Spoken English for tourists phrases with transcription. Spoken English for tourists

Okay, yes, know, ai dont speak English is the most basic set of words from the English language, which almost everyone has. However, in order to travel independently, this is not enough. “Why then go somewhere by yourself, not knowing the language?” - you ask. But why.

What is our dictionary for?

For example, you live in Thailand and miss your family and friends very much. And now, finally, you decide to invite your parents, friends, brothers, sisters, or, to be honest, your beloved mother-in-law! And what? In her own way, she will bring sausages, herrings of her own salting, mushrooms, homemade pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, jam, sauerkraut, caviar or even lard, warm herself under the warm Thai sun, tell her friends via Skype how warm it is here, at a time when they are all minus 20 degrees and a blizzard. And everyone is good for it.

Here the question arises, but how can she go? “By the way, of course, the best. Conveniently. And the hotel is separate and an excursion to the crocodiles is included in the price, ”he thinks. “Oh, mom will come to visit, see you!!!” she will say.

As a result, you buy tickets from Etihad or Emirates with a transfer in the UAE, and instruct on the main issues. This is where it turns out that the last time the mother-in-law used English was at school, when she sang the song “Happy abyss to yu” with her friends or even learned German. And in Abu Dhabi, she needs to look at her exit number. Or worse, move from one terminal to another at the huge Dubai airport. This is where our concise English-Russian dictionary for an independent traveler will come in handy.

But seriously speaking, now many people are going to spend the winter in Pattaya - a city in which almost every second Thai has already learned. A city where all the inscriptions, signs, menus and price tags have long been translated for our beloved tourists. All this allows compatriots to live in Thailand without knowing English, so the international airport and airplanes are the only place where you still cannot do without it.

How to use it

All words and expressions in the dictionary are divided into thematic sections. At the end of each section there are several template phrases in which words can be used. In brackets after the English phrase or word, a Russian transcription is given, which will help you pronounce them relatively correctly.

Concise English-Russian Dictionary

Of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to solve all questions with the help of this dictionary. However, it is enough to get to the final destination without any problems.

The airport

Boarding pass (boarding pass) - boarding pass

Boarding time (boarding time) - landing time

Ticket (ticket) - ticket

Departue (departier) - departure

Arrival (arrival) - arrival (adjective), e.g., arrival time - arrival time

Arrive (arrayv) - arrive (verb)

Time (time) - time

Date (date) - date

Flight (flight) - flight

Zone (zones) - zone

Seat (sieve) - place

Baggage (luggage), luggage (lagege) - luggage

Gate (gate) - exit (for landing)

Food & beverage (food and beveridge) - food and snacks

WC, Toilet (toilet) - toilet

Stewardess (stewardess) - stewardess

Meeting point (meeting point) - meeting point

Shower (shower) - shower

Information (information) - information

Passport Control (passport control) - passport control

Train (train) - train, metro

Voucher Meal (voucher million) - coupon for lunch

Check-in (check-in) - check-in for a flight

Medical center (medical center) - first-aid post

Passenger (passenger) - passenger, passenger

Down (down) - down; Up (up) - up

Left (left) - left, left (another meaning - lost in the past. Time)

Right (right) - right, right (other meaning - right, in the meaning of "yes")

Straight (straight) - straight

Floor (floor) - floor

Late (late) - late, late

Delayed (delayd) - delayed

Belt (belt) - belt

I am lost (ah em lost) - I got lost / got lost


Excuse me, sir / miss ... (excuse mi sir / miss) - a polite appeal to any person, the beginning of a sentence.

Can you tell/ show/ help me? (ken you tell / show / help me?) - Can you tell me / show me / help me?

Where is (my) gate (number…)? (ver from (may) gate (number…)?) – where is (my) boarding gate (number…)? Use one of the words in brackets.

How can I find…? (how can ai find ...) - How can I find ...? (train - train, toilet - toilet, (name of airline) + office - airline counter)

I don't know my gate. Can you help me? (Ay dont know my gate. Can you help me?) - I don't know my gate number. Can you help me?

Sorry, I can't understand (sorry, ah kent understand) - sorry, I don't understand


Juice (juice) - juice

Water (water) - water

Cold (cold) - cold

Hot (hot) - hot

No gass (know gess) - without gas

Black tea (black tea) - black tea

Sugar (pike) - sugar

Coffe (coffee) - coffee

Pizza (pizza) - pizza

Salad (salad) - salad

Sandwich (sandwich) - sandwich

Rice (rice) - rice

Pasta (pasta) - pasta

Potato (potato) - potatoes

Chiken (chicken) - chicken

Pork (pork) - pork

Cheese (cheese) - cheese

Beef (beef) - beef

Seafood (seafood) - seafood

Fish (fish) - fish

No spicy (know spicy) - not spicy

Soup (soup) - soup

Orange (orange) - orange

Tomato (tomato) - tomato

Apple (appl) - apple

Melon (melon) - melon

Watermelon (watermelon) - watermelon

Lemon (lemon) - lemon

Fork (fork) - fork

Spoon (spoon) - spoon

Knife (knife) - knife


Give me please ... (giv mi pliz ...) - please give me ...

I need more / extra ... (ay nid more / extra) - I need more (in the sense of “put / give me more ...”)


Hight temperature (high temperature) - high temperature

Pharyngalgia - sore throat

Diarrhea (daiaria) - diarrhea

Stomach pain (Stomach Payne) - pain in the stomach / abdomen

Had pain (head payne) - headache

Cold (cold) - cold, cold

Nausea (knife) - nausea

Medicine (medicine) - medicine

Pharmacy (pharmacy) - pharmacy

Drugstore (dragstore) - pharmacy


I am a cold (ah um a cold) - I have a cold

I have + illness (ay have) - I have ...

Do you have medicine? (doo yu have medicine?) – do you have any medicine?

How much does it cost? (how mach daz it cost?) – how much does it cost?

If you want to print it, you can download the dictionary in DOCX format.

Have a good trip!

English is the universal language of the world community, which is spoken in many countries.

English is spoken in the United States and Canada, Great Britain and Ireland, India, Pakistan and Malta, New Zealand, Australia and some African countries, English is recognized as the official language of communication.

There are many varieties of the English dialect: Canadian, New Zealand, African, Cockney (dialect of some parts of London).

And this is only a small part of the countries where they communicate in English. Considering how rapidly international relations between countries are developing, and the travel of the inhabitants of the planet around the world is becoming more and more active, it must be recognized that without the knowledge of a generally recognized international language, a modern person loses a lot in knowing the life, history and culture of other countries.

Traveling to English-speaking countries can be very exciting, especially those that are rich in historical and cultural relics.

Before you travel abroad, it would be nice to take care of ways to communicate with representatives of another state and mentality.

In this case, a foreign language phrase book can be a great help for tourists, vacationers and business people.

It will help build communication with foreigners at least at the minimum level: ask for something, tell about yourself, choose the right product, order food in a restaurant.

The phrase book is an indispensable book, it contains standard phrases, cliches of questions and answers, the most common in communication between people.

As a rule, the material in the phrase book is divided into several sections on commonly used topics: greetings, transport, train stations, restaurants, hotels, shopping, dates and times, and many other situations.

A great convenience for a modern tourist is that the phrasebook can be downloaded to a mobile phone or iPhone, you can also purchase a colorfully designed phrasebook - a guidebook that contains a list of addresses of attractions, phone numbers, price lists and other important little things.

The phrasebook includes expressions and words used in everyday life in England, the United States and other English-speaking countries. Pronunciation transcriptions given together with Russian and English words greatly facilitate the correct reading of words, which makes communication more accessible and easier.

English is not difficult to learn, since words do not change by gender and case. Therefore, if you just take words from the dictionary, it is quite possible to compose a whole sentence.

To pluralize a word, simply add an "s" suffix to it. There are exceptions, of course.

For example, incorrect pronunciation of long and short vowels can cause misunderstandings, as the pronunciation changes the meaning of the word. Therefore, the pronunciation of a long vowel is marked with a colon in the transcription.

English words and their pronunciation

By studying words and phrases from a phrasebook, you can learn how to speak correctly and at the same time replenish your knowledge of English vocabulary.


  1. Hey! - hi - hi!
  2. Hello/! - he'low - Hello!
  3. Good morning! — goodmo:ning — Good morning!
  4. Good day! - good a: ftenun - Good Afternoon.
  5. Good evening! — gudy:wing — Good Evening!
  6. How are you feeling? — how a yu: philly: n — How are you feeling?
  7. Till! - Bye - Bye!
  8. Thank you - senk' yu - Thank you.
  9. Please - pli:z - Please.
  10. Sorry - Excuse me - Excuse me.

Acquaintance, farewell

  1. My name is ... Maria - my name from Maria - My name is ... Maria.
  2. Let me introduce myself? - let me introduce myself myself - Let me introduce myself?
  3. Nice to meet you! — Glad toomey:t you: — Glad to meet you!
  4. Let me introduce you to Lara - Do yu like that mit Laura? /its Laura. - Do you like to meet Lara? / It's Laura!
  5. What is your age? - wat from u: age / how old and u - What is your age? / How old are you?
  6. What country are you from? - ve a yu from - Where are you from?
  7. I'm from Moscow - aim from Moscow - I, m from Moskow.
  8. Where did you stay? — yea yu: ste:in — Where are you staying?
  9. I don't understand - ah dont andestend - I don't understand
  10. I speak little English - ah sleep: kynglish bit - I speak english a bit.
  11. Are you married? - a: yu: merid - Are you married?
  12. How many children do you have? - how mani children duyu hev - How many children do you have? ve?
  13. How is your mood? - how a: yu - How are you?
  14. Everything is fine! - aim fine - I, m fine!
  15. Thanks, good! - senkyu: ok - Thank you, okay!
  16. So-so - sow sow - So - so!
  17. Bad - bad - bad.
  18. Goodbye! - Goodbye - Goodbye!
  19. See you! - si: yu - See you!
  20. Good luck! - o:l the best - All the best!
  21. tomorrow - tou'morou - tomorrow.
  22. Let's meet at nine o'clock? - let's meet at nineo'clock - Let's meet at nineo'clock!
  23. on Friday - he is Friday - on friday.

Station / Hotel

  1. Where can I buy a plane ticket (train, boat)? — uea ai ken bai e ticket fo: the plane (train, spike) — Where can I buy a ticket for the plane (train, ship)? What is the price of the ticket? — haumach daz etiquette cost — How much does a ticket cost?
  2. One ticket to Moscow, please - one ticket to moscow pli: s - One ticket to Moscow, please.
  3. Where can I change my ticket? - wah ai ken change my ticket - Where can I change my ticket?
  4. Well, I buy this ticket - Well, I buy this ticket.
  5. I need a hotel room - aini: d e ru: m - I need a room.
  6. I want to book a room for one / two people - ai want boo: k er ru: m - I want to book a room for one \ two person.
  7. May I ask what is the price for this room? May I ask what the charge is?

Transport / In the city

  1. Where can I take a taxi? - vea ai can take e taxi - Where I can take a taxi?
  2. How much does a metro ticket cost? — how much is the ticket for metro — How much is the ticket for metro?
  3. Take me home - take me home - Takeme home.
  4. I need to get to the station - ah no: d tou get to the station - I need to get to the station.
  5. Stop here, please - Stopkhie, pli:z - Stop here, please.
  6. Could you please wait? - where you wate, pliz - Could you wait, please?
  7. What bus do I need? - wat bass mast aitek - What bus must I take?
  8. I want to buy one ticket
  9. What is the best way to get there? — wichiz zebest way tuget zere — Which is the best way to get there?
  10. I’m looking for… my hotel
  11. Supermarket - Supema:ket - Supermarket.
  12. Metro station - matrow station - Metro station.
  13. Street - Street - Street.
  14. Mail - post office - Post office.
  15. Pharmacy - fa:rmasi - Pharmacy.
  16. Hospital - hospital - Hospital.
  17. Ambulance - Quick help ambulance - Quick help an ambulance.
  18. Doctor - dokte: - Doctor.
  19. I have a bruise - ah hev ehant - I have a hurt.
  20. Fracture - break - Break.
  21. Call the doctor - call ze dokte: - Call the doctor.
  22. Call the police! - kol ze palis - Call the police!
  23. I'm lost! - Aim Lost - I'm lost!


Spoken English in the store

  1. I want to buy food - ai wont tubai fu: dstuffs - I want to buy Foodstuffs.
  2. Water - here: p - Water.
  3. Milk - milk - Milk.
  4. Fish - fish - Fish.
  5. Meat - mi: t - Meat.
  6. Chicken - chicken - Chicken.
  7. Potato - Potato - Potato.
  8. Fruit - fruit - Fruit.
  9. Sweets - sw: tc - Sweets.
  10. Do you have a free table? - Do you have a free table? - Do you have a free table?
  11. I need to book a table. - ah vont that reserve e table - I want to reserve a table.
  12. Tea / Coffee - ti: / coffee: - Tea / coffee.
  13. Soup - soup - Soup.
  14. Fried - fried - Fried.
  15. Boiled - boiled - Boiled.
  16. Macaroni - macaroni: with - Macaronis.
  17. Sandwich - sandwich - Sendvich.
  18. Wine - wine - Wine.

Dates and times

  1. Time - time - time.
  2. Today - tu'day - today.
  3. Yesterday - estedei - yesterday.
  4. Tomorrow - tu'morou - tomorrow.
  5. Tonight - tu'night - tonight.
  6. It's exactly five o'clock now - it's from the file it's it's: p - It is five sharp It is.
  7. Morning - mo: ning - morning.
  8. Day - day - day.
  9. Evening - and: vnin - evening.
  10. Night - night - night.
  11. What time is it now? - wat time is exhausted - What time is it?
  12. Week - ui: k - week.
  13. Monday - mandi - monday.
  14. Tuesday - tew: zdi - tuesday.
  15. Wednesday - Wednesday - wednesday.
  16. Thursday - here - thursday.
  17. Friday - friday - friday.
  18. Saturday - setadi - saturday.
  19. Sunday - sandy - sunday.
  20. Month - mans - month.
  21. January - January - January.
  22. February - February - February.
  23. March - Ma: h - March.
  24. April - April - April.
  25. May - May - May.
  26. June - ju: n - June.
  27. July - ju: barking - July.
  28. August - o:guest - August.
  29. September - sep'temba - September.
  30. October - ok'toube - Octorber.
  31. November - no'vemba - November.
  32. December - de'semba - December.
  33. Year - yea - Year.
  34. Season - si: zones - Season.
  35. Winter - u'inte - Winter.
  36. Spring - spring - Spring.
  37. Summer - Same - Summer.
  38. Autumn - o:tm - Autumn.

This phrasebook has been adjusted for the most basic everyday words and expressions needed when traveling abroad.

In order to advance in learning English on your own, we recommend printing out this phrasebook and practicing correct pronunciation and memorizing English vocabulary every day.

Also learn more phrases that can help in an unforeseen situation.

Learning a language requires daily vocabulary replenishment and live communication. We wish you pleasant and memorable travels!


Hello dear friend!

So, are you interested in spoken English for tourists - phrases and expressions, and maybe whole sentences? Then I’m almost sure that everything is fine and your mood is now “ suitcase". Why? Yes, because only tourists are looking for useful expressions for tourists)).

A few years ago, my friend went to rest in Europe, she thought that she would see all the beauties there, visit, visit the most famous museums ... It didn’t work out - after all, before the trip she didn’t even bother to stock up elementary phrases in English, not to mention picking up a textbook or phrase book. I thought they would understand her on the fingers and relied on our Russian maybe.

As a result, she stayed at the hotel for 2 weeks, only getting out a couple of times to the next street for shopping, although, according to her, he didn’t really develop. She admitted that she had never felt so stupid and insecure. Yes, not a very pleasant feeling, I tell you!

To avoid it, it won't hurt you (it won't hurt!) to read this article. It will be divided into 2 parts. In the first part , that is, on this page, you get to know basic English expressions and questions which will definitely come in handy on any foreign trip. All of them will be with translation and pronunciation (audio for each phrase) - you can actually practice them online and without leaving the cash register.

I will give you examples how you can and should respond to phrases spoken to you, give advice, how not to get lost and don't fall on your face when you hear the fluent, unintelligible speech of a foreigner who is also looking at you angrily! In general, we will practice in full!

So let's start with

Basic Rules

  • Use words of gratitude. Better to have you say them twice than not say them at all. (These are the words thank you and a little more casual thanks )
  • Politeness and once again politeness, for the expression of which use the phrases:
    Please (when asking for something) Tell me, please, where I can find a hairdresser's
    You are welcome (when you respond to gratitude)
    Excuse me (when you want to ask or ask for something) - Excuse me, could you help me with the bus?
    (I'm) sorry (when expressing regret)
  • If you wish ask permission or ask about the possibility (probability) of something, use the construction Can I.../May I... ?
    Can I open the window? (ask for permission)
    Can I change my ticket? (asking about the possibility)
  • If you ask someone for something, use the construct Could you… ?
    Could you give me a new towel?

I also want to remind you what vocabulary for tourism you need to know primarily before traveling to an English speaking country. Here is the list of words:

You can find all these words with the correct pronunciation by clicking on the appropriate links.

Taking this opportunity, I hasten to recommend you an excellent online course developed by the notorious service for learning English Lingualeo. « English for tourists» - this is what you need if you are going on a trip and want to remember and revive your English). Go to the site, try it first for free and if you like it, buy it and enjoy new discoveries and your successes every day!

Attention! Suitable for those who already know basic English, but want to brush up on their conversational skills!

If you want a 100% boost in your knowledge, I recommend going through Online intensive . It has a number of advantages over the usual course - it motivates and gives you an incentive every day for a month, and also offers 3 cool bonuses - read about it on the offer page.

Let's get down to the phrases themselves, finally! And let's start with the important - emergency or unforeseen situations. Of course, they most likely will not happen to you, but knowing the necessary expressions in such cases will at least make you a little more confident.

If the emergency took you by surprise

I've lost all my documents I have lost all my documents
Help me, please Help me please
Give me some water, please Give me some water please
I'm not well I do not feel good
I'm sick I'm sick
I'm late for the train (plane) I missed the train (plane)
I've lost my room key I have lost my room keys
I've lost my way I got lost
I'm hungry I'm hungry (to)
I'm thirsty I want to drink very much
Call a doctor, please Call a doctor please
I'm dizzy I feel dizzy
Take me to the hospital Take me to a hospital
I have a temperature I have a temperature
I've got a toothache I have a toothache
Is it dangerous? This is dangerous?
Don't do it! Do not do this!
I'll call the police! I will call the police

Well, now let's go through the order of your journey ...

The airport. Passport control

Where is luggage check? Where is baggage control?
Where is passport control? Where is passport control?
Where is the information-office? Where is the help desk?
Where can I check (pick up) my luggage? Where can I check in (receive) baggage?
Where is the waiting room? Where is the waiting room?
Where is the duty-free shop? Where is the duty free shop?
Where is the cloak-room? Where is the storage room?
Where is the exit to the city? Where is the exit to the city?
How much shall I pay for the overweight? How much should I pay for being overweight?
Where (when) is the check-in? Where (when) registration?
May I take this bag into the cabin? Can I take this bag with me? (on board)
When is the next flight, please? When is the next flight for...?
Where do I get a luggage cart? Where can I get a luggage trolley?

Railway (bus) station

Is there a direct train to…? Is there a direct train to...?
Give me a return ticket to London, please. Please give me a ticket to London, round trip.
Give me a single ticket to London, please. Give me a ticket to London, please.
When does the train to Warsaw leave? When does the train to Vorsou leave?
From which platform? From what platform?
How can I get to platform number…? How can I get to platform number…?
Is this train number…? Is this train number...?
Is this carriage number…? Is this wagon number...?
Show me my place please. Please show me my place.
Where is the toilet? Where is the toilet?

From what stand does my bus go? Where does my bus leave from?
What time does the last bus depart? What time does the last bus leave?
What is the fare to Glasgow? How much is the fare to Glasgow?
I would like a round-trip ticket, please. Round trip ticket, please.
Sorry, does this bus go to..? Does this bus go to...?
I want to cancel this ticket I want to cancel this ticket


Good morning! Good morning
Good evening! Good evening
good night! Goodnight
Hi! Hey
Hello! Hello
Do you speak English? Do you speak Russian?
I don't speak German, French, I don't speak German, French...
I don't understand you I do not understand
Pardon? What did you say?
I didn't quite hear what you said I didn't quite hear what you said
I didn't quite understand (get) I didn't quite understand
Could you repeat, please? Could you repeat, please?
Could you speak more slowly? Would you speak slower, please?
What is your name? What is your name?
May I introduce you Let me introduce you...
Pleased to meet you Nice to meet
I am here for the first time I'm here for the first time
I'm from Moscow I am from Moscow
It's time for me to go I have to go
thank you for everything thanks for all
Goodbye! Goodbye
All the best! Good luck
good luck! Good luck


Are you free? You are free?
I need to go to I need to (on) ...
Please take me to this address Please take me to this address
Please, take me to the (hotel, bus station, railway station, airport) Please take me to… (hotel, bus station, train station, airport)...
Could you wait for me here two minutes? Could you wait here for me for a couple of minutes?
I'm in a hurry I'm in a hurry
How much? What is the price?
Keep the change Keep the change
I need a check I need a check
Do you mind if I close (open) the window? Do you mind if I close (open) the window?


Choice, check-in

I'd like to book a room I would like to book a room at your hotel
I've got a reservation in your hotel I have booked a room in your hotel
How much is a single room? How much is a single room?
How much is a double room? How much is a double room?
What floor is it on? What floor is the room on?
How much is it per night? How much is the room per night?
Does the price include…? Does the room price include….?
What does the price include? What is included in the room price?
We need one double room with an extra bed We need one double room with an extra bed
Can I have a look at the room? May I have a look at the room?
Is there a bathroom (conditioner, fridge, TV, telephone, balcony, WI-FI internet) in the room?
Does the room have a bathroom (air conditioning, refrigerator, TV, telephone, balcony, internet)?
Sorry, it doesn't suit me Sorry, this number doesn't suit me
It suits me This number suits me
Do you have cheaper rooms? Do you have cheaper rooms?
When is the checkout time? When is checkout time?
When is breakfast served? When is breakfast?
Do I pay in advance? Payment up front?

Communication with staff

Could you send the luggage to my room? Please send luggage to my room
Please make up my room Please clean my room
Could you send these clothes to the laundry? Please send these clothes to the laundry
Can I have breakfast in my room? Can I have breakfast in the room?
Number 56 please Room 56 keys please
Please, have these things ironed (cleaned) Please iron (clean) these things.
I need to leave one day earlier I need to leave a day early
I'd like to extend my stay for a few days I would like to extend my stay at the hotel by a few days


I'd like to change my room I would like to change my number
There is no soap (toilet paper, towel, water,) in my room I don't have soap in my room (toilet paper, towels, water)
The TV (conditioner, fan, dryer) is out of order TV does not work (air conditioning, fan, hair dryer)


I'm checking out I'm leaving
Can I have my luggage back? Can I collect my luggage?
May I pay by credit card? Can I pay with a credit card?
I pay in cash I have cash
I forgot my key in the room I forgot my key in the room

In the town


Where is the railway station? Where is the railway station?
Where is the department store? Where is the department store?
Where can I buy…? Where can I buy…?
What is the name of this street? What street is this?
Which way is to..? Which way to go to...?
How can I get to…? How can I get to...?

Urban transport

Does this bus go to…? Does this bus go to...?
Where can I buy a metro ticket? Where can I buy a metro ticket?
What is the far? How much is the fare?
Where do I get off? Where should I get off?
What is the next stop? What's the next stop?


First, I would like to have a look I want to see first
I want a pair of shoes, size.. I need a pair of shoes, size...
May I try it on? Can be tried on
Where can I try it on? Where can I try this on?
Which size is that? What size is it?
Have you got a larger (smaller) size? Do you have a larger (smaller) size?
Will you show me…? Will you show me...?
give me Let me…
That's just what I wanted This is just what I was looking for
It doesn't fit me Doesn't fit
Have you got any discounts? Do you have any discounts?
Have you got such a sweater (skirt…) of a different color? Do you have the same sweater (skirt...) in a different color?
How much is it? What is the price?


I would like coffee, tea.. I would like coffee, tea...
We'd like to sit by the window We would like to sit by the window
The menu, please Menu, please
We haven't chosen yet We haven't chosen yet
I'd like to have a drink I would like something to drink
What can you recommend? What can you recommend?
That was very good It was delicious
I like your cuisine I like your kitchen
I didn't order that I didn't order this
The bill, please The check, please

For those who want to be in the know...

What's up? How are you?
What's the trouble? What happened?
What's the matter? What's the matter?
H ow do you say… in English? How to say... in English
How do you spell that? How is it spelled?
Is it far? It is far?
Is it expensive? It is expensive?

That, in fact, is all that I wanted to dwell on. Of course, my list of useful things from the field of tourist English - base, does not include many details, but with it you will be able to navigate in standard situations. If you want to learn other phrases, suggest them in the comments - we will be happy to supplement this article with your help!

If you want to know English more thoroughly, understand the essence of the language, appreciate its beauty, learn how to express your thoughts in it, understand the thoughts of other people, and also plunge into the culture of countries in which it is official, then I will be glad to see you among the readers , guests or subscribers.

Here you can always find a lot of free materials, lessons, practical and theoretical posts that I am happy to create for you!

And now I want to invite you to wish you success!

By the way, quite recently for my readers and for all people striving for new heights, I wrote 2 most useful articles.