Changing human DNA. And as pyramid studies show, this has a direct impact on the behavior of the Earth, again suggesting that to some extent we live in a collective Lucid Dreaming.


Man can change his DNA

This work examines a new, iissiidiological view of the structure of DNA, the degree of change in the activity of genetic information, which can be transformed under the influence of many factors, including psycho-mental processes and behavioral reactions. Some examples are also given that confirm the photon nature of DNA, which allows us to conclude that this macromolecule has an energy - photon-wave - twin, and this allows it to interact with the DNA of other people and all forms of self-consciousness.

The last section describes effective methods of influencing the gene structure, leading to revolutionary scientific discoveries in the field of genetics, epigenetics.

1. Introduction

Often, violent disputes were raised by the question of the relationship between the factors of heredity and upbringing in the process of the formation of a human personality, especially in the formation of a complex of features of humanism. Science undeniably proves that these factors are inextricably linked: hereditary capabilities can only be realized under the influence of the external environment, and the influence of the external environment, factors is always limited to individual hereditary capabilities.

It turns out a kind of vicious circle. Is it so? To what extent are these two factors interdependent? Is it possible to influence hereditary possibilities? If yes, how? These and many other questions arise as a result of the collision of these scientific approaches.

This paper provides answers to these questions through a comparative analysis of the knowledge of such scientific areas as genetics, epigenetics, as well as iissiidiology, which is a new knowledge system that interprets many scientific areas using more universal concepts. That is, those ideas that form the basis of iissiidiology, in my opinion, reveal additional facets that science lacks in understanding the essence of higher tasks and issues and help expand the boundaries of human capabilities.

Many people know that aesthetic education and appropriate environmental conditions are absolutely necessary for the humanization of the individual. However, in order for this influence to be the most effective and purposeful, so that every person can maximize his inclinations for the benefit of others, it is also necessary to know the hereditary mechanisms for the manifestation of all hidden abilities archived in the structure of DNA and in human self-consciousness.

2 A look at genetic information from the standpoint of genetics and iissiidiology

2.1 DNA in the views of official science

First we need to consider what DNA and the genetic code is from the point of view of genetics.

At the beginning of this millennium, an event of exceptional importance occurred: the human genome was deciphered - instructions describing our device. The genome sequencing project was launched in 1990 under the leadership of James Watson (molecular biologist, geneticist) under the auspices of the US National Health Organization. In 2000, a working draft of the genome structure was released, the complete genome in 2003, however, even today, additional analysis of some sections has not yet been completed. The goal of the project was to understand the structure of the human genome, determine the sequence of nucleotides that make up DNA, and identify 25-30 thousand genes in the human genome.

In the nucleus of every cell in our body there is a control center - DNA, the program for the evolution of all living beings. The code for this giant filamentous molecule contains important information that regulates the activity of the cell and passes on hereditary traits from generation to generation. It can change as a result of mutations, which are positive and change it in the direction that is favorable for the organism, or unfavorable, or even destructive in certain cases. This information contained in DNA consists of a sequence of nucleotides (adenine, guanine, thymine and cytosine) that form a set of triplets (codons) that determine the order of amino acids in a protein molecule.

The discovery of nucleic acids belongs to the Swiss chemist F. Miescher, who for a long time studied the nuclei of leukocytes that make up pus. The hard work of a remarkable researcher was crowned with success. In 1869, F. Misher discovered a new chemical compound in leukocytes, which he called nuclein (lat. nucleus - nucleus). Further research showed that nuclein is a mixture of nucleic acids. Subsequently, nucleic acids have been found in all plant and animal cells, bacteria and viruses. And so it turned out that in nature there are two types of nucleic acids: deoxyribonucleic and ribonucleic. The difference in names is explained by the fact that the DNA molecule contains the sugar deoxyribose, and the RNA molecule contains ribose.

To obtain a complete picture, it is necessary to describe what a gene is (from the Greek genos - genus, origin), as a structural element of this macromolecule, which is an elementary unit of heredity, which is a certain specific sequence of nucleotides in DNA.

In the genome of each human cell, there are about 30-40 thousand genes that are located in chromosomes, divided into sections - loci, that is, the location of a particular gene. As a result of sequencing the entire set of genomic DNA, it was found that the human genome contains 25-30 thousand active genes encoding proteins and functional RNA, which is only 1.5% of the total genetic material. The remainder is non-coding DNA, often referred to as "junk DNA".

The human genome consists of 23 pairs of chromosomes, where each chromosome contains hundreds of genes separated by intergenic space. The intergenic space contains regulatory regions and non-coding DNA.

Genes encode information about the biosynthesis of one polypeptide chain with a specific amino acid sequence and about the structure of RNA molecules: matrix or informational (coding proteins), ribosomal, transport, and some other types of so-called non-coding RNA. The average size of a human gene is 30,000 base pairs. The shortest genes contain only two dozen letters-nucleotides, for example, genes for endorphins - proteins that cause a feeling of pleasure. The genes for interferons, proteins that protect humans from viral infections, are about 700 nucleotides in size. The longest gene encoding one of the muscle proteins, dystrophin, contains 2.5 million base pairs.

They perform several functions, one of which is coding for the primary structure of a polypeptide (protein). In each cell (except for erythrocytes, which lack a nucleus), genes encoding DNA replication and repair enzymes, transcriptions, translation apparatus components (ribosomal proteins, r-RNA, t-RNA, aminoacyl synthetases and other enzymes), ATP synthesis enzymes and others components necessary for conducting the "household" of the cell. Manage the "household" about one fifth of all genes. Most of the genes in every cell are silent. The set of active genes differs depending on the type of tissue, the period of development of the organism, and the received external or internal signals. It can be said that each cell "sounds" its own chord of genes, determining the spectrum of synthesized mRNA, the proteins they encode, and, accordingly, the properties of the cell.

DNA itself is not directly involved in protein synthesis, but serves as a template for building a messenger or messenger RNA molecule, into which the gene code (transcription) is transferred. In ribosomes, the "translation" of the mRNA code into the amino acid sequence of the protein synthesized on them (translation) is carried out.

2.2 Comparison of DNA structure in terms of iissiidiology and genetics

DNA, as a structure that provides storage, transmission from generation to generation and implementation of the genetic development program, from the point of view of iissiidiology, is also considered as an information base about all existing forms. The evolution of man and the whole multitude of other forms of life is associated with many factors, one of which is the inclusion in our DNA of relationships inherent in other forms of self-consciousness (proto-forms): animals, plants, minerals, and so on. Iissiidiology interprets that part of DNA, which scientists call working, as interrelations of varying degrees of covariance (similarity) between different types of proto-forms, that is, working on the basis of different protoform sfuurmm-forms (representations) reformatted into a human type of thinking. In our body, all kinds of functions of organs and systems are represented by thousands of protoform genes; including viruses and bacteria. It is important to note here that the human body is not only a collection of several trillion actually human cells, but also more than 100 trillion bacterial, viral and fungal forms of self-consciousness. As you can see, so far in this bio-conglomerate of life, the creators of the human genome are not at all dominant, since in terms of the total number of all kinds of DNA structures in our bodies, it is precisely the creators of protoform (other forms of self-consciousness) cells that structure our bodies in abundance.

That is, from the foregoing, we can conclude that the genetic code, represented by a multimillion-strong sequence of nucleotides, contains not only human experience, but also experience characteristic of other forms of self-consciousness (proto-forms), obtained by different representatives of the kingdoms of nature in certain living conditions.

The formation of all kinds of diverse (diverse protoform) relationships is possible due to the principles that are described in iissiidiology. One of them is the principle of diffusion.

Diffusion(from lat. diffusion- distribution, spreading, mutual penetration of particles of matter into each other with partial transfer of their individual properties to the formed state) allows the form-creators of some proto-forms to form the necessary basis of energy-informational relationships by attracting additional information fragments structuring the focal dynamics of other proto-forms.

Each self-conscious being, manifested in the surrounding space, carries out different-quality transformations in the focal dynamics of its consciousness due to the introduction of different-protoform relationships (information fragments), which, interacting with certain sections of DNA, transforming into an electrical impulse, are reprojected along neural pathways for further decoding into such departments. brain like pineal gland, hypothalamus, pituitary gland and so on. As a result, representations and images necessary for further development are formed, that is, experience is integrated that corresponds to the quality of the form configuration.

Thus, all existing types of proto-forms, including people, by transgressing into the general information field of their own experience of sfuurmm-forms, participate in the evolution (amplification) of each other in the chosen direction of development. This is the evolutionary essence of diffuseness, that is, the ability to continuously reproject all the experience gained between all existing forms by making certain choices that contribute to the universalization of perception, improving the quality of psycho-mental processes.

An important link that also explains the mechanism of integration of diverse protoform experience in the structure of genes is the photon nature of the DNA of any living organism, the photon-wave basis of which allows it to interact with the DNA of all other forms of self-consciousness (animal, plant and mineral kingdoms). That is, everything that is individually thought, felt and experienced in any point of the globe by a person, animal, plant, mineral, at the same instant is projected into the resonantly corresponding wave sections of the DNA of all other living organisms, regardless of the distance from places of the given event they are.

Some of the latest scientific research also indicates a connection between the information field and DNA. In 1990, a group of Russian physicists, molecular biologists, biophysicists, geneticists, embryologists and linguists began to study certain parts of DNA. By irradiating samples of this macromolecule with a laser, they found that it attracts and, like a sponge, absorbs light and stores its photons in a spiral. This was further evidenced by the fact that the wave pattern remained in the same place where the irradiated sample was located, the light continued to spiral in a spiral, although physically the DNA was no longer there. Many control experiments showed that the DNA energy field exists by itself, as an energy double, since the resulting wave pattern acquired the same shape as the physical molecule and existed after the removal of the sample.

The Chinese doctor Jiang Kanzheng speaks about the same in his work “Theory of Field Management”. He substantiated the possibility of direct transmission of information from one brain to another using radio waves and confirmed it with numerous experiments. " Previously, it was believed that the carrier of genetic information is DNA, the molecules of which contain the genetic code, but the achievements of modern physics allowed me to assume that DNA is only a “cassette” with information recording, and bioelectromagnetic signals are its material carrier. In other words, the electromagnetic field and DNA is the total genetic material that exists in two forms: passive - DNA and active - EM field. The first preserves the genetic code that ensures the stability of the organism. The second is able to change it. To do this, it is enough to act with bioelectromagnetic signals that simultaneously contain energy and information. By their nature, such signals are moving photons, which, according to quantum theory, have corpuscular-wave properties.».

Based on this theory, an installation was created that “reads” information from the DNA of one living object and sends it to another living object. In one of the experiments, he influenced the electromagnetic field of a melon on sprouted cucumber seeds. The grown fruits had the taste of a donor - melon, and biochemical analysis showed that the corresponding changes occurred in the DNA, which were passed down from generation to generation.

Conducting a number of such experiments in genetics allowed researchers to suggest that the genetic codes of an organism may not be located in a DNA molecule at all, but in an energy - photon-wave - twin.

2.3. We are able to change hereditary information

After revolutionary and advanced research in science and genetics in recent years, we are now approaching a new and very interesting frontier, beyond which there is even more valuable information about the influence of thoughts on human health and the human psyche. This new frontier is where iissiidiology, genetics and epigenetics meet, and science and self-healing come together.

At this stage, we ask new questions: how do our thoughts and emotions affect the perceptual mechanisms and signals within our genes? How can we use this information to heal ourselves?

Scientists are increasingly pointing out that the human genome and the activity of many genes are influenced by external factors and behavioral responses. Depending on the degree of quality and stability of a person's psycho-mental reactions to information coming from outside, the corresponding sections of genes are activated, which leads to changes in physiological processes, the emergence of new signs in behavior, in the psyche (configuration), which eventually become stable. But, on the other hand, there is also an opposite opinion in the scientific community: the degree of harmony of psycho-mental processes occurring in a person’s self-consciousness is affected by hereditary information and often (to a greater extent) by expressing genes that work due to the impact of those epigenetic markers that are transmitted from generation to generation. And from an iisiidiological position, as I understand it, this influence is seen as an interdependent and complementary process, but requiring further research in the field of genetics, epigenetics, and psychology.

Through the specifics of different-quality processes occurring in genes, information can be transmitted to the next generations not only about the external features and the state of the functional activity of a biological organism, but also a generalized life experience (or some part of it) accumulated by parents (as well as their ancestors) and specially encoded in chromosome configurations. In other words, not only the size of the nose, eyes, weight, height, other features of the physiological constitution, the most characteristic of both parents and their closest relatives, but also the type of character, inclinations, habits, skills, abilities, and the whole wide range of mental and psycho-emotional experiences , which took place not only in the life of parents, but also in other blood representatives of both genera, is the basic information for each person who is born, initially connecting him with certain, most probable development scenarios.

Inherited genetic programs do not always manifest immediately after we are born. Sometimes special patterns remain hidden until something happens in our life that provokes (turns on) them. The likelihood that we will develop any disease may be present in our genes all the time. However, the disease remains harmless to us until some specific event or emotion awakens an ancient memory, and with it the gene, causing the disease to come out of the shadows. Like many functions of our physical body, these processes take place in an absolutely imperceptible way for us.

But with all this, there is another side to this coin. Any type of heredity is just a physiologically and psycho-mentally expressed cliché of increased creative activity of stable psycho-mental manifestations characteristic of the child's parents at the time of conception and similarly adopted by them from their own ancestors. And like any form-cliché, synthesized on the basis of a stable interaction of specific information and the mental realizations subjectively caused by it, it is subject to the influence of vibrations similar to it, but more powerful and stable in intensity, influences.

This means that by intensifying the impact on the configuration of one's own self-consciousness by cardinally new in terms of quality sfuurmm-forms, consciously modernized in the right direction and carrying in their structure a significantly more favorable (for a given vector of development) energy information, with a sufficiently high volitional effort, one can achieve such the result is that the given hereditary trait in the genetic code will no longer be so dominant, and therefore it will either be expressed to a much lesser extent, or will be suppressed by stronger sfuurmm forms and not expressed at all.

Depending on the direction in which we will make choices, in addition to those that are transmitted by parents and therefore become characteristic of descendants, the hidden or already clearly expressed genetic heredity will either decrease and smooth out, or manifest itself to an even greater degree, that is, through self-consciousness in the least qualitative or selfish of the sfuurmm forms will appear in the active form.

Experimental data on the importance of positive thinking in managing DNA, as proof of the above, also indicate that genes determine us only in part, while the rest of the person is responsible for his own illnesses, tendencies and mental disturbances that occur in his self-consciousness.

Here it is worth giving an example of the research of the American geneticist Bruce Lipton. For many years he specialized in the field of genetic engineering, successfully defended his doctoral dissertation, and became the author of a number of studies. All this time, Lipton, like many geneticists and biochemists, believed that a person is a kind of biorobot whose life is subject to a program written in his genes.

The turning point in the views of Dr. B. Lipton was his experiments in the late 1980s to study the behavior of the cell membrane. Before that, it was believed in science that it was the genes located in the nucleus of the cell that determine what should be passed through this membrane and what should not. However, the experiments of B. Lipton showed that the behavior of genes can be influenced by external influences on the cell and even lead to a change in their structure.

B. Lipton said: “It has long been known that two people can have the same genetic predisposition to cancer. But one had the disease, and the other did not. Why? Yes, because they lived differently: one experienced stress more often than the second; they had different self-esteem and self-awareness, a different train of thought. Today I can say that we are able to control our biological nature; we can, with the help of thought, faith and aspirations, influence our genes, including the processes occurring at the molecular level. In fact, I did not come up with anything new. For centuries, doctors have known the placebo effect - when a patient is offered a neutral substance, claiming that it is a medicine. As a result, the substance actually has a healing effect. But, oddly enough, there has not yet been a scientific explanation for this phenomenon.

The placebo effect is the main evidence that we are able to control our body. As you know, the effect works if a person has a certain attitude, absolute confidence in something, and as a result he gets what he wants. We use this principle throughout our daily lives. If we want to watch a certain TV channel, we switch the receiver to it. This channel, one way or another, is potentially always present in our room, and in order to switch to this frequency, you need desire, interest.

In the context of the use of conscious control impulses, the same process occurs. If with the help of the mind you tune into resonance with the desired wave, you can begin to receive information - the one that this wave carries. And the higher the frequency of the wave, the more harmonious the received information will be.

Summing up all of the above, we can briefly say that "people have power over the genome." This statement makes a person free, but at the same time gives him a new responsibility for his own destiny.

2.4. What is the most effective way to influence a certain section of DNA?

According to iissiidiology, the code of the human genome, for all its seeming inviolability and immutability, is not an absolutely fixed energy-information indicator of our three-dimensional biological structure due to the fact that the DNA molecule is the most dynamic part of a biological organism, continuously emitting electromagnetic fields of different quality, intensity and quality. whose characteristics are continuously changing both under the influence of the environment and under the influence of internal psycho-bio-chemical processes.

By generating positive thoughts based on positive emotions, we command the release of "positive" chemicals. Accordingly, negative thoughts give a negative adjustment. And this fact has a huge impact on how our cells behave.

This is also evidenced by some studies of scientists conducted in the field of genetics. Renowned American scientists Glen Reine and Rollin McCrathy, PhDs, working with the Institute of Heart Mathematics, have demonstrated that focused good feelings and thoughts change DNA patterns in solution and produce biological effects "inside and outside the human body." In one experiment, the subjects, by expressing the appropriate intention, were able to make DNA molecules twist or unwind. Twisting of the DNA helix is ​​associated with the restoration of the molecule, and unwinding precedes cell division. In another experiment, the subject was able to influence the state of the DNA when the sample was at a distance of about half a kilometer from him. As a result of such studies, scientists have suggested (although they have not yet proven this experimentally) that with the help of conscious intention, it is possible to influence processes at the cellular level and even change the structure of DNA - that is, our genetic code!

All our ideas, emanations (thoughts), psychonations (feelings), like the DNA molecule itself, have their own frequency of realization and a highly specific configuration of the electromagnetic field they form. Consequently, the dynamics of creative activity of each of the functionally similar groups of genes is stimulated or, on the contrary, suppressed by the active manifestation in the structures of our self-consciousness of all kinds of thoughts, feelings and aspirations.

At every moment of our existence, depending on the degree of quality of the configuration, only certain sections of the DNA structure can be activated in the information space of our self-consciousness. As soon as the focal dynamics changes its frequency, other sections of the genes are immediately connected to the process, which is reflected in the quality of life creativity, respectively, the sphere of application of interests immediately changes. Hence the conclusion that everything is interdependent, inseparable, which explains why the quality of the ongoing processes in one area immediately causes the same changes in everything.

Consciously and quite stably changing the dynamics of gene activity in certain parts of DNA with our good thoughts, positive feelings and altruistic-intellectual aspirations, we automatically (through the occurrence of a certain resonant effect in space-time) focus (that is, qualitatively self-identify) only in those configurations. , whose environment is structured by more favorable (harmonious) circumstances of existence. Any person with the help of a powerful altruistic intention, spiritual aspiration and stable thought-sensory focusing in the most qualitative states can fundamentally transform and modify the entire qualitative direction of the creative activity of the genes of their DNA, namely: beneficially influence the changes occurring in the structure of the genetic apparatus.

To achieve such a state, it is necessary to become more perfect, humane. The essence of this state lies in a highly developed intellect and altruism, which contribute to the emergence of a powerful desire to live for others, to learn to focus only on choices that correspond to this lofty goal. If there are any obstacles in the fulfillment of the plan, then it is important to always remember that they - consciously and subconsciously - were also once created not by someone else, but by you personally, and, therefore, they are not obstacles on the way to the goal , and hidden opportunities, which are simply not yet deciphered at the moment.

To minimize the number of adverse consequences of our choices, each of us has only one reliable way: to try to motivationally invest in any decision as many signs of highly sensitive intelligence and highly intellectual altruism as possible, which in the inexhaustible realization possibilities of many protoform directions that potentially structure our focal dynamics , are peculiar to the human principle of existence, that is, they are the main guidelines for the most harmonious human development path.

But here it is important to pay attention to the fact that at the levels of altruism and intellectualism, the influence of protoform diffuseness is also observed, which is expressed in the form of excessive activity of one of the two components. That is, we can begin to show altruism, but at the same time be completely insolvent at the level of intelligence, or we can be intellectual, but extremely selfish. Both the first and second options are indicators of the shift of the focal dynamics of a person's self-consciousness into some kind of protoform direction. Therefore, it is the harmonious fusion of altruism and intellect, which are defined in iissiidiology as highly intellectual altruism and highly sensitive intellect, that is the basis of the lluuvvumic, that is, the human path. And already responsibility, mercy, sympathy, tolerance, honesty are the harmonious components of these signs that we develop in the human direction of development.

As soon as such choices become a natural part of human consciousness, the form-creators of DNA will begin to steadily modulate only the dynamics of high-frequency radiation into the geometry of space, and the current conditions of existence will automatically (resonantly) change, which to a much greater extent will contribute to further development in the lluuvvumic (human) direction than everything that surrounds our biological bodies now. We will not become more cold-blooded, the blood plasma will simply acquire a different composition, the structure of the cell will change, and the next pair of chromosome strands will be steadily formed in the DNA structure, and the number of synthetic amino acids will also increase. As a result of these massive mutagenic processes, the nervous, vegetative, hematopoietic, genitourinary, digestive, endocrine and respiratory systems will significantly change in our biological organisms in the future. Over time, this will lead to the fact that the activity of the main mass of DNA will shift to a greater extent from the spectrum of coarse-wave - low- and medium-frequency - levels to photon types of energy-information relationships, in which biochemical reactions will lose their now defining role. ,

Improving the quality of psycho-mental processes will be accompanied by the rapid development of technologies in various fields of science. For example, all those qualitative tendencies that you would like to strengthen or, on the contrary, weaken with the help of laser radiation precisely directed to specific areas of the brain, can be changed and steadily replaced with the expected ones. Approximately the same results can be achieved with the help of individual developments of special microscopic nanodevices (nanorobots) programmed for deep penetration into the chromosomal structure of each cell, either for its thorough purposeful reconstruction or for easy adjustment. How will this be done? After the introduction of several nanorobots into the body, they first begin intensive self-duplication (due to the chemical elements present in the body), gradually - like viruses - filling the cells of all systems and organs, and then proceed to the execution of the reconstruction program of the entire biological organism embedded in them.

Conducting thorough experiments on the basis of this knowledge, scientists will establish which particular sections of the personality's DNA correspond to certain types of creative activity of the form-creators of its self-consciousness, and will be able to use these features to carry out targeted genetic engineering. Already now, scientists know which section of DNA and which genes are responsible for what, and in the future it will be possible to regulate the work of almost all the necessary sections of genes - to set a program to activate some and suppress others.

But at the same time, one should not forget that if the focus dynamics begins to steadily deepen into the implementation of some selfish tendencies, then there will be a reorientation to worlds where the ability to purposefully virtually model one's own form will consistently - as their quality deteriorates - decrease and, in the end, you can again find yourself in those worlds where such technological and genetic possibilities for the constant transformation of the forms we focus on and our other universal abilities are completely absent.

Life will constantly, and in the coming years more and more demandingly, begin to set for each of us certain limits on the quality of the current elections, which will determine the tendentiousness of the next stage of our life: either we are increasingly withdrawing ourselves from this direction of development, continuing to be aware of ourselves in low-quality life circumstances with extremely limited opportunities for high-frequency creative realizations, including the lack of the ability of our biological organism to self-heal, or we become more and more altruistic and highly intelligent, gradually starting to increasingly realize ourselves as a creatively active part of new favorable worlds with more harmonious relationships in the human community, including expanding not only our creative implementation possibilities, but also the properties of the surrounding world, because the configurations of the forms we focus on are the configuration of the geometry of space va-time (the reality surrounding us): what we ourselves are - such is the World around us. ,

3. Conclusion

In this paper, an overview of scientific views is made, which indicate that our genetic code is not static and can change under the influence of external factors, behavioral reactions. Based on the individual understanding of iissiidiology, answers were given to such questions: what is the structure of DNA? can a person or any other form of existence affect the genetic information embedded in this structure, and how effectively can this be done? A comparative analysis of scientific data was also carried out regarding the ability of a person and any other form of self-consciousness to influence genetic information.

As a result, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • heredity and external factors, as well as the psycho-mental activity of a person are inextricably linked, in their totality being the basis for the formation of new relationships at the gene level, which contributes to the universalization of the DNA structure of a person and all living beings - this gives rise to new opportunities for development;
  • genetic information, as a set of energy-information relationships, includes not only human, but also other experience transmitted to us through identical genes that structure the organisms of animals, plants, minerals, and so on, obtained in different conditions of existence; before we begin to develop in the human direction, we are forced by our focal dynamics to go through many protoform realizations; this is the essence of evolutionary development;
  • the diffuseness and photon nature of DNA allow you to continuously reproject all the experience gained between all existing forms, as well as interact with the DNA of all other forms of self-consciousness, which is the reason for the formation of additional experience, which, being intuitively perceived, becomes a hint when solving certain problems;
  • the genetic program, inherited, does not always manifest itself immediately after birth, it all depends on the quality of the choices made;
  • one of the effective ways of influencing DNA is the development by a person of such traits as highly sensitive intelligence and highly intelligent altruism; but here it is also important to remember that due to the diffusivity of all forms of self-consciousness, the predominance of the activity of one of these qualities, characteristic of some of the protoform directions, may occur;

Thus, a variant of the development of any individual trait, both biological and psychological, peculiar in each specific case, can be the result of both a unique genetic constitution (genotype) and a unique life experience.

In any case, the quality of psycho-mental states and the individual characteristics of human biological organisms, through certain choices, are constantly changing, becoming either coarser and more painful, which is an indicator of the deepening of self-consciousness into protoform realizations, or more perfect, universal, that is, human. We ourselves are what we imagine ourselves to be. Both the world and people are also exactly the way we imagine them, how we treat them, what we think about them, and we build such relationships with them.

In the course of writing this essay, I became convinced that we have the power to rewrite the stories imprinted in our genes, and thereby change our destiny in the direction in which we want to see ourselves. I also came to the conclusion that the new information about the structure, methods of influencing DNA, presented in iissiidiology, will greatly help scientists in their further work on the description (annotation) of the genome. And this is the identification of all genes (sequencing), the establishment of their functions, the characteristics of conditions, the discovery of the causes of disease-causing mutations and other future research in the field of genetics, which will lead to new revolutionary discoveries.

Focal Dynamics is the main mechanism of manifestation of any of the Form-structures of Space-Time (the so-called "geometry of space"); inertial formation (dynamics) in the information space of self-consciousness of SFUURMM-Forms (representations) about oneself and about the surrounding reality. Everything that we subjectively imagine as “worlds” and “realities” is an intermediate product of our own thought and psycho-creativity, adapted to the characteristic features of the perception system of our Self-Consciousness.

Genetic code and its properties. Syktyvkar State University Faculty of Mathematics. “Iissiidiology. Immortality is available to everyone”, 13th volume, publishing house: JSC “Tatmedia” “PIK “Idel-Press”, Kazan, 2011

14. O. V. Oris, “Iissiidiology. Immortality is available to everyone”, 14th volume, publishing house: JSC “Tatmedia” “PIK “Idel-Press”, Kazan, 2011

Views: 4200

"The information underlying Iissiidiology is designed to radically change your entire current vision of the world, which, together with everything that is in it - from minerals, plants, animals and humans to distant Stars and Galaxies - is in fact an unimaginably complex and an extremely dynamic Illusion, no more real than your dream today."

Table of contents:

1. Introduction

1. Introduction

Often, violent disputes were raised by the question of the relationship between the factors of heredity and upbringing in the process of the formation of a human personality, especially in the formation of a complex of features of humanism. Science undeniably proves that these factors are inextricably linked: hereditary capabilities can only be realized under the influence of the external environment, and the influence of the external environment, factors is always limited to individual hereditary capabilities.

It turns out a kind of vicious circle. Is it so? To what extent are these two factors interdependent? Is it possible to influence hereditary possibilities? If yes, how? These and many other questions arise as a result of the collision of these scientific approaches.

This paper provides answers to these questions through a comparative analysis of the knowledge of such scientific areas as genetics, epigenetics, as well as iissiidiology, which is a new knowledge system that interprets many scientific areas using more universal concepts. That is, those ideas that form the basis of iissiidiology, in my opinion, reveal additional facets that science lacks in understanding the essence of higher tasks and issues and help expand the boundaries of human capabilities.

Many people know that aesthetic education and appropriate environmental conditions are absolutely necessary for the humanization of the individual. However, in order for this influence to be the most effective and purposeful, so that every person can maximize his inclinations for the benefit of others, it is also necessary to know the hereditary mechanisms for the manifestation of all hidden abilities archived in the structure of DNA and in human self-consciousness.

2. A look at genetic information from the standpoint of genetics and iissiidiology

2.1. DNA in the views of official science

First we need to consider what DNA and the genetic code is from the point of view of genetics.

At the beginning of this millennium, an event of exceptional importance occurred: the human genome was deciphered - instructions describing our device. The genome sequencing project was launched in 1990 under the leadership of James Watson (molecular biologist, geneticist) under the auspices of the US National Health Organization. In 2000, a working draft of the genome structure was released, the complete genome in 2003, however, even today, additional analysis of some sections has not yet been completed. The goal of the project was to understand the structure of the human genome, determine the sequence of nucleotides that make up DNA, and identify 25-30 thousand genes in the human genome.

In the nucleus of every cell in our body there is a control center - DNA, the program for the evolution of all living beings. The code for this giant filamentous molecule contains important information that regulates the activity of the cell and passes on hereditary traits from generation to generation. It can change as a result of mutations, which are positive and change it in the direction that is favorable for the organism, or unfavorable, or even destructive in certain cases. This information contained in DNA consists of a sequence of nucleotides (adenine, guanine, thymine and cytosine) that form a set of triplets (codons) that determine the order of amino acids in a protein molecule.

The discovery of nucleic acids belongs to the Swiss chemist F. Miescher, who for a long time studied the nuclei of leukocytes that make up pus. The hard work of a remarkable researcher was crowned with success. In 1869, F. Misher discovered a new chemical compound in leukocytes, which he called nuclein (lat. nucleus - nucleus). Further research showed that nuclein is a mixture of nucleic acids. Subsequently, nucleic acids have been found in all plant and animal cells, bacteria and viruses. And so it turned out that in nature there are two types of nucleic acids: deoxyribonucleic and ribonucleic. The difference in names is explained by the fact that the DNA molecule contains the sugar deoxyribose, and the RNA molecule contains ribose.

To obtain a complete picture, it is necessary to describe what a gene is (from the Greek genos - genus, origin), as a structural element of this macromolecule, which is an elementary unit of heredity, which is a certain specific sequence of nucleotides in DNA.

In the genome of each human cell, there are about 30-40 thousand genes that are located in chromosomes, divided into sections - loci, that is, the location of a particular gene. As a result of sequencing the entire set of genomic DNA, it was found that the human genome contains 25-30 thousand active genes encoding proteins and functional RNA, which is only 1.5% of the total genetic material. The remainder is non-coding DNA, often referred to as "junk DNA".

The human genome consists of 23 pairs of chromosomes, where each chromosome contains hundreds of genes separated by intergenic space. The intergenic space contains regulatory regions and non-coding DNA.

Genes encode information about the biosynthesis of one polypeptide chain with a specific amino acid sequence and about the structure of RNA molecules: matrix or informational (coding proteins), ribosomal, transport, and some other types of so-called non-coding RNA. The average size of a human gene is 30,000 base pairs. The shortest genes contain only two dozen letters-nucleotides, for example, genes for endorphins - proteins that cause a feeling of pleasure. The genes for interferons, proteins that protect humans from viral infections, are about 700 nucleotides in size. The longest gene encoding one of the muscle proteins, dystrophin, contains 2.5 million base pairs.

They perform several functions, one of which is coding for the primary structure of a polypeptide (protein). In each cell (except for erythrocytes, which lack a nucleus), genes encoding DNA replication and repair enzymes, transcriptions, translation apparatus components (ribosomal proteins, r-RNA, t-RNA, aminoacyl synthetases and other enzymes), ATP synthesis enzymes and others components necessary for conducting the "household" of the cell. Manage the "household" about one fifth of all genes. Most of the genes in every cell are silent. The set of active genes differs depending on the type of tissue, the period of development of the organism, and the received external or internal signals. It can be said that each cell "sounds" its own chord of genes, determining the spectrum of synthesized mRNA, the proteins they encode, and, accordingly, the properties of the cell.

DNA itself is not directly involved in protein synthesis, but serves as a template for building a messenger or messenger RNA molecule, into which the gene code (transcription) is transferred. In ribosomes, the "translation" of the mRNA code into the amino acid sequence of the protein synthesized on them (translation) is carried out.

2.2 Comparison of DNA structure in terms of iissiidiology and genetics

DNA, as a structure that provides storage, transmission from generation to generation and implementation of the genetic development program, from the point of view of iissiidiology, is also considered as an information base about all existing forms. The evolution of man and the whole multitude of other forms of life is associated with many factors, one of which is the inclusion in our DNA of relationships inherent in other forms of self-consciousness (proto-forms): animals, plants, minerals, and so on. Iissiidiology interprets that part of DNA, which scientists call working, as interrelations of varying degrees of covariance (similarity) between different types of proto-forms, that is, working on the basis of different protoform sfuurmm-forms (representations) reformatted into a human type of thinking. In our body, all kinds of functions of organs and systems are represented by thousands of protoform genes; including viruses and bacteria. It is important to note here that the human body is not only a collection of several trillion actually human cells, but also more than 100 trillion bacterial, viral and fungal forms of self-consciousness. As you can see, so far in this bio-conglomerate of life, the creators of the human genome are not at all dominant, since in terms of the total number of all kinds of DNA structures in our bodies, it is precisely the creators of protoform (other forms of self-consciousness) cells that structure our bodies in abundance.

That is, from the foregoing, we can conclude that the genetic code, represented by a multimillion-strong sequence of nucleotides, contains not only human experience, but also experience characteristic of other forms of self-consciousness (proto-forms), obtained by different representatives of the kingdoms of nature in certain living conditions.

The formation of all kinds of diverse (diverse protoform) relationships is possible due to the principles that are described in iissiidiology. One of them is the principle of diffusion.

Diffusion(from lat. diffusion- distribution, spreading, mutual penetration of particles of matter into each other with partial transfer of their individual properties to the formed state) allows the form-creators of some proto-forms to form the necessary basis of energy-informational relationships by attracting additional information fragments structuring the focal dynamics of other proto-forms.

Each self-conscious being, manifested in the surrounding space, carries out different-quality transformations in the focal dynamics of its consciousness due to the introduction of different-protoform relationships (information fragments), which, interacting with certain sections of DNA, transforming into an electrical impulse, are reprojected along neural pathways for further decoding into such departments. brain like pineal gland, hypothalamus, pituitary gland and so on. As a result, representations and images necessary for further development are formed, that is, experience is integrated that corresponds to the quality of the form configuration.

Thus, all existing types of proto-forms, including people, by transgressing into the general information field of their own experience of sfuurmm-forms, participate in the evolution (amplification) of each other in the chosen direction of development. This is the evolutionary essence of diffuseness, that is, the ability to continuously reproject all the experience gained between all existing forms by making certain choices that contribute to the universalization of perception, improving the quality of psycho-mental processes.

An important link that also explains the mechanism of integration of diverse protoform experience in the structure of genes is the photon nature of the DNA of any living organism, the photon-wave basis of which allows it to interact with the DNA of all other forms of self-consciousness (animal, plant and mineral kingdoms). That is, everything that is individually thought, felt and experienced in any point of the globe by a person, animal, plant, mineral, at the same instant is projected into the resonantly corresponding wave sections of the DNA of all other living organisms, regardless of the distance from places of the given event they are.

Some of the latest scientific research also indicates a connection between the information field and DNA. In 1990, a group of Russian physicists, molecular biologists, biophysicists, geneticists, embryologists and linguists began to study certain parts of DNA. By irradiating samples of this macromolecule with a laser, they found that it attracts and, like a sponge, absorbs light and stores its photons in a spiral. This was further evidenced by the fact that the wave pattern remained in the same place where the irradiated sample was located, the light continued to spiral in a spiral, although physically the DNA was no longer there. Many control experiments showed that the DNA energy field exists by itself, as an energy double, since the resulting wave pattern acquired the same shape as the physical molecule and existed after the removal of the sample.

The Chinese doctor Jiang Kanzheng speaks about the same in his work “Theory of Field Management”. He substantiated the possibility of direct transmission of information from one brain to another using radio waves and confirmed it with numerous experiments. " Previously, it was believed that the carrier of genetic information is DNA, the molecules of which contain the genetic code, but the achievements of modern physics allowed me to assume that DNA is only a “cassette” with information recording, and bioelectromagnetic signals are its material carrier. In other words, the electromagnetic field and DNA is the total genetic material that exists in two forms: passive - DNA and active - EM field. The first preserves the genetic code that ensures the stability of the organism. The second is able to change it. To do this, it is enough to act with bioelectromagnetic signals that simultaneously contain energy and information. By their nature, such signals are moving photons, which, according to quantum theory, have corpuscular-wave properties.».

Based on this theory, an installation was created that “reads” information from the DNA of one living object and sends it to another living object. In one of the experiments, he influenced the electromagnetic field of a melon on sprouted cucumber seeds. The grown fruits had the taste of a donor - melon, and biochemical analysis showed that the corresponding changes occurred in the DNA, which were passed down from generation to generation.

Conducting a number of such experiments in genetics allowed researchers to suggest that the genetic codes of an organism may not be located in a DNA molecule at all, but in an energy - photon-wave - twin.

2.3. We are able to change hereditary information

After revolutionary and advanced research in science and genetics in recent years, we are now approaching a new and very interesting frontier, beyond which there is even more valuable information about the influence of thoughts on human health and the human psyche. This new frontier is where iissiidiology, genetics and epigenetics meet, and science and self-healing come together.

At this stage, we ask new questions: how do our thoughts and emotions affect the perceptual mechanisms and signals within our genes? How can we use this information to heal ourselves?

Scientists are increasingly pointing out that the human genome and the activity of many genes are influenced by external factors and behavioral responses. Depending on the degree of quality and stability of a person's psycho-mental reactions to information coming from outside, the corresponding sections of genes are activated, which leads to changes in physiological processes, the emergence of new signs in behavior, in the psyche (configuration), which eventually become stable. But, on the other hand, there is also an opposite opinion in the scientific community: the degree of harmony of psycho-mental processes occurring in a person’s self-consciousness is affected by hereditary information and often (to a greater extent) by expressing genes that work due to the impact of those epigenetic markers that are transmitted from generation to generation. And from an iisiidiological position, as I understand it, this influence is seen as an interdependent and complementary process, but requiring further research in the field of genetics, epigenetics, and psychology.

Through the specifics of different-quality processes occurring in genes, information can be transmitted to the next generations not only about the external features and the state of the functional activity of a biological organism, but also a generalized life experience (or some part of it) accumulated by parents (as well as their ancestors) and specially encoded in chromosome configurations. In other words, not only the size of the nose, eyes, weight, height, other features of the physiological constitution, the most characteristic of both parents and their closest relatives, but also the type of character, inclinations, habits, skills, abilities, and the whole wide range of mental and psycho-emotional experiences , which took place not only in the life of parents, but also in other blood representatives of both genera, is the basic information for each person who is born, initially connecting him with certain, most probable development scenarios.

Inherited genetic programs do not always manifest immediately after we are born. Sometimes special patterns remain hidden until something happens in our life that provokes (turns on) them. The likelihood that we will develop any disease may be present in our genes all the time. However, the disease remains harmless to us until some specific event or emotion awakens an ancient memory, and with it the gene, causing the disease to come out of the shadows. Like many functions of our physical body, these processes take place in an absolutely imperceptible way for us.

But with all this, there is another side to this coin. Any type of heredity is just a physiologically and psycho-mentally expressed cliché of increased creative activity of stable psycho-mental manifestations characteristic of the child's parents at the time of conception and similarly adopted by them from their own ancestors. And like any form-cliché, synthesized on the basis of a stable interaction of specific information and the mental realizations subjectively caused by it, it is subject to the influence of vibrations similar to it, but more powerful and stable in intensity, influences.

This means that by intensifying the impact on the configuration of one's own self-consciousness by cardinally new in terms of quality sfuurmm-forms, consciously modernized in the right direction and carrying in their structure a significantly more favorable (for a given vector of development) energy information, with a sufficiently high volitional effort, one can achieve such the result is that the given hereditary trait in the genetic code will no longer be so dominant, and therefore it will either be expressed to a much lesser extent, or will be suppressed by stronger sfuurmm forms and not expressed at all.

Depending on the direction in which we will make choices, in addition to those that are transmitted by parents and therefore become characteristic of descendants, the hidden or already clearly expressed genetic heredity will either decrease and smooth out, or manifest itself to an even greater degree, that is, through self-consciousness in the least qualitative or selfish of the sfuurmm forms will appear in the active form.

Experimental data on the importance of positive thinking in managing DNA, as proof of the above, also indicate that genes determine us only in part, while the rest of the person is responsible for his own illnesses, tendencies and mental disturbances that occur in his self-consciousness.

Here it is worth giving an example of the research of the American geneticist Bruce Lipton. For many years he specialized in the field of genetic engineering, successfully defended his doctoral dissertation, and became the author of a number of studies. All this time, Lipton, like many geneticists and biochemists, believed that a person is a kind of biorobot whose life is subject to a program written in his genes.

The turning point in the views of Dr. B. Lipton was his experiments in the late 1980s to study the behavior of the cell membrane. Before that, it was believed in science that it was the genes located in the nucleus of the cell that determine what should be passed through this membrane and what should not. However, the experiments of B. Lipton showed that the behavior of genes can be influenced by external influences on the cell and even lead to a change in their structure.

B. Lipton said: “It has long been known that two people can have the same genetic predisposition to cancer. But one had the disease, and the other did not. Why? Yes, because they lived differently: one experienced stress more often than the second; they had different self-esteem and self-awareness, a different train of thought. Today I can say that we are able to control our biological nature; we can, with the help of thought, faith and aspirations, influence our genes, including the processes occurring at the molecular level. In fact, I did not come up with anything new. For centuries, doctors have known the placebo effect - when a patient is offered a neutral substance, claiming that it is a medicine. As a result, the substance actually has a healing effect. But, oddly enough, there has not yet been a scientific explanation for this phenomenon.

The placebo effect is the main evidence that we are able to control our body. As you know, the effect works if a person has a certain attitude, absolute confidence in something, and as a result he gets what he wants. We use this principle throughout our daily lives. If we want to watch a certain TV channel, we switch the receiver to it. This channel, one way or another, is potentially always present in our room, and in order to switch to this frequency, you need desire, interest.

In the context of the use of conscious control impulses, the same process occurs. If with the help of the mind you tune into resonance with the desired wave, you can begin to receive information - the one that this wave carries. And the higher the frequency of the wave, the more harmonious the received information will be.

Summing up all of the above, we can briefly say that "people have power over the genome." This statement makes a person free, but at the same time gives him a new responsibility for his own destiny.

2.4. What is the most effective way to influence a certain section of DNA?

According to iissiidiology, the code of the human genome, for all its seeming inviolability and immutability, is not an absolutely fixed energy-information indicator of our three-dimensional biological structure due to the fact that the DNA molecule is the most dynamic part of a biological organism, continuously emitting electromagnetic fields of different quality, intensity and quality. whose characteristics are continuously changing both under the influence of the environment and under the influence of internal psycho-bio-chemical processes.

By generating positive thoughts based on positive emotions, we command the release of "positive" chemicals. Accordingly, negative thoughts give a negative adjustment. And this fact has a huge impact on how our cells behave.

This is also evidenced by some studies of scientists conducted in the field of genetics. Renowned American scientists Glen Reine and Rollin McCrathy, PhDs, working with the Institute of Heart Mathematics, have demonstrated that focused good feelings and thoughts change DNA patterns in solution and produce biological effects "inside and outside the human body." In one experiment, the subjects, by expressing the appropriate intention, were able to make DNA molecules twist or unwind. Twisting of the DNA helix is ​​associated with the restoration of the molecule, and unwinding precedes cell division. In another experiment, the subject was able to influence the state of the DNA when the sample was at a distance of about half a kilometer from him. As a result of such studies, scientists have suggested (although they have not yet proven this experimentally) that with the help of conscious intention, it is possible to influence processes at the cellular level and even change the structure of DNA - that is, our genetic code!

All our ideas, emanations (thoughts), psychonations (feelings), like the DNA molecule itself, have their own frequency of realization and a highly specific configuration of the electromagnetic field they form. Consequently, the dynamics of creative activity of each of the functionally similar groups of genes is stimulated or, on the contrary, suppressed by the active manifestation in the structures of our self-consciousness of all kinds of thoughts, feelings and aspirations.

At every moment of our existence, depending on the degree of quality of the configuration, only certain sections of the DNA structure can be activated in the information space of our self-consciousness. As soon as the focal dynamics changes its frequency, other sections of the genes are immediately connected to the process, which is reflected in the quality of life creativity, respectively, the sphere of application of interests immediately changes. Hence the conclusion that everything is interdependent, inseparable, which explains why the quality of the ongoing processes in one area immediately causes the same changes in everything.

Consciously and quite stably changing the dynamics of gene activity in certain parts of DNA with our good thoughts, positive feelings and altruistic-intellectual aspirations, we automatically (through the occurrence of a certain resonant effect in space-time) focus (that is, qualitatively self-identify) only in those configurations. , whose environment is structured by more favorable (harmonious) circumstances of existence. Any person with the help of a powerful altruistic intention, spiritual aspiration and stable thought-sensory focusing in the most qualitative states can fundamentally transform and modify the entire qualitative direction of the creative activity of the genes of their DNA, namely: beneficially influence the changes occurring in the structure of the genetic apparatus.

To achieve such a state, it is necessary to become more perfect, humane. The essence of this state lies in a highly developed intellect and altruism, which contribute to the emergence of a powerful desire to live for others, to learn to focus only on choices that correspond to this lofty goal. If there are any obstacles in the fulfillment of the plan, then it is important to always remember that they - consciously and subconsciously - were also once created not by someone else, but by you personally, and, therefore, they are not obstacles on the way to the goal , and hidden opportunities, which are simply not yet deciphered at the moment.

To minimize the number of adverse consequences of our choices, each of us has only one reliable way: to try to motivationally invest in any decision as many signs of highly sensitive intelligence and highly intellectual altruism as possible, which in the inexhaustible realization possibilities of many protoform directions that potentially structure our focal dynamics , are peculiar to the human principle of existence, that is, they are the main guidelines for the most harmonious human development path.

But here it is important to pay attention to the fact that at the levels of altruism and intellectualism, the influence of protoform diffuseness is also observed, which is expressed in the form of excessive activity of one of the two components. That is, we can begin to show altruism, but at the same time be completely insolvent at the level of intelligence, or we can be intellectual, but extremely selfish. Both the first and second options are indicators of the shift of the focal dynamics of a person's self-consciousness into some kind of protoform direction. Therefore, it is the harmonious fusion of altruism and intellect, which are defined in iissiidiology as highly intellectual altruism and highly sensitive intellect, that is the basis of the lluuvvumic, that is, the human path. And already responsibility, mercy, sympathy, tolerance, honesty are the harmonious components of these signs that we develop in the human direction of development.

As soon as such choices become a natural part of human consciousness, the form-creators of DNA will begin to steadily modulate only the dynamics of high-frequency radiation into the geometry of space, and the current conditions of existence will automatically (resonantly) change, which to a much greater extent will contribute to further development in the lluuvvumic (human) direction than everything that surrounds our biological bodies now. We will not become more cold-blooded, the blood plasma will simply acquire a different composition, the structure of the cell will change, and the next pair of chromosome strands will be steadily formed in the DNA structure, and the number of synthetic amino acids will also increase. As a result of these massive mutagenic processes, the nervous, vegetative, hematopoietic, genitourinary, digestive, endocrine and respiratory systems will significantly change in our biological organisms in the future. Over time, this will lead to the fact that the activity of the main mass of DNA will shift to a greater extent from the spectrum of coarse-wave - low- and medium-frequency - levels to photon types of energy-information relationships, in which biochemical reactions will lose their now defining role. ,

Improving the quality of psycho-mental processes will be accompanied by the rapid development of technologies in various fields of science. For example, all those qualitative tendencies that you would like to strengthen or, on the contrary, weaken with the help of laser radiation precisely directed to specific areas of the brain, can be changed and steadily replaced with the expected ones. Approximately the same results can be achieved with the help of individual developments of special microscopic nanodevices (nanorobots) programmed for deep penetration into the chromosomal structure of each cell, either for its thorough purposeful reconstruction or for easy adjustment. How will this be done? After the introduction of several nanorobots into the body, they first begin intensive self-duplication (due to the chemical elements present in the body), gradually - like viruses - filling the cells of all systems and organs, and then proceed to the execution of the reconstruction program of the entire biological organism embedded in them.

Conducting thorough experiments on the basis of this knowledge, scientists will establish which particular sections of the personality's DNA correspond to certain types of creative activity of the form-creators of its self-consciousness, and will be able to use these features to carry out targeted genetic engineering. Already now, scientists know which section of DNA and which genes are responsible for what, and in the future it will be possible to regulate the work of almost all the necessary sections of genes - to set a program to activate some and suppress others.

But at the same time, one should not forget that if the focus dynamics begins to steadily deepen into the implementation of some selfish tendencies, then there will be a reorientation to worlds where the ability to purposefully virtually model one's own form will consistently - as their quality deteriorates - decrease and, in the end, you can again find yourself in those worlds where such technological and genetic possibilities for the constant transformation of the forms we focus on and our other universal abilities are completely absent.

Life will constantly, and in the coming years more and more demandingly, begin to set for each of us certain limits on the quality of the current elections, which will determine the tendentiousness of the next stage of our life: either we are increasingly withdrawing ourselves from this direction of development, continuing to be aware of ourselves in low-quality life circumstances with extremely limited opportunities for high-frequency creative realizations, including the lack of the ability of our biological organism to self-heal, or we become more and more altruistic and highly intelligent, gradually starting to increasingly realize ourselves as a creatively active part of new favorable worlds with more harmonious relationships in the human community, including expanding not only our creative implementation possibilities, but also the properties of the surrounding world, because the configurations of the forms we focus on are the configuration of the geometry of space va-time (the reality surrounding us): what we ourselves are - such is the World around us.,

3. Conclusion

In this paper, an overview of scientific views is made, which indicate that our genetic code is not static and can change under the influence of external factors, behavioral reactions. Based on the individual understanding of iissiidiology, answers were given to such questions: what is the structure of DNA? can a person or any other form of existence affect the genetic information embedded in this structure, and how effectively can this be done? A comparative analysis of scientific data was also carried out regarding the ability of a person and any other form of self-consciousness to influence genetic information.

The following conclusions can be drawn:

Heredity and external factors, as well as the psycho-mental activity of a person are inextricably linked, in their totality being the basis for the formation of new relationships at the gene level, which contributes to the universalization of the DNA structure of a person and all living beings - this gives rise to new opportunities for development;

Genetic information, as a set of energy-informational relationships, includes not only human, but also other experience transmitted to us through identical genes that structure the organisms of animals, plants, minerals, and so on, obtained in different conditions of existence; before we begin to develop in the human direction, we are forced by our focal dynamics to go through many protoform realizations; this is the essence of evolutionary development;

The diffuseness and photon nature of DNA allow you to continuously reproject all the experience gained between all existing forms, as well as interact with the DNA of all other forms of self-consciousness, which is the reason for the formation of additional experience, which, being intuitively perceived, becomes a hint when solving certain problems;

The inherited genetic program does not always appear immediately after birth, it all depends on the quality of the choices made;

One of the effective ways to influence DNA is the development of personality traits such as highly sensitive intelligence and highly intelligent altruism; but here it is also important to remember that due to the diffusivity of all forms of self-consciousness, the predominance of the activity of one of these qualities, characteristic of some of the protoform directions, may occur;

Thus, a variant of the development of any individual trait, both biological and psychological, peculiar in each specific case, can be the result of both a unique genetic constitution (genotype) and a unique life experience.

In any case, the quality of psycho-mental states and the individual characteristics of human biological organisms, through certain choices, are constantly changing, becoming either coarser and more painful, which is an indicator of the deepening of self-consciousness into protoform realizations, or more perfect, universal, that is, human. We ourselves are what we imagine ourselves to be. Both the world and people are also exactly the way we imagine them, how we treat them, what we think about them, and we build such relationships with them.

In the course of writing this essay, I became convinced that we have the power to rewrite the stories imprinted in our genes, and thereby change our destiny in the direction in which we want to see ourselves. I also came to the conclusion that the new information about the structure, methods of influencing DNA, presented in iissiidiology, will greatly help scientists in their further work on the description (annotation) of the genome. And this is the identification of all genes (sequencing), the establishment of their functions, the characteristics of conditions, the discovery of the causes of disease-causing mutations and other future research in the field of genetics, which will lead to new revolutionary discoveries.

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6. Surkov O.V. Psychologist. Influence of stress at the gene level.

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11. O. V. Oris, “Iissiidiology. Fundamentals”, 3rd volume, publishing house: JSC “Tatmedia” “PIK “Idel-Press”, Kazan, 2014

12. DNA is influenced by consciousness.

13. O. V. Oris, “Iissiidiology. Immortality is available to everyone”, 13th volume, publishing house: JSC “Tatmedia” “PIK “Idel-Press”, Kazan, 2011

14. O. V. Oris, “Iissiidiology. Immortality is available to everyone”, 14th volume, publishing house: JSC “Tatmedia” “PIK “Idel-Press”, Kazan, 2011

O.V.Oris, “Iissiidiology. Fundamentals”, 3rd volume, publishing house: JSC “Tatmedia” “PIK “Idel-Press”, Kazan, 2014

Bruce Lipton "Biology of Faith"

Discoveries of Russian scientists in the field of DNA

For centuries, esoteric and spiritual teachers have known that our body can be programmed with language, words, and thought. Now it is scientifically proven and explained. Human DNA works like the biological version of the Internet, but is superior to the Internet in many ways. The most recent research by Russian scientists directly or indirectly explains such phenomena as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous/remote healing effects, self-healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/aura around people (namely spiritual masters), the influence of the mind on weather patterns and much more. Moreover, there is compelling evidence for a new kind of medicine in which the DNA molecule can be manipulated and reprogrammed with words and frequencies, WITHOUT deleting and replacing single genes.

"Junk" DNA resembles spoken language

Only 10% of our DNA is used to build proteins. It is this part of DNA that interests Western researchers, it is studied and categorized. The remaining 90 percent of the DNA molecule is considered "junk DNA". However, Russian researchers were convinced that nature is not so wasteful. They have combined linguists and geneticists in one venture to investigate this 90% "junk DNA". Their results, findings and conclusions are simply revolutionary! According to their findings, our DNA is not only responsible for building the body, but also serves as a means of storing data and communicating.

Russian linguists have discovered that the genetic code - especially visible in the "useless" 90% - follows the same rules as our human languages. They compared the rules of syntax (the way words are put together to form phrases and sentences), semantics (the study of meaning in the forms of language), and the basic rules of grammar. Scientists have found that the alkalis of our DNA follow the rules of ordinary "grammar" and have a set of rules just like our languages. Hence, human languages ​​did not appear by accident, but as a reflection of the internal patterns of our DNA.

DNA can be altered through sound patterns, including spoken language

Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pyotr Garyaev and his colleagues investigated the vibrational behavior of DNA. Briefly, their conclusion is: “Living chromosomes function as a holographic computer using endogenous DNA laser radiation.” This means that they were able, for example, to modulate specific frequency patterns (sound) in the form of a beam similar to a laser beam, which then influenced the DNA frequency, changing the genetic information itself. Because the basic structures of DNA alkaline pairs and language (as explained earlier) are similar, there is no need to decode the DNA. You can just use the words and sentences of human language! This has been proven experimentally. The living substance of DNA (in living tissue, not in a test tube) will always respond to tongue modulated laser beams and even radio waves if the proper frequencies (sound) are used. This scientifically explains why affirmations, hypnosis, and the like can have such powerful effects on people and their bodies. It is absolutely normal and natural for our DNA to respond to language.

Possible problems in conducting experiments

For this aspect of Garyaev's research, "proof" is perhaps too strong a term. During the experiment, there may be problems associated with consciousness. Namely, the mind of the observer could influence the DNA by what it expects to see. From the work of Dr. Glenn Rhine, we already know that the observer has a strong influence on DNA, which was covered in the Science of Peace. Rain found that negative emotional states cause DNA to contract and positive emotional states to open, the latter being a necessary condition for healing. Garyaev had to isolate the influence of spoken language on DNA in a completely random closed system, which was not observed by any human consciousness until multiple attempts were made. At least it looks a lot like DNA is affected by language itself, not by the observer.

DNA patterns can be transferred to other organisms

While Western scientists cut out single genes from DNA and inserted them wherever possible, Russian scientists enthusiastically created devices that affect cell metabolism through modulated radio and light frequencies, thus correcting genetic defects. They even succeeded extract information patterns from a particular DNA molecule and transfer them to another molecule. Thus, the cells were reprogrammed with a different genome. For example, they have successfully transformed a frog embryo into a salamander embryo by simply passing on DNA information patterns! All the information that was required to create a salamander was transferred to the frog embryo without any side effects or disharmony that arise when single genes are cut and removed from DNA.

This is an incredible, world-changing revolution and sensation: by simply applying vibration (sound frequencies) and language, you get the effect of cloning without using the archaic cutting procedure! This experiment points to the power of wave genetics, which undoubtedly has a greater influence on the formation of organisms than the biochemical processes of alkaline sequences.

Devices and mechanisms are optional: you can program your DNA

For centuries, esoteric and spiritual teachers have known that our body can be programmed with language, words, and thought. Now it is scientifically proven and explained. Of course, the frequency must be adjusted. This is why not every person is equally successful or able to perform mind tricks to the same extent. To establish communication with DNA, the individual must work on internal processes and development.

Russian scientists have developed a method that does not depend on these factors, but will ALWAYS work and ensure that the correct frequency is used. But the consciousness of a more highly developed individual (not needing any kind of apparatus) can achieve the same results on its own. Science will finally stop laughing at such ideas and confirm and explain the results. And that is not all.

DNA is connected to the energy of the "vacuum"

Russian scientists have also discovered that our DNA can create invisible, structured patterns in the vacuum of outer space, thereby creating magnetized space-time tunnels. Space-time tunnels are the microscopic equivalents of so-called Einstein-Rosen bridges in the neighborhood of black holes ). These are tunnel-like connections between different areas of the universe through which information can be transmitted outside of time and space.

Stress destroys your ability to get "Overcommunicate"

DNA attracts bits of information and conducts them into our consciousness. The process of overcommunication (telepathy, channeling) is most effective in a state of relaxation. Stress, worry, or an overactive mind prevent successful overcommunication, resulting in the information received being completely distorted or useless.

Explained “morphogenetic fields” in nature

Overcommunication has been successfully used in nature for millions of years. This very well confirms the organized flow of life in insects. Modern man feels supercommunication only at a much more subtle level - as intuition. But we can also take full advantage of it. As an example, we can refer to a well-known fact from the life of nature: when the queen bee is separated from the colony of bees, the remaining worker bees will passionately continue building, according to the plan. However, if she is killed, all the work of the colony stops. Not a single bee will know what to do. Undoubtedly, the queen transmits the "building plans", even when she is far away, through the group consciousness that unites all the bees. She can be as far away as she wants, but she only passes on building plans while she is alive.

Overcommunication in humans

In humans, overcommunication often occurs when a person suddenly gains access to information that lies outside his knowledge base. Such overcommunication is felt as inspiration or intuition.

For example, one night the Italian composer Giuseppe Tartini saw in a dream the devil sitting by his bed and playing the violin. The next morning, Tartini was able to write down everything he heard from memory. He called this work Sonata "Devil's Trill". The 42-year-old nurse had dreamed for years of a situation in which he was plugged into some kind of knowledge CD. He was given verifiable information that he could remember in the morning. It was such an “ocean” of information that it seemed that an entire encyclopedia was being handed over to him at night. Most of the facts went beyond his personal knowledge base, offering technical details that he knew nothing about. There are many other examples as well. The mathematician Srinivasa Ramanuyan, in the late 1800s, proposed mathematical formulas so far ahead of their time that they are still used in "hyperdimensional physics" calculations. When asked how he reached such stunning heights, he replied that he simply received them in a dream from the “Goddess Namakkal”.

Many gifted children are able to tap into information, developing incredible abilities at a very young age. Moreover, the phenomenon of mentally retarded people who show extraordinary abilities in one area, while people with problems in most areas have incredible talents in others, has not yet been adequately explained. This is illustrated by the example of Dustin Hoffman's character in the film Rain Man.

Electromagnetic damage caused by humans: large-scale effects of the DNA phantom?

The side effects most commonly observed when people overcommunicate are unexplained electromagnetic fields in the vicinity of these people. Electronic devices such as CD players and the like may suffer from interference or even stop working for several hours. When the electromagnetic field slowly dissipates, the devices function normally again. In fact, this field is not electromagnetic, but "torsion". This is the name given by Russian scientists to the field that causes the effects that, in their opinion, create "micro-space-time tunnels."

Many healers and psychics know this effect from their own experience: the better the atmosphere and energy, the more destructive it is for recording devices, as they immediately stop working. Often the next morning, all devices work fine. Perhaps this will convince many to read the article, since the poor performance of their equipment has nothing to do with technical problems. This means that they succeed in overcommunication.

Computer circuits are especially sensitive to this because of the sensitivity of individual electrons circulating along silicon paths. Light bulbs are also sensitive because their filaments are made of tungsten. Russian scientists have discovered that tungsten is very sensitive to "torsion fields," as they called the energy of consciousness, which is connected to and sculpts our DNA.

Richard S. Hoagland has reported similar computer problems when taking measurements at Ed Leedskalnin's "Coral Castle" in Florida. This is a bizarre heap of coral blocks, built in the form of an amusement park. Leedskalnin discovered some kind of anti-gravity, closely related to the geographical location of this place on Earth.

For the purpose of individualization, people have lost supercommunication: now we are regaining it.

In The Return of the Mind, Grazyna Gozar and Franz Bladorf explain these connections precisely and clearly. The authors also cite sources that believe that in early times, humanity resembled animals very closely related to each other through group consciousness. That is, people acted as a group. In order to develop and explore individuality, they had to forget about overcommunication almost completely. Now, because we are very stable in individual consciousness, we can create a new form of group consciousness, namely one in which we gain access to all information through our DNA, without violence or control over what to do with this information.

Our DNA can “upload” data to the “network”

We now know that, just as we use the Internet, our DNA can:
. upload data to the network;
. extract data from the network;
. establish contact with other members of the network.

This is what can explain healing at a distance, telepathy or clairvoyance about the state of another person. Some animals know in advance when their owners plan to return home. This can be interpreted and explained through the concepts of group consciousness and overcommunication. Any form of collective consciousness cannot be used continuously without each individual first developing their individuality. Otherwise, we would have returned to a primitive herd instinct that is easy to manipulate.

Overcommunication in the new millennium means something completely different. Researchers think: if people with full individuality acquired group consciousness, they would have the power to create, change or shape everything on Earth like gods! It appears that humanity is collectively moving towards the creation of a new kind of group consciousness.

Vladimir Poponin, a specialist in quantum biology, has published the results of an experiment he conducted at the Russian Academy of Sciences together with colleagues, among whom was Petr Garyaev. The article was published in the USA. It describes the direct impact of human DNA on physical objects, carried out, according to the authors, through some new energy substance. It seems that this energy substance is not so “new”. It exists from time immemorial, but it was not fixed by the instruments that were available earlier.

Poponin repeated his experiment in one of the American laboratories. Here is what he writes about the so-called “DNA phantom effect” he found: “In our opinion, this discovery has great potential for explaining and deeper understanding of the mechanisms that underlie subtle energy phenomena, in particular, observed in alternative medical practices” .

In the experiment of Poponin and Garyaev, the effect of DNA on light particles (photons) was studied - quantum building blocks that make up everything in our world. All the air was pumped out of the glass tube, creating an artificial vacuum in it. It is traditionally believed that vacuum means empty space, but at the same time, it is known that photons still remain there. Using special sensors, the scientists located the photons in the tube. As expected, they chaotically occupied all of its space.

Then samples of human DNA were placed in the tube. And then the photons behaved in a completely unexpected way. It seemed that DNA, thanks to some invisible force, organizes them into ordered structures. There was no explanation for this phenomenon in the arsenal of classical physics. Nevertheless, the study showed that human DNA has a direct impact on the quantum basis of the material world.

Another surprise awaited the scientists when they extracted DNA from the tube. It was logical to assume that the photons would return to their original chaotic arrangement. According to Michelson-Morley's research, nothing else could have happened. But instead, scientists found a completely different picture: photons exactly kept the order given by the DNA molecule.

Poponin and his colleagues faced the difficult task of explaining what they observed. What continues to affect the photons when the DNA is removed from the tube? Maybe the DNA molecule left something behind, some kind of force that retains its effect even after the displacement of its physical source? Or maybe the researchers encountered some kind of mystical phenomenon? Is there any connection left between DNA and photons after their separation, which we cannot fix?

In the final part of the article, Poponin writes: "My colleagues and I are forced to accept a working hypothesis that in the course of the experiment some new field structure was initiated." Since the observed effect was associated with the presence of living material, this phenomenon was called the "phantom DNA effect". The field structure found by Poponin is very reminiscent of Planck's "matrix", as well as descriptions found in ancient texts.

Another experiment was carried out between 1992 and 1995. Scientists placed a sample of human DNA in a test tube and subjected it to so-called coherent senses. Leading experts on this experiment, Glen Rein and Rolin McCarthy, explain that a coherent emotional state can be induced at will "using a special self-control technique that allows you to calm the mind, move it to the heart area and focus on positive experiences." The experiment involved five subjects specially trained in this technique.

The results of the experiment are indisputable. Human feelings really change the shape of the DNA molecule in a test tube! The participants in the experiment affected her with a combination of "directed intent, unconditional love, and a special mental image of the DNA molecule" - in other words, without physically touching her. According to one of the scientists, " different feelings affect the DNA molecule in different ways, causing it to either twist or unwind". It is obvious that these conclusions do not fit in at all with the ideas of traditional science.

We are accustomed to the idea that DNA in our body is unchanged, and we consider it a completely stable structure (unless it is affected by drugs, chemicals or electromagnetic radiation). Say, "what we received at birth, we live with it." This experiment showed that such ideas are far from the truth.

The average human body consists of 50 to 100 trillion cells. And in each of them there are 23 pairs of chromosomes containing DNA (the code of life). A simple calculation shows that the number of identical copies of DNA is from 2300 to 4600 trillion. Just imagine how long it would take to change an individual's genetic code if it involved making changes to every chromosome. In reality, the situation is quite different. Thanks to the topographic principle, when one DNA changes, it immediately affects the whole organism.

"Indigo Children" - another effect of DNA changes

Fifty percent of children become problematic as soon as they enter school because the system lumps everyone together and requires adjustment. However, the individuality of modern children is so strong that they refuse to adapt and resist by manifesting various types of allergies. Now more and more clairvoyant children are being born. Something in these children is longing for a new kind of group consciousness that can no longer be repressed.

Group consciousness can control the weather

As a rule, weather patterns are difficult to influence with the consciousness of one individual. However, they can be influenced by group consciousness. For aboriginal tribes, this is not surprising. The weather is strongly influenced by the resonant frequencies of the Earth (Schumann frequencies). However, these same frequencies are also produced by our brain! When many people synchronize their thinking, or when individuals (such as spiritual masters) focus their thoughts like a laser beam, it is not surprising that they can influence the weather. A modern civilization that develops group consciousness will experience neither environmental problems nor lack of energy. If she could use mental power as a unified civilization, the natural consequence would be that she could control the energies of the home planet.

The “Maharishi effect” is another important link

When a large number of people unite with a higher intent to meditate on the world, the potentials for disruption disappear.

This effect has been called the "Maharishi Effect", after the creator of Transcendental Meditation, who came up with this idea and was able to gather enough meditators to test it adequately. When a sufficiently large group of people meditated in a certain place, there was a marked decrease in militant activity, crime and aggression.

DNA is an organic superconductor that operates at body temperature

DNA is an organic superconductor that can operate at ordinary body temperature, as opposed to artificial superconductors, which require extremely low temperatures - -140-200 o C for their work. In addition, all superconductors are capable of storing light, that is, storing information. This is a further explanation of why DNA can store such large amounts of information.

To learn more about this aspect of superconductors, you can explore the Bose-Einstein condensate phenomenon. Briefly: at ultra-low temperatures, photons and atoms, such as helium-4, "entangle" - share quantum states with each other.

10.04.2015 13.10.2015

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The human body contains between 50 and 100 trillion cells, each containing 23 pairs of chromosomes.

The sentence: “You can’t crush genes with your finger” was read and heard by many. The intended meaning of the phrase is what genes a person got from his parents, with those he will walk all his life.

Western scientists have found that 10% of the DNA in the human body is involved in the construction of proteins, and 90% of biologists consider DNA "junk" on the grounds that they do not know and do not understand their purpose.

Russian scientist - biophysicist, biologist P. Garyaev, together with colleagues, established and proved by experiments that the "junk" DNA of the human body can change under the influence of sounds of a certain frequency. That is, Russian scientists have proven that miraculous healings of people from deadly diseases (stage 4 cancer, AIDS, diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart) with the help of spells are not charlatanism or inventions of traditional healers, but a fact that has a scientific explanation.

Now it is possible to explain the impact on the human body of such activities / actions as affirmation, passionate prayer, hypnosis, which can change a person's behavior for the better.

Each person is independently able to change their own DNA for the better with the help of thought, language, word and way of life.

Information on how to get rid of "bad" heredity on your own

The fact that thought is material will not be challenged by the greatest scientist, the conservative. Only the vast majority of people misunderstand the phrase "thought is material." Everyone believes that it is enough to want something, and it should immediately come true. By analogy: a person put all the necessary radio components near him, wrote the word “radio” and waits for the music to play. In order for a set of radio components to become a radio receiver, a person needs to assemble them correctly. The phrase “correctly assemble” is decisive, because when a person needs to get from Bologoye to Moscow, and he goes to St. Petersburg, no matter how intensively he “stomps”, until he turns around, he will not get to Moscow.

In order to change the "bad" heredity, a person must do several mandatory things:

1. Desire to change your genes;

2. Outline the right plan with which you can change your genes;

3. Strictly adhere to the chosen correct plan;


People involved in esotericism know that a passionate desire forms a need, that is, a person becomes necessary for what he passionately desires. In the universe, mechanisms are being launched by which a person can change his genes. More precisely, these mechanisms have existed since the creation of the Universe, but with his passionate desire, a person presses the “button” that is necessary FOR HIMSELF.

Map out the right plan

Let's look at the "right plan" for a person who is prone to alcoholism because his father "rewarded" such genes.

Such a person gets drunk faster than people who have normal genes, and his internal organs can quickly begin to irreversibly change from the alcohol he takes (cirrhosis of the liver, stroke, heart / kidney disease). It is not enough for such a person to simply “quit drinking”, the genes from such an act do not change, the “sword of Damocles” will always hang over him to go into a binge.

There must be a mental attitude that genes are changing - here and now. And changes will begin to occur, because the biochemical composition of a person will change. Someone will ask: "How and why?" After all, no one questions the fact that an absolutely sober person (did not drink alcohol) behaves like a drunk under the influence of a hypnotist. Think about it, the words of one person produced in another person a change in his biochemical composition and, as a result, his behavior changed.

Proper nutrition, the use of high-quality drinking water (it is necessary to melt), the correct daily routine (sleep from 19 - 00 to 24 - 00 is the most effective) and after a year a glass of alcohol will no longer have such an impact on a person as before realizing that you need what - then change in yourself.

Strictly adhere to the chosen correct plan

Here, perhaps, there is nothing to comment on. The option when we “do exercises” for a week, and then “to relax with a good snack” we drink alcohol will not work - sooner or later, irreversible processes will begin in the human body with all the ensuing consequences.

How medicine can help people change their DNA

At the gene level, there is a predisposition not only to alcoholism, but also to cancer, tuberculosis, heart / kidney / liver diseases and many others. And all these people can be helped to change their lives for the better.

I believe that this article does not need to describe the mechanism of influence on human DNA: ether, torsion fields, electromagnetic oscillations, resonant oscillations - a clear knowledge of these terms will not bring a person predisposed to any disease closer to health.

A change in human DNA in a positive direction will lead to:

· Awareness that he can change it to do;

· Actions in the right direction, his, the patient's, actions, and not the doctor, mom / dad / acquaintances / friends. “The road will be mastered by the walking one”;

A person is 85% water, in old age up to 60%. Therefore, it is difficult to underestimate the importance of high-quality drinking water for human health. Water absorbs and stores the information that a person put into it.

In the morning, after sleep, put a glass of good drinking water on the palm of your left hand, and with the palm of your right hand move clockwise around the glass and confidently say whatever you want it to happen in your body. Just don't doubt that it will happen. Doubts are able to destroy the very powerful construction, remember as in the Bible: "According to your faith it will be to you."

For some reason, people are too lazy to move, even for themselves. If you want to change your DNA, it will definitely happen, only you need to do things.

Many people believe that DNA cannot be changed, that genes remain the same throughout life. However, a number of scientific experiments have proven that DNA modification is possible. Our Perception environment changes DNA.

You have to understand, you can create over 30,000 variations of the DNA blueprint. Now scientists have realized that belief in the world you live in has a big impact. This makes a huge difference if there are positive expectations, or if you live in constant fear. This information comes in and affects your genes.

It is now proven that 2/3 of ALL medical cures, whether pills or surgery, are the direct result of the placebo effect - the power of the mind, your belief system. This is what caused the healing or problem to appear in the first place. Remember to understand how powerful this knowledge is.

Dr. Bruce Lipton gave a great example of the placebo effect in his best-selling book The Biology of Belief. Dr. Moseley was trying to figure out how much of the operation was made easier for his patients. Therefore, he divided them into 3 groups: he performed a real operation on one group, and received a “fake” operation on the other.

This meant making a video of the actual surgery to make the patient believe it was happening, imitating the sound of the operation, stitching up the wound without doing anything. To the doctors' shocking surprise, the placebo group healed to the same extent as the other. These results turn the medical, especially the pharmaceutical industry, in the direction.

Your mind is powerful

The human brain is wonderful. What you can do with your mind is exceptional. Positive thoughts and emotions are extremely effective if you learn to focus and use them. You can access your subconscious and cause your DNA to change. This means that it is possible to really influence your body, down to the cells, genes.

But be careful, the opposite is also true: fear, anger, frustration, other negative thoughts, feelings can be detrimental to health, general well-being.