How to become a master of your craft parable. Successful combinations of professions

There is an opinion that some people from birth got talent, intelligence, beauty, strength, while others were a little less lucky. They are forced to reach the peaks through hard work and perseverance, and it is not a fact that as a result they will reach the Olympic peaks, become famous scientists or win a beauty contest. But by reasoning in this way, a person deprives himself of the chance to use his individual data, improve and maximize his results.
permanent skills development and there is a key factor of skill, success in this or that business. We regularly improve our qualifications not only in order to rise to a new stage and stay on it, but in order for this stage to become the starting point for a new ascent.
The level of future skill is not programmed into our genetic code. The ease with which ballet dancers lift their partners and they gracefully perform multiple fouettes is the result of an average of 10 years of work and regular practice, this is a relentless development of skills.
Is it possible to succeed in anything in a few hours? Of course not. But devoting these few hours to our favorite business every day, we are able to become real masters. That's the way we are we improve our qualifications and with each new approach we consolidate the achieved result. Anatoly Karpov practiced playing chess for 3 hours a day, Silicon Valley businessmen have a four-hour working day, Denis Matsuev practices at the piano for no more than three hours a day. Most masters of their craft in various fields are actively engaged for 3-4 hours a day. They do it regularly, hence the result. It makes no sense to work on the same project for 15-20 hours a day. Professionals believe that such a schedule, instead of developing skills, destabilizes a person’s life, interferes with the creative process, dulls interest in the case and weakens attention.

Exercise, the inner work of a person is the most difficult stage on the path to perfection. Anyone who is really interested in their own growth must constantly experience certain hardships, be able to abstract, focus only on classes and devote themselves entirely to them for these few hours of training.
It is important to be prepared for mistakes and shortcomings. Experience is not without loss. While we improve our skills, we make many mistakes. Mistakes strengthen us and help us avoid similar failures in the future. Among professional baseball players, it is considered a success if, during their career, they sent the ball to the out position only 70% of the time. For many of us, this figure is a significant proportion of misses. Does a real professional make more than half of the mistakes in his business? But even the Belgian writer Charles De Ligne believed that those who are never wrong are never right. Each mistake motivates us to further develop skills, reminding us that we are far from the highest degree of mastery. If our interest is genuine, we become more collected, confident, and move towards our goal with renewed vigor.
Nutritionists advise people who are overweight to adjust their diet. And the first thing they recommend after cutting down on food is to increase the number of meals. Fractional, five to six meals a day, is considered optimal for a person with an average daily activity. It's the same with any other business.
If you find it hard to focus for 4 hours, break your training time into “portions”. If you want to become well-read, but you cannot concentrate for a long time, start reading for half an hour several times a day. Mastering driving and want to become a professional in this business? Choose a safe route, create artificial obstacles for yourself, conduct your workouts at low speeds for at least an hour and a half a day. After a while you will be pleasantly surprised. After all, you spent no more than a couple of hours developing your skills, and your level of skill has noticeably increased.

Feel free to contact professionals. If you need advice on any issue, it is better to get it from a knowledgeable person, an expert in his field. This will save you from wasting time checking the deliberately failed recommendations of ignorant people. Make sure that the information on your question is exhaustive, but not too voluminous. It is important to learn how to operate with new data, to do it more efficiently with small volumes.
Rest. Even the most enthusiastic person needs breaks and relaxation. When we improve our skills, the level of tension is too high. We want to take all the knowledge and immediately apply it in practice. A good rest allows you to get distracted, relax, gives the brain time to process the information received, filter it and analyze it. Breaks in work raise our tone and stimulate us to continue working with renewed vigor.
The most effective way to accustom yourself to regular activities is to make them a part of your life, its indispensable condition. Let it be three hours for which you turn off the phone, isolate yourself from the outside world, create an atmosphere inaccessible to any third-party interference. Later, such a regulation will become your own style, and you will stop thinking about what you need to do.
Even if over time you are still not satisfied with your level of skill, you will know for sure that your skill is developing, and you are able to do any task better and better.


To achieve the pinnacle of professionalism in any business, you need to make every possible effort to achieve the goal. And you need to start with the right choice of the future business of your whole life.

  1. Find an activity that you want to dedicate yourself to. Be prepared for the fact that the search can take years. Moreover, it often happens that you find the work of your life by chance, sometimes at the most inopportune moment for this. In this case, do not miss your chance! Also, remember what you were fond of in childhood and adolescence. For example, you liked to draw, you were a running champion in school, you made serious progress in learning languages. Perhaps it is worth paying attention to past interests again, but from a serious, adult point of view?
  2. Try to get the highest quality education in your chosen field of activity. This will largely determine how well you will be able to unleash the talent you already have and further strengthen it with the skills and knowledge acquired during your studies.
  3. Always look up to the best, raise the bar of the ultimate goal and be aware of the trends in your business. Remember that a professional is a lifelong learner.
  4. Reinforce the theory with practice and experiments, because without them it will remain a lifeless text on paper.
  5. Be prepared to sacrifice material values ​​in order to achieve the final goal. For example, at some point you may have to give up a well-paying office job in order to have more time to do what you love.
  6. Mastery is always willpower, diligence, self-confidence, the ability to endure failures and life's hardships. Cultivate all these qualities in yourself.
  7. Don't be afraid to move down a notch in your social position if it reflects positively on your skill level. Before becoming a master, you will need to work hard. For example, to become a good musician, you may have to work in restaurants and clubs first.
  8. The moment you become knowledgeable and experienced enough to enter the creative stage, feel free to do so. Resolutely cut your own path for yourself. Go against the crowd if you feel you are moving in a good direction. Do not be afraid that some people may not appreciate your efforts.
  9. Constantly set yourself new, even more difficult tasks. This will allow you to work tirelessly to improve your skill level.
  10. Communicate with people. They will help you better understand what an ordinary person needs, perhaps they will provide practical assistance in your business, they will allow you to take a critical look at yourself and your business. Moreover, it is desirable to communicate with talented, creative people, resourceful, courageous, smart, tirelessly working on themselves. They will become for you a powerful incentive for development, a positive role model.
  11. Practice the ability to look at familiar things, situations from the opposite point of view.
  12. If you work for the public, then form an original and memorable stylistic image. This will make you stand out.
  13. Be patient - mastery will not come in a couple of months or even a couple of years. It will take years to work on it.
  14. Expand your horizons - visit other countries, communicate with unusual people, read good literature, watch popular science programs, etc. A comprehensively developed person has more opportunities for creativity.
  15. Do not forget to relax, find sources of joy and inspiration. These are important conditions for any creative person, regardless of his specialization.

Many other useful tips on how to realize yourself in life and become a real professional in your field can be found in the section

How to become a master of your craft and what the ten thousand hour rule means.

We open the dictionary and look at the meaning of the word master. Here is the most common: a specialist, a professional who has achieved high art in his field. Doka, connoisseur, artisan and so on. In other words, you should master the specialty and only after that, honing your skills, will it be possible to transform into a master. Ideally, you should: treat work with responsibility and diligence. Then we can say that we are doing our job satisfactorily or well. And for many people, apparently, this is enough, but there are white crows for whom this is not enough. So how do you become masters of your craft? Let's try to reason. Here is the janitor. It is no secret that there is a janitor who does his simple job well, but on the contrary, there is one who does it poorly. Of course, if the janitor does not approach his activity with these two requirements (responsibility and diligence), then he can manage to do such work that does not require high qualifications, like cleaning the yard, to do poorly and of poor quality. Therefore, society needs... No! Society needs a janitor who does his job well. Only then will there be order, well, in terms of the absence of garbage in the yards, presumably. True, the absence of garbage on the streets is also a matter of the cultural level of residents and officials, a matter of organizing work, but this is not the topic of our conversation today, and for now we will delicately omit such a large, complex nuance.

Further, I propose to consider an example of the work of a respected, advanced years teacher at a prestigious institute. This teacher has been giving lectures for several years on the topic: "Protection of intellectual property rights." Yes, he learned to do his job in accordance with the requirements that the educational institution imposes on him. Based on the regalia he has (let's keep them a secret), it turns out that he went further than our janitor and is already a specialist in his field. But can we say about the teacher that he is a master of his craft? After analyzing the conversation with a respected lecturer (and this is a real character, not invented by me), I found out: he is not familiar with the word "appropriation", not to be confused with the word "expropriation", which has long been known and understood by many. He did not know the word "appropriation" and its meaning... What is it? A drifting ice floe of disinterest? Why did the lecturer, at least for the few years that he has been lecturing, not have a desire to expand the circle of his knowledge? Or is this attitude to the case "slipshod"? Lack of interest in your activities? But in the matter of protecting intellectual property, we may encounter methods of appropriation and must understand what is what.

The conclusion suggests itself: a person can mechanically, worked out over the years, perform his duties well, can even be a specialist or be considered such, but not everyone is a master of his craft and a skilled professional. So what do we see? The mass of people around us is engaged in their work at different levels, receives wages, bonuses and all sorts of incentive bonuses for it, but only a few of them are masters of their craft. Why? We want to know the answers to this question, because the purpose of our conversation is to think, understand, "dig", clarify.

Let's go ahead and talk about talent. No, not about the talents of these above-mentioned characters - the janitor and the teacher - we let them go. Let's just think about talent ... Is it necessary for a person to have talent and, together with it, a great interest in his occupation? Are these the two first and main factors on the way to becoming a high skill? Let's try to figure it out and see what research in this area tells us. It turns out that what we call talent is the result of a complex interweaving of abilities, opportunities, and an accidental advantage. It turns out that if white (talented) crows win thanks to special opportunities, then do these opportunities obey any regularity? As it turns out, yes. This is confirmed by the latest findings of scientists and researchers. Let's dive deeper and find out what the 10,000 hour rule means and what conclusions scientists have come to today.
Here is one of the conclusions. Neurologist Daniel Levitin writes: “From numerous studies, a general picture emerges: in any field, it takes 10,000 hours of practice to achieve a level of proficiency commensurate with the status of a world-class expert. Whoever you take - composers, basketball players, writers, skaters, pianists, chess players .... and so on - this number occurs with surprising regularity. Ten thousand hours is about three hours of practice a day, or twenty hours a week for ten years. This, of course, does not explain why some people benefit from classes more than others. But so far no one has come across a case where the highest level of skill would be achieved in less time. One gets the impression that this is exactly how long it takes the brain to absorb all the necessary information.”
Now we know the opinion of experts. Based on their conclusions, it turns out that the process of acquiring high skill is long and time-consuming. This is how the human brain works. It turns out that the sooner we "get sick" with some kind of craft, the sooner we decide on our passions and personal inclinations, the faster we can earn these treasured 10,000 hours of practice. It turns out that even if our brain is able to grasp everything on the fly, then this is still not enough to achieve success.
Apparently, we have already got to the first, so to speak, the most important secret-answer? Or not? I think many have already remembered the fairy tale about Emelya, who basked on the stove, and his buckets themselves go to the river, then the magic ax chops firewood. Almost every one of us can also recall his secret desires to become a cat. Remember what was once said: how good it is to be a cat, lie down and bask in the sun? We can remember how plaintively we asked our parents for permission not to go to school today because of the rain. How, with great pleasure, they then giggled at the "fools" - classmates, drinking tea and cakes and sitting in the warm room of their house. So that? What prevents us from becoming geniuses or high-level masters?! What most of us do not want to part with and even carefully cultivate this disgusting thing in ourselves?! ... I think the answer has long sounded in everyone's mind and I should not repeat myself ...
So, to achieve mastery, one needs individual characteristics, natural talent, high efficiency and a great inner interest of a person to engage in precisely the chosen business. In other words, a powerful internal mechanism. Imperceptibly, along the chain of reasoning, we came to the old truth: only hard work, only hard work. But the work is reasonable, purposeful, enlightened and deep. It goes without saying that superficiality, grasping "tops" is poison, poison, a quagmire, a swamp, and it must be avoided in everything.
Perhaps now is the time to ask yourself, what is my natural talent, in what business can I reveal my abilities and go deep into them so that later I can become a master of my craft? To what extent do I, exactly I, possess uniqueness and individual qualities inherent only to me? Am I filled with obsession in my passion for what I love?
Only please, dear reader, do not slam the shutters of your revelation, turned inward. Get clear vision!
Acquire the ability to perform a very definite work, which always and everyone needs to do in himself. Engage in self-education and enlightenment.
After all, only after that you really will have the opportunity to become a great master of your craft in any field, the one that you personally like.

The conclusions of the neurologist Daniel Levitin are taken from M. Gladwell's book "Geniuses and Outsiders", recently published in Russian by Alpina Business Books.

I want to become a master. But what qualities do you need to have for this? Where to go master training how much to study and what results can be achieved? We'll find out today.

Quite often in everyday life we ​​say: this person is "Jack of all trades", "The work of the master is afraid" or "Master of his craft", etc. Faced with the concept of a master, we do not even think that this is not only a personal characteristic of a person, but also a type of professional activity.

It turns out that in many spheres of social life one can meet representatives of this profession, who, by the way, were once trained as masters.

For example, a production foreman is the head of a small production area; a foreman in consumer service organizations is a skilled worker; and the master mentor is an example for the beginning worker; in the field of education - a master of industrial training, which organizes the process of training in working professions, and even a master of sports - a title, a qualification level in sports.

In other words, the training of masters is only a general expression, since a master is a person who has a huge stock of knowledge, skills and abilities in his professional activity and has reached a high level in his field and, most importantly, is ready to transfer his accumulated experience to future specialists.

Not every highly qualified specialist can become a master. Then how can you get such a profession and where to get training for masters?

Where to start training as a master and how to become one?

First, you need to get a good professional education, which is not a problem today. In Chelyabinsk, a large number of educational institutions provide educational services. But the master is not only a leader of a certain level in a labor organization, he is also a teacher-mentor for young professionals.

Secondly, when starting to train as a master, you need to think about the responsibility that this specialist bears. So, for example, the main task of the industrial training of the master is the development and education of future workers and the result of training directly depends on the pedagogical and professional literacy of the teacher. He is a teacher of the profession, who passes on to the younger generation all his experience and skills and forms a conscious attitude to work.

Thirdly, having completed training, the master can work both in production and independently, offer his services in training and in the field of professional activity. Then it is necessary to formalize the right to individual entrepreneurship, obtain all the necessary documents for doing business.

Fourthly, in order to organize a successful educational process, the master must have a sufficiently high level of general culture and a broad outlook.

He must be familiar with popular science literature, works of art, know and understand the youth subculture - without this, certain difficulties arise when working with adolescents.

Industrial training for a foreman cannot be conducted without using the knowledge of related academic disciplines and information from everyday life. Thus, showing the connection of theoretical knowledge with practice.

In Chelyabinsk, many educational organizations offer training in the specialty of a master. Upon completion of the full course of study, a diploma and a guarantee of prestigious employment are issued.

The process of training masters

The process of training masters takes place in several stages.

The first stage is the study of the theoretical foundations of the future profession, which provides for classroom and extracurricular work. Such training sessions are conducted directly by the practicing master, who is ready to actually demonstrate the basic methods of work, point out typical mistakes and show the merits of this kind of professional activity.

The second (main) stage is practical exercises. Here you will have to work hard to gain your own practical experience in organizing the educational process. And most importantly, you can always use the help of an experienced specialist.

  • learn to acquire knowledge under the guidance of a mentor and independently;
  • to teach how to work, including to form the ability to evaluate the results of work and correct it;
  • to teach how to live, that is, to be able to quickly adapt to changing conditions of production, to realize oneself both in personal and professional fields of activity;
  • learn to live together: to form a stable system of value relations to the world, people and society.

The third stage of the process of training masters is the passage of industrial practice. It is organized in accordance with the requirements for a particular field of activity. The place of practice is chosen by the educational organization or the student independently (there may be a direct place of work). According to its results, a qualification of a certain level can be awarded.

After completing the training, the masters are issued documents confirming the development of the corresponding level of vocational education - this is a certificate and a certificate.

The master of education in this field of activity becomes a teacher who, on the one hand, has a scientific mindset, and, on the other hand, has a huge creative potential. Such people are aware of the achievements of pedagogy and teaching methods, are constantly in search of something new.

Here we decided to sniff around on the topic of the tattoo industry, so that you, our creative and income-seeking reader, take a closer look at this interesting and multifaceted area. Namely -
I tried myself as a tattoo artist. If, when looking at a pencil, paper, canvas and paints, you are immediately drawn to draw obscenity, then all is not lost. Well, if in the parental home the sixth layer of old wallpaper is painted with beautiful reproductions of paintings by William Blake and Aivazovsky, and in the corners there are traces of booze after the end of the artist, then for you, in general, all doors are open and you really can become a tattoo artist.

How this happens, we decided to find out in one good St. Petersburg tattoo studio ROY TATTOO. The guys have been working tirelessly and machines for 10 years, delighting their customers with countless masterful works (see them in the VK group), which means they can answer the most popular questions responsibly and honestly.

How cool do you have to be as an artist to become a tattoo artist? People of what other professions / specialties are starting to do this?

Of course, artistic skills are necessary for this specialty. But there is a large selection of different styles, and each style has its own skill. It is quite difficult to become a master in realism without art education (rare exceptions of nuggets do not spoil this rule). Just like in order to become a master in the old school, you do not need to graduate from an art academy at all. A lot depends on intuition, which is taught to listen in art institutions. You can give basic knowledge on the feeling of composition, the balance of spots / lines / dots, but often an artist with a higher education behind him can be inferior to a nugget with a high level of intuition in this matter. Education is just not enough. If you decide to suddenly get into a tattoo in adulthood, you can always find private art courses for yourself, while initially indicating your needs - not everyone needs realism, and it is important first of all to learn not photography, but composition. A person of any profession can retrain as a tattoo artist if he has eyes, hands and a sense of beauty (or a sense of humor).

What should a tattoo artist be able to do? Especially interesting, how do you manage to come up with cool unique drawings non-stop? What goes on in the mind of a tattoo artist?

The master of artistic tattoo must first of all be able to sit on the priest. Hard work requires perseverance, when the work is large-scale and thoughts are already appearing in the head about what to order for lunch now or not to pretend to be dead - you need willpower to drive these thoughts and continue to cause beauty to the client. When he is far from the first of this day, when the process cannot be interrupted halfway, when he appeals to your sympathy for the pain caused, when the finger is numb from vibration, and Allegrova sings in his head, outwardly the master is flint. It will not be superfluous to be able to maintain verbal contact with the client - this calms him down and distracts him from pain. At the same time, establishing contact is a guarantee of good memories of the session for both the master and the client. The emotional component is very important.

Against this background, it is not always possible to come up with unique drawings. If the light bulb lights up immediately and contact with the client is found, this is luck. If there is no confidence in the success of the sketch in a hurry, it is better to take measurements from the client, discuss, write down all ideas, exchange contacts and postpone the development of the sketch for a more relaxed free time. It is better to spend a little more time on the preparatory stage, because the tattoo is ideally planned for the rest of your life. Fuss in this matter can do much harm.

What income can you expect at the beginning and after a few years, for example? What does this income depend on, and why are the services of some tattoo artists more expensive than others?

At the beginning, the master has no skills, confidence, perhaps cheap equipment, and there is nothing to declare to a potential client about himself - this is how the relationship between a beginner and a freebie lover is built. Not everyone is ready to provide their body as a blank canvas for experiments - only the most courageous, as a rule, young and not tempted by money, or very close and sympathetic friends of the master, who secretly believe in success. The speed of learning is different for everyone - some have a month, some have no progress and 5 years. At the time of training, the price tag is for consumables. For the speedy development of a portfolio, prices also cannot be at the level of eminent masters. At first, in fact, there is no income - there is an acquisition of experience, and with the proceeds you need to continue to replenish your tools, palette of colors and the like. When the reputation starts to work for you and a client base appears, you can already talk about income.

But voicing the numbers, frankly, seems unethical - the spread is very large: someone makes one expensive one a week, while the other makes 15, but cheaper ... this is not a stable salary for an accountant or programmer. How much you tried, how much you earned. The main thing is to prioritize not profit, but development.

In short, if you want to try - go ahead. And even if you don't have the right education, you can still take painting and tattoo courses to develop your dormant creative skills.

But, as the guys mentioned, you will need equipment and materials, without which the master is like without hands. From the very beginning, you will have to train on something, honing your skills and gaining experience. And when things go uphill, you will need to buy good equipment and consumables, which will make up a significant expense column. But, as you understand, in this case, you can not save on quality. Especially during the training period - we do not urge you to buy everything that is most expensive, but absolutely budget options should be avoided. The fact is that excessive savings will lead to the fact that your achievements and development will begin to be limited to poorly tuned or weak machines, blunt needles or expired paints. If there is no development, and instead of them there are problems and bad results, then in the process itself you can be disappointed - it's like learning to ride a bicycle with flat tires. Therefore, you will need a place where you can buy everything you need at reasonable prices and with good quality.

In the store you will find everything from anesthesia, paints and tattoo needles to power equipment and a variety of budget and premium tattoo machines. All products are provided with a normal human description, and in the articles of the store you can find interesting information. So for a beginner tattoo artist, Ta2workshop is a great companion along the way. And if there are difficulties with the choice, then the store employees will help you decide, as they have been working in the tattoo industry for many years. In a word, a suitable store for their own.