How to caption a photo with a beautiful place. Comments on the woman's photo

Have you already started looking for gift options for your loved ones? I would like to suggest a photo book. Such a gift will remain relevant forever, unlike various figurines and other trifles. And I'll show you beautiful phrases about love that you can write in it.

Types of photobooks that I have created

I'll start from the beginning and recommend an excellent service for printing such photo albums in UkraineCyfrolab (Cyfrolab). All my work has been printed there. Simplicity in preparing and submitting layouts, speed and quality of execution - this is very important for me. They do everything on time and have never had any complaints about the service. The company is located in Lviv, but they deliver their products without problems to any city in Ukraine.

Photobook as a gift to the Beloved

My interest in such albums arose about 5 years ago, when I was preparing birthday gift for your boyfriend. The book was uncomplicated. A few photos he took. And some photo collages I made. I was more interested in the format of the gift than the content. It was something new and interesting.

Children's photo book for a girl

The second - I did for a friend with her little daughter. This photo album was already more complicated. Almost every page was a collage. The photos were mine, I specially came to visit and took a lot of pictures with the girl.

Children's photo book for a girl

The third one was also for children. Gift for the first year of a child. Made for a friend. I chose a new print format for me - Slimbook .

The result exceeded all my expectations. The quality of the photobook was just excellent. All subsequent books decided to do only in this format.

Children's photo book for a boy

wedding photo book

The fourth was about love. I also made it as a gift to friends from their wedding photos. It took me a long time to start cooking. It seems that there were photos, and some ideas for collages, but I could not find it for a very long time photo captions about love. For me it was not a trifle, I wanted to do something interesting.

wedding photo book

Been looking for them for a long time. reviewed a lot quotes of famous people about love, funny nursery rhymes on this topic, phrases from songs but it didn't inspire. I found a lot of what I really liked on Pinterest. True, the options were in English. It was not difficult to translate a few words in a sentence, and the result was exactly what I was looking for. And something was found in Russian.

Now I share my find, maybe it will be useful to someone too.

Beautiful phrases about love

These words can be used as signatures:

  • under the photos
  • for wedding photos
  • to photo in album
  • to photos with husband
  • under a photo with a loved one

Well, or your option. Each phrase can be a great addition with great meaning.

Please leave your feedback or comment. I'm very interested in your opinion!

© Sebastiano Salgado / Amazonas Images

« Your first 10,000 photos are your worst.” - Henri Cartier Bresson.

“Many photographers believe that if they buy a better camera, they can take better pictures. The best camera will not work for you if there is nothing in your head or in your heart.” - Arnold Newman.

« Which of my photos is your favorite? The one I'm going to shoot tomorrow", - Imogen Cunningham.

« Great photography is about depth of feeling, not depth of field», - Peter Adams.

« You don't take pictures, you create", - Ansel Adams.

« If your pictures aren't good enough, then you're not close enough." -Robert Capa.

« What I love about photography is that it captures a moment that is gone forever, that cannot be reproduced.», - Karl Lagerfeld.

« Nothing happens when you sit at home. I always carry a camera with me at any time ... I just shoot what interests me at the moment ”, - Elliott Erwitt.

« There is such a subtle reality in photography that it becomes more and more real than reality itself.», - Alfred Stieglitz.

“I'm not interested in rules or convention. Photography is not a sport, Bill Brandt.

« There are always two people in every photograph: the photographer and the viewer.”, - Ansel Adams.

« For me, photography is the art of observation. It's about looking for something interesting in an ordinary place... I found that it has little to do with what you see and anything to do with how you see.", - Elliot Erwitt.

« I'm not interested in photography per se. I just want to capture a minute part of reality», - Henri Cartier-Bresson.

« The world just doesn't fit into a 35mm camera format.", -Eugene Smith.

« Look, I'm not an intellectual - I just take pictures", - Helmut Newton.

« A photograph can only represent the present. Once you take a picture of it, it becomes part of the past.”, - Berenice Abbott.

« No place is boring if you had a good night's sleep and you have unexposed film.", - Robert Adams.

« Look and think before you open the shutter. The heart and mind are the true lens of the camera», - Yusuf Karsh.

« It is more important for a photographer to have very good shoes than a very good camera.» - Sebastiano Salgado.

« I have always thought that good photos are like good jokes. If you explain them, they're not so good anymore.", - unknown author.

« If you shoot in color, you show the color of the clothes, and if you shoot in black and white, you show the color of the soul.", - unknown author.

« Buying a Nikon does not make you a photographer. It makes you the owner of a Nikon.", - unknown author.

© Bruno Barbe / Magnum Photos

“One photo out of focus is a mistake, ten photos out of focus are experiments, one hundred photos out of focus is style.", - unknown author.

« Most of my photographs are based on people, I look at the unguarded moment when the soul peeks out, then the experience is engraved on the person's face., -Steve McCurry.

« I have to shoot three cassettes of film a day to practice my eyes.», - Joseph Koudelka.

« Remember that the person you are photographing is 50% of the portrait and the other 50% is you. You need the model as much as he or she needs you. If they don't want to help you, it will be a very bleak picture." - Lord Patrick Lichfield.

« Photos are open doors to the past, but they allow a glimpse into the future.», - Sally Mann.

« A good shot freezes a fleeting moment.”, - Eudora Welty.

« Photography picks up a fact from life and it will live forever.”, - Raghu Rai.

« The results are questionable even among more experienced photographers.”, - Matthew Brady.

« It's more important to get along with people than to click the shutter", - Alfred Eisenstaedt.

(module Yandex direct (7))

« I see something special and show it to the camera. The moment is held until someone sees it. Then he them", - Sam Abel.

« I went into photography because I thought it was the perfect vehicle to comment on the madness of today's existence.", - Robert Mapplethorpe.

« I think the best photos are often at the cutting edge of any situation, I don't find photographing a situation as interesting as photographing an edge.", - William Albert Allard.

« To be a good photographer, you need to have a rich imagination. You need less imagination to be an artist because you can make things up. And in photography, everything is so ordinary that you have to look a lot before you learn to see the unusual. ”, - David Bailey.

« The two most attractive features of photography are to make new things familiar and familiar things new.”, - William Thackeray.

« I think I shot about 40,000 negatives and I have about 800 of them that I like.”, -Harry Callahan.

« I don't get wrapped up in tech and stuff like that." - Faye Godwin.

« You can give everything to photography, but from it you get only one thing - happiness., - author unknown.

“When I photograph, what I really do is I look for explanations for things”, - Wynn Bullock.

« There will be a time when you will find yourself in a field without a camera. Then you will see the most magnificent sunset or the most beautiful scene you have ever seen. Do not grieve because you cannot capture it. Sit down, soak it up and enjoy it for what it is!», - Degriff.

« Sometimes you can tell a big story with a tiny item.», - Eliot Porter.

« Ultimately, photography is about who you are. This is true for yourself. And the search for truth becomes a habit.", -Leonard Freed.

« Don't stop seeing. Don't stop framing. Don't turn on and off. It's continuous",- Annie Leibovitz.

« Most things in life are moments of joy and hardship. Photography is a moment of embarrassment and a lifetime of pleasure.” -Tony Benn.

« The artist's world is limitless. It can be found far away from where it lives or a few feet away. Though he's always on his doorstep», - Paul Strand.

« My life is driven by the urgent need to roam and observe, and my camera is my passport.”, - Steve McCurry

« Photography has completely abstracted from life, but it looks like life. This is what has always fascinated me in photography.», - Richard Kalvar.

There is an opinion that there are words-shackles, there are words-destroyers, and there are words-wings. And, if the first and second should occur as rarely as possible in our vocabulary, then the latter can shape our life and our worldview. But their function is much more. Let's get to know them, find out what they are and how to use them. Beautiful quotes also belong to the “wings”. What are they about? What power do they have? And why should they pay attention?

graceful sayings

Wings are what allow birds to fly and soar. So beautiful phrases help us to believe in our own strength and break away from dullness and everyday life in thinking. They have strength and courage, they have confidence and kindness. The main purpose of such sayings is to help.

If you love, love with all your heart
If you believe, then believe until the end.
And then they will be with you
Your happiness, love and dream!

To know where your heart lives pay attention to where your mind wanders in moments of dreams.

When you look for your happiness, don't take it from others.

Don't complain about the cold of the world, if he himself did not put a drop of heat into it.

Everyone wants a beautiful rose, a beautiful night, a good friend. It is important to be able to love a rose with its thorns, a night with its mystery, a friend with all his problems.

Someone does not dare to confess their love? Tell them inspiring: “you will succeed!”, And he will overcome internal doubts, no matter how frightening they are. If your friend has a big decision to make, reassure them of your support by using nice words. Tell him that no matter what decision he makes, you will be there and help him overcome everything, give him wings so that he, having taken off, can look at the situation from the side. This will help him be calmer and more confident.

A woman shouldn't tell a man about that loves him. Let her shining, happy eyes speak about it. They are more eloquent than any words.

Some people enjoy the rain others just get wet.

We think that God sees us from above y - but he sees us from the inside.

Raise your words not a voice. Flowers grow from rain, not from thunder.

May this day be happy
And all dreams come true.
May the sun shine on you everywhere
And flowers smile...

It doesn't matter what face you have What matters is what it expresses. It doesn't matter what voice you have - what matters is how precious your words are. It doesn't matter how you talk - your actions speak for themselves.

Man needs wings so that he, armed with them, can become richer. To make the whole world closer to him. They broaden his horizons so much that the first thing he sees when analyzing beautiful aphorisms is himself. He understands what he is really capable of and how to use the full potential that he has!

Love is when you want experience with someone all four seasons. When you want to run with someone from a spring thunderstorm under a lilac strewn with flowers, and in the summer to pick berries and swim in the river. In autumn, cook jam together and seal windows from the cold. In winter - to help survive a runny nose and long evenings ...

Love is bathing you need to either dive headlong or not go into the water at all.

Hearts like flowers- they cannot be opened by force, they must open themselves.

Thousands of candles can be lit from one single candle, and her life will not become shorter. Happiness does not decrease when you share it.

Do not throw phrases in haste, there are words stronger than a hurricane.
Wounds from a knife heal, but wounds do not heal from words ...

Every person needs beautiful phrases that can tear them off the ground, because we are all sometimes overcome by fears and doubts, someone is haunted by gossip and bad wishes, envy. How to overcome everything? But you don’t have to fight, otherwise it will easily drag you into the cycle of complexity and swamp uncertainty. Flap your wings, read the beautiful ones, and soar, soar above these difficulties. They are not worth wasting even a minute of your life on these insignificant things.

Where there is a lot of love there are many mistakes. Where there is no love, everything is wrong.

The best shot is a random shot.
The best thoughts are your own.
The best feeling is mutual.
The best friends are true friends.
The best person is for everyone.

Though life is not tied with a bow it's still a gift.

In thunderstorms, in storms
Into the hell of life
For severe loss
And when you're sad
To seem smiling and simple -
The highest art in the world.
S. Yesenin

People may forget what you said. They may forget what you did. But they will never forget how you made them feel.

Know how to rejoice, know how to understand your significance and the significance of some events and people in your life. Those of the people you need, let them stay in it, do not let the rest put shackles on you to destroy your personality and your life. What will help with this? Wise and beautiful aphorisms. Start the day by reading them, and when problems pile up, read the affirmative sayings again.

In the soul of everyone there is a quiet corner,
Where we do not allow anyone.
And at the same time, we tremblingly dream,
For someone to cross the threshold.

Failure does not mean that God has abandoned you. This means that God has a better way for you.

I am the air don't try to hold on. Breathe while I let you breathe!

I'm not asking for a lighter burden, and so that the shoulders are stronger and the heart is wiser.

Sayings with magical powers

Magic is the ability to transform a beautiful moment into a lifetime. It is the magic of transformation that the words-wings have, they transform disbelief into certainty; fears - in force; beautiful aphorisms transform losses into gains. How do they do it?

Unable to live forever we have the opportunity to live brightly.

Nothing will ever leave until it teaches us what we need to know.

Why do we close our eyes when we pray, dream or kiss? Because we do not see the most beautiful things in life, but feel with our hearts ...

About some words and expressions, we can safely say: appetizing; wise; peaceful; filled with deep meaning. And each item very accurately characterizes beautiful phrases.

Don't be afraid of change in life
All the more inevitable.
They come at the moment
When they are needed.

Delicious or colorful, juicy, beautiful phrases, those that call for action. If we want to praise someone, encourage them to be active, or give a compliment, we use special vocabulary. Vocabulary, in which expressions that completely capture the attention of the interlocutor, turn on his imagination and motivate him to act.

Husband and wife should be like hands and eyes:
When the hand hurts, the eyes cry, and when the eyes cry, the hands wipe away the tears.

True love is when you love not the one with whom you would like to meet, but the one with whom you do not want to part.

Happiness can't be loud. It is quiet, comfortable, friendly…

Don't teach kids to be rich. Teach them to be happy. When they grow up, they will know the value of things, not their price.

So often, we all lack balance in everything, and in desires, and in aspirations, and in relationships. It is beautiful quotes that help to find harmony in yourself and in your outlook on life. Simply put, they help to become wiser, teach by examples of experience and knowledge of worthy people.

How easy it is to offend a person!
He took and threw a phrase angrier than pepper ...
And then sometimes a century is not enough
To return the offended heart ...
E. Asadov

- that time of year when people should warm each other: with their words, with their feelings, with their lips. And then no cold is terrible.

You can always close your eyes what you see, but you can't close your heart to what you feel.

Learning to resolve issues kindly is a talent that deserves respect. What will help us in this? Beautiful phrases. In any conflict situation, such talent is the only thing that will help us to remain real people. In the family, at work or at an informal meeting, each of us needs to be shown that the first thing we value is peace. And on this basis, we can build strong relationships.

Wise, filled with deep meaning

Beautiful aphorisms are deep waters that are useful to explore and pleasant to enter. Their waters carry our thoughts away from familiar and ordinary things into the depths of consciousness. It is there that we find the true goals for which we live and for which we strive.

The day is over. What was in it?
I don't know, flew by like a bird.
It was an ordinary day
And yet, it won't happen again.

Appreciate those with whom you can be yourself.
Without masks, omissions and ambitions.
And take care of them, they are sent to you by fate.
After all, in your life there are only a few of them.

To be in the memory of children tomorrow, need to be in their life today.

Do not believe the one who speaks beautifully, there is always play in his words. Believe the one who silently does beautiful things.

Accurate Quotes

Why not make beautiful sayings the basis of life? They light the path for us to follow. Precisely and aptly, they make adjustments, pointing out our mistakes and suggesting how they can be corrected. Therefore, it is worth reading beautiful aphorisms every day. Read for yourself and send to friends, post them on social networks and try to follow their simple wisdom in practice. What will you gain by paying so much attention to these statements? Wings!

Disappointment is always to blame who was fascinated, and not enchanted, so do not scold the glass that seemed to you a diamond.

Three things never come back: Time, Word, Opportunity. So... do not waste time, choose your words, do not miss the opportunity.

Before judging anyone put on his shoes, walk his path, stumble over every stone that lay on his path, feel his pain, taste his tears... And only after that tell him how to live!

My guardian angel... I'm tired again ... Give me your hand, please, and hug me with your wing ... Hold me tight so that I don't fall ... And if I stumble, You pick me up ...

Let them tell me: "All the trains have left,
and it’s too late to expect anything from life.”
And I will answer - this is nonsense ...
there are still ships and planes!

People read captions to photographs more often than even texts (see graph). At the same time, in the Russian press, signatures remain, perhaps, one of the most neglected elements on the page, “poor relatives” in the family of texts, graphics and illustrations. Often there are no signatures at all, and when they are, they are made for show - just meaningless phrases. Meanwhile, a poorly made caption can distort the very idea of ​​the picture, break the logic of the narrative, or even destroy the idea of ​​the information package as a whole.


A good photo without a caption is a picture, even if it is an outstanding picture. A photo with a signature is a document. The caption makes it possible to explain what is happening, to give information that is not obvious from the picture. (See How to Caption a Photo Properly.) A photo with a good extended caption can be a whole story in itself. The picture brings to the newspaper the faces of living people, heroes with whom the reader can associate himself. But a signature that tells us something about these people, gives us their names, makes these people real, real.


Name the main characters in the photo (names, surnames, if possible and appropriate, age and occupation). Preferably - the place and time where the picture was taken. Explain what is happening on it if it is not obvious. Example: “Sisters Alina and Nina Krotovs (6 and 2 years old) play “house” in the children’s room of the Idea store on Ivanovskoye Highway late in the evening on March 7th. Parents have been shopping for two hours already - pre-holiday sales have begun in the shopping centers of the city. The photojournalist is obliged to write down the names of all the characters, take contact numbers, unless we are talking about some kind of mass events where it is physically impossible to collect such information. If the characters insist on anonymity, then the reader should understand why their names are not called. The journalist must also collect other information: age, occupation, write down quotes, mark what exactly people are doing, fix the location, time, names of objects in the frame, if the latter is not obvious. As a result, it is not known exactly what information will be needed to draw up a signature, but a photojournalist should have this information. Geographical landmarks in the caption (such as “in my apartment on Gorky Street”, “at the intersection of Grushevsky and Khreshchatyk Streets”) help to create a sense of the “locality” of the frame, to make the newspaper sound more local. It is far from always necessary to list all the actors in the photo (or objects). When a group of people (objects) is quite large, it is sometimes difficult to get away with identifiers like “second from left”. In these cases, descriptions help: “in a green sweater”, “with a golden bow in his hands”, “to the right of the sofa”.


Check the facts. A signature is the same journalistic material as a regular text. You can't misrepresent names, dates, places, ages, guess what's going on in the frame. The photojournalist is responsible for the initial collection of this information, the editor is responsible for rechecking it (for this, the contact numbers of the heroes may be needed).

How a good signature works

SIGNATURE:A lonely grave stands in a birch grove not far from Tatarskaya Karabolka. Although only 600 people live here, the eighth cemetery has just opened in the village. Here, the average life expectancy for women is 47 years, while the average for Russia is 72 years. Photo by Mark Priscotti, Rocky Mountain News.(Photo for a story about how people live in areas contaminated after the accident at the Mayak plant in the Chelyabinsk region.)

Separately from the caption, the photo is not particularly remarkable. There are no heroes on it and nothing happens. But it is the caption that makes the photo dramatic, because it tells a story, gives a fact that in itself very eloquently testifies to the difficult health situation of the inhabitants of Tatarskaya Karabolka (the eighth cemetery).


If something is already clear from the picture, there is no need to tell it to everyone again: “The bald man smiles broadly, while the woman sitting next to her sits with her hands covering her face.” Also, do not use turns like “in the photo ...”, “the photo shows ...”, “you see ...”, etc.


The signature should not repeat what is already said in the heading, callout or text. It also should not contradict the statements in the title complex and the image itself.

Avoid assessments like "a sullen citizen is watching a demonstration of angry old women." How can you be sure he's surly? Maybe he just sat on a nail or just not photogenic? Why do you think old ladies are angry? Maybe they are just excited and waving their shopping bags in excitement? Let the reader draw his own conclusions based on what he sees and on the objective facts that you were able to provide him. Use a red-hot iron to burn all sorts of ratings like “slender girls from the seventh workshop” (the photo shows whether they are slim or not), “modern snowplow equipment” (does anyone understand what is behind the word “modern”?), “famous artist Boys ”(if he is famous, then why write that he is famous, they already know about him, and if he is unknown, then you are telling a lie). These are the same rules as in a journalistic text. And yes, do not try to shine with humor - it is very annoying for readers.


Remember that a photographer is always trying to capture a specific moment in time. Whenever possible, use the present tense and appropriate grammatical structures. This will help create a sense of immediacy of what is happening.


Post long captions if more information really helps the reader to better understand the material and situation. Long signatures are normal and good. Use character quotes, contextual information. (See How to Caption a Photo Properly.)


Use normal, everyday speech, simple phrases and not too complex sentences. Write as if you were telling the essence of the matter to your friend. Don't use cliches.


If the signature is written by the editor based on information received from the photojournalist, then the editor should write only what he is absolutely sure of. If there are any ambiguities or doubts, check with the photojournalist who was on site and saw everything himself. If this does not help, then call the hero of the photo (after all, the photojournalist took his phone number, right?) And double-check.


Each photo has an author! Always indicate the author of the picture and the source of its origin. If for some reason it is impossible to establish this, then write so. If the photograph is archival, explain to the reader when it was taken.

We live in an era of developed capitalism, where man-to-man ... no, not a wolf, but a follower and a subscriber. Social networks Facebook, YouTube, VKontakte, Instagram are gradually replacing shops and small boutiques, turning into promoted public trading platforms. But how to attract the attention of a potential buyer? Competition is growing, and the variety of services offered is sometimes dazzling. Let's talk about how to make your business attractive using the example of beautiful strategic captions and opportunities on Instagram.

How to draw attention to your photos on Instagram?

To become popular on Instagram, it is not enough to fill the page with beautiful photos. Determine the target audience, its age and gender component. Try to keep up with the times, fashion, the interests of subscribers. The Internet space is rapidly changing and what was in trend a year ago has already lost its relevance today, so be careful not to turn into a naphthalene online closet.

Think about who will benefit from your information, the product or service offered, try to meet the needs of your potential buyers or subscribers as much as possible. Choose juicy bright photos if it’s pastry, you definitely want to eat it, if it’s a sports theme, encourage you to act right now, and selfies should not correspond to comical clichés. However, the visual range loses without beautiful photo captions.

What can be written under the photo?

Information should be detailed and concise. People love the truth, especially if it's pleasant. A sense of humor is also appreciated, but try to keep the humor from being offensive. The subject of the caption should correspond to the photo, you will agree, a ridiculous picture called “Have you seen how the river flows?” will only lead to confusion and loss of interest, although the raising of controversial topics encourages long discussions and increases the page's popularity.

In the future, Instagram plans tree-like comments that show the development of the platform not only in the direction of the visual component. The Instagram text is designed for 2200 characters, but if the blogger has exhausted the entire volume, then part of the description is transferred to the first comment.

Beautiful and relevant captions on Instagram are the key to your success and popularity.

How to make a caption on an image

The easiest way is to use dedicated apps for Android or IOS. For example, for Android - "Textgram - write on photos", and for iOS - "PicSee - Text on photo". In principle, there are quite a few options for such applications. You can overlay an inscription in a beautiful font on the finished picture, or use an online service with a similar function.

If the user has the skills of Adobe Photoshop, then the possibilities of creating and designing text increase.

What should I do if I forgot to leave a caption under the photo?

Do not panic and worry that the proposed product or event will go unnoticed. It is enough to place a hashtag in the comments to the photo, and it will work as in the description itself.

For this:

  • click on the published image;
  • next to the like symbol, you will see a comment field;

“TOP 8 best Instagram promotion services 2018”

Today, people, relationships, and businesses are confused on social media. As you can see, Instagram opens up a lot of opportunities for businesses or ordinary users looking for popularity. Beautiful photo captions, successful photos, expressive selfies, these are not all examples of the key to successful business promotion and everyone's attention. By mastering simple rules and skills, you can achieve great success.