Experiments for children sound waves. Musical experimentation

People live in the world of sounds. From the point of view of physics, sound is a mechanical wave that occurs as a result of vibration. It spreads in the air and affects our eardrum and we hear sound. The energy contained in it is measured in decibels (dB). Rustle of leaves - 10 dB, whisper - up to 30 dB, loud rock music - 110 dB. The noisiest animal in the world is the blue whale. It emits a sound with a volume of 188 dB, which is heard within a radius of 850 km from it.

When sound encounters an obstacle in its path, part of the sound is reflected from it and comes back. And then we hear the reflected sound - the well-known echo. There is a place on the Rhine River in Europe where it echoes 20 times. And it works well in the mountains. There, even (under certain conditions) an ordinary cry can cause a stunning avalanche.

In short, sound is power. Is it possible to see him? Let's try to figure it out by arranging this simple home experience for children.

Experiment for children

1. You need to take a metal bowl. Then - cut off a piece from a plastic bag larger than a bowl. Put this blank from the bag on a bowl and tie it with a rope or fix it with a large strong rubber band on top. Get a "drum".

2. Roll small balls from napkins and put on top of the surface of the “drum”.

3. Put the bowl close to the music center (or tape recorder or speakers from the computer). Turn on music.

4. The balls will begin to bounce, as if dancing.

Explanation of the experiment for children

The sound from the speaker travels through the air in a wave and hits the stretched film, which oscillates, and the paper balls jump up. The louder the sound, the more the balls bounce. But notice, the more uncomfortable it is for your ears, which perceive the sound wave.

Host - music director: Please, attention! Please participate and understand! I will show a master class today -

A lot of interesting things, believe me, I'll tell you.

Children love with the sound of entertainment -

You will be captivated, no doubt!

    Question for listeners:

What is an experiment?

Experiment (from Greek) - test, experience, research method.

The experiment is one of the types of cognitive activity of children and adults.

Question for listeners:

What role does experimentation play in the development of a preschooler?

(Answers of educators)

Modern pedagogy believes that children's experimentation, along with play activities, is one of the main and natural manifestations of the child's psyche. Children's experimentation is considered as the main activity in the knowledge of the surrounding world during preschool childhood.

The activity of experimentation contributes to the formation of cognitive interest in children, develops observation, mental activity.

According to the academician, in the activity of experimentation, the child acts as a kind of researcher, independently acting in various ways on the objects and phenomena surrounding him, in order to more fully cognize and master them.

The main task of the preschool educational institution is to support and develop in the child an interest in research, discoveries, to create the necessary conditions for this.

Little children are inquisitive. Among the questions with which they overcome parents and educators are many such as: “Why do sparrows chirp?”

"What does the music sound like?" etc.

Those adults who dismiss the "boring" questions of the child are doing the irreparable. They retard his mental growth, hinder his spiritual development. Our duty is not only to answer children's endless questions, but also to actively awaken their inquisitiveness.

I, as a music director, wanted to dwell on the issues of experimenting with sounds.

Question for listeners:

What is sound?

Sound is a vibration that affects any object, a living organism, including a human one. In physics, such an experiment is known: sand is poured onto a sheet of iron and various sounds act on it - at the same time, the sand begins to take on various forms, for each sound its own. Why? Yes, because each sound has its own, dry only its features. They - then add up, as in a kaleidoscope, a variety of patterns. According to these features, we can distinguish one sound from another and, if necessary, recognize, determine, select from the entire sound variety the one that is important and necessary for us at the moment. The ability to distinguish between these features, or, as teachers say, the properties of sound, form the basis for the development of musical abilities. What are the mysterious properties of sound?

All children in the world know

Sounds are different.

Cranes farewell scream,

Aircraft loud murmur

The rumble of cars in the yard,

Barking dog in a kennel

The sound of wheels and the noise of the machine,

Quiet breeze.

These sounds are noisy.

There are only others:

No rustling, no knocking

There are musical sounds.

Question for listeners:

What sounds exist?

(answers of educators)

First of all, let's divide all the sounds around us into two important groups:

Noise sounds (from the word noise, make noise)

Musical sounds (from the word music)

Any song, any piece of music, any melody is made up of musical sounds. Such sounds have a special name - melodic.

In music education, the process of experimenting with sound material develops the initiative, arbitrariness and creativity of the child's personality, and contributes to the development of intellectual competence. Children learn to find sound associations, group sounds based on common features, and select verbal definitions for sounds. Experiments are carried out in search of the sounds of the city, the countryside; search for associations when working with the sounds of nature (the rustling of leaves is reproduced by the rustling of paper, the singing of a tit is played by tapping on a crystal glass), in the sound of musical works, in the manufacture of sound toys, noise makers. All these activities are playful and entertaining. It develops auditory perception, the child's ability to determine the source of sound.

Question for listeners:

Do you use experiments with sound in your work?

(answers of educators)

Practical part.

"Sounding World Around Us"

The task "Voicing of poems" A. Shibaev is proposed


Has changed

And now it's raining

Quietly -

Do you hear?




On the roof...


He will become…




S. Wheat

Night forest

Was full of sounds

Someone howled

And who - meowed.

Someone grunted

Someone stomped

Someone's wings


Someone hooted

And eyes

Well, someone

Presentation of your work.

Experimental laboratory.

I suggest teachers to immerse themselves in the world of sounds.

Conducting experiments.

Exploration games.

1. What does water sound like?

Research material.:

basin with water,

reed tubes,

Containers of various sizes and diameters (plastic cans, bottles, etc.),


Pebbles, wooden or plastic cubes,

small metal objects

Illustrations depicting the sea, stream, rain, etc.

Description of the study:

The teacher offers to listen to the water - silence. Then the educators choose the tubes, immersing one end in water, carefully blowing into them. The water gurgles softly. After that, the teachers try to leave part of the hole above the water and blow strongly into the tube - the water gurgles loudly. With a variety of small or large containers, educators collect and pour water into a basin of water, turn the containers over, slap on the water, throw shells, pebbles, wooden and plastic cubes, small metal objects, etc. into the water. The educators listen carefully, exchange opinions, noting that each time the water sounds different. Then you can invite educators to listen to an audio recording of sounds: the sound of a stream, surf, rain.

2. How the stones sound

Materials for research:

- stones of different sizes, different shapes,

- wooden, cardboard or plastic boxes.

Description of the study:

The teacher, together with the teachers, examines the pebbles. Educators choose those instances that they like best. The teacher explains why they chose them. Here it is advisable to offer educators to knock big stones loudly, small stones - quietly, jingle in the palms, rub against each other, roll in boxes, roll all the stones together.

3. What plastic sounds like

Materials for research:

plastic rattles of various sounding timbres,

large and small plastic containers filled with various bulk substances (small stones, coarse or fine sand, peas, cereals, including finely or coarsely chopped plastic).

Description of the study:

Educators listen, compare and discuss how the rattles sound. At the same time, rustling, quiet or loud sounds, tapping, etc. can be distinguished. It is important that educators hear and talk about their impressions.

4. How metal sounds

Materials for research:


T rectangles,

Bells of various types and sizes,



Metal tubes, carnations,

Description of the study:

Educators consider musical instruments and metal objects, come up with various methods of sound production (quiet or loud tapping, at different tempos, improvisation of rhythmic patterns, sliding movements - glissando, etc.). Make some noise! Then the teacher offers to listen to silence. After that, the teachers perform the rhythmic patterns given by the teacher.

5. How paper sounds

Materials for research:

Newsprint, cardboard, including corrugated,

A set of paper of different thicknesses,

Banks, boxes with paper stretched on top.

Description of the study:

Teachers choose paper. They crumple it, shake it, etc. Listening, they correlate the features of the rustling-sound and the quality of the paper, change the rhythmic patterns and the volume of the sound. They tap on boxes, on paper on cans, and on corrugated cardboard with a stick. Then everyone evaluates the successful finds of paper sound together.

6. How wood sounds

Materials for research:

Castanets, mallets, boxes, firewood, kokoshnik, hoof, rattle, cracker;

Various wooden household items (tables, chairs, boards, rubel, spoons, bowls, etc.);

Description of the study:

The teacher draws the attention of educators to the fact that musical instruments and objects made of wood sound very peculiar. Ratchet, castanets, can crack and knock. A box, firewood do not sound loud, and beaters, crackers can knock very loudly.

Educators explore the sound properties of wooden musical instruments and objects. The teacher offers to choose the instrument you like to participate in improvisation to a Russian folk melody.

Prokofieva Elena Yurievna
Position: educator
Educational institution: GBOU school No. 38 of the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg, department of preschool education for children
Locality: St. Petersburg
Material name: article
Subject: Entertaining experiments with sounds in kindergarten
Publication date: 16.10.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Article on the topic: "Entertaining experiments with sounds in kindergarten.

By the older preschool age, the possibilities of initiative

transformative activity of the child This age is important for the development of cognitive

the needs of the child, which finds expression in the form of a search, research

activities aimed at the "discovery" of the new. At the same time, the main factor

is the nature of the activity.

The works of many domestic teachers talk about the need to include

preschoolers in a meaningful activity, during which they themselves could

discover new properties of objects, their similarities and differences, about giving them

opportunities to acquire knowledge independently (G.M. Lyamina, A.P. Usova, E.A. Panko and

In this regard, the study of children's experimentation is of particular interest.

The main feature of this cognitive activity is that the child

cognizes the object in the course of practical activity with it. Everything is assimilated firmly and

for a long time, when the child hears, sees and does it himself. This is what active

introduction of children's experimentation into the practice of work of preschool


So the term "experimentation" is a special way of mastering

reality, aimed at creating conditions in which objects

most clearly reveal their essence, hidden in ordinary situations.

The role of experimentation in the educational process:

Allows the child to model in the mind a picture of the world based on

own observations and experiences

Cause the child's interest in the world around him, develops mental


Stimulates the cognitive activity and curiosity of the child, the ability to

establish relationships between different phenomena

A child in the world of sounds.

“Sound lives in any object,

How many of them - look

The sound is a joke

Playing with us

Likes to hide inside

In everyday life we ​​are surrounded by sounds and noises. They help us understand everything

what is happening around us. Sounds can be made by any object, natural object or

Human. If you put your hands on your throat, say something, you will feel how

The infinitely diverse world of sounds arouses a keen interest in children,

curiosity and many questions. How do we perceive sounds? What

required for sound propagation? Where is the sound hiding? These and other questions about sounds and

served as an occasion for a more complete study of this topic: Experimenting with

sounds for older preschoolers.

A lot of experiments that are easy to set up at home and in kindergarten are opened to children

sound secrets.

Approximate content of the corner of experimentation on the topic "Sound"

Various musical instruments, including homemade noise instruments

musical instruments (plastic bottles with various fillings)

File cabinet d / and themselves d / and

Illustrative material

Selection of pictures for different sounds

A variety of vessels of different volumes and shapes from various materials

(plastic, glass, metal)

Natural material: pebbles, cones, nuts, shells, etc.

Waste material: lids, cups, juice tubes, etc.

one place. It can be mobile and distributed throughout the development environment

The system of work on sound in senior preschool age.

Purpose: development of the cognitive activity of the child in the process of analyzing various sounds.

To consolidate children's ideas about the concept of "sound"

To form ideas about the characteristics of sound - loudness, timbre,


Develop the ability to compare different sounds, identify their sources,

dependence of sounding objects on their size

To lead to an understanding of the causes of sound - the propagation of sound

Introduce the concept of "echo"

Identify causes of increased sound attenuation

Develop auditory attention, phonemic hearing and articulatory apparatus

Stages of work:

Determining the level of formation of children's ideas about sound,

the use of sounds, hearing and how to preserve it:

Conducting elementary experiments "What sounds" (definition by ear of various

sounds: knocking, pouring water, tearing paper, etc.)

An attempt to determine what object makes a sound and what it is made of

Determining the origin of sound and distinguishing between musical and noise sounds

“Sound lives in any object”: children are offered objects from different


"Music pipes": breathing makes the air vibrate and it turns out

sound Recognition of the sounds of the surrounding world: what sounds objects make

at home, the characteristic sounds of a kindergarten, the sounds of the street, the sounds of living and inanimate

Sound lives within us

words in a whisper, then very loudly, then quieter and find out what they felt

with your hand when you spoke loudly (something trembled and vibrated in your throat); when

spoke in a whisper (no jitter)

“Barely a whisper is heard”: children find out why the sounds “Language allows

make sounds ": children find out that in order to pronounce different sounds, you need more

one helper - language

Acquaintance with the structure of the ear made it possible to bring to an understanding of the causes

the emergence of sound and understand that the organs of hearing allow you to hear everything that

going around

3 Conducting experiments with musical instruments

Introduction to high and low sounds

Determining the dependence of sounding objects on their sizes

Acquaintance with the characteristics of sound - volume, timbre, duration

Musical experimentation

Music is a multitude of sounds combined into a melody, but without a human

the instrument will not sound.

Experience "How does a song appear?": to identify one of the causes of high and

low sounds, the dependence of sounding objects on their size

“Why does everything sound?”: a person helps a musical instrument to sound, children

choose instruments with high and low sounds and listen to them

4 The cause of sound is the propagation of sound waves

Experience "Sounding glass"

Purpose: To bring to the understanding that sound appears with the help of sound waves.

Material: plastic glass, rubber band.

Move: Put a rubber band on a glass, put the glass on the table, jingle with a rubber band,

put a glass to your ear, also jingle with an elastic band.

Result: The subject sounds when it oscillates. As he oscillates, he strikes

air or on another object, if it is nearby. Vibrations go through the air,

which affects the ears and we hear the sound.

5 Cause of echo

Experience "Where the echo lives"

Purpose: To lead to an understanding of the occurrence of an echo.

Material: Empty aquarium, plastic and metal buckets, pieces of cloth,

twigs, ball.

move : Children determine what an echo is (a phenomenon when a spoken word, a song is heard

again, as if someone is repeating them). They name where you can hear the echo (in the forest, in

arch at home, in an empty room). Each child chooses a container and material for her

filling. First, they say some word in an empty aquarium or a large

glass jar, bucket. Find out if there is an echo in it (yes, the sounds are repeated). Then

fill containers with cloth, twigs, dry leaves, etc.; pronounce sounds.

Find out if they are repeating now (no, the echo has disappeared).

6 Reason gain and weakened

Experience "How to make the sound louder?"

Target : Find out the reasons for the amplification of the sound.

Material: Plastic comb.

Stroke: An adult invites children to find out if a comb can make sounds. Children

run your finger along the ends of the teeth, get a sound. Explain why sound is produced

touching the teeth of the comb (the teeth of the comb tremble at the touch of fingers and

make sounds; trembling through the air reaches the ear and a sound is heard). The sound is very quiet

weak. Place one end of the comb on a chair. Repeat experience. Find out why the sound

became louder that fingers feel

7 Experimentation in the field of communication: experience with the speech apparatus, for and

like "Collect a daisy", "What sound is hidden in all the pictures", "The sound got lost"

It will be interesting not only for children, but also for adults!


“WHERE DOES E X O LIVE?”, “WHY Mishutka Squeaked?,









Experiments with sound


- Learn to identify the origin of sounds and distinguish between musical and noise sounds

- Metallophone, balalaika, xylophone, wooden spoons, metal plates, cubes. boxes with "sounds" filled with buttons, peas, millet, cotton wool, paper, etc.

Preschoolers consider objects (musical and noise). The adult determines together with the children which of them are musical. Children name objects, extract 1-2 sounds, listening to them. An adult plays a simple melody on one of the instruments, the children try to recognize it. The teacher finds out if it will work if you just knock on the cube? (No). How to call what happens? (noise). Children examine the boxes with sounds, look into them and determine whether the sounds will be the same. (No, because different objects “make noise” in different ways) Then the children extract sounds from each box, trying to remember how each one sounds. One of the guys is blindfolded. The rest take turns extracting sounds from different objects. The child guesses the name of the musical instrument.


To bring children to an understanding of the causes of sound: vibration of objects. a long wooden ruler, a sheet of paper, a metallophone, an empty aquarium, a glass stick, a string (guitar, balalaika) stretched over the fingerboard, children's metal utensils, a glass cup

The adult offers to find out why the object starts to sound. The answer to this question is obtained after a series of experiments.

Children find out if the ruler has a voice (if you do not touch it, it will not make a sound). One end of the ruler is pressed tightly against the table, the free end is pulled - a sound occurs. Find out what is happening at this time with the ruler (trembling, fluctuating). The hand stops the trembling and clarifies whether the sound continues. (It stops) Find out how to make the stretched string sound (twitch), and then shut up (clamp with a hand or some object) Children fold a sheet of paper into a tube, blow into it without squeezing their fingers. Find out how they felt. (the sound made the paper tremble, the fingers felt it) Conclusion: only that which trembles sounds Children are divided into pairs. One child chooses an object and makes it sound, the other checks for vibration with his fingers and stops it in a familiar way.

To bring to an understanding of the causes of the appearance of speech sounds, to give the concept of the protection of the organs of speech.

A ruler with a stretched thin thread. Diagram of the structure of the organs of speech

An adult invites the children to “whisper” - to tell each other “in secret”, quietly, some words. Then repeat these words so that everyone can hear. Find out what we did for this. (said in a loud voice)Where did the loud sounds come from? ( Throat. Children put their hand to their throat, pronounce the words either in a whisper, or very loudly and explain what they felt with their hands: when they spoke loudly, something trembled in the goal, in a whisper - there was no trembling.) The teacher talks about the vocal cords, about the protection of the organs of speech(compares ligaments with stretched threads: to say a word, it is necessary that the “thread” tremble quietly)Next, an experiment is carried out with a thin thread stretched over a ruler, a quiet sound is extracted from it. If you pull the thread. We find out what needs to be done in order for the sound to be loud.(Pull harder and the sound will intensify).The adult also explains that when talking loudly, screaming, our vocal cords tremble very much, get tired, and can be damaged.(Comparison with thread)When we speak calmly, we protect our voice.


Explain how sound waves travel

Water container, pebbles, checkers (or coins), flat table, deep water container or pool, thin-walled smooth

A glass of water (up to 200 ml) on a leg.

The adult suggests finding out why we can hear each other.(Sound travels through the air from one person to another, from a sounding object to a person).Children throw pebbles into a container of water. Tell what they saw(circles diverge on the water).The same thing happens with sounds, only the sound wave is invisible and is transmitted through the air. Experience with checkers, conclusion:(The last object bounced off - the force of the blow was transferred to it by other objects. Also, the sound is transmitted through the air)Children perform the experiment according to the following algorithm: the child puts his ear to a container of water, covers the other ear with a tampon, the second child throws pebbles. The first one asks how many pebbles are thrown and how he guessed.9 Heard three blows, their sounds were transmitted through the water).Children fill a glass with a stem with water. Run your finger along the edge of the glass. Making a subtle sound Together with the teacher, find out what happens to the water.(Waves - they transmit sound)


Lead to the concept of the occurrence of an echo

- - an empty aquarium or a large glass jar, plastic buckets and

Metal, pieces of cloth, twigs, ball.

Children define what an echo is.(The phenomenon when the spoken word, song

They are heard again, as if someone is repeating them).Name where you can hear the echo.(In the forest, in the arch of the house, in an empty room).I check with the help of a series of experiments where it happens and where it cannot be. Each child chooses a container and material to fill it with. First, they say a word in an empty aquarium. bucket. Find out if there is an echo.(Yes, the sounds are repeated)Then fill the containers with cloth, twigs.(no, the echo has disappeared).Children play with the ball: they beat it off the floor, from the wall, from the chair, from the carpet. Notice how the ball bounces.(Bounces well, returns to hands. If it hits hard objects, does not return, stays in place if it hits soft objects0.The same thing happens with sounds: they hit solid objects and return to us in the form of an echo Let's find out why the echo lives in an empty room, but not in a filled upholstered furniture.(Sound does not bounce off soft objects or return to

“WHY Mishutka Squeaked?

Identify one of the causes of high and low sounds, the dependence of sounding objects on their size.

Strings of different thicknesses stretched on a wooden plank, threads of different thicknesses, fixed at one end on a wooden stand(or tied to any heavy object).

- The teacher, together with the children, recalls the tale of L.N. Tolstoy "Three Bears"(

The teacher imitates the voices of the characters by changing the pitch of the voice)Then the children imitate the voice of Mikhailo Ivanovich, Nastasya Petrovna, Mishutka. What were their voices like?(At M.I. - rude, loud., At N.P. - not very rude, At the bear - thin. He did not speak, but squeaked.)We find out why bears have such different voices by conducting a series of experiments. We remember, as a result of which the sound of speech appears. (jitter of the vocal cords)Children choose the strings corresponding to the voices of the characters, explaining their choice. Then tie a thread of any thickness to the stand. Holding the thread between the thumb and forefinger, draw them along the entire length of the thread. A sound is heard as the thread is shaking. The teacher offers to choose from a set of threads the one that will sound like the voice of M.P., N.P., Mishutka. The task is carried out by subgroups


Identify the causes of high and low sounds, the dependence of sounding objects on size.

Xylophone, metallophone, wooden ruler

An adult invites children to play a simple melody on an instrument(For example: "Chizhik-Pyzhik"),then repeat this melody in a different register. We find out if the songs sounded the same.(The first time is softer. The second time is rougher)We pay attention to the size of the tubes of the instrument, repeat the same melody on high notes, we conclude: for large tubes, the sound is rougher (lower), for small ones - thinner (higher). The song contains high and low sounds.


Determine the cause of the amplification of the sound.

Plastic comb and cardboard mouthpiece

Can a comb sound?(they try, explain the reason: the teeth of the comb tremble at the touch of fingers and make a sound, the trembling through the air reaches the ear and we hear it)The sound is very quiet. weak. We put the comb with one end on a chair, repeat the experiment. We find out why the sound became louder. What do your fingers feel? We conclude: not only the comb is trembling, but also the chair. The chair is bigger and the sound is louder. We check the conclusion by applying the end of the comb to various objects: a table, a cube, a book, etc.(Sounds are different in strength)

Children play the game "Au!", putting their hands to their mouths with a mouthpiece. Find out what the hands feel. Has the sound gotten louder?(Yes) What device do ship captains use when giving commands?(mouthpiece) Children take a horn, go to the farthest end of the room, give commands, first without a horn, then with it. It is concluded that commands through the horn are louder, since the horn begins to tremble from the voice and the sound is stronger.


Determine the cause of the sound attenuation.

A box with small items made of different materials or cereals, one

a box with a "secret" - inside it is completely lined with foam rubber

The teacher offers to guess by the sound. What is in the box. Children shake the box, extracting the sound, compare the sound in different boxes, determine the material.(The sound is sharp, loud - metal, rustling - croup)An adult, without showing the inside of the box, puts small metal objects into it, closes it and puts it on a par with the rest, changing everything. Children try to find the box by the sound(the sound is muffled, uncharacteristic for metal)According to the mark on the bottom, they find a box with a “secret”, examine its device, find out why the sound has disappeared(he, as it were, “stuck” in foam rubber)Children make boxes with a "secret", wrapping them in foam rubber, checking their sound and the safety of the "secret".(The sound became muffled, quieter, more indefinite). -If the alarm rings very loudly, what should be done so as not to wake the others?(Cover the alarm clock with something soft: a pillow, a blanket)


Determine the cause of the sound attenuation

A large container of water, small paper or cork boats.

Why can't you hear what is happening, for example, in another group, in another city, at the other end of a large clearing? Make experiments6

  • Boats are placed in a large container at one edge. At the opposite end, children throw pebbles. They find out that waves went through the water, the boats remained motionless. Distribute boats over the entire surface. Throwing stones, pay attention to the force of the wave, forcing the boats to move.(The closer the boat is, the more it sways. The same happens with invisible sound waves: the farther the sound source is, the quieter the sound)
  • Children fix obstacles to the container - “breakwaters”. On the one hand, waves are driven by hand. Watching them spread. Find out. Are there waves behind the barrier(No, having reached the barrier, the waves “fade out”, subside)The same thing happens with sounds in the city, indoors


Identify the features of sound transmission at a distance.

A long water pipe (at least 10 meters long), two pieces of a metal pipe.

On a walk, the teacher invites the children to stand at different ends of the pipe so that they do not see each other. One child does not knock hard on the pipe, and the second at the opposite end counts the blows(at first he just stands near the pipe. And then he puts his ear to it)The third child is "connected" - finds out if the second child heard all the transmitted sounds when they were louder.(When the sound was not transmitted through the air, but immediately into the ear).The second pair transmits the sound signal first through the air(blows of metal pipe scraps against each other),then through the pipe. The "Svyaznoy" again finds out if the second player heard all the transmitted blows.(Sound through a pipe through a solid object was louder than airborne)An adult asks to explain why it is impossible to knock on radiators at home.(Batteries are installed in all apartments of the house and are interconnected. If you hit the battery, the sound will be transmitted to all the batteries in the house.


Identify features of sound transmission at a distance(Sound travels faster through solids and liquids)

- large container with water, pebbles

The teacher invites preschoolers to answer whether sounds are transmitted in water. Together with the children, he makes up an algorithm of actions: throw a pebble and listen to the sound of his hitting the bottom of the container. Then he asks to put his ear to the container and throw a stone, if the sound is transmitted through the water, then it can be heard. Children perform both versions of the experiment and compare the results. It is concluded that in the second version the sound was louder, which means that the sound passes through the water better than through the water.


Introduce the simplest device for transmitting sound over a distance.

Two matchboxes, a thin long thread, a needle, two matches with broken heads

Children perform actions according to the algorithm: a thread is pulled through the centers of two empty matchboxes, fixed on both sides with matches. They pull the thread and try to pass on the “secret” to each other. To do this, one child, pressing the box to his lips, speaks, the other, putting his ear - listens. Children find out that only two can hear the sound, those who participate in the experience. The sound makes one box tremble, "runs" along the thread to the second. Sound is transmitted worse through the air around, so the “secret” is not heard by others. The teacher asks what the third child might feel if, during a conversation between two (by boxes), he puts his finger on the thread, on the box.(The finger will feel vibrations)The kids will know. That the match "telephone" works on the principle of the present, as the sound runs through the wires. Children pinch the thread in the middle with their hand - the “telephone” does not work,(Sound is transmitted only when the thread is shaking)


Identify the causes of the origin of low and high sounds (sound frequency)

Plastic combs with different frequency and size of teeth

The teacher invites the children to hold a plastic plate over the teeth of different combs, to determine whether the sound is the same and what determines the frequency of the sounds. Children pay attention to the frequency of sounds and the size of combs. Find out. That combs with large, sharp teeth have a low sound. Rough, loud, in combs with small frequent teeth - the sound is thin, high.

Children look at illustrations of a mosquito and a bumblebee, determine their size. Then they imitate the sounds made by them: the mosquito has a thin sound, it sounds like “zzz”. the bumblebee has a low one. Rough, it sounds like "zhzhzh". Children say that it is small and flaps its wings very quickly, often, so the sound is high, the bumblebee flaps its wings more slowly, flies hard, so the sound is low.


Identify the cause of high and low sounds (sound frequency)

Uncoated wiring, wooden frame.

Children, with the help of an adult, fix the wiring on a wooden frame, pulling it slightly. Pulling the wiring, they hear a sound, observe with a frequency of oscillation. They find out that the sound is low, rough, the wire trembles slowly, the vibrations are clearly distinguishable. We pull the wire stronger, repeat the experiment. Determine how the sound turned out.(Became thinner, the wire trembles more often)By changing the tension of the wire, we once again check the dependence of the sound on the oscillation frequency. Children conclude: the tighter the wire is stretched, the higher the sound.


Find out the reason for the different perception of sounds by humans and animals.

Very thin and thick paper, illustrations for "The Tale of the Silly Mouse", a diagram of the structure of the hearing organs.

Children recall one of the excerpts from “The Tale of the Stupid Mouse”: “The pike began to sing to the mouse, he did not hear a sound. The pike opens its mouth, but you can’t hear how it sings. ”And what part of the ear helps to hear the sound?(The membrane is the eardrum that is inside the ear)Children say that different animals have different membranes. The teacher suggests imagining that the membrane can be of different thickness, like paper. With the help of special actions, children find out which membrane thickness is easier to make vibrate: they bring leaves of different thicknesses to their mouths, “buzz”, determine that thin paper trembles more. This means that a thin membrane picks up sound vibrations faster. The teacher talks about very high and very low sounds that the human ear cannot hear, but some animals perceive them.(the cat hears the mouse, recognizes the steps of the owner, before the earthquake, the animals feel the earth shake..


Explore the possibilities of measuring distance using sound

Image of bats, submarine, ship, ball, water tank

Children look at the image of bats, say that they see poorly, are nocturnal. With the help of honey mushrooms, they find out what helps bats not to bump into objects and each other: they take a container of water, drive waves at one edge, watch how the waves reach the opposite edge and go in the opposite direction (like sounds). Then they take the balls, beat them off from a long distance and from close range. The teacher draws attention to the fact that a similar phenomenon occurs with sounds: reaching solid objects, they return back, as if starting from them. Children will learn that bats make special sounds that help them measure distance. The adult offers to guess: if the sound returns quickly, then ...(subject close)if the sound does not return soon, then ...(thing far away) Using the property of sound to be transmitted over long distances, a man invented a new device - an echo sounder.

constructive and cognitive activity).

Topic: "Experiments with hearing and sound."

Target: The development of the cognitive activity of the child in the process of analyzing various sounds.

Tasks: To consolidate children's ideas about the concept of "sound".

To form ideas about the nature of sound - volume, duration, height.

To develop the ability to compare different sounds, determine their sources, the dependence of sounding objects on their size.

To lead to an understanding of the causes of sound - the propagation of sound waves.

Identify causes of amplification and attenuation of sound.

To develop auditory attention, phonemic hearing and articulatory apparatus of the child.

Integration of educational areas:"Socialization", "Communication", "Cognition", "Physical development"

Materials and equipment: combs, water bottles, cardboard cones, a ruler with a stretched thread, a slide "The structure of the organs of speech", a slide "The structure of the organs of hearing", a metal bowl with a film, an excerpt from the cartoon "Fixies", glasses.

GCD progress.

1. Organizational moment.

Today we will take a journey into the magical world of sounds. Let's start with a fun exercise.

We guys are together

We run in place.

If there is no peace in the heart,

They stamped their feet loudly.

And another!

And now, my good ones,

Clap your hands loudly!

And sit down!

- What were we doing now?

(Stomping, clapping, making noise.)

How can these sounds be called? (stomping, clapping, knocking)

They are called noise.

What other sounds exist?

Have a seat. And now look, I'll play a short melody for you on the glasses. (I knock on the glasses with a stick). What do you hear? (Chime)

What other sounds exist? (musical)

What will we do conclusion?

There are many things around us that make sounds. We hear the rustle of leaves, the noise of aircraft engines, the splashing of water, the voices of animals, the speech of a person.

Diagram of the structure of the organs of speech

An adult invites the children to “whisper” - to tell each other “in secret”, quietly, some words. Then repeat these words so that everyone can hear. Find out what we did for this. (Said in a loud voice)

Where did the loud sounds come from? (From the throat) Children put their hand to their throat, pronounce the words either in a whisper or very loudly and explain what they felt with their hand: when they spoke loudly, something was trembling in the goal, in a whisper there was no trembling.)

What needs to be done to make the sound loud. (Pull harder and the sound will intensify).

If the neck trembles, then it sounds.

I invite you on a journey to the land of "Sounds"

- Purpose of our trip: Where does the sound come from? Where is he hiding? What is required for its distribution?

3. Experience with the Vibration bottle.

Look at the water bottles, do you hear a sound from them? Not! What do you need to do to hear the splash of water? That's right, shake those water bottles, make them vibrate.

4. A story about a hearing aid.

- What do you guys think, why do we need ears?

- Correctly! The ears are used to hear the sounds around us. They can be pleasant and ... (children call antonyms: unpleasant), loud and ... (quiet), gentle and ... (rude), high and ... (low) ... They surround us everywhere!

Have you heard how they say about someone “He has ears on top of his head?”

Where is the human crown located?

What is on the top of a person's head?

Where are human ears located?

Whom did they mean by using this expression?

So, about a person who listens carefully to something, and they say that he has ears on top of his head.

Compare the size of the ears of animals and people.

Why do you think animals need such big ears?

In which fairy tale was the girl interested in the size of her grandmother's ears?

What did the wolf say to Little Red Riding Hood?

I propose to find out why animals have such big ears?

5. Experience with a funnel.

Children should try to hear what was said, but it is impossible to leave the place and approach the music director.

If the children cannot hear what the music director is saying, you can invite them to imagine what the hard of hearing person is doing.

(Children should put their hand to their ear, thereby making the ear bigger).

What do you need to do to hear better?

Children conduct an independent experiment with funnels, after which

Conclusion: you can hear better because more sound gets into your ear through the funnel. It is also concluded that animals need big ears in order to get more sound into them. Subtle hearing saves them from danger.

Slide show "How does the ear work?"

Sound is energy. It is formed when something trembles, that is, moves quickly back and forth. This movement is called vibration. We hear sounds because the vibrations of objects cause air vibrations that reach our ears.

6. Experience "How sound is transmitted."

1. You need to take a metal bowl. Then - cut off a piece from a plastic bag larger than a bowl. Put this blank from the bag on a bowl and tie it with a rope or fix it with a large strong rubber band on top. Get a "drum".

2. Roll small balls from napkins and put on top of the surface of the “drum”.

3. Put the bowl close to the music center (or tape recorder or speakers from the computer). Turn on music.

4. The balls will begin to bounce, as if dancing.

Explanation of the experiment for children

The sound from the speaker travels through the air in a wave and hits the stretched film, which oscillates, and the paper balls jump up. The louder the sound, the more the balls bounce. But notice, the more uncomfortable it is for your ears, which perceive the sound wave.

Sounds are waves, only air, our eyes do not see them, but our ears hear them.

7. Physical Minute.

I propose to voice the poems. Think about how you can voice it.

There was silence


Has changed

And now it's raining


Do you hear?

Drip on the roof...


He will become…


Already drumming! (A. Shibaev)

Night forest
Was full of sounds
Someone howled
And who meowed
Someone grunted
Someone stomped
Someone wings
Someone hooted
And screamed
And eyes
Well, someone
thin voice
SILENT! (S. Wheat)

8. Experience "How to make the sound louder?"

Determine the cause of the amplification of the sound.

plastic comb

Can a comb sound? (they try, explain the reason: the teeth of the comb tremble at the touch of fingers and make a sound, the trembling through the air reaches the ear and we hear it) The sound is very quiet, weak.

We put the comb with one end on a chair, repeat the experiment. We find out why the sound became louder.

What do your fingers feel?

- We conclude: trembling not only the comb, but also the chair. The chair is bigger and the sound is louder.

We check the conclusion by applying the end of the comb to various objects: a table, a cube, a book, etc. (Sounds are different in strength)

9. Experience "Why does a mosquito squeak and a bumblebee buzzes?"

Swipe the plastic plate over the teeth of different combs.

Is it the same sound?

Find out. That combs with large, sharp teeth have a low sound. Rough, loud.

Combs with small frequent teeth have a thin, high sound.

Illustrations of mosquito and bumblebee. Are they the same?

What sounds do they make? A mosquito has a thin sound, it sounds like “zzz”, a bumblebee has a low one. Rough, it sounds like "zhzhzh".

The mosquito is small and flaps its wings very quickly, often, so the sound is high, the bumblebee flaps its wings more slowly, flies heavily, so the sound is low.

10. Summary of the lesson.

View an excerpt from the cartoon "Fixies".