That I am not a good person. Why no one likes kind and helpful people


Sensitivity and unpretentiousness

Kindness is sensitivity to others, the ability to be unassuming and have a soft heart. Sensitivity and softness of heart are one and the same. Softness of heart means holiness. The Vedas say that softness of heart means the ability be a kind persondo not get angry at anyone and experience satisfaction even in difficult situations.

Dirt in the heart arises as a result of bad deeds. If a person's mind is polluted, then the person becomes insensitive. We see the world through the lens of our mind through the eyes of our mood. If today the mood is bad, then in all people we see only bad. The mood is good - we see all the good things. There are people who don't get in a bad mood because they mind is clear- they have no bad deeds in the past. All bad deeds such a person burned with the help of correct behavior.

Is our the natural state is kindness, but as a result of bad deeds, this natural state is hidden both from us and from other people who look at us in this state. It is enough for a person to do something bad and an imprint is already placed on the heart, which prevents him from looking at the world through the eyes of kindness. This is the problem, and not that we have caused trouble to someone with our act. A person receives anxiety according to his fate for bad deeds in the past, therefore, in the present, someone naturally and inevitably treats him badly.

The holy man has honey heart- comes from him nectar. When communicating with a holy person, there is a feeling of sweetness, sweet taste. Don't do it artificially. To do this, you need to get rid of your bad deeds from the past. There are no other options. Everything that is inside the heart - our actions - through this prism we look at the world. And how are we on it we look so we on it and react.

Unpretentiousness means that a person has realized the spiritual laws and is convinced that he will have exactly as much as he is supposed to. Everything in this world has absolute harmony, but we do not see it. We feel like we need more than we have. This is due to the fact that we do not see our shortcomings and bad deeds, so we do not know how many problems we can get in our life because of them. If a person understands how sinful he is, he is not surprised at what is happening to him - he is surprised that he is still alive. Therefore, an unpretentious person is constantly in gratitude to God for the fact that having so many sins, he still lives normally and is able to understand something. If a person does not realize this, then he lacks sensitivity and unpretentiousness.

How can there be kindness if a person is pretentious? Pretentiousness means lack of kindness. Let's say: "I want my son to be an excellent student." Is it pretension? Yes. Maybe the son, according to fate, should not be an excellent student. Maybe I'm not supposed to have an honors son. I want to to be supposed to but not allowed, because did not deserve.

a kind person

1. Kind people very easily perceive severity in their address and deprivation.

2. Kind people show their kindness in accordance with consciousness.

There are two levels of kindness. Emotional level acts of kindness is not true kindness. true kindness is an act of kindness with consciousness.

For example, a person dies. His relative begins to wail, sob, scream. Is this person good or not? The dying will not be better. He is in terrible pain. It’s hard for him, and then his strength is taken away with the help of such sounds that create him heaviness in the heart. Maybe this relative is kind, but weak character. Sobbing and suffering put a dying person in a very bad mood. He is very weak and cannot change anything around him, he cannot control himself and endure everything that happens around him. He simply obeys how the sound acts on him. Sound is the greatest force.

Being next to a dying person, you need to behave very dignified - this means bestow the highest good on man. If you can't do that, then it's best to leave. When someone dies, holy people usually read prayers and are generally in a state of joy and happiness. Then the person dies with great peace. Therefore, we must know the difference between kindness and weakness of the heart.

3. A kind person is equally kind to everyone: and to close people, and to enemies, and to friends.

Of course, there are exceptions. For example, ruler, king who needs to sign the death warrant. His heart does not become evil from this. However, he must have the knowledge and vision that if the condemned remains alive, he will degrade, so he needs to suffer now and death will be the highest good for him. In our time, there are no such leaders, so it is better not to use the death penalty. Most often, they condemn unfairly - those people who could do something else.

Warrior out of a sense of duty, he kills in battle opponents who attack his country in order to protect innocent people. He kills, but he does not hate the invaders.

If a person to your child treated with kindness and to someone else's No, that means he's not good. If "mine is closer to me" - this means selfishness. There is no kindness here, but weakness of the heart is present. Such a child will come up and say: “Mom, I want!” and mother will fulfill, even if the child wants what he does not need. It's the lack of kindness. A weak person makes his children greedy, cruel, greedy.

4. The kindness of truly kind people is always shown, even when its manifestation threatens with trouble.

Sometimes people get in big trouble. Let's say from the government. But a good man has knowledge: if he suffers hardships, then they are assigned to him by fate, but if he does good deeds at the same time, then evil will never win good. The law of meanness does not exist in this world. There is simply the law of retribution - everyone suffers for what he did in the past. But if a person does good, then there will be much less trouble. How will it happen? No one knows. This happens incomprehensibly to everyone. By all logic, he should suffer, but he does not suffer like one who does not want to do good.

Weak person

1. A weak person wants to do something without knowing whether it is good or bad, just for the sake of being considered kind.

Some people donate to charity just to to be a good person. Pretending that they are very kind, in fact they want to get out of it benefit. Why does a person need to be considered a good person? A good person gets power, money. Everyone needs a good person. People are drawn to a good person. Everyone respects him - the team, relatives. A good person means a good person.

What is the difference for real a kind person from someone who wants pass for kind person? After all, they both do the same things, what is the difference? How to determine where the profit is?A kind person does good deeds quietly because he is disgusted by the very feeling that he will be praised. He does not see the point in this, because he himself sees only his own shortcomings. When he is praised, he thinks: "One of two things: either they do not see that I am an unworthy person, or they are simply hypocrites." So a good person does not like praise.

Often people praise out of envy. Praise means not wanting to be the same. This is very difficult to understand right away. When one person praises another, he seems to be saying: I can't be the same as you.In the eyes of a person you can praise if he is your spiritual master and you are his disciple. You can also praise your child, parent, spouse, friend, but a person with whom there is no close relationship should not be praised in the eyes. It is not right. We must respect him. If I respect someone, then do not praise him. Respect is enough to make a kind person understand that you treat him well. He does not need anything else, because he feels the connection at a subtle level. So some praise out of ignorance.“I will praise this too, which means that he will understand that I respect him, and he will treat me well.” But respect really shows, it is not necessary to show it specifically.

There is another compliment praise is not in the eyes of a person, but the praise of this person to other people.

2. A weak person follows the lead of a bad person.

But this is not kindness - this is weakness of the heart, but weakness of the heart leads to sin. A weak person in this case becomes a puppet in the hands of a cunning person who took possession of his mind with the help of flattery. Flattery is a trap that falls on pride. If a person has at least a little pride, then a trap can be thrown on it. If there is no pride, then flattery does not work on him.

How can pride be revealed? A person can hide grief, but he will never hide happiness. A person may hide his annoyance at being scolded, but he will never hide the joy of praise. Therefore, it is very simple to define a proud man - you need to praise him. When a proud man is praised, he becomes a puppet in the hands of the one who praises him, and then you can already twist ropes out of him.

The weapon of consciousness is the most secret weapon. You can shoot pistols around, or you can shoot with your mind and achieve the same result much faster. Therefore, a person who acts on the pride of others is considered very sinful. Such a person is called bad, and a weak person is called the one who pecked at his bait.

3. A weak person refuses to fulfill his duty, which is dictated by the truth, referring to the fact that this will bring someone suffering.

Suppose a person is a warrior, a soldier and must defend the Motherland. It so happened that his relatives were on the side of the opponents. According to the laws of war, these relatives behave like invaders, they want to win. Not a weak man will fight them out sense of duty because he has the knowledge of how to act. He will not hate them, but he will fight to show that kinship is below the truth.

Sometimes we think that kinship is higher than the truth. For example, your child killed someone. You know it, but don't tell anyone. As a result of this, the child begins to become more and more brutal, because when a person has killed someone, he should immediately get retribution. Otherwise, what will happen to him? He will degrade. Therefore, family relations are below the truth. If we understand this, then we are ready to apply severe punishments to our loved ones, if necessary.

However, there is one more thing that needs to be greatly feared. Using this knowledge, a person can become cruel towards innocent close people. He may think that he is guided by the truth. Family relationships are the most serious test of character traits..

4. A weak person can leave a person in trouble, afraid of danger, but at the same time continue to think that he sympathizes with this person.

According to the seminar of Oleg Gennadievich Torsunov

Almost every person considers himself a kind person. He did no great harm to anyone - he is already kind. And if he gave his worn clothes to the homeless or to an orphanage - in general, the coryphaeus of mercy.

But this is not the real approach. This is not real kindness. In the meantime, being kind is important. Because being a kind person means being happy. Only for this you need to be really kind, and not "like everyone else" and not "as it seems to me."

Most Useful Education: Distance (Online) Course "Basic Principles of Building a Family"

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I have no doubt that most people know the answer to the question “what does it mean to be a kind person”, and after reading this article, many may say “I already knew it”. But, how many are able to follow the existing knowledge and honestly tell themselves that I am kind. The possession of knowledge is something realized, something that is part of our life, something that guides us in our behavior, the rest is just familiarization with this knowledge. Many do not have enough strength or faith that by acting according to existing knowledge, our life will begin to improve for the better, or we simply do not want to take the first step, waiting for another to take it. But life may never change if we do not start applying knowledge in our personal lives, if we do not start to change something and act decisively, but only continue to accumulate information that gathers dust in our memory. Read the article on how to become a kind person.

Let's analyze what it means to be a kind person, what kindness is manifested in, and how it can help in our lives. Kindness is a responsive moral behavior caused by. To become a kind person means to have the following basic components of good behavior: a soft kind heart, sensitivity towards others and the ability to be unassuming - more on that.

Sensitivity towards others means that a person is attentive to other people's problems. How to be a kind person means to have responsiveness, such a person is not indifferent to what happens to others, to loved ones, and in difficult times he will not stand aside. But there are people whose sensitivity remains at the level of words, they say that you can rely on me, and in difficult times they are ready to help, but as for the matter, so “I would help, but you know such a thing here, come on another time” and the song went, and from time to time the songs are different. In general, just like that, there were no such “friends” at once - that is, there is only a desire to seem sensitive and responsive, and most often due to some selfish goals. A sensitive person sincerely tries to help, and the main manifestation of sensitivity is the desire to participate in the lives of loved ones.


But sensitivity is not the only quality; in order to be kind, a person must also be unpretentious - that is, don't make big demands on anyone especially by allowing people to stick to their point of view, accepting them for who they are and not being intrusive. If our sensitivity knows no bounds, and we do not accept the position of other people, do not consider their opinion, even if we are sure that we are right, but the interlocutor is not, this does not mean being kind. to correct a person indicates that we experience pain from the words and actions of another person, because we show compassion only for ourselves, taking an egoistic position, concentrating on personal happiness.

“He who advances in knowledge, but lags behind in morality, goes more backward than forward” Aristotle

How to be a good person gotta be unassuming, such a person understands that people have their own shortcomings that cannot be fixed overnight, he is not attached to the idea of ​​​​changing a person, his shortcomings do not cause irritation. How to be a kind person means by your behavior to set an example of correct behavior for others., knowing that splashing foam from the mouth, only proving one's own, it is almost impossible to convince another, moreover, one can completely break off relations, having lost the opportunity to somehow help a person. Leaving, and not as some might think - a disregard attitude, a person decides for himself how to act and what to correct in himself. And, seeing an unobtrusive attitude towards himself, he himself will sooner or later turn for advice to such a friend, whom he will certainly listen to. Ask yourself, would you like to have such a friend?

Kind heart

And the main component of kindness is a soft kind heart, that is, the very ability to follow moral principles, which was mentioned in the definition of kindness. A person with a soft heart is able not to return evil for evil, to punish without feeling malice, and to be compassionate towards people who lead a wrong lifestyle.

"Compassion will heal more sins than condemnation" Henry Ward Beecher

Many are wondering if negative words and actions addressed to them, believing that this is a manifestation of humiliation and connivance. At the same time, responding to the opponent's attacks in a similar manner, they consider themselves better, and tell themselves that I am generally a kind person, but he just brought me such a scoundrel. But whatkindness is our quality of character, this is our attitude towards a person, filling with anger and hostility towards another person, a negative connection is created, as a result of which irritable behavior appears.

When we are angry, we forget about all the good that is in a person. It is almost impossible to end such a conversation peacefully without harboring anger and resentment towards another. Anger is fueled by the same anger, showing kindness and calmness, thinking about something good about this person, the unfriendly mood will gradually subside. To become a kind person, try to follow this behavior when there is a dispute or some kind of family trouble, try to maintain the right relationship. Otherwise, remembering or seeing a person with whom we are angry or offended, our mood deteriorates, which spills out on others.

"Overcome hate with love, untruth -truth, violencepatience" Mahatma Gandhi

But do not confuse a soft, kind heart with weakness of character, which manifests itself in the inability to do the right thing and behave strictly towards others. With labocharacter is someone who is strongly attached to personal happiness, to constant comfort, this is a person who is unable to say “No”, who has a strong addiction. For clarity, let's analyze family relationships, where the husband exploits his wife and constantly pushes her around. If a husband allows too much in his address, which means connivance and humiliation, then what happens is that a person simply becomes impudent. EIf a person does not repent, then rude behavior becomes part of his character - from such behavior, the life of both spoils, and the one who was insulted, due to the accumulation of resentment, and the offender himself. We must analyze our actions and see what fruits our behavior will bring in the future.

A person with a good heart, how would he behave if he were in a similar situation? To be kind means to deeply understand and accept that it is almost impossible to call to reason or conscience until a person is reassured, therefore at first he does not speak in an irritable form and shows about the offense caused to him, while thinking about another person, so as not to get out of it himself. balance, and then continues to behave strictly. If a person raised his hand, but before that he did not show such behavior, most likely he will immediately come to his senses and begin to ask for forgiveness, but even in this case, it is necessary to behave strictly and step back so that the person is fully aware of what he has done.

But to be able to move away one must not be very dependent on the other - this is tantamount to raising children, if we follow their lead and cannot tolerate their whims, we will simply spoil our children, allowing them whatever they want. It must be remembered that it is necessary to punish out of good intentions, and not out of anger, because people quite strongly feel what kind of power breaks out of the heart. How to become a good person - you need to steadily try to do good deeds and, in conclusion, we summarize what has been said, what brings positive things into our lives when we follow the path of goodness.

To be a good person means to have

  • good reliable friends
  • The ability to tolerate the shortcomings of others
  • The ability to help people who lead an unhealthy lifestyle
  • The ability to build and maintain the right relationships
  • The ability to act strictly for the benefit of oneself and others
  • and much, much more ... and what exactly, check on your life!

What is kindness? Kindness is something that no one can do without in life. And we all should try to do as many good deeds as possible, because it is not for nothing that they say that everything in this life returns like a boomerang.

But what kind of person can be called kind? First of all, such a person should be responsive, try to help those who need it, but at the same time, you should not let yourself be used. A kind person should also be polite, diplomatic, be able to negotiate and express his decisions without offending the people around him. A kind person, as a rule, has a sense of delicacy, he will not climb into the soul of another, pry or ask something. However, kindness should be spread wisely, so it does not hurt for a good person to be smart at the same time.

Kindness is not inherent in every person, but this is a quality that you need to strive for, because a kind person will be treated accordingly. A good person is characterized by openness, generosity, the ability to make friends and be faithful. He knows how to stand up for weaker people: the elderly, women, children, protect animals that are in danger. The most important thing is that all good things should be done disinterestedly, a person does not need to expect the same in return, and it is worth doing good deeds from a pure heart.

Absolutely everyone should strive to become a kind person. To do this, you need to improve, notice your own shortcomings and eliminate them. A good person is always surrounded by people like him. He has many friends and acquaintances, they are pleased to communicate with each other.

Kind people have always been valued by society, because you can rely on them in everything, you can trust such people with your most intimate secrets and mysteries. Kindness should always be in fashion for each of us. This is what we must teach the next generation.

Short essay grade 4

The more good people there are in the world, the better life will be for all of us. Kindness is a very important quality that should be inherent in all people. Without it, in a continuous world of evil, it will be impossible to survive.

What does it mean to be a good person? Such a person is characterized by openness, generosity, the ability to enter into someone else's position. Also, a kind person should be polite and courteous to others, be able to speak calmly and diplomatically.

Becoming a kind person is a top priority for every member of the human race. People with a good heart always have many friends and they are universally respected.

4th grade, 6th grade.

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What is kindness? Each of us thought about this question at least once in our lives. Kindness can be called a feeling of compassion for a fellow creature. In frequent cases, this is accompanied by sacrifice towards others and neglect of oneself. In other words, when a person does not know how to refuse or say “no” correctly, then for someone this is accompanied by a feeling of pity, someone increases his level of significance and self-affirmation through good deeds. Kindness can be selfless and pure. Although this is becoming less common these days. In general, kindness is different for everyone, but it is called for one main goal - to help another person.

The Goals of Kindness

Selfless help to another person should be one of the goals in the life of each of us. Someone always needs a helping hand, and you need to extend it, because someday any of us may be in the place of someone who needs words of consolation, Therefore, if there is an opportunity to help, this must be done. Yes, and with a conscience, some will not have problems later.

Kind people

A good person is one who, in relation to other living beings, performs actions that bring them some benefit. At the same time, the benefit is mutual, since a person has increased his level of significance, self-esteem by a good deed. And to the one to whom a good deed was done, he helped in solving this or that situation.

kindest soul man

Who is he? Are there still such people in our society today? The kindest person ... So sometimes they call some people. This is how a benefactor is characterized who helps others and does not ask for anything in return. Of course, in order for others to respond like that, you need to do many good deeds and help more than one person. However, words of gratitude and happy eyes of people are worth it to help someone in need, if this is within our capabilities. Such actions give strength, energize, inspire.

What to do to become kinder?

From the moment of birth, the child is pure and innocent, he is kind to everyone around him, and only upbringing, the example of parents and the attitude of those close to the baby make him good or evil.

The mistake of many people is that they believe that character cannot be changed. People say: But it is not so. Temperament cannot be changed, we are born with it, but character can always be changed. And therefore, if a person does not show kindness towards another living being, he should not be blamed. There may be various reasons for this. Perhaps he himself does not know how to help himself in this, a man.

In order to become a little better, you need to understand yourself, understand what makes you be, for example, angry, aggressive, unfriendly, envious. Sometimes it is very difficult to do this, because "you will not find a speck in your own eye."

For example, many are driven to be evil by a financial disadvantage, a constantly drinking spouse, problems with a child or health, or envy towards another person, and so on. Having understood oneself, it is necessary to resolve this or that situation. If financial problems - change jobs, break up with a drinking husband, establish relationships with a child and understand his behavior, health can be improved by going, for example, on vacation. Of course, it sounds easy, in reality it is much more difficult, but it is within the power of each of us. You may need the help of a specialist, but it's all for your own good.

good qualities of the soul

Among the positive character traits, 12 good qualities of the human soul can be distinguished:

  • goodwill;
  • responsiveness;
  • unselfishness;
  • honesty;
  • cheerfulness;
  • loyalty;
  • compassion;
  • strength of will;
  • reasonableness;
  • mercy;
  • wisdom;
  • justice.
  1. Goodwill - from the phrase "wishing good", in other words - a friendly person.
  2. Responsiveness - willingness to help.
  3. Selflessness - lack of desire for profit, personal gain.
  4. Honesty, or truthfulness, is sincerity towards another person in speeches, deeds, and actions.
  5. Cheerfulness is an optimistic attitude of a person to everything: to circumstances and difficulties.
  6. Loyalty - a devoted attitude towards a partner, work, idea, etc.
  7. - emotional state, expressed in the understanding of other people's misfortunes.
  8. Willpower is a mental state in which a person is able to control his actions to achieve certain goals.
  9. Intelligence is the ability to make the right or correct decision.
  10. Mercy is a benevolent, caring attitude towards another person, a willingness to help.
  11. Wisdom - the degree of development of knowledge and life experience and the ability to apply them.
  12. Justice is the right decision or right action.

good deeds

There are many people in the world doing good deeds. A person who has done a good deed will always be remembered and thanked in his soul and in words. Due to the fact that there are such people in the world, millions of children recover, avoid accidents, the needy get a roof over their heads, the elderly receive the necessary support and help, animals find a home and loving owners. Good deeds cannot be counted, and a good person is one whose words and deeds are done for good.

What actions ennoble the soul

Indeed, what? A good person is such because he does good deeds. By these deeds, a person ennobles his soul, gives it a facet, endows it with wealth and breadth.

People say that in life everything returns like a boomerang, so a good person will always receive only good deeds in return for his actions. Do not succumb to temptations and self-interest, doing something bad. It is necessary to think rationally and understand that everything will definitely return.

Varieties of kindness

Kindness comes in many forms. It manifests itself in different ways. Someone so kind that he wouldn't hurt a fly, but usually many people take advantage of the simplicity of such people, don't give anything in return. Such a person sometimes will not offer help himself, but if someone asks for it, he will not refuse.

There is kindness that manifests itself in deeds. Especially if it is a good deed, that is, if a person performs some good deed when he is not asked for it, but needs it.

There is kindness, which is manifested in an affectionate word, wise advice. There is always a large circle around such people, since the problems are endless, good and wise advice is often needed to help in their adversity.

Selfless kindness indicates helping another person. They don't ask for anything in return for their actions. Such people are called unselfish. Such kindness is becoming a rare phenomenon in modern life, even between relatives and close people.

After selfless help comes selfish kindness. It doesn't have to be something bad. For example, one person turned to another for help, in return promising to thank him. It is a mutually beneficial relationship in which both parties are usually satisfied. This form of communication is not uncommon in our time. This model of behavior is manifested in all spheres of life: in kindergarten, educational institution, medical institution and others.