martin john rice about the universe. Scientist: "We will never understand how the universe works"

An absolute shock to the scientific world was the speech of the famous philosophy professor Anthony Flew. Under the pressure of indisputable facts, the scientist admitted that atheism is a clear delusion

The scientist, who would be well over 80 today, was one of the pillars of scientific atheism for many years. For decades, Flue has been publishing books and giving lectures based on the thesis that faith in the Almighty is unjustified, the Meta portal writes.
Since 2004, however, a series of scientific discoveries has forced the great atheist advocate to change his views. Flue publicly stated that he was wrong, and the universe could not have arisen on its own - it was obviously created by someone more powerful than we can imagine.

According to Flue, earlier he, like other atheists, was convinced that once upon a time, the first living matter simply appeared from dead matter. “Today, it is impossible to imagine the construction of an atheistic theory of the origin of life and the appearance of the first organism of reproduction,” Flue says.

According to the scientist, modern data on the structure of the DNA molecule irrefutably indicate that it could not have arisen on its own, but is someone's development. The genetic code and the literally encyclopedic volumes of information that a molecule stores in itself refute the possibility of a blind coincidence.

Miraculous creation

Internet blew up the revelation of the famous British scientist Anthony Flew (Antony Garrard Newton Flew), with whom he spoke, renouncing his - atheistic - faith. It happened back in 2004, when Flue turned 81:

My erroneous views have undoubtedly influenced the worldview of many people, and I want to correct the enormous harm that I, apparently, caused them, - said the scientist, who had previously enthusiastically and vehemently read atheistic lectures in various higher educational institutions.

The other day, Flue's revelation of almost a decade ago surfaced through the efforts of bloggers. And it provoked an enthusiastic response from many. Which is not surprising for those who were not with him - a revelation - familiar. When famous people, and even more so atheists, agree that God exists, it is shocking. Makes me want to understand why.

Here is what Anthony Flew himself explained at the time:

The biological study of DNA has shown that a truly incredible combination of many different factors is required for the emergence of life, and this undoubtedly leads to the conclusion that someone who is able to create is involved in all this ... The existing facts convinced me of the absurdity of the theory that claims that the first living organism originated from inanimate matter, and then, through evolution, turned into a creation of extraordinary complexity ... Now, even the very idea of ​​​​the possibility of the origin of the first organism capable of self-reproduction, according to the scenario of spontaneous natural evolution, seems blasphemous to me ...

Flu is not alone. In fact, he echoes Francis Creek, who was one of the first to describe the helical structure of the DNA molecule:

In the light of the knowledge that is available to us today, the only conclusion that an open-minded person can come to is the recognition of the fact that life is the result of some wonderful creation, otherwise how can one explain the amazingly precise interaction of a huge number of factors necessary for the generation life and development...

And here is what the American biochemist Professor Michael Behe, an employee of Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and the author of the book Darwin's Black Box, recently admitted:

Over the past 50 years, biochemists have uncovered many important mysteries of the human cell. Tens of thousands of people have devoted their lives to laboratory research in order to uncover these secrets. But all the efforts expended to study the living organism clearly yielded one result: "Creation."

Is there any point in praying

The Lord not only exists, but also intervenes in our lives, - proves in his bestseller "The Language of God" renowned geneticist and former head of the Human Genome Project, Francis Collins, whom his own research also made a deeply religious person and the author of the sensational saying: "There are no contradictions between faith in God and science." The scientist refers to the quantum mechanism of uncertainty, which makes the surrounding world free, unpredictable in its development and completely inexplicable.

God certainly controls the processes of the universe, writes Collins, but in ways so subtle that they are elusive to modern scientists. In this sense, science opens the door to the realization of divine influence without encroaching on the existing laws of nature.

According to Collins, it turns out that since God is messing with us at the quantum level, it makes sense to pray to him. And ask for help.

By the way, according to the memoirs of Darwin's contemporaries, when he was already close to death and he was asked: "So who created the world?" - he answered: "God."

Philosopher, researcher at the Russian State University for the Humanities Alexei Grigoriev:

The hopes of scientists of the twentieth century that the world would be known in a few decades have not yet come true. And today we do not know the answers to seemingly the most elementary questions: what is energy, electron, attraction? None of the modern brilliant designers are able to create such a universal machine as a person is. No engineer will build a system in which, like in the Universe, an amazing balance of planets would be preserved, which would not allow humanity to burn out or freeze. Are not the physical constants that define the structure of our world surprising: gravitational, magnetic, and many others? Many years ago, scientists proved that if these constants were different, for example, differed from the current ones by only one percent, then neither atoms nor galaxies would have arisen. Not to mention people.

The inexplicable orderliness and consistency of the structure of the Universe and man lead many scientists to believe in the Creator.

British physicist Martin John Rees, who won this year's Templeton Prize, believes that the universe is a very complex thing. The scientist, who has more than 500 scientific papers to his credit, received $1.4 million for proving the existence of the Creator, although the physicist himself is an atheist, the Correspondent adds.

"According to the director of the International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Anatoly Akimov, the existence of God has been proven by scientific methods," Interfax reports.

“God exists, and we can observe the manifestations of His will. This is the opinion of many scientists, they do not just believe in the Creator, but rely on some knowledge,” he said in an interview published on Friday by the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper.

At the same time, the scientist noted that in past centuries, many physicists believed in God. Moreover, until the time of Isaac Newton, there was no separation between science and religion. Priests were engaged in science, because they were the most educated people. Newton himself had a theological education and often repeated: "I derive the laws of mechanics from the laws of God."
When scientists invented the microscope and began to study what was happening inside the cell, the processes of duplication and division of chromosomes caused them a stunning reaction: “How could this be if all this was not provided by the Almighty ?!”

“Indeed,” added A. Akimov, “if we talk about the fact that a person appeared on Earth as a result of evolution, then, taking into account the frequency of mutations and the speed of biochemical processes, it would take much more time to create a person from primary cells than the age of the Universe itself” .

"Besides," he continued, "calculations were made that showed that the number of quantum elements in the volume of the radio-observable Universe cannot be less than 10155, and it cannot but have superintelligence."

“If all this is a single system, then, considering it as a computer, we ask: what is beyond the power of a computing system with so many elements? These are unlimited possibilities, more than the most sophisticated and modern computer by an incommensurable number of times!” - emphasized the scientist.
In his opinion, what different philosophers called the Universal Mind, the Absolute, this is a super-powerful system, which we identify with the potentialities of the Almighty.

“This,” says A. Akimov, “does not contradict the main provisions of the Bible. There, in particular, it is said that God is omnipresent, he is present always and everywhere. We see that this is so: the Lord has unlimited possibilities of influencing everything that happens. A. Akimov was baptized at the age of 55. "Did you believe in God?" the priest asked him when he arrived at the church. “No, I just realized that He cannot not exist!” - answered the scientist.

Atheism is bursting at the seams! British physicist Martin John Rees, proved the existence of God! and got the best answer

Answer from
Many scientists believe in the existence of God and repeatedly prove this in their writings over the centuries.
RANS Anatoly Akimov.. “God exists, and we can observe manifestations of His will. This is the opinion of many scientists, they do not just believe in the Creator, but rely on some knowledge,” he said in an interview.

Answer from Holy Spirit[guru]
the author is so overblown down that he cannot understand that the refutation of one theory is not proof of the myth of God.
besides, if there is a god, then who created him? it turns out that believers worship the younger god-loshka, the six in the host of powerful gods.

Answer from Alexander Ignatenko[guru]
Damn, God was proved by Aristotle, in the 5th century BC ....
Atheism is the same religion, just appeared as a counterbalance to another ...

Answer from Yergey Zubkov[guru]
Atheism is a stage of development and nothing more

Answer from Kotofeich[guru]
This Rice is an addition to soup. So, when a person is obtained from a spermatozoon, it takes 9 months (by the way, this is evolution). And, a person in the universe should appear in time a little more than the time of the appearance of the universe!? Mind blowing logic.... Delicious Rice!

Answer from Daniil Meshcheryakov[guru]
If God exists, then atheism must seem to him a lesser insult,
than ostentatious religion, their churches, their rites, their priests who dare to interpret
His will in the way that suits them ...

Answer from Captain Gluck[guru]
"creating a person from primary cells" is a fundamentally impossible process, so in this way it is possible to prove the existence of witches ...

Surprisingly, the prize, which is also awarded for establishing a better understanding between science and religion, was given to an astrophysicist who develops the Big Bang theory. And it excludes God from the process of creation of the world. But it was for the Big Bang that the scientist received the most "divine" award in the world.

The 2011 Templeton Prize for Progress Toward Research or Discoveries about Spiritual Realities was awarded to British scientist Martin John Rees, an astrophysicist from the University of Cambridge, Astronomer Royal, Lord and most recently Past President of the Royal Society of London. The award is the largest in the world among those awarded to one person - one million six hundred thousand dollars.

Rhys does not hide the fact that he is an atheist. And the fact that, in his opinion, "religious teachings cannot explain the mysteries of nature." But he won't turn down the prize.

The jury and representatives of the Teplton Foundation (Templeton Foundation) insist: Rees's research "expands human perception of the Divine and helps to accelerate theological creativity." And according to the terms of the "competition", the religion of the nominee of the award does not matter. And he might be an atheist.

The foundation said in a statement that Reece "has raised vital questions about humanity's deepest hopes and fears." That he "expanded the boundaries of understanding of the physical processes that determine the existence of the cosmos, including ideas about parallel worlds or an infinite number of universes."

But most of all, according to the official statement of the foundation, the members of the jury were amazed by the very posing of the question. The nominee in his works was interested in: "How big is the physical reality?" . And he repeatedly answered that "Nature randomly gives rise to many parallel worlds, which serve as a field for her experiments to create life."

The jury was not at all embarrassed that Rhys offered such a hypothesis as an alternative to the "Creator's hypothesis".

The right words at the right time

It is possible that the research of Martin Rees became a kind of backdrop for the award of the Templeton Prize. And he was awarded something for the right words said last year in an interview with British journalists.

The scientist, in fact, admitted - even indirectly, that there is a mind that is incomparably more powerful than the human. And to whom can it belong, if not to God?

And the well-known British biologist, atheist and critic of religion Richard Dawkins is probably right when he spoke about the Templeton Prize in his book “God as an illusion”, saying that this is “a very large cash prize awarded annually to a scientist who, as a rule, is ready to say something.” anything nice about religion."

In 2010, Rees expressed himself in the sense that we, the stupid, cannot understand the laws of the universe. And you will never know how the Universe appeared and what awaits it. And hypotheses, for example, about the Big Bang, which allegedly gave rise to the world around us, or that many others can exist in parallel with our Universe, will remain unproven assumptions.

“Undoubtedly, there are explanations for everything,” said Lord Rhys, “but there are no such geniuses who could understand them. The human mind is limited. And he has reached his limit.

Indeed, physicists and cosmologists, in an attempt to understand and explain how the universe works, have been trying in vain for several decades to create a Theory of Everything. Or the so-called Unified Theory. Albert Einstein worked on it. But didn't do it. Ordered to finish the next generation. But they pass.

The generally accepted so-called Standard Model of the Universe implies that there are four fundamental forces in it: the electromagnetic force, the strong force that exists in the atomic nucleus, the weak force that governs radioactive decay, and gravity. Modern scientists have succeeded in linking the first three forces. And the fourth - gravity - cannot be attached to the theory. As well as understanding its nature.

“We are as far from understanding the microstructure of the vacuum as the fish in the aquarium, which are completely unaware of how the environment in which they live is arranged,” the royal astronomer figuratively conveyed the bitter truth.
“For example, I have reason to suspect that space has a cellular structure,” continued Lord Rhys. “And each of its cells is trillions and trillions of times smaller than an atom. But we cannot prove or disprove this or understand how such a construction works. The task is too difficult, beyond the reach of the human mind. Like Einstein's theory of relativity for a monkey.
As a result, the lord concluded: they say, I believe that the Unified Theory exists in principle. But to create it, no human mind is enough. And the probability of the origin of life in the Universe is so small that it looks like a miracle ...

Help "KP"

The Heatton Prize was established by philanthropist Sir John Templeton in 1972. Awarded annually since 1973. The first laureate was Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
In 1983, Alexander Solzhenitsyn received the prize.

There are many physicists among the laureates: Stanley Yaki (1987), Paul Davies (1995), Freeman Dyson (2000), John Polkinhor (2002), Charles Townes (2005), John Barrow (2006), Bernard España (2009).

Last year, the prize was awarded to Francisco Ayala, a professor at the University of California, a member of the US National Academy of Sciences, and a specialist in evolutionary genetics. He wrote the book "Darwin's Gift" (Darwin's Gift, 2007), in which he proves that belief in God does not interfere with or contradict scientific knowledge. As the statement that the existence of evil and injustice is allowed in the world is not disputable. Evil and good almighty God.

Vladimir Lagovsky