The plan of the creative group on the mat plus. Modern educational technologies consultation on the topic

The composition of the creative team:

Titova L.N., Deputy Head for WRM - coordinator of the innovation platform

Chetverikova O.M., senior teacher

Agafonova S.S., educational psychologist

Vyguzova N.V., caregiver

Borodina E.E., caregiver

Kulpina E.A., caregiver

Program"Mate: plus" is based on the data of modern scientific research in the field of child development psychology, relies on the best domestic and foreign pedagogical experience and is built on modern scientific principles and theories. The program allows you to form a system of early mathematical education, reflects the approaches to the modernization of mathematical education, laid down in the Concept for the Development of Mathematical Education in the Russian Federation, and is succession program development of mathematical education for children from 3.5 to 11-12 years old.

Training and metodology complex"Mate: plus. Mathematics in kindergarten " - this is a holistic scientifically based complex, which includes methodological, educational, developmental aids, diagnostic and game materials for the development of mathematical education in an organization that carries out educational activities at the level of preschool education. The educational and methodological materials of the complex combine the best examples of the Russian traditional system of mathematical education, which have received international recognition, with the materials of modern international programs for the development of mathematical competencies.

The purpose of innovation

Improving the quality of mathematical education in the early stages of children's development, which ensures the success of mastering mathematical programs in elementary school, based on the Program for the Development of Mathematical Education "Mate: Plus" using materials from the educational and methodological complex "Mate: Plus. Mathematics in Kindergarten.

Main tasks of innovation activity

    The study of modern scientific and methodological approaches to the mathematical education of preschoolers and the basic principles of the Program for the Development of Mathematical Education "Mate: Plus".

    Selection or creation of a group in the ECE to participate in innovative activities.

    Training participants in innovative activities to use the educational and methodological complex “Mate: plus. Mathematics in kindergarten” in the educational process.

    Introduction and implementation of the Program for the Development of Mathematical Education “Mate: Plus” based on the use of the educational and methodological complex “Mate: Plus. Mathematics in Kindergarten.

    Analysis of the dynamics of the development of primary mathematical concepts and the formation of basic mathematical competencies among pupils of groups - participants in innovative activities.

    Development of methodological and practical recommendations on the organization of the educational process on the basis of the Program and the implementation of the program-methodical complex “Mate: plus. Mathematics in Kindergarten" taking into account the results of the work of the innovation platform.

Novelty activity is due to the choice for the implementation in the educational activities of the preschool educational institution of the innovative for Russian education program for the development of mathematical education "Mate: plus".

Working video materials


No. 1 dated 09/25/2017

Issues under consideration:

  1. Adoption of the creative team plan
  2. Workshop "Identification of opportunities and threats using SWOT analysis"
  3. Familiarization with the sections of the Mate program: a plus in the methodological recommendations.
  4. Workshop "Development of technological maps of classes", distribution of cards No. by sections of methodological recommendations.


  1. To study the regulatory documents: The concept of mathematical education in the Russian Federation (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2013 No. 2506-r)
  2. Prepare an analysis of the continuity of the mathematical development section of the Federal State Educational Standard for elementary school
  3. Study the methodological recommendations of the Mate program: plus
  4. Develop technological maps for October until 10/1/2017
  5. Proceed to the primary diagnosis of the middle group No. 6 according to the maps of the Mate program: plus

Methodical material:Math education concept

#2 from 09.10. 2017

Issues under consideration:

  1. Vyguzova N.V. "Continuity of preschool and primary school in the section Mathematics" (electronic presentation)

Comments: The use of the M + program in the work refers to the 3rd type of continuity, which gives the best result in the transition to schooling.

  1. Agafonova S.S. "Primary diagnostics according to the M + cards of pupils of the middle group No. 6"
  2. Discussion of technological maps


  1. Refine technological maps, create an electronic file of technological maps.
  2. Schedule video and photography of classes, ensure that the video material is viewed by the creative team.
  3. Prepare reflection options at the end of class

Methodical material:flow chart template, sequence diagram of sections for a flow chart

Issues under consideration:

  1. Questions and suggestions:
  • There is not enough equipment (bears) for all the children in the subgroup, you need to purchase more.
  • It is necessary to introduce uniform formulations, it is advisable to consult with school teachers, as they correctly call actions, sizes, etc.
  • there is not enough time in the classroom, the children still want to “play” with the equipment.
  1. Agafonova S.S. "Different methods of reflection at the end of classes"
  • Luscher test
  • Wood
  • Smilies
  • Traffic light
  • Sun, cloud, rain
  • herringbone mood
  • Rainbow
  • Snowball
  1. Workshop “Kinesiological exercise “Crossroads”


  1. Bring in the materials of the M + complex during the independent activities of children, tk. not enough time in class.
  2. Invite a teacher-psychologist to classes, organize video recording of classes.
  3. Organize cooperation with teachers of elementary school Lyceum No. 36 of Russian Railways, invite to an open lesson in February-March.
  4. Prepare a master class on working with geometric shapes
  5. Buy 4 boxes of M+ complex

No. 4 dated 04.12.2017

Issues under consideration:

  1. Implementation of the decisions of previous meetings:
  • 4 more boxes of Mate+ purchased
  1. Discussion of classes using the “Mate +” complex in the middle group (teacher Kulpina E.A.) and in the senior group (teacher Borodina E.E.)

Comments: It is difficult for some children when performing tasks with cards and mirrors to pronounce their actions “a little green bear looks to the left, etc.”, individual work is required in the evening.

in the classroom in the senior group

  • use game moments more (introduce a game virtual character that brings tasks);
  • give children incentive tokens;
  • prepare additional tasks for those who quickly cope.
  1. Master class on working with geometric shapes of the Mate + complex (teacher Vyguzova N.V.)

Karpova Lyubov Vladimirovna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MADOU №2 "Bee"
Locality: Asino city, Tomsk region
Material name: Publication
Topic:"Using the "Mate: Plus Mathematics in Kindergarten" set in the mathematical development of children under the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard"
Publication date: 09.12.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Using the "Mate: Plus Math in Kindergarten" set in

mathematical development of children in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard "

At present, the problem of the formation and development of mathematical abilities is

one of the most common today methodological problems of preschool





various areas of human activity. Mathematics has huge

opportunities for the development of children's thinking in the process of their education from the earliest

age. Preschool age is the most favorable period for intensive development





mathematical development. The skills and abilities acquired in the preschool period serve

the foundation for gaining knowledge and developing abilities at an older age.

The mathematical development of a child is not only the ability of a preschooler to count and solve





dependencies, relationships, operate with objects, signs, symbols, etc.

Having studied the methodological literature, she revealed the following: that classes with the “Mate:


to attach









interesting and exciting games "Mate: plus", preschoolers will form an active

attitude to their own cognitive activity, children will talk about them,

evaluate results objectively. This program “Mate: plus. Mathematics in children's

with a d u ", answers





necessary continuity between levels of education.

Set "Mate: plus. Mathematics in Kindergarten is an excellent tool

which fills the world of children with the joy of communicating with a mathematician and supports in them

desire for knowledge, and increases motivation to learn new things. All received

preschoolers consolidate knowledge and skills in mathematical development with the help of

kit materials that are used not only in direct

educational activities, but also in joint activities with the teacher and

on one's own. All the material in the kit helps to teach children the ability to distinguish,

allocate, name a set of objects, numbers, geometric shapes, directions. AT

they have the opportunity to form new knowledge, to acquaint children with ways

actions. Each game of the kit has a specific task of improvement

mathematical (quantitative, spatial, temporal) representations

children. Systematic work with children improves general mental abilities:

logic of thought, reasoning and action, ingenuity and ingenuity,

spatial representations. Thanks to the materials of the software complex "Mate:

plus Mathematics in Kindergarten "children will get acquainted with geometric shapes and

structures, as well as numbers and arithmetic operations.

System “Mate: plus. Mathematics in Kindergarten" covers everything you need to

preschoolers math content. It will help to form ideas about

space and form, magnitudes and dimensions, set, numbers, mathematical

operations and much more. Children will experiment with basic

geometric shapes; playing with cubes and mirrors, creating patterns, will

explore patterns and symmetry. In exciting games, they will master the numerical

series and learn to compare numbers and quantities, get the first idea about

probabilities, will write numbers. Thanks to the boring and sometimes unexpected tasks

preschoolers will discover that math is all around us. At the same time, especially

it is important that children learn everything new with pleasure and in their favorite form -

especially in the game.

The approach proposed by the program relies primarily on the sensory experience of children and

children's activities. The natural tendency inherent in preschoolers to

discoveries develops thanks to game knowledge, and arithmetic and geometric

abilities are expanded with the help of exciting tasks. To better understand

numbers, including geometric experience is required, which children will also be able to get in

work with materials "Mate: plus". The program emphasizes

the formation of visual competence and the development of the imagination of children.

A variety of materials "Mate: plus" comply with the principles of GEF DO:

information content, accessibility, variability - this provides a game,

cognitive, research and creative activity of children, which helps in


I will give an example of working with the set "Mate: plus Mathematics in kindergarten" with

geometric shapes, bear figurines, mosaic cubes, cards with

Geometric figures.




experiments. With their help, you can: lay out a pattern of geometric shapes in your own way

discretion; lay out a pattern according to a verbal description of another child or teacher, or








figures can replace each other;

Geometric figures can be combined with each other by comparing their areas and getting

first impression of angles. Introduce children to the world of geometric shapes

also with the help of educational games, which can be used both in educational

children's activities, as well as in their free time. These games include: "Continue the pattern",

"Geometric mosaic", "The whole of parts", "Lay out according to the model", "Decompose into

box" and others. These games are aimed at developing spatial imagination

children. They develop visual perception, voluntary attention, fantasy,

imagination, memory, imaginative thinking, and also update the name of colors and

geometric shapes.

Bear figurines.

Figures of bears in three colors and three sizes. They are used for educational games

by sections: compare and sort; copy layouts; for development










are used











bears; are laid out according to the model in a certain order of the bear and, observing them

position relative to each other;

While working with this material, I try to interest children with the help of

game motivation, I propose to find two figures in a fabric bag by touch

the same shape or large or small bear. This contributes to the development

fine motor skills of hands, tactile sensations. Children examine the figures, describe

them, size, color.

Mosaic cubes.

Also, when working with mosaic cubes, children lay out mosaic cubes along

a sample on a plane, this contributes to the development of spatial imagination.

You can build figures according to the model, determine which of the cubes is missing in

unfinished figure, also come up with your own figures. Children using a mirror

lay out the cubes in a mirror image, with which children explore

images and objects in terms of symmetry.

Cards with numbers.

When using cards with numbers, children lay out and recognize (without recalculation)

quantities, correlate numbers, quantities and numerals; also perform assignments for




given number. Based on the material of the Mate Plus program package, I have been






numbers ", etc. Also, cards are used to solve the simplest mathematical

Thus, the use of the material "Mate: plus" in educational activities and

in the independent activity of children has a beneficial effect on the assimilation of elementary

mathematical representations in preschoolers and contributes to an increase in the level

mathematical development of children. Didactic games give a big boost

positive emotions, help children to consolidate and expand their knowledge of mathematics.

"Mate: plus. Kindergarten Math is an excellent tool thanks to

which they will fill the world of children with the joy of communicating with mathematics and support them in

desire for knowledge. All program materials can be used as

direct OD, and in everyday life.

Size: px

Start impression from page:


1 Corresponds to GEF DO Implementation tools in preschool education Concepts for the development of mathematical education in the Russian Federation Corresponds to GEF DO Math:plus. Mathematics in preschool education Compatible with the main educational program of I.E. Fedosov. Program for the development of mathematical education MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". one

2 Problems of the development of mathematical education 1. Problems of a motivational nature 2. Problems of a meaningful nature 3. Personnel problems I.E. Fedosov. Program for the development of mathematical education MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". 2

3 The goal of developing mathematical education in the Russian Federation The goal of the Concept is to bring Russian mathematical education to a leading position in the world. Mathematics in Russia should become an advanced and attractive field of knowledge and activity, the acquisition of mathematical knowledge by a conscious and internally motivated process. I.E. Fedosov. Program for the development of mathematical education MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". 3

4 Tasks for the development of mathematical education 1. Popularization of mathematical knowledge and mathematical education 2. Ensuring that there are no gaps in basic knowledge for each student, overcoming individual difficulties 3. Providing children with high motivation and outstanding mathematical abilities with conditions for the development and application of these abilities 1. Modernizing the content curricula 2. Ensuring the availability of publicly available information resources for mathematical education, modern technologies of the educational process 3. Improving the quality of work of teachers implementing programs of mathematical education I.Ye. Fedosov. Program for the development of mathematical education MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". four

5 The main directions for the implementation of the Concept in preschool education The system of curricula for mathematical education in preschool education with the participation of the family should provide conditions, first of all, the subject-spatial and information environment, educational situations, means of pedagogical support for the child for the pupils to master the forms of activity, primary mathematical representations and images, used in life. I.E. Fedosov. Program for the development of mathematical education MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". 5

6 The main directions for the implementation of the Concept in primary education A wide range of mathematical activity (classes) of students both in the classroom and in extracurricular activities, primarily Solving logical and arithmetic problems, building algorithms in a visual and gaming environment Material, informational and personnel conditions for the development of students by means mathematicians I.E. Fedosov. Program for the development of mathematical education MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". 6

7 Mathematical education and popularization of mathematics Providing state support for the availability of mathematics for all age groups of the population; Creation of a public atmosphere of a positive attitude towards the achievements of mathematical science, understanding the importance of mathematical education for the future of the country; Providing continuous support and raising the level of mathematical knowledge to satisfy the curiosity of a person, his general cultural needs; Acquisition of knowledge and skills applied in everyday life and professional activities. I.E. Fedosov. Program for the development of mathematical education MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". 7

8 EEP DO - Mathematics It is important that the development of mathematical content at the early stages of education is accompanied by positive emotions, joy and pleasure. When offering children mathematical content, one must also keep in mind that their individual capabilities and preferences will be different, and therefore the development of mathematical content by children is purely individual in nature. POOP involves the relationship of mathematical content with other sections, especially with social and communicative and speech development. The development of mathematical thinking occurs and is improved through verbal communication with other children and adults, included in the context of interaction in specific situations. I.E. Fedosov. Program for the development of mathematical education MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". eight

9 POOP DO - Mathematics Use the situations of everyday life for mathematical development, for example, classify objects, phenomena, identify sequences in the process of actions “first this, then that” (the passage of time, plot development in fairy tales and stories, the order in which activities are performed, etc.) , contribute to the formation of spatial perception (front, back, side by side, right, left, etc.), etc., while providing speech accompaniment. Develop the ability to apply mathematical knowledge and skills in practical situations in everyday life (for example, to put two spoons of sugar in a cup of tea), in various types of educational activities (for example, to divide the cubes equally among the participants in the game), including other educational areas. I.E. Fedosov. Program for the development of mathematical education MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". 9

10 POOP DO - Mathematics Use situations of everyday life for mathematical development, for example, classify objects, phenomena, identify sequences in the process of actions “first this, then that” (the passage of time, the development of the plot in fairy tales and stories, the order in which activities are performed, etc.) , contribute to the formation of spatial perception (front, back, side by side, right, left, etc.), etc., while providing speech accompaniment. Develop the ability to apply mathematical knowledge and skills in practical situations in everyday life (for example, to put two spoons of sugar in a cup of tea), in various types of educational activities (for example, to divide the cubes equally among the participants in the game), including other educational areas. I.E. Fedosov. Program for the development of mathematical education MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". ten

11 Success Factors in Mathematics To successfully solve mathematical problems or problems that require the use of mathematics, a number of components are necessary: ​​1. Facts General outlook, that is, knowledge about the world, about the facts of everyday life, etc. idea of ​​the content of a mathematical problem (problem). In the language of educational psychology: it is necessary to translate the conditions of the task into the form of a coherent representation, that is, to integrate the conditions of the task into your picture of the world. For example, the knowledge that a light car usually has four wheels, that an airplane moves faster than a train, and a train is faster than a person I.E. Fedosov. Program for the development of mathematical education MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". eleven

12 Success factors in mathematics 2. Concepts (concepts) Knowledge of concepts (concepts), including knowledge of conceptual categories, principles or models. For example, knowing what a sequence is, what a certain place of a number in a number series means, what a form is, etc. 3. Strategies Knowledge of existing solution strategies: knowledge of general methods for solving problems (problems), which helps to plan a solution and control the solution process. For example, the knowledge that a task (problem) can be divided into parts and solved in parts, or that a task (problem) can be solved by analogy with another well-known task, etc.; I.E. Fedosov. Program for the development of mathematical education MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". 12

13 Success factors in mathematics 4. Procedures. Knowledge of the specific procedures that must be followed to solve the task (problem). For example, what is the procedure for counting to 10 or how to change a noun in the singular to a noun in the plural. 5. Conviction (in one's own abilities, in the difficulty of the task) Feeling of one's own competence in the area related to the solution of the task (problem). For example, I'm not that good at math. Or an idea of ​​the nature of a particular task. For example, if “someone” cannot solve a task (problem) right away, then I will certainly not be able to solve such a task. I.E. Fedosov. Program for the development of mathematical education MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". 13

14 Factors of Success in Mathematics For successful solution of the problem (and the success of learning in general), it is necessary to have a number of general psychological characteristics of the child and his personal qualities: speech development, that is, fluency in the language of elementary mathematics; adequate stable high - self-esteem and self-confidence; consciousness of self-efficacy, that is, the conviction that the student is able, with effort, to cope with the task (requirements in general in a broader sense); general stress resistance, etc. I.E. Fedosov. Program for the development of mathematical education MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". fourteen

15 Mate program: plus a software package for the organization of mathematical education at preschool age 1. Purposeful work on the development of "predecessor abilities" necessary for the further development of mathematics. The concept highlights a special pre-numerical level of development of mathematical abilities, on the basis of which further mastering of mathematical concepts, ideas and actions takes place. 2. "Mathematics in everyday life" is the development of mathematical concepts, ideas and actions in the context of situations of everyday life, children's activities and regime moments (time, calendar, sequences of actions, play and mathematical elements in role-playing, symbolic and director's games) and in other educational areas (music, experiments, games, etc.) I.E. Fedosov. Program for the development of mathematical education MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". fifteen

16 Mate program: plus a software package for the organization of mathematical education in preschool age 1. Purposeful work on the development of "predecessor abilities" necessary for the further development of mathematics. The concept highlights a special pre-numerical level of development of mathematical abilities, on the basis of which further mastering of mathematical concepts, ideas and actions takes place. 2. "Mathematics in everyday life" is the development of mathematical concepts, ideas and actions in the context of situations of everyday life, children's activities and regime moments (time, calendar, sequences of actions, play and mathematical elements in role-playing, symbolic and director's games) and in other educational areas (music, experiments, games, etc.) I.E. Fedosov. Program for the development of mathematical education MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". 16

17 Mate program: plus a software package for the organization of mathematical education at preschool age 3. "Math everywhere" - mathematical projects that support the motivation and interests of children. 4. Special classes for preschool children (from 3.5 to 7 years old) using materials and simple mathematical problems that purposefully develop an understanding of basic mathematical concepts and concepts. For special classes, materials are offered to design a corner of mathematics in a group room or a separate room (depending on the resources of the Organization). I.E. Fedosov. Program for the development of mathematical education MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". 17

18 Mate program: plus a software package for the organization of mathematical education at preschool age 5. Creation of a spatial and subject environment for the spontaneous development of mathematical concepts and abilities by children. 6. Formation of the professional competencies of teachers necessary to ensure the quality of the educational process in the course of additional professional training and professional counseling. I.E. Fedosov. Program for the development of mathematical education MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". eighteen

19 Mate:plus program a software package for the organization of mathematical education at preschool age to develop mathematical thinking, support the comprehensive and harmonious development of children Program for the development of mathematical education MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". 19

20 Mate Plus Program Supporting the comprehensive and harmonious development of children Arouse curiosity and the desire to ask new and deeper questions, as well as an interest in the relationships in this world that the child can perceive and communicate, including describing in words (see below) quantitative and qualitative relationships, understand and evaluate them; evoke the joy of discovery in the process of learning something new, when the child is allowed to make a mistake, find it and correct it; encourage children to persistent and concentrated actions; Program for the development of mathematical education MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". twenty

21 Mate Plus Program Supporting the comprehensive and harmonious development of children develop creativity and imagination, when conditions are created for the realization of their own ideas, encourage children to follow the rules created by themselves, help develop the ability to compare, classify, concretize, and finally abstract; support language development when children are required to describe objects in the world around them Mathematics education development program MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". 21

22 Mate:plus Program Support for the comprehensive and harmonious development of children Support language development when children are required to describe objects of the world around them, explain spatial and quantitative relationships, distinguish between norm and features, argue using the words “and”, “or”, “not” , "none", "all", "greater than/less than", "the same as and", understanding their meaning; stimulate the development of thinking and memory, and in particular, the abilities necessary for mathematical thinking, such as spatial orientation and spatial perception; Program for the development of mathematical education MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". 22

23 Program Mate:plus Meaning of “predecessor abilities” Experience and verbalization of various positions in space relative to one's body and objects in space relative to each other (in front, behind, near, to the right of, lies on, under, etc.); Mastering the body scheme as the basis for orientation in space; Mastering the basics of the concepts of ratios (more, less, higher, etc.) Orientation in time in accordance with age capabilities; General mental development: imagination, memory, attention, concentration; Understanding the logical sequence of events (for example, the course of history: first-then; and initial causal relationships). I.E. Fedosov. Program for the development of mathematical education MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". 23

24 Mate:plus program Meaning of I.Ye. Fedosov. Program for the development of mathematical education MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". 24

25 Mate:plus program Meaning of I.Ye. Fedosov. Program for the development of mathematical education MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". 25

26 Program Mate:plus Meaning of “predecessor abilities” Perspective I.E. Fedosov. Program for the development of mathematical education MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". 26

27 Program Mate:plus Meaning of "predecessor abilities" Seeing mathematics: visual field. Piaget established that the child perceives the number of objects in two rows depending on their spatial arrangement. Only when each element of the set is assigned one word-number can the correct result (1 to 1 ratio) be obtained. Program for the development of mathematical education MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". 27

28 Program Mate:plus. Contents Space and form Structures, patterns, patterns Quantities and measurements Data, frequency, probability Sets, numbers, operations Basic mathematical experience Experience of different positions in space of one's own body and objects; experience of distance estimation by eye; the experience of discovering, making and recognizing forms. Open and create structures Open and create sequences Values: money, time, length and weight. Compare and organize objects, measure length, time and time intervals Organize and classify data Handle subject sets Discover numbers and numbers in the world around you. Language expression Describe positions, directions, ways; Describe forms and their properties; Describe patterns; Describe sequences and relationships; Describe quantities in ordinary language, discuss their comparison Describe quantities and compare sets in ordinary language; Deepening understanding Represent spatial relationships from different perspectives; Draw plans for the location of objects and buildings; Get acquainted with the measurement of spatial relationships and reflect it Continue and justify the patterns; Recognize and represent sequences in simple diagrams Get acquainted with various forms of representing quantities and various ways of measuring them Simple combinatorial tasks Count and move in ordinal counting (naming words-numbers); To get acquainted with the principle of simple account operations; Read and represent the size of the sets in the form of 28 simple diagrams;

29 Program Mate:plus a software package for organizing mathematical education at preschool age The kit includes: methodological materials for the teacher (including materials for conducting observations) working and diagnostic materials for the child game materials and a system of cards with game descriptions The main advantages of the kit: the game form of tasks and excellent game materials that guarantee positive emotions to all participants in the classes a large selection of games and their options, which opens up opportunities for the teacher for a differentiated approach, and in addition, encourages both the child and the teacher to invent their own games building material according to the principle “from simple to complex” which implies a developing and motivating effect a carefully designed system of gaming, working and diagnostic materials, providing the most complete coverage of mathematical phenomena and concepts a well-thought-out system of diagnostics and monitoring of development, allowing to implement an individual approach for each child Program for the development of mathematical education MATE: plus. Publishing House "National Education",

30 MAIN SECTIONS Mate:plus Mate:plus covers five main sections of mathematical content, each of which has its own color code: Space and form Structures, regularities, patterns Quantities and measurements Data, frequency, probability Sets, numbers, operations Tables of observations Color identification will allow the teacher to capture the development of the child at a glance Cards for teachers Cards for children What is this material or game aimed at developing? The colored circle on the Cards for Teachers and Cards for Children will easily orient the educator in the material Mathematics Education Development Program MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". Workbook The color identification of the pages in the workbooks will tell you what this task is about. In addition, it will help to meaningfully monitor the development of the child 30

31 Diagnostic test Comparative values ​​for determining the level of development of children from 5 to 6 years Program for the development of mathematical education MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". 31

32 Diagnostic test Comparative values ​​for determining the level of development of children from 5 to 6 years Program for the development of mathematical education MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". 32

33 TEACHER'S MATERIALS TEACHING RECOMMENDATIONS ACTIVITY CARDS Methodological recommendations Advice on developing children's math skills, observing, and ideas for games and tasks for every day Copying materials (CD) Additional printout materials: activity pages for children, forms for the educator Cards for educators 24 A5 cards Numerous game and activity ideas with all the materials from the box OBSERVATION CHARTS Observation charts A3 sheet per child Charts for recording observations of the development of a child under 5 years of age and from 5 years of age. For each direction in the tables there are links to suitable materials developing the Program for the development of mathematical education MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". 33

34 Program for the Development of Mathematical Education MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". 34

35 Program for the Development of Mathematical Education MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". 35

36 MATERIALS FOR CHILDREN WORKBOOKS DIAGNOSTIC MATERIALS My math book Book 1 for children up to 5 years old Notebook 2 for children over 5 years old In the notebooks, children can draw, write, solve problems and make discoveries Diagnostic materials Book 1 for children from 4 to 5 years old Notebook 2 for children from 5 to 6 years old Materials will allow you to get an objective picture of the level of development of each child and organize further purposeful work Publishing House "National Education". 36

37 Program for the Development of Mathematical Education MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". 37

38 Program for the Development of Mathematical Education MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". 38

39 PLAY MATERIALS Wooden blocks help develop 3D perception Safety mirror on a stand with which children can explore images and objects in terms of symmetry -hedrons) and a spinning top, children get the first idea of ​​\u200b\u200bprobability A bag of fabric is used for tactile games. It can be filled with any materials from the box with cubes, the program is bears, the development of geometric mathematical education MATE:plus. Izdvo "National figurine education". Bears in three sizes and three colors, with which it is easy to master comparison, classification and spatial concepts. A stencil ruler will help you draw shapes of the correct shape. It can be used to create patterns and explore the properties of shapes. Stamps with numbers from 0 to 9, images of a bear and a circle are used to write numbers (before writing), create ordered rows. tube more chips? What needs to be done so that the columns of chips become the same height? The box of balls "Shake and Guess" serves to decompose the number and develop an understanding of the part and the whole. A certain number of beads are placed in the box and shaken. How many beads do we see in one section and how many beads in the other? Scoreboard with markings and 20 dice help to get an idea of ​​the number and lay the foundation for solving arithmetic problems 39

40 PLAY MATERIALS PLAY CARDS (10 sets) Bear cards to help you learn spatial relationships and concepts Geometric pattern cards in 3 levels of difficulty with colored geometric shapes, black and white shapes and pattern outline Cards with dice to develop spatial awareness and symmetry. With them, you can create and copy patterns and three-dimensional designs. You can build from a picture or from dictation, in a direct image or symmetrically using a mirror. Cards with numbers and sets will help you master the number series, teach you how to easily compare numbers and quantities. You can arrange your cards on wooden stands to develop the game of mathematical education MATE: plus. Publishing House "National Education". PLAYING FIELDS WITH CARDS Story playing fields (4 fields) on which you can make many discoveries: find parts of a whole, compare objects by size and quantity, master spatial concepts Playing fields (2 fields) are designed for games by rules that require skill count and count your moves 40

41 HOW TO WORK AND PLAY WITH MATERIALS WE SET THE TASK to develop spatial representations Focusing on the colored circle on the Cards for teachers, we choose those that are suitable for us on the topic. Green circle "Space and form" Card for teachers CHOOSE MATERIAL mosaic cubes Each card is dedicated to a certain material (group of materials) from the box. On the back of the card there are descriptions of games and a list of additional materials CHOOSE A GAME Lay out a mosaic according to the model Each card offers several options for games and tasks and the most necessary information for them. To begin with, we choose the simplest version of the game Card for children GETTING READY FOR THE GAME, select the necessary materials The number will tell us which “Card for Children” to give to the child K21 Focusing on the “picture-instruction”, the child can already independently choose the necessary materials from the box: cubes and cards . Card for children (Picture-instruction) will remind the child of the description of the game. For adults, there are tips on the back of the card: Program, game development options, additional mathematical materials, education on MATE: plus. Izdvo "National development of what abilities the game is aimed at education." 41

42 DEVELOPMENTAL ASSESSMENT Diagnostic materials Diagnostic materials will help determine the level of development of each child in the main areas in order to purposefully build further individual work. The notebooks contain: diagnostic materials for group and individual work, instructions for the educator for each task, tables for determining the results. Link to the Card with games Observation tables Link to the Workbook page Tables allow you to record observations sequentially at different stages, so that the educator immediately sees a picture of the child's development. The color marking system is repeated in all printed materials. Based on the color code, the teacher sees which game and which pages in the workbook are suitable for developing specific abilities. Topics that are checked in the diagnostic notebooks are highlighted in grey. Program for the development of mathematical education MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". 42

43 CD. Additional materials I.E. Fedosov. Program for the development of mathematical education MATE:plus. I.E. Fedosov. Program Publishing House "National Development of Mathematical Education". education mate:plus. Publishing House "National Education". 43

44 Program Mate:plus Example 4. Space and shape Orientation in space Perception Hand-eye coordination Distinguishing figure and background Constancy of form Position in space / spatial relations Representation Spatial concepts Recognition of simple geometric shapes Recognition of shapes Recognition and creation of symmetry Recognition of bodies 17 I.E . Fedosov. Program for the development of mathematical education MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". 44

45 Program Mate:plus Example: Space and form Orientation in space Perception Hand-eye coordination Distinguishing figure and background Constancy of form Position in space/spatial relations Representation (imagination) Spatial concepts Program for the development of mathematical education MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". 45

46 Mate:Plus Program Example: Space and Shape Shape Constancy Examples of tasks with materials from the box: sort bears and/or geometric shapes; find objects of the same shape in the bag; depict figures of the same shape using a stencil or freehand. Activities in everyday life: find objects of the same shape (at home, on the table); examine objects under a magnifying glass (detect a change in size and shape identity); find figures of the same shape on enlarged / reduced photo or photocopies; find constructions from cubes that are the same / different in shape; choose beads of the same shape, etc. The program for the development of mathematical education MATE: plus. Publishing House "National Education". 46

47 Program Mate:plus Example: Space and shape Representation (spatial imagination) Examples of tasks with materials from the box: imagine the change in the number of bears / chips, etc. (“How many will be left if I take one / add one?”); lay out a sample from memory; draw with a stencil, planning the drawing in advance; create symmetrical layouts for bears; build structures from cubes in mirror image; lay out a pattern of geometric shapes in a mirror image. Program for the development of mathematical education MATE:plus. Publishing House "National Education". 47

48 Program Mate:plus Example: Space and form Representation (imagination) Activities in everyday life: imagine the result of the action (“Where will I be if I take three steps forward?”, “What will the figure look like if I draw two more sticks next to ?”); describe the way from the kindergarten home, the way to the playground, to the store; plan a route; guess the shapes that will be obtained by folding a sheet of paper; guess what patterns you get when cutting out figures from a folded sheet of paper; compare objects and their shadows (“Which shadow belongs to which figure?”); find the way through the maze; create your own labyrinth (for example, which way the mouse will get to the cheese); identify objects in a photograph (including fragments of known objects or from an unusual perspective from a bird's eye view, from a low point (“from a frog perspective”)); find errors in the picture (for example, a house without windows, a dog on three legs); distribute objects in the figure depending on their actual size, etc. The program for the development of mathematical education MATE: plus. Publishing House "National Education". 48

49 The material fully complies with the Federal State Educational Standard of DO and can be used in educational organizations that implement educational activities under the main educational program "Inspiration", as well as other programs that involve game forms for the cognitive development of children Contacts: Publishing House "National Education" Tel.: +7 (495 ) Program for the development of mathematical education MATE: plus. Publishing House "National Education". 49

Implementation tools in preschool education Concepts for the development of mathematical education in the Russian Federation Corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard DO Mate:plus. Mathematics in preschool education Compatible with mainstream education

The Concept for the Development of Mathematical Education in the Russian Federation Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2013 2506-r The concept is a system of views

Complies with GEF DO Complies with GEF DO Implementation of the Concept for the development of mathematical education in the Russian Federation at the level of preschool education Fedosova Irina Evgenievna Head of the Forecasting Center

MASTER-CLASS "Mate:plus" and "Speech:plus" programs for the mathematical and speech development of preschoolers Moderators: methodologists of the publishing house "National Education" Tyumentseva Natalia Sergeevna, Starodubtseva Ekaterina

Mathematics in kindergarten 1 Time is changing, children are changing! Today's preschoolers will tomorrow become a pillar for the well-being of the country. Is it possible to use old approaches and technologies in education? Anastasia

Implementation of the Concept for the Development of Mathematical Education in the Russian Federation at the Level of Preschool and Primary Education. Corresponds to GEF DO Zagvozkin Vladimir Konstantinovich, leading researcher. FGAU FIRO employee,

SUMMER SCHOOL "INSPIRATION" TOMSK Mathematical development program "Mate:plus. Mathematics in Kindergarten" Starodubtseva Ekaterina Arkadievna, head of the methodological support of the "Mate:plus" project

Programs of mathematical education in early and preschool age. VK Zagvozkin Opening the educational potential of early and preschool childhood. Research in the last decades of the 20th century revealed

Explanatory note The work program was compiled on the basis of the program "Continuity" for preparing children 5-7 years old for school (supervisor N.A. Fedosova), the author's program S.I. Volkova "Mathematical

Cognitive development Circle "Player" This program was developed on the basis of the course "Player" by the authors L.G. Peterson, E.E. Kochemasova Purpose and objectives of the program, its place in the educational process.

Corresponds to GEF DO Development of mathematical concepts in preschool age Svirskaya Lidia Vasilievna, Associate Professor of the Center for Additional Professional Education and Monitoring of NIRO, Ph.D. Great

Explanatory note Work program for the development of elementary mathematical concepts in children of the preparatory group (educational areas "cognitive development, socio-communicative

The Concept for the Development of Russian Mathematical Education The Concept for the Development of Mathematical Education in the Russian Federation GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ORDER No. 2506-r of December 24, 2013 MOSCOW 1. Approve

Circle "Entertaining Mathematics" Educator of the Children's Developmental Educational Institution of Omsk "Child Development Center Kindergarten 341" Lydia Andreevna Mannik Psychologists believe that in preschool age one should not strive for artificial

Explanatory note The modified additional educational program for teaching mathematics has a socio-pedagogical focus and is based on the state development program

Development of mathematical abilities in preschool children The concept of "development of mathematical abilities" is quite complex, complex and multifaceted. It is made up of interconnected

Annotation. The work program in mathematics is compiled on the basis of: Letnikovo, approved. Order 98 of September 1, 2015. * Collection of programs for a set of textbooks

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the city of Rostov-on-Don "Kindergarten 11" APPROVED BY THE PEDAGOGICAL COUNCIL PROTOCOL 1 DATED 09/01/2016 72 DATED 09/01/2016 APPROVED BY THE MANAGER

Preschool preparation Dear parents! The Pre-School Program will help your child be ready for elementary school. Welcome to our preschool classes!

Didactic game "Find your house" Purpose: to develop in children the ability to distinguish color, geometric shapes, the ability to compare patterns (geometric shapes), navigate in space, visual perception,

SUMMER SCHOOL "INSPIRATION" Speech development program "Speech: plus. Speech development in kindergarten" SUMMER SCHOOL "INSPIRATION" TOMSK Speech development program "Speech: plus. Speech development in kindergarten "

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution general developmental kindergarten 311 of Samara city district Means of developing creative thinking in children in play activities Educator

WORKING PROGRAM "Entertaining mathematics" Program for the cognitive development of children of middle preschool age - 2015 - Author-compiler: V.P. Popinina, teacher of MBDOU kindergarten 3 "Teremok"

State budgetary educational institution GYMNASIUM 70 of the Petrogradsky district of St. Petersburg 970, St. Petersburg, st. Writers, d. 9 / lit. "A" phone: 476449, 476448, 476454, 476450

Explanatory note to the program "One step, two - step" (development of mathematical concepts) The additional educational program for teaching mathematics has a socio-pedagogical orientation

Powered by TCPDF ( Mathematics (grade 1) Explanatory note Normative basis for the development of the work program The work program in the subject of mathematics is compiled in accordance with: Federal

Explanatory note This program of additional education was compiled using the teaching aids of E. V. Kolesnikova "Mathematics for children 4-5 years old" and V. P. Novikova "Mathematics in children's

Card file of didactic games on FEMP for the preparatory group Annotation The formation of elementary mathematical representations is carried out under the guidance of a teacher as a result of a systematic

TEXTBOOK PAGE NUMBERS TOPIC OF THE LESSON Continued NUMBER OF HOURS 90, 91 “Pages for the Curious” additional tasks of a creative and exploratory nature: determining the patterns of construction

Pre-school preparation - as one of the important conditions for the formation of prerequisites for teaching literacy and mathematics. The problem of school readiness has been deeply worked out in modern psychological and pedagogical literature.

Games and exercises with sticks by J. Kuizener. Game tasks of colored sticks Colored sticks are a multifunctional mathematical tool that allows you to form a concept "through the hands" of a child


Annotation to the work program on the subject "Mathematics". 1 class. Number of hours: total 132 hours; per week 4 hours. Planning is based on the program "Mathematics" by V.N. Rudnitskaya. Collection of programs

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow "School 575" "I approve" Adopted at a meeting of the methodological (pedagogical) council Head

Municipal budgetary educational institution Vilskaya secondary school Considered At a meeting of the pedagogical council Minutes 1 of 08/21/2017 I approve. Director of MBOU Vilskaya secondary school E.I.

ANNOTATION TO THE ADDITIONAL EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM "STEP-STEP" for children from 3 to 8 years Justification of the need to develop and implement the proposed program in the educational process Modified

Intellectual; Emotional; Social; Psychophysiological. Changed 6 teeth. The development of small muscles of the hand: the child confidently owns scissors and a pencil. Spatial orientation, coordination

State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 43 of the combined type of the Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg ACCEPTED by the Pedagogical Council of the state budgetary preschool

SEPTEMBER Thematic planning of educational activities for the formation of elementary mathematical representations 1st year of study (children 5-6 years old) Month Week arr. activities 1 1 2 2 Topic,

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school 21" Classes Teacher: WORKING PROGRAM in mathematics 1 B, 1C, 1G Zheltikova Lidia Petrovna, Golyashchenkova Gulnara Ravkhatovna, Antipova

GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION REGULATION No. 2506-r of December 24, 2013 MOSCOW 1. Approve the attached Concept for the Development of Mathematical Education in the Russian Federation. 2. Ministry of Education and Science

Berezovsky Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution "Kindergarten 35" Teremok "combined type" Workshop "Modern pedagogical technologies." Topic: Game pedagogical

Mathematics is a complex science that can cause certain difficulties. In addition, not all children have inclinations and have a mathematical mindset, therefore, in preparation for

PERSONAL, META-SUBJECT AND SUBJECT RESULTS OF MASTERING A PARTICULAR SUBJECT Personal results: A sense of pride in one's Motherland, the Russian people and the history of Russia; Awareness of the role of

SPEECH DEVELOPMENT IN KINDERGARTEN Instruments for the implementation of the Program of speech development in preschool age SPEECH:PLUS. Corresponds to GEF DO Program and didactic kit (PDK) for children from 3 to 7 years old

The program includes all elements of the content of modern mathematics, presented at the elementary level and necessary for further mathematical education. The program is .



Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational

institution "Kindergarten No. 2 "Bee", Asino, Tomsk region

Master Class

"Introduction to the program" Mate:plus "Mathematics in kindergarten"

Prepared by: teacher of the first

Qualification category

Karpova L.V.


Dear Colleagues, today I would like to present you the Mate:Plus™. Mathematics in Kindergarten.

The software and didactic complex "Mate: Plus" Mathematics in kindergarten, developed in conjunction with the main educational program "Inspiration".

This program meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education and provides the necessary continuity between the levels of education.

Novelty and originality

The program includes all elements of the content of modern mathematics, presented at the elementary level and necessary for further mathematical education. The program isa unique product that integrates various aspects of mathematics education.

The program is based on the data of modern scientific research in the field of child development psychology, is based on the best domestic pedagogical experience and is built on modern scientific principles and theories. The program allows you to form a system of early mathematical education, reflects approaches to the modernization of mathematical education.

Mate Plus™. Mathematics in Kindergarten is a mathematical complex of a new generation for the development of mathematical thinking in children from 4 to 7 years old.
"Mate:plus" is:
-individual approach to each child;
-performance and a sense of success in children with different abilities;
-obtaining basic mathematical experience necessary for further education at school according to new programs;
- development of mathematical representations in the game and projects;
-games and tasks of varying complexity, including for gifted children;
- clear recommendations, instructions and materials for adults.

Mate:plus™ system. Mathematics in Kindergarten" covers everything
necessary for preschoolers mathematical content. She will help
to form ideas about space and form, magnitudes and measurements,
set, numbers, mathematical operations and much more. Children will
experiment with basic geometric shapes; playing with cubes
and mirrors, creating patterns, will explore patterns and symmetry.
In exciting games, they will master the number series and learn how to match numbers.
and quantity, will get the first idea about the probability, will write numbers ...
Thanks to boring and sometimes unexpected tasks, preschoolers will discover
that mathematics is all around us. It is especially important that children
mastered everything new with pleasure and in their favorite form - first of all
in Game.

Let's take a look at the contents of the kit:

The kit offerscards for the teacherin which specific instructions are given with all the materials of the kit. The front side of the card provides information about games and tasks with the specified material in the form of a table, which reflects the name of the game or task, a link to the corresponding card for children, the form of work, sections in the form of a color circle and topics that are being worked out.

The tasks on the back of the card are given instructions for their implementation and additional materials are listed.

Included is

Math notebooks. Here, children can relatively independently complete tasks or, under the guidance of a teacher, draw, write, and solve problems.

Icon, ask the teacher,tells the child that the task needs an explanation from the teacher. For which you need to turn to an adult. The child will understand most of the tasks right away. many of them give hints.

Distinctive feature of the program:

The program is divided into five sections. Each section of mathematics has its own color code, which is used in the printed materials of the kit: on cards for teachers and cards for children, in mathematical notebooks for children and tables of observations. This helps the teacher to quickly determine which abilities a particular task is aimed at developing. At the same time, you should pay attention to the fact that many tasks belong simultaneously to several sections of mathematics, in which case they are marked in several colors.


1. Space and form(green color)

2. Structures, patterns, patterns(purple)

3. Quantities and measurements(Red color)

4. Data, frequency, probability(blue)

5. Sets, numbers, operations(yellow)

Included iscards for independent activities of children. On the card is an instruction-illustration for the game. Looking at the picture, the child remembers games, comes up with new options for working with materials, thereby approaching the task creatively.

Math notebooks. Here, children can relatively independently complete tasks or, under the guidance of a teacher, draw, write, and solve problems. In notebooks and on cards for children, in the upper corner there are symbols that tell the child: that he should ask the teacher to explain the task; assistance or supervision is required from the teacher; the letter "m" means that the task can be completed many times. This will allow you to track its progress in development; mirror - means that we are talking about a mirror image of an object or picture.


The set includes 10 sets of cards for numerous games and tasks. Each set has its own symbol, which is indicated on the back (shirt) of the card for children.


Card holders are designed so that the child can put the cards in front of him, this allows him to keep the card in front of his eyes during the game, while it is not visible to the other players.

Story playing fields. (4 fields)

Many discoveries can be made on them: to find parts of the whole, to compare objects by size and quantity, to master spatial concepts.

Playing field. (2 fields)

Designed for games by the rules, which require the ability to count and calculate your moves.

1. Bears.

The set includes figures of bears in three colors and three sizes. Bear figurines are used for educational games in sections: compare and sort; copy layouts; for the development of spatial concepts. You can arrange bears under dictation, according to a sample card, a mirror arrangement.

In the "Sets of the number of operations" section, the figures are used for recalculation, comparison of the number: more, less.(I suggest you play a little. Everyone has bears in a bag. Your task is to find by touch and pull out two bears of the same size .; Game options, cards

K5, K13 - look at the card for a few seconds and then arrange the bears from memory.)

2. Wooden scoreboard. (dice blue and red)

The wooden scoreboard, marked with 20 cells, forms in children the first idea of ​​​​the composition of the number. The scoreboard contains cubes colored in blue and red, which allows you to clearly see that when the colors of the cubes change, the total number remains unchanged.

3. Cubes for construction. (wood cubes)

Building blocks are designed to create three-dimensional figures. A variety of tasks are possible here, which will stimulate the development of spatial imagination in children. You can build a construction under the dictation of a partner or teacher, for example: put a cube behind, on, to the right, to the left of another cube. Build figures according to the model of the “constructions from cubes” card. If, having built the structure, the child made a mistake, then it will be useful for him to go around the structure and examine it from all sides in order to see it from different points of view.(I propose to build a structure under the dictation of a partner or according to a card)

4. Mosaic cubes. (red, yellow)

Contribute to the development of spatial imagination. Tasks are performed on a plane, but at the same time, the child is required to structure the figures depicted on the cards from the cubes. You can build figures according to the model, determine which of the cubes is missing in the unfinished figure, and also invent your own figures.(I suggest playing. Let's take a card for children K 22. We need to lay out a mosaic that mirrors the pattern)

6. Top and cubes.In games with cubes (6-sided and 12-sided) and a top, children get their first ideas about probability. Used to study probability. The sectors of the top circle can be formed, i.e. paint in a variety of ways and the probability that the spinning top will fall on one or another color sector will depend on this. In this way, children develop an understanding of the relationship between the way the sectors of the circle are colored and the probability of which color the top will fall on.(I suggest playing with a top.)

7. Stamps. The set includes color stamps. With their help, children print numbers in direct and reverse order. They are placed on a piece of paper under the dictation of a teacher or peers.


With the help of them, children learn to accurately draw figures. Create a variety of patterns in different sequences.(I propose to create a pattern on a piece of paper, for your imagination)

9. Pouch for tactile games.

Children hide various objects in a bag, and then identify them by touch, without looking into the bag. They look for objects according to given properties, for example: round, with edges, determine the quantity, etc.

10. Chips. (circles blue, red)

Chips allow you to display the quantity. With their help, children perform various actions. Lay out a given amount, for example: put 4 chips in one row, and 3 chips under them, show equivalent amounts, etc.

11. Tubes.

Since children do not yet know how to compare large quantities by counting, they use transparent tubes to compare them in height. Children place a certain number of chips in the tubes and put the tubes side by side, comparing the number of chips. There is a direct comparison, without quantification.(Place a certain number of chips in the tubes and place the tubes side by side. Compare the number of chips, without determining the number.)

12. Box with balls "Shake and Guess"serves to decompose the number and develop an understanding of the part and the whole. A certain number of beads are placed in the box and shaken. How many beads do we see in one section and how many beads in the other?(Shake the box of marbles and count the number of marbles in one section and the other)

13. Safety mirror on a stand.

With which children explore images and objects in terms of symmetry.

14. Colored geometric shapes.

Suitable for various geometric experiments. With their help, you can exercise children in the ability to sort and compare shapes, create large geometric shapes and patterns, compare their areas and get a first idea of ​​\u200b\u200bangles, create paths and, by analogy, continue them further.(Game: lay out a pattern of geometric shapes on your fantasy)

All materials of the program can be used both in direct OD and in everyday life.

Thank you for your attention!

Modern educational technologies”


Technology name

What problems is the technology aimed at solving?

Confirm the relevance and modernity with a thesis from the GEF DO

Technology Benefits

Cons of technology

Health saving technologies

Social and health-improving technology "Healthy preschooler" (author Yu. F. Zmanovsky)


To ensure the comprehensive and harmonious development of the physical qualities of preschoolers, forming the preschooler's vital motor skills and abilities. To improve the system of hardening of the body, using modern effective methods of hardening. Contribute to the creation of conditions in the preschool educational institution and the family that contribute to the preservation of a positive psycho-emotional state in children through the organization of pedagogical general education. To form the physical culture of teachers and parents.

The implementation of the program is predominantly individually differentiated. Easy to use, does not require expensive equipment, does not require a professional level of ped. frames. This technology takes into account climatic and environmental features. Used as a method of positive socialization.

Diagnostics of the physical development of pupils reveals a large percentage of children with a high level of development of physical qualities. But the potential of such children is not always revealed in regular physical education classes as part of the program.

The program of preschool education on the formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle and patriotic education of children of the preparatory group "Be healthy, like Maxim Orlov!" (Author Aristova Yu.V.)

Program Objectives:

Formation of a healthy lifestyle: strengthening health and increasing the functionality of the organism of pupils;

Development in children of physical activity and motivation for physical culture and sports; creation of conditions for the formation of integrative qualities of the child's personality;

Education of skills of own health saving, collective interaction and cooperation in educational and competitive activities;

Raising respect for domestic traditions and socio-cultural values;

Formation of knowledge about the sporting achievements of our country;

Formation of the foundations of citizenship and patriotism.

1) GEF DO focuses on maintaining health, ensuring safety and fostering a healthy lifestyle for the child.

2) article of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Education in the Russian Federation" No. 273-FZ, which states that "organizations engaged in educational activities, in the implementation of educational programs, organize and create conditions for protecting the health of students, for preventing diseases and improving health children, for their physical culture and sports, are promoted and taught the skills of a healthy lifestyle.” (Chapter 4, Article 41)

The program has been prepared taking into account the integration of various educational areas, is a system of work with children, and provides for the variability of its use, the introduction of changes and additions in accordance with the priorities in working with children of a particular preschool educational organization.

The program is provided with a didactic educational and methodical set.

The uniqueness of the Program lies in the creation of creative conditions for the harmonious development of the personality through the use in the educational process of an exclusive author's approach to the presentation of educational material and the creation of integrative schemes for presenting it to children (various forms of oral presentation, visualization, gaming activities, etc.).

Many of the parents took a detached position in relation to the work of the kindergarten, carried out in this direction;

Diagnostics of the physical development of pupils reveals a large percentage of children with a high level of development of physical qualities. But the potential of such children is not always revealed in regular physical education classes as part of the program.

Technologies of mathematical education

Technology "Hundred account" (teaching preschoolers mathematics according to the system of N.A. Zaitsev)

The essence of the method is that the child is offered to see all the numbers from 0 to 99 at once, that is, the whole hundred at once. And all this is presented in the form of a harmonious system. The child sees how many tens and units each number makes up, begins to feel the quantity in detail.

GEF implies the development in children in the process of various types of activities of attention, perception, memory, thinking, imagination, as well as abilities for mental activity, the ability to simply compare, analyze, generalize, and establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships. Of great importance in the mental education of children is the development of elementary mathematical concepts.

The most important is the development of cognitive interest and mathematical thinking of preschoolers, the ability to reason, argue, prove the correctness of the actions performed. It is mathematics that sharpens the child's mind, develops the flexibility of thinking, teaches logic, forms memory, attention, imagination, speech.

Features of "Hundred Account": maximum visibility, logical construction, allowing even the youngest children to master the simplest algorithms and perform mathematical operations with one and two-digit numbers.

Education is conducted with a huge lead without coercion, contributes to the overall intellectual development of the child,

forms a mathematical style of thinking, which is characterized by clarity, brevity, dissection, accuracy, the ability to use symbols.

Due to the specifics of this program, based on the use of schematic images, Zaitsev's technique requires additional, very painstaking work with various objects.

Mate technology: a plus. Mathematics in preschool education Fedosova E.I.

Mastering elementary mathematical concepts in the game and projects.

Provides the math experience needed for later learning for preschoolers.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the main goals of the mathematical development of preschool children are:

Development of logical and mathematical ideas about the mathematical properties and relationships of objects;

Development of sensory, subject-effective ways of knowing mathematical properties and relationships: examination, comparison, grouping, ordering, splitting);

Mastering by children of experimental and research methods of cognition of mathematical content (experimentation, modeling, transformation);

Development in children of logical ways of knowing mathematical properties and relationships (analysis, abstraction, negation, comparison, classification);

The development of intellectual and creative manifestations of children: resourcefulness, ingenuity, guesswork, ingenuity, the desire to find non-standard solutions;

Development of accurate, reasoned and evidence-based speech, enrichment of the child's vocabulary;

Development of initiative and activity of children.

A large selection of games and their options, which opens up the teacher

opportunities for a differentiated approach, and in addition,

encourages both the child and the teacher to invent their own games.

The construction of the material according to the principle "from simple to complex", which

suggests a developing and motivating effect. A carefully designed system of gaming, working and

diagnostic materials, providing the most complete

coverage of mathematical phenomena and concepts.

Encourages children to persistent and concentrated actions, develops creativity and imagination, teaches to compare and classify, stimulates the development of thinking and memory.

Preschool teachers do not usually have a special mathematical education.

Design as a technology

LEGO technology

With the help of Lego technology, the tasks of developing speech, mental abilities, spatial representations, socialization, the formation of independence and initiative are solved.

The use of LEGO technology in the system of additional education in preschool educational institutions is relevant in the light of the new federal state requirements for the preschool education program:

the principle of integration of educational areas is traced: designing is located in the educational area "Cognition" and is integrated with the educational areas "Communication", "Labor", "Socialization", "Reading fiction", "Artistic creativity", "Safety";

the LEGO constructor is used both in the joint activities of an adult and children, and in the independent activities of children, not only within the framework of GCD, but also during leisure activities, holidays, in project activities;

The basis of the educational process using LEGO technology is the game - the leading type of children's activity.

The constructor is universal. Huge assortment. The designer is designed for almost all ages. Lego comes in different difficulty levels. Gives parents the opportunity to participate in joint meetings with children at organized leisure activities. It is one of the methods of preparing children for school. Promotes the development of fine motor skills, develops the ability to work with a partner, contributes to the comprehensive development of the child.

Lots of constructor fakeslegoon store shelves. High cost compared to other designers.


Main tasks: formation:

Cognitive - research skills and abilities.

The first prerequisites for educational activity.

Desire to achieve results.

The relevance of Lego technology and robotics is significant in the light of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, since:

It is an effective tool for the intellectual development of preschoolers, ensuring the integration of educational areas (cognition, communication, work, socialization);

Allows the teacher to combine education, upbringing and development of preschoolers in the game mode (learn and learn in the game);

Forms cognitive activity, promotes the education of a socially active personality, forms communication and co-creation skills;

Combines play with research and experimentation, gives the child the opportunity to experiment and create their own world where there are no boundaries.

Promotes the development of fine motor skills, develops the ability to work in a team, develops design skills and elementary engineering ideas, forms project presentation skills.

In addition, the use of educational robotics allows the child to alternate between practical and mental activities.

Weakly implemented in the educational process. Implementation of the technology requires:

    material and technical base.

    Trained teachers are required.

Design Technology


Encourage joint search activities, experimentation; ensuring the psychological well-being and health of children;

development of cognitive abilities;

development of creative imagination;

development of creative thinking;

development of communication skills.

The use of the project method makes it possible to significantly increase the independent creative activity of children, the ability of children to independently, in various ways, find information about an object or phenomenon of interest and use this knowledge to create new objects of reality. The main thesis of the Federal State Educational Standard before the modern understanding of the project method, which attracts many educational systems, is the understanding by children why they need the knowledge they receive, where and how they will use it in their lives.

Children participating in project activities: show creative activity in the knowledge of the world around them;

independent in making decisions;

consciously apply sensory sensations in solving practical problems;

they are aware of themselves as an understanding subject (what is known, what is not, how can one find out); are able to discuss a joint plan of action in the children's team;

perceive the world of nature not only from a utilitarian point of view, but also realize its uniqueness, beauty, universality.

Educators using the project method in their activities:

show the ability for independent creative planning of the entire educational process;

have the ability to be flexible in planning, taking into account the interests and needs of children;

carry out search pedagogical activity;

realize their creative skills (in visual, literary, musical activities).

Even an unsuccessful project contributes to the development of professionalism.

Parents involved in the project activities of a preschool institution:

establish close contact not only with their child, but also with the team of parents and children of the group;

get the opportunity not only to learn about what the child is doing in kindergarten, but also to take an active part in the life of the group;

can exercise their creativity.

The lack of the necessary life experience does not allow the preschooler to fully demonstrate independence in choosing a problem and ways to solve it. Therefore, an active role belongs to an adult.

At the beginning of the project activity, psychological communication problems are observed.

The problem of subjective evaluation.

A preschooler often finds himself in a stressful situation.

Technology - Preschool Portfolio


Create a situation for the student to experience success;

Maintain the child's interest in a particular type of activity;

Encourage his activity and independence;

To form the skills of educational activities;

To promote the individualization of preschool education;

To lay additional prerequisites and opportunities for its successful socialization;

Strengthen interaction with the pupil's family, increase the interest of parents (legal representatives) in the results of the child's development and joint pedagogical activities with the preschool educational institution.

In accordance with clause 1.4 of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, one of the principles of preschool education is "building educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education, becomes the subject of education."

The Federal State Educational Standard pays great attention to the individualization of preschool education. To ensure the formation of the personality of the child and to reveal his individual characteristics to the educator, the technology of "portfolio of a preschooler" helps.

The use of this technology enables the teacher to better understand the child and develop an individual route for his development. Given the information contained in the portfolio of a preschooler, it can be defined as a tool for a comprehensive assessment of the level of development of individual qualities, capabilities and abilities of a child, as a way of analyzing individual achievements to build a further "trajectory of development" (L. I. Adamenko).

Thus, the purpose of creating a children's portfolio is to collect, systematize and record the results of the development of a preschooler, his efforts, progress and achievements in various fields, demonstrating the entire spectrum of his abilities, interests, inclinations.

When making a portfolio, the child takes an active part in the choice of means and forms. It is important to consider that adults are only helpers. The value of a portfolio is not in the correctness, but in the individuality of the content. A preschooler's portfolio can be both a form of effective evaluation of a child's creative achievements and a way to develop his abilities. The process of creating a portfolio is a kind of pedagogical technology. At the age of 6-7 years, the child himself can collect a portfolio, the main principle of technology is voluntariness, lack of formalism. Portfolio forms independence, creativity, success.

1) When collecting documents, creative works, when designing a portfolio, parents and educators often include certain materials without taking into account the opinion of the child himself, relying only on their preferences.

2) Specialists of preschool institutions came to the conclusion that it makes no sense to carry out such a project (portfolio) without the participation of parents. For a child, this is overwhelming work, at least in kindergarten.

3) They collect documents only with seals (letters, certificates, certificates, diplomas, etc.)

ICT technologies

Didactic tasks: Individualization of learning, increased motivation, visibility, accessibility, practicality, activation of the learning process, the possibility of self-determination and goal setting, the flexibility of the learning process and mobility.

The use of ICT is one of the priorities of education. According to the new requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the introduction of innovative technologies is intended, first of all, to improve the quality of education, increase the motivation of children to acquire new knowledge, and accelerate the process of mastering knowledge. One of the innovative areas is computer and multimedia technologies. The use of information and communication technologies in preschool education is becoming more and more relevant, as it allows using multimedia, in the most accessible and attractive, game form, to develop the logical thinking of children, to strengthen the creative component of the educational process.

The use of computer technology helps:

Involve passive children in active activities;

Make GCD more visual, intense;

Activate cognitive interest;

Activate thought processes (analysis, synthesis, etc.);

To implement personality-oriented, differentiated approaches in educational activities.

The Internet helps to work with different sources of information - electronic libraries, various databases, file storage, the ability to create your own multimedia resources, the visibility of the material, accessibility, practicality, the use of information technology (webinar, conference, e-mail, cable television, electronic resources, test programs)

It is necessary to constantly improve in the field of computer technology. Unfortunately, this is often not enough time. The possibilities of using ICT are determined by the software that is installed on the computer (the programs may be outdated).

An unstable child's psyche can lead to students getting used to the computer, which affects their health, unfiltered information can cause psychological harm to the child.

AMO technology

AIO are used to increase the motivation of students, cognitive activity, to form the ability to work in a team, communication skills.

In the implementation of the goals of improving the level of skill in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, active methods lie.

The legal basis for improving the level of skills of teachers in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Distance Education at the present stage are:

Law of the Russian Federation "On Education";

- "The concept of preschool education" V.V. Davydov, V.A. Petrovsky;

Methodical manual “Educational technologies of new standards. AMO technology. Lazarev T.V. Part 1 - Petrozavodsk, 2012

AMOs allow students to form the qualities necessary for successful self-realization. Stimulate the growth of independence and responsibility of preschoolers for learning outcomes; Ensure that children acquire not only knowledge, but also vital skills and qualities; AMOs foster a respectful attitude of all participants in the educational process to each other. Methods can be applied both at a separate stage of training, and at all stages.

Some experts have no idea about this method.

Preschool children cannot cope with their emotions, therefore, in the classroom, quite acceptable working noise is created when discussing problems.

Methods are best introduced gradually, fostering a culture of discussion and collaboration among students.