You can’t just get there: a dangerous place, where there are a lot of mutants and anomalies. Spores of bacteria "Kano"

Over the past year, experts from research centers have carefully studied all parts of Moscow, which, for one reason or another, were assigned the status of anomalous zones.

A large part of these zones turned out to be unremarkable, and all the stories associated with them were just a figment of the imagination or a newspaper "duck".

However, some nevertheless confirmed their sinister title, forcing experts to compile a list of the ten most dangerous anomalous zones in Moscow for the purpose of warning.

Polyanka metro station

(Zamoskvoretskaya line of the Moscow metro)

The station, opened in 1986, holds many secrets. The seemingly unremarkable platform affects the psychological state of a person. Passengers, without realizing it, make appointments not in the center of the hall, as is customary, but outside, because people cannot stay at this station for a long time: someone starts to feel dizzy, someone loses consciousness, someone he just feels uncomfortable. The reason for this is that Polyanka, like Pushkinskaya and Lubyanka, was built on the site of cemeteries and destroyed churches.

On the site of cemeteries, underground rooms serve as a natural concentrator of negative energy, any person at the subconscious level feels that this place has a destructive effect on him and tries to leave it.
Experts advise staying at the station as little as possible to avoid negative health effects.

Bitsevsky forest park

This infamous place in the South-West of Moscow, where the Bitsevsky maniac once operated, is literally dotted with various places of negative concentration. Experts found several ponds there, exuding a harmful effect, and a Slavic temple located at the “place of power”. Such places cause the activation of dominant character traits in people, bringing their manifestations to a maximum. A cowardly person will feel a panic fear, a creative person will experience a surge of ideas, and a violent person will have an overwhelming desire to do a bad deed.

Leningrad highway

Along the entire length of the highway, you can meet people dressed in strange clothes, as if they were beggars from another era. One of these people can approach a motorist, knock on his window, and then say: “Good man, forgive me!” - after which the stranger simply walks away. If you look away from him, for example, when you try to get out of the car in order to catch up with him and ask him, then you will not see him again. Experts are sure that these are restless souls who are looking for repose.

These are the ghosts of convicts who were driven to the construction of St. Petersburg, as well as robbers who hunted in these areas. A restless soul is a clot of energy in the biofield of the Earth, which hangs in zones of increased tension at the moment of sudden death. A large concentration of the Earth's biofield holds restless souls and allows them to exist for an infinitely long time, preserving a part of the consciousness and personality of a person.

It remains unclear why they chose Leningradka for this, but they strongly recommend not to be frightened and to grant them the desired forgiveness by any words.

Basurman crypts

st. Hospital Val, st. m. "Baumanskaya»

Back in 1771, Muscovites had to expand the churchyards, because the cemeteries were overcrowded and there was nowhere to bury. At that time, more than 6 new cemeteries were created.

One of these is located on the high bank of the Sinichka River, where the burials of Gentiles were carried out. Here, far from their native lands, lie German musketeers, French hatters, Polish bollards. In such places of burial, at the intersection of magnetic fluxes, the concentration of the Earth's biofield is maximum. In clots of the biofield of crypts, all information about a person and his life programs are kept and stored. During periods of maximum increase in the concentration of the biofield, these programs become perceptible for the subtle perception of human consciousness.

They say that on spring evenings, at dusk, from the dark cemetery park comes the inconsolable melody of a flute. In the rain, an invisible musician cries with notes until dawn to the sound of iron shackles from the grave of doctor Fyodor Haaz.

Radio field in Khoroshevo-Mnevniki

The place itself is gloomy: an old radio tower, an abandoned bunker, and even an entire pet graveyard. On top of that, this zone cannot be found on any map. It is not surprising that this place was chosen by Satanists and other fans to tickle their nerves. Perhaps, it was the fact that the radio field began to attract the attention of such a non-standard contingent for a certain time, and endowed this place with notoriety.

After examining this territory, experts noted the destructive energy imprints - the consequences of gloomy rituals, moreover, probably inept ones. But these traces overlapped each other every year, until the entire zone became a kind of energy minefield. If you linger in this place for more than two hours, you can irreversibly spoil your entire immune system. Experts have assigned special importance to the radio field, and by the end of this year they will try to reduce or completely remove the energy "mess" that is currently happening there.

Kuntsevo settlement

The Kuntsevo settlement is located on the top of one of the coastal hills near the Krylatsky bridge. Despite the fact that the busy Rublevskoye Highway passes nearby and the urban development rests on coastal groves, an ancient settlement is hidden in the deep thickets of the Filevsko-Kuntsevsky Park. Not even every employee of the forestry can accurately indicate its location.

The information space here forms a multi-layered slice of history. The most energetically powerful picture is the original state of this place, as a place of power. Therefore, this place was chosen by the ancient Slavs for the construction of the Temple. This Slavic-pagan Temple was located next to several graveyards, the Valleys of the Ancestors. Rites and commemorations of Divine services were held here in honor of the Great Ancestors.

Later, an Orthodox church was erected here, which did not stand for a long time, and in the 20th century local residents dismantled the tombstones from the later cemetery for the construction of the foundations of their houses.

At the present time, the energy of the Kuntsevsky settlement has a heterogeneous structure, it consists of biological clots that, in the form of a web, stretch over the entire settlement and create a necrotic nebula. Therefore, a long stay in this place de-energizes the energy of a person.

Khovrinsk hospital

The construction of the Khovrinsky hospital began in 1981 on the site of the old cemetery. This is a huge multi-level 10-storey building. The basement floors are currently flooded... but the main building and the clinic are connected by an underground tunnel. Above him is a constant fog, which even a strong lantern cannot dispel. This hospital has a lot of graffiti, swastikas, satanic signs, suicide inscriptions.

The stoppage of construction was caused by project flaws - the building is slowly sinking underground.
Experts explain that in the 1990s, a ritual circle for animal and human sacrifices was opened in a deaf basement. Here, for a long time, similar masses were held with intoxicating narcotic substances. The walls of the hospital are literally saturated with these energy-informational fluids. All the curious who enter this room experience an overwhelming sense of anxiety and danger.

The Satanists' apartments were located in an underground tunnel between the main and ophthalmological buildings. There Satanists gathered and even many lived. During the storming of the tunnel, armed detachments surrounded the sectarians, the sectarians resisted and surrendered. Over time, the tunnel flooded and at the moment the entrances to it are completely underground.

Arbat, 14

The house was destroyed by a bomb during the war. Its history is interesting to this day, like the history of the Arbat old-timer-house with a six-columned portico. In the past, he was often photographed for postcards. The artist M. Germashez in 1914 painted a popular urban landscape called "Arbat", depicting this house in the center of his picture.

Since the end of the 18th century, this house was owned by the princes Shakhovsky, and from the middle of the 19th century by the Obolenskys. After the death of the prince, passers-by and cab drivers tried to stay on the opposite side of the street in the evenings, it was believed that “dashing” people appeared there secretly from the police, killed and robbed, and the souls of the restless could be seen as ghosts near the house. In those days, it was called the "haunted house", bypassing at night...

Experts say that it was a one-story empire building with a large basement and a backyard. One of the noble princes of this house, within its walls, committed suicide. After that, the house was empty for a long time and was unclaimed, after that no one could get along in it, all family dramas ended in death. And at the moment, the energy of this place retains an extremely negative charge, it attracts negative situations like a magnet.


In the former village of Dyakovo, near the Church of John the Baptist, there is a large ravine called Golosov. This ravine is considered a mystical and anomalous place. In the depths of the ravine, weighing several tons each, there are two huge stones - “Devius” and “Gus”. Moreover, the bulk of these boulders are in the ground. Small peaks come to the surface. One of the stones lies at the bottom of the ravine, the other - on its high slope. This place is included in the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve, from past times to the present day this place is considered negative and no one dares to build anything here.

Portals to another dimension were recorded in the documents of the police department of the Moscow province of the 19th century for the period 1825-1917, where cases of mysterious disappearances of people among the inhabitants of nearby villages were repeatedly noted, traces of which led to the Golosov ravine.

So, two peasants from the village of Sadovniki suddenly disappeared without a trace in 1810, and suddenly they just as suddenly appeared in 1831 ... corridor. They went along this corridor, on the way they met unusually tall people overgrown with wool, who indicated to them with signs that they should return, but the peasants decided to move only forward ... and when they arrived at their village, they were surprised why their wives and children had grown old by 20 years!

At the insistence of the investigators, an experiment was conducted in the ravine, during which one of the peasants again disappeared into the fog and never returned. Another, seeing this, became depressed and subsequently committed suicide.

The Voice Gully is primarily a place where the earth's crust is broken. Powerful electromagnetic radiations come out through this fault, many times exceeding the natural background of the Earth. Its geographical position, namely from west to east, crosses the natural current along the meridians of the Earth's magnetic field.

Two boulder stones are a kind of antennas with powerful positive energy. Electromagnetic radiation near boulders is even stronger, they carry a positive charge. It is these ancient living beings, having the frequency of the original creation, that are able to maintain the integrity of human energy. The vibrations of the stone give the right tuning to the body, activating its hidden reserves.

Despite all the stories, Muscovites are very fond of walking in the Kolomenskoye and the Voice ravine. And although fog still appears in the ravine, in recent years people here have been more focused on healing - touching the stone with their hands, they receive a kind of electromagnetic physiotherapy session, which activates the human biofield and relieves many ailments.

Moose Island

In the Losinny Ostrov National Park, a kilometer from the end of the Paper Clearing, park workers recorded a strange place. This place on the map is indicated by a triangle, it is avoided by both birds and animals.

The Losinoostrovsky Triangle is an anomalous "scorched glade" on which scorched and stunted grass grows. One side of this place around the clearing is a diagonal reflection of the other side - identical trees, shrubs, grass grow here.

According to the stories of park employees, this is a zone where people disappear and another “anomalous thing” is happening. Local police officers know this place especially well, mainly due to the number of corpses with traces of violent death.

By evening, a dense gray fog constantly descends on the clearing, covering it like a mystical cap. Once in it, you can walk in circles for hours until the fog subsides.

Experts found a break in the cortex at this place, which creates an intersection of force lines, due to which a negative background of tension is formed, which causes a depressing state in all living beings, and in people prone to aggression, dominant states intensify, bringing their state to the manifestation of an irresistible desire to do bad things. case.

In addition, well-charged mobile phones in this place quickly consume the entire charge - literally in 15 minutes, and this also indicates a powerful torsion field of a negative charge.

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Despite the fact that we live in the 21st century, no one on the planet can claim that the world around us has been fully explored. We have achieved a lot, learned a lot, and invented a lot, but dark spots that are not subject to our consciousness still remain. Many of the mysteries of the past were able to reach us, which is truly incredible!

This is confirmed by the numerous anomalous zones that scientists and archaeologists find from year to year. A lot of time and effort was thrown into studying them, but no one could show the world an explanation for any mystical place.

And since the unknown attracted people at all times, we decided to tell you about ten unusual, mystical and mysterious places that are in our country - Russia.

In the Rzhev region, there is another mysterious and anomalous place, which is called the "damned stream". This small stream flows through a gloomy coniferous forest. Here, even on a clear sunny day, it is very dark and damp. All visitors to this area for no reason have a feeling of anxiety and fear. However, something else is interesting. The fact is that with the onset of darkness, you can observe a mirage near the stream - the silhouettes of soldiers who fill their flasks with water from the stream. And if you rewind a few years ago - before the times of World War II, this place was the location of the Soviet positions, which were under enemy mortar fire. Not being able to get out of the enemy's encirclement, the tired and hungry soldiers were able to survive only thanks to the flowing stream, which did not allow them to die of thirst.

The tract Shushmor (Ushmor). Moscow region

This anomalous zone is one of the oldest and most terrible zones in the Moscow region. For more than a hundred years, people have been disappearing there in an unknown way. The vegetation in these places is also surprising - huge ferns, the size of an adult, there are square trunks of birches, pines two girths thick ... Nearby, there are no settlements at all, guards are advised not to even approach these places. After studying this territory, experts concluded that the influence of this zone on people is similar to the Bermuda Triangle. You can often see fireballs here, and thunderstorms happen here much more often than in other places.
There have been many attempts to explain the disappearance of people and the phenomena in Shushmore, but there are no unambiguous conclusions yet.

Between the Arkhangelsk region and Karelia is the Solovetsky archipelago, consisting of several islands. The main feature and attraction of the Solovetsky Islands are the mysterious constructions left by the people of the Stone Age. These structures are labyrinths or babylons, made of stones laid in a long row (mainly boulders) resembling a spiral in configuration. Labyrinths have one entrance, which is also an exit. In the center of the labyrinths there is a cluster of stones in the form of a small hill. The significance of these structures is still a mystery to archaeologists, however, the main assumption is the hypothesis of local historian N.N. Vinogradov that there were ancient burial places where the souls of the dead live, which, according to local beliefs, have the ability to enter the world of the living and cause them various harm. The essence of these buildings is to ensure a safe transition to another world of the souls of the dead, as well as to get confused and could not get out to living people thanks to confusing paths and ridges of stones.

Ukok Plateau. Mountain Altai

This place in Altai is considered absolutely unique. This plateau is located at the junction of the borders of four countries: Russia, China, Kazakhstan and Mongolia. This plateau is located at an altitude of 2000-2600 m, it is surrounded by the snowy peaks of the Southern Altai and the South Chuisky ridge.
This Altai Tibet is one of the most amazing places in Russia. The ancient land keeps a huge number of mysteries and hundreds of legends. Local residents have long considered Ukok “the end of the inhabited world”, because this end of the world lies in front of the very vault of heaven, but a mere mortal cannot see this land, only powerful spirits can do it.
The plateau has been inhabited since the Paleolithic, this is confirmed by archaeological finds that date back to the 8th - 3rd centuries BC. There is a version that aliens flew here. At the end of the 20th century, the “Altai Princess” was found here, and although the girl belonged to the middle class, she became an object of religious worship. The mummy was perfectly preserved due to low temperatures. All the hardships that stretched after this event, the inhabitants of Altai associate with the violation of the peace of Ak-Kadyn.
The picture that you will see near the plateau is a lifeless, endless, gloomy surface of sand and rubble, wind and dust storms. And the secrets that this land keeps are inexhaustible.

Medveditskaya ridge. Volgograd region

This place is located on the border of two regions and is a chain of old hilly mountains, their height varies from 200 to 380 meters. This place has long been shrouded in many legends and mysteries, and they are not based on simple inventions of local residents. A very interesting fact is that not far from one of the villages a burial ground was dug up, in which the skeletons of huge people were found, whose height exceeded 2.5 meters, on the other bank of the Medveditsa River, another burial of people was found, but their average height was 50-60 cm! This area is also famous for its increased UFO activity. The locals claim that these space guests fly to them almost every week, and in support of their words they show unusual footprints on the grass and on the ground. These traces are completely different shapes - triangular, octagonal, round. Later, grass or shrubs still grow in these places, local residents have repeatedly tried to plow these traces and continue to use these lands for their intended purpose, but, alas, they did not succeed. When tractors approached these areas, their engines always stalled, and therefore it turned out to be more profitable to leave these traces of space aliens alone than constantly repairing engines.
And there is also a slope of furious lightning and it is famous for ball lightning, which appear with enviable regularity, and in any weather. The “reasonable” behavior of these fireballs seems amazing and incredible - they move along the same route, can “stop” in the air, and unite in groups. These lightnings burn or disfigure trees, so the entire slope is covered with thin, mangled trees. And during the study, scientists received amazing results - many trees were burned from the inside, as if lightning struck them from under the ground.
This place is fraught with many secrets that have not yet been solved and may not be solved soon.

Even in the middle of the XIX century it was known about this mysterious land. Studying the basins of the rivers Chona, Vilyui, Olekma, naturalist R.K. Maak heard from the local population a mysterious story about strange huge cauldrons buried in the ground. Even in the legend, it was mentioned how these strange objects ended up on earth - first there was fire, then darkness, and only then everyone saw huge rounded objects. Even then, some of these boilers were underground and only a “small” edge was visible on the surface. At first, everyone thought that these boilers were made of copper, but over the course of several decades there were many attempts to break off a piece of this metal, but this was not possible, even just scratching the surface of the boiler did not work, although different tools were used for this.
Modern researchers have found only reservoirs that have a suspiciously regular round shape, and many more identical bare hills with a sharp top. Upon closer examination, they turned out to be large cubic blocks, about a meter high. Flying around the stone mountains, the researchers were surprised by their shape, it was a regular rounded shape, and one of the hills could be safely called a pyramid with regular clear “shelves”.
Near these cauldrons there is always very stormy vegetation, even the grass there is taller than human height, the dogs begin to fearfully look around with their tails between their legs, some objects appear to people moving across the sky. People who were near the boilers later develop health problems, and these problems cannot be treated. There are many versions about the origin of these boilers from an unknown metal, but all of them have not yet been confirmed.

Prayer Triangle. Perm region

It is considered the first anomalous zone on the territory of the USSR. This triangle on the territory of our country carries no less mysteries and secrets than the famous Bermuda Triangle. Here, various kinds of UFOs are often observed, luminous bodies, most often these are balls, a change in the passage of time is often observed, objects can hover above the ground, and then fall again, people hear different sounds - squeaks, groans, body temperature may rise, dizziness and headaches. In this triangle there are zones with "their own" anomalous phenomena, and each of them has its own name. "Witch's Rings" will make a very strong impression on anyone, because here huge, strong trees are uprooted and neatly stacked. And in the photo taken in this place, balls with white spots appear. Near the "Black River" time changes its course. On the "Vyselki" many people see mysterious creatures or incomprehensible visions, and those who spent the night here are then haunted by nightmares for a long time. A lot of the inexplicable can be seen or felt here, and although many are trying to give a scientific explanation for the events taking place here, the anomalous phenomena of the Moleb Triangle cannot be ignored!

Kholat-Syahyl (Kholatchakhl). Sverdlovsk region

This mountain is located on the border of the Sverdlovsk region and the Komi Republic, next to it there is another mountain, but it has no name, but between them there is a pass, which is known throughout the country as the Dyatlov Pass.
Translated from the Mansi language, the name translates as Mountain of the Dead, although many locals say that this is the Mountain of the Nine Dead. There are many legends, but they all agree on one thing, if you go to this mountain with nine people, then all participants in the campaign will face inevitable death. According to local belief, this mountain is considered sacred, only shamans can go there (and even then, not all), the Mansi themselves bypass this place and do not advise others. Kholatchakhl is located far from large settlements, so not all tragic cases have become known and reflected in the documents. The first case of death on the mountain of the dead became known in the 30s of the last century, then the body of a female geologist was found. Her tongue was torn out, her eyes gouged out and a grimace of horror froze on her face. The next known fact was the death of fugitives, there were nine of them. However, no one began to investigate the death of the fugitives, a version that satisfies everyone was invented.
Then the well-known tragic incident with a group of young climbers led by Igor Dyatlov. All members of the expedition died, there were also nine of them. The bodies of all the guys were mutilated, and most importantly, horror froze on everyone's faces. There are many versions of what happened, but none of them explains the whole set of facts. After this tragedy, another group of nine people died on Kholat-Syahyl, people who were on this mountain, but not in groups, disappeared. Many bodies have not been found, and those who have found the cause of death have not been able to find out.
Surely, there were many more such cases in this place. The mountain of the dead keeps many terrible secrets that have never been revealed, but all these secrets attract tourists, but before deciding to hike this mountain, remember the words of an ancient legend: “Do not disturb the sacred place of the dead.”

Black field. Krasnoyarsk region

This anomalous zone is located in the Angara taiga of the Kezhemsky district. This dead place was formed (according to the stories of old-timers) almost a hundred years ago. Eyewitnesses observed a huge hole in the ground, which blazed with unbearable heat, and black smoke poured out of it. When this place burned out, a large black bald spot appeared on the ground with anomalous properties. Animals that wandered into this terrible clearing either died, or jumped out of the “ashes” mad with fear, but soon they died anyway.
The round bald spot that appeared began to negatively affect all life in the area, even the birds flying over this area died, people approaching this dead place began to experience an overwhelming terrible fear, the trees surrounding the Devil’s cemetery leaned towards the center with their burnt trunks. Over time, the Devil's Glade was covered with the bones of dead animals, and was a terrible sight - a black ashes with bleached bones, because even in winter it was never covered with snow. From the moment they appeared near and on the Devil's Glade itself, several dozen people died or disappeared without a trace, entire expeditions that tried to unravel the mystery of this diabolical place disappeared. This place attracts many researchers, but, alas, the causes of strange and terrible anomalies have not yet been found.

Vottovaara. Karelia

This mountain in Karelia is notorious among the local population - old people begin to be baptized only about one mention of this place, women and children are not allowed there, they are forbidden to talk loudly near the mountain, and they are not advised to go there out of curiosity. And those who still get on Vottovaara see an ominous landscape in front of them, which resembles old fairy tales about Baba Yaga and Koshchei the Immortal. Around the trees, which are incredibly twisted and deformed, “tied” into bizarre knots, and this clearly could not have happened due to the fault of the wind or frost, stones are piled up all around, violating all the laws of physics, and there are neither birds nor animals. Creepy…
Why are local residents afraid of the mountain? After all, Death Mountain is located five kilometers from Vottovaar. This name appeared during the Great Patriotic War, in July-August 1942, a partisan brigade, consisting of about 650 people, died here, and already in the post-war years, the workers of the timber industry began to find the remains of partisans. And one of the search engines came across an amazing and creepy place. The area of ​​this terrible place is about six square kilometers. Stones are scattered throughout the territory, covered with brown moss, reminiscent of blood stains, trees, in unthinkable creepy poses, you can see century-old pines, but their height is ... only a meter! There are many seids everywhere - single stones that lie on smaller stones in an unknown way. There are several versions about the appearance of seids: an earthquake, the sinking of glaciers, the creation of human hands, but none of them has been proven. There is a kind of amphitheater here, of the correct round shape, and a staircase to the sky ... It has thirteen steps, but immediately after the last step there is a cliff. Lakes, somewhat strange in appearance, they either have almost no water, or they look more like swamps. Clocks can go faster or slower, strange bright glows appear, water boils at an abnormal temperature. People feel a sudden anxiety, the pulse quickens, fear and oppression appear, and someone, on the contrary, feels a surge of strength and energy. This is one of the favorite places of psychics, magicians and sorcerers.

Shafts of the "Tsar-tank" (polygon of the largest tank);
- the remains of a tank test site in the forest near Orudyev in the Dmitrovsky district in the north of the Moscow region, where the legendary giant "Tsar Tank" (Lebedenko's Machine) was tested. Although this mastodon looked very remotely like a tank, it is still rightfully the largest tank in the world. Outwardly, the armored vehicle looked like a giant gun carriage, the tail frame of which rested on a relatively small (human height) guide bogie. The armament of the "Tsar-tank" (this name was given to the car by Lebedenko himself) consisted of 2 guns and several machine guns. Each of the two large running wheels had to rotate its Maybach engine with a power of 240 hp. (These engines were able to be removed undamaged from a wrecked German Zeppelin). Construction began after an audience with Emperor Nicholas II, B. Stechkin, A. Mikulin were engaged in designing, Zhukovsky himself was involved in calculating the strength of unique wheels with tangential spokes.

- a village and a state farm of the same name in the south-west of the Moscow region, next to which there is an anomalous zone known to Russian readers of anomalous periodicals. Comprehensive studies of this place have not been carried out.

Settlement Trinity (Mozhaisk district);
- the remains of a fortified settlement (houses, workshops, tools, ceramics) of the Dyakovo culture of the 4th-3rd centuries BC. - 5th - early 6th centuries AD, found near the village of Troitskoye, Mozhaysky district, Moscow region.

Death Valley (Bear Lakes);
(Valdai) - a possible anomalous zone in a deserted area in the Valdai district of the Novgorod region. As local old-timers say, "everything disappears near a certain stump," it is for this terrible feature that the area was nicknamed the "valley of death." Serafin Shishkin told Cosmopoisk about this mysterious place in 2000, but the exact location of this strange "stump" has not yet been clarified. That is why it is too early to draw a conclusion about the possible reliability of the described rumors.

"Death Road" (entrance to Lytkarino);
- the local name for an abnormally dangerous forest road at the entrance from Ryazan to Lytkarino, Moscow Region. The number of wreaths, crosses, remnants of broken cars and traces of car accidents on this generally flat stretch of asphalt shocks even seasoned racing drivers. In 2003, the head of the Moscow region, Gromov, even promised to "put an end" to this dangerous section and make the road safer; however, the anxious Lytkarians fear that defeating the invisible cause will not be easy. There is still no explanation for this phenomenon.

Zakharovo (near Golitsino);
- a village near Golitsino in the west of the Moscow region, 2 km from which there is an anomalous zone known among Moscow ufologists in the forest.

Mounds Zvyagino-Pirogovskie;
- an archeological monument, an ancient Russian barrow group, originally consisting of 47 Slavic burials dating back to the 11-13 centuries AD, located near the village of Pirogovo, Mytishchi district, Moscow region. The mounds are located on the conditional border of the settlement of 2 Slavic tribes of the Krivichi and Vyatichi in the interfluve of the Ucha and Klyazma rivers.
* * * Directions to the Zvyagino-Pirogovskiye mounds: 1) From Moscow by train in the Yaroslavl direction to the Klyazma platform, from the platform on foot or by bus to Zvyagino, then on foot through the forest to the west-south-west in the direction of Pirogovsky. Preferably with a guide. 2) From Moscow by bus 314 from Medvedkovo metro station or by buses 22, 23, 314 from Mytishchi bus station to the stop "Factory Proletarian Victory" in Pirogovsky. The mounds are located northeast of Pirogovsky, between Pirogovsky and Zvyagino. Any excavations on the archaeological site are prohibited!

New Life;
- an anomalous zone in the Chekhov district in the south of the Moscow region, one of the first zones in the USSR and a well-known UFO landing site. In this zone, geologist Yevgeny Fedorovich TISHIN made amazing finds, which were repeatedly written about by the press. Together with his wife, Lyudmila Inokentievna, he repeatedly observed various AEs, for example, at the end of May 1980, he was alleged to have seen a UFO landing. Later, Silence discovered strange metal plaques at the bottom of an old mine on the banks of the Lopasnya River, showed all the artifacts found to specialists, however, they turned out to be a product of metallurgy. In 1999, an analysis of other paleoartifacts also gave a negative answer - all (or almost all) are pure products of Russian industry about a century old.
In 1995-98, researchers S. Ermakov, T. Faminskaya, F. Eldemurov held annual children's ecological and ethnographic camps in a small forest near Novyi Byt. The guys were trained in life and work in the field and conducted natural science research, according to the results of the research, the teenagers prepared and read several reports on the study of this zone at the Siegel Readings in Moscow ... In 1995, Tatyana Valeryevna FAMINSKAYA described 3 cases of spontaneous teleportation in this area (in two cases, Faminskaya was alone, once - teleportation was a pair). The described cases occurred on a small clearing in the local forest.
On May 22-23, 1999 and January 19-21, 2000, Kosmopoisk carried out comprehensive research in this area. Several clear circular formations were found in the forest, among other things, round holes 3-4 cm in diameter, up to 30 cm deep, without extraneous traces in the snow, were found in the field at the edge. The holes, most likely of thermal origin, were located in a clear equilateral triangle with sides of 140 cm. Instrumental measurements revealed only minor deviations from the background values.
In general, due to the expansion of nearby construction, the activity of this anomalous zone is likely to decline. In the summer of 2000, construction began on one of the last glades, which were considered anomalous.
* * * Directions to the anomalous zone Novy Byt: From Moscow (metro station "Tsaritsino") by train to Chekhov, from the station square by bus "Novy Byt" to the stop "Green Town", then walk along the highway to the south and after the bridge turn into the forest to the left, or to the stop "Novy Byt" and then walk into the forest to the west for about 2 km (previously to the forest clearing, now - to the dacha street). Ogudnevo;
- a small village in the north-east of the Moscow region, located near the so-called Protasovskaya anomalous zone. It was here, between the villages of Protasovo (see), Ogudnevo and Dushonovo (see), that the known contact took place on April 30, 1990. Later, in 1998, at a low altitude above Ogudnevo, a glow of an unknown nature was observed at night, the origin of which was never revealed. In 2002, in Ogudnevo, they talked for a long time about another kind of "anomaly" - some local scoundrel who had gone mad had poisoned all the wells.
Groups of ufologists under the leadership of G. Korneev and O. Tkachenko were engaged in research of this place, then - together with them - the Kosmopoisk group. Color photographs and slides taken at this location showed strange colored spots flying across the sky, while this anomaly did not appear on black and white films. Subsequently, the spots on some color films disappeared without a trace. Consultations with chemists and Kodak specialists did not clarify the secret of the phenomenon. In October 1998, Kosmopoisk managed to capture a spherical UFO near Ogudnevo with a video camera.
* * * Directions to Ogudnevo: From the Moscow metro station "Shchelkovskoye", by regular bus from the bus station. Drive northeast for about 1 hour.

Lake Smerdyachee (Meteoritic Lake);
(1st Meteoritic Lake) - an ancient meteorite crater filled with water, the closest to Moscow, located 140 km east of the capital in the Shatursky district. The lake of perfectly round shape with a characteristic shaft was considered for a long time to be "strange", sharply protruding from the surrounding water bodies. Local residents who swam in Smerdyach were surprised at the great depth (they said it was over 40 meters), but only in the 1980s did someone think of contacting the Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry with a proposal to explore the strange area.
In October 2002, the rocks around the lake were found to contain impact-molten material from local sedimentary rocks. According to calculations, the crater of the future lake was probably formed about 10 thousand years ago from a meteorite hitting the ground with a mass of 11-13 thousand tons and a diameter of 14-20 meters. The energy of the explosion was 250 kilotons, which is 10 times more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima ["MK" 2002, October 11, p.1].
Since 2002, Kosmopoisk specialists have become interested in the lake, several raids and reconnaissances have been carried out in this area. It is possible that this unique crater lake will be given the status of a historical monument.
* * * Directions to Smerdyachey (1st Meteoritic) Lake: From Moscow by car or train (from the Vykhino platform) to Shatura or Cherustei; then by car or bus to Roshal; walk for about an hour through the forest. Peredelkino anomaly ("false anomalous zone");
quite a lot has been written and told about her, so I won’t mention it here

Cave Volodarskaya (Volodary, Kurya);
(Volodary, Kurya) - a system of caves near Moscow several kilometers long on the right bank of the Pakhra River. They are located about 16 km from the more famous Syansky caves on the Pakhra river, near the village of Volodarsky and Kontantinovo. Compared to other caves near Moscow, Volodar (Kurya) have relatively low ceilings in the drifts and a rather weak "supply" of water from the vodokap.
The most interesting to visit are the grottoes of Red Square, the Wheel, in the grotto of the Whale, a 2-meter oval image resembling a whale (hence the name) surprisingly appeared on the wall, right there on the wall there are samples of "creativity of sculptors-systemists of the end of the 2nd millennium". Other existing grottoes are less impressive: Ninel, Malaya Zemlya, Museum, Soldier, Deanery, Death, Behemoth, Kelia, Alice, Golden Autumn, Varyag... The left part of the system was surveyed and mapped weaker.
* * * Directions to the Volodarsky Caves: From the Moscow metro Domodedovskaya by bus N 527 to the final stop in Volodarsky settlement; from the bus stop go down (southeast) to the Pakhra River, cross the bridge, go up the road to the right upwards (southwest); then walk along the field along the river bank, first to the east, then go around the ledge of the forest at the narrowing of the field, walk about 100 meters further to the right (to the northeast) and go down into the ravine. You can find the cave after asking the locals (although no one lives directly near the entrance). The equipped entrance is located 25 meters from the shore, it can be easily seen by the circles of car tires that reinforce the walls of the entrance. Be sure to be with a guide in the caves! Observe all precautions, when entering and exiting the cave, be sure to check in your visit log! Not far from the cave, near the village of Zhukovo, there is a pioneer camp, so in the summer it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that in no case should you accidentally or intentionally show the way to the cave to children or teenagers!

Cave Kiselevskaya (Kiselevskaya system, Kiseli);
- one of the most famous quarries near Moscow on the banks of the Pakhra in the Moscow region, actively used by cavers. Including in it, Kosmopoisk repeatedly conducted experiments on orientation in complete darkness.
* * * Directions to the Kiselevskaya Cave: From the Syanskaya Cave (see "Syana's Cave") go to the other side of the Pakhra River and walk a few hundred meters along the shore to the east (along the river). The entrance to the cave, fortified with concrete rings, is located under the fence of the "new Russian" mansion.

Cave of Nikita;
- a system of caves near Moscow, about 7 km long, on the right bank of the Rozhayka River, a tributary of the Pakhra. They are located about 8 km south-southwest of the Syansky caves on the Pakhra river, near Domodedovo airport, right under the houses of local residents and summer residents. Compared to other caves near Moscow, Nikita is rather dirty, the entrance down from time to time is clogged with mud, however, speleologists periodically dig out the entrances.
In the 1990s, Kosmopoisk conducted experiments on time perception and magnetic orientation in this cave several times.
* * * Directions to the caves in Nikitskoye: By train from the Moscow Paveletsky railway station (or from metro station "Varshavskaya" or metro station "Nagatinskaya" to Domodedovskaya station; then by bus N 21 to the village of Nikitskoye or on foot, first to the west, then to the south only 6 km past the state farm Konstantinovo and the village of Avdotyino, then from the bus stop on foot to the north for 10 minutes, cross the bridge, along the river go along the right bank upstream for 5 minutes to 2 springs, then climb up 30 m to the main entrance. are located along the river to the right and left, tens and hundreds of meters from the main entrance, you can find them by asking local residents or methodically examining the holes near the paths leading up from the river.

Syana Cave;
Jubilee Cave;
Caves near Moscow;
Sertyakinskaya zone (possible teleportation place);
- a possible anomalous zone in the Podolsk region south of Moscow, where AEs were noted several times. Local residents say that cases of short-term disappearances of people were repeatedly noted in this place, including - twice the disappearances allegedly occurred with the same person (after the second time he no longer appeared in the village.
In 1999, Professor Boris Ustinovich RODIONOV told a story that happened to his colleague, Gleb M., an employee of MEPhI. In the winter of 1978/79, Gleb was skiing on fresh snow through a forest near Moscow, well known to him, outside the city of Klimovsk. And he decided to amuse the skiers following him: he “hit” a birch, then lifted one leg with a ski, circled it around the tree and gently lowered it on the other side of the birch, continuing the trail - those walking behind had the idea that the skier “missed” the birch “between the legs ". Driving a little further after the birch trick, our joker saw that he was not where he should have been. Then the skier made a circle of a couple of kilometers, went out on his "old" track, walked along it to the birch "missed between the legs" and not far behind it saw that his ski track ... breaks off! This led the man into such confusion that he hurried home to the dacha. And since then, it has been diligently bypassing this "damned place"... In February 2001, "Kosmopoisk" found out from Gleb M. and local residents the exact location of the zone, its study is scheduled for the next expedition seasons.
* * * Directions to the Sertyakinskaya zone: From Moscow along the Simferopol highway to the place or along the Kursk direction by train to the station Grivno (Klimovsk); then walk west about 3 km to Sertyakino and 1 km south to the edge of the forest.

- an energy-active zone in the Mozhaisk district in the west of the Moscow region. Since ancient times, this place has been known as "clean" (contemporaries claim that Pushkarka is the most ecologically unaffected), people's rumor spreads stories about the miraculous properties of water from the Seven Springs around the area. There are many stories about UFOs appearing here and strange lights in the sky. So, in mid-September 2000, a member of "Kosmopoisk" A. Naumov and I. Budanova with comrades saw here a spherical luminous unidentified object with rays emanating downward from it. A comprehensive study of this zone has not yet been carried out.
* * * Directions to Pushkarka: 1) By car west of Moscow 135 km along the Mozhaisk highway. 2) By train to the Mozhaisk platform, then not by the Mozhaisk-Vereya bus, go for about half an hour to the Semenkovo ​​stop, then go through the village through and deep into the forest.
The research of Pushkarka can be combined with the research of the nearby anomalous zone under Vereya.

- an anomalous zone in the Sergiev Posad district of the Moscow region, where auditory mirages are observed. The collection of information about this zone was carried out by ufologist Alexei Borisovich LIPKIN, the Rubicon group (Cosmopoisk Association).
One of the eyewitnesses spoke of his impressions when visiting Ryazantsy: “In the 1960s, in the summer, after 10 p.m., I walked with a young man to the village of Kirimovo along the old road from the village of Ryazantsy. I had walked this road repeatedly before this incident. Having walked a little along the path through the forest, I suddenly heard the voices of people, the barking of dogs, laughter, the clatter of buckets and other sounds very close to us. as if the sounds prevented our progress. My companion also heard these sounds. It became very scary. We stopped. We stood for 10-15 minutes, listening to what was happening around, and then returned very quietly and carefully. My parents and other elderly people after they told about another similar case at the same place.I also heard a story about how, passing by this "enchanted" place, people sometimes hear, as if from a tree standing in their way, as if someone or something -then hits with a stick. A person will pass this tree, and the blow is heard on the next tree. There were also cases when a man suddenly appeared in front of a walking person in this place, who also suddenly disappeared. Old-timers associate these mysterious phenomena with the fact that, according to their ancestors, many Tatars died at this place, or a convoy with gypsies died ...

"Chapel" (anomalous place);

edited news faceless killer - 11-10-2011, 20:59

The anomalous zone, having heard this kind of definition in relation to a particular place, immediately comes an association with an extremely dangerous area.

An anomalous zone is traditionally considered a location where, due to exotic physical circumstances, the structural threads of space have undergone distortion.

I am sure that almost all urban residents at least once went to rest in nature. Some prefer sea travel, climbers prefer rock climbing, but there are those who love incredible mysteries, wanting to visit places with unusual characteristics.

In various parts of our planet, there are places of damn strange incidents, and no one in the world is able to explain the twists and turns of anomalous phenomena in terms of physics. This article will focus on the mysteries of the five anomalous zones of Russia, where, as it were, the matter of nature has undergone destruction.

Anomaly "Tract Shushmor".

Hidden in the near Klyazyam forests is a place where there is an insanely ancient and terribly ugly tree, with which the curse of the region is associated. No one has ever seen here, so there was no one to warn people to stay away from the "reserved" places of mystical power.

From the beginning of the nineteenth century, residential buildings slowly began to appear on the ominous site. At first, everything went well and nothing foreshadowed trouble, when suddenly people began to disappear imperceptibly. These were paradoxical disappearances that turned out to be impossible to understand and explain with logic - people disappeared without a trace!

The anomalous zone acquired the name "Tract Shushmor". The nightmare went on and on, dragging the lives of people into the maelstrom of the unknown. Several eyewitnesses who happened said with horror: people suddenly simply disappeared into the air, they literally dissolved in the morning mist! Mysterious disappearances of people stopped around the beginning of the 1920s.

Of course, construction stopped, which is understandable - people were frightened by the illogicality of what was happening. Residents are still wary of passing through wild territory. The ridiculous tree has ceased to disturb the population, but they say that with its awkward branches it connects two neighboring spaces. One of the space-realities is ours, the second - but nothing is known about the other, because none of the missing ones returned.

The mystery of Lake Pleshcheeva.

In the center of vast Russia lies the unparalleled magical place "Pleshcheyevo Lake", known for its original fogs: passing through the fog, a person strangely finds himself three days away from the place where he was a second ago.

The place is really with devilry, because it is clearly here. At the same time, the involuntary traveler observes unusual pictures that defy any explanation.

They try to bypass the mysterious lake by long-distance roads, so as not to wake famously while it is quiet. Serious researchers, bringing scientific equipment here, found it difficult to explain what was happening in the anomalous zone.

Crossroads of the Medvedetskaya ridge.

There is in our country the so-called Medvedetskaya ridge. In appearance, these are completely ordinary low hills, without any pretense of exoticism and hidden secrets. However, extremely bad things happen in these places.

For example, two roads intersect near this place, where almost every day motorists crash into each other for some unknown reason, people die in road accidents.

The causes of accidents are similar to insanity - everyone's brakes failed, in rare cases something else failed in the car. The people gave the place an eloquent name - Terrible Crossroads of Fate!

Another anomalous zone is hiding near a terrible intersection, where fireballs appear. In different weather, they "play" in a small reserve, collide and leave burnt areas behind. Scientists do not know how and why so many fireballs form in one small area. This terrible place was called the "Devil's Lair".

Beware, "Mountain of the Dead", height "1079".

There is a hill in Russia, which, as knowledgeable people say, has taken many human lives. An ominous place located in the Northern Urals people called the "Mountain of the Dead"!

In February of the distant 1959, in general, a team of tourists headed by Igor Dyatlov went to visit an ordinary mountain. For a long time there were no messages from the group. They found the missing a year after the release, while the bodies of the guys ... looked terrifying.

The remains of the bodies were scattered in different places of the tract, many had terrible wounds, everyone had an expression distorted by fear on their faces.

The commission, a long study of the circumstances of the case - could find out only one thing: the young people ran out of the tent and ran in different directions, obviously from something terrible.
They are still trying to figure out the mystery of what happened, although the locals are trying not to meddle in the terrible Mountain of the Dead, in other words, the Dyatlov Pass.

Mount Vottovaara - Death mountain.

In the northern part of Russia (Karelia) you can visit the unusual places of Mount Vottovaara. Behind the name, strange for hearing, the second name from people "Death mountain" is hidden. On the low mountain of Vottovaara there is an abundance of various stones, as if laid out in a special sequence and carrying some kind of incomprehensible message.

Karelia is the abode of fantasy characters

The sparse and ragged trees give the area a certain charm, as if a door would open right now and I would see the fantasy inhabitants of the mountain. This is one of those rare anomalies where researchers don't see anything supernatural. Just the magnificence of the place attracts a lot of people who are invariably amazed by the fairy tale of an outlandish corner of nature.

In vast Russia there are many mysterious and curious places. In almost all cases, experts find it difficult to explain why and why various anomalies occur there.

On the land of "Death of the Mountain", fortunately, everything is calm, though some time ago ...

It is not known exactly, but it is believed that the unofficial name "Death Mountain" was given to the place for the events of 1942, when the slopes of the mountain were stained with the blood of a partisan brigade defeated by the Finns. One can only guess about the builders of stone structures, of which there are many.
But according to one version, the ancient inhabitants knew about the secret possibilities of Mount Vottovaara, and therefore used the power of the place for religious rites.

On our planet, along with modern, technologically and industrially developed megacities, there are many places created by ancient masters or by nature itself.

Each such attraction has its own legend and, of course, a lot of things are silent. Mysterious places cause a huge number of questions among scientists, confuse with anomalous phenomena and uncertainty.

1. Devil's Tower, USA

The so-called Devil's Tower is actually a natural rock of amazingly regular shape and consists of columns with sharp corners. This is a truly mysterious place, which, according to research, is more than 200 million years old, located in the United States, on the territory of the modern state of Wyoming.

In size, the Devil's Tower is several times larger than the Cheops pyramid and from the outside it resembles a man-made structure. Due to its unrealistic size and unnaturally regular configuration, the rock has become the object of attention of many scientists, and local residents claim that Satan himself built it.

2. Mounds of Cahokia, USA

Cahokia or Cahokia is an abandoned Indian city, the ruins of which are located near Illinois, USA. This place reminds of how ancient civilizations lived, and its complex structure proves that this area was inhabited by a highly developed people 1500 years ago. The ancient city impresses with its scale, on its territory a network of terraces and 30-meter earth mounds, as well as a huge solar calendar, have been preserved.

It is still unknown why almost 40,000 people left their settlement, and which Indian tribes are direct descendants of the Cahokians. Despite this, the mounds of Cahokia are a favorite place for many tourists who come here in the hope of unraveling the mystery of the ancient city.

3. Chavinda, Mexico

This mystical place, according to the beliefs of the natives, is the center of the intersection of the real and otherworldly worlds. That is why incredible things happen here that are difficult to understand for a modern person.

Chavinda is of interest to many treasure hunters, because according to legend, this area hides unprecedented riches. Unfortunately, no one has yet been able to find the treasure. Unfortunate treasure hunters often attribute their failures to otherworldly forces.

4. Newgrange, Ireland

Newgrange is the oldest building on the territory of modern Ireland, it is already about 5 thousand years old. It is believed that this long corridor with a transverse room is a grave, but scientists have not yet been able to determine for whom.

It is still unknown how ancient people were able to build such a perfect structure, which for five millennia was not only lucky enough to survive, retaining its primitive appearance, but also to remain completely waterproof.

5. Pyramids of Yonaguni, Japan

The mysterious underwater pyramids near the western Japanese island of Yonaguni cause a lot of controversy among modern archaeologists and surveyors. The main question is whether the structures are a natural phenomenon, or whether they were created by the hand of an ancient person.

In the course of numerous studies, it was possible to establish that the age of the Yonaguni pyramids is more than 10 thousand years. Therefore, if the Yonaguna monuments created mysterious civilizations unknown to us, then the history of mankind should be rewritten.

Mysterious civilization. Underwater cities of Yonaguni

6. Geoglyphs of Nazca, Peru

The Nazca geoglyphs in Peru are one of the most mysterious places on the planet. They were discovered in the middle of the last century and are still being actively discussed by scientists who cannot unequivocally say what ancient people wanted to express with these giant drawings of animals and for what purpose they were used?

Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to ask the creators, but scientists offer 2 main versions: some, leaning towards the cosmic theory of the origin of geoglyphs, believe that they are landmarks for alien ships, others argue that these are giant lunar calendars. In any case, the Nazca rock paintings are evidence of the existence of an ancient and mysterious civilization on the territory of modern Peru, which lived here long before the famous Incas and was distinguished by a high level of development.

7. Black Bamboo Hollow, China

The hollow of black bamboo or Heizhu is perhaps the most terrible place on Earth. The locals called it the Valley of Death, and for any money they do not even want to come close to it. One memory of the hollow brings great horror to them.

They say that children and pets disappear without a trace here, which has a lot of documentary evidence. Scientists have been interested in the hollow of black bamboo for more than a decade, who managed to prove that the valley in the Chinese province of Sichuan is an anomalous area with a difficult climate and rapidly changing weather conditions, which together provoke subsidence of the soil, which, according to scientists, are the reasons for the disappearance of people .

8. Path of the Giants, Ireland

The Path of the Giants, or the Road of the Giants in Northern Ireland, is an amazing coastal area that was formed many centuries ago as a result of a volcanic eruption. It consists of about 40 thousand basalt columns that look like giant steps.

The natural attraction belongs to the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. This place deserves admiration, so it is visited annually by more than one thousand tourists from all over the world.

9. Goseck circle, Germany

The Goseck Circle is an ancient Neolithic structure in the German district of Burgenlandkreis. The circle was accidentally discovered in the early 90s of the last century while surveying the area from an airplane.

The original appearance of the building was returned only after a complete reconstruction. Scholars have little doubt that the Goseck Circle was used for astronomical observations and calendaring. This proves that our ancestors also studied space bodies, their movement and kept track of time.

10. Moai Monuments on Easter Island

Easter Island is world-famous for its giant Moai statues scattered throughout its territory. Each such megalithic figure is a large monument created by the masters of an ancient civilization in the crater of the local volcano Rano Raraku.

In total, about 1000 remains of such man-made monuments were found on the island. Most have already gone under water.

Today, the vast majority of the statues are again placed on platforms facing the ocean, from where they continue to meet the guests of the island and remind of the former power of the ancient people who inhabited these expanses.

Easter Island - Moai Message

11 Georgia Guidestones, USA

The Georgia Guidestones are 20 tons of polished granite slabs inscribed in eight of the world's most famous languages. The inscriptions are commandments for future generations on how to rebuild civilization after a global cataclysm. The monument was installed in 1979, the customer is listed in the documents under the name Robert C. Christian.

The height of the monumental structure is a little over six meters, and the slabs are oriented towards the four sides of the world and have holes. In one of them you can see the North Star at any time of the year, in the second - the Sun during the solstice and equinox. A few years ago, the monument was vandalized and damaged by paint, which has not yet been removed.

12. Richat (Eye of the Sahara). Mauritania

On the territory of modern Mauritania, the largest desert in the world hides an amazing natural phenomenon of the Proterozoic period, whose name is Richat or the Eye of the Sahara.

This object has an incredibly huge size (up to 50 kilometers in diameter), so it can be seen even from space. The structure has several ellipsoidal rings formed by sedimentary rocks and sandstones about 500 million years ago.

13. "Gate to Hell" - Darvaza crater in Turkmenistan

In the Turkmen desert of the Karakum, there is the gas crater Darvaza, which looks like a gate to hell. This fire pit, about 60 meters in diameter and up to 20 meters deep, is the result of excavations carried out here during the Soviet Union.

During such geological research, a group of scientists discovered an underground cavern with natural gas, which almost led to the death of a huge number of people. Therefore, the management decided to set fire to the gas so that it would not threaten the local residents. But the fire, which was supposed to burn no more than 5 days, is still burning, instilling fear in everyone who comes close to it.

Courageous people are ready to take a selfie at the "Gate of Hell"

14. Arkaim, Russia

Arkaim is an ancient settlement reminiscent of ancient civilizations, which was discovered several decades ago in the vicinity of Chelyabinsk. It is believed that this landmark of Russia is the birthplace of the ancient Aryans, who gave rise to European, Persian and Indian civilizations.

Arkaim is not only a unique architectural monument with a thousand-year history, but also a place of concentration of healing energy flows that can save a person from any disease.

15. Stonehenge, England

English Stonehenge is a real place of pilgrimage for tourists from all over the world. It attracts with its mystery, legends and mystical beginning. Stonehenge is a megalithic structure up to a hundred meters in diameter, which is located on the Salisbury Plain.