What are simple common sentences. Video lesson “Common and non-common offers

1. Read the information .

Uncommon proposal- a sentence that consists only of the main members (subject and predicate).

Common Suggestion- a sentence in which, in addition to the main ones (subject and predicate), there are also secondary members of the sentence (addition, definition, circumstance).

2. Consider examples uncommon and common offers.




The birds are singing.

The stream is ringing.


Elk easy running through the swamps.

Cats love the pungent scent of valerian.

The location of the subject and predicate in non-common sentences may look like this.

  • Subject + predicate. The birches turned yellow.
  • Predicate + subject. Lightning flashed.
  • Subject + predicate, predicate. Everything is green and blooming.
  • Subject + predicate, predicate, predicate. The cubs played, fought, tumbled.
  • Subject + predicate AND predicate.
  • Predicate + subject AND subject. Winter and spring meet.
  • Predicate + subject, subject, subject AND subject. Apple trees, pears, cherries and plums blossomed.
  • Predicate AND predicate + subject, subject AND subject. Bushes, trees and blades of grass awaken and come to life.

Simple common sentences. Examples on the topic - HOW THE ANIMALS ARE PREPARING FOR WINTER

Examples of simple common sentences with the word - AUTUMN

Examples of simple common sentences with the word - WIND

How to make an uncommon offer - THE EARTH IS RICH - common


The sentences are arranged alphabetically (according to the letter of the first word in the sentence).


The storks got scared and hid.


The birch is alive. The birches turned yellow. The snake flashed. Lightning flashed.

Bears roam. It was September.


A blizzard is blowing. The wind is noisy. The wind howls. The thread has wobbled. The lark flew up. The sun has risen. The water darkened. The cubs played, fought, tumbled. Sparrow calmed down. The sparrow took off. Here is the blizzard. Here comes the squirrel. Everything is green and blooming. Everything is frozen.

Everything sparkles and sparkles. Everything turned yellow. Everything is awakening. Winter and spring meet. The sun came out. Water came out.


Thunder boomed. Bees and bumblebees are buzzing.


The tree swayed. The trees swayed. The trees withered, degenerated.

The rain is drizzling. Rain stopped. The house lit up. The road is frozen. The wind blows.


Hedgehogs play, frolic.


Nature is sad. The birds were silent. The kitten meowed. The sun shone.

The pond also fell asleep. Frost crackled. The bushes crackled. Apple trees, pears, cherries and plums blossomed. The firs rustled. The hare looked around. The earth trembled.

The animals hid.There lived a grandfather and a woman. Streams murmur.


It's raining. There is a storm.


The carriage pulled up and stopped.The frogs croaked.The holidays are over. The snow was circling. L The ice cracked. The forest was noisy. The forest is alive. The forest came to life, rustled. The forest has thinned.

The forest brightened up. The forest is sleeping. The leaves flew off. Leaves trembled, tore off and flew. Leaves fell and fell. The fishing has begun. It's raining. It's raining. People ran. People listened and smiled. The frogs croaked.


The boy fell. A shadow flickered. Silent fields and forests.The forest, and the wind, and the water are silent. The frost was getting stronger. Frost crackles.

A hairy bumblebee flew up to the daisies and buzzed loudly. The ants fussed. The ants are busy. We fell silent.


A cloud ran up. The wind came up. Autumn has come. Twilight came on. Evening came. Dawn has come. Morning has come. The cold has come. The storm has begun. The snowfall has begun. The sky turned black. The sky cleared up.

The sky is overcast. Nora collapsed.


The lake is frozen. She considered. Leaves are falling.


Snow falls. Snow fell. The sun was beating down. Moose graze. The songs are silent.

The snow ran. Brooks ran. It snowed. The carriage jumped.

The weather has changed. Dust has risen. The bunnies grew up and grew bolder.

The winds blew. Approach it autumn. The sun appeared. The strawberries ripen.

Apples, pears and plums ripened. Snowflakes fell. The branches fell down.

Streams flowed. The kidneys are swollen. Birds are singing. A swallow appeared.

There are chanterelles, mushrooms, russula, raincoats, butterflies.

Dandelions appear. Winter will come. The wagtail has arrived. Nature fell asleep. Nature is alive. Silent fields, forests. The little men got bored.

Summer has come . Animals run by. Moose run by. Birds fly by.

It rained. The cold is refreshing and invigorating. The storm has passed. The fox ran. A mouse ran. Bushes, trees and blades of grass awaken and come to life. The owl screamed. The grasshopper woke up. The summer has passed. Autumn has passed too. A mouse darted. The distances are clearing up. The bird got up and flew away.

The birds are in a hurry.


Work has stopped. The work didn't stop. There were voices.

The bell rang. There was a crack. Bells, forget-me-nots are blooming.

The guys are gone. The river is frozen. The river has become The lynx froze.


The seedlings took root, got stronger, grew up. Lightning flashed.

Oriole whistles. Voices are heard. A call is heard. Sounds and voices are heard. Snow sparkles, sparkles. The snow has melted. The snow has come down. The dog stopped. The sun was setting. The pines are frozen. Worth December.

Grasshoppers chirp. The arrow moved.


Snow is melting. The silence is worth it.


Wither, leaves turn yellow. Lightning struck.


The downpour poured down. Bough crunched.


Willows bloomed. Lilies of the valley, dandelions and strawberries bloom.The flowers withered, turned yellow.


The whisper subsides. The bumblebee is buzzing. Noisy, raging bad weather.


The puppy whined.


I stood and listened. I've calmed down. The lizards are gone.

3. Let's complete online tasks .

Tests on the topic "Offers"

§ 1 Common and non-common sentences

The grammatical basis of a sentence is the subject and the predicate. These are the main members of the proposal. All other words in the sentence are secondary members.

To express our thoughts, we use different sentences: some sentences consist only of main members, others have both main and secondary ones.

Let's compare the two texts.

Autumn has come. The sky is overcast. The wind blows. Leaves are falling. The birds are screaming.

Cold autumn has come. The sky is getting darker and darker. A strong wind is blowing from the north.

Colored leaves fall to the ground. Flying birds are screaming.

What is the difference?

The sentences of the first text consist only of the main members - the subject and the predicate. Such proposals are called non-distributed.

The second text consists of sentences in which, in addition to the main members, there are also secondary ones. Such offers are called common.

§ 2 How to extend a sentence consisting of a grammatical stem

A sentence consisting only of a grammatical basis is easy to spread, for this you need to add secondary members to it. At the same time, secondary members give the sentence a different emotional coloring.

Consider an example.

You can distribute it in different ways:

The examples show how much they can differ in emotional coloring and content of sentences with the same grammatical basis.

§ 3 How to determine whether a sentence is common or not common

To determine which offer is in front of us - common or not common,

you need to find a grammatical basis in it

r and see if there are minor members in this sentence.

It would seem that the subject and predicate are two words, therefore, if there are more than two words in a sentence, then it is common. Such an opinion is erroneous. We can meet an uncommon sentence in which there are several subjects or predicates:

Conversely, there are common two-word sentences that do not have a subject or predicate:

Observe your speech and the speech of others. What sentences do we use most often? Certainly common. They help us convey information more accurately and in detail. With their help, we can find out where the event took place, when and how. Our speech becomes richer and brighter.

§ 4 Summary of the lesson

Sentences that consist only of main members are called non-extended. Sentences in which there are both main and secondary members are called common. A common sentence conveys information more accurately, in detail, expressively.

List of used literature:

  1. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V. Russian language. Textbook for grade 3. - M.: Balass, 2012.
  2. Buneeva E.V., Yakovleva M.A. Guidelines for the textbook "Russian language", grade 3. - M.: Balass, 2014. - 208s.
  3. Razumovskaya M.M., Lvova S.I., Kapinos V.I. and others. Russian language. Textbook for grade 5. - M .: Bustard, 2006. - 301s.
  4. Rosenthal D.E., Telenkova M.A. Dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms. - M.: Enlightenment, 1985. - 400s
  5. Isaeva N.E. Russian language workbook for grade 3.- M.: Balass, 2012.-78p.

Common suggestion? This question will be asked sooner or later by any student. What is this knowledge for? Most importantly, for morphological analysis.

What is a feature.

So how is the prevalence of a sentence determined? Firstly, all the grammatical foundations are immediately noted, then the secondary members of the sentence are found. If they are present, then the proposal is called common, if not, it is not common. This allows us to conclude that a common sentence is a sentence that consists of a grammatical basis and secondary members that complement it. “It snowed” is an uncommon sentence, but “it snowed yesterday” is a common one. There is one more subtlety.

When asked: “What is a common sentence?” many forget that there are grammatical foundations consisting of only one member. In such cases, the proposal can also be either widespread or non-common. For example, "Morning" is non-common, while "Cold Morning" is common.

Also, similar difficulties may arise when determining the type where any main member is omitted. As a rule, in such proposals it can be easily restored. For example: "I love strawberries, and Andrey loves raspberries." In the second grammatical basis, there is no predicate, but at the same time there is an addition “raspberry”, therefore, such a sentence can be called common.

A sentence with different types of connection can immediately, automatically, be called a common sentence, since in such cases the dependent members in the sentence complement and reveal the meaning of the main part. You should also not confuse concepts such as “simple sentence” and “non-extended sentence”. In the first case, there is only one, and it can be complicated by participial phrases, definitions, comparative or participial phrases. And it may include several grammatical foundations, which may not be complicated by anything. For example: "The cat, as if sleeping near the door, winking an eye, was watching us intently." This example is a simple common sentence, since there is only one grammatical stem "the cat was watching." But the next one will be a complex non-common sentence: "The night has come, the moon has hidden, the grasshoppers have quieted down." There are three grammatical bases here, which are not complicated by anything, so the sentence is not common complex. Thus, first you need to clearly determine how many grammatical foundations the phrase contains and whether there are secondary members.

What is a common offer? The answer to this question can be found in this article. The definition of grammatical properties is necessarily required when making a morphological one, which is why one should know and distinguish them.

39. Read the text. Think of a title for it.

Morning comes. A brisk wind blew up. The trees rustled faintly. The sun flashed. The birds sang.

  • Decide which two groups the sentences can be divided into.
  • Write down sentences that consist of only main members.

40. Read the words.

Under, play, playful, hide and seek, foxes, bush.

  • First, make a non-common sentence from these words, and then a common one. Explain how you will do it.
  • Write down a common sentence.

41. Read

  • Compare each pair of sentences: what are their similarities and differences?
  • Complete any sentence with minor members to make it common.
  • Write down your proposal.

Note! In a non-distributed sentence, the subject can be both before the predicate and after it.

42. Review the drawings.

  • What word is missing in each sentence? Which member of the sentence will it be: subject or predicate? Explain your answer.
  • Write the sentences with the missing words. Verbally complete the sentences with minor members so that they become common.

A simple sentence is a sentence that consists of one or more grammatically combined words that express a complete thought. It is the basic grammatical unit of syntax. A simple sentence should have only one grammatical stem (predicative center).

  • Father is washing the car.
  • Children play on the lawn.
  • Dust.
  • Grandma is resting.

A simple sentence is the main structural type of sentences in Russian, which serves to build complex sentences.

  • Spring has come + The snow has melted = Spring has come, the snow has melted.

Grammatical structure

Distinguish between main and secondary members of a simple sentence. The main ones - the subject (answers the questions "who? what?") and the predicate (answers the questions "what is he doing? what did he do? what will he do?") - call the object that is the subject of the action (subject) and the action itself performed by the subject (predicate). The subject and predicate are interconnected and form the predicative center.

Secondary - addition, definition, circumstance - explain the predicate and / or subject or other secondary members and syntactically depend on them.

  • The old tram slowly drove along the red-hot rails.

In this sentence, the subject is "tram", the predicate is "driving". The definition of "old" depends on the subject "tram". The predicate "traveled", which is related to the subject "tram", leads the object "on rails" and has the dependent circumstance "slowly". The addition, in turn, also has a minor dependent member of the sentence - the definition of "hot". The whole sentence is divided into a subject group ("an old tram") and a predicate group ("slowly drove along hot rails"). The information below will help you parse a sentence quickly and easily.

What are the types of simple sentences?

There are the following types of simple sentences:

  • non-exclamatory and exclamatory (regarding intonation);
  • narrative, interrogative, incentive (regarding the purpose of the statement);
  • two-part and one-part (relative to the composition of the grammatical basis);
  • complete and incomplete (regarding the presence / absence of the necessary members of the proposal);
  • widespread and non-common (regarding the presence / absence of secondary members of the proposal);
  • complicated and uncomplicated.

Exclamatory and non-exclamatory

As for this type, the defining moment is the presence / absence of an exclamation mark.

  • Spring came. Spring came!

Declarative, interrogative, motivating

The second type indicates the purpose for which this maxim is pronounced: to tell about something (the Danube flows into the Black Sea), to ask about something (When will you finally get married?) or to induce to something (Buy a loaf for dinner).

One piece and two piece

What simple sentences can be called one-part sentences? Those in which the predicative (grammatical) stem consists only of the subject or only of the predicate.

  • Thaw.
  • Beautiful girl.
  • It's getting light.

If of the main members in the sentence there is only a subject, then such grammatical units are called nominative, or nominative.

  • The beauty is incredible!
  • Evening Kyiv with many lights.

If there is only a predicate, then there are several types of such single-component sentences:

  • definitely personal (the action is performed by a certain object or person and is expressed by a verb in the form of the 1st and 2nd person singular or plural of the present or future tense);
  • indefinitely personal (the predicate is expressed by the verb in the 3rd person plural);
  • generalized personal (the verb is expressed in the form of the 2nd person singular of the present or future tense and the 3rd person of the plural, but attention is focused on the action itself);
  • impersonal (the character is not grammatically expressed).

A sentence whose predicative center consists of two members is called a two-part sentence.

  • It's raining.

Complete and incomplete

A simple sentence can be complete or incomplete.

A sentence is considered complete if it contains all the main and secondary members necessary for the construction and completeness of the meaning expression.

  • I look at the moon.
  • The train passes the bridge.

In incomplete, the main or minor member of the sentence is omitted, but it is clear from the context or situation of speech.

  • She greeted the teacher. He is with her.

The word "greeted" is missing here, but it is clear to the listener based on the context.

Common and non-common

A simple sentence can be common (there are secondary members that serve to explain the main ones) and non-common (it consists only of a predicative center, there are no secondary members). Examples of common offers:

  • The July sun shines brightly.
  • Finally cleared up.
  • Beautiful slender girl.

Examples of uncommon offers:

  • The sun shines.
  • It cleared up.
  • Young woman.

Simple sentences can be complicated:

  • the homogeneity of the different members of the sentence (He loved quivering sunrises, and colorful sunsets, and moonlit nights);
  • isolated definitions that come after the word that explains (The road leading to the waterfall began to wag rapidly);
  • applications (Near the forest there was a hut - the dwelling of the forester);
  • separate additions (I really liked the film, with the exception of some scenes);
  • isolated circumstances (Having prepared dinner, the mother sat in the kitchen for a long time);
  • appeals and introductory constructions (Oh youth, how quickly you pass! Spring seems to be late);
  • specifying sentences by members (the accident happened at four in the morning, that is, at dawn).

But a simple complicated sentence is easy to confuse with a complex one. Therefore, one must be careful and focus on the number of predicative centers.

Making sentence parsing simple. You can write a hint diagram for yourself.