3 words and their origin. Origin of Russian words

Konstantin Paustovsky is one of the pillars of classical Russian literature, a prose writer, from whose pen came piercing, soul-stirring works. Some of his stories are included in the compulsory school curriculum, and although in youth Paustovsky's lyrics may sometimes seem boring, but at a more mature age, after re-reading the works of the classic, you begin to understand what descendants are grateful to him to this day.

  1. The father of the future writer Konstantin Paustovsky was a railway statistician who was of Ukrainian, Turkish and Polish origin.
  2. In the gymnasium, Paustovsky's favorite subject was geography.
  3. The study of the future writer at Moscow University was interrupted by the beginning of the first of the world wars. He left classes and got a job - he was a conductor and leader of the capital's tram. Then Paustovsky worked as an orderly on military trains.
  4. While working as a conductor, Paustovsky taught a lesson to a passenger who regularly did not pay for travel - he offered to pay for a ticket with a hundred-ruble bill, knowing that they would not be able to change him. When the passenger once again boarded Paustovsky's tram and held out a large bill, he calmly poured him a mountain of change prepared in advance. The man was amazed and after this incident began to regularly buy tickets.
  5. Both brothers of Konstantin Paustovsky died on the same day on different military fronts.
  6. After returning from the battlefields, the writer managed to work at several metallurgical plants in Dnepropetrovsk and Novorossiysk, as well as in a fishing artel on the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov (see).
  7. Paustovsky was awarded the Order for his merits in the development of literature in the USSR.
  8. In the first year of the Second World War, Konstantin Paustovsky served in the south as a war correspondent for a month and a half. Then he and his family were evacuated to Alma-Ata to write a new play for the capital's theater.
  9. In 1965, Paustovsky almost became a Nobel laureate, but in the end, Mikhail Sholokhov received the award. According to unconfirmed reports, the Soviet authorities threatened Sweden with economic sanctions, so they changed their minds about rewarding Paustovsky.
  10. The outstanding actress Marlene Dietrich called Konstantin Paustovsky one of her favorite writers. During a personal meeting, the artist gave the writer several photographs - in one of the pictures, Dietrich was kneeling in front of Paustovsky on the stage of the Central House of Writers.
  11. Paustovsky was one of 25 writers who signed a letter to General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev against the rehabilitation of Joseph Stalin. He also supported the petition for the allocation of housing to Alexander Solzhenitsyn.
  12. The writer, who suffered from asthma and suffered several heart attacks, was buried in the cemetery in Tarusa. He is an honorary citizen of this city.
  13. Shortly before his death, Paustovsky stood up for Yuri Lyubimov - he fervently asked not to leave the Taganka Theater without a chief director. The order to dismiss Lyubimov remained unsigned.
  14. For his work, Paustovsky was awarded three orders, three medals and an honorary Polish award.
  15. The name of Konstantin Paustovsky is the minor planet number 5269, which was discovered by Soviet scientists in 1978.


Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky is one of those writers whose works should be read already in adulthood. Despite the apparent simplicity and sufficient lightness of the style, they are fraught with a special meaning and deep wisdom. Paustovsky in his work almost did not touch on topical topics. His stories and novels are about something else - about eternal values. What interesting facts from the life of Paustovsky can we learn from his biography?

  1. Little Kostya's favorite subject when he was at school was geography.
  2. When Konstantin went to the sixth grade, his father left his mother with the children. And the sixth grader begins to tutor to help his mother feed the family - there were four children.
  3. Having received primary and secondary education, Paustovsky enters Moscow University. But then the First World War began.
  4. After the outbreak of the war, the future writer drops out of school and gets a job as a tram leader, and then as a nurse on front-line trains.
  5. Once, during the period of his work, young Paustovsky came across a harmful passenger as a counselor. Getting into the transport, he constantly took out a hundred-ruble bill from his pocket (at that time it was very big money) and assured that he had nothing else. And, of course, the counselor could not get change. Konstantin began to accumulate small coins and soon managed to teach the “hare” a lesson: when he once again offered the counselor one hundred rubles, he received in return a whole mountain of little things. Since then, the "hare" has become a law-abiding passenger.
  6. Paustovsky had two brothers. A tragic fate awaited both: they died at the front on the same day. The writer found out about this quite by accident, from a piece of newspaper that ended up in his hands.
  7. Paustovsky also fought - he served in the field sanitary detachment.
  8. During the Great Patriotic War, the writer served as a war correspondent.
  9. Whom did Paustovsky not only work as a worker at metallurgical plants, and at the factories of Novorossiysk, and in a fishing artel.
  10. Paustovsky's work inspired the famous actress Marlene Dietrich. Once, at a personal meeting, she even knelt down in front of the writer, and this was captured by the photographer. Paustovsky kept the picture for a long time.
  11. Konstantin Paustovsky could become a Nobel laureate. However, this award was eventually awarded to Mikhail Sholokhov. It happened in 1965.
  12. Paustovsky fearlessly defended writers who were persecuted for political reasons. He provided them with all possible assistance - for example, Paustovsky became one of the first to sign a request for an apartment for the disgraced Solzhenitsyn.
  13. Paustovsky was not a member of the party. He was not afraid to demonstrate his apathy, he never supported those who, for the sake of the authorities, persecuted writers and, in general, representatives of the intelligentsia who did not agree with the position of the ruling party.
  14. In old age, Paustovsky left Moscow for Tarusa. There he began to publish his own newspaper. The writer published articles about those who were objectionable to the government. Of course, it couldn't go on like that for a long time, and the local "rulers of culture" once confiscated all copies of one of the issues, and the newspaper itself was banned.

The fate of Konstantin Paustovsky was not easy - he survived the revolution, two wars, a period of silent ban on all kinds of freethinking. But in his work there is no melancholy, no despair, no inescapable sadness. They are bright and full of love - for people, for nature, for all living things.

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Lesson goals.

  • Creating conditions for each student to understand the role of comparative historical analysis in determining the lexical meaning of words.
  • Development of creative, critical and heuristic thinking.
  • Education of a value attitude to the origins of the Russian language.
  • Lesson objectives.

    1. To form a positive motivation for the studied section of linguistics.
    2. To teach to argue the relationship of words through comparative historical analysis.
    3. Develop the ability to use an etymological dictionary.
    4. Learn how to solve etymological problems.
    5. Help students realize their creative and analytical skills.

    Used technologies: theory of development of critical thinking, heuristic technologies, problematic method.

    During the classes

    Stage 1.

    Student motivation

    Everything has a name - both the beast and the object.
    There are a lot of things around, but there are no nameless ones ...
    Language is both old and forever new!
    And it's so beautiful
    In the vast sea - the sea of ​​​​words -
    Bathe daily!

    The language in which we think and speak is always a reflection of our essence. But how often do we think, for some reason or another phenomenon, an object is called so? Do you want to discover the secret of the birth of words by looking into the depths of centuries? Our lesson will help you with this.

    This lesson does not apply to any of the sections of linguistics studied in the school curriculum. But it is closely related to each of them. Knowledge of phonetics will help you understand the phonetic processes occurring in our language. Morphemics and word formation will give new discoveries. Morphology is also indispensable here. Do you want to know why all the names of nationalities are nouns and only Russians are an adjective? Dare! All in your hands!

    Stage 2.

    Setting lesson goals

    Are you good at setting goals and achieving them? Let's try! Set your goals for today's lesson. Write them down in a notebook.

    Get to know the goals of the other students (for this I suggest you exchange notebooks with your nearest neighbors). Maybe there are some of your like-minded people among them. After all, it is much easier to go to the intended goal if you feel a friendly shoulder nearby.

    Formulate questions that you would like to receive answers to in our lesson. (Questions are put on the board)

    Select those of the other students' questions that you can now answer. Share your knowledge with them.

    Reflection of activity.

    1. What feelings and sensations did you have while working on the goals?
    2. What are your main results in completing the assignment? What made it possible to achieve them?

    Stage 3

    The topic of our lesson is “Fascinating etymology”. Who knows what etymology is? By the second root, you can guess that this is science. But science about what?

    Back in 1806, N. Yanovsky gave the following definition of etymology: "Word origin, word production; true product of the beginning of words or an explanation of their exact meaning." What do you think, which of the words of this definition is a translation from the Greek. etymon? - "truth, the true meaning of the word." So, today we will be engaged in the search for the truth with you!

    Pay attention to the second version of the topic of our lesson. What word fascinates in it? Maybe "secrets"? Try to name a few associations for this word. Do any of you among these associations have the word “detective”? I don't know why, but it was this association that led me to the idea of ​​inviting you to the detective agency today.

    What do you think the name of our detective agency will be? Suggest your name for this agency. Don't forget the theme of our lesson!

    Exercise 1. "Detective agency"

    Purpose: to give a name to the detective agency.

    Task execution algorithm:

    1. Think about the name of a detective agency that deals with the etymology of words. Suggest your agency name. Maybe you can suggest several variants of the name?
    2. Try to imagine what the agency's premises look like. You can use the Paint program and reflect your ideas in the attached file. If you do not like to draw, you can capture your sketch in writing. Justify the need for things you have chosen as attributes of a detective agency.
    3. Reflection: Ask our fictional detective a question. What would you like to ask him?

    And we boldly open the doors and enter the detective agency "Look at the root." How do you understand the word "see"? And what, from your point of view, does the expression in the name of our agency mean?

    The word "root" has many meanings. Choose from the proposed values ​​the one that matches our theme:

    1. Underground part of plants.
    2. The internal part of the tooth, hair, located in the body.
    3. Root of the equation.
    4. In words (in linguistics: the main, significant part of the word).
    5. Beginning, origin, source of something.

    Stage 4

    Every science has its own discoverer. We have a “identikit” of this person.

    Task 2. "Identikit"

    Purpose: to develop observation, the ability to see the "invisible", to learn how to create a characterization of a person according to his external data.

    Task execution algorithm:

    1. Describe the presented portrait. Imagine what this person could be, paying attention to the look, forehead, chin, face oval.
    2. Compare your guesses with those of other students. Note which probable qualities you missed, and which ones you noted with particular accuracy.
    3. Reflection. Describe how you feel when you complete this task. Is it true that the eyes are the window to the soul?

    Before us is a portrait of A. Kh. Vostokov. Let's turn the pages of history...

    The island of Saaremaa (Ezele), the city of Ahrensburg (later Kingisepp, now Kuressaare), which is on the coast of the Gulf of Riga. March 16, 1781. A boy was born in the German Ostenek family. Happy parents named the newborn Alexander. Could they then assume that their son in the near future would change his surname Ostenek to Vostokov, would consider himself Russian and go down in the history of world science as an outstanding Russian philologist, although they predicted a different future for him, prepared for another career.

    But the most favorite pastime of A.Kh. Vostokova was to compare, contrast the words of different languages, find common and different in them.

    This is a very exciting activity. So many interesting things to discover! Have you ever tried to match words from different languages? Of course, to do this, you need to know languages. But if you study in a serious educational institution, then you study not even one, but several languages, including, perhaps, ancient ones: Latin, Old Slavonic. Here are the cards for you.

    In the archive of manuscripts A.Kh. Vostokov keeps a small notebook (only eight sheets), on which is written in his hand: "Root and primitive words of the Slavic language." Can you guess what these words are that the researcher called indigenous and primitive? This means that not all words were of interest to A.Kh. Vostokov, but consisting only of the root, the most ancient, primitive. Think about what a capacious definition for words - primitives. These are the first formed (then derivatives will be created from them, nests of related words will form, and the primitives will head them, become the tops of word-forming nests) and, as it were, conveying the first image, i.e. the characteristic that served as the basis for the name.

    Want to know a little more about this amazing man? Let's call on the help of the Internet and the queen of science, the Book. With their help, you can answer the question: What contribution did A. Kh. Vostokov make to the development of etymology?

    It will be yours homework.

    Purpose: understanding the significance of the scientist's contribution to the development of science.

    The task can be completed in the following ways:

    1. A letter of thanks to A. Kh. Vostokov from the distant future.
    2. Ode "On the day of the discovery of great etymology."
    3. Your variant

    Stage 5

    And we will continue our acquaintance with the detective of the agency “Look at the Root” and will try to look “inside” the words together with him.

    We are so accustomed to words ... We read, write, talk, laugh, joke, sing, and even quarrel. We need language like we need air. But how rarely do we think about how the word appeared, what is its history and origin. Etymology studies the history and origin of the word, and is an important section of the history of the language, without knowing which we can only describe facts, objects, almost completely without explaining them. Science explains them.

    However, the establishment of the "original" meaning of the word does not exhaust the tasks of etymological research. In their development, words usually undergo various changes. In particular, the sound image of the word is changing. For example, the ancient form in the morning in modern Russian it sounds like tomorrow. The restoration of an older form often makes it possible to clarify the etymology of the word. That's the way it is with the word tomorrow. In itself, it is etymologically incomprehensible. And here is the form in the morning puts everything in its place: morning - tomorrow is the time that follows the morning.

    Task 3. "Let's follow"

    Purpose: to get acquainted with etymological dictionaries, to learn, using comparative phonetic analysis, to distinguish from the presented words words formed by changes at the phonetic level.

    Task execution algorithm:

    1. Get acquainted with etymological dictionaries, for example, with the “Historical and Etymological Dictionary of the Modern Russian Language” by P.Ya. same authors; “Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language” G.P. Tsyganenko.
    2. Carefully consider the construction of entries in these dictionaries. What information do they carry?
    3. Compare the words of the modern language and the original ones, i.e. the words from which the data was formed.
    4. Mark those of them in the formation of which phonetic changes are observed.
    5. Write down 5-10 words you found and send to the forum.
    6. Check out other students' answers. Ask them to prove the presence of phonetic changes in the words that interest you.

    stage 6

    To restore the oldest stages of the history of the word available to us, to reveal the reasons that led to the emergence of the word, to determine its closest “relatives” - these are the main tasks facing etymology.

    Such tasks are now before us.

    Task 4. "Find relatives"

    Purpose: to trace the “pedigree” of words up to its etymological birth, to learn how to argue the relationship of words through comparative historical analysis.

    1. Words given: swamp, lord, wet, hairy, volost, cure, elbow, possess, get along, passion. Among them there are three words that go back to the same common Slavic root. Find them.
    2. Group the following words into derivational nests: crafty, bend, ray, radiant, lukomorye, torch, basket, radiant, pay, archer, chance, better.

    Task 5. “Let's take it apart”

    Purpose: to compare the morphemic structure of words from a modern and historical point of view.

    Reflection tasks 3-5.

    By completing the previous tasks, you have become more closely acquainted with what etymology does. You have explored the origin of words, the historical processes that take place within words. Try to compose a syncwine with the word "etymology".

    Algorithm for compiling a syncwine:

    Line 1 – noun (“etymology”)

    Line 2 - 2-3 adjectives that you associate with this noun

    3rd line - 2-3 verbs

    Line 4 - a noun that is an antonym for this concept for you (fashionably situational)

    5 line - a phrase reflecting our concept

    If some of you have not yet met with the compilation of syncwines, then maybe this example will help you understand the essence of the task:

    Coniferous, green, immense
    Grows, fascinates, gives
    Generous Siberian taiga
    Take care!

    Stage 7

    There are many different games in the world. But is it possible to play etymology? It turns out you can. Such a game was invented by linguists, pursuing an entertaining, humorous goal, since they deliberately gave a false etymological interpretation of the words of the Russian language, hence the unusual name "pseudo-etymology".

    Take for example the word lefty. It was formed from the adjective left + sha and means "a person who does everything with his left hand." But you can also give a playful interpretation: to the noun a lion add a suffix -w-, the word was formed lefty meaning "female lion". Or, for example, the word contract in scientific etymology has the meaning “agreement”, then in pseudoetymology dog-o-thief will mean “a person stealing dogs”.

    The following words can be explained in the same way: breakfast- "dreaming about the future" insured- "intimidated" colic- "syringes" superman- soup lover blank- "stupid woman", banker- sweeping bank solarium- "the place of extraction of salt."

    In pseudoetymology, the main thing is to find such a sound complex in a given word that would to some extent resemble the sound complexes of the root part of another word that is close to the first one. It is the sound that is linked to the content. For example, martin- "a woman in flippers." Thus, pseudoetymology is a deliberate misinterpretation of a word based on the sound similarity of words that have different meanings.

    Task 6. “Pseudo-etymological dictionary”

    Purpose: to compile your own “pseudo-etymological” dictionary.

    Execution algorithm:

    1. Take a look around you. Make a list of objects, phenomena that surround you. You can pick up adjectives, verbs for them.
    2. Try to look at the written words from a different point of view, unusual for you. Maybe a swede will turn into a trouser leg for you, and a fork into a small country house.
    3. Write down your definitions of items. Choose the most successful and interesting from your point of view.
    4. Write down your vocabulary entries alphabetically.
    5. If you wish, you can arrange the resulting dictionary. Get creative with it. Maybe there will be illustrations in it?

    Task reflection: write a miniature “Is it difficult to be a linguist?”.

    Stage 8

    The word for us is the most important means of communication, a means of perception of works of fiction. But the word is also interesting in itself: each word has its own origin, its own history, its own phonetic and morphological appearance, its own meaning. All the words that we speak hold the secret of our birth. And it is very interesting to solve it. And of course, here you can not do without the most diverse literature - you want to look into encyclopedias and dictionaries, open a geographical atlas, look through history books. We'll have to reason, think logically, compare. But the result is worth it. After all, etymology is a science full of unsolved mysteries, mysteries that go back to the distant past, and the stubborn and inquisitive are sure to be discovered.

    Etymology is a complex and multifaceted science. She always requires a creative approach. Here it is impossible, having learned a few specific rules, to wait for ready-made answers to all questions. In many cases, these answers are not yet available, yet to be obtained by future researchers.

    Etymology is a science in which there is a place for discoveries and discoveries. For a long time to come, it will attract to itself those who are thoughtful about the word, are interested in its history, and seek to understand and explain the changes that are taking place in it.

    Task 7. Lesson reflection.

    1. Remember the content of the lesson. Mark which tasks were difficult for you, which ones were simple and uninteresting. Pick up epithets for each of the tasks.
    2. At the beginning of the lesson, you formulated questions that you would like to receive an answer to. Mark the ones for which you received this answer. Are there any unanswered questions? Do not despair! After the lesson, together we will choose a direction and outline ways to find answers to your questions.
    3. Remember your goals that you set at the beginning of the lesson. Which of them have you achieved? What helped you achieve your goals? Maybe it was some personal qualities? What else do you need to work on? Divide a sheet of paper into two halves. On the left write down those skills and abilities that you, from your point of view, already possess, and on the right - those that you still lack. If there are entries on the right side of the sheet, then you have something to strive for, then there is a goal ahead! I wish you success!

    Zakharov Vladimir

    The Russian language is the soul of Russia, its sacred place. Our destiny is in the words we speak. That is why it is necessary to focus on the historical processes taking place in it; based on the similarity of the Old Slavonic and Russian languages, to use the material of historical grammar to illustrate linguistic phenomena. The enrichment of the spiritual world of students is facilitated by both a comprehensive analysis of the text, which includes the key concepts of Orthodox culture: home, temple, family, duty, honor, love, humility, beauty, and work on the etymology of a single word.



    Fascinating etymology or secrets of Russian words

    Student's work

    GBPOU RO PU №36 Zakharova Vladimir

    Our orthography, being almost consistently etymological, gives it the richest nourishment. She makes you decompose words into their constituent parts, look for related forms for them Sherba L.V.


    The Russian language is the soul of Russia, its sacred place. Our destiny is in the words we speak. That is why it is necessary to focus on the historical processes taking place in it; based on the similarity of the Old Slavonic and Russian languages, to use the material of historical grammar to illustrate linguistic phenomena. The enrichment of the spiritual world of students is facilitated by both a comprehensive analysis of the text, which includes the key concepts of Orthodox culture: home, temple, family, duty, honor, love, humility, beauty, and work on the etymology of a single word.

    1. Science etymology

    Etymology - (Greek ἐ τ ῠ μολογ ί α "the true meaning of the word")

    The subject of etymology as a section of linguistics is the study of sources and the process of forming the vocabulary of a language andreconstruction the vocabulary of the language of the most ancient period (usually pre-literate).

    Semantics as a branch of linguistics answers the question of how a person, knowing the words and grammatical rules of a natural language, is able to convey with their help a wide variety of information about the world (including his own inner world), even if he first encounters with such a task, and to understand what information about the world is contained in any statement addressed to him, even if he hears it for the first time.

    AT vocabulary each language has a significant fund of words, the connection of which form with the meaning is incomprehensible to native speakers, since the structure of the word cannot be explained on the basis of the models of word formation that operate in the language. Historical changes in words obscure the primary form and meaning of the word, andiconic the nature of the word determines the complexity of the reconstruction of primary motivation, i.e. connection of the primary form and meaning of the word. The purpose of the etymological analysis of the word is to determine when, in what language, according to whatderivational models, on the basis of what linguistic material, in what form and with what meaning the word arose, as well as what historical changes in its primary form and meaning determined the form and meaning known to the researcher.

    As an independent linguistic discipline, semantics emerged relatively recently, at the end of the 19th century; the term "semantics" itself to designate a branch of science was first introduced in 1883 by the French linguist M. Breal, who was interested in the historical development of linguistic meanings. Until the end of the 1950s, along with it, the term "semasiology" was also widely used, now preserved only as a not very common name for one of the sections of semantics. However, questions related to the conduct of semantics were raised and, one way or another, resolved already in the oldest linguistic traditions known to us. After all, one of the main reasons forcing us to pay attention to the language is a misunderstanding of what the oral or written statement (text) addressed to us, or some part of it, means. Therefore, in the study of language, the interpretation of individual signs or entire texts - one of the most important activities in the field of semantics - has long occupied an important place. So, in China, in ancient times, dictionaries were created that contained interpretations of hieroglyphs. In Europe, ancient and medieval philologists compiled glosses, i.e. interpretation of incomprehensible words in written monuments. A truly rapid development of linguistic semantics began in the 1960s; at present, it is one of the most important sections of the science of language.

    In the European scientific tradition, the question of the relationship between words and "things", the objects to which they belonged, was first raised by ancient Greek philosophers, but to this day various aspects of this relationship continue to be refined. Consider the relation of the word to the "thing" more closely..

    2. Origin of words

    Asphalt. I wonder what this Greek word meant when there were no paved sidewalks and highways. Let's open the Greek dictionary. First syllable a - denial. Noun sfalma - fall, misfortune, failure. So the basic meaning is bad. The prefix a turns this word into its opposite, giving it a good quality. Asfaleya means: confidence, reliability, security. It is with this word asphaltos was named in ancient Greece the resin of coniferous plants. The name comes from the resin asphalt - tarred road.

    Birch. From the word white in ancient times there were the words "birch", "linen", "squirrel". Birch - a tree with white bark; white squirrel - a kind of squirrel of a very rare and expensive breed was named after the color of the fur; "linen from white" according to the type "junk from old" originally meant unpainted white linen, then linen from this linen, then linen in general.

    Nonsense. When the first shipbuilders arrived in Russia under Peter I, they spoke mostly German, accompanying their words with increased gestures, they explained the arrangement of masts, their installation, purpose, while saying hier und da, which in German means here and there . In Russian pronunciation and awareness, this turned into nonsense , which denotes something obscure and unnecessary.

    Shabby dress.Weekday, home, everyday. a meal in the last century, cheap fabric was called - by the name of Zatrapeznov, at whose factory it was produced.

    Clumsy . Some Russian writers can find the word clumsy

    Okay, foldable: “Good, clumsy words come by themselves” (A. Kuprin). Writers use it from folk dialects. It comes from an ancient word key - order, beauty.

    Hence the clumsy and clumsy - beautiful, stately; clumsy - clumsy, awkward.

    It is forbidden. What is not - it is clear, it is important to establish what is lzya . It once sounded lz and was the dative case of a noun lie - freedom. Traces of the existence of the word lie we see in our modern benefit, benefit ; it is no longer found separately.

    Education. It is believed that this word is a tracing paper of the German - a picture, an image, and the whole word means enlightenment. Word education can be found in church Russian books already in the 17th century, and German influences could hardly penetrate into them. Most likely, a direct connection with Old Church Slavoniccreate - createcompose, from the Slavicimage is likeness.

    Forgive. The etymology of this word may seem surprising. Old Russian simple, corresponding to our simple, meant straight, unbent. Sorry therefore, it was important to straighten up, and then to allow the guilty one, who was bent in an apology bow, to straighten up. The exclamation "Forgive me!" therefore meant: "Let me raise my guilty head, get up from my knees ...". To forgive means to set free, to make free.

    Rainbow. The word rainbow recorded in the dictionaries of the Russian language only since the 18th century. This word is East Slavic in origin, formed from the adjective glad meaning cheerful. First the word rainbow referred to something cheerful, and later - to a brilliant, sparkling. Word meaning connection rainbow with the meaning cheerful is also confirmed by the fact that in some regional dialects rainbow called veselka, veselukha.

    River. One of the most archaic, ancient words of our language. It is related to the ancient Indian rayas - a stream, current, with the Celtic renos - a river, from which the geographical name Rhine arose. Probably in the mists of time river meant - a stormy stream, rapids.

    Child. Such a good, sweet word, but in origin it is associated with disgusting slave . In Old Russian shy meant little slave, child of a slave. But a slave, or rob, then meant an orphan. Gradually, the baby got the meaning - just a child, and it turned into a child under the influence of assimilation.

    Day. once existed days - collision. That is exactly how the meeting of day and night, their totality, and this word was originally understood.

    Drawing. This word refers to the number of native Russians. It is an old derivative of the verb draw, which in the Proto-Slavic language had the meaning of cutting, chopping something. That is, initially drawing - this is cutting, cutting, notching, as well as a forest clearing.

    In the sense familiar to us: "the image of any objects on paper, a plan of something" the word drawing used in Russian for a long time. At least since the 16th century.


    Etymological analysis allows you to instill interest in the Russian language, through entertaining exercises, the development of language flair, expanding horizons, vocabulary. Mechanical memorization of words, text without understanding and comprehension is the most difficult and uninteresting form of obtaining knowledge.

    The formation of coherent speech begins with work on the word, etymological analysis has an impact on spelling literacy.