Dmitry Mikhailovich years of government. Dmitry Mikhailovich menacing eyes

Attraction Chinese cities Huainan is house piano and violin. The unique nature of China and the amazing architecture of this building attract tourists from all over the world to the city. Huainan for an excursion.

The building consists of two parts. An entrance is organized in the violin, an escalator takes people upstairs to the piano.

The whole building is made of glass, combining transparent and black, the architect achieved an impressive result.

There is an exhibition center in the piano. The expositions of the center present a plan for the construction of a new district. The exhibition hosts cultural meetings, discusses various ideas and perspectives of the new city.

A river flows not far from the architectural building, and a recreation area is organized nearby.

Wedding ceremonies are held, the newlyweds are photographed against the backdrop of the building.

construction Home Piano and Violin designed to surprise people not only during the day, but also at night.

At dusk, with the help of illumination, the building acquires an unusual charm. - a construction of an unusual shape and intricate imagination of the architect. Home Piano and Violin attracts people from all over the world.

Like the musical instruments of some giant, these pianos with a violin stand in the Chinese city of Huainan. An elegant violin leaning against a black grand piano - this building quickly became a city landmark, glorifying the inconspicuous Huainan to the whole world.

There are many unique, unlike anything buildings and structures in the world. The exhibition center in the Chinese city of Huainan is one of them. However, it is wrong to say that it does not look like anything. The structure of black and transparent glass with the addition of modern materials is reminiscent of a piano and a violin. To create something that will surprise everyone - that was the main idea of ​​this project, and its creators succeeded. Students of architectural design at Hefei University of Technology turned on their imagination, and together with professionals from the design company "Huainan Fangkai Decoration Project Co." created this very unusual phenomenon in world architecture - the Piano House with a Violin (Piano and Violin Shaped Building), which quickly won its special place in the list of the most unusual buildings in the world.

This amazing house called Piano House was built in Huainan (Anhui Province, China) by the students of the architecture department of the Hefey University of Technology (Hefey University of Technology), developed in collaboration with the designers of the company Huainan Fangkai Decoration Project Co.

Piano House consists of two parts depicting two instruments - a transparent violin resting on a translucent piano.
The unique building was built for music lovers, but it has nothing to do with music. An escalator is located in the violin, and an exhibition complex is located in the piano, in which the plans of streets and districts of the city are presented to the attention of visitors.

The object was created at the suggestion of local authorities. The unusual building seeks to attract the attention of Chinese people and numerous tourists to the new developing area, in which it is the most iconic object. Thanks to the continuous glazing of the facades (transparent and tinted glass), the premises of the complex receive the maximum possible amount of natural light. And at night, the body of the object is hidden in the dark, leaving only the neon contours of the silhouettes of giant "tools" visible.

Despite its popularity, the building is often criticized as a kind of postmodern kitsch and a typical student project, in which there is much more shocking than art and functionality.

This impressive building is in fact the world's largest basket, but it is also the seven-story corporate headquarters of the Longaberger company, which manufactures a variety of baskets. The basket house is 160 times larger than a conventional consumer basket weighing 9,000 tons.

Its area covers more than 180 thousand square meters. feet, width 126 feet, length 192 feet at the bottom, and widening towards the top with a width of 142 and a length of 208 feet. This extraordinary structure was built in December 1997 and is one of the main tourist attractions in Newark, Ohio, USA. The construction of the building took two years and cost $30 million. The exterior and interior of this unique office is marvelous and truly breathtaking.

The hardware door, which meets all technical requirements, is larger than the ordinary one and combines aesthetics, reliability and safety. The grand staircase, marble floors and a glass ceiling that reveals massive basket handles are just part of the beautiful décor of the seven-story atrium lobby. The basket's handles weigh nearly 150 tons and are heated in cold weather to prevent ice from forming on the glass roof. The building is illuminated at night and surrounded by 25 acres of stunning landscaping. Guests are invited inside, where they are shown and told about the history of the company and its founder.