Detailed information about the course. What does the Bilingua method give?

The undeniable fact remains that the sensitive period is most suitable for easily teaching a child something, because the brain activity of a 3-year-old child is 3.5 times higher than the brain activity of an adult. The child's brain retains increased functionality and activity up to 10 years, it is at this time that you need to have time to lay down the most important skills that will only develop further.

There is a theory that children, even in infancy, are able to absorb information, so some mothers include songs in English and speak two languages ​​at once. But still, a more acceptable option is unobtrusive, but systematic training of an already grown child. It is believed that if a child under 6 years old masters at least 50 foreign words, then the “snowball” effect begins.

Who are bilinguals?

Bilingual people are fluent speaking two or more languages, usually, they have a broad outlook and a very developed intellect.The most common bilingual children are those whogrow up in a natural multilingual environment where parents and others speak several languages ​​(for example, children of immigrants). In this case, they easily learn a second language,because they have a strong need and desire to understand what they are talking about around. Thus, the child has motivation and interest in learning the language.It is interesting that a small child, when learning two languages, goes through the same mechanism in parallel, as if learning two native languages.Many parents try to artificially create such conditions, but face the main problem:when the baby growin his native language environment,why should he understandsome foreign incomprehensible language?Of course there is a way out: well pomo game language learning together with an adult.

Many parents want their child to start learning English from an early age. But kids usually do not have interest in classes and they quickly get bored with learning foreign languages. Now there is a way out of this situation!

Bilingua Methodology is a new unique method of teaching English to children. With the help of this video course, your child will reach a new level of knowledge and understanding of the English language, and will significantly replenish their knowledge base. With the help of the Bilingua methodology, children already at an early age successfully master a foreign language, and at the same time do not lose interest in classes.

The course is intended for children from 1 year old. This technique was developed by teachers at the University of Cambridge. They wanted to develop a methodology so that children could learn English quickly and effortlessly. At first, the course was intended only for their own children, but then this technique gained wide popularity all over the world. The Bilingua course has an international certificate of quality, which proves the effectiveness and significance of this course.


The Bilingual course is 30 daily lessons that will help your child significantly increase their vocabulary of English words and phrases. The technique is effective for children from 1 to 6 years. This method is a kind of breakthrough in children's education, because it makes it possible to learn a foreign language in a simple way, without resorting to the services of expensive speech therapists and tutors. You can buy the Bilingua technique on the official website at an affordable price.

The course is issued in the form of a computer disk. It contains audio and video lessons. The disk can be run on any computer, no additional programs need to be installed. Also (for parents) the instruction in Russian and English is attached.

Using the course

The Bilingua technique has become widespread and very popular. This course is used to teach children in preschools, as well as in schools around the world.

Having started training, in the first month, the child without much effort will receive a good level of knowledge of a foreign language. Since the Bilingua course is made in a playful way, even the most diligent children will want to learn.

No need to involve specialists from outside. Parents or close relatives can teach the baby. The course includes only modern proven methods from the best specialists.

The child gains self-confidence, so studying at school will be easier for him. The technique not only increases the vocabulary of foreign words, but also develops their correct pronunciation.


  • The Bilingua technique has a quality certificate and has successfully passed all the tests.
  • You can start learning at a very early age (from 1 year).
  • It does not require any initial knowledge of English from the child. According to this technique, even children who have not previously studied a foreign language can learn.
  • Low price for the course - everyone can afford to buy the "Our Child Bilingual" method, since the price of this disc is not high. You can order it online on the official website.
  • The course was created by professionals in their field - specialists in the fields of psychology and pedagogy.
  • According to this technique, you can study right at home, you do not need to visit any specialized educational institutions.
  • The technique develops in the child the desire to learn and acquire new knowledge in the future, which will have a good effect on his education in the future.

By starting to study according to the “Our Child Bilingual” method, your child will become more active in acquiring new knowledge. The kid will become sociable, it will be easier for him to communicate with his peers. In addition, the course will help increase the attention and perseverance of the child, it will be easier for him to formulate his thoughts and pronounce them correctly.

Since Bilingual classes can be started from the age of one, your child will be able to adapt to other children and caregivers faster in kindergarten. The first results will be noticeable within 30 days from the start of the course. Parents can also learn English using the Bilingual method, especially if they have not studied foreign languages ​​before. Moreover, it will be possible to improve the native language as well - the program is made in two languages ​​that run in parallel. The advantage of the course "Our Bilingual Child" is that the tasks include not only text format, but also various tasks in drawing and music. Therefore, your baby will be able not only to read educational texts, but also to listen.

Where to start learning

  • Buy a Bilingua course on the official website of the representative of this technique - this is where the most optimal and favorable price will be, as well as protection against fakes.
  • Read the course instructions. Decide who exactly from your family will deal with the child using this technique.
  • Buy a sketchbook, felt-tip pens, pens, pencils, plasticine to make learning interesting and effective. A list of everything you need is on the course disc.
  • Go through the lessons in order, without jumping from one topic to another. Otherwise, the effect of training will not be as expected.
  • You can print the learning materials on plain paper so that you and your child can study the necessary information in more depth and then repeat it if necessary.
  • Well, enjoy the pleasant and useful pastime with your baby.


Anna, 32 years old
A good technique, my daughter (3 years old) was able to learn a lot of new things in almost a month, and all this took place in an interesting game form! I highly recommend this course!

Marina Sergeevna, 55 years old
I read reviews about the course "Our child is bilingual", they were all positive, so I decided to buy this course for my grandson. His parents wanted to send him to English classes, but I offered to watch this course first. Everyone was delighted! Both the grandson and the parents liked the method of study. And the price turned out to be quite affordable for such a high-quality training material!

Christina, 28 years old
A successful course, the son literally grasped new knowledge on the fly. He managed to learn a lot of English words in a short time. And an interesting game technique helped him become more open and sociable.

regarding the relationship between the categories of language and logic, two extreme points of view 1) the categories of language and logic are incompatible G. Steinthal), the category of language and logic are incompatible and can just as little correlate with each other as the concepts of a circle and red 2) logicism(full correspondence of linguistic and logical categories to Aristotle, Grammar Por-
Piano”, K. Becker.
Logical categories subject, object, predicate, concept, judgment, conclusion.
The corresponding language categories are subject, object, predicate, word, sentence.
Judgment is at the core of logic. a form of thought in which something is affirmed or denied. A judgment consists of a subject S (the subject of the judgment, a predicate P (properties or relations, connectives (is) and quantifiers (all A and some E. The subject is what something is said about, and the predicate is what is said about the subject, and S is singular , and P is universal.
The remnants of such views also affect modern grammatical terminology, for example, for words denoting subject and predicate, the logical terms subject and predicate are used. predicate.
Conformity in the fact that the word has a grammatical design, there is a syntactic structure of the sentence, there is a division into parts of speech, the non-use of grammatically correct but logically incorrect sentences in speech. The green idea is sleeping furiously, Petya lives in a matchbox. (Although, of course, these examples can also be represented by logically correct sentences) Phenomenally interesting in this regard is the example
L.V. Shcherby Glokaya kuzdra shteko boked bokra and curled up
bokrenka. Including language experience, thinking, knowledge of grammatical forms and categories, we can decipher this sentence, and we can offer several options.
Signs of inconsistency of language categories (grammatical, for example) are much more than logical language categories differ markedly in different languages, there are interjections in the language, grammatical categories of modality, inclinations that do not have a correspondence in logic.
So, for example, a word and a concept are different - many words of any natural language (pronouns, personal names, non-significant words) do not have a direct relationship with specific concepts.

- in the field of significant words, there are many inconsistencies, asymmetric and contradictory relationships between words and concepts - one concept in a language can correspond to a different number of words (synonymy - almost every significant word is polysemantic and therefore correlates with more than one concept - in cases of enantiosemy, one and the same the material form contains concepts with opposite meanings - break a glass, break a bad one - two or more concepts can be expressed in one word, the most external structure of a word, a house is a small house - words express not only thoughts, concepts, but also personal attitudes to realities (with sarcasm is remarkable - different languages ​​\u200b\u200bendow the meanings of words denoting the same realities with various additional semantic shades (for Arabs, partridge is the best compliment for a woman, for European women it is an insult. Know, understand in Russian, and most African languages ​​​​express this as hearing , those. I don't hear you (I don't understand. Or p Russian words leg in European languages ​​correspond to the words leg foot, Bein Fuss;
- interrogative sentences do not express judgments - similar linguistic and logical categories are often different in content. For example, Well, I went - the form of the verb is past tense, and the meaning is the present tense of the action.
Human thinking is not strictly logical. Logic seeks to free language from emotions, but language does not exclude them, and language also allows paradoxes, and logic fights them off. It is known that not always a person thinks logically. The French psychologist Jean Piaget argued that it is possible to be smart, but illogical. Logic is simpler than language, language is more complex, deeper, as it reflects life in all its diversity.
A.N. Leont'ev, a well-known Russian psycholinguist, in comprehending the psychological aspects of meaning, wrote. However, in a person, sensual images acquire a new quality, namely their significance. Meanings and are the most important constituents of human consciousness...
Meanings are the subject of study in linguistics, semiotics, and logic. The main difficulty of the psychological problem of meaning lies in the fact that it reproduces all the contradictions that the broader problem of the relationship between the logical and the psychological in thinking, logic and psychology of the concept encounters (Activity, consciousness, personality. - M, Thus, generalizing, we can to state that the languages ​​of thinking differ from each other both in their purpose and in the construction of their basic units.
So, supporters, for example, of the hypothesis of linguistic relativity absolutize the linguistic originality of different peoples and the originality of national thinking resulting from this (stereotypical ideas about the Germans, French, Russians, Chinese, Chukchi, etc.). Adherents of the identity of logical and linguistic categories (starting with the authors of Grammar
Port-Royal") absolutize the unity of logic and thinking underlying national grammars. Each of these approaches deserves serious scientific attention. The languages ​​of thought could be represented by two circles, only partially coinciding with each other.
Language is a kind of mirror that stands between us and the world; it does not reflect all the properties of the world, but only those that for some reason seemed especially important to our distant ancestors. You can learn another language to look at the world through the eyes of another nation. Linguists believe that each language reflects its own picture of the world. This does not prevent people from understanding each other, but it creates very interesting linguistic differences.
The well-known linguist E. Benveniste wrote The language form is. not only a condition for the transmission of thought, but above all a condition for its realization. We comprehend the thought already formed by the language framework. Outside the language, there are only vague motives, volitional impulses, resulting in gestures and facial expressions. Thus, one has only to analyze the existing facts without prejudice, and the question of whether thinking can proceed without language or bypass it, like some kind of obstacle, turns out to be meaningless. The possibility of thinking is in general inseparable from the language ability, since language is a structure that carries meaning, and to think means to operate with the signs of the language. General Linguistics. – MS Lecture 11. languages ​​society. Bilingualism in the modern world
1. Scientific approaches to the problem. Sociolinguistics. Types and types of bilingualism. Language policy in the modern world.
1. Ganeev B. Language Textbook. e ed., revised, additional. - Ufa Publishing house of BSPU, 2001. - 272 p. Senichkina E.P., Tikhonova R.I. Lectures on the theory of language. Part 2. General linguistics. - Samara Publishing House of SamSPU, 2001. -
128 p. Stepanov Yus. Fundamentals of General Linguistics Textbook for students of philol. specialties ped. in-comrade. Ed. e, reworked. - M Enlightenment. – 271 p.
Language, as you know, is a social phenomenon, it arises, develops in society, reflects social processes in its development, and is influenced by social factors. These features of the language could not pass by the attention of linguists, which led to the emergence of a new section in the science of language - sociolinguistics.
From the history. Separate observations on the facts indicating the connection between language and society, we find in the works
W. von Humboldt, neogrammarists, G. Steinthal, A. Potebnya. The study of the history of language in close connection with the history of society, people in Russian linguistics was started by F.F. Fortunatov in the years of the XIX century. He drew the attention of scientists to the facts of the history of the people, without which it is impossible to understand the facts of fragmentation and convergence of languages. In 1894, Paul Lafargue's book Languages ​​of the Revolution was published, in which the author analyzed the facts of the influence of the Great French Revolution on the language of the nation. A.A. Chess in Russia, A. Meillet and his students in France investigated the relationship between changes in the semantics of languages ​​and social shifts in the history of peoples. The problems of functional stylistic fragmentation of languages, the correlation of the literary language and dialects, oral and written speech were developed by linguists of the Prague Linguistic Circle.
In the 1920s and 1930s sociolinguistics developed rapidly in the USSR. ED. Polivanov, B.A. Larina,
V.M. Zhirmunsky, A.M. Selishchev and other scientists have made a significant contribution to the solution of many sociolinguistic problems. In Saussure's theory, internal linguistics was brought to the fore. Only in the 1950s, American scientists turned to the problem of languages ​​in multilingual countries, the problem of choosing the language of mass communication, and the formation of hybrid languages.
In recent decades, for example, in the Russian Federation, in connection with the rapid changes in public life, the issues of the state, official language, the language of interethnic communication, the relationship between Russian and other national languages ​​of the Russian republics have become relevant. There is a tendency to divide sociolinguistics into sections of ethnolinguistics, linguosociology, linguoculturology, etc.
Influence on the language of the social system of society. Under the conditions of feudal fragmentation, the fragmentation of languages ​​also intensifies; under the conditions of serfdom, there were many dialects on the rich land of the Central Black Earth region of Russia (landlords resettled their peasants on rich lands, dialects were conserved in a small area. During the transition to capitalism, the number of dialects decreases, there is a gradual the process of their unification, the role and influence of the literary language is growing.During the years of Soviet power in Russia, many national languages ​​were formed on a literary basis, and writing appeared.
Impact on the language of demographic changes. The emergence of each new language is a consequence of the emergence of a new community of people as a result of the seizure of new lands, immigration, convergence from different places. The death of a language - the cessation of its use - is caused by the disintegration of the community of speakers, the dispersion of one or another people in different countries, the assimilation of peoples. Migration of the population leads to a mixture of languages, colonization led to the spread of the languages ​​of the metropolitan countries - English, Portuguese, French, etc. Dialects can stretch continuously, smoothly passing into each other, but they can be broken in space due to various circumstances. For example, the Hungarian language is surrounded

conversation of upper, middle and lower castes. In Japanese, there are more than 10 forms of the second person personal pronoun. There are also
9 words for father, 11 for wife, 9 for daughter, 7 for husband. American Indians have a special variant of the language that is used in communion with humpbacks, dwarfs, one-eyed, foreigners. In Chinese, when politely addressed, the interlocutors tend to exalt each other, downplaying themselves (My pathetic name is Lin, but what is your honorable name. In many countries there are words of political correctness: African-American
German(not a Negro, a person with disabilities (not a disabled person, with a horizontal call (not fat), etc.) This is how the stylistic subsystems are gradually being restructured.
Undoubtedly, language contacts play a huge role in changing language subsystems. The main factors in this, and hence linguistic concepts, in the knowledge of languages ​​are adaptation, cooperation, rivalry and conflict. Language contacts are a possible way to convergence of world languages. Adstratum, substrate, superstratum (see the topic of the corresponding lecture.
In a heterogeneous society, for the full implementation of all social functions, an individual needs to know not only his native, but also other languages ​​officially recognized in the country. This circumstance determines the interest of various branches of scientific knowledge in the development of theoretical and practical issues of the problem of bilingualism. Knowledge of several languages ​​today is the norm for Europeans, those. we are talking not about 2, but about a larger number of languages ​​​​that a specialist should know (Switzerland, Finland, Canada. World-famous polyglots Mithridates the sixth Eupator, king of Pontus, fought with the Roman Empire, knew wrote in 22 languages. The most famous woman in the world - Cleopatra was a polyglot, the last queen of Egypt, in addition to Greek and Latin, she also knew
10 languages. The phenomenon of modern times was Giuseppo Gasparo
Mezzofanti (1774-1849), son of a poor carpenter, who became a cardinal. He was fluent in 100 languages. It was checked in dictionaries, examined by J. Byron, A.V. Suvorov, N.V. Gogol.
Mezzofanti wrote poems in different languages, and one poem began in one language, continued in another, ended in a third, and so on. In Finland in the 19th century, a student bewitched by the devil was sentenced to death because he studied foreign languages ​​with incredible speed, which is unthinkable without the help of evil spirits. Know polyglots has always had one secret. The more languages ​​you know, the easier it is to learn new ones. At the heart of the assimilation of a foreign language are always those problems that arose during the assimilation of a second (except for the native) language. Therefore, the problems of bilingualism are always relevant in the Middle Ages, in the 19th century, especially in the modern world.
Mastering a second language is closely related to the concept of bilingualism Scientists still do not have a single opinion on the basics of bilingualism. U. Weinreich characterizes bilingualism as the alternate use of two languages, EM. Vereshchagin, considering bilingualism from the point of view of psycholinguistics, notes that bilingualism is a mental mechanism (knowledge, skills, abilities that allows a person to reproduce and generate speech works that consistently belong to two language systems. MN. Guboglo, emphasizing the ethno-social aspect of the phenomenon, defines bilingualism B. Khasanov, pointing to the functional significance of bilingualism, gives the following definition Bilingualism is an integrating means of communication in a heterogeneous society based on the synchronous (alternate, parallel or mixed) use of two languages. In our republic, many linguists dealt with the problems of bilingualism, among them academician M. Z. Zakiyev,
R.A. Yusupov, professors L.Z. Shakirova, V.F. Gabdulkhakov,
OK. Bayramova, F.S. Safiullina, N.Kh. Sharipova and others.
The above statements testify to the different approaches of their authors to the problem under consideration, reflect various aspects of the study of bilingualism (psycholinguistic, social, functional, which, in our opinion, is explained by the complexity and multidimensionality of the very phenomenon of bilingualization of an individual and society. In a bilingual society, the process of teaching a second language largely depends on the nature of bilingualism, on the forms of existence of the native and second languages, the degree of proficiency in the second language. bilingual and bilingual should not be confused. Bilingual is a person who speaks two languages ​​and bilingual- a monument of writing in two languages, usually with parallel texts).
In short, so, we can give the following definition of bilingualism is the same perfect command of two languages ​​\u200b\u200bat the same time (bilingualism, not only

individual people, but also entire states, those. distinguish between individual and collective bilingualism. Although bilingualism is known to all eras, as a noticeable social and historical phenomenon, it attracted attention in the Renaissance, when new countries and new languages ​​​​began to be recognized, literary and written languages ​​\u200b\u200bof special purposes appeared. These are divine service, state acts, scientific activity. These were Latin for the countries of Europe and Arabic, Chinese - for the countries of the East. There are contact bilingualism, which occurs as a result of a long cohabitation of two peoples in the same territory, and non-contact bilingualism, which arises as a result of mastering the language of another people through its special study. Undoubtedly, contact bilingualism is more effective.
According to the mode of existence of two languages ​​in the cognitive system of a bilingual, pure and mixed (L.V. Shcherba, the governess method) or coordinative and mixed (C. Osgood and S. Erwin) types of bilingualism are distinguished. The third type of bilingualism proposed by U. Weinreich is subordinative bilingualism, like coordinative bilingualism, which presupposes the presence of A and B, but differs from the latter in that its complex sign contains a single concept that, so to speak, evokes the corresponding word from A.
A bilingual of this type learns the language by the translation method.
Among the definitions of bilingualism based on the degree of second language proficiency, there are both polar opposites and more compromise. So, according to E. Haugen, bilingualism begins from the moment when a speaker in one language can produce complete meaningful statements in a second language. The idea of ​​equilibrium bilingualism is reflected in Halliday's definition, who proposes the term ambiling-
vizm to refer to this phenomenon. ambilingual people who use both languages ​​equally well in all areas of activity and without any trace of one language in the other.
Along with the considered extreme points of view on the status of bilinguals, there are definitions that characterize bilingualism, taking into account the gradual formation of a bilingual personality. TA. Bertagaev distinguishes between active and passive bilingualism. Active bilingualism involves the possession of a secondary language in its oral and written form, passive bilingualism is the ability to understand, but not the ability to answer or the ability to convey a text without completely perceiving its content. Comparing the Japanese names of numbers from 1 to 10: iti, ni, san, si, go, hand, city, hati, ku, ju. Task Mom had a ku of apples, she gave her son, daughter, and how many apples she had left. When answering, we mechanically begin to translate numbers into our own language, this is how the assimilation of a second language begins. The first stage of mastering a second language is the knowledge of 50 words, the last - 5 thousand words.
Putting forward the language in which bilingual thinking is carried out as a defining criterion, V.A. Avrorin distinguishes two types of bilingualism, complete and partial, the first of which occurs with a minimal discrepancy between the degree of proficiency in those other languages, which manifests itself in the ability to think in any of them, the second - with a not very significant difference in the degree of proficiency in two languages, when those other languages ​​are used freely and actively, but the process of thinking is carried out only or predominantly on one of them. In this case, the phenomenon of interference arises, the unconscious use of elements of one language in speech related to another language in the speech of the Tatars. Washed a handkerchief instead of washed it. Came from Kazan (instead of came I love white butter (instead of butter).
The main reasons for the difficulties in mastering a second language are the lack of interest, strong motivation for learning a language, the so-called language shock (a state of deep uncertainty in one’s ability to speak or understand in another language. Some authors also understand interference as a way to enrich the language with new words, borrowings. For example , in the Kyrgyz language, the seal is runs, seeds - che-
swords, cabbage - cabbage etc.
Scientists define three stages in the formation of a bilingual personality: approximate (the speaker can pronounce individual words in the second language), initial (the speaker begins to express a complete sentence in the second language), final (complete bilingualism. At the same time, sociolinguists emphasize that the term final stage cannot be understood in the literal sense , since the process of mastering a second language is developing, supplementing, improving.The definition of bilingualism, taking into account the stages (stages) of mastering a second language, is most consistent with the goals of methods of teaching a non-native language and seems legitimate to us, since the process of bilingualization of a person is a dynamic phenomenon, characterized by incompleteness and progressive movement towards improving competence in the second language Linguistic literature describes the case of a boy born in the family of a Russian and an Englishman, instead of the verb look, says see for in the Wangli language both to see and to look are the same word to see. He calls the call button a button, so in English both the call and the button are called in one word button. The speech of modern Tatar schoolchildren (and not only schoolchildren) sometimes shows the influence of the Russian language daru kabul ittem (a direct translation took medicine, instead of the Tatar phrase daru echtem "; bath kabul ittem (took a bath instead of Vanada
yuyndym or kerdem).
Bilinguals switch from language to language depending on situations 1) when they communicate with a person of another nationality 2) when there are changes in the course of a speech act with the same interlocutors
3) when changing the register of speech, for example, when switching to a confidential conversation, when irritated, embarrassed 4) when quoting other people's statements 5) when accidentally or mistakenly slipping into a second, well-known language. For example, a French child moved to the US on the fly. But he retained the habit of solving mathematical problems in the vernacular, as he learned arithmetic in France. With bilingualism, a person has a dominant speech mechanism, and this is not always his native language. Doctors note that patients in an unconscious state speak the dominant language, and in case of illness, it is the dominant language that is restored first.
The issue of bilingualism is directly related to the concept of language policy - this is a set of measures taken by the state or social grouping in relation to languages. In the conditions of exoglossic situations (multilingualism), language policy is designed to solve two problems: a) the choice of a language for the role of the state or the language of interethnic communication; b) the distribution of language subsystems. The history of any country has not been without language conflicts, for example, in the 1950s in India, when trying to give Hindi the status of a national state in southern India, where the Dravidian languages ​​dominate, mass demonstrations began, clashes of those who did not want to learn a foreign language. In the collapse of the USSR, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, the language factor played an important role. In Afghanistan, where the two main languages ​​are Dari and Pashto, the problem of language remains one of the main problems today.

What should be the language policy This question was theoretically answered by I.A. Baudouin de Courtenay at the beginning of the 20th century. His concept. The national identity of a person is a social and cultural phenomenon (and not biological) and is determined consciously and individually by the person himself, and not by family, state, religion, etc.
2. The state should not be national, or religious, or class. In the modern world, the desire for pure (one-national) national-territorial autonomies is a utopia. It is hopeless and dangerous for the civil world to divide people into indigenous and newcomers. Interethnic peace involves the upbringing of a universal and generally reassuring worldview. Therefore, the teaching of religions (Law
of God).
Courtenay's concept was ahead of its time and even ours. In the 19th century, a rigid introduction of one state language in Japan was practiced - Japanese instead of Ainu, which disappeared in Great Britain - English, instead of the native Irish language for many in Tsarist Russia, the Russian language replaced Ukrainian at certain periods (for example, in Ukraine, Polish, etc.). e. The best Russian linguists E. Polivanov, N. Yakovlev, N. Dmitriev were engaged in language construction, fought for the true democratization of language policy.
In solving the problems associated with language construction, two factors cannot be ignored. 1. For a multinational state, which is Russia, it is impossible to build a civilized society without one, common to all, language of communication. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993, Russian is recognized as such a language.
2. The development of the state must follow the path of determining the value of each ethnic language. For the existence of a person, other people are needed, for a nationality - other nationalities, - wrote A. Potebnya. In civilized states, the value of every language, even dialects, is realized. For example, in modern Japan, schoolchildren are taught to speak a folk dialect, and records of good dialect speech are kept as a national treasure. In today's Russia, conditions are being created for teaching native

schools, Sunday schools are opened for language minorities, primary education is conducted in the language of the indigenous population, textbooks and dictionaries are created, in difficult economic conditions they continue to create alphabets for small nationalities. Russia and other multinational state-states are moving away from a tough language policy towards a softer language policy.
The impact of society on the language is carried out through three areas of graphics and spelling terminology normative-stylistic system of the language. Modern sociolinguistics singles out the following components of the national language policy - the theoretical program and its propaganda 2) legal regulation of the relationship between languages ​​3) administrative regulation 4) economic measures.
In various countries, the legal status of a language is determined by the special term state, official, national. In the Republic of Tatarstan, Tatar and Russian are adopted as state languages ​​(see the Law on the Languages ​​of the Peoples of the Republic of Tatarstan). The Cabinet of Ministers, the State Council, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Academy of Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, higher and other educational institutions carry out purposeful activities for the full functioning of both state languages.
As an illustration, we offer a table showing how several official languages ​​coexist in the countries of the world.
States with several national languages ​​(data are given according to the journal New Foreigner, 1999, No. 6)

It is no secret that the more time parents devote to their baby, the more actively it develops. Surely every mother knows that children absorb information like sponges water, so it is very important not to miss precious time and help them successfully reach the top, even if they are insignificant at the initial stage.

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Achieving great results is easy

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Too many children attending schools do not learn well the material provided in the lessons. If English is difficult for your child, and each upcoming lesson turns into hard labor for him, then it is you who can significantly change the situation and help him get ahead of his peers in knowledge.

How will the Bilingual Method help in learning English, and what are its features? What results can a child achieve, and at what age can one start taking this unique course? If you are interested in the answers to these questions, then we invite you to a short tour that allows you to learn absolutely everything about this effective way of learning a foreign language.

Detailed information about the course

The Bilingual Method is a unique curriculum that can significantly increase vocabulary and improve pronunciation. But the main thing is that such results can be achieved in just one month of daily practice.

The technique is designed for children whose age ranges from 1 to 6 years. But, if your child has been studying English for a long time, and you do not observe positive results, then you can introduce him to this course, regardless of age.

This method has gained immense popularity and is famous for its effectiveness. Investing a small amount of money in this course, you can get an excellent result. You won't need to hire expensive tutors to help your child catch up. Moreover, bilingual education is a very exciting process that makes it easy to assimilate the material and get real pleasure from the lessons.

You can purchase this course on the official website right today in order to start learning a foreign language in a short period of time.

This ultra-effective technique is perfect for any child. The course includes exciting activities that allow you to quickly develop children's speech, improve their diction and ensure comprehensive development. Just imagine that your baby in 30 days will be able to surprise you with his knowledge and amaze you with learning success.

The Bilingua method is a comprehensive approach to learning a foreign language. The course includes classes organized by topic, and for the entire period of study the child will be able to get acquainted with a wide variety of information.

How does this method work?

This technique provides an opportunity to learn English in the shortest possible time. It can be applied not only at home, but also in educational institutions.

With monthly training and regular classes, the child will be able to get acquainted with a huge amount of useful material, as well as improve their knowledge, significantly increasing their vocabulary.

The course material was developed by Olesya Evgenievna Petrenko, a specialist with extensive experience in teaching English. Her painstaking work, vast knowledge and extensive practical experience - all this made it possible to create a technique that really works and instills in children a love of knowledge. If you do not know how to grow a Bilingual, then be sure to purchase this course, and in a month you will understand that with effective methods it is not difficult at all.

In what directions will the child develop?

This comprehensive methodology allows you to study in the following areas:

  1. Active development of speech. With regular classes, sound pronunciation will noticeably improve, and the child’s speech will become more literate. In addition, this course will greatly increase the level of learning, and teach the child to quickly concentrate.
  2. Learning in a positive way. The course allows you to get as close as possible with the child, because it includes very useful, interesting and fun lessons that the whole family can “attend”.
  3. Development in the psycho-emotional direction. The Bilingua technique helps to accelerate mental development, helps to improve the thinking of children. In addition, it is aimed at the active development of imagination and memory.

The subtleties of using the course

Absolutely every parent knows how difficult it is to get a child to study, but with the mentioned English course, you can observe a completely different picture. The kid will independently rush to knowledge, and with pleasure take daily classes.

The Bilingua Method is a specially designed course containing audio and video material presented in the form of small lessons. In addition, the training course is accompanied by recommendations, detailed instructions and advice from an experienced teacher. Classes are designed for one month, and each of them makes you want to continue the lessons and return to them with great pleasure.

When purchasing this course, parents need to carefully study the material received, read the instructions, as well as the training program. The method must be downloaded to the computer. It is advisable to print the necessary information so that it is always at hand.

In addition, you should first take care of additional materials, such as:

  • notebooks and album;
  • pencils (you can felt-tip pens);
  • plasticine;
  • pens, etc.

At the initial stages, you can work with your child so that he gets involved in the process. This can be done not only by mothers and fathers, but also by grandmothers, as well as grandfathers, brothers, or sisters and other relatives who have at least a slight knowledge of the English language.

It is very important to follow the proposed sequence of classes, and to control that the child does not break their logical chain, since children, especially young ones, are always interested in getting to know everything at once.

The duration of the lessons can range from 20 to 60 minutes. The duration of the lessons should depend on the age category of the baby, the workload during the day with other activities, etc. Good mood also plays an important role. If the child is “not in a good mood”, overworked or not in the mood for the beginning of the lesson, it is better to wait a short amount of time, distract him from sad thoughts, and then start the lesson, and study with him, offering to compete which of you is the best student.

In order for the material to be better assimilated, it is necessary to regularly consolidate what has been learned. Repeat the words and exercises with the baby several times, while not turning the procedure into a boring and boring process. Make a small game out of it, and your child will be happy to consolidate the material, enthusiastically studying.

After you make sure that the lesson you have learned is well enough, you can proceed to the next stage and discover new secrets of the English language.

Why should you choose this course?

The method of learning English, compiled by teacher Petrenko, has many advantages over other teaching methods. First of all, such a course provides an opportunity to master the language in a very short time, and classes can be made even for the smallest children.