Telegram drug dealing. The police are looking for Telegram on the phones of Russians and violate the law

The administration of the Telegram messenger has begun blocking bots that sell illegal substances. This was told to Poster Daily by a source familiar with the situation.

According to him, the blocking began on November 9 and continued the next day: the administration of the messenger removed at least two large bots selling drugs. The owners of one of them tried to restore the store under a different username, but after a while Telegram blocked it again.

Message from the owner of one of the affected bots
This is almost the only precedent, before that everything always worked quietly

The owners of other shops with "instant bookmarks" (drugs hung in advance) urgently began to change the names of positions. Presumably, the blocking of bots in Telegram is not done manually, but with the help of an algorithm that determines the so-called stop words.

Message in one of the active bots where you can still buy banned substances
Even if this does not help to avoid blocking, the situation will not change much: purchases in bots take, at best, a few percent of the dealer’s total turnover
- a source familiar with the situation

It is known that Telegram was unable to block the store, in which the bot offers the buyer "to put some track, music, and not a specific substance."

It's such a defense if Comrade Major takes your mobile. Really for this purpose it was done.<…>You can get there only through a referral link from another user, which is active for 24 hours. They have a search for the nearest treasures in your location. We suffered with the development notably /

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Telegram becomes a platform for drug trafficking


Probably, the wave of popularity of the messenger in Russia among drug dealers is directly related to the closure of RAMP, the largest darknet site. For these purposes, they organize closed chats, promote relevant offers and implement their own bots.

In addition, individual sellers have become more active in the messenger. There are several reasons that prompted representatives of the drug business to move to a new site.
First of all, disputes that took place in the summer between the management of Telegram and Roskomnadzor led to the current situation. The actions of the department were covered in federal and local media, thanks to which the messenger was able to attract new users.

Telegram links

The Ministry of Internal Affairs noted, stating that in this case we are talking about the closure of not the entire site, but three stores that placed offers on it. Based on this, it can be assumed that the agency had little influence on the decision of the RAMP administration to stop the resource.


On a possible decision by the RAMP administration The work of RAMP was divided into two parts. Negotiations and deals were conducted through the main forum. Also, an instant store worked for users, which was located on several domains.

It was possible to purchase the goods of interest through it. In late spring 2017, RAMP experienced DDoS attacks carried out by unidentified individuals.
Because of them, the work of the service was under threat. According to one of the users of the resource, the first problems arose with the functionality of the instant store. Other participants in the site said that DDoS attacks were carried out in a coordinated manner.

How drugs are sold via telegram

You can check the appearance of sellers of drugs in Telegram if you pay attention to the date of creation of the chatbot or closed channels. Buyers access chats through links that are placed in thematic channels.

Among the most popular of these bots is RAMP official vol 2. The study found that its audience is about 1.1 thousand people.

Their conversations mostly boil down to the fact that they talk about their experience of using drugs and advise trusted sellers of goods. In addition, messages on distant topics appear in this chat: personal problems, interests, and so on. It is quite difficult for an outsider to keep track of what people are talking about at the current moment. New messages appear very quickly. An advertisement for a Telegram channel selling drugs in a residential building RAMP official vol 2 appeared in early 2017.

Telegram started blocking bots that sell drugs

The department noted that its structures, in the middle of summer, directed a significant part of their own resources to detect channels through which the sale of narcotic substances took place and to prevent the further distribution of prohibited goods. This is the version accepted by the majority of Russian media.

Among those who questioned the official information is the Mediazon publication. Its journalists drew attention to the fact that the department refused to report on the details of the operation. They also wondered why the Ministry of Internal Affairs told about the closure of the RAMP site only in September, when, as a resource, it ceased to exist about 2 months before the official announcement. "Mediazona" sent a request to the department, which reflected the details of interest to him.

Telegram is gaining popularity among drug dealers

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Through the chat, the buyers agree with the seller on the courier delivery of the goods. In order to increase their own security after the transaction, they delete all correspondence.

If necessary, buyers can contact sellers to resolve certain issues. Chatbots are mostly popular among large dealers present in Telegram.

They use this tool because their audience is too large to manually respond to every request. A purchase through a chatbot usually follows a single scheme.

First, the user needs to select the product he is interested in and the city to which the drug is to be delivered. A number of dealers work only within Moscow. The store offers several options for the weight of the goods.

In this case, the user cannot specify this indicator himself. More often in chat bots, buyers are offered up to three places where the goods will be bookmarked.

Telegram channel yfhrjnbrb sell where to complain

In particular, they have organized separate chat bots where users can leave feedback. A number of stores also provide access to technical support.


Buyers who have not previously used Telegram to purchase drugs may have difficulty finding a reliable seller. First of all, they need to find a chat that provides access to a verified store.

Next, buyers will have to learn the functionality of the latter, and only after that they will be able to make a deal. Telegram, in terms of drug trafficking, is inferior to Hydra, which is today a market monopoly, in many respects.

But some sellers note that in the near future the situation may change dramatically. To do this, it is necessary to ensure that the administration of the messenger does not interfere in the activities of the drug business, and that should find competent programmers.

Telegram channel sells drugs where to complain

Then, under a false name, they offer potential buyers drugs that they do not actually have. Later, the attacker turns to the administration of the copied chat, offering them to transfer 5,000 rubles to him so that he stops selling goods under a false name.

At the same time, the deceiver is quite difficult to figure out, since he constantly changes accounts. What did the mass migration of dealers to Telegram lead to? As noted above, the mass migration of drug dealers to Telegram resulted in the closure of the most popular platform for the sale of RAMP products. However, not only this was the reason for the arrival of sellers in the messenger. Back in the summer, various Russian media, including federal TV channels, began to talk about the disputes that arose between the management of Telegram and Roskomnadzor. As a result, the debates reported by the publications attracted the attention of a wide audience to the messenger.
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In the same comments, a guy from Chelyabinsk checked the Sportmaster account of his city and confirmed that they also want to sell him drugs. These bots are nothing more than a new type of distribution of drugs among the population.

Moreover, this is done anonymously, and it is impossible to catch such a seller by the hand. By the way, it is Telegram (the brainchild of Pavel Durov, the founder of VKontakte) that has become very popular with such dealers, because of its simple and understandable platform, and at the same time, it is almost completely anonymous.

Such anonymity was discussed in the State Duma (a ban on such messengers) after the terrorist attacks in Paris, since it was Telegram that was used then to coordinate actions.

Complaints are being received from Russian regions against police officers who, without legal grounds, take away smartphones from citizens in search of the unreliable Telegram messenger. Anonymous police sources confirm these facts and say that in this way they track down drug dealers and pawnbrokers. They chose the messenger because of its encryption system, which is beyond the control of the Russian special services. Having no other options, law enforcement officers simply take away their mobile phones from citizens for inspection. Many victims of such audits report clear police abuse and invasion of privacy. I talked to those whom the police “checked on Telegram” and found out how to behave if the law enforcement officer insistently demands your phone.

“At this point, many were tied up”

At the end of September, in Smolensk, they started talking about the fact that the police were checking smartphones from the townspeople for the presence of Telegram. According to local media, the messenger came under the guns of law enforcement officers because of its popularity with drug addicts and pawnbrokers, who are sometimes too lazy to delete chats with data on drug stash locations. A source at that time noted that Telegram had a bad reputation, and thanks to sudden checks of the messenger in Smolensk, several drug dealers were even caught.

Soon, stories about “checks on Telegram” began to come from various parts of Russia, they began to be widely discussed on the network. One of those whose smartphone the police became interested in was blogger Ruslan Denisyuk.

It was in Krasnoyarsk, - he says in an interview with - One night, after a working day, I was waiting for the bus at the bus stop and decided to go to the nearest pharmacy to warm up. There I flipped through the tape on the phone, did not interfere with anyone and was sure that no one would disturb me either. Suddenly, a man ran into the room.

Oddly enough, he went straight to me and, introducing himself as a police officer, ordered me to show the documents. A fair question arose: why should I suddenly have to do this? In response, he took out a red crust and said: "Now I will find you a reason." In theory, this document could also be a pass to the hostel, because the so-called employee did not even open it, but the argument was convincing - I was seriously scared.

There were two options: to agree to his demands and peacefully disperse, or to make problems for themselves. There is nothing to shut me up for, and going to the police station to clarify the circumstances was definitely not an option. I have repeatedly heard that if the police want to find something, they will do it, and I showed my passport. For about a minute, he compared my face with the photo in the document, after which he began to fill out some paper. The policeman said that at this point his colleagues tied up many for drugs, and, you see, I am standing here and corresponding with someone.

“I won’t look personally - only in fact”

After explaining that I had only seen banned substances on TV, this guy asked if I had a Telegram, Ruslan Denisyuk continues. - Somehow, the police found out - that's where all the "movements" take place. He began to dig into why I need this messenger. The question is frankly stupid - it is convenient to use it, I have a working group there. I realized that they were not going to let me go and, pointing to a random bus, I was about to leave, but the policeman did not allow me.

Although the drug business is not interesting to me, there were groups in Telegram with memes that could prompt these thoughts, and besides, personal correspondence that no one wanted to show. The policeman did not take the phone in his hands, he simply said to open the messages. I showed the working group and began to pray that if only there was no update to which you can cling to. The employee regularly marked something, and then saw a dialogue about money with my colleague.

Photo: Yury Martyanov / Kommersant

This was followed by a new batch of questions: who is this? What kind of 5000 rubles are we talking about? As soon as this was sorted out, my mother called me. While we were talking, the policeman continued to write out data from the documents. Seizing the moment, I quickly ended the conversation and started deleting conversations and groups. Suddenly, he looked up from the paper and issued the phrase: “Your name is strange, it seems to have appeared somewhere ... Do you have a photo gallery?”

I'm already frankly bewildered - why should he? But then he realized: there he expected to find a photo with a place to lay drugs. But instead of them in the folders were our personal photos with the girl. Probably, confusion was reflected on my face, and the policeman “clarified”: “I won’t look personally - only in fact.” I already just wanted to go home, so I decided not to argue.

After making sure that there was nothing criminal in the phone, he himself began to worry. It was time to end this farce, so I took my passport right from his hands, after listening to a final lecture on the dangers of drugs. Already on the bus I looked at the time and realized that I had to prove my innocence for 20 minutes.

"Bodies cannot receive correspondence"

Telegram in Russia managed to make a lot of noise this year. In mid-April, the Tagansky District Court of Moscow ruled a messenger in Russia for refusing to provide encryption keys to read users' correspondence. The head said that the founder of the messenger took a neutral position in terms of terrorists and criminals who use Telegram. The authorities thought that the messenger was finished, but its blocking in the end was not successful, and today it works as if nothing had happened.

According to the founder of the Police Ombudsman community, countering drug trafficking in Russia has always been difficult, and the emergence of instant messengers has only exacerbated the problem.

Modern pawnbrokers have evolved noticeably, in fact, this is a drug mafia, - explains Vorontsov. - The minimum income in the drug business is five thousand rubles a day. Naturally, people fall for this and try to earn as much as possible by distributing. In addition, they are given security briefings, taught how to use smartphones and hide the information stored on them. Telegram allows you to create secret chats with a timer for deletion, so the authorities cannot receive correspondence, and pawnbrokers take advantage of this. Today, Telegram is a separate media outlet that is not controlled by anyone.

However, Vorontsov clarifies that more than one Telegram is being used for illegal purposes. Attackers resort to a variety of communication technologies, and therefore it would be wrong to consider the brainchild of Pavel Durov as the source of all troubles.

There was a case when the terrorists communicated through the Sony Play Station, creating a game for two, - says the interlocutor of - The same picture emerges in social networks, Internet telephony systems and mobile applications. Anyone who has conceived something unkind has a wide choice.

“They answered me like this:“ Something forbidden.

Many of those whom the police checked on Telegram are at a loss as to why, from the crowd of passers-by, it was they who attracted the attention of employees. So, Ivan Startsev found himself in a stressful situation at the railway station in Sochi.

My wife and I went through the security checks and were already halfway to our train when a man in civilian clothes ran up to us and, showing our ID, asked us to go with him,” he recalls. - Of course, I was surprised why we interested him. I immediately thought of my catchy clothes and tattoos. We were led to a checkpoint where three uniformed policemen were sitting and asked for a passport. No demands were made to Zhenya, but they were ordered to stay where they were.

The document check was over, there were only 10 minutes left before the train left, and then I was asked to unlock the phone. On any other day, I would definitely figure out if what was happening was legal, but because of the haste, I agreed - I still have nothing to hide. On the main page, among other icons, Telegram was highlighted. The employee immediately pressed it with the words: “Your personal correspondence is not of interest to me. I'm just browsing."

Photo: Alexey Malgavko / RIA Novosti

He spent several minutes doing this, and soon I got tired of it, and I asked him what he expected to find there. So they answered me: "Something forbidden." Having explained about the imminent departure, we began to hurry him up, but the policeman only shrugged. Scrolling through my contacts, he periodically asked: “Who is Sergey Fred? And Ildar? I replied that they were my friends. After viewing almost the entire history of correspondence, we were thanked and given the phone, and we jumped on the train at the last minute. After this, you will involuntarily think about what to do if they stop you again. By the way, some friends told me about similar situations later.

Commenting on such incidents, Vladimir Vorontsov explains: the reasons for stopping a particular citizen from the detective may be very different, but the place where this happens is never chosen at random. It may be indicated by the materials of the criminal case or the orientation received from informants.

An employee is unlikely to approach a family with a grandmother and small children who carry balloons and eat ice cream, explains the founder of the Police Ombudsman community. - People who outwardly fit the description of drug addicts are pulled out of the crowd. At the same time, the opera has the right to walk in civilian clothes, since it operates within the framework of the law on operational-search activities, and conspiracy is one of its principles.

First of all, the police write down as drug addicts those who are distinguished by thinness, skin rashes on the face, bags under the eyes, a staggering hunched gait and clothing with a hood that hides the face. However, as's source in law enforcement agencies notes, even if there are no such signs, a person can still be detained: as an option, out of personal hostility. In such cases, the basis for the detention - the data of his informant - the employee can take out of his head, write down with his left hand and attach to the case.

“They began to interrogate a friend where he got the phone from”

According to lawyer Pavel Chikov, representing the interests of Telegram in court, smartphone checks are absolutely illegal and indicate abuse of power by the police. When one of them asks to show the phone, he must have good reasons for this - data on a violation of the law or the presence of prohibited items. But in this case, we are talking about full-fledged detention in compliance with strict formalization requirements and the right to compensation for non-pecuniary damage if the suspicion is not confirmed.

Everything is spelled out in article 13 - on the search of citizens and objects - of the law "On the Police" and in article 27.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation on personal search, - says. - The police are obliged to draw up a protocol and involve two witnesses who are not related to the case. If an employee obliges someone against their will to provide a phone, and then starts rummaging through it, this is a violation of the constitutional rights of citizens to the inviolability of personal correspondence. Everyone has the right to privacy of telephone conversations, postal, telegraphic and other communications. An exception is allowed only by a court decision. A person who is faced with illegal requirements has every right to file a complaint with the supervisory authorities or with the appropriate subdivision of his own security system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Meanwhile, there is an interesting nuance in the stories with checks on Telegram: if a person stopped on the street refuses to show and unlock the smartphone, the police immediately have formal grounds to suspect that the gadget has been stolen. A Samara video blogger spoke about a similar situation:

If you witnessed an important event, you have news or an idea for a material, write to this address: [email protected]

Greetings. The theme is as follows. I have a telegram bot (example: @gang3bang_bot) that sells forbidden items (fake, nothing actually happens after payment). It looks quite modern and thoughtful, I wrote it in Python. Without watermarks and other signs of a fake. Qiwi payment and bitcoin are connected. There are 10 cities in the bot, the assortment is full, the impression is excellent. Created an imitation of a referral link. In general, an ideal scam bot that needs an audience.

But here's the problem - I wrote the bot, but how to attract traffic without a clue. Therefore, I need people with the necessary SI skills, as well as the ability to attract traffic. We will share the profit 50/50.

From myself, I can add that it’s really possible to make 5,000-10,000 rubles a day for two, or maybe more. The main thing is to know where to look for people and how to convince them.

It is also very convenient and profitable to publish a bot in your public, especially if it is ***-themed, or something like that. Replies, if any, are rare, but the average purchase price in my experience was 1500-2000 rubles per person, but sometimes 4000-5000 rubles.

At the moment I offer two options for cooperation:

1. You are using the "generic" bot I listed above. But in this situation, you will need to know the approximate time and amount of the payment, so that I can make sure that it was you who brought the client to the bot. Tell me the time and the amount - I send you 50 percent (qiwi or cue ball, depending on how the client paid).

2. More interesting option. I register a separate instance of the bot, where I enter the nickname of the cart account support, which belongs to YOU ​​(the kiwi remains on me). Thus, you can be sure that I do not hide customer payments from you (there has never been a time when someone bought and did not write to support with presentation) and that you can cooperate with me. Just keep in mind that you will be the support, which means that they will write to you for any questions. It's kind of like a franchise :)

Friends, a huge request! Before you write to me in a personal - carefully weigh everything. If you have no experience in attracting traffic to Telegram, practice in advance. In the case of using the first option of cooperation, you can write after the fact, when you realize that the fish has bitten. If you need a separate copy - weigh again. The problem is that this is not the first day I have been working according to a similar scheme, and the abundance of schoolchildren is very annoying, especially when you allocate time for each and create a separate bot, and it merges the very next evening. Respect your and other people's time.

Have you thought about everything? Do you have the skills to drive traffic? Ready to cooperate? Write to @boogieyaga