigulyon", you can already scrape together on it. Ask the Universe for the maximum, because it is limitless both in size and in its capabilities. Be open to big changes, big money, interesting work, otherwise, when you get a chance to change everything for the better, you will not see it behind the veil of routine, everyday thoughts.

4. Ask the Universe not out of need or suffering, but for your own happiness and enjoyment of life.

For example, “I want new boots, the old ones are already completely torn” - this is a desire to avoid misfortune, to correct the problem. But we want to become happy people, so if we have boots, then “to feel the most charming and attractive”! By the way, the “not” particle cannot be used at all in the formulation of a desire, it is not fixed by our subconscious, and as a result, the exact opposite of what is desired remains. Reformulate the desire “not to lose your job” to “keep your job”, and even better - do not be modest and wish for better working conditions!

5. The desire must be environmentally friendly, that is, not harm other people.

You should not wish for the dismissal of the boss in the hope of taking his place. He may be fired, but there is no guarantee that you will take the vacant position. On someone else's misfortune happiness can not be built. Anger, revenge, resentment - let them remain in the outgoing year. We want to see a bright future ahead, which means that only bright intentions will remain on New Year's Eve.

6. The final goal is your feelings that you will experience when the wish comes true.

Think about them. Happiness, satisfaction, joy, a sense of pride, freedom? If there is a desire to "find a loved one", then think about what it will give you? You can be in a relationship with a loved one, but not be happy in them. Therefore, do not forget to mention feelings, for example, “I want to be happy with a loved one.”

Periodically return to feelings about the upcoming fulfillment of your dream, visualize, imagine your desire, “remind” the Universe and yourself of what you are striving for.

So, we figured out the "basics of making wishes", understood how best to do it, and how not to do it at all. It is unlikely that after all of the above you wished to get the moon from the sky. In fact, our deepest desires (travel, income, new property, having a baby) are our goals, right? The lion's share of success in the fulfillment of desires depends on ourselves. So now imagine that this is not just a dream, but a specific goal for the coming year.

What should be the goal?

Scientists have developed an entire goal setting tool known as the SMART system. It is actively used in management, but today we will manage not projects, but our own destiny. SMART is an English abbreviation of the main theses about what the goal should be (aka dream):

S - Specific, specific. This is an understanding of what exactly you want to receive. The more vague the wording, the less likely it is that the request will be understood by both the Universe and yourself. You must have a clear idea of ​​what you want. Travel? Specify where, because a trip to a neighboring city to visit your grandmother is also a journey! "To be a happy person"? Understand what it means for you to be happy (successful, loved, healthy, etc.). After all, happiness is for everyone.

M - Measurable, measurable. It may seem strange that New Year's wishes can be measured at all, but otherwise how will you understand whether a dream has come true or not. Come up with clear indicators, and when they are achieved, you can say: “Hurrah! My dream has come true!" For example, indicate in your desire how many times a year you want to travel. If you want money, write the desired amount, and remember, do not waste time on trifles!

A - Achievable, achievable. The desire must be real and achievable. From the point of view of common sense, it is unlikely that you will be able to travel around the world on a rubber duck. But there is no need to want something that is quite easy to do. Buying new sneakers is no longer a dream, but just items from the to-do list for the week. In general, believe in the impossible and be realistic!

R - Relevant, topical. The importance and significance of desire should not be questioned. Does the predicted Porsche Cayenne really make you happier? Consider carefully whether this is your happiness, or something else. Do you really want this? Or do parents, relatives, bosses, friends want it? Or do social stereotypes require you to?

T - Timed/Timed-bound, defined in time. Under the chiming clock, we usually make a wish for the coming year. But if you want to get what you want before next December, specify the dates. If you travel, how many times and at what time of the year. You don't have to set specific departure dates, but we are more productive when there is a deadline.

For example, you wanted to ask Santa Claus to spend more time with the whole family. Clarify what you mean by time spent together, where do you want to spend it? At night, you already sleep in the same apartment, but you probably don’t mean that. When do you get the most buzz? For example, in joint trips. Let's "smart" this desire:

S - Specifically: I want to travel more with my husband and child.
M - Measurable: I want to travel with my husband and child once a year.
A - Achievable: I want to travel with my husband and child to Italy this year.
R - Actual: I want to be happy when traveling with my husband and child in Italy.
T - Time limited: I want to be happy traveling with my husband and child in Italy this summer.

Now formulate a desire in the present tense to get used to it completely. We get: “In the summer of 2015, I am happy on a wonderful journey through Italy with my husband and child.” This is the "smart" desire. It is already so enticing that you can literally see yourself eating pizza next to the creations of the Renaissance in Florence! Feel free to visualize that the brighter and clearer our images are, the more we ourselves strive for them, and the Universe contributes to us.

So, the “come true” desire is made, the only thing left is to realize your dreams. To do this, it is useful to describe what small tasks the desire-goal consists of until each of them becomes indivisible and "smart". And during the next year, organize yourself and achieve your goals. But this is later, but for now, before the most magical night of the year, think about your innermost desire and guess it correctly - and it will definitely come true!

Yesterday, December 18, was the important day of the New Moon, which happened for the last time this year. Yesterday, the Moon, Saturn and Sun clearly joined in Sagittarius - which means that the influence of these planets was especially strong.

  • You need to start today, December 19th. Found this article later? It's OK! Then start with today's wishes, leaving enough pages in your notebook for previous wishes. And then fill in the missing days.

1 wish refers to 19.12 - this is your appearance, the ability to present yourself, self-confidence. You can formulate a request like this - a wish to increase self-esteem, to become more attractive. Write down your wishes in a notebook so that the New Year 2018 will bring it to you in full!

2 wish write 20.12 - material well-being, profit, the opportunity to profit from a hobby. Formulate your requests clearly: money loves self-confidence, and easily flows to those who are ready to meet them. How to make a wish for the new year 2018? Allow yourself to want a lot.

3 desire refers to 21.12 - the opportunity to learn, to learn something new, to make your life more interesting. If you want to get additional education, find more friends, make it up on Thursday before the New Year 2018.

4 wish write 22.12 - real estate, apartment, hearth and everything around. Maybe you dream of your own home or do you have ideas for arranging an apartment? How to make a wish for the New Year 2018? Write down these desires without the “not” particles.

5 wish refers to 23.12 - children, romance and hobbies. On this day, wish something not only for yourself! Think about what you dream about for your crumbs and write it down. Not enough romantic feelings with your husband? Also write in this day. And do not forget to wish yourself a new interesting hobby that will captivate you and give you joy.

6 desire write down 24.12 - everything related to health and its improvement should be formulated on this day!

7 wish refers to 25.12 - the day of relationships, marital or business. How to make a wish for the New Year 2018? If you want to decide on a divorce, get married, fix your relationship with your husband - write about it as a fait accompli, in the present tense. For example: "My husband often hugs and kisses me, we go to the cinema together."

8 wish write 26.12 - This day is conducive to change. End a difficult crisis, mourn the loss of a loved one, develop intuition, learn to better understand people - write down all such desires today. The desire for great sex is also on the list, as is getting funding from influential people.

9 wish formulate 27.12 Do you dream of discovering new countries or becoming an excellent teacher? How to correctly make a wish for the New Year 2018 - write down today all your aspirations for traveling and sharing your experience with people.

10 wish write down 28.12 - fame, recognition, as well as financial and verbal confirmation of your success - the kings of this day. How to make a wish for the New Year 2018 on this day? Don't be afraid to raise the bar and dream big! Let yourself fantasize big!

11 desire refers to 29.12 - day of support. If there are people whose help is invaluable to you, ask for something nice for them. Enlist their support in the New Year 2018! If you want to find new people who will unselfishly support your projects, formulate this too.

12 wish write 30.12 - on the last day, ask your Guardian Angel for support and strength, and also turn to the world to help you realize all your wishes.

And it's all! Now it remains to put the notebook on the table and not get it out until the next New Year 2019. Then you can get it out and trace with excitement how much has come true in these 365 days ...

What about December 31st?

You ask, how to make a wish for the New Year 2018, if not on New Year's Eve, full of magic? Of course, guess!

Now that you have already transferred all your desires to paper, at night, when the New Year 2018 comes, you will be completely free. And then, to the sound of the clock, you yourself will make the warmest, most cherished, most incredible wish! Sometimes people call it a miracle. And it will happen to you. After all, only those who are not afraid to dream get everything. And may your dreams come true throughout the New Year 2018.

For many girls nowadays it is very difficult to get pregnant. We are looking for ways out of this difficult situation, rushing from side to side and do not know what to do. It would seem that all plans collapsed and are no longer destined to come true. Desperate, and having already tried IVF, medicines, and time-tested folk remedies, we understand that nothing comes of it. What to do in this case?

Surprisingly, there is a solution! Magic will help - a supernatural and exciting phenomenon.
An unusual ritual for conceiving a child.

If you have long dreamed of becoming a happy mother, then some creative ritual is perfect for you. For this ceremony you will need:

A drawing depicting a baby (it can be downloaded from the Internet or found in a magazine);
An open area for sending a message to the fairy world;
A balloon of red or blue color, it is better if it is inflated with helium;
A brutal desire to get pregnant.

So, we take a marker and write our cherished desire for a child on the balloon. We perform all manipulations carefully so that the ball does not burst. It is advisable to describe it in a short form, for example, “I want a child!”, “Daughter”, etc.

Then we take a separate thin leaf and embody the image of the future baby. To do this, do not forget to indicate gender, height, weight, hair and eye color, who it will look like, you can include some aspects of your choice.

We connect the sheet with the description with the crumbs drawing. And then the most exciting thing: we indicate the address anywhere, for example: “Heavenly Chancellery”. Note that you must definitely put the date of sending and your signature. We carefully fasten all the blanks at the base of the ball. Beautiful, original, and most importantly effective!
We send the spell to the sky, to the space world, then we forget about it. To make the wish come true as quickly as possible, it is recommended to make it at Christmas - a magical and bewitching holiday, when radiance and fun reigns around.

Exactly at midnight, launch the ball up into space, and in no case should the Universe be limited in time and method of execution.

To get the good attitude of the Universe towards you, you have to be grateful. At the end of the ritual, be sure to thank the Universe.

Ritual on New Year's Eve

The essence of this rite is extremely simple: you need to go outside on a magical New Year's Eve and make a wish for a child. It must be affirmative and understandable. Remember that fate is a lady with a great sense of humor and she will not miss the chance to play a trick on you.

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New Year's beliefs and signs will help you learn about the upcoming changes in your life. The article talks about the most interesting and "correct" ways to attract good luck in the new year.

New Year- a holiday that has a number of superstitions and signs important for a person. They can relate to any part of the holiday: its onset, the time of its holding, the set table, brought gifts and much more. For example, champagne.

There is a sign that says what you need write your wish on a small piece of paper pen or pencil. After that, the piece of paper must be set on fire and the ashes thrown into a glass of champagne. This drink is instantly drunk with ashes in order for the wish to come true.

IMPORTANT: You must write a wish and drink a drink under the chimes, everything must be done in 12 knocks of the clock.

New Year's beliefs associated with champagne

Signs and superstitions about the Christmas tree and toys for the New Year

Christmas tree - a symbol of the New Year. In order for him to be generous and happy, the tree should richly decorate with Christmas decorations and other popular decorations. The brighter and more magnificent the Christmas tree, the better and richer the New Year will be.. There is also a sign: the New Year tree should hang not only toys, but also banknotes, coins and candies.

IMPORTANT: Such decor will not only please the eye, but will also attract good luck and prosperity, financial independence, a generous table and a “sweet” life next year.

money on the tree

Celebrate the New Year with debts and without debts: a sign

There is one important note - HThe new year must be met with full pockets! This belief can be taken literally or symbolically. Some literally line their pockets with money the larger the bill, the better.

It is believed that a direct connection with money will help a person find prosperity in the coming year. It's okay if you don't have pockets in your New Year's dress, but you have a good bank account. This is also considered. But if you are completely wasted on the New Year's table and gifts, your accounts and pockets are empty - this is bad. Such a sign promises you wastefulness, a large number of debts and financial troubles in the new year.

IMPORTANT: One of the most faithful and "strong" signs says: do not celebrate the New Year with debts. This will help ensure that next year you will not be able to give them out for a whole year. That is why most people strive before the New Year to return all debts, even the smallest ones.

New Year's Eve Without Debt

Signs and superstitions in the New Year for money and wealth

What to look for:

  • If on New Year's Eve itchy left hand. You do not need to scratch it, just squeeze it into a fist and put it in your pocket, where you will open it. It's for the money!
  • New Year's Eve put a coin under the doormat. This will allow money to pour into your home next year.
  • In order for the New Year to be successful and prosperous, before the holiday one should not only do a thorough house cleaning, but also throw away all things with negative energy: broken, glued or dirty things.
  • New Year's table must be literally "to burst with treats". This sign portends prosperity to the family and a generous table all year round.
  • Before New Year don't lend money to anyone- this sign portends you a financial collapse for the whole coming year.
  • If on January 1 you had the opportunity to buy any item in the store at a discount, the year promises to be profitable and happy for you!

IMPORTANT: One of the signs suggests that on New Year's Eve you put a coin in a glass, thoroughly washed beforehand, and drink the whole glass under the chimes. In addition, the coin should be kept in a wallet as a talisman.

"Money" signs for the new year

Signs and superstitions for love and marriage in the New Year

There is a belief that those who have not yet met their love should definitely celebrate the New Year with some kind of symbol this feeling: a heart, a valentine, a photo of kissing silhouettes, a desire written on paper - it doesn’t matter. During the battle of the chimes, one should hug you as hard as you can this item and make a wish.

Eastern belief says: “Whoever wants to meet his love in the New Year should carry a cinnamon stick". It is believed that cinnamon (the bark of the cinnamon tree) has strong magical properties to attract romantic relationships to a person. Such a wand does not need to be thrown away, it must be carried with you all the time as a talisman or if you wish to get married (get married).

Another sign advises the chiming clock squeeze the hand of a loved one or spouse. This will allow next year to avoid a couple of quarrels and scandals, to “pass hand in hand” together all year and not part. On the other hand, if you broke up and in order not to bear the burden of breaking up in the new year, you need to symbolically burn last year's calendar and get rid of all the gifts from the person.

"Love" beliefs on New Year's Eve

Signs in the New Year for pregnancy and childbirth

New Year's Eve is not in vain considered magical. At this time, it is customary not only to tell fortunes, but also make a wish for them to come true next year. You can think of anything, even the appearance in the family of such joy as a child.

What are the beliefs?

  • It is a good sign to invite a couple to your home for the celebration, who is already expecting a baby in the family.
  • A sure sign is to try for a woman who wants to get pregnant, something from the hands of a woman who is already in position. A particularly effective way is to feed something from a spoon.
  • It is believed that a couple who wants to get pregnant and have a baby in the new year should buy themselves something for the baby: a pacifier, booties or a suit. This will attract the "baby" to your home.
  • A good omen is to buy and put a ficus in the house for the New Year. Ficus will attract in itself all the negative energy that has not allowed the couple to have a child so far.
  • Gifts made of agate or pearls are considered "harbingers" of an imminent pregnancy.

Signs for pregnancy in the new year

Celebrate the New Year alone, alone: ​​a sign

One of the most unfavorable signs for the New Year - celebrate the holiday in "proud solitude". This will favor the fact that next year you will be lonely: you will not meet your "soul mate" or part with your loved one, you will experience many difficulties in communicating with friends, relatives and colleagues.

IMPORTANT: In order to save yourself from the negative consequences of signs, you should definitely invite guests to your place, or agree to come to the one who managed to invite you. A stormy meeting of the New Year with a large number of people portends a year filled with pleasant meetings, events, dates and the readiness of comrades to always come to your aid in a difficult situation.

Don't Celebrate the New Year Alone

Signs for the New Year for the fulfillment of desires

The most "true" signs:

  • Make a wish and hang it on the Christmas tree toy with the image of the symbol of the year. It can be any pattern or pattern with a rooster (2017), for example, or a dog (2018). A tribute to the symbol of the year will help ensure that next year your desires will definitely become real.
  • Speaking of Christmas tree decorations, it should be noted that all toys are very symbolic: a toy in the form of a house will help you buy the desired property in the new year, an airplane - fly away on a long-awaited trip or to a resort, a car - buy the desired car, sweetie - to find a luxurious and "sweet" life.
  • If from the Christmas tree in any situation the toy fell and crashed on the floor is a good omen. It is necessary to immediately make a wish, collect and throw the fragments into the street (not into the trash can).
  • If your desire concerns financial well-being, immediately after the chiming clock in the first minutes of the new year, you should wash yourself with large banknotes or foreign currency. This will help your desires come true, always get what you want and not lack funds.
  • There is one good sign - for good luck and luck next year, as well as for all your wishes to come true, you should be sure to celebrate the New Year in new clothes. This will attract prosperity and luck to you.

What to do for a happy new year?

New Year's signs and superstitions for good luck and happiness

Good Luck Tips:

  • Necessarily cook meat dishes on the New Year's table. This will help ensure that the whole year is “full”, generous and in abundance.
  • In addition to having a good year, throwing away food from the New Year's table is not worth it in no case. If there are leftovers, feed them to the dog, but do not send them to the bin!
  • In order for luck to favor you next year, you should respect the symbol of the year and its color. If you choose an outfit in the color of the symbol to celebrate the holiday, you will be lucky all year round.
  • It is believed that it’s bad to meet the New Year with old grievances in the heart. Forgive all your offenders and be sure to accept the apology. This will allow you to easily meet the new year and spend it on a positive note.
  • In order for your house to be in abundance all year, on New Year's Eve you should "appease the brownie". To do this, leave a glass of champagne and a plate of delicious treats in the kitchen.
  • Be sure to set the table only white tablecloth. It symbolizes a new page in your life, prosperity and goodness, which should come to you next year.
  • If under the New Year's tablecloth on the table you put coins- this will attract prosperity and money to your home in the new year.
  • Arrange on the holiday table seven candles in a circle and light them. It is believed that they will serve as a kind of amulet that scares away evil spirits from you and a symbol of the family hearth for protection in the new year.

How to make the new year happy?

Health tips for the New Year

  • It is believed that in order for you to have well-being, beauty and health next year, you should take a bath or just shower. This will wash away all “last year’s” negativity from you and allow you to “enter the new year” without health problems.
  • Women are advised to do the following ritual for health: throw a scarf over your shoulders under the first blow of the chimes and before the last, remove it. This should be done very quickly and nimbly. Such a ritual will protect the beauty and health of a woman next year.
  • It is believed that in order to enter the coming year without diseases, it is necessary pay off all debts, ask everyone who borrowed from you to return them. This will restore your energy field and attract health.

Health in the new year

Sign: get sick on New Year's Eve

It is believed that getting sick on New Year's Eve is one of the worst signs. Belief says that the coming year will not only be difficult financially, but will also attract a lot of diseases to you: colds, infections, chronic diseases. If you feel the slightest ailment, try to make the maximum amount of effort in order to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Sneeze on New Year's Eve: a sign

Sneeze on New Year's Eve just like that (and not because a person has a cold or is sick) - this is a good omen. Moreover, such a sign promises a happy life not only to the one who sneezed, but also to everyone sitting at the table. If someone unexpectedly sneezes at your feast, congratulate him on a happy new year and be sure to drink to it!

Crying on New Year's Eve: a sign

Crying on New Year's Eve is a bad omen. She says that you will spend the whole coming year in sadness, sadness, separation or problems that will constantly spoil your mood and bring you to tears. Try to keep yourself from this on a festive evening, even if there is a weighty reason.

Celebrate the New Year on the road, on the train: a sign

Celebrate the New Year on the road- not the best sign. It can only be an exception for that person who is very lonely. In another case, the belief warns that the next year will literally “give no rest”, will not allow you to be at home and will “take away from the family”.

Oversleep the New Year, sleep on New Year's Eve: signs

If you are not a small child, not a sick person, then a dream on New Year's Eve - Bad sign. We are talking about the most magical time of the holiday - midnight. As they say: “Sleep through the New Year - oversleep your happiness!”. That is why make the maximum amount of effort to be cheerful and active, have fun and drink champagne. Do everything so that the coming year will be joyful for you and not upset you.

Sign: fell asleep on New Year's Eve

Menstruation on New Year's Eve: a sign

This sign has a dual meaning. For example, if a woman dreams of getting pregnant and on New Year's Eve she begins her period, this tells her that She will not be able to “get a baby” next year. If you are not planning a child and you have started your period, this is a good omen. The process itself is aimed at cleansing the body of "bad blood", which means it will cleanse you in order to you met and spent the new year healthy and clean.

Sign with a new broom in the New Year

For happiness in the house in the coming year, you should definitely buy a new broom! It is believed that a new broom will certainly begin revenge in a new way and remove "old" problems from home, troubles and quarrels. Tie a red ribbon to the broom and place the broom in a conspicuous place.

Celebrate the New Year in red shorts, socks, new underwear: a sign

It is believed that no matter what year comes, the red color attracts wealth and prosperity to the house and family. That is why, even if you do not wear a red dress, for example, or a shirt, you can wear red shorts or socks. These little wardrobe items are a must "attract to you" luck and money.

Signs that bring good luck and luck in the new year

Celebrate the New Year in a new apartment: a sign

Celebrate the New Year in your new apartment, of course, fortunately, if this housing is legally yours and you do not owe anyone money for it. Dress up the house, “give” the symbol of the year to the apartment, be sure to put up a festive tree. This will bring good luck to the apartment and contribute to a peaceful happy life for the whole family.

IMPORTANT: If you have the opportunity, be sure to invite family and friends to your new apartment to celebrate. This will help ensure that people always come to your aid in difficult times and support you in any situation.

Video: "New Year's signs for all occasions"