Presentation "Formation of phonemic hearing".

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Compiled by: speech therapist Sosnovskikh V.V., MKDOU Baikalovsky kindergarten No. 6 "Ryabinushka"

What parent does not dream of their child quickly and successfully learning to read and write, without any problems studying at school? But if a child has impaired or insufficiently developed phonemic hearing, this can interfere with mastering the processes of reading and writing. That is, a child may make mistakes when reading and writing (dyslexia and dysgraphia). 04/18/17

Dysgraphia is a specific writing disorder that manifests itself in numerous typical persistent errors and is due to the lack of formation of higher mental functions involved in the process of mastering writing skills. 04/18/17

Dyslexia is a partial specific violation of the reading process, due to the lack of formation (violation) of higher mental functions and manifested in repetitive errors of a persistent nature. 04/18/17

Causes of incorrect pronunciation of speech sounds, i.e. the child writes words the way he pronounces them, reflects his defective pronunciation in writing; violation of differentiation, recognition of close speech sounds; difficulties in dividing sentences into words, words into syllables, sounds. 04/18/17

If the child does not pronounce correctly, then ... 18.04.17 Substitution R-L, S-Sh, F-Z a - goat birch - squirrel ska - porridge rain - until the end of the pup - lamb notebook - black chick - mittens - sleeves u b u blik - p u p lik (p u b lik, b u p lik)

If differentiation, recognition of close speech sounds is impaired, then... ; Z-Zh, etc.), affricates and components (Ch-Sch; Ch-Th; C-T; C-S, etc.). It also manifests itself in the incorrect designation of the softness of consonants in a letter: “letter”, “loves”, “hurts”, etc.

If there are difficulties in dividing sentences into words, words into syllables, sounds, then... 04/18/17 This is the most common form of dysgraphia in children suffering from writing disorders. The following errors are most typical for her: omissions of letters and syllables; permutation of letters and (or) syllables; omission of words; writing extra letters in a word (it happens when a child, speaking while writing, "sings a sound" for a very long time; repetition of letters and (or) syllables; contamination - syllables of different words in one word; continuous spelling of prepositions, separate spelling of prefixes ("tabletop") "," stepped on ").

Replacing and mixing sounds when reading, most often phonetically close sounds (voiced and deaf, affricates and the sounds that make up them), as well as replacing graphically similar letters (x-zh, p-n, z-a, etc.) . Letter-by-letter reading - a violation of the merging of sounds into syllables and words, the letters are called alternately, "stacked". Distortion of the sound-syllabic structure of a word, which manifests itself in omissions of consonants in the case of confluence, consonants and vowels in the absence of confluence, additions, permutations of sounds, omissions, permutations of syllables. Violation of reading comprehension, which manifests itself at the level of understanding of a single word, sentence and text, when there is no technical disorder in the process of reading. Agrammatisms in reading. They manifest themselves at the analytical-synthetic and synthetic stages of mastering the reading skill. Violations of case endings, noun and adjective agreement, verb endings, etc. are noted. Often observed in the anamnesis of a violation of sound pronunciation. Poor vocabulary, inaccurate use of words. In mild cases, this is detected only at the stage of mastering the skill of reading.

What is "rumour"? This is the ability of a person with the help of ears to perceive sounds and navigate them in the environment. Hearing is nonverbal and verbal. Non-speech hearing is the perception of natural, domestic and musical noises. 04/18/17

Speech hearing is hearing for speech sounds, that is, the discrimination of speech sounds. It is the basis for understanding the meaning of what has been said. With the unformed speech (phonemic) hearing, the child perceives (remembers, repeats, writes) not what he was told, but what he heard - something exactly, but something very approximately. For example, "needle" turns into "darkness", "forest" into "fox", "Mishina's porridge" into "mice by car", etc. 04/18/17

The development of speech, including the ability to clearly pronounce sounds and distinguish them, to master the articulatory apparatus, to correctly build a sentence, is one of the main tasks in preparing a child for school. Correct speech is one of the indicators of a child’s readiness to study at school, the key to successful mastering of literacy and reading: written speech is formed on the basis of oral speech, and children suffering from underdevelopment of phonemic hearing are potential dysgraphics and dyslexics (children with writing and reading disorders). Overcoming the underdevelopment of phonemic hearing is achieved through purposeful, painstaking work to correct the sound side of speech and develop phonemic hearing. 04/18/17

Games The game "Be careful!" The task is to develop the ability to hear a given sound among a number of sounds, syllables, words. If you hear a given sound, raise your hand (clap your hands). Game "Find a word with a given sound" or Game "Name the pictures" The task is to develop the ability to hear a given sound among a number of words. Name and show the objects in the name of which there is a sound [sh]. 3. The game "Think of a name" The task is to learn to select words for a given sound. Think of a name for a boy (girl) for a given sound. For example: [n] - Nastya, Nadia, Natasha: [c] - Vanya, Valera, Vasya, Valya. 4. The game "Name the first sound in a word" The task is to learn to highlight the first sound in a word. Name the objects in the pictures and highlight only the first sound in the word. For example: cat - [k], bank - [b].

5. The game "Name the last sound in the word" The task is to learn to highlight the last sound in the word. Name the objects shown in the pictures, highlighting the last sounds in the words. For example: house - [m], oak - [p] 6. The game "Guess the word" The task is to learn to compose words according to the first sounds of the objects shown in the pictures. Guess the word by the first sounds of the objects shown in the pictures. For example: swan, needle, table, watermelon (fox). 7. The game "Ddbavlyalki" The task is to learn to form words by adding a given sound to the beginning or end of a word. Adding the given sound to the beginning (end) of the word, name the resulting words. For example: sound [w]: ... uba (fur coat), ... apka (hat), ... ar (ball); we ... (mouse), but ... (knife), du „(shower). 04/18/17

8. The game "Determine the place of sound in a word" The task is to develop the ability to determine the place of sound in a word (beginning, end, middle). Determine where the given sound "lives" in the word: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word. For example: the sound [w] in the words: mouse (at the end), hat (at the beginning), car (in the middle). 9. The game "Slap the words" The task is to learn to divide words into syllables. Clap the words and name the number of syllables in the word. 10. The game "Call the word" The task is to learn to identify the stressed vowel in the word and highlight it with your voice. 04/18/17

Many games for the development of phonemic processes are of a combined nature, which is expressed not only in the enrichment of the dictionary, but also in the activation of higher mental functions (memory, attention, thinking, motor skills). I bring to your attention games that allow you to teach your child to listen to the sounds of speech in an interesting way.

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"Presentation of "Games for the development of phonemic hearing.""

What is phonemic awareness? Phonemic hearing - the main component of speech perception - is understood as the ability of a person to hear individual phonemes, or sounds in a word. In children, the formation of phonemic hearing occurs with the perception of the oral speech of others and, at the same time, with their own pronunciation of words in accordance with the perceived patterns, with the help of which various signs of phonemes are distinguished and generalized. When teaching the Russian language, the task is to write a word perceived by ear in letters. For this, it is necessary that preschoolers be able to master the methods of analyzing the sound structure of a word, which make it possible to establish the number, sequence of sounds in a word and their phonemic characteristics, and the ability to reflect the sound structure of a word in a graphic model. To solve this problem, it is necessary to teach children to perceive the phonemic qualities of sound. Many games for the development of phonemic processes are of a combined nature, which is expressed not only in the enrichment of the dictionary, but also in the activation of higher mental functions (memory, attention, thinking, motor skills). I bring to your attention games that allow you to teach your child to listen to the sounds of speech in an interesting way.

SHA NA SA TA PA SHA MA TA SHA I will pronounce the syllables, and you clap your hands when you hear the syllable [ShA]

I will pronounce the words, and you clap your hands once when you hear a word with the sound [Ш], and twice when you hear it with the sound [S].

Know the Sound Listen to the text and say what sound is most often found in it.

Know the Sound

Listen to the text and say what sound is most often found in it.

Here is a mouse. The mouse has mice. The mouse is noisy.

Determine the presence or absence of a sound in a word ___ L ___ ___ L ___

Determine the position of sound in words




« Finish the word"



Compare words. The adult gives the child a set of pictures and offers to arrange them in pairs. How are they similar and how are they different.

What is phonemic awareness? Under phonemic hearing, the main component of speech perception, is understood as the ability of a person to hear individual phonemes, or sounds in a word. In children, the formation of phonemic hearing occurs with the perception of the oral speech of others and, at the same time, with their own pronunciation of words in accordance with the perceived patterns, with the help of which various signs of phonemes are distinguished and generalized.

Stages of formation of phonemic hearing!. Recognition and differentiation of non-speech sounds 2. Difference in pitch, strength, timbre, voice, based on the same sounds 3. Distinguishing words with similar sound composition of syllables, phonemes 4. Development of sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis skills

Phonemic hearing includes speech operations: 1. The ability to hear a given sound in a word; 2. The ability to distinguish words that include the same phonemes located in different sequences; 3. The ability to distinguish words that sound close but have different meanings.

Games for the development of phonemic hearing.
Prepared by a speech pathologist
Dedlovskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna
MOU progymnasium "Skazka" Michurinsk

What is phonemic awareness? Phonemic hearing - the main component of speech perception - is understood as the ability of a person to

What is phonemic awareness? Under phonemic hearing - basic
component of speech perception - is understood as a person's ability to hear
individual phonemes, or sounds in a word. In children, the formation of phonemic
hearing occurs with the perception of the oral speech of others and, at the same time, with
their own pronounce words in accordance with perceived patterns, with
with the help of which various signs of phonemes are distinguished and generalized.
When teaching the Russian language, the task is to write in letters what is perceived in
word hearing. To do this, it is necessary that preschoolers be able to master the methods
analysis of the sound structure of the word, allowing you to set the number,
the sequence of sounds in a word and their phonemic characteristics and skill
reflect the sound structure of the word in a graphic model. To solve this problem
children need to be taught to perceive the phonemic qualities of sound.
Many games for the development of phonemic processes have a combined
character, which is expressed not only in the enrichment of the dictionary, but also in the activation of higher
mental functions (memory, attention, thinking, motor skills). I offer your
attention of the game, allowing in an interesting way to teach the child to listen to
speech sounds.

SHA NA SA TA PA SHA MA TA SHA I will say the syllables, and you clap your hands when you hear the syllable [SHA]

I'll say the words and you clap your hands once when
you hear a word with the sound [Ш], and twice when you hear with
sound [S].

What sound is heard in all words.

fourth extra

Show me where the scythe is, and where is the goat, cat-whale, varnish-cancer, rat-roof)

Show me where the scythe is, and where is the goat, cat-whale, varnish-cancer, rat-roof)

Recognize the sound Listen to the text and say which sound is most often found in it.

Know the Sound
find out
Listen to the text and say which sound is most often
Listen to text
and name which
German sound most often
found in it.
Here is a mouse. The mouse has mice. The mouse is noisy.

Development of phonemic hearing

Prepared by:

N.N. Bulganina,

teacher speech therapist

OGBOU "Mosolov boarding school"

Presentation plan:

  • What is phonemic awareness and how does it affect the development of speech?
  • How does phonemic hearing develop normally and how to identify its violation in a child?
  • What exercises can speech therapists use to

develop phonemic awareness?

Phonemic awareness -

subtle systematized hearing, which has the ability to carry out the operations of distinguishing and recognizing phonemes that make up the sound shell of a word.

Phonemic perception -

the ability to determine the sequence and number of sounds in a word.

which are influenced

phonemic awareness:

  • General speech development of the child: mastering the grammatical structure, vocabulary, articulation and diction.
  • Development of spelling skills.
  • Reading mastery.
  • Mastering the operations of sound analysis and


which are influenced

phonemic awareness:

5. Mastering the operations of sound analysis and


6. The success of teaching literacy.

Errors that occur

due to lack of formation

phonemic hearing

  • Mixing sounds:
  • voiced - deaf ( b lakala - crying);
  • whistling - hissing (cha shea - clock);
  • hard - soft (berries and - berries);
  • sonorous (t l and three);
  • affricates ( h veta - flowers).

Errors that occur

due to lack of formation

phonemic hearing.

2. Rearranging and turning on individual sounds

(our in ki - headphones, zero zha - puddle).

Z. Skipping vowels and consonants, skipping sounds when several consonants collide

( day - day, between - between, letochka - martin).

Errors that occur

due to lack of formation

phonemic hearing

4. Skipping syllables, unstressed parts of a word, extra syllables

( throws - sweep, be quiet us on - silence).

5. Replacing sounds

( t abacus - dog, id Yu t - going).

6. Missing words

( mouse - mouse).

Errors that occur

due to lack of formation

phonemic hearing

7. Notation of softness with b

( cornflowers - cornflowers).

8. Errors when reading:

  • omission of letters, syllables, prepositions;
  • replacement and rearrangement of letters, syllables;
  • "Stuck" on any letter, syllable, word;

Errors that occur

due to lack of formation

phonemic hearing

8. Errors when reading:

  • underreading the endings of words;
  • distortion of words;
  • adding extra letters, syllables and even words;
  • word guessing.

Level 1 -

recognition of nonverbal

  • Game "Guess what it sounded like?"
  • Game "Wonderful bag"
  • Tapping palms on the table
  • Clapping hands

Level 2 -

discrimination of speech sounds

timbre, power and pitch

  • Game "Meow", "Mu"
  • Quiet-loud game

Level 3 -

distinguishing similar-sounding

  • Play "Listen and choose"

  • Game "True or False"

megemot - begebot - digimot - hippopotamus - gibidot.

Level 4 -

syllable discrimination

  • Count how many syllables the teacher said:
  • direct: ma - ko - that - ry;
  • reverse: am - or - iv - mustache;
  • with consonants: one hundred - one hundred - one hundred - one hundred.
  • Cube games.
  • Inventing a syllable for the scheme: SG, GS, GHS,


  • Definition of an extra syllable: la - ma - ma - ma,


Level 5 -

sound discrimination

  • Onomatopoeia.

Mosquito rings: z - z - z

The beetle buzzes: well - well - well

2. The game "Catch the sound."

Clap your hands if you hear a sound...

  • sound row;
  • syllables;
  • the words.

Level 6 -

mastering the skills of analysis

and synthesis

The level of vowels in a strong position.

  • Onomatopoeia

The patient shows the throat to the doctor: a - a - a.

Howling wolf: y - y - y.

  • Determine the first sound in words:

donkey, duck, Anya.

3. Find in the split alphabet the letter corresponding to the first sound of the word.

  • Find words that start with a stressed vowel: a oh u .
  • Match the letter to the picture

the first sound of a word.

Level 6 -

mastering the skills of analysis

and synthesis

The first stage is the selection of the first and last sound from the word

The level of consonants.

  • Pick up the names of flowers, animals, birds, dishes, etc. that begin with a given sound.
  • Select only those subject pictures whose names begin with a given sound.
  • Change the first sound in a word to make a new word. Guest - bone, card - desk

Level 6 -

mastering the skills of analysis

and synthesis

Determining the place of sound in a word:

  • stressed vowel;
  • consonant sound.

Level 6 -

mastering the skills of analysis

and synthesis

The second stage is the consolidation of the skill of phonemic analysis and synthesis.

Determining the place of sound in a word

  • Find words in which the given sound will be at the beginning (middle, end) of the word.
  • Name animals, vegetables, toys, etc. with a given place of sound in a word.
  • Benefit "Strip"

Level 6 -

mastering the skills of analysis

and synthesis

The third stage is the formation of the action of phonemic analysis in the mental plane.


  • the number of sounds
  • sequences of sounds;
  • places of sounds.

  • Find words where the given sound would be in the first, second, third places.

To from, oh to but, with to

  • Pick up words with a certain number of sounds.
  • Converting words by adding sound:
  • at the beginning: mouth - mole, fur - laughter ;
  • at the end: side - boxing, ox - wolf.
  • Changing sounds: saw - linden, carp - park
  • The word is a riddle to….
  • Determine the number of sounds in the name of the objects in the picture and raise the corresponding number.
  • Determine the next and previous sounds in the name of the subject in the pictures.

  • Developing phonemic awareness


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