At first she cried for a long time, then she became angry. At first she cried for a long time and then became angry

So, for example, one city dweller, as I was told, having received a three-room apartment on an earthen rampart, without any fifth dimension and other things from which the mind goes beyond the mind, instantly turned it into a four-room apartment, dividing one of the rooms in half by a partition. He exchanged this one for two separate apartments in different districts of Moscow - one with three and the other with two rooms. agree that there are five of them. He exchanged a three-room apartment for two separate two rooms each, and became the owner, as you can see for yourself, of six rooms, though scattered in complete disarray throughout Moscow. He was about to make the last and most brilliant volt, placing an advertisement in the newspaper that he was changing six rooms in different districts of Moscow for one five-room apartment on an earthen rampart, when his activities, for reasons beyond his control, ceased.

At first she cried for a long time and then became angry

I ran to the pantry, saved the salmon. I ran to the kitchen, saved the bathrobe. History will judge us My speeches are by no means dirty, as you would like to express in the presence of a lady, but a string of firmly packed syllogisms that would be appreciated by such connoisseurs as Sextus Empiricus, Marcianus Capella, but what good, and Aristotle himself. Hello, pest! Koroviev: And what are those steps on the stairs? Azazello: And they are going to arrest us. Koroviev: Ah, well, well.


Koroviev and Azezello at breakfast Police? Police? Comrade on duty, immediately order five motorcycles with machine guns to be sent to catch the foreign consultant. What? Follow me, I'll go with you myself. The poet Bezdomny from the lunatic asylum is speaking... Are you listening? Hello! Ugliness! Knight, here comes a little man who says that he needs Messire.

The Master and Margarita

The mermaids finished their dance in the moonlight and melted into it. The goat-legged respectfully inquired from Margarita on what she had arrived at the river; learning that she had come riding a brush, he said: “Oh, why, it’s inconvenient,” he instantly built some kind of suspicious telephone from two knots and demanded that someone send a car that very minute, which was fulfilled, indeed, in One minute. A buckskin open car collapsed on the island, only in the driver's seat was sitting not an ordinary-looking driver, but a long-nosed black rook in an oilcloth cap and gloves with bells.
The island is empty. The departed witches vanished into the moonlight. The fire was dying down, and the coals were covered with gray ash. the sideburner and the goat-legged helped Margarita, and she sank into the wide rear seat. The car howled, jumped and rose almost to the moon itself, the island disappeared, the river disappeared, Margarita rushed to Moscow.
Chapter 22

I cried for a long time, and then became angry ...

Oh, what a boring type you are, Nikolai Ivanovich," continued Margarita, "in general, I'm so tired of you all that I can't express it to you, and I'm so happy that I'm parting with you! Well, to hell with you! Mikhail Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" added: 1 year ago Forgive me and forget me as soon as possible. I'm leaving you forever. Don't look for me, it's useless. I became a witch from the grief and calamity that struck me. I have to go. Goodbye. Margarita. Mikhail Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" added: 2 years ago Everything will be right, the world is built on this.

© Master and Margarita added: 1 year ago If you forget me today, don't remember me tomorrow. Margarita Aliger added: 2 years ago Why chase in the footsteps of what is already over? MA Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" added: 4 months ago +1 And so she cried for a long time at first, and then became angry. M.A.

Bulgakov Mikhail Afanasyevich


A woman in love blooms, her eyes glow, and she is beautiful. A few beautiful quotes about a beloved man: Beloved, your mirror. You are his reflection. At the first stage, the shortcomings of a loved one become advantages for you, or small, appetizing, pranks. Reciprocity is achieved in relationships. Love reveals a person from an unexpected side - geniuses would envy his mind.

Virtue, tenderness, affection and tact - outweighed all other character traits, becoming fundamental. When a loved one is nearby, an ardent motor jumps out of his chest. Your essence has expanded its boundaries - another particle has penetrated into your flesh from the outside with passion.


To fall in love means to transfer your happiness into the hands of an outsider who can dispose of it at the behest of the heart. Food prepared for a loved one is an act of voluptuousness or passion. Beloved more than rich - happiness is always higher than wealth.

Margarita Quotes

Looking at himself in the mirror, Nikolai Ivanovich howled desperately and wildly, but it was already too late. A few seconds later, saddled up, he was flying somewhere to hell from Moscow, sobbing with grief. “I demand the return of my normal appearance!” Suddenly the boar croaked and grunted, not quite frantically, not quite imploringly, — I do not intend to fly to an illegal gathering! Margarita Nikolaevna, you must appease your housekeeper. "Ah, so I'm your housekeeper now?" Housekeeper? - Natasha screamed, plucking the boar's ear, - was there a goddess? What did you call me? — Venus! - The hog answered whiningly, flying over the stream, murmuring between the stones, and rustling the hazel bushes with his hooves. — Venus! Venus! - Natasha shouted victoriously, akimbo with one hand, and stretching the other to the moon, - Margarita! Queen! Beg for me to be left a witch.

At first she cried for a long time, and then became angry.

Margarita made one more jerk, and then the whole crowd of roofs fell into the ground, and instead a lake of trembling electric lights appeared below, and this lake suddenly rose vertically, and then appeared above Margarita's head, and the moon flashed under her feet. Realizing that she had turned over, Margarita assumed her normal position and, turning around, saw that the lake was no longer there, and that there, behind her, there was only a pink glow on the horizon. And it disappeared in a second, and Margarita saw that she was alone with the moon flying above her from the left.

Margarita's hair had long stood in a mop, and the moonlight whistled around her body. From the way below, two rows of rare lights merged into two continuous fiery lines, from how quickly they disappeared from behind, Margarita guessed that she was flying with monstrous speed, and was amazed that she was not suffocating.

At first she cried for a long time and then became angry

There are no evil women, there are unhappy women "At first she cried for a long time, and then she became angry." (M. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita") No matter how we boast of our independence, independence and advancement, I think that not a single ordinary woman will agree to live without love, but with labor exploits and an awesome career. Of course, both a career and exploits for the good of the Fatherland are quite welcome if they go in sync with a happy family life, but such options are extremely rare. A happy, mutually in love woman rarely seeks to prove something to someone, jump higher, sing louder, buy a Hammer and a million scarlet roses with her own money and prove to everyone around that she is already cool. Like it or not, but women's happiness is different. It is in a beloved man and, perhaps, in children, in quiet evenings together, in HIS look, in HIS voice, in the tenderness of HIS hands - and in love, to be honest.

At first she cried for a long time. and then became evil

Articles about movies, comics, books and legends Data: 14.10.2011 12:53 | Author: Administrator The best quotes from Woland, the Master, Behemoth and others. Enjoy. It is difficult to say what exactly let Ivan Nikolaevich down, whether the pictorial power of his talent or complete ignorance of the issue on which he was going to write, but Jesus in his image turned out to be quite like a living, although not attracting character. - about a satirical poem by Ivan Bezdomny Who said that there is no true, true, eternal love in the world? Let the liar cut out his vile tongue! Never talk to strangers - Title of the 1st chapter Wearing a white cloak with a bloody lining, shuffling with a cavalry gait, in the early morning of the fourteenth day of the spring month of Nisan, the procurator of Judea, Pontius Pilate, entered the covered colonnade between the two wings of the palace of Herod the Great.

At first she cried for a long time and then became angry. Michael Bulgakov

By candlelight The steady hum of the machine, flying high above the ground, lulled Margarita, and the moonlight warmed her pleasantly. Closing her eyes, she gave her face to the wind and thought with a kind of sadness about the unknown bank of the river she had left, which she felt she would never see again. After all the magic and wonders of this evening, she already guessed to whom exactly she was being taken to visit, but this did not frighten her. The hope that there she would be able to achieve the return of her happiness made her fearless. However, she did not have to dream about this happiness for a long time in the car. Whether the rook knew his business well, whether the car was good, but only soon Margarita, opening her eyes, saw below her not the darkness of the forest, but a trembling lake of Moscow lights. The black bird driver unscrewed the right front wheel on the fly, and then landed the car in some completely deserted cemetery in the Dorogomilov area.

At first she cried for a long time and then became angry

Get out, Woland told him. “I haven’t drunk coffee yet,” answered the cat, “how am I going to leave?” M. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" added: 5 months ago ...why chase after the traces of what is already over? Mikhail Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" added: 5 months ago - Get out, - Woland told him - I haven't drunk coffee yet, - answered the cat, - how am I going to leave? M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" added: 9 months ago +1 At first she cried for a long time, and then she became angry. M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" added: 7 months ago - Get out, - Woland told him - I haven't drunk coffee yet, - answered the cat, - how am I going to leave? M.

She cried for a long time and then became angry

Never return to the past. You just think that you need this or that person. Actually it is not. This is a lie. Appreciate what you have now, not what you had a long time ago. There is no need to return under any circumstances. Don't need this.

Especially to the person who found you a replacement. Don't go back to those. You don't need such people. And they don't need you. Lies are everything. There was a time when every minute it seemed to me that I would not live to see the next minute. In general, to be honest, I'm just tired. I'm tired of finding people and losing. getting used to them and watching them disappear from my life. tired of trusting and then being disappointed. tired of telling the truth when they don't hear it. I'm confused, when it needs to be said, and when it is better to remain silent. tired of offending loved ones, breaking loose over trifles.

The only thing that can save a mortally wounded cat is a sip of gasoline... Maestro! Cut the march! Prokhor Petrovich: What is it? Get him out, damn me! Behemoth: Damn it? Well, it's possible! What department issued the document? ... 412, well, yes, of course! I know this section! They give out passports to anyone! Your attendance at the funeral is cancelled. Listen, sir, if you find that there is no scope, I will immediately begin to adhere to the same opinion. I can't shoot when they're talking hand in hand! I protest, this is not a disgrace! My paws would sooner wither than touch someone else's. I hereby certify that the bearer of this, Nikolai Ivanovich, spent the said night at Satan's ball, being brought there as a means of transportation ... put a bracket, Gella! Write "boar" in brackets. Signature - Behemoth.

At first she cried for a long time and then became angry

You should put on your trousers, you son of a bitch,” said Margarita, softening. The fat man grinned happily, seeing that Margarita was not angry, and enthusiastically announced that he was without trousers at the moment only because, out of absent-mindedness, he had left them on the Yenisei River, where he had swum before, but that he was immediately flying there, fortunately it was by hand file, and then, entrusting himself to the location and protection, he began to retreat backwards and retreated until he slipped and fell backward into the water.


But even falling, he kept a smile of delight and devotion on his face bordered by small sideburns. Margarita whistled piercingly and, saddling a flying brush, was transported over the river to the opposite bank.


The shadow of the chalk mountain did not reach here, and the moon flooded the entire coast. As soon as Margarita touched the damp grass, the music under the willows hit harder, and a sheaf of sparks flew up from the fire more cheerfully.

The Master and Margarita

Koroviev liked Margarita, and his crackling chatter had a calming effect on her. “No,” answered Margarita, “what strikes me most of all is where all this is placed. She waved her hand, emphasizing the immensity of the hall. Koroviev smiled sweetly, causing the shadows to move in the folds of his nose. — The easiest of all! he answered. — For those who are well acquainted with the fifth dimension, it costs nothing to push the room to the desired limits. I will tell you more, dear lady, to the devil knows what limits! However," Koroviev continued to chatter, "I knew people who had no idea not only about the fifth dimension, but had no idea about anything at all, and yet performed miracles in the sense of expanding their premises.

I cried for a long time, and then became angry ...

Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" added: 4 months ago +1 Be careful with your desires - they tend to come true. M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" added: 7 months ago +2 There are no evil people in the world, there are only unhappy people. M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" added: 8 months ago +2 Understand that the tongue can hide the truth, but never the eyes! M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" added: 9 months ago Understand that the tongue can hide the truth, but never the eyes! M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" added: 5 months ago +3 At first she cried for a long time, and then she became angry.

Mikhail Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" added: 1 year ago Insult is a common reward for good work... Mikhail Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" added: 10 months ago +3 people are smart enough to understand complicated things.

Bulgakov Mikhail Afanasyevich

The next morning he wakes up silent, but completely calm and healthy. His punctured memory subsides, and no one disturbs the professor until the next full moon.

Neither the noseless murderer of Gestas, nor the cruel fifth procurator of Judea, the equestrian Pontius Pilate. - the last lines of the epilogue Gods, my gods! How sad is the evening earth! How mysterious are the mists over the swamps. Who wandered in these fogs, carrying an unbearable burden, knows this.

The tired one knows it. - the first lines of the chapter "Farewell and eternal shelter" The darkness that came from the Mediterranean Sea covered the city hated by the procurator. The suspension bridges connecting the temple with the terrible Anthony Tower disappeared, the abyss descended from the sky and flooded the winged gods over the hippodrome, the Hasmonean palace with loopholes, bazaars, caravanserais, lanes, ponds ... Yershalaim disappeared - the great city, as if it did not exist in the world.

Margarita Quotes

They will do everything for you, the power is given to you! And Margarita answered: - Well, I promise! - Thanks! - Natasha shouted and suddenly shouted sharply and somehow sadly: - gay! Gay! Hurry! Hurry! Well, add it! - She squeezed the sides of the boar, which had grown thin in a crazy jump, with her heels, and he jerked so that he again cut the air, and in a moment Natasha was already visible ahead, like a black dot, and then completely disappeared, and the noise of her flight melted away. Margarita flew as before slowly in a deserted and unknown area, over hills dotted with rare boulders lying between individual huge pines.
Margarita flew and thought that she was probably somewhere very far from Moscow. The brush flew not over the tops of the pines, but already between their trunks, silvered by the moon on one side.
A light shadow of a flying woman glided over the ground in front - now the moon was shining on Margarita's back.

At first she cried for a long time, and then became angry.


He was accompanied by Bunga, and next to him was a wandering philosopher. They were arguing about something very difficult and important, and neither of them could defeat the other.

They did not agree on anything with each other, and for this reason their dispute was especially interesting and never-ending. It goes without saying that today's execution turned out to be a pure misunderstanding - after all, the philosopher who invented such an incredibly absurd thing like the fact that all people are kind walked nearby, therefore, he was alive.

There was no punishment! Did not have! That's the beauty of this journey up the ladder of the moon. It seemed to Aphranius that four eyes were looking at him - a dog's and a wolf's.

The head of the secret guard reports to Pilate about the murder of Judas from Kiriath. This hero has gone into the abyss, gone forever, forgiven on Sunday night, the son of the astrologer king, the cruel fifth procurator of Judea, the horseman Pontius Pilate.

At first she cried for a long time and then became angry

The second, surprisingly similar to the first, was met at the sixth entrance. And again the same story repeated itself. Footsteps... The man looked around uneasily and frowned. When the door opened and closed, he rushed after the invisible incoming, looked into the entrance, but, of course, did not see anything. The third, an exact copy of the second, and therefore the first, was on duty on the third floor landing.
He was smoking strong cigarettes, and Margarita coughed as she passed him. The smoker, as if he had been pricked, jumped up from the bench on which he was sitting, began to look around uneasily, went up to the railing, and looked down.

Margarita and her escort at that time were already at the door of apartment No. 50. They did not call, Azazello silently opened the door with his key.

The first thing that struck Margarita was the darkness into which they fell.

At first she cried for a long time. and then became evil

Bulgakov, "The Master and Margarita" added: 1 year ago Be careful with your desires - they tend to come true. Bulgakov, "The Master and Margarita" added: 1 year ago +3 ... I dare to advise you, Margarita Nikolaevna, never be afraid of anything. This is unreasonable. Mikhail Bulgakov added: 1 year ago +2 And I was struck not so much by her beauty as by the extraordinary, unseen loneliness in her eyes! M. A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" added: 1 month ago These women are difficult people! Mikhail Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" added: 1 year ago +1 It's easy and pleasant to tell the truth.
M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" added: 1 month ago +2 Cowardice is the most serious vice. MA Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" added: 1 month ago +1 It's easy and pleasant to tell the truth.

At first she cried for a long time and then became angry. Michael Bulgakov

What a vulgar execution! But please, tell me: it wasn't there! I beg you, tell me, was it not? - Well, of course it wasn't. It got you thinking. "And you can swear to it?" - I swear. - I don't need anything else! - a conversation between Pontius Pilate and Yeshua Ha-Notsri during their eternal journey along the lunar road, in a dream by Ivan Nikolaevich Ponyrev And in the moonlight I have no rest Oh gods, my gods, poison me, poison! .. It is easy and pleasant to speak the truth. Your life is meager, hegemon Any power is violence against people. The time will come when there will be no power of Caesars or any other power. Man will pass into the realm of truth and justice, where no power will be needed at all. …he wasn't verbose this time. The only thing he said is that among human vices, he considers cowardice to be one of the most important. - There is only one God, - answered Yeshua, - I believe in him. No document, no person.

At first she cried for a long time and then became angry

Mikhail Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" added: 1 year ago A brick will never fall on anyone's head for no reason. Mikhail Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" added: 2 years ago +1 Something will happen without fail, because it does not happen that something lasts forever. M. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" added: 8 months ago Something will happen without fail, because it does not happen that something lasts forever. M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" added: 7 months ago +1 The past does not matter, find yourself in the present and you will rule in the future. M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" added: 7 months ago +3 And I was struck not so much by the beauty as by the extraordinary, unseen loneliness in the eyes. M. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" added: 6 months ago The past does not matter, find yourself in the present and you will rule in the future.

She cried for a long time and then became angry

They will offer and give everything themselves! Would you be so kind as to think about the question: what would your good do if evil did not exist, and what would the earth look like if shadows disappeared from it? After all, shadows are obtained from objects and people. Here is the shadow of my sword. But there are shadows from trees and from living beings.

Don't you want to rip the whole globe, blowing away all the trees and all living things from it because of your fantasy of enjoying the naked light? You're stupid. - To Matthew Levi Well, the one who loves must share the fate of the one he loves. Why chase in the footsteps of what is already over. Let's leave them alone.

Let's not interfere with them. And maybe they'll come to an agreement. - about Yeshua Ga-Notsri and Pontius Pilate How, how, - Woland replied, - I had the pleasure of meeting this young man at the Patriarch's Ponds.

And rhyme is generally a special story. It can capture your soul and take you to such unknown distances that you never dreamed of. Margarita quietly put the hammer on the windowsill and flew out of the window. There was a mess in front of the house. People were running and shouting something along the paved sidewalk, littered with broken glass. The policemen were already moving between them. Suddenly a bell rang, and a red fire engine with a ladder rolled into the alley from the Arbat ... But what happened next was no longer of interest to Margarita. Taking aim so as not to touch any wire, she tightened her grip on the brush and in an instant was higher than the ill-fated house. The alley below her slanted sideways and fell down. Instead of him alone, under Margarita's feet, a cluster of roofs appeared, cut at the corners by sparkling paths. All of it suddenly went to the side, and the chains of lights blurred and merged.

At first she cried for a long time and then became angry

But things turned out to be even worse in the bedroom: on a jeweler’s pouffe, a third person collapsed in a cheeky pose, namely, a terrible-sized black cat with a glass of vodka in one paw and a fork, on which he managed to pry a pickled mushroom, in the other. The question arises, was Maximilian Andreyevich in a hurry to complain to the police about the robbers who had inflicted wild violence on him in broad daylight? No, by no means, that's safe to say.
To go into the police station and say that, well, now, they say, a cat with glasses was reading my passport, and then a man in tights, with a knife ... no, citizens, Maximilian Andreevich was really a smart man! Wiggling his toes, Styopa guessed that he was wearing socks, ran a trembling hand along his thigh to determine whether he was wearing trousers or not, and did not determine. - the awakening of Styopa Likhodeev However, you ...

The Master and Margarita

Having overtaken him, Margarita passed over another water mirror, in which the second moon swam under her feet, sank even more and went, almost touching the tops of huge pines with her feet. The heavy noise of ripped air was heard from behind and began to overtake Margarita.


Gradually, this noise of something flying like a projectile was joined by a woman's laughter heard for many miles. Margarita looked around and saw that some complex dark object was catching up with her.

Overtaking Margarita, he became more and more marked, it became clear that someone was flying on horseback. And finally, he made his mark. Slowing down, Natasha caught up with Margarita.

She, completely naked, with disheveled hair flying through the air, flew astride a fat boar, clutching a briefcase in its front hooves, and fiercely flailing the air with its back hooves.

I cried for a long time, and then became angry ...

Yes, but! But, I say and repeat it - but! If these tender greenhouse plants are not attacked by some microorganism, they will not undermine them at the root, if they do not rot! And it happens with pineapples! Oh-oh-oh, how it happens! Citizens! What is being done? As? Let me ask you this! The poor man has been mending the primus all day; he was hungry… and where could he get the currency from? Where? I ask you a question! He is tired of hunger and thirst. He's feeling hot. Well, I took the unfortunate tangerine for a sample. And the whole price of this mandarin is three kopecks.
And now they are already whistling, like nightingales in the spring in the forest, disturbing the police, tearing them away from business.

Bulgakov Mikhail Afanasyevich

Nothing was visible, as in a dungeon, and Margarita involuntarily clung to Azazello's cloak, fearing to stumble. But then, in the distance and above, the light of some kind of lamp flickered and began to approach.

As they walked, Azazello took out a brush from under Margarita's arm, and it disappeared without a sound in the darkness. Here they began to climb some wide steps, and Margarita began to think that there would be no end to them.

She was amazed at how this unusual, invisible, but well-felt endless staircase could fit in the front of an ordinary Moscow apartment. But then the ascent ended, and Margarita realized that she was standing on the platform.

The light came close, and Margarita saw the illuminated face of a man, long and black, holding this same lamp in his hand. Those who already had the misfortune these days to get caught in his way, even in the weak light of a tongue in a lamp, of course, would immediately recognize him.

Margarita Quotes

Don't look for me, it's useless. I became a witch from the grief and calamity that struck me. I have to go. Goodbye. Margarita. After all, I told him then at breakfast: “You, professor, your will, came up with something awkward! It may be clever, but painfully incomprehensible.
- about

Kante But it is impossible to send him to Solovki for the reason that he has been living in places much more remote than Solovki for more than a hundred years, and it is impossible to extract him from there, I assure you! - about Kant Manuscripts do not burn. - returning to the Master the novel burned 4 months ago People are like people. They love money, but it has always been... Mankind loves money, no matter what it is made of, whether it is leather, paper, bronze or gold.

Well, they are frivolous...well, well...ordinary general, they resemble the former ones...the housing problem only spoiled them... - about Muscovites Yes, a person is mortal, but that would be half the trouble.

At first she cried for a long time, and then became angry.


Margarita felt the proximity of water and guessed that the goal was close. The pines parted, and Margarita quietly rode up through the air to a chalk cliff.

Behind this cliff below, in the shade, lay the river. The fog hung and clung to the bushes at the bottom of the vertical cliff, and the opposite bank was flat and low. On it, under a lonely group of some sprawling trees, a fire darted about and some moving figures could be seen.

It seemed to Margarita that some kind of itchy cheerful music was coming from there. Further, as far as the eye could see, no signs of habitation or people could be seen on the silvered plain.


Margarita jumped down from the cliff and quickly went down to the water. The water beckoned her after the air race. Throwing the brush away from her, she ran up and jumped into the water upside down.

Her light body, like an arrow, pierced into the water, and a column of water was thrown out almost to the moon itself.

At first she cried for a long time and then became angry

After all, we want to live and fly! Forgive me, mistress, but I will not return, I will not return at all! Ah, well, Margarita Nikolaevna! He made me an offer, - Natasha began to poke her finger into the neck of an embarrassed puffing boar, - an offer! What did you call me, huh? she shouted, leaning towards the boar's ear. “Goddess,” he howled, “I can’t fly so fast. I can lose important papers. Natalya Prokofievna, I protest. “Yes, to hell with your papers!” - Laughing defiantly, Natasha shouted. - What are you, Natalya Prokofievna! Someone will hear us! Prayer yelled hog. Flying at a gallop next to Margarita, Natasha told her with laughter about what had happened in the mansion after Margarita Nikolaevna had flown through the gate. Natasha confessed that, without touching any more of the donated things, she threw off her clothes and rushed to the cream and immediately smeared herself with it.

At first she cried for a long time. and then became evil

Having landed an unquestioning Margarita near one of the tombstones along with her brush, the rook started the car, directing it straight into the ravine behind the cemetery. She fell into it with a roar and died in it. The rook saluted respectfully, sat on the wheel and flew away.

Immediately, a black cloak appeared from behind one of the monuments. The fang flashed in the moonlight, and Margarita recognized Azazello. He gestured for Margarita to sit on the brush, he himself jumped on a long rapier, both soared and, unnoticed by anyone, a few seconds later landed near house No. 302-bis on Sadovaya Street. When, carrying a brush and a rapier under their arms, the companions passed the gateway, Margarita noticed a man in a cap and high boots languishing in it, probably waiting for someone. No matter how light the steps of Azazello and Margarita were, the lone man heard them and twitched uneasily, not understanding who was making them.

At first she cried for a long time and then became angry. Michael Bulgakov

And how do you not get bored, I do not understand? All people, like people, are now walking the streets, enjoying the spring sun and warmth, and here you are sticking out on the floor in a stuffy hall! Is the program really that interesting? However, who likes. Intermission, bastards! Citizens! Sign, and then you will be silent as much as you like! Dollars in the ventilation,” the first one said thoughtfully and asked Nikanor Ivanovich softly and politely: “Your bag?” “No! - answered Nikanor Ivanovich in a terrible voice, - the enemies threw it up! - It happens ... I am Nikanor, of course, Nikanor! But what kind of chairman am I!…..Do you want me to eat the land that I didn’t take? And Koroviev is a devil. Don't be afraid, queen... Don't be afraid, queen, the blood has long gone into the ground. And where it spilled, bunches of grapes are already growing. What will I be eating? I have a special balychok... I tore it off from the architects' congress...

At first she cried for a long time and then became angry

Under willow branches, studded with delicate, fluffy catkins, visible in the moon, thick-faced frogs sat in two rows and, puffing up like rubber, played a bravura march on wooden pipes. Luminous rotten rots hung on willow twigs in front of the musicians, illuminating the notes, and the roiling light from the fire played on the frogs' faces. The march was played in honor of Marguerite. The reception given to her was the most solemn. The transparent mermaids stopped their round dance over the river and waved algae to Margarita, and their far audible greetings groaned over the deserted greenish shore. Naked witches, jumping out from behind the willows, lined up in a row and began to squat and bow with courtly bows. Someone with a goat-legged flew up and clung to his hand, spread silk on the grass, inquiring about whether the queen bathed well, offered to lie down and rest. Margaret did just that.

She cried for a long time and then became angry

And the same thing happened to her as to her mistress. While Natasha, laughing with joy, reveled in her magical beauty before the mirror, the door opened, and Nikolai Ivanovich appeared before Natasha. He was excited, in his hands he held Margarita Nikolaevna's shirt and his own hat and briefcase.

Seeing Natasha, Nikolai Ivanovich was stunned. After somewhat controlling himself, all red as a lobster, he announced that he considered it his duty to pick up the shirt, personally bring it ... - What did you say, scoundrel! - Natasha squealed and laughed - what did he say, what did he beckon! What money promised. He said that Klavdia Petrovna would not find out anything. What do you say, I'm lying? - Natasha shouted to the boar, and he only turned his muzzle away in embarrassment.

Playing around in the bedroom, Natasha smeared cream on Nikolai Ivanovich and she herself was dumbfounded with surprise. The face of the venerable lower tenant reduced to a snout, and his arms and legs turned out to be with hooves.

I don't know how to properly communicate with people: I'm either depressive and serious, or I say all sorts of nonsense, which only comes to mind.

I confess without reservation: I have no right to have a very high opinion of myself. The best quality I have is something like Socratic: I know that I know nothing.

We are all geniuses. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is a fool.

Losing a man is not the worst thing. The worst thing is to lose yourself because of him.

Have you ever been in that mood where you're kind of feeling okay, but at the same time you're really sad and you just want to talk to someone and get hugged, but you feel like you're being annoying, so you just sitting very sad.

I and he?
No, we are not friends.
We're just strangers with shared memories.

You can run away from the monster that is under your bed, but you can never run away from the monster that is in your head.

Sometimes when I'm in a bad mood, I want to destroy relationships with everyone I know.

Never return to the past. You just think that you need this or that person. Actually it is not. This is a lie. Appreciate what you have now, not what you had a long time ago. There is no need to return under any circumstances. Don't need this. Especially to the person who found you a replacement. Don't go back to those. You don't need such people. And they don't need you. Lies are everything.

there was a time when every minute it seemed to me
that I won't live until the next minute.

Actually, to be honest, I'm just tired.
I'm tired of finding people and losing them.
get used to them and watch them disappear from my life.
tired of trusting and then being disappointed.
I'm tired of telling the truth when they don't hear it.
I was confused when to say it, and when it is better to remain silent.
tired of offending loved ones, breaking down over trifles.
I'm tired of feeding on empty hopes.
tired of starting over.

You know they'll get revenge.
- Who are you talking about?
Yes, about women. They will take revenge. There will be one. who will avenge everyone. This can't be avoided

They wiped their feet on your kindness. They just laughed at your feelings. Nobody needs your love and sincerity. And then people wonder what's wrong with you? Why did you become like this? Why are you cool to everything and everyone

Well, since you are all such saints around, then pray for me, a sinner.

The best quotes from The Master and Margarita

The life and work of Mikhail Bulgakov were full of mysticism, originality and romance. We offer you the brightest quotes from Bulgakov's most popular work - The Master and Margarita.

  • Who said that there is no true, true, eternal love in the world? Let the liar cut out his vile tongue!
  • Never talk to strangers.
  • Love jumped out in front of us, like a murderer jumping out of the ground in an alley, and hit us both at once! This is how lightning strikes, this is how a Finnish knife strikes!
  • I'll tell you a fairy tale. There was one aunt. And she had no children and no happiness at all either. And here she was at first crying for a long time, and then she became angry.
  • Manuscripts do not burn.
  • Yes, man is mortal, but that would be half the trouble. The bad thing is that he is sometimes suddenly mortal, that's the trick! And he can’t say at all what he will do tonight.
  • A brick will never fall on anyone's head for no reason.
  • What do you have, whatever you miss, there is nothing!
  • There is only one freshness - the first, it is also the last.
  • Festive midnight is sometimes nice to delay.
  • The most interesting thing about this lie is that it is a lie from the first to the last word.
  • …never ask for anything! Never and nothing, and especially for those who are stronger than you. They will offer and give everything themselves!
  • Would you be so kind as to think about the question: what would your good do if evil did not exist, and what would the earth look like if shadows disappeared from it? After all, shadows are obtained from objects and people. Here is the shadow of my sword. But there are shadows from trees and from living beings. Don't you want to tear the whole globe off, blowing away all the trees and all life from it because of your fantasy of enjoying the naked light? You're stupid.
  • Well, the one who loves must share the fate of the one he loves.
  • Why chase in the footsteps of what is already over.
  • Let's leave them alone. Let's not interfere with them. And maybe they'll come to an agreement.
  • Something, your will, unkind lurks in men who avoid wine, games, the company of lovely women, table conversation. Such people are either seriously ill or secretly hate those around them. True, there may be exceptions. Among the people who sat down with me at the banquet table, sometimes surprising scoundrels came across!
  • Citizens! Sign, and then you will be silent as much as you like!
  • To get married, procurator, money is required, to produce a man, they are needed, but to slaughter a man with the help of a woman, you need a lot of money.
  • What is the point of dying to the groans and wheezing of hopeless patients. Wouldn't it be better to arrange a feast for these twenty-seven thousand and, having taken poison, move to another world to the sound of strings, surrounded by drunken beauties and dashing friends?
  • Oh gods, my gods, poison me, poison.
  • Any power is violence against people. The time will come when there will be no power of Caesars or any other power. Man will pass into the realm of truth and justice, where no power will be needed at all.
  • There are no evil people in the world, there are only unhappy people.
  • No document, no person.
  • . A writer is not at all determined by his identity, but by what he writes! How do you know what ideas are swarming in my head?
  • Difficult people these women!
  • Maestro! Cut the march!
  • Excuse me ... would I allow myself to pour vodka for a lady? It's pure alcohol!

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Unsurpassed quotes from the novel "The Master and Margarita"

Be careful with your desires - they tend to come true.

A novel by Mikhail Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"- the brightest masterpiece and the most mysterious of the novels in the entire history of Russian literature of the XX century. A book that you can read and re-read dozens, hundreds of times, but never fully understand. The cult novel is full of adventure, mysteries, irony and infinite wisdom.

For the first time, the novel saw the light only 26 years after the death of the author, in 1966, and even then only in an abbreviated magazine version. The novel immediately gained popularity and was distributed in hand-reprinted copies until its official publication in 1973.

  1. Who told you that there is no true, true, eternal love in the world? Let the liar cut out his vile tongue!
  2. We speak with you in different languages, as always, but the things we talk about do not change from this.
  3. The unfortunate person is cruel and callous. And all just because good people mutilated him.
  4. Sometimes the best way to ruin a person is to let him choose his own fate.
  5. A person without a surprise inside, in his box, is uninteresting.
  6. Everything will be right, the world is built on this.
  7. - Margarita Nikolaevna did not need money. Margarita Nikolaevna could buy whatever she liked. Among her husband's acquaintances there were interesting people. Margarita Nikolaevna never touched the stove. Margarita Nikolaevna did not know the horrors of living in a joint apartment.
    - In a word. She was happy?
    - Not one minute!
  8. Understand that the tongue can hide the truth, but the eyes never!
  9. It's nice to hear that you treat the cat so politely. For some reason, cats usually say "you", although not a single cat has ever drunk brotherhood with anyone.
  10. Yes, man is mortal, but that would be half the trouble. The bad thing is that he is sometimes suddenly mortal, that's the trick!
  11. Do you judge by the costume? Never do this. You can make a mistake, and, moreover, very large.
  12. The one who loves must share the fate of the one he loves.
  13. There are no evil people in the world, there are only unhappy people.
  14. - Is that vodka? Margarita asked weakly.
    The cat jumped up in a chair from resentment.
    “Have mercy, queen,” he croaked, “would I allow myself to pour vodka for a lady? It's pure alcohol!
  15. A brick will never fall on anyone's head for no reason. .
  16. “You are not Dostoevsky,” said the citizen, confused by Koroviev.
    “Well, who knows, who knows,” he replied.
    “Dostoevsky is dead,” the citizen said, but somehow not very confidently.
    “I protest,” Behemoth exclaimed hotly. Dostoevsky is immortal!
  17. People are like people. They love money, but it has always been... Mankind loves money, no matter what it is made of, whether it is leather, paper, bronze or gold. Well, frivolous ... well, well ... ordinary people ... in general, they resemble the former ones ... the housing problem only spoiled them ...
  18. Never ask for anything! Never and nothing, and especially for those who are stronger than you. They will offer and give everything themselves!
  19. The most interesting thing about this lie is that it is a lie from the first to the last word.
  20. All theories stand one another. There is also one among them, according to which each will be given according to his faith. May it come true!
  21. Nonsense! It will pass in three hundred years.
  22. Which country's wine do you prefer at this time of the day?
  23. My drama is that I live with someone I don’t love, but I consider it unworthy to spoil his life .
  24. Cowardice is one of the worst human vices.
    - I dare to object to you. Cowardice is the worst human vice.
  25. Never be afraid of anything. This is unreasonable.
  26. The worst anger is the anger of impotence.
  27. I'll tell you a fairy tale. There was one aunt. And she had no children and no happiness at all either. And here she was at first crying for a long time, and then she became angry.
  28. Annushka has already bought sunflower oil, and not only bought it, but even spilled it. So the meeting will not take place.
  29. What would your good do if evil did not exist, and what would the earth look like if shadows disappeared from it?
  30. Whatever the pessimists say, the earth is still absolutely beautiful, and under the moon it is simply unique. .

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1. - Is it vodka? asked Margarita weakly. The cat jumped up in a chair from resentment. - Pardon me, queen, - he croaked, - would I allow myself to pour vodka for the lady? It's pure alcohol!

2. We speak with you in different languages, as always, but the things we talk about do not change from this.

3. I'm talking about mercy. Sometimes, completely unexpectedly and insidiously, it penetrates into the narrowest cracks.

4. An unhappy person is cruel and callous. And all just because good people mutilated him.

5. These women are difficult people!

6. Love jumped out in front of us, like a killer jumps out of the ground in an alley, and hit us both at once!

7. A person without a surprise inside, in his box, is uninteresting.

8. Everything will be right, the world is built on this.

9. Understand that the tongue can hide the truth, but the eyes never! Alarmed by the question, the truth from the bottom of the soul jumps into the eyes for a moment, and it is noticed, and you are caught.

10. He who loves must share the fate of the one he loves.

11. A brick will never fall on anyone's head for no reason.

12. Yes, man is mortal, but that would be half the trouble. The bad thing is that he is sometimes suddenly mortal, that's the trick!

13. People are like people. They love money, but it always has been. Humanity loves money, no matter what it is made of, leather, paper, bronze or gold. Well, reckless. well. ordinary people. in general, they resemble the former ones. the housing problem only spoiled them.

14. Never ask for anything! Never and nothing, and especially for those who are stronger than you. They will offer and give everything themselves!

15. All theories stand one another. There is also one among them, according to which each will be given according to his faith. May it come true!

16. Cowardice is one of the most terrible human vices. - No, I dare you to object. Cowardice is the most terrible human vice

17. Never be afraid of anything. This is unreasonable.

18. The most terrible anger is the anger of impotence.

19. Agree that only the one who hung it can probably cut the hair?

20. What would your good do if evil did not exist, and what would the earth look like if shadows disappeared from it?

21. Sometimes the best way to ruin a person is to let him choose his own fate.

22. It's nice to hear that you treat the cat so politely. For some reason, cats usually say "you", although not a single cat has ever drunk brotherhood with anyone.

23. There are no evil people in the world, there are only unhappy people.

24. Who told you that there is no true, true, eternal love in the world? Let the liar cut out his vile tongue!

25. - You are not Dostoevsky, - said the citizen, confused by Koroviev. “Well, who knows, who knows,” he replied. “Dostoevsky is dead,” the citizen said, but somehow not very confidently. - I protest, - Behemoth exclaimed hotly. Dostoevsky is immortal!

26. My drama is that I live with someone whom I do not love, but I consider it unworthy to spoil his life.

Having overtaken him, Margarita passed over another water mirror, in which the second moon swam under her feet, sank even more and went, almost touching the tops of huge pines with her feet. The heavy noise of ripped air was heard from behind and began to overtake Margarita. Gradually, this noise of something flying like a projectile was joined by a woman's laughter heard for many miles. Margarita looked around and saw that some complex dark object was catching up with her. Overtaking Margarita, he became more and more marked, it became clear that someone was flying on horseback. And finally, he made his mark. Slowing down, Natasha caught up with Margarita. She, completely naked, with disheveled hair flying through the air, flew astride a fat boar, clutching a briefcase in its front hooves, and fiercely flailing the air with its back hooves.

At first she cried for a long time and then became angry

They will do everything for you, the power is given to you! And Margarita answered: - Well, I promise! - Thanks! - Natasha shouted and suddenly shouted sharply and somehow sadly: - gay! Gay! Hurry! Hurry! Well, add it! - She squeezed the sides of the boar, which had grown thin in a crazy jump, with her heels, and he jerked so that he again cut the air, and in a moment Natasha was already visible ahead, like a black dot, and then completely disappeared, and the noise of her flight melted away. Margarita flew as before slowly in a deserted and unknown area, over hills dotted with rare boulders lying between individual huge pines.

Margarita flew and thought that she was probably somewhere very far from Moscow. The brush flew not over the tops of the pines, but already between their trunks, silvered by the moon on one side.
A light shadow of a flying woman glided over the ground in front - now the moon was shining on Margarita's back.

Best quotes from The Master and Margarita

The collection includes aphorisms and quotes from the Master and Margarita:

  • I'll tell you a fairy tale. There was one aunt. And she had no children and no happiness at all either.

    And here she was at first crying for a long time, and then she became angry.

  • - I know, - answered the master, - this boy, Ivan Bezdomny, was my neighbor in the lunatic asylum. He told me about you. - How, how, - said Woland, - I had the pleasure of meeting this young man at the Patriarch's Ponds.

    He almost drove me crazy, proving to me that I'm gone!

  • Whatever the pessimists say, the earth is still absolutely beautiful, and under the moon it is simply unique.
  • Annushka has already bought sunflower oil, and not only bought it, but even spilled it.

The Master and Margarita

Margarita made one more jerk, and then the whole crowd of roofs fell into the ground, and instead a lake of trembling electric lights appeared below, and this lake suddenly rose vertically, and then appeared above Margarita's head, and the moon flashed under her feet. Realizing that she had turned over, Margarita assumed her normal position and, turning around, saw that the lake was no longer there, and that there, behind her, there was only a pink glow on the horizon.


And it disappeared in a second, and Margarita saw that she was alone with the moon flying above her from the left. Margarita's hair had long stood in a mop, and the moonlight whistled around her body.

From the way below, two rows of rare lights merged into two continuous fiery lines, from how quickly they disappeared from behind, Margarita guessed that she was flying with monstrous speed, and was amazed that she was not suffocating.

I cried for a long time, and then became angry ...


Looking at himself in the mirror, Nikolai Ivanovich howled desperately and wildly, but it was already too late. A few seconds later, saddled up, he was flying somewhere to hell from Moscow, sobbing with grief.

“I demand the return of my normal appearance!” Suddenly the boar croaked and grunted, not quite frantically, not quite imploringly, — I do not intend to fly to an illegal gathering! Margarita Nikolaevna, you must appease your housekeeper. "Ah, so I'm your housekeeper now?" Housekeeper? - Natasha screamed, plucking the boar's ear, - was there a goddess? What did you call me? — Venus! - The hog answered whiningly, flying over the stream, murmuring between the stones, and rustling the hazel bushes with his hooves. — Venus! Venus! - Natasha shouted victoriously, akimbo with one hand, and stretching the other to the moon, - Margarita! Queen! Beg for me to be left a witch.

Bulgakov Mikhail Afanasyevich

After all, we want to live and fly! Forgive me, mistress, but I will not return, I will not return at all! Ah, well, Margarita Nikolaevna! He made me an offer, - Natasha began to poke her finger into the neck of an embarrassed puffing boar, - an offer! What did you call me, huh? she shouted, leaning towards the boar's ear. “Goddess,” he howled, “I can’t fly so fast. I can lose important papers. Natalya Prokofievna, I protest.

“Yes, to hell with your papers!” - Laughing defiantly, Natasha shouted. - What are you, Natalya Prokofievna! Someone will hear us! Prayer yelled hog. Flying at a gallop next to Margarita, Natasha told her with laughter about what had happened in the mansion after Margarita Nikolaevna had flown through the gate. Natasha confessed that, without touching any more of the donated things, she threw off her clothes and rushed to the cream and immediately smeared herself with it.