The main secret of success. This unique technique will help you get more money and spend it wisely! Theory of small steps to the goal

Do you think it is possible to improve the quality of your life? 37 times in 1 year?
Wherein being able to enjoy life without overstressing?

In what way to improve? Harmoniously and evenly In all areas of your life.

  • Health and youth
  • Body control
  • Energy
  • Consciousness
  • Relations
  • Money
  • purpose
  • Recreation and entertainment
  • Other

Yes it is possible. It is enough to improve your life by only 1% per day.

1,01 365 = 37,8

Here is the technology for you:

  • Learn to be happy today
  • Take one simple and understandable step in development every day
  • And do this step in the morning!

The quality of life changes in the morning. In the morning we get a charge and mood for the whole day.

In 2010-2013, I conducted trainings on " practical energy science". In which we introduced energy habits every morning for 3 weeks.

One small step every day
= a great skill, a real tool for managing your life.

And this is easy.

Now the time has come to integrate the modern experience of "practical energy science" with the highest knowledge of the ancients.

The art of small steps
First step - in December 2014

Yesterday at the conference "secrets of real men" I announced my new project. A project I've been working on for a long time

Project background. Each of us has:

  • "Volitional energy" - and it is limited
  • Routine tasks - and they are many, and they are endless
  • Dreams and Wishlist - and there is always not enough time for them

You can improve the quality of life globally if you take a small step every day, directing volitional energy to develop yourself and your skills. And the rest of the tasks - to solve with the help of habits that do not require a lot of energy. Automatically.

And do this all the time:

  • And when everything is bad (at this moment, our motivation turns on and we spur ourselves, overstrain)
  • And when everything is good (at this point we often relax and let go of the reins)

Stability is a sign of excellence. Even movement throughout the year is also a HABITS, like brushing your teeth. Leading to these results:

How to learn such a movement? I have come to the conclusion that several things are needed:

  • Have a simple step for every day(when there is none, you start thinking, not doing)
  • Support(environment, field of development, people)
  • Energy(motivation, kick in the ass)
  • Action

What is
"The Art of Small Steps"?

  • Motivating boost of energy every morning (kick in the ass)
  • Background of the day - practical knowledge in a small amount for every day
  • Energy support all the time

In 2015, I plan to assemble a general movement group. And I'm going in this group with you.

Regardless of the day: work or weekend.

So, what do we direct 15 minutes of strong-willed energy to in December:

  • Learn how to be happy today
  • Learn to take a step forward every day
  • A small activation of energy and awareness in the morning
  • Raising the tone
  • Health Improvement
  • Reducing the amount while improving the quality of sleep
  • Feeling the pulse and control of life
  • Confidence in today
  • Relationship Improvement
  • Improving Communication Skills
  • Income increase
  • Developing small skills, turning them into big tools
  • Development of intuition
  • positive thinking
  • Development of the power of thought
  • Feeling yourself and your place in the world
  • Harmony with yourself

I want it, but it's scary!

“Sounds great! But for a whole year, every morning, neither relax nor rest ... What if I don’t pull it?

Do not worry, I will not drive you and myself into unrealistic tasks. It's not about that.

Energy mastery is both the ability to work and the ability to rest. Always be filled with energy. Feel life, control its pulse with your hands. Be happy every day. Learn to move on by making mistakes. Learn to change and adapt. Know how to be tough and insist on your own. And many other skills.

Microstep - available to everyone, without super efforts. But now you will have it every day. And every day he will give you strength and self-confidence.

My task is to create a background for daily development. And the speed of movement, the scale of action - you can regulate yourself.

I'm interested in how everyone can do it. And for this - we will have feedback, there will be time and flexibility for correction.

« If you're scared, but you want to go there". Not a single dream, or significant goal, comes calmly, without excitement and some fear of it. All the “cheese” is where it is a little exciting.

Coaching and support

Have you asked for energy coaching? Now it will be in this format. School of daily development. Movement parameters - we will correct it on the go (the scheme adapts to live participants).

Small steps towards a big goal

Tatiana Tur

© Tatyana Tur, 2016

© Alisa Neshina, cover design, 2016

ISBN 978-5-4483-1337-0

Created with the intelligent publishing system Ridero


In today's world, the level of success is measured by the presence of a variety of skills. Increased interest is caused by individuals with creative abilities, a high level of adaptability and personal effectiveness. If in the 80s and 90s knowledge of a foreign language was considered a luxury, then at the beginning of the 21st century every self-respecting person speaks at least one foreign language without fail.

The society systematically raises the requirements and puts before us more and more new goals, and in the reality around us, more and more tension is felt. We are afraid of missing something. We are afraid of the prospect of missing out on something important. The relay race for the title of "the most successful person on Earth" involves an increasing number of participants. From young to old, everyone strives to embrace as many skills as possible with their consciousness, to acquire as many abilities as possible. Often in this race, understanding of the deep meaning of what is happening is lost. It happens that only after many years of aimless running in circles does a person stop and think. He asks himself: “What is all this for? What really inspires me? What am I living for? What makes me truly happy? The truth of life is such that many adults at some point realize that their tasks and goals are of someone else's authorship. As a rule, it belongs to the parents. However, realizing this is half the battle. The maximum task is to build your reality in accordance with your own desires and dreams. Sometimes this is very difficult, because for this you have to radically change your life.

Becoming a part of a large social mechanism, we, parents, are also involved in the proposed game in the same way. Only our children become pawns on the playing field. In pursuit of the “Good Mom” title, many women tirelessly drive their children from one section to another. Nowadays, a three-year-old's school schedule can compete with the busy schedule of a top manager in a large company. Many dads give their sons to the sports sections that they dreamed of in their own childhood. Parents are afraid to miss something important, they are afraid that they will “not give” their child the necessary skills. Unfortunately, when choosing developmental activities, few people take into account the unique talents and inclinations of the child himself, and only a few think about such an important component of child development as a harmonious emotional state. In this regard, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of constant and trusting interaction with their own children. The rising generation are individuals just like you and me. Being still babies, they are already able to direct us adults in the direction they need. You just have to learn to listen to them. And, of course, to create all the opportunities for the full and high-quality education of children in their chosen areas.

This book is an attempt to help parents navigate the complex but interesting path of child development. The scope of our interest covers mainly the creative space. Despite this, the book will be useful to any parent. After all, we all want our children to receive not only benefit from education, but also pleasure. And finally, it is difficult to argue with the fact that the global task of parents is to raise children as harmonious, comprehensively developed and happy personalities. I hope that this book will help you find answers to these questions.

The idea to write this book first came to me when my daughter Sonya was 4 years old. Like any “good mother”, I was puzzled by the search for an institution worthy of the talent of my capable daughter. Unfortunately, when choosing developmental directions for our children, we are often guided by our own unfulfilled dreams. Parents tend to send their children to those sections that they themselves did not get into. As educators, we eschew those activities in which, one way or another, we failed.

As a little girl, I dreamed of becoming a ballerina. Then, many years ago, my parents and I came across an adequate teacher. Looking at my two-meter dad and tall mom, he said: "Your daughter will never become a ballerina." That is why, first of all, Sonya and I went to the choreography.

There was music in my childhood. I was afraid to send my daughter to a music school - the memories of how I survived for ten years, playing four musical instruments, were too strong. It was obvious to me that my daughter's psyche could not withstand such a load. In this regard, the choice fell on the studio: eminent and regional. There were many of them, but from each we "flew our feet." The educational system in most cases was built on the principle “we don’t care how the child feels; the main thing is that the parent who pays the money should be happy.” I definitely don't like this approach. I was not going to satisfy my ambitions at Sony's expense.

And when I got into show business, I fully felt the scale of the disaster. These were completely different games by adult rules. Many parents strive to make their children "stars". However, they are unlikely to realize all the consequences associated with such a choice. In most cases, the child's psyche cannot withstand heavy stress (both physical and emotional). We receive crippled souls, but this fact is relegated to the background. The main thing is that we are “in the cage”, the main thing is to keep the status and not lose the opportunity to rotate in a glamorous circle.

As parents, we often have to make a choice without being completely sure that it will be good for our children. Mature people doubt, listen to what is happening, observe from the sidelines. And only then draw intermediate conclusions. However, there are adults who, without any doubt, are sure that they know exactly what will be best for their child. In my opinion, we should not forget that the basic need of any baby is love, warmth, care and the opportunity to be heard. I really want to believe that it is this need that parents will take into account when choosing a studio, section, school or teacher for their children. At the moment, I watch with regret as every year the problem becomes more obvious, and the situation more tense.

We raise special children. The new generation is better than us, it is more perfect. Not because it has some unique feature. This is partly true, because the age of information technology development, freedom of movement and ways of self-expression leaves its mark. Our children require a different approach, because from birth they call us with all their being to respect their personality. You can't treat them the same way they did us. They won't understand and they won't forgive.

It is easier for modern children than it was for us, but it is also more difficult at the same time. We had a plan outlined in advance by the society: an Octobrist, a pioneer, a Komsomol member. All choices were made by our parents. With our lives we had to justify their hopes. Of course, many of us have dramatically changed the vector of movement over time. But at the very beginning of the journey, we did not need to make any decisions due to the lack of such an opportunity. Today's children are much more difficult to decide on the future. Due to the heightened desire for independence, they tend to build their children's plans. In parallel with this, we, parents, place great responsibility on them and offer our model of the future. The flow of information and proposals is truly enormous. How to help children navigate in this big world? How to maintain their identity and give them the opportunity to reveal their creative abilities? What can parents do to lend a helping hand to their son or daughter? What dangers and difficulties await us on the path of child development? I wrote this book about this and more. I hope you enjoy the time you spend reading it and benefit your children.

Best regards, Tatiana Tour

Chapter one.

Before making a choice

“Whenever, putting down the book, you begin to weave a thread of your own thoughts, the book has achieved its goal. If, in search of exact instructions and recipes, frantically flipping through the pages, you are annoyed at their scarcity, know that, if there are tips and instructions in this book, they appeared not by the author's will, but in spite of it.

Janusz Korczak, How to Love a Child.

Modern children

The global transformations taking place in the world, affecting all areas of life, along with positive changes, have a significant impact on the psychophysical state of children. The most important factors influencing the emotional and mental well-being of a child are the family, the children's community and the media. For many modern children, education surrounded by adults and a lack of communication with peers have become relevant. The growing generation is deprived of the natural environment of communication, yard games. This factor led to the fact that children began to lose various skills necessary for communication (empathy, the ability to find compromises, the ability to achieve their goals peacefully). At the same time, various development centers, circles and classes for every taste are available to the modern generation.

/ /

The art of small steps

The art of small steps is a 100% opportunity to achieve any goal, no matter how huge and distant it may seem.

Why don't big dreams come true?

Imagine your cherished dream. For example, you want to lose 20 kg of excess weight. And, of course, you want to achieve this quickly. The faster the better. You understand that this is a serious goal, that you will have to make great efforts to achieve it:

  • stick to a strict diet
  • do daily physical activity
  • make an effort

You write this dream on your wish list, but you keep pushing it to later, saying: “Now is not the time, the holidays are ahead, there is no time for physical education, there is no money for special products, etc.”

On the one hand, you want to have a slim figure to fit into your favorite dress or jeans, to look decent in an open swimsuit in summer, and in general, to feel at ease.

On the other hand, you can’t decide in any way, because. the goal is huge - minus 20 kg.

And you postpone, postpone, and then reproach yourself: “Now, if I started my weight loss program a month ago, when I just thought about it, I would have already lost a few kg,” sigh and continue to save.

The narcissist principle

No, this is not about the Narcissus who admired himself. It's a different story... The art of small steps.

One woman grew a garden of daffodils on a mountainside. Bright yellow daffodils were planted from the top of the mountain to the very bottom, covering an area of ​​approximately 1.5 hectares, 50,000 daffodil bulbs were planted.

And this beauty was created by a single woman who lived in a small house located next to this splendor. But she didn't do it right away.

Planting one bulb at a time, year after year, this woman forever changed the world she lived in, turning dullness and gloom into bright splendor. Day after day, she created something magnificent and beautiful.

This is the art of small steps. You learn to move towards your goals just one step at a time. And by moving in this way, you can change the world or achieve your dream.

Sometimes it seems that great achievements require huge efforts and a lot of time. And not every one of you is ready to sacrifice this for the sake of a "bright future", and the daily routine is distracting.

And now what, give up your dream? Of course not. Take small steps, but every day. And very soon you will discover your own garden of magnificent daffodils.

Imagine what you could achieve if 10 years ago you started taking small daily steps towards your cherished dream?

If 10 years ago you started to pump the press for 5 minutes a day, today you would have a waist of 60 cm. If you wrote 1 paragraph for a book, a novel would have been published long ago.

Now think about your seemingly unattainable goal and start planting your daffodil bulb every day from today. Imagine what will happen in a year, two, three, five, ten with your dream?

How does a small step work?

A small step is something that does not require effort. And what does not require effort does not cause internal resistance. A small step works because it is easy.

When a person thinks of a big goal, resistance appears inside him. He thinks, now I will start doing something, resist, invest in this goal, tear myself up, show efforts, and life is in full swing around me. I have a lot of other worries and troubles. I am a weak and not even perfect woman, I will get tired, I will run out of steam, will I ever reach this goal?

A light step, on the contrary, stimulates, resistance disappears, and everything works out. Time passes, and the goal is realized.

And if you get tired of doing the same step every day?

Then the kaizen method or the principle of 1 minute will help you.

One minute principle

1 minute is very little, which means it is doable. Laziness won't get in your way because it's only 1 minute. You will not delay and reschedule this action.

The essence of this technique is that you do a certain thing for exactly 1 minute, but every day and at the same time.

Jump rope, shake the press, do gymnastics for the eyes, do yoga, read a book in a foreign language - when time is limited to 1 minute, classes do not seem difficult for you to do, but on the contrary, they bring joy and satisfaction.

Try it and share your results in the comments! Imagine if each of you write what and how she did, how many people you motivate to exploits! And how many desires will wait for their turn to be fulfilled. Be the Magician, everything is in your hands!

On Periscope, I shared my thoughts on small steps and how I apply this theory to my life:

It is pointless and futile now to grieve about what has NOT been done! Instead, ask yourself, “What can I do TODAY?”

Stop waiting and postponing. Your dream has already been waiting for you! There is only one time and that time is NOW! To be happy, rich, beautiful, slim and loved!

Someone very wisely said, "Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin."

Do you want your life to finally begin? What can you do TODAY for this? Write in the comments!

If you want to learn how to feel young, beautiful, positive, lucky, start from today to give yourself at least 20 minutes of time a day. Only 20 minutes... And by the spring you won't recognize yourself! Remember? The art of small steps! All my courses and trainings are built on this principle. I myself live like this. A little bit every day. And I get great results. The set of trainings is built on the same principle:

5 minutes of exercises that raise the overall tone, 5 minutes of body and hand massage, 5 minutes of facial treatment, 5 minutes of a positive attitude for the day, 5 minutes of meditation! Just get started and do minimal things regularly. You will notice that very soon miracles will begin in your life that you will create with your magic hands!

Here is what happens to those who start doing regular activities:

P.S. What are you already doing on a regular basis to achieve your goals? Share in the comments!

Anna Savchenkova, the one who illuminates your path to the Dream :)

The art of small steps was last modified: January 9th, 2019 by Anna Savchenkova


Why are small steps so effective? In short, we simply trick our brains into mitigating fear by doing some small action. The main thing is to perform these actions regularly and not exceed the given norm (it is important that the action remains small at this stage - otherwise nothing will come of it). Gradually, new connections form in the brain and we form new habits.

It is important to remember that according to the above scheme, both the habit of writing a weekly five thousand words of text and the habit of drinking alcohol daily are formed. However, small steps form the awareness of actions and work on the formation of habits goes according to plan. Another thing is when we act unconsciously and a couple of times in a row we successfully slip through a flashing yellow traffic light.

All these examples very accurately describe the most important advantage of the small steps approach - it is natural for us (I myself did not conduct special research, however, my personal experience, plus the positive experience of people from my inner circle, as well as various studies mentioned by the authors of books, allow me to state this ). There is no need to come up with some complex results tracking systems or dive into planning. To begin with, it is quite enough to simply pay attention to the actions that we perform and monitor the reaction. The fear that arises before new actions can be very productive. It is important to be able to get around it and take the first small step. Then continue and move on to regular activities. Over time, a habit will form. It is important to believe in the system and trust yourself, rather than looking for shortcuts. And be sure to act. Small steps. Regularly.

This is exactly what these two books are about, which I recommend as effective tools for customizing the small steps approach.

Kaizen for life

If you improve a little every day, great achievements await you as a result. If you gradually improve the surrounding conditions, the result is a serious improvement in them. Let not tomorrow, not the day after tomorrow, but colossal transformations are still taking place. Don't aim for an instant big improvement. Make one small improvement every day. That's the only way it happens - and when it happens, it stays for a long time

— John Wooden, one of the most famous coaches in basketball history

The basis of the book Step by step to achieve the goal» the kaizen method is laid down. Moreover, in this context, kaizen is an effective and pleasant way to achieve a specific goal. But he also sets a more difficult task: to meet the constant demands of life for change, striving for continuous - but necessarily small - improvements.

The book begins with two definitions and three myths. Analyzing which, the author brings us to six strategies for using the kaizen method in life.

I think that this summap will give an idea of ​​the book. And I will tell you about another useful book.

Small goals and big results

Our life is shaped not by what we do from time to time, but by what we do all the time.

— Anthony Robbins

Book " MINI Habits - MAXI Results” is based on the experience of its author, who once creatively approached a method for solving his problem with ... push-ups. After solving the problem with the formation of a small habit, he dug deeper and expanded his find to various areas of life. The book contains quite a few interesting observations and references to research results. For example, that motivation does not help to work with long distances. Or that changes don't happen in 21 or 30 days

see more and download

I will not retell the content, but will focus on the practical benefits of what I read.

The habit of unlearning and the habit of tracking the process of forming new habits is perhaps the most unexpected tool that can be taken out of a book on habit formation. However, that's just the way it is - I have quite a few habits that have developed naturally. The tool is not explicitly described in the book (although the whole book is just about this tool). I simply took the technology of forming small habits described in the book as a basis and applied it to replace one action (let's call it replaceable) with another (formed). To be honest, things are not moving very easily so far, and in this game I reserve far from every round. But the process itself is very exciting and gradually brings results.

At the end of the note, I will quote, which very accurately reflect the essence of the small steps approach and its place in life

« The small steps approach is not just a means to cross the finish line. Try to treat kaizen as a process that will never be completed. Do not hide it in a distant box after the goal is reached. Kaizen teaches us to see life as an opportunity for continuous improvement, striving for high standards and expanding our potential.»

« Little Habits is not just a system that teaches you how to develop new good habits, it is also a great guide to self-control. Now you know how your brain works, why a motivational approach doesn't work, and how to manage your willpower for long-term progress. Use the acquired knowledge in any situation where action is needed. The more you take from small habits, the more you will achieve in all areas of life»

The ability to break complex cases into many simple steps and achieve their implementation is the main secret to achieving your goals, no matter how high they are.
(Dima Gorchakov, Lifehacker website editor)

We should heed the Chinese wisdom that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Regular small steps in any area of ​​your life will transform it beyond recognition.
There is a quantitative-qualitative transformation.
If you learn at least 5 new foreign words a day, then in a year you will master more than 1800 words!
If you read 20 pages a day, you will read more than 20 books in a year on an average of 350 pages!
If you add at least one note to your block, then by the end of the year you will have more than 300 articles!

Hard work and discipline are certainly valuable qualities when trying to make changes in our lives and achieve our goals. However, even hard work and perseverance is often not enough to get the results we expect. The lack of an effective strategy can be a significant obstacle.

Sometimes we are afraid to take the first step because our dreams, goals and desires seem so overwhelming, so grandiose, and so unattainable that we give up before we even start. It's like a person at the foot of a mountain looking up at the top with his head up and realizing that he'll never get there. Dreams of a magical plane that will take him to the top and other fantastic scenarios begin. But as soon as he looks at his feet, takes the first step, and it turns out that everything is not so scary and quite doable.

This is a reliable method of approach to solving any problem and task. You can apply it to improve any area of ​​your life: from official affairs, to growing your business, education, weight loss or health promotion, acquiring good habits, and so on.

It may be the simplest, but at the same time the most effective strategy that will lead us to success. The ability to break complex cases into many simple steps and achieve their implementation is the main secret to achieving your goals, no matter how high they are. All the happiest and most successful people will tell you that they have reached their level only because of this technique. They win a mini-victory and then take the next step forward.

What is a mini win? A mini-victory is a realistic, quickly achievable, small part of a larger goal. Your tiny battles will change depending on your specific intent, timing and motivation. This strategy works because we are now able to see tangible progress and it does not take too long to achieve. Therefore, we feel a sense of accomplishment and with new enthusiasm we move on to our next mini-goal, using these small successes as stepping stones to greater accomplishments. Despite the fact that we have not yet reached our global goal, we no longer experience moral suffering from its unattainability and our impotence, but we feel pleasure from every victory, from every step to the top. Feel the difference?

Application of the theory of small steps in the field of health

You want to live a healthy and active life. You cut out a photo of your idol from a magazine, imagine your new muscular body in great detail, then look in the mirror and ... fall into a deep depression from the difference between your ideal and you. Mission Impossible. End.

It is much better to use the theory of small steps and break your global goal into simple and understandable segments:

  • try to lose weight by 1 kilogram every month, and not immediately by 20 per year;
  • every month, exclude from your diet one new product that does not belong to a healthy diet;
  • gradually reduce the number of cups of coffee you drink per day;
  • replace one daily meal with fruit, or have one vegetarian day a week, drink plain water instead of sugary soda. To do this is much easier and more realistic than eliminating all sugar or junk food from your table, which usually ends in defeat within the first week or two at most;
  • prepare for a 5K, then a 10K, then a half marathon, rather than setting yourself up for a marathon right away. Even many successful distance runners say they don't run 26K, they run 1K 26 times in a row.

Application of the theory of small steps in the field of career

Learn constantly something new, but do not do it at the same time and in different directions:

  • attend only one course at a time;
  • improve only one of your skills, not all at the same time;
  • try to make only a few contacts at each event, but try to keep them personal and conscious.

How to Become More Organized with Small Steps Theory

We all want to be more organized and get more done. But if we simultaneously try to put things in order in the office, take out all the rubbish from the house and immediately change our organization of work, then we usually fail on all fronts and everything remains as it is. Instead, if we focus on one task or habit first, then we have a good chance of success. Finish first one project, then add another change, then another, and soon your life will be unrecognizable:

  • choose a way to organize tasks and get used to using it;
  • finally sort out things in the closet or magazines and CDs;
  • remove from the desktop or kitchen table;
  • clear your mailbox;
  • develop the habit of putting each thing in its place;
  • read or study for one hour each day;

This strategy will be useful to you in almost all areas of life, when trying to achieve any of your goals. Just take small steps, enjoy each of your mini-victories and you yourself will not notice how quickly and easily you will reach the very top. And remember that it's not too late to start taking small steps at any age.