Human life is priceless quotes. Quotes about life

Children are just animals, except that not a single animal has even a quarter of childish selfishness.

Man is distinguished from animals more by feelings than by reason. Watching a cat, you see the work of the mind rather than laughter or crying. Maybe the cat laughs and talks silently, to itself, but then it is possible that the crab also solves quadratic equations to itself.

"Miguel de Unamuno"

The guinea pig is a unique animal. It has nothing to do with the sea or pigs.

You say that you love flowers, and you tear them; you say you love animals - and eat their meat; you say you love me - I'm afraid of you.

"Tonino Guerra"

Dogs have only one drawback - they trust people.

"Elian J. Finbert"

Animals have horns, hooves, feathers and jaws! They fight in order to continue their species!

If you see children torturing a kitten or a bird for their own fun, you stop them and teach them pity for living beings, while you yourself go hunting, shooting pigeons, racing, and sit down to dinner, for which several living beings are killed. Won't this screaming contradiction become obvious and stop people?

"L. N. Tolstoy»

People also have nothing to do with deer, but some walk with antlers.

No person who has ever lived side by side with animals living in the wild can visit the zoo after that.

"Peter Heg"

We never forget to look at the wolves, so miserable in cages, where they walk incessantly in circles, more to give them a brotherly look than to admire them.

"Marina Vladi"

Humans are the only animals that have children for a specific purpose. True, there are also guppies - they love to feast on their fry.

"P. J. O'Rourke"

Don't leave the animals... please, they are the most loyal and love you no matter who you are or how much money you have.

"Elchin Safarli"

I believe that animals have feelings and other signs of intelligence, but no one has yet been able to prove this. Why, we can’t prove that other people are intelligent, where can we talk about animals.

"Joseph LeDoux"

The question to be asked is not whether animals can think or speak, but whether they can suffer.

"Jeremiah Bentham"

A cat is a creature that plays with a mouse and imagines that there is a person in front of it.

"Leonard Louis Levinson"

Discriminating living beings solely for the benefit of their own species is a form of prejudice.

"Peter Singer"

When an animal is beaten, its eyes take on a human expression. How much did a man have to suffer before he became a man.

"Karel Capek"

"Mikhail Genin"

Rabbits do not die at all - they become earflaps, fur coats, muffs and continue to live in our souls.

You can become a border guard if you run after a dog for a long time.


If God didn't want us to eat animals, then why did he make them out of meat?

"Sarah Palin"

The righteous man takes care of his cattle, but the heart of the sinner does not know mercy.

I am always interested in: Why does some single-celled ameoba belong to animals - to living ones, and a plant that is more complex in structure, which can even feed on the same ameobes, bacteria, insects, birds, fish, and can even sometimes move, but is not considered an animal ?

"Vladimir Borisov"

A kitten in the animal kingdom is like a rosebud in a garden.

"Robert Southey"

A good person is ashamed even in front of a dog.

"Anton Chekhov"

Having an animal at home is taking responsibility for its life.

A lion remains a lion, even if he is as stupid as a donkey.

"Mikhail Genin"

Animals are like children and old people: without the right to choose, they are not to blame for anything, and often no one needs them.

"Yanna Serkova"

Good thing my cat can't talk - she knows too much!

Animals feed, people eat; but only smart people know how to eat.

"Jean Antelme Brillat-Savarin"

And quadrupeds stand on their hind limbs. What will you not do for food and fear!

"Stanislav Jerzy Lec"

Cruelty to animals is one of the means of destroying moral sensibility.

"Benjamin Rush"

Pets are like a diary: they know everything, but they won't tell anyone.

Only a person who has a dog feels like a person.

A lost sheep is constantly made a scapegoat.

"Yana Dzhangirova"

Man is superior to animals, not because he can torment them, but because he is able to pity them. And a man pities animals because he feels that the same thing lives in them that lives in him.

Clever thoughts come only when stupid things have already been done.

Only those who make absurd attempts can achieve the impossible. Albert Einstein

Good friends, good books, and a sleeping conscience are the ideal life. Mark Twain

You can't go back in time and change your start, but you can start now and change your finish.

Upon closer examination, it generally becomes clear to me that those changes that seem to come with the passage of time are, in fact, no changes at all: only my view of things changes. (Franz Kafka)

And although the temptation is great to go along two roads at once, you can’t play with the same deck of cards with both the devil and God ...

Appreciate those with whom you can be yourself.
Without masks, omissions and ambitions.
And take care of them, they are sent to you by fate.
After all, in your life there are only a few of them

For an affirmative answer, only one word is enough - “yes”. All other words are invented to say no. Don Aminado

Ask a person: "What is happiness?" and you will find out what he misses the most.

If you want to understand life, then stop believing what they say and write, but observe and feel. Anton Chekhov

There is nothing in the world more destructive, more unbearable than inaction and waiting.

Turn your dreams into reality, work on ideas. Those who laughed at you before will begin to envy.

Records are there to be broken.

Don't waste time, invest in it.

The history of mankind is the history of a fairly small number of people who believed in themselves.

Did you push yourself to the limit? Don't you see the point in living anymore? So, you are already close ... Close to the decision to reach the bottom in order to push off from it and decide to be happy forever .. So do not be afraid of the bottom - use it ....

If you are honest and frank, then people will deceive you; still be honest and frank.

A person rarely succeeds in anything if his occupation does not give him joy. Dale Carnegie

If at least one flowering branch remains in your soul, a singing bird will always sit on it. (Eastern wisdom)

One of the laws of life says that as soon as one door closes, another one opens. But the whole trouble is that we look at the locked door and do not pay attention to the opened one. André Gide

Don't judge a person until you talk to them in person, because everything you hear is hearsay. Michael Jackson.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. Mahatma Gandhi

Human life is divided into two halves: during the first half they strive forward to the second, and during the second back to the first.

If you don't do anything yourself, how can you be helped? You can only drive a moving car

All will be. Only when you decide to do it.

In this world, you can look for everything except love and death... They will find you when the time comes.

Inner satisfaction in spite of the surrounding world of suffering is a very valuable asset. Sridhar Maharaj

Start now to live the life that you would like to see it in the end. Marcus Aurelius

We must live every day as if it were the last moment. We do not have a rehearsal - we have a life. We don't start it from Monday - we live today.

Every moment of life is another opportunity.

A year later, you will look at the world with different eyes, and even this tree that grows near your house will seem different to you.

Happiness does not need to be sought - it must be. Osho

Almost every success story that I know of started with a man lying on his back, defeated by failure. Jim Rohn

Every long journey begins with one, the first step.

Nobody is better than you. Nobody is smarter than you. They just started early. Brian Tracy

The one who runs falls. He who crawls does not fall. Pliny the Elder

It is enough just to understand that you live in the future, as soon as you find yourself there.

I choose to live rather than exist. James Alan Hetfield

When you appreciate what you have, and not live in search of ideals, then you will truly become happy ..

Only those who are worse than us think badly about us, and those who are better than us are simply not up to us. Omar Khayyam

Sometimes one call separates us from happiness… One conversation… One confession…

By admitting one's weakness, one becomes strong. Honre Balzac

He who humbles his spirit is stronger than he who conquers cities.

When an opportunity presents itself, you must seize it. And when you grabbed it, achieved success - enjoy it. Feel the joy. And let everyone around suck your hose for being goats, when they didn’t even give you a penny. And then go away. Beautiful. And leave everyone in shock.

Never despair. And if you have already fallen into despair, then continue to work in despair.

A decisive step forward is the result of a good kick from behind!

In Russia, you have to be either famous or rich to be treated the way anyone in Europe is treated. Konstantin Raikin

It all depends on your attitude. (Chuck Norris)

No reasoning can show a man the path he does not want to see Romain Rolland

What you believe in becomes your world. Richard Matheson

It's good where we're not. We are no longer in the past, and therefore it seems beautiful. Anton Chekhov

The rich get richer because they learn to overcome financial hardship. They see them as an opportunity to learn, grow, develop, and prosper.

Everyone has their own hell - it's not necessarily fire and tar! Our hell is a wasted life! Where Dreams Lead

It doesn't matter how hard you work, the main thing is the result.

Only mother has the most affectionate hands, the most tender smile and the most loving heart ...

Winners in life always think in the spirit: I can, I want, I. Losers, on the other hand, focus their scattered thoughts on what they could have, could do, or what they could not do. In other words, winners always take responsibility for themselves, and losers blame circumstances or other people for their failures. Denis Waitley.

Life is a mountain climbing slowly, descending quickly. Guy de Maupassant

People are so afraid to take a step towards a new life that they are ready to close their eyes to everything that does not suit them. But it’s even scarier: to wake up one day and realize that everything is not right, wrong, wrong ... Bernard Shaw

Friendship and trust cannot be bought or sold.

Always, in every minute of your life, even when you are absolutely happy, have one attitude towards the people around you: - In any case, I will do what I want, with or without you.

In the world, only one can choose between loneliness and vulgarity. Arthur Schopenhauer

One has only to look at things differently, and life will flow in a different direction.

The iron said to the magnet: most of all I hate you because you attract, not having enough strength to drag you along! Friedrich Nietzsche

Know how to live even when life becomes unbearable. N. Ostrovsky

The picture you see in your mind will eventually become your life.

“The first half of your life you ask yourself what you are capable of, but the second - and who needs it?”

It's never too late to set a new goal or find a new dream.

Control your destiny or someone else will.

see beauty in the ugly
to see rivers in the streams…
who knows how to be happy on weekdays,
he really is a lucky man! E. Asadov

The sage was asked:

How many types of friendship are there?

Four, he replied.
There are friends, like food - every day you need them.
There are friends, like medicine, you look for them when you feel bad.
There are friends, like a disease, they themselves are looking for you.
But there are such friends as air - they are not visible, but they are always with you.

I will become the person I want to be - if I believe that I will become one. Gandhi

Open your heart and listen to what it dreams about. Follow your dream, because only through the one who is not ashamed of himself will the glory of the Lord be manifested. Paulo Coelho

To be refuted is nothing to fear; one should be afraid of another - to be misunderstood. Immanuel Kant

Be realistic - demand the impossible! Che Guevara

Don't put off your plans if it's raining outside.
Don't give up on your dreams if people don't believe in you.
Go against nature, people. You are a person. You are strong.
And remember - there are no unattainable goals - there is a high coefficient of laziness, a lack of ingenuity and a stock of excuses.

Either you create the world, or the world creates you. Jack Nicholson

I love it when people just smile. You go, for example, on a bus and you see a person looking out the window or texting and smiling. It feels so good to the soul. And I want to smile too.

And you know, life is wonderful and amazing, but only on one condition ... if you notice and be surprised!

The most important thing is the will to live. Rejoice in a sunbeam, a wild flower, a sparrow chirping on a branch... Almost everyone has the gift of being happy in childhood, but only a few can keep it for life...

- What are you doing tomorrow?
- I will live!

Don't wait for the crisis to pass. Right now, smile, hug the one who is nearby, and mentally - those who are at a distance, knead the dough for the pie, throw a warm letter in the mailbox, forgive the one who is offended, close your eyes for a minute and, opening them, start life again. Do not take it too seriously, do not look for meaning, benefits, revenge. Just live, smile and love. It is not hard.

To live means to share your soul.

… Every day brings us a chance. Chance to live. A chance to love and believe. A chance to understand and accept. Smile when there is no reason to smile, call a long-forgotten friend, go to mom for the weekend, adopt a puppy, wear a very beautiful and bold dress, buy expensive perfume that you have dreamed about for so long, go to another city, buy yourself flowers, admire your reflected in random shop windows, get high-heeled shoes from a drawer, buy a box of your favorite sweets and eat on the way ...

Fall in love! You can not turn on the TV, do not read newspapers, do not make excuses and do not say "never". Leave the city and walk barefoot on the grass. Wander under the warm rain and look at the evening city, sitting on the roof of the house. Book a hotel room and order pineapple champagne. Go overnight in the forest. Walk around the city, get tired, sit on a bench and eat ice cream. Call the person with whom you have so many pleasant moments, and whose number has long been left in the phone book, and say: I MISSED YOU SO MUCH. Do not wait for an eternal tomorrow and do not say an unrealizable “maybe”. Don't dream about what others make a reality. Live, and do not prepare for this all your life ... and do not look for reasons to be happy when a new day comes ... We do not start a new life in the morning, from Monday and from the New Year. A new life is a life in which we are not afraid of our desires and do not forget about dreams, hiding them far, far away. And there is no need to wait for a non-existent "one day" ...

The rest is just to live. Pamper yourself with delicious food, build a family or not, make a career or not, go to other countries, read beautiful books, walk barefoot on the spring grass, pick wild flowers, gurgle lemonade through a straw and sometimes turn your back to the stereotypes of society.

Elchin Safarli

But until youth has passed, it must be turned into joy. One hundred percent. To complete satisfaction, you know? Only with these memories will it be possible to warm oneself in old age.

Haruki Murakami "1Q84"

It is important not to miss your own life. Not to spend our days in a stupor, dutifully swallowing any dubious ideas that modern society feeds us through the media, and being in a state of dormancy. The most amazing gift that is given to us in life is the opportunity to be people, because only people are endowed with consciousness. So be grateful for that.

Treat your feelings with respect, do not dull them by being in a state of drug intoxication, depression or voluntary stupor. Try to notice something new every day. Pay attention to even the smallest details. Even if you don't live in the forest, always be on your guard. Feel the taste of food, the smell of the household chemicals department in the supermarket, notice how these harsh chemical smells affect the senses. Walk barefoot and note how you feel; every day make important discoveries that awareness brings to you. And take care of all living things - your body, intellect, those who live nearby and the entire planet. Do not pollute your soul with apathy, and your body with unhealthy food, just as you would not deliberately pour industrial waste into a clean river. Treating the world around you with carelessness and neglect, you will never become a real person.

Elizabeth Gilbert

Life is great and every moment it comes with a thousand and one gifts for you.

How valuable sometimes is what we habitually consider trifles ...

The best way to thank for an amazing moment is to just enjoy it)

When you see that everything is blooming around, inhale and hold your breath for five seconds, and keep the state of joy that will flow into you throughout your life ...

The most important thing is the will to live. Rejoice in a sunbeam, a wild flower, a sparrow chirping on a branch ...

In our time, people have lost interest in life: they do not get bored, do not cry, they just wait for time to pass. They have given up the struggle, and life has given up on them. This threatens you too: act, boldly go forward, but do not give up on life. LIVE.

Never stop there. Don't just exist... live. Don't just feel... feel. Don't just watch... study. Don't just read... absorb. Don't just listen... hear. Don't just hear... understand.

John G. Rhodes

Walking on water is not a miracle.
The miracle is to walk the Earth and feel really alive right now.
And smile!

Please enjoy life! Take it with both hands, squeeze it, shake it and appreciate every second. Love your children. You literally have no idea what happiness it is to urge them on in the morning so that they brush their teeth as soon as possible. Hug your loved ones and if they can't hug you back, find someone who can. Everyone deserves love and reciprocal feelings. Don't settle for less. Find a job that will bring joy, do not become its slaves. "I would like to work harder" is not something that will be written on your grave. Dance, laugh and eat with your friends. True, honest and strong friendship is absolute Happiness and something that we can choose for ourselves. Choose your friends carefully and carefully, just like looking for a treasure. Surround yourself with beautiful things. Life is full of sadness and pain - but find your rainbow and don't let it go. Beauty is in everything, sometimes you just need to look a little more carefully to notice it.

Charlotte Keatley "Letter to the Remaining"

And you need to live with taste ... as long as there is an appetite ..!!)))

Life must be lived now; it cannot be put off indefinitely. Irvin Yalom

Bloom like flowers. Life is unique. Do not hesitate to turn it into bright and large inflorescences. Let beautiful flowers bloom in your Heart and in your home. Let the flowering of the Heart become a torch brightly illuminating your Path in this world.

Treat the new day like a miracle!

Children wake up in the morning and perceive the new day as a miracle, like the first day of their life. Most adults don't know how to do this. We can't stop thinking about tomorrow, we can't leave the past behind. We constantly sigh, regretting something... It's time to relearn!

Do you think that this is just another day of your Life?

This is not just another day: this is the very Only Day that is given to you Today.

He is given to you.

This is a gift.

The only Gift you have right now.

And the only correct response is to feel Gratitude.

Every day is wonderful!

How can you say that life is not beautiful? Every day is beautiful in itself, there is no such day in life in which there is no happiness, real happiness. From the very morning, when the sun rises, life is already beautiful. After all, on this day you could no longer be. But you live and you can enjoy the sun that shines, the wind that blows and all living things around you...

When you contemplate mountain forests and streams running over stones, the heart clouded with worldly dirt is gradually cleared. When you read the ancient canons and look at the paintings of ancient masters, the spirit of worldly vulgarity dissipates little by little. Therefore, a noble man, although he does not indulge in frivolous admiration of things, looks at the world as in a mirror, and thus corrects his heart.

Hong Zicheng ---

There is nothing complicated in life. We are complex. Life is a simple thing, and the simpler it is, the more correct it is.

Discover the 7 WONDERS OF THE WORLD:

be in love!

Time is one of those things we have no control over. The only thing we can do is fill our days, make them longer, wider. And there is only one remedy - love and attention to others. Like a child. His day is very long: he will find a leaf, examine it for half an hour, and the whole world unfolds before his eyes. And you can not consider a leaf, but people. Do as much as possible, write, shoot. Fill life.

Write the world. Not for me, not for anyone else, just like that, not knowing how to do otherwise. Keep it warm on the exhale of the day. Tell the sky, fabulously starry or piercingly blue. Color it with multi-colored flashes of birds. Weave from words the twilight and awe of the ancient forests, expose the hot breath of the steppes. Draw rain and draw a rainbow with a stroke of eyelashes. Let into him the predatory movement of the night, listening to the incoherent whisper of love. Sound the laughter of children ringing at dawn. Breathe the sea into it, alive, huge, incredible. Decorate the edges with a carved pattern of frost playing with the sun. Dance in it like falling leaves, embrace it with mists. Write a world, not for me, just like that... and I will forever live in it.


Studies show that material goods (various purchases) make us happy only for a short time.

Life experience and experiences bring more joy in general. So enjoy your holiday by going on a safari, learn a new language, join a dance club and you will be happy.

Bliss is the only criterion for life. If you do not feel that life is bliss, then know that you are going in the wrong direction.


People have completely forgotten that one has to live. Who has time for this? Everyone teaches someone else how to be, and no one ever seems satisfied. If a person wants to live, then he must learn one thing: to accept things as they are, and to accept yourself as you are. Start living. Don't start preparing for the life that will be in the future. All the suffering in the world comes from the fact that you have completely forgotten that you need to live, you have become engaged in activities that have nothing to do with life.


Today devote a day to a set of energy and resources, vitality. Today you should eat well and tasty, enjoy eating and drinking. Try to feel the fullness of life in everything you do.

Food eaten with pleasure is very different from food eaten to satisfy hunger. It will bring more benefits, because along with it you also take emotions into yourself. Any emotions are a resource, a reserve that you can always use for your own benefit.

At times, you have to allow yourself to get carried away by doing nothing. Without haste, walk with a soft step to a waltz of snowflakes, and not run headlong; just sit on a chair and look out the window as the house opposite is being built; just don't talk, close your eyes and hug. Elchin Safarli - I was promised you

Life begins now - right now - not tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

Every minute of every hour of every day life begins anew.

Why put off making a decision until later...doesn't this just put your life on pause?

It is not necessary to think even for a second to understand why exactly you received this message today.

Neil Donald Walsh

We must surround ourselves with people who bring us joy, and go where our hearts lead us.

Sara Gio - Moonlight Trail

Feel the thrill of life inside your body. This is your anchor in the Now. Eckhart Tolle

When you ascend to heights, your heart becomes light.
When you stand over the river, thoughts are carried far away.
When you read a book on a snowy night, the soul is cleansed.
When you hum a melody on top of a hill, you feel a surge of strength.

Hong Zicheng

We live in this world only when we love it.

I want to collapse into the unrumpled grass,

stare envious eyes into the sky

and plunge into the floral scents,

and endlessly adore everything that lives.

Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.

The aroma of fresh pear, the beauty of sunrise and sunset, the feeling of a breath of wind, the waves of the sea, touches... Moments for which we live!

Don't focus on what's under your feet.

Raise your eyes...

There is also something to see.

Our life is just a collection of many small lives, each one day long. And every day you need to live in love and beauty, admiring the flowers and birds, enjoying the moment. Nicholas Sparks

Man is born for great Joy, for unceasing creativity, for wide, free, unfettered Love for everything; to the tree, to the sky, to the man, to the sweet, beautiful earth, especially to the earth with its blissful motherhood, with its mornings and nights, with its wonderful daily miracles. A.I. Kuprin

You don't sing a song to get to the last note. Singing brings joy. The same goes for life. Joy is in living. (Chuck Hillig)

What do you need to enjoy life?
- Look around you.

Matsumoto Jun

Dedicate your life to beauty. Don't dedicate it to the disgusting. You don't have much time, not much energy to waste. Such a small life, such a small source of energy, is just stupid to waste on anger, sadness, hatred, jealousy.

Look at the stars and appreciate the fact that you live.

Bernard Werber


Remind yourself more often that the purpose of life is not at all to fulfill everything planned, but to enjoy every step taken on the path of life, to fill life with love.

Life is measured not by the number of days, hours and minutes, but by what you managed to do during the time allotted to you on earth.

Alice Peterson - Just be with me!

The smell of fresh bread, roasted sunflower seeds, raw corn that was not plucked, the smile of a passer-by, sunrise and sunset, warm rain, fluffy snowflakes, birds singing in the morning, rain on the roof, a bug running across the road ... A huge building consists of small bricks, but people they are not seen, they are not noticed ... So life consists of such trifles that make up the picture of the world ... complete ... You just need to look at it all from the other side ...

All I need I have: air to breathe and a folder with sheets of paper. I love waking up in the morning not knowing what awaits me, who I will meet and where I will end up next. Until recently, I spent the night under the bridge, and today I am here, sailing on a magnificent ship, drinking champagne in an elegant society ... Life is a gift and it must be appreciated, it is impossible to guess what will happen to you tomorrow. Life must be accepted as it is. Every day counts...

Titanic ---

We ourselves invent problems, barriers, complexes and frameworks for ourselves. Free yourself - breathe life and understand that you can do anything!

The world will present itself to you exactly as you imagine it to yourself.

You constantly adjust your life to your own ideas about it.

What you believe strongly enough is what you will see in your life. And by no means the other way around. In fact, the everyday hell you live in is nothing but the result of your stubborn belief that the here and now is not heaven at all.

Chuck Hillig

Sincerely enjoying simple things is priceless!

If a person likes life, if he is able to enjoy every minute spent on this earth, if he knows how to find joy for himself even in small things, then he is young, no matter what numbers are written in his passport.

No matter how bad you feel.
No matter how unbearable the current moment may seem to you.
No matter how impossible the future may seem to you.
Do not rush.
You have no other time in your Life.
And this nightmare is also part of the time allotted to you.
And your mood is a part of you living now.
Think about yourself.
About what you are.
That you are still here.
About the fact that you still have a lot of things from which it can be good.
You don't have to pretend, you already are.
And it doesn't matter what will happen in this vague future.
It is you - and there has never been another like it and never will be again.
Postponing Life just because you feel bad is not a good idea.

We lack only the necessary: ​​a large piece of the sky. Try to always keep a piece of the sky above your life.

Marcel Proust

If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine; it's deadly. Paulo Coelho.

Stop looking, just open your eyes and see. Life is around you.

When for the first time something happens to you that is beyond words, it means that Life has knocked at your door.

You have to love life more than your own career, and love yourself more than your own success.Irina Khakamada

Life itself does not mean anything until a person appears who tries to interpret its phenomena. Carl Gustav Jung.

Life is somewhat like a painting.
There are many wonderful things that can be seen if you look closely. Life is somewhat like a painting. On a very strange abstract painting. You can look at it and think that it's just a blurry spot. You can live like this all your life, thinking that this is just a blurry spot. But if you look closely, you can still see what is depicted there. If you concentrate and use your imagination, life can become something much more for you. In this picture, for example, there may be a sea, sky, people, buildings, butterflies sitting on flowers - anything, and not at all a blurry spot, as you once imagined.

It doesn't matter how many days are in your life. It matters how much life is in your days!

In general, life is full of extremely dangerous things.
The most dangerous are the ones we don't understand. And the ones that don't even exist...

We come into the world with a specific mission. Someone discovers, develops it in himself, and someone lives in the unknown. Learn to share your skill. One writes inspiring texts, another cooks delicious food, the third heals the sick, the fourth is an excellent shoe repairer. If right now you have nothing to say to the world, sing. Anything. To yourself or aloud. As a child, I did not remember the words of my favorite songs well - I had to invent them. And it was wonderful - he sang about what he wanted. Write texts, compose melodies, color memories.

If you do not hear answers to questions, go on the road. Do not be lazy, do not think that everything will be as usual, destroy the ridiculous boundaries in your head. The road does not always require money, visas, tickets. The path inward, which is far more important than the outer one, craves only desire. Those who are not afraid to turn inward will find their way outside.

Elchin Safarli - Tell me about the sea

Life is Beautiful.
Don't believe the rumours.
Life is Beautiful.
Life is a tested product, used by 70 billion people for three million years. This proves its perfect quality.

Bernard Werber

Life is what people strive to preserve most of all and cherish least of all.

Jean de La Bruyère

Don't be afraid that your life must end, be afraid that it will never begin. John Newman

Life is not a chain of events that take place around you in time and space ... Life is a chain of your inner states that you create for yourself by rating these or those events in which you find yourself. Everyone is able to wake up at any moment, realizing these two processes ... One is an external event, the other is an internal state, and the point of their connection is your mind.

-- Papaji ---

Richard Gere about life.

“My friend’s mom has been eating healthy all her life. Never drank alcohol or any "bad" food, exercised every day, was always mobile and active, took all the supplements that her doctor prescribed, never went out in the sun without sunscreen, and when she went out, it was so for a short time , as soon as possible, in general, she guarded her health by doing everything that was possible. She is now 76 years old and has skin cancer, bone marrow cancer and severe osteoporosis.

My friend's father eats bacon on top of bacon, butter on top of butter, fat on top of fat, never, literally never exercised, burned to a crisp every summer in the sun, in fact he lived to the fullest and not as advised by others. He is 81 and the doctors say he has the health of a young man.

People, you can't hide from your poison. He is, and he will find you, so as my friend's mother said: "If I knew that my life would end like this, I would live it to the fullest, enjoying everything that I was told not to do!". None of us will make it out of here alive, so please stop treating yourself like a minor. Eat delicious food. Walk in the sun. Jump into the ocean. Share the precious truth that is in your heart. Be stupid. Be kind. Be weird. There is simply no time for anything else."

We all ask questions. It took me a long time to figure out which questions are really important. It turned out that those who tormented me "how?" (How to make more money? How to get a promotion?) don't matter at all. No, you need to think about something else. For example, what do flowers think about under the snow? Or when birds book tickets to fly south? Donna Vanlier - Christmas Shoes

Life passes very quickly. If we are not ready, if we do not know how to forgive, love, or listen, then we are past.

Peter Mamonov

We cannot change the length of our life, but we can do something about its breadth and depth.

Life is so good that it does not always meet expectations!
Max Frei "The Outsider. Echo Labyrinths -1"

To live means to communicate with the world, to address it, to act in it, to think about it. Living is something no one can do for me. Life is what we are, what we do. Life is what we do and what happens to us. Nothing we do is our life if we are not aware of it. To live is to feel life, to be aware of one's existence, where "to be aware" does not mean intellectual knowledge, not any special knowledge, but the amazing presence of life for everyone. Life is discovery, understanding or seeing, being aware of what it is. Continuous discovery - which we make about ourselves and the world around us. To find an image in which the memory of this idea is fixed, let us turn to Egyptian mythology, where Osiris dies, and Isis, his beloved, wants to resurrect him and allows him to swallow the eye of the falcon-Horus. Since then, the eye appears in all the sacred paintings of the Egyptian civilization, symbolizing the first property of life: to look at oneself. Seeing yourself is the main and initial attribute of life itself. To live means to be aware of yourself. Life in its very origins and depths consists of knowing and understanding oneself, in seeing what surrounds us, in being clear to oneself. Life is what we do. To live is to realize that we live here, now, that is, we are in some place in the world. If you came here, then you decided to live this segment of your life in this way. To live is to sustain oneself, endure oneself, and direct oneself. Life is a necessity to decide what we will become. To live is to be in the world. To live is to constantly decide what we will be. Our life is first of all a collision with the future. You decide to be either attentive or distracted, to think about this or that, and this thinking about life or about something else is your life right now. To live means to be busy with this or that, to do. But this doing means doing something for something. The occupation we are now engrossed in is rooted in this "for" which usually names the goal. To this “for”, considering which I now act and in atom action I live and exist, I have dedicated myself, because among the possibilities that opened before me, I considered it the best occupation of my life. My life is a decision to act. To live is not to be in an impenetrable, opportunity-rich world. The world of life for me consists every moment of the opportunity to do this or that, and not of the necessity against the desire to do one thing and that one thing. To live means to live here, now - here and now are adamant, unchangeable, but wide. Every life decides by choosing itself among many possible ones. To live means continuously, initially to prefer something and neglect something. Life is about deciding what we will be.


Life is lost for those who did not live it the way they wanted (David Schomberg).

Life is not a burden, but the wings of creativity and joy; and if someone turns it into a burden, then this is his choice (Viktor Veresaev).

It is better to light a small candle than to curse the darkness all your life (Confucius).

If you confidently move in the direction of your dreams and try to live the life that you imagined, you will certainly achieve success that you never even dreamed of (Henry Thoreau).

Give a man a fish and you only feed him once. Teach him to fish and he will feed on it all his life (Chinese proverb).

The easy life teaches nothing. After all, the main thing in us is the experience we have accumulated: what we have learned and how we have grown (Richard Bach).

Keep firmly in mind that your plans for life may remain only dreams if you remain inactive (Zacchaeus).

One has only to look at things differently, and life will flow in a different direction (Yukio Mishima).

Life is not a zebra of black and white stripes, but a chessboard on which everything depends on your move.

Each person has at least ten opportunities to change his life during the day. Success comes to those who know how to use them (André Maurois).

The only way to enjoy life is to be fearless and not be afraid of defeat and disaster (Jawaharlal Nehru).

It is important that things take their course. We must let go. Be released. People need to understand that no one plays with marked cards: sometimes we win, sometimes we lose. You should not expect that they will return it to you, that they will appreciate your efforts, that they will recognize your talent, that they will understand your love. Complete the cycle. Not out of pride, not out of inability, but simply because it no longer fits into your life. Close the door, change the record, clean the house, kick the dust out. Stop being the way you were, become the way you are now (Paulo Coelho).

Many people devote their whole lives to fishing, not realizing that fish is not what they are really chasing (Henry David Thoreau).

Life is a wheel: what is below today, tomorrow is above (Nikolai Garin-Mikhailovsky).

Whoever understands life is in no hurry (Matsuo Basho).

The biggest mistake you can make is to chase after something all your life, not noticing how your own life runs past you.

A person who loves life, himself, people and God, himself becomes like God and lives, experiencing the highest bliss (Rauf).

If the only prayer you say all your life is "thank you", then that is enough (Meister Ekhar, priest).

A person becomes a Buddha at the moment when he gratefully accepts everything that life brings (Osho).

When a person’s consciousness was revealed and, having learned the wise laws of nature, he at the same time knew the unity of life and his connection with it, when he knew the laws of the spiritual world and changed his life in accordance with these laws and set the goal of his life not personal egoism, but service to the common good, only then does he become the master of his destiny. Then the hands of man will touch the stars, he will see through the earth, he will understand the language of birds and animals, and he will respond to the thoughts of heaven and earth (Ralph Waldo Emerson).

Life itself has no meaning. Life is an opportunity to create meaning. Meaning must be discovered, it must be created. You will only find meaning when you create it. He's not lying over there in the bushes, where you can find him by walking a little and looking around. It doesn't look like a stone to be found. This is a poem to be composed; the song to be sung; dance to be danced. Meaning is dance. Meaning is music. You will find it if you create it (Osho).

When a person begins to consciously follow the path of creation, and not endless consumption, then his destiny will be fulfilled, and life will be filled with meaning and joy (Kirill Gudovich).

Life becomes meaningless if we are not connected with other people by warm feelings of kinship and if we do not feel that we are creating and benefiting (Lowell Bennion).

Whoever wants to live for others should not neglect his own life (Jean Marie Guyot).

The sorcerers say we are inside a bubble. This is the bubble we have been placed in since we were born. At first the bubble is open, but then it starts to close until it locks us inside. This bubble is our perception. We live inside it all our lives. And what we see on its round walls is our own reflection (Carlos Castaneda).

Learn and read. Read serious books. Life will do the rest (Fyodor Dostoevsky).

Human life is like a box of matches. Taking her seriously is ridiculous. Treating frivolously is dangerous (Akutagawa Ryunosuke).

A day is a small life, and you have to live it as if you have to die now, and they gave you another day (Maxim Gorky).

If you want to enjoy one of life's greatest pleasures - the luxury of having enough time, time to rest, time to think things through from start to finish, time to figure out things that need to be done and that you can do in the best possible way - remember that there is only one way. You should have enough time to think about and plan your affairs, arranging them in order of importance. Your life will take on new interest and you will add years to your life and more life to your years. Put all your affairs in their places. Let your every business have its time (Benjamin Franklin).

We must make the best use of our time. We must fight for our dreams and persevere to the end. But we must not forget that life is made up of small pleasures. They have been placed here to assist us, assist us in their quest, and provide moments of rest from our daily struggles. It is not a sin to be happy (Paulo Coelho).

Live and make mistakes. This is life. Don't think that you can be perfect - that's impossible. Temper yourself, your character, so that when the test comes - and this is inevitable - you can meet him like a real man. Do not let yourself be deceived by common truths and loud phrases ... Be afraid of a colorless life (Richard Aldington).

A life spent making mistakes is not only worthier, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing (George Bernard Shaw).

Life is not the days that have passed, but those that are remembered (Pyotr Pavlenko).

Since man's natural instincts lead him into sin, all men are sinners; and sinners go to hell. If we all go to hell, we will meet our friends there. Paradise must be inhabited by very strange creatures, if all for which they led a righteous life on earth is to get to a place where they could strum harps for an eternity (Anton Szandor LaVey).

Life does not require you to be consistent, cruel, patient, attentive, angry, rational, thoughtless, loving, impetuous. However, Life requires that you be aware of the consequences of each of your choices (Richard Bach).

Any disease should be considered as a signal that we are somehow wrong about the world. And do not rush to get rid of it, but first learn the lesson that the teacher called Life is trying to give us through this disease. If we do not consider our illness as an occasion for reflection, but only as an unfortunate obstacle to the realization of our ideas, then the situation may become more complicated. We do not hear the signals that Life sends us, and it will be forced to increase its impact (Alexander Sviyash).

Everything that comes into your life, you attract to yourself. You attract by the power of images that you constantly keep in your head. Your life is what you think (Rhonda Byrne).

To love yourself is the beginning of a love affair that will last a lifetime (Oscar Wilde).

Keep love in your heart. Life without her is like a sunless garden with dead flowers (Oscar Wilde).

Life makes the frame, and you paint the picture. If you do not take responsibility for painting a picture, then others will write it for you.

The secret to success is to learn to own pain and pleasure instead of having them own us. If you do this, you will be in control of your life. Otherwise, life will control you (Anthony Robbins).

Our life is what we think about it (Marcus Aurelius).

What thoughts we indulge in, such is our life (Thaddeus Vitovnitsky).

If you want to become an optimist and understand life, then stop believing what they say and write, but observe and delve into it (Anton Chekhov).

This simple step - choosing a goal and sticking to it - can change your whole life (Scott Reed).

Life is a tragedy when you see it up close, and a comedy when you look at it from a distance (Charles Chaplin).

Life is not suffering. It's just that you suffer it, instead of living and enjoying it. This will continue until you get rid of the attachments of your mind and travel freely, no matter what happens (Dan Millman).

Bliss is the only criterion for life. If you do not feel that life is bliss, then know that you are going in the wrong direction (Osho).

Please believe in yourself, love, fear nothing, be free, take risks. You see, life is such a thing that you seem to be young, young, young, and then bam - and the end. You look around and think about how much you didn’t do because you were afraid, shy, scared. You don't have to be afraid of anything. Take risks. Even if you are wrong. That's life. And most importantly, love each other. Always, every minute (Lyudmila Gurchenko).

Rating 4.00 (7 Votes)

We ourselves choose our thoughts that build our future life. 100

In order to learn to tell the truth to people, one must learn to tell it to oneself. 125

The surest way to a person's heart is a conversation with him about what he values ​​​​above all. 119

When trouble happens in life, you just need to explain to yourself its cause - and your soul will feel better. 61

The world is boring for boring people. 111

Learn from everyone, don't imitate anyone. 127

If our life paths diverge from someone, then this person has completed his task in our life, and we - in his. In their place come new people to teach us something else. 159

The most difficult thing for a person is given that which is not given to him. 61 - phrases and quotes about life

You only live once, and you can't even be sure of that. Marcel Achard 61

If once you regret that you did not say, then you will regret a hundred times that you did not keep silent. 59

I want to live better, but I have to have more fun ... Mikhail Mamchich 27

Difficulties begin where they try to simplify. 4

No person can leave us, because initially we do not belong to anyone but ourselves. 68

The only way to change your life is to go where you are not expected 61

Let me not know the meaning of life, but the search for meaning already gives the meaning of life. 44

Life only has a value because it ends, baby. Rick Riordan (American writer) 24

Life is more like a novel than our novels are like life. J. Sand 14

If you don’t have time to do something, then you shouldn’t be able to do it, so you need to spend time on something else. 54

You can’t forbid to live merrily, but you can make it so that you don’t want to laugh. 27

A life devoid of illusions is fruitless. Albert Camus, philosopher, writer 21

Life is hard, but fortunately short (p.s. v. well-known phrase) 13

Nowadays, people are not tortured with red-hot irons. There are noble metals. 29

It is very easy to check whether your mission on Earth is over: if you are alive, it continues. 33

Wise quotes about life fill it with a certain meaning. When you read them, you feel how the brain begins to stir. 40

To understand is to feel. 83

It's so simple: you have to live until you die 17

Philosophy does not answer the question of the meaning of life, but only complicates it. 32

Anything that unexpectedly changes our lives is not an accident. 42

Death is not terrible, but sad and tragic. To be afraid of the dead, cemeteries, mortuaries is the height of idiocy. It is necessary not to be afraid of the dead, but to feel sorry for them and their loved ones. Those whose life was interrupted, not allowing something important to be done, and those who remained forever mourning the departed. Oleg Roy. web of lies 39

We do not know what to do with our short life, but still we want to live forever. (p.s. oh so true!) A. France 23

The only happiness in life is the constant striving forward. 57

In the tears that each of the women shed at the mercy of men, any of them can be drowned. Oleg Roy, novel: The Man in the Window Opposite 31 (1)

Man always strives to be the owner. People need to have houses in their name, cars with title deeds, companies of their own, and spouses stamped in their passports. Oleg Roy. web of lies 29

Now everyone has the Internet, but there is still no happiness ... 46