Kindred souls: work between incarnations. They could free themselves if they worked for themselves, spent less on buying things and achieved financial independence.

1.2. What happens when a person works only for money>

  • He is disappointed, dissatisfied and unhappy.
  • He is under constant stress, which is bad for his health and his relationships with family and friends.
  • No matter how much he receives, he feels that he is underpaid.
  • He is not ready or not able at all to accept a job that pays less.
  • He compromises his moral values ​​by working for a company whose activities, deep down, he considers unethical.
  • He gets into debt because he constantly buys various expensive things, trying to compensate for his dissatisfaction with his work.
  • He is not creatively satisfied.
  • He feels at work like in a prison.
  • His self-esteem is going down.
  • He does not have enough self-confidence to change his current job for another, more pleasant one.

You see, money is important in areas of life where it is important, and completely useless where it is not.

In Chapter 6, I will talk about this in a little more detail.

And now let's just say one thing: unfortunately, too many people believe that money is everything, and as a result they get the whole range of problems listed above.

Of course, if you allow yourself to be convinced that the most important thing in work is a salary, then there is every chance that you will sit in a hated job for the rest of your life.

In general, the more you get paid, the more you depend on your job. This is especially true if you are not very good with money.

For your information, most North Americans are not very good with money; The average savings rate among the population is now the lowest in history - it fell below zero for the first time in the last half century.

The higher your income, the more things you buy on credit, getting deeper and deeper into debt.

You can no longer imagine how you can run away from corporate life if you have a huge debt hanging on you - after all, you will have to work for many years to pay it off. Some people, in desperation, find higher-paying jobs, but this only aggravates their situation, because then they buy even more on credit, and the vicious circle is completed.

Many people have been living up to their necks in debt for so long that it begins to seem normal to them. They can't imagine how they can live without a house they bought on a mortgage loan, 90% of which has yet to be paid off, without furniture, for which they will pay in full only in five years, without a car, also bought on an installment plan, not to mention credit cards, the limit on which is drawn to the bottom.

As Leigh McLaren recently wrote in her Globe and Mail column, "No one likes to talk about debt, but still your debt catches up with you, sits on your shoulders, like the fabulous old demon Sinbadu, and it will not be thrown off."

The problem is that when it comes to getting into debt and buying new things, common sense fails us.

The American humorist Will Rogers put the problem much better than I could: "Too many people spend money they don't earn on buying things they don't need in order to impress people they don't like."

Perhaps something is really missing in your life, but most likely not things.

How much more junk can you buy before you realize you already have too much?

If you look like a typical corporate employee, you hardly have the heart to admit that things - no matter how fashionable and expensive - do not bring satisfaction. New purchases only slightly dull the longing and emptiness in your soul.

In fact, an unhealthy attachment to things puts us in jail in the same way that corporate life does.

Recently, a friend of mine named Denis was leaving for a three-week shift on an oil rig. I let him park my brand new Harley-Davidson in the garage I rented for the time being. Once I showed a motorcycle to a neighbor, and he asked how much it costs. I replied that, according to Denis, $28,000.

A little later, I got into my 1974 MGB and drove to one of my favorite coffee shops. On the way, I laughed: it suddenly dawned on me that the total value of all my possessions - clothes, three other older cars, four bicycles, a laptop, and some furniture - was approximately $18,000. Exactly. I have savings, but my possessions are worth ten thousand dollars less than Denis's Harley.

Am I unhappy because I have so few things? On the contrary - I am surprisingly free! Unlike Denis, who is forced to work at a job he doesn't like in order to earn a lot of money for new expensive things, I do what I like, and moreover, successfully.

Moreover, I now earn decently and can afford to buy anything - even two or three new Harleys - if I want, and not in installments, but for cash.

It is clear that people who live on installments and paycheck to paycheck are not free.

Moreover, they will never accumulate enough money to finally break out of the embrace of the corporation and go in search of freedom. If they had some savings, this would allow them to hold out until they get a "fake" job or the non-traditional business they started finally starts to generate income.

By the way, about freedom. The great paradox of life in North America is that freedom is given such tremendous importance, yet many people are surprisingly not free.

Most North Americans are prisoners. Prisoners of their work, their belongings, their debts.

They could free themselves if they worked for themselves, spent less on buying things, and achieved financial independence.

I believe that the shortest path to personal freedom is to work not only for money. Making money your main goal, you are making a big mistake. It does not even matter what you do - work in a corporation, in a "fake" job or in your own non-traditional business.

The danger is that you will get too carried away with making money and forget that you need to enjoy life.

And one more very important point: if you only want to earn a lot of money, but at the same time you do not have any driving internal goal, most likely you will not succeed in getting rich.

Believe me: if without money you are not a very interesting person, then with money you will remain the same uninteresting person.

Money can buy holidays in exotic countries, fashionable clothes, expensive cars and everything else that is bought and sold. But money cannot fill the void of the human soul.

If you work at a job you hate, you agree in advance to receive much less than you deserve. It's no secret that the happiest and most successful people in their work are those who really love their job.

Generally speaking, such people end up being the most successful, whether they work for a corporation or for themselves.

Moreover, if your whole life is built around making money, you will lose sight of what makes people rich.

Those who create a sought-after product or provide people with the services they need become rich.

If you focus on creating something useful and valuable for others, the money will flow to you - people will generously pay you for what they need.

In other words, work not only to make a lot of money - and it is possible that you will earn a lot of money as a result!

Once you start doing what you love, you will be surprised how smart you are. Doing what you love, it is much easier to learn new things that are necessary for work. And, of course, the more you study, the more experience and knowledge you accumulate and the more money you will earn in the end.

Your favorite job, which you go to with pleasure - more than 70 percent of people dream of this, getting up at the very early hours on an alarm clock, and literally “wandering” into their stuffy, disgusting offices literally on the machine. Almost a third of life is spent on labor activity, and it is truly terrible when you do not do what you would like to do all your life. How to find a job to your liking? What if you can't figure out what you're addicted to? If you are asking these questions, then this article is for you.

Why do we take jobs we hate?

The roots of problems, oddly enough, always begin in childhood. Parents, for the most part, take upon themselves the right to decide who their child should become in the future. Undoubtedly, they are guided only by good intentions, wanting to give the child all the best. But often they are the reason that a person gradually begins to hate his workplace.

Children are suggestible, and the advice of loved ones becomes serious instructions for them. Not everyone at a young age understands well what they would like to do in the future. And instructions from adults are taken for granted. The child goes to the university that mom or dad chose, then gets a job on their own advice, and, in fact, becomes the one whom the parents wanted to see in it. And only later, some realize that all this time they were led by relatives, and not by their desires. Yes, but changing everything is already so difficult.

Here comes fear, insecurity or banal laziness, which become an obstacle to taking life into your own hands and finally starting to act on your own.

But not everyone, realizing that they are occupying the wrong place, can understand exactly what they would like next. How to find your favorite job, and is it so important to do what you like? This is what the next chapter is about.

What threatens doing an unloved thing

Some agree to "not their place" because of a good salary or a prestigious position. Others may choose a job for a convenient schedule or location. Still others are simply led and act on the instructions of their elders. But the same fate awaits everyone: a feeling of dissatisfaction, lack of joy at the thought of work, frequent fatigue, fatigue, difficult getting up in the morning, headaches, apathy, poor sleep, a feeling of hopelessness, and as a result of all - depression.

Psychologists say that if a business is not loved, then no benefits, whether it be a high income or a very convenient regimen, will cover the negative feelings that a person experiences while doing it. Therefore, finding a job you like is good for both psychological and physical health. When work brings pleasure, the body does not feel tired, and it seems that the energy reserves are endless. Difficulties become less significant, and stresses are easier to bear.

How to find yourself

In order for a business to bring satisfaction and joy, you need to understand well what you would like to do. But the problem is that some people like too many areas and they can’t decide, others, in general, can’t find themselves and no matter what they take on, they soon get bored. There are several ways that help answer the question “how to find your favorite job?” and better understand yourself.

  1. One of the easiest and most beautiful ways to figure out what kind of employment you would like is to do this: imagine the situation that you are very rich. You do not need to "plow" for the sake of money, and have everything you need for a prosperous life for many years to come. Now think about what you would do for your own pleasure. Ask yourself the question: “What can I do to feel satisfied?”.

Some will probably think that in this position you can not get carried away with anything. But practice shows that any person needs self-expression through any activity.

Take a closer look at the thoughts that will visit you at the moments when you visualize a similar picture. Perhaps you should seriously think about the area that presented itself to you, if you were in the intended image.

  1. Try to analyze your talents and abilities. Think about what you do best, what things are easy, what is done without much effort. Asking the question “how to find a job you like?”, just follow what your gut is striving for.

If you occupy a serious leadership position, but your mind trembles at the sight of indoor flowers and you are ready to take care of them for hours, you should not be afraid of such thoughts, and consider that this is not serious at all. Even being fond of indoor plants, you can develop a successful business by becoming a professional florist or breeding rare specimens.

Do you find it much easier to calculate with tables and numbers than finding customers for the products your company sells? Maybe consider a career as an accountant?

  1. Another good tip on how to find a job you like is to visit a psychologist. A competent specialist will allow you to release into the conscious those dreams, aspirations and desires that may be hidden in your subconscious. In turn, this will help you hear yourself, understand what you really want.

Also, psychologists often offer to pass special tests that determine a person's propensity for certain professions.

  1. The human psyche is so arranged that we get much more satisfaction and pleasant experiences when we do something for others than someone does for us. To try to understand what activity will bring you joy, a simple way will help - think about what you can give people. Surely you know how to do something that is in demand, what is needed, if not all, but some. Maybe you knit beautifully, and there are always those who want to buy your product, perhaps you draw beautifully or understand the repair of household appliances. What services would you like to provide to others? Think seriously about the answers you receive.
  2. Remember childhood dreams. They are the very best guides that can lead you to your favorite activity. Of course, many of the dreams will seem silly and frivolous to you today, but try to highlight exactly those dreams of a profession that lasted with you the longest, and maybe they are still alive in you. Think about it.

What steps to take

It’s not enough just to sit and think about how to find a job you love. Water does not flow under a lying stone, and this is the truth. You need to start taking steps that will definitely lead you to what you are striving for.

  • Drive away any fears associated with a change of activity. Don't think about what people will say if you suddenly quit your career in the office and go into the clothing industry. Remember that this is only your life and only you have the right to decide how to act.
  • If you have a job, but you don’t like it at all, don’t rush to quit. Be like interviews, see what others have to offer, don't jump to conclusions. You can leave when, when choosing, you will have no doubt that the new proposed place is better than the present one.
  • Are you just starting your working career? Look like internships in different companies. Let you not earn money for several months, but you can feel the atmosphere of this or that activity well.
  • Don't be afraid to try new things. You won't be able to fully understand whether a job is right for you or not until you do it. Dreaming of becoming a fashion designer, sit down and cut a dress. If you want to have your own store, get a job as a seller and see if you enjoy communicating with customers.
  • Don't neglect learning. If you feel that you have enough knowledge or skills for the desired position, do not skimp on training courses. Investing in yourself is always worth it.

Remember that only your favorite thing will bring you real joy, which will spread to all areas of life.

Many people dream of going to their favorite job in the morning and earning decent money, but not everyone is so lucky in life. Basically, we do what we don’t like just for the sake of a high salary, or we change professions in search of our calling.

A person needs a job not just as a source of income to support a family, to meet the necessary needs and requirements. An interesting and, most importantly, beloved work can become the meaning of existence, without which it would be impossible to live a single day. Looking through vacancies in Belgorod, you can find a job as a cashier in a supermarket or a legal adviser at an enterprise, a sales manager or an electric and gas welder, a housekeeper or a secretary. It all depends on education, abilities and desire to work.

Many young people, entering higher educational institutions, do not yet fully understand what exactly is supposed to be done in a particular profession, what job responsibilities are hidden behind the attractive name "merchandiser" or "marketer". And already during the internship or directly at the workplace, they realize that they would not want to do this business. Some of them resign themselves and are simply present in the office or workshop, serving the working day as a duty, for which they receive monthly remuneration in the form of wages and bonuses. And some continue to search for themselves in the business world, so that every day brings satisfaction from the work performed.

Work is a means of self-realization, all knowledge and skills are invested in its high-quality performance, the process of teaching a person something new and useful is constantly going on. Many employers send their employees to various training courses, trainings and seminars, where they gain incomparable experience. Communication with like-minded people and “absorption” of specialized information ensures the return to work of a more perfect specialist, ready to take new heights in business.

Not everyone can find a job to their liking. Many are simply forced to abandon their calling and take a highly paid position for the sake of money or other privileges. Others are placed in such conditions that they simply cannot find themselves in their native city or village. So, for example, finding vacancies in Stary Oskol is not a problem, but whether they will meet your wishes is a question. The most ideal option for an activity is a combination of a hobby with high pay. Thus, a person does what he likes most in life, and receives a worthy reward for this. But only a few are so lucky.

One of the criteria for success today is undoubtedly not only a highly paid prestigious job. A modern successful person loves his job and goes to it with pleasure. But in life, as it happens, this does not always “coincide”. And we have to choose: work for the sake of money, in a complex team, with a tyrant director, or a calm, not very profitable occupation for the soul, to which you give your free time without regret? How to relate to work: as a means of survival or with all my heart? ..

just work

Serenity and health
Oddly enough, some people see the advantage of treating work as “just work” and not putting a bit of themselves into it.

I believe that a too reverent attitude to one's work promises only health problems and unnecessary, unnecessary experiences for anyone (except you!) - says Yulia. - If I worry about every reason (accident at work, old equipment, non-compliance with safety regulations, remarks from the management of the concern), I will simply stop calmly. I will “sit” on valerian and will not be able to live normally. For example, my friend Daria, who works as an architect (the work is much calmer than that of a production manager!), simply harasses herself because of her work. She is terribly worried about each project, the comments and evaluation of the customer, the need to redo the project due to lack of funds, staff turnover in the team, unfair treatment of management, salary, etc. I tell her: “Dasha, you can’t treat work like that. After all, besides her, you have a family, a child, a hobby (batik), friends. Find solace in them. Don't torture yourself like that!"

Ability to switch
If you do not regard work as “the main thing in life”, then you can easily switch to other areas of life: relax, take care of your family, enjoy a hobby, etc.
“Thoughts about work instantly disappear from my head as soon as I leave the office,” Anya says. - And it becomes easy and good for me! After all, there are so many wonderful things in life: you can just wander around the shops, trying on new images. You can go for a walk along the embankment with a friend and dream about where we will go together in the summer. You can enjoy each other with slow melodic music and the smell of incense. We can make plans, plan what we will buy with a paycheck, draw, swim, make a seaweed mask, cook and slowly drink our favorite tomato juice from a straw!

Not life for money, but money for life
Probably, you will think that working is so boring and uninteresting. And one of my friends works just for the sake of money, or rather, what they can buy with it. She does not hide the fact that she does not particularly like her job (as a mobile operator), nor does she hide what she is going to buy with each salary.

I have an uninteresting job, - says Olya. - You have to smile all the time and connect subscribers. It's boring and uninteresting. Therefore, when I have a free minute or (if I'm lucky) an hour, I start planning what I'll buy for my next paycheck. If I don’t feel like working at all, I mentally calculate how much money I will be paid for this day, worked out with dislike, and figure out what I can buy with this money. By the way, it helps a lot. Visualizing a new T-shirt or a pack of your favorite coffee helps a lot. I persuade myself like this: “But with this money you will buy yourself this and that.”

Life is wasted
“Sometimes I am very sorry for the time that I spend on work,” Anya shares. - After all, this is more than half the time that a person is awake. And how much energy is taken away from it! I often think about how interesting and fun I could spend time if I worked part-time or did not work at all.

No love, no pleasure, no drive...
Money does not always compensate for the lack of pleasure from work. And if they are “not a lot”, the work can even cause hostility. To work without passion means to suffer yourself and torturing your loved ones (endlessly complaining to your relatives, friends, acquaintances), and in a leadership position, to your subordinates.

Not much use
If you don’t like what you are doing, treat it without much interest, you are unlikely to be able to bring something new and unusual, rationalize the workflow, be of great benefit ...

Occupation for the soul

Nothing compares to pleasure
- When I write an interesting article that will receive a wide response, - says Katya, - I feel real happiness. This pleasure is incomparable. Moreover, you understand that all the work, effort and time spent have brought excellent results. This is why I love my job. The factor of publicity in the profession of a journalist allows you to get an assessment of your work immediately after publication. This is very inspiring!

Time is not a pity
- The working day never lasts for me, - Svetlana admits. - It flies quickly, imperceptibly, in an instant. And I don't notice that evening is approaching and it's time to go home. I enjoy taking my unfinished work home and look forward to the moment when all household chores are finished so that I can bury my face in the laptop monitor and create, create ...

- I have a creative job, - says graphic designer Irina. “Therefore, work for me is not just a way to earn money, but also an opportunity to realize oneself, get an assessment of specialists and their praise ... It seems to me that this is very important for every person.

The drama of failure
- When something does not work out for me and (or) the customer is dissatisfied, this is a real tragedy for me. I always worry a lot. After all, at work they evaluate the level of my professionalism, talent, if you like ... In case of failure, I cry and (or) smoke a lot. Colleagues reassure, and the boss frowns: “Well, there are tears again ...”

To the detriment of personal life
- My wife Katya, a journalist by profession, is constantly busy with something, - says Igor. - If I manage to catch her at home before 9 pm, then only for a new article. At the same time, the dishes are not washed, instead of dinner - "Darling, cook for yourself." Sometimes she stays up late at night. The next day, she gets up broken. Can't spend the evening together...

Big hopes
- When you put a lot of effort and time into your work, - says Alla, - you have high hopes for it. You expect that the management will notice you, appreciate and ... raise you. When this does not happen only for the reason that the founder of the company unexpectedly brings “his” person to the place of the deputy head of the department, this is very disappointing ...

The most famous and easiest way to find out how much you love your job is to ask the “millionaire” question: would I work (and would I?) If I had enough money for a comfortable existence? Answer: “Of course not! I would be lying on the beach in Miami ”- means that work for you is just a means of survival. Answer: “I would work, but not here and not in this position” - evidence that you still love some kind of activity and would not exchange it for parasitism. Finally, the answer: “I would stay at my previous job” - says that you work for the soul ...

The decision “to change something in your work or not to change?” of course it's up to you...

In the Russian language, the proverb was fixed: "Let's have a rest in the next world." Often it is used by workaholics, hoping that after death they will not have to work hard and wear and tear as in life. Is it so?

Does the soul really stop working after death and only blissfully resting preparing for a new incarnation?

Memories of the space of the World of Souls, where we go after death, say that there, too, a whole heap of duties awaits us.

But is her occupation a burden to the soul? What are they? Who helps in the work between incarnations?

Related team

Agree that colleagues are a very important part of not only work, but also our life as a whole. For the sake of a friendly team, we are ready to travel to the other side of the city, put up with a low salary.

Mental comfort in the workplace is put in the first place by many when choosing an organization.

I want to share all my worries and joys with my beloved colleagues and even spend my free time. The desire for intimacy with co-workers, it turns out, comes from the experience of working in the World of Souls.

The first brought many discoveries.

In response to my request to “show kindred spirits,” memory unfolded a picture of a white round arbor with columns, in which someone was animatedly discussing what was happening on the table.

These souls attracted with their warmth, similarity of vibrations. Recognizing them was simply shocking.

Looking at one after another, I realized that these were my classmates from the Institute of Reincarnation! Alina, Svetlana, Lyudmila, Anatoly, Olga, Tamara, Natasha - everyone was here.

We decided how best to meet in incarnation for joint work, which would be a reflection of our mission in the World of Souls.

A map of the Earth was revealed on the table in front of us, and we, like folding puzzles, sorted out where the meeting would take place. At some point, the captain of our group joined the conversation: Anna suggested that we gather in the space of the Institute of Reincarnation.

Our work is the energy control of the planets of the solar system.

The soul in the space between lives has a lot of work to do. She does some things on her own, some in small and large groups.

The main mission of our sister team is to observe the planets of the solar system, protecting them from serious catastrophes and destruction. Everyone has their own "site" of work. For example, I am responsible for the Earth, Alina for the Moon, Olga for Venus.

We do the main part of the work alone, but we often gather for planning meetings at the observatory. We went to this memory many times to compare our impressions.

The observatory is seen by everyone as a large spherical space, from which the cosmos is revealed at a glance. We can zoom in and out of the right place, slow down and speed up processes.

At planning meetings, we share our observations, experience, and methods of energy cleansing of “areas” from space debris.

The working atmosphere is a feeling of responsibility, the importance of the mission, on the one hand, and support, mutual interest of kindred souls, on the other. There are no feelings of tension, fatigue, imposed duty. Everything is done calmly and organically. The soul knows that it can easily cope with any task, it has been taught this.

Learning is light

The process of our preparation for this mission is a separate amazing story. We collected it bit by bit, in additional classes on immersion in the space of the World of Souls.

The development of a separate soul proceeds according to its own plan, at its own pace. During the period of growth, the soul changes Teachers and Mentors, different tasks are set before it. The types of work in the World of Souls are also changing.

Before joining this one, we were all in different groups. The procedure of our first acquaintance was very touching. Each was brought by his own mentor.

We were put in a circle. The first ring is our eight souls, behind us are the Mentors. Was launched flow of attunement of energy vibrations. So we learned to recognize and feel each other.

The new team was given teachers who worked with us, passing on the experience of working with energies. These lessons would be the envy of any modern school. Inspiration, excitement, fun - it was with these emotions that we tried to compress, build up, launch energy flows. And even throw them at each other!

Working with the energies of the cosmos became the next stage of training. Kind of like an internship at a university. We performed individual tasks, but if we needed help, we could telepathically call one of our kindred spirits. It is for this that we learned to feel everyone.

At this stage, learning was literally light: light is one of the energies we were learning to interact with.

Working at the purple temple

Another joint work of our team of kindred spirits is the service in the purple temple. Wrapped in beautiful purple cloaks with hoods, we enter in a friendly procession into a large round hall.

Everyone is serious and focused. Attention is directed to large purple crystal located in the center.

Entering, we take our place, forming a loose ring around the crystal. But soon the space between each of us, between us and the crystal, is filled with energy.

The first stream is launched by Svetlana. It passes along the chain from soul to soul, and the circle closes. The flow of energy expands more and more, and now Lyudmila directs it to the crystal.

We repeat after her. Temple fills up crystal lattice of energy flows. When one and all connect to the crystal, it flashes with a bright deep purple fire.

It is difficult to describe in words what is happening to the soul at this moment. You begin to feel an incredible fulfillment, expansion.

Then the concept of their boundaries is lost. And now you no longer distinguish between yourself and the souls standing side by side. You seem to merge into one whole and become part of a powerful stream.

Service in the temple develops both the individual soul and the space to which this collective work is directed.

Meeting at the Institute of Reincarnation

In the current incarnation, we went through different options. Geographical proximity, the possibility of working in one place (city, country) was rejected.

Our energies had to connect, covering a larger circle. And so it happened.

At the time of entering the Institute of Reincarnation, the geography of our residence encircled almost the entire globe: Siberia, western Russia, the Baltic States, America.

And it was thanks to the virtual format of training at the institute that we managed to meet and to know each other!

The work on the development of our souls and the space around continues. And this work is part of that grandiose work for which we have been prepared in the space between lives.

At the last group session of the first year, the Spirit Guides prepared an amazing gift. In meditation, we were led into the very circle from which acquaintance and recognition began.

The energy of the crystal in the center of the circle, soul mate support standing shoulder to shoulder, the protection of mentors in the outer circle - this is how we gained knowledge about our place of power.

A place that you can turn to at any moment, when in the incarnation it seems that hard times have come, when a load of problems and unresolved tasks is piled up ...

Based on the experience of walking into the space between lives, we can say that the poet was right: “The soul must work day and night, day and night!”

But this is not the hard, exhausting work that a person often takes on. Work for the sake of wages, for the sake of subsistence or the accumulation of material wealth.

By fulfilling it, the soul experiences a state of integrity, evolution, unity with kindred souls and a great plan.

P.S. What do you think your soul does between incarnations? What do you like more - to work independently or in a related team?

Certified consultant of the Institute of Reincarnation. I help people find themselves through creativity.