Abstract of the scientific article elementary school. Annotations to the magazine fgos "elementary school"

Official documents of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Materials for the experiment on updating the content and structure of primary education Federal State Educational Standard. New educational result The educational environment of the school. Developing educational environment Person-oriented education Organization of work on the Educational system "School 2100" Announcements, information Activity approach in education. Organization of educational activities of junior schoolchildren Work in primary school according to different educational systems The problem of succession and continuity of education The development of general educational skills Sanenko N.I. Information technology and the formation of the ability to learn from younger students Age characteristics of younger students Adaptation of first graders to schooling Playing in the educational activities of younger students Work with gifted children Development of personal qualities of schoolchildren Preserving and strengthening the health of children and teachers. Healthy lifestyle Preschool and preschool education Literacy education Teaching Russian language, rhetoric, development of speech and communication skills Difficult questions of working with text in Russian language lessons (selection of materials): Literary reading lessons and reading skills development Children's reading. Articles about writers Rhetoric in preschool and school Lesson-holiday in rhetoric for the 4th grade History in elementary school Teaching mathematics Computer science and ICT Lessons of the world (natural science and social science). Ecological education Integrated extra-curricular activities in the 3rd grade Physical development and health of children. Physical education lessons Aesthetic education, upbringing and development Foreign language in elementary school Fine art lessons Technology lessons Various forms of lesson organization. Integrated lessons Development of children's creative abilities Gymnasium education Problems of development and education of students Work with parents Materials to help the administration of the educational institution Monitoring, control and evaluation of the educational result Extracurricular activities Local history in elementary school Scenarios of holidays From the history of national education (pedagogical heritage) Scientific and practical conferences Conference materials School of Dialogue of Cultures Gender Approach in Education Personality of a teacher, professional growth and self-development Preparing a future teacher New textbooks Our congratulations Teacher's fate Primary school abroad Psychologist and psychology at school Poets for children Work in an extended day group, extracurricular activities Work on the School 2100 OS in elementary and high school Problem-dialogical technology Literary creativity of our readers Project activities Educational research activities of students Review of the works of prominent scientists Psychologists Classes in KRO classes Pedagogical diagnostics Let's discuss Teaching economics in elementary school Educational technologies Rural ungraded school Olympiads, intellectual marathon Responses to letters

In accordance with modern requirements, it seems impossible to use ICT at all stages of the lesson at once, this will lead to information and educational overload, and is also not physiologically justified for elementary school students.

A teacher who uses new information technologies in his lessons must take into account the requirements of modern sanitary legislation (SanPiN 2.2.2 / 2.4.1340-03 "Hygienic requirements for video display terminals, personal electronic computers and organization of work").

For classes with children, it is permissible to use only such computer equipment that has a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the safety for the health of children. An important indicator of the effectiveness of a lesson using ICT is the mode of training sessions. For children 6 years old, the norm should not exceed 10 minutes, and for children 7-10 years old - 15 minutes. The number of lessons using ICT is no more than 3-4 lessons per week.

The mode of training sessions using computer tools is presented in Table 3 (by).

Tab. 3


3.3. Analysis of articles in the magazines "Primary School" and "Primary School Plus Before and After" for 2006-2010.

An analysis of the articles in the magazine "Primary School" and "Primary School Plus Before and After" over the past five years showed that primary school teachers use information and communication technologies in Russian language and literature classes in the following way.

In his article “First Place for the Computer”, he talks about how the use of new information technologies can transform the teaching of traditional educational subjects, rationalizing children's work, optimizing the processes of understanding and remembering educational material, and most importantly, arouse children's interest in learning. In the Russian language lessons, the teacher uses a variety of games, the computer solves the problem of lack of mobile visualization.

For example, the game "Throw the ball into the net"

shares his experience on how to quickly teach children to work independently with voluminous texts, using the ability to highlight key words and phrases on a computer. So in the story of Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin “Tree Conversation”, children are invited to highlight figurative words and expressions in red. When getting acquainted with the work of K. Paustovsky "Badger's nose", it is proposed to select and move to the right side the words that can describe the changing mood of the little badger.

According to the author, the computer is a powerful stimulus for the creativity of children, including the most infantile or disinhibited. On the screen, you can quickly perform transformations in the deformed text, turning disparate sentences into a coherent story. Children do not need to write, it is enough to work with the keyboard and mouse, which means that the fear of writing is removed.

The game "You are the editor."

Replace the underlined nouns with pronouns.

There is a bad reputation about the fox, as if a fox carries chickens. But in fact, rarely fox it succeeds. Often a fox hunting for mice. At foxes keen hearing. Only the mouse squeaks, the fox is already right there.

she has

Teachers A and in the article "The use of new information technologies in the classroom in elementary school" offer best practices for restoring the text.

Teachers tried to use information technology to somewhat change the approach to text work. Based on the integration of traditional lessons and informatics lessons, the boundaries of active and conscious activity of students are significantly expanded. At a Russian language lesson in grade 3, children are offered a text about a bear, presented in a Microsoft Word text editor, which was studied in computer science lessons in grade 2. The word "bear" is missing from the text. After reading the text, the children are asked to determine the genre of the work, the topic of the text, then the children try to insert the word bear into the text and come to the conclusion that the text turned out to be ugly, unliterary, since the word “bear” is often repeated. Children offer their own versions of words that can replace this word and type them on the computer in the document after the text. In a similar way, children come up with and design a series of headings for the text. After the work done, using the compiled list and the “Copy” operation, insert their options into the text. By structuring the lesson in this way, the authors solve several problems:

They realize the ability to collect material for the statement and save it (using it not only for this particular lesson, but also in subsequent forms of work);

- while maintaining a creative approach to creating a text, they practice the ability to repeatedly improve what is written, correcting the grammatical structure of the sentence and the style of the text;

- pay attention to the construction of each sentence, and not to the mechanical rewriting of it in a notebook.

Annotation to the article by N.V. Shmeleva "Using information and communication technologies in teaching schoolchildren the subject of "the world around us".// Primary school-2010. No. 3.- p.11-13. Section: teacher's library.

The relevance of the topic of this article is that modern educational technologies are unthinkable without the widespread use of information and communication technologies, which are increasingly becoming part of our lives. The author managed to quite fully reveal the role of ICT in primary education, especially in the lessons of the world around. The use of ICT in these lessons helps to reveal the practical significance of the material being studied, show originality, ask questions and offer their own solutions. Children can see those animals or those plants that are common in other natural areas, they can hear the sounds made by animals. The inclusion of ICT in the educational process allows the teacher to organize various forms of educational and cognitive activities in the classroom, to make active and purposeful independent work of primary school students. The use of ICT in the educational process makes it possible to improve the quality of educational material and enhance educational effects, develop the ability of students to navigate the information flows of the world around them, master practical ways of working with information, develop skills that allow exchanging information using modern technical means, enhance the cognitive activity of students, conduct lessons at a high aesthetic level, to individually approach the student, applying multi-level tasks, which is proved by the examples of the author of this article.

I was especially interested in the example of modeling when studying the topic: "Indoor plants are our friends." I want to apply it in my lessons - this is new for me.

The use of information technology helps to stimulate the creative activity of students. The results of the children's creative activity can be used by teachers as an illustrative, visual material for lessons, which is proved by the author of the article with some examples In this matter, I fully support the author and the use of ICT also helps me a lot in my work, especially in the lessons of the world around.

I can give many examples from my practice and my colleagues, but I will note that students of both the first and fourth grades love lessons using ICT, especially working with projects on various topics of the lessons of the world around them. The author gives a rather detailed description of the work on projects using ICT.

Recently, modern education is unthinkable without the use of Internet resources. This article by the author is very relevant and significant in modern education. Perhaps, I can only add one thing - a teacher who creates or uses information technology is forced to pay great attention to the logic of the presentation of educational material, which has a positive effect on the level of knowledge of students and then the children's attitude towards the PC changes. The guys begin to perceive it as a universal tool for working in any field of human activity, and not as a tool for games.

The experience of organizing the educational process according to the described models of using ICT in primary school in the classroom, especially the world around, allows us to talk about a high degree of efficiency in combining the use of modern information technologies and manuals that involve learning through activity. This is a long and continuous process of changing the content, methods and organizational forms of training schoolchildren who will have to live and work in conditions of unlimited access to information.

The implementation of the possibilities of using new information technologies creates the prerequisites for the formation of an information culture of educational activities, increases the motivation for learning due to the possibility of independent choice of forms and methods of teaching, and contributes to the comprehensive development of the student's personality.

The author of the article proves that it is at the lessons of the world around with the use of information and communication technologies in teaching that all the “Requirements for meta-subject learning outcomes” indicated in the FGOSLEO are solved.

The use of information technology in the classroom in elementary school is one of the most modern means of developing the personality of a younger student; it raises the level of formation of UUD and the formation of its information culture.

2 annotations for materials in the magazines "Primary school" are presented. The first article presents materials for the transition of the school to electronic textbooks. The author of the second article is a primary school teacher who teaches project activities to first graders. As much as possible?! We're trying to figure it out.




Primary school teacher Chernoperova Marina Gennadievna to an article from the magazine "Primary School, No. 9, 2014

"Introduction of interactive educational technologies and electronic textbooks to school".

This article says that on July 29, a meeting of representatives of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, experts in the field of education and heads of leading book publishers took place at the International Multimedia Press Center of the MIA "Russia Today".

The authors of the article state that, in accordance with the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", from January 1, 2015, in order to be included in the federal list of textbooks, publishing houses will have to submit printed and electronic versions of textbooks for examination.

During the meeting, the participants discussed the main approaches to the creation, dissemination and use of interactive educational technologies and electronic educational materials.

P. Sergomanov, Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy in the Sphere of General Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, noted the prerequisites that were created by the Ministry for the introduction of electronic textbooks into the educational process.

For three years, a large-scale project "Modernization of regional systems of general education in the Russian Federation" has been implemented, which made it possible to create modern learning conditions for schoolchildren. As P. Sergomanov noted, within the framework of the project, almost 4 billion rubles were allocated for the organization of distance learning, 64 billion rubles were spent on the purchase of 4.3 million units of modern ICT equipment, software was updated, and school Internet traffic was increased.

P. Sergomanov emphasizes that "It is important to understand that the Ministry considers an electronic textbook as a certain form of a printed textbook, so their structure and content must meet certain requirements."

Now, a special working group has been created under the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, which is developing requirements for electronic textbooks, their content, structure and performance.

In our opinion, this article shows the prospect of the transition of the school to a new modern level, in accordance with the generally accepted world trends in education. However, it is important to note that the author of the article recommends a comprehensive approach to this problem, having studied the possible risks, suggests developing requirements for electronic textbooks and multimedia aids, which will undoubtedly not harm the health of schoolchildren.


to the article by O.L. Koloskova, "Project activity of first-graders in mathematics"//

Primary school - 2014. No. 10, p.30-32

The main purpose of this article, in our opinion, is to show readers how the author tries to continue working on the formation of super-subject skills within the framework of extracurricular activities. Working on the teaching materials "Planet of Knowledge", the teacher was faced with the need to prepare students for project activities. Namely, the ability to create projects. For the formation of design skills in first graders, the author uses special workbooks for students R.I. Sizova, R.F. Selimova "Learning to create a project" and the same methodological guide for teachers.

O.L. Koloskova claims that in 12 lessons, first-graders are able to create a project in groups, and not only create, but also protect it. In the course of classes, children learn to set a goal, define tasks, and work with sources. Based on the materials of the workbook, children get acquainted with the concepts:problem, hypothesis, solutions, project product.

The article names the topics of classes, their sequence, briefly presents the activities of students. However, there are many questions about organizing group work in the first grade, working with sources and even workbooks, where most of the information is presented in writing. Since the teacher notes that the work is carried out in the first months of schooling, it can be said with confidence that at this stage the students do not know how to read. First-graders do not master group forms of work; they do not have communicative and elementary research skills.

At the end of the article, the teacher voices some of the problems, claims that their solution is facilitated by the involvement of parents, the leading role of the teacher, and carefully designed teaching aids. But, working in the first grade and doing project activities for several years, I can express doubts about the effectiveness of these classes in the first days of the child's stay at school. Perhaps the author of the article should have shown, using the example of one lesson, how the teacher builds it (structure, forms of organization, methods and techniques). Describe in detail the activities of students and teachers. It would be very interesting and methodologically useful. Since the children are small, the main problem is the organization of their activities, the inability to work independently, the lack of the necessary skills, both subject and general educational.

In connection with the foregoing, I can note that after studying this article, there was a desire to find a workbook and methodological guide R.I. Sizova, R.F. Selimova.

Recently, on the pages of the magazine "Primary School" there has been an active discussion of an important trend in modern Russian education - informatization of the educational process in elementary school. Its essence is the introduction of new information and communication technologies in the educational activities of an educational institution. Your attention is invited to a brief overview of the publications of the scientific and methodological journal "Primary School", dedicated to the informatization of primary education (2011-2013).

This problem is considered in the article by V.A. Zakharova, primary school teacher, school No. 224, Moscow, "Interactive complexes in the educational process." The author introduces us to the possibilities of interactive systems: a computer, a multimedia projector and a Smart board. He draws attention to the fact that it is very important to use “such computer equipment that has a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on its safety for the health of children” when working, and when working with it, strictly comply with all the requirements of SanPiNs. He notes that working with an interactive whiteboard saves time, stimulates the development of mental and creative activity, improves the quality of education, educational material is absorbed better and stronger. At the same time, the effectiveness of work depends on the degree of preparedness of the teacher and the ability to competently use this complex in his work.

Further, the author offers us the types of work carried out in the lessons of the Russian language and mathematics, where he notes the particular effectiveness of using ICT tools in solving equations, conducting mathematical dictations, working with an interactive dictionary, mentions a form of tasks that allows students to prepare for exams in the format USE.

In the article by A.V. Ignatenko, primary school teacher, school No. 29, Smolensk, "Information environment and the development of communication skills of younger students" highlights the need to use ICT in the development of communication skills of primary school students.

Despite the fact that the information activity of younger schoolchildren is growing, and almost all schools, thanks to integrated informatization, have a material and technical base, in Russia, the author believes, the informatization of primary education has not yet received a systematic solution. At the same time, the author notes, there are a number of contradictions between the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO and the insufficient level of use of ICT at the initial level. And he offers to briefly get acquainted with the positive experience of working on the development of communication skills using ICT tools in his educational institution.

The author recommends a comprehensive approach to this problem, having studied the possible risks, and the teacher, guided by hygiene standards, carefully consider the intensity of training sessions using computer technology.

Of particular interest, in our opinion, is the article N.S. Kudakova , Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Nizhny Novgorod State University. N.I. Lobachevsky (Arzamas branch) and D.I. Zagorodny , primary school teacher, Krasnoselskaya school, Arzamas district,"Distance learning of younger students".

In this article, the authors say that in modern conditions the role of the student as a consumer of educational information is changing, there is a great opportunity for independent search, analysis, processing, production and transmission. That is why you should pay attention to distance learning in the lower grades. At the same time, according to the authors, it is necessary to take into account the fact that distance learning is not intended to completely remove the teacher from the student, but is applicable only in certain cases when the student for some reason cannot attend the educational institution.

First, it is important to remember about sanitary standards. Secondly, it is necessary to show the student that the computer is a means of obtaining and exchanging information. Thanks to the use of computer graphics, visual material stimulates the student's intellectually active transforming activity, the images become emotionally colored, which means they are durable and will remain in memory for a longer time. And such information is better to understand and remember. Thirdly, the pages of the site should not be a complete analogue or alternative to a school textbook. The material should gradually complement the book. Differentiated work using Internet sites allows you to captivate the student with the subject, offering tasks of increased difficulty, various quizzes and questions for olympiads. Monitoring their performance allows you to identify thinking students who are able to offer their own way and move away from the traditional way of solving the problem. Fourth, given the age of the student, it is necessary to minimize the use of the keyboard.

In addition, the authors suggest that you familiarize yourself with the implementation of these rules on their website, which is constantly updated and available for viewing. They introduce the site menu device and give an example of a fragment of one of its pages.

And one more article, which we will consider in the framework of this publication, "Information technology as the core of the class development program», authorA.A. Musina , primary school teacher, gymnasium No. 33, Perm. The main purpose of the article, in our opinion, is to show that educational practice in the near future will be based on more complex forms of social relations. At the same time, the set of information and computer competencies of the teacher should change qualitatively and meaningfully.

For children born surrounded by computers, game consoles, video cameras, cell phones and the Internet, the digital world has become an integral part of the surrounding reality. And it depends on the teacher whether this environment will become a development resource. Despite the fact that pedagogy has already accumulated experience in understanding the problems of educational work at school in the conditions of the modern information environment, the author emphasizes that “at present, neither the concept of teaching computer science and information technology has been created in the context of the formation of meta-subject results of mastering the basic educational program of primary education. general education as a key requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard, nor the methods corresponding to it. The author suggests that the classroom development program can become a model for managing an ICT-saturated environment, the main characteristic of which today is not only the inclusion of computer technologies in various primary school subjects, but also the expansion of the range of available information sources.

Further in the article there is an acquaintance with the program of formation and development of the class, which combines several blocks: educational, developing and individualization block. We are explained the tasks of each block, while explaining the role of the teacher and students. The author believes that the class development model presented by him organically fits into the educational environment of the educational institution, makes the most of the existing conditions and enriches it with new opportunities.

Summing up all the above, I would like to hope that in the coming years, information and communication technologies will firmly enter the lives of teachers and help make learning more interesting and exciting.


1. Zakharova V.A. Interactive complexes in the educational process//Primary school. - 2011. No. 1. – P.64-65.

2. Ignatenko A.V. Information Environment and Development of Communication Skills of a Primary School Student // Elementary School. - 2013. No. 5. – P.58-60.

3. Kudakova N.S., Zagorodnyaya D.I. Distance learning for younger students// Primary school. - 2013. No. 5. - P.15-18.

4. Musina A.A. Information technology as the core of class development//Primary school. - 2012. No. 4. – P.87-90.