Measured look. How to train a strong and calm look

Good afternoon, dear friends and guests of my blog!
Did you know that literally anyone can develop a magnetic gaze? I never thought about it myself, but trust me, it's really an incredible power of non-verbal communication. Also, eye gymnastics is the best method for improving vision, these exercises will restore life to your eyes.

From the article you will learn:

magnetic gaze

Those eyes are opposite...

The first contact, love or business, begins with a glance, it is the first impression that determines the further attitude and conversation of the interlocutors. A look is the first step on the road to rapprochement.

Like gestures, the eyes can convey your thoughts, intentions, sincerity, the degree of your intelligence, reliability. All psychologists know that the ability to win people over lies in the power of your gaze.
During business negotiations, with the magic of a glance, you can win over a partner. Approximately 80% of all information about the world around us, we receive through vision.

The power of the magnetic gaze

A look can kill, a look can save...

All views peculiar to people can be clearly systematized. For example, there is an official-business look - dry and intent - and a friendly look, which is characterized by the absence of a certain focus on the face of the interlocutor. An intimate look floats all the time and often stops in front of a partner.

In love, according to many, it is the look that is the starting point for further relationships. How many descriptions exist in literature, mythology, psychology, art... How many beautiful words are devoted to literary works, songs, poems about eyes! For example, it is enough to remember Medusa Gorgon, who turns to stone anyone who meets her eyes. The magnetic look and smile of a witch...

Eyes are the mirror of the soul

Have you ever had that feeling when you looked into your eyes and you can't tear yourself away? You just want to drown in these eyes... There are people who do not have classical beauty, height, weight, but a smile and a charming look are enough for them and you are already subdued. And how many ugly women are successful among men, and all thanks to the magnetic power of the gaze, for which men went crazy and went to crazy feats for them?!

By the eyes of the interlocutor, you can determine his attitude towards you, whether it is positive or negative. After all, the fact that the eyes do not know how to lie. It is believed that it is the eyes that give out a significant amount of information about the thoughts and intentions of their owner.

You have probably met people who have a hard look, and when talking with them, it creates discomfort. Or a person constantly lowers his gaze, looks around, but not directly into his eyes. With such people, you want to immediately stop talking. This explains insincerity towards the interlocutor, as well as bad intentions. Also, a dull and distracted look can show fatigue or exhaustion. Many people have problems in communication, such people tend to avoid the gaze of the interlocutor when communicating, turn away, and some hide their eyes behind dark glasses. Psychologists attribute this to serious psychological problems, the roots, as a rule, stretch from childhood.

And there are people whose eyes radiate sincere love, warmth, tender feelings, goodwill. When communicating with such people, you feel interest and you can easily open your soul to them. If a person is friendly towards your person, then he will try to meet your eyes more often - in order to read sincerity, level of trust, reliability in your eyes.

So, as you understand, a huge power lurks in a person’s gaze. A look that attracts people, subordinating them to your desire, is called magnetic, or hypnotic. But there are few lucky people with an innate magnetic look.

How to develop a magnetic gaze and eye gymnastics to improve vision

The magnetic look indicates a person's ability to concentrate willpower; it is characteristic of power-hungry, purposeful people, those who can influence the fate of other people. Any person, even one who is skeptical of all kinds of psychic influences, wants to have such a look. After all, this is the view of successful people. Not everyone has such a valuable gift from birth, but according to the researchers, such a view can be learned. There are several sources with instructions for training the magnetic gaze, but I will describe below those that I used, and I will say that they are very effective.

Development of the magnetic gaze: exercises

These exercises are both the best method to develop a magnetic look, and eye gymnastics to improve vision.

Concentration exercise

Take a blank white A4 sheet and draw a black circle with a 10-kopeck coin in the center. Attach it to the wall and at a distance of 2 meters, while the circle should be at the level of your eyes when you are sitting. Place a chair in the middle of the room, just opposite the paper. Thus, focus on a point in the center and direct your gaze directly at it, firmly, without blinking. To begin with, one minute is enough, then when the eyes rest, repeat this exercise again, and so on 5 times. At first, I couldn’t even keep a minute, but believe me, over time, with regular training, success will not be long in coming.

Leave the chair in its original place, move the paper a meter to the right of its original position. Sit down and again direct your gaze to the black dot without turning your head. Also repeat the exercise by moving a sheet of paper with a dot to the left, and so repeat 5 times, a minute to the right, a minute to the left.

This exercise develops concentration, the main thing is to concentrate on the point without being distracted by anything, you can’t blink your eyes. At first, profuse lacrimation may occur, but with regular exercise it will stop. If your eyes are very tired after training, you can rinse them with cold water or make a compress.

It is very important that these exercises are carried out in natural light.

This exercise should be performed daily, increasing by a minute every 3 days. In order not to overstrain the eyes, this exercise should not be performed for more than 15 minutes.

Complicating the concentration exercise

After a month of training, exercises 1 can be complicated by adding various options, for example:

  • Move the sheet to the right (left) by 1.5-2 m. Looking in front of you, then look away at the point for 1-3 minutes, then after a short pause, repeat the exercise again 5 times
  • Walk around the room while continuing to look at the dot
  • Prepare a few more sheets of mugs. Move your eyes from one point to another as you move around the room.
  • Stand in front of the wall and quickly "run" your eyes from one point to another: in circles, zigzags, along, across, crosswise, etc. If the eyes are tired, the exercise should be stopped, calming the gaze at one point.
  • Stand at a distance of 1 m from the wall with a circle. With a fixed gaze on the circle, rotate your head in different directions up and down, left and right, in a circle.

Exercise with a mirror

After the concentration of the gaze is acquired, you can begin exercises to develop the central gaze. To do this, you need to sit in front of the mirror and direct your piercing gaze at your reflection - in the region of the bridge of the nose, between the eyebrows. This place is also called the third eye. In order to facilitate the exercise at the initial pores, you need to draw a point between the eyebrows and stare at it, starting from one minute, every 2-3 days you need to add 1 minute (but not more than 15 minutes). As you train, the point should be reduced, and then completely try without it.

Portrait exercise

This exercise should be done in a room with many portraits or photographs of people on the walls. At the same time, look at the bridge of the nose of a person in the portrait for one minute, then abruptly switch to another portrait and fix your gaze on the bridge of the nose of a person in another portrait. And so repeat the exercise with portraits of other people, while the gaze must be translated to be sharp, lightning fast.

Application of the magnetic gaze on people

This exercise should be done first with someone you know. Sit across from him and look at him with your central gaze until he asks you to stop.

Train, practicing the magnetic power of the gaze, but do not forget that at the same time your face and facial expressions must retain your natural expression, and the gaze must reflect strength, confidence, power, power.

stop stare

The ability to stop with a glance is the highest skill, which not everyone can master. With the power of a glance, you can stop a passerby, thieves, an evil dog. Grigory Rasputin, for example, made good use of this skill. Gypsies are also good at using central gaze to manipulate people. Also, everyone knows that Japanese geisha mastered the art of magnetic gaze. And it was believed that the true geisha was considered the one that could stop a man with a look.

Yes, it takes a lot of practice to develop a magnetic look. But the result is worth it, right?

Eye strength training.
The look, in seduction, plays an important role, it often happens that one glance is enough to start the process of successful seduction. In addition, a strong look is necessary not only in seduction, but also in everyday life.

How to start training your eyes? In fact, this is a whole complex of physical. exercise. All exercises are divided into three groups, the training time of one group is 3 weeks.

Group _1_ (Strengthening the eye muscles. 10 min per exercise/daily)

1) Draw a small black dot on a white sheet of paper. The sheet is attached to the wall so that the dot is at eye level. They sit down at a distance of 1.5 arshins from the wall; the light should fall from behind or from the left side. They look closely at the black dot and, without taking their eyes off it, rotate their heads in a circular fashion, all the while fixing the dot. Gradually, you need to increase the radius of the circle and the speed of rotation. If there is pain, etc., then. it means that the exercise was done correctly: too fast or the radius of the circle is too large.

Start from 1 minute and go up to 10 minutes, adding one minute after a few days.

2) You need to sit in the same place, look at the black dot and fix it for about a minute. Then quickly and smoothly look at the floor, then immediately at the ceiling, right and left. Direct your gaze, trying to look as closely as possible in different directions, describing zigzags, circles, triangles, etc. This exercise can be modified as follows. As you know, every wall has four corners. Draw a wall, marking the corners with letters. Having chosen an unoccupied wall, attach a sheet of paper with a black dot in the middle.

You need to sit down against the point and stare "" at it for 1 minute. Then quickly translate, look at corner B and immediately translate it into corner a, then again direct it to corner c. Do this exercise several times (1-5-10), and then do it with the corners d and b, and then with all four corners c-d and a-b.

After that, direct your gaze to the corner a and, quickly transferring to r, again direct it to the corner a. Then they also practice with angles c and b. You can modify this exercise indefinitely. Duration from 1 to 10 min.

3) Fix your gaze on the black dot and, without taking your eyes off it, slowly turn your head (one head, but not the body) to the right, then smoothly and calmly bring it to its previous position and slowly turn it to the left. All the time you need to look as closely as possible at the black dot. With all these exercises, try not to blink at all, expand the eyelids and look intently. Duration from 1 to 10 min.

Group _2_. (Development of a fixed and fixed gaze.)

After a month, the previous exercises are stopped and replaced with the following:

1) They sit at a distance of 1.5 arshins from the wall on which a sheet of paper with a black dot is attached. (Light should be less than moderate). Direct a close look at the black dot, fixing it without blinking.

At the moment when a prickling of the eyes is felt, it is necessary to prevent the eyelids from dropping by exertion of the will. This exercise starts from 1 minute and gradually reaches, adding 1 minute after 3-4 days, up to 10 minutes. You should learn to look intently, still and without blinking, for at least 5 minutes. Serious attention should be paid to this exercise, since it is the basis of many other techniques.

2) Outweigh the paper with a black dot 1 arshin to the right of the previous place, but along the same line. They sit down and look intently for 2-3 seconds at the place where the paper used to be, then turn their eyes (one eye, but not the whole head) to the right and fix (look closely) a black dot. Then move the face to the left and repeat the exercise. During this exercise, you need to sit in the same place; move only a sheet of paper with a black dot and turn one eye, leaving the torso and head alone. The duration of the exercise and the distribution of time are the same as before.

3) Sit down against the wall. Focus on the black dot. Then, leaving the torso and head alone, they direct their eyes to the floor (you can make a point on the floor with ink, chalk, or simply attach some object, such as a coin) and stare at the chosen point for 1 minute. Gradually increase the duration of fixation to 5 minutes. Then, under the same conditions (the head is held straight), they direct their gaze to the ceiling, looking intently at some small point. Start with one minute and bring it up, gradually adding 1 minute, up to 5 minutes. However, the exercise should take 10 minutes.

Group _3_. (Development of a penetrating magnetic gaze.)
And again we change the exercises.

1) They sit down against the mirror and fix their eyes on their image, having previously placed a small, barely noticeable dot on the bridge of the nose with a pencil. Look closely at the bridge of the nose, fixing this point. You need to refrain from blinking. The gaze should be motionless, intently, but calmly fixed on the point.

Start with one minute and gradually learn to stare, unblinking and motionless, at the bridge of the ocean for 15 minutes. Soon it will be possible not to put labels on the nose bridge, but to use only the mental representation of it.

2) They sit down in front of the mirror and, looking at the left pupil of their reflection, fix the pupil, trying, so to speak, to look into the brain itself. Then they look at the right pupil and look at it just as intently. Since the previous exercises prepared the eyes somewhat, you can start immediately with 5 minutes for each pupil.

3) this exercise is the most important and requires the ability to look intently, stubbornly, without blinking. You need to learn to put some feeling into your look, and the muscles of the face must remain completely motionless and calm. Everything should be clear from the expression of the eyes. They sit down against the mirror and try to put into their eyes, for example, a feeling of love and affection. Imagine that you see a face that has done you a lot of good - a person to whom you are located, etc., and try to evoke an affectionate and kind expression in your eyes. In the same way, learn to express other feelings with your eyes: displeasure, joy. The face should remain completely unchanged. The power of this view is enormous. If you look at the patient with caress and love, he will feel relieved, calm down; putting into it all the malice and hatred that we are capable of, we can make a healthy person feel its burden and fall ill, and if our magnetic force is significant, then even die. When refusing someone, make your gaze firm, and the petitioner will not be slow to leave. When talking to an excited person, fix a calm look on him, and his excitement will disappear. Wanting to subjugate any person, look at him imperiously and confidently: he will be embarrassed and give in to your desires.

To strengthen the eyes, it is useful to use eye baths. After pouring water into a small basin, you need to lower your face there, then open your eyes and try to look in the water.




Self-confidence - character, but it depends on several factors. First, pay attention to your appearance. When you look good, it gives confidence. Therefore, you should wear the clothes that suit you, which emphasize the dignity of the figure. If you yourself can not cope with the problem of your appearance, seek help from people whose profession is to create and improve the style of clothing. They will help you change your worn sweater for stylish and beautiful clothes that are right for you. Do not spare money for a new wardrobe, because the appearance is what others pay attention to in the first place.

It is equally important to always monitor your face, figure, hair. A beautiful, fit figure attracts attention, which means it makes you more confident. Also, you should be able to use cosmetics to enhance your beauty. And clean hair is the basis of hairstyles. Take care of your hair to keep it looking healthy and shiny. Such a neat and finished image will undoubtedly make you more confident.

Often, confidence is indicated not only by the appearance, but also by the look of a person, his gait and posture. Straighten your shoulders, raise your head, walk through life with an easy but firm gait. Your gaze should be straight and clear. Downcast eyes, a hunched figure and drooping shoulders speak of self-doubt. Look people in the eye, smile casually, laugh if it's fun, argue openly if you're sure you're right. A confident look can be easily trained. Look at your reflection in the mirror every day for 3-5 minutes, trying not to blink for as long as possible. Your gaze should be open and confident. After a week of such training, you can beat anyone in the "peepers".

Connecting with people helps build self-confidence. If you have no friends, then there is no one to calm you down, cheer you up and cheer you up. You can consult with friends, they will always honestly point out your strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, you should not be afraid of people, because it is useful and interesting to communicate and make friends.

A very simple but effective exercise can increase self-confidence. Every morning, when you get ready for work, set aside 5 minutes to praise yourself and admire yourself. Stand in front of the mirror and say that you look great, that you are the best and most beautiful girl in the world, that you will have a great day full of joyful events that you attract to yourself. All doors are open only for you! Such a cheerful morning setting will not only give you self-confidence, but also cheer you up and charge you with vigor and optimism for the whole day.

The look of a person is a powerful tool that can impress any interlocutor. It can charm, it can attract or reject, it enhances the possibility of manipulative influence. Negativity directed at a person can be neutralized by him. Magnetic, odic, central - these are all characteristics of that very strong gaze that only a few have.

Everyone met people who, with their resolute, concentrated, almost unbearable look, "drew into a corner" because it seemed that a person sees through us. Such people can subjugate anyone, they are familiar with the power that an ordinary eye can have.

Psychology may not understand the mechanisms of influence of a look on a person, but numerous studies show that there is such an impact. For example, an experiment was conducted in which participants with their eyes closed were asked to feel someone else's gaze from the back. And in most cases, this was determined accurately.

It is believed that a look can send a thought wave to the interlocutor directly to the brain. In this case, you should look at the bridge of your nose, where the eyebrows converge. This is where the nerve center is located. In Eastern philosophy, there is a "third eye". Desires, feelings or commands sent to this center will be surely perceived if the gaze has that very power. To give the eye special properties, you need to develop certain skills.

Development of the power of the gaze

Training is required to develop the required skills. They will develop their skills, and after a while the result will be noticed: the interlocutors will begin to behave a little differently during the conversation, requests of any plan will increasingly be fulfilled unquestioningly.

Afghan girl Sharbat Gula

Exercise with a sheet of paper

Take a sheet of white paper, preferably thick. Draw a circle with a diameter of 3 cm in its center with a black felt-tip pen and fix it on the wall so that it is at eye level. Next, you should sit opposite this circle at a distance of 1 meter and peer into the center, focusing your eyes. Do not blink or look away for one minute. Concentration is required: it is very important to imagine that energy or a beam is coming from the eyes. After a short rest, you can do a few more of these approaches.

Then you need to move the sheet a meter to the left and look at it without turning your head (with peripheral vision) for 1 minute. Hang the paper a meter to the right, look with peripheral vision in that direction. The exercise is repeated several times.

It is desirable to perform these exercises every day, and when they become easy (usually after 4-5 days), you should increase the exercise time to 2 minutes per approach. Then reduce the approaches to one, prolonging the execution. Ultimately, you need to ensure that the concentration of vision is not lost for 15 minutes at a time. Exercise will help develop a strong look.

Blue-eyed African boy

Using a mirror

Set up a mirror in front of you and peer into the reflection of your own eyes. Then you need to draw on the mirror, between the eyebrows, a small dot and look at it. You should act according to the principle of the first exercise, increasing the peering time to 15 minutes per approach. This exercise will help you withstand the strong gaze of others and sharpen your own gaze.

More advanced eye exercises

There are more complex exercises that can be performed only after completing one of the previous ones:

  1. A sheet of paper, the same as in the first exercise, is attached to the wall. You need to stand near the wall at a distance of 1 meter so that the circle is at eye level. The gaze is fixed on a point, and the head is made in circular movements clockwise, and then, after 1 minute, counterclockwise. You can't get out of the circle. This is how the optic nerves develop and the muscles of the eyes are strengthened.
  2. You should stand with your back to the wall, look at the other wall, which is in front. The gaze is translated left-right, up-down, zigzag, in circles. Each option is one minute long. This exercise will strengthen your eye muscles.
  3. The exercise requires a candle. It is necessary to light it, sit opposite so that it stands between straightened arms. You need to look at the flame without taking your eyes off for 1 minute with 3 repetitions. Energy waves from the flame will convey strength, severity, fill the look with warmth. In this exercise, energy is not given, but received.

Each of the exercises will strengthen the look, ultimately give confidence, rigidity, steadfastness. It is important not to squint, look straight, eyelids do not expand very much. If the eyes get tired while performing, they can be washed with cold water for a quick rest.

This look lasts depending on the situation. Most often, you should not look extremely closely and for a long time at the interlocutor. You need a calm and confident look that will make you obey.

You should not use the acquired skills for evil purposes, because evil returns like a boomerang.

The magic of the look

A magical look is considered a gift that appears from birth. Most likely, it cannot be learned, it can only be possessed. Some people do not realize how powerful a tool they have under their control. The magical look is fully used by clairvoyants, healers, sorcerers.

It is lucky if the magical look is directed at a person with good positive energy, a desire to help. But it negatively affects the state of a person if they begin to scan him, pump out energy, want to harm, jinx or spoil. But you can protect yourself from it if you learn to resist the flow of negative energy.

Exercises for the development of protective properties:

  1. A black dot is drawn on a sheet of paper. The sheet is hung at eye height. You need to step back 2 meters and look at the point without blinking for as long as possible until your eyes get tired. Then you should stop the exercise, rest for a couple of minutes. When performing, it is important to imagine an evil look, other people's eyes that can do harm. The main thing is to inspire yourself when doing the exercise that no one can harm with a glance, that is, damage. It is important to see the thin threads that connect the gaze with this point on the wall and understand that these threads do not harm, but only protect against adverse influences.
  1. The exercise will allow you to quickly take away the energy that someone has taken. A white candle is placed on the table and lit. It is required to sit in front of her and with an instant glance try to take the energy of fire, and then give it back. The exercise is repeated several times and ends at the stage of taking energy.

Some facts

  • A lingering gaze between men can be interpreted as aggression, so be careful.
  • If a man and a woman look intently at each other and the woman is the first to look away, then the position of subordination to this man is fixed in her.
  • If a woman is not indifferent to a man, this can be determined by her dilated pupils. However, do not confuse this with a reaction to the lack of lighting.

A yoga practitioner gradually reaches a special state of inner concentration, a kind of detachment from external fuss. The transition to such a state is facilitated by psychoenergetic exercises. There are some for the eyes.

Basic technique of Trataka. The gaze is fixed on the selected object and held until the tears come out. Then, with closed eyes, they try to recreate the object on the internal (mental) screen. The exercise is repeated several times. The active principle here is not so much the process of peering, peering into an object, but a certain mental attitude. It is necessary to concentrate all attention on the object, not allowing the appearance of extraneous thoughts and images, to absorb with a glance all its elements, shades, color, shape, structure, etc., in order to then reproduce on the mental screen not only general features, but also noticed details.

With training, they move from simple to more and more complex objects of contemplation.

Trataka with a candle is performed while sitting in a comfortable position. If you manage to stay in the “lotus” or “half-lotus” position for a long time and without tension, then this is the best option. If none of the meditative postures is fully mastered, you can sit on a chair or in an armchair. A lit candle should be at eye level, not lower and not higher, this is a prerequisite. The distance from the eyes is an outstretched hand. The flame is even, calm, well visible. It is better to train in a fairly darkened room, without drafts.

The exercise technique is simple. First, they peer into the flame of a candle, then with their eyes closed they try to restore the color of the flame. It would be a mistake to try to immediately recreate the entire sum of visual impressions: the surrounding twilight, the stand and the candle itself, flowing and solidifying paraffin, a black wick with a flame. It suffices to confine oneself only to the flame - it is this that should be the object of concentration. It is possible that at first it will not work out the stratification of the flame into separate zones, but in the future it will not escape attention that in the center it has a yellow color, passing through the gamut of shades into blue. For beginners, it is easier to focus on the yellow core of the flame and then recreate the image of this color. No need to try to visually represent the contours of the light or its shades. It won't work right away. Over time, the stain will persist steadily, without sliding up or down and without quickly losing its intensity. It will stop splitting into a number of small ones and give reflections over the entire background of the screen. Then you can deepen your practice and focus on each shade of the flame, trying to fill the entire visual field with it in front of your closed eyes.

The exercise is considered mastered if the ability to look at the flame without blinking for 10-15 minutes is achieved, and when concentrating on the visual image, there is a feeling of merging, connecting with the flame, as if drowning in it.

Yogis offer to focus on the nose in different ways: on the tip or on the bridge of the nose. There are recommendations where they point to the root of the nose. The question arises: is the point of concentration so important? The primary sources of yoga do not give a complete answer. Modern interpreters argue that the lower and middle points of concentration are good for the initial stages of Trataka, when it is important to acquire the skills of keeping the eyes in a closed position, training the muscular apparatus. As for the look between the eyebrows, its effect is beyond the scope of such training. Rolling the eyes slows down breathing and reduces the activity of spontaneous mental activity; the brain switches to a rhythm characteristic of a specific semi-drowsy state that appears during deep meditation or normal falling asleep.

The reduction of the eyes, apparently, is one of the methods of meditative technique. But why is Trataka classified as a cleansing exercise, that is, Kriya, and not Raja Yoga? Here it is appropriate to recall that the primary sources mention the effect of a glance reduced between the eyebrows on the energy channels of Nadi and on the sixth Chakra Ajna. The author noticed that Trataka also actively influences the fourth Chakra. When you roll your eyes, you can clearly feel the heart center of Anahata, and a pinching sensation appears in your chest.

It turns out that, while training Trataka, the student, as it were, selects the keys to influencing his energy structure: masters the tools of self-regulation; acquires the skills that he will need on the higher levels of Yoga.

In everyday life, Trataka not only strengthens the muscular apparatus of the eyes and develops the skills of volitional switching of the rhythms of the brain, but also gives special qualities to the look: it becomes sharp, stable, commandingly confident. The indication, accompanied by such a look, acts hypnotically, breaking through the barriers of the inner, at the subconscious level, the resistance that arises.