Is there a settlement? Differences of cities, their types by the number of inhabitants

According to the All-Russian classifier of territories of municipalities (OKTMO), there are more than 155 thousand different settlements in Russia. Settlements are separate administrative units that involve the settlement of people within a built-up area. An important condition for designating such a territory as a settlement is the permanence of residence on it, albeit not throughout the year, but during the seasonal period.

Problems of defining and comparing settlements

For an uninitiated person, all settlements are divided into cities and villages. However, their classification is much more diverse. In the modern world, it is difficult to independently understand all the intricacies of distribution between territories. The boundaries of cities, as they expand, create new areas, are blurred, absorbing adjacent villages. What yesterday was part of another region, today is subject to new administrative centers.

Nevertheless, the classification concerning the division of populated and equipped territories according to the principle "city / village" is the most common not only in our country, but throughout the world. The complexity of the choice of criteria is due to various factors, this is especially clearly seen in sparsely populated areas.

What is a city?

The city is much easier to define. Such settlements are the largest settlements of people within a single territory. At the same time, a city is a settlement, the population of which is not employed in agriculture and industries related to it. Typical urban occupations are industry, trade, science, and culture. In addition, such administrative units have their own distinctive, purely individual features.

What makes a city stand out, what makes it special?

Most often this is a large population density of people. On average, this number exceeds several tens of thousands per square kilometer. To provide all people with housing, it is necessary to create special housing, which is also typical for the city. In recent years, urban architecture has tended to look for new opportunities in order to fit the maximum possible number of residential premises on the smallest possible piece of land. Thus, cities grow not only in breadth, but also upwards.

Urban settlements are also the concentration of the cultural, political, legal life of a country or a separate region. Most often this is due to the fact that it is in the city that the administrative and economic hub of a certain region is located. This contributes to the creation of a kind of center that brings together the best specialists, technologies, institutions and resources.

Is urbanization as good as it seems at first glance?

The concentration of opportunities in one place leads to what the authorities are trying to fight, but, perhaps, so far without success. This is a rapid decline in the population in this happens for various reasons - a high death rate, despite the fact that the birth rate is very low. The outflow of young people to the cities also provokes the lack of work, cultural environment, places of recreation, low living standards and completely destroyed infrastructure.

Differences of cities, their types by the number of inhabitants

City city discord. The distance between settlements belonging to cities can be several tens and hundreds of kilometers. This uneven urbanization is especially clear in such a large country as Russia. And if in the North-Western, Central regions about 80% of the population lives in large settlements, then in Altai, Ingushetia, Kalmykia - no more than 40%.

The life of some townspeople revolves around the industrial zone, others are focused on administrative affairs, there are so-called military camps. The main area of ​​activity of such settlements is the service of a military unit located in the immediate vicinity of the city. Such settlements are most often closed-type settlements; their inhabitants are recorded not in hundreds and tens, but in units.

However, the share of cities among the total number of settlements is not so high. About 75% of the total population of the country lives in cities (this trend is common throughout the world), but their number in relation to villages is many times less. For example, according to the state register, there are a little more than a thousand in the Russian Federation, while the total number of villages and villages exceeds a hundred thousand.

Division of villages by type

Rural settlements are very difficult to classify. Settling in different regions of the country took place in different ways. Historically, some areas, due to their proximity to trade routes, natural resources, and industrial enterprises, are more densely populated. The distance between settlements in these regions is small. The districts are clearly divided, and each has its own structure, subordination to the center, management hierarchy.

In general, it can be divided according to two main features - the number of people living and the scope of employment.

My village, I'm proud of you!

A village is not always a small settlement with a dozen households. Places where functioning enterprises are located, agriculture is developed, can have up to 10 thousand people. Such villages are equipped with good roads, their own educational, cultural, medical institutions, post office and retail outlets. Most often, this is an economically developed area, the settlement of which belongs to it and is not in an abandoned state, in the future it can claim to be even larger.

Since the classification of settlements depending on the number of people living in them is not legally fixed in Russia, it happens that villages can be larger than small towns.

Differences between a village and a village

The boundaries of settlements that fall under the definition of "village" are very small. Most often they do not go beyond one or two dozen households, and the total number of inhabitants does not exceed several hundred. In such places, the life of people is not very well established. The nearest shops, feldsher points can be located at a distance of several kilometers. At the same time, such settlements often lack elementary conditions for life - mobile communications, the Internet, gas, normal transport interchanges. The state is really trying to improve life in the most remote corners of the country, but the main problem remains the outflow of young people from the villages. Thus, over the past few decades, according to the state register, 14 settlements have received the status of "former settlement" due to the absolute departure of residents.

What is a farm?

One of the smallest formations that fall under the status of individual villages are farms. Most often, this is a remote group of houses or even one yard. People in them have land, livestock. They can be employed in forestry, water management, cultivate agricultural land. There may sometimes not be a great distance between settlements of larger sizes and a farm. They can be located across the forest, the river, united by one road, but still being different administrative units.

In addition, there are many other types of settlements that specialize in certain activities. For example, dacha cooperatives, resort towns, sanatoriums, forestries, railway stations and even roadblocks.

There are also settlements that are characteristic of some nationalities, reflecting the mentality and culture of the historical territory (village, ulus, somon, village).

  • 9. Settlements in a slave-owning society and under feudalism.
  • 10. The development of populated areas under capitalism.
  • 11. Stages of development of settlements in Russia in the period XVIII - early. XX centuries
  • 12. Stages of development of rural settlements in the Soviet period.
  • 13. Settlement (definition). Types of settlements. Types of settlements
  • 14. Rural settlements (definition). Types of rural settlements
  • 15. Rural settlements (definition). Features of rural settlements
  • 16. Functions of s.N. Places at the present stage.
  • 17. Planning s.N. Mst (definition) Layout value for eff. Development of S.N.M.
  • 18. Layout with.N.M. (definition) The main aspects of s.N.M.
  • 19. Layout with.N.M. (definition) .Basic regularities in the planning of rural settlements.
  • 20. Basic principles for the planning of rural settlements.
  • 21. Planning project (definition). Objectives of the planning project
  • 22. The composition of the graphic part of the project planning and development of rural areas.
  • 23. The composition of the settlement-text part of the project planning and development of rural settlements.
  • 24. Initial materials for design to the project of planning of rural settlements.
  • 25. Design assignment for the planning project and development of rural settlements.
  • 26. Functional zoning of populated areas (definition). The composition of the functional zones of rural settlements
  • 27. Requirements for sites for the construction and reconstruction of populated areas.
  • 28. Restrictions on the choice of sites for the construction and reconstruction of populated areas.
  • 29. Estimated terms of the project of planning and development of rural settlements.
  • 30. Calculation of the prospective population using the labor balance method
  • 31. Calculation of the prospective population by the statistical method.
  • 32. Calculation of the number of families in the future
  • 33. Calculation of volumes and structure of housing construction
  • 34. Calculation of the volume of cultural and community construction
  • 35. Calculation of the volume of industrial construction
  • 36. Preliminary determination of the area of ​​the territory of the settlement
  • 37. Architectural and planning composition of rural settlements. Components of architectural and planning composition.
  • 38. . Streets. Regular street network systems.
  • 39. Streets (definition). Free and mixed street network systems
  • 40. Classification of streets and roads in rural areas.
  • 41. Architectural and planning profile of the street (definition, types).
  • 42. Tracing streets. Influence of local conditions on the placement of streets and roads.
  • 43. Placement of transit routes in rural settlements.
  • 44. Planning structure, structural planning unit (definition, types).
  • 45. Quarter (definition). Groups of rural residential areas.
  • 46. ​​Types of rural houses.
  • 47. Layout of quarters with estates and block houses.
  • 48. Layout of quarters with sectional houses. conditions for planning.
  • 49. Groups of public areas. Objects placed on the plots.
  • 50. Layout of plots for ddu
  • 51. Planning of plots of general education schools
  • 52. Planning of parks, boulevards, squares
  • 53. Planning of plots of medical institutions
  • 54. Industrial complex, zone, center (definition). Groups of industrial complexes
  • 55. Mutual placement of industrial complexes within the boundaries of the industrial zone.
  • 56. Conditions taken into account when placing industrial complexes.
  • 57. Basic requirements taken into account when planning industrial complexes
  • 58. Landscaping snm (definition). Snm Improvement Action Groups
  • 59. Engineering preparation of the territory sm (definition). Measures for engineering preparation of the territory
  • 60. Lowering the level of groundwater in the planning of the territory of populated areas
  • 61. Protection of the territory from flooding when planning the territory of populated areas
  • 62. Anti-landslide works and the fight against gully formation in the planning of the territory of populated areas
  • 63. Vertical layout of the territory snm.
  • 64. Road construction in rural settlements
  • 65. Water supply snm
  • 66.Water disposal in rural settlements
  • 67. Heat supply snm
  • 68. Gas supply snm
  • 69.Snm power supply
  • Question 70:
  • Question 71
  • Question 72
  • 73. Environmental pollution. System of environmental measures
  • Question 74
  • Question 75 Criteria for the feasibility study of design decisions in the planning and development of rural settlements.
  • Question 76
  • Question 77 definition of population density, housing stock density, building density.
  • Question 78
  • Question 79
  • Question 80
  • 13. Settlement (definition). Types of settlements. Types of settlements

    Settlements as places of permanent long-term residence appeared during the transition of people to a settled way of life in connection with the development of agriculture and animal husbandry.

    According to V.I. Dahl, a settlement is a populated place, residential, where people are settled.

    In this way, locality (settlement, settlement) - the primary unit of human settlement within one built-up area, used as a place of long-term permanent or temporary residence.

    All settlements in our country are divided into urban and rural settlements. The assignment of a settlement to the category of urban or rural is carried out by state authorities. In this case, first of all, they take into account the occupation and number of the living population, as well as the administrative, economic, cultural and historical significance of the settlement.

    Table 1. Change in the country's population

    According to the national economic affiliation, settlements are divided into cities, urban-type settlements, rural settlements.

    The high rates of urban development in the country led to the rapid growth of the urban population. The trend of urban development and an increase in the number of urban population will continue in the future (Table 1). In order to improve the distribution of the country's productive forces, it is expedient to restrain the growth of large cities and regulate their growth.

    City- a settlement with a population of at least 10 thousand people, and the inhabitants are mainly employed in industry, services, management, science, and culture.

    At present, the so-called satellite cities, located around large cities, at a distance of 30-60 km from them. With the help of satellite cities, designed for 60-80 thousand inhabitants, densely populated cities are unloaded. The main conditions for the placement of satellite cities are good communication with a large city. For Nizhny Novgorod, satellite cities are the cities of Bor, Dzerzhinsk, Balakhna, etc.

    Settlement- a settlement, the predominant part of the population of which is associated with industrial production and transport. Urban-type settlements are subdivided into:

      workers' camps- settlements at large plants, factories, mines, power plants, railway stations and other economically important objects. The population of workers' settlements is 3-12 thousand people;

      holiday villages - settlements located outside the city limits, the main purpose of which is to serve cities as sanatorium centers, places of summer recreation. No more than 25% of the population of the settlement should be employed in agriculture;

    3) resort villages - settlements located in areas of medical importance with a population of at least 2 thousand people, half of which are temporary residents.

    Russia has historically developed an extensive network of rural settlements. Currently, there are more than 150 thousand of them. The network of settlements is dynamic, as it depends on the availability and state of production. Some settlements are destroyed, others appear.

    Rural settlements- all settlements that do not have the status of a city or urban-type settlement, regardless of size and sectoral affiliation.

    Such settlements are very diverse in their economic, geographical, historical, national and other conditions of development. However, a common feature that unites them is that the bulk of the able-bodied population is employed in agriculture.

    Rural settlements are usually understood as villages and villages.

    Village - an ordinary residential settlement formed by placing linear buildings along a road or natural lines (banks of a river, lake, ravine).

    Village - a large rural settlement serving as an economic and administrative center for a group of service villages. A distinctive feature of the village in the pre-revolutionary period was the presence of a church, a temple, in the Soviet period - a village council, a village council.

    Currently, rural settlements are divided into three main types:

    a) agricultural rural settlements - production centers of agricultural enterprises and their associations, subsidiary plots, etc. At present, this is the most common type of rural settlements, since about 85% of the total number of rural settlements will fall into it;

    b) non-agricultural rural settlements ~ settlements at individual enterprises, settlements for the protection of forests, transport routes, etc.;

    c) rural settlements of mixed type ~ regional centers, settlements within the land use of agricultural enterprises, the main part of the population of which is employed at enterprises located outside the given settlement (industrial, transport, etc.).

    In connection with the rapid growth of cities, settlements began to appear near the largest of them. suburban type, providing the production base of these cities with labor resources, as well as being a place of rest for citizens (dacha settlements, recreational centers, etc.).

    All listed rural settlements belong to stationary settlements. In addition to them, in rural areas there are settlements of a seasonally inhabited type: summer camps for livestock, field camps, settlements of surveyors, logging workers, etc.

    In connection with the reform of economic and land relations, accompanied by the emergence of new forms of land ownership and management, a new type of rural settlement appeared on it - peasant (farm) economy. A peasant (farm) economy is a housing and economic complex consisting of three functional zones (residential, industrial and agricultural land) located on one or more land plots. In addition, in recent years, cottage settlements and gardening partnerships, intended for urban residents in the summer, are becoming more widespread.

    For organization gardening associations allocate lands of agricultural and forestry enterprises, as well as lands of small settlements in which there is no permanent population. Allocated arrays usually have an area of ​​20-50 ha (rarely 100-1000 ha). Since in large seasonal settlements the number of residents can reach 100 thousand people, it becomes necessary to organize medical care with a constant duty of medical personnel, mobile trade and other social events.

    Under cottage development allocate plots near existing settlements on free (not used) lands. Cottage settlements can be used not only for seasonal, but also for permanent residence.

    In accordance with clause 1.4. SNiP 2.07.01-89, all settlements, depending on the population, are divided into the following groups (Table 2):

    Table 2. Groups of settlements by number of inhabitants

    Settlement groups

    Population, thousand people

    Rural settlements

    The largest

    Over 1000

    Less than 0.05

    The group of small towns also includes urban-type settlements.

    POPULATED, oh, oh; yon. Having a large number of inhabitants, tenants. N. district. N. house. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Populated place (settlement), the primary unit of human settlement within one built-up land plot (city, urban-type settlement, village). An obligatory sign of a settlement is the constancy of its use as a habitat ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    LOCALITY- SETTLEMENT, see Settlement ... Demographic Encyclopedic Dictionary

    locality- - [A.S. Goldberg. English Russian Energy Dictionary. 2006] Topics energy in general EN human settlementpopulation aggregateinhabited locality …

    See Settlement... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    LOCALITY- (in state and administrative law) - a grassroots territorial unit. The types of N. p. are: a) urban settlements (see City), b) rural settlements (see Village), c) summer cottages, workers and resort villages (see Village) (Article 1 of the General ... ... Soviet legal dictionary

    urban-type settlement- - [A.S. Goldberg. English Russian Energy Dictionary. 2006] Topics energy in general EN urban locality … Technical Translator's Handbook

    Locality Third Branch Country Russia Russia ... Wikipedia

    Locality Second Branch Country Russia Russia ... Wikipedia

    Locality Titan Country Russia Russia ... Wikipedia


    • , . The guide consists of four sections. The first is devoted to the description of the archaeological, historical, cultural and architectural monuments of the peninsula. The second tells about natural masterpieces…

    Russia is one of the ten largest countries in the world in terms of population. The last census, which was conducted in 2010, shows that more than 142 million people live in the country.

    Organized compact living of people forms settlements. Their main types, represented in Russia, are a city, an urban-type settlement, a village, a village, a village, a farm, and an aul. The formation of settlements is due to many reasons. Initially, settlements appear in territories with the most favorable climatic and relief conditions, industrial and economic potential.

    Russia is a country with rather harsh climatic conditions, which, of course, primarily affects the formation of a system of settlements. The most densely populated territory of the Russian Federation is the central part.

    Another factor influencing the settlement is the industrial potential of the territories. Taking into account the fact that the main deposits of minerals in Russia are located in its northern territory, it is this part of the country that is the most industrially developed region with a fairly high population density.

    Consider the types of settlements in the Russian Federation.

    Cities and villages

    What are the types of settlements? All settlements in the Russian Federation are divided into urban and rural, which reflects the main type of employment of people.

    The dominant population of the Russian Federation lives in the city. This fact can be explained by both social and material reasons. Cities are predominantly centers of civilization with a developed infrastructure, the presence of cultural and social facilities, and more comfortable living conditions compared to rural ones. It is these reasons that cause the outflow of the rural population from the hinterland and the virtual extinction of small rural settlements.

    This process of dominance of cities over villages is called urbanization. Primarily, cities in Russia were industrial centers that allowed the starving peasants to survive. The development of these centers led to their growth and, as a result, an increase in the number of people living in them. Today, three-quarters of the country's population lives in cities.

    The main classification reflecting the types of settlements is the classification related to the population.

    Characteristics of cities by population

    The total number of cities in Russia exceeds 2,000 names, of which 1,000 are cities and more than 2,000 urban-type settlements. For Russia, cities are considered settlements, the number of people living in which is not less than twelve thousand people, of which more than 90 percent are employed in production, the social sphere and the service sector.

    Moscow is the main city of the Russian Federation, its capital, where more than 10 million people live.

    The population allows us to subdivide cities into the following types of settlements:

    • Super-large cities, or million-plus cities, with a population of more than three million. There are 2 such cities in Russia - Moscow and St. Petersburg.
    • The largest cities, with a population of one to three million. There are 13 cities in Russia with a population in the announced range, among them Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Omsk, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa.
    • Large cities, the population of which is from two hundred and fifty thousand to one million. There are more than forty such cities in Russia.
    • Large cities, where the number of people living ranges from one hundred to two hundred and fifty thousand. In the country, their number has exceeded nine dozen.
    • Medium cities, where fifty to one hundred thousand people live. Their number has exceeded one and a half hundred.
    • Small towns and settlements, in which does not exceed fifty thousand people.

    The most intensive population growth occurs in the largest and largest cities, due to their industrial and economic progress.

    City agglomerations

    Speaking about the urban types of settlements in Russia, it is also necessary to dwell on the concept of "urban agglomeration". This concept means the cooperation of medium-sized cities located close to a large city, which are united by labor, infrastructural, industrial and other types of ties.

    Such medium-sized cities are called satellite cities. Satellite cities reduce population density in large ones.

    The most important factor contributing to the emergence of agglomerations is the developed transport links between cities. In Russia, satellite towns have been formed near Kuibyshev, Moscow, St. Petersburg.

    When agglomerations merge, megacities are formed. In Russia today, megacities have not been formed.

    Characteristics of cities on a structural basis

    The territorial structure of Russia makes it possible to single out the following types of urban settlements: federal, regional (oblast, krai, republican, etc.) and district.

    The Constitution of the Russian Federation defines St. Petersburg and Sevastopol.

    Cities of regional significance are settlements that perform the functions of an economic and cultural center, characterized by a developed industry and a population of more than thirty thousand people.

    However, the quantitative indicators of the population in such cities are not exceptional, they are rather a priority. A more significant criterion for classifying cities as cities of regional significance can be considered their social, economic indicators, achievements in the social, cultural sphere, historical uniqueness, long-term plans for increasing population growth and economic development. In addition to the above criteria, in order to classify cities as cities of regional significance, it is necessary to take into account cities that have a regional structure.

    Requirements for the number of residents in cities of regional significance are individual in each subject of the Russian Federation. As a rule, they include urban settlements with a population of fifty thousand. On the territory of such cities, industry functions, the communal sector is developed, educational, medical and commercial institutions, as well as cultural institutions provide services.

    Characteristics of cities on a functional basis

    The following typological classification into types of settlements involves their division, which is based on the functions performed. Those functions include: political, administrative, industrial, transport, trade, scientific, military, recreational (health) functions. Depending on the number of functions performed by the city, they are divided into monofunctional and polyfunctional.

    Characteristics of cities by economic and geographical location

    There is also a gradation of cities into types of settlements according to their economic and geographical position:

    • located near a mineral deposit;
    • related to railway infrastructure;
    • port;
    • industrial and transport.


    An intermediate link between a city and a village in Russia is an urban-type settlement. This intermediateness has an impact on the quantitative composition of such settlements, as well as on the scope of employment.

    The total number in the Russian Federation exceeds 1200 units. The number of people living in such settlements can vary from a few dozen people to several thousand. The largest urban-type settlement in Russia is the settlement of Ordzhonikidzevskaya, where more than 64 thousand people live.

    There are several subspecies of urban-type settlements, which are located outside the city. Such settlements are considered: workers' settlements where industrial facilities are located (population up to three thousand people); resort villages (population up to two thousand people); summer cottages.

    Rural settlements are the most widely represented in Russia. Their total number exceeds 150 thousand. A quarter of these settlements can be classified as sparsely populated, with less than 10 people living in them.

    Despite the significant number of rural settlements, the number of people living in them is slightly more than twenty percent of the total population of Russia.

    This state of affairs is due to the low standard of living in the countryside, its poor technological equipment, which, in turn, leads to the migration of the population to cities.

    Types of settlements, depending on the size of their population, can be subdivided as follows:

    • Large with a population exceeding five thousand.
    • Large with a population of up to five thousand.
    • Medium with a population of two hundred - one thousand people.
    • Small with a population of up to two hundred people.

    The main types of rural settlements represented on the territory of Russia

    • A village is a large settlement in which there is or used to be a church. It performs the functions of a local center.
    • A village is a small settlement that historically did not have a church.
    • Settlement - a new type of rural settlement that arose during the Soviet Union.
    • Aul is a settlement in which the ethnic population is represented: Adyghe, Abaza and Nogai.
    • Khutor is a settlement with an individual farm, consisting of outbuildings, the number of which does not exceed 10.
    • Stanitsa - a settlement formed by the Cossacks. The largest village of the country is Kanevskaya in the Krasnodar Territory, its population is about 45 thousand people.

    Types of settlements in Russia have been formed over many years. The organization of settlements is greatly influenced by natural and climatic factors. - the main type of employment of people living in villages today. Favorable weather conditions play a major role here.

    Given that in the overwhelming majority of cases, villages are monofunctional, today the main types of settlements are cities.


    Having considered the topic "What types of settlements are formed on the territory of the Russian Federation", we can conclude that rural settlements quantitatively prevail, but the population density in urban areas is much higher.

    The first settlements began to appear in ancient times. What is a locality? And what kinds of them exist today?

    The locality is...

    A settlement is understood as a place of accumulation of people who live in it permanently or temporarily. This is a special area with a complex of residential buildings and infrastructure facilities (roads, pipelines, communal, cultural and community buildings, and so on).

    Settlement is the primary link in the system of resettlement of the population of a certain territory. It can be a small village, an urban-type settlement, or a large city.

    A characteristic feature of any settlement is the constancy of the use of its territory by people for living. If we talk about an independent state entity, then one of its settlements has the status of a central one and is called the capital.

    Main types of settlements

    The main types of modern settlements are as follows:

    • city;
    • rural settlement;
    • settlement.

    A city is usually called a relatively large (compared to other settlements) settlement, the inhabitants of which are mainly employed in industry and the service sector. Cities, as a rule, are administrative, scientific, cultural and industrial centers of their countries or territories. These are peculiar "locomotives" of social and economic development of any region.

    Modern science cannot unequivocally answer the question of which settlement can be considered a city. In past historical eras, this problem was solved much more simply. So, in the times of Kievan Rus, any settlement surrounded by a rampart or a fortified defensive wall was called a city (hail). Later, the status of a city in Europe was received by settlements that had the right to trade.

    Today, the main criterion for determining the city is the population. Moreover, for each state, this parameter may be different. For example, in Denmark, a city can be a locality where only 250 people live. But in Japan, the number of inhabitants in it should be at least 50 thousand.

    To date, urbanists classify all cities in the world into small (up to 50,000 inhabitants), medium (50,000-100,000), large (from 100,000 to 1 million) and million-plus cities (over 1 million people).

    An urban-type settlement (abbreviated as urban-type settlement) is a settlement that, in terms of population and other parameters, occupies an intermediate position between a city and a village. The concept was introduced during the Soviet era. In the modern post-Soviet space, urban settlements have been preserved in almost all states, except for Latvia, Lithuania and Moldova.

    Finally, rural settlements include villages, villages, as well as villages, villages, farms, etc. There are no fundamental differences between the concepts of "village" and "village" in Russia. Although historically a settlement was called a village, in which there was a church with a bell tower. At the moment, there are at least 150 thousand rural settlements on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    Zoning of settlements

    In urban planning and land use, it is customary to distinguish three main zones of settlements:

    1. Residential (residential buildings, boulevards, public utilities, as well as social infrastructure facilities are located here).
    2. Production (here are various industrial enterprises and related facilities).
    3. Recreational (forest park zones, squares and gardens, summer cottages, reservoirs, etc. are concentrated here).


    A settlement is understood as a territory in which people permanently (or temporarily, seasonally) live. City, village, and urban-type settlement are the main types of settlements for Russia, as well as many other countries of the world.