Print nursery rhymes. Children's poems are small for the little ones

Why? - said the hare,

And the Hare-mother sighed. -

Why trees, mother,

Never go for a walk?

After all, they are already big,

Why don't they run?

After all, mom, they love to run,

Why don't they go?

Why? Mom said. -

Because they can't!

They have no legs, no trees,

From the window I can see

wonderful country,

Where do the Counts live.

Everyone has been there many times.

Who ever played

Hide-and-seek or hide-and-seek...

Great edge! .

The White Hare himself meets you,

It's like you don't have a soul.

Tirelessly, for the hundredth time

He repeats his story -

And now you are there, at home!

Once upon a time, there were…

Lived-were, in truth, everything in the world. And this fairy tale is just about them - ABOUT EVERYONE IN THE WORLD. But since it’s very difficult to tell about everyone in the world at once, it’s better to try to tell about the lamb first. And there, you see, we will reach everyone in the world ...

Well, there was a lamb, a pretty little lamb named Lamb. He lived with his mother, not far from a large meadow where Kashka grew (many call it clover), and he loved her very much. And by the way, I ate this Kashka (any: white, pink and even purple) without any tricks and whims, without persuasion and fairy tales. Not like SOME!

He was also very fond of his great friend, Chmok (his great friend was a little puppy named Chmok).

To tell the truth, he lived so long that even he himself did not know who he was.

And he was an incubator chicken three days old - a small, yellow, fluffy lump on thin legs and with a thin voice: “Fip! Fip!

Together with thousands - if you are interested in numbers, I can say for sure: together with 39312 (do you know how to pronounce it? With thirty-nine thousand three hundred and twelve) - brothers and sisters, he was born in a huge building, on which there was a sign: “E Poultry Farm 2".

He was born - so, perhaps, one can say, although it was not so bright there. True, it was warm there; but there was no sun, no sky, no earth, no grass, no wind - in a word, no nature, no weather!

But Fip didn't feel the slightest bit upset about it! After all, he did not suspect that in the world there are such things as nature, weather, sky, sun, earth, and so on. To be honest, he knew little, but knew even less.

And yet he cheerfully pecked at a delicious porridge made from ground grains, stones, worms and the like (it is called feed mixture) and cheerfully squeaked in his thin voice: “Pip!”

In the Blue Sea there lived a little Cancer. And he lived very badly, so badly that he could not understand why the sea is called Blue - it seemed to him completely, completely gray ...

Yes, it was very strange!

After all, the sea was really blue-blue, and it was so fun and interesting to live in it! The fishes (it was only earlier that people thought they couldn't speak!) even composed a cheerful song about how good it is to live in the sea:

Nobody and nowhere!

Nobody and nowhere!

Didn't live happier

Than fish in water!

Neither the animals

Not a bird

No one lives better anywhere!

Yes, nobody and nowhere!

No, nobody and nowhere

I did not live more cheerfully than fish in the water! -

Once upon a time there was a Crocodile.

No, no, it was not at all the famous Crocodile that


after all, that Crocodile, as you, of course, know, lived and was, but this one simply lived and was. That's a big difference!

In addition, this Crocodile walked a little (he swam more often), did not smoke any cigarettes (and he did the right thing, it is very harmful!) And spoke only crocodile.

In a word, it was a real Crocodile, and he lived in real Africa, in a big river, and, as a real Crocodile should be, everything about him was terrible: a terrible tail and a terrible head, a terrible mouth and VERY TERRIBLE TEETH! (Only his legs were short, but the Crocodile thought they were TERRIBLY short.)

And the worst thing: he never brushed his VERY TERRIBLE TEETH: neither before meals, nor after meals (his appetite was also TERRIBLE!), neither in the morning, before breakfast, nor in the evening, washing himself before going to bed ... (Washing it, which is true, it’s true, I never forgot, but when you live in a river, it’s not such a big merit, right?)

In the old days, fish loved to talk, and Pike perch is too much. He would say good deeds, otherwise it’s all nonsense: either he sharpens lyases, then he grinds nonsense, then he talks nonsense, and it happened even worse: he talks too much.

And before that, he somehow got tired of all the fish that not one of them even wants to talk to him: as soon as he scatters to talk to some fish, and she wags her tail - and remember your name!

Here he swam, swam, was silent, silent - before he kept silent, even swamp!

And the tongue itches like death!

Sudak swam from grief to the shore. He thinks: is there at least someone there with whom to gossip.

He sticks his nose out of the water, looks - right, someone shaggy is sitting on the shore, four paws, the fifth is a tail.

Hey you, Mokhnatenky, - says Sudak. - Who will you be? Fish?

Why are you, - Mokhnatenky says, - what a fish I am! I am a beast - Otter.

So I think it's not a fish, - says Sudak. - What do fish do in a dry place? She's stupid, isn't she?

He said - and then bit his tongue.

Raspberries and currants grew so closely along the garden fence that it seemed that even a blade of grass could no longer fit there, but the nettle, apparently, did not think so: wow, how many there were!

That's where the Caterpillar lived.

She lived on the largest nettle bush and chewed nettles from morning till night - that was all she knew how to do, poor thing!

But do not think that she complained about her fate. Nothing like this!

Oh, how good it is to live in the world when there is plenty of nettles! she would say in those rare moments when she stopped chewing. - Yes, this is called - to live for your own pleasure! How good!

And it was really good all around!

The sun rose higher and higher every day, shone brighter, warmed more and more - and on earth everyone tried to imitate it: trees, bushes and grass stretched into the sky; the river sparkled so that it was painful to look at; the wind was getting warmer, and the meadow was covered with thousands of small yellow suns - these were dandelions in bloom.

Well, then, - said Papa Pzhik, - this fairy tale is called “Grey Star”, by the name you will never guess who this fairy tale is about. So listen carefully and don't interrupt. All questions later.

Are there gray stars? - asked the Hedgehog.

If you interrupt me again, I won’t tell you,” Pzhik replied, but, noticing that his son was about to cry, he softened: “Actually, they don’t exist, although, in my opinion, this is strange: after all, gray is the most beautiful color. But there was one Gray Star.

So, once upon a time there was a toad - clumsy, ugly, in addition, it smelled of garlic, and instead of thorns it had - you can imagine! - warts. Brr!

Once upon a time there was a little bunny named Rusachok, and he had a familiar Tadpole. The bunny lived on the edge of the forest, and the Tadpole lived in the pond.

Sometimes they meet - the Tadpole wags its tail, the Little Mermaid drums with its paws. Little Mermaid to him - about carrots, and Tadpole - about algae. Funny!

Here somehow the Little Mermaid comes to the pond - look, look, but the Tadpole is not there. How to sink into the water!

And on the shore some frog sits.

Hey, Frog, - says the Little Rusachok, - have you seen my friend Tadpole?

No, I didn’t see it, - the Frog answers, and he laughs: - Hwa-hwa-hwa!

Why are you laughing, - Rusachok was offended, - my friend has disappeared, and you are laughing! Oh you!

Yes, not me "eh", - says the Frog, - but you "eh"! You don't know yours! This is what I am!

What does me mean? - Rusachok was surprised.

I am your friend Tadpole!

Works are divided into pages

Poems for children

Most modern parents read poetry in their deep childhood, or at least heard them from their grandparents, moms and dads. It is generally accepted in our country that modern children no longer like to read so much in comparison with their children twenty years ago, which is why experts often advise introducing children to poetry already. from 2 or 3 years old, instilling, in a similar way, a love for regular reading of fiction.

What kind children's poems should read?

To begin with, it is worth remembering something like this when you are just heading to the bookstore to buy a colorful book, on the cover of which it says - nursery rhymes for your beloved baby: pictures are, first of all, what your son or daughter will appreciate even without your prompting, but the internal content of such books will be entirely on your conscience. He acquires only those books, the content of which you yourself like, because those parents who think that children equally simply understand any texts are very much mistaken, be it poems for children 4 years old or 5 years old. There is also another extreme: some mothers and fathers believe that the main thing in poetry for children is only a clear understanding of the essence of their content. Of course, it is important, but not only this is at the heart of children's poetry and prose. Do not forget about the emotional content of the text. Unfortunately, most adults do not understand the specifics of poems for children. All nursery rhymes filled with deep content, which in such cases is expressed by rhythm, and children are sensitive precisely to rhythmic melody.

And don't forget that the sooner you start read children's poetry, the greater the possibility that in the near future reading for him will become the most favorite pastime in life, from which there is a huge benefit in the matter of the full development and self-improvement of a person.

Children's literature offers a huge variety of wonderful poems that even the smallest children. The poems of Samuil Marshak, Korney Chukovsky, Agnia Barto, Sergei Mikhalkov, as well as Nekrasov and Pushkin are perfectly perceived and easily remembered, they teach children love and kindness. Suitable for kids small, very short poems, but for older children - with deeper content. Pushkin's fairy tales can be read to children from 3-4 years old. Long tales are best broken into parts. You can read one part before going to bed and start the day with lines from Pushkin. Long stories can bore children and reading in parts, they will bring joy to children. Today, on family Internet sites, you can easily find wonderful children's poems - small, several lines or quatrains, for example, about mom, dad, forest animals, even a four-year-old kid can learn by heart.

Before you start memorizing a poem with children, an adult who will do this must first read it expressively himself. It is best if he knows this poem by heart.
If there are unfamiliar or incomprehensible words in the text, you need to explain them to the child. Then read the poem again, dividing it into small semantic passages.
After reading, you need to tell the child about the author. This approach to memorizing a poem accustoms the child to culture and facilitates the process of memorization itself. Below you will find beautiful children's poems about mom, squirrel, hedgehog and other little poems which are sure to please your little one.

You can try to read the same little poem to your child for several days in a row. Thanks to this, the child will be able to easily memorize the text. And then, if he suddenly starts to act up, one has only to read him his favorite children's poem, as his mood will change. He will smile and repeat with the adult the lines that he has already remembered, while forgetting about his bad mood. Read only short poems for children you need to be enthusiastic, showing your true interest. If you are tired or you don’t have time for this right now, it’s better to postpone your acquaintance with poetry for another time.

You can also show illustrations to the poem while the child is looking at them, you can read the poem again. Thus, the child will form a single image of the work. Only after the preliminary stage has been carried out, you can begin to memorize the poem itself.
Favorite poems for the little ones attract the attention of the child and do not tire him.

We would like to bring to your attention wonderful little nursery rhymes for the little ones which will help parents to better acquaint their kids with the outside world in poetic form.


Pear-pear - high!
It is not easy to get to;
All ripe - look!
Pear-pear - fall.

(Kirill Avdeenko)


parrot parrot
dancing merrily,
parrot parrot
Dancing and pampering;
parrot parrot
knocked over the cup
parrot parrot
He ate porridge from a saucer!

(Kirill Avdeenko)


Pigs-pigs are unhappy:
- Oink-oink-oink! - shout-shout,
We don't want noses like that!
Only two holes stick out.

(Kirill Avdeenko)


Cheeks, cheeks, cheeks,
Dimples, lumps;
All day until night
Smile cheeks!

(Kirill Avdeenko)


Noise-noise-noise in the garden
Bunny-bunny: hrum-khrum-khrum,
Jump-jump-jump over the stumps, over the stumps,
I ate a carrot - yum yum yum!

(Kirill Avdeenko)


I'm learning to count in my mind!
What is two plus five?...
Me-me-me, I forgot again!
Mom will be very upset!
Me-me-me - I'm running to study.

(Kirill Avdeenko)


ate soup,
ate soup,
Hurry up and eat the soup!
Eat a lot?
Well then,
Hey soup! Ay good!

(Kirill Avdeenko)


We will pick blueberries
On dad's birthday;
Let's cook for dad soon
Delicious jam!
Dad will say: "Well done!
Gifts for everyone - candy."

(Kirill Avdeenko)


We are walking, we are walking!
Let's take a walk, let's see
Appetite as work up
Let's eat tasty meat.

(Kirill Avdeenko)


Titmouse screams high:
"Oh, how the strawberry has grown!
Needs to be torn down quickly
I flew to call the kids!"

(Kirill Avdeenko)


Chickens-hens: "Ko-ko-ko!
We laid testicles;
Ku-ku-eat, ko-ko,
Little kids!"

(Kirill Avdeenko)

Most children are very fond of holidays, matinees in kindergarten. At these events, as a rule, a lot of children's poems are read and the children really like it when the teacher trusts them to read in front of all the guests. Some kids are embarrassed to speak in front of an adult audience, they forget lines from poetry, adults need to support them. You need to learn the poem with the baby in advance so that he has enough time to remember it. The very preparation for the holiday will be a great incentive for the child to learn poetry, especially if he has not done this before.

Children's poems for the smallest children. These simple little rhymes can be learned by heart in a short amount of time.
Next article:

Collection of children's poems: poems for the holidays, educational and developing poems, author's and thematic poems for children.

Train your child's memory!

Not every kid can patiently listen to the end of a fairy tale or other prose story. Whereas children's poems do not tire with monotony, the rhyme in them jumps as if over bumps, easily holding the attention of a small listener. It's amazing how quickly children memorize rhymes, it's worth saying a few times, as they already agree on the ending with you. Be sure to use this ability, training memory from childhood, you will greatly simplify your child's schooling. Start with the poems of Agnia Barto in the “Toys” section, look for small quatrains, they are perfectly remembered. Most of them you yourself still remember by heart. So right?

How to learn a poem for the holiday?

In kindergarten and school, your child will often face the need to recite poetry in front of the public. It can be a New Year's party or an ordinary lesson, in any case, it is important that he is not afraid of this. But all you need to do is pay a little attention to it.

The poem must be learned in advance and repeated at home as if in between times, without focusing on the importance of the event. For example, you can say: “Remember, you and I learned a great rhyme? Well, tell it to me." Children's poems are usually simple and the child will quickly remember them. You can rehearse by telling a poem to dad or mom, grandfather or grandmother. You need to ask to speak loudly and with expression, but in no case should you lecture or interrupt during the speech. How your peers and you react to the first performance of a small artist is of great importance, so it is better to start with relatives. Having told a few rhymes to familiar people and, having received a benevolent reaction, you will give confidence to the baby. Poems for children at matinees perfectly train public speaking skills.

They say that poetry is written with the soul. In poetry, the poet expresses not only his thoughts, experiences, but also hopes, feelings, emotions. . Each poetic work is unique and we lose a lot if we do not read them, and especially to children.

Poems develop memory, because thanks to rhyme they are quickly remembered and develop creative skills. The peculiarity of children's poems is that the author addresses the child directly, taking into account his abilities and needs.

At preschool age, parents usually read poems by Agnia Barto, Korney Chukovsky, Samuil Marshak and other children's poets to their children. Growing up, the requirements for poetry also increase. In poetry, children want to see not only folding lines, but also more meaning. .

Reading classical or modern poems, the children's audience learns to think figuratively, metaphorically, that is, to understand words in a figurative sense. This ability, oh how useful in life! Dear parents, in order to instill a child's love for poetry, you need to read them yourself, understand and love poetry.

Why do children like poetry?

No matter how old we are, romance lives in our soul! This eternal desire for beauty is indestructible. The poems of Pushkin, Lermontov, Yesenin amaze with the power of imagination, observation, insight into the essence of things.

How much they and other poets put feelings into the description of nature, how many warm and tender words they told, talking about their lives, about love for parents, homeland and much more, using their own special methods and ways of presentation.

Why should children read poetry from infancy?

Most parents know that poetry plays a huge role in the development of intellectual abilities. From the first day of life, children catch the intonation of their parents, so we can say with confidence that they have associations in connection with their voice.

The rich, rich speech of parents guarantees a rich vocabulary of kids. The child with whom they are engaged, paid attention, read poetry expresses his thoughts at ease, using beautiful poetic expressions.

Undoubtedly, one should start reading, especially poetry, as early as possible, even in infancy. The fact is that poetic literature differs from prose in that what is perceived by the child as a song . Rhyming lines allow you to learn the text without much stress.

Learning nursery rhymes will be beneficial. This is a kind of exercise for the brain. ! Scientists have found that both hemispheres are actively working with this method. At school, children who read and learned poetry are an order of magnitude more successful than those whose parents did not do this for some reason. Naturally, the poems should be selected according to age.

What children's poems can be read on our website?

  • Vladimir Mayakovsky;
  • Samuil Marshak;
  • Korney Chukovsky;
  • Sergei Mikhalkov;
  • Agniya Barto and many other poems.

The poem was written in 1830 and has since become a favorite for many generations of young readers. . It begins like most fairy tales: the father had three sons, the last of which Ivan was a fool. The family lived like everyone else - they sowed wheat, and then sold the grain at the market.

Once some animal got into the habit of their field and began to trample the field. Bringing ruin. The first two brothers, lying in wait for the insolent man, return empty-handed. The third brother Ivan tames a mare of unprecedented beauty. She asks to release her, and in return promises to bring three horses.

Everyone laughs at Ivan, does not believe him, but a few days later two beautiful horses and one ugly horse appear in the yard. The Little Humpbacked Horse becomes a true friend for Ivan, ready to come to the rescue at any moment . Read about all their adventures in full in the book. The kids will love the story!