Kozhevnikov and m of the concept of modern natural science. Xe tutorial

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The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all the elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

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By default, the search is based on morphology.
To search without morphology, it is enough to put the "dollar" sign before the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

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When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthesized expression, a synonym will be added to each word if one was found.
Not compatible with no-morphology, prefix, or phrase searches.

# study


Parentheses are used to group search phrases. This allows you to control the boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate word search

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bromine ~

The search will find words such as "bromine", "rum", "prom", etc.
You can optionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1, or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

The default is 2 edits.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Expression relevance

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the sign " ^ " at the end of an expression, and then indicate the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the given expression.
For example, in this expression, the word "research" is four times more relevant than the word "development":

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To specify the interval in which the value of a field should be, specify the boundary values ​​in brackets, separated by the operator TO.
A lexicographic sort will be performed.

Such a query will return results with the author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in an interval, use square brackets. Use curly braces to escape a value.

Concepts of Modern Natural Science (CSE)

Topics of classes (groups M-14):

  • Lecture 2. The structure of natural science methodology. scientific method. Science and religion. Pseudoscience. Lecture 2 (pdf)(download)
    • Literature:
  1. Jonathan Smith. Pseudoscience and the Paranormal: A Critical Analysis (Download djvu)
  2. Sokolov A.B. "15 signs of pseudo-science in an article, book, TV show, website." read
  3. Savinov S.N. "Methodology of pseudoscience" read
  4. Vladimir Surdin "Why is astrology a pseudoscience?" read
  5. Ilya Smirnov "The right to reason." read
  • Video:
  1. Sokolov A.B. How to distinguish a scientific book from a pseudoscientific one?

  • Control questions for lecture 2:
  1. What is Occam's Razor?
  2. How does scientific research take place?
  3. What scientific methods can you name?
  4. List the main criteria of scientific character.
  5. What is the "principle of verifiability" and "principle of falsifiability" of scientific knowledge.
  6. What is the difference between science and religion? In what case can a conflict arise between them, and in what case can they coexist together?
  7. What are the reasons for the popularity of pseudoscience and the paranormal in society?
  8. What are the characteristics and distinguishing features of pseudoscience?
  9. What pseudoscientific concepts and theories can you name?
  • Lecture 3. History of the development of natural science (part 1). Antiquity. Middle Ages. classical science. Lecture 3 part 1 (pdf)(download)
    History of the development of natural science (part 2). From classical science to the present. Lecture 3 part 2 (pdf)(download)
    • Literature:
  1. Isaac Asimov. Guide to Science: From Egyptian Pyramids to Space Stations. (on rutracker.org)
  2. Bertrand Russell. History of Western Philosophy. read download (fb2)
  3. S. G. Gindikin. Stories about physicists and mathematicians. read (pdf)
  4. read
  • Control questions for lecture 3:
  1. Why was science in the modern sense of the term not formed in the cultures of the Ancient World (Egypt, Babylon, Ancient China)?
  2. What reasons did not allow the teachings of Antiquity to become science in the modern sense of the term?
  3. What reasons did not allow medieval scientific knowledge to become science in the modern sense of the term?
  4. Formulate Newton's laws.
  5. What was Galileo's scientific methodology based on?
  6. What are the features of classical science (mechanistic picture of the world).
  7. Name the distinctive features of the science of the Middle Ages.
  8. Describe the most famous scientific programs of Antiquity.
  9. What does the term "the universe is a giant wound clockwork" mean?
  • Lecture 4. Fundamental principles and concepts of modern natural science. Lecture 4 (pdf)(download)
    • Literature:
  1. Ilya Shchurov What is four-dimensional space ("4D")? read
  2. Kozhevnikov N.M. Concepts of modern natural science.
  3. Isaac Asimov. Guide to Science: From Egyptian Pyramids to Space Stations.
  4. Richard Feynman. The nature of physical laws. read
  5. David Bodanis. E=mc2. Biography of the most famous equation in the world. (download pdf)
  6. Martin Gardner. The theory of relativity for millions. (download djvu)
  7. Stephen Hawking, Leonard Mlodinov. The shortest history of time. (doc) (pdf)
  8. James Gleick. Chaos. Creating a New Science (djvu) (doc)
  9. James Trafil. 200 laws of the universe.
  • Video:
  1. Effects of the theory of relativity.(educational short film).

  2. Entropy in thermodynamics.
  • Lecture 5. System organization of matter in the Universe. The structure of the micro- and macroworld Lecture 5 (pdf)
    • Literature:
  1. Richard Feynman. The nature of physical laws. read
  2. Radioactivity around us. Who Opened the Door to the Nuclear Age?. read
  3. Religion of molecules. ("Chemistry and Life" No. 1, 2012) read
  4. Radioactivity within us. (“Chemistry and Life” No. 7, 2009) read
  • Video:
  1. The amazing world inside the atomic nucleus. It explains simply and clearly how atoms are arranged, what exotic processes take place inside atomic nuclei, what the Large Hadron Collider is really needed for. Tells I.M. Ivanov, Ph.D., member of the group "Fundamental interactions in physics and astrophysics" at the University of Liege (popular science lecture).

  • Lecture 6. The structure of the mega world. The development of ideas about space. Lecture 6 (pdf)(download)
    • Literature:
  1. Stephen P. Maran. Astronomy for dummies (download djvu)
  2. Simon and Jacqueline Mitton. Astronomy. Oxford Library (download djvu)
  3. All about planets and constellations. Atlas-reference book (download djvu)
  4. Jim Breitot. 101 Key Ideas: Astronomy (pdf download)
  5. Isaac Asimov. Earth and space. From reality to hypothesis (download djvu)
  6. Isaac Asimov. Kingdom of the Sun. From Ptolemy to Einstein (download djvu)
  7. Carl Sagan. Space: The evolution of the universe, life and civilization (download djvu)
  8. V.G. Surdin, S.A. Lamzin. Protostars. Where and from what do stars form? (read)
  • Video:
  1. Journey to the Edge of the Universe (2008, USA)."This journey takes us to the origins of the origin of life, the Pillars of the Universe, giving us the opportunity to look far beyond the clouds of cosmic dust, to where huge stars are born, giving the Universe their light, and maybe even life." (popular science film)

  2. Our Galaxy: An Inside View. Astrophysicist Anatoly Zasov talks about the main components of our galaxy, the interstellar medium and globular clusters. (popular science lecture)

  3. Collision of Galaxies. A story about grandiose cosmic phenomena. About galaxies and collision of galaxies. (popular science film)

  4. small galaxies. By what principle should the mass, size and luminosity of dwarf galaxies be estimated? What happens at high redshifts? Why do some galaxies grow to gigantic sizes, while others remain dwarfs? Astronomer Dmitry Wiebe on the rotation of galaxies, spiral nebulae and island universes. (popular science lecture)

  5. Discovery: How the Universe Works: The Big Bang. Episode 1. Big Bang / Big Bang Billions and billions of galaxies. none of this existed. The universe is so huge that we can't even imagine what these numbers mean. But 14 billion years ago, this did not exist. Before the Big Bang. The Big Bang is the source of space and time. We will travel through space and time. From the beginning to the end of the universe itself. (documentary)

  6. Discovery: How the Universe works: Galaxies. Series 3. Alien Galaxies. See the evolution of galaxies from clouds of cold gas that hovered in a vacuum 13 billion years ago to magnificent spirals that can be seen at night.

  7. Discovery: How the Universe works: Black holes. Black holes are the most powerful machines of destruction in the universe and its biggest mystery. Modern astronomy proves that they can influence everything we see. These are real monsters. We don't see them, but we know they exist. There is nothing bigger, stronger and scarier than a black hole. They absorb planets and stars, everything that is nearby. Black holes are a constant headache for physicists because they break all the rules.

  8. Discovery: How the Universe Works: Supernovae. Life arose as a result of incredibly large explosions of supernovae, which scattered elements from the center of stars throughout the Universe. What can they tell us about our past? These are exploding stars. They are called supernovae. A supernova is the greatest cataclysm in the history of the universe. Supernovae come in many sizes and types. All of them are so bright that they can be seen on the other side of the universe. These are incredibly powerful death stars. But this terrible end of the star is also the beginning of everything that we see around us.

  9. How the planet Earth was created. A story about how our planet arose, about how the youth of the Earth looked like. . (popular science film)

  • Lecture 7. Concepts of the origin of life. The evolution of life. The main stages of biochemical evolution. Lecture 7 (pdf)(download)
    • Literature:
  1. Markov A. The birth of complexity. Evolutionary biology today
  • Video:
  1. TED.com: David Christian: "The history of our world in 18 minutes." In a breathtaking 18-minute talk set against a backdrop of stunning illustrations, David Christian recounts the entire history of the universe from the Big Bang to the Internet. This "long history" is a look at ambiguity, complex systems, the origin of life and humanity, compared to our modest presence in the chronology of the universe.
  2. The search for life on nearby and distant planets. What conditions are necessary for the emergence of life on planets? What will happen to the Earth in a few billion years? Why is it so important to study asteroids that have landed in Antarctica? Vladimir Surdin answered these and other questions. (popular science lecture)
  3. postnauka. Precambrian microbes.
  • Lecture 9. The structure of the biosphere. Origin and evolution of man. human genes. Rapidly developing methods for studying genomes in recent years have opened new amazing opportunities for scientists in the field of studying the ancient history of man and his ancestors. Comparison of the genomes of humans and other primates makes it possible to identify "humanity genes" - those genes whose changes made us human. Project "ACADEMIA" of the channel "Culture". Issue dated 09/17/2013.
  • ACADEMIA. Alexander Markov "The Gene of Humanity" (2nd lecture).Psychogenetics: how genes influence our behavior. An analysis of the genetic variability of modern humanity makes it possible to reconstruct the most ancient periods in the history of our species, to restore the paths of ancient migrations. Before our eyes, a new science was born - paleogenetics, which allows us to understand how we differ from our closest extinct relatives - Neanderthals and Denisovans. Project "ACADEMIA" of the channel "Culture". Issue dated 09/18/2013.
  • postnauka.ru: Post-Neolithic nutrition. What are the earliest components of human food culture? How has the introduction of milk into the diet affected human physiology? Why is human nutrition research important for understanding historical processes? Maria Dobrovolskaya, Doctor of Historical Sciences, tells about this. (Post-Neolithic nutrition (text version))
  • TED.com: Harvey Feinberg: Are you ready for neo-evolution? Medical ethicist Harvey Feinberg shows us three ways to evolve the ever-evolving human species: 1) stop evolving entirely, 2) evolve naturally, or 3) control the next stages of our evolution using genetic modification to make us smarter, faster, better. Neo-evolution is quite possible. How do we deal with this opportunity?
    • Lecture 10. Civilization and scientific and technological progress. The main stages in the development of human civilization.

Lovek, about the strategic instability of the socio-cultural space of human civilization in the 21st century.

Irreversibility, uncertainty, non-linearity are built into the mechanism of evolution. It is convenient to analyze the evolution of dynamical systems in time using the phase space - an abstract space with the number of dimensions equal to the number of variables characterizing the state of the system.

In the case of chaotic motion, phase trajectories move, and a region of phase space appears filled with chaotic trajectories, which is called a strange attractor.

The oddity lies in the fact that, once in the region of the collected attractor, the point (the solution chosen at random) will “wander” there, and only after a long period of time will it approach some of its points. In this case, the behavior of the system corresponding to such a point will strongly depend on the initial conditions.

The most important property of strange attractors is fractality. Fractals are objects that show more and more details as they grow. It is known that straight lines and circles - objects of elementary geometry - are not characteristic of nature. The structure of the substance often takes on intricate branching forms, reminiscent of the frayed edges of the fabric. There are many examples of such structures: these are colloids, metal deposits during electrolysis, and cell populations.

The notion of an attractor is of particular importance in the theory of catastrophes, while attractors and fractals, as well as bifurcations of systems in their critical states, play an important role in the branching of not only evolutionary, both natural and social systems.

The fundamental sensitivity to initial conditions is clearly manifested both, for example, in inflationary cosmology and in the history of mankind. In periods of sustainable development, an accident (for example, the death of a national leader or a natural disaster) only transferred the development of society from one trajectory to a close one. A different result is observed during periods of unstable development - a small random deviation leads to significant changes in the development of society.

Even in the study of the creative process, the concepts and principles of the dual interaction of order and chaos (self-realization and catastrophe) allow us to interpret one of the main tools of creativity from a new perspective - intuition, a special creative state of inspiration and show the special significance of the interaction between economics and education, science and technology, ecology and technosphere.

The methodological significance of the ideas of synergetics also lies in clarifying the danger of biospheric "bifurcations" caused by the ever-increasing anthropogenic impact on the biosphere and capable of unpredictably and irreversibly directing the evolution of the biosphere along a branch of development that is detrimental to civilization.

It is quite obvious that the co-evolutionary synergetic paradigm of modern natural science sets a global "conceptual grid" in the study of both inanimate and living and social matter.


1. Naslednikov Yu.M. Concepts of modern natural science / Yu.M. Naslednikov, A.Ya. Shpolyansky, A.P. Kudrya, A.G. Stibaev - Rostov n/a: DSTU. 2008 - 350 pp. [Electronic resource No. GR 15393, 2010]. Access mode: http://de.dstu.edu.ru/ /, p. 257-277, 292-331.

2. Naslednikov Yu.M. Concepts of modern natural science. Textbook - method. allowance./ Yu.M. Naslednikov, A.Ya. Shpolyansky, A.P. Kudrya, A.G. Stibaev - Rostov n/a: DSTU. 2007, p. 77-89.

3. Gorbachev V.V. Concepts of modern natural science: Internet testing of basic knowledge: Textbook / V.V. Gorbachev, N.P. Kalashnikov, N.M. Kozhevnikov - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2010. p. 60-64, p. 157-180.

4. 4th ed., Rev./ N.M. Kozhevnikov - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2009. p. 301361.

5. Lozovsky V.N. Concepts of modern natural science: Textbook / V.N. Lozovsky, S.V. Lozovsky - St. Petersburg: "Lan", .2004, p. 200-222.

Control tasks

Recall that the performance of the control work is provided in the form of an abstract. The choice of the topic of the test is carried out in accordance with the last two digits of the record book.

Abstract topics are indicated after the table of options.


Table number 2

It is set by the penultimate digit of the record book




1.1 The subject and objectives of the training course "Concepts of modern natural science".

1.2 The intellectual sphere of culture and its connection with modern natural science.

1.3 Scientific method.

1.4 Models of science. Physical research programs.

1.5 Mathematical scientific program of antiquity.

1.6 Corpuscular (atomistic) scientific program of ancient natural philosophy.

1.7 Continualist scientific program of ancient natural philosophy.

1.8 Geocentric picture of the world of ancient natural philosophy.

1.9 Medieval scholasticism and its role in the formation of an abstract model way of thinking in analytical natural science.

1.10 The concept of natural magic of the early Renaissance.

1.11 Development of ideas about matter, motion and interaction in the protoscientific picture of the world.

1.12 Copernican revolution and the formation of the heliocentric picture of the world.

1.13 Formation of rational thinking of analytical natural sciences.

1.14 I. Newton as the founder of classical mechanics.

1.15 The formation of the doctrine of composition in classical chemistry in the works of R. Boyle, M. V. Lomonosov and A. Lavoisier.

1.16 K. Linnaeus and his role in the formation of classical (naturalistic) biology.

1.17 On the role of G. Cavendish and S. Coulomb in establishing the law of electrical interaction.

1.18 On the role of L. Euler, D. Bernoulli, J. Langrange and P. Laplace in the construction of the edifice of analytical and celestial mechanics. Laplacian determinism. Mechanistic picture of the world.

1.19 On the role of J. Dalton and J. Berzelius in the development of chemical atomism and atomic-molecular model of matter.

1.20 Catastrophe theories and geological evolutionism

(J. Cuvier and C. Lyell).

1.21 The theory of evolution of living matter (J. Lamarck, C. Darwin). Ch. Darwin's evolution paradigm.

1.22 Formation of structural chemistry (A.M. Butlerov, Ya. Van't Hoff)

1.23 Formation of the phenomenological principles (laws) of equilibrium thermodynamics (J. Mayer, G. Helmholtz, W. Thomson (Kelvin), C. Carnot, R. Clausius, L. Boltzmann).

1.24 Periodic law of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev (historical review).

1.26 Development of ideas about matter, motion and interaction in classical natural science.

1.27 Discovery of X-ray and radioactive radiation. Natural and artificial radioactivity.

1.28 Quantum hypothesis and quantum (quasi-classical) theory of the atom (M. Planck, A. Einstein, E. Rutherford, N. Bohr).

1.29 Chemical thermodynamics and statistical physics in the works of J. Gibbs, L. Boltzmann and D. Maxwell.

1.30 Classical, non-classical and post-non-classical strategies of natural science thinking.

1.31 Development of ideas about matter, motion and interaction in non-classical natural science.

1.32 From corpuscular and continuum concepts of nature description to corpuscular-wave dualism of microparticles and quantum-field physical research program.

1.33 Structural levels of matter within the framework of modern physics: hyperworld, megaworld, macroworld, microworld, hypoworld.

1.34 Fundamental interactions and the main ideas of their unification in the modern physical research program - the unified field theory.

1.35 The concept of space-time relations in the mechanistic physical research program.

1.36 The concept of space-time relations in the relativistic physical research program.

1.37 Symmetry principle. A. Noether's theorem on the connection between the global symmetry principle and fundamental conservation laws.

1.38 A dissymmetry that creates a phenomenon within the framework of interaction, and, in particular, extends not only the principles of relativity, but also the fundamental laws of conservation.

1.39 The main ideas underlying quantum mechanics and the quantum field picture of the world. W. Heisenberg's Uncertainty Relations.

1.40 Statistical nature of the wave function (microstate function) and the Schrödinger wave equation. Bohr's postulates.

1.41 Specifying the microstate of a particle using quantum numbers. The principle of identity of identical quantum particles. quantum statistics.

1.42 Superposition principle in classical and quantum physics.

1.43 The general scientific meaning of the principles of uncertainty, complementarity and correspondence, formed in quantum field picture of the world.

1.44 The ratio of statistical and dynamic patterns (theories) in nature.

1.45 Basic conditions and characteristics (macroparameters) of an equilibrium thermal macrostate.

1.46 Thermodynamic description based on principles (laws) of equilibrium thermodynamics.

1.47 Statistical laws of the macrostate. Brownian motion. Entropy is a measure of disorder.

1.48 General ideas about non-equilibrium tenmodynamics.

1.49 Synergetics as a theory of self-organization of non-equilibrium open systems

1.50 Development of ideas about matter, motion and interaction in post-non-classical natural science

1.51 Structural levels of matter within the framework of modern chemistry. Classification of substances and their basic chemical models.

1.52 The doctrine of the composition of matter. The problem of a chemical element. The chemical compound problem.

1.53 Periodic system of chemical elements in the electronic model of the atom.

1.54 The main types of chemical bonds.

1.55 History and problems of structural chemistry.

1.56 The doctrine of chemical processes. Principle Le Chatelier. The law of active masses. Van't Hoff's rule. Arrhenius law.

1.57 General ideas about physical chemistry and the significance of the theory of chemical chain reactions N.N. Semyonov in its formation.

1.58 Catalysis as an uncontrolled influence of the environment. enzymatic catalysis. Autocatalysis.

1.59 evolutionary chemistry. Substratum and functional approaches.

1.60 Megaworld structure. Model of our Galaxy and Metagalaxy.

1.61 Types and characteristics of stars.

1.62 Evolution of main sequence stars. Model of the solar system.

1.63 The main stages of the cosmological scale (arrow) of time.

1.64 Geochronological scale (arrow) of time.

1.65 Basic models of the Earth's geospheres within the framework of the atmosphere and hydrosphere.

1.66 Basic models of the Earth's geospheres within the framework of the lithosphere and barosphere. Their chemical composition and geophysical characteristics.

1.67 Exogenous and endogenous geodynamic processes and their role in ecological crises and catastrophes.

1.68 Naturalistic (classical) image of biology.

1.69 Non-classical (physico-chemical) image of biology.

1.70 Evolutionary image of biology.

1.71 Diversity of life on earth. Prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Autotrophs and heterotrophs.

1.72 Structural levels of matter within the framework of modern biology.

1.73 Laws of heredity according to Mendel.

1.74 The law of linkage of non-allelic genes by T. Morgan. Sex genetics.

1.75 On the role of D. Watson and F. Crick in creating a model of the structure of the DNA molecule.

1.76 On the role of M. Nirenberg and H. Koran in the discovery of the structure of the genetic code.

1.77 Genetics and evolution. Basic axioms of biology.

1.78 Achievements and problems of "genetic engineering".

1.79 The main theories of the origin of life on Earth.

1.80 molecular-genetic and ontogenetic levels.

1.81 Theory of biochemical evolution on population-species and biogeocenotic levels.

1.82 Synthetic theory of evolution. Microevolution. Macroevolution.

1.83 Systemic controls in biology at the tissue level – endocrine and nervous systems.

1.84 Control systems in biology at the cell level.

1.85 Human health and ways to preserve it.

1.86 Biorhythms and their connection with the genetics of the biological clock and the rhythms of solar activity and the biosphere.

1.87 The integrity of organisms. Biochemical unity of living nature. The problem of clock synchronization at the cellular level.

1.88 Biosphere concept.

1.89 About the role of V.I. Vernadsky in the development of the doctrine of the biosphere and noosphere

1.90 The concept of the noosphere.

1.91 Ecology concept. Ecological imperative of biosphere development.

1.92 The relationship between nature and society. Laws of ecology B. Commoner.

1.93 Ecology and human health.

1.94 Man as a tripartite being - biosocio-cultural.

1.95 Non-classical model of the rationality of action in the intellectual culture of the "irremovable" personality.

1.96 Health as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being". Valeology.

1.97 Interaction of bioethics and social ethics in an active approach to culture.

1.98 Interaction of consciousness and subconsciousness in the creative activity of a person.

1.99 Co-evolution of nature and man. Corpuscular-wave model of a person. Man as a hologram of the Universe.

1.100 Coevolutionary synergetic paradigm of modern natural science.


1. Naslednikov Yu.M. Concepts of modern natural science / Yu.M. Naslednikov, A.Ya. Shpolyansky, A.P. Kudrya, A.G. Stibaev - Rostov n/a:

DSTU. 2008 - 350 p. [Electronic resource No. GR 15393, 2010]. Access mode: http://de.dstu.edu.ru// .

2. Naslednikov Yu.M. Concepts of modern natural science: structural-meaningful tests / Yu.M. Naslednikov, A.Ya. Shpolyansky. Rostov n/a: DSTU. 2010 - 87 p.

3. Naslednikov Yu.M. Concepts of modern natural science. Textbook - method. allowance./ Yu.M. Naslednikov, A.Ya. Shpolyansky, A.P. Kudrya, A.G. Stibaev - Rostov n/a: DSTU. 2007 - 102 p.

4. Sukhanov A.D. Concepts of modern natural science: Textbook for universities / A.D. Sukhanov, O.N. Golubeva - M .: Bustard, 2004 - 447 p.

5. Lozovsky V.N. Concepts of modern natural science: Textbook / V.N. Lozovsky, S.V. Lozovsky St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Lan", 2004–224 p.

6. Dubnishcheva T.Ya. Concepts of modern natural science: Textbook for universities: ed. add. and corrected / T.Ya. Dubnishcheva - M.: Publishing House "Academy", 2006 - 632 p.

7. Naidysh V.M. Concepts of modern natural science: A textbook for universities. 2nd ed., add. and revised / V.M. Naidysh - M.: Alfa-M: Infra-M, 2006 - 622 p.

8. Gorbachev V.V. Concepts of modern natural science: Internet testing of basic knowledge: Textbook / V.V. Gorbachev, N.P. Kalashnikov, N.M. Kozhevnikov - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2010. p. 60-64, p. 157-180.

9. Kozhevnikov N.P. Concepts of modern natural science: Textbook, 4th ed., Rev./ N.M. Kozhevnikov - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2009. p. 301361.

10. Ed. L.A. Mikhailov. Concepts of modern natural science: Textbook for universities - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009, p. 12-10, 27-36.


1. Reference book of necessary knowledge. 2nd ed., add.–M.: RIPOL CLASSIC, 2002.

2. School textbooks on natural science, physics, chemistry, physical geography and biology.

3. Kolesnikov S.I. Ecological bases of nature management. / S.I. Kolesnikov - M .: ICC "Mart"; Rostov n / a: Publishing Center "Mart", 2005.

4. Trofimova T.I. A short course in physics with examples of problem solving: textbook / T.I. Trofimov. – M.: KNORUS, 2007, p. 208-222.


Physical constants

The speed of light in va-

s = 2.998 108 m/s


6.67 10 11 (kg s 2 )


Avogadro's number

6.02 1023 mol 1

Boltzmann constant

1.38 10 23 J/K

elementary charge

e 1.6 10 19 C

Mass of an electron

0.91 10 30 kg

proton mass

1.67 10 27 kg

Planck's constant

h /2 1.05 10 34 J s

The first Borovsky

r 2 /mc 2 0.53 10 10 m

Atomic unit mass

1a.e.m. 1.66 10 27 kg

Electric post-

0 8.85 10 12 f/m

Magnetic constant

1.26 10 6 H / m

Astronomical constants and astronomical units


1,50 1011

150 million km


(average dis-

standing from

Light year

9,46 1015

m 6.32 104 a.u. 0.31ps

3,09 1016

m 3.2 light years 2.06 105 a.u.

mass of the sun

1.99 1030 kg 3.33 105 Earth masses

Sun Radius

6.96 10 8 m 109 Earth radii

Mass of the Earth

5.98 1024 kg 81.3 moon masses


6.38 106 m


Repeat period

18 years 11.3 days


solar and

lunar eclipses

ny (saros)

The range of sizes and masses of objects found in the world around us

Each division of the scale corresponds to an increase of 10 billion times. On the "ladder" inside, one step corresponds to an increase in linear dimensions by 100 times (vertical direction) and an increase in mass by 1 million times.

The range of time intervals available for measurement in modern natural science.

Scale logarithmic


General guidelines for the study of the discipline "Concepts of modern natural science" and the implementation of control tasks………5

Thematic plan and modular structure of the discipline “Concepts of modern natural science”…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


1.1. The subject of the course "Concepts of modern natural science". The purpose and objectives of the course……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

1.2. The intellectual sphere of culture and its connection with the general natural


1.3. The scientific method of cognition………………………………………………..14

1.4. Models for the development of science………………………………………………….17

Lecture 2. History of natural science……………………………………………….18

2.1. Periodization of the history of natural science………………………………...18

2.2. History of Natural Science in the Context of Transdisciplinary Strategies of Natural Science Thinking…………………………24

Lecture 3. Development of ideas about matter, motion and interaction in the context of the development of research programs and pictures of the world ...

3.1. Development of ideas about matter, motion and interaction in the proto-scientific picture of the world………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………26

3.2. Development of ideas about matter, motion and interaction in classical and non-classical natural science………………………29

About the course

“I consider the study of the natural sciences an excellent school for the mind. There is no school better than the one that gives the concept of the wonderful unity and indestructibility of matter and the forces of nature.” Michael Faraday

The tasks of the discipline "KSE" are fundamental: the development of a minimum of natural science knowledge, which is mandatory for any cultural person, the formation of the foundations of a scientific worldview, a holistic materialistic view of natural phenomena, familiarization with the accepted natural science picture of the world, with the natural science base of modern technologies, understanding and mastering the methodology of natural science, the formation foundations of innovative and technological thinking.

In the process of studying the discipline, students, raising their cultural level (and natural science is an integral part of a single culture!), get acquainted not only with the specifics of science and the stages of its development, the panorama of cultural, historical and scientific subjects, but also with the mechanisms for obtaining new knowledge, changing scientific paradigms, with an array of basic natural science concepts. Natural science is an encyclopedia of methods and models, examples of their application. The rational scientific method, having started in examples of exact natural science, should acquire the status of an interdisciplinary one in the learning process, penetrating into economics, management, sociology, management, ecology, etc., honing the technology and culture of modeling, forming a special model culture of thinking.


The course "Concepts of modern natural science" includes 15 topics. Each topic begins with a video lecture and contains lecture material with presentations, notes, materials for independent work, materials for practical exercises, as well as control questions (tests). Mastering each topic requires intensive independent work of students.

Informational resources

Basic Tutorials:

  • Kozhevnikov N.M. Concepts of modern natural science: textbook. - 5th ed., Rev. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Lan", 2016. - 384 p.
  • Gorbachev V.V., Kalashnikov N.P., Kozhevnikov N.M. Concepts of modern natural science. Internet testing of basic knowledge: study guide. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Lan", 2010. - 208 p.
  • Babaeva M.A. Concepts of modern natural science. Workshop: study guide. - 2nd ed., add. - St. Petersburg: publishing house "Lan", 2017. - 296 p.

Additional literature:

  • Sukhanov A.D., Golubeva O.N. Concepts of modern natural science: textbook. – M.: Agar, 2000. – 452 p.
  • Dubnishcheva T.Ya. Concepts of modern natural science: textbook. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006. - 608 p.
  • Hawking S. Three books about space and time. - St. Petersburg: Amphora, 2015. - 503 p.
  • Taleb N.N. Black Swan. Under the sign of unpredictability. - M.: Hummingbird, Azbuka-Atticus, 2012. - 528 p.


In the process of studying the discipline "Concepts of modern natural science", students use the knowledge of the basics of physics, chemistry, biology, geography, and mathematics obtained in high school.

Course program

  1. Natural science in the context of human culture. scientific method
  2. The main stages in the development of natural science
  3. The concept of determinism in classical natural science
  4. Corpuscular and continuum concepts of nature description
  5. Space and time in natural sciences.
  6. Statistical regularities in nature. law of conservation of energy in macroscopic processes. principle of increasing entropy.
  7. Quantum representations in the description of the microworld
  8. The structure of matter
  9. What the World is Made of: Towards a Fundamental Theory of Matter
  10. Evolutionary processes in the megaworld: the science of the universe
  11. Star evolution
  12. earth science
  13. Fundamental properties of living matter.
  14. Natural science and scientific and technological progress
  15. Self-organization in animate and inanimate nature.

Learning Outcomes

Planned learning outcomes that ensure the achievement of the goals of studying the discipline "Concepts of modern natural science" and its contribution to the formation of learning outcomes (competences) of a graduate of the BEP:

As a result of studying the KSE discipline, students should acquire the following knowledge, skills and abilities applicable in their subsequent education and professional activities:


  • basic natural science phenomena and laws, the limits of their applicability;
  • basic natural science concepts, principles, theories in their interconnection and mutual influence;
  • historical aspects of the development of natural sciences;
  • the most common research methods in different areas of natural science.


  • explain and analyze the main observed natural and man-made phenomena and effects, based on modern natural science concepts and concepts, using knowledge of fundamental natural science laws;
  • work with natural science literature (information) of different levels;
  • understand, critically analyze basic natural science information, based on modern natural science ideas;
  • apply the foundations and results of natural science experience, as well as use the natural scientific rational method when making decisions in the professional field;
  • readiness to use in practice the knowledge of the theoretical foundations of the modern natural-science picture of the world, the basic concepts, laws and models of natural science, ideas about the main natural-science methods of analysis.


  • the use of basic natural science laws and principles in the most important practical applications;
  • critical (rational) thinking, analysis and evaluation of scientific information;
  • application of the main methods of natural science analysis for understanding and evaluating natural and man-made phenomena;
  • using a creative approach in the search, selection, generalization and practical application of natural science information.

Formed competencies

Willingness to use the basic laws of natural sciences in professional activities, apply the methods of mathematical analysis and modeling, theoretical and experimental research.