My working day as a student in English. Subject: My working day

My Working Day (1)

On week days I usually get up nearly six o "clock. I do not like to get up early, but I have to, because I have a lot of work to do during the day.

I make my bed, wash my face, put my clothes on and go to the kitchen to have breakfast. My mother usually prepares, breakfast for me, but sometimes I do it myself. If I prepare my breakfast for my own, I should have to get up earlier. I don't like big breakfasts; I prefer a cup of coffee and a sandwich.

Then I go to school. It is rather far from my house and I go there by bus. I have classes till two or three o "clock, it depends on a week day. Then I come home and have dinner. I like a big dinner, because when I come home from school I am hungry.

After my dinner, I have a rest for a couple of hours and then I do my homework. If I have some spare time I do some work about the house. I sweep the floor, dust the furniture and clean the carpets with the vacuum-cleaner. Sometimes my mother asks me to go shopping.

Then I have free time. I go for a walk with my friends or watch TV, or read books or play my favorite computer games. Then I have supper with my family. I like evenings very much, all members of our family get together after work and study and have the opportunity to talk and to discuss our family affairs.

I usually go to bed at about ten o "clock, sometimes at eleven o" clock.

My working day (1)

On weekdays, I usually get up at almost six o'clock. I don't like to get up early, but I have to because I have a lot of work to do during the day.

I make my bed, wash my face, put on my clothes and go to the kitchen to have breakfast. My mom usually cooks breakfast for me, but sometimes I do it myself. If I cook my own breakfast, I have to get up earlier. I don't like big breakfasts; I prefer a cup of coffee and a sandwich.

Then I go to school. It's quite far from my house and I go there by bus. I study at school until two or three in the afternoon, it depends on the day of the week. Then I come home and have lunch. I love a big dinner; because when I come home from school I am hungry.

After my lunch, I rest for a couple of hours and then I do my homework. If I have some free time, I do some housework. I sweep the floor, clean the furniture and vacuum the carpets. Sometimes my mom asks me to go shopping.

After that I have free time. I go for a walk with my friends, or I watch TV, or I read books, or I play my favorite computer games. Then I have dinner with my family. I really love the evenings when all members of our family gather after work and school, and I have the opportunity to talk and discuss our family affairs.

I usually go to bed at about ten o'clock, sometimes at eleven,


1. When do I usually get up on week days?
2. What do I do when I have got up?
3. Do I like big breakfasts?
4. Is my school close to my home?
5. What do I do when I have some spare time?
6. When do I usually go to bed?


to get up - get up, get up
to have to + inf. - compelled to do something
to make bed - make the bed
to put smth on - put something on
to have breakfast - have breakfast
to have a lot of work to do - have a lot to do
to prefer - prefer
to sweep - sweep
to dust - wipe the dust
furniture - furniture
carpet - carpet
vacuum cleaner
to go shopping - go shopping
to have opportunity - to have the opportunity
family affairs - family affairs

In our life we ​​have weekends and holidays. Of course, it's more pleasant to speak about holidays than about workdays. But these workdays make up an essential part of life.

At 7.30 the alarm-clock wakes me up and my working day begins. Actually I'm not fond of getting up early, but I'm already used to it. I do my bed and go to the bathroom. There I brush my teeth and take a shower. At 8 o'clock I'm ready to have breakfast. Usually I have no time to cook my breakfast, so I just have a cup of tea and maybe a bowl of cereal.

I leave home at 8.20. My school is not far from house and it usually takes me 5 minutes to get there. My classes begin at 8.30 a.m. and finish at 3 p.m. At 11.20 I usually go to our school canteen and buy something to eat.

When my classes are finished I return home. Then I cook my dinner or warm it up. After hard work at school I feel like having a rest. After dinner I usually go out with my friends or go in for sports. Besides I have additional private lessons of drawing. Twice a week I go to the School of the Arts in order to pursue my dream to become a painter. Then I do my homework for the next school day. It takes me about 3 hours.

If I have 2 or 3 hours before going to sleep I watch TV, listen to the music, chat with some friends or help my mother to cook supper. When the supper is ready we gather in the dining room, eat and share the day news. After supper I sometimes play chess with my father and at about 11 o'clock I have a bath and go to bed.

Translation of the text My working day. My work day

In our life there are weekdays and holidays. And of course, it is more pleasant to talk about holidays than about everyday life. But it is these everyday life that make up the main part of our life.

At 7:30 the alarm clock wakes me up and my work day begins. Actually, I don't like to get up early, but I'm already used to it. I make my bed and go to the bathroom. There I brush my teeth and take a shower. At 8 o'clock I'm ready for breakfast. I usually don't have time to cook breakfast so I just have a cup of tea and maybe a bowl of porridge.

At 8:20 I leave home. My school is close and it usually takes me 5 minutes to get there. My lessons start at 8:30 and end at 3:00. At 11.20 I usually go to our school cafeteria and buy something to eat.

When my classes are over, I return home. Then I cook dinner or warm it up. After hard work at school, I feel the need to rest. After lunch, I usually go out for a walk with my friends or play sports. In addition, I additionally do drawing. Twice a week I go to art school to fulfill my dream of becoming an artist. Then I do my homework the next day. This takes me about 3 hours.

If I have 2 or 3 hours before I go to bed, I watch TV, listen to music, chat with friends or help my mom prepare dinner. When dinner is ready, we gather in the living room, eat and discuss the news of the day. After dinner, I sometimes play chess with my father and around 11 pm I take a shower and go to bed.

Additional expressions

  • working day- working day, weekday
  • workdays- Weekdays
  • to make up- compose, collect
  • essential- basic
  • actually- actually, in fact
  • bowl of cereal- a bowl of porridge
  • to go out- go for a walk, go for a walk
  • to go in for sports- exercise
  • to pursue a dream- fulfill the dream
  • chess- chess

A story on the topic “My working day” in English is a standard type of written and oral work to test the ability to use grammatical constructions and vocabulary in speech. This is one of the most popular topics in learning any foreign language.

To write the text “My working day”, you need to focus on 5 important recommendations that will help make the text interesting and understandable:

  1. The grammar of such a text is based on the simple present tense - Present Simple, which is used to describe routine actions that are repeated from day to day. Along with it, you should use adverbs that in English indicate frequency: always, sometimes, rarely, every day, every week.
  2. In some cases, it is acceptable to use the Present Perfect (Continious), if there is a need to emphasize the fact that a certain occupation began to be practiced in the past and is still relevant. (I usually play the piano in the evening. I've been doing that since I was 7. - I usually play the piano in the evenings. I've been doing this since I was 7 years old. — I start my working day at 6 am since summer).
  3. To describe habits or actions that you need to get used to in the near future, you can use the constructions be used to and get used to . For example, when describing the time of awakening in a text about a working day, you can say: “I get used to getting up early” - “I’m getting used to waking up early”;
  4. It is important to follow the chronology of events: describe all actions in order, from waking up to the end of the day. There should be a logical connection between the parts of the text about the working day.
  5. Adjectives help to “revive” the text about the working day, which can be used to describe breakfast (tasty, delicious) and activities throughout the day (boring - boring, interesting - interesting, exciting - exciting).
  6. To make the text about the weekday work non-standard, interesting and memorable, you can add phrases to it that express the narrator's attitude to what was said: I don't like - I don't like, I really keen on - I really love, I can't stand - I can't stand, I'm interested in - this is interesting). With such phrases, you can dilute sentences about activities and hobbies throughout the day.

The text about the working day should be divided into logical paragraphs, conditionally it should have three parts - the beginning (waking up, morning rituals), a trip to work (to school) and the end of the working day (other activities and hobbies).

Connecting words help to make the text richer and closer to colloquial speech:

  • Although / though- although, in spite of. Used to express contrasting relationships between the described phenomena (Although I don’t want to eat in the morning, I do that because I want to be healthy).
  • before this- before that. It is used to link sentences, establish chronological order in the text about the working day. (I cook dinner. But before this I like to relax for 5-10 minutes).
  • In case / if- if, in case. You can use constructions with these words to describe actions that depend on some conditions. For example, the choice of breakfast depends on the mood, clothes - on the weather. (If the weather is fine I always choose dress and sandals in summer - If the weather is fine, I always choose a dress and sandals in the summer. In case the working day is hard I don't go anywhere after work. - If the working day is hard, I I'm not going anywhere.)

It is not necessary to use all the words and phrases in the text about the working day without fail, they should be used moderately and purposefully based on the essence of what is written.

Required phrases and expressions

For each part of the text "My working day" there are phrases that are standard - they can be used as submitted, adding personal information.

You can write an introduction using the following phrases and sentences:

Phrase (sentence) Translation
Today I would like to tell you about my working day. Today I want to tell you about my working day.
I would like to introduce you to my working day. I would like (would like) to introduce you to my working day.
It would be interesting for you to hear about my working day. You would be interested to hear about my working day.
What I want to tell you is about my working day. What I want to tell you is my working day.

To move between parts of the text use Connecting words- words that connect the elements of the story.

In the simple present tense, the following lexemes can be used:

Word Translation Usage example in context
The moment At that time / at this moment / as soon as The moment the working day ends and I get home, I go straight to bed.- As soon as the working day ends and I come home, I immediately go to bed.
Afterwards/then After this/then Afterwards (then) I start reading a book. After that I start reading the book.
meanwhile At the time (to describe two actions that happen at the same time) Meanwhile I cook a breakfast, my children help me with cleaning house. While I am preparing breakfast, my children help me clean the house.

In the structure of the text about the working day, you need to use words that denote parts of the day:

With these words, it is important to use the prepositions in and at correctly.

The following words are used to denote time:

  • Exactly- exactly (I come back from school exactly 9 pm. - I return from school exactly at 9 o'clock).
  • Near- approximately (I start working near 9 pm - I start working at approximately 9 o'clock).
  • Almost- almost (I do my homework almost 3 hours - I do my homework for almost 3 hours).
  • About- approximately (My lessons start about 7 am - My lessons start at about 7 o'clock).
  • Sharp- exactly. (She comes at 13.00 sharp - She comes exactly at 13.00).

Throughout the text about the working day, words are used that indicate the beginning of a new action, most of which can be combined with the term - daily Routine, which translated into Russian means routine.

Phrases are used to describe them:

When describing locations, you need to pay attention to the prepositions at and in:

  1. At is used when a location is described in general, as an idea, without reference to a specific place.(at school - at school; at the office - in the office; at home - at home; at the beach - on the beach).
  2. In is used to describe activities inside a building. For example, "in school I do a lot of different activities". At the same time, the school here is meant as a specific building, and not an idea.

Words and idioms to describe morning routines

The text about the working day should begin with a sentence that talks about the time of awakening.

To describe the beginning of the day, you can use the following ways:

  • I usually get up at…- I usually wake up / get up at ...;
  • My morning starts at…— My morning starts at…;
  • My day begins with… My day starts with...

Additionally, you can specify what helps you wake up: a relative, an alarm clock, a pet. To do this, use the sentence: "I am usually woken up by my parents/dog/alarm".

After suggesting a time for awakening, several morning rituals should be described.

List of morning rituals:

Phrase (sentence) Translation
To get dressed / dress up / put clothes on Dress
To take / to have a shower To take a shower
To brush the teeth Brush your teeth
To brush the hair Brush hair
To put make up Put on make-up
To make breakfast cook tomorrow
To eat breakfast eat breakfast
To listen to radio listen to the radio
To check mail Check email
To browse the Internet Surf the Internet
To run run around
To do yoga do yoga
To take care of take care of

To move away from standard phrases and fill the text "My work day" with more complex phrases, you can use idioms:

You should not try to write in the text about the working day all the main morning routines and actions, it is best to choose 2-3, combine them into one sentence so that the story does not focus much attention on this part. The introduction should be the shortest part in the text.


In the description of breakfast, you can use the following words and expressions:

breakfast for champions Generic name for a breakfast that is made up of healthy food, vegetables, fruits
Cooking up a storm Cook delicious food
Appealing, delectable, savoury, tasty, inviting Words to describe delicious, appetizing food
Crumbly food Crunchy foods, foods that break easily (crackers, biscuits, some types of cheese)
unripe food Food that can be eaten ready-made (vegetables, fruits, sandwiches with simple ingredients)

Talking about breakfast, you can name not only its characteristics, but also indicate the standard products for this meal.

List of popular products:

tea/coffee/cacao Tea/coffee/cocoa
Toast toasted bread
Porridge Porridge
Fried eggs Fried eggs
Bacon Bacon
Croissant Croissant
waffles waffles
Bagel Baguette, bun

You can describe the first meal in 2-3 sentences: list a few foods that are common for breakfast, indicate who prepares them.

In the context of this part of the text about the working day, we can mention the habit of eating something specific in the morning:

  • I'm used to drinking a cup of coffee in the morning I am used to (used to) drinking a cup of coffee in the morning;
  • I'm used to eating fresh vegetables every morning. I am used to (used to) eat fresh vegetables every morning;
  • A habit that is just being formed can be said with the help of the get used to construction: I am getting used to drinking water in the morning - I am trying to accustom myself to drinking water in the morning.

Description of habits in the narrative makes the text individual and unconventional.

How to describe the way to school or work in a text about a working day?

You can get to school or work on foot (on foot) or using different modes of transport:

You can expand this part of the text about the working day with the help of additional sentences:

  • It takes me … hours to get to …- It takes me ... hours (minutes);
  • On the way to school I usually …- On the way to school, I usually ...;
  • I like this way, because../I don’t like this way, because…- I like this road because ... / I don't like this road because ...

1-2 sentences are enough to describe this part of the working day.

School or work day: ways of describing

You can talk about classes at school using the following vocabulary:

have lessons Have lessons (you can specify the number)
Communicate with friends Chat with friends
Pass exams Take exams
read books Read books
Go to library Go to the library
Do sport Exercise
Eat in school canteen Eat in the school cafeteria
Listen to teachers listen to teachers

You can supplement the story about school everyday life with phrases about preferences in lessons, sports or activities:

  • I'm keen on- I'm interested;
  • I enjoy- I get pleasure from;
  • I'm into- I'm really passionate;
  • I like- I like.

When writing a story about a working day, the following lexemes will be useful:

I work at… I work in… (big company, school, university, office)
I work with… (papers, peoples, animals, books) I work with… (papers, people, animals, books)
interesting/exciting Interesting/exciting
Thought/tiring/repetitive Severe/tiring/routine
Employers Employees
flexible schedule Flexible schedule
Overtime Work more than normal
Earn a salary Recieve payment
Promotion Raise
non-standard workday Irregular working hours
Part time working day Part time

Talking about this part of the day, which relates to work at work, at the end you can say about your profession, list a few basic responsibilities and express your attitude towards it with the help of phrases: I like in my job… I don’t like in my job.

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Activities after work or school

In this part, you need to describe hobbies and activities that are usually relevant for free time.

Description options:

family time family time
fishing Fishing
Walking Hiking
team sports Group sports
Shopping Shopping, shopping trips
Traveling Trips
eating out Visits to cafes and restaurants
Volunteer work Volunteer work
To visit friends visit friends
To receive guests receive guests
To play games Play games
To go on foot Walk
hang out at the mall Hang out with friends
Go window shopping Walk and window shop
Chat up with friends Chat on social networks with friends
Swim in the pool To swim in the swimming pool
Go to the gym Go to the gym
sightseeing Walk around the city, seeing the sights

To make the described activities in the structure of the text about the working day sound interesting, you can use adjectives for their characteristics:

After describing the activities in 1-2 sentences, using idioms, you can describe the state of a person after the working day is over:

Word (phrase) Translation Usage example
Be ready to crash out Be very tired, fall asleep on the go, fall off your feet After my working day I am ready to crash ou t. After a hard day at work, I fall asleep on the go.
Put someone's feet up Rest Then I just sit and put my feet up. After that, I just sit down and do nothing.
be exhausted Feel drained (drained) After work I am really exhausted- After work, I'm really exhausted (a).
feel frustrated feel hopeless When I do so many things a day I feel myself frustrated When I do so many things throughout the day, I feel hopeless.
Feel tired To be tired I always feel tired in the morning. – I always feel tired in the morning.

If, in addition to school or study, there is a place where a person usually spends some time (coffee shop, cafe, library), in the topic "My working day" you can use the phrase "home away from home" to refer to this location. For example, "I spend 2 hours after school in that cozy cafee - it is my real home away from home" (I spend about 2 hours after school in that cozy coffee shop, this is my real home corner).

Household chores: ways of describing

After the working day is over, the action is transferred to that.

Things you can do at home:

Idiomatic expressions for describing activities at home in the text "My working day" after work and school:

Expression Translation Usage example
To hit the books “Immerse yourself in books”, a phrase used by students and schoolchildren to describe intensive study, homework preparation. After dinner I usually hit the books , because I always have a lot of homework. – After lunch, I usually sit down to read books, because there is a lot of homework assigned to school.
me time Used to describe time spent "on oneself": reading, music, films, it is advisable to use to describe the part where the working day ended Evening it a me time. Evening is time for yourself.

When working day ends, I have a lot of me time— When the working day ends, I have a lot of time for myself.

The time for sleep in the text about the working day can be indicated using the standard phrase “I go to bed at” or use the following phraseological units:

  • To hit the sack- go to bed very tired;
  • To hit the hay- go to bed due to exhaustion, workload throughout the day;
  • Drop off to sleep- fall asleep very quickly.

The story "My working day" in English with translation

A short version of the essay on the working day is presented in this table:

I would like to tell you about my working day. I am a student so I have almost the same activities from Monday to Friday. I would like to tell you about my working day. I am a student and all my days are similar to each other from Monday to Friday.
My working day usually begins and 7 o'clock. My dog ​​wakes me up, because he wants to go out. My working day usually starts at 7 am. My dog ​​wakes me up: she wants me to walk her.
I wake up, take care of my dog ​​and start cooking breakfast. I'm used to having fresh apple juice and fried eggs at this part of the day. I wake up, take care of her and start cooking tomorrow. I used to drink fresh juice in the morning and eat fried eggs.
After that I clean my teeth, brush my hair and dress up. It usually takes me 20 minutes to do that. I pack my things to university and go there on foot. After that I brush my teeth, comb my hair and get dressed. It takes 20 minutes. I pack my things and go to the university on foot.
It is not a long way to - 15 minutes. I like this way because I can see a lot of trees and flowers on my way. The journey takes about 15 minutes. I love this path, I see a lot of trees and flowers as I walk.
At university I study hard. We have 4 or 5 lessons and I try to do my best. I do all the tasks, read many books and listen to the teacher very attentively. I can communicate with friends there, visit libraries. I have my lunch in canteen. At university, I study hard all day. I do all the assignments, read books and listen carefully to the teacher. We have 4-5 classes throughout the day and I try very hard. There I can chat with friends, go to libraries. I have lunch at the university cafeteria.
When the lessons end, I go home. I have a lot of thing to do - clean my house, walk my dog, and cook dinner. Then I do my homework. When classes are over, I go home. Lots of things to do at home! Need to clean the house, walk the dog, do homework.
In the evening I have some free time so I watch TV shows or draw pictures. I like it! When I do that I feel better. In the evening I have some free time and I watch series or draw pictures. I really love to draw! When I do this, I feel better.
I go to bed not very early. It is usually at midnight. But I sleep very well because I am really tired till the moment I fall asleep. My working day can be so tiring! I don't go to bed very early. Usually it's midnight. But I sleep very well because I get very tired. My work day can be so exhausting!

My Working Day

I want to say that all weekdays except weekends look very much the same.

On weekdays the alarm clock wakes me up at about 7 o "clock and my working day begins. I"m not an early riser that"s why it"s very difficult for me to get out of bed, especially in winter. First I do my morning exercises. Then I go to the bathroom, take a warm shower and clean my teeth. After that I go to my bedroom to get dressed.

At a quarter past seven I am ready to have my breakfast. As a rule, I have a light breakfast which consists of a cup of coffee or tea, a boiled egg, and a cheese or a sausage sandwich. After breakfast I take my bag and leave for school.

As my school is not far from my house, it takes me 10 minutes to get there. I usually walk there.

Six or seven lessons a day is the ordinary timetable. The classes at school are over at about three o "clock.

Twice a week I stay at school later to play tennis or I am busy with the English language club.

When I come home I have dinner, after dinner I have a rest. While resting, I listen to music or look through newspapers and magazines. Then I start doing my homework. It takes me about five hours to cope with my homework properly.

Sometimes I help my mother about the house and do our shopping, go to the library and have private lessons of English in order to improve it.

After supper I usually relax for some time and then go on with my homework.

As a rule, I go to bed at about 11 o "clock or even later.

My work day

I want to say that all days, except weekends, are similar to each other.

Usually the alarm clock wakes me up around 7 o'clock and my work day begins. I am not a "lark", which is why it is very difficult for me to get out of bed, especially in winter. First, I do morning exercises. Then I go to the bathroom, take a warm shower and brush my teeth. After that I go to the bedroom to get dressed.

At a quarter past seven I'm ready for breakfast. As a rule, I have a light breakfast consisting of a cup of coffee or tea, a boiled egg with cheese, or a sausage sandwich. After breakfast I take my briefcase and go to school.

Since the school is close to my house, it takes me 10 minutes to get there. I usually go to school on foot.

Six or seven lessons a day is the usual schedule. Classes at school end at about three o'clock in the afternoon.

Twice a week I stay longer at school to play tennis, or I go to the English club.

I have lunch when I come home and after lunch I rest. While relaxing, I listen to music or read newspapers and magazines. Then I start doing homework. It takes me about five hours to do my homework properly.

Sometimes I help my mother around the house and go to the store, to the library and to private English lessons to improve my language skills.

After dinner, I usually rest for a while and then continue to do my homework.

As a rule, I go to bed around 11 o'clock or even later.

Each new working day seems to be similar to the previous one, with all its routine, daily rituals, worries. If you want to make a "My working day" topic, then you need to go through several steps. What?

Firstly, study all the vocabulary on the topic, choose the one you need and suit you (You will find a complete analysis in the article “Daily Routine”). Secondly, read this article, which gives an example - a topic on how all elements should sound together. The next step is to compose your own story "My Day". Trust me, it's not hard at all. All phrases are easy to remember, reproduced, and soon all expressions of this topic will flow like water. So, let's see how you can beautifully compose the topic "My working day in English."

I'd lke to tell you about my daily routine which I follow more or less every day.

I get up at 7 o'clock. I should admit that I don't quickly jump out of bed. I am definitely not an early riser. Then I take a shower, clean my teeth. It takes 15 minutes to brush and order my hair and put on make up. After then I am ready for breakfast. I usually have a cup of strong coffee and a sandwich for breakfast. When I am full up I get dressed. I don't do morning exercises. Perhaps I am lazy, perhaps I don't have much time.

I don't like to be late. So I leave home at 8. My working day starts at 9. My house is far from the office and I usually go by car. Sometimes when it is broken I use a taxi because It takes 40 minutes to get there. I work 5 days a week from 9 till 6.

After my working day I prefer to have a rest. But rest for me is not just sitting in front of TV and doing nothing. So straight from the office I go to the supermarket, buy some food and go home. There at first I prepare supper. I have a lot of thing to do about the house: water the flowers, tidy up the house, wash up and iron clothes. I don't like to go out at week-days. But sometimes my friends or parents come to visit me. I am happy, of course. Twice a week I go to fitness.

As usual after supper I watch TV. I try to go to bed at 11 o'clock. Before falling asleep I usually read a book or a magazine.

So, that's all I can say about my daily activities. Of couse I look forward to the weekends coming and make plans.


daily routine- daily schedule

follow more or less more or less comply

to get up- get up, wake up

to jump out of bed- get out of bed quickly (jump out)

definitely- definitely

an early riser early bird

take a shower- take a shower

to clean my teeth- brush your teeth

to order one's hair- fix hair

to put on make up- apply makeup

to be ready for- be ready for

to be full up- to be full

to be late for- be late for

to be far from- be away from

to go to work by car- go to work by car

to have a rest rest

to be broken- be broken

It takes … to get…. – takes (in time) to get to…

to do nothing- To do nothing

to wash up and iron clothes- wash and iron clothes

before falling asleep- before falling asleep

to look forward to- look forward

Composing a story about my working day in English, you would probably want to have a day off (On our website you can find a topic on this topic: “My day off”). But no matter how long the rest lasts, we still have to return to weekdays, which are not so gray, if you get up with a smile, rejoice at new opportunities, meetings and development. When compiling a topic on this topic, it is not necessary to go into exact details and paint every step minute by minute. It will take too long and the listener will be bored. Everything is better, but little by little.