The work program of extracurricular activities "artistic work" work program on the topic. Visual Arts and Artistic Work Curriculum Artistic Work in Primary School Work Program

Explanatory note

Planning is based on the standard curriculum for the subject "Artistic Labor" for 5 classes of the level of basic secondary education according to the updated content, in accordance with the State Compulsory Standard of Basic Secondary Education approved by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 13, 2016 No. 292.

Calendar - thematic planning is intended for teachers of artistic work of the 5th grade of a comprehensive school. (Option for girls)

1. The volume of the study load in the subject "Artistic work" is:

in the 5th grade - 2 hours per week, 68 hours per academic year. (according to the curriculum)

2.Software and educational equipment:

Textbook "Artistic work" Grade 5 (version for girls) + CD ..

3. Teacher's book:

Methodological guide for teachers of the 5th grade of a comprehensive school (version for girls) Authors: R.Sh.Alimsaeva, I.A.Razvenkova, N.A.Yakupova, O.S.Losenko, E.E.Velker.

Kokshetau: "Keleshek-2030" .2017

4. The basic content of the subject "Artistic work"Grade 5 (girls):

1) "Visual art". means of expression in the visual arts. Masterpieces of classical art. Creativity of Kazakh artists. Types and genres of fine arts. Still life art. Decorative national still life. Landscape. Harmony with nature. Aerial perspective. Industrial landscape. Urban landscape. Linear perspective. The art of plastic forms. Sculpture. Creation of creative work. Organization of the exhibition.

2) "Decorative and applied art". Types of ornament. Kazakh national ornaments (types, stylization and motifs). Artistic embroidery. Types of embroidery. Introduction to materials and tools. Sketch development. Product decoration with artistic embroidery. The art of weaving. Types of weaving. Introduction to materials and tools. Weaving product. Exhibition of works.

3) "Design and technology". Classification and characteristics of textile materials. Study of types and properties of materials. Equipment, tools and devices for the processing of textile materials. Classification of garments. From idea to product (sewing products). Design, layout of clothes (paper, textiles). Creating a costume (for a mini-mannequin or doll). Design of garments in the technique of textile mosaic (patchwork, quilling, kurak). Development of ideas. Sketch. Selection and preparation of material. Work sequence. .

4) "Culture of food". Fundamentals of a healthy diet. Menu compilation. Kitchen equipment. Crockery, tools and appliances for cooking. Explore the possibilities of tools and appliances for cooking. Technology of making sandwiches and drinks. Technology of preparation of salads from vegetables and fruits.

5) "Culture at home". Personal hygiene, personal care. The main directions of crop production. Spring work in crop production

5. The purpose of teaching a subject- the formation of functional literacy in the field of art and labor technologies, the development of a person with a creative attitude to reality.

6.Types of activity to achieve learning objectives (individual, pair and group work).

A feature of the subject "Artistic work" in the system of basic secondary education is the study of various types of art, the expression of ideas by means of art, the acquisition of universal (everyday) and special (subject) knowledge and skills, skills in artistic processing and transformation of materials and objects, housekeeping skills , use of equipment and technologies.

7. The program on the subject "Artistic work" is aimed at:

on the development of knowledge, the formation of a conscious perception of art, design and technology in the world around us;

study of the artistic and cultural heritage of the peoples of Kazakhstan and the world;

development of technological skills, skills to convey creative ideas through the expressive means of art and design;

development of creative and critical thinking of students in the process of research, creation, analysis, artistic transformation of objects;

gaining experience in the use of information and communication technologies in all types of educational activities (research, creative implementation of ideas, presentation of works);

research and application of various resources and sources of information with awareness of their importance for the results of work;

aesthetic, labor, economic, environmental, patriotic education and the formation of moral and spiritual values;

development of the ability to independently plan their activities, determining and taking into account time, material properties and other factors;

gaining experience in organizing joint activities.

Distribution of hours for the course "Artistic work"

Section name




visual art

Arts and Crafts

Design and technology

food culture

culture at home


Calendar-thematic planning

5th grade (girls)

Lesson topic

1st quarter (18 hours)

Section 1: Visual arts. (18h)

means of expression in the visual arts. Types and genres of fine art

Masterpieces of classical art. Creativity of Kazakh artists.

Still life art.

Decorative national still life

Landscape. Harmony with nature. aerial perspective

Industrial landscape. Urban landscape. Linear perspective

The art of plastic forms. Sculpture

Creative work.

Creative work. Organization of the exhibition

2 -Iquarter (14 hours)

Brief history and types of ornament. Kazakh national ornaments (types, stylization and motifs)

Artistic embroidery. Types of embroidery. Introduction to materials and tools. Sketch development

Decoration of the product with artistic embroidery

The art of weaving. Types of weaving. Introduction to materials and tools Sketch development

Weaving products

Weaving product. Exhibition of works.

3 -Iquarter (20 hours)

Section 3: Design and technology i(20h)

Classification and characteristics of textile materials. Study of types and properties of materials

Equipment, tools and devices for the processing of textile materials.

Classification of garments. From idea to product (sewing products)

Design, layout of clothes (paper, textiles and other materials).Creating a costume (for a mini-mannequin or doll)

Design, layout of clothes (paper, textiles and others)

materials).Creating a costume (for a mini mannequin or doll)

Design of garments in the technique of textile mosaic (patchwork, quilling, kurak). Development of ideas. Sketch. Selection and preparation of material. Work sequence

Product creation. Product decoration

Product creation. Product decoration

Product creation. Product decoration

Presentation of the work

4 -Iquarter (16 hours)

Unit 4: Food Culture (12h)

Fundamentals of a healthy diet.

Menu planning

Kitchen equipment. Crockery, tools and appliances for cooking. Exploring the possibilities of cooking tools and appliances

Technology of making sandwiches.

Technology for the preparation of hot drinks.

Technology for preparing salads from vegetables and fruits

Section 5: Culture at home. (4h)

Personal hygiene, personal care

The main directions of crop production

Spring work in crop production

Thematic planning was:

Gorban T.V. technology teacher

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"School No. 9 with a boarding school for students with disabilities" of the city of Sarov (MBOU "Boarding School No. 9")


pedagogical council

Protocol No. 2 dated 31.08.2016


by order of MBOU

"Boarding School No. 9"

from 31.08. 2016 No. 155p

Working programm


"Artistic work"

Compiled by:

Teacher Gaydrich Yu.A.

2017-2018 academic year


The work program for artistic work has been drawn up based:

1. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation".

2. SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of education in educational institutions".

3. Regulations on the procedure for the development and approval of the work program in the MBOU "Boarding School No. 9" dated May 31, 2016 No. 121p.

The artistic work program includes two sections: an explanatory note; calendar-thematic planning with a specific distribution of teaching hours by sections of the subject.

The general characteristics of the subject "Artistic Labor" is of a correctional nature and is intended for the labor and creative organization of children involved in a special (correctional) general education program of type VIII, grade 5. Artistic work is a specific practical activity aimed at making a real object that can be used in games, entertainment, and everyday life. The role of artistic manual labor in the formation of some traditional types of arts and crafts of children with mental retardation, in their labor, moral, aesthetic, and patriotic education is invaluable.

The program includes two main substantive sections: "Types of artistic technique" and "Design and modeling." Within the framework of the first section, the basic ideas about various types of artistic technique are laid:

Patchwork mosaic work, vytynanka - openwork cutting out of paper, non-traditional application, expand the worldview, students' ideas about various artistic techniques, about how to perform them, develop an aesthetic worldview.

The second section deepens and systematizes students' knowledge of the processing of various easily processed materials, technical horizons, the development of mental abilities and provides for: designing from plants, volumetric modeling from paper, cardboard, fabric, and various materials. The red line of this course is corrective work with students.

In practical activities, children with mental retardation develop love for work, efficiency, organization, frugality, the desire to do the job as best and as efficiently as possible. Particular attention in the classroom for artistic work is given to occupational safety and the rules of conduct when working with cutting and stabbing tools. Artistic manual labor is one of the most favorite activities of children. In these classes, children show great interest in acquiring new knowledge and skills, as a rule, do well and, most importantly, get tired less - this indicates a wide

the possibilities of this exciting, useful, creatively productive and practical activity for the comprehensive development of children.

Purpose of the subject: Introducing the child to the world of art and developing creative abilities.


1. Introduce the main types of decorative and applied art and reveal the complex nature of folk art.

2. To develop the emotional responsiveness of children to works of decorative art,

form the basis of aesthetic perception.

3. To promote the development of cognitive and creative activity of children in fine and decorative, artistic creativity, to intensify independent creative search in solving artistic problems.

The subject "Artistic work" has specific features, in particular, it is corrective, educational and developmental in nature, which primarily involves the formation of moral ideas and concepts, the education of adequate ways of behavior, the inclusion of all students in educational activities that contribute to the development of their mental functions, independence.

Corrective goal: in the process of learning to correct as much as possible the shortcomings in the development of the personality of children with deviations in health.

To achieve the corrective goal, the following tasks are solved daily in the classroom:

    development of horizons, speech, thinking, eye and fine motor skills;

    the formation of skills to plan their work, navigate the task, draw conclusions, generalize, see the main thing, analyze the work done;

    education of independence, self-control, aesthetic taste, communication and correctness in communicating with people around.

In corrective education, the systematic and consistent solution of correctional and educational tasks is important, which is necessary to achieve educational and educational goals, predict and overcome possible difficulties in the interaction of children with various mental retardation. Systematicity requires not only solving problems related to the development of program educational material, but also taking timely measures to optimize relationships in the children's team, correct deviant behavior of children, and develop the strengths of each child's personality.

When compiling the program, the principles of consistency and continuity of training were taken into account. For successful learning, visual material and natural samples are used in the classroom. For the formation and consolidation of skills and abilities, a large number of exercises in different versions are offered. To maintain sustainable motivation to engage in artistic work, the exercises take into account the interests of the pupils. Children with intellectual disabilities usually find it difficult to master such general labor skills as orientation in detail, work planning, self-control. Therefore, when teaching in grade 5, detailed explanations of tasks are given, an individual practical demonstration of work methods and its rational sequence is carried out, role models are offered, and skills in exercises are checked before practical work. Theoretical material is given in small doses, mainly when performing practical work based on visualization in drawings and accessible diagrams with key words, since students have speech underdevelopment.

Thus, the program not only contributes to the labor and social adaptation of pupils, not only develops their mental and sensorimotor potential and positively affects their personal properties, but also opens up a wide scope for creativity for the educator, which usually has a positive effect on the quality of education.

Planned results.

    name and purpose of materials - paper, fabric, plasticine;

    name and purpose of hand tools and devices: scissors, glue brush, needle, thimble;

    occupational safety and personal hygiene rules when working with these tools.

    use hand tools correctly;

    methods of processing various materials;

    properly organize your workplace, maintain order during work;

    observe the rules of labor safety and personal hygiene;

    analyze the product under the guidance of a teacher (determine its purpose, the material from which it is made, methods of connecting parts, manufacturing sequence);

    economically mark materials using templates, fold sheets of paper in half, four times, cut paper and fabric with scissors along the marking lines, connect paper parts with glue, sew with stitches “over the edge”, “button seam”.

    observe the rules of labor safety and personal hygiene in all types of technical work;

    organize the workplace and maintain order on it during work;

    take care of tools and materials;

    economically mark the material using templates, a ruler, a square;

    to manufacture products according to the sample;

    perform work using art materials;

    correctly perform the studied technological operations for all types of labor; distinguish them by their appearance;

    independently produce products (according to a sample, drawing, sketch).

Educational - thematic plan


Section name

Total hours

Introductory lesson

Paper handling

"Sorceress of nature"

"Paper Fantasies"

"In the realm of fabrics and threads"

"Plasticine country"

"Island of unnecessary things"

Total: 204 hours

Calendar-thematic planning

Grade 5 (6 hours a week).

Total hours

Introductory lesson. Safety engineering. Rules for marking parts on paper. Paper processing techniques.

Paper processing. Origami.

Origami "Fish".

Origami "Frog".

Paper application. Leaf fall.

Composition of paper leaves together with dried ones.

Symmetrical paper cut. Forest clearing "(Leaves, butterfly, beetle).

Paper and scissors make you think. Quiz lesson. Puzzle-competition.

Symmetry and asymmetry in composition. Panel of paper leaves of various shapes.

Production of boxes for pencils.

Application "Fish in the aquarium"

Floristics. Crafts from autumn leaves.

Crafts from dried leaves and flowers.

Relief image of plants

We draw a butterfly.

Application from the leaves "Butterfly".

Crafts and toys made from natural materials. Acorn men.

Collective panel "Again autumn has come to us"

Panel of seeds "Patterns of autumn".

Origami. Application “Family of mice” (origami).

Paper fantasies»

(work with paper and cardboard)

Theoretical lesson;

Making flowers from napkins;

Making butterflies from corrugated paper (for decorating curtains);

Crafts from paper plates;

Making a Christmas tree from paper napkins;

paper cutting

"In the realm of fabrics and threads"

(work with fabric, threads, buttons)

Theoretical lesson;

Panel "Aquarium";

Panel of multi-colored braids;

Acquaintance with crochet patterns;

Knitting flowers according to the scheme;

Knitting napkins according to the scheme.

"Island of unnecessary things"

(work with waste material)

Theoretical lesson;

Making a souvenir "Apples";

Making vases from plastic bottles using beads;

Composition "Sprig in hoarfrost" (using foam);

Production of a panel "Water lilies" from packaging material;

Making a souvenir from plastic utensils.

Making trees from twigs, plasticine, fluff.

Practical lesson Making crafts from eggshell "Swan Lake".

Individual sessions. Making crafts at the choice of children.

Making crafts at the choice of children.

Learning to sew.

Patchwork rugs

Doll-towel holder.

Cross stitch.

1. From the history of embroidery.

2. Selection of tools and materials for work.

3. The simplest types of embroidery.

Making napkins with embroidery elements.

Patchwork mosaic.

1. From the history of patchwork technology.

Pattern sketches. Choice of color scheme. Pattern making.

2. Open. Assembly of fragments and the product as a whole.

3. Pillow cases for sofa cushions.

4. Cape on a stool.

Patchwork flowers.

Vase lined with pieces of fabric.

Introductory lesson. O.T. rules and PPB.

Salty dough

From the history of salt dough

O.T. rules when working with salt dough.

salt dough recipe

Tools and materials

Roasting and drying

Product coloring

Salt dough production

miniature figurines





Papier mache

O.T. rules when working with glue, varnishes, paint

From the history of papier-mâché

Materials and fixtures

Technology for making products using the papier-mâché technique

Pasting the form

Manufacturing of the simplest products



Making an imitation of an ancient vessel from clay (plastic).

fabric collage .

Mosaic applique.

Convex wickerwork. A bracelet.

Application in mixed media with embossed elements "Flowers in a vase".

Book cover (fabric, appliqué).

Invitation cards, greeting cards with application.

Flagellated ceramics, making contour relief.

Plasticine painting. Winter. landscapes.

Paper cutouts. Silhouette.

Paper plastic. Cone toys.

print .

Gift wrapping.

Making Filimonovo and Dymkovo clay toys.

Making your own toy.

Easter souvenirs. Painted egg (papier-mâché).

Flowers from the fabric "Gift Bouquet".

Paper filigree. "Quilling".

Working with natural material.

Application "Clusters of mountain ash".

Application from napkins "Roses".

Making papier-mâché pots. Painting based on decorative and applied arts (Khokhloma, Gzhel, Zhostovo, Gorodets).

Working with salt dough.

Making crafts "Fruits".

Collective work "Still life in a basket".

Panel "Flowers" .

Making a figurine "Cats".

Making a photo frame.

Clay work .

Pencil "Teddy Bear".

Making heroes of the fairy tale "Wolf and 7 kids".

Making heroes of the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs".

Making heroes of the fairy tale "Buryonka from Matryonkino".

Making crafts "Candlestick".

Working with fabric and thread.

Application from threads "Duckling".

Application from fabric "Cartoon characters".

Making souvenirs from pom-poms.

Making finger toys. Theater staging.

Making a soft application on a napkin.

Collective work. Sewing a plane doll in a Russian costume.

Needle stitching. Gift for mom.

Waste material handling.

Those magic boxes. Making houses "Streets of the city".

Making flowers from plastic bottles.

Making a hot stand from corks.

Making a box of postcards.

Total: 204 hours.

Used Books:

1. Bakhmetiev A., T. Kizyakov “Och. skillful hands.” Rosman, 1999.

2. Vinogradova E. “Beaded bracelets”. AST, 2007.

3. Gorsky V. A., Timofeev A. A., Smirnov D. V. et al. Exemplary programs of extracurricular activities. Primary and basic education, ; ed. V. A. Gorsky. - M. : Enlightenment, 2010. - 111s. (Standards of the second generation)

4. Gudilina S. I. “Miracles with your own hands” M., Aquarium, 1998.

5. Gukasova A. M. “Needlework in primary school”. M., Education, 1985.

6. Gusakova M. A. “Application”. M., Education, 1987.

7. Gusakova M. A. “Do-it-yourself gifts and toys”. M., Sfera, 2000.

8. Guseva N. N. “365 beaded baubles”. Iris-Press, 2003.

9. Dokuchaeva N. “Tales from the gifts of nature”. SPb., Diamant, 1998.

10. Eremenko T., L. Lebedeva “Stitch by stitch”. M., Malysh, 1986.

11. Kanurskaya T.A., L.A. Markman “Beads”. M., Publishing House "Profizdat", 2000.

12. Kochetova S. V. “Toys for everyone” (Soft toy). M., Olma-press, 1999.

13. Konysheva N. M. Artistic and design activity (basics of design - education. Grades 1 - 4. Program. Publishing house "Association 21 century" Smolensk 2012

14. Levina M. 365 fun labor lessons. M.: Rolf, 1999. - 256 p., with illustrations. (Attention: children!).

15. Molotobarova O. S. “A circle for the manufacture of souvenir toys”. M., Enlightenment, 1990.

16. Nagibina M.I. “Natural gifts for crafts and games”. Yaroslavl, "Academy of Development", 1997.





art and handicraft
The age of pupils is 4-7 years.

Program implementation period 3 years
Developed by:

senior educator

Krivonosova E.I.



An additional program on artistic and manual labor "Magician's Workshop" was developed, approved and implemented in an educational institution on the basis of the main general educational program of the MBDOU "Kindergarten of a combined type No. schools” edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarovskaya, M.A. Vasilyeva, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. Designed for children aged 4 to 7 years, the duration of the program is three years.

Program art and handicraft directed on the development of the creative potential of preschoolers and the education of children's interest in various types of artistic activity, the desire to participate in competitions and festivals of children's creativity.

This program is focused on the middle, senior, preparatory group, is open to changes, that is, if the need arises, the content and forms of classes can be adjusted.

novelty The program is the development in children of creative and exploratory characters, spatial representations, some physical laws, knowledge of the properties of various materials, mastery of various methods of practical actions, the acquisition of manual skill and the emergence of a creative attitude to the environment. To consolidate knowledge in each lesson, a didactic game or exercise is used.
All the work of additional education is built on the desire of children to learn how to do something new, unusual, with their own hands, or rather, to be a little magicians.
The novelty is not only to teach children to create something new, but also to find a use for the created crafts. Classes are planned in such a way that most of the handicrafts are items needed in everyday life and are used in the game, in the classroom, serve as decoration.


The problem of the development of children's creativity is currently one of the most urgent problems, because we are talking about the most important condition for the formation of an individual identity of a person already at the first stages of its formation. Designing and manual labor, as well as playing and drawing, are special forms of children's activities proper. Children's interest in them depends significantly on how the conditions and organization of work can satisfy the basic needs of a child of this age, namely:

  • the desire to practically act with objects, which is no longer satisfied with simple manipulation with them, as it was before, but involves obtaining a certain meaningful result;

  • the desire to feel able to do something that can be used and that can win the approval of others.
The relevance of the program lies in the fact that you can develop the creativity of children in different ways, including work with improvised materials, which includes various types of creating images of objects from fabric, natural and waste materials. In the process of working with these materials, children learn the properties, the possibilities of their transformation and their use in various compositions. In the process of creating crafts, children consolidate their knowledge of the standards of form and color, form clear and fairly complete ideas about the objects and phenomena of life around them. Children learn to compare different materials with each other, find similarities and differences, create crafts of the same items from paper, fabric, leaves, boxes, bottles, etc. Creating crafts gives children great pleasure when they succeed and great disappointment if the image does not work out. At the same time, the desire to achieve a positive result is brought up in the child. It is necessary to note the fact that children carefully handle toys made by themselves, do not break them, do not allow others to spoil the craft.

Pedagogical expediency

The need to create this program exists, since it is considered as a multilateral process associated with the development of children's creativity, imagination, fine motor skills, attention, logical thinking and perseverance.

Purpose and objectives of the program
Purpose of the program. Develop creativity, imagination, imagination. Help the child to show their artistic abilities in various types of visual and applied activities. To promote the development in children of a sustainable interest in artistic and manual labor.

Program objectives

1. To teach children to feel free in the classroom, not to be shy to express their thoughts, to achieve emotional responsiveness of children in the classes of additional education "Wizard Workshop"
2. Teach children various methods of converting paper, fabric, natural and waste materials.
3. To develop imagination, the ability to see the unusual in ordinary objects, the development of artistic and creative abilities and creativity of children.

4. Strengthen the ability to work neatly, keep your workplace in order.
5. Develop a desire to receive positive results in work.
6. Develop a sense of collectivism, sociability.
7. Teach children to analyze the images of crafts.
8. Develop a sense of purpose in work.
9. Develop the ability to bring the work to the end, work at a given pace.
10. Make with children attributes for role-playing and didactic games, dramatization games, use children's crafts to decorate the interior of a preschool institution.
11. To cultivate industriousness, accuracy, the desire to bring the work begun to the end.
12. Show creativity, innovative solutions in work.
A distinctive feature of the program is that while working, children turn into wizards and make “magic” with their own hands, each work has its own purpose: decoration, gift, for playing, etc. The first activity in each group is the creation of a magic wand, which is more difficult than the previous group. At the end of the school year, at the final lesson, as a reward and confirmation of his skills, the child receives a diploma of a wizard in a magic workshop and his magic wand. In the middle group, children are called "Little Wizards", in the older group - "Just Wizards", and in the preparatory group - "Real Wizards". A distinctive feature is also that new opportunities appear and more diverse materials for creativity are used - salt dough, caramel, colored semolina, crafts from cereals, chocolate, sponges, threads, foil, beads, beads, rhinestones and so on.
Principles of constructing the pedagogical process
1. From simple to complex.
2. Systematic work.
3. Individual approach.

Teaching methods and techniques
1. Visual (teacher's show, example, help).
2. Verbal (explanation, description, encouragement, persuasion, use of tongue twisters, proverbs and sayings).
3. Practical (independent and joint implementation of crafts).

Stages of work
The entire educational cycle is divided into 3 stages.
Stage 1 - acquaintance with the properties of materials.
Stage 2 - training in manufacturing techniques.
Stage 3 - making crafts.

Working with teachers:

  • Master class: "Making New Year crafts"

  • Conversations

  • Workshops: "Magic Paper"
Working with parents

  • Collection of material for classes

  • Clamshell folders: "Paper + creativity = origami"

  • Information stands: "How to educate a creative person."

  • Consultations: “What is needed for making handicrafts?”, “The first steps in working with paper in mastering the Origami technique”, “The origins of needlework”

  • Competition of creative family works "Winter's Tale" (non-traditional technique for performing creative work, using a variety of materials).

  • Contest of joint creativity of children and adults "New and amazing with their own hands"

  • Seminars - workshops: "Create with your own hands."

Forms and mode of employment

The duration of the lesson is: in the middle group - 20 minutes, in the senior group - 25 minutes, in the preparatory group - 30 minutes. Classes are held in the afternoon, once a week. Individual work is expected in free time and in the evening, aimed at solving specific problems.

Practical work of children

Starting work on teaching children how to create crafts from various materials, the main attention should be paid to mastering the basic techniques by children. It is advisable before teaching children to work with natural and waste materials: fabric and paper, to conduct classes to get acquainted with the properties of these materials. When teaching various methods of converting materials, the most significant place among the methods and techniques used will be occupied by the process of making crafts. At the first lessons there is a full demonstration with a detailed explanation of their actions. As children acquire the necessary experience, children should be more often involved in the show. When familiarizing preschoolers with various (materials) techniques, a phased display can also be used. The use of fiction and surprise moments in the classroom makes it even more exciting and helps to overcome the difficulties that arise. The widespread use of gaming techniques has a positive effect on the emotions of children, which in turn have an impact on the development of creativity in preschoolers.
collective form conducting classes helps to create interesting and colorful compositions, has a positive effect on the moral and aesthetic development of the child, contributes to the ability to coordinate one’s desires with the desires of other children, help each other in difficult situations, rejoice in the success of one’s own and comrades in creating work.
Various forms of association are used: in pairs, small groups, the whole group, each separately for connection into a common composition.

When analyzing the work, various game exercises and didactic games are used. During their conduct in an entertaining way, preschoolers learn to find the advantages and disadvantages of their work and in the crafts of other children, to accept and understand the interests of another person.

General lesson plan

Almost all classes are built according to the same plan. Each lesson uses additional material: poems, riddles, information about the intended object being created, didactic games.

  1. Preparing for the lesson (setting to work).

  2. Repetition of the material covered (identification of basic knowledge and ideas):

  • repetition of the name of the base form;

  • repetition of the actions of the previous lesson;

  • repetition of the rules for using scissors, glue, safety rules.

  1. Introduction to the new topic :

  • riddles, poems that reveal the topic of the lesson; encyclopedic information about the subject of the lesson (stories about the life of animals, birds, insects; interesting stories, etc.), didactic games.

  • sample display;

  • examination of the sample, analysis (names; shape of the main part);

  • repetition of folding rules.

  1. Practical part:

  • showing the educator the process of making crafts (work according to the scheme, technological map, depending on the level of training and
formation of skills);

  • verbalization by students of some stages of work (decoding of the scheme: “What am I doing here?”);

  • text plan (if the craft consists of several parts);

  • independent production of products by children according to a text plan, technological map;

  • design, decoration of the toy, gluing it to the background or to the composition;

  • analysis of the student's work (accuracy, correctness and consistency of performance, rational organization of working time, compliance with safety regulations, creativity, originality, aesthetics).
Expected result and ways to determine their effectiveness

middle group

Creativity and ingenuity develop.

An aesthetic taste is formed in a harmonious combination of elements in the design of buildings, crafts.

Children practice making simple flat toys from paper strips by folding them in half and decorating them with cut-out paper elements.

Learn how to make elementary origami toys.

They practice making crafts from waste (box) and natural material.

Learn to use scissors and glue.

Business and game communication of children develops.

Children are taught to work neatly and orderly.

Master various methods of converting materials.

Cognitive, constructive abilities develop.

Interest in the result and quality of crafts is developing.

Learn the properties of various materials;

Learn to work with scissors and glue.

Learn to see the extraordinary in ordinary objects

Fine motor skills develop.

Senior group

The ability to independently analyze structures, drawings, diagrams (by a generalized method) develops.

Improving skills of spatial orientation.

Skills and abilities are formed in artistic work and design using different materials (paper, cardboard, waste and natural material, etc.).

Children can make simple origami crafts.

Artistic taste develops in the design of buildings and products in the process of a harmonious combination of elements in shape, size, color, texture, etc.

There is a desire to work together.

Skills of communicative, business communication are formed.

The ability to use tools and materials for labor continues to form.

The ability to independently prepare the necessary materials for work is being formed.

The habit of maintaining cleanliness and order in the workplace is formed.
preparatory group
The ability to independently analyze structures, crafts, drawings, diagrams, drawings has been formed.

The ability to come up with their own designs and products from different materials and to embody them first in sketches and diagrams continues to form.

Spatial orientation skills are formed.

The ability to design and make both individually and jointly according to samples, according to conditions, according to the plan has been formed.

Different types of constructors are mastered, the ability to create the simplest moving mechanisms (lever, block, gear train) is formed.

The ability to create original artistic images using different materials continues to develop.

An artistic taste is formed in the process of designing structures, making handicrafts, and in design activities.

They know how to make toys, crafts based on three-dimensional forms (modules), make simple patterns, create sketches (products from paper cylinders, cones, cubic and other shapes).

Learn how to make origami crafts.

They are attached to design (to modeling, design, layout, design activities).

Improving communication and business communication skills.

The ability to independently prepare their workplace for work has been formed.

Formed the habit of keeping clean and tidy.

Developed search activity.

They are able to analyze the craft.

A positive attitude towards work has been formed.

Developed constructive, cognitive, creative and artistic abilities.

The hand is ready for writing.

Definition of effectiveness.

Table for pedagogical survey on manual labor


List of children

Material properties

Mastering the techniques of working with materials

Development of constructive abilities (cut, glue, tear, measure, cut)

fine motor skills







Elective program

"Artistic work"

for grades 5-9

Compiled by:

teacher Krivinkova I.I.

Ust-Kamenogorsk city

Explanatory note.

For the harmonious versatile development of the individual, it is necessary to be able to realize the unique abilities of a person, prepare students for life and adapt them, develop functional literacy and key competencies in them, master the necessary skills and abilities that allowed them to freely navigate in the conditions of market relations. Therefore, in the practical work of the school, its own model of an adaptive system has been built.

Mastering the program of this elective will allow students to study folk crafts, design and construction in depth and broadly. This course builds on the knowledge and skills developed in the study of technology and fine arts. The focus here is on the creation of creative projects, panels, household products and modeling. The elective course is aimed at the comprehensive development of students' abilities, instilling independent work skills. Students must learn the beauty of folk art and nature, use its gifts for artistic activities, develop creative thinking, the need for work.

The whole program is designed for 34 lessons lasting 1 hour. Classes are built according to the scheme: theory + practice, while most of the time is spent on practical work.

Students are expected to: activities:

Analysis of finished products and structures;

Messages in oral form and in the form of an electronic presentation;

Practical work;

Creative works and projects.

When performing creative tasks and projects, students will use various sources of information:

Folk art, visual tables, special literature;

They will receive skills in needlework, assessment and self-assessment of the results of artistic work.


Development of creative abilities of students and the formation of communication skills in the field of folk, applied design programs.


1. To guide teachers to find the best ways for the development of each student based on adaptive education, knowledge of his individual abilities and capabilities, educational needs and functional literacy.

2. Instilling in students the aesthetic skills of artistic work in their educational activities as a means of self-development and self-realization.

3. Awakening and developing students' interest in in-depth study of the material, providing opportunities for creative self-expression, comprehending communicative culture and understanding the role of artistic labor in society, developing ideas about its role and place in the modern scientific picture of the world;

4. To form the skills of public speaking when defending projects.

5. Develop applied skills in working with various materials and familiarity with the works of folk craftsmen.

Relevance of the elective is that today in the curriculum of the school course of technology there are no topics related to the study of the creativity of the peoples of the world, design and construction, although this program is of great interest to students. This is due to the fact that artistic work helps to broaden one's horizons, develop skills and abilities in the manufacture of products.

The proposed optional program "Artistic work" for students in grades 5-9 solves this problem. Students can use the knowledge gained during the study of the applied course "Artistic Labor" when creating souvenirs, gifts, designs. The knowledge and skills acquired as a result of mastering this course are the foundation for further improvement of skills in the field of creative modeling, weaving, designing, and creating handicrafts.

The novelty of the elective program lies in the approach - in the combination of basic, additional and individual education with the practical activities of students. This program proposes the content of this curriculum for co-education of girls and boys in grades 5-9 and is based on the principles of integration and continuity.

The acquired theoretical and practical materials of the course will help to realize creative ideas, develop the desire for self-learning, for independent and creative application of knowledge and skills in working with various materials using technology and, possibly, make an informed choice of profession. Practical classes are diverse in their tasks, methods of conducting, methods of presenting educational material; aimed at activating students.

Identification of the dynamics of interest:

Diagnosis at the first and last lessons;

Interview in the process of work after the completion of each type of compulsory work.


Method of projects;

Student-centered learning;

Group work;

Technology of problem and adaptive learning.

As a result of training, students should acquire knowledge of:

On the technology of manufacturing folk craft;

About the main stages of work in the creation of products, structures, models;

On the methods of work and processing of material.

Having mastered the applied course, students should be able to:

Create designs, models, souvenirs, household items and products;

Drafting and defending creative work;

Work with all provided materials and tools.


The form of the final reporting is a semi-annual report on theoretical and practical knowledge, a presentation of the Portfolio of Completed Works.

The student receives a credit on the condition that the compulsory work is completed, submitted on time, in the form proposed by the teacher, in compliance with the standard requirements for their design.

Points may be added for meeting any of the following additional conditions:

Proactively completed task in addition to the mandatory one;

Initiative work during classes;

Independent work (project) performed at school or outside it (competition, exhibition, review, etc.).

The entire program is designed for 34 lessons lasting 1 hour each (34 academic hours), contains a list of literature recommended for organizing classes.

Distribution of hours by class (34 hours - 1 hour per week)

Lesson types

Technology of artistic needlework with elements of decorative and applied art.

Design and modeling.

From class to class, the basic content of each block becomes more complicated, updated, taking into account the age capabilities, psychological and physiological characteristics of students.

5 Class

Section 1. Artistic technologyneedleworkwithelementmi

The concept of folk art. Types of ornaments: ribbon, closed. General information about fabrics. Technique of weaving from paper, beads, isothread. Use of elements of arts and crafts: elements of appliqué, leather work. Types of threads: floss, cotton, wool. Types of folk sculpture: round, relief. Project. Compliance with labor safety rules.

Instruments: Scissors, pencil, glue, cutter, ruler, needle, thread. As well as decorative pins, a board, a pattern, a template, a stack, a modeling board.

Materials: Paper, cardboard, wire, beads, woolen threads, fabric. As well as leather, fabric, fur, leather, synthetic winterizer, plasticine, paper pulp.

Visibility: Fabric samples. Samples of weaves and seams of isothread. Instruction card. Product samples.

Demonstration: Skin deformation.

Practical work: Production of souvenir products. Product design with elements of arts and crafts: embroidery elements, isothread, appliqué. Bulk products. Pattern making catar muiz, cous ropes from leather, sewing to souvenir products. Manufacture of household items.

Section 2 Design and modeling.

The concept of design. Design technique: quilling, paper plastic, natural material, origami, modeling, collage. To expand knowledge about the possibilities of artistic materials and their properties. Receptions of volumetric forms: crushing, twisting, bending, bending, corrugating. Surface bonding. General concepts of technical drawing, sketch and drawing. Creation of simple product drawings. Drawing up and reading of the simplest schemes of designs. Project. Safety engineering.

Materials: Paper, cardboard, matches, cardboard boxes, plastic, natural material, wire.


Visibility: Samples of finished products.


Practical work: Performing bulk work, plastic structures. Design technique: quilling, paper plastic, natural material, origami, modeling, collage.

Section 3. Design.

The concept of design. Design in arts and crafts and in the manufacture of household items. Design rules.

Materials: Paper, cardboard, cardboard boxes, plastic, wooden sticks. Wire, light bulbs, woolen threads, shells, beads, buttons, tracing paper.

Instruments: Scissors, pencil, glue - pencil. Glue "Moment", cutter, ruler, pattern, template, needle.

Demonstration: Ways of design expression.

Practical work: Production of souvenir products. Bulk products. Manufacture of household items. Playground.

5th grade students should know:

    Basic information about the history and features of national art, about the types of folk art.

    Basic laws of design.

    The basic laws of design are the construction of figures, toys, household items, buildings, etc.

    Features of the properties of materials: paper, fabric, thread.

    Safety precautions when working with certain tools.

    Workplace organization.

Grade 5 students should be able to:

    Distinguish types of materials and ways of their use;

use the right tools;

    Determine the environmental properties of artificial and natural fibers;

    Distinguish the basics of crafts;

    Distinguish between a variety of activities and professions;

    Perform graphic images (sketches, drawings)

10. Take care of indoor plants;

11.Apply safety instructions;

12. Observe safety regulations when using hand tools;

13. Correctly organize the workplace.

6 Class

Section 1. Artistic technologyneedleworkwithelementmi.

The concept of folk art. National ornament. Creation of product drawings. Template making. Types of weaving. Weaving technique from beads, leather, wire. Design of national clothes. Project. Compliance with labor safety rules.

Instruments: Scissors, pencil, glue, cutter, ruler, needle, thread. As well as decorative pins, pattern, template, board.

Materials: Paper, cardboard, wire, beads, woolen threads, fabric, leather fabric. And also fur, synthetic winterizer.

Demonstration: Fabric embossing.

Practical work: Production of souvenir products. Product design with elements of arts and crafts. Manufacture of household items. Design of volumetric structures. Implementation of the design of national clothes. Bulk products.

Section 2 .

Types of design. Design technique: origami, modeling. Volumetric methods. Possibilities of artistic materials and their properties. The concept of technical drawing, sketch and drawing. Drawing up and reading of schemes of designs. Possibilities of artistic materials and their properties. Project. Safety engineering.

Materials: Paper, cardboard, matches, cardboard boxes, plastic, natural material. As well as wire, plastic tubes.

Instruments: Scissors, pencil, glue, cutter, ruler, template, template, needle.

Visibility: Samples of finished products.

Demonstration: Methods for depicting volume-plastic structures. Practical work:

Section 3 Design.

Types of design. Implementation methods. Design rules. Volumetric - spatial forms of design. Safety engineering.

Materials: Colored paper, cardboard, cardboard boxes, plastic. Wire, light bulbs, woolen threads, shells, beads, buttons, tracing paper.

Instruments: Threads, needle, brush, watering can, ripper and sprayer for indoor plants. As well as napkins, scissors, a ruler, a pencil, an awl, a hammer, a nail. Glue "Moment".

Demonstration: Types of design.

Practical work: Organizer. Air mobile. Manufacture of household items.

Requirements for the level of training of students.

6th grade students should know:

    History and features of national art, making souvenirs.

    Theoretical foundations of design - the construction of figures, toys, household items, buildings, etc.

    Basic laws of design.

    Features of material properties: clay, cardboard, linoleum, paper, etc.

    Rules of composition in design and DPI.

    Weaving technology from paper, newspaper, wire, etc.;

    Workplace organization.

Year 6 students should be able to:

    To make simple products of arts and crafts from various materials, taking into account national and regional characteristics;

    Write a description of the appearance of products;

    Write a description of the appearance of products;

    Serve yourself - sew on a button, mend things, etc .;

    Apply the acquired skills and abilities for independent creativity.

10. Create products to master the skills of choosing product design; apply elements of arts and crafts in the creation of modern design projects;

11.Apply processing technology of various materials;

12. Take care of indoor plants;

7 Class

Section 1. Artistic technologyneedleworkwithelementmidecorative and applied arts.

The concept of folk art. Specificity and folk crafts. National ornament. Creation of product drawings. Template making. Types of weaving: weaving technique from leather, newspaper, wire. Decorating ornaments. National household items. Project. Compliance with labor safety rules.


Materials: Paper, cardboard, wire, beads, woolen threads, fabric, leather. As well as fabric, fur, leather, synthetic winterizer, plaster bandage.

Demonstration: Weaving forms.

Visibility: Samples of finished products.

Practical work: Production of souvenir products. Product design with elements of arts and crafts. Manufacture of household items. Newspaper weaving. Bulk products.

Section 2 Construction.

Types of design. Design technique: origami, modeling, natural material. Possibilities of artistic materials and their properties. The concept of technical drawing, sketch and drawing. Drawing up and reading of schemes of designs. Knowledge about the possibilities of artistic materials and their properties. architectural styles. Volumetric methods. Project. Safety engineering.

Materials: Paper, cardboard, matches, cardboard boxes, plastic, wire. As well as plastic straws, pasta and seeds.

Instruments: Scissors, pencil, glue, cutter, ruler, template, template, needle.

Visibility: Samples of finished products.

Demonstration: Methods for depicting volume-plastic structures.

Practical work: Performing bulk work, plastic structures. Design technique: natural material, origami, modeling, collage.

Chapter 3 . Design.

Design in decorative and applied arts. Ways to perform volumetric - spatial products. Art design. Safety engineering.

Materials: Buttons, cardboard, colored paper. Glass bottle, scraps of fabric, cord, leather, newspapers.

Instruments: Threads, needle, scissors, glue - pencil, glue - moment "Crystal". PVA glue, cocktail tubes.

Demonstration: Ways of volumetric - spatial design.

Practical work: Souvenirs: a vase, a village house, a snowflake.

Requirements for the level of training of students.

Grade 7 students should know:

    Features of national art, making souvenirs.

    Basics of design - building figures, toys, household items, buildings, etc.

    Basic laws of design, solutions.

    Features of drawing up a panel.

    Weaving technology from paper, newspaper, wire, foil, etc.;

    The technology of decorating with fabric and leather.

    Methods for the restoration of products.

    How to create a sculpture.

    Safety rules for working with tools.

    Workplace organization.

Grade 7 students should be able to:

    Draw up sketches and technical drawings of product details;

    Write a description of the appearance of products;

    Use the right tools correctly;

    To make simple products of arts and crafts from various materials, taking into account national and regional characteristics;

    Perform design work - scenery;

    Draw up sketches and technical drawings of product details;

    Write a description of the appearance of products;

    Select materials according to external signs and manufacture products using various technologies (according to a sample, drawing, prefabricated scheme, sketch, drawing);

    Create products to master the skills of choosing product design;

10. Apply elements of arts and crafts in the creation of modern design projects;

11. Apply graphic models, sketches, drawings, symbols in design and research activities using modern graphic computer technologies;

12.Apply processing technology of various materials;

13.Apply safety instructions;

14. Observe safety regulations when using hand tools;

15. Correctly organize the workplace.

8 Class

Section 1. Artistic technologyneedleworkwithelementmiarts and crafts.

The concept of folk art. Specificity and folk crafts. National household items. Creation of product drawings. Template making. Weaving technique from leather, wire. Bulk application. Patterns on the skin. Project. Compliance with labor safety rules.

Instruments: Scissors, pencil, glue, cutter, ruler, needle, thread. As well as decorative pins, board, pattern, template.

Materials: Paper, cardboard, wire, beads, woolen threads, fabric, leather, fabric. As well as fur and synthetic winterizer.

Demonstration: How to make flowers.

Visibility: Samples of finished products.

Practical work: Production of souvenir products. Product design with elements of arts and crafts: embroidery elements, appliqué. Manufacture of household items. Cord products. Bulk products.

Section 2 Design and modeling.

Types of design. Design technique: natural material, modeling. Possibilities of artistic materials and their properties. The concept of technical drawing, sketch and drawing. Drawing up and reading of schemes of designs. Knowledge about the possibilities of artistic materials and their properties. architectural styles. Volumetric methods. School decoration. Project. Safety engineering.

Materials: Paper, cardboard, matches, cardboard boxes, plastic, natural material. As well as wire, buttons and beads, ceiling tiles, poillettes, matchboxes.

Instruments: Scissors, pencil, glue, cutter, ruler, pattern, template, needle, thread, napkins.

Visibility: Samples of finished products.

Demonstration: Methods for depicting volume-plastic structures.

Practical work:

Chapter 3 . Design.

Design of a closed three-dimensional composition, bas-relief, batik painting.

Materials: Salt dough, cord, fabric paints. Yarn, beads and beads, clothespins, tin.

Instruments: Scissors, stacks, PVA glue and Crystal glue moment, brushes.

Demonstration: Types of pasting.

Practical work: Cord crafts, voluminous flowers, carved relief, doll, batik.

Requirements for the level of training of students.

8th grade students should know:

    theoretical foundations of design - the construction of figures, toys, household items, buildings, etc .;

    basic laws of design;

    history and features of national art, making souvenirs;

    features of material properties: clay, cardboard, linoleum, paper, etc.;

    safety rules for working with tools;

    rules of composition in design and DPI;

    ways to decorate the interior of residential premises;

    features of making collages and panels;

    technology of weaving from beads, paper, newspaper, wire, etc.;

10.decoration technology with fabric and leather.

Grade 8 students should be able to:

    select materials according to external signs and manufacture products using various technologies (according to a sample, drawing, prefabricated scheme, sketch, drawing);

    create products to master the skills of choosing product design;

    apply elements of arts and crafts in the creation of modern design projects;

    apply graphic models, sketches, drawings, symbols in design and research activities using modern graphic computer technologies; understand the basics of the scientific organization of labor; using traditional and modern graphic computer technologies;

    apply the basics of entrepreneurship and self-employment

    understand the basics of the scientific organization of labor;

    be able to organize the workplace;

    use personal protective equipment and hygiene;

    apply safety instructions;

Grade 9

Section 1. Artistic technologyneedleworkwithelementmiarts and crafts.

Folk art and folk crafts. National household items. Creation of product drawings. Template making. Panel in folk style. Batik, bas-relief.

Instruments: Scissors, pencil, glue, cutter, ruler, needle, thread. As well as decorative pins, a board, a pattern, a template, brushes.

Materials: Paper, cardboard, wire, beads, woolen threads, fabric, leather, fabric. Salt dough, foil, beads, fabric paints, feathers, clothespins. Tin can, corrugated paper, quick-drying plasticine.

Demonstration: Methods for making panels.

Visibility: Samples of finished products.

Practical work: Production of souvenir products. Product design with elements of arts and crafts. Manufacture of household items. Cord products. Bulk products.

Section 2 Design and modeling.

Types of design. Design technique. Technical drawing, sketch and drawing. Drawing up and reading of schemes of designs. Possibilities of artistic materials and their properties. Creative modeling. Volumetric methods. School decoration. Project. Safety engineering. Quilling.

Materials: Paper, cardboard, matches, cardboard boxes, plastic, natural material. As well as wire, buttons and beads, sequins.

Instruments: Scissors, pencil, glue, cutter, ruler, pattern, template. Needle thread, napkins, adhesive tape.

Visibility: Samples of finished products.

Demonstration: Methods for making animals - quilling.

Practical work: Performing bulk work, plastic structures. Design technique: quilling, paper plastic, natural material, origami, modeling. Decorating the school for the holidays. Newspaper weaving.

Chapter 3 . Design.

Creative modeling. Button crafts, panel design, household items. Safety engineering.

Materials: Cardboard, buttons, beads and beads, plastic, acrylic paints and fabric paints.

Instruments: Yarn, needle, scissors, cutter, ruler, compasses. Glue - pencil, glue moment "Crystal", PVA glue.

Demonstration: Types of pasting.

Practical work: Crafts from buttons, a plastic bottle, making a coaster, a fridge magnet, batik.

Requirements for the level of training of students.

9th grade students should know:

1. fundamentals of design - the construction of figures, toys, household items, buildings, etc .;

2.laws of design;

3.features of national art, making souvenirs; of materials: clay, cardboard, linoleum, paper, etc.; rules for working with tools;

6. rules of composition in design and DPI;

7. ways to decorate the interior of residential premises;

8. features of drawing up panels;

9.decoration technology with fabric and leather.

11. Methods for the restoration of products.

12. Ways to create a sculpture.

13. organization of the workplace.

14. safety precautions.

Grade 9 students should be able to:

1. select materials according to external signs and manufacture products using various technologies (according to a sample, drawing, prefabricated scheme, sketch, drawing);

2. to create products to possess the skills of choosing product design;

3. apply elements of arts and crafts in the creation of modern design projects;

4. apply graphic models, sketches, drawings, symbols in design and research activities using modern graphic computer technologies; understand the basics of the scientific organization of labor; using traditional and modern graphic computer technologies;

5. apply the basics of entrepreneurship and self-employment

6.understand the basics of the scientific organization of labor;

7. be able to organize the workplace;

8. apply individual means of protection and hygiene;

9.apply safety instructions;

10. observe safety regulations when using hand tools;

11. Correctly organize the workplace.


G. Chimekeyeva, M. Irsimbetov.

D.Almagambetova, T.Amreeva, A.Kopninov.

4. "Everything from paper" G.I. flip

5. "Homemade from different materials" G. Pereverten.

6. "Creative modeling" O. Medvedev.

7. "Oyu" S. Tolenbaev.

8. "Soft toys and puppets" I. Gray.

9. "Mein buntes Bastelbuch" A.Barti. S. Becker. V.Weber….Germany

10. "Beads" M. Lukin.

11. Needlework and Design by Mary Ann F. Kohl.

12. “Everything will come in handy” D. Green.

13. Patchwork by Mary Ann Green.

14. "100 crafts from natural materials" I.V. Novikova, L.V. Bazulin.


1. Textbook on Technology Grade 5. K.Ustemirov, B.Kalnazarov,

G. Chimekeyeva, M. Irsimbetov.

2. Textbook on Technology Grade 6. K.Ustemirov, N.Adamkulov,

D.Almagambetova, T.Amreeva, A.Kopninov.

3. Textbook on Technology Grade 7. K.Ustemirov, N.Adamkulov,

D.Almagambetova, T.Amreeva, A.Kopninov.

4. Textbook on Technology Grade 8. K.Ustemirov, B.Kalnazarov,

G. Chimekeyeva, M. Irsimbetov.

5. "100 crafts from natural materials" I.V. Novikova, L.V. Bazulin.

6. "Homemade" G.I. Turnover.

7. "Circle of making toys - souvenirs" O.S. Molotoborov.

8. "Everything from paper" G.I. Turnover.

Sites: stencils. paper plastic. , paper plastic.

Educational and thematic plan

5th grade-34 hours

Topic name

Total hours

Conduct form

educational product


Section 1.Artistic technology needlework with element mi

Dreamcatcher. Basics of weaving: cross weaving.

technology explanation,

practical work


practical task, sample

Panel. Isolate, embroidery.

technology explanation,

practical work


practical task, sample

Casket. Mastering the skills of embossing technology.

technology explanation,

practical work


practical task, sample

Zhastyk(pillow). Application from fabric with ornaments of animal origin.

technology explanation,

practical work


Ring. The concept of bead weaving technology

technology explanation,

practical work


practical task, sample

Section 2Design. 12 hours.

Flowers. Formation of skills and abilities in the Quilling technique.

technology explanation,

practical work


practical task, sample

Organizer. Independent work. Composition from a cardboard milk box.

technology explanation,

practical work


practical task, sample

Playground. Collective work. Architectural design.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample

Magic box on the themes of Kazakh fairy tales. Drawing up a design scheme and performing a fabulous composition inside the box.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample, template

Section 3Design.6 hours.

Vase. Work with fabric (we fit the shape, cut out patterns). Product decoration.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample

Decorative tiles. Composition relief (for kitchen, bathroom)



practical task, sample

Scarp. Combined postcards (fabric, paper, buttons)

technology explanation,



practical task, sample

Educational and thematic plan

6th grade-34 hours

Topic name

Total hours

Conduct form

educational product


Section 1.Artistic technology needlework with element mi arts and crafts.16 hours.

autumn trees. Volumetric composition of fabric, cardboard and buttons.

Practical work


practical task, sample, template

The National costume. Fabric applique.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample, template

Bear cub. Manufacturing technology of thread buboes and balls.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample, template

Casket. Technology of weaving from newspapers.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample

Cup. Skin work. Decorative design.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample

Section 2Design. 11 o'clock.

Organizer. Composition of jars and clothespins, decorated with national patterns.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample

Nightlight. Improving architectural skills and abilities.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample

Bird. Origami technique.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample

Snowflakes. Tubular connection of snowflake design.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample

Card. Combined composition (brick wall, print)

technology explanation,



practical task, sample

Section 3Design.7 hours.

Sunflower. Volumetric combined picture.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample

Air mobile. Composition of rhythmic subject forms.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample, template

Educational and thematic plan

Grade 7-34 hours

Topic name

Total hours

Conduct form

educational product


Section 1.Artistic technology needlework with element mi

Vase. Volumetric composition of fabric, cardboard, decoration with national patterns.


practical task, sample, template

Basket. Technology of weaving from newspapers.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample, template

Housekeeper. Volumetric composition (from a plaster bandage).

technology explanation,



practical task, sample

Ornament. Technology of openwork ornaments made of leather.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample

Section 2Design. 11 o'clock.

Turtle. Composition of plastic and cardboard.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample, template


technology explanation,



practical task, sample

Animals. Origami technique.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample

Scarp postcard. Combined composition.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample

Dodecahedron. Tubular connection design.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample

Section 3Design.9 hours.

Rural house. Bottle decoration.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample

Gift box.

Prefabricated volumetric design scheme.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample, template

Torsyk. Bulky leather item.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample, template

Educational and thematic plan

Grade 8-34 hours

Topic name

Total hours

Conduct form

educational product


Section 1.Artistic technology needlework with element mi arts and crafts.14 hours.

Roses. Volumetric composition of tree leaves.

Technology explanation. Practical work


practical task, sample

Panel in folk style. Laying out an openwork ornament with a rope.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample, template

Firebird. Relief. Decorative sculpture.



practical task, sample

Relief. Carved relief from ceiling tiles, decoration.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample

Batik. Painting on fabric.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample

Section 2Design. 11 o'clock.

Scarp postcard.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample

Figures. Modeling.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample

Cart with flowers. Cardboard composition.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample

Organizer. Construction from metal cans.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample

Section 3Design.9 hours.

City of the future. Collective work. Improving architectural skills and abilities.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample


Leather weaving.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample, template


Collective work.

Paper plastic.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample, template

Educational and thematic plan

Grade 9-34 hours

Topic name

Total hours

Conduct form

educational product


Section 1.Artistic technology needlework with element mi arts and crafts.14 hours.

Topiary. Volumetric composition of flowers.

Technology explanation. Practical work


practical task, sample, template

Star. Laying out an openwork ornament with buttons.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample, template

Panel in folk style. Decorative composition from waste material.



practical task, sample

Fridge magnet. Composition of quick-drying plasticine, decoration.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample

Batik. Painting on fabric.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample

Section 2Design. 10 hours.

Postcard scarp "Machine". Design and decoration in folk style.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample

Figures. Modeling.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample

Animals. Paper composition. Quilling.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample

Yurt. Construction of wire and sintepon.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample

Section 3Design. 10 hours.

Panel. Composition of woolen thread.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample


Collective work.

Paper plastic.

technology explanation,



practical task, sample, template

Municipal educational institution

Uragubskaya secondary school


Kola district of the Murmansk region


decision of the methodological

(pedagogical) council

Protocol No. ______________________

from "___" __________________ 2010
Order No. ______ of "___" _____ 2010

Director __________________ Full name


fine arts and artistic work

Class 3

The program is developed on the basis of an exemplary program of initial general

education, 2004.

The program was developed by the primary school teacher Kuznetsova O.A.

The program was considered at a meeting of the Ministry of Defense of teachers

primary school

Protocol No. ___ dated "__" _____ 2010

Ruk. MO ______________ (full name)


"___" ________ 2010 Deputy director of MOU ___

_________________ (FULL NAME)
^ Explanatory note

The work program “Fine Arts and Artistic Work” was compiled on the basis of an exemplary program of primary general education, state standards, 2004. This program includes programs for two subjects “Fine Arts” and “Artistic Work. Technology”, which allows for the integration of art lessons and artistic work, 3 hours are allotted for the study of these subjects, art-1 hour, art work -2 hours. Integrated connections between subjects are implemented in the process of synchronous mastering of educational material and implementation based on commonality:

Developmental and educational tasks;

The main qualities of an artistic thing, product, as well as means of expression, the consideration and development of which is carried out both in the lessons of art and, and in the lessons of artistic work.

The content of both programs includes:

In the choice of materials, tasks and techniques;

In the choice of works of fine and folk art, taking into account regional characteristics;

In the organization of independent cognitive and creative activity of students in the form of search work, experiments with art materials, as well as with paper, clay, fabric, natural materials.

^ The content of the program "Fine Arts" presented in the form of interconnected sections.

Section “Fundamentals of artistic image. Art." focuses on the emotional and aesthetic perception of works of professional art, on the formation of a value attitude to natural phenomena, to images of folklore and literature, to real people, animals and birds.

The section "Fundamentals of folk arts and crafts" is aimed at developing students' emotional and value perception of folk arts and crafts of Russia and the peoples of the world, at understanding the diversity of folk arts, their regional characteristics.

^ The content of the program "Artistic work" presented in the following sections:

Work with paper;

Working with textile materials;

Work with clay, plasticine;

Working with natural materials.

1 . Program "Fine Arts". Grade 3.

^ 2 .Textbook "Fine Arts", "Technology"

Visual arts (34 hours)

^ Purpose of the course:

fostering in students love for the fatherland, interest in the cultural and historical traditions of the Russian and other peoples of the country;

development of emotional and value perception of works of professional and folk art, the surrounding world.

^ Course objectives:

to educate a personality on the basis of the highest humanitarian values ​​by means of fine arts and folk traditions in artistic technologies;

instill moral and aesthetic feelings: love for the native nature, one's people, homeland, respect for people and the results of their work, traditions, heroic past, multinational culture;

master elementary skills, skills, ways of artistic and labor activity with various materials;

to form imaginative thinking, spatial imagination.

Leading theme of the year: The earth is one for all, but art is so different.

Fundamentals of artistic image. Fine arts (18 hours)

  1. Expansion of knowledge and ideas:
about color, its ability to convey the originality of nature (flowers, fruits, landscapes) in different parts of the Earth.

About graphic means of expressiveness (line, contour, stroke, spot-silhouette), their use in drawing from nature, according to representation;

About easel painting;

About decorative composition;

3. Experience in artistic and creative activity in drawing from nature, from memory and from imagination: landscape, still life, man, animals, easel and decorative composition.

Fundamentals of folk arts and crafts (16 hours)

  1. Development of emotional and aesthetic perception.

  2. Expansion of knowledge and ideas about the symbolism of folk ornament.

  3. Experience in artistic and creative activity (Russian wooden and stone architecture, Bogorodsk carved toys, the art of Zhostovo trays, the art of Gzhel majolica, folk costume: the peoples of Russia - Siberia and the world - Finland, Norway, theatrical and historical costume, the art of Pavlovsk shawls, the art of patchwork ).

Requirements for the level of preparation of graduates of grade 3

The student must know/understand:

Accessible information about the monuments of culture and art in connection with the history, life and life of their people;

About the leading art museums in Russia and their region;

Concepts: painting, graphics, landscape, still life, portrait, architecture, folk arts and crafts;

Individual works of outstanding artists and craftsmen;

Basics of ornament (symbolism of ornamental motifs, rhythmic schemes of composition, connection of decor with material, form and name of a thing).

be able to:

Organize your workplace, use a brush, paint, palette;

Correctly determine, draw, perform in the material the form of simple and combined objects, their proportions, designs, structure, color;

Apply methods of mixing watercolor, gouache paints to obtain a variety of shades;

Choose the size and location of the image depending on the shape and size of the sheet of paper;

Draw with a brush without a preliminary drawing elements of the Zhostovo ornament, adhere to the sequence of painting.

^ 1 quarter - 9 o'clock

2 quarter - 7 o'clock

3 quarter - 9 o'clock

4 quarter - 9 o'clock

Total: 34 hours


Lesson topic

House. exercise

the date

Correct. dates



Other people's flowers are redder, but their own are sweeter.

Find illustrations




In the Zhostovo tray - all the flowers of Russia.

Consider a tray pattern


In the Zhostovo tray - all the flowers of Russia. Tray painting.

Bring photos of your harvest.


Every artist praises the harvest of his land.

Consider decorations for the kite.


Fly, fly, kite!

Think over a sketch of an ornament for a rug


Patch to patch.

Write a poem about your small homeland.


Picturesque expanses of the Motherland.

Finish the landscape.


Gzhel workshop.

Decorate a plate



A yard is like a city, a hut is like a tower.

Consider a carved pattern


A yard is like a city, a hut is like a tower. The image of the tower for fairy-tale heroes.

Bring bird illustrations


Each bird flaunts with its own feather.

View photos from the museum


Each hut is full of amazing things.

View from my window


Russian Winter.

Think over an ornament in decorating folk clothes.


Winter is not summer, dressed in a fur coat.

Think over the ornament of clothes


Winter is for frosts, and we are for holidays.

Message on the topic "What is a carnival?"


carnival fantasy.

Come up with a sketch of a carnival mask

In each settlement, in your own outfit (10 hours)


Patterns - amulets in Russian folk costume.



The life of a costume in the theater.


historical costume or theatrical


City of white stone.

Bring illustrations or photos of monuments


Ancient Russian city - fortress.

Finish drawing


Defenders of the Russian land.

Illustrations of soldiers, heroes


Dear, beloved, relatives.

Bring a photo of your mother, grandmother, sister.


Wide Shrovetide.

Consider a frame for the application


The beauty and wisdom of folk toys.

Sketches of folk toys


Heroes of a fairy tale through the eyes of an artist.

Illustrations of favorite fairy tales


Fairy-tale heroes.

Application frame



Water expanses of Russia.

Pictures of spring navigation


Flowers of Russia on Pavlovian shawls and shawls.

Think /




Russian heel.

Think about the future pattern


In the spring sky - Victory salute.

Illustrations or




Coats of arms of the cities of the Golden Ring of Russia.

Coat of arms of the native city


Lilac overflows.

finish work


Every artist has his own fantasies.

Ornaments of the peoples of the world.


Improvisation based on images - symbols.

^ Artistic work (68 hours)

Leading theme of the year:

What is the land, then the custom, what the people, then the skill

Course objective:

mastering primary knowledge about the diversity and specificity of types and genres of professional and folk art.

Course objectives:

cultivate industriousness; development of labor skills, the basics of labor culture, the ability to plan and organize one's work and the work of comrades; development of moral and physical education of students; to develop in the child the ability to independently navigate in any work.
Paper handling


  • to give basic technological knowledge about materials (paper and cardboard); about tools and materials for fastening (scissors, awl, PVA glue, compasses); on the methods of technological processing of paper; about designations (twisting, corrugating, piercing) about work on the technological map (reading designations);

  • to teach basic labor skills in paper processing;

  • to form labor experience in the process of making paper products: types of paper design - air structures, floating structures, three-dimensional design, modeling from paper and ready-made auxiliary forms.
Working with fabric


  • to give basic technological knowledge about materials, tools and fixtures;

  • teach basic labor skills in fabric processing: designing your own fabric product basis of variation; processing the edge of the product with fringe and edge seams; embroidery with stitches "loop", "stalked"; preliminary planning of work on the product and technological map; self-assessment of work according to specified criteria.

  • to form labor experience in the process of manufacturing fabric products; designing from fabric: designing fixtures for work.
Working with plastic materials


  • to give basic technological knowledge about materials, about tools and fixtures, about methods of decorating products made of plastic materials;

  • to form work experience in the process of products made of plastic materials: dishes based on traditional ceramics with stucco decoration; based on traditional images of the Filimonovo toy; New Year's toy - a gift; products based on the traditional bake; plastic design.
Working with natural materials


To give basic technological knowledge about: materials, tools and fixtures, methods for decorating straw products using toning, weaving;

To teach basic labor skills in the processing of natural materials: preparation of ornament details for straw inlay; blanks for beads made of birch bark; implementation of a symmetrical ornament and: natural materials, taking into account the size and shape of the product;

To form labor experience in the process of manufacturing products from natural materials, to design from natural materials: birch bark beads based on traditional jewelry; a panel or a headdress decorated with a symmetrical ornament made of natural material in appliqué; straw toys (horse, bird) based on folk tales.
Calendar - thematic planning for grade 3

^ Lesson topic

House. exercise

the date

Correct. dates



  • expand and systematize students' knowledge of application techniques:

  • making applications from a variety of materials;
to cultivate respect for one's work, the desire to do work at a high level, to teach how to give applications - paintings a complete look


Chintz multicolor. Textile collage.

Decorate and glue the frame


Magic bouquets from Zhostovo. Paper construction.

Decorate the composition


Unusual transformations of straw. Straw mat design.

Complete the intended composition


Designing a straw rug based on the peoples of the world.

Decorate the craftpatterns


Fly, fly kite! Designing a paper kite.

Message about traditional children's fun


Patch to patch. Patchwork sewing using the “well” method.

Choose your own colors, gammarags


Patchwork using the “hut” method

Trim with strips of fabric


Artistic paper design based on Gzhel majolica.

Composition decoration


Modeling "Plasticine hail"



  • show, based on the acquired skills, the possibilities of application as a decoration technique;

  • clarify information about cylindrical and openwork toys, consolidate the ability to read the simplest sketch of a rectangular shape;

  • develop spatial imagination by comparing the variety of hats for dolls with their scans;

  • learn to markup using control and measuring tools.


Teremok for birds.


paper construction.

Think over and decorate the tower and decorate


Blacksmiths forge for a torch

svettsy. artistic

cardboard construction.

Decoration of elements


Red hut table yes
tablecloth. cutting out
products on their own

Product processing according to




Embroidering an ornament based on a chain stitch.

Finish the edges of the napkin


Beam toys. Artistic construction from cardboard and splinter

Color composition


Fairy tale box. Decoration
products carved decor

Prepare patterns


Good hands craftsmanship. Designing Christmas straw pendants.

Making crafts


Stringing parts on a thread, tying parts (continuation of work on the suspension).

Consider a woven pattern



Fabric patterns.
Designing a board from

Prepare patterns


Finishing the plank with tassels of a woven product.

Finish the product


City of white stone. Artistic design from paper based on Russian architecture

Pattern decoration


Miracle ships. Design based on folding techniques.

Product processing


Bogatyrs of the Russian land. Artistic design of voluminous paper dolls in costume.

come up with names



Birch bark gift. Designing a three-dimensional decoration from birch bark.

Make a string or reinforce a pin


Clay modeling of vessels according to
Skopinsky's motives

Refine the product.


Clay modeling of images based on Skopin ceramics.

Decorate the product


Spring maiden round dances. Paper construction of voluminous dolls in costumes.

Making patterns for costumes


Completion of work on

decorating doll costumes.

Come up with names for the dolls



Investigate the texture of non-woven textile material, its physical and technological properties, apply it in everyday life;

Refine new markup techniques;

Introduce a new method of gluing;

Develop the child's fantasy world.


Easter souvenir.


design of paper bells.

Making crafts on an Easter egg.


We meet birds. Creation

origami birds,

Think of a bird's habitat.


Making manners with floral patterns from cardboard and paper.

Make a craft.


Flowers in Pavloposadskaya.

cutting techniques,


Finish the product.


Skopinsky fantasies from clay - molding of vessels of complex shape



Construction of a dynamic toy from cardboard and paper.

Decorate the toy.


Flat fabric toys - brooches.


constructor's world assembly of models.


Creative work on

own design from

natural material.

Procurement of natural material.