Logical-intuitive introvert (LII, INTJ, "Robespierre"). Robespierre (logical-intuitive introvert)

Rationality. Consistent and persistent. Everything is systematized. The work that has been started strives to be sure to bring it to the end, cannot stand doing several things at the same time; if forced to do this, he strictly adheres to a certain schedule, often not written down anywhere. It helps a lot in the work of the rejection of all occupations and burdensome secular duties.

Introversion. He does not like visitors, does not know what to do with them, believes that they are only distracting, hard to endure the need to be in public. Secretive. The sociotype of Robespierre prefers loneliness, thoughts are more occupied with theory and ideas than with people. Required. Conscientious, serious about his work, meticulous, attentive to details, grinds everything "to holes", slow in execution.

1. Structural logic

Deep analyst with developed logical thinking. "I think, therefore I exist." Bows before the mysterious world of knowledge, a fighter for a fair, rationally arranged world. "Justice is my trade." The goal is the truth, their own ideas about others, the family are clearly developed. We are intolerant of inconsistencies. Strives for a clear idea, a specialist in deepening knowledge. He chooses a narrow circle and digs deeper and deeper, relying on a consistent system. Restrained, self-confident, unshakable in judgments. Logic is a convenient defense: he speaks briefly and aptly, skillfully proves his case.

2. Intuition of possibilities

Gets to the bottom of phenomena, reveals their internal structure. Robespierre's sociotype sees people's abilities, analyzes objective characteristics: skill level, working capacity, length of service and work experience, education - all this in order to give everyone's abilities the opportunity to get involved in the work. At the same time strict and picky.

3. Ethics of emotions

The problems of human relations, feelings and emotions are the object of his long, painful and passive reflections in private. He carefully hides his pride (by the way, he is devoid of vanity). He is not ambitious, but out of a sense of justice he does not tolerate when he is bypassed in the service. In general, when someone tries to play the role of a teacher and an ideological inspirer, it is annoying.

4. Sensory volitional

He hates violence and arbitrariness, a natural opponent of tyranny and diktat, sees in spirituality the guarantee of the existence of a civilized society. Any attempt to put pressure on him leads to conflict: he would rather die than succumb to brute pressure. As a defense against such attempts - an intolerant character. The sociotype of Robespierre does not yell at people, does not please the authorities. She finds herself in a difficult situation, having got to the boss, whom she does not respect, and does not respect those who apply brute pressure. If they raise their voices, they seem to turn off, do not react to angry phrases and notations addressed to them, ignore them, and cannot be influenced.

5. Ethics of conduct

Vital energy, health and even appearance depend on the attitude and feelings of others, which he does not understand. In communication, he often plays the role of a kind person; seeks to put on a mask of politeness, which, however, is in contrast to its essence and tires. Sometimes it is shameless, obstinate, even embittered and prejudiced. Then, instead of faith, fanaticism is born, instead of hope - steadfastness and intolerance, instead of love - an active search for enemies, which is why the name of Robespierre is associated with the words "terror" and "guillotine".

6. Sensory sensations

The need to deal with everyday life is just annoying. The sociotype of Robespierre is an ascetic: sometimes he shows cruelty to himself and to his family.

7. Business logic

The work is characterized by great purposefulness: "Sacrifice the small in the name of the great", hence - asceticism, self-sacrifice up to self-torture in the name of a great goal; careful, prudent, laconic. Understands the internal structure of his opinion, but does not know where and when to implement it. Meticulously repairs serviceable things. He does not impose his opinion, does not dictate when and what to do - he controls the results.

8. Intuition of time

The sociotype of Robespierre lives as if in advance, therefore momentary grievances in the family are a fuss that is not worth attention. The movements are measured, never in a hurry and always on time everywhere.

General description. Analyst (LII, Robespierre, INTJ)

1. Has a developed logic and ability to analyze. Able to clearly separate the important from the secondary. Structures, classifications, concepts are his style. Objective and sharp in judgments and fundamental assessments. Rules or instructions that do not suit him are ignored.

2. Having understood the problem, he puts forward fundamentally new solutions. We are tolerant of other points of view and lifestyles. His behavior is often incomprehensible to others, since he makes many decisions intuitively - on a hunch. Often has some kind of hobby, in which he constantly improves. He maintains a conversation only when it concerns topics that are significant to him.

3. Poor understanding of people's feelings. Stubborn and inflexible in relationships. Secretive, does not like uninvited guests, does not know how to occupy them. Cautious in communication, often kept at a distance. The more he sympathizes with a person internally, the less he demonstrates his interest externally. Stubbornly retains the system of relations to which he is accustomed.

4. In everyday life, he is modest, agrees to be content with a minimum of amenities. Daily household chores depress him. Despite the stubbornness, penetrating abilities are poorly developed. Can't control people. In critical situations, rather indecisive. You can't get anything out of him by force.

Appearance. Analyst (LII, Robespierre, INTJ)

The appearance of a LII has a number of characteristic features that make it possible to identify this type of personality well even at a distance. He has a very ascetic face. Asceticism can be spoken of for two reasons. Firstly, the very structure of the face often resembles medieval profiles in its angularity, the combination of large parts of the face (usually the nose) with small ones (usually the chin), as well as cheekbones and superciliary arches. Secondly, the facial expression at a distance is always perceived as completely unemotional, severe, gloomy. The complexion is usually pale, bloodless. Men of this type gravitate towards short haircuts. The figure of LII in most cases is thin. A very characteristic sign that allows you to confidently assume that a person belongs to a given sociotype, the back deflection of the figure, a somewhat protruding stomach. LII's gait is uncertain, somewhat wobbling. Sometimes it even seems that he does not know where to go. In moments of excitement, he really rushes from side to side, as if making his way through space by touch. LII (men) dresses discreetly, not wanting to attract undue attention to himself. However, he is characterized by fluctuations in the style of clothing. Sometimes he rushes from one extreme to another: either he dresses up in fashion, or he appears in a “shabby” form. The clothing style of women of this type can be called French - it can be traced underlined originality, non-standard, a desire to stand out.

The manner of communication. Analyst (LII, Robespierre, INTJ)

LII behaves with strangers very reservedly, aloofly, keeps a long psychological distance. The first initiative of acquaintance does not show. His speech is very clear and logical. The material is presented in a very coherent manner. There is a tendency to highlight the most significant words with intonation and stress. At first, he usually expresses an abstract position, and then he gives a specific example that illustrates or reinforces this idea. The reverse order is also possible: first, a number of examples are given, and then a generalizing conclusion follows. The logic of his speech, especially when he defends any ideas during an argument, is very tough, categorical. He always cuts off superfluous details, he is only interested in general patterns. During a conversation or speech, he shows emotionality, which at first is difficult to suspect in him. Emotions become strong, dramatic as they get excited. Eyes flash with a fanatical gleam. Nevertheless, he tries to behave at the same time emphatically correctly. Conversation supports only when it is interesting to him. He does not express his opinion on issues that are indifferent to him, he prefers to remain silent.

Features of behavior. Analyst (LII, Robespierre, INTJ)

Carefully treats people, always gives a person the opportunity to speak. Since he believes that every person has some abilities, he tries, at least, not to prevent a person from revealing them. We are very tolerant of other points of view. He does not immediately reject any offer, he tries to check everything in practice. In behavior, he is very secretive: he does not cover either his affairs or his personal life. From the outside, it may even seem that he does not have it at all. It is characterized by a very strong desire for independence. He is satisfied only with complete freedom. In business activity, the desire for freedom is combined with a sense of responsibility. Undemanding, and often indifferent to food and its design. Carried away by work, he refuses lunch. In everyday life, he is modest, agrees to be content with a minimum of amenities. Often has some kind of hobby, which is fanatically followed for a long time. At the same time, he is completely indifferent to what others say about him. He never sticks out his life position, lives by his own interests, he simply ignores the rules or orders that do not suit him. Most people do not understand LII and try to keep their distance from it.

» (Robespierre, INTJ)

Description by function

1. L - structural logic

Able to logically and convincingly express his thoughts. Builds schemes and concepts, clearly separates the main from the secondary. Having developed a general system, concretizes it, brings it closer to practice. Pure theorizing, philosophizing, reasoning divorced from life is not for him. The correctness of the system is determined by its internal logical consistency. The formal framework of the system is easily modified. Prefers compact, extremely concise information, although it can expand it to the required volume. He sees well the possibilities of systems, formal models and concepts. Gives an objective, often impartial assessment of their potential. Particular is able to link with the whole.

2. I - intuition of possibilities

Strives to improve or supplement any theory or development. Alternative ideas do not escape his attention. Persistently fills in the missing links of the system of interest to him. Possesses the ability to generate ideas, brainstorming. Thinks very independently. Having understood the problem, puts forward fundamentally new solutions. Ideas come to him intuitively - on a hunch. Logic for him is just a way of formalizing intuitively received information. Able to understand a confusing, obscure problem. Intuitively finds hidden relationships. The lack of facts will be replaced by imagination. Penetrates deeper and deeper into the object of study.

3. R ​​- ethics of relations

An uncommunicative person. It is very difficult for him to build relationships with people. Makes an effort on himself to behave affably, to enter into close contact. He hides his personal life from strangers. He does not like uninvited guests, he does not know how to occupy them. Very careful in communication. He maintains a conversation only when it concerns topics that are significant to him. Cherishes existing relationships. Persistently retains the system of relations with which he got used. He will not break off well-established relationships, but he will not cling to relationships that have become obsolete. Indifferent to criticism from outside. Do not be afraid of negative attitude towards yourself. With people he does not know or does not understand, he is internally clamped, does not feel how to behave with them.

4. F - power sensory

Relationships between people are assessed by the degree of their ease and not compulsion. Strives for simple, democratic relations. Heavy, tense relationships take away his strength, make him passive. A soft and gentle person, does not have a penetrating power. Experiences an acute need for independence, territorial independence. He does not know how to subordinate people, he poorly defends his daily interests. In critical situations, he is indecisive and slow-moving. Although he keeps his cool, he needs a hint what to do and how to do it. Ignores violence, power pressure. Very balanced and patient. Nothing can be obtained from him by force.

5. E - ethics of emotions

He is relaxed and soothed by friendliness, positive emotions. He responds to them with pleasure, becomes sociable and witty. Strives to bring joy to loved ones. At close range, cheerful and friendly. He transfers his optimistic mood to his partner. If emotions are negative, then he responds to them only when he considers them justified. In the opposite case, it is removed or tries to extinguish them by logical analysis. He turns on his own emotions only when he moves to a close distance or feels himself in a familiar, mastered environment. Otherwise, he behaves coldly and aloofly.

6. S - sensory sensations

In everyday life, he is modest, agrees to be content with a minimum of amenities. However, effective care for his health and comfort raises the structure, tunes in an optimistic mood. When his everyday and material problems are solved, his energy increases - he takes up the solution of those tasks that were postponed until better times. Strives to dress harmoniously, without pretentiousness and artificial decorations. However, he does not immediately find his style. Feels uncomfortable if dressed in a non-functional, inappropriate way for the situation. When he is surrounded by discomfort for a long time, this leads to the accumulation of negative emotions. Over time, his patience may burst, and., boiled "splash out.

7. P - business logic

He appreciates the prospects of new ventures and enterprises. He will advise how to establish an unusual bold business, what needs to be done for its success. However, he does not differ in efficiency and enterprise. He hesitates in business activity, thinks for a long time before deciding on something. Therefore, either he is too cautious and inactive, or, on the contrary, he suddenly takes risks, hoping for luck. In a specific work, he is either thorough and clarifies everything, or he is in a hurry to finish it as soon as possible and proceed to the next work. The raw result does not bother him: if necessary, he will later go back and redo it. In the area of ​​interest to him, he wants to know how people act, what technologies they use. Based on this information, he decides how to act himself. But the acquired labor skills are quickly lost.

8. T - intuition of time

Feels dependent on the passage of time. Arrive on time for meetings and events. Proud of his punctuality and organization. He knows how to calculate his strength in such a way that the planned work is completed exactly on time. However, he usually starts work late, so towards the end he accelerates the pace, because of which the volume or quality of work suffers. Looking for ways to work that save time. He doesn't like it when time is wasted. He warns of his employment, of the presence of many things that cannot be postponed. Fate rules over him, which he is unable to reverse. He succeeds only in those things that he starts in a timely manner. Quickly forgets past failures, but the future is not good either.

External signs
The appearance of a LII has a number of characteristic features that make it possible to identify this type of personality well even at a distance. He has a very ascetic face. Asceticism can be spoken of for two reasons. Firstly, the very structure of the face often resembles medieval profiles in its angularity, the combination of large parts of the face (usually the nose) with small ones (usually the chin), as well as cheekbones and superciliary arches. Secondly, the facial expression at a distance is always perceived as completely unemotional, severe, gloomy. The complexion is usually pale, bloodless.

Men of this type gravitate towards short haircuts. The figure of LII in most cases is thin. A very characteristic sign that allows you to confidently assume that a person belongs to a given sociotype, the back deflection of the figure, a somewhat protruding stomach. LII's gait is uncertain, somewhat wobbling. Sometimes it even seems that he does not know where to go. In moments of excitement, he really rushes from side to side, as if making his way through space by touch. LII (men) dresses discreetly, not wanting to attract undue attention to himself. However, he is characterized by fluctuations in the style of clothing. Sometimes he rushes from one extreme to another: either he dresses up in fashion, or he appears in a “shabby” form. The clothing style of women of this type can be called French - it can be traced underlined originality, non-standard, a desire to stand out.

manner of communication
LII behaves with strangers very reservedly, aloofly, keeps a long psychological distance. The first initiative of acquaintance does not show. His speech is very clear and logical. The material is presented in a very coherent manner. There is a tendency to highlight the most significant words with intonation and stress. At first, he usually expresses an abstract position, and then he gives a specific example that illustrates or reinforces this idea. The reverse order is also possible: first, a number of examples are given, and then a generalizing conclusion follows. The logic of his speech, especially when he defends any ideas during an argument, is very tough, categorical. He always cuts off superfluous details, he is only interested in general patterns. During a conversation or speech, he shows emotionality, which at first is difficult to suspect in him. Emotions become strong, dramatic as they get excited. Eyes flash with a fanatical gleam. Nevertheless, he tries to behave at the same time emphatically correctly. Conversation supports only when it is interesting to him. He does not express his opinion on issues that are indifferent to him, he prefers to remain silent.

Behavioral Features
Carefully treats people, always gives a person the opportunity to speak. Since he believes that every person has some abilities, he tries, at least, not to prevent a person from revealing them. We are very tolerant of other points of view. He does not immediately reject any offer, he tries to check everything in practice. In behavior, he is very secretive: he does not cover either his affairs or his personal life. From the outside, it may even seem that he does not have it at all. It is characterized by a very strong desire for independence. He is satisfied only with complete freedom.

In business activity, the desire for freedom is combined with a sense of responsibility. Undemanding, and often indifferent to food and its design. Carried away by work, he refuses lunch. In everyday life, he is modest, agrees to be content with a minimum of amenities. Often has some kind of hobby, which is fanatically followed for a long time. At the same time, he is completely indifferent to what others say about him. He never sticks out his life position, lives by his own interests, he simply ignores the rules or orders that do not suit him. Most people do not understand LII and try to keep their distance from it.

Your strong point is the analytical mind, structural thinking, the ability to grasp the patterns of any phenomenon. You are tuned to objectivity and fairness, when evaluating people, you are guided by their contribution to the common cause, and not by personal sympathies. In the business you are doing, you always highlight the main thing, discarding unnecessary, unimportant details. You also know how to present the material in a strictly logical way, to convey the main idea to the audience.

After analyzing the idea, establishing its importance and prospects, you become its active supporter. Your creative intuition feeds it constantly with new and new outbreaks.

You are also endowed with the ability to treat specific people with care. You know how to notice a person in action and help reveal his abilities, instill confidence in his own strength.

The main problem of your life is the inability to actively defend your interests and weak self-confidence in specific life affairs. You are characterized by indecision, you do not have an instant reaction to a change in the situation. Inefficiency, lack of dynamism can harm you. Try to boldly present your rights if you are sure of their validity.

Take up those sports that develop decisiveness and speed of reaction - tennis, skiing, motoring, boxing. Be sure to alternate mental work with physical work. You are recommended exercises for concentration, as well as activities that develop this quality, such as picking mushrooms, berries, catching fish. You need moral support for your endeavors. In your environment there should be people who are resolutely and optimistically inclined, who would push you from time to time, help you overcome pessimism and disbelief in your own strength.

Your other problem is the inability to communicate with people, a distant psychological distance, which is perceived by others as dryness, callousness, alienation. Sometimes you deliberately doom yourself to loneliness. Don't be gloomy and gloomy. Smile more often, be friendly, but don't go too far - it's hard for you to refuse people. Carefully choose the circle of contacts you need to avoid overwork and unnecessary ethical problems for you. Try not to lose established emotional ties. You can help many with your prudence and understanding. Keep in mind that not everyone can analyze events and abstract emotions as well as you.

Try to cultivate in yourself the norms of generally accepted ethics and follow them daily. Consider the interests of other people. Try to delve deeper into the problems of each, if you want them to cooperate with you. Remember that a person is offended by a superficial, inattentive attitude towards him.

Gulenko V.V., Molodtsov A.V. — Introduction to socionics

Descriptions of personality types according to Gulenko*

Logical-intuitive introvert - "Analyst" (Robespierre, INTJ)

Robespierre socionics, woman and man photo and description

Description by function

1. L - structural logic

Able to logically and convincingly express his thoughts. Builds schemes and concepts, clearly separates the main from the secondary. Having developed a general system, concretizes it, brings it closer to practice. Pure theorizing, philosophizing, reasoning divorced from life is not for him. The correctness of the system is determined by its internal logical consistency. The formal framework of the system is easily modified. Prefers compact, extremely concise information, although it can expand it to the required volume. He sees well the possibilities of systems, formal models and concepts. Gives an objective, often impartial assessment of their potential. Particular is able to link with the whole.

2. I - intuition of possibilities

Strives to improve or supplement any theory or development. Alternative ideas do not escape his attention. Persistently fills in the missing links of the system of interest to him. Possesses the ability to generate ideas, brainstorming. Thinks very independently. Having understood the problem, puts forward fundamentally new solutions. Ideas come to him intuitively - on a hunch. Logic for him is just a way of formalizing intuitively received information. Able to understand a confusing, obscure problem. Intuitively finds hidden relationships. The lack of facts will be replaced by imagination. Penetrates deeper and deeper into the object of study.

3. R ​​- ethics of relations

An uncommunicative person. It is very difficult for him to build relationships with people. Makes an effort on himself to behave affably, to enter into close contact. He hides his personal life from strangers. He does not like uninvited guests, he does not know how to occupy them. Very careful in communication. He maintains a conversation only when it concerns topics that are significant to him. Cherishes existing relationships. Persistently retains the system of relations with which he got used. He will not break off well-established relationships, but he will not cling to relationships that have become obsolete. Indifferent to criticism from outside. Do not be afraid of negative attitude towards yourself. With people he does not know or does not understand, he is internally clamped, does not feel how to behave with them.

4. F - power sensory

Relationships between people are assessed by the degree of their ease and not compulsion. Strives for simple, democratic relations. Heavy, tense relationships take away his strength, make him passive. A soft and gentle person, does not have a penetrating power. Experiences an acute need for independence, territorial independence. He does not know how to subordinate people, he poorly defends his daily interests. In critical situations, he is indecisive and slow-moving. Although he keeps his cool, he needs a hint what to do and how to do it. Ignores violence, power pressure. Very balanced and patient. Nothing can be obtained from him by force.

5. E - ethics of emotions

He is relaxed and soothed by friendliness, positive emotions. He responds to them with pleasure, becomes sociable and witty. Strives to bring joy to loved ones. At close range, cheerful and friendly. He transfers his optimistic mood to his partner. If emotions are negative, then he responds to them only when he considers them justified. In the opposite case, it is removed or tries to extinguish them by logical analysis. He turns on his own emotions only when he moves to a close distance or feels himself in a familiar, mastered environment. Otherwise, he behaves coldly and aloofly.

6. S - sensory sensations

In everyday life, he is modest, agrees to be content with a minimum of amenities. However, effective care for his health and comfort raises the structure, tunes in an optimistic mood. When his everyday and material problems are solved, his vigor increases - he takes on the solution of those tasks that were postponed until better times. Strives to dress harmoniously, without pretentiousness and artificial decorations. However, he does not immediately find his style. Feels uncomfortable if dressed in a non-functional, inappropriate way for the situation. When he is surrounded by discomfort for a long time, this leads to the accumulation of negative emotions. Over time, his patience may burst, and., boiled "splash out.

7. P - business logic

He appreciates the prospects of new ventures and enterprises. He will advise how to establish an unusual bold business, what needs to be done for its success. However, he does not differ in efficiency and enterprise. He hesitates in business activity, thinks for a long time before deciding on something. Therefore, either he is too cautious and inactive, or, on the contrary, he suddenly takes risks, hoping for luck. In a specific work, he is either thorough and clarifies everything, or he is in a hurry to finish it as soon as possible and proceed to the next work. The raw result does not bother him: if necessary, he will later go back and redo it. In the area of ​​interest to him, he wants to know how people act, what technologies they use. Based on this information, he decides how to act himself. But the acquired labor skills are quickly lost.

8. T - intuition of time

Feels dependent on the passage of time. Arrive on time for meetings and events. Proud of his punctuality and organization. He knows how to calculate his strength in such a way that the planned work is completed exactly on time. However, he usually starts work late, so towards the end he accelerates the pace, because of which the volume or quality of work suffers. Looking for ways to work that save time. He doesn't like it when time is wasted. He warns of his employment, of the presence of many things that cannot be postponed. Fate rules over him, which he is unable to reverse. He succeeds only in those things that he starts in a timely manner. Quickly forgets past failures, but the future is not good either.

External signs

The appearance of a LII has a number of characteristic features that make it possible to identify this type of personality well even at a distance. He has a very ascetic face. Asceticism can be spoken of for two reasons. Firstly, the very structure of the face often resembles medieval profiles in its angularity, the combination of large parts of the face (usually the nose) with small ones (usually the chin), as well as cheekbones and superciliary arches. Secondly, the facial expression at a distance is always perceived as completely unemotional, severe, gloomy. The complexion is usually pale, bloodless. Men of this type gravitate towards short haircuts. The figure of LII in most cases is thin. A very characteristic sign that allows you to confidently assume that a person belongs to a given sociotype, the back deflection of the figure, a somewhat protruding stomach. LII's gait is uncertain, somewhat wobbling. Sometimes it even seems that he does not know where to go. In moments of excitement, he really rushes from side to side, as if making his way through space by touch. LII (men) dresses discreetly, not wanting to attract undue attention to himself. However, he is characterized by fluctuations in the style of clothing. Sometimes he rushes from one extreme to another: either he dresses up in fashion, or he appears in a "shabby" form. The clothing style of women of this type can be called French - it can be traced underlined originality, non-standard, a desire to stand out.

manner of communication

LII behaves with strangers very reservedly, aloofly, keeps a long psychological distance. The first initiative of acquaintance does not show. His speech is very clear and logical. The material is presented in a very coherent manner. There is a tendency to highlight the most significant words with intonation and stress. At first, he usually expresses an abstract position, and then he gives a specific example that illustrates or reinforces this idea. The reverse order is also possible: first, a number of examples are given, and then a generalizing conclusion follows. The logic of his speech, especially when he defends any ideas during an argument, is very tough, categorical. He always cuts off superfluous details, he is only interested in general patterns. During a conversation or speech, he shows emotionality, which at first is difficult to suspect in him. Emotions become strong, dramatic as they get excited. Eyes flash with a fanatical gleam. Nevertheless, he tries to behave at the same time emphatically correctly. Conversation supports only when it is interesting to him. He does not express his opinion on issues that are indifferent to him, he prefers to remain silent.

Behavioral Features

Carefully treats people, always gives a person the opportunity to speak. Since he believes that every person has some abilities, he tries, at least, not to prevent a person from revealing them. We are very tolerant of other points of view. He does not immediately reject any offer, he tries to check everything in practice. In behavior, he is very secretive: he does not cover either his affairs or his personal life. From the outside, it may even seem that he does not have it at all. It is characterized by a very strong desire for independence. He is satisfied only with complete freedom. In business activity, the desire for freedom is combined with a sense of responsibility. Undemanding, and often indifferent to food and its design. Carried away by work, he refuses lunch. In everyday life, he is modest, agrees to be content with a minimum of amenities. Often has some kind of hobby, which is fanatically followed for a long time. At the same time, he is completely indifferent to what others say about him. He never sticks out his life position, lives by his own interests, he simply ignores the rules or orders that do not suit him. Most people do not understand LII and try to keep their distance from it.

Your strong point is the analytical mind, structural thinking, the ability to grasp the patterns of any phenomenon. You are tuned to objectivity and fairness, when evaluating people, you are guided by their contribution to the common cause, and not by personal sympathies. In the business you are doing, you always highlight the main thing, discarding unnecessary, unimportant details. You also know how to present the material in a strictly logical way, to convey the main idea to the audience.

After analyzing the idea, establishing its importance and prospects, you become its active supporter. Your creative intuition feeds it constantly with new and new outbreaks.

You are also endowed with the ability to treat specific people with care. You know how to notice a person in action and help reveal his abilities, instill confidence in his own strength.

The main problem of your life is the inability to actively defend your interests and weak self-confidence in specific life affairs. You are characterized by indecision, you do not have an instant reaction to a change in the situation. Inefficiency, lack of dynamism can harm you. Try to boldly present your rights if you are sure of their validity.

Take up those sports that develop decisiveness and speed of reaction - tennis, skiing, motoring, boxing. Be sure to alternate mental work with physical work. You are recommended exercises for concentration, as well as activities that develop this quality, such as picking mushrooms, berries, catching fish. You need moral support for your endeavors. In your environment there should be people who are resolutely and optimistically inclined, who would push you from time to time, help you overcome pessimism and disbelief in your own strength.

Your other problem is the inability to communicate with people, a distant psychological distance, which is perceived by others as dryness, callousness, alienation. Sometimes you deliberately doom yourself to loneliness. Don't be gloomy and gloomy. Smile more often, be friendly, but don't go too far - it's hard for you to refuse people. Carefully choose the circle of contacts you need to avoid overwork and unnecessary ethical problems for you. Try not to lose established emotional ties. You can help many with your prudence and understanding. Keep in mind that not everyone can analyze events and abstract emotions as well as you.

Try to cultivate in yourself the norms of generally accepted ethics and follow them daily. Consider the interests of other people. Try to delve deeper into the problems of each, if you want them to cooperate with you. Remember that a person is offended by a superficial, inattentive attitude towards him.

*Gulenko V.V., Molodtsov A.V.- Introduction to socionics

Alternative titles: Analyst, Descartes.
Basic signs: logician, intuit, introvert, rational.
Small groups : Quadra - Alpha, club - researchers, type of thinking - holographic, communication group - cold-blooded.
Signs of Reinin: democrat, stubborn, prudent, emotivist, strategist, static, negativist, resultant (left), cheerful, reasonable, quest.
Dual type: ESE-"Hugo" .

Description of the sociotype LII - "Robespierre"

You can probably say about them that they are people of analysis. Apparently, they consider it their indisputable duty to analyze the whole world around them and then give out exactly how truly right. They can make good taxi drivers and programmers, but not only.

Robespierre perceives the world through thinking. He understands external objects through a system of internal relationships. Each Robespierre has formed (and continues to form throughout his life) his own system of understanding, an opinion about rightness, justice, this understanding is based on experience, norms and can change depending on the specific situation.

If something happens in the world that does not correspond to the opinion of Robespierre and the issue is important for him, then he will look for, use various opportunities to eliminate this “wrongness and injustice”. In case of failure, Robespierre can postpone his decisions for some time, but globally he is stubborn and persistent. It is considered difficult to convince Robespierre. For Robespierre, the world is a system he interprets, in which the right opportunity will appear at the right moment. Robespierre is inclined to see potential in people and events, he is inclined to see different possibilities, getting into a certain situation, he knows how to get out and avoid difficulties.

Relations between people Robespierre analyzes with the help of logic, thinking. His attitude to people (events, etc.) is also formed with the help of logic. Robespierre is inclined to try to show his ability to exert pressure, perseverance, strength. The manifestation of strength is not his strongest feature, but this is compensated by the ability to see and use opportunities to defend his case and avoid aggression from outside. Robespierre may have the opinion that in order to be accepted by society, for socialization, you need to be able to show confidence, look assertive and, at the same time, adhere to the ethical norms of society. He sees ethical norms, tries to rely on them in his behavior. It is not easy for Robespierre to show confidence and pressure (especially in a new situation for him), this confidence is more often manifested through logical arguments and explanations of the situation through logic.

Robespierres love communication, fun and easy. Robespierres usually do not attach much importance to their appearance, as well as their external environment and food. However, they love and appreciate the manifestation of self-care, admire the delicious and varied cuisine and people who know how and love to create comfort. It is difficult to analyze people, relationships are analyzed.

Robespierres do not like to spend money where they can save money. Robespierre has his own individual understanding of how and where to spend money and how and how much to earn. The financial issue is usually not fundamentally important for Robespierre, interest in the occupation is more important than salary. Robespierre feels the time, he can calculate it, but it is not clear, not by the minute, and he does not verbalize his calculations. This process is unconscious. They are often thoughtful and thoughtful.