Andreev's method of studying the satisfaction of parents with school life. Ways to study student satisfaction with school life and analyze the results

Target: determine the degree of student satisfaction with school life.

move holding. Students are invited to read (listen to) the statements and rate the degree of agreement with their content on the following scale:

4 - completely agree;

3 - agree;

2 - hard to say;

1 - disagree;

Oh, I totally disagree.

1. I go to school in the morning with joy.

2. I am usually in a good mood at school.

3. There is a good class teacher in our class.

4. You can turn to our school teachers for advice and help in a difficult life situation.

5. I have a favorite teacher.

6. In class, I can always express my opinion freely.

7. I believe that our school has all the conditions for the development of my abilities.

8. I have favorite school subjects.

9. I think school really prepares me for

independent life. 10. During the summer holidays I miss school.

Processing of received data. Indicator of student satisfaction with school life (U) is the quotient of the total response scores of all students divided by the total number of responses. If Y is greater than 3, then we can state a high degree of satisfaction, but if Y is more than 2, but less than 3 or 2, then this, respectively, indicates an average and low degree of student satisfaction with school life.


(developed by Associate Professor A.A. Andreev)

Target: obtaining quantitatively expressed information about parents' assessment of the role of an educational institution in educating their children's qualities of life competence, positive behavioral and moral and psychological qualities.

move holding. Parents are asked to complete the following form:

When evaluating, use the following scale:

5 - fully;

4 - to a large extent;

3 - at a sufficient level;

2 - to a small extent;

1 - practically none.

Circle the number of the answer that is closest to your personal point of view.

1. Accuracy(ability to keep things in order).
2. Discipline(ability to follow the established rules in business).
3. Responsibility(ability to keep a word).
4. Will(the ability not to retreat in the face of difficulties).
5. Good manners.
6. Cheerfulness(the ability to accept life and enjoy life).
7. Education.
8. Mind(ability to think rationally and logically).
9. High life demands.
10. Independence(the ability to make responsible life decisions).
11. Honesty in relationships with people.
12. Kindness in relationships with people.
13. sensitivity in relationships with people.
14. Justice in relationships with people.
15. Tolerance to the views and opinions of others.

Processing of received data. When processing the results, the personality traits mentioned in the questionnaire should be divided into three groups:

a) a block of behavioral qualities (1-5);

b) block of vital competence (6-10);

c) a block of moral and psychological qualities of a person (11-15).

It is necessary to calculate the average rating of parents for each block, as well as the overall average for the totality of the proposed 15 qualities. The obtained indicators should be correlated with the scale used in the survey. If the average indicator is below 3 points, then this indicates that the parents assess the role of the educational institution in the development of the listed personality traits in the child as insufficient.

Target: obtaining quantitatively expressed information about parents' assessment of the assistance of an educational institution in educating their children's ability to solve basic life problems.

move holding. Parents fill out a questionnaire with the following text:

Please circle the number of the statement that is closest to your point of view on the educational institution where your child is studying (your

Processing of received data. The average score of parents is calculated for the totality of the proposed statements. Its value is compared with the rating scale used in this methodology. If the indicator obtained is less than 3 points, then the survey results indicate a low assessment by parents of the educational institution's assistance in educating children's ability to solve basic life problems.

Target: obtaining meaningful information about the degree of compliance of the life of an educational institution with ideas about life and life values ​​of parents.

Progress. Parents are invited to fill out the questionnaire form (it is also possible to conduct it orally, but with the obligatory fixation of the content of the answers):

1. What makes you most happy in life?

2. What is the most joyful thing in the life of your child (your children)?

3. What qualities do you value most in people?

4. What are you most afraid of in life?

5. What is your child (your children) most afraid of in life?

6. What qualities do your child(s) value most in other people?

7. How do you see the life prospects of your child (your children)? 8 What should be a good school?

9. To what extent does your child(s)' school meet these requirements?

10. How and how do you help the school in raising your child (your children)?

Processing of received data. A qualitative analysis of the answers of a particular parent is carried out, it is possible to generalize the content of the answers to each question of various socio-demographic groups of parents.


(compiled by I.A. Zabuslaeva)

Target: to identify the degree of satisfaction of teachers with life in an educational institution.

Progress. On the At the production meeting, teachers are invited to express their degree of satisfaction with various aspects of life at school according to a five-point grading system:

1. Satisfaction with the organization of the educational process (load, schedule, etc.):

5 - very satisfied;

3 - find it difficult to answer;

2 - not satisfied;

2. Satisfaction with working conditions (availability of an office, equipment, lighting, temperature conditions, etc.):

5 - very satisfied;

4 - satisfied, but would like better conditions;

3 - find it difficult to answer;

2 - not satisfied;

1 - not at all satisfied, you can’t work like that.

3. Satisfaction with the content of work:

5 - I really like the work, I realize all my abilities in it;

4 - like the work;

3 - find it difficult to answer;

2 - do not really like the work;

1 - I don't like the job at all, I'm looking for another one.

4. Satisfaction with the moral assessment of one's work:

5 - I am very much appreciated by colleagues and administration;

4 - I am appreciated enough, I am quite satisfied;

3 - find it difficult to answer;

2 - I am not appreciated enough, I deserve more;

1 - they value me so low that I want to quit.

5. Satisfaction with salary:

5 - very satisfied;

4 - quite satisfied;

3 - find it difficult to answer;

2 - not satisfied;

1 - not at all satisfied, I want to quit.

Processing of received data. Revealing the average score of teachers' value judgments makes it possible to determine the degree of satisfaction of the members of the teaching staff with the life of the educational institution.


(developed by Associate Professor E.N. Stepanov)

Target: to identify the level of satisfaction of parents with the work of the educational institution and its teaching staff.

Progress. Parents are encouraged to carefully read the following statements at the Parents Meeting and rate their agreement with them. To do this, the parent needs to circle one number below each expression, which means the answer corresponding to his point of view.

4 - completely agree;

3 - agree;

2 - hard to say;

1 - disagree;

Oh, I totally disagree.

The class in which our child is studying can be called friendly.

Our child feels comfortable in the environment of his classmates.

The teachers are kind to our child.

We experience a sense of mutual understanding in contacts with the administration and teachers of our child. 4 3 2 1 0

In the class in which our child is studying, there is a good class teacher.

Teachers fairly evaluate the achievements in the study of our child.

Our child is not overloaded with studies and homework.

Teachers take into account the individual characteristics of our child.

The school organizes activities that are useful and interesting for our child.

The school has various circles, clubs, sections where our child can study.

Teachers give our child deep and solid knowledge.

The school takes care of the physical development and health of our child.

The educational institution contributes to the formation of worthy behavior of our child.

The administration and teachers create conditions for the manifestation and development of the abilities of our child.

The school really prepares our child for independent life.

Processing test results. Satisfaction of parents with the work of the school (U) is defined as the quotient of the total score of all parental responses divided by the total number of responses.

If the coefficient is equal to 3 or more than this number, then this indicates a high level of satisfaction;

if it is equal to or greater than 2 but not less than 3, then can

state the average level of satisfaction; if the Y coefficient is less than 2, then this is an indicator of the low level of satisfaction of parents with the activities of the educational institution.


(developed by Associate Professor E.N. Stepanov)

Target: to determine the degree of satisfaction of teachers with life in the school community and their position in it.

Progress. Teachers are invited to read the statements included in the test and use the rating scale to express the degree of their agreement with them. To do this, the teacher should put one of the five numbers in front of each statement, which means the answer corresponding to his point of view.

The numbers mean the following answers:

4 - completely agree;

3 - agree;

2 - hard to say;

1 - disagree;

Oh, I totally disagree.

1. I am satisfied with my study load, -

2. I am satisfied with the compiled lesson schedule, -

3. Thanks to my own efforts and actions of the administration, my working time is spent rationally, -

4. I am satisfied with the work of the department (methodological association) and my participation in it, -

5. I have a real opportunity to improve my professional skills, show creativity and abilities, -

6. I feel the need for professional and personal growth and I try to realize it, -

7. My achievements and successes are noticed by the administration and teachers of the school, -

8. I like that there is a scientific and methodological search at school, -

9. I have developed non-conflict relations with my colleagues, -

10. I feel the support of my colleagues in my work, -

11. It seems to me that the administration fairly evaluates the results of my work, -

12. I feel a benevolent attitude towards myself from the administration, -

13. I feel comfortable among students, -

14. I am satisfied with the attitude of students to me and my subject, -

15. In most cases, I feel a sense of mutual understanding in contacts with the parents of students, -

16. It seems to me that my parents share and support my pedagogical requirements, -

17. I like my office, equipment and working conditions in it, -

18. I am satisfied with the prevailing moral and psychological climate at school, -

19. In my opinion, the system of scientific and methodological support created at the school contributes to the improvement of my professional skills, -

20. I am satisfied with the amount of wages and the timeliness of its payment, -

Processing of the received results. The indicator of satisfaction of teachers with life activities in an educational institution (U) is the quotient of dividing the total score of all teachers' answers by the total number of answers. It is generally accepted that if the Y coefficient is equal to or greater than 3, then a high level of satisfaction can be stated; if it is equal to or greater than 2, then this indicates an average degree of satisfaction;

if this coefficient is less than 2, then it can be assumed that there is a low degree of satisfaction of teachers with life activities in the school community and their position in it.

Along with identifying general satisfaction, it is advisable to determine how satisfied teachers are with such aspects of the life of an educational institution as:

organization of labor (statements 1-4);

the possibility of manifestation and realization of professional and other personal qualities of a teacher (5-8);

relations with teachers and administration of the educational institution (9-12);

relationships with students and their parents (13-16);

ensuring the activities of the teacher (17-20).

The coefficient of satisfaction of teachers with the listed aspects of life activity is determined using the same computational operations, but the sum of points and the number of answers are calculated only for those statements that correspond to the aspect being studied.


Baiborodova L.V., Paladiev S.L., Stepanov E.I. Studying the effectiveness of the educational system of the school. Pskov, 1994.

Baiborodova L.V., Rozhkov M.I. Educational process in modern school. Yaroslavl, 1997.

The educational system of a rural school / Ed. E.N. Stepanova. Pskov, 1997.

To educate by analyzing / Comp. S.A. Zazykina, L.M. Gromov. Smolensk, 1994.

Golubev N.K., Bitinas B.P. Introduction to the diagnosis of education. M., 1989.

Diagnostics as a factor in the development of the educational system / Ed. V.N. Maksimova. SPb., 1995.

The study of the personality of a schoolchild by a teacher / Ed. Z.I. Vasilyeva. M., 1991.

The study of interpersonal interaction of the child with peers and adults / Comp. T.V. Senko. L., 1991.

Studying the effectiveness of educational work in vocational schools / Ed. L.V. Bayborodova. Yaroslavl, 1999.

Ingenkamp K. Pedagogical diagnostics. M., 1991.

Class teacher / Ed. M.I. Rozhkov. M., 1999.

To the class teacher about the educational system of the class / Ed. E.N. Stepanova. M., 2000.

Konarzhevsky Yu.A. Analysis of the results of the educational work of the school of developmental education for the academic year. Pskov, 1996.

Kuznetsova N.V. Study to educate. M., 1984.

Mayorov A.N., Sakharchuk L.B., Sotov A.V. Elements of pedagogical monitoring of regional standards in management. St. Petersburg, 1992.

Monakhov N.I. Studying the effectiveness of education: theory and methodology. M., 1981.

Pedagogical diagnostics at school / Ed. A.I. Kochetov. Mn., 1987.

Psychological tests: In 2 volumes / Ed. A.A. Karelina M., 1999.

Ratanova T.A., Shlyakhta N.F. Psychodiagnostic methods for studying personality. M., 1998.

Stepanov E.N. Diagnostic methods for studying the effectiveness of the work of an educational institution // Pskov school. 1999. No. 1.

Stepanov E.N. Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the children's team and the position of the child in it Pskov 1992.

Fridman L.M., Pushkina T.A., Kaplunovich I.Ya. The study of the personality of the student and student groups. M., 1988.

Shamardin V.N., Tamboekina T.I., Suslova N.P. School: from the end result - to creative search. M., 1991.

Shilova M.I. To the teacher about the upbringing of schoolchildren M 1990.



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Questionnaire: "Your attitude to school"

Dear parents!

We ask you to evaluate each of the provisions of the questionnaire by choosing one of the statements: YES, NO, DIFFICULT TO SAY:

6. Do you participate in school affairs?

7. h What do you think the school is doing well?________________________________

8. And what, in your opinion, should she do better? _______________________


P When calculating the results of the survey, only the answers in bold were taken into account.

Test "Studying the satisfaction of parents of students with the organization of the educational process and life at school"

The purpose of the methodology: to identify the level of satisfaction of parents with the work of the educational institution and its teaching staff.

Class _________ Date of completion __________________

Instruction: Read the following statements carefully and rate the degree to which you agree with them. To do this, you need to circle one number, which will be the answer corresponding to your point of view.

Evaluation scale:

0 - Completely disagree.

1. The class in which our child is studying can be called friendly.

4 3 2 1 0

2. In the environment of his classmates, our child feels comfortable.

4 3 2 1 0

3. Teachers show a friendly attitude towards our child.

4 3 2 1 0

4. We experience a sense of mutual understanding in contacts with the administration and teachers of our child.

4 3 2 1 0

5. In the class in which our child is studying, there is a good class teacher.

4 3 2 1 0

6. Educators fairly evaluate our child's academic achievement.

4 3 2 1 0

7. Our child is not overloaded with schoolwork and homework.

4 3 2 1 0

8. Teachers take into account the individual characteristics of our child.

4 3 2 1 0

9. The school conducts activities that are useful and interesting for our child.

4 3 2 1 0

10. There are various circles, clubs, sections in the school where our child can study.

4 3 2 1 0

11. Teachers give our child deep and solid knowledge.

4 3 2 1 0

12. The school takes care of the physical development and health of our child.

4 3 2 1 0

13. The educational institution contributes to the formation of worthy behavior of our child.

4 3 2 1 0

14. The administration and teachers create conditions for the manifestation and development of the abilities of our child.

4 3 2 1 0

15. School really prepares our child for independent living.

4 3 2 1 0

Results processing

Parent satisfaction with school performance (S) is defined asprivate from division the total score of all parents' responses to the total number of responses.

    If a Y is equal to or greater than 3 , this indicateshigh level of satisfaction;

    If a Y is equal to or greater than 2 , but not less than 3 , then it can be statedmiddle level;

    If Have less than 2 , this is an indicationlow level of satisfaction parents by the activities of the educational institution.

Test "Studying the satisfaction of students with the organization of the educational process and life at school"

The purpose of the methodology: determine the degree of satisfaction of students with lyceum life.

Grade _________________ Completion date __________________

Instruction: Read the statements and rate your agreement with their content using the following scale:

4 - completely agree; 3 - agree;

2 - hard to say; 1 - disagree;

0 - Completely disagree.

    I go to school in the morning with joy. ___________________________

    I usually have a good mood at school. _________________

    We have a good class teacher in our class. _____________

    You can turn to our school teachers for advice and help in a difficult life situation. ______________________________

    I have a favorite teacher. _____________________________

    In class, I can always express my opinion freely. ________

    I believe that our school has all the conditions for the development of my abilities. _________________________________________________

    I have favorite subjects. ____________________________

    I think that school really prepares me for an independent life. _______________________________________________

    During the summer holidays, I miss school._____________________

Data processing:

Satisfaction score school life(U) is an private from division the total score of all student responses to the total number of responses.

    If the coefficientY>3 , then it can be statedhigh level satisfaction;

    If a Y > 2, but< 3 this testifies tomiddle level satisfaction;

    If a At< 2 exist low student satisfaction life in the school community.

Methodology for studying student satisfaction with school life.

(developed by A.A. Andreev)

Target: determine the degree of student satisfaction with school life.


4 - completely agree;

3 - agree;

2 - hard to say;

1 - disagree;

0 - totally disagree.


1. I go to school in the morning with joy.

4 3 2 1 0

2. I am usually in a good mood at school.

4 3 2 1 0

3. There is a good class teacher in our class.

4 3 2 1 0

4. You can turn to our school teachers for advice and help in a difficult life situation.

4 3 2 1 0

5. I have a favorite teacher.

4 3 2 1 0

6. In class, I can always express my opinion freely.

4 3 2 1 0

7. I believe that our school has all the conditions for the development of my abilities.

4 3 2 1 0

8. I have favorite school subjects.

4 3 2 1 0

9. I think school really prepares me for independent living.

4 3 2 1 0

10. During the summer holidays I miss school.

4 3 2 1 0

Processing of results.

The modern school is undergoing changes that are aimed at mastering new value orientations in the educational activities of schoolchildren. The basis of training is the idea of ​​the integrity of the personality of each student and his self-development.

School education is increasingly based on the individual attitudes of the student, his mental state, attitude towards himself and those around him. At the same time, rejecting the simple diligence of the child and his passivity.

Naturally, the teacher must understand that the student's diverse activity will entirely depend on how he feels at school, how his communication with peers is built, and how satisfied the child is with the learning process.

Many psychologists call reflection one of the mechanisms of student self-development. It is she who effectively contributes to the renewal of ideas about oneself, relationships with peers and ways of working.

Reflection will help the child to realize his inner state, to penetrate into the feelings and motives of another person. It will allow you to adjust your behavior in response to the possible actions of another person.

And, finally, it is reflection that will enable the child to freely feel himself during the educational process and fully develop his individual abilities.

Therefore, for many educational institutions, the problem of studying student satisfaction with educational activities becomes relevant. At the same time, the main goal is to identify how satisfied the participants are with the educational process - schoolchildren, their parents and teachers.

The most common method for achieving this goal is the questionnaire. Satisfaction with school life is thus measured using specially designed questions. Questioning, on the one hand, is different for each category of respondents (students of three age groups, parents and teachers). But, at the same time, the theme for all should be the same.

Questionnaire questions should cover the following important aspects of school life:

· The activities of the school, that is, training (its content and methods of implementation).

· Organization of school life (nutrition, organization of study time and extracurricular activities, sanitary and hygienic conditions).

· Socio-psychological side of the educational process (emotional atmosphere at school and class).

Administrative activities (how the school is managed, how effective the administration is, its impact on the development of the school).

The study of student satisfaction with school life is an urgent task for many well-known teachers and psychologists.

Let us give examples of some developed methods on this topic.

Determination of the degree of satisfaction of students with school life according to A. A. Andreev

Students are offered several statements that should be evaluated using the following scale:

0 - totally disagree

1 - disagree

2 - hard to say

3 - agree

4 - totally agree

Questionnaire statements:

I go to school in the morning with pleasure

At school, I usually have a good mood

We have a good class teacher

You can always turn to our teachers for advice and help.

I have a favorite teacher

I have favorite school subjects

I can speak freely in class

Our school creates all the conditions for the development of my abilities

My school fully prepares me for an independent life

During the summer holidays I miss school

Students' satisfaction with school life is revealed after processing the results. It is carried out as follows. The scores of all students' answers are summed up. The resulting number is divided by the total number of responses. If the result is greater than 3, then the satisfaction score is high. If less than 2, then the indicator is low.

· Determining the degree of satisfaction of parents with the school life of their child according to A. Andreev.

Parents are offered several statements that should be assessed using the same scale with which the students worked.

Questionnaire statements:

Our child's class can be called friendly

Our child feels comfortable among his classmates

The teachers are friendly to our child

In communication with the school administration and teachers, we experience a sense of mutual understanding

Our child has a good class teacher

Our child does not feel overloaded with lessons and homework

Teachers fairly evaluate our child's academic achievement

Teachers take into account the individual characteristics of our child

The school holds interesting and useful activities

The school has circles and sections in which our child can study

Teachers give our child complete and solid knowledge

The school takes care of the health and physical development of our child

The school contributes to the formation of the correct behavior of the child

Teachers and school administration create conditions for the development of our child's abilities

The school fully prepares our child for a future independent life.

The results are processed in a similar way. Divide the total score of all parent responses by the total number of responses. If the result is a number greater than 3, then this indicates a high degree of satisfaction. If the resulting number is less than 2, the degree of satisfaction is low.

· Satisfaction with the school life of a student, especially of primary school age, largely depends on his relationship with the teacher. Therefore, it is advisable for parents to fill out the following questionnaire at the parent meeting:

Are you satisfied with the nature of the relationship between the teacher and your child?

Is the teacher respected by his students?

Does the teacher show such qualities as benevolence, justice, tact?

Does the teacher have good manners?

Did you have conflicts with your child's teacher?

Can you always count on the help of a teacher?

Does the teacher give full knowledge in the lessons?

Does the teacher evaluate your child fairly?

Is your child talking about how he spent his day at school?

An analysis of the results of such diagnostic methods makes it possible to fully assess the degree of satisfaction of schoolchildren with their educational life. Of course, it's good if this figure is high. In this case, we can talk about the predominance of a positive attitude of students to learning, high satisfaction with their learning outcomes, and a favorable emotional state of students.

And what to do if a low level of satisfaction with school life is revealed? After all, this indicates the presence of such moments in school life that should be corrected.

In such cases, a great responsibility falls on the "shoulders" of the class teacher. First of all, he should find out the reasons for the discomfort of students in school. The class teacher and psychologist should help schoolchildren to overcome psychological difficulties. Class teachers and subject teachers need to pay special attention to students with high tension and anxiety (they are the ones who give a low score for school satisfaction).

Correctional activities should be fully aimed at ensuring that all students enjoy attending school and have a positive attitude towards learning.