gas laws. Chemical composition of the gas mixture

It's no secret that the brain has a control function in relation to the entire body. It is the brain that gives commands to all organs and systems and even to every cell of the body about how they need to function. This means that our health depends on the leading role of the brain. But why does it happen that very often this leadership role does not provide us with good health and perfect health at all? For the reason that we ourselves in one way or another prevent our brain from correctly exercising its leading role. We interfere with its activities, as we are often in a state of stress or are exposed to the actions of certain negative programs embedded in our consciousness and subconscious.

The only way to free the brain from the effects of unwanted factors is to enter the alpha level. In this case, stress, anxiety and anxiety go aside. Thus, we free and liberate the work of our brain. Finally, he can, without any obstacles, begin to carry out the functions intended for him by nature, the most important of which is self-healing and self-healing of the body.

Alpha rhythm creates not only a creative, but also a highly healing state of mind and body. In this state, self-healing mechanisms begin to turn on by themselves.

Undoubtedly, the Jose Silva method helps us in our creative goals, leads to the fulfillment of desires, success in achieving any goals. But there is no need to remind that the basis of our success is good health. If there is no health, then success is either completely impossible, or does not bring the desired joy. Therefore, it is very important to direct efforts not only to achieve success, but also to maintain your health. If you don't have health problems yet, the Jose Silva method will help you keep your body healthy. But even if there are health problems, you can mobilize your mind for self-healing. Because you already know how to control the work of your brain. This means that you can help your brain begin to control your body much more efficiently.

“If the method of mind control were perfect (and it is not perfect, we are still learning), we would all constantly have perfectly healthy bodies. However, the indisputable fact is already that we know enough to strengthen the restorative forces of the body with the help of our mind and make the fight against diseases more successful.

(Jose Silva, Philip Miele. Mind control)

Universal algorithm for overcoming the disease

You could already be convinced of the need for a positive outlook on the world, on your life and on yourself. Without a positive attitude towards ourselves, we cannot get out of negative programming. We can't improve our health. Therefore, the first condition for overcoming any illness - from a slight ailment to a truly serious illness - is to forgive, understand and accept yourself as you are.

Throw away once and for all the questions: “Why should I love myself?” and “Why should I love myself?” Accept it as a truth: love does not need reasons and conditions. You can love, accept yourself, and treat yourself in the most positive way no matter what, for no purpose or reason. Make a good relationship with yourself an end in itself. Love is the highest state of being, which is valuable in itself, and therefore is precisely an end in itself, and not at all a means to achieve some other goals.

When you accept this truth, you will be able to overcome any disease. To do this, you need to daily (at least once a day, but you can spend at least 15 minutes more often on a technique that is performed in several stages, which are a universal mechanism for self-healing.

First stage. You need to internally enter a state of love, acceptance and forgiveness of yourself. This is a state of inner warmth, softness and relaxation, in which no negative thoughts and feelings are possible. You can imagine that you are sending yourself a gentle wave of love and relaxation.

Second phase. Enter the alpha state in any way convenient for you. Thus, you will get rid of the remnants of negativity, stress and enter a state of self-healing.

Third stage. Deepen the state of love, positive attitude towards yourself and forgiveness of yourself. Tune in to get rid of negative programs, free your thoughts and your speech from negatively colored words and replace them with positively charged words. Repeat to yourself several times: “Negative thoughts and feelings no longer affect me. I always speak and think only positively.” Set a goal to gradually become a more loving, forgiving, and positive person.

Fourth stage. Concentrate on your illness. Imagine what it might look like and project that image onto an imaginary screen. This step should be very short.

Fifth stage. Quickly erase the image of illness from the imaginary screen and replace it with the image of health. (You can do this using the Golden Imaging technique, erasing your sick self and replacing it with a healthy self.) Imagine as vividly as you can that you are already completely healed. Imagine how you would feel if you were already completely healthy. Stay in this image longer. Feel the state in which the healed person is, enjoy this state. Think that you deserve to be healthy and that this is your natural state.

Sixth stage. Re-indulge in a state of love and a positive attitude. Once again repeat the words that negative thoughts and feelings no longer affect you and from now on you speak and think only positively. Then say to yourself, “I am healing. Every day I get better and better and better.” You can then return to your normal state of consciousness.

How to set yourself up to get rid of serious ailments

Experts testify that any serious illness occurs for a reason, but as a result of a severe loss or some other serious shock. For example, there are quite frequent cases when oncological diseases occur within a period of six months to one and a half years after such events. Also, serious illnesses can occur due to prolonged exposure to deep stress.

Both for prevention and for overcoming the disease, it is necessary to devote at least 15 minutes a day to relaxation and stress relief (see step 4). But one of the main conditions for overcoming a serious illness is to reconsider one's attitude to the causes that caused it.

Remember: if the disease came after a serious loss or shock, it happened because the person after this event began to feel like a victim, a broken helpless sufferer and lost all hope for the best. But it is in his power to change the perception of this event, to find an opportunity for positive thinking - and thereby eliminate the cause of the disease.

There are really serious upheavals in life, because of which we simply cannot help but worry. For example, the loss of a loved one. The state of grief in this situation is natural. It is impossible to forget about it, not to think about it, it is impossible to simply reject all painful thoughts and feelings from oneself.

And yet, even in such a situation, it is possible to get out of a state of grief and return to a positive outlook on life. It may not happen right away, it will take time. But step by step, day by day, such work must be done. So you give yourself a chance to regain health and feel the fullness of life again - not forgetting your loss, but reconsidering your attitude towards it.

Enter the alpha state and consider your negative thoughts and feelings. See how you are immersed in grief, how you feel like a victim, how you feel sorry for yourself. Gradually you will come to realize the meaninglessness of these experiences. And the more you consider them, the more you will have a desire to change the pole of your thoughts and feelings - namely, to find at least some positive aspects in your life.

When you find such aspects, start redirecting your thoughts to them so that they gradually enter a positive channel. Set a goal for yourself to get stronger and rise above the loss. Erase from the imaginary screen images of yourself broken by loss, and instead create vivid images of yourself returned to a full life, a strong person who conquered grief. Say to yourself, “I have the strength to overcome the loss. I will rise, I will survive, I will come back to life. I manage myself. Every day I become stronger. The past is gone. The future lies before me. I choose to be healthy, strong, unharmed."

By reviewing the causes of the disease in this way and turning your thoughts in a positive direction, you can take another important step towards overcoming the disease - namely, use your imagination to change your attitude towards it. As a rule, the disease is perceived by us as something formidable, powerful, terrible and irresistible. That is, we believe that the disease is strong, and we are weak in front of it. It is necessary to change the attitude to the exact opposite: to begin to consider yourself strong, and the disease - weak.

The fact is that for each of us by nature provided health. Disease, therefore, is not natural, that is, an unnatural state of the body. A healthy cell is supported by the forces of nature, because nature provides a mechanism for self-healing for it. But for an unhealthy cell - for example, a cancerous one - such a mechanism is not provided. This means that this cell is weak compared to a healthy one. That is why it is destroyed by radiation and chemotherapy.

Our mind is truly omnipotent. If we consider a cancer cell strong and invincible, the body is really ready to give in to it. But if we begin to believe that the disease is weak and easily amenable to destruction, while our body is strong and easily restored, then it will be so.

Get into the alpha state more often and visualize how the disease is destroyed, how it leaves the body and leaves you - and how the natural forces of self-healing come into play. Draw with the help of imagination yourself perfectly healthy, strong, completely healed. Connect the power of desire, the power of persuasion, the power of expectation, the power of words. And you will have every chance to emerge victorious from the fight against the disease.

Headache is the scourge of our time

Many people suffer from headaches. It is no coincidence that this problem is called the scourge of our time. Everyone knows: when the head hurts, we can no longer work or rest fully. The quality of life is reduced.

As a result, we lose a lot, being unable to achieve the desired goals and achieve the success that we would like.

There are many causes for headaches, but the most common cause is chronic stress and tension. It is easy to get rid of such pains with the help of relaxation and positive programming.

If you get a headache from fatigue or overexertion, follow this algorithm.

1. Remember that all processes in the body are controlled by the mind, and you can control the mind. So, in your hands is the power sufficient to put your health in order.

2. Go to the alpha level and mentally say to yourself: “I have a headache. I feel a headache. I don't want my head to hurt. I don't want to feel a headache. Now I will count from one to five, and at the count of 5 my headache will stop. I will open my eyes and feel alert and healthy.”

3. Start silently counting from one to five very slowly. At the count of 3, stop and say to yourself: “At the count of 5, I will open my eyes and feel alert and healthy. I won't feel discomfort in my head." (Please note that we replace the word "pain" at this stage with the word "discomfort", thereby leaving the very thought of pain behind.)

This method will get better and better as you practice. At first, you should not completely abandon painkillers and the help of a doctor. But over time, you may find that you no longer need them.

Get rid of fatigue

By nature, our body is endowed with a huge supply of energy. But sometimes, for various reasons, we ourselves block access to the sources of this energy. And then we begin to feel tired, exhausted. And constant fatigue, overwork leads to a decrease in interest in life, a decrease in working capacity, and in the future to serious diseases.

This can happen as a result of stress, worries, fears, feelings of guilt, a victim complex and other negative conditions. It is they who block our access to a practically unlimited source of natural energy and do not allow us to recover from various kinds of loads. Go back to step 4 to get rid of these barriers that keep you from feeling fit, strong, and healthy.

If you get tired, overworked and you don't have the opportunity to immediately rest to restore strength, a short exit to the alpha level will help you.

Just a few minutes will be enough to restore strength and energy. Also, you can drive away drowsiness if you do not get enough sleep. To do this, do the following:

1. Get to the alpha level.

2. Mentally say to yourself: “I'm tired. I want to sleep. But I don't want to be sleepy and tired. I want to be alert, healthy, full of energy. I want to feel great. Now I will count from one to five. At the count of 5, I will open my eyes and I will be alert, healthy, full of energy, I will feel great.

José Silva calls the “other side” those vast hidden resources of the human being that we open up by leaving the ordinary state of consciousness and gaining access to the right hemisphere of the brain, which is able to contact the “other side” of our Self. This other side is an inexhaustible source of power , energy and health. From there we can also draw new unlimited opportunities for our growth, development, success and fulfillment of desires.

“You can turn morning sluggishness into lightning-fast energy.

You can rise from "mud" to "princes".

You can turn pessimism into optimism.

You can replace anxiety with confidence.

You can turn hopelessness into hope.

Why let stress suck energy and life out of you?

Enter the alpha level and open yourself to an inexhaustible source of vital energy - the other side.

(Jose Silva, Robert Stone. Getting help from the “other side” using the Silva method)

You can become a healer

By learning to deal with your own ailments, you can even begin to help other people. After all, when you reach the alpha level, you get access to hidden sources of energy and tune your brain in a special way - you enter a healing state. On a subconscious level, this condition can be transmitted to other people. In other words, your own state affects the other person in such a way that he also finds himself in a healing state. You can continue your beneficial effect on this person if you imagine him being healed in the alpha state. In this case, you do not even need to say anything. The brain of the person being healed, adjusted with your participation, will do all the necessary work.

You can try to become a healer for others on one condition: if you already have experience of effectively helping yourself. In this case, if you want to help another person, do the following:

1. First, it is advisable to make inquiries about the health of the person you want to help, although it is not necessary to know the exact diagnosis.

2. Get to the alpha level. Imagine an imaginary screen on which you see the person you want to help. You see him as he is in his current sick state.

3. Move the picture a little to the left (because the left side represents the future), but now imagine this person recovering. You can slowly modify this image so that there are as few signs of illness as possible, and as many signs of health as possible. Imagine that by changing the image, you simultaneously heal this person by an effort of will.

4. Move the image of the same person even more to the left, but now imagine him already completely healthy. See him full of strength, energy, optimism. Imagine that this person is already such a person in reality. It is very important to convince yourself that he is already healthy - not in the future, but in the present.

5. Keep imagining the other person as perfectly healthy until you have the feeling that enough is enough because you did your best. At this point, you should have a sense of accomplishment. Then return to your normal state of consciousness.

This technique differs from the methods of many healers in that it does not require you to expend strength and energy. On the contrary, the alpha state encourages you to gain access to additional energy yourself. In addition, when at the end of the exercise you have a feeling of satisfaction with what you have done, you feel like a winner, which is why you experience an additional surge of strength. That's why when you heal others, you heal yourself at the same time.

After practicing this method for some time, you can go further: mentally change not only the appearance of a person from a sick person to a healthy one, but “erase” his illnesses themselves. Here you can give free rein to your imagination - provided that it is already sufficiently developed with you. For example, in your imagination, you can perform the necessary operations, mentally “cut out” diseased tissues, or, for example, crush and remove stones from the kidneys or gallbladder, dissolve tumors, relieve inflammation, etc. This kind of treatment is usually considered something mystical or esoteric, but in fact it is based on the very real and scientifically based properties of the human brain. The signal that the brain sends from the “other side” (from the alpha state) is captured by the human body and is capable of producing quite real changes on “this side”, that is, manifesting itself in the outside world, in particular, affecting the state of the physical body and its health.


Exercise 1. Creating a place for healing

It is very helpful to create in your imagination a quiet, comfortable place where you can mentally transport yourself to heal yourself or help others heal. This could be a place like the one you created while learning to visualize (see step 3, practice section, exercise 2), or similar to the “Beautiful Pond” from the meditation in the practice section for step 4. It could also be any other place. which you like: a corner of nature, or a cozy room, or a luxurious palace, or a temple, or a doctor's office, a laboratory. The main thing is that it is easy for you to be transported there in your imagination and that you feel cozy, comfortable, safe there, so that the whole environment contributes to relaxation and a positive mood.

If you wish, you can invite any advisers and assistants to the place of your choice - as you already did when you created a role model in your imagination (see step 5, practice section, exercise 2). If you are going to engage in healing, then, for example, famous doctors and healers of the past and present can become your advisers and assistants. It can also be literary heroes or even characters invented by you.

Start visiting this imaginary place of yours more often, get used to it, supplement it with new details and details. Think about what you see around you, what smells you smell, what you hear, what you feel - draw your image through all five senses, as well as through emotional perception. Find in your imagination a place where you will sit during healing sessions - in a chair, on a sofa, or directly on the ground. Mentally arrange everything for your greatest convenience.

Having settled in your favorite place, you will be able to mentally return there again and again not only for healing, but also for relaxation and rest.

Exercise 2. Laying "paths and roads" for your imagination

To be successful in healing ourselves and others, we may need special skills, such as the ability to use our imagination to get inside our body or the body of another person. Without preparation, this is not always easy to do, since in the world of imagination there are no pre-laid roads and signs that guide us and show where and how to move. Therefore, this skill must be trained specifically. This exercise will help you with that.

Sit in any comfortable and relaxed position. Enter the alpha level and imagine that you have mentally moved inside the wall of your house. How do you think you feel there? Is it dark or light in there? Wet or dry? What smells? Is the wall material dense, hard, or crumbly?

Imagine that you are moving inside a wall. Mentally tap from the inside on the inside of the wall. What sound did you hear? Does your hand move easily?

Then mentally exit the wall and return to your normal state of consciousness.

Rest a little if necessary, and then go back to the alpha level and imagine several objects made of different metals, for example, cast iron, steel, copper, brass. Let it be voluminous cubes or balls. Alternately imagine that you are inside each of them. How do your feelings differ when you imagine being in cast iron, steel, copper, brass? Where are you warm, where is it cold, where is it dark and where is it light, where is it easy to breathe, and where is it hard? How do you perceive color, smell, sound from the inside?

Plenty of "traveling" inside the objects, return to the normal state of consciousness.

You can modify this exercise at will, mentally moving inside any materials and objects.

After that, it will be much easier for you to mentally transfer yourself inside your body or the body of another person. Try to do it.

Go to the alpha level and imagine that you see yourself on an imaginary screen in front of you. (This is best done after mentally moving to your healing spot, see previous exercise.)

Now imagine that you are inside your body. Pay attention to the condition of the spine, bones. Do you think they are normal, or do you want to correct something? Remember that nothing is impossible to your imagination and you can fix everything the way you want. Imagine your bones returning to perfection.

Then examine the condition of the internal organs. If it seems to you that you have noticed problems, fix them in any way that your imagination tells: do mental operations, remove stones and tumors, relieve inflammation, etc. If you need help, invite imaginary helpers and ask them to show what and how to do it. Then mentally thank them for their help.

When you get the feeling that you have done enough work, mentally leave your body and return to your normal state of consciousness.

Exercise 3. Mastering the method of emergency self-help

It happens that we urgently need to get rid of a particular ailment and prevent it from developing into a disease. To do this, we can always go to the alpha level and get access to additional sources of energy. For more effective self-healing, José Silva offers a method of light tapping on the thymus gland, which controls all other glands in the body.

In principle, in itself, soft tapping on this area has a beneficial effect. But if you want more effect, then it is advisable to tap with three fingers connected in the same way as for applying the closed fingers technique (see step 1, practice section, exercise 3). Moreover, the rhythm of this tapping should correspond to ten beats per second - after all, this is the frequency of the alpha rhythm. Tapping in this rhythm automatically turns on the alpha rhythm in the brain and puts us into a healing state.

But in order to make ten beats per second, the fingers should no longer tap so much as vibrate very quickly. It is necessary to train in such a vibration in advance, and it is better not immediately on your own body, but first on some hard surface.

When you start to succeed, with the help of such tapping on the thymus, you will quickly relieve yourself of slight dizziness, weakness, or any other ailment. At the same time, one must be in a positive state and it is advisable to smile - a smile stimulates positive changes.

The ability to reach the alpha level, positive thinking, mastering the possibilities of imagination, getting rid of fear, guilt, victim psychology, gaining self-confidence - all this will allow you to easily get rid of old unwanted programs in your life and lay new programs.

If you are satisfied with your life and everything is fine with you, then you certainly do not need to do this. But still think: what would you really want for yourself? What goals are you striving for? What is the result of your efforts? Is this really the result you want?

Most people live not according to their own, but according to someone else's programs, but very often they don’t even know about it. The fact is that these other people's programs are laid down in us implicitly - primarily by upbringing, by the influence that parents and other significant and authoritative people had on us.

As a result, we can spend our whole lives trying to earn the approval of these people, even if they have not been around for a long time. We try our best to meet their expectations. And in the end we get only disappointment - because it brings neither satisfaction nor success to us.

Think about what life goals and tasks your parents set for you. What program of life did they lay down for you? Are you following this program? Maybe you unconsciously imitate your parents and in some way repeat their own life program? Do you like it? Do you feel happy? Do you feel like you are living your own life?

Parenting is not necessarily bad. It just might suit your parents and not suit you.

Often a false sense of duty forces us to follow someone else's program (including parental one). Perhaps you are saying, "I must carry on my father's work." Or you think: "I should be like my mother and live like her." If it makes you happy, it's all right. But it often happens that a person pulls this strap through force, thinking that he “should”, although this does not bring him any joy.

Remember, your real duty is only one thing - to live in harmony with yourself and feel happy. Then you will live your own life, not someone else's.

Undesirable programs in your life could also be laid down by teachers, friends, various organizations, the media, public opinion, which you want to please even to your own detriment.

Also, unwanted programs could be created by events of the past - those mistakes that you once made and now do not know how to fix.

All of these problems have a solution. Reprogramming will allow you to free yourself from the influence of other people's programs and unwanted events of the past.

You will break down all the barriers and shackles that prevent you from living the life you want. You will be able to create your own life programs that will lead you to your own goals and allow you to find your own happiness and success.

The programming process itself includes two stages: at the first stage, you "erase" unwanted programs laid down in the past; in the second stage, create new programs for yourself that lead you to success.

How to "rewrite" the events of the past

The problems you face in the present very often grow out of the past. Undesirable past events could lay in you an unconstructive program of behavior. For example, in early childhood, some kind of conflict or clash with peers could have occurred, from which you could not emerge victorious. As a result, the role of a loser, a weakling who always loses, could stick to you. You may already forget that long-standing event, and its consequences still make you suffer and prevent you from gaining what you deserve.

It also happens that you remember the undesirable events of the past well and continue to torment yourself because of them: “How could I behave like this? Why didn't you do otherwise?"

This is also an unconstructive position. Worrying about the past means wasting your strength and energy. You still cannot cancel the event itself. So, it remains to accept it as it is - and then change the attitude towards it.

First, let's remember that in the past we behaved in the way that was the only way for us at that moment. Therefore, even if we start life anew, we would still do everything in exactly the same way.

Secondly, let's not forget that events in themselves cannot be desirable or undesirable - only our attitude towards them makes them so. By changing our attitude, we can turn any event that seems undesirable to us into a desirable and useful one.

And thirdly, let's learn well that since the last event that negatively affected our lives, quite a lot of time has passed, during which we managed to change - to become adults, more mature and wise people. Now, of course, we would behave differently in that situation. This means that right now we can reconsider our behavior and attitude to the events of the past and thereby “rewrite” them.

The event itself will remain in your past, will not go anywhere. But a change in attitude towards it will give it a whole new meaning. Your task is to change your attitude so that the event stops affecting you negatively and starts affecting you positively.

For example, you want to “rewrite” a situation in which you were offended or you felt weak. Enter the alpha state and remember that situation again. Then place it on an imaginary screen. See on it as brightly and voluminously as possible yourself from this past. Then imagine that you, today, approach that past self and say that you are a messenger from the future and profit in order to empower him with new abilities and help him get out of an unpleasant situation. You can endow your past self, for example, with the ability to laugh at that situation. Or the ability to feel strong, unbroken, maintaining self-esteem no matter what. After all, even if you were humiliated, this does not mean that you must feel humiliated!

Then imagine how you behave differently in that past situation - after all, you are already endowed with new qualities that have come to you from your own future. Then you can put this new image in a white frame and enlarge it, and enclose the old images in a blue frame, reduce it, and then dissolve it. If you do everything successfully, then the memory of that past event, although it will remain with you, will no longer oppress you. It may begin to cause only an emotionally neutral reaction, or maybe even a positive one. Moreover, the event itself has not changed, but only your perception has changed. But this means that the past has lost power over you and it will no longer program you to repeat such undesirable events in the future.

Keep in mind: we only think that we thoroughly remember the unpleasant events of the past. In fact, we remember not so much the event as our attitude towards it and the impression it made on us. That is, our memories are quite subjective. And this means that we can always look at the event from a different angle and change our attitude towards it. Then the problem that this event created in our lives will also disappear.

Try to periodically return to this practice. You need to “rewrite” the past whenever you feel that the memories of the past weigh on you, take away your strength and prevent you from living the way you want. Approach the events of the past with your current experience, change your attitude towards them, and you will understand that even from events that seemed negative to you, you can learn experience and important lessons for yourself. Thus, you will begin to benefit for yourself absolutely from any event. And with each such experience, you can almost congratulate yourself on a new birth. Through this experience, your problems will gradually disappear. And you will be born again, already as a self-confident and strong person, able to independently build your life.

How to Program Wish Fulfillment: Center Stage Technique

When you begin to “rewrite” unwanted past events in order to change their perception from unwanted to positive, you will have new strength to move towards success. The past will no longer take away your energy and program you for failure. This means that you have passed the first stage of reprogramming your life: you have erased unwanted images of the past. Now you can begin the second step: start creating new programs for yourself - those that will help you achieve success, achieve your desires and live the way you want.

You can proceed to this stage even if you are not yet sure that you have completely “rewritten” the past. You can return to this practice again and again, which will not prevent you from simultaneously mastering the second stage - creating new programs in your life.

For this purpose José Silva proposes a method which he calls the "Central Stage Technique". To use this technique, you must imagine that you are in a theater where a three-act play is taking place. Accordingly, the three stages of this technique are called three acts.

Before you begin this technique, think about what situation in your life you want to change. The fact is that with the help of this technique only one problem is solved at a time. You cannot reprogram your entire life at once. This technique is designed for multiple uses. Gradually, with its help, you will be able to change all those circumstances that do not suit you. But you have to start with just one. It’s better to choose to start with what worries you the most, for example, lack of money, or problems at work, or family relationships, etc.

To solve each specific problem, the technique will have to be applied for three days according to this scheme: on the first day you play all three acts, on the second day only the second and third acts, on the third day only the third act.

Thus, you will create a full-fledged effective program to change the situation for the better.

First, read the description of all three acts, and then you can begin to perform the technique.

Act one: "It won't happen again"

Enter the alpha level in any way that suits you and imagine that you are going to the theater. So you come to the doors of the theater, go inside, then go into the auditorium and take your place, which is in the middle of the third row. You sit comfortably in your chair and wait for the curtain to rise.

Here the curtain rises - and you see very familiar scenery behind it. They correspond to the situation in your life that you want to change.

Then you see yourself in this scenery and possibly other people who are connected with your problem. The play begins. You see the events that you least like in your life unfold on stage. You see a reflection of a situation that is undesirable for you in vivid images and pictures, with sound and light, in dynamics and volume. You do not forget that you are a spectator, but still sympathetically perceive what is happening on the stage, emotionally turn on and empathize.

Let events unfold in their entirety, in detail and in detail - even if it will not be very pleasant for you.

But the first act is finally over. A heavy curtain falls, closing the scene that is unpleasant for you. Imagine that you are writing a huge word “NO!” on the curtain in big red letters. or, for example, the phrase "This will not happen again!". Then say to yourself, "Now I am free of all past feelings that connected me to this scene."

Intermission: “And if there was a perfect hero in my place?”

While the curtain is down, during the intermission, you can think about how the same situation could be played differently. But what if there were some hero on the stage instead of you, who seems perfect and almost perfect to you - but at the same time one with whom you would like to identify yourself? Remember that this is a game and you can imagine yourself in it by anyone. And if there was a favorite literary hero or some historical character in your place, how would he behave?

In the next act, it will be not just you on the stage, but you in the role of your chosen ideal hero. Think about what result you would like to achieve and by what specific date you dream of fulfilling your desire in reality.

Act Two: "That's the way it should be"

You are still in a comfortable chair in the middle of the third row. The curtain rises and you see the same scenery on the stage. Now your favorite hero is on stage - but you imagine that you are playing his role. You have changed by becoming him. You think, feel and act differently. The situation is the same - but in your power to change it. Imagine how your character behaves, what he says, what he does. Lead this role in such a way that eventually the situation will change the way you need it. That is, you, as a hero on stage, successfully resolved all conflicts, found a new job, received a promotion, etc. - depending on what you want.

See clearly how your character achieves what he wants on stage. He successfully fulfilled your dream. You rejoice and applaud him.

Then imagine the curtain coming down. Mentally write on it in big red letters the words: “This is better!” And say to yourself: “This is how it should be.”

Intermission: "Now I'm ready to change myself"

In the third act, the stage will no longer be an ideal hero, albeit in your performance, but you yourself. Only you will act in the same way as the ideal hero acted in the second act. Imagine that all the best qualities of the ideal hero have passed to you and you yourself are now ready to achieve the same result as him.

Act Three: "So It Will Be"

You are still in a comfortable chair in the middle of the third row. The curtain rises, it's still the same decoration. You are on the stage, but you are new, having acquired the qualities of an ideal hero. Now you act in the same way as he acted, and achieve the same desired result for you. You applaud yourself, and when the curtain closes, mentally write on it in big red letters the words: “Better and better!” And then say to yourself: “This is how it will be.”

This is where the performance ends.

“While we are learning, we all make ‘mistakes’. What seems like a mistake may just be a learning curve that puts us on the right path.

We know that we cannot create a better world by inaction – only by action.

We have been given the power to create - to create new ideas and then put them into physical forms.

When we are in the alpha level, we are able to move forward and backward in time. This is what is called eternity. We are able to project our minds to infinity. We can know things that seem impossible to know - we are omniscient. We are able to change unwanted or abnormal circumstances – we are omnipotent.”

(Jose Silva, Robert Stone. Getting help from the “other side” using the Silva method)


Exercise 1. We free our consciousness from the shackles

This exercise should be performed when you feel that the programs laid down in the past seem to fetter you, prevent you from being yourself and doing the things that you would like to do. This visualization will help you feel the state of inner freedom and begin to free yourself from the shackles that interfere with you.

Sit in a comfortable position, relax and enter the alpha level in any way that is convenient for you. Imagine a river with a dam in its path. The river, which cannot overcome the dam, has overflowed and turned into a lake. This dam symbolizes the barriers and fetters that have been created in your life by the programs of the past and the beliefs that limit you.

Imagine that the pressure of the water becomes more and more - and finally the dam does not withstand and collapses. The liberated water whips in stormy streams, once again laying a channel for itself - a stagnant lake again becomes a full-flowing river.

Imagine that your consciousness is also freed - your thoughts flow freely and easily, they are no longer held back by any shackles. Now your thoughts are not dominated by beliefs and restrictions imposed on you. No one can influence you, even the most influential people are powerless - you can listen to their opinion, but only you yourself and no one else will control and direct your consciousness in the right direction.

Periodically return to this visualization - and your life will begin to noticeably change for the better.

Exercise 2 Programming Your Perfect Day

You can change your life for the better every day by programming for yourself how you will spend the next day so that it is perfect. It is best to do this in the evening, before going to bed. Your task is to mentally live the next day as if you were watching a movie about yourself.

Consider your daily routine. When you “live” in your imagination the scenario of the future day, be sure to fix the time at which certain events occur. To do this, you can imagine a clock, any one that is convenient for you - wrist, wall or alarm clock.

Get to the alpha level. Imagine yourself waking up and getting up. On the clock, you see your normal wake-up time. You feel great. You sleep well, rested, cheerful and full of energy. You are going to work slowly, because everything is in order and everything is under control.

And so on, by the hour, "live" your whole next day the way you want to live it - so that the day becomes perfect, joyful, successful. Imagine how various pleasant events fill this day, and if any problems arise, they are resolved easily and in the best way for you.

Complete this visualization with an image of yourself - happy, happy with how the day went.

Then you can fall asleep in the pleasant anticipation of the next good day.

If time permits, you can do this exercise in the morning, thus programming yourself for the coming day.

Exercise 3

Sometimes we, unwittingly, program our minds for undesirable, unconstructive actions for us. Programming, both negative and positive, is carried out with the help of the imagination, the images it creates, as well as with the help of words. Think about whether you have a habit of saying out loud or mentally such phrases addressed to yourself or others:

I'm afraid that I won't get sick.

Be careful not to fall (stumble, burn yourself, break the cup, etc.)!

Hurry up or you'll miss the train!

This kind of life is a headache.

I'm bad with money.

I'm worried about the future.


Keep in mind that such phrases and thoughts have a powerful destructive potential, especially if they are accompanied by negative emotions. Emotions, like images, are a means of programming our life. Therefore, do not be surprised if exactly what you are afraid of happens in your life: you are afraid of getting sick - and you get sick, you warn the child not to break the cup - and he immediately breaks it, etc. All these consequences are not an accident , you yourself created them with your negative programming.

Unfortunately, most people have been accustomed to such negative programming since childhood. But the situation can and should be corrected. To do this, every time you catch yourself on a negative thought or phrase, go to the alpha level and imagine the positive development of the event that you fear. For example, see yourself, your loved ones and children absolutely healthy, carefully handling dishes, always on time everywhere and calm about your future. Then, be sure to reprogram your own thinking - for which you need to say more often, for example, such phrases:

I am an optimistic person. I expect success in everything.

I am getting better and more confident every day.

I create my life joyful and prosperous.

I'm ready for a happy change.

Life says yes to me and I say yes to life.

Remember to develop positive thinking skills every day in this way.

The power of the subconscious cannot be overestimated. Scientists and mystics agree on this. The subconscious mind is a magic wand that each of us has.

Each of us has certain problems that are very difficult to deal with. Either there is not enough time, or there is not enough knowledge. In such a situation, the best thing is to turn to the subconscious, because the keys to all secrets are stored there and inexhaustible reserves of energy doze.

So, to practice! How to program yourself for happiness?

When you have already finished your day, paid off your civic, marital and parental duties, but have not yet fallen asleep, you have a chance to devote a few minutes to yourself. Forgive my irony, but this is how most people actually live.

Warn your loved ones not to disturb you. Lie down in bed, the bed should be comfortable, the blanket is not too hot, the pillow is not high.

Lie down on your back. Close your eyes. Your task is to completely relax your body. We start with the eyes. You say to yourself, “My eyes are closed. Eyelids are heavy. The eyeballs are relaxed. All the muscles of the eye are completely relaxed.
Now let's move on to the toes. Just in detail and slowly relax the toes, all the muscles and joints of the foot. Next, we move on to the muscles of the lower leg, knee joint, thigh muscles, etc.

From time to time we return to the eyes and add a portion of relaxation to them. To enhance the effect, you can use the phrase: "I relax more and more with each exhalation."

Mentally moving from the bottom up, we relax the whole body. It is especially worth lingering on the muscles of the face and relaxing the entire spine.

When you are done with relaxing the body, it is time to go deeper into silence, for this we mentally begin to count down from 100 to 1.

Having reached one, you will feel that there is no way to move your body. Don't be afraid, it means that you have succeeded. What you are experiencing is called "corpse pose" by Indian yogis. Complete relaxation, you actually have an awake consciousness inside a sleeping body.

Now you are the master of the situation. Time to give orders and instructions to your body and you will see that all these orders will be executed accurately and on time.

For example, you are tormented by hair loss. In this case, you say to yourself: “My hair is getting strong, healthy and growing fast. I can feel my hair roots getting stronger. Now they will become healthier every day.”

Work in this theme until you feel some movement in the scalp. This means that the healing process has started.

You can also get rid of wrinkles on the face, excess weight, nervousness.

Whatever your order, the body will carry it out. It will look for all ways to do so. Perhaps you will develop new habits or addictions in food and communication. But if your hair needs olive oil, your subconscious will find a way to push you to it.

At the end, do not forget to say to yourself: “In the morning I will wake up cheerful, full of strength! And now I will have an amazing sweet dream!” Now take a comfortable position and fall asleep.

I assure you, once you experience it, you will want to repeat it every night. And the effect will not be long in coming. Good luck!

We always dream of the best. But in real life, everything turns out a little differently. Just like the subconscious programs prescribe ...

Almost every person dreams of being healthy, happy and rich. Why is it that the lives of most people are often not built the way they want? At best, it is possible to realize one's plans in one of the spheres of life. For example, one manages to enter the flow of money, but at the same time there is no health, and the money is spent on medicines. Or personal life does not add up. Either health is more or less, but there is always not enough money, you have to infringe on yourself in some way. There is no need to talk about happiness. If it does appear, then for a fraction of a moment ...

And here's what's interesting - a person can claim that he wants to be healthy, but at the same time his actions indicate exactly the opposite. He does not take a cigarette out of his mouth, instead of physical exercises - a TV, and instead of trips to nature - a beer bar. Yes, I want a lot of money, but I don't change jobs, activities, money habits, etc.

What could be the reason for such contradictions? It turns out that programs have been formed in our subconscious that are often not realized and largely control a person’s life. So it turns out that we consciously want something, and the subconscious program forbids wanting or receiving it. Consciously we strive for something, but subconsciously we believe that we are not worthy of it or that nothing will work out. The subconscious usually wins. As they say, we wanted the best, but it turned out as always ...

I want to be kind, full of acceptance and patience, but for some reason we respond to a friendly joke with rudeness and aggression. I would like to believe that we are surrounded by kind, generous, bright people, but for some reason distrust, the expectation of deception again arise. We temper ourselves for health, but at the slightest draft a treacherous thought comes: “If I freeze, I will get sick.” And so it happens. I want to trust the opposite sex, to believe that it exists for love and happiness. And from somewhere from the depths emerges: "All women are bitches" or "All men are bastards." Familiar, isn't it?

What to do with these programs? And anyway, where did they come from? Subconscious programs appear constantly: both in the prenatal period, and at the time of birth, and after birth. They are very strong, they are very difficult to realize, and even more so to change. Some programs are imposed on us in the family, some in society. Various situations in our lives lead to the emergence of stable subconscious programs. Namely, internal programs form a layer of the external world of a person.

For example, a mother takes care of a newborn, runs at the first call, breastfeeds, carries in her arms, caresses and pays maximum attention. The child develops programs: “The world is beautiful!”, “Mom loves me!”, “Women are wonderful!”, “I enjoy life, this is what I was born for!”. With such an attitude to the world, consciousness subsequently seeks confirmation that this is so. Programs take root in the subconscious. Of course, there are many other programs that encourage us to look at the world in a certain way.

Let's take another example. The child screams, but they do not hear him, at 2-3 months he was weaned and transferred to the mixture. Parents are constantly fussing and annoyed, not paying attention to the baby. He develops programs: “You can’t trust anyone”, “It’s useless to ask for help”, “You need to rely only on your own strength”, “Mom doesn’t need me”. The attitude towards the world is formed accordingly.

Subconscious programs actually control a person's life, depriving him of freedom of choice. As long as we are not aware of these programs, conscious choice plays an insignificant role. The obstacles that many of us have to face in life are also programmed. In fact, overcoming them, we are fighting with ourselves.

To “hear” the characteristic subconscious programs, it is enough to observe the speech of people around. What are the phrases “not with our happiness”, “get dressed, otherwise you will catch a cold”, “the law of meanness”, “I knew it”!

In our subconsciousness, the limits of ours, the frequency of diseases, life expectancy, the presence or absence of a family and children are programmed. Moreover, for example, changing life expectancy programs is much more difficult than raising the bar for cash income. Up to 10% of people in the world have gone beyond the usual mass programs and enjoy abundant cash flow. But there are far fewer centenarians. And even then, people who have lived for 100 years are considered such (although most of them more often do not live, but live out). How about living longer? And for this you just need to reprogram yourself! It is in our power to create programs of stable health without drugs and diseases, freedom from external obstacles and circumstances. But first things first.


Subconscious programs take root in the body in the form of habits and stereotypical behaviors. Consciously, we may intend to act differently. But our body stubbornly behaves in the old way.

If a person is used to the fact that by raising his voice, he achieves his goal, they are afraid of him and obey, this gives rise to a program. And when, years later, a person realizes that everyone considers him a tyrant and avoids him, it is difficult for him to change his ego. Or, conversely, a person has a ban on raising his voice. He restrains himself, often keeps silent or speaks quietly. There is another program at work here.

At the heart of many subconscious programs are often fears. Such programs, although aimed at avoiding trouble, illness, discomfort, humiliation, are destructive. For example, “It is better to die than to be humiliated”, “It is better to get sick than go to this job”, etc.

On the "foundation" of the fear of weakness and hunger, the program "Food gives strength" is formed. As a result, people eat far more than they need. It is necessary to skip the usual meal, as there is weakness, irritability, headache. I ate and everything was fine.

Based on the fear of evaluation, women use cosmetics. These actions are also the result of a deep program.

You can reprogram your subconscious. To do this, destructive, limiting programs are replaced by new, creative ones. There are various methods for how to do this, and each of them has its own keys. So how to get rid of subconscious programs if the average person is not aware of them? Correctly. First, learn to be aware of the basic basic programs that control your behavior.

Subconscious programs are manifested through bodily reactions, actions, emotions. Every time you disagree with something, when something stresses, worries, annoys you, ask yourself: “What program is limiting me now?”, “What fear underlies this program?”.

We can tell ourselves as much as we like that “there is no fear”, that “I am not afraid”, but at the moment when it is necessary to perform an act, the body treacherously refuses to obey, and excitement and anxiety provoke numbness ...

In our subconscious, the limits of our monetary income, the frequency of diseases, life expectancy, the presence or absence of a family and children are programmed.

To change the subconscious program, it is important for a person to get new experience at the level of the body. And repeat it over and over again. For example, I'm scared to sing loudly in the company of friends and generally scared to be in the spotlight. So I need to sing in the company. The first time will be difficult, the breath will go astray, the heart will pound, the voice will tremble. It's good if there are friendly people around. The second time there will be a little more confidence, but all the same, the excitement will remain palpable. By repeating this act 21 times, even with a complete absence of hearing, you can sing in any company, enjoying your voice and getting great pleasure!

It has been established that with a 21-fold repetition of an act, new stable connections are formed between brain neurons. The energy in the body begins to flow in new ways. The tension imposed by the old program leaves the body. A new program is being formed in the subconscious, associated with confidence and self-respect.

In life, we constantly get new experiences, doing something for the first time. For the first time we sit behind the wheel of a car, for the first time we have sex, for the first time we put up a tent, for the first time we speak a foreign language. The first time any of these actions turns out to be ridiculous, the body is fettered by tension.

When we repeat these actions repeatedly, we feel confident and enjoy. If you do not do it the first time, then there will be no pleasure either. Usually in childhood and youth, "acting for the first time" occurs more often. With age, senile programs begin to win: "It's too late for me", "Age is not the same", "At my age", "I'm not the same as before", etc.

The recipe for replacing aging programs with rejuvenation programs is that you should start doing fundamentally new things in your life. In order for new sustainable programs to form in the subconscious, it is important to consolidate them by methods such as visualization, communication with the guardian angel (if you believe in them), affirmations.

It is in our power to create programs of stable health without drugs and diseases, freedom from external obstacles and circumstances.


In order for visualization to lead to a change in the program in the subconscious, it is important not only to visualize the desired event, but to see yourself in this event, to create your own image corresponding to the event. For example, in order to receive a certain gift, it is better to imagine not so much a gift as yourself in a state of anticipation, delight. It is important to imagine the expression of your face, posture, sparkle in your eyes ... Or, for example, I dream of traveling to the sea, to a distant country. It is important for me not only to imagine the sea and a tanned body lying on the shore, but to see that this body is mine. To feel and feel everything that can be felt on the seashore. So, when you are going to buy a country house, imagine yourself sitting by the fireplace, relaxed and serene. Hear the crackle of the fire, and feel like the owner of the house.

Repeated visualization sets the stage for a new program. As a result, it is easier for us to perform all the necessary actions and cause those internal states that are important for changes in life. Moreover, if we visualize consciously, the program is formed in the subconscious.

Visualization is most effective in the morning after waking up and in the evening before falling asleep, as well as after meditative and energy practices.


Communicating with a guardian angel may seem exotic, but for many people this method is easier to apply than visualization. Sometimes subconscious negative programs are so strong that visualization attempts still lead to persistent negative images. For example, you have had repeated experiences of conflicts with some person or in some place. As you head there, you subconsciously anticipate conflict. Any attempts to create any positive image end up with the formation of a habitual image of the conflict. In this case, it's time to remember the guardian angel. Or about the animal of power (which in some traditions performs the functions of an angel). This is a kind of animal that is close to our soul (). We represent him and ask you to resolve the situation in the best possible way. Relax and turn your attention to something else. We can easily avoid queues, conflicts, obstacles by asking the guardian angel to organize this or that event for us. And we do not indicate how and what should be. We trust the angel and ask him to arrange everything in the best way. It is important to repeat this many times, then a stable program of trust in the guardian angel will form in our subconscious.

Examples of correct affirmations

I clearly see myself rich (rich) and prosperous (prosperous).

I see myself clearly young (young) and healthy (healthy).

I am delighted and delighted by the abundance of the world.

I am on my way to wealth and prosperity.

I gladly accept gifts from the world.

Every cell in my body is cleansed and renewed.

Every day my business is getting better and better.

I am open (open) to the abundance of the world.

I stand firmly and confidently on my feet.


- These are short positive statements that, in the process of their conscious repetition, lead to a reprogramming of the subconscious. Affirmations are effective when we consciously let go of fears by doing new things. Specially selected phrases help to strengthen the formation of new programs in the subconscious. You can make affirmations on the same topic that is currently relevant. For example, consciousness of abundance, health, joy of life, trust in the world, development of confidence. It is important that affirmations are true. Otherwise, they reinforce programs of doubt and uncertainty. This is a typical error in the composition of affirmations. For example, a person say to yourself: "I have a slim body." But, looking at himself in the mirror, he thinks: “Yes, it doesn’t get slimmer.” Or he says: “My monthly income is a million dollars”, but in fact it is a thousand hryvnias ... When repeating this affirmation, a voice will sound from the subconscious: “Well, yes, I was dreaming!”. As a result, the program of doubt intensifies.

At first, it is better to choose one affirmation - for one day. You should not go and mumble it under your breath from morning to evening - so the affirmation will turn into a habit and will cease to influence us. It is important for us to pass it through ourselves so that it penetrates deeper into all corners of our subconscious. Repeat it in the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed. Repeat before drinking water, tea, before eating. Repeat when unexpected news arrives or things don't go the way we wanted. Or, on the contrary, when everything goes “like clockwork”. Repeat when we hear our cell phone ring. Affirmations are especially effective when there is a vivid contact with bodily sensations, so it is good to repeat them while dousing with cold water (massage, sex, intense physical exertion) or during meditation practices. It is useful to write (by hand!) an affirmation from 30 to 50 times a day. If we manage to remember the affirmation in all of the above moments, it will surely penetrate deeply into our subconscious.

To reprogram consciousness, it is important to follow speech. If a person often repeats "Horror!" and "Nightmare!", his life will be just that. If we replace them with “Great!”, “Amazing!”, “Wonderful!”, “Wonderful!”, in modern times it will become a subconscious need, and life will be painted in completely different colors.

And finally - a wonderful way to program the subconscious for quick healing. If some part of the body hurts due to a bruise or sprain, if the throat begins to hurt, or heaviness in the stomach, or joints ache, then, falling asleep, we will try to tune in to this sore spot and in the process of falling asleep repeat: “Heals, everything passes, I am healthy (healthy)." Ideally, you need to fall asleep while repeating these words. If you can't fall asleep right away, don't worry. All the same, a program for healing appears all night. Most often, one night is enough for the problem to go away.

Our consciousness is not something permanent. It is flexible, it can be changed, improved, rebuilt. Another thing is that it can take a different amount of time, but here we are almost powerless.

Psychologists say that the subconscious of each person is unique. Our inner world is bottomless, endless and beautiful for everyone in their own way. One way or another, but many of our victories are impossible without the right attitude. It is imperative to program yourself for success, if only because otherwise your mind can be captured by negative viral programs, which will pull the rope in the other direction - towards failure, poor health, depression, and so on.

Success is an internal struggle

Have you noticed that successful people are successful in almost everything? The reason lies in their attitude, and not just in the genes. They won their inner struggle when they dismissed the possibility of failure. Most famous athletes say that they saw their victories long before it became a reality.

Fight negative thoughts so that they do not translate into defeats and failures. No one says that it is easy to go through life with confidence in your victory, but you should at least try. Nothing happens by itself - every success implies at least a small one, but a war inside each of us. Consciousness builds the world around us. Thoughts are material, so we seem to draw with them on a clean canvas of life. Thoughts are paints, and reality is a piece of paper.

Without effort, you will have nothing. You need to properly tune yourself and not forget that only by transforming your consciousness you transform your life.

5 ways to influence consciousness

Specialists in bioenergetics and psychologists identify only 5 main and most effective ways for a person to influence himself. Each method can be used by you separately, but if you use a combination of these techniques and techniques, then there will be even more chances for success.

Method One: Affirmations. This is the longest, but very simple way. Its essence consists only in the constant repetition of special motivating phrases. When you tell yourself that you are successful, money luck finds you. Of course, it will take a lot of time to turn negative programs into positive ones, but it will be worth it. This is a flexible way, because you can tell yourself whatever you want.

You can use affirmations from Natalia Pravdina, Louise Hay, or any other specialist in bioenergetics or psychology. There is also an easier option - you can come up with affirmations yourself, in accordance with your requests. Need love? Tell yourself that you are beautiful and worthy of love, attention of the opposite sex. If you want to lose weight, then tell yourself that you are strong and your strength is enough to become slim and beautiful. It will come with time. The main thing is not to give up. The only negative of affirmations is that you won't be able to see success clearly, because the transition from an unhappy life to a happy one is a long and continuous process.

Method two: meditation. This is no longer psychology, but pure work with the subconscious, the bioenergy of your body. The point is to dive deep into yourself. It's like hypnosis, trance. You force yourself to go inside the subconscious and look at your life as if from the outside. Meditations can be very different. Audio meditations, for example, can be used directly while running, walking or walking. These can be thematic dives in order to find a way out of a difficult situation, improve mood, gain calmness, self-confidence, understand something complex. They are also best used as often as possible.

Method three: positive thinking. There are a lot of sub-points in this methodology. For example, you need to get rid of any use of the word "no". It robs you of positive energy, preventing you from connecting with the abundance center of the universe. Also, positive thinking involves the use of several postulates, rules that are similar to affirmations. Their only difference is that they do not require repetition. You just need to accept them for the truth:

  • you can always achieve whatever you want;
  • you are your own masters;
  • Everyone creates their own happiness.

Think more about what you want to achieve. If you want to win in a sports competition, then think as if it has already happened. If you need a good job, then do not stop looking for it, because there is such a job. You seem to be already happy, but you just haven’t reached it yet. You are on the way. You can.

Method four: sports. You might think that this has nothing to do with the subconscious, but it is not. It is not necessary to try to set records or become the strongest. It is enough just to run in the mornings or evenings, do exercises and not be afraid of physical labor. According to statistics, people who are obese or have health problems due to a sluggish lifestyle are 80% less likely to succeed than active individuals. This also includes bad habits such as smoking or alcohol abuse. You can drink, smoke too, but you can’t raise it to the degree of necessity. Everyone wants to relax sometimes - there is nothing wrong with that, but you don’t need to make the habit control you and pull money out of you.

Method five: hobby. Remember that only busy people have a chance of success. Your mind is tuned to the positive when you do something pleasant. Let it be embroidery, reading books, watching movies or something else. It can be anything. Follow your dreams and give your subconscious what it wants without harming you.

Success in any area of ​​life depends on many factors, but the most important thing is your attitude. Live as if there is no one else in this world except you, but do not forget about loved ones who need your warmth. You can change your destiny right now, because you have a desire. May your life be different from now on. Good luck to you, and do not forget to press the buttons and