A child's journey into the world of boundless joy (collection). Sarah

Esther and Jerry Hicks

Sara (book 1)

(teachings of Abraham)

Feathered friends are forever



Here is an inspiring and inspiring book about a child's spiritual journey into a realm of boundless joy. Sarah is a shy, introverted girl of ten, not too happy. She has an obnoxious brother who constantly teases her, cruel and insensitive classmates, and she is cool about her studies. In short, she is a portrait of many children in our society. When I first read this book, I was struck by the similarities between Sarah and my own ten year old. Sarah is really a collective image of all children.

Sarah wants to feel happy and loving, but looking around, she sees no reason for such feelings. Everything changes when she meets Solomon, the wise old owl, who shows her how to see everything differently - through the eyes of unconditional love. He teaches Sarah to constantly live in an atmosphere of pure positive energy. She sees for the first time who she is and how limitless her potential is. You, the reader, will understand that this is much more than a children's story. This is a card for finding the joy and happiness that you are born with.

My whole family read this book and we have all changed since then. She made the strongest impression on my husband. He said that he was so amazed that now he looks at life with new eyes. Imagine that you have been nearsighted all your life, but just now put on glasses. Everything becomes crystal clear.

I can't stop praising this life changing book. You will share with Sarah her successes and failures on the way to the heights of wish fulfillment. Know that Sarah lives in each of us. If you can only buy one book, be sure to buy this one (it's suitable for all ages). You will not regret!

Denise Tarsitano, Rising Stars series


"People like entertainment more than information." As far as I remember, this observation was made by the eminent publisher William Randolph Hearst. If this is so, then it is obvious that the most effective way to convey information, even of great importance to the individual, is in an entertaining form.

Feathered Friends Are Forever is both entertaining and informing, whichever you prefer, thanks to Esther and her text editor. The lessons of infinite wisdom and unconditional love taught by Sarah's very entertaining feathered mentor are intertwined with stories of Sarah's enlightening experiences with her family, friends, neighbors and teachers; through this you rise to a new level of awareness of natural well-being and the understanding that all is well.

Think about who you are and why you are here, and then, when you finish your first leisurely read of the book, notice how fast and how far you are moving towards what matters to you.

With this short, simple, thought-provoking book, you will gain a clearer point of view that will take you to the next level of fulfilling your desires.

Eternity of birds of one flight

Sarah, lying in a warm bed, frowned, upset that she woke up. It was still dark outside, but she knew it was time to get up. I hate these short winter days, Sarah thought. "I'd rather stay in bed until the sun comes up."

Sarah knew that she was dreaming something - something very pleasant, although now she did not remember at all what the dream was about.

I don't want to wake up yet, she thought, trying to switch from a pleasant dream to a not-so-pleasant cold winter morning. Sarah burrowed deeper under the warm blanket and listened, trying to see if her mother was up. She pulled the covers over her head, closed her eyes, and tried to remember a glimpse of the pleasant dream she'd emerged from. He was so wonderful that Sarah wanted more.

"Ugh. I need to go to the toilet. Maybe if I endure and relax, I'll forget about it ... - Sarah changed her position, trying to delay the inevitable. - Does not work. OK. I woke up. Another day has come. Nothing". Sarah tiptoed down the corridor to the toilet, carefully avoiding the ever-creaking floorboard, and softly closed the door. She decided not to immediately flush the water in order to enjoy solitude. "Just five minutes of peace and quiet."

Sarah! Are you up already? Come here help me!

You could wash off right away, - Sarah muttered. - I'm coming! she called to her mother.

She could never understand how her mother always knew what the rest of the house was doing. "Probably, she placed bugs in all the rooms," Sarah thought gloomily. She knew it wasn't really true, but dark thoughts were already raging in her head, and it seemed impossible to stop them.

“You need to stop drinking before bed. And it is better not to drink anything from noon. Then, when I wake up, it will be possible to lie in bed and think, and be completely, completely alone - and no one will know that I woke up.

I wonder at what age do people stop enjoying their own thoughts? It definitely happens because everyone else is never quiet. They cannot listen to their own thoughts because they are always talking or watching TV, and when they get into the car, the first thing they do is turn on the radio. Nobody seems to like being alone. They want to be with someone else all the time. They want to go to meetings, or to the movies, or to dances, or to play ball. I wish I could cover everyone with a blanket of silence so that I could at least occasionally listen to what I think. Interestingly, in general, it happens - that you are not sleeping, but you are not bombarded by someone else's noise?

I'm organizing a club. "People against other people's noise." Requirements for club members: you may like other people, but you do not need to talk to them.

You may enjoy looking at them, but you don't need to explain to others what you saw. You have to like being alone sometimes just to think. It's okay to strive to help others, but you have to be prepared to keep the help to a minimum, because that's a trap you're bound to fall into. If you're too eager to help, it's over. They will overwhelm you with their ideas and you won't have time for yourself. You have to be ready to freeze and watch others without them noticing you.

Esther and Jerry Hicks

Sara. Book 1–3

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and corporate networks, for private and public use, without the written permission of the copyright owner.

Praise book

Writer says:

“Sarah is a heart-warming story about a girl who learns the secrets to creating a happy life. And as Sarah learns to make her life happy right here and now, so does the reader. They both transform as if by magic.

This refreshing and inspiring book can awaken in all readers the inner strength they already possess and push them to create the life they have always dreamed of.

Sarah is a book you'll want to give to your family and friends because it contains important messages about life written in simple and understandable language.

Inspirational text is like a spell and can change lives just because it is cast. And while this book is not just for kids, Sarah is a book that will transform the life of the child in all of us.

Strong. Magic. Inspirational. Read it yourself."

Accountant says:

“Sarah is a miracle. I'm reading for the third time! I learned so much from her. This book makes my life so much better!"

A ten year old writes:

“I just read your book… This is the best book I have read in my entire life. I wanted to thank you for writing it because it brought the biggest change in my life."

Grandmother writes:

“What an overwhelming feeling of joy and gratitude I feel. My granddaughter reads excerpts from the book to us and her friends all the time…so clear and delightful!”

Audrey Harbour Bershen, psychotherapist:

“This beautiful book is like a precious stone, the elegance of which is in the clarity of its message. His advice goes straight to the heart, connecting Sarah to each of us! A tender, charming story, sometimes funny, often significant, and most importantly, amazingly interesting. It will undoubtedly become a reference book for those who are learning to live well.”

Abraham says:

“This book will help you remember that you are an eternal being…and help you discover the eternal bond that binds lovers together.”

This book is dedicated to all of you—those who, in their pursuit of enlightenment and well-being, have asked the questions this book answers…and the four wonderful children of our children who are examples of what this book teaches…who don’t ask questions because there’s nothing else not forgotten.

Sarah. Book 1. Feathered friends are forever

A new level of wish fulfillment


Here is an inspiring and inspiring book about a child's spiritual journey into a realm of boundless joy. Sarah is a shy, introverted girl of ten, not very happy. She has an obnoxious brother who constantly teases her, cruel and insensitive classmates, and she is cool about her studies. In short, she is a portrait of many children in our society. When I first read this book, I was struck by the similarities between Sarah and my own ten year old. Sarah is really a collective image of all children.

Sarah wants to feel happy and loving, but looking around, she sees no reason for such feelings. Everything changes when she meets Solomon, the wise old owl, who shows her how to see everything differently - through the eyes of unconditional love. He teaches Sarah to constantly live in an atmosphere of pure positive energy. She sees for the first time who she is and how limitless her potential is. You, the reader, will understand that this is much more than a children's story. This is a card for finding the joy and happiness that you are born with.

My whole family read this book and we have all changed since then. She made the strongest impression on my husband. He said that he was so amazed that now he looks at life with new eyes. Imagine that you have been nearsighted all your life, but just now put on glasses. Everything becomes crystal clear.

I can't stop praising this life changing book. You will share with Sarah her successes and failures on the way to the heights of wish fulfillment. Know that Sarah lives in each of us. If you can only buy one book, be sure to buy this one (it's suitable for all ages). You will not regret!

Denise Tarsitano, Rising Stars series


"People like entertainment more than information." As far as I remember, this observation was made by the eminent publisher William Randolph Hearst. If this is so, then it is obvious that the most effective way to convey information, even of great importance to the individual, is in an entertaining form.

Feathered Friends Are Forever is both entertaining and informing, whichever you prefer, thanks to Esther and her text editor. The lessons of infinite wisdom and unconditional love taught by Sarah's highly entertaining feathered mentor are intertwined with stories of Sarah's enlightening experiences with her family, friends, neighbors and teachers; through this you rise to a new level of awareness of natural well-being and the understanding that all is well.

Think about who you are and why you are here, and then, when you finish your first leisurely read of the book, notice how fast and how far you are moving towards what matters to you.

With this short, simple, thought-provoking book, you will gain a clearer point of view that will take you to the next level of fulfilling your desires.

Jerry Hicks

Part I. Eternity of birds of one flight

Sarah, lying in a warm bed, frowned, upset that she woke up. It was still dark outside, but she knew it was time to get up. I hate these short winter days, Sarah thought. "I'd rather stay in bed until the sun comes up."

Sarah knew that she had dreamed something - something very pleasant, although now she did not remember at all what the dream was about.

I don't want to wake up yet, she thought, trying to switch from a pleasant dream to a not-so-pleasant cold winter morning. Sarah burrowed deeper under the warm blanket and listened, trying to see if her mother was up. She pulled the covers over her head, closed her eyes, and tried to remember a glimpse of the pleasant dream she'd emerged from. He was so wonderful that Sarah wanted more.

"Ugh. I need to go to the toilet. Maybe if I endure and relax, I'll forget about it ... - Sarah changed her position, trying to delay the inevitable. - Does not work. OK. I woke up. Another day has come. Nothing".

Sarah tiptoed down the corridor to the toilet, carefully avoiding the ever-creaking floorboard, and softly closed the door. She decided not to immediately flush the water in order to enjoy solitude. "Just five minutes of peace and quiet."

Current page: 1 (total book has 6 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 1 pages]

Esther and Jerry Hicks – Sarah (Book 1)

(teachings of Abraham)

Feathered friends are forever


St. Petersburg

Publishing Group

Here is an inspiring story about a child's spiritual journey into a world of boundless joy.

Sarah is a shy, introverted girl of ten, not very happy. She has an obnoxious brother who constantly teases her, cruel and insensitive classmates, and she is indifferent to her studies. In general, Sarah is a portrait of many children in our society. She wants to feel happy and loving, but looking around, she sees no reason for such feelings. Everything changes when the girl meets Solomon, a wise old owl, who says that you can have a different attitude to what is happening. He teaches her to look at everything from the point of view of unconditional love, to live in an atmosphere of gratitude, happiness and good emotions. For the first time, she begins to see who she is and how limitless her possibilities are.

You will realize that this book is much more than a children's story. In "Sara" everyone: a child, an adult or a teenager seeking to find the joy of life, will find useful information for themselves and move to a new level of fulfillment of their desires.

This book is dedicated to all of you who, in their pursuit of enlightenment and well-being, have asked the questions this book answers... and to the four wonderful children of our children who are examples of what this book teaches... who ask no questions, because nothing has been forgotten.


Here is an inspiring and inspiring book about a child's spiritual journey into a realm of boundless joy. Sarah is a shy, introverted girl of ten, not very happy. She has an obnoxious brother who constantly teases her, cruel and insensitive classmates, and she is cool about her studies. In short, she is a portrait of many children in our society. When I first read this book), I was struck by the resemblance between Sarah and my own ten year old. Sarah is really a collective image of all children.

Sarah wants to feel happy and loving, but looking around, she sees no reason for such feelings. Everything changes when she meets Solomon, the wise old owl, who shows her how to see everything differently - through the eyes of unconditional love. He teaches Sarah to constantly live in an atmosphere of pure positive energy. She sees for the first time who she is and how limitless her potential is. You, the reader, will understand that this is much more than a children's story. This is a card for finding the joy and happiness that you are born with.

My whole family read this book and we have all changed since then. She made the strongest impression on my husband. He said that he was so amazed that now he looks at life with new eyes. Imagine that you have been nearsighted all your life, but just now put on glasses. Everything becomes crystal clear.

I can't stop praising this life changing book. You will share with Sarah her successes and failures on the way to the heights of wish fulfillment. Know that Sarah lives in each of us. If you can only buy one book, be sure to buy this one (it's suitable for all ages). You won't regret it!

Denise Tarsitano, Rising Stars series


"People like entertainment more than information." As far as I remember, this observation was made by the eminent publisher William Randolph Hearst. If this is so, then it is obvious that the most effective way to convey information, even of great importance to the individual, is in an entertaining form.

Feathered Friends Are Forever is both entertaining and informing, whichever you prefer, thanks to Esther and her text editor. The lessons of infinite wisdom and unconditional love taught by Sarah's highly entertaining feathered mentor are intertwined with stories of Sarah's enlightening experiences with her family, friends, neighbors and teachers; through this you rise to a new level of awareness of natural well-being and the understanding that all is well.

Think about who you are and why you are here, and then, when you finish your first leisurely read of the book, notice how fast and how far you are moving towards what matters to you.

With this short, simple, thought-provoking book, you will gain a clearer point of view that will take you to the next level of fulfilling your desires.

Part I

Chapter 1

Sarah, lying in a warm bed, frowned, upset that she woke up. It was still dark outside, but she knew it was time to get up. I hate these short winter days, Sarah thought. "I'd rather stay in bed until the sun comes up."

Sarah knew that she had dreamed something - something very pleasant, although now she did not remember at all what the dream was about.

I don't want to wake up yet, she thought, trying to switch from a pleasant dream to a not-so-pleasant cold winter morning. Sarah burrowed deeper under the warm blanket and listened, trying to see if her mother was up. She pulled the covers over her head, closed her eyes, and tried to remember a glimpse of the pleasant dream she'd emerged from. He was so wonderful that Sarah wanted more.

"Ugh. I need to go to the toilet. Maybe if I endure and relax, I'll forget about it ... - Sarah changed her position, trying to delay the inevitable. - Does not work. OK. I woke up. Another day has come. Nothing". Sarah tiptoed down the corridor to the toilet, carefully avoiding the ever-creaking floorboard, and softly closed the door. She decided not to immediately flush the water in order to enjoy solitude. "Just five minutes of peace and quiet."

Sarah! Are you up already? Come here help me!

It was possible to wash off immediately, - Sarah muttered. - I'm coming! she called to her mother.

She could never understand how her mother always knew what the rest of the house was doing. “She must have placed bugs in all the rooms,” Sarah thought gloomily. She knew it wasn't really true, but dark thoughts were already raging in her head, and it seemed impossible to stop them.

“You need to stop drinking before bed. And it is better not to drink anything from noon. Then, when I wake up, it will be possible to lie in bed and think, and be completely, completely alone - and no one will know that I woke up.

I wonder at what age do people stop enjoying their own thoughts? It definitely happens because everyone else is never quiet. They cannot listen to their own thoughts because they are always talking or watching TV, and when they get into the car, the first thing they turn on is the radio. Nobody seems to like being alone. They want to be with someone else all the time. They want to go to meetings, or to the movies, or to dances, or to play ball. I wish I could cover everyone with a blanket of silence so that I could at least occasionally listen to what I think. Interestingly, in general, it happens that you don’t sleep, but you are not bombarded by someone else’s noise?

I'm organizing a club. "People against other people's noise". Requirements for club members: you may like other people, but you do not need to talk to them.

You may enjoy looking at them, but you don't need to explain to others what you saw. You have to like being alone sometimes just to think. It's okay to strive to help others, but you have to be prepared to keep the help to a minimum, because that's a trap you're bound to fall into. If you're too eager to help, it's over. They will overwhelm you with their ideas and you won't have time for yourself. You have to be ready to freeze and watch others without them noticing you.

I wonder if anyone other than me would like to join my club? No, it will ruin everything! My club is dedicated to not needing any clubs! It’s just that my life is important enough, interesting enough and exciting enough, that I don’t need anyone else.”

Startled, Sarah found herself standing in the bathroom, staring into the mirror, her toothbrush idly moving around in her mouth.

Are you going to sit there all day? Hurry up! We have a lot to do!

Chapter 2

Sarah, did you want to say something?

Sarah jumped up and realized that Mr. Jorgensen had called her name.

- Yes, sir. So what, sir? Sarah stammered as the other twenty-seven of her classmates giggled.

Sarah never understood why they were so delighted with someone else's humiliation, but they never missed the opportunity to enjoy it, laughing as if something funny had really happened. "What's so funny about someone having a bad time?" Sarah was completely at a loss for an answer to this question, but this was still not the right time to think, because Mr. Jorgensen still kept her in the spotlight for her awkwardness, and her classmates watched her with outright malevolence.

– Can you answer the question, Sarah?

Laughter again.

“Get up, Sarah, and give us an answer at last.

“Why is he doing this? Is it really that important?

Five or six hands went up in the class - Sarah's classmates decided to show themselves and at the same time add to their pleasure, making Sarah look even worse.

No, sir, Sarah whispered, sinking back to her desk.

What did you say, Sarah? the teacher yelled.

I said no, sir, I don't know the answer to the question, Sarah said a little louder. But Mr. Jorgensen wasn't done with her yet—not yet.

Do you know the question itself, Sarah?

Her cheeks flushed with shame. She had no idea what the question was about. She was immersed in her thoughts, completely withdrawn into her inner world.

Sarah, can I give you some advice?

She didn't look up, knowing that Mr. Jorgensen didn't need her permission.

“I advise you, young lady, to spend more time thinking about those important issues that are being discussed in class, and less time looking out the window and indulging in meaningless unnecessary dreams. Try to put something into your empty head.

Another laugh in the class.

"Will this lesson ever end?"

And then the bell finally rang.

Sarah walked slowly home, watching her red boots sink into the white snow. She was grateful for the snowfall. Thanks for the silence. Grateful for the opportunity to retire to my own mind for the two mile walk home.

She noticed that the water under the Mainstreet Bridge was almost completely covered with ice, and thought about trying to go down the coast and see how thick the ice layer was, but decided to postpone it for another day. She saw water flowing under the ice and smiled, trying to imagine how many faces the river had reflected over the years. This bridge over the river was Sarah's favorite part of the road home. There was always something interesting going on here.

Having already crossed the bridge, Sarah looked at the road for the first time since leaving the schoolyard, and felt a slight pang of sadness, then) "that before the end of her walk in silence and loneliness, there were only two blocks left. She slowed her pace to stretch the newly found peace, and then went back a bit to take another look at the bridge.

“Okay,” she sighed softly as she walked out onto the gravel path that led to her house. She stopped on the steps to knock down a large piece of ice: first she loosened it with the toe of her boot, and then she pushed it into a snowdrift. She then took off her wet shoes and entered the house.

Silently closing the door and hanging her heavy wet coat on a hanger, Sarah tried to make as little noise as possible. She, unlike other members of the family, never shouted loudly: "I'm home!"

“I wish I were a hermit,” she concluded as she walked through the living room into the kitchen. - A calm, happy hermit who thinks, talks or does not talk, and chooses what to do with his time. Yes!"

Chapter 3

The only thing Sarah knew as she lay in front of her school locker on the dirty floor was that her elbow was very, very sore.

A fall is always shocking. It happens so fast. Here you are in an upright position and moving quickly, quickly, filled with the intention to be at your desk when the bell rings - but here you are already lying on your back, unable to move. dazed and with an aching elbow. And the worst thing is to fall like this at school, where everyone can see you.

Sarah looked at the sea of ​​malevolent faces that smirked, giggled, or laughed out loud. “When that happens to them, they don’t behave like that.”

When they realized that nothing more interesting was in store - no broken bones and bloody wounds, no convulsions of a suffering victim - the crowd dispersed, and Sarah's nasty classmates forgot about her, heading to class.

A hand was extended to Sarah; they picked her up, sitting her down, and a girlish voice asked:

-Are you okay? Do you want to get up?

No, Sarah thought. “I want to disappear.” But, since that was unlikely, and the crowd was almost gone, Sara smiled weakly, and Ellen helped her to her feet.

Sarah had never spoken to Ellen before, but had seen her in the school hallways. Ellen was two grades older and had only been at this school for a year.

Sarah didn't know much about Ellen, but that wasn't unusual. The older guys never interacted with the younger ones. It was forbidden by a kind of unwritten rule. But Ellen always had an easy smile, and although she seemed to have few friends and spent most of her time on her own, she looked perfectly happy. Maybe that's why Sarah drew attention to her. Sarah was also a loner. She liked it.

“That floor is always slippery when it's wet outside,” Ellen said. “It's amazing that so few people fall here.

Still somewhat stunned and dumbfounded, Sarah didn't listen to Ellen's words, but something about them made her feel so much better.

Sarah was somewhat alarmed at being so influenced by another person. She rarely preferred the words of others more than the quiet retreat of her own thoughts. It felt strange.

Thank you, Sarah muttered, trying to shake the dirt off her soiled skirt.

I think it won't look so bad when it dries,” Ellen said.

Again, it wasn't about what Ellen said. The usual words you hear every day, but there was something else in them. Something about the way she said them.

“Oh, nothing,” she replied. "We'd better hurry, or we'll be late."

Sitting down - her elbow hurts, her clothes are dirty, the laces are untied, and her thin blond hair hangs down over her eyes - Sarah felt at her desk better than ever. Illogical, but true.

Walking home from school that day was also unusual. Instead of lost in her own thoughts, oblivious to nothing but a narrow path in the snow, Sarah was cheerful and animated. She wanted to sing. And so she did. Humming a familiar tune, she happily walked along the path, looking at other people walking through the town.

Passing by the only restaurant in the whole city, Sarah wondered if she should have a bite to eat after school. Often a frosted donut or an ice cream cone or a bag of potato chips was a great distraction from a long, tiring day at school.

"I haven't spent anything from this week's pocket money yet," Sarah thought as she stood meditatively in front of a small cafe. But in the end I decided not to buy anything, remembering the words that my mother constantly repeated: “Do not spoil your appetite.”

Sarah never understood what that meant, because she was always ready to eat what was offered to her if the food was delicious. And only if the food looked bad, or especially if it smelled bad, did Sara find excuses not to eat it, or at least eat a little. “In my opinion, in this case, the one who cooked spoils my appetite.” Sarah chuckled as she walked home again. She didn't really need anything today—everything was fine in her world.

Chapter 4

Sarah stopped at the Main Street Bridge to look down at the ice to see if it was thick enough to walk on. She noticed a few birds standing on the ice, and rather large dog tracks in the snow that covered it, but she doubted that the ice would support her weight; moreover, she is wearing a heavy coat, boots and a massive bag with books. Better to wait, Sarah decided, looking at the frozen river.

So, leaning over the ice, leaning on the rusty railing that Sarah thought had been put there solely for her pleasure, she felt great for the first time in a long time, and so she decided to stop and look at the river. It was her favorite place in the world. Throwing the bag at her feet, she leaned even harder on the railing.

Relaxing and enjoying the view, Sarah recalled with a smile the day when ordinary old railings turned into perfect ones for

to lean on them: on this day, a hay wagon crashed into them because its owner, Mr. Jackson, slammed on the brakes on a wet, icy road to avoid hitting Harvey, Mrs. Peterson's dachshund. Then everyone in town talked for months about how lucky he was that he and his van hadn't thundered right into the river. Sarah was constantly surprised by how people "hype" events bigger and scarier than they really were. If Mr. Jackson's wagon had thundered into the river, then it would have been a different matter. That would justify the hype he's made. Or if he thundered into the river and drowned - then the reason for talking would be even more significant. But he did not fall into the river.

As far as Sarah knew, there was no harm in that situation at all. The van was not damaged. Mr. Jackson is not injured. Harvey was frightened and stayed at home for several days, but nothing serious happened to him. “People like to get excited,” Sarah concluded. But she was delighted when she found a new place to lean on the railing. Large thick steel bars were now arching over the water. A beautiful place, as if specially made for Sarah.

Leaning over the water and looking down, Sarah saw the trunk of a fallen tree stretching out over the river, and this, too, made her smile. He appeared after another "accident", which turned out to be very useful for her.

One of the large trees that grew along the shore was badly damaged during a thunderstorm. Therefore, the farmer who owned this land gathered several volunteers around the city, and they cut all the branches from the tree, intending to cut it down. Sarah didn't understand why it was causing so much noise and excitement. Just an old tree.

Her father wouldn't let her get close enough to hear what they were saying, but Sarah heard someone mention that they were worried about the wires getting too close. However, after this, the saws roared again, and nothing more was heard; so that Sarah stood aside, like almost all the inhabitants of the city, watching the grand event.

Suddenly, the saws stopped, and in the silence someone shouted, “Oh no!” Sarah remembered closing her eyes and plugging her ears. It was as if the whole city shuddered when a big tree fell, but when Sarah opened her eyes, she squealed with delight as soon as she saw the beautiful new bridge of logs that connected the paths on both sides of the river.

Sitting in her metal nest just above the water, Sarah took a deep breath, wanting to take in the delightful river air. He acted hypnotically. Aromas, constant uniform sound of water. I love the river, thought Sarah, still looking at the old log that crossed the water downstream.

Sarah liked to walk across the log, arms outstretched for balance and moving as quickly as possible. She was never afraid, but she always remembered that the slightest wrong step - and she would end up in the river. And every time she crossed the log, she mentally heard her mother's anxious, uncomfortable words: “Sarah, stay away from the river! You might drown!"

But Sarah did not pay much attention to these words, at least now, because she knew something that her mother did not know. Sarah knew she couldn't drown.

Relaxed and feeling one with the whole world, Sarah lay in her nest and remembered what happened on this very log the summer before last. It was evening, and Sarah had already redone all the cases, so she went to the river. For some time she sat in a metal nest, and then went down the path to the log. The river, swollen with melted snow, rose higher than usual, and the water splashed over the log. Sarah decided for a long time whether to cross it. But then, in response to a strange whim that caused a surge of enthusiasm, she decided to walk over an unreliable log bridge. Almost halfway across, she stopped and turned sideways, facing downstream, swaying back and forth to keep her balance and gather her courage. And then, out of nowhere, the lousy Pittsfield mongrel, Fuzzy, appeared: galloped over the bridge and joyfully greeted Sarah, jumping on her with such force that Sarah collapsed into the fast-flowing river.

Well, thought Sarah. “As my mother warned me, I’m about to drown!” But it all happened too fast for her to think about it seriously. Because Sarah, rushing downstream on her back, looking up, found that it was the most exciting and beautiful journey, and she was surrounded by the most wonderful landscapes she had ever seen.

She had walked these shores hundreds of times, but from this point of view they looked very different. Moving gently on a comfortable cushion of water, she saw the blue sky above her, framed by perfectly shaped trees, sometimes dense, sometimes sparse, sometimes thick, sometimes thin. So many amazing shades of green!

Sarah did not notice that the water was very cold: on the contrary, it seemed to her that she was flying on a magic carpet - smoothly, evenly and safely.

It suddenly seemed to get darker. When Sarah swam under the dense crowns of trees growing along the coast, she could hardly see the sky.

What beautiful trees! Sarah said out loud. She had never gone so far downstream. The trees were lush and beautiful, and several branches descended to the very water.

And then a long, friendly, reliable branch seemed to reach straight for the river to help Sarah out.

Thanks, tree. Sarah said politely as she climbed out of the river. “That was very kind of you.

She stood on the river bank, dazed but elated, trying to collect her thoughts.

"Blimey!" Sarah muttered as she looked up at the big red Peterson barn. She could hardly believe her eyes. Although it seemed to her that only a couple of minutes had passed, she swam five miles through pastures and allotments. But the long road home did not upset her at all. Full of enthusiasm and joy of life, Sarah skipped off on her way.

At home, hurriedly getting out of her dirty, wet clothes, she put them in the washing machine and climbed into a warm bath. “There is no need to give my mother extra reasons to worry,” she thought. “It will only make her worry more.”

While all kinds of river insects, leaves and dirt washed out of her hair, Sarah lay in the warm water, smiling and knowing for sure that her mother was wrong. She will never drown.

Chapter 5

Sarah, wait!

Sarah stopped in the middle of the intersection and waited for her younger brother to catch up.

You should go see it, it's very cool!

Surely, Sarah thought, remembering the last few cool things Jason had shown her. Once it was a barn rat, which he caught in a makeshift mousetrap, and which, according to him, "was still alive when I last checked." Twice he took Sarah by surprise and persuaded her to look into his bag, where an innocent bird or mouse was found, which was the victim of Jason and his nasty buddies, who were delighted to be able to try out the weapons of the Boys' Brigade received for Christmas.

"What's with the boys? - Sarah thought, waiting for Jason: he saw that she was not going anywhere, and switched to a weary step. – How can they

to enjoy the fact that they hurt the unfortunate defenseless little animals? I wish I could trap them and see how they like it. I still remember that before Jason's tricks were not so cruel, sometimes even funny; but now he's getting meaner and meaner."

Sarah stood in the middle of a quiet country road, waiting for her brother to catch up with her. She suppressed a smile, remembering Jason's trick once: he lowered his head on the desk, covering the shiny rubber fake vomit, and when the teacher came up to him, he raised his head and looked at her with huge brown eyes. Mrs. Johnson stormed out of the room and ran for the cleaning lady to wipe the desk, but when she returned, Jason said he cleaned everything himself, and Mrs. Johnson was so glad she didn't ask questions. Jason was allowed to go home.

Sarah was struck by how easily Mrs. Johnson was fooled; she did not even wonder why the vomit, which looked fresh and liquid, did not flow down the heavily tilted desk. But on the other hand, Mrs. Johnson didn't have as much experience with Jason as Sarah did. In his former naivety, he regularly managed to outsmart her, but not now. With her brother, Sarah was on the alert.

Sarah! Jason shouted, excited and flustered. She took a step back.

Jason, there's no need to shout, I'm standing right in front of you.

Sorry.” Jason gasped for breath, trying to even out his breath. - Let's go! Solomon is back!

Who is Solomon? Sarah asked and immediately regretted this question: she did not want to show any interest in that) ", which Jason spoke about.

Solomon! Well, Solomon. Huge bird from the Tuckers Trail!

I've never heard of the huge Tuckers Trail bird,” Sarah said in a voice filled with as much boredom as she could portray without preparation. Jason, I'm not interested in your stupid birds.

It's not a stupid bird, Sarah, it's a giant one! You must see her. Billy says it's bigger than his father's car. Sarah, let's go, please.

Jason, the bird can't be bigger than the car.

Maybe! Ask Billy's dad! One day he was driving home and says he saw a shadow so huge that he thought a plane had flown over him. She covered the whole car. But it wasn't a plane, Sarah, it was Solomon!

Sarah had to admit that Jason's enthusiasm for Solomon was beginning to pass on to her, little by little.

“I'll go another time, Jason. I need to go home.

- Sarah, let's go, please! Solomon may no longer be there. You simply must go!

Jason's insistence was beginning to unsettle Sarah. He wasn't usually so stubborn. When confronted with Sarah's willpower, he simply gave in, let go, and waited for another opportunity to take her by surprise. He had learned from experience that the more he talked his sister into doing something she didn't want to do, the more Sarah resisted. But this time it was different. Jason looked convinced - Sarah had never seen him like that, and therefore, to the infinite) "surprise and pleasure of her brother, she succumbed to persuasion.

Okay, Jason. Where is your giant bird?

His name is Solomon.

How do you know what his name is?

That's what Billy's father named him. He says it's an owl. And owls are wise. Therefore, his name should be Solomon.

Sarah tried to match Jason's pace. He's really beside himself with that bird, she thought. - Weird".

“He's around here somewhere,” Jason said. - He lives here.

Sarah was often amused by Jason's feigned confidence that came when he didn't really know what he was talking about. But more often than not, Sarah played along with him, pretending not to notice the deception. It was easier that way.

They peered into the almost leafless thickets covered with snow. They passed a crumbling fence, walking along a narrow path in the snow, which was probably left after a lone dog ran here shortly before them ...

Sarah almost never went here in the winter. This place was away from her usual road between home and school. However, it was here that Sarah spent many blissful summer hours. She walked, noticing all the familiar nooks and crannies and rejoicing that she had again come to the familiar path. The best thing about this road, Sarah thought, is that I am practically the only one walking here. No cars or neighbors. Quiet, calm road. I need to go there more often."

Jason, don't yell at Solomon. If he's here, he'll fly away if you yell like that.

He's here, Sarah. I'm telling you, he lives here. And if he flew away, we would have seen him. It's really big, Sarah, really, really!

Sarah and Jason went further into the thicket, slipping under the rusty wire - the remains of an old fence. They walked slowly, carefully choosing where to step, unsure of what they might stumble upon under knee-deep snow.

Jason, I'm cold.

A little more, Sarah. Please!

More out of curiosity than Jason's persuasion, Sarah agreed.

Okay, five more minutes!

Sarah squealed as she fell waist-deep into a snow-covered irrigation canal. Cold sleet crept under her coat and blouse and touched her bare skin.

- All right, Jason! I'm going home.

Jason was upset that they hadn't found Solomon, but Sarah's annoyance distracted him from that. Few things gave him more pleasure than irritating his sister. Jason laughed as Sarah shook wet snow from under her clothes.

Do you think this is funny, Jason? You must have invented this Solomon of yours to bring me here and piss me off!

Jason laughed and ran away from Sarah. Although he enjoyed her annoyance, he was smart enough to keep a safe distance.

“No, Sarah, Solomon is real. You'll see!

“So I believed you,” Sara snapped. But somehow she knew that Jason was telling the truth.

Chapter 6

Sarah couldn't remember a time when it was easy for her to focus on what was going on in class. School really is the most boring place in the world, she decided a long time ago. But this day was the most difficult of all that fell to her. Sarah couldn't concentrate on what the teacher was saying. Her thoughts kept drifting towards the grove. And as soon as the last bell rang, Sarah stuffed her bag of books into the locker and went straight there.

Esther and Jerry (Hicks
Sarah ((Book 1)
(teaching) of Abraham)
Feathered friends are forever

Before) you are an inspirational and inspiring (book about) a spiritual journey (of a child to an area of ​​\u200b\u200bboundless joy. Sara \- shy,) (withdrawn (a girl of ten, not () too happy. She has an obnoxious brother, (who constantly teases her, (cruel and insensitive ((classmates, and (she is cool about studying. In short, she is a portrait) of many children in our society. When I first read this (book,) I was struck by the similarity) between Sarah and))))) () my own ten-year-old child Sarah really collective image of all children.

Sarah wants to feel happy and loving, but, looking around (does not see the reasons for the day (such feelings. Everything) changes, (when she meets) Solomon,) the wise old owl, (who (shows her, ((how to see everything differently \ ) - through the eyes of unconditional love. He teaches Sarah to constantly live in an atmosphere of pure positive energy. For the first time, she sees (who she (is and ((how limitless her potential. You, the reader, ) will understand that this is ) much more, )( than a childhood story.This (card of finding the joy and happiness laid down) is your birthright.

All) my) family read this (book, and since then) we all) have changed. She probably made the strongest impression on my husband. He (said that he was amazed (so much so that now) he looks at life with) new) eyes. Imagine that you have been (myopic) all your life, but (just now put on (glasses. Everything becomes (crystal) clear

I can't) stop praising this (life-changing book. You will share with Sarah her successes and failures on the path () to the heights of wish fulfillment. Know that Sarah lives in () each of us. If you) can (buy (only one (book \-must (buy this one (it's suitable for all ages). You won't regret it!
Denise Tarsitano, Rising Stars series

“)People like entertainment more )) than information.” ((As far as I) remember, this observation was made by the eminent publisher, William Randolph Hearst. If this is (so, then it is obvious that the most (effective way of transmitting) information, even) of great importance for the individual, is in (entertaining) form.

Feathered friends are forever and (entertaining and )informing, whichever you like best, thanks to Esther and her ()text (editor. (Lessons in (endless) wisdom and unconditional love, (who teaches ) a very entertaining feathered (Sarah's mentor, intertwined with () stories about) ((what an enlightening experience Sarah gets when communicating with her) family, ) friends, ) neighbors and ) teachers; thanks to this, you) rise to a new level of awareness of natural well-being and) the understanding that all is well.

) Think about ) (who you are and ) why you are here, and ) then (when (finish your first leisurely reading (of the book, pay attention) important to you.

With this ((short, simple, thought-provoking) book, you will gain a ((clearer) (point of view, (which will take you to a new level of wish fulfillment.
Part I

Eternity of birds of one flight
Chapter 1

Sarah, lying in a warm bed, frowned, upset by the fact that she woke up. It was still dark outside () the window, but she knew it was time to get up. “I hate these ((short) winter days, \) thought Sarah. \-I'd rather stay in bed (until the sun comes up).

Sarah knew that she was dreaming of something \-something very pleasant, although now she did not remember at all, oh )) what exactly the dream was.

“I (don't want to wake up yet,” \) she thought, trying to (switch from a pleasant dream to a not () too pleasant cold) winter morning. Sarah dug deeper under a warm blanket and listened, trying to understand if her mother had risen. She pulled the blanket over her head, (closed her eyes and tried) to remember at least ((a piece of that pleasant dream, from (which emerged. He was (so)) wonderful that Sarah wanted more.

"Ugh. I need to go to the toilet. Maybe if I endure and relax, I'll forget about it ... \-Sarah) changed her position, trying to delay the inevitable. \-Does not work. OK. I woke up. Another day has come. Nothing". Sarah (on tiptoe) crept along (the corridor to the toilet, carefully going around forever (the creaking floorboard), and (quietly (closed the door. She decided not immediately (to flush to enjoy) the loneliness of "Just five") minutes of silence and (peace.

-\ Sara! Are you up already? Come here ) help ) me!

-\ You could ) wash it off right away, \) - Sarah muttered. \-I'm coming! \((- she shouted) mother.

She (never) could understand (from where) the mother knows all the time what the rest of the inhabitants) of the house are doing. “Probably, she placed (bugs on) () (all rooms)”, \) - Sarah decided gloomily. She knew that )) in fact, these are not (so but) gloomy) thoughts were already raging in her head, and it (seemed to be) impossible to stop them.

“You need to stop drinking before going to bed. And it’s better not to drink anything at all from noon. Then, (when I wake up, )it will be possible to lie in bed and )think and be ))very all-fashionable \-and (no one will know that I woke up.

Interestingly, at (() what age do people stop enjoying their own) thoughts? This definitely happens, )because everyone else (never remains in silence. They )can't listen to their own )thoughts, )because they're always talking or )watching TV, and (when they get into the )car they ))(the first thing they do is turn on the radio It seems like ()no one likes to be alone. They all )time want to be with ()someone else. They want to go to meetings, or to (cinemas, or to dances, or to play )ball. I would like to (cover everyone) with a blanket of silence, so that at least sometimes I can listen, ((what) I think. Interestingly, in general (it happens \- that you are not sleeping, but you are being bombarded by someone else's) noise

I organize (club. "People against someone else's) noise." Requirements () (to club members: other people) you may like, but you do not need to talk to them.

You )may like to )look at them, but you don't need to explain to others what you saw. You should like to be alone sometimes just to think. It’s quite ) okay ) to strive ) to help ) others, but you must be ready to reduce ) help ())) to a minimum, ) because this is (a trap, into (which you will definitely fall into. If you ()) are too eager ) to help, everything (is over. They will capture you with their )ideas and you won't have )time for yourself. You have to be ready to freeze and watch others (so that they don't) notice you.

I wonder if (anyone, () besides ) me, wants to join ) my (club? No, that will ruin everything! My (club is dedicated to) not needing ((any (clubs! Just) my life important enough, interesting enough and (fascinating, and) me (no one else needed).

-\ Sara!

Startled, Sarah found herself standing in the bathroom, staring into the (mirror, idly moving her toothbrush in her mouth.

-\ Are you going to sit there all day? Hurry up! We have a lot to do!

Chapter 2
-\ Sarah, did you want to (say something?

Sarah (jumped up and realized that) Mr. Jorgensen called her name.

-\ Yes, sir. I mean, what about sir? \-stammering, Sarah said, (while the other twenty) seven of her ((classmates (giggling.

Sarah (never) understood ) why they experience (such a delight at someone else's humiliation, but ) the opportunity to enjoy ) and they (never (missed, laughing (so ((as if something) funny really happened. "What ) is funny about) is ()someone ill?” Sarah couldn't )find an answer to that question, but it was still not the right time to )think, )because )Mr. Jorgensen still kept her in the )center kee (embarrassment, and ((classmates watched her with ()) frank gloating

-\ Can you answer the question, Sarah?

Again) laughter.

-\ Get up, Sarah, and give) (we finally have an answer.

“) Why is he (doing this? Is it (so important?”)

By (the class went up five or six (\((Sarah's classmates decided (to show themselves and at the same time add pleasure to themselves, making Sarah look even worse.

-\ No, sir, \- whispered Sarah, (sinking back to her desk.

-\ What did you (said, Sarah? \(- barked the teacher.

I (said: no, sir, I do not know the answer to the question, Sarah said) a little) louder. But) Mr. Jorgensen is not yet (finished with her \(-yet.

-\ A) Do you know the question itself, Sarah?

Her (cheeks flushed with shame. She didn't) have the slightest idea what the question was about. She was immersed in her thoughts, completely withdrawn into her inner world.

-\ Sarah, ) can I give you some advice?

She didn't look up, knowing that Mr. Jorgensen didn't need her permission.

-\ I advise you, young lady, to spend more) time, ) thinking about those important issues, (which are discussed in the (class, and) less \-looking out the (window and indulging in)))) senseless unnecessary dreams Try to put something into your empty head.

Again) laughter in the (class.

“This ((lesson will it ever (end?”

And then (finally rang (bell

Sarah) slowly walked) home, watching ((what (red (boots) are buried in) white snow. She was grateful for the snowfall. Grateful for the silence. Grateful for) the opportunity to retire to ))) her own mind for) time) two-mile (walk) home .

She noticed that the water under the Mainstreet bridge was almost completely (covered) with ice and )thought about trying to go down the coast and )see how thick the ice layer was, but decided to postpone it for another day. She saw, ( (like under) the water flows like ice, and smiled, trying to imagine ((how many faces (the river) reflected for many years. This) bridge over (the river was Sarah)) () favorite part of the road) home. Something interesting always happened here.

Having already crossed) the bridge, Sarah for the first time) looked at the road since ((as she left the (school yard, and felt a (light (prick of sadness,)) because before completing her (walk in silence and loneliness, there were only two (blocks. She ) slowed down to stretch the newly found (peace, a)) then returned a little to look at the bridge again.

-\ Well, \" she sighed softly, going out onto the gravel (path, (which led (kee) home. She stopped on the (steps to knock down a large ((piece of ice: first loosened it () (sockboot, but) then shoved into a snowdrift .) Zatemona took off) (wet (boots and entered) the house

Quietly (closing the door and hanging heavy) (wet coat on (hanger, Sarah tried to make (() as little as possible) noise. She, unlike other members) of the family, (never ((shouted out) (loudly: “I) at home!"

“I would like to be () a hermit \ (- she concluded, passing through the living room into (kitchen. \ ()-Calm) () a happy hermit (who) thinks, talks or does not talk, and) chooses what to do with))) in time Yes!

Chapter 3
The only thing that ) Sarah understood, lying in front of )()(() her school locker on the )dirty floor, \ was that she was very, very sore (elbow.

The fall always causes (shock. It happens (so quickly. Here you are in () a vertical position and move quickly, quickly, fulfilled) intentions (to be at your desk, (when it rings (bell \-and here you are already lying on your back, unable to move.) stunned and with) () aching elbow A) the worst \-fall here (so (school where everyone sees you.

Sarah looked at the sea of ​​malevolent faces, (who) were smirking, (giggling or) laughing out loud. “When with) them (this happens, they (do not behave like this).

When they realized that nothing more interesting was expected \-neither )broken (bones and (bloody wounds, nor (convulsions of the suffering victim, \-the crowd dispersed, and )(vile ((Sarah's classmates forgot about her, going to (lesson

A hand was stretched out to Sarah; they picked it up, seating it, and a girlish voice asked:

-\ Are you (alright? Do you want to get up?

"No," thought Sarah. \-I want to disappear. But, ((because it was )unlikely, and the crowd had already ((virtually dispersed, Sarah smiled faintly, and Ellen )helped her to her feet.

Sarah (never spoke to Ellen before, but saw her in (school (corridors). Ellen studied two (classes higher, but in this (school) she was only a year.

Sarah knew next to nothing about Ellen, but there was nothing unusual about that. The older guys (never talked to)) the younger ones. It was forbidden by a kind of unwritten rule. But Ellen always (smiled lightly, and although (it seemed that she had) few friends and most of the time she spent) by herself, she looked perfectly happy. Maybe that's why Sarah paid attention to her. Sarah was also (a loner. She liked it.

-\ This floor is always ((slippery, (when it's damp outside, \(-said Ellen. \-It's amazing that so few people fall () here.

Still ((somewhat dazed and (confused to) dumbness), Sarah didn't (dig into Ellen's words, but something about them made her feel) much better.

Sarah ((somewhat alarmed by the fact that she (is influenced by another (man She (seldom gave more preference)) to other people's words)) than the quiet refuge of her own) thoughts. It felt strange.

-\ Thank you, \) - Sarah muttered, trying to brush off the dirt from the (stained (skirt.

-\ I )think (when it dries, it won't look (so bad,\(-said Ellen.

Again, it wasn't )what )precisely (said Ellen. The usual words, ((what you hear (every day, but there was something else in them. Something about )that ((how she said them.

-\ Oh, nothing, \-she replied. \) - We'd better hurry up, otherwise we'll be late

Sitting down in a seat \ (- my elbow hurts, my clothes are dirty, (the laces are untied, and (thin blond hair hangs down over my eyes, \-Sarah felt better at her desk,) (than ever. Illogical, but true.

(Walking home from (school) that day was also unusual.) Instead of immersing herself in her own) thoughts, not paying) attention to anything, () except (a narrow (path in the snow, Sarah was cheerful and animated. She wanted to sing (Takona did. Humming () a familiar) melody, she joyfully walked along (the path, looking at other people walking along (the town.

Passing)) past the only restaurant in the whole city, Sarah) thought: and not (should she have a snack after (school. Often (donut icing, or (horse)) ice cream or (a bag of (potato chips is great (distracted her from a long) tiring day held at (school.

“I haven’t spent anything from () this week’s pocket money yet,” \) Sarah thought, standing in) reflections in front of) (a small cafe. But in the end she decided not to (buy,) remembering the words, (which she constantly repeated) ) mom: "Do not spoil your appetite."

Sarah (never )understood what that meant) because she was always ready to eat what was offered to her if the food (tasty. And (only if the food looked (tasteless or especially if it (smelled bad, Sarah found (excuses, not to eat it or, at least (at least, eat) a little. Today she really didn't need anything - in her world everything was fine.

Chapter 4
Sarah stopped at the Main Street Bridge to look down at the ice to see if it was thick enough to walk on. She) noticed ((several birds, (which were standing on the ice, and quite (large dog footprints on () the snow covering it, but) doubted) that the ice would support her weight; and even she was wearing a heavy coat, (boots and) massive ) (a bag with () books. “It’s better to wait,” Sarah decided, looking at the frozen (river.

(So ​​(bending over) ice leaning against the rusty railing, (which, in) Sarah's opinion, was put here (solely for her pleasure, she felt) wonderful for the first time in a long) time and) so she decided to linger and admire (the river. It was ) her most) favorite) place in the world. Throwing) (the bag at her feet, she leaned even harder on the railing.

Relaxing and enjoying the view, Sarah with (smile) remembered the day (when the ordinary old railing turned into perfect for leaning on: on this day a van with) hay crashed into them) because its owner, ) Mr. (Jackson , hit on)) brakes) (wet icy road, so as not to knock down Harvey, (dachshund) Mrs. Peterson.) Then everyone in the city)) for months (they only talked about) (() how lucky he was with his )) his van) thundered) right into the (river. Sarah all the time) was surprised by ((how the events “inflate” the events more and more terrible,) than it was on)) really. If the van) of Mr. (Jackson) thundered into (the river, then it would be) a completely different matter. This would justify ((what) the hype was blown up because of him. Or if he) thundered into (the river and drowned - then the reason for talking would be even) more weighty. But he did not fall into (the river.

((As far as) Sarah understood, there was no harm at all in that situation. The van is not damaged. Mr. (Jackson is not injured. Harvey was scared and ((stayed) at home, but nothing serious happened to him. ")People like to worry," \(- Sarah concluded. But she was delighted (when she found a new) place where) you can (lean on the railing. Large thick steel bars now arched, hanging over the water. (Beautiful) place, ((as if specially made for Sarah .

(Bending over the water and looking down, Sarah saw the trunk of a fallen tree stretching out over (the river, and this also made her (smile. It appeared after another "accident", (which (turned out to be very (by the way) for her).

One of the large trees that grew along the coast was badly damaged during a thunderstorm. )So the farmer who )owned this )land gathered ((several volunteers around the city and they cut all (branches) from the tree, about to cut it down. Sarah didn't )understand )why it was causing (so much) noise and excitement. Just an old tree .

Her father wouldn't let her get close enough (close enough to hear what) they were saying, but Sarah overheard (((as someone) mentioned that they were worried about the wires (getting ()(too close. (However after that, the saws roared again, and nothing more was heard; (so Sarah stood to herself in (to the side, ((like almost all the inhabitants of the city, watching)) the grandiose event

Suddenly the saws ) fell silent, and in the silence (someone ((shouted: “Oh no!” Sarah) remembered, () how she closed her eyes and (plugged her ears. (As if the whole city shuddered, (when a big tree fell, but (when Sarah (she opened her eyes, then squealed with delight, barely seeing a new (beautiful) bridge made of logs that connected (paths along)) (both banks of the river.

Sitting in ))() (her metal nest, ) directly above the water, Sarah (sighed deeply, wanting to absorb the delicious river air. It acted (hypnotically.) Aromas, constant ) uniform (sound of water. "I love (the river", \) - thought Sarah, everyone (also looking at the old log, (crossing the water downstream.
Sarah liked to cross the log, stretching (arms for balance and moving () as quickly as possible. She (never afraid, but always) remembered that) the slightest wrong step \-and she (ended up in (the river. And (every time, as she walked along the log, she mentally heard the disturbing, uncomfortable words of her mother: “Sarah, stay away from (the river! You) might drown!”

But Sarah did not particularly pay attention to these words, at least now, because she knew something that her mother did not know. Sarah knew she couldn't drown.

Relaxing and feeling unity with))) the whole world, Sarah lay in) (her nest and) remembered what happened on))) this very log)) the summer before last It was evening, and Sarah had already redone all the things, so she went ((crack. (Some) time she sat in) () a metal nest, and) then went down (the path (to the log. (The river, swollen from melted snow, rose higher than usual, and the water splashed over the log. Sarah decided for a long time whether it was worth crossing) it. But) then obeying) strange (caprice) that caused () a surge of enthusiasm, she decided to walk along the) unreliable) log bridge. When she got almost halfway, she stopped and turned (sideways) face downstream, (swaying back and forth to keep her balance and collect) spirit over) the bridge and joyfully greeted Sarah, jumping on her with (such force that Sarah collapsed into a fast-running (river.

“Well, \) thought Sarah. \())-Kakmama ) warned me, I’m about to drown!” But everything happened () too quickly for her to seriously think about it). )Because Sarah, )swimming downstream on her back, looking up, found that it was )the most (fascinating and (beautiful journey) and (surrounded by) the most )wonderful landscapes, (that she (ever) saw.

She walked along )) these shores hundreds of times, but with (such (from the point of view they looked) completely different. (Moving gently on a comfortable water (cushion), she saw a blue sky above her, ) framed ) by trees of an ideal ) shape, now ) thick, then ( ) rare, then ) thick, then () thin. ((So many different amazing (shades of green!

Sarah did not) notice that the water was very cold: on the contrary, she (it seemed that she was flying on) (the magic carpet \- smoothly, evenly and safely.

It suddenly became ((as if) darker. When Sarah swam under the thick (crowns of trees growing along the coast, she could already ((practically) see the sky.

-\ (What (beautiful trees! \(- said Sarah aloud. She (never went ((so far downstream. The trees were) lush and () beautiful, and ((several branches (descended () into the very water.

A) then a long, friendly, reliable (branch ((as if stretched) straight ((crack to) help Sarah out.

-\ Thank you tree. \(-Said Sarah politely, getting out of the (river.\-That was very) nice of you.

She stood on the bank (of the river) stunned, but in a) high spirits, and tried to collect her )) thoughts.

"Blimey!" \) - Sarah muttered, making out a large (red Peterson barn. She could hardly believe)) her eyes Although it (it seemed to her that only a couple) minutes had passed, she swam five) miles through ) pastures () plots But a long road ) home completely didn't upset her. Full of enthusiasm and joy of life, Sarah (jumped off on her way.

) At home, hastily getting out of dirty) (wet clothes, she put it in the washing machine) and climbed into a warm bath. “) There is no need to give mom extra reasons to worry, \) - she thought. \(-Takona (only once again he will begin to worry.

(While) all kinds of river () insects, leaves and dirt) were washed out of her hair, Sarah lay in warm water, smiling and knowing for sure that her )) mother was wrong. She (never drowns.