Books about getting into magical worlds. Fallouts

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In this section of the site " Popadanets» you can read books in the classical genre for free online fantasy about hitmen, as well as Books about get into other magical worlds. Moreover, all found books can be downloaded free of charge in FB2 format. We wish you a pleasant pastime!

He is a terror flying on the wings of the night! He is a demon that roams the darkest corners of the darkest of worlds! He can knit three socks at once! And he constantly hears a voice in his head, and this is not schizophrenia at all ... Not schizophrenia, I said! This is a faithful partner, always ready to help in difficult times. True, only advice. Plus stupid.

Oh yes, and one more small nuance. If an old book made of human skin suddenly falls into your hands and you wish to call the demon Lalarta so that he fulfills your cherished desire - to wash the floors or cut your neighbor, - it’s better to forget about him. He will not come. For good reason, he died. But instead of the demon, it is he who will appear - Oleg Razor, a secret resident of the Nine Heavens in Lang. He will show up and send you somewhere else.

“What kind of word is “fallen”? - you ask. And hitmen is a slang term for a certain literary device in science fiction, from which the whole genre got its name. The essence of this technique is that the protagonist, and perhaps somewhat, in an unknown way, and not at will, moves to another era, to another planet, to a parallel world, and the like.

The main types of hitmen

The Fallers, who, by the way, should not be confused with travelers in time and worlds, are very different in terms of their point of arrival. The following main types can be distinguished:

  1. falling into the past;
  2. hitters in the future;
  3. get into fantasy worlds;
  4. getting into the plot of a book, movie, game, etc.
  5. falling into parallel realities;
  6. infiltrators in cyberspace;
  7. reverse hits - this is when a stranger from another world, era penetrates into our world.

Books about all these, and many other heroes of books in the genre of hits, you can easily read on our website online.

The origins of the hit genre

For the first time, the literary technique of hitting was used at the end of the 19th century by Mark Twain in the book A Connecticut Yankee in the Court of King Arthur. The protagonist of the work - Hank Morgan - falls into medieval England. Although this past is more like the stereotypical reality of romantic chivalric romances.

Also one of the first hits, dating back to the first half of the 20th century, was the character of Sprague de Camp’s book Let No Darkness Fall, Martin Padway, an American archaeologist from the 20th century, who was transported by a lightning strike at the time of the death of the Roman Empire.

One of the most famous hits was John Carter, the hero of the Martian cycle of Edgar Rice Burroughs, who, against his will, ends up on Mars and finds himself in the thick of the events taking place on the red planet.

The next stage in the development of the genre dates back to the 1950s. At this time, such writers as Clive Staples Lewis, Johnson Dixon Carr, John Myers, Francis Karsak and many others worked.

V. V. Mirgorodov

This book tells about the fact that a surgeon from our world dies in an accident. But neither hell nor heaven awaits him - his consciousness ends up in the body of a teenager living in a strange world of advanced technologies and neural networks. The hero will have to escape from mortal danger and try to get comfortable in a society alien to him. This and many other books about hitmen can be read online in a convenient format on our website.

Franziska Woodworth

This book brings to life the dreams of millions of housewives - to get away from their routine life and plunge headlong into a new world full of adventure. The main character named Raya is a thirty-year-old unmarried woman who, as a result of an accident, lost consciousness and woke up in a wonderful, unseen world.

She finds herself in the body of the young wife of a centaur. She immediately began to raise a new husband in the traditions of a Russian woman. Very quickly, the hubby got rid of the harem of three hundred concubines and became an exemplary family man. And here Paradise would rejoice and live in peace, only father-in-law weaves intrigues. And there are plenty of other dangers in this world.

John Myers

Sheldon - the main character of this work - during his journey on the ship discovers the mysterious mainland Romagna. At first, the world seems just strange to him. But then Sheldon realizes that this is the world of animated literary characters. Here he met Robin Hood, Don Quixote and many other heroes of the works that he once read.

So, we introduced you to a very exciting and interesting genre. Therefore, we advise you not to waste time in vain, but immediately start reading one of the fantastic books about hitmen.

He used to be one of the strongest. The one whose strength is undeniable. Those who knocked out their independence from the whole world. When he died unexpectedly, many breathed a sigh of relief. They can be understood. But it was not in vain that he bore the call sign "Koschei". And let the new world only look like his old one, let those who are much stronger than him live in it - he is not used to being extras. And he won't be.

The book differs from the publisher's version.

A classic hit with parody elements, but is it really that simple? GG is not so young and naive, does not know martial arts and oh horror, does not dance to perfection and did not graduate from conservatories, an ordinary average woman who really had something to lose in her world

The book is about an ordinary person who suddenly got the opportunity to realize all his dreams. The main character, Maxim, boarding an airliner, just wanted to get away from everyday life and admire the beauties of Asia, but ... ... it turned out that when the usual life collapses, not only a way out of the situation suddenly appears, but behind this way out - a whole new world. And in it a person can find a new meaning to his life, new friends and even love, although he will have to fight for all this.

My mother told me “don’t play dirty tricks on another, otherwise it will backfire”, but I disobeyed, now I have to disentangle what I got into. I understand perfectly well that this is an absurd accident, but this does not make it any easier. The road home is lost forever, my relatives are not around and never will be again, and my very future hangs in the balance. What to do, how to deal with it… I have no idea. I hope that my human life-loving nature will not let me perish in the vastness of the Universe. Warning: NOT READ, DRAFT, there are errors. COMPLETE!

(Py-Sy: Thank you for the cover to the Internet!) (Dear users of the Internet resource, please do not upload DRAFT to other libraries. Work on them has not yet been completed.)

Classic dark and light, elves, dwarves, humans, orcs, dwarfs and... humans again! And also a sorceress who has nothing to keep her in our world - and who is waiting for adventures in the new...

I went with friends to the game, but ended up ... in another world for war. That would be to find the one who made this "fun" and hit something heavy on something soft! In fact, he found you. Just hitting won't work. And help is necessary. I do not want to die. But will the bright sorceress manage to survive on the lands captured by the servants of the Dark Lord? And the most annoying thing is that surviving is only half the battle.

What side is the "Creators of the Worlds" here ... Well ... You will learn about this, as always, at the end.

ABSTRACT. If you are beautiful like Venus, smart like Socrates, perfect like a Goddess, then your path is already predetermined, and your fate is written like clockwork. But what to do if you are deprived of all these qualities? Maybe someone deftly framed you, erasing the past with one stroke, dividing life into "before" and "after"? Or maybe it's still a mistake, an absurd accident, or is it still a cruel prank? The die is cast, there is no turning back.WARNING: COMPLETED. NOT READ OUT. DRAFT WITH ERRORS. Py-Sy: Thank you for the cover to the Internet!))) Dear readers and users of the Internet resource, please do not "merge" DRAFTS into other libraries under the guise of finished books, work on them has not yet been completed. I also want to draw YOUR attention to the fact that ALL MY NOVELs from beginning to end, posted on this page, are naive, fantasy love stories, so do not remind me of this once again! I just write what I would like to read myself. Welcome to the world of fantastic love, fairy tales and miracles with a mandatory happy ending! Thank you!

And I dream absolutely incredible, as if I were pregnant. And the feeling is so interesting, like a small ball of light inside, alive, warm. Such happiness overwhelmed. And the fear of waking up.

Like? - as if rustled around.

Yes - and what else could be answered.

Shall we change? - sarcastically.

Yes, - not quite understanding what, I whispered.

And at the same moment, as if hundreds of needles pierced into everything that I was. It felt like they were taking me out, cutting me out, pulling me out of my body. I tried to scream, but there was no sound. And when the darkness began to shrink around me, millions of rays of light, warm, alive, reached out to me from all sides, and ... I woke up.

No walls of my own house, no native bed ... Only a huge room with a high ceiling, and I have a huge belly. Carefully ran her hand along the unexpected roundness, it is - she is pregnant.

"... My name is Yury Vladimirovich Shevtsov. From birth, I was not an ordinary person. Once I was a soldier..."
Betrayed, forgotten... There was nothing to keep him here anymore. Life was slipping away. But when he was already dying, the goddess appeared and concluded a Treaty with him. And he began a new path - the path of the dark elf.