How to start personal development? Self-development or Self-knowledge? What to choose? Developmental Psychology A. Maslow

Sooner or later, a moment comes in a person's life when he begins to think about who he really is, what abilities and opportunities are hidden in him. Therefore, self-development and self-knowledge is a topic that is relevant for all people of all ages.

What is self-development and self-knowledge? And how are they different?


Self-development - as is clear from the composition of the word - is the development of oneself, independently. A person is engaged in self-development, regardless of whether he is an esoteric or not. In the course of life, everyone comprehends his experience, draws conclusions, as a result of which his soul, spirit, and mind develop.


Self-knowledge is the process of observing oneself, as a result of which there is an accumulation of knowledge about oneself. In essence, this is the study of oneself, the study of one's strengths and capabilities.

Unlike self-development, self-knowledge is rather a passive process, you can know yourself, but at the same time move in development rather slowly. Still, it is believed that self-development is the process of changing oneself for the better through some kind of effort on oneself. And this is a more active process than self-knowledge. However, one without the other is impossible - developing, we know ourselves. And knowing our capabilities, we get the chance to develop them.

How to engage in self-development and self-knowledge.

The process of inner cognition starts when a person begins to observe his thoughts and analyze his actions (his own and those around him). The process of internal improvement is the second step on the ladder of self-development. It occurs when a person begins to carry out internal work on himself in order to improve, improve his thoughts and actions, his health, energy, and therefore his whole life. After all, self-knowledge will have no meaning if there is no inner work on oneself. From this follows the fact of recognizing one's own ignorance and, as a result, the desire to obtain true Knowledge.

What helps in self-development and self-knowledge.

It is important to understand that the mind and logic are not the tools that are needed on this path. Self-analysis alone, coupled with mental activity, is unable to lead to knowledge of oneself and the mysteries of the surrounding world. It is necessary to awaken the consciousness of your higher nature and rely more on intuition and sensations than on logic. You may be asking "Why?". Often, techniques and practices related to the topics of self-development and self-knowledge are not amenable to logical explanation and understanding - but they really work! Probably, you even personally already had the opportunity to verify this from your own experience. If not yet, then you can find various techniques on the website of our school - http: // site
All esotericism operates with non-material concepts and categories, such as “thought”, “intention”, “desire”, “energy”, etc. We are talking about what is not manifested on the physical plane: we cannot, for example, “see” with physical through the eyes of a person’s thought, but this does not mean at all that he does not think about anything. It is exactly the same with the energy impact: the inability to see it with our physical eyes does not mean its absence. Esoteric lies beyond the understanding of the brain. In most cases, we are dealing with the work of consciousness and subconsciousness, which are almost limitless. Consciousness has no limit, which means that there are no limits for development. Absolutely any person has incredible hidden abilities that he can develop and use in himself for the benefit of himself and the world. With each step, he will discover new and new opportunities in himself, the existence of which he did not even suspect before. His attitude to people, events, and life will also change synchronously.
Since it is consciousness that produces changes, which are then reflected on the physical plane, i.e. those changes that we can observe in our real life, then self-development and self-knowledge, first of all, are associated with a constant increase in the level of consciousness.


The modern market economy is characterized by a high level of competition. Effective management is a prerequisite for the survival and long-term success of a company in a competitive market environment. The effectiveness of the organization as a whole depends on the effective work of managers.

Self-development of a manager is a process of conscious purposeful development of oneself as a leader, which includes self-improvement of one's knowledge, skills, personal and functional qualities, competence in general, ensuring the effectiveness of professional activity. This process is a unity of the following components:

Personal development (personal growth);

intellectual development;

Professional (qualification) development;

Maintaining physical condition (recovery).

In practical terms, a person's professional development is spoken of in cases where the level of his skill does not just somehow change, but increases by an order of magnitude. Why do some people experience these changes and others don't?

Professional self-development is not a mass or even a typical phenomenon, because not everyone has the qualities that are necessary for purposeful work on oneself. Self-development occurs only in those who have the necessary qualities, the main of which are:

Internal motivation for professional tasks, achievement of high results in their solution and self-motivation;

Ability for self-development;

Understanding the content and methodological foundations of self-development.

The effectiveness of self-development of a manager also depends on external factors:

Organizational and socio-psychological conditions of professional activity, in a broader context - from the corporate culture of the enterprise;

Availability for him of modern information systems, as well as readiness to work with them;

Methodical provision of conditions for professional development.

Self-knowledge and self-development

self-development self-awareness management

One of the ancient philosophers owns the words: "Man is the measure of all things." And what is the measure of the man himself? The answer is probably obvious - his deeds and deeds. It is by deeds and deeds that they judge the value of a person, his maturity as a person. If, however, we shift the focus from the results of activity (deeds and actions) to the person himself and ask ourselves one more question: due to what is a person capable of performing actions? (i.e., what is the value of the person himself?), then the answers will no longer be so unambiguous. Someone will rely on talent, others - on the ability to build relationships with other people, and someone will explain success in life and work by favorable circumstances. The psychologist will answer this question as follows: the value of a person lies not only in his deeds and deeds, but also in his ability to constantly work on himself, improve himself, learn more and more deeply his capabilities and make the most of them in his life and work. Indeed, only constant self-knowledge and self-development are tools for discovering one's inexhaustible personal and creative potential, identifying those areas of life where this potential can be fully used. Many cases are known when capable and even talented people, having achieved certain successes, calmed down, stopped working on themselves, as a result of which they even lost what had been achieved earlier.

The assertion of the value of self-knowledge and self-development can be traced in many religious, philosophical, psychological and pedagogical concepts. For example, in the religions of the Ancient East, a coherent, harmonious system of self-knowledge and self-development has been developed, which acts as a means of comprehending the true essence of man, achieving unity with the Universe. In Christianity, self-knowledge is the discovery of the identical beginning in oneself, and self-development is the way of comprehending God through faith and communion with the sacraments of the church. In humanistically oriented psychology and pedagogy, the need for self-actualization is considered as the highest human need, its satisfaction allows him to fully realize himself, to fulfill the mission, the destiny that life and destiny have assigned him. Only in this case, he acquires the meaning of his existence, becomes what he is able to become, and not what others impose on him to be. Each person builds himself and chooses his life path, builds his own relationships with other people, and finally, he makes and corrects mistakes. Therefore, the concepts of "formation", "education", etc., used in science and practice, are rather conventional concepts. The main task is not to directly influence the personality of a person in order to achieve the desired results, but to create the necessary conditions for self-construction, self-formation and self-education, to update the mechanisms of self-knowledge and self-development.

At the same time, every person knows from his own experience that spontaneous self-knowledge and self-development often do not lead to significant results. While he understands himself, while he builds a program of self-improvement, time will pass, many mistakes will be made. Therefore, self-knowledge and self-development require a certain methodology, research and development of special technologies, methods and techniques.

The most important thing in life is working on yourself. Personal self-improvement is a complex work on oneself, one’s “I”, which allows, first of all, to become taller, cleaner, brighter, helps to achieve one’s goals, makes your life happier and easier. Self-improvement is what it is. self-development personality, and this process is impossible without self-knowledge.
As a child, learning about the world around you, you learned to listen to your desires, learned about opportunities and shortcomings. When we grow up, this process becomes more difficult, many believe that if they graduated from school, and even more so from college, and even work, then they know everything about this life. But let us remember the sages who studied all their lives and did not consider it something shameful. They considered the process of constant replenishment of knowledge necessary. They also worked hard on themselves. This allowed them to find peace, eliminate shortcomings, increase their virtues, that is, form the kind of personality that they wanted to “offer” to the world.

A person who is a strong personality is not afraid to be himself, he does not think that others are talking about him, he is not "on the lead" of prejudice, he is not interested in rumors. He has his own opinion on any account. He will give advice when asked for it, and will not impose his opinion if it does not interest anyone.

Often people think that if they can sit in silence for a few minutes (even hours), learn to meditate or pray, then they have already known themselves. But this is the wrong approach. You can learn to meditate and pray, but at the same time, you can’t move a single step towards knowing yourself.

True self-knowledge does not mean that you will experience peace and a sense of peace at the very beginning. No, at the beginning of knowing yourself as a person, you are more likely to feel shame, remorse, lack of confidence in your abilities. To know yourself, you need to look into the most hidden corners of your soul, and we all once did things that we are afraid to admit even to the closest people. It is difficult to admit them to oneself, especially since each person eventually acquires the habit of justifying himself or pushing out bad memories. But you can’t just get rid of the burden of the past. That is why you need to work on yourself. Otherwise, you will not be able to move forward along the path of personal self-development.

You can choose different techniques that allow you to get rid of negative memories and the consequences that your past carries with it. The most effective are the revision of one's own life (Carlos Castaneda), entry-level meditation (Buddhism) and repentance through confession (Christianity).
Reading the books of Carlos Castaneda, you can try to reconsider your own life. He presents it as the experience of a whole life with a review of all its events. He tells his readers that everything that happens in a person's life is the result of his volitional efforts, and random circumstances do not play any role here. It is necessary to stop demanding special treatment from others and stop feeling sorry for yourself.

Meditation will help to focus on the positive aspects of your life, to bring special harmony into it. It will also help to overcome the adverse impact of the actions that happened in your past on the events that are happening in your life now.

One of the most difficult practices for any person who is far from the Christian commandments, who has forgotten the way to the temple, is confession. But if you feel the full power of this rite - confession followed by sincere repentance, then you can simply physically feel how you get rid of the burden of the past, how strength appears for further accomplishments and for moving forward. The power of the past turns out to be powerless over a person who has passed the sacrament of confession and repentance.

self-knowledge it is not easy to implement, but if you yourself, consciously, have passed this stage of your development, then now you can move forward, to the heights of your self-development. And self-development is a constant creative process that helps a person realize his true destiny, and this is the most important thing in this world.

Self-knowledge and self-development of a person are interrelated concepts, the second is impossible without the first. In this article, we will consider these concepts in more detail and can they be considered interchangeable?

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self-knowledge- the study of oneself, personal abilities, characteristics, relationships with the outside world.

This is the basic definition. In addition, there are such features of self-knowledge:

  • self-knowledge is the basis of a healthy personality (mental component),
  • contributes to the preservation of harmony with the outside world and within oneself,
  • path for personal development and realization in life.

All these areas are inextricably linked, and various currents of psychological science usually focus on one of the sides. In this case, the last characteristic is the closest. Let's remember what self-development means?

Self-development- this is an independent development of abilities, both physical and mental qualities of a person.

Naturally, without understanding the basic level of one's qualities, identifying strengths and weaknesses, setting goals, development is impossible. Self-knowledge and self-development of the individual became the basis for the emergence of humanistic psychology in the 20th century.

Experts such as Rogers, Maralov, Kozlova, Selevko developed a number of concepts that contribute to the most complete development of the individual in the modern world. These theories will be discussed in our article.
Let's move on to a deeper study of self-knowledge issues.

Fundamentals of self-knowledge and self-development

Self-knowledge always has its direction, the goal of knowledge. What does a person study throughout life? W. James identified 3 main areas:

1. physical personality- includes the body shell and everything connected with it (appearance, body organs, health).
2. social personality- arises as a result of understanding and recognition by other people in the personality of another person.
3. spiritual personality- this is the essence of a person on a spiritual level, the characteristics of a particular individual.

There is also an interpretation of human nature as a biosocial creature. Allocate social, biological level. V.V. Stoletin proposed the following classification:

  • a biological individual (has a special nervous system, body structure, body characteristics),
  • social individual (appears in the process of studying the world around us, the skills and knowledge of mankind),
  • personality (builds his own way of life, makes a choice, knows how to coordinate a pattern of behavior).

Self-knowledge is produced at all levels. Moreover, a person becomes at the same time the one who studies and who is being studied. "I" can change in time - "I am now", "I was", "I will be". At the same time, there are certain relationships between the object and the subject, namely, self-knowledge at the beginning, self-control, self-regulation - as a result of the results obtained.

The foundations of self-knowledge and self-development imply a clear relationship between concepts.

Introspection- Introspection - Comparison with others (ideally with yourself) - Setting goals for the future - Self-development.

The theory of self-development is presented in more detail in the works of Rogers.

Orientation to the personality in the works of K. Rogers

Rogers is considered one of the best psychologists of the last century, he founded. At the heart of his concept is the desire of the individual to actualize, he identifies the following concepts:

1. "Real Me"- includes a person's awareness of thoughts, values, attitudes of life.

2. "Perfect Me"- a set of ideas about how a person sees his future, what he strives for, life experience.

3. "Social Environment"- includes values ​​and norms, features of behavior inherent in the social environment of a person.

If there are inconsistencies in life between the real and ideal state of a person and its implementation in society, mental disorders, neuroses, anxiety, and poor adaptation in society arise. In order to be in harmony with your Self, to achieve an ideal state, you need to gain freedom, learn to listen to your inner voice, act on the basis of your experience and understanding of life.

Usually, problems arise when a person lives according to the rules of society, trying not to stand out from the crowd, forgetting about the "Ideal Self". Rogers, working as a psychotherapist, believed that his task was to reveal the potential of the individual, to help determine and gain freedom through self-knowledge.

His "theory" found its application in pedagogy.

Key rules in the work of the teacher:

  1. pedagogy should contribute to the formation of a healthy and adequate personality, to promote the growth of personality;
  2. the source of development and growth lies in the person himself, only through reflection and personal experience, responsible choice is it possible to learn and improve the personality;
  3. personal growth and development is impossible without understanding and acceptance of one's essence. Respect for yourself and your inner world allows you to take risks, reveal new facets of personality.

Rogers assumed that self-knowledge and self-development of students would be important components of the pedagogical process. The ideas of this psychiatrist will also be useful to parents in the process of raising a holistic and healthy personality.

1. Trust relationship.
2. Stimulate the internal motivation of students.
3. Share experience, provide assistance in difficult situations.
4. Be sensitive to the emotions and feelings of the child.
5. Be active in relationships, express your emotions, experiences.
6. Understand and know yourself.

Of course, teachers do not always manage to find time for each student and contribute to the full disclosure and development of their personality, so this issue is more relevant to parents who need to know and understand their child, help him develop.
Each person in the process of his life asks questions about finding himself, his own, which is important for further development and self-improvement. “Know yourself and you will know the world,” said the sages.

Developmental Psychology A. Maslow

It also has a humanistic character. He paid great attention to research and identified the main qualities of a self-actualized personality, such as: independence, creativity, philosophical humor, the need for solitude and others.

He believed that humanity was on the threshold of a new psychology, which would allow to reveal the potential and abilities of people to the full, considering a person as a single and integral mental system. Self-knowledge and self-development of the personality underlie the theories of the formation of this personality.

Maslow's main findings:

  1. Each person has a special original nature, which is received at birth.
  2. A person develops throughout life, can develop the data that he received initially. At the same time, the environment (family, school) largely influences further development.
  3. Nature has given the presence of instincts and desires to a person, but over the years, “voice-impulses” reduce their strength as a result of education and total control over oneself. It is these voices that help determine what exactly a person needs, what causes interest, what he is capable of, and not just what meets the norms and rules of society.
  4. Personality characteristics can be similar for different individuals, or they can be unique, with their own characteristics. Everyone has needs for love, respect, understanding, but there are personal properties, abilities.
  5. Human nature is studied both by science and by the person himself, using self-knowledge, psychiatric methods.
  6. Most of the internal, deep thoughts, instincts are suppressed by us, and pass into an unconscious form as a result of constant fear, fear of condemnation.
  7. The inner force of human nature is still preserved, periodically makes itself felt, gives an incentive to develop and search for oneself.
  8. The basis of a person lies in what was given initially, it is important to be able to understand and accept oneself. Moreover, in choosing on the path of life, the main criterion should be the opinion of the individual, not society. Personality is dynamic and tends to develop throughout life.
  9. The inner essence of a person can be subjected to difficult trials, misunderstanding, feel rejected in life. Often this leads to real illnesses on a mental level. Difficult situations are considered to be the loss of personality, one’s own characteristics, defining properties, when there is no way to achieve one’s projection, representation of one’s Self.
  10. Inner strength is initially positive, the main thing is to learn how to use it for good, stimulate the development of creativity, kindness, altruism, and the ability to love.

Secondary qualities:

  1. Conscience or guilt- this is an indicator of the correct behavior of a person, there is a comparison of internal attitudes and values. It is worth listening to your conscience, it will show the way to the search for the true Self.
  2. Accept and love yourself as a person is necessary for a full and healthy life!
  3. self-knowledge This is the only, main way of personal development.
  4. Self-knowledge and self-development requires a lot of effort on the part of the individual.
  5. Important understand the impact of defense mechanisms- regression, defense, self-preservation. Studying psychiatry, one can understand that realism is also needed in life, since false optimism as a result leads to disappointment in life.
  6. Free parenting theory assumes that the child himself feels that it is for his good, he should be given more freedom of choice and action, and not constantly driven into the framework of requirements.
  7. Only walking by understanding and acceptance of one's essence, purpose, satisfaction of the needs of the individual, one can become a real person, reveal one's potential. First of all, we are talking about spiritual needs.
  8. It is important to remember that no hassle or frustration no life. Therefore, the child must be taught to endure the difficulties of life, while the love of parents, their support is the basis for the formation of a strong personality. Abuse of guardianship can lead to infantilism, inhibits the development of willpower.
  9. A mature personality is distinguished type of knowledge. D-cognition and B-cognition stand out. And D- selfish, directed only to their needs, and D - disinterested, the ability to do good, to take care of others. Personal attention vector with D-cognition directed more to the outside world than to purely personal interests.
  10. Man needs for a normal life system of values, its own coordinate system, which will allow to exist in this world. To create such a system, it is important to study oneself, to understand the goals and motives, what is good and bad, which positively affects one's own dignity.
  11. A person who can be friends with the unconscious level is often prone to creativity, and aesthetic education should be in basis of education, psychology and all life.
  12. An important task becomes to be above ordinary human problems and turmoil, easier to relate to life, the formation of a real and healthy perception of life.

Thus, Maslow's theory involves the search for one's inner core, self-acceptance and personal development, harmony with the outside world.

Psychology of Rubenstein

Self-awareness and self-development of a person occurs in the process of communication with other people, so a person is aware of his own characteristics and works on the characteristics of his personality. The character of a person is, in part, an innate thing associated with the type of nervous system, in part - acquired in the course of life and accumulated experience.

To some extent, the study of characters is connected with Maslow's theory, so a spineless person does not have a rigid system of values, and a person with a strong character clearly understands his purpose and is confident in his coordinate system, strictly adheres to his line of behavior. The concept of "personality" arises as a result of self-consciousness of one's "I" and one's actions.


Self-consciousness arises as a result of human development, mastery of new knowledge, understanding of one's capabilities, control of physical processes. Independence develops in the process of mastering speech, service skills, and later manifests itself in the ability to set tasks, goals, and find the main direction for the development of one's personality.

Self-knowledge and self-development of personality- important components in a person's life, these processes are clearly traced in adolescence, when a lot of questions arise before a person. A person determines his destiny in this world, the abilities and possibilities of his "I". These are the first attempts to understand yourself.

Each person is characterized by features of character, personal qualities that distinguish them from others. Understanding oneself leads to the formation of personality, awareness of the need for changes in certain areas, the establishment of one's principles of life.

Personality- this is a person with his own worldview, a clear life position, which arose as a result of great conscious activity, understanding himself and life in general.

Individuality - a bright, unique person

Personality is a more global concept, and its formation requires quite significant efforts, attention to this issue and determination.

Such a person has his own characteristics, "handwriting", consciously distinguishes himself from the general mass of people, which implies independent thinking, the presence of willpower. At the same time, the depth of the personality is determined by the richness of the inner world, relationships with people.

Self-isolation leads to the devastation of a person, although to a certain extent it is necessary for carrying out inner work and understanding one's essence. A feature of the individual is the ability to look at the world from the outside for a more complete understanding of the processes.

A developed person also helps others in the process of self-development. A real person cannot cause indifference, there can be friends or enemies. In such a person there is always strength and an active principle. Self-consciousness develops along with a person throughout life, there is a rethinking of oneself in connection with new experience.

Each person goes through the process of understanding life, asks himself questions and finds answers, understanding what is most important to him and is of value. The accumulated experience and understanding of life leads to the formation of wisdom.
Personality is created, built by a person throughout his conscious life, each person develops in a special way.

It is very important to produce self-knowledge and self-development in a time period and ask questions: what was I like? — what am I? - what do I want to be? However, it is important to understand that a person needs to develop the existing potential, and in the process of labor, the creation of something, the personality grows. There is a great relationship between a person and his result of activity.


A person is always of interest if he can create something significant and it is clear that this is not the limit of possibilities. The development of personality over time can be tracked through human activity, in which it manifests itself and constantly develops.

Human characteristics are not always at the head of actions, but may be a consequence. And abilities develop as a result of constant practice, the more attention a person directs to a certain area, the higher the likelihood of success in it and achieving high results.

Each person has his own life story, which can be reflected in an autobiography or resume, they will contain data on training, work, achievements of a person - thus, the relationship of human development through activity can be traced.

In order to become a historical person, you need to do things, create creations that will be in the public domain, will go down in the history of society.

Fundamentals of self-development and characteristics

The basics of self-development suggest that a person has the ability to shape his life and achieve his goals and goals. In addition to activity, this process is also influenced by human activity. It can be socially active (initiative, executive) or socially reactive (impulsive, passive).
Social activity goes through the following development paths:

  • Regulatory level- schoolchildren, imitation, repetition of actions.
  • Normative-personal- adolescence, there is a view of life, attitude to certain issues.
  • Personally productive, productive and creative- an adult who contributes to social life, creates innovations, modernizes the old, introduces elements of creativity into the process of life.

The indispensable conditions for self-development are initiative, later - consciousness and independence. Social activity contributes to the development of abilities for one's own choice of development paths on the path of life, responsibility for one's actions appears. Development is impossible without achieving the necessary level of self-awareness, understanding and analysis of one's personality.

The foundations of self-development directly depend on the inner world of a person and his analysis of real life and the situation at this stage. The inner world is unique and partly a reflection of the outer. There are suggestions that it develops throughout life, along with the personality itself, under the influence of the surrounding reality.

There are several stages of self-development:

  • revitalization (the child learns to communicate, understand his individuality),
  • animation (the child masters the outside world),
  • personalization (learning the rules, norms of life with mentors and understanding your role in creating a life story),
  • individualization (in the process of communication, an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhis personality is formed, features appear, and there is a need for introspection, responsibility for oneself),
  • universalization (a person goes beyond his individuality, there is a unity with superhuman values, faith or spirituality).

The foundations of self-development lie in a person's desire for self-improvement, improvement of one's Self throughout life.


It can be concluded that a person is the creator of himself and his happiness. Self-knowledge and self-development are indivisible and inextricably linked, throughout the life path a person realizes and relates himself to other people, communicating and participating in joint activities.

Development involves, which is unique for each person. That is why it is important to understand and accept your essence, realize your strengths and weaknesses, learn to set goals and objectives for the future. Personal self-improvement occurs on an ongoing basis, as a result of the application of willpower and the desire to develop.

We wish you to live in harmony with yourself, develop and achieve the highest results!

In recent decades, the development of psychology is closely connected with discoveries in the natural sciences and the achievements of philosophical thought. I decided to devote my next article to such an issue as the direction of psychology, which in my student years caused a stupor and forced me to shovel mountains of abstruse textbooks. I hope my article will be interesting for you, and you will learn something useful for yourself.

Spiritual development - three ways of self-improvement

Philosophers of the ancient world claimed: “Seek new knowledge, read wise books and listen to wise people, but treat everything you hear and read, everything you see thoughtfully, passing everything through your ears, through your mind and through your heart. Separate truth from lies and collect this treasure throughout your life. And if you do so, you will find the great wisdom of this world.”

So each of us has three paths of spiritual development:

  1. Books. In order to achieve harmony, to develop the greatest intellectual potential, one should choose a wide variety of books, and not only of an entertaining nature, but more often of an educational one. History, philosophy, fiction, religion - that's what allows you to develop the mind and soul. Technical sciences contribute to the development of logical thinking, without which a developed personality is also unthinkable. Books on psychology, and not textbooks and manuals, which contain only a concise theory, but practical guides will allow you to lift the veil of the secrets of the world and your own capabilities. Of the psychological works, the most remarkable are the works of Dale Carnegie, in which the author pays special attention to such an important issue as personality development. Dale Carnegie has long been a world classic of applied psychological science.
  2. Art. “Art is the world. This is an opportunity to speak with the Universal Mind. This is a way of spiritual self-realization and comprehension of the world. The ability to create and perceive art is the highest happiness of man,” said Dante. And it is true: it is high-quality art that can set thoughts in the right way, purify the soul and receive a powerful charge of positive energy, inner strength. A person in art is a thinking person who has his own opinion. So, subtly, imperceptibly, it forms a personality, life attitudes. It is good to accustom yourself to study classical painting and listen to calm beautiful music before going to bed, not necessarily classical music, the music of Paul Mauriat, Vladimir Kosma, Raymond Lefebvre gives no less charge.
  3. Meditation, yoga. Recently, meditation techniques have become very popular. Indeed, performed correctly, with the arrangement, they are able to bring the body and spirit to a state of harmony, balance, which is especially important among the hustle and bustle of everyday life and the crazy rhythm of a big city, crushing with its dustiness and crowding.

Along with the above, a significant place in such a matter as personal growth is occupied by a psychological attitude, self-hypnosis. But let's dwell on this issue in more detail.

Self-installation and self-knowledge

The power of our faith, the power of our thought is a tremendous power. The way we tune in to the day, to the performance of a particular task, directly affects the final result.

Psychologists recommend that before every serious matter, conduct a small mental auto-training in front of a mirror: “I can. I deserve to win. I will succeed. I believe that! I know it!" It is worth saying these simple words three times, without taking your eyes off your mirror image (preferably looking into your eyes), and there is no trace of past doubts.

Doubt is the cause of most defeats. So, a self-confident person with minimal physical capabilities can win a battle with a real giant who is not self-confident. That is why it is so important to train yourself in this direction and work on yourself will bring a positive result. But do not confuse self-confidence with self-confidence, which no longer leads to anything good and good.

The topic of self-knowledge and self-development is one of the richest, most multifaceted topics, which you can talk about endlessly, each time discovering something new, significant, and interesting.

Now, having studied the basics of this knowledge, choose your own method of personal growth. And I sincerely wish you good luck on this path!