Ready essay on social studies on the topic of society. Essay Sample

Many people assume that an essay is a regular essay. However, it is not.

Essay is a prose literary genre. Translated from French means "essay" or "sketch". The essay reflects the individual experiences of the author, his view on a particular issue. It does not give an exhaustive answer to a specific question, but reflects one's own opinion or impression.

When writing an essay, logic develops perfectly, the ability to argue one's opinion, and correctly present information. The style of presentation is more conversational.

Characteristic features of an essay

To write an essay correctly, one should take into account the specific features that distinguish it from other genres.

The main features of the essay:

  1. The presence of a specific narrow topic that contains a problem and prompts the reader to think.
  2. Subjective author's position. The essay is distinguished precisely by the presence of the author's view of the existing problem, his attitude to the world, speech and thinking.
  3. Conversational writing style. Complex wording, too long sentences should be avoided. It is important to maintain a casual style in order to establish contact with the reader. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it by turning the essay into a low-quality text full of slang. The correct emotional coloring of the text will be given by short, simple and understandable sentences, the use of different intonation in sentences.
  4. Detailed analysis of the problem. Your own point of view must be argued based on factual material.
  5. Relative brevity of presentation. There are no restrictions on the number of pages, but the essay is notable for its small volume.
  6. Free building. The essay is in the nature of a presentation that does not fit into any specific framework. The construction is subject to its own logic, which the author adheres to, trying to consider the problem from different angles.
  7. Presentation logic. Despite the free composition, the essay must have internal unity, consistency of the author's statements expressing his opinion.

Thus, the essay is distinguished by a special style of narration, its purpose is to encourage the reader to think. The author does not insist on his point of view, but, as it were, invites the reader to consider and discuss it.

How to write an essay?

The correct writing of an essay is to understand the features of the genre. Compliance with the basic principles and recommendations for writing will allow you to create an interesting essay.

How to choose a theme

If there is no list of topics among which you can choose one, and only a general direction is given, then you need to consider what audience the essay is intended for. The options may be different: a teacher at a university, a commission, a literary community, an employer. If an essay is written for delivery to a teacher, then it is necessary to consider what qualities will be assessed. Based on this, the topic should be chosen so that it is possible to demonstrate the abilities that the inspector expects from the author: originality, the ability to logically build sentences, literacy, professional qualities, etc.

When choosing a topic for writing an essay from the proposed list, you should choose one that has certain knowledge, considerations, or just a strong interest.

If the essay is focused on the employer, then it is desirable that both the topic and the content of the essay reflect the character of the author, his sincerity, originality, humanity and individuality.

How to start an essay

It often happens that a person who has sufficient eloquence and the ability to express his thoughts on paper has difficulty in starting a composition, including an essay. Thinking about the beginning can stretch for quite a long time, which greatly overshadows the process of creative work. Check out our tips on how to start an essay.

Tip 1. Before you start writing an essay, you need to formulate an idea, define a goal and find sources of information for work.

Tip 2. Use the freewriting technique (free writing). Its essence is to write down all the thoughts that come to mind without editing it and without following grammar, punctuation, style, etc. A great way to help deal with a creative block and find an extraordinary idea.

Tip 3. It is important not to dwell on the introductory part. The introduction can be written after the main part is written. In this case, it is already clear what the essay is about, so it is easier to write the introduction.

Tip 4. One of the fairly common options is to write an essay, starting with a question, the answer to which is given later.

How to plan an essay

You should not strive to draw up a perfect plan right away. It can be edited while working. It is generally not necessary to make a plan when writing an essay, as well as stick to an already written plan. The absence of restrictions and rigid frameworks is the advantage of this genre. If it is easier for the author to stick to a strict plan, then it is worth taking the time to compile it.

All the main thoughts should be reflected in the form of points of the plan. Then, detail it as much as possible, breaking each item into sub-items.

What is the structure of an essay

The order of writing an essay usually comes down to three steps.

  1. Introductory part

Like any written work, an essay contains an introductory part or introduction.

A well-written introduction makes the reader interested and read the essay to the end. The introductory part may contain the formulation of the problem and its essence, a rhetorical question, a quote, etc. it is important to create a special emotional mood and bring the reader to the problem under consideration.

  1. Main part

In the main part, you can give different points of view on the problem under consideration, touch on the history of the issue.

Usually the main part consists of several subparagraphs, each of which consists of three sections: thesis(arguable proposition), justification(arguments used to prove the thesis), subconclusion(partial answer to the main question).

Arguments are judgments made in order to convince the reader of the truth of a certain point of view. These can be various situations from life, the opinions of scientists, evidence, etc.

The argument can be built in the following sequence:

  1. Statement.
  2. Explanation.
  3. Example.
  4. Final judgment.
  5. Conclusion

The conclusion unites all the conclusions made on each thesis presented in the main part. The reader must come to a logical conclusion based on the arguments given. In conclusion, the problem is re-stated and a final conclusion is made.

If the purpose of the introductory part is to interest the reader, then the purpose of the last sentences is to add integrity to the overall picture, leave the work in the reader’s memory and prompt reflection.

The difference between an essay and an essay

The correct writing of an essay is different from writing a regular essay. Therefore, if the task is to write an essay, then you need to take into account the characteristic features of the genre that distinguish it from the rest.

Unlike an essay that analyzes a work of art, an essay contains the author's point of view and his position on the problem under consideration.

Also, one of the distinguishing features of an essay from a composition is its paradoxicality, that is, the goal is to surprise the reader, to impress him, using vivid images, aphorisms, paradoxical statements.

Writing Tips:

  1. When writing an essay, you should alternate short phrases with long ones. In this case, the text will be dynamic enough to be easy to read.
  2. Do not use complex and incomprehensible words, especially if the meaning of the word is unfamiliar.
  3. Use as few general phrases as possible. The essay should be unique, individualized, reflecting the personality of the author.
  4. Humor must be used with great care. Sarcasm and brashness can annoy the reader.
  5. Reflection of personal experience, memories and impressions is a great way to confirm your point of view and the reader's convictions.
  6. It is necessary to stick to the theme and the main idea, without deviating from it and without describing unnecessary details.
  7. Having finished the essay, you should re-read it, making sure that the logic of the presentation is maintained throughout the story.
  8. The use of facts and research results in an essay is a great option to give credibility.

Common mistakes when writing an essay

Knowing the most common mistakes will help you avoid them when writing your own essay.

Mistake 1. The fear of being misunderstood or not making the right impression contributes to the fact that the author removes everything superfluous, outstanding from the essay. Due to this, the essay can lose its individuality and originality.

Error 2. Lack of detail work. A common mistake is the presence of a statement that is not supported by a sufficient number of arguments in the form of examples and evidence.

Mistake 3. Misunderstanding of the essence of the problem stated in the essay or incorrect interpretation of the topic.

Mistake 4. Enumeration of other people's opinions, without indicating their authorship and the absence of their own point of view.

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How to write an essay - all the rules from "A" to "Z" updated: February 15, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

Are you looking for a ready-made social studies essay? Have you decided to just memorize the essay and reproduce it on the exam? In our opinion, this method will not lead you to the goal! After all, you want to get the maximum points!

Essays on social studies should be written regularly and independently!

My MASTER ESSAY course is an opportunity not only to receive recommendations and check your essay from an expert, but also, if necessary, help with the appeal for the Unified State Examination 2017!!!

And we will help you discuss them, understand the mistakes and ultimately choose the right strategy. So, you have chosen the path of self-preparation for an essay on social studies, respectively. However, you cannot find a competent review and assessment of your essay. Like, I'm ready to discuss your real essays.

Some of our subscribers are already sharing their essays and getting feedback in our group discussions

Here is an essay written by our subscriber Ege Ege :

29.3. (in the USE-2016 numbering)

“The higher the position of a person, the more stringent should be the framework that restrains the self-will of his character”(G. Freytag)

First, what is social control? Social control is the position occupied by an individual or social group in society. With an increase in social status, that is, with vertical mobility, the self-esteem of the individual also increases, and as a result, his behavior. Purposeful, fair, honest at first glance, a politician, upon receiving a high position, can turn into a bribe-taker.

Secondly, what is social control? Social control is a mechanism for regulating relations between the individual and society in order to strengthen order and stability in society. Social control is aimed at preventing deviant behavior, that is, society, with the help of sanctions and norms, or the individual, through self-control, regulates behavior. For example, in Saudi Arabia, a hand is cut off for theft. The application of such a sanction led to a significant reduction in theft in the country.

Thirdly, we can recall the policy of China. In China, the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Ministry of Control operate. These bodies monitor the activities of the highest state and non-state bodies and fight corruption.

Thus, social control is used to regulate the character of the individual. Moreover, social control increases with an increase in the status of the individual. Deprived of social control, the behavior of the individual becomes deviant.

USE expert's comment

What do you want to note? First of all, the essay is well-structured, the template is consistent, K1 is open. Our subscriber took the path of the simplest and most rigorous essay structure,. He confirmed each of his theoretical thesis with an example from social practice.

At the same time, it does not look very correct:

“First, what is social control?
Secondly, what is social control?

And of course, the definition is not quite right:

“First, what is social control? Social control is the position occupied by an individual or social group in society.

In this case, we are talking about According to the criteria for checking this task, the theoretical error that we have in this case is the reason for reducing the score for K2 by 1.

Maybe “secondly, what is the mechanism of social control?”. Further, it is not necessary to build sentences difficultly.

Social control is aimed at preventing deviant behavior, that is, society, with the help of sanctions and norms, or the individual, through self-control, regulates behavior.

We risk getting confused, not agreeing cases, not delivering commas. In general, a good impression of the essay will be blurred by the USE expert. It is better to break a long thought into short phrases:

Social control is aimed at preventing deviant behavior. That is, society, with the help of sanctions and norms, or the individual himself, thanks to self-control, regulates behavior.

Thirdly, it was possible to slightly expand the idea, fulfill the requirement of the verification criteria in task 29 ( if necessary, reveal other aspects of the problem). For example:

“Let's look at the problem from the other side! What happens if social control over a person with a high position is not effective? As experience shows, abuses and corruption are possible.”

And then a good example from the social practice of China: “Here… one can recall the policy of China. In China, the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Ministry of Control operate. These bodies monitor the activities of the highest state and non-state bodies and fight corruption.”
In general, everything is fine, as the USE expert would have estimated at 3-4 points (due to an error in the term (K2)). At the same time, data from related sciences (K3) were applied.
The only thing is that there are no references to your life experience. But, we will correct this minus, the main thing is that there is a desire to improve. Here is another statement by the German writer of the 19th century Gustav Freytag, which is often found in the options for tasks 29 of the Unified State Examination in social studies:

29.3. Sociology, social philosophy.

“In the soul of every person is a miniature portrait of his people”(G. Freytag)

Good luck, keep working on your essay, send your essays to the USE expert in the comments and also in the discussions of our group

Consider task number 29 - an essay or an essay.

To complete it for the maximum number of points (6), you must:

  • reveal the meaning of one of the 5 statements;
  • theoretically substantiate it;
  • give examples from real life;
  • correctly and logically conduct reasoning and bring concepts.

We have collected for you the best essays shared with us by graduates.

29.2 Economy

“Private property is the main guarantee of freedom, both for those who own it and for those who do not own it”- F. Hayek.

F. Hayek thinks in line with such a socially important science as economics.

He argues that private property guarantees the freedom of the one who owns it. And at the same time, it guarantees the independence of other people who are not related to this property. This means that the presence of private property in the state is the main guarantor of an economically free society.

I agree with the opinion of F. Hayek and believe that such freedom is guaranteed both by the presence of a private form and by the type of economic system of the state.

It is important to note that property is the format of the property relationship of a person or a group of people to economic benefits, factors of production. Usually they distinguish: private property (belonging to individuals and legal entities) and state property (government bodies). Ownership can be individual (1 person owns) or collective (for a group of people). Accordingly, if the population can have something in their property, this means that people have rights and freedoms. And the indicator of these freedoms of the population is the type of economic system. This term means a set of methods and rules governing economic relations in the state. I will give a classification: traditional (communal property, the organization corresponds to accepted customs and traditions), planned (state form, directive planning of the production process), market (private form, what and how to produce entrepreneurs decide), mixed (both types of ownership, but state ownership prevails, producers and consumers are economically independent, the state produces public goods and finances the social sphere).

We know from history that the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics had a planned economy. Entrepreneurial activity was limited to production plans. Consumers were not free: there was practically no choice in stores, sometimes especially valuable goods were issued on a first-come, first-served basis, so there was not enough for everyone; sometimes the same thing happened with food. So, it cannot be argued that in that period, under such an economic system, the population, producers and consumers, were free. And not only in the economic sphere of society.

Now, thanks to various economic TV programs, it is known that Russia has a mixed type of economy. Entrepreneurs themselves decide what to produce, they own the factors of production. And in state ownership - natural resources, cultural monuments, social institutions. This gives rise to the freedom of consumers: the choice of a suitable manufacturer, the quantity of goods. It can be argued that in modern Russia, society is economically free due to the variety of freedoms that the population has.

Thus, the presence and predominance of private property, of course, is the guarantor of the independence of society. And this is reflected in the freedom of all who own it, and others who do not have it, but can. This is largely due to the type of economy - market.

The second example of an essay on social studies that received a high score on the exam:

29.3 Sociology, social psychology

“Try to achieve fame and recognition, but not at the expense of the treasury, but at the cost of knowledge”- Anvari.

Anvari talks about the specific role of knowledge in the fate of a person.

In the pursuit of happiness, which for many is popularity and recognition, we do our best. However, the author is convinced that this should be achieved through the use of not money, but the knowledge that we possess.

The knowledge that Anvari is talking about is a collection of information about the surrounding objects and the world. This knowledge is the result of cognition - the process of spiritual assimilation by man of the material world. It is endless, lasts until the death of a person. There are many types of knowledge, but the main ones are considered: everyday (about everyday life), scientific (concerns various sciences), religious (associated with belief in a deity). Information can be obtained through a sensual or rational form of cognition. The first type includes the stages: sensation - a conscious reflection of the individual properties of the object that affect the human senses; perception - a reflection of an object, based on how it affects the senses, in the mind; representation - the emergence of a holistic image of an object in the mind, based on its impact on the senses. The rational form includes: concept - any statement about the subject; judgment - analysis of the given statement, conclusion - conclusion about the correctness or incorrectness of a fact with a number of evidence. There are also empirical (practical) or theoretical (conceptual) methods of cognition of the world. The process of cognition is in many ways difficult, which is why all the available knowledge is so valuable. A person who possesses them, who has passed this “path” and found the truth, must use them in order to achieve fame and recognition.

As an example of the value of knowledge, I would like to cite the story of a famous chemist, D. I. Mendeleev. There is a version: the table of chemical elements was seen by him in a dream. It doesn't matter so much how the table was created, but that it was made. He was able to structure his scientific information in the field of chemistry and quantum physics, which took the form of rows and columns and is used all over the world. At the cost of his knowledge, Mendeleev opened a new path for the development of science for mankind, received world recognition as one of the greatest chemists.

In our world, there are many examples of people who have achieved fame and respect due to their intellect. For example, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, according to many experts, the results of voting and opinion polls, is recognized not only in Russia, but also abroad as the most influential person, a respected person. This would not have come true if Vladimir Vladimirovich had not studied society, its needs, and the situation on the world stage. A successful social policy is being pursued in the state and the standard of living of the population is rising. Such fame is the result of a successful foreign and domestic policy.

Thus, only through his knowledge a person achieves truly valuable fame and respect. He is singled out for having gone through a difficult process of learning and having knowledge that others do not have. Our knowledge is our strength.

We hope you have carefully studied the presented mini-essays. Do not forget about the criteria for evaluating the essay and get a good result!

Examples of essays on social studies for the exam

Essay Samples

“A child at the time of birth is not a person, but only a candidate for a person” (A. Pieron).

It is necessary to understand what meaning A. Pieron put into the concept of man. At the time of birth, the child is already a person. He is a representative of a special biological species Homo Sapiens, possessing the inherent specific features of this biological species: a large brain, upright posture, tenacious hands, etc. At the moment of birth, a child can be called an individual - a specific representative of the human race. From birth, he is endowed with individual traits and properties inherent only to him: eye color, shape and structure of the body, the pattern of his palm. Now this can be defined as individuality. Why, then, does the author of the statement call the child only a candidate for a person? Apparently, the author had in mind the concept of "personality". After all, man is a biosocial being. If biological traits are given to a person from birth, then he acquires social traits only in a society of his own kind. And this happens in the process of socialization, when the child learns with the help of education and self-education the values ​​of a particular society. Gradually, he turns into a person, i.e. becomes the subject of conscious activity and has a set of socially significant features that are in demand and useful in society. It was then that he can be fully called a man. How can this assumption be confirmed? For example, on March 20, 1809 in Sorochintsy in the family of the landowner Vasily Gogol - Yanovsky, a son was born, baptized with the name Nikolai. It was one of the sons of the landowners born on that day, named Nicholas, i.e. individual. If he had died on his birthday, he would have remained in the memory of his loved ones as an individual. The newborn was distinguished by signs characteristic only for him (height, hair color, eyes, body structure, etc.). According to people who knew Gogol from birth, he was thin and weak. Later, he had features associated with growing up, an individual lifestyle - he began to read early, from the age of 5 he wrote poetry, studied diligently at the gymnasium, became a writer, whose work was followed by all of Russia. A bright individuality appeared in him, i.e. those features and properties, signs that distinguished Gogol. Apparently, this is exactly the meaning that A. Pieron put into his statement, and I completely agree with him. Being born, a person must go through a long, thorny path in order to leave a mark on society, so that descendants proudly say: “Yes, this person can be called great: our people are proud of him.”

"The idea of ​​freedom is connected with the true essence of man" (K. Jaspers)

What is freedom? Independence from the powers that be, which money and fame can give? Absence of a lattice or whip of an overseer? Freedom to think, write, create without regard to the generally accepted canons and tastes of the public? This question can only be answered by trying to figure out what a person is. But here's the problem! Each culture, each epoch, each philosophical school gives its own answer to this question. Behind each answer is not only the level of a scientist who has comprehended the laws of the universe, the wisdom of a thinker who has penetrated the secrets of life, the self-interest of a politician or the imagination of an artist, but also a certain life position, a completely practical attitude to the world. And yet. From all the diverse, contradictory ideas about a person, one general conclusion follows: a person is not free. It depends on anything: on the will of God or the gods, on the laws of the Cosmos, the arrangement of stars and luminaries, on nature, society, but not on oneself. But the meaning of the expression K Jaspers, in my opinion, lies in the fact that a person does not conceive of freedom and happiness without preserving his personality, his unique, inimitable "I". He does not want to "become everything", but "wants to be himself in defiance of the universe", as the author of the famous "Mowgli" R. Kipling wrote. A person cannot be happy and free at the cost of trampling on his personality, renouncing his individuality. Truly indestructible in a person is the desire to create the world and himself, to discover something new, unknown to anyone, even if this is achieved at the cost of his own life. Becoming free is not an easy task. It requires from a person the maximum tension of all spiritual forces, deep reflections about the fate of the world, people, about his own life; a critical attitude to what is happening around and to oneself; search for the ideal. The search for the meaning of freedom sometimes continues throughout life and is accompanied by internal struggles and conflicts with others. This is precisely where the free will of a person manifests itself, since from a variety of life circumstances, options, he himself has to choose what to prefer and what to reject, how to act in this or that case. And the more complex the world around us, the more dramatic life is, the more effort is required from a person to determine his position, to make this or that choice. So, K. Jaspers turned out to be right, considering the idea of ​​freedom to be the true essence of man. Freedom is a necessary condition for his activity. Freedom cannot be "gifted", because unsuffering freedom turns out to be a heavy burden or turns into arbitrariness. Freedom won in the fight against evil, vices and injustice in the name of the affirmation of goodness, light, truth and beauty can make every person free.

“Science is ruthless. She shamelessly refutes favorite and habitual delusions ”(N.V. Karlov)

It is quite possible to agree with this statement. After all, the main goal of scientific knowledge is the desire for objectivity, i.e. to the study of the world as it is outside and independently of man. The result obtained in this case should not depend on private opinions, predilections, authorities. On the way to the search for objective truth, a person goes through relative truths and delusions. There are many examples of this. Once people were absolutely sure that the Earth has the shape of a disk. But centuries passed, and the journey of Fernando Magellan disproved this delusion. People learned that the Earth is spherical. The geocentric system, which existed for millennia, was also a delusion. The discovery of Copernicus debunked this myth. The heliocentric system he created explained to people that all the planets of our system revolve around the Sun. The Catholic Church for more than two hundred years forbade the recognition of this truth, but in this case, science, indeed, turned out to be ruthless to the delusions of people. Thus, on the way to absolute truth, which is final and will not change over time, science passes through the stage of relative truths. At first, these relative truths seem final to people, but time passes and with the advent of new opportunities for a person in the study of a particular area, absolute truth appears. It refutes previously treated knowledge, forcing people to reconsider their previous views and discoveries.

“Progress indicates only the direction of movement, and it does not care what awaits at the end of this path - good or evil” (J. Huizinga).

It is known that progress is the movement of the development of society from simple to complex, from lower to higher. But the long history of mankind proves that moving forward in one area leads to a rollback in another. For example, the replacement of an arrow with a firearm, a flintlock gun with a machine gun testifies to the development of technology and related knowledge and science. The ability to immediately kill a lot of people with lethal nuclear weapons is also an unconditional evidence of the development of science and technology of the highest level. But can all this be called progress? And therefore, everything that has manifested itself in history as something positive can always be opposed as something negative, and a lot of things that are positive in one aspect can be said to be negative in another. So what is the point of the story? What is the direction of its movement? What is progress? Answering these questions is far from easy. The very abstract concept of progress, when trying to apply it to the assessment of certain events concretely - historically, will certainly contain an insoluble contradiction. This contradiction is the drama of history. Is it inevitable? But the fact is that the main character of this historical drama is the man himself. Evil is, as it were, inevitable, because a person sometimes receives as a result something that he did not aspire to at all, that was not his goal. And the thing objectively lies in the fact that practice is always richer, always exceeds the level of knowledge achieved, which gives rise to the possibility of a person in other conditions to use what has been achieved in a different way. Evil, therefore, like a shadow, pursues good. Apparently, this is what the author of this statement had in mind. But I would like to continue the discussion and encourage people, especially scientists, to think about their future discoveries. After all, for the definition of truly progressive there is a concept developed by the entire history of mankind. Expressed by the word "humanism", it denotes both the specific properties of human nature and the evaluation of these properties as the highest principle of social life. Progressive is what is combined with humanism, and not just combined, but contributes to its exaltation.

“Revolution is the transition from untruth to truth, from lies to truth, from oppression to justice, from deceit and suffering to straightforward honesty and happiness”

(Robert Owen)

The revolution is often called a social explosion, which is why, in my opinion, the revolution does not completely solve the problems that have arisen in life.

In the historical past of Russia, the revolution in October 1917 was the most significant. Its most important result was the beginning of the construction of communism, which meant a radical change in the life of the whole country. And if this is the very truth, justice and honesty that Owen is talking about, then why is Russia now trying with all its might to join the Western model of development and is doing everything to become a capitalist country in the full sense of the word? And this despite the fact that in Soviet times, Russia achieved a lot: it became a superpower, the first to carry out a manned flight into space, and won the Second World War. It turns out that the revolution did not lead our country to the truth. Moreover, by the end of 1991, Russia was on the brink of economic disaster and famine.

Is it necessary to talk about social revolutions, even if in the course of the scientific and technological revolution in the modern world many questions arise. Among them are environmental problems, and rising unemployment, and terrorism.

On the one hand, in the course of the scientific and technological revolution, health care is being improved, the most hopeless patients are being saved from death by the efforts of doctors, and on the other hand, weapons of mass destruction, including bacteriological ones, are being produced. The mass media daily cover millions of events taking place in all corners of the planet, informing and educating people, but at the same time, the media act as a manipulator of human consciousness, will, and reason.

Many more examples of revolutions can be cited, but the conclusion remains unambiguous: a revolution is a multifaceted and contradictory process, during which the problems being solved are replaced by others, often even more complex and intricate.

Religion is rationally justified wisdom

I fully agree with this statement and want to prove the truth of this saying on the example of well-known BOOKS, which contain such wisdom that humanity will always turn to.

New Testament. He is already 2 thousand years old. By his birth, he produced an unprecedented, unprecedented excitement of hearts and minds, which has not calmed down to this day. And all this is because it contains wisdom that teaches humanity kindness, humanism, morality. This book, written simply and without any embellishment, captures the greatest mystery - the mystery of human salvation. People can only fulfill these Great Wisdoms: do not kill, do not steal, do not offend your neighbor, honor your parents. Is this bad wisdom? And when people forget to fulfill these wisdoms, misfortunes await them. In our country, during the years of Soviet power, the people were excommunicated from this book. All this led to the destruction of the spirituality of society, and hence to lack of will. And even the communists, drawing up their law - the Moral Code of the communist, took as a basis the moral principles contained in the Bible. They just put them in a different form. This proves that the wisdom of this book is eternal.

Koran. This is the main book of Muslims. What is she calling for? Particular attention is paid to nobility, which, in turn, implies respect for parents. The Qur'an teaches Muslims to be firm in word, obligatory in deeds and deeds. It condemns such low qualities of a person as lies, hypocrisy, cruelty, pride. Is this bad wisdom? They are reasonable.

The given examples prove the correctness of the given statement. All world religions contain such wisdom that instruct people only on good deeds. Show people the way at the end of the tunnel.

Science shortens the experiences of a fast-flowing life for us.

One cannot but agree with this statement. Indeed, with the advent of science, the progress of mankind began to accelerate, and the pace of life of human society is accelerating every day. All this happens thanks to science. Before its appearance, humanity was moving rather slowly along the path of progress. Millions of years ago, the wheel appeared, but it was only thanks to the scientists who invented the engines that this wheel could be driven at a higher speed. Human life has accelerated dramatically.

Mankind has had to search for answers to many seemingly unsolvable questions for thousands of years. This was done by science: the discovery of new types of energy, the treatment of complex diseases, the conquest of outer space ... With the beginning of the scientific and technological revolution in the 50-60s of the XX century, the development of science became the main condition for the existence of human society. Time requires a person to quickly solve global problems on which the preservation of life on Earth will depend.

Science has now come to each of our homes. It serves people by actually reducing the experiences of a fast-paced life: instead of washing by hand, an automatic washing machine, instead of a floor cloth, a washing vacuum cleaner, instead of a typewriter, a computer. And what can we say about the means of communication that made our globe so small: in one minute you can receive a message from places located on different parts of the world. The plane delivers us in a few hours to the most remote corners of our planet. But some hundred years ago, it took many days and even months. This is the meaning of this statement.

A political fortress is strong if and only if it is based on moral strength.

Of course, the statement is correct. Indeed, a politician must act on the basis of the laws of morality. But for some reason, the word "power" is associated with the opposite opinion for many. There are many examples of this in history, ranging from ancient Roman tyrants (for example, Nero) to Hitler and Stalin. Yes, and modern rulers do not shine with examples of morality.

What's the matter? Why are deeply moral norms, such as honesty, conscience, commitment, truthfulness, in no way fit into political power?

Apparently, much is connected with the nature of power itself. When a person seeks power, he promises people to improve their lives, restore order, and establish fair laws. But as soon as he is at the helm of power, the situation changes dramatically. Gradually, many promises are forgotten. And the politician himself becomes different. He lives by other standards, he has new views. Those to whom he promised are increasingly moving away from him. And others appear nearby, who are always ready to be at the right moment: to advise, to suggest. But they no longer act in the interests of society, but in their own selfish interests. As people say, power corrupts a person. Perhaps this is so. Or maybe there are other reasons? Coming to power, a politician realizes that he is unable to cope with the burden of problems that the state faces: corruption, the shadow economy, organized crime. In such difficult conditions, there is a retreat from moral principles. You have to act tough. It seems to me that it is better to rephrase this statement as follows: "A political fortress is strong if and only if it is based on the force of law." For politics, this is the most reasonable. But the laws must also be moral….

  • Philosophy,
  • Economy,
  • Political science,
  • Jurisprudence.

  • historical facts;
  • personal experience and observations;

3. Theoretical part

4. Actual part

5. Conclusion

remember, that

remember the terminology

write straight away

If you "swim" in the subject

Essay similar to an essay, usually has a free composition and a small size. Although the task should seem easy, for some reason it frightens the students and takes them by surprise.

You will need

  • - educational literature;
  • - a computer.


Think of a rough work plan. As a rule, an essay consists of a short introduction, which reveals the essence of the topic; the main part, which sets out the opinions of scientists on the subject of the story; the attitude of the author of the work to these opinions, as well as the conclusion, which gives brief conclusions about the study. The last page of the essay indicates the sources used for it.

Select the required material. Write down the different points of view of scientists on the chosen topic on paper and note the order in which statements are used in the work.

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Check that all literature used is up to date. Textbooks should be no older than 8-10 years, periodicals - no older than 3-5 years.

In order not to be branded as a plagiarism, all quotes should be provided with links indicating the author, title of publication and imprint.

Helpful advice

When writing an essay, you should not use a lot of literature so that the work does not turn out to be too large and overloaded with unnecessary information.

When working with literature, it is not necessary to rewrite notes on paper, you can immediately do them on a computer. This makes it easier to edit text.

When writing an essay, be careful, try not to make mistakes. After finishing the work, read it and correct the shortcomings.

Essay on statement this is a short essay in which you can demonstrate your knowledge not only in a particular discipline, but also information from related scientific subjects.


Choose one statement from those that are proposed as topics for the examination paper, on which you will write an essay. It is important that it is clear and close to you. Remember that in order to justify your position regarding these words, you will need to give clear, and not just appeal to the fact that "this is immoral" or "it does not make sense in modern life." Think about the knowledge in which areas you have in order to substantiate this information.

Expand the meaning of the statement. To do this, simply describe what exactly the author wanted to say with these lines, as you see it. For each person, the same things mean different things, so your version cannot be right or wrong, any adequate thought has to exist. precisely in the context that is given by the scientific subject on which the essay. For example, it is not necessary to disclose value added tax in the sense that it is mentioned in the statement exclusively in the economic aspect.

Give arguments in favor of your opinion. To do this, use the knowledge gained in the process of other sciences, but do not "get hung up" on this information. Additional justification is good if it only emphasizes your rightness. For example, when writing an essay on the statements of political figures, be sure to remember what historical events could have influenced his beliefs.

Formulate your own point of view about the statement. If you partially or completely disagree, offer your own version of the phrase. Be sure to explain what exactly you disagree with and why your position is more appropriate. Rely on your own experience, on the facts of public life.

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  • how to write an aphorism

Writing an essay is the last task in the exam in social studies. And when preparing for the exam, it is this that raises the most questions. What are the requirements for the work, how is it evaluated, and how to get the maximum score for an essay in social studies?

What is a task

Mini-essay on the exam in social studies - an alternative task. This means that the exam participant can choose from several proposed options the one that is closer and more interesting to him.

Essay topics are short quotes - aphorisms related to the five blocks of the curriculum, one for each. The thematic directions of statements are as follows:

  • Philosophy,
  • Economy,
  • Sociology, social psychology,
  • Political science,
  • Jurisprudence.

Of the five statements, you need to choose only one (the closest or most understandable) and write a mini-essay that reveals the meaning of the chosen aphorism and contains illustration examples.

The “weight” of an essay on social studies in the final scores is quite small: about 8% of the total scores. A perfectly written paper can bring only 5 primary points out of 62 possible, about 8%. Therefore, you should not approach the work as fundamentally as when writing an essay on the Russian language or essays on literature.

The compilers of the exam themselves suggest taking 36-45 minutes to write an essay on social studies (this is the time period indicated in the specification). For comparison: 110 minutes are “laid” for an essay on the Russian language, 115 minutes for a full-length essay on literature.

All this suggests that the approach to social science should be different: there is no need to create a “masterpiece”, there are no mandatory requirements for the style of presentation (and even literacy), and even the amount of work is not regulated. It is not necessary to write 150-350 words of text here: after all, the task is positioned as a “mini-essay” and if you manage to describe the idea briefly and succinctly, this will only be welcome.

It is enough to simply demonstrate knowledge of the subject and the ability to find suitable examples that support your point of view - and coherently and convincingly state your thoughts on the examination form.

Criteria for evaluating an essay in social science at the Unified State Examination

The essay is evaluated by only three according to three criteria. To earn the maximum five points, the following "required minimum" must be met:

Reveal the meaning of the original statement, or at least demonstrate that you correctly understood what its author meant (1 point). This is a key point: if you did not understand the quote and received 0 points for the first criterion, the work will not be evaluated further.

Demonstrate knowledge of theory(2 points). Here, in order to get a high mark, it is necessary to analyze the meaning of the statement, using the knowledge gained during the study of the school course of social science, remember the main points of the theory, use terminology correctly. Incomplete compliance with the requirements, deviation from the original topic or semantic errors will lead to the loss of one point.

Ability to find appropriate examples(2 points). To obtain the highest mark on this criterion, it is necessary to illustrate the problem with two (at least) examples - facts that confirm the main idea of ​​the essay. Moreover, they must be from sources of different types. Sources can be

  • examples from fiction, feature films and documentaries;
  • examples from popular science literature, history of different branches of science;
  • historical facts;
  • facts learned while studying other school subjects;
  • personal experience and observations;
  • media messages.

If only personal experience is used as examples or examples of the same type are given (for example, both are from fiction), the score is reduced by a point. Zero for this criterion is set if the examples do not correspond to the topic or if there is no information at all.

Plan for writing an essay on social studies

There are no strict requirements for the structure of the essay - the main thing is to reveal the meaning of the statement, demonstrate knowledge of the theory and back it up with facts. However, despite the fact that there is not much time for reflection, you can stick to a standard essay plan that includes all the necessary elements.

1. The optional part is the introduction. General statement of the problem (one or two sentences). In an essay on social science, this point of the plan can be omitted and immediately proceed to the interpretation of the proposed aphorism, however, it is often difficult for schoolchildren to deviate from the usual compositional scheme when the “core of the matter” is preceded by general reasoning. Therefore, if you are used to starting with an introduction - write it, if this is not important for you - you can omit this item, points for this do not decrease.

2. Revealing the meaning of the original statement- 2-3 sentences. It is not necessary to quote in full, it is enough to refer to its author and state the meaning of the phrase in your own words. It must be remembered that, unlike an essay in Russian, where it is necessary to isolate the problem, an essay on social science can be devoted to a phenomenon, a process, and simply a statement of fact. To reveal the meaning of the statement, you can use templates like “In the proposed statement N.N (famous philosopher, economist, famous writer) considers (describes, talks about ...) such a phenomenon (process, problem) as ..., interpreting it as ...” or “The meaning of the statement ( expressions, aphorisms) N. N is that ... "

3. Theoretical part(3-4 sentences). Here it is necessary to confirm or refute the author's point of view, based on the knowledge gained in the lessons and using special terminology. If you agree with the author’s point of view, then by and large this part is a detailed translation of the original phrase into the “textbook language”. For example, if the author called children's games in the yard a "school of life" - you will write about what socialization institutions are and the role they play in the process of assimilation of social norms by an individual. Here you can also quote other philosophers, economists, etc., confirming the main idea of ​​the text - however, this is not a mandatory requirement.

4. Actual part(4-6 sentences). Here it is necessary to give at least two examples confirming the theses put forward in the previous paragraph. In this part, it is better to avoid "general words" and talk about specifics. And do not forget to indicate the sources of information. For example, “experiments devoted to” have been repeatedly described in the popular science literature; “as we know from the school physics course…”, “writer N,N. in his novel “Untitled” describes the situation…”, “on the supermarket shelves in front of my school you can see…”.

5. Conclusion(1-2 sentences). Since an essay on social science at the Unified State Examination, by and large, is proof of a certain theoretical position, you can complete the essay by summing up what has been said. For example: “Thus, both real-life examples and reader experience allow us to assert that ...”, followed by a reformulated main thesis.

remember, that the main thing is to correctly reveal the meaning of the statement. Therefore, choosing from the proposed options, take a quote, the interpretation of which does not cause you any doubts.

Before you start writing, remember the terminology on this topic. Write them down on a draft form so that you can use them later in your work.

Choose the most suitable examples on this topic. Remember that examples from literature may not be limited to the works of the school curriculum - in the social studies exam, you can use any literary works as arguments. Do not forget that relying on the reader's experience in the case of social science is not a priority: remember cases from life; news heard on the radio; topics discussed in society and so on. Selected examples also write down on the draft form.

Since literacy, style and composition of the text are not evaluated - if you are confident enough to express your thoughts in writing, it is better not to waste time writing a full draft text. Limit yourself to drawing up a thesis plan and write straight away- this will save time.

Proceed to the essay after you have answered all the other questions– otherwise, you may “not fit in” in time and lose more points than you gain. For example, the first four tasks with detailed answers (based on the text read) can give a total of 10 primary points (twice as much as an essay), and formulating answers to them usually takes much less time than writing a mini-essay.

If you "swim" in the subject and you feel that you can’t write an essay for the maximum points - do this task anyway. Every score is important - and even if you only manage to correctly formulate the topic and give at least one example “from life” - you will receive two primary points for an essay on social science at the Unified State Examination, which is much better than zero.