What does hogwarts mean in magical language. Psychological analysis of Hogwarts houses

History of Hogwarts

Hogwarts has a very rich and fascinating history. The school was founded over 1000 years ago by the greatest magicians of their time: two wizards and two sorceresses, whom no one still can surpass in the art of magic and whose names are Hogwarts faculties: Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Candida Kogtevran and Penelope Hufflepuff. Together they built a castle in which the school is located, looked for capable young people and trained them in this castle. However, after some time, Godric Gryffindor and Salazar Slytherin, both magnificent and unsurpassed magicians, began to compete with each other, and this is not surprising, because they differed so much in characters. In addition, times were harsh, wizards were in danger everywhere - in the Middle Ages they were afraid of magic like fire, so they had to hide and hide from ordinary people. Salazar Slytherin demanded a very strict selection for the school, but Gryffindor did not agree with him, and this was another reason for their dislike for each other. In this fight, both sorceresses took the side of Godric Gryffindor. In the end, the feud grew so much that Slytherin had to leave Hogwarts. However, the great magician was not such as to leave without defending his rights. Salazar founded the Chamber of Secrets in the school, which no one knew about, and no matter how hard they tried to find it, only the heir of Slytherin could do it.

The struggle between Gryffindor and Slytherin did not stop with the departure of the latter from the school. It continues between faculties founded by wizards. Therefore, it is not surprising that Harry Potter and his friends, students of Gryffindor, have a dislike for everything connected with Slytherin, and all their enemies, be it Voldemort, Professor Snape or Draco Malfoy, are related to this faculty.

School of Wizardry - - where the name came from In the early summer of 1997, we first learned about the mysterious school of magic and wizardry. About a school located somewhere in the outback of Great Britain. About a school that only kids with magical powers can get into. This school is called Hogwarts. After the release of the book, and even more so the film adaptation of the first story about, Hogwarts became the most popular fictional educational institution where all non-fictional children (and maybe not only children) would like to go. Probably only a deaf person has not heard of Hogwarts, everyone else has definitely heard, and it doesn’t matter if they like Potteriana or not. Hogwarts is every teenager's dream.

Although they studied magic, distance education was still beyond their control, since this is only possible in the modern and real world.

Hogwarts is the thread that runs through all the Harry Potter stories. If you make the ratio of magic in other similar stories, where only a few people have magic, then JK Rowling made magic a huge part of the world, a magical reality.

Joanne Rowling's work is being studied and researched from all sides. Some believe that she borrowed the word "Hogwarts" from the British-born writer Geoffrey Willians. He was writing a short series of books about a school with strict rules, in which the word appeared twice - that was the title of a play in one of the books. And the second is the name of the director competing with this school. However, the writer does not remember where she got this word from. Perhaps she came up with it after visiting the Royal Botanic Gardens and examining the collection of lilies in it.

Creative researchers did not let up and looked for what became the prototype of Hogwarts itself. And they found it - it turned out to be a private old Scottish school, a former castle built, according to legend, by a real wizard, Sir Robert Gordon.

Rowling herself in an interview described the Hogwarts school as a collapsed, huge, intimidating castle, with its chaotic intricate passages, turrets and battlements. Such a building could not have been built by Muggles, just like the Weasley house - these buildings were supported by magic. And therefore, not a single Muggle can see this school, since the multiple ones in Hogwarts itself and outside of its walls hide magical buildings from prying eyes. And all the muggles can see is just the "Keep out" sign.

For Harry Potter and his friends, and for all children in general, Hogwarts becomes a home. Here they make friends, teachers, grow up and study. Hogwarts is every teenager's dream. These are self-covering tables, secrets and miracles, thousands of adventures. This is a house.

Briefly about the article: JK Rowling has never drawn maps of the most famous castle in modern fantasy. However, she described Hogwarts in sufficient detail to make us feel at home there. In anticipation of the fourth film about Harry Potter, we invite you to take a tour of the school of magic.

Hard to study...

Hogwarts is the most famous school of wizardry

I didn't draw the floor plan of Hogwarts, which would be difficult even for a professional architect, as the stairwells and rooms are constantly moving. But I have a very clear idea of ​​what Hogwarts looks like from the inside.

Joan Kathleen Rowling

In July 1997, the world first learned of the existence of Hogwarts.- a school of witchcraft and wizardry located somewhere in the UK. Within a few months, Hogwarts became the most famous and recognizable among all fictional educational institutions - and this school is well known not only to fantasy lovers, but even to those who consider the whole "Potterian" to be empty child's play. Previously, the words "magic school" were associated primarily with some special kind of magic. Now that means Hogwarts, only Hogwarts, and nothing but Hogwarts.

Meanwhile, the idea of ​​a "school of magic" is far from new. At the first attempt to publish the book "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", Rowling was refused: "Readers will not understand this" and "It has already happened somewhere." But readers understood - by 2006, the total circulation of books about Harry Potter reached 300 million copies.

What is Hogwarts?

Hogwarts is the backbone of all Harry Potter stories. In most other similar stories, magic is exclusive, or at least not ubiquitous. However, for Rowling, magic is not even the wrong side of our reality, but its most essential part.

Researchers of Rowling's work believe that she borrowed the word "Hogwarts" from the books of the little-known British writer Jeffrey Willians. In the 1940s, he wrote a series of books for Punch magazine about Niguel Molesworth- a boy with speech defects, studying at the school "St. Custard "(" custard "- sweet cream), which absolutely did not live up to its name and was famous for cruel orders. "Hogwarts" meets there twice - that was the title of the play Nigel mentioned, and that was the name of the headmaster of a rival school.

Two by two

Hogwarts was founded about a thousand years ago by two wizards and two witches: Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff. However, Slytherin quickly quarreled with his colleagues - he believed that only "purebred" children born of magicians should be allowed into Hogwarts.

All Hogwarts students are in one of the four houses Or rather, colleges. The latter are named after the founders of the school and have their own lounges and sleeping quarters, their own Quidditch sports teams, their own ghosts and other unique features.

Colleges are headed by headmen (a boy and a girl elected from among the students of the fifth year) and chief headmen (similarly, from the seventh year students). These "officials", along with four teachers - heads of houses - are endowed with special powers to educate and supervise their wards.

Colleges compete with each other for prize points awarded by heads of houses or headmen for any outstanding student achievement. Points are removed as a punishment. There is no clear system here - everything depends on the generosity or "harmfulness" of the authorized person. It is quite natural that the leading representatives of the houses treat "their" students more favorably - for example, the gloomy Severus Snape makes very big concessions to the students of Slytherin College.

For particularly serious violations, a student may be punished in the form of corrective labor - usually this means helping school staff to perform tedious, tedious or even dangerous work. As a last resort, the student is expelled from Hogwarts. This could well have happened to Harry in his fifth year, when he used magic in the presence of Muggles, which was strictly forbidden to all wizards.

Where to go to study

The sorting of first-year students to their homes is done by the magical Sorting Hat in the Great Hall of Hogwarts. According to legend, it belonged to Godric Gryffindor himself, and now works as a "detector of characters", determining the student's personal inclinations.

Students at home are distinguished by honesty and nobility. Rowling herself spoke of Gryffindor being associated with fire (hence the color palette of the coat of arms). The "signature" ghost of the house is Nearly Headless Nick (real name - Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington), unsuccessfully executed on October 31, 1492.

The personal quarters of the students of the house are located in the tower on the seventh floor. The entrance is closed by a magical portrait of the Fat Lady in pink - she only allows those who give the correct password to enter. The door behind the painting leads to a common room with a large fireplace and two staircases upstairs - to the bedrooms for boys and girls.

Slytherin- a college where cunning, ambition and selfishness are valued. The symbolic animal is a snake, the coat of arms colors are green and silver. The heads of the Slytherin house were Severus Snape and Horatio Slughorn. The college rooms are located deep under the lake of Hogwarts, the entrance is hidden in the wall of one of the dungeons. Rowling says that the house of Slytherin is associated with water.

"Brownie" ghost of Slytherin - Bloody Baron, a gloomy type, covered with bloodstains. Slytherin students cannot be called villains and scoundrels without exception, but the largest number of dark wizards come out of this house.

Conflicts constantly flare up between Gryffindor and Slytherin - after all, they profess diametrically opposed ideas, moreover, it historically happened that Godric Gryffindor and Salazar Slytherin were best friends before the founding of Hogwarts, and then quarreled to the nines.

Ravenclaw- a house in which intelligence and erudition are considered the main qualities of students. The symbolic animal is an eagle, the coat of arms colors are blue and bronze (silver in the film). The position of head is occupied by Filius Flitwick, the teacher of charms - a small gray-haired old man, half human, half goblin.

hufflepuff- the most friendly college, whose students are famous for their hard work, patience and honesty. The emblem depicts a badger, the colors are yellow and black. Student rooms are located in the basement near the kitchen. Rowling claims that the Hufflepuff house corresponds to the earth element.

The head of the house is the professor of herbology (herbal science) Pomona Sprout, a cheerful fat witch, whose clothes, as a rule, are thickly smeared with earth. College Ghost - A fat monk, an affable and friendly spirit.

At Hogwarts, Hufflepuff students are considered, to put it mildly, clumsy slow-witted. For the most part, this is true, but some of them achieve outstanding results - for example, Cedric Diggory, captain of the Quidditch team and participant in the Triwizard Tournament.

Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff do not interfere in the conflicts between Gryffindor and Slytherin, however, if we talk about their position in general, then they are allies of the Gryffindor College. This corresponds to the relationship of the founders of the school: Salazar Slytherin did not agree with all three wizards.

Pomona Sprout.

This is interesting
  • Forbes magazine in 2004 estimated the fortune of JK Rowling at 576 million pounds (over a billion dollars), which made her the first person in the world to earn a billion exclusively by writing.
  • Nearly Headless Nick's surname is obtained by combining two words into one. "Mimsy" is borrowed from Lewis Carroll's poem "The Jabberwock" - a hybrid of the words "flimsy" (small, weak) and "miserable" (miserable). "Porpington" is an amalgamation of the names of two towns, Orpington in the UK and Perpignan in France.
  • Due to the too high concentration of magic in Hogwarts, electrical appliances do not work (any - from light bulbs to mobile phones).
  • Hogwarts has a magical quill that constantly writes down the names of children born with magical powers. They are invited to Hogwarts with the help of "owl mail".
  • The first-year students arrive at Hogwarts by lake - in boats, accompanied by the gardener and "cattle breeder" Rubeus Hagrid. The older students arrive in wagons pulled by thestrals, bloodthirsty, winged creatures that look like horses. Rowling probably named them after the Old English word " tester" - "dark".
  • Filming of some of the Hogwarts rooms for the three films already released took place at Oxford University.
  • In Jerusalem, there is the grave of a British soldier named Harry Potter, which has recently become one of the tourist attractions.

Hogwarts up close

Monstrous book of monsters.

Hogwarts is the only wizarding school in the UK for children aged 11 to 18. On formal grounds, this institution can be equated to a high-class boarding school. The total number of students is not specified by the author, however, the annual enrollment at Hogwarts is about 280 people - and these are far from all the children of wizards in the UK, as some of them live in poverty and cannot pay for education.

For his activities, the director (in his absence - the deputy director) reports to the Board of Governors, consisting of 12 high-ranking magicians. Otherwise, Hogwarts is a relatively free institution that does not report directly to the Ministry of Magic (the highest body of the British magical community).

Little is known about the financial side of the school. In the sixth book of the series, a special fund is mentioned to provide students with books and equipment. Indeed, at Hogwarts, children are provided with food, library funds, laboratory supplies and some consumables. On the other hand, schoolchildren have to use their own funds to buy some things necessary for learning - magic wands, books, clothes, animals, magic ingredients.

It is unclear who owns the school building and the land around it. It can be assumed that Hogwarts is the common property of all the wizards of the country, and therefore it is neither a private nor a public school. The institution is unlikely to bring any income, since the bulk of the training is free. There is no information about teachers' salaries, but based on the fact that they are officially hired and fired from it, it can be assumed that their work is somehow rewarded.


Hogwarts School occupies an old eight-story castle, located in a secluded mountainous area. Other geographical details are not reported in the books, however, according to Rowling herself, Hogwarts is located somewhere in Scotland.

The territory adjacent to the castle also belongs to the school. The area of ​​​​this site is huge: there is a lake, a Quidditch field, the Forbidden Forest with its incredible monsters, greenhouses and outbuildings.

Near Hogwarts lies the village of Hogsmeade - the only settlement in the UK where only wizards live. Hogsmeade is famous for its railway station (Hogwarts' main means of communication with the outside world), shops and pubs - a desirable place for entertainment for undergraduate students.


Hogwarts is taught by professors, each specializing in one subject. In addition, the school has non-academic staff - a gardener, a warden, a librarian, a nurse, and about a hundred house elves employed in the kitchen.

None of the disciplines inherent in ordinary schools are taught at Hogwarts (logically, its graduates cannot write and count correctly). Mandatory subjects are transformation, protection from dark forces, enchantments, potions, astrology, history of magic and herbology.

Elective classes are held in arithmancy (number magic), ancient runes, divination, caring for magical creatures, Muggle studies, teleportation, broom flying and a number of other disciplines.

At the end of the fifth year, students take the OWL ("Ordinary Wizardry Level") exams. A failed OWL is "pulled up" by the heads of houses. Those who successfully pass these exams spend their sixth and seventh years studying for the much more difficult NEWT ("Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test") exams, the results of which will determine the wizard's future career.

The academic year is divided into three parts with long summer holidays, as well as "weekend" holidays - Christmas and Easter. At Christmas, children can go home or stay at Hogwarts and take part in the celebrations. Other holidays are also celebrated, such as Halloween and Valentine's Day. In the summer, Hogwarts is empty - all the children go home.

The uniform of students in Rowling's books was described only in the most general form: a black robe, a pointed black hat and a warm winter cape with silver clasps. In the films, children wear different clothes: a black cape with the house crest, a dark sweater, a white shirt, dark trousers (pleated skirts for girls), and a tie or scarf with house flowers.

Castle walk

Even though the rooms of Hogwarts are often moved, drawing up a rough plan of the castle is not that difficult.

Under the school there is an extensive dungeon system. Here is a classroom for the discipline "Potions" - a large cold room, on the walls of which eerie bottles with alcoholized animals are placed. Nearby are Professor Snape's private office and the rooms of the Slytherin House. Somewhere in the dungeons, the famous Chamber of Secrets is hidden.

A significant part of the basement of the castle is occupied by the kitchen. Directly above it is the Great Hall of Hogwarts, where all the celebrations are held. The arrangement of tables in these rooms is identical: elves working in the kitchen just need to put a dish on them - and it will immediately appear upstairs. Adjacent to the kitchen are the student rooms of Hufflepuff College.

The first room that Hogwarts students enter is the entrance hall of the school. Double oak doors, a marble staircase upstairs, two stairs down (to the dungeons and to the kitchens), as well as a magic hourglass that takes into account the points of each House - this is what is remarkable about the entrance to Hogwarts. In addition, on the first floor there is a Great Hall with an enchanted ceiling (showing the sky as it really is at the moment), a teacher's room and the office of the caretaker Argus Filch.

On the second floor there are classes for the study of Muggles, protection from the dark forces and the history of magic, taught by Professor Bean - a ghost flying into the classroom from the school board. Nearby is Minerva McGongall's office and the school hospital.

The sights of the third floor are the famous toilet for girls, where the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets was hidden, as well as the entrance to the headmaster's office. It is guarded by a golden gargoyle that allows visitors to pass by a password, which Dumbledore usually chose the names of various exotic sweets as.

The fourth floor is the Hall of Honor (an exhibition of school prizes and medals), a hall for charm classes, and an unnamed room where the three-headed dog Fluff once sat guarding the Philosopher's Stone.

The fifth floor is occupied by a library (with a special closed section on Dark magic), the sixth floor is interesting with a password-protected bathroom for school leaders, the seventh floor is used as storage, and at the very top there are 6 towers (the highest is astronomical).

* * *

The seventh and final Harry Potter book is still being written. Its name and release date are still unknown. Most likely, the book will go to print no earlier than 2007, and that's where the "Potterian" will end.

This has never happened and is unlikely to happen. The popularity of Rowling's books is beyond even a rough estimate: millions of fans, six planned and three released blockbusters, real schools of wizardry (one of them, for example, was opened three years ago in County Cork, Ireland), a special series of audio players with the Hogwarts logo and downloaded audio books about Harry Potter, real Bertie Bot nuts with different flavors...

All this has a part of Hogwarts.

One of the features of the Harry Potter novels, which largely determined the huge popularity of the works, is a realistic description of the magical world, where everything is subject to strict rules and laws. The main events unfold at the Hogwarts School of Magic, founded about a thousand years ago by the wizards Gryffindor and Slytherin, the sorceresses Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff.

At the faculties of Hogwarts, children of magicians study from the age of 11. The study lasts 7 years, and every year students take exams. The leaders of the educational institution are the director and his deputy (Albus Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall). The management activities are controlled by the Board of Trustees, which includes 12 people.

House structure at Hogwarts

Faculties of Hogwarts - four departments of the school of magicians, where students are selected according to the type of character. Before distribution, young magicians put on a special hat, which gives an answer where the magician should be trained. Selection is based on personal qualities.

The main characteristics of the faculties of Hogwarts:

  • Nobility and courage - Gryffindor faculty;
  • Mind, sense of humor, wisdom - Ravenclaw;
  • Perseverance, diligence and honesty - Hufflepuff;
  • Cunning, lust for power, resourcefulness - Slytherin.

Harry Potter, possessing to varying degrees all of the above qualities, could choose any Hogwarts faculty, but he categorically rejected only one of them - Slytherin, and then the distribution Hat sent him to Gryffindor.

The faculty is a small world or a student's home where he spends all his time. There is a bedroom, study room, living room. The more success students achieve, the more points they earn, thereby increasing the prestige of their "house". The best faculty of Hogwarts is determined by the number of points scored.

Symbols and grades in faculties

JK Rowling, with her knowledge of administration and law, gave a brilliant description of the Hogwarts departments, from the hierarchy of the teaching staff to the grading system. For example, the number of points is measured by a magic hourglass in the hall - each faculty has its own clock.

Instead of grains of sand, there are gems corresponding to the symbolic color of each house - red rubies in Gryffindor, yellowish topazes in Hufflepuff, emeralds in Slytherin and blue sapphires in Ravenclaw. At the end of the academic year, the best faculty is awarded the school cup.

Each has its own symbols - beast, element, ghosts. In Gryffindor, the symbols are Lion, Fire, Almost Headless Nick, in Ravenclaw - Eagle, Air, Gray Lady, in Slytherin - Snake, Water, Bloody Baron, in Hufflepuff - Badger, Earth, Fat Monk.

When describing the faculties, Rowling paid great attention to the gradation of grades. The highest score in passing grades is P (excellent), the lowest is U (satisfactory). The highest result in impassable marks is C (weak), the lowest is T (troll).

Faculty of Harry Potter

Gryffindor is considered one of the best faculties of Hogwarts, but not all students are exemplary. Some young magicians are rude and cynical, others try to use the spell to their advantage. Everything is like in ordinary life - there are no ideal magicians, as well as perfect people.

The Gryffindor Common Room is located on the seventh floor of the castle's east wing, guarded by a portrait of the Fat Lady in a pink dress. She demands to say the password of everyone who tries to enter the room. The password is given to the students by the head of the faculty.

The Potter books provide detailed descriptions of all the faculties and procedures operating at the school. The well-thought-out system still arouses admiration and surprise of professional managers, economists and lawyers. Talent truly works wonders!

Faculties of Hogwarts This article is part of a series of articles about the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
original name Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Motto lat. Draco dormiens numquam titillandus , "Never tickle a sleeping dragon"
Year of foundation 11th century
Type of magic school
Rector Minerva McGonagall
students Gryffindor
Location Great Britain

Hogwarts(the official name of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry or, more rarely, Hogwarts Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry, in translations - School / Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry "Hogwarts". The clarification in the second book that "Hogwarts" translated into "muggle" language is "boar" is not accurate. If you rearrange the syllables of the English name (Hogwarts), you get the word warthog, that is, an African wild boar, warthog.).

Hogwarts is most likely the only magic school in England. The training lasts 7 years. Exams are taken at the end of each year, but exams at the end of the 5th and 7th years are especially important for the future students. The exact number of students at Hogwarts is unknown, but most likely absolutely all wizard children from Great Britain are accepted there. If we take into account the number of students in one course of one faculty, and on average it is 10 people, then in total about 280 children study at the school.

Albus Dumbledore, his deputy - Minerva McGonagall. The Director reports to the Board of Trustees, which consists of 12 members.

Education at school is free, but students usually buy books and school supplies themselves. However, there is a special fund for the purchase of textbooks and school supplies for poor students.

School location and general information

a huge, crumbling, rather intimidating castle, with a jumble of turrets and battlements. Similar to the Weasley House, this building could not have been built by Muggles, because it is supported by magic.

According to another interview, Hogwarts is somewhere in Scotland. Numerous spells in and around the school make it impossible for a Muggle to find the school: all a Muggle can see is ruins and a "Keep out" sign. On the territory of the school, in addition to the castle, there is a mountain lake, a large forest, called Forbidden because of the dangerous creatures living there (in particular, giant spiders (Acromantulas) and centaurs), greenhouses, a cemetery (by the end of the sixth book, there appears, among others, white marble crypt of the deceased Albus Dumbledore), an owlery, a forester's hut and a Quidditch field. The castle is surrounded by mountains. Stairs (of which there are 142 in the castle) and school premises are moving. The castle is hung with paintings, the characters of which go to visit each other. Some doors in the castle open only if they are touched in a certain place, others - if they are politely asked, the third doors are fake, and behind them there is a wall.

Transgression to and from Hogwarts is prohibited, but this ban can be lifted for a limited time in a limited space. Electronic and electrical devices on the grounds of Hogwarts do not work. In the book Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Hermione explains that the reason is the high level of magic on the school grounds. However, the school has a radio that runs on magic, not electricity.

The nearest settlement is the small village of Hogsmeade - the only one in England where only wizards live. Hogsmeade is also the name of not only the village, but also the railway station closest to Hogwarts, to which the Hogwarts Express train arrives (see below). On the map that J.K. Rowling drew for the filming of her books, the station is to the southeast of the school, and the village of Hogsmeade is to the northwest.

The slogan of Hogwarts "Draco dormiens numquam titillandus" which means in Latin "never tickle a sleeping dragon". Rowling explained that she wanted to come up with a practical slogan for Hogwarts, because in most schools the slogans are elevated, like "Ad Astra" ("To the Stars"). Hogwarts also has a hymn, which is given in Chapter 1 of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

Information about the number of students at Hogwarts is contradictory. In one interview, Rowling said that there were about 1000 in total, in another - that in the past she believed that there were about 600 of them, but now she is not sure about this. There are apparently 40 students in the Potter course, 10 in each department.

The school is run by a director and deputy director. By the time the action begins, the headmaster is Albus Dumbledore, his deputy is Minerva McGonagall. The director reports to the Board of Trustees, which consists of 12 people.

Little is known about school funding. Attempts by the Ministry of Magic to control the school ("Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix") suggest that the school is funded by the Ministry of Magic, although the source of this funding is not specified.

According to an interview with Rowling, the school is multifaith.

The novel mentions similar schools in other countries - Sharmbaton (Beaubaton) in France and Durmstrang, probably located in one of the countries of the Scandinavian Peninsula. In addition, the Salem Witch Institute is mentioned, whose name suggests that it is located in the United States. It is not clear from the text whether this institute is a school of magic, but Rowling has confirmed that this is indeed the case. The fourth book also mentions a school of magic in Brazil.


The Magic Quill at Hogwarts registers the birth of wizards and writes their names on a large roll of parchment. Every year the scroll is read and invitations to Hogwarts are sent to all English children who turn 11 no later than 31 August. It is not necessary to accept the invitation: some parents prefer homeschooling. The invitation must be accepted or rejected no later than July 31st. In the event that a child is raised by Muggles, one of the school's staff will come to speak with the child and his parents or guardians and help him with the purchase of textbooks and equipment.

Along with the letter, a list of textbooks, forms and inventory is sent. In 1990, the list included 8 textbooks, plus:

  • Three plain work robes (black)
  • One simple pointed hat (black) for each day
  • One pair of protective gloves (dragon skin or similar material)
  • One winter coat (black, silver clasps)
  • 1 magic wand
  • 1 cauldron (tin, standard size no. 2)
  • 1 set of glass or crystal bottles
  • 1 telescope
  • 1 copper scale

Students can bring an owl, a cat, a toad or a rat with them. Freshmen are not allowed to bring brooms with them.

Students usually buy books and school supplies themselves. The sixth book mentions a special fund for the purchase of textbooks and school supplies for poor students.

There is no information in the books about how children under 11 learn to read, write and count. Children whose parents or guardians are Muggles are more likely to attend regular Muggle elementary schools, as was the case with Harry Potter and probably Hermione Granger. Children from magical families may be taught by their parents or some form of magic is used to teach them the elementary school curriculum.

Road to Hogwarts and the first day

The standard way (at least for students) to get to Hogwarts is the Hogwarts Express train, departing at 11 a.m. from platform 9¾ on September 1st. The platform can be reached by passing through the dividing barrier between platforms 9 and 10. The train runs all day and arrives at midnight in the magical village of Hogsmeade.




At different times studied at the Slytherin faculty: Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Blaise Zabini, Marcus Flint, Theodore Knott, Millissent Bulstrode, Adrian Pusey, Wayne Black, Tom Marvolo Riddle (Lord Voldemort), Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy, Regulus Black, Bellatrix Lestrange, Marvolo Gaunt, Morfin Gaunt, Patricia Dammington, Narcissa Malfoy, Rodolphus Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange, Horace Slughorn.

Semesters, vacations and holidays

The academic year is structured in the same way as in regular schools and colleges in the UK.

The academic year is divided into 3 semesters, separated by Christmas and Easter holidays, starting on September 1 and ending in June, followed by a 9-week summer vacation. During the Christmas and Easter holidays, students have the right to stay at Hogwarts. Those who remain for the holidays do not attend classes, and a holiday is arranged for them at Christmas and Easter. During the Easter holidays, teachers give a lot of homework to prepare for the annual exams.

There are no other holidays at Hogwarts. There are five holidays at Hogwarts: the first and last day of the school year, Halloween, Christmas and Easter. Occasionally, additional celebrations are arranged, such as the Yule Ball during the Triwizard Tournament.

Items and personnel

There are about 13 teachers at Hogwarts, called (except for the broomstick teacher) professors, and each one specializes in their own subject. In addition, the school has a nurse, supply manager, librarian and forester. About a hundred house elves work in the kitchen and keep the castle clean.

Required subjects

  • Astronomy

Optional subjects

Exams and assessments

Ordinary papers are usually graded on a 100-point system (from 0 to 100), although Hermione received 112% in spells in her first year and 320% in Muggle studies in her third year.

At the end of the 5th year, an examination will be held in all subjects studied, called OWL - Super Excellent Magic(English) OWLs - Ordinary Wizarding Levels ; other translations - Magic Training Standards, Standardized Wizard Marks, OWL - Perfectly Ordinary Magic Level). There are the following grades in the OWL exams:

  • Passing grades
    • P - excellent
    • B - Above Expected
    • U - Satisfactory
  • Failed grades
    • C - Weak
    • Oh - Disgusting
    • T - Troll (To Ron, this last assessment at first seemed to be a joke of Fred and George, but then turned out to be real).

To continue studying in this subject, you must obtain a grade of at least At, although some teachers require P or AT. Some students who receive low grades continue to study at the SOB level in the last two years.

After the 7th year, students take exams TOAD - Creepy Academic Brilliant Graduation(English) NEWT - Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests ; in other translations - SPIDER - The Most Difficult Sorcerer Skill Test and TRITON - Typically Solved Exhausting Test). The grading system for TOAD is the same as for OWL, but usually 3-4 subjects are taken at a more advanced level.

After passing the exams, graduates get a job. For many professions or positions, the requirements for candidates include grades, subjects taken, and their number in the COB and TOAD exams.

OWL roughly corresponds to the English GCSE exam, and TOAD to the A-level exam.

student life

A day at Hogwarts begins with breakfast in the Great Hall. Students sit at their departmental desks and can eat, socialize, or finish their homework. The principal and professors are eating at the High Table at the far end of the hall. As a continuation of breakfast, the owls bring students mail, usually consisting of the Daily Prophet, letters from parents and friends, and parcels from home. The bell announces the beginning of the first lesson at 9:00.

Morning study consists of two double (one and a half hour) lessons with a short break, allowing you to move from class to class. After lunch, classes resume at 13:00 and continue until approximately 5:00 pm. In some lessons, one faculty participates, in others, two faculties together. Freshmen are sometimes released on Fridays at noon. In the evening, students have dinner in the Great Hall, after which students from different faculties disperse to their living rooms.

The living rooms have armchairs, sofas, study tables and fireplaces for heating. Students can relax or do their homework. The living room leads to the bedrooms, which are furnished with four-poster beds, faculty-colored curtains and thick pillows, and a tray with a jug of water and glasses. There is a bedside table next to each bed.

On some weekends, students from the 3rd year are allowed to visit the village of Hogsmeade. Underage students require written permission from their parents or guardians to visit. Popular among students, in particular, are the Three Broomsticks and Boar's Head bars, Madame Puddifoot's cafe (a haven for couples in love), the Sweet Kingdom confectionery and the Zonko magic joke store.


Hidden places at Hogwarts

The room where the philosopher's stone is kept

Entrance through the hatch in the corridor on the third floor. To get the Philosopher's Stone, you need to overcome several obstacles, see the article "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" for more details. At the end of Harry Potter's first year (scholar year 1991/2), the Philosopher's Stone is destroyed.

Chamber of Secrets

Serves as the home of a basilisk. Created by Salazar Slytherin before he left Hogwarts. The basilisk was originally intended to purge the school of muggle-born students. Located deep underground. Entrance from the toilet where Moaning Myrtle lives. To open the passage, you need to go to the crane with the snake and say in snake language "Open". A tunnel opens in the sink. The tunnel leads to a wall decorated with an image of two snakes with emeralds instead of eyes. The snake's tongue opens up a very long, dark corridor adorned with monumental snake statues, including two stone pillars carved with snakes touching the ceiling. Between the pillars is a colossal statue of Salazar Slytherin. A basilisk lives inside the statue, crawling out of the statue's mouth when summoned by its owner, 16-year-old Tom Riddle. In the past, Tom Riddle opened this room and ordered the basilisk to kill Moaning Myrtle. At the end of the 2nd year (1992/3 academic year), Potter, along with the phoenix, kills the basilisk and the young Tom Riddle. In the final book, Ron and Hermione reopen the room and use the basilisk's fang to destroy one of the Horcruxes, Penelope Hufflepuff's chalice.

secret passages

There are 9 secret passages from/to school known. Filch knows 4 of them, but where they lead is unknown. Other 5:

  • Pass through the Whomping Willow to the Shrieking Shack.
  • Move behind the mirror on the 4th floor. Where it leads is unknown. In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Sirius says that he is big enough for the assembly.
  • Walk through the statue of the One-Eyed Hunchback. To open the passage, you need to knock on the statue with a wand and say Dissendium. The hump of the statue opens the door to the basement of the Sweet Kingdom store. First mentioned in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, ch. ten.
  • A passageway between two Vanishing Cabinets, one at the school, the other at the Gorbin and Burks shop in Knockturn Lane. The move worked until Peeves trashed the Hogwarts closet in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. In the book Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Draco Malfoy (Gorbin tells how to fix a closet located at Hogwarts; the second closet is located in Gorbin and Burke shop) repairs cabinets. The move is not shown on the Marauder's Map.
  • Move from Help-room. Opened in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and leads to the Boar's Head Inn. Not listed on the Marauder's Map as the Map did not exist at the time of creation. However, in accordance with the nature of the Help-room, from there you can open several passages to different places.

Room of Requirement

Another name is So-and-Syak.

The room is located on the seventh floor opposite the portrait of Barnabas the Crazy (off. translation variant - Varnava Vzdryuchenny), beaten by trolls whom he tried to teach ballet.

You can enter this room only if there is an urgent need for it. Sometimes it is there, sometimes it is not, but when it appears, it is equipped for the needs of the seeker. To get into the Rescue Room, you need to go past the wall three times, focusing on your desire - then a door will appear in the wall.

At the same time, for each person the room appears different and the way he imagines it. In the seventh book, it is said that Neville Longbottom understands the room.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Albus Dumbledore at the Yule Ball says that, going to the toilet, he found himself in a completely unfamiliar room with an excellent collection of chamber pots.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Dumbledore's squad held meetings and training in defense against the forces of evil in the room. About the existence of the room and how to get into it, Harry Potter learned from the house elf Dobby. Here is a description of the room was in the OD classes:

“A spacious room lit by the light of torches like those that burned in the dungeon eight floors below. Bookshelves lined the walls, and large silk cushions lay on the floor instead of chairs. On the rack at the far end were devices - harmful scopes, stervovisors, lie detectors and a large cracked Enemy Developer.

Dobby himself used the Help-Room to help Winky get over his hangover. He also mentions that Argus Filch found cleaning supplies there when he ran out of supplies.

Battle for Hogwarts- the final battle of the second magical war, in which all the forces that fought on the side of Voldemort and the forces that fought against him came together.

Chronologically, the Battle is, as it were, divided into two parts: before the one-hour respite announced by Voldemort, and after.

First stage

Knowing that Harry Potter had returned to Hogwarts, the castle was attacked by Death Eaters, giants, acromantula spiders, and dementors. Warned in advance, the deans of the faculties evacuated students who had not reached the age of majority. The first rebuff to the attackers was given by the seventh-year students of Hogwarts, led by their teachers, their friends and relatives, as well as, to the best of their ability, the castle statues and even the poltergeist Peeves. Voldemort did not participate in the battles, he only needed Harry Potter, without Potter, the battle for the Dark Lord lost its meaning. Not only that, Voldemort wanted to kill Potter personally. Therefore, when the advantage was clearly on the side of the Dark Lord, he announced an hour-long break, setting the condition: Harry Potter must surrender to him, then, they say, the good Dark Lord will have mercy on the unreasonable defenders of Hogwarts.

While the court is doing business, Voldemort lets his snake go for a walk, but halfway along the way he blunts Nagini on Severus Snape, believing that Snape's death will make him the master of the Elder Wand, and leaves him to die in the Shrieking Hut. Dying Snape manages to convey his memories to Harry. After reviewing them, Potter learns that he is another, unrecorded Horcrux, and his death is necessary if he wants to defeat Voldemort. He decides to voluntarily allow himself to be killed by Voldemort, hoping that someone else will finish off the Dark Lord when he becomes an ordinary mortal. Leaving for the Forbidden Forest, where Voldemort's "headquarters" is located, he meets Neville Longbottom and asks, if given the opportunity, to kill Nagini. Nagini was the last remaining Horcrux, but Harry doesn't tell Neville about it. Just asks to kill Voldemort's snake.

Harry Potter was ready to die so that Voldemort would stop torturing people. He voluntarily came to the Dark Lord's camp and quite consciously set himself up under his deadly spell Avada Kedavra. After his death, Harry finds himself in a certain place between life and death, where he meets the spirit of Dumbledore, who explains that that disgustingly screaming creature that looks like a baby is a piece of Voldemort's soul, from which Harry's soul has now been freed. And if Harry wants, he can return to the world of living corpses, because for his revival, Tom Riddle took his blood three years ago, in which the protective magic of Lily Potter is still present.

Meanwhile, Voldemort believes that Potter is dead, the prophecy has been fulfilled, and now no one can threaten him. He removes Nagini's magical protective cage, carrying the snake simply on his shoulders, tells the captive Hagrid to carry Potter's body in front of him, and advances at the head of his Death Eaters to Hogwarts. Harry diligently pretends to be dead, although he is very upset by the inability to calm Hagrid.

Arriving at the castle, Voldemort shows his defenders the body of Potter and the corpse of Harry, believing that now the resistance has been broken. Neville tries to attack the Dark Lord, but he is immediately disarmed and immobilized. Voldemort puts the Sorting Hat on Neville and sets it on fire. Suddenly, the giant Grohh appears, along with him the Thestrals, led by the hippogriff Buckbeak, and the centaurs who had previously maintained neutrality, attack Voldemort's army. They distract Voldemort and the Death Eaters, Neville is released from the spell, snatches the Sword of Gryffindor from the Hat and cuts off Nagini's head. Taking advantage of the commotion, Harry hides under an invisibility cloak.

Second phase

Now not only Grohh, thestrals and centaurs adjoin the defenders of the castle, but also the inhabitants of Hogsmeade, and the house elves of Hogwarts led by Kreacher.

Gradually, the Death Eaters are overcome, the battle turns into the Great Hall of Hogwarts, where only Voldemort remains, fighting McGonagall, Slughorn and Kingsley, and Bellatrix Leistrange, fighting Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood and Hermione Granger. She sends a deadly spell at Ginny, which she barely dodges. And then there is Mrs. Weasley. An angry mother who stood up to protect her child is a terrible sight! With a cry of "Don't you dare touch my daughter, you bastard!", Molly enters into a deadly fight with Bella, not allowing anyone to interfere ("Out of the way! She's mine!") In their duel. The death of Bellatrix gives strength to Voldemort, he scattered his rivals like dry leaves and wanted to hit Mrs. Weasley, but then Harry lowered a shield spell between them and threw off the Invisibility Cloak.

At the very beginning, Harry asked everyone not to interfere. Just him and Voldemort. "So I have to do it." Before the fight, he explains to the Dark Lord his most important mistakes: this is Severus Snape, who played on the side of Dumbledore, and Lily Potter's self-sacrifice, and Dumbledore's own death planned (and not murder, as Voldemort wanted), and the willingness of Harry himself to give your life in exchange for protecting other people... Mistakes, mistakes, mistakes... "You should learn from them, Tom Riddle." Tom Riddle... This name seemed to deprive Voldemort of his throne, his halo of an invincible evil genius, turned him into an ordinary person. And then Harry tells Tom Riddle who really is the owner of the Elder wand, which the "heir of Slytherin" holds in his hands and considers a reliable weapon. A few minutes before his death, Dumbledore, the then Master of the Elder wand, was disarmed by Draco Malfoy, and Malfoy, in turn, defeated Harry Potter ... Not believing his ears, Voldemort sends Avada Kedavra at Harry, at the same time Harry shouts out a disarming spell "Expeliarmus", and the Elder wand in the hands of Tom Riddle, not wanting to kill his true master, strikes the Dark Lord himself.

With the death of Voldemort, the Battle of Hogwarts ended.

Members of the Battle of Hogwarts

Many people fought against Voldemort and his troops. Named in the book (the dead are marked with an asterisk):


Dumbledore's Army (graduated from Hogwarts)