Rgsu history of the university. History of RSU

RSUH is one of the most prestigious universities in the country. It is located in the capital of Russia. About 10 thousand Moscow students receive knowledge within the walls of the educational institution. Approximately 20 thousand people study in branches of the Russian State University for the Humanities located in 52 cities of the country. The feedback about RSUH is positive, because it has everything you need to get a quality higher education.

About the university

March 27, 1991 is considered the date of creation of the RSUH. It was on this day that the corresponding resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR was issued. However, the history of higher education begins much earlier. The fact is that the Russian State Humanitarian University was founded on the basis of the Moscow State Historical and Archival Institute, which was created on September 3, 1930 as the Institute of Archiving.

Over the years of its existence, the Russian State University for the Humanities has achieved good results. He entered the top ten universities in the country. It was possible to achieve success thanks to teachers. They provide the high quality of the educational process. It is also worth noting that the institution has created the best conditions for learning. All auditoriums are well equipped.

Structure of the Russian State University for the Humanities

Scientific and educational institutes operate as part of the Russian State University. Here are some of them and the faculties functioning in their composition:

  • Institute of Management, Economics and Law (Faculties of Economics and Law, Faculty of Management, Department of International Relations).
  • Historical and Archival Institute, part of the Russian State Humanitarian University (faculties - archiving, document science and technotronic archives, history, political science and law, department of international relations and foreign regional studies, department of local history and historical and cultural tourism).
  • Institute of Psychology (Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Psychological and Pedagogical Education).
  • theoretical and applied linguistics).
  • Institute of Mass Media (Faculty of Journalism).
  • Institute of Philology and History (Department of Translation Studies and Practice of Translation, Faculty of History and Philology, Department of Literature, Theater and Cinema).
  • Institute of Information Sciences and Security Technologies (Faculty of Information Systems and Security).
  • Institute of Post-Soviet and Interregional Studies.
  • Institute of Oriental Cultures and Antiquity.

At RSUH, the admission committee also indicates that there are university-wide faculties:

  • art history;
  • philosophical;
  • sociological.

Bachelor's, Master's and Postgraduate Studies

RSUH invites graduates of schools and other educational institutions to study undergraduate programs. Enrollment is carried out on the basis of the results of the Unified State Examination or on the basis of the results of entrance examinations held within the walls of the Russian State University for the Humanities. Passing scores for different specialties differ and are reviewed every year.

Thanks to the training, students receive general professional training in the chosen direction. Upon completion of the bachelor's degree, they receive a bachelor's degree. This document confirms the receipt of higher education.

The admission committee invites bachelor's graduates to continue their studies at the master's program. Some students have the opportunity to enroll in state-funded places. At the Russian State University for the Humanities, passing scores are 30 points for each of the tests. When studying for a master's degree, students do most of the work on their own. They do a lot of assignments, take part in research seminars, work on a dissertation project. After graduating from the master's program, students can enroll in graduate school.

student life

RSUH students have a very busy life. They not only gain knowledge, but also take part in various sports and creative activities. The university regularly holds competitions in football, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, bowling. Teams in swimming, athletics, and karate are actively developing.

There are several clubs in the Russian State University for the Humanities (Moscow). One of them is an intellectual creativity club. In it, students play various games ("Own game", "What? Where? When?"), Learn to work in a team. The university also has a guitar club where everyone can study acoustic and electric guitar.

College of Humanities RSUH

The structural subdivision of the educational institution is a liberal arts college. It has been operating since 2006. To enter college, girls and boys take exams. The best applicants are enrolled in college. Training can last from 2 to 4 years. The term depends on the chosen specialty. Upon completion of training, graduates receive a diploma with a qualification.

According to reviews, the quality of education is quite high. University teachers are involved in the educational process, most of whom are professors, doctors, candidates of science. It is also worth noting that college students have access to the library of the Russian State University for the Humanities.

University branches

The admission committee accepts applications for admission to the RSUH not only from Moscow applicants. People from other cities also dream of studying at this university. Many of them come to Moscow to get a prestigious higher education. The university provides a hostel for nonresident students.

Some people who want to study at the Russian State Humanitarian University do not have to go to Moscow, because the branches of this university are located in many Russian cities:

  • St. Petersburg.
  • Astrakhan.
  • Velikiy Novgorod.
  • Tolyatti.
  • Krasnoyarsk.
  • Volgograd.
  • Elista.
  • Yaroslavl.
  • Kaliningrad and others.

Lecturer about university

Ekaterina Dmitrieva
Associate Professor, Department of Comparative History of Literature, Institute of Physics, Russian State University for the Humanities, Senior Research Fellow, IMLI RAS

“The Russian State University for the Humanities, founded in the early 1990s on the basis of the Historical and Archival Institute as a palliative (and perhaps even a competitor) of Moscow State University in the field of liberal arts education, seems to continue to be such to this day. Of course, there are no others - from those who in the same 1990s created the glory of the Russian State Humanitarian University - no longer exist, but there are many others whose names are joyfully recognized, it is worth opening the list of teachers on the website. And most importantly, there is an atmosphere of free search, which is equally important for both the student and the teacher. Recently, while visiting, I accidentally heard an opinion about the university, which, as it turns out, has now become almost commonplace. Moscow State University - to find a profession, Russian State University for the Humanities - to find yourself in a profession. I think that this is true for two reasons: the presence of a large number of scientific centers that have already received the status of institutes, and, it seems to me, very important for students of the Eastfil, where I myself teach, the possibility of obtaining a double specialization, Slavic and Western, which implies knowledge of different languages and cultures, and most importantly, leaving freedom of choice.

Specialties with the highest passing score in 2012

Foreign Regional Studies

The most popular direction in the last entrance exams. Foreign regional studies are taught at the department of international relations and foreign regional studies at the Institute of History and Archives. Much attention is paid there to foreign languages ​​and close cooperation with the educational centers of those countries, the research of which the students are engaged in. There are opportunities for internships abroad.

International relationships

International relations, as they say, are a trend, and not only at the RSUH, of course. From year to year, there is a steady demand for this direction. Students - in addition to general professional subjects - will have to study both humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines, as well as mathematics, computer science and even natural science.

The most expensive specialty

International relationships

International relations lead both in the lists with a high passing score and in the lists of expensive specialties. It is understandable: students can practice in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the State Duma, in the embassies of foreign countries or the tax service.


The Faculty of Journalism has the Department of Journalism, the Department of Television, Radio and Internet Technologies and the Department of Literary Criticism. There is an opinion that the RSUH tries to pay great attention to the practical component of the profession.

The most mysterious profession

Specialist in working with technotronic documentary heritage

This is taught in the Department of Audiovisual Documents and Archives, abbreviated as ADA. Graduates of this department are "professionals with the necessary skills to create, store and distribute film, photo, audio and video information."

Famous teachers

Andrei Malakhov
lecturer at the Department of Journalism

Conducts a special seminar "Conducting a talk show on modern television."

Famous Alumni

Ivan Alekseev (Noize MC)

Faculty of Informatics

Philip Dzyadko

Faculty of History and Philology

Tina Kandelaki

Faculty of International Relations

Edward Radzinsky

Historical and Archival Institute

Maksim Galkin

Faculty of Linguistics

Sergey Minaev

Historical and Archival Institute

3 important news of recent years

In June 2012, the Rossiya-1 TV channel showed a story in which journalists spoke about violations in the admission of students and facts of bribery. The Russian State University for the Humanities allegedly conducted an internal audit and said that those teachers who are mentioned in the story no longer work at the university.

In the fall of 2010, the RSUH building on Miusskaya was mined every Wednesday for several weeks. The perpetrators were never found.

In March 2011, the Educational and Scientific Laboratory named after A.I. D.A.Prigov. The laboratory organizes lectures and training courses dedicated to Prigov, forms an electronic archive of his works, conducts "Prigov Readings" and supports the study of his work.


Almost the only structure of the RSUH, which, as students say, is hard to find fault with. A very large fund, which allows even junior philologists to cope with the program without the help of Leninka. A systematized electronic catalogue, a media library, and even a department of rare books, where you come across things like Karamzin's correspondence with Lavater.

Main hangout place

This, of course, is an inner courtyard formed by the buildings of the main building of the Russian State University for the Humanities. There is Wi-Fi here, trees have been planted, benches are standing, and in the spring and summer they open a veranda and a cafeteria window. There is also a smoking room here - a rather unpleasant glazed room with a cafe-machine, but without ventilation.

Dining room

As students say, a few years ago their favorite canteen was rebranded and instead of excellent chicken broths for 30 rubles, they now offer, for example, Caesar with yellowed leaves. Now a full-fledged lunch in the student canteen costs like several business lunches. Many students during breaks run to nearby establishments like Two Sticks or Daily Bread, ABC of Taste or Magnolia. All those who fail to do this are forced to leave their entire stipend there in one trip to the canteen. It has three halls: a small one for teachers and staff and two large ones for students - six-meter ceilings, huge windows and racks with yogurts, coffee, fresh juices, sandwiches and buns.

Students about the university

Tonya Krupnova
Faculty of History and Philology, 5th year

“When I decided to become a historian in the ninth grade, my parents immediately said: “So you will go to the RSUH.” By the end of the school, my interests changed somewhat, and as a result, I got into philology at the Historical and Philological Institute. And I didn't guess. The most prominent scholars in the humanities became my teachers, and my classmates were the most talented people imaginable. RSUH, like any large university that combines many different specialties, has its own strengths and weaknesses. It is the humanities, due to historical circumstances, that constitute the main pride and value of the university. The Institute of History and Archives, the History of Art and, finally, my Historical and Philological Institute - these are the ones worth going to the Russian State Humanitarian University. I'm not sure that the same can be said about economics or management - you need to go to specialized universities for them, and not to us. True, I have a feeling that there are too many superfluous things at the RSUH and too much emphasis on the wrong things. It would be worthwhile to support the humanitarian specialties - it was they who made the name of the university. Instead, they cut salaries, and teachers, understandably, go to work in other universities. If everything continues in the same spirit, then I am not sure that the RSUH will be able to maintain its position as the country's largest liberal arts university.”

Dima Carriers
Institute of Linguistics, 4th year

“It’s hard for me to talk about the entire RSUH as a whole: judging by my friends from other faculties, the only thing that everyone has in common is a mess in the schedule, when, for example, on Monday there can be five classes in a row, and on Tuesday - one, and definitely in the middle of the day. About my faculty - the Institute of Linguistics - I can say that almost all of our studies are arranged in such a way that as a result, knowledge is received by those who themselves seriously strive for this: if someone is not interested in linguistics, then you can hold out until the fifth year, no what especially without going into; It's pretty hard to get expelled. At the same time, if you really want to learn something, then there are all the conditions for this too. That is, all lectures and seminars work, in a sense, as the first step - and then you yourself have to make at least some initial effort in the right direction: approach the lecturer, ask questions, take books from the library, sign up for a special course.

Nastya Kameneva
Faculty of History and Philology, 3rd year

“I don’t know how to describe RSUH. Yes, this is an inconvenient schedule, problems with the availability of free audiences, often - the general atmosphere of light madness. A session that imperceptibly begins in the middle of the semester and does not necessarily end with its end. Unimaginable names of Wi-Fi hotspots, hidden locations throughout the territory. After some time, you cease to be surprised at anything at all and begin to treat your university with irony and tenderness at the same time. However, speaking seriously, the RSUH really has the opportunity to get a decent education. There are many strong departments, for example, the Department of German Philology of the Institute of Philology of the Russian State University for the Humanities, where I study the German language and related disciplines. Many excellent teachers, for the sake of classes with which you can suffer inconvenience in the schedule. Students develop warm relations with most of them, and this is probably the most valuable thing.”

Students of the Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU) held a flash mob in the very center of Moscow to protest against the eviction of the Russian State Humanitarian University from the buildings on Nikolskaya Street.

The Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU) was established on the basis of the Moscow State Institute of History and Archives by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 27, 1991.

In its activities, the University relies on the experience of two unique Russian educational institutions - Moscow People's University named after A.L. Shanyavsky (the building of the Shanyavsky University is part of the main building of the Russian State Humanitarian University) and the Moscow State Institute of History and Archives.

All levels of education are represented at RSUH: pre-university, secondary vocational, higher, second higher, postgraduate, doctoral studies.

The structure of the Russian State University for the Humanities includes nine educational institutes (historical and archival; economics, management and law; psychology named after L. S. Vygotsky; mass media; linguistics; information sciences and security technologies; philology and history; oriental cultures and antiquity; new educational technologies) , 11 faculties, 65 departments. In addition, there are: the Center for Pre-University Education, five international educational and scientific centers, the Educational Art Museum, created jointly with the State Museum of Fine Arts. A. S. Pushkin, Scientific Library, Center for Acquisition of Libraries of Russian Universities with Foreign Literature, Center for Conservation of Documents of Libraries of Russian Universities, Educational and Scientific Center “History of Science and New Technologies of Education”, etc.

More than 10,000 students study at RSUH in the head office and about 20,000 in branches. The teaching staff of the university includes almost 500 full-time teachers and about 200 part-time employees, specialists from institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences, universities in Moscow and other scientific institutions. The RSUH employs 27 academicians, seven corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 115 professors and doctors, 310 candidates of science.

The Russian State Humanitarian University trains students in professional educational programs in 22 specialties and 12 areas of study, including oriental studies, religious studies, history, political science, historical and archival studies, museology, management, world economy, philosophy, philology, psychology, intellectual systems and journalism. There are about 300 postgraduate students in 36 specialties in the graduate school of the Russian State University for the Humanities. The university has doctoral studies, there are 11 specialized dissertation councils, five of them are for the defense of doctoral dissertations.

Rector of the Russian State Humanitarian University - Efim Iosifovich Pivovar (elected by secret ballot and approved on March 15, 2006 by the university conference of the Russian State Humanitarian University).

The Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State University for the Humanities is located at 15 Nikolskaya Street. The building attracts attention with its peculiar architecture in the Russian Gothic style - it was built in 1810-1814 by the architect I. Mironovsky for the Synodal Printing House. The building is adorned with two spiers. There is a sundial on the facade, and above them are bas-relief images of the Lion and the Unicorn, symbols of royal power and power. This is the coat of arms of the Sovereign's Printing House, borrowed from the personal seal of Ivan the Terrible. It appeared on the building of the printing house not by chance: in the 16th century the Sovereign's Printing Yard was located on this site. Here, in 1564, Ivan Fedorov and Peter Mstislavets published the first Russian printed book, The Apostle, and in 1703, the masters of the Printing House published the first Russian newspaper, Vedomosti.

Three vice-rectors quit at once from RSUH:

  • Dmitry Bak, who supervised scientific work (in January he headed the Literary Museum - and this was precisely the reason for his departure from the university),
  • Andrey Nikolaev, Vice-Rector for Financial and Economic Activities, and
  • Valery Minaev, the first Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, who did not take part in the work of the group.

As of May 2013, the RSUH does not have a vice-rector for finance or a vice-rector for science, but there are two vice-rectors for academic affairs - as Pivovar explained, one deals with state employees, and the other with students of paid departments. Financial and economic activities are divided between two vice-rectors, and now the rector himself is in charge of science.

“If this can be considered the consequences of the work of the commission, then these are its only consequences. There were no others, which is strange for me, since it was an official event headed by the rector and sanctioned by the ministry,” says Neklyudov, emphasizing that there was no public criticism of the proposals developed by the working group - neither on the RSUH website, nor at the meeting of the Scientist advice. “From my point of view, here the Russian State University for the Humanities missed a very good chance,” concludes the professor.

Maxim Krongauz in March 2013, in an interview with Afisha, spoke more definitely and pessimistically.

“The optimization commission, in which I participated, developed a program that will not be implemented, and two vice-rectors who worked on it have already left their posts. It became obvious that the inefficiency of the ministry was higher than the inefficiency of the university. And a more inefficient structure cannot optimize a less inefficient one,” he said.

Soon, a new Supervisory Board was created at the Russian State Humanitarian University, which included:

  • Head of the Federal Archival Agency Andrey Artizov,
  • academician Yuri Pivovarov,
  • director of the Pushkin Museum Irina Antonova,
  • Director of the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Chubaryan,
  • Director of FIRO Alexander Asmolov,
  • Director of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences Valery Tishkov,
  • Vice Mayor of Moscow Leonid Pechatnikov,
  • Metropolitan Hilarion, rector of the Church-wide postgraduate and doctoral studies named after Saints Cyril and Methodius,
  • Rector of MGIMO Anatoly Torkunov,
  • Natalya Solzhenitsyna and others.

According to a Lenta.ru source at the Russian State Humanitarian University, this council, together with the administration, is developing some kind of new mission for the Russian State Humanitarian University. Neklyudov, however, believes that the creation of a mission is not at all what such a Supervisory Board should be doing (apparently, given that most of its members do not work at the university).

At a meeting of the Academic Council on March 29, 2013, shortly after the creation of the Supervisory Board, the brewer said that the new body would "coordinate the activities and analyze the university's efforts to optimize the scientific, educational and managerial process at the RSUH." At this meeting, the rector also mentioned the program document, this time called “The Mission of the Russian State Humanitarian University Today and Tomorrow” (this document “should become the quintessence of the development of our university in the coming period”, and the name of the university itself, according to Pivovar, “always reflected it essence: every word in our name is filled with deep meaning and every word should work”). The document, Brewer promised, would be published for discussion by the Academic Council and university staff "in the near future."

Lack of funding

The shortcomings of Russian policy in the field of education - namely, the "illegality" of science within the walls of the university - also applies to all universities that do not have a special status (like, for example, the Higher School of Economics). From the very beginning, the Russian State University for the Humanities tried to combine science and teaching, but this was not formalized in any way, notes Nikolai Grintser.

The rates of university employees consist of study hours, while, as a rule, only classroom hours are taken into account: neither preparation for lectures, nor checking homework, nor, moreover, writing articles and monographs, in most universities is not taken into account in any way. RSUH, like the HSE, however, pays bonuses for publications, but in 2013, their volume, as well as the amount of funding for scientific grants, decreased significantly - partly due to the reduction by the ministry of targeted funding for the university's strategic development program.

In a number of universities, however, they allocate 40 hours for an article and 400 hours for a monograph - time that is not enough to write a worthy paper. At the same time, the ministry, and hence the university management, also requires employees to publish articles in peer-reviewed journals, including foreign ones, and defend dissertations, and other forms of “controlled” scientific work. At the Russian State Humanitarian University, according to Rector Pivovar and Head of the Educational Department of the Russian State Humanitarian University Lyubov Solyankina, the teaching load is 700 hours a year for most departments, 500 for educational research centers and 550 for the departments of ancient and oriental languages. This workload, introduced by the order of 2013, according to the staff of the Russian State University for the Humanities, significantly exceeds the previously envisaged one and leaves practically no time for full-fledged scientific work, which will most likely lead to a decrease in the quality of teaching.

But even if the workload remains more forgiving, it will still not allow taking into account - and even more so additionally paying for - scientific work, which, according to the original plan, should have been no less significant at the RSUH than teaching work.

“As long as the university had the opportunity to pay extra [staff] from extrabudgetary funds, this was somehow compensated. As soon as these opportunities, apparently, ended, the harsh truth became visible, ”Sergey Neklyudov comments on the current situation.

Consolidation of groups

In 2013, simultaneously with the dismissal of part-time workers due to lack of money, there was a tendency to enlarge groups - you can’t open a bachelor’s profile for less than 12 people, which is completely meaningless for rare specialties: ancient and oriental languages, Slavic studies, the latest Russian literature, religious studies, theoretical linguistics and many others for which the RSUH is famous. Together with the “temporary dismissal” of part-time workers and a possible increase in workload, “optimization” turns into a formal reduction, consolidation, and as a result, averaging and lowering the quality of education, a university employee explains to Lente.ru.

2012: University "with signs of inefficiency"

In 2012, according to the results of monitoring by the Ministry of Education and Science, the RSUH failed to reach (.pdf) the threshold value for four out of five indicators:

  • the volume of scientific activity amounted to 32.5 thousand rubles per employee instead of the required 95 thousand,
  • percentage of foreign graduates - 2.3 instead of 3,
  • income per employee - 856.6 thousand rubles instead of 1500 thousand,
  • and area - 8 square meters per student instead of 13.

Only the average USE score of applicants who eventually chose the RSUH exceeded the minimum of 63 points and amounted to 69 points.

As a result, the university was among the universities in need of optimization, and should show by the next monitoring that it is capable of it.

However, shortly after the publication of the results of the monitoring, Rector of the Russian State University for the Humanities Efim Pivovar told at a meeting of the Academic Council of the university that the monitoring used the indicators of 2011, and in 2012 everything was much better at the university:

  • and the average USE score - 75.65 points,
  • and scientific work - 99.2 thousand rubles,
  • and foreign graduates - 2.7 percent,
  • and the income of the university - 1520.4 thousand rubles,
  • and area per student - 10.5 square meters.

Based on these data, only two out of five parameters of the Russian State University for the Humanities do not reach the minimum set by the Ministry of Education and Science - and universities with such indicators do not have “signs of inefficiency”. At the same time, Pivovar's report contains data for both 2011 and 2012 - and even the data for 2011 do not coincide with those given in the official papers of the Ministry of Education and Science.

The news that the RSUH was recognized as a university "with signs of inefficiency" was unexpected for the entire scientific community - not only in Russia, but also in the world. In defense of one of the main humanitarian universities in the country, graduates and partners of the university from various countries spoke out: Austria, Hungary, France, Germany, Japan and others. However, the criteria used in the monitoring of the Ministry of Education and Science do not take into account the reputation of the university in the eyes of the scientific community. Instead, officials consider the volume of scientific activity (expressed in thousands of rubles, not in publications), the percentage of foreign graduates, the average area of ​​​​rooms per student, the average USE score of admitted applicants, and university income.

On November 29, 2012, almost a month after the publication of the monitoring results, a meeting of the Academic Council dedicated to the current situation was held at the RSUH. Rector of the university Efim Iosifovich Pivovar said that the university management intends to optimize its work in order to rid the RSUH of the epithet "inefficient". According to Pivovar, special commissions were supposed to work out the proposals. In particular, Pivovar told the Academic Council about the creation of a “Working Group to optimize the work of the university” (the corresponding order of the rector is dated November 22). As one of the members of the working group, Professor Sergei Neklyudov, told Lente.ru, it was headed by Pivovar himself.

Vice-rectors Dmitry Bak and Andrei Nikolaev became deputy heads of the optimization working group, and the members of the group, in addition to Neklyudov, are director of the Institute of Linguistics Maxim Krongauz and dean of the Institute of Philology and History Pavel Shkarenkov. From the side of the Ministry of Education and Science, Deputy Minister Igor Fedyukin collaborated with the working group, and Isak Frumin (Institute of Education, National Research University Higher School of Economics), Artem Shadrin (Ministry of Economic Development), Vladimir Zuev (NRU HSE), Sergey Guriev (NES) and Andrey Volkov (Skolkovo School of Management). In addition, Nikolai Grintser, Deputy Director of the Institute of Oriental Cultures and Antiquity, Irina Bakanova, Dean of the Faculty of Art History and Director of the Museum Center, Elena Kravtsova, Director of the Vygotsky Institute of Psychology, and other employees of the Russian State University for the Humanities, participated in the meetings to optimize the university.

The working group, over a couple of months of intense activity, developed both the general mission of the university and the "road map" - specific proposals on how to reform the Russian State University for the Humanities. Both the Ministry of Education and Science and external experts decided that “the strongest fragment of the university is its purely humanitarian academic, scientific research component and the pedagogical part that is associated with it,” and members of the working group agreed with this. The proposals were sent to the Ministry of Education and Science by the 20th of January, although not in the form of formalized papers. The program prepared by the working group received oral approval from the department, a source at the university told Lente.ru.

One of the main proposals of the working group was to divide the university into two clusters: an academic-research part, which would include scientific centers, institutes and faculties with significant scientific programs, and the second part, covering practical specialties.

“The mission was based on quite serious ambitions: on the one hand, the orientation towards the country, the intention to be the central liberal arts university in Russia - given the reputation of the Russian State Humanitarian University, which still remains, this is apparently not hopeless, - and, on the other hand, a turn towards Moscow: opening lecture venues in the city center, which would be of great cultural significance for Moscow,” says Neklyudov. There were hopes to get funding for this program both from the Ministry of Education and Science and from the city.

In addition, the working group proposed to establish partnerships with leading world centers, which would increase the academic mobility of students, to form several fundamental programs and projects in the humanities together with the Russian Academy of Sciences and international partners, to deploy an educational program for a bachelor's program similar to Liberal Arts, to create international and author's master's programs , reorganize the management and funding system at the university (including developing a salary system that would encourage a combination of teaching and research activities) and develop an “urban university campus” in the center of Moscow. Significant scientific and educational results, according to the authors of these proposals, could be expected within 3-5 years.

A Lenta.ru source at the university adds that the program offered a certain vector for the development of the Russian State Humanitarian University, which differed in many respects from the previous one and therefore, apparently, is unacceptable for the current university leadership. Shortly after the transfer of the program to the Ministry of Education and Science, at the very beginning of February, Bolshoi Gorod, citing two sources - in the department and in the Russian State Humanitarian University - wrote about Pivovar's imminent resignation as a settled matter.

“He began to seek help from the direct founder, and from all sorts of high-ranking officials, and informal curators of the university. This eventually led to conflict. In any case, his work in recent years was recognized as ineffective, he lost confidence and popularity in his team, ”the newspaper claimed.

However, the Pivovar, as a source at the university told Lente.ru, involved “quite high structures” and remained in his post, and disavowed the proposals of the working group in oral speeches. As a result, the rector “closed almost all management to himself personally,” says the interlocutor of Lenta.ru.

Six working groups and FSO

No data on the work of the group, which included Neklyudov, was published. However, on December 25, 2012, a document titled “On the Program for Optimizing the Activities of the Russian State Humanitarian University” appeared on the RSUH website (the rector’s office is listed as its author). It says that six (!) working groups created by the university have developed a draft reform. Who exactly was part of these working groups and how they relate to the working group, which included Neklyudov (and whose name, in general, does not imply the presence of five more exactly the same groups), Lente.ru failed to find out. Neklyudov, for example, knows nothing about their existence, but notes that the content of the reform project does not contradict the proposals developed with his participation.

The document posted on the website assumes the consolidation of the status of the “leading national scientific and educational center” for the RSUH, for which the university needs to complete a number of tasks - to become one of the international leaders in research and applied development, create a community of researchers in the humanities around the university, and expand international cooperation and not only. To achieve these goals, in turn, the authors of the reform proposed to bring socio-economic curricula in line with the liberal arts profile of the university in order to achieve a balance between “branded” and “commercial” specialties, allow employees to choose an educational or scientific profile, and create supervisory boards for attraction of additional funds.

Nothing is known about the fate of these proposals, as well as the fate of the proposals given to the rector and the Ministry of Education and Science in January by a group that included Neklyudov.

But it is known that simultaneously with the development of the program, the leadership of the RSUH began to conclude various agreements with structures close to the Russian authorities. The website of the university in January-February was full of messages about various forms of such cooperation, agreements and thanks to the RSUH. The university managed to:

  • create a joint program with the Federal Security Service called "Kremlin-9",
  • conclude an agreement on strategic cooperation with Rosmolodezh and
  • receive gratitude from Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk.

Having developed proposals and sent them to the rector and the ministry, the members of the working group did not receive any response, and the program itself has not yet been implemented. “What happened next, I don’t understand,” says Neklyudov.

ran out of money

The lack of money and the ability to properly take into account the research activities of employees hindered the Russian State University for the Humanities throughout its existence, but before the publication of the results of university monitoring, no one even tried to make systemic changes at the university. At the same time, financial difficulties were added to the problems revealed by monitoring: in the fall of 2012, it suddenly turned out that the university had run out of money.

“I, like the vast majority of university staff, do not know how it happened, because at the meetings of the Academic Council we usually received quite encouraging reports about our financial affairs, and then it suddenly turned out that there was a catastrophic lack of money,” says Neklyudov.

Because of this, the university had to temporarily dismiss part-time workers - specialists in a particular field who read one or two specialized courses per semester, which plays a crucial role in bachelor's and master's programs. They were promised a new one-year contract - subject to workload - in September 2013, but before September the situation at the Russian State University for the Humanities may change several times, and educators are forced to plan their next academic year in the summer. It is impossible to transfer the load of part-time workers to full-time employees - simply because one person cannot be equally well versed, for example, in modern Mayan philosophy and folklore.

Philosophy at the Russian State University for the Humanities almost completely lost state-funded places in undergraduate studies: first, the Ministry of Education and Science, referring to the "inefficiency" of the university and the low score of the Unified State Exam, allocated 15 places to the master's program - and zero to the bachelor's degree. The termination of the budget enrollment in undergraduate studies would mean the gradual death of the philosophical faculty of the RSUH (financing a university in Russia directly depends on the number of students: the fewer there are, the less money the university receives), but in the end the ministry changed its mind and allocated 10 places for bachelors, reducing the number masters up to five.

The crisis of liberal education in Russia

All these years, the humanities, in principle, have not been held in high esteem by officials: Livanov’s only deputy with a purely humanitarian education, historian Igor Fedyukin, has resigned, and his now former colleague Alexander Klimov, who is responsible for policy in the field of higher education, sincerely believes that from the humanities it is necessary to make "engines in the development of the economy", developing primarily such promising areas as television and humanitarian engineering (what is meant by the latter, Klimov does not specify). under the previous minister

2003: Attempt to support the university from Yukos

It was not possible to properly combine science and teaching due to lack of funding and inconsistent state policy in the field of university education.

Almost all Russian state higher educational institutions suffer from a lack of funding at this time - except, perhaps, federal and national research universities (but these two categories did not exist until 2006).

In the early 2000s, the Russian State Humanitarian University tried to overcome financial difficulties with the help of the Yukos oil company. One of the leaders of the company, Leonid Nevzlin, in 2003 even managed to take the post of rector of the Russian State Humanitarian University, displacing Afanasyev to the honorary, but not the leading post of president. However, a criminal case was opened against Yukos and its head Mikhail Khodorkovsky in the same year, and the experiment with attracting big business to university science and education had to be hastily curtailed.

“The idea that the Russian State Humanitarian University was once a stronghold of Khodorkovsky (although this is absolutely not true, because he simply did not have time to do anything there), in the eyes of the high authorities, oddly enough, still exists,” he said in 2013 "Lente.ru" university employee.

1991: Creation of the university on the basis of MGIAI

The Russian State Humanitarian University was founded in 1991 on the basis of the Moscow State Institute of History and Archives (MGIAI). For the first ten plus years, its rector was Yuri Afanasiev, who had previously worked as rector of MGIAI for five years.

Among the first in the new university were created:

  • Institute of Oriental Cultures (later - Oriental Cultures and Antiquity, IVKA),
  • Institute of Higher Humanitarian Studies (IVGI) and
  • Institute of Philology and History.

It was assumed that science and teaching would be combined in the new university, and many employees of the Academy of Sciences came to the RSUH. However, in the IVGI, which later received the name of one of the most important scientists in the history of the institute - a philologist, a specialist in the poetics of myth and fairy tales, Eleazar Meletinsky, science developed to a greater extent, and teaching in the history of history.

According to Nikolai Grintser, Deputy Director of the IVKA, an organic combination of academic science and a high level of teaching has been achieved at his institute, where experience has been accumulated in parallel and comparative studies of the classical cultures of East and West. Significant scientific schools exist in the same Eastfile, at the Institute of Linguistics, at the Faculty of Philosophy and in some other departments of the university.

Meletinsky is not the only world-famous scientist who worked at the RSUH in the first years after its creation. Also working at the university:

  • classical philologist and poet Mikhail Gasparov,
  • cultural historian and philosopher Sergei Averintsev,
  • historian, specialist in pre-Petrine Russia Sigurd Schmidt,
  • culturologist and philosopher Georgy Knabe,
  • critic and literary critic Galina Belaya,
  • philologist, specialist in the literature of Ancient India Pavel Grintser,
  • linguist Sergey Starostin,
  • philologist and one of the founders of Russian structuralism Vladimir Toporov and others.

Then more practical and commercial specialties appeared at the Russian State Humanitarian University, for example, the Institute of Economics, Management and Law with its department of international relations, which in 2012 was at the center of a corruption scandal.


05 Novoslobodskaya 09 Mendeleevskaya 05 Belorusskaya

02 Belarusian

Russian State Humanitarian University(RGGU) - one of the leading humanitarian universities in Russia in the field of humanitarian and social areas, a higher educational institution in Moscow.

Story [ | ]

The Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU) was organized in March 1991 on the basis of.

Another component that joined the RSUH was the Moscow City People's University named after A. L. Shanyavsky - one of the most progressive pre-revolutionary higher educational institutions, open to people of all classes and genders (existed from 1919 to 1919). From 1932, the Shanyavsky University was reorganized into the "Ya. M. Sverdlov Communist University". From 1939 to 1939, the same university was renamed the Higher Communist Agricultural University, from 1991 it was called the Higher Party School under the Central Committee of the CPSU.

Thus, the new university occupied the historic building of the Shanyavsky University on Miusskaya Square as the main one, becoming the successor to the Higher Party School. The building of the Historical and Archival Institute on Nikolskaya Street also became an equal part of the territorial structure of the university.

In the mid-2010s, it turned out that a “hole” of 238 million rubles had formed in the university’s budget, and as a result, a reduction in the number of teaching staff began. On September 16, 2016, 12 employees quit en masse from the Institute of Psychology due to the plans of the new rector of the university, Yevgeny Ivakhnenko, to optimize the staff and increase the workload on teachers. The practice of introducing annual contracts with teachers has spread in the university, and the load on the teaching staff has reached 900 hours per year (and 600 hours of extracurricular work) .

Since September 2017, the post of acting rector, who replaced E.N. Ivakhnenko, is occupied by A. B. Bezborodov, who has taken a course to increase the position of the university in the ranking of higher educational institutions in Russia. The widespread practice of one-year contracts with teachers was abolished, and the load on the teaching staff was reduced. By order of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation in September 2018, he was appointed Rector of the Russian State University for the Humanities.

In 2018, according to the RAEX rating, RSUH entered the top 10 universities in the field of "Humanitarian and social areas". One of the criteria was the cooperation of universities with the world's leading educational organizations, in this area the Russian State University for the Humanities demonstrated a confident leading position.

Education [ | ]

The Russian State Humanitarian University trains students in 39 professional educational programs of bachelor's and 28 master's programs, including: documentation and archiving, international relations, oriental and African studies, cultural studies, religious studies, history, sociology, political science, art history, museology, management, tourism, advertising and public relations, economics, philosophy, philology, psychology, intellectual systems in the humanities, journalism and many others.

More than 15 thousand students study at RSUH. The teaching staff of the university includes more than 600 full-time teachers and about 200 part-time workers, specialists from institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences, universities in Moscow and other scientific institutions, both domestic and invited specialists from abroad. More than 70 academicians and corresponding members of Russian and foreign academies, more than 200 professors and doctors, more than 500 candidates of sciences work at RSUH.

In addition, there are 3 university-wide faculties (sociological, philosophical, art history), 7 university-wide departments, 8 university-wide educational and scientific and scientific centers, 17 international educational and scientific centers.

Also at the Russian State University for the Humanities there are the Institute of Additional Education, the Humanitarian College, the Educational Art Museum, created jointly with the State Museum of Fine Arts. A. S. Pushkin, scientific library, center for the acquisition of libraries of universities of the Russian Federation with foreign literature, center for the conservation of documents of libraries of universities of the Russian Federation.

Historical and Archival Institute

The Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State Humanitarian University (IAI RGGU) is a structural unit within the Russian State Humanitarian University, the successor of the Moscow Historical and Archival Institute (MGIAI), founded in 1930. Director - Dr. ist. Sciences, Professor A. B. Bezborodov. The Institute includes: Faculty of Archives; faculty of document management and technotronic archives; Faculty of History, Political Science and Law of the Russian State University for the Humanities, including the Educational and Scientific Mesoamerican Center. Yu. V. Knorozov; Faculty of International Relations and Foreign Regional Studies, Higher School of Records and Archiving.

Institute of Economics, Management and Law

Main article:

Institute of Information Science and Security Technologies

Consists of the Faculty of Information Systems and Security (FISB).

Institute of Philology and History

The Institute includes: Faculty of History and Philology; Department of Translation Studies and Practice of Translation; Department of literature, theater and cinema.

Institute of Oriental Cultures and Antiquity

The institute includes: Center for Comparative Studies of the Cultures of East and West; Center for Comparative Studies; Center for Antiquities; Center for Oriental and Hellenistic Archeology; Center for Ancient Oriental Studies; Memorial office-library of academician V. N. Toporov; as well as 5 departments.

Institute of New Educational Technologies

The Institute includes: Educational and Scientific Center for the Development of Information and Educational Projects; Educational and Scientific Center for Advanced Media Technologies; Center for network broadcasting, maintenance and information support of the complex of multimedia classes; educational and scientific laboratory of developing technologies; laboratory of system integration of educational space; Laboratory for Informatics, Mechatronics and Sensorics; laboratory of technical teaching aids.

Russian anthropological school

Educational and Scientific Institute "Russian Anthropological School" was founded in 2003 on the basis of the seminar "Cognitive Problems of Anthropology". RAS is a stage in the implementation of the plan of Academician Vyacheslav Vsevolodovich Ivanov to create an educational and scientific structure that integrates various humanities and related disciplines of logical-mathematical and biological knowledge.

Department of Sociocultural Studies

Created in 2013, the head of the department is Galina Ivanovna Zvereva. The department includes the Department of History and Theory of Culture, the Educational and Scientific Center for Socio-Cultural Projects and the School of Informal Humanitarian Education "Cultural Dimension". Preparation of bachelors in the areas of "Culture of Russia", "Culture of Europe", "Culture of Mass Communications", as well as masters in the programs "Culture of Media" and "Cultural Studies of the 20th Century". Among the teachers of OSKI are O. V. Gavrishina, K. Yu. Yerusalimsky, I. V. Kondakov, O. V. Moroz, E. I. Nesterova, A. A. Oleinikov, E. E. Savitsky, I. G. Yakovenko. OSKI holds annually in mid-April a conference "Modern Methods of Cultural Studies".

All-university faculties

All-university departments

  • Department of Post-Soviet Countries Abroad
  • Department of History of Science
  • Department of Foreign Languages
  • Department of Applied Foreign Languages ​​"International Specializations"
  • Department of Physical Education
  • Civil Defense Group
All-university educational and scientific and scientific centers
  • Center for the Study of Religions
  • Educational and Scientific Center for Social Anthropology
  • Center "Society of Historians of Russian Philosophy" V.V. Zenkovsky
  • Center for the Study of the Culture of the Peoples of Siberia
  • Educational and Scientific Center for Visual Anthropology and Egohistory
  • Scientific and Educational Center for Cognitive Programs and Technologies
  • Educational and Scientific Center for Typology and Semiotics of Folklore
  • Educational and Scientific Institute of Russian History
International educational and scientific centers Branches

Rectors [ | ]

Graduates [ | ]

RSUH is a partner of the Russian Intellectual Resources program, so every year the university graduates a large number of graduates, who then go to work in leading Russian and foreign companies, as well as in public administration. Among the graduates of the RSUH, such famous personalities can be distinguished as: Tina Kandelaki, Maxim Galkin, Andrey Malakhov, Ivan Alekseev (Noize MC), Dmitry Borisov, Lyudmila Alyabyeva, Petr Osipov, Yuri Lander, Alexander Malkin, David Belozerov and others.

Criticism [ | ]

The dissertation council on economic theory at the Russian State Humanitarian University is repeatedly mentioned in the Dissernet investigations about “plagiarism in scientific work”: “Our favorite expert council is on economic theory. Here are some of his experts. Nadezhda Ivanovna Arkhipova, scientific secretary of this EC, director of the Institute of Economics and Law of the Russian State Humanitarian University, is a member of the Discussion Council No. 212.198.01. Only on our server there are 54 fake dissertations defended in this dissertation council. Nadezhda Ivanovna herself participated in the "multi-color" defenses of the competitor Yu. V. Musarsky and the associate professor of the Russian State Humanitarian University L. I. Badrenkova. According to Dissernet, 50 “fake” defenses took place in this dissertation council.

In 2014, a round table on the problems of plagiarism in science was held at the Russian State University for the Humanities. According to the report of Sergey Parkhomenko, in the dissertation council D 212.198.01 on economic sciences at the Russian State Humanitarian University, there was a “factory of dissertations by Professor Fyodor Sterlikov”, which produced dissertations containing plagiarism. Among the plagiarists, the report also mentioned the head of the Department of Marketing and Advertising of the Russian State Humanitarian University, Professor D. A. Shevchenko. An anti-plagiarism commission was created at the university, which considers dissertations of former and current employees of the Russian State Humanitarian University, which was liquidated under the rector Yevgeny Ivakhnenko.

In May 2015, RSUH teachers wrote an open letter to Rector E. I. Pivovar, in which they criticized the humiliating, in their opinion, practice of concluding one-year contracts with teachers, according to which teachers do not receive salaries for the summer months. The letter also criticizes the lack of moral condemnation and the necessary administrative response to dissertations defended at the Russian State Humanitarian University that contain massive plagiarism. In total, the letter was signed by 105 people, including 74 researchers from the Russian State Humanitarian University and 3 academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The meeting of teachers with the rector on May 27 ended with the rector's refusal to answer the questions of the teachers and his early departure from the meeting.

Nikolai Belov, who worked with former rector Yuri Afanasiev from 1988 until his last day, including for many years as an assistant to the rector, is sharply critical of the current leadership of the university. According to him, the university has turned into a loose conglomerate of structures, the library exists inexplicably, and the first-class publishing house has been destroyed. Teachers are delayed salaries, which was not even "in the dashing nineties." According to the new Statute, the elections have turned "into an outright farce": the academic council, which elects the rector, actually forms the current and. about. rector. Belov also notes that only the RSUH Conference, which did not take place, could have changed the Charter of the university. Since the Charter was nevertheless changed, this fact falls under Article 292 of the Criminal Code (“Official forgery”).