The best books for beginning writers. "High Art", Korney Chukovsky

Of course, this is not a complete list of literature that can be recommended to novice authors. This is just a small tip of the iceberg, visible at first, what you can start with if you need educational literature on this subject.

1. James N. Frey, How to Write a Great Novel. Translator Nikita Vul. Publisher: Amphora Series: I know how, 2005

2. James N. Frey "How to write a brilliant novel-2." Translator T. Gutman. Amphora Publishing House, I Know How Series, 2007

3. James N. Frey, How to Write a Brilliant Detective. Translator Nikita Vul, Amfora Publishing House, Series: I Know How, 2005

4. Robert McKee The Million Dollar Story. A master class for screenwriters, writers and not only…”. Translator Ekaterina Vinogradova, Alpina Nonfiction Publishing House, 2013

5. Jurgen Wolf “School of literary skill. From concept to publication. Short stories, novels, articles, non-fiction, screenplays, new media. Translator Dmitry Vereshkin, Alpina non-fiction publishing house, 2012

6. Jack Foster "Where ideas come from." Translator Sergey Borich, Potpourri Publishing House, 2009

7. B. V. Tomashevsky “Theory of Literature. To help the schoolboy, student and novice author. Phoenix Publishing, Northwest, 2006

8. B. V. Tomashevsky "Stylistika", Librokom Publishing House, 2010

9. A. Schopenhauer "On writing and style." Translator: Dmitry Tsertelev, Librokom Publishing House, 2009

10. Ayn Rand “The Art of Fiction. A Guide for Writers and Readers. Translator T. Neretina, AST Publishing House, 2011

11. O.V. Riess What you need to know about proofreading. Express Course. Publishing house LKI, 2010

12. O. V. Riess "Check it seven times ... The experience of a guide to typos and errors in the text." Publishing house LKI, 2010

13. Alexander Gordon Smith “52 ways to write a bestseller. How to become a famous writer. Translator T. Lyubovskaya. Publishing house Tsentrpoligraf, 2012

14. Jen Yager “Writers are not born. How to write successful texts - from business letters to books and articles. Translator T. Chepkova, Infotropic Media Publishing House, Series "Psychology with the mind", 2012

16. Stephen King How to write books. Memoirs about the craft. Translator M. Levin. AST Publishing House, 2004

17. Sergei Chuprinin. Life by concept. Russian literature today. M.: Time, 2007. Circulation 3000 copies.

18. Sergei Chuprinin. New guide. Russian literature today. M.: Time, 2009. Circulation 3000 copies.

19. Sergei Chuprinin. Small literary encyclopedia. Russian literature today. M.: Time. 2012. Circulation 3000 copies.

20. O.A. Krivtsun. Psychology of art. M.: Higher school, 2009. Circulation 2000 copies.

21. Jacques Maritain. Creative intuition in art and poetry. - M.: ROSPEN, 2004. - (The Book of Light).

From the book How to make a delicious brand? author Sirotkina Irina Vadimovna

From the book Promalp in answers to questions author Gofshtein Alexander Ilyich

List of Recommended Literature 1. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 17, 1999 No. 181-FZ “On the Fundamentals of Occupational Safety in the Russian Federation” (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 1999, No. 29, Art. 3702), as amended by Federal Laws of May 20 . 2002 No. 53-FZ, dated 10.01. 2003

From the book Canine support for the activities of bodies and troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation the author Pogorelov V I

From the book Realtor's Handbook author Batyaev Andrey Andreevich

References 1. Soldatov AS. Is it worth it to privatize your apartment? // Russian Justice 2005. No. 82. Protecting the rights of the investor. P.V.Sokol// Law and Economics, 2004. No. 103. Legal regulation of equity financing of construction/A.Korolev// Law and Economics 2004.

From the book Plumbing Repair the author Gorbov A M

LIST OF RECOMMENDED LITERATURE Boguslavsky L.D., Malinina V.S. Sanitary devices of buildings. - M .: Higher School, 1980. Vechorkevich V. Repair and improvement of the home. - Warsaw: Arcades, 1988. Yelensky V.P. Plumbing in the house. - M.: Veche, 2000. Konev A.F. 1000+1 tips for

From the book Russian surnames. Popular etymological dictionary author Fedosyuk Yuri Alexandrovich

List of recommended literature Baskakov N. A. Russian surnames of Turkic origin. M., 1979; Ed. 2nd. M., 1993. Veselovsky S. B. Onomastics: Old Russian names, nicknames and surnames. M., 1974. Dal V. I. Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language: In 4 vols. M., 2000 (and others.

From the book Sexual life in health and disease. Book 2 author Enikeeva Dilya


From the book 9-mm pistol Yarygin (6P35): characteristics, device and handling author Arkhipov Sergey Nikolaevich

List of recommended literature 1. Arkhipov S.N. Fundamentals of training law enforcement officers to shoot from a pistol: textbook. allowance / ed. A.I. Chislov. Tyumen: Tyumen. legal in-t of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2007. 167 p.2. 9mm pistol Yarygin 6P35: manual. Izhevsk:

From the book Hairdressing: A Practical Guide author Konstantinov Anatoly Vasilievich

List of Recommended Literature Gavrilova IN The Art of Hairstyles. M., 1971. Zhuravlev A. M. Cosmetic production. M., 1966. Konstantinov A. V., Merkulov Yu. K. Fundamentals of hairdressing. M., 1971. Molchanova A.S. Taste and color... M., 1966. NITHIB. Safety regulations and

From the book Big Philatelic Dictionary (A-K) author Levitas Iosif Yakovlevich

REFERENCES 1. Catalog of postage stamps of the USSR. 1918–1980 Annual additions 1981-1985 / CFA "Soyuzpechat". - M., 1982, 1982–1986.2. Yvert & Tellier. Catalog de Timbres-Poste. Quatre-veight-huiti?me ann?e. Amiens. - Paris, 1984.3. Special postmarks of the USSR. 1922–1972 Additions 1973–1976:

From the book School of Survival in an Economic Crisis author Ilyin Andrey

From the book Medicines author Pavlova I. I.

Medicines and their names Quite often in a pharmacy you can hear from a pharmacist: “This medicine is not available. Take such and such, it is a synonym. What to do? After all, the doctor prescribed a drug with a different name! Let's understand the drugs and their names in terms of

From the Oxford Manual of Psychiatry author Gelder Michael

References Abraham, K. (1911). Notes on the psychoanalytic investigation and treatment of manic-depressive insanity and allied conditions. In Selected papers on psychoanalysis, pp. 137-56. Hogarth Press and Institute of Psychoanalysis, London (1927). Abrahamson, L. Y., Seligman, M. E. P., and Teasdale, J. (1978). Learned helplessness in humans: critique and reformulation. Journal of Abnormal Psychology 87, 49–74. Abramowitz, S. I. (1986). Psychosocial outcomes of sex

From the book Big Esoteric Dictionary author Bublichenko Mikhail Mikhailovich

From the book Encyclopedia of Massage author Martin O. I.

References 1. Vebrov A.F. Fundamentals of therapeutic massage. M., Medicine, 1966.2. Goryainov L. A. Sports massage. M.-L., 1935.3. Goffa A. Massage technique. M.-L., 1930.4. Children's massage. / Comp. I. Yu. Anikina. - M., "Veche", 2000.5. Dubrovsky V.I. Fundamentals of segmental reflex massage.

From the book Implementation of the basic principles of karate in a sports duel author Kirichek Roman Ivanovich

References Bershtein N.A., On dexterity and its development. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1991. Momot V.V., Anatomy of life and death. Vital points on the human body. - Kharkov, 2007. Bogush D. A., Kappo. Japanese resuscitation technique in the practice of martial arts. - K .: "Sofia",

Part one

So, the last line is written. The author rubs his hands with satisfaction and repeats Pushkin's immortal line: “Ah, yes, me! Oh, you son of a bitch!" He is happy - another masterpiece came out from under his hands. No one can convince anyone otherwise. A naive person does not yet know - all the difficulties are yet to come! Below is a guide for beginner writers. Any resemblance to real events, please consider an accident.

1. First you need to determine who the author really is: a writer or a graphomaniac. The former live off their literary works. The second attack the publishers, insisting on the publication of their immortal creations. The symptoms of a graphomaniac - he is always delighted with his opuses, writes a lot, sends out his opuses en masse, does not accept criticism of his work, has an extravagant pseudonym and terribly bothers the editors of the publishing house. In addition, he constantly needs PR. Without it, he simply suffocates.

It is generally believed that a person who writes intensively, but lacks talent, engages in graphomania. However, one should not forget such a moment: the author may have talent and not suffer from graphomania, but his literary creations will not be published.

2. The choice is made. The novice writer is confident in his abilities and knows for sure that his name will immortalize Russian literature. However, none of the publishers think so. For them, literature is primarily a business and they only think about one thing - how to make money. They do not care about the genius of the author, who is unaware of this and, in turn, begins to bombard these very publishing houses.

3. Further development of events is almost always according to the following scheme.
Option a) Publishers will ignore the appeals. Option b) a letter will be sent to the e-mail stating that the publishing house has already collected the necessary portfolio of free publications and therefore is not going to print “for this reason”. But for the money is ready to enter into negotiations.

Option c) the author will be gladly informed that the manuscript has been reviewed by a serious commission, which includes well-known critics. It was they who recognized the work as brilliant. The manuscript has passed the competitive selection and the opus will be published. Contract and invoice attached.

I give 99 percent out of a hundred that no one read the material in the publishing house and was not going to read it. Talk about the commission and eminent critics is a common lie. This is a kind of lure, which novice authors quite often come across. By the way, I was also on this list.

Most publishing houses do not care what and how they wrote there, as long as the bill was paid.

4. Do not believe a publisher who says that they will send so many copies of the copyright, and the remaining thousands will go on sale through the book network. The entire published circulation will be equal to the number of copyrights. Be happy if you get them. I've been following mine for almost a year.

5. The author is confused and dropped his hands. There is no money, but I really want to write! Do not despair. Now there are plenty of opportunities for your promotion - social networks, various sites, where by the number of views and reviews you can determine how interesting the work is to the reader. They will also help determine who

To be continued.


One interesting moment strikes me.
Many publishing houses write that they are looking for talented authors.
I write, and more often I call: they say, you are lucky - here is a talented author for you. It's me.
Them: Oh, how wonderful! Let's pay money, we will publish you.
-So you have no difference in the quality of the text, you do not pay attention to
literary merit? You just have to slap money, and there ..
-Yeah, sort of..
- And what does talented-non-talented have to do with it?
- So after all .. you are our naive .. After all, everyone considers himself talented! ..

So who argues! It’s just that later, when the future classic has an insight and he understands how he was divorced, it remains only to spread his hands

What will the book give you?. After reading, you will easily select the right words, feel your native speech on an intuitive level, and still be able to bypass tautologies and clichés on autopilot.

Description. Nora Gal is an almost unattainable standard. She became the idol of millions of writers, editors and translators. In her book The Word Living and Dead, the Soviet literary icon analyzes the typical mistakes of novice and professional authors using specific examples.

Nora Gal stands up for the preservation of the purity of the Russian language, the eradication of borrowed words and phrases in texts. I won’t argue, from time to time she goes too far, as, for example, with the adaptation of proper names. However, in the amount of useful advice, minor controversial points dissolve without a trace.

2. “Alive like life”, Korney Chukovsky

What will the book give you?. It will help develop a sense of proportion and form an excellent literary taste. It will discourage any desire to use ossified linguistic forms.

Description. Although the book-reflection of Korney Chukovsky “Alive as Life” was first published back in 1962, it still has not lost its relevance. The children's writer, in the course of analyzing the problems of Russian literature, comes to the conclusion that the lion's share of them arises due to the dominance of bureaucratic turns. The stationery is especially dangerous when targeting a young reader.

3. "High Art", Korney Chukovsky

What will the book give you?. "High Art" will be of help to all translators without exception. The author in a humorous form gives valuable advice to avoid annoying oversights and keep the emotional message of the original intact.

Description. As such, the book does not have a logical structure, but it is not positioned as a classic textbook. There are separate sections on vocabulary, rhythm and syntax. The specifics of translation, both prose and poems, are considered in detail. The blunders of famous translators are ridiculed incredibly well, and examples of good and bad adaptations are also given.

4. How to Write Books by Stephen King

What will the book give you?. Stephen King will tell you what skills you need to develop so that your works become bestsellers and enter the golden fund of the genre.

Description. The King of Horror is one of the most productive writers. His daily norm is 2000 words. He works every day, regardless of the physical condition and the presence of inspiration. An interesting fact is that King created some of the most popular works while intoxicated. The meter admits that he does not remember at all how he wrote "Tommynockers", "Misery" and "It".

A responsible approach distinguishes a professional from an amateur. The author urges to treat writing as a job and not be afraid to get it right. Stephen King, without a shadow of sarcasm, says that only through tireless work and constant correction of one's own mistakes can one learn something new, find out the strengths and weaknesses of one's talent. He talks about the importance of prioritization. For example, creating an atmosphere is much more important than carefully drawing the appearance of the characters, although you should not forget about it.

5. "How to Write Well" by William Zinser

What will the book give you?. Following the advice of William Zinsser, you will gain independence from the genre and be able to write on any topic without much difficulty. The author gives practical methods that allow you to come close to perfection.

Description. The book "How to Write Well" is fundamentally different from other similar manuals. It is completely devoid of romanticism and winged inserts introduced "for greater literary content." William Zinsser approaches the creation of texts quite pragmatically. The author touches upon the painful topic of bureaucratic thought-explanation, describes techniques for increasing readability and improving perception. Zinsser conjures to refuse to belittle the reader and recommends giving explanations, and not pouring terminology.

6. "50 Writing Techniques" by Roy Clark

What will the book give you?. It will help to find a unique author's style, adequately perceive criticism and polish the craftsmanship to a copper sheen.

Description. Each section has a small volume, the maximum size does not exceed 850-900 words. Water and lyrical digressions are completely absent. At first, a specific problem is set, and as you read the text, you already understand how to solve it. Thanks to brevity, information is recorded on the subcortex instantly. After each chapter, there is a workshop designed to better assimilate the material covered.

7. "School of Literary Excellence", Jurgen Wolf

What will the book give you?. You will learn about all stages of creating a literary work, from the inception of an idea to publication and promotion. Learn how to build a story in an interesting and logical way, keep the reader's attention and overcome obstacles that arise on the way to worldwide recognition.

Description. Jurgen Wolf focuses on commercial success. From the height of the past years and accumulated experience, he gives the characteristics of the main categories of readers. It is important not only to write good books, but also to select topics that take into account the interests of the target audience. The writer must learn the skill of selling his talent at the best possible rates, not shunning television appearances and media advertising.

8. Internet news journalism, Alexander Amzin

What will the book give you?. You will learn how to write catchy headlines, structure Internet content, learn how to work with blogs and monitor press releases.

Description. Good news starts from the headline. The same statement is true for all content published on the web. The reader needs to be as interested as possible so that he clicks on the link. Under the disclosure of the issue of attracting the attention of the audience in the book, many pages are allotted. The latest trends that dominate the field of news journalism are also considered.

9. Zen in the Art of Book Writing by Ray Bradbury

What will the book give you?. You will understand how the plot is born, what is needed for the emergence of the idea and how to curb the wayward Muse.

Description. Ray Bradbury's discussion of the nature of creativity provides a lot of useful information. The author will share with the reader exactly how certain of his works were created. He will describe in detail his ways of dealing with the lack of inspiration. The highlight of Zen in the Art of Bookwriting is its simple style. Sometimes you get the impression that you are sitting in a cozy kitchenette and drinking tea in the company of a famous science fiction writer.

10. "Handbook of Spelling and Literary Editing" and "Universal Guide to the Russian Language. Spelling. Punctuation. Practical style, Dietmar Rosenthal

What will the book give you?. You will receive comprehensive answers to all questions related to punctuation, spelling, style. You will understand how to edit works of art and how to bring even the most disgusting text to mind.

Description. Dietmar Rosenthal's Handbooks should become desktop guides for every self-respecting writer. You are obliged to keep them at the head of the bed and reread before going to bed, like the Bible.

The books presented in the selection will be guiding stars, illuminating the thorny path to literary glory. I sincerely hope that they will help you get up a notch and make amazing progress in your chosen field of activity.

(ratings: 1 , the average: 5,00 out of 5)

Many writers are sure that talent cannot be taught. Apparently, therefore, there are very few good books on writing. However, they do exist and are very useful. I recommend checking this out. Before you is the first selection of literature from the blog site for novice authors, which includes not only books, but also several articles.

Mini-selection: articles and tutorials for emerging writers

1) James N. Frey. "How to Write a Great Novel"
In my opinion, just a great book for beginner writers that really can teach you how to create. It is written in easy language, but without unnecessary water. The psychology and practice of writing a work of art, a well-known novelist and teacher, are very skillfully organized into a single manual. ↓

2) Nigel Watts. "How to Write a Story"
From the very first pages, Watts makes it clear to the reader that there are no ready-made recipes that can teach a person to write brilliant novels or short stories. Every writer has their own way of learning to write. The book helps to discover a lot of new things within yourself and use these resources to write works. ↓

3) Andrey Kuchaev. "How to Become a Famous Writer"
The book of the Russian writer-humorist, playwright, screenwriter - Andrey Kuchaev. Very well written, humorous and easy to read. The writer talks a lot about how a novice author can find himself, his way in the world of literature. The book is full of practical advice. ↓

4) Igor Borisov. How to write an article (article)
Short and concise tips for writing articles: how to make a plan, how to work with the material, how to make the text clear and easy to read. Read

5) Williams, D. "Style: Ten Lessons for Aspiring Authors"
A useful guide from an American linguist. It is recommended as a textbook for writers, and for everyone whose profession forces them to write a lot. For accelerated learning, you need to not only read the book, but also work on each lesson separately, complete assignments. Soon you yourself will be surprised at how you have improved your skills in processing any text material.

6) Voratha (V.Silin). Stylistics of a novice author (article)
An article about the stylistic mistakes of novice authors. You need to study to improve your texts. Read

7) Mikhail Akhmanov. "Gods don't burn pots"
The work of science fiction writer Mikhail Akhmanov. In my opinion, the writing language is complex, but diligent talents can be very useful. Read

Look forward to new collections of useful writing materials from LifeInBooks, in particular, in the following articles!

“Reading in bed is heaven if you fall on the book
enough light and if not shed on the pages
coffee or cognac”
Stephen King

Books for beginner writers... What they should be - I could never imagine. In fact, I got acquainted with this type of literature only two years ago and my acquaintance began with the book “Bird by Bird”. Then I realized that books for beginning writers should be inspiring, motivating, with a dose of magic and practical advice. Such that after reading you want to quit everything, sit down at the table and chaotically write story after story.

Stephen King How to Write Books: A Memoir of a Craft

“Maybe I'm a little boorish to put the question, but I really, believe me, it's interesting. If God has given you something that you can do, why the hell don't you do it?"

I'm not one of those people who at least once opened King's books, and all for one reason - horror and horror stories are not my format. But when I came across How to Write Books, I thought, why not? And to my surprise, the book turned out to be one of the most helpful guides for aspiring writers I've ever read. In it, King talks about life, about the creative path, about the fact that not everything comes at once, that you need to work every day, and only then one day a fee for a book in the amount of $ 400,000 will come to your home.

Anne Lamotte bird after bird. Notes on writing and life in general"

“Writing a novel is like driving a car at night. You see only a section of the road illuminated by headlights. But that doesn't stop you from going all the way." This is probably one of the best tips I've heard about writing. And life in general."

This book is not to be read without a pencil and stickers because Ann LaMotte has saturated the entire book from beginning to end with various writing techniques, practical advice and interesting life stories. The author of the book tells about the realities of the writer's life, which has little to do with literary parties - rather, it consists of envy, creative crises and desperate battles for every paragraph. How to write books? Ann Lamott will teach you that.

Julie Cameron, The Artist's Way. Your creative workshop

“Often people think that the creative life is based on the imagination. A more difficult truth to grasp is that creativity is based on reality - special, concentrated, accurately noticed or fictional.

Remember when I mentioned this book in 7 Habits for Beginning Writers when we talked about morning pages? Well, this is the book that every writer should read.

The Artist's Way has been a top-seller in the US and Europe for 13 years, and in America it is recognized as the best textbook for unleashing creativity. But keep in mind when you read, be sure to keep a notebook and a pencil with you, because it is forbidden to read The Artist's Way and not complete the tasks from the book.

This book is suitable not only for writers, but also for actors, directors, artists and for all those who want to develop their talent.

Olga Solomatina "Writing is easy"

“Give up pomposity, pathos and clichés. Complying with these requirements is the most difficult thing for a novice author.

I came across Olga's work quite recently. She is an experienced writer, for 20 years she worked as the editor-in-chief at the Kommersant newspaper, and by the age of 30 she has already published three books and teaches the course “Writing is easy”. This book is not fiction, it is a reference book that every writer should have on his desk, so that if anything, open the book, read the underlined line and rewrite the sentence according to all the indicated canons.

Olga also has her own youtube channel, where she regularly posts videos from webinars and the site, where there is a good section "Blog" with articles for us - journalists, writers and bloggers.

Hillary Retting "Writing Professionally"

“Grand fantasies are for the amateur. A professional knows that success and rewards are the result of hard work.”

After reading this book, you can learn the mysteries of the writing profession and, perhaps, even become a new J. Rowling. The author of the book, Hillary Rettig, explores in detail the main reasons for the low productivity of writers: she talks about lack of time, procrastination, striving for perfection, prejudice, mixed feelings, in general, everything that any writer is familiar with. And most importantly - Hillary tells how to deal with all this. Well, it certainly won't do without a pencil.

Meredith Maran "Why We Write"

“I write to come to terms with things that are beyond my control. I write to color a world that is often either black or white. I write for discovery. I write to rip the covers off. I write to face my demons." Terry Williams.

One day she asked herself the question "To be or not to be?" and went in search of an answer to modern writers, who answered her question "why do we write."

This book brings together the candid stories of twenty established authors. In their stories, sometimes funny, sometimes sad, they share tips and secrets of writing, tell what they love about their profession and what they don't, and, most importantly, explain why and how they write books.

It seems to me that it is very important to know how the creative process of modern writers actually works, and not to live with the ideas from the films. By the way, I've always wondered if the writers of the 21st century use pens or do they print all the texts only on the MacBook?