What life experience can be. Why do we need life experience when real life is only here and now? See what "experience" is in other dictionaries

Every adult can boast that he has his own life experience. All the events that happen to us remain in memory, making up a certain luggage. Depending on this baggage, it is easy or difficult for us to go through life.

Suitcase without a handle

Imagine that all our lives we carry a suitcase in two hands: one of them with a “Good” sticker, and the other with a “Bad” sticker. Each case from our life has a certain weight.

Depending on the situation, we get life experience positive or negative. That is, a load is added to each suitcase.

Agree that you often see people who are "skewed" to one side, who do not believe in anything, who do not hear or see.

because they have a negative an experience, i.e. a suitcase with a "bad" one is much heavier.

Most often, these suitcases are also without a handle - it’s completely inconvenient to carry, but it’s a pity to throw it away.

Therefore, there is nothing to take with a suitcase with a “good” experience - your hands are busy. Such people are closed from new opportunities, thanks to their "rich" life experience.

Success depends on the right decision, the right decision is the result of experience, and experience, in turn, is the result of the wrong decision.

Why is life experience necessary?

An ancient man living in a cave needed the experience of hunting, making fire, preserving life in those difficult conditions. Thanks to natural selection, it has always survived - the strongest and most healthy.

Every little child gets an experience communication with fire and sharp objects, so that later all my life I would treat them carefully.

Growing up, the baby gets already an experience communication with peers, with the outside world, and the life of an adult already directly depends on the experience of all the years lived.

The wisdom of men is not proportional to their experience, but to their ability to acquire it. (Henry Shaw)

Life lessons

What do we learn from our experience? If our mistakes are repeated, i.e. we are constantly “stepping on the same rake”, can we say that we have an experience?

Psychologists say: an experience that has not been transformed into a situation that would bring you joy and happiness does not count as an experience.”

An experience is a lesson to remember and use to improve your life. An experience - these are the skills that we use in our profession, in dealing with people, in the family, so that our life becomes better and happier.

If you have given birth to a child, then you have received an experience the birth of children. And when the child grew up, did you acquire an experience raising a child? After all, someone really gets it, and someone does not.

A fool learns from his own mistakes, but a smart one learns from others. It turns out that the smart learn from the fools.

Is experience a bridge or a wall?

The more we live in this world, the more different situations we live, the more experience we gain. Often we react automatically to similar moments, without thinking, missing opportunities and chances.

Every moment we are waiting for a lot of options for unlimited possibilities. But we do not see this, because our an experience, (and often not only ours, but someone else's, imposed in the process of education) makes us react to the situation, relying on the old "baggage" of past years.

The only thing you need to learn from your life experience is that every second, every moment you need to live to the maximum.

Do not compare it with previous moments, seconds, hours, days and years of past experience. Every moment is a new chance, a chance to live better, happier... a chance to know real life...

Experience is the comb that gives us life when we have already lost our hair. (Judith Stern)

Whose experience attracts us?

With some kind of sixth sense, we determine which people with what experience can be trusted, and who for us no one will ever become an authority.

In the environment, probably, of every person there are people who impose their point of view, their opinion, their experience.

They don't even think about what they an experience can be called a failed experiment, as it did not lead to anything good.

We are attracted by the experience of successful people. People who, despite difficult life circumstances, had the courage to gain experience in achieving SUCCESS and VICTORY!

Buy with us an experience positive thinking, pleasant communication with the outside world, an experience HAPPINESS and JOY in life!

We cannot change our start, but we can change our attitude to life and change our FINISH!

to the winners!

Every person at least once in his life thought about the question “do we need our own experience or can we rely on the experience of others?”. As the writer Walter Scott said: “The most useful thing in life is your own experience.”

Every day, millions of people go through various trials that fate has prepared for them. Difficulties harden some people, give them motivation, make them stronger, others are disabled, a person can become depressed because of problems.

Society believes that making mistakes is bad, but if there were no mistakes, perhaps

our life was not so interesting. If we are faced with a situation, we remember whether similar situations happened to us or not. It turns out that at first people turn to their experience, and if there is none, then they turn to similar situations. If it were not for our own experience, a person would stop developing, because only experience helps us strive for the best. A small child from birth receives his first experience, consolidates his knowledge about the world, thereby developing. Lack of life experience gives rise to a feeling of fear in a person. He is afraid of failure, that he might fail.

But failures are temporary, but his own experience, passed through mistakes and experiences, remains with him forever.

In the famous work “The Tale of Igor's Campaign”, the main character Igor Svyatoslavovich went on a campaign without his brothers, which he greatly regretted. Due to civil strife, the egoism of the princes, the Russian land was defeated. Igor, who went for glory, brought great grief and shame. When he was captured, only there he could understand his mistakes. Having escaped from captivity, he unites with the princes, and they go on a campaign against the Polovtsians. Everyone in his life makes mistakes more than once, the main thing is to correct the mistakes that he made and not repeat them again.

Each of us can make a mistake a fulcrum from which we can push off, become more experienced and wiser.

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We made a cult out of things

Lamborghini on Wall Street, celebrity bags from Louis Vuitton, mansions in which they live. The list goes on.

We delude ourselves into believing that the only thing happiness depends on is the brand of our car or the number of zeros in the bank account. We put financial success on a pedestal and convinced everyone to share these beliefs.

In a society that idolizes material values, life turns into a useless endless journey.

The key to happiness is not to spend money and time on things. The key to happiness is to invest money and time in your life experience.

MasterCard is telling the truth: "There are things you can't buy."

Our experience defines us

In December, while on a trip to Hawaii, I attended a ten-day meditation course. It was the most difficult but most instructive experience I have ever had: I have never felt such a close connection between mind and body. More importantly, it pushed me to make a change and fulfill my dream of leaving the company I joined last year and moving to New York.

Any experience brings with it a mistake or a triumph, as well as an understanding of one's own personality. Experience helps us understand our thoughts, understand what kind of people we want to see around, and ultimately find what makes us happy.

At the end of the journey, it doesn't matter how many days you've had in your life. What matters is how much life was in your days.

Abraham Lincoln, American statesman, 16th President of the United States

We live in a society where the material is the highest value. We love being able to hold what we buy in our hands. This happens because things are related to the currency, which dictates its value in the market.

It is impossible to physically experience the cliff diving experience on a Sunday afternoon. The same is true with our first experience of dealing with partners: we cannot sell it.

If we could sell our own experience for the price we got it for, we'd all be millionaires.

Abigail Van Buren (Paulyn Phillips), American journalist and radio host of the 20th century

We accumulate everything we have ever seen, heard, tasted and felt. This is an experience that teaches us not to count working hours in a tiny office, but will lead to a breakthrough idea for .

In other words, experience brings life lessons with it. Material values ​​do not bring anything, but they bill us.

Experience stays with us

What are our fondest memories? I remember not the gifts I received for the holidays, but the guests who came to my birthday, or the smell of hot chocolate on Christmas morning. I remember my first cycling lesson with my brother and my first date, which, by the way, went terribly. It's something that puts a smile on my face to this day.

The main disadvantage of investing in things is their limited shelf life.

When we buy a thing, not only does its value in the market decrease, but after a while we stop feeling its value. Experience is quite different. It is emotionally durable and can be multiplied as we develop throughout life. At any moment the experience remains with us.

According to research, more than 80% of people remember their mental purchases more often than actually made ones. This means that experience brings us happiness not only when we have it, but also when we just think about it.

How to get experience

We give three tips to help you give up things in favor of experiences.

1. Change your financial priorities

If we want to have a real experience, we must prioritize in order to adjust to the adventures that lie ahead of us. It's as easy as saving up for a TV instead of going to South America.

Think about what you really need and what you need seriously and for a long time. In fact, we need very few material things to enjoy life. Learn to rationally approach the purchase of things: once saved a trifle will help to gain an experience that will change everything.

2. Say yes more often

As adults, we learn to make decisions by calculating risks, by thinking carefully. If we want more experience, we will have to push these principles into the background. The best adventures start when you least expect them. Constantly telling yourself “what if” is a sure way to lie on the couch all your life, watching other people's adventures.

Start saying yes. Learn to live in the present. The next time you have an opportunity to gain experience, ask yourself a simple question: “Will I regret if I don’t take this opportunity? Tomorrow, next week or next year? If the answer is "yes" or "maybe", the adventure should also answer "yes".

The future is uncertain. But you can manage it by thinking less and doing more.

3. Start small (and cheap) adventures

Are you one of those people who watch the same thing over and over again, walk the same paths to the same office, eat at the same restaurants?

You need a break from your daily routine. Be open to new experiences. Instead of going to the usual Italian restaurant near the office, visit some new place.

The most valuable experience is not expensive. He is nearby. You just need to find it.

There are a lot of negative reviews about advice sites for every day, but you will find such resources useful. Personally, I've tried everything from salsa ($15 for ten classes) to medieval dinner cooking classes ($39) to flying lessons ($88). Coupon sites are the cheapest way to have incredible adventures with friends or on your own. Start taking some risks. You will be surprised how quickly it will take you over.

One day we will all die. But before that, let's ask ourselves the following questions:

  • Did I live?
  • What do I regret?
  • Have I experienced everything I wanted to experience?

It is up to you to decide what is most important: brand or adventure and freedom. But try to invest in something that will give you impressions, not bills. Let your assets be minimal, but experience is rich.



Snezhana Ivanova

Life experience is understood as a set of ideas about the world, allowing to form an individual opinion about a particular object, person or phenomenon.

Every person has experience in one way or another. Life experience is usually understood as a set of ideas about the world that allow you to make an individual opinion about a particular object, person or phenomenon. Life experience, no doubt, makes us wise and strong.

The problem of life experience

The problem of life experience lies in the fact that this knowledge about the environment is really acquired by each person independently. Someone else's life experience does not play any role in the formation of another person. As they say, everyone must fill their bumps, make mistakes that will help to draw the right conclusions, lead to the final goal. Some people are in no hurry to accept someone else's life experience, to take someone's beliefs on faith. This happens because it is difficult for us to imagine someone else being right, and neglecting our own opinion. In addition, someone else's life experience often becomes the opposite of our own. The problem with life experience is that not all people are ready to acknowledge its existence. Some willingly continue to deny the acquired knowledge in order to try to forget the past and the problems associated with it as soon as possible.

Features of life experience

What gives the life experience of the individual? First of all, the opportunity to always have a choice. Having a certain life experience, a person has an enviable freedom: he decides when and how to act. This is a wonderful advantage, because only a free person can be called fully accomplished and mature. In the absence of life experience, a person will be lost, seek support from others. But the older we get, the easier it is to make decisions. Gradually, a person gets used to taking responsibility for himself, to think about the consequences of his steps. What is included in the life experience? Let's consider in more detail.

Individual experience

The life experience of one person is his immutable truth. It does not always correspond to the ideas and worldview of other people. If for one the greatest value is the family and children, then for another, a career and career growth are extremely important. It would be wrong to blame your opponent for not meeting your expectations. The problem of understanding between people lies in the fact that they do not want to give in to each other, to accept a point of view that is different from their own.

Life experience is the greatest good, spiritual wealth, which must be treated with extreme care. This treasure requires close attention and respect. Only a small percentage of people know how to appreciate what they really have, and these are truly happy individuals. Life experience always contributes to the formation of a certain view of the world. This opinion is made up of those events that evoke a specific emotional response in the soul. The individualization of life experience emphasizes the basic values ​​​​of a person, how he makes decisions, what kind of environment is next to him. From the same events, individual people will make different impressions, form an individual life experience.

Dependence on vivid impressions

In the process of knowing the world, we accumulate various impressions, which subsequently teach us to recognize information, to divide it into components. This is facilitated just by the presence of life experience. The habit of evaluating current events is due to certain life experiences. If from childhood a person is accustomed to accepting kindness, warmth from loved ones, was surrounded by attention and affection, he will form a positive attitude towards the surrounding reality. Otherwise, he will be forced to fight all his life with imaginary "monsters" that exist only in his head.

Life experience forms dependence on impressions. Positive images affect the personality in a positive way: she learns to trust close people and the world as a whole. Life experience is necessary for the formation of priorities. Attitude to surrounding people and events also depends entirely on life experience. The most important thing is to be able to accumulate in the heart a sufficient amount of bright and pleasant emotions. The more intense and positive they are, the more interesting the life experience itself will turn out.

Ability to act quickly

The life experience of each of us is the greatest blessing. Decision-making depends entirely on how accurately a person is able to formulate a goal, set realistic goals for himself. The ability to act quickly, without hesitation, is an invaluable quality. Of course, fears and doubts cannot be completely eliminated from life, but they can be made an integral part of a rich life experience.

Life experience will always tell you how to do the right thing. You will not have to suffer for a long time and doubt the correctness of your next decision. That is why a person performs some actions quite simply, as if on an automatic machine - experience helps him. In its absence, doubts, panicky self-doubt and fears begin to overcome. They cannot be avoided, it is important to gain the necessary life experience before moving forward.

Know how to trust your life experience, then you will be able to get out of the most difficult situations with honor. We need it to act actively, relying on our own intuition and worldview.

Thus, life experience is an integral part of self-knowledge, perhaps its main component. It helps us maintain peace of mind in moments of difficult trials, encourages us in failures, makes us believe in ourselves again after a crushing fall.

The main advantage of a person is his life experience. Experience and knowledge in various areas of life. A person with rich life experience is ready for success. His failures were a necessary preparation, a time of apprenticeship. He has already made his main mistakes, and one should not expect obvious nonsense from him. He is hardened by difficulties and hardships, he knows how to take a hit - unlike those who cannot boast of great life experience.

« Life experience is information that has become the property of the individual, deposited in the reserves of long-term memory, which is in a state of constant readiness for actualization in adequate situations. This information is an alloy of thoughts, feelings, actions lived by a person, representing a self-sufficient value for him, associated with the help of the mind, memory of feelings, memory of behavior.". Belkin A.S.

Own life experience trustworthy, it is a suitable tool for finding the most appropriate behavior in each immediate situation.

Lack of life experience gives people a feeling of fear. And often it is the fear of failure. Remember that failures are always temporary, and our life experience acquired through trial and error will always be with us and will serve to achieve success.

To gain experience, you need to overcome fear, say to yourself: "Let's try." Many undertakings are accompanied by the word "it turns out." We just say: “I haven’t tried it, I don’t know if it will work.” When there is experience, our speech sounds different: “I want, I know how, and I will do it” - this is how a person usually expresses his confidence based on experience. The presence of experience facilitates the efforts of any kind of activity, a person sometimes effortlessly performs the most complex operations, achieving the highest results with the least effort.

At one time, the founder of the original Russian pedagogy, Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky, speaking about professional experience, noticed that experience cannot be adopted, but it is possible to borrow only an idea from it. It is difficult to disagree. After all life experience is the matter is purely individual and the behavior of one, even in a similar situation, cannot lead to the same result as the behavior of another. Someone else's experience, someone else's opinion, someone else's mistakes and findings are a very valuable acquisition, but only as information, source material for the formation of one's own life experience. When you try on someone else's experience, this source material, you must understand that it will undergo a very significant change. Here, the statements of Andrei Arsenyevich Tarkovsky, an outstanding Soviet film director and screenwriter, are interesting, which I bring to your attention.