Drawing up a collective story based on the painting “Sasha and the snowman. Outline of a lesson on the development of speech (middle group) on the topic: Summary of the GCD on the development of speech in the middle group

Dudnik Oksana Ivanovna

Speech therapy classes for children with general underdevelopment of speech of the 2nd–3rd level
(1st year of study)
Speech therapy classes for children with general underdevelopment of speech of the 2nd–3rd level WINTER
Topic"Winter" (lesson number 1)
- agreement of adjectives with nouns;
- selection of definitions for nouns.
Equipment: plot and subject pictures about winter, snowflakes (chips).

1. Organizational moment. The speech therapist invites children to listen and repeat the following chains of words:
snow - snowfall - snowflakes
blizzard - blizzard - blizzard
sleds - skis - slides
fur coat - felt boots - hat
2. Introduction to the topic. The speech therapist asks the children what these words can be attributed to. Have they guessed what we will talk about in class? Children name as many signs of winter as possible. The speech therapist helps them with questions.
3. The speech therapist takes a giraffe toy and reports that a guest from distant hot Africa has arrived at the lesson. He has never seen winter and asks the children to tell about it. And the giraffe will pass on the children's stories to all the animals of Africa. A frontal conversation is being held with children about the signs of winter. It is specified that this is the coldest time of the year, when a lot of snow falls, people dress in warm clothes. The trees stand bare and frozen, many birds fly away to warmer climes, wild animals survive the winter.
4. Physical education. The second time you can repeat the exercises with a different rhythm "yes-yes-yes."
Are we frozen with you? Yes Yes Yes.
Are we chatting our teeth? Yes Yes Yes.
Are we clapping our hands? Yes Yes Yes.
Are we stomping our feet? Yes Yes Yes.
5. Selection of words-definitions for nouns. The speech therapist says that now it will be necessary to say as many words as possible about snow, snowflake, wind, frost. For each word, the child receives a snowflake or chip. At the end of the exercise, the chips are counted.
6. Agreement of adjectives with nouns. The game "What I thought about." Several pictures are hung on the board depicting the sun, clouds, snowfall, clouds ... The speech therapist calls the adjective, and the children choose the right word based on the picture. Another option is for the children to complete the sentence in this way, then repeating the whole sentence, for example: “A cold ... wind is blowing. Clouds float across the sky.
7. The result of the lesson. What time of year were they talking about?

Topic"Winter" (lesson number 2)
- activation of the dictionary on the topic;
- clarification of the predicative vocabulary on the topic;
- fixing spatial representations (bottom, top, left, right, side by side);
- development of attention, memory, thinking.
Equipment: sticks, two beautiful boxes.

1. Organizational moment. Game "Name a pair of words." The speech therapist calls words in pairs. For example: sled - slide, skates - ice, winter - frost, snow - snowdrift, slide - skiing, snow - snowman, blizzard - wind, ice - river ... The first option: the speech therapist calls the first word, the child - the second. The second option: children independently name the pairs of words they heard.
2. Development of fine motor skills. Exercise "Snowflakes are flying." Cloudy palms - above the table. With each finger, we alternately touch the table lid, while counting: one snowflake, two snowflakes ....
3. Consolidation of spatial representations. Children consider several options for snowflakes. Then they independently lay out the one they like from the sticks, discussing their actions. “I put a short stick on the right, another one next to it, I put a long stick on the bottom ...”.
4. Refinement of the predicative dictionary. The speech therapist offers the children to listen to Dunno's essay on the topic "Winter". Offers to correct errors.
Winter came. It got warmer. White fluffy snow fell. The bright sun shines all day long. The trees are covered with green leaves. Children launch boats.
5. Physical education. See lesson number 1.
6. Expansion of the verb dictionary. The game "Collect the words." The speech therapist offers to answer the question: "What makes snow?". There are many words to choose from; so that they are not lost, we will put them in a beautiful winter box. One team - in one, the other - in another. Children, having named the word, put the chip in their box. "What does the snow do? - It goes, falls, lies, covers, sparkles, spins, silvers, melts, crunches ... What does ice do? - It melts, sparkles, cracks, breaks, shines, glows, covers, crumbles ... ". At the end, they count which team has more words in the box.
7. Development of thinking, memory. The speech therapist invites children to guess the riddle. He asks the guessing children: “What words suggested that the answer is a snowflake?”. Offers to learn a riddle and guess at home to parents.
You look - it flies, it sits on the nose
It melts right away. (Snowflake)
8. Summary of the lesson. Remember what we did in class.

Topic"Winter fun" (session number 3)
- mastering some forms of inflection: singular and plural nouns, nouns in the genitive case;
- mastering the skill of drawing up a simple sentence to demonstrate actions and pictures.
Equipment: pictures depicting winter sports equipment, the painting “Winter” (with underdrawn moments).

1. Organizational moment. Game "One - many". Skate - skates, stick - sticks, puck - pucks, snowflake - snowflakes, snowdrift - snowdrifts, icicle - icicles, slide - slides, frost - frost, blizzard - blizzards, blizzard - blizzards, snowball - snowballs, Snow Maiden - Snow Maiden ...
2. Introduction to the topic. The speech therapist invites children to solve riddles. Guessing pictures are put on the board.
The river is flowing - we are lying, the ice on the river - we will run (skates).
On a walk, the runners are the same length.
These horses are red, and their name is ... (skiing).
We stood all summer, waiting for winter.
We waited for the time, rushed from the mountain (sleigh).
Beat this pancake with a club, do not spare your strength,
As she flies into the gate, all "Hurrah!" shout hunting (washer).
I'm not a simple stick
And a little curled up.
Playing hockey without me
Not interesting for children (stick).
“What are these items for? - For winter games, for winter fun. - What games can you think of with sleds, skating, skiing, sticks and pucks?
3. Formation of singular and plural nouns in the genitive case. The game "Who is attentive." The speech therapist offers the children a picture and says that the artist forgot to draw some objects on it. Who will find them and answer the question of what was not in the picture (skate, skis, hockey sticks, sticks, collars, shovels, sleds, feeders)?
4. Physical education. Imitation of actions: making snowballs, skiing, driving the puck into the goal, throwing snowballs.
5. Drawing up a sentence in the past tense. The game "Where we were, we won't tell you, but we'll show you what we did." Two children agree on a demonstration of some kind of activity that reflects the children's winter fun. They show him. The rest guess and discuss them. “Olya and Sasha went skating. Dima and Oleg made snowballs.
6. Drawing up a simple sentence based on a plot picture. For example: “Children are making a snowman. The girls are skating.
7. The result of the lesson. “Remember what subjects at the beginning of the lesson I made riddles for you. What do we need them for?

Topic"Winter" (lesson number 4)
- activation of the dictionary on the topic "Winter";
- fixing spatial representations (bottom - top, left - right, top);
- development of coherent speech, drawing up a story from a picture.
Equipment: painting "Sasha and the snowman", manual "Different snowmen", geometric shapes.

1. Organizational moment. Game "Name the winter word."
2. Consolidation of spatial representations. The speech therapist invites children to guess the riddle.
I was not raised, they made me out of snow.
Instead of a nose, they deftly put a carrot.
The eyes are coals, the hands are knots (snowman).
“What words helped you guess who this riddle is about?” Next, the children lay out a snowman from geometric shapes according to the instructions of a speech therapist (in stages).
3. Development of coherent speech. Examination of the painting "Sasha and the Snowman". “What time of the year is depicted in the picture, how did you guess? Why was the boy so surprised? Now you have named the words snow, snowman, snowfall, snowflake, bullfinch. Listen again, I'll repeat them. Have you guys noticed that these words are similar to each other, like relatives? They are relatives, relatives.
Or maybe someone guessed which of these words is the most important? That's right - the word "snow". And now I will tell you an interesting story. The boy Sasha went out into the yard and saw a big snowman. Sasha looks, surprised. Where did he come from? A snowman was made by children from kindergarten during a walk. But how they sculpted it, we will tell Sasha now. First you need to remember how the children started to sculpt, what did they do later, where did they put the smallest lump, what were the eyes and nose made of? What did they put on the snowman's head? (listen to 1-2 stories).
4. Physical education.
Like snow on a hill, snow, raise your hands up
And under the hill snow, snow, squat
And on the Christmas tree snow, snow, show the branches of the Christmas tree
And under the tree snow, snow, squat
And under the tree a bear sleeps, depict a bear
Quiet, quiet, don't make noise. shaking their finger
5. They listen to 1-2 more stories. Evaluate who turned out more interesting.
6. Development of logical thinking. The game "Find the difference between these snowmen." Children are given pictures of 2-4 snowmen, differing in some details. Offer to find them
7. The result of the lesson.
Theme "Wild animals in winter" (lesson number 5)
- activation and expansion of the vocabulary on the topic;
- Improving the skill of conducting a dialogue, the ability to independently ask a question.
Equipment: a series of paintings "Wild Animals in Winter".
1. Organizational moment. The game "What kind of animal?". "Today we will talk about the animals that live in our forests." Children stand in a circle. The first child has a balloon in his hand. He lifts the ball up, says: "Here is the beast." Children: "What kind of animal?" Child: “This is a wolf” (passes the ball to another, and the game goes on). Children without repetition list animals - inhabitants of our forests.
2. Development of fine motor skills. Children depict with their fingers a hare, a hedgehog, a fox, a wolf.
3. Speech therapist: Guys, close your eyes, and I will ring the silver bell. Oh, we ended up in a winter forest. All around is white, fluffy snow. Silence. But then a branch snapped. Let's see who it is there in the clearing (the picture-series "Elk", "Winter" is exhibited). Who is that in the snowy meadow? That's right, moose. Let's find out how they live in the winter forest. The child is put on a hat. The children ask him questions.
Children: Are you cold?
Elk: No, I have grown a warm undercoat. And I'm moving all the time.
Children: What do you eat in winter? How do people help you? Etc.
Therapist: Let's move on. Here it fell down from the thick spruce snow. Who is jumping there? (the picture-series "Squirrel" is exhibited). The child is put on a squirrel hat. Children ask questions.
Children: Who are you? - I'm white. Who are you running from? - A marten is chasing me, she is my enemy. - Where are you going to hide? - In the hollow. - What do you eat in winter? How do you save yourself from the cold?
Speech therapist: Something became cool to us. Let's play to keep warm.
4. Physical education. A set of exercises "Warm Up".
5. Speech therapist: Let's continue our journey through the winter forest (the picture-series "Fox" is exhibited). On the child's head is a fox cap.
Children: Lisa, what are you looking for here?
Fox: There, you see, the park is coming from the snow.
Children: Who is there?
Fox: This is my bear friend. He has a lair under the snow. He sleeps in it.
Children: What are you doing? What food do you find? How do you keep warm in cold weather?
Speech therapist: And here are our favorites - bunnies. Let's come closer and ask them to tell about how they live in the winter forest (picture-series "Hares").
Children: Hares, what are you doing?
Hare: We eat hay.
Children: And who prepared it for you?
Hare: People put a stack in the summer.
Children: Are you cold? Why did you change your coat? What else do you eat?
Speech therapist: And now be quiet. Who is that in the field?
Children: These are wolves (picture-series "Wolves").
Speech therapist: Yes, a whole pack of wolves is resting in a clearing (a conversation with wolves goes the same way). We walked through the winter forest. Even a little tired. Time to go home. Close your eyes. Rings the bell. So we returned from the forest to our kindergarten.
6. The result of the lesson. “Who did you meet in the winter forest? Who didn't meet us today?
Theme "Wintering Birds" (lesson No. 6)
- activation and expansion of the vocabulary on the topic;
- consolidation of a generalizing concept;
- the use of the preposition on;
- development of coherent speech: the ability to retell a short story.
Equipment: feeder, pictures of birds.
1. Organizational moment. Binoculars game. Children look through binoculars and answer the question. Where can you see birds now? (On the roof, on the fence, on the feeder, on a tree branch, on the snow, etc.)
2. Fixing the material on the topic. The speech therapist asks to name the birds that we meet on a walk, in a park, in a kindergarten area (tit, sparrow, oatmeal, dove, magpie, crow, kinglet, crossbill, goldfinch, waxwing, jackdaw). Pictures of these birds are exhibited. “These birds stayed with us for the winter. These are winter birds. They are not afraid of the cold. What do you think they eat in winter? - Birds find mountain ash, lilac seeds, cones, seeds of various herbs. Yes, food is difficult in winter. How can we help birds survive the long, cold winter? “You can hang feeders, put food in them: grains, seeds, bread crumbs, cereals.”
3. The use of the preposition on in a sentence. The game "Birds on the feeder". The feeder is hanging out. Children have pictures of wintering birds. The child comes out, puts his bird on the feeder. The action is discussed: “A tit flew to the feeder. A dove flew to the feeder.
4. Physical education. The game "Sparrows are warming up." Children “fly”, “peck”, “jump”, “flap their wings”, “chirp”.
5. Development of coherent speech. Speech therapist: “All the birds pecked and flew away. Only one chick left. Hear a story about her. The titmouse is easy to recognize. She has a yellow breast with a black tie, snow-white cheeks. On his head is a black velvet cap. It is difficult for a small bird to find food in winter. So help the bird: feed it with bread and seeds. After questions on the text and re-reading, 3-4 stories are heard.
6. The result of the lesson. Name again according to the pictures of wintering birds.
Theme "Wild Animals" (lesson number 1)
- activation and expansion of the vocabulary on the topic;
- formation of a generalizing concept;
- practical use of nouns in instrumental case without preposition and prepositional case of nouns with preposition в;
Equipment: pictures of wild animals.
1. Organizational moment. The game "You, my friend, do not yawn, answer my question." The speech therapist asks children a wide variety of questions, for example: “What time of year is it now? Is cucumber a vegetable? How many legs does a chicken have? In what fairy tale does Mikhailo Ivanovich live?
2. Development of fine motor skills. Exercises "Let's go to the forest", "Trees".
3. Introduction to the topic. The speech therapist says that no one is visible in the forest, you need to take binoculars (exercise "Binoculars"). Pictures of wild animals appear on the board - a hare, a wild boar, an elk, a bear, a fox, a hedgehog ... Children call these animals one after another: "I see ...". The speech therapist makes a generalization: “Who is this? Where do they live? Who gets them food? Who makes the home? “These are the animals we call wild.”
4. The use of nouns in the instrumental case. The speech therapist asks to imagine a situation when wild animals come to visit us. What could we feed them?
Hare - carrots, cabbage (it is specified that in the forest he eats tree bark, grass, leaf twigs, young shoots).
Protein - nuts, mushrooms, cones.
Bear - raspberries, honey, fish.
Moose - branches, hay, grass.
Hedgehog - apples, mushrooms, milk.
You can put pictures with the listed food, the children will have the opportunity to make a choice based on them.
5. Physical education. "Three Bears".
Three bears went down, children go in a circle,
Dad was big, big, hands up,
Mom - a little smaller, hands at chest level,
And the son is just a baby, sit down,
He was very small, swaying in a squat,
Walked with rattles. "ringing" rattles.
6. Expansion of the vocabulary of adjectives. The speech therapist tells the children about who the bears met in the forest on their way home. First they met a cunning red fluffy fox (it is specified what kind of fox it was). They also met a cowardly white long-eared hare, a small jumping big-eyed squirrel. And also a huge good horned elk, a round prickly hedgehog. Angry hungry toothy wolf. After the conversation, you can once again clarify with whom the bears met.
7. The use of nouns in the prepositional case with the preposition c. “The bears took a long time to get home, and finally they came. What is the name of their house? - Berloga. The speech therapist reports that the rest of the animals that they came across on the way were also in a hurry to go home, and asks the children to name them at home. A squirrel (where?) - in a hollow, a wolf - in a lair, a hare - under a bush, a fox - in a hole.
8. Fixing the material. A poem is read.
A brown bear sleeps in a den, a hare trembles under a bush,
Chanterelle red - in a hole, a hedgehog sleeps in dry grass.
The she-wolf sits in the den, and the squirrel looks out of the hollow.
Once again, the names of dwellings of wild animals are fixed. Children learn the poem with the teacher in the evening.
9. The result of the lesson. “Who did you meet today? Why do we call them wild?"
Theme "Wild Animals" (lesson No. 2)
- we continue to expand and activate the vocabulary of children on the topic;
- practicing the practical use of possessive adjectives;
- practical use of nouns in the instrumental case.
Equipment: pictures of wild animals, cut into pieces, houses of a hare and a fox.
1. Organizational moment. Reading the poem “Who sleeps where” (in chorus, see lesson No. 1).
2. Development of fine motor skills. Exercises "Hedgehog" and "Bunny".
3. The use of possessive adjectives. The speech therapist hangs two pictures on the board: the ice house of the fox and the bast house of the hare, suggests recalling the fairy tale “The Fox and the Hare”. “Whose ice house? - Foxes. - And whose bast? - Hare. - What happened to the fox house? - Melted. - Who drove the uninvited guest out of the hare hut? “The hare, for joy, invited guests to the house. Now we'll find out who." A fox's tail is visible from behind the house. "Whose tail is this?" In the future, the situation with hare ears, hedgehog needles, a bear's paw, and elk horns is discussed.
4. The use of a noun in the instrumental case. On the tables of children there are subject pictures depicting vegetables, fruits and berries. The speech therapist says that all the guests have gathered, sat down at the laid table. “What can you treat guests to?” The child raises a suitable picture and says: “Let's treat the hedgehog with an apple. We will treat the squirrel with nuts. We will treat the hare with carrots, etc.”
5. Physical education. The game "Who is faster." Children have pictures with parts of the bodies of animals. First, it is specified what is drawn in the pictures: a fox's tail, a hedgehog's body, a bear's paw, fox ears, etc. Children begin to run around the group, but at the signal of the speech therapist, they begin to add pictures of a fox, a bear and a hedgehog. Who will be faster, whose portrait will we see first? After the end of the competition, ask a question whose portrait you got.
6. Development of memory, the use of a noun in the genitive case. The game "Who is gone." "The animals were treated to a hare, it's time to say goodbye, and now we will find out who left first." Children remember who was visiting the hare, who is gone. Then the children close their eyes, and at this time the speech therapist removes one picture of the animal. Children determine who is gone. "The wolf, the bear, the elk are gone."
7. Fixing the material. The game "Who do I see in the forest." The speech therapist gives instructions according to which the children-hunters start moving from an imaginary line (house). They must say the phrase: "I see ... (a fox, a bear, an elk, a hedgehog, a wolf)." Having named any animal, take a step forward. The winner is the one who comes closest to the second line - the "forest".
8. Summary of the lesson. “Who did we visit today? Who else came to visit?
Theme "Wild Animals" (lesson number 3)
- enrichment of children's vocabulary with nouns denoting young wild animals;
- practical use of singular and plural nouns in the nominative and genitive cases;
- working out the practical construction of a simple sentence.
Equipment: subject pictures: wild animals and wild animals with cubs, a ball.
1. Organizational moment. Ball game "Tell me, whose tail?".
2. Development of fine motor skills. The fingers turn into little men and go into the forest (exercise "Walk"). The speech therapist during the exercise asks questions: “Who lives here? Why do we call them wild?"
3. The use of nouns in the nominative and genitive cases. The speech therapist makes riddles.
In the summer he wanders without a road,
Between pines and birches
And in winter he sleeps in a lair,
Hides the nose from the cold.
Red with a fluffy tail, lives under a bush. (Fox)
White in winter, gray in summer
He does not offend anyone, but he is afraid of everyone. (Hare)
Gray, toothy, prowling through the fields,
Looking for calves, lambs. (Wolf)
Pictures of guessed animals are put on the board. The speech therapist reports that all animals have small cubs. Pictures of wild animals with cubs are exhibited. "Who's with the fox? - The fox has cubs. - Does the fox have many people? - Foxes. In a similar way, children also answer about other cubs - hedgehogs, cubs, baby squirrels, rabbits, etc.
4. The formation of the plural of a noun. Game "One - many".
Fox cubs - fox,
hedgehog - hedgehog,
bear cubs - teddy bear,
wolf cubs - cub,
bunny - bunny,
squirrels - squirrel.
5. Physical education. Cubs of wild animals love to play in the clearing. Children are invited to portray small cubs frolicking in a clearing (under the recording).
6. Consolidation of new material. Find your mom game. The children are given pictures of wild animals, and the speech therapist has pictures of their cubs. The speech therapist explains that the animals played and got lost. We need to help them find their mothers. The speech therapist shows a picture and asks questions: “Who is this? Who has his mother? What is mom's name? Who is this at the fox? .. ".
7. The result of the lesson. Children are given silhouettes of animals. "Who is it? Who did I give you?
Theme "Wild Animals" (lesson No. 4)
- activation of the dictionary on the topic;
- expansion of the vocabulary of adjectives;
- development of coherent speech;
- development of fine motor skills, attention, memory.
Equipment: subject pictures of wild animals and their cubs.
1. Organizational moment. The game "Who came to visit with whom?". Pictures of wild animals with cubs are displayed on the board. Children answer the question of a speech therapist: “Who came to us? “A fox came to visit with cubs, etc.”
2. Expansion of the vocabulary of adjectives. The game "Who knows more words?" (words-definitions are selected for wild animals).
Fox (what?) - fluffy, red, cunning, fast, cautious ...
Hare (what?) - cowardly, fast, long-eared, white, quick-footed, fluffy, shy, timid ...
Bear (what?) - clubfoot, clumsy, brown, strong ...
3. Development of fine motor skills. "The Tale of the Hares" “Once upon a time there were two hares (hares are depicted with fingers). One boasts: “I can move my ears quickly - like this” (we move our ears). - And I can (we move the "ears" on the other hand). - And I know how to fold ears (folds alternately). - And I can (we show on the other hand). - And I can walk on my ears (two fingers-ears move on the table). The hare mother saw the braggarts and said: “Well, braggarts, quickly clean your ears” (two fingers rub against each other).
4. Development of coherent speech. Pictures of wild animals are laid out on the table in front of the children. The speech therapist tells the children that now they will learn to make riddles according to the following pattern: “This is a wild animal. Lives in our forests. She is red, fluffy, cunning. Lives in a hole, eats mice. Who is it?" The speech therapist draws the attention of children to the fact that the animal itself is not called, but only talks about it. Children make up their own puzzles based on their own pictures. The animal about which the riddle is made is depicted on the fingers. 5-6 riddles are heard, and at the end of the exercise it turns out who made the riddles better, like real ones.
5. Summary of the lesson. "What did we do in class today?"
Theme "Wild animals" (lesson number 5 - KVN)
- consolidation of the acquired knowledge about wild animals;
- practical use of possessive adjectives, nouns in instrumental case;
- development of coherent speech;
- development of attention, memory;
- education of strong-willed qualities, the ability to apply knowledge in an unusual environment.
Equipment: pictures of wild animals, animals with cubs, pictures with an artist's mistake, for the development of coherent speech (diagram pictures).
The speech therapist acts as a leader and explains the conditions of the competition to the children.
1. Warm up. Each team is asked three questions.
Who lives in the lair? Who lives in a tree?
What does a hare eat in winter? Who loves raspberries?
Who has a forest growing on his forehead? Which hind legs are longer than the front?
2. Auction. Teams take turns naming wild animals, and the team that names the animal last wins.
3. "Who came with whom?" Pictures of wild animals with cubs are displayed on the easels. Representatives from the teams (three people each) must say without error who came to visit.
Fox with two cubs. A hedgehog with three hedgehogs.
Bunny with two rabbits. A squirrel with one squirrel.
She-wolf with three cubs. She-bear with two cubs.
4. Contest attentive (find the mistake of the artist). Representatives of the teams determine what mistakes the artist made in his paintings. The winner is the one who finds and correctly names all the errors.
The fox has bear ears. The hedgehog has bunny ears.
The fox has a rabbit tail. The hedgehog has a squirrel tail.
5. Homework. Each team prepares "homework". It consists in the following: it is necessary to make a riddle about a wild animal to the opposing team in any form - in the form of a descriptive story, text, dramatization ...
6. Pathfinders. Each team is offered a picture-scheme "Footprints in the snow." It is necessary to guess whose traces these are, to come up with and tell a story.
7. Name the animal in different ways. Remember as many names of the hare (for one team) and the fox (for the other) as possible.
Hare - hare, bunny, bunny, bunny, hare, long-eared, coward ...
Fox - fox, fox, fox, red, cheat, Lisa Patrikeevna ...
8. The jury sums up. Names the best answers, the best players. All participants of KVN are awarded prizes.
Theme "Poultry" (lesson number 1)
- activation and expansion of the vocabulary on the topic;
- exercise in the use of a predicative dictionary;
- mastering the skill of coordinating numerals with nouns.
Equipment: pictures of poultry, a record of the dance of ducklings.
1. Organizational moment. "Who will be who when they grow up?" (A hare - a hare, a bear cub - a bear, a calf - a cow, a lamb - a sheep, a tadpole - a frog ...)
2. Introduction to the topic. The speech therapist invites children to listen to the poem "In the poultry yard."
Our ducks in the morning - quack-quack-quack,
And the turkey in the middle of the yard - ball-ball-ball,
Our geese by the pond - ha-ha-ha,
Our chickens in the window - ko-ko-ko,
And how Petya the cockerel will sing ku-ka-re-ku to us early in the morning.
"Who did I name in this poem?" Children list. Pictures are displayed on the board - chicken, duck, turkey, goose. “How can you name everyone you see in these pictures with one word? Who is it? - These are birds. Why do you think they are birds? - Because they have a beak, wings, a body covered with feathers, 2 legs. - These birds live next to a man, he takes care of them. So what are these birds? - Domestic birds.
3. Expansion of the verb dictionary. Game What is he doing? Children are divided into two teams. The game is played in the form of a competition. Who will name more words, answering the question.
Goose (what does it do?) - cackles, swims, walks, stands, lies, eats, pinches, carries, hatches, hisses ...
A chicken (what does it do?) - runs, pecks, rakes, drinks, carries, hatches, eats, takes off, walks, calls, cackles, cackles, cackles ...
Find out which words refer only to the chicken (clucks, clucks ...).
Which only goose (hisses, cackles ...).
5. Agreement of numerals with nouns. Game "Bird Kindergarten". “Early in the morning mother birds brought chicks to the bird kindergarten. Who came here?" Pictures are displayed. “Chickens, goslings, turkeys, ducklings. All day the chicks played, had fun and sometimes even quarreled. In the evening, mothers came for them, and everyone got mixed up. How can mothers find their chicks? On the board is a picture of a "chicken". How will a hen call her chicks? - Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko, chickens, let's go home. Who ran up to her? - Chickens. Who did the chicken go home with? - With chickens (similarly with other birds). - All the chicks were taken apart. And let's count how many chicks a chicken has. One chicken, two chickens...
6. The result of the lesson. “Who were we talking about in class today?”
Theme "Poultry" (lesson number 2)
- activation and expansion of the vocabulary on the topic;
- mastering the skill of coordinating numerals with nouns;
- an exercise in the use of the preposition under.
Equipment: pictures of poultry, pictures of poultry chicks for each child, plot picture "Birdyard", geometric shapes.
1. Organizational moment. Children will sit at the tables, whose place is at the table on the right, on the left.
2. Development of fine motor skills. "Scallop". "Petya, Petya-cockerel, show me your comb." The fingers are interlocked. The ends of the fingers of the right hand press on the upper part of the back of the palm of the left hand, bending it so that the fingers of the left hand stand up like a cockscomb.
3. Development of spatial thinking and imagination. “Peter-cockerel - whose dad is this? - Chicken. - And who is the mother of the chicken? “A chicken has a mother chicken.” Next, the children lay out chicken from geometric figures: two circles, two triangles, two sticks. First, they lay out the beak of the chicken, “looks down, pecks”, and then independently moves the triangle-beak as if the chicken is “drinking”.
4. Repetition of material. "Bird Family" The speech therapist exposes a picture of a chicken, the children call his parents. Pictures of a rooster and a chicken are placed side by side. The whole family is called again. Similarly: duck - drake - duckling, goose - goose - gosling, turkey - turkey - turkey.
5. Physical education. Duck dance.
6. Agreement of numerals with nouns. Game "Count the chicks." Each child has a picture with one or another number of poultry chicks. Children say: “I have two ducklings. I have five turkeys. I have one goose. I have five chickens...”.
7. Comparison of two birds: goose - chicken. There are large pictures on the board, which depict a goose and a chicken. “Let's see how these birds are similar? - Both have wings, beaks, legs, neck, torso, body covered with feathers... - And now let's find the differences. - The goose is bigger, the chicken is smaller. The goose is all white, the chicken is mottled. The goose has a long neck, the chicken has a short one. The beak of a goose is blunt, that of a chicken is sharp. A goose has thicker legs, a chicken has thinner ones.
8. The use of the preposition under. The plot picture “Birdyard”, “A turkey, chicken, goose, duck walked around the yard. Suddenly a dog jumped out of nowhere. She barked loudly. Everyone got scared and ran to hide. The chicken hid under the porch, the duck climbed under the firewood, the turkey ran under the bench, and the goose sat down under the bush. They sit, waiting for the uninvited guest to leave the yard. Who was walking in the yard? Who are the birds afraid of? Where did you hide?
9. The result of the lesson.
Theme "Poultry" (lesson number 3)
- consolidation of the skill of coordinating numerals with nouns;
- development of coherent speech, retelling of the story.
Equipment: pictures, flannelgraph based on the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "Chicken".
1. Organizational moment. The game "Who has how much." Each child has a picture with a different number of poultry. Children call: “I have two geese. I have three turkeys. I have five ducks ... ".
2. Repetition of material. The game "Pick a couple." Pictures are displayed on the board: goose, turkey, rooster, duck. Children pick up a couple and name them.
“A goose is a goose, a turkey is a turkey, a duck is a drake, a rooster is a chicken.”
3. Reading a fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "Chicken" (with its display on the flannelgraph).
There lived a chicken. He was small. Here's one. But he thought he was very big, and lifted his head importantly. Like this. And he had a mother. Mom loved him very much. Mom was like this. She fed him worms. And there were worms like that. Once a black cat ran into my mother, like this. The chicken was left alone at the fence. Suddenly he sees: a large beautiful rooster flew up on the fence, stretched out his neck like this. And shouted at the top of his lungs: “Ku-ka-re-ku!” And he looked around importantly: “Am I not a daredevil? Am I not good? The chicken liked it very much. He craned his neck too, like that. And, with all his strength, he shouted: “Pee-pee-pee! I'm a nerd too! I'm great too!" But he stumbled and fell into a puddle, like that. A frog was sitting in a puddle. She saw him and laughed, “Ha ha ha! You are far from the rooster! And there was this frog. Then the mother ran up to the chicken. She took pity on him like that.
4. Physical education. Duck dance.
5. Retelling the story. The speech therapist suggests first retelling the fairy tale all together, then in parts, from the beginning to the end.
6. The speech therapist invites the children to think about what the mother said to the chicken, what words. Listen to all the options offered by the children. Estimate.
7. The result of the lesson. List all the characters in the fairy tale "Chicken".
Theme "Migratory birds" (lesson No. 1)
- expansion of the dictionary on the topic;
- activation of the predicative dictionary;
- improve the ability to conduct a dialogue, ask questions;
- development of memory, attention.
Equipment: pictures of migratory birds, wintering birds.
1. Organizational moment. “Name the signs of spring” (with a ball). The child names one sign of spring and passes the ball to the next.
2. Development of fine motor skills. Exercise “Bird is flying”, “Feed the chicks”.
3. Introduction to the topic. The speech therapist asks the children to solve riddles.
Black, agile, shouting "krak", the enemy of worms (rook).
On the pole is a palace. There is a singer in the yard. And his name is ... (starling).
Whoever is on the Christmas tree, keeps count of the bitch: “Ku-ku. Ku-ku? (cuckoo).
He wants - he will fly straight, he wants - he hangs in the air,
Falls like a stone from the heights. And in the fields sings, sings (lark).
He comes to us with warmth, having come a long way.
Sculpts a house under the window of grass and clay (swallow).
Wanders through dirty swamps, catches frogs in them,
Stupid jumpers (heron, crane).
Guesses are put on the board (pictures). Name once again all the birds collectively and individually. “How to call everyone with one word? Who is it? - Birds. Why do you think they are birds? Why didn't we see these birds in winter? - They flew to warmer climes. - What is the name of the birds that fly to warmer climes in winter and return again in spring? - Migratory birds".
4. Development of logical thinking. The game "The fourth is superfluous." Exhibited 3 migratory birds, 1 wintering; 3 wintering birds, 1 migratory; 2 wintering birds, 2 migratory; all are migratory.
5. Expansion of the verb dictionary. Find as many words as possible to answer the question: “What can a bird do? (a chip for each word, at the end - who has more) - To twist, carry, carry, feed, run, jump, fly, sing, hatch, catch, peck, save ... ".
6. Physical education. Birds learn to fly game. Imitation: stretched their legs, sat down a little, flew. "Who's flying? - I'm a rook. I'm a starling..."
7. Ability to ask questions. The game "Guess what bird we guessed?". On the board - pictures of birds (3-4 pieces). One child leaves the group. The rest agree, think of one bird. The child can ask only three questions (the game is played 3-4 times).
8. Summary of the lesson. Who were they talking about today? List the flights
See the full text of the material Speech therapy classes for children with general underdevelopment of speech of the 2nd-3rd level in the downloadable file.
The page contains a snippet.

Summary of the lesson

33 Theme "Sound and letter h"


Material. Dolls Aza, Liza, Zoya; objects or their images (vase, umbrella, TV, bell, mosaic); toys (bunny, goat, Dunno); drawings of flowers (roses, mimosa, forget-me-nots); pencil cases with a set for sound analysis of words and verbal analysis of sentences.

Lesson progress



Game: Mosquito. The speech therapist holds a hanging piece of paper depicting a mosquito and says: z-z-z-z. Children imitate different states with facial expressions: “annoying mosquito”, “we are afraid of a mosquito”, “bitten by a mosquito”, “we drive away a mosquito”, “we are not afraid of a mosquito”.

2. Isolated pronunciation of sound h. Isolation of the first sound from the word Zoya. Sound characteristic

In the morning a mosquito flew in, wakes up Zoya: z-z-z-z. How did the mosquito sound? (Z-z-z-z.) What is the first sound in a girl's name? (Sound h.)

3. Sound pronunciation h in syllables. Analysis and synthesis (logs for, for, for

"Catch" the sounds per. What syllable will you return? (Syllable per.) "Lo- vite" sounds z, about. What syllable did you get? (Zo.)"Give" me the first sound of a syllable zu ... (h), second... (y).

4. Sound pronunciation h in words. Determining the position of a sound. Development of phonemic representations

How affectionately called Zoya's mother? (Zoyushka, Zoinka, Zoya-shenka.) Guess what Zoya did in the morning. She moved... (curtain) bed... (triggered) did... (charging) Ko-Sichki... (braided) bandage... (tied up) cleaned... (teeth). What is the name of the paste you use to brush your teeth? (Tooth.) And the powder? (Dental.) Then Zoya went to the kitchen... (breakfast). In the morning we... (we have breakfast).

Zoya was visited by two friends. Give them names with sound h. (Liza, Aza.) Guess what they brought with them.

Items and toys are on display.

The first sound in a word m, last - a. What's this? (Mosaic.) first sound in, last - a, name the word. (Vase.) The girls brought... (mosaic, vase, clockwork bunny, toy TV, umbrella) and more flowers... (roses, forget-me-nots, mimosa).

Development of auditory attention and memory

The girls decided to play "Telephone". It is necessary to convey by phone the words: bunny, mosaic, umbrella, vase, and now: forget-me-nots, roses, mimosa.

Children repeat words in a given sequence.

Sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis

Aza suggests playing with words in a different way. Place bare ki on your hands and close your eyes. Aza will say the word, and you will raise as many fingers as there are syllables in the word. The words are called.

Now complete the missing syllables in the words: frosty ... (zy), ta...(PS), aquarius...(PS), gro...(per). Now Aza will name the first syllable, and you - the whole word: gla... (eyes), str... (dragonfly for...(castle), be ... (birch), behind ... (curtain), behind ... (fly in), ta ... (basins).

Zoya and Aza decided to find out how many syllables and sounds are in a word basins. How many syllables do you think this word has? What is the first syllable? And the second syllable? Circle the sounds of this word. Name the vowel sounds. How many consonants? Where is the consonant h?


Zoya and Aza offer us to do exercises with them and With clockwork bunny.

Reading a poem is accompanied by imitation of movements.

Jump-jump, jump-jump, On your toes, pull yourself up!

Bunny jumped on a stump. We put our paws on the side,

He beats the drum loudly, On his toes, hop-hop-hop.

Calls to play leapfrog. And then squatting

Paws up, paws down, so that the paws do not freeze.

V. Volina

8. Sound pronunciation h in offers. Making sentences based on key words. Practical learning of verb forms call

Describe how the children played with toys.

The children are talking. Make sentences with words mosaic, bunny, vase.

The speech therapist offers sentence schemes.

Lisa suddenly remembered that she needed a phone call... (call). And now you, Dima (Mitya), call.

The phone is brought to the child.

What are you doing? I... (calling) I... (I will call). What did you do? (Called.) You already... (called). We will... (call). We... (let's call). What have we done? (They called.)9. Pronunciation of the sound z in connected speech Lisa is very fond of clean talk. Let's compose pure phrases for her with the word goat.

For-for-for, there is a goat in the meadow.

Zu-zu-zu, together we pastured a goat.

Zy-zy-zy, a goat's bell.

For-for-for, go home, goat.

And here are Zoya's pure words. Let's repeat them with her.

Bunny Buba has a toothache.

Zoya is a bunny hostess.

Sleeping in the basin of Zoya Bunny.

Zu-zu-zu, zu-zu-zu,

We are in the basin with my Lisa.

Getting to know the letter Z

Do you know what this book is called? (ABC.) Zoya took the alphabet , letter h named in it. See what the letter z looks like? (//With number three.)

3 - not just a curl,

3 - spring, pretzel, shavings.

B. Stepanov

Look at this letter: It is just like the number three.

C. Marshak

11. Reading syllables for, for, for, for, for. Composing words from disparate syllables

Let's read syllables with the girls for, for, for, for, for. And now from syllables ta, neither, to, would, zu, zy make up the words. (Horses, basins, teeth.) Let's help Zoya put her name out of the split alphabet.

Summary of the lesson

What sound did we study today? Who helped us? What is this? (Consonant, hard, sonorous sound.) What letter are you familiar with? (With the letter z.) And what number does this letter look like? (Number three.)

34 Topic “Sounds from, h" and the letter Z


Material. Pictures of a starship, "star men", the Castle, animals (zebra, bison, dragonfly, monkey, grasshopper, hare, jellyfish), birds (chaffinch, nuthatch, kingfisher, robin), plants (strawberries, boletus), products (raisins, marshmallows ); objects (lock, nails, basket, curtain); color symbols of sounds, letters.

Lesson progress

Organizational moment.

What planet do we live on? (On the ground.) Who are we? (Earth is not, children of the Earth.) And who lives in the stars? (Children of the stars.) He's sending us their favorite sounds z, z".

Lesson topic message

The children of the stars have sent us star signals: z-z-z-z,z"-z"-z"-z",

3. Characteristics of sounds z, z" articulatory and acoustic features. Designating them with color symbols

The development of coherent speech is the most important condition for the future success of teaching a child at school. Only having a well-developed coherent speech, he can give detailed answers to complex questions of the school curriculum, consistently and fully, reasonably and logically state his own judgments, reproduce the content of texts from textbooks, works of fiction and oral folk art, and finally, an indispensable condition for writing program presentations and essays is a fairly high level of development of coherent speech of the child. The skillful use of technology such as TRIZ in speech development classes in kindergarten successfully helps to develop thinking, ingenuity and, of course, speech in preschoolers.



Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech in the middle group.

Topic: Teaching storytelling from the picture "That's the snowman!".

Educational areas:"Communication", "Health", "Artistic creativity".

Priority task:development of connected speech.

Educational tasks:clarification and activation of the dictionary on the topic "Winter"; to form the ability to carefully consider the picture, to reason about its content (with the help of questions from the educator); learn to compose a detailed story based on a picture, based on a plan; to teach the ability to come up with a name for a picture.

Developing: exercise in guessing riddles; develop imagination and creativity; develop fine motor skills of the hands; cultivate independence and accuracy in work.

Educational: to cultivate the ability to listen carefully to the stories of their comrades, to supplement the answers.

Individual work:Alice, German, Egor. to activate the speech of children when answering questions.

Equipment: plot picture on the topic “That's the snowman!”, pictures about winter, a snowflake with a riddle,

Preliminary work:observing winter phenomena during a walk, talking about winter fun, finger gymnastics.

Course progress.

Children stand in a circle

1. Organizational moment, announcement of the topic of the lesson.

Guys, look at the board, the train is waiting for us again, on which we travel every day to the land of knowledge.

And what are we going to do now and tell us ... .

Black box game

What lies there you will find out when you guess my riddle.


White but not sour

Cold but not ice cream

It flies, spins, but not a butterfly.

What's this? (Snowflake)

Lexico-grammatical work

The game "Words of Winter" (work with a piggy bank of words)

- Guys, passing a snowflake to each other, you will call the words of winter (these are winter fun, and natural phenomena, clothing, everything related to the winter season), and we will collect all these words in our box. The teacher takes the last snowflake in his hands and calls the word snowstorm, explains the meaning of the word (snow storm with strong destructive wind). “Puts” this word in the box and closes it.

The game “What can a snowflake turn into?

2. part Drawing up a story based on a picture.

Examining the painting "This is a snowman!" and talk about it.

The teacher puts a picture on the board and organizes a conversation. Gives an opportunity to consider it, to exchange impressions. Then he asks to come up with a name for the picture. The teacher calls the most successful names, explains that they are the most accurate and concise.

“And the artist called his painting“ This is a snowman! ”Is it true that a snowman is good?

Painting conversation:

What season is shown in the picture? Why do you think so?

What did the children blind? What is the snowman made of? (What was the snow like?)

Look at the snowman and tell me what kind of snowman it is. (The snowman is big, cheerful, he has a bucket on his head, coal eyes, a carrot nose ...)

Tell us about what is happening around the snowman?

Did you like the snowman?

The teacher then summarizes:

It was a beautiful winter day, it was very beautiful around. A lot of snow fell. The children and the teacher went for a walk. Sasha went sledding, and Yura and Lena began to make a snowman. The snowman turned out big, cheerful. Instead of a hat, the snowman has a bucket, coal eyes, a carrot instead of a nose, and hair was made from twigs. He's very handsome.


One two three four. (Children bend their fingers under the count).

We made a snowball with you. (They make a snowball for fun).

Round, hard, very smooth. (Children "stroke" the snowball).

And not at all sweet. (“Threaten” with a finger).

One, throw up, catch two. (Imitation of throwing snowballs.

We’ll drop three, oh, they broke!)

The teacher invites the children to repeat the story (the task is performed by 2-3 children). Well done guys, you got good stories, and now let's continue the story (TRIZ) (the teacher shows the sad face of the snowman, and asks to come up with a story, why did the snowman suddenly feel sad?) Then he changes the snowman's face to a cheerful one, and asks to come up with and tell why the snowman become so cheerful?

TRIZ "Let's revive the snowman, and let him tell about himself"

Summing up the lesson, evaluation of work


So guys what did we do today? (back to train)

What didn't work for you?

Drawing "Funny snowmen".

Teacher: Try to draw a snowman.

How many snow globes does a snowman need?

What size are these balls and how are they arranged?

What can serve as a snowman's headdress?(bucket, cap, pan).

What items of clothing can be drawn for a snowman?(Scarf, belt).

What to give him?(Shovel, broom, stick, Christmas tree).

What facial expression can a snowman have?(Cheerful).

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the middle group.

Retelling of N. Kalinina's story "Helpers".

Educator Beleva S.N.

Target: development of coherent, grammatically correct speech.

Program tasks:

Coherent speech: to learn to retell the story, to notice inconsistencies with the text in the retellings of comrades;

Vocabulary and grammar: to consolidate the ability to form the names of utensils by analogy; pay attention to the dissimilarity of some names;

Sound culture of speech: to consolidate ideas about the sound composition of a word, about a certain sequence of sounds; learn to independently select words with certain sounds - [s] and [w].

Cultivate a culture of behavior with adults and peers.

Methods and techniques : verbal, reading the story of N. Kalinina "Helpers"; visual, showing the painting "Sasha and the snowman"; practical, the game "Shop utensils".


Dishes - two sugar bowls, two bread bowls, two napkin bowls, two crackers, two salt shakers and two butter dishes (different in shape, size, material); painting "Sasha and the snowman".

Organization of children:frontal group.

Lesson progress:

Children enter the group, the teacher welcomes:

Invented by someone simply and wisely

When meeting, say hello: "Good morning!"

good morning sun and birds

Good morning smiling faces.

Organizational moment: A book with bright pictures is laid out on the table.

Guys, I was tidying up the books on the shelf and I came across a very interesting book. I brought it to you today. Do you like reading books? Then listen to a short story by N. Kalinina "Helpers".

I am reading a story.

Questions for children:

  1. Who is this story about?
  2. What did Sasha and Alyosha do
  3. What did the boys forget to do?
  4. How does this story end?
  5. Who could say: "That's the helpers"?

I'm reading the story again. Children retell the text, I pay attention to the completeness of the content, the expressiveness of intonation.

I praise the children for good full retellings.

Guys, today I brought a lot of different items. Come and look at them. (Children come to the table, examine the dishes, name it, what it is made of, what it is intended for).

What is the name of all these things? (tableware)

Do you want to play tableware shop?

But the purchase can be made after you say what the item looks like, its purpose; If you name the dishes incorrectly, the seller will not understand the buyer and will not sell the thing. (Children come up and describe objects, the teacher adds, corrects. Particular attention to the butter dish and salt shaker).

Physical education:Children stand in a semicircle.

One, two, three, four, five (bend fingers on hand)

Let's help mom (jumping on two legs)

They quickly washed the cups (rub palm on palm)

And they didn’t forget the plates (circular movements with the palms)

We removed all the dishes (raise your hands up on your toes)

We are very, very tired (dropped hands).

The picture "Sasha and the Snowman" is hung out

Guys, look what picture I brought you today. (Children look)

It was boring for the Snowman to stand alone with a broom, but a boy came. What was his name, guess, children, yourself - a sound [w] is heard in his name. (Children list the names of boys with the sound [w])

My name is Sasha, the boy said to the Snowman. - And yours?

Mine is the Snowman, the Snowman replies.

How interesting our names sound: Sasha, the Snowman. Let's be friends with you and play words and sounds!

Look at me and my clothes, - Sasha says. - What am I wearing?

(Children call clothes a hat, a fur coat, a scarf, pants. The teacher pronounces these words).

Children, what is the same sound heard in these words?

What other words with the sound [w] do you know? (children call)

Then the snowman asks Sasha: “What is the same sound in the names of my clothes?” (Children look and call: a snow coat, a blue bucket, snowflakes, a bullfinch on his head. The teacher lists all the words).

What sound is heard in these words?

Think of words with sound [c]. (Children call, the teacher adds, corrects, praises).

Guys, today we have completed a lot of different tasks. What did we do first? (retelling the story) And then? (played the game "ware shop") And at the end? (they came up with words with sounds [w] and [s]).

You were great fellows, and now stand in a circle. Here's your magic wand. Passing it on, praise each other, calling affectionately by name. (Children pass the stick, calling the name, Sashenka, Mashenka, Anya ...).

Synopsis of directly organized educational activities in the preparatory speech therapy group “Compilation of a story based on the plot picture“ Snowman ”.

Program content:

Purpose of the lesson:

  • children compiling stories about specific objects in the picture using metaphors, presenting them in the past, present and future.

Educational tasks:

  • to consolidate children's knowledge about winter, its signs, winter entertainment for children.

Development tasks:

  • to consolidate the ability to determine the composition of the picture, to model it;
  • work on establishing relationships between objects in the picture, modeling them;
  • to continue the work on learning to compose a story about a specific object, presenting its past and future;
  • to continue work on teaching the creation of figurative characteristics of objects by compiling metaphors;
  • develop attention, memory, creative thinking;
  • continue work on the clarity of diction, intonational expressiveness of speech;
  • exercise in the formation and use of relative and qualitative adjectives, their coordination with nouns.

Educational tasks:

  • to cultivate the ability to empathize with the heroes of the picture, to understand their feelings.

Vocabulary work:

  • nouns: winter, snow, snowflakes, snowman, lump, snowdrift;
  • adjectives: snowy, snowy, fluffy, warm, cold, lush, sticky, wet, sweet;
  • verbs: cover, cover, put on, wrap, sculpt, fall, set, stick.

Equipment: plot picture "Snowman", felt-tip pen, paper, table with images of the objects of the picture, images of wizards, cotton snow, plates with pictures depicting similar objects, cards with images of the heroes of the picture, medals with images of wizards, reduced copies of the painting "Snowman" according to the number of children.

Lesson progress:

I. Organizational moment.

away from those present.

Speech therapist: Children, look how beautiful, smiling, kind guests we have. We need to meet and greet them. Whoever I look at and wink at, he will say hello and get to know one of the guests.

Children greet:

Good morning! I'm Nikita!
- Hello. I'm Nadia!
- Glad to see you. I am Sasha!
- Greetings! I am Arseny!
- Have a nice day! I am Polina!

Speech therapist: - Guys, there will be winter holidays soon. What holidays will we celebrate?

Children: - Christmas, New YearChildren:

Speech therapist: - What will you do during the holidays?

Children: - Sledding, skiing, skating.

II Riddles.

Speech therapist: - Guys, guess riddles.

Two in arms, two on legs
Don't fall into the snow
And you will pass without difficulty,
Only two tracks will lay down.

We stood all summer, waiting for winter,
They waited for the time - they rushed from the mountain.

Winter holidays, fun days!
The guys need skis, and sleds, and ...

And who can be sculpted in winter?

Children: - In winter, you can sculpt a snowman.

III. Determination of the composition of the picture.

Speech therapist: - Let's go and see, we have a picture about it drawn.

Children sit at tables. On the board hangs the plot picture "Snowman".

Speech therapist: - A magician came to us. What's his name?

Children: Delhi!

Speech therapist: - He will help to highlight as many objects in the picture as possible.

Children name the objects depicted in the picture, and the speech therapist marks each word on a piece of paper with a marker line.

Speech therapist: - Did you name everything? That's how many words we got. And this is a present for you from the magician of Delhi. On this table, he marked the words from the picture.

The speech therapist puts on the board a table with images of heroes and objects in the picture.

IV. Establish relationships between objects in a picture.

The magician Come on (speech therapist puts his image on the board).

Speech therapist: - What magician appeared?

Children: - Magician Come on!

Speech therapist: - What are we going to do with him?

Children: - Combine words!

Children make up sentences by combining two objects, the speech therapist combines them on the table with lines.

Snowflakes fall to the ground.
- Snow lies on the ground.
- A lump of snow lies on the sled.
- Sledges are on the snow.
- The bush is in the snow.
- The tree is to the left of the fungus.
- The tree is behind the fungus.
- The tree is to the right of the fungus.
- The tree is behind the snowman.
- The ladder is behind the fungus.
- The tree is to the left of the fence.
- Masha puts a bucket on a snowman.
- The snowman has a carrot instead of a nose.
- Vika and Anya are friends.
- Vika and Anya are rolling a snowball.
- Masha made a snowman.
- A crow flies in the sky. A crow walks in the snow.

V. Transformation of objects in time.

Speech therapist: - Meet another guest! It…

Children: - Wizard Get off! With him, we find out what happened before.

Speech therapist: - What did the crows do before?

Children: - Sitting on a tree, bored, looking for something to eat.

Speech therapist: - What did Masha do?

Children: - I woke up, washed, dressed, had breakfast, went out into the street. She saw that the snow was sticky and began to make a snowman.

Speech therapist: - What did Vika and Anya do?

Children: - They woke up, washed, dressed, had breakfast, watched cartoons. Then Vika took a sled, Anya took a shovel, and they went for a walk in the yard. There they saw Masha making a snowman and wanted to make one too.

Speech therapist: - What happened to the snowman?

Children: - He was not. He was snow in a snow cloud. The wind blew, snow fell from the clouds and lay on the ground. Masha came and made a snowman out of the snow.

Speech therapist: - And now meet the new wizard! Who is it?

Children: Run!

Speech therapist: - What will Masha do when she puts a bucket on a snowman? Children: - Masha will go home for dinner. At home, she will tell her mother about the snowman. They, together with their mother, will go to the yard to look at him and take a picture for memory.

Speech therapist: - What will Vika and Anya do?

Children: - They will make their own snowman: they will put a smaller one on the largest snowball, then the smallest one. The eyes will be made from two coals, the nose from a carrot, eyebrows and a mouth will be drawn with a coal, hair will be stuck from twigs. A bucket will be put on the head, a broom in the hand. It will work out very well. Vika and Anya will run home, they will call mom and dad to look at the snowman. Parents will be very surprised that their little daughters have a wonderful snowman.

Speech therapist: - What will the crows do when the children go home?

Children: - Curious crows will approach the snowman, they will understand that he is not alive, although he looks like a person, they will become bolder, they will peck at him, taste him, fly up on his head. They will smell the sweet smell of carrots, begin to peck at it, eat up and become satisfied and full.

VI. Dynamic pause.

Speech therapist: - And now this row of children will roll snowballs, and this one will carry the lumps on a sled. Let's go make a snowman!

Children, imitating movements, go to the middle of the room, the dynamic pause "Snowman" begins.

Come on, my friend, be bold, my friend,
Roll your snowball in the snow -
It will turn into a thick lump
And it will become a snowman.
His smile is so bright!
Two eyes, ... a hat, ... a nose, ... a broom ...
But the sun will bake a little - alas! - and no snowman.

VII. Selection of objects on a certain basis.

Speech therapist: - And now we are playing snowballs. Name something else that might be the same.

Children stand in a circle. The speech therapist throws a cotton ball to each child and names the object from the picture. Children select words denoting objects that have the same qualities.

Crows are curious, like... Pinocchio.
- The snow is cold, like ... ice cream.
- The snow is fluffy, like ... a fur hat.
- The air is fresh, like… tap water.
- The bucket is cold, like ... ladies:
- The fungus is round, like ... a wheel.
- The fence is wooden, like ... a pencil.
- A lump of snow is round, like ... the sun.
- Carrots are sharp, like ... a knife.
- Clouds are light, like ... fluff.
- Snowdrifts are lush, like ... a feather bed.
- The trees are rough, like ... a grater.

VIII. Game "Guess the Wizard"

Speech therapist: Guys, the wizards liked it so much how you picked up similar words that they decided to play together with you.

The speech therapist demonstrates images of wizards in turn, the children perform movements according to the images.

The image of the Fairy Reverse appears last: “Now, slowly and very noisily, get up from the tables.” Children should quickly and quietly sit down at the tables.

IX Compilation of metaphors from the picture.

Speech therapist: - Look at the cards on the tables. Find pictures of similar objects on them.

How can you call the snow on the fence if it is fluffy, like a fur hat?

Children: - The fence put on fluffy snow caps.

Speech therapist: - How can you call snow on a bush if it looks like a warm fur coat?

Children: - The bush wrapped itself in a warm snow coat.

Speech therapist: - What can you call snow clouds in the sky if they look like soft pillows?

Children: - The sky is covered with soft snow pillows.

Speech therapist: - How can you say about snowdrifts if they are lush, like a feather bed?

Children: - The earth is covered with a lush snow feather bed.

Speech therapist: - How can you say about snow if it is sticky, like plasticine?

Children: - Children sculpt from snow plasticine.

Speech therapist: - How can you say about snowballs if they are round like the sun?

Children: - Children roll snow suns.

Speech therapist: - What can you call a snowman if he is in the yard and has a broom in his hand?

Children: - Snow sweeper.

Speech therapist: - What can you call the snowman that Vika and Anya made, if it is very similar to Masha's snowman, but it is small.

Children: - Son of a snowman.

X. Drawing up stories based on a picture about a certain hero.

Speech therapist: - Now fold the cards and put them on the edge of the table. Take the bags and take out the pictures from them. Who is depicted on them?

Children: - Masha, Anya, Vika, snowman, crows.

Speech therapist: - Now we will make up stories according to the picture that hangs on the board, each of you is about the hero who is depicted in your pictures. You need to come up with a name for the story, tell it in order: what happened before what is depicted in the picture, what is depicted in it, what will happen after what is depicted; and be sure to use sentences with similar words.

Sample stories:

"Snow wiper"

Masha woke up in the morning, washed, dressed, had breakfast, went out into the yard for a walk.

Winter is on the street. Cold. Soft snowy clouds float across the sky. The ground is covered with a lush snow feather bed. The fence put on fluffy snow caps. The bushes were wrapped in warm snow coats. Masha touched the snow, and it was sticky, like plasticine. So, you can sculpt a snowman. First she rolled up the biggest snow sun, then the second - smaller, then the third - even less. I put them on top of each other. She brought the snowman instead of a nose - a carrot, instead of eyes - coals, instead of hair - twigs, instead of a hat - a bucket, instead of buttons - coals. I drew eyebrows and a mouth with charcoal. She stuck a broom in her hand.

How alive the snowman turned out - it looks like a janitor.

Masha wanted to tell mom and dad about the snowman, she ran home faster. Dad looked out the window and said that such a beautiful snowman should be photographed. He took a camera, went out into the yard with Masha and took a picture of a snowman as a keepsake - after all, he could melt.

"Son of the Snowman"

One winter morning, Vika and Anya woke up, washed, dressed, had breakfast, and began to watch cartoons. Then we decided to go outside. Vika took a sled, Anya took a shovel, dressed warmly and went into the yard.

All the land in the yard is covered with a lush snow feather bed. There are fluffy snow caps on the fence. There are warm snow coats on the bushes.

The children are watching, and the big girl Masha is making a snowman from snow plasticine. She made a very good snowman: big, beautiful. Vika and Anya also wanted to make a snowman. They began to roll snow suns - lumps: big, smaller and the smallest. They stuck embers instead of eyes, a carrot instead of a nose, twigs instead of hair, a bucket instead of a hat, embers instead of buttons. Draw eyebrows and mouth with charcoal. A broom was stuck in his hand. It turned out to be a very good snowman, it looks like Machines, only smaller. Anya and Vika decided that it would be the son of a big snowman. The little girls were delighted, because for the first time they sculpted a snowman.

They ran home to tell mom and dad about the snowman. The parents came out to look at him and were very surprised that their little daughters had such a wonderful snowy son.

"Snowman's Birthday"

Winter came. Soft pillows of snow clouds floated across the sky. Many snowflakes flew in a cloud above the ground. A fresh breeze blew, and snowflakes fell to the ground. They covered it with a lush snow feather bed, dressed up the fence in fluffy snow caps. They wrapped the bushes with warm snow coats. Only it was boring for snowflakes to lie in one place. They became wet and sticky.

Then the children came into the yard, began to roll lumps of snow plasticine - snow suns - first big, then smaller, even smaller. They put the lumps one on top of the other - the snow turned into a snowman. Instead of eyes, the children inserted coals for him, instead of a nose - carrots, instead of hair - twigs. Drawn eyebrows and mouth with charcoal. Buttons were made from coals, a bucket was put on his head instead of a hat. A broom was stuck in his hand.

Everyone loves the snowman. Here he is wonderful!

"Delicious Carrot"

Winter came. Crows are cold. The ground is covered with a lush snow feather bed. No food to be found. Very hungry crows. In the morning they are looking for food, they cannot find it. They are sad and bored. The crows wanted to look for food in the yard, but the children interfere: they make noise, play around, sculpt a Bigfoot.

Finally the children left, but Bigfoot remained. The crows are very interested in what it is, but it’s scary to approach. There is a snowman, not moving. The crows flew closer to him. Doesn't move. Then they grew bolder, sat on the snowman's head. He doesn't move. So, not alive, and there is nothing to be afraid of him.