When we look at the painted object option. Diagnostic work in the Russian language

When completing the tasks of this part, write down your answer in the answer sheet No. 1 to the right of the task number (B1-B8), starting from the first cell. Write each letter or number in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form. Separate words or numbers with commas when listing. Put each comma in a separate box. Spaces are not used when writing answers.

Answers to tasks B1-B3 write down in words.

Indicate the way of forming the word HELELESS from sentence 7.

AT2 I From sentence 7 write out all the prepositions.

From sentences 15-17 write out a subordinating phrase with a connection 1 CONSOLIDATION.

Write down the answers to tasks B4-B8 in numbers.

AT4 | Among sentences 16-21, find a complex one that includes a one-part impersonal sentence. Write the number of this compound sentence.

rd Among sentences 22-28, find a sentence with a separate application. Write the number of this offer.

AT0 Among sentences 10-20, find a complex sentence with homogeneous subordinate clauses. Write the number of this compound sentence.

27 Among sentences 22-25, find one that is related to the previous one using a personal pronoun. Write the number of this offer.

Read a fragment of a review based on the text that you analyzed while completing tasks A28-A30, B1-B7. This fragment examines the language features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the gaps with the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list. If you do not know which number from the list should be in the place of the gap, write the number 0. The sequence of numbers in the order in which they are written by you in the text of the review in the place of the gaps, write down in the answer sheet No. 1 to the right of the task number B8, starting from the first cell. Write each number in a separate cell in accordance with the samples given in the form. Numbers when transferring separate with commas. Put each comma in a separate box. Spaces are not used when writing answers.

“The hero of M. Khudyakov recalls an incident that made him think about many things.

Techniques such as (“carried me eight kilometers”, “eight

kilometers... carried me" in sentences 1, 13, 31; "remember" in sentence 5) and

(sentences 3-4), combined with comparative turnovers

set an alarmingly tense tone throughout the text. The inconsistency of the act

Earrings Leontiev emphasizes such a lexical device as

(“saved” - “betrayed” in sentence 32), and such a trope as

(“the heart bleeds” in sentence 33) conveys the hero’s shock.”

List of terms:

1 )

contextual antonyms

6 ) dialectism

2 )


7) a number of homogeneous members

rhetorical question

8 ) epithet


9) lexical repetition


To answer the task of this part, use the answer sheet No. 2. First write down the number of task C1, and then write an essay.

Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed by the author of the text (avoid over-quoting).

Formulate the position of the author. Write whether you agree or disagree with his point of view. Explain why. Argument your answer, relying primarily on the reader's experience, as well as on knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

A work written without relying on the text read (not on this text) is not evaluated.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Option 26

Part 1

When completing the tasks of this part, in the answer form No. 1, under the number of the task you are performing (A1-A30), put a sign "X"in the cell, the number of which corresponds to the number of the answer you have chosen.

| In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel correctly highlighted?

CEMENT 2) laid 3) calls 4) received

D2 | In which answer is the underlined word used incorrectly?

Leaping out of bed at the same time as the alarm rang, Anton quickly put on a tracksuit and sneakers, and a minute later he was running down the stairs, cheerfully whistling some kind of march.

This outstanding physicist considered himself a complete Ignorant in literature.

The young teacher excitedly caught the GRATEFUL glances of the children and continued to speak heartfeltly about everything that had accumulated in his soul.

Good and trusting relations were established between schoolchildren and teachers already in the first days.

Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

five kilos of rice

lie down

over seven hundred fifty thousand

distant villages

Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

By using the adjective,

sentence structure must be taken into account.

the grammatical structure of the sentence is important.

sentence structure must be taken into account.

often the structure of the sentence is not taken into account.

Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) Meadows spread all around, fragrant with the aromas of flowers and herbs.

Everyone who has seen the sea on moonlit southern evenings often remembers it.

The officer demanded from the stationmaster that he needed horses.

For a long time the development of our industry proceeded along the line of amalgamation of enterprises.

In which sentence the subordinate clause of a complex sentence cannot be


be replaced by a separate definition, expressed by participial turnover?

A novel by A.I. Herzen "The Past and Thoughts", which was called "an essay novel, an epic, an encyclopedia of essayism."

In our time, the volume of information that is transmitted over global trunk lines is constantly growing.

The purpose of the abstract is to convey the main, essential, new information that is contained in the document being referred to.

Read the text and complete tasks A7-A12.

... (2) First of all, they include sea water itself, the reserves of which today are truly colossal and account for 96.5% of the total volume of the hydrosphere.

(H) Sea water is a kind of "living ore" containing seventy-five chemical elements. (4) So, even the ancient Egyptians and Chinese learned how to extract salt from it, which is now obtained in large quantities. (b) It is interesting that the salt mines on the Chinese coast have existed for more than five thousand years and cover an area of ​​over four hundred thousand hectares, and the annual salt production here reaches twenty million tons. ( 6 )... sea water is also an important source of magnesium, bromine, iodine and other chemical elements.

Which of the following sentences should befirst in this text?

Most commercial fish and animals in the oceans need protection.

The ocean is a huge storehouse of natural resources.

Scientists managed to unravel the mystery of the oceans.

The main wealth of the deep-sea bed of the Ocean is the deposits of iron and manganese.


Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap insixth offer?

Contrary to this 3) On the contrary,

In addition, 4) Therefore

What word or combination of words is the grammatical basis in one of the sentences or in one of the parts of the complex sentence of the text?

salt is received (sentence 4)

the Egyptians learned (sentence 4)

interesting then (sentence 5)

water serves (proposal6 )

Indicate the correct description of the second (2) sentence of the text.

complex with allied coordinating and allied connection between parts

complex with allied subordinating and allied connection between parts


complex unionless

Indicate the correct morphological characteristic of the word ALSO from the sixth

text suggestions.

conjunction 2) particle 3) pronoun 4) adverb

Indicate the meaning of the word RECEIVE in sentence 4.

mine 2) test 3) acquire 4) import

In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which one letter H is written?

Some paintings by the artist Savrasov were small; written (1) by them within one or two hours, they are marked (2) by the charm of inspiring (3) improvisations.

1) 1, 2 2) 2 3) 3 4) 2, 3

In which row is the unstressed checked vowel of the root missing in all words?

dol..aunt, vet..wound, burn..ganie


brilliance, remove ..rat, incident

collate, separate, update

In which row in all words is the same letter missing?

e.g. stop, e..cook, unquestioningly

without..skusny, without..initiative, super..gra

not .. seized, pr .. be silent, r..replace

ro .. stroke, not .. bendable, and .. subtly

In which row in both words is the letter I written at the place of the gap?

perekol „sh, studded .. 3) hear .. sh, invisible .. my

sawed .. sew, glued .. 4) saw .. sew, built ..

In which answer option are all the words where the letter I is omitted?

A. step .. vat B. mocking C. bean .. out D. withstand

1) B, C, D 2) A, B, D 3) A, C, D 4) B, C

In which sentence is NOT written together with the word?

Since the middle of the 19th century, Russian scientists have (more than once) organized expeditions to the volcanoes of Kamchatka.

The (un)understandable behavior of the hero is explained by the author in the last chapter.

(Not) everyone is able to behave naturally in a conversation with unfamiliar people.

In which answer option are both underlined words spelled together?

The eldest son, Anisim, came home very rarely, only on big holidays, (FOR) TO often sent gifts with fellow countrymen and SO (SAME), like the middle one, Stepan, short letters.

Sergeev knew his work and loved it (FOR) THAT it was given to him, (FOR) THAT, and they considered him a good master at the factory.

(BY) WHAT do you judge a person's culture - by his manners, tastes, habits? And (FROM) WHAT are you so demanding of him?

They were sometimes silent for hours, FOR (THAT) each felt that both of them were fine - and (FOR) THEREFORE it was good that they were together.

Indicate the correct explanation for the use of a comma or its absence in the sentence:

Antiquity in Greece appeared before V.A. Serov in its purest form () and the artist perceived this country as a dream of great art realized.

A compound sentence, before the union And no comma is needed.

A compound sentence, before the union And a comma is needed.

A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the union And no comma is needed.

A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the union And a comma is needed.

A magnificent view opened before us: the river winds (1) dimly blue through the foggy distance (2 ) through watery-green meadows, and a person (3) embraced by the bright breath of spring (4) grows stronger, breathes more freely, more joyfully in his soul.

1) 1 2) 1, 2 3) 3, 4 4) 1, 2, 3, 4

In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which commas should be in the sentences?

In late autumn or winter, flocks of melodiously chirping or sharply screaming birds appear on the streets of cities (1) (2). Here (3) apparently (4) for this cry, the birds got their name - waxwings, because the verb "to whistle" meant "to whistle sharply, scream."

3, 4 2) 1, 3 3) 1, 2 4) 1, 2, 3, 4

Specify the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

There were no decorations on the walls or windows.

Among the artisans were weavers and gunsmiths and bone carvers.

The powerful “fur coat” around our planet consists of free protons and electrons and is divided into two belts.

Cases and cases are completely tortured.

How do you explain the use of a colon in the following sentence?

In 1720, Peter I approved new rules for uniforming troops: the caftan received

small cloth collar, pocket flaps with three buttons, drawstring

left shoulder and10 buttons on the side.

The generalizing word comes before the homogeneous parts of the sentence.

The second part of the non-union complex sentence explains, reveals the content of what is said in the first part.

The second part of the non-union complex sentence is opposed in content to what is said in the first part.

The first part of the non-union complex sentence indicates the time of doing what is said in the second part.

Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

Now all the living scenes of the journey were included in the poem (1) the plot (2) of which (3) was rather vague.

1) 1 2) 2 3) 1, 3 4) 2, 3

Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

He continued on his way (1) but (2) when only twelve miles remained (3) the tire suddenly whistled and sank (4) because a sharp pebble again fell under the wheel.

2, 3 2) 1, 3, 4 3) 1, 4 4) 1, 2, 3, 4

Read the text.

When we look at a painted object, we see not its own color, but the color of the light that is reflected from this object. Most of the sunlight (and this is a mixture of all colors) falling on an object is absorbed, remains inside. And only the reflected light enters our eyes, and we perceive it as the color of the object.

Which of the following sentences correctly conveyshome information contained in the text?

Looking at a painted object, a person perceives the sunlight reflected by the object as its color.

Sunlight is a mixture of all colors absorbed by an object.

When we look at an object, we see the colors of sunlight absorbed by it.

Most of the sunlight enters the human eye.

Read the text and complete tasks A28-A30; B1-B8; C1.

One day in the winter, the TV screens of Omsk sounded an appeal from doctors to the audience: an injured person urgently needed donated blood.

People sat in warm cozy apartments, no one knew about each other's affairs, no one was going to, and could not control human actions. (Z) Any person could then say: I didn’t watch TV, I didn’t hear the appeal.

    But the majority still had a controller. (5) The highest moral controller is conscience. (6 ) But after all and only! (7) Yes, and only. (8 But this "only", this single selectivity turned out to be the main one in the following minutes, when a person began to act. (9) On trams, buses, taxis, people got to the hospital. (Yu) The nurses on duty came out to meet them. (11) 320 people came to the hospital in 30 minutes. (12) The victim was saved.

    I wanted to meet at least some of these people. (14) I went into their houses, talked, finding out the motives of the act, painfully looked for words and felt how these words were not enough not only for me, but also for the donors themselves ... (15) I still feel the awkwardness of those conversations, clarifications . (16) After all, the main thing was different. (17) The main thing was and is that these people acted on the basis of their usual ideas about moral duty. (18) They had no other motives. (19) Moral duty is their main motive. ( 20 ) The act of these people is not a bright flash, but the norm of behavior, and it was truly absurd to try out the motive for an action aimed at helping a person in trouble.

In fact, it is necessary, first of all, to investigate the moral atmosphere, the environment that makes it possible to instill in people a similar understanding of a sense of duty, a similar responsiveness. (22) This is really necessary, because it is important that the manifestation of the humane properties of the human soul become a natural need for everyone. (23) For everyone!

With particular clarity, I remember the faces of my old interlocutors at the moments when their act was characterized by many journalists as a feat. (25) No, these people knew well that a feat is one thing, and the fulfillment of a moral duty is another. (26) The journalist should have known this too. (27) As well as the fact that each of these people, in general, every person who is able to transgress personal well-being in order to help another person, is capable of much more. (28) Just such a person will not allow a collision, a conflict between personal interest and public interest.

(29) One originates in the other. (ZO) Big - in small, great - in big.

(According to G.N. Bocharov*)

*Gennady Nikolaevich Bocharov (born in 1935) - journalist, publicist, political commentator.

In what sentences does the author explain the motives of the act of voluntary donors?

2, 3 2) 14, 15 3) 17, 19 4) 29, 30

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

Sentences 9-12 present the narrative.

Sentences 17-19 present reasoning.

24 sentence of the text contains a descriptive fragment.

Sentence 30 explains the content of sentence 29 of the text.

Which sentence uses phraseology?

5 2) 17 3) 21 4) 24

Part 2

When completing the tasks of this part, write down your answer in the answer sheet No. 1 to the right of the task number (B1-B8), starting from the first cell. Write each letter or number in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form. Separate words or numbers with commas when listing. Put each comma in a separate box. Spaces are not used when writing answers. Unified State Examination Russianlanguage(March 23 2012 year) Each rural ... write Trial in the top center USE-2012 . Russianlanguage OPTION - All secondary schools must ... commissions to verify the trial USE on Russianlanguage should arrive at 12. ...

The answers to tasks 1–24 are a word, a phrase, a number or a sequence of words, numbers. Write your answer to the right of the task number without spaces, commas or other additional characters.

Read the text and do tasks 1-3.

(1) When we look at a painted object, we see not its own color, but the color of the light that is reflected from this object. (2) Most of the sunlight (and this is a mixture of all colors) falling on an object is absorbed, remains inside. (3) And ______ the reflected light enters our eyes, and we perceive it as the color of the object.


Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?

1. Looking at a painted object, a person perceives the sunlight reflected by the object as its color.

2. Sunlight is a mixture of all colors absorbed by an object.

3. The color of an object perceived by a person is the sunlight reflected by the object.

4. When we look at an object, we see the colors of sunlight absorbed by it.

5. Most of the sunlight enters the human eye.


What word (combination of words) should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

2. not only


Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meaning of the word LIGHT. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

LIGHT, -а (-у), m.

1. Radiant energy that makes the surrounding world visible; electromagnetic waves in the range of frequencies perceived by the eye. Sunny s. Electric with. S. from the lantern. S. truth (trans.). The face was lit up with inner light (trans.: became spiritualized).

2. Illumination, the state when it is light. In the light (in the light, in the light). In windows with

3. In some expressions: dawn, sunrise (colloquial). Until the light with the light (before dawn). Neither s. no dawn (very early in the morning; colloquial). Slightly s. (Barely began to dawn).

4. Use. as an affectionate appeal (obsolete and in folk literature). C. you are my clear


In one of the words below, a mistake was made in setting the stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel is highlighted INCORRECTLY. Write out this word.

1. plug

3. Religion

4. call back

5. Mosaic


In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

1. Leaping out of bed at the same time as the alarm went off, Anton quickly put on a tracksuit and sneakers and a minute later was running down the stairs, cheerfully whistling some kind of march.

2. This outstanding physicist considered himself a complete Ignorant in literature.

3. The young teacher excitedly caught the GRATITUDE looks of the children on himself and continued to speak heartfeltly about everything that had accumulated in his soul.

4. Between schoolchildren and teachers, good and TRUSTful relations were established already in the first days.

5. At the evening of graduates, yesterday's schoolchildren plunged into pleasant MEMORIES.


In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

1.five KILOGRAMS of rice

3. over FIFTY

4. thousand remote VILLAGES



Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) The structure of the sentence, using the gerund, is often not taken into account. 1) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition
B) The officer told the stationmaster that "I need horses." 2) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate
C) Meadows spread all around, fragrant with both the aromas of flowers and herbs. 3) a violation in the construction of a proposal with an inconsistent application
D) Everyone who has seen the sea on moonlit southern evenings often remembers it. 4) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members
E) Due to particles that move uniformly, electromagnetic waves are emitted. 5) incorrect construction of a sentence with a participial turnover
6) violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover
7) incorrect sentence construction with indirect speech

Write your answer in numbers without spaces or other characters.


Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

1. compression..burning

2. architectural

3. to..sat

4. bl..stability

5. kill..army


Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write these words out with the missing letter.

1. pr .. cooked, pr .. lay down

2. o .. threw, on .. knit

3. pr.. was silent, r.. separated

4. ro..cherk, white..bottom

5. pr .. managed, pr .. elephant


Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap.

1. step out

2. mocking..out

3. beans..vy

4. withstand ..wat

5. smile..y


Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.

1. perek..sh

2. glued

3. sow..sh

4. built..

5. wrinkled..ny


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

2. From the middle of the 19th century, Russian scientists (NOT) TIME organized expeditions to the volcanoes of Kamchatka.

3. (NOT) TOTALLY understandable behavior of the hero is explained by the author in the last chapter.

4. (NOT) EVERYONE is able to behave naturally in a conversation with unfamiliar people.

5. In our time (NOT) CONTINUOUSLY growing amount of information that is transmitted over global trunk lines.


Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

1. The eldest son, Anisim, came home very rarely, only on big holidays, (FOR) THEN he often sent gifts with fellow countrymen and SO (SAME), like the middle one, Stepan, short letters.

2. Sergeev knew and loved his work (FOR) THAT it was given to him, (FOR) THAT, and they considered him a good master at the factory.

3. (BY) WHAT do you judge a person's culture - by his manners, tastes, habits? And (FROM) WHAT are you so demanding of him?

4. They were sometimes silent for hours, FOR (THAT) each felt that both of them were fine - and (FOR) THEREFORE it was good that they were together.


Indicate all the numbers in the place of which HN is written.

Some paintings by the artist A.K. Savrasov were small in size; writing (1) to them within one to two hours, they are noted (2) by the charm of inspiring (3) improvisations.


Set up punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1. There were no decorations on the walls or windows.

2. Among the artisans were weavers and gunsmiths and bone carvers.

3. A powerful "fur coat" around our planet consists of free protons and electrons and is divided into two belts.

4. Antiquity in Greece appeared before V.A. Serov in its purest form, and the artist perceived this country as a dream of great art realized.

5. Cases and cases completely tortured me.


A magnificent view opened before us: the river winds (1) dimly blue through the misty distance (2) through watery-green meadows, and a person (3) embraced by the bright breath of spring (4) grows stronger, breathes more freely, more joyfully in his soul.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be in the sentences.

In late autumn or winter, flocks of melodiously chirping or sharply screaming birds appear on the streets of cities (1) (2). Here (3) apparently (4) for this cry, the birds got their name - waxwings, because the verb "to whistle" meant "to whistle sharply, scream."


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be in the sentence.

In the poem (1) the plot (2) of which (3) was at first rather vague (4) now includes all the living scenes of the journey.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be in the sentence.

He continued on his way (1) but (2) when only twelve miles remained (3) the tire suddenly whistled and sank (4) because a sharp pebble again fell under the wheel.


Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by excluding the extra word. Write out this word.

With the appearance of the first thawed patches and until the middle or end of May, one after another, our migratory feathered birds return to their homeland, spending the winter in more southern regions.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-26.

(1) There are such deaf and secluded places on our river that when you make your way through tangled forest thickets, filled with nettles, and sit down near the water itself, you will feel as if in a separate world, fenced off from the rest of the earthly space. (2) At the most rough, superficial glance, this world consists of only two parts: greenery and water.

(3) We will now increase our attention drop by drop. (4) At the same time, almost simultaneously with water and greenery, we will see that, no matter how narrow the river is, no matter how densely the branches are intertwined above its channel, nevertheless the sky takes an important part in the creation of our small world. (5) It is either gray, when it is still the earliest dawn, then gray-pink, then bright red - before the solemn exit of the sun, then gold, then golden-blue and, finally, blue, as it should be in the midst of a clear summer day. (6) In the next share of attention, we will already discern that what seemed to us just greenery is not just greenery at all, but something detailed and complex. (7) And in fact, to stretch an even green canvas near the water, that would be marvelous beauty, we would exclaim: “Earthly grace!”

(8) Passionate fisherman Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was not so right when he said that during fishing, bright, good thoughts come to mind.

(9) Looking at the white lush piles of flowers, I often thought about the absurdity of the situation.

(10) I grew up on this river, they taught me something at school. (11) I see these flowers every time, and I don’t just see them - I single them out from all the other flowers. (12) But ask me what they are called - I don’t know, for some reason I have never heard their names from other people who also grew up here. (13) Dandelion, chamomile, cornflower, plantain, bluebell, lily of the valley - we still have enough for this. (14) We can still call these plants by name. (15) However, maybe I'm the only one who doesn't know? (16) No, no matter who I asked in the village, showing white flowers, everyone shrugged:

Who knows! (17) A lot of them grows: both on the river and in forest ravines. (18) And what are they called? .. (19) What do you need?

(20) We are actually, I would say, a little indifferent to everything that surrounds us on earth. (21) No, no, of course, we often say that we love nature: these copses, and hills, and springs, and fiery, half-sky, summer warm sunsets. (22) And, of course, collect a bouquet of flowers, and, of course, listen to the birds singing, to their chirping in the golden forest tops at a time when the forest itself is still full of dark green, almost black coolness. (23) Well, go mushrooming, and fish, and just lie on the grass, looking up at the floating clouds.

Section "Syntax and Punctuation"

Topic 1. Working with text

Exercise 1.Write, insert letters, open brackets, punctuate.

1) I threw my hands over my head. 2) High-high in the middle __ in a low, slightly blurred sky over the distant Yenisei __ chill two m __ twinkling stars __ chki, the size of this __ what a taiga flower. 3) The stars always evoke me __ stvo dreary success __ to __ leniya with your l __ by the light of uncertainty __ yu persistence __ Yu… 4) Asc __ with a stom I learned the joy of a short proh __ baby is often deceitful __ wa sadness is eternal bl __ G __ creativity is unchanged. 5) Joy St. __ sknet z __ lightning bolt and roll __ tsya erratic gr __ flickering. 6) Sadness light __ t is quiet like an unguessed star, but this light is (not) fading __ t n __ night __ y n __ born in the afternoon __ thoughts of neighbors longing for love dreams of something unknown or about the past is always languishingly sweet or about temptation __ I will __ we… 7) Taiga on earth and stars in the sky were thousands of years before us. 8) The stars went out and instead of their pa __ color __ there are others in the sky. 9) And trees __ i'm in the taiga mind __ rali and r __ waiting for one tree __ well __ halo lightning washed away the river another littered this __ into the water... 10) We only need __ that we are transforming __ everyone called taiga too. 11) No, we just hurt her. __ dily east __ ptali and __ scratched burned with fire. 12) But fear (not) could convey to her (not) pr __ will and hostility no matter how __ rallied.

Complete tasks.

1) Determine the style of the text and the type of speech.

2) Determine the topic of the text.

3) Ask challenging questions. Identify the problems of the text.

4) What is the main compositional technique used by the author in the text.

5) The use of what syntactic means makes the narrator's speech convincing, excited, helps to understand the author's position?

6) Indicate the sentences in which there is a comparison.

7) From literary works, give 2-3 examples that will serve as your arguments for the text.

8) Indicate the number of the sentence associated with the previous chain connection (using single-root words).

Exercise 2.

Write the text, observing the spelling and punctuation rules. Select homogeneous members of the sentence.

Write a continuation of the text, talking about what you know about emoticons as a means of written communication.

Emoticons (from English. smile- smile) are icons made up of punctuation marks of letters and numbers and showing some kind of emotion. They first appeared in 1982 and marked the smile of users of k_mp_uther. (Today) there are (not, not) how many hundreds of different signs demonstrating the mood of communicating in chats and forums. They are widely used (tsya, tsya) when communicating on the Internet in letters in SMS correspondence and even in ordinary letters ...

Control and measuring materials

TEST1 Language. Communication. Speech styles

Part 1

1. Choose the correct answer

1. Name the types of communication.

1) oral and written

2) oral and telephone

3) written and Internet communication

4) telephone and Internet communication

2. What types of speech activity characterize written and oral communication? Connect the corresponding letters and numbers together.

A. Letter.

B. Speaking 1) written communication

B. Listening 2) verbal communication

D. Reading

3. Select the signs of oral communication.

2) volume

3) unpreparedness (i.e. creation at the time of communication)

4. Select the signs of written communication.

1) the ability to edit text

2) selection of paragraphs

4) tempo and tone

5. Choose the option that correctly indicates the names of speech styles.

1) scientific and oral

2) colloquial and oral

3) scientific and colloquial

4) spoken and written

Part 2.

(1) He glutton; he dines outside the house. (2) Last night he returned hungry, decided to have a bite. (3) Nothing was found in the buffet. (4) He went down to the store and brought a whole bunch: two hundred and fifty grams of ham, a can of sprats, canned mackerel, a large loaf, a good half moon of Dutch cheese, four apples, a dozen eggs and Persian Pea marmalade.

(5) Fried eggs and tea were ordered.

(6)-Lopay, Cavaliers, - he invited me and he fell on himself.

(7) He ate scrambled eggs from the pan, chipping off pieces of protein, as enamel peels off. (8) His eyes were filled with blood, he took off and put on his pince-nez, champed, nozzles, his ears moved.

(9) I have fun with observations. (10) Have you paid attention to the fact that salt falls from the tip of a knife without leaving any marks; that the pince-nez runs over the bridge of the nose like a bicycle; that a person is surrounded by small inscriptions - on forks, spoons, plates, pince-nez rims, buttons and pencils? (11) No one notices them. (12) They are fighting for existence. (13) Go from view to view, up to huge sign letters!(14) They rebel: the letters of the street signs are at war with the letters of the posters.

(According to Yu. Olesha)

1. What style are the underlined words?

2. From sentences 12-14 write down the words and expressions that are mainly used in written book speech.

3. Determine the means of expression that the author uses in the text.

In this passage, Yu. Olesha actively combines colloquial and literary features. Thus, sentence 10 creates the illusion of a dialogue, a conversation between the author and the reader. This effect is achieved through such a syntactic means as _______________________________, as well as words that replace ______________________ (“did you pay attention to ...”) The word “half moon” (sentence 4) is _________________________________________________________________, which gives special expressiveness to the text.

means of expression

1) obsolete word

2) interrogative sentence

3) exclamatory sentence

4) appeal

6) sound recording

Test 2 Text. Theme of the text

Part 1

What order should the sentences be in to form a text?

A. An island near Antarctica was named after him, but since after the defeat of the Decembrist uprising it was forbidden to mention the names of the convicts, the island was renamed Vysoky.

V. In 1819-1821, Lieutenant Thorson sailed with Bellingshausen on the Vostok sloop and became a participant in the discovery of Antarctica.

G. Contemporaries speak of Thorson as a fine man and a distinguished naval officer who did much for the development of the Russian navy.

1) D, A, B, C

2) C, B, D, A

3) D, C, A, B

4) B, D, C, A

2. Read the text.

1) ... 2) All other information (sounds, images) for processing on a computer must be converted into numerical form.

3) Similarly, text information is processed on a computer: when entered into a computer, each letter is encoded with a certain number, and when transferred to external devices, corresponding images of letters are built using these numbers.

4) This correspondence between a set of letters and numbers is called a character encoding.

Which of the following sentences should come first in this text?

1) Personal computers are universal devices for processing information.

2) A computer can only process information presented in numerical form.

3) All information intended for long-term use is stored in files.

4) Information in a computer is stored in memory or on various media, such as floppy and hard disks.

3. Read the text.

When we look at a painted object, we see not its own color, but the color of the light that is reflected from this object. Most of the sunlight (and this is a mixture of all colors) that hits an object is absorbed, remains inside. And only the reflected light enters our eyes, and we perceive it as the color of the object.

Which of the following sentences correctly conveys important information contained in the text?

1) Looking at a painted object, a person perceives the light reflected by the object as its color.

2) Sunlight is a mixture of all colors absorbed by an object.

3) Most of the sunlight enters the human eye.

4) When we look at an object, we see the colors of sunlight absorbed by it.

4. Read the sentences.

1) The problem of the origin of life on Earth has not yet been solved.

2) Traces of life have been found in rocks that are about a billion years old.

3) ... about a billion years ago, life on our planet already existed, there was an atmosphere and a hydrosphere.

What word or combination of words should be in place of the gap in the third sentence?

1) However,

3) In other words,

4) Finally,

5. Read the text.

What was written on before they learned how to make paper from wood? It is known that papyrus was the most widely used writing material in ancient times. This is also the name of the aquatic plant, from the stems of which it is made. It was the papyrus that was most conveniently rolled into scrolls, and the reader could gradually unfold the long rolls, moving forward through the text. There is evidence that the length of one of the scrolls, on which the poem of the ancient Greek poet Homer "Iliad" was written, reached 150 meters. By the way, the richest collection of the Alexandria Library, famous in antiquity, consisted of papyrus scrolls.

Which statement does not match the text?

1) Papyrus is the most widely used writing material in antiquity.

2) Papyrus can be rolled up into scrolls.

3) Papyrus is the skin of animals dressed in a special way.

4) Homer's poem "The Iliad" is written on the papyrus

Part 2

Read the text and complete tasks 1-3.

(1) I read my thick library book for a very long time - a month or a half. (2) I bathed in happiness, in the sun and the carelessness of pre-war life, which had already begun to be forgotten, receded into the distance of memory, as if in the theater backstage.

(3) Sometimes it seemed that the war was always going on, that the father had been at the front for ages. (4) I could not believe only one thing - that it would be endless. (5) There was no hopelessness. (6) Hope and expectation is the only thing people lived by. (7) Everything that happened now seemed temporary. (8) But the protracted temporality, of course, required at least short touches on constancy.

(9) Maybe that's why I read a book about pre-war life for so long because it was a small island of peace in a sea of ​​war? (10) Maybe I wanted to stay longer there, on the peaceful and quiet Volga, imagining the hero of the book, my peer, by myself? (11) I don't remember.

(12) I remember that I was infinitely happy, sitting down in the evening with a book in my hands closer to the stove and pulling my grandmother's woolen scarf, holey from old age, over my shoulders. (13) Happy and enlightened.

(14) The book did a miracle: she spoke to me in different voices of children and adults. (15) I felt the deck of a snow-white steamer swaying under me, I saw splashes of fish in the streams of the river. (16) I heard the metallic rumble of the anchor chain and the clear commands of the captain. (17) I smelled the smoke that came from the shore. (18) As if magical power carried me away to another space and time, and immense distances opened up, cloudy skies parted.

(19) I read a book, enjoyed it, as if swallowing delicious ice cream.

(According to A. Likhanov)

1. From the first two paragraphs, choose the sentence that contains the information you need to justify your answer to the question, “Why did the narrator enjoy the book he borrowed from the library so much?” Write down the number of this offer.

2. What is the meaning of the word in the text temporary(sentence 7)? Choose and write down a synonym for this word.

3. Title the text.

Test 3 Narrative

Part 1

1. Which sentence is narrative?

1) Come tomorrow at five o'clock.

2) Did you have a good rest?

3) We had a wonderful rest!

4) How could you do that?!

2. What is the narrative text about?

1) characterization of a person's character

2) thinking about the problem

3) story about the event

4) description of nature

3. Narrative text is characterized by such a feature as

1) change of events, plot development

2) question-answer form of presentation

3) a large number of adjectives and other definitions

4) rhetorical questions and exclamations

4. Which of the headings can refer to the narrative text?

1) Winter forest

2) My room

3) What are the rains

4) Holidays in the countryside

5. Elements of what (-their) of the types of speech can include text-narrative?

1) only descriptions

2) only reasoning

3) descriptions and reasoning

4) cannot include elements of other types of speech.

Part 2

Read the text and complete tasks 1-5.

(1) This happened after I had been away from home for several days. (2) I didn’t come home on purpose to find out how Kuska would react to my absence. (3) Tolya reported to me about what she did and how she behaved. (4) He said that by the time I arrived, Kuska was running to meet me at the gates of the territory, looking out into the street for a long time, looking for me among passers-by, sad and eating poorly. (5) I came in the afternoon when Kuska was not waiting. (6) She was lying near the house, but when she saw me, she rushed towards me. (7) I extended my hand, and Kuska did not bounce, as before; she poked her nose into my palm and stopped, clumsily wagging her tail. (8) Taking advantage of the trust, I carefully put my hand on her head and began to stroke her. (9) Quietly at first, then bolder, bolder, stroking her black satin head, which she had dreamed of touching for so long. (10) The piece stood without moving. (11) She seemed to freeze under my hand, then suddenly turned around and began to caress. (12) She jumped on my chest, wagged her tail, licked her hands, face. (13) So from an evil, distrustful beast, she became a dog, a true friend of man.

(According to V. Chaplina)

1. Prove that this text is a text - a narrative. What event is it about?

2. Which of sentences 9-11 is related to the previous one with a personal pronoun? Write down the number of this offer.

3. Which of sentences 7-10 contains a description element? Write down the number of this offer.

Part 1

1. Name the types of communication.
1) oral and written
2) oral and telephone
3) written and Internet communication
4) telephone and Internet communication
2. What types of speech activity characterize written and oral communication? Connect the corresponding letters
and numbers to each other.
A. Letter
B. Speaking 1) written communication
B. Listening 2) verbal communication
D. Reading
3. Select the signs of oral communication.
1) font
2) volume
3) unpreparedness (i.e. creation at the time of communication)
4) color
4. Select the signs of written communication.
1) the ability to edit text
2) selection of paragraphs
3) gestures
4) tempo and tone
Test 1
5. Choose the option that correctly indicates the names of speech styles.
1) scientific and oral
2) colloquial and oral
3) scientific and colloquial
4) spoken and written
& 0
Part 2

(1) He is a glutton, he dines outside the house. (2) Last night ver-
he was hungry, he decided to have a bite. (H) Nothing was found in
: buffet. (4) He went down to the store and dragged a whole bunch:
two hundred and fifty grams of ham, a can of sprats, scum-
canned brie, big loaf, good dutch cheese
half moon, four apples, a dozen eggs and marmalade "Persian-
sky peas.
(5) Fried eggs and tea were ordered.
(6) - Pop, Kavalerov, - he invited me and he himself
! fell down.
(7) He ate scrambled eggs from the pan, breaking off pieces of protein,
How does enamel peel off? (8) His eyes were filled with blood, he
! took off and put on pince-nez, champed, sniffed, he moved
(9) I have fun with observations. (Yu) Did you pay
. attention to the fact that salt falls from the tip of the knife, leaving no
leaving no trace that the pince-nez is crossing the bridge of the nose,
like a bicycle that a person is surrounded by small inscriptions
si - on forks, spoons, plates, pince-nez rims, pugo-
vices and pencils? (11) Nobody notices them. (12) They
: are fighting for existence. (13) Go from view to
view, down to the huge signboard letters! (14) They are
melt: the letters of the signs with the names of the streets are at war with the letter-
mi posters.
(According to Yu. Oleshyo)
1. What style do the underlined words belong to?
Communication. Speech styles
2. From sentences 12-14 write down the words and expressions that are mainly used in written book
3. Determine the means of expression that the author uses in the text.
In this passage, Yu. Olesha actively connects
colloquial and literary features. So, sentence 10 creates the illusion of a dialogue, a conversation between the author and the reader.
This effect is achieved due to such a syntactic means as _______________________________
__________, as well as words that replace ______________
___________________________ ("Did you pay attention.,."). The word "half moon" (sentence 4) is
_______________________________ , which gives special expressiveness to the text.
means of expression
1) obsolete word
2) interrogative sentence
3) exclamatory sentence
4) appeal
5) a word coined by the author
6) sound recording

Part 1
Choose the correct answer.
1. What is transcription?
1) section of the science of language
2) a special recording of words in full accordance with their sound
3) part of speech
4) style of speech
2. What is a spelling?
1) spelling according to spelling rules or according to tradition in words in which the pronunciation diverges from
2) the part of the word that is at its beginning
3) section of the science of language
4) type of writing
3. In which line in all words are missing unchecked
1) never, v..yes, pug..vitsa
2) vol..sy, tr..va, k..dova
3) l..stock, v..losiped, st..on
4) ..album, r..sunok, p..dushka
4. In which line are all the words with unpronounceable consonants?
1) forest ..nitsa, hello ..svey, age ..nick
2) peer, holiday, prank .. nickname
3) sol..tse, month..ness, neighborhood
4) happy, beautiful..ny, lovely..ny
Remember, repeat, learn
5. In which row in all words are missing unverifiable
root consonants?
1) in..hall, ho..ey, pos..ny
2) ryu..zak, fu..bol, basque..bol
3) dispute .. shift, rainy, shu .. ka
4) te..is, participant, short
Part 2
Read the text and complete tasks 1-3.
(1) One night the owl was sitting on a guard tree.
(2) Snow fell during the day, and now the whole forest flared up with sparks on
sun. (Z) Suddenly, a loose clod of snow broke off a wide spruce paw at the edge of the clearing and gently fell to the ground. (4)Neya-
the succulent slipped from the tree and flew towards the swaying branch.
(5) Like a huge night butterfly, she fluttered her wings in one place. (6) Her eyes stared intently into
the dark depths of spruce. (7) There, at the very trunk, they slept, closely
clinging to each other, kings.
(8) The sharp look of an owl clearly distinguished small
fluffy balls of feathers. (9) More than a dozen kinglets sat nearby. (Yu) Everyone carefully covered the neighbor with a warm
(I) A cold wind from the wings of an owl climbed under the feathers of the birds. (12) The birds shuddered and woke up. (13)B
the same moment the owl rushed at them with outstretched paws. (14) Three small birds immediately huddled in her claws.
(15) The rest, in terrible confusion, rushed anywhere.
(16) The owl returned with prey to its tree. (17) Out
In the darkness, her piercing laughter and howl resounded throughout the forest.
(V. Bianchi)
1. From sentences 2-3 write out a word with an unpronounceable
Unstressed vowels
2. From sentences 11-12 write out the noun with<^, &
an unchecked vowel at the root of a word. ____
3. From sentence 17, write out the word in which there is a voice - f g
nye, denoting two sounds.
Part 1
1. In which line is the unstressed checked vowel of the root missing in all words?
1) minimum, option, position
2) edit, kn..golyub, simplified
3) established, Computer, mention..
4) p.. full-blooded, pro.. fool, preliminary..
& 0
2. In which line is the checked consonant of the root missing in all the words?
1) ma..h, road..ka, tree..tse
2) find..ka, ko..ba, young..ba
3) pro..ba, like..ka, ka..tan
4) ska..ka, ho..ba, in..hall
& 0
3. In which row in all words is the same one missing
1) faith .. ka, lo .. bone, vysh .. ka
2) okay .. ka, old .. ka, but .. ka
3) golu..ka, violin..ka, gig..bone
4) me..bone, tetra..ka, re..bone
& 0
Remember, repeat, learn

1) m..rkov, k..empty, p..midor
2) for..ts, September, p..nal
3) d..rizher, b..sedka, b..cut
4) k..potato, zap..x, v..gon
5. In which line is the unstressed unchecked vowel of the root missing in all words?
1) p..losa, achievement, ..ren
2) ap..lsin, d..van, zasv..tlo
3) g..package, k..stym, k..nfeta
4) project.. smoldering, g..rderob, r..men
Part 2
Read the text and complete tasks 1-3.
(1) The kinglets waited until their chicks learned to fly, and the whole family moved to another forest. (2) There they are
made a new nest for themselves and brought them out for the second time that summer and
fed the chicks.
(3) By autumn, both broods of beetles merged into one
friendly family. (4) And to make it more fun to spend a harsh,
cold winter, they stuck to a flock of other birds roaming the forest. (5) This flock served as scouts.
(6) From morning to night, the birds snooped through the trees, looked into every crack and hole in the bark. (7) Carpenter beetles hid there with their larvae and eggs,
leafworms, bark beetles.
(8) These little enemies of the forest were hunted down and caught by birds.
(9) And when they noticed a predatory beast or a bird that they themselves could not cope with, they sounded the alarm to the whole forest.
(V. Bianchi)
I, U, A after hissing
1. From sentence 4, write out a word containing two unstressed checked vowels.
2. From sentences 8-9 write out the noun with
unstressed unchecked vowel in the root.
F ><£f
3. From sentences 3-5, write out the words containing the consonant being checked at the root.
Part 1
1. Where is the letter b written in the word?
1) after vowel prefixes
2) after prefixes on consonants
3) after the root into consonants
4) after the root into vowels
2. In which row in all words is the same one missing
1) lampshade..r, parach..tny
2) f..ri, h..zhak
3) burn .. eat, bro.. rka
4) brop.ra, parach..t
EY 0
3. In which row do all the words contain one spelling?
1) h..desa, animal, cr..vat
2) ovch..rka, shch..finger, f..zn
3) w..vel, dogrose, gol..d
4) w..finger, liquid, hair..sy
Remember, repeat, learn
4. In which row is the same word missing in all words?
1) pit..e, entrance, in..south
2) from .. rides, sem .. I, ear .. I
3) rouge..yo, bar..er, chair..ya
4) explanation, announcement, ant..and
5. Indicate the option containing the correct and complete answer
to the question: “Before which letters is the separating b written?”.
1) before the letters A, O, I, E, E
2) before the letters I, E, Y, E, U
3) before the letters I, E, S, Yu, E
4) before the letters I, I, E, E, Yu
Part 2
Read the text and complete tasks 1-3.
(1) Petya sat down not far from the hut, under an alder bush, and threw in his fishing rods.
(2) How good it was around! (B) The lake where they gathered
fishing was not wide. (4) Along the edges, it was all overgrown with reeds, and branches of alder bushes hung from the shore into the water.
(5) On the opposite shore, approached the lake itself
a low hill, all overgrown with young aspen. (6)Te-
feather, in late autumn, the aspens have already flown around. (7)Reed too
faded. (8) But the lake itself seemed bright blue and so beautiful
stood out among the withered vegetation!
(9) The sun was setting. (10) Its rays gently illuminated the naked
woods, reddish reeds and the calm water of the lake.
(I) Fish at sunset was taken well. Petya caught a full
a bucket of perch and roach.
(According to G. Skrebitsky)
1. From sentences 5-7, write out a word with a separating b.
Writing Prepositions
2. Write out spelling words from sentences 2-5
"The spelling of vowels after sibilants".
3. From the word "shore" (sentence 5), form a single-root
noun with a divisive b and write it down.
Part 1
1. Choose the correct answer.
The suggestion is
1) word
2) part of a word
3) type of spelling of words
4) type of offer
2. Choose the correct answer.
The prefix is
1) word
2) part of a word
3) type of spelling of words
4) type of offer
3. Choose the correct answer.
Prepositions with the words they come before
are written
1) separately
2) together
3) through a hyphen

<р &
& 0
& and
Remember, repeat, learn
^ 0
I Yu
4. Choose the correct answer.
Prepositions from (for) and from (under) are written
1) separately
2) together
3) through a hyphen
4) depending on the context
5. Choose the correct answer.
Hyphen, separate and continuous spelling is
1) type of stress
2) punctuation mark
3) rule
4) spelling
Part 2
Read the text and do the tasks.
(1) - Dad, dad, the wolf pulled up the goat! - shouted
guys running into the house.
(2) Sergei Ivanovich quickly got up from (at) the table, put on a padded jacket, grabbed a gun and followed (followed) the children (out into) the street ...
(3) Previously, even bears were encountered in this forest, but they have long since died out. (4) But hares, squirrels, foxes and other
there were a lot of forest animals. (b) Wolves also visited.
(b) In late autumn and winter, they approached the village itself,
and in the dead, gloomy nights one often heard their drawn-out,
sad howl. (7) Then all the dogs in the village climbed under
cages, under the huts, and from there piteously, timidly chirped.
(8) - So, the accursed ones showed up again! grumbled Sergei Ivanovich, walking quickly with the children along the path into the forest...
(9) Here is the clearing. (10) Shreds were still white from afar
wool of a torn goat. (I) Sergei Ivanovich carefully examined the remains of the animal feast. (12) He even
squatted down, trying to make out the tracks of the beast on the ground, but it was impossible to notice them among the withered grass nailed to the ground by rains.
(According to G. Skrebitsky)
Theme of the text
1. Write down the numbers of the sentences of the third paragraph, in which ^ ^
there are no suggestions. ____
2. From sentences 3-8 write out a preposition that repeats ^ ^
appears twice in one sentence.
3. From sentence 2 write out a preposition, the spelling of which
different from the rest of the sentences in this sentence.
<р £<,
Part 1
1. What order should the sentences be in order to
did you get the text?
A. An island near Antarctica was named after him, but,
since after the defeat of the Decembrist uprising it was forbidden to mention the names of the convicts, the island was renamed Vysoky.
B. Konstantin Torson, participant in the December 14 uprising
1825, was a remarkable personality.
B. In 1819-1821, Lieutenant Thorson sailed with Bellingshausen on the sloop Vostok and became a member
discovery of Antarctica.
G. Contemporaries speak of Thorson as a fine man and a distinguished naval officer who did much for the development of the Russian navy.
1) D, A, B, C
2) C, B, D, A
3) D, C, A, B
4) B, D, C, A
Remember, repeat, learn
& 0
on the
2. Read the text.
1) ... 2) All other information (sounds, images)
must be converted to a numeric form for processing on a computer.
3) Similarly, textual information is processed on a computer: when entered into a computer
each letter is encoded by a certain number, and when
When translated to external devices, these numbers are used to build the corresponding images of letters.
4) This is a correspondence between a set of letters and numbers
called character encoding.
Which of the following sentences should be
first in this text?
1) Personal computers are universal
information processing devices.
2) A computer can only process information
presented in numerical form.
3) All information intended for long-term use is stored in files.
4) Information in a computer is stored in memory or on
various media, such as flexible and rigid
& 0
3. Read the text.
When we look at a painted object, we see not its own color, but the color of the light that is reflected from this object. Most of
sunlight (and this is a mixture of all colors) that hits the object is absorbed, remains inside. And only the reflected light enters our eyes, and we perceive it as the color of the object.
Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text?
Theme of the text
1) Looking at a painted object, a person perceives
the light reflected by an object as its color.
2) Sunlight is a mixture of all colors absorbed
3) Most of the sunlight enters the human eye.
4) When we look at an object, we see absorbed
them the colors of sunlight.
4. Read the sentences.
1) The problem of the origin of life on Earth is still
has not yet been resolved. 2) Traces of life have been found in
rocks that are about a billion years old
3) .... about a billion years ago, life on our
the planet already existed, there was an atmosphere and a hydrosphere.
[ C P
What word or combination of words should be in place
gaps in the third sentence?
1) However,
2) However
3) In other words,
4) Finally,
5. Read the text.
What was written on before they learned how to make paper from wood? It is known that papyrus was the most widely used writing material in ancient times.
This is also the name of the aquatic plant, from the stems of which it is made. It was papyrus that was more convenient
roll everything up into scrolls, and the reader gradually
could deploy long rolls, moving forward
according to the text. There is evidence that the length of one of
scrolls on which an ancient Greek poem was written
& 0
Remember, repeat, learn
the poet Homer's "Iliad", reached 150 meters.
By the way, the richest
collection of the famous Alexandria Library in antiquity.
Which statement does not match the text?
1) Papyrus is the most widely used writing material in antiquity.
2) Papyrus can be rolled into scrolls.
3) Papyrus is the skin of animals dressed in a special way.
4) Homer's poem "The Iliad" is written on the papyrus.
Part 2
Read the text and complete tasks 1-3.
(1) I read my thick library book for a very long time - a month or a half. (2) I bathed in happiness, in the sun
and the carelessness of pre-war life, which has already begun to be forgotten, receded into the distance of memory, as if into theatrical
(Z) Sometimes it seemed that the war was always going on, that the father was kissing
eternity at the front. (4) I could not believe only one thing - what is it
will be endless. (5) There was no hopelessness. (b) Hope and
waiting is the only thing that people lived by. (7) Everything that happened now seemed temporary. (8) But protracted
temporality, of course, required at least short touches on permanence.
(9) Maybe that's why I read a book about the pre-war
life, that she was a small island of peace in a sea of ​​war? (Yu) Maybe I wanted to stay longer there, on the peaceful and quiet Volga, imagining the hero of the book, my peer, by myself? (11) I don't remember.
(12) I remember that I was infinitely happy, sitting down
in the evening with a book in his hands closer to the stove and pulling his breath
Theme of the text
a grandmother's woolen scarf on her shoulders, torn from old age.
(13) Happy and enlightened.
(14) The book did a miracle: she spoke to me in different voices of children and adults. (15) I felt like
the deck of a snow-white steamer is swaying with me, I saw
splashes of fish in the streams of the river. (16) I heard metal
the rumble of the anchor chain and the clear commands of the captain. (17) I smelled the smoke that came from the shore. (18) Like
magical power took me to another space and time, and immeasurable children opened up, cloudy
(19) I read a book, enjoyed it, as if swallowing delicious
ice cream.
(According to A. Likhanov)
1. From the first two paragraphs, select the sentence that contains the information you need to justify your answer to the question: “Why did the narrator enjoy the book he borrowed from the library so much?” Write down the number of this
2. In what sense is the word temporary used in the text (sentence 7)? Choose and write a synonym for
this word.
<С=) £<,
3. Title the text.<Р &
Remember, repeat, learn
Parts of speech
Part 1
1. The verb means
1) subject
2) action
3) a sign of an object
4) Quantity
2. Verbs have gender
1) in past tense
2) in the present tense
3) in the future tense
4) in an indefinite form
3. What is the form of the verb in which the letter b is written after the hissing.
1) in the 1st person plural of the future tense
2) in the 2nd person singular of the present and future tense
3) in the 3rd person singular past tense
4) in the 2nd person plural of the future tense
4. What determines the spelling -TSYA and -TSYA in verbs?
1) view
2) lexical meaning
3) question
4) time
-TSYA and -TSYA. Personal endings
5. What determines the spelling of personal endings
! 1) VIEW
2) lexical meaning
3) conjugation
4) time
Part 2
Read the text and complete tasks 1-3.
(1) One evening in the courtyard to the neighbors of Sergei Ivanovich
: their goat rushed in, covered in blood, a huge wound on its side. (2) By-
they ran into the forest, searched, searched, so the beast was not found.
(Z) Village hunters gathered, began to consult,
How to be. (4) This, apparently, is not a random animal, not by-
: wandered off. (5) He is here, in the forest, and lives, does not go anywhere.
(6) It is a pity that the snow does not fall for a long time, then it would be quick to follow
du searched. (7) A well-fed wolf will find a quieter corner in the forest,
. sleep all day. (8) Here it would be to arrange a raid on him.
(9) But it's all good in winter, in the snow, and if there is no snow -
. go look for him. (10) The forest is great, thicket and rubble, is it
Do you know where he landed?
■ (11) There were like dogs in the village, but for hunting the wolf
they don't fit. (12) With them, only walk on a squirrel and on a bird,
(13) So the hunters decided to wait for the snow to fall.
(14) It was still nothing, but the trouble is: and behind the squirrels those
it is dangerous to go into the woods with a dog. (15) Laika will run away
from a hunter, finds a squirrel in a tree, starts to bark, and
the gray robber will instantly arrive in time for the barking of dogs, grab the co-
jar, strangle and remember your name. (16) Drag into the very
a thicket, it will eat it all, you will not find a piece of wool.
(G. Skrebitsky)
1. How many verbs are in sentence 3?
& and
<3 &
Remember, repeat, learn
2. From sentences 2-7 write out the word, spelling
which should be checked by the spelling rule
-TSYA -TSYA in verbs. Check his spelling with a question.
^ 3. From sentence 13, write out the verb in the singular, determine its conjugation.
Part 1
1. The noun means
1) Quantity
2) subject
3) action
4) sign
2. Nouns change
1) only in cases
2) by cases and numbers

3. At the end of which nouns, after hissing, is the letter b written?
1) 3rd declension
2) 2nd declension
3) 1st declension
4) indeclinable
4. What kind of nouns belong to the 3rd declension?
1) male
2) medium
3) female
4) all kinds
5. In which row are all nouns of the same gender?
1) daughter, candle, uncle
2) road, tablecloth, swan
3) cloud, dad, resin
4) rye, snake, doll
Part 2
Read the text and complete tasks 1-3.
(1) If you look at Cannon from the side - a nondescript dog, a little bigger than a cat, a sharp muzzle,
the ears are upright, the tail is twisted into a steep steering wheel. (2)Painting
all white, but not pure white, but with a redhead, as if
he was either set on fire, or smeared in the mud. (Z) There is nothing to say, an unsightly look, a mongrel, and nothing more. (4) But already smart!
(5) “Well, just like a man,” said Sergey Ivanovich, “
understands everything, but cannot speak.
(6) But Fluff and his master understood each other perfectly without any words. And now, on Saturday night, both
of course, they were thinking about the same thing - about tomorrow.
(7) The day promised to be quiet, gray. (8) The most time for
go off with a squirrel. (9) It was already cold and the snow was falling, which means that the squirrel has now, I suppose, faded. (Yu) The skin is first grade.
(11) And it’s easy to walk through the forest at such a time: dress warmly
no need, put on a padded jacket, boots - go wherever you like.
(12) But when winter comes, it will pile up snow to the waist, then
you won’t go far put on a short fur coat, felt boots and stand
on skis. (13) This is not walking. (14) And the dog in deep
it is difficult to run in the snow - to look for a squirrel. (15) What is better now, according to the black trope.
(G. Skrebitsky)
1. Write out your own noun from the text,
passed from the group of common nouns.
Remember, repeat, learn
S$ => 2. Which two groups by meaning do the underlined nouns from sentences 11-12 belong to? Choose and write summarizing words for these two groups
=> 3. Write out complex nouns from sentences 12-15.
Part 1
& 0
1. Adjectives change
1) only in cases
2) by cases and numbers
3) by gender, numbers and cases
4) by tenses, genders, numbers and cases
2. In which row in all words at the place of the pass is written
letter E?
1) in autumn..m wind.., with the last sentence
2) about the winning ..th team .., about the brilliant dome
3) about the slightest possibility .., in the blue ..m of the sky ..
4) without a New Year's tree .., at a concert held ..
eS 0
3. In which row can only a question be asked for all words
adjective (what?) and you cannot ask a noun question (who?)
1) sick, warm th, motley th
2) January, modest, military
3) snowy, grassy, ​​cheerful
4) oak, police, complex
4. Which adjective cannot be combined with the words more or less?
1) high
2) legless
3) light
4) clean
e p
t p
5. Point out the wrong statement
1) brave - adjective in plural. h., in the genus. P.
2) bold - adjective in singular. h., in the genus. P.
3) bold - singular adjective. h., in dates. P.
4) brave - adjective in plural. hours, in vin. P.
& 0
Part 2
Read the text and complete tasks 1-3.
(1) End of August. (2) Early morning. (Z) The sun has just
rose from behind the tops of the pine forest and illuminated the spacious moss swamp. (4) Along the edges it is overgrown with frequent birch forest. (5) Among it, single young pines darken.
(6) All the land in the lowlands is covered with green moss, and on the mounds there are whole thickets of lingonberries, blueberries, gonobobel.
(7) The air smells of freshness, wild rosemary and some
a special smell of withering herbs and foliage.
(8) The first strands are already golden on the birch trees. ((^Individual leaves, like yellow butterflies, circle in the air and
sit on the ground, on the green caps of moss.
(Yu) At night, abundant cold dews already silver the earth in autumn. (11) And at sunrise everything around is the earth,
bushes and trees - everything sparkles with multi-colored lights, as if in every leaf, on every blade of grass,
left to burn the morning sunbeam.
(12) But the spider stars sprinkled with dew sparkle especially brightly. (13) They decorate the branches of bushes and trees.
(14) And in each star, in the very center, like a large pearl, a cross-spider sits.
(G. Skrebitsky)
Remember, repeat, learn
1. Which of sentences 1-6 has no adjectives? Write the number of this offer.
From sentences 7-9, write down the adjectives denoting color, along with the words to which they refer.
. From sentence 11 write out the noun, to
to which two adjectives refer.
Part 1
1. In which row are all the pronouns of the 3rd person?
1) we, you, he
2) he, it, they
3) I, she, they
4) we, you, she
In which row are all plural pronouns?
1) I, you, he
2) I, you, she
3) we, you, they
4) we, you, it
Which row contains the case forms of the pronoun
is he?
1) us, them, him
2) you, them, him
3) me, you, (about) him
4) (to) him, him, him
4. What grammatical category has only verbs and
pronouns I, we, you, you, he, she, it, they?
1) case
2) number
3) face
4) gender
0 P
5. What personal pronouns have gender?
1) 1st person
2) 2nd person
3) 3rd person
4) all personal pronouns
EJPart 2
Read the text and complete tasks 1-3.
(1) I carefully make my way among the bushes, heavy
from night dew. (2) My pointer Jack sniffs mosses
tussocks, thickets of lingonberries, blueberries in search of black grouse
brodkov. (Z) These are the tracks that birds leave when they roam
dewy grass. (4) At this morning hour, black grouse come out to feed from the thicket. (5) It's time to catch them in the open glades.
(b) Jack is already old, his instinct has weakened, but with what
he masterfully understands the intricate pattern of grouse fords! (7) Finally, the exit bird track is found.
(8) Jack carefully goes along it to the nearest bushes, to young birches, and there freezes on the counter.
(9) I come up, I command: “Forward!” Jack hesitantly
takes a step, then another, and from under the bushes, from the thick, slightly withered grass, black grouses take off with a noise.
(Yu) I raise my gun, I shoot. (11) one of the birds falls,
knocking down yellow leaves from birch trees. (12) Jack sees her fall,
hears how she plopped heavily on the damp earth, but
continues to stand without moving. (13) And, only when I send him forward, he rushes headlong into the bushes and
Remember, repeat, learn
a minute later he comes out of there, carrying a dead black grouse in his mouth.
(14) Jack holds him so carefully that he does not remember a single one
feather. (15) And what bliss his dog's muzzle expresses! (16) He wrinkles his nose funny, smiles and puts it in my hands
prey. (17) But, when I want to take it, he holds it slightly with his teeth, as if wanting to prolong this moment of our hunting triumph.
(G. Skrebitsky)
& 1. Which person's personal pronouns are used in sentences 5-6?
& => 2. From sentence 13, write out the pronoun(s) that have
(s) genus.
=> 3. Determine the case of the personal pronoun of the 1st person from sentence 16.
Part 1
Indicate the error in the definition of the main word in phrases.
1) aSaya dawn
2) loud sounds
3) s![et dog4) school diary
2. Indicate the error in the definition of the dependent word in phrases.
1) apartment cleaning
2) admire the picture
3) great weather
4) mug of milk
3. What combination of words is not a phrase?
1) interesting book
2) evening is coming
3) a jug of milk
4) thought of a friend
4. Indicate a phrase with the main word - a noun.
1) get to know the students
2) wind from the sea
3) read a magazine
4) leave the room

G 0
w p 5. Indicate the phrase with the main word - the adjective.
1) winter day
2) slippery floor
3) bronze from sunburn
4) examine the patient
Part 2
Read the text and complete tasks 1-3.
(1) A she-wolf sat in one cage, and a dog in the next one
from the breed of shepherds.
(2) Once, when a shepherd gnawed a bone with appetite,
one of her puppies, the smallest and quickest, crawled aside. (3) He stubbornly circled until he was near the grate in the place where the bars were slightly unbent. (4) But also this
the gap was enough for the puppy to squeeze through and find himself in the she-wolf's cage.
(b) The minister saw this and wanted to get the baby. (6)He
grabbed a metal stick, which removes the cells,
put it through the bars and began to push it towards him
puppy. (7) All this time, the she-wolf peered intensely into
baby. (8) Several times she tried to rush to him,
but each time the habitual fear of the club stopped her.
(9) The puppy was almost at the bars, when suddenly the she-wolf
jumped up and grabbed him in the teeth. (Y) The attendant was frightened.
(11) He thought that the she-wolf would now strangle the puppy, and, trying to save him, he began to scream, bang with a stick to make the she-wolf leave him. (12) But the she-wolf did not abandon the puppy. (13) She took the baby to the corner of the cage and carefully
put to the wolves.
(14) So the shepherd puppy remained to live among the cubs ...
(15) And when the cubs grew up and began to play, he always distinguished himself among them with his dexterity and ingenuity.
(B. Chaplin)
1. From sentences 4-5 write out a phrase in which f
both the main and the dependent words are expressed by verbs. ____
2. Among sentences 9-13, find one in which it is impossible ^ ^
highlight phrases. Write down his number.
3. How many phrases with the main word expressed
verb, can be distinguished in sentence 13?
<р &
Part 1
1. By intonation, sentences are divided
1) into exclamatory and non-exclamatory
2) into exclamatory and interrogative
3) into non-exclamatory and narrative
4) into narrative and interrogative
& 0
2. According to the purpose of the statement, sentences are divided into
1) narrative, interrogative and exclamatory
2) interrogative, exclamatory and non-exclamatory
3) narrative, incentive and interrogative
4) incentive, exclamatory, non-exclamatory
& 0
3. Enter an incentive offer.
1) Come here.
2) What a charm!
3) Is it true?
4) Early spring.
gS 0
Syntax. Punctuation. A culture of speech
& 0
&z 0
4. Indicate the correct description of the offer:
It's great to walk along Nevsky Prospekt in May!
1) narrative, non-exclamatory
2) incentive, exclamatory
3) incentive, non-exclamatory
4) narrative, exclamatory
5. An exclamatory sentence can be
1) motivating, non-motivating and interrogative
2) interrogative, non-interrogative and narrative
3) interrogative, narrative and incentive
4) incentive, interrogative and non-interrogative
Part 2
Read the text and complete tasks 1-3. !
(1) On Sunday, Petya woke up at the crack of dawn.
(2) He went into the barn, took out skis, light sleds,:
put a sack on them, tied it with a rope and resolutely =
walked towards the lake.
(3) At the sight of a vast frozen body of water in a boy
heart sank. (4) After all, no one else has tried this year:
walk on the ice away from the shore!..
(5) Sliding on a smooth surface and carrying a sled,
Petya went to the island that could be seen in the distance. (6)But than:
the further the boy moved away from the shore, the more the ice became
more unreliable, in some places it sagged, and protruded to the surface:
water fell.
(7) Petya moved on. (8) How scary! (9)Underfoot \
the ice sagged, as if Petya was walking on a thin, elastic board,!
walked over a bottomless abyss. (Yu) A crack is about to be heard -:
and he will fly down into the dark, cold abyss. (11) Petya you-
finally made it to the island.
Main members
(12) 0n was firmly convinced that the swan was somewhere here, on the island. (13) Where else can he go?! (14) Is it only alive:
is he? (15) Didn't he die of hunger?
(16) The boy began to carefully walk around the island along the coast, carefully peering at the withered, thinning reeds. (17) Even from a distance, he saw under a willow bush, on a heap
stalks of dried reeds, something big, snow-white.
(18) It was a swan.
(G. Skrebitsky)
1. Describe sentence 8 according to the purpose of the statement.
2. What type of sentences on the purpose of the statement is not among sentences 13-17?
3. Describe sentence 4 in terms of the purpose of the statement and
by emotional coloring.
Part 1
1. Indicate the sentence in which the
grammatical basis.
1) The children were playing in the garden in the rain.
2) White clouds floated quietly across the sky.
3) In clear silence, clouds pass in a lazy succession.
4) Russian folk tales are our wealth.
<=! &S
g$ 0
Syntax. Punctuation. A culture of speech
& 0
& 0
& 0
2. Indicate the sentence in which the subject is incorrectly highlighted.
1) The children were picking mushrooms.
2) But summer flies fast.
3) And the forest sang its gloomy song.
4) The sky gradually brightened behind the forest.
3. Indicate the sentence in which it is incorrectly highlighted
1) Clear air is clean.
2) A bright sun peeked out from behind the mountains.
3) Birch is a beautiful tree.
4) The doctor is attentive to all patients.
4. Indicate the sentence in which between the subject and
predicates need to put a dash (punctuation marks are not
1) The forest is beautiful and sad in early autumn.
2) The eagle flew over the top of the mountain.
3) The Volga is a great Russian river.
4) Oranges are like little suns.
5. Indicate the sentence in which between the subject and
predicates do not need to put a dash (punctuation marks do not
1) The ant is an amazing hard worker.
2) Linguistics is the science of language.
3) Bright spots of maple stand out against the background of yellowed
4) Books are best friends and advisers.
Part 2
Read the text and complete tasks 1-3.
(1) One day, the passengers of an airplane flying at a low altitude at a speed of 144 kilometers per hour saw a large rocker dragonfly nearby, keeping up with them.
Main members
: aircraft. (2) Sometimes she even overtook the plane, then again
flew by, as if showing her ability to fly.
: (Z) Then I learned another story related to the dragon-
■ Zami and aircraft. (4) When people began to design speed
tall aircraft, they encountered a very dangerous phenomenon
■ I eat, which was called "flutter". (5) Flutter is a fluctuation
wings. (6) The faster the plane flies, the more they tremble,
wings flutter. (7) From this they break, and the plane pa-
gives. (8) Aircraft and test pilots died, and design
■ Thors couldn't find a way to get rid of the flutter.
: (9) Finally, an anti-flutter device was invented.
(10) But it turns out that it was not necessary to invent it!
(11) You just had to pay attention to the dragonflies - exactly
her, on their wings.
(12) Here the dragonfly sits, slightly shaking its transparent
wings, with a metallic sheen. (13) Top-
there is a black spot on the edge of each wing or, ver-
her, dark bulge. (14) This is the anti-flutter
: a device that nature provided to the dragonfly.
(15) Now on each wing of the aircraft they also make such
here are thickenings, and planes fly no worse than insects.
■ (Yu. Dmitriev)
1. Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 5, explaining the setting of the dash.
<=> &
2. Among sentences 1-3, find one in which there is a subject expressed by a noun in the plural
number. Write down the number of this offer.
3. From sentences 1-2 write out a number of homogeneous predicates. F&
Syntax. Punctuation. A culture of speech
& 0
& 0
Part 1
1. Specify a line that lists only minor members.
1) addition, predicate, definition
2) definition, circumstance subject to
3) circumstance, subject, predicate
4) definition, addition, circumstance
2. Indicate the sentence in which the minor member, the addition, is incorrectly highlighted.
1) We brought tweets in baskets.
2) The eagle screamed loudly and spread its wings.
3) Spruce with a sleeve hung the path for me.
4) Turkey is a southern country.
3. Indicate the sentence in which the highlighted word is a circumstance.
1) The crimson moon hangs over the house.
2) The moonlit night turned even whiter from the frost.
3) The sea murmured deafly and beat against the shore.
4) A bittern stood on one leg in the reeds.
4. Indicate the sentence in which the highlighted word is a definition.
1) It was snowing heavily in the morning.
2) Stars dotted the night sky.
3) Quiet Ukrainian night.
4) In the birch grove, one another is more beautiful.
Minor members
5. Indicate the sentence in which the second is incorrectly highlighted
power term - definition.
1) Curly branches were decorated with gentle snow,
2) A full moon rose over the meadow.
) 3) There was an amazing silence in the house.
4) This house is nearby.
Part 2
: Read the text and complete tasks 1-3.
(1) Cherry blossomed. (2) And the bird cherry cold struck.
(Z) The fog at dawn did not rise in a ring from the forest clearing,
and froze and lay down on a clearing with frost. (4) The sky is faded, do not understand
wonder what it will be like during the day: either blue or gray?
(5) Quiet in the forest. (6) One cuckoo cuckoos, screams and screams
: your coo-coo!
: (7) And screamed. (8) In the evening I heard her - quite hoarse -
: la. (9) Instead of “ku-ku”, he shouts “hy-ho!”, “hy-ho!”. (Yu) It can be seen
! cold throat!
> (11) Who has not heard such hoarse cuckoos? (12)One-
■ They say that it is they who are hoarse from their own cry. (13)Others
they say: a spikelet, they say, choked. (14) But what else in May
(15) We also speak about the spring cold in
differently. (16) Who explains the cold snap by the fact that bird cherry
blooms, who - the Ladoga ice is coming. (17) And experts say
they say that at this time the ice in the Arctic breaks up and
are moving.
: (18) How cool it is in nature! (19) Somewhere far away
In the Arctic, the ice began to stir, and in our country the cuckoo hoarse. (20)Where
backfired and where responded!
! (N. Sweet)
1. Among sentences 1-4, find a simple non-expanding
new offer. Write down his number.
& 0
un<=1 3$
Syntax. Punctuation. A culture of speech
gS \u003d t> 2. Which member of the sentence is expressed by the highlighted word in
sentence 17?
£!> 3. Which member of the sentence extended sentence 2?