Summary table on psychosomatics. Psychosomatic disorders: causes, treatment, examples from practice

Most human diseases occur, according to scientists and psychologists, from experiences, psychological trauma, various negative thoughts and beliefs.
Has your bodily health deteriorated?

It is the soul that gives a signal, informing us of its illness. It is not for nothing that there is a saying among the people, familiar to us from childhood, "all diseases are from nerves."

What is psychosomatics

Psychosomatics (the ancient Greek word ψυχή - soul and σῶμα - body) is a direction in medicine, in other words, psychosomatic medicine that studies the influence of psychological factors on the occurrence and course of somatic, that is, bodily diseases. So psychosomatics - a disease or nerves?

Scientists have come to the conclusion that some mental problems are not diseases, they only disguise themselves as bodily diseases, and they cannot be treated with conventional medicines, they require a special approach.

Soul hurts

As Anton Pavlovich Chekhov said: Isn't health a miracle?". Of course a miracle, and what a miracle! Yes, what a misfortune: the person seems to be healthy, has no chronic diseases, and colds are not observed, but the soul hurts, hurts.
There is a feeling that supposedly passed through a meat grinder. It happens that sleep is disturbed, and there is no appetite. And some have a constant and unreasonable feeling of anxiety, and they involuntarily wait for something, without themselves understanding what.
What is it connected with? What hurts the soul?

Such symptoms occur in people with an unstable psyche and neurasthenics. But don't rush to sign yourself up for this Wednesday. Here we are talking about a functional disorder that occurs in completely healthy people. This may be due to climate change, increased solar activity, spring changes, vitamin deficiency, which mercilessly exudes the body.
Very often there are weather psychosomatic diseases, especially spring ones. In spring, the body feels a particular lack of vitamin and solar heat. And in those moments when nature wakes up after a long winter hibernation, the human body, exhausted during the winter, also wakes up.

Nature is awakening, hormones are playing, and if they are not curbed and directed in the right direction, you can get.
Spring neuroses can masquerade as a variety of diseases, and very often it is very difficult to distinguish between psychosomatics or a disease.

When the psyche imitates the disease

A lot of people do not even suspect that their diseases have a mental basis. As a rule, psychosomatic diseases become twins of chronic diseases that last for years. Diseases such as:

  • and all its symptoms: headache, high blood pressure, nausea.
  • constricting pain behind the sternum
  • Cholecystitis, pain in the pit of the stomach and in the right hypochondrium
  • Colitis, flatulence, stool disorder
  • and sciatica
  • Bronchitis

Paradoxically, all these problems of a neurotic nature, psychosomatic, arise from scratch and without a previous illness. It is not characteristic of a true disease.

So, to the question: Psychosomatics - disease or nerves?, you can answer: "nerves"?
Exacerbations of true chronic diseases are not associated with the season. Real diseases can be affected by negative factors, such as heat and low atmospheric pressure on hypertension and angina pectoris. Cold and damp for arthritis and bronchitis.

Errors in nutrition affect gastritis and cholecystitis. But psychosomatics is devoid of a clear causal relationship. And psychosomatic illnesses are not treatable by taking drugs that aim to eliminate the mimicking illness. But sedatives: valerian, corvalol, peony tincture, and light antidepressants alleviate the condition and even completely eliminate the problem.
Neither ultrasound, nor ECG, nor FGDS, nor any other examinations confirm the disease, all organs are healthy, but you are “sick”. It is the psyche that mimics the disease.

How to treat psychosomatic diseases? At the first sign of an exacerbation of any disease, it is necessary to establish the cause as soon as possible. So, visit a doctor and pass the necessary tests, and conduct examinations. In no case should you self-medicate and do not take any medications on your own until a doctor prescribes. Independent and thoughtless taking of medicines will only worsen the situation.
If a diagnosis has been made - psychosomatics, it is advisable to consult a psychotherapist and take measures so that there are no repetitions of psychosomatic diseases, so that the psyche does not imitate illnesses.
Prevention of mental illness
So that the soul does not get sick, you need to avoid stress, physical overload, get enough sleep. Avoid beriberi and prepare the body for spring problems from the end of winter. How? With the help of special diets and vitamin therapy.
And most importantly, look for positive emotions in everything, more positive! The more joyful thoughts and happy moments, the less room for illness remains in the soul.
The human body has limitless abilities, and it is capable of self-healing. Man himself is truly an inner pharmacy. And the brain contains a complete set of drugs for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. Just one signal from the nervous system to the human body can produce substances that relieve pain, and even stop the growth of cancer cells. The key to medicines and body control is in our minds, we just need to skillfully open the lock and use our limitless abilities.

So what is psychosomatics? Disease or nerves? Nerves you can't miss!

Interesting fact
Doctors identify the relationship of specific emotions to the predisposition of diseases:

    1. Fear strikes the heart
    2. Anger and rage - the liver
    3. Apathy and depression - stomach.

Table of psychosomatic diseases

To date, there is a well-known table compiled by Louise Hay.


From A to Z"

Probable Cause New Approach
Abscess (abscess) Experiences, resentment, thoughts of neglect and revenge. Leave the past, live in the present. Thought freedom, soul - peace.
Adenoids Not everything goes well in the family, there are disputes and friction. The child gets the feeling that he is not needed. The child should feel wanted and needed.
Alcoholism Rejection of oneself, one's own personality, a feeling of worthlessness and inadequacy. Understand your value, love yourself, live in today.
Allergy. See also: "Hay fever" Protest against something, impossibility to express it (protest). Denial of one's own power.

There is no disagreement with life! There is no danger. The world is beautiful and not dangerous.

Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation for 6 or more months). See also: "Women's diseases" and "Menstruation" Dislike and even dislike for oneself. Feeling of a complex of an inferior woman.

I am who I am. I am part of the universe! I love myself because I am the perfect expression of life.

Everything is fine with me!

Amnesia (memory loss) Escape from life, fear Inability to protect oneself, stand up for oneself. I am brave and intelligent and I am not afraid of anything.
Angina. See also: "Throat", "Tonsillitis" (Tonsil problems) Inability to express oneself. Inability to cope with any problem, situation.

To all restrictions: "No"!

To be youreself! Find freedom!

Anemia (anemia) There is very little joy in life, the state of health is so-so ... It's scary to live. I love life! I rejoice in every new day, and it does not harm me, on the contrary, it helps.

sickle cell anemia

(hereditary disease of the blood system)

Joy and happiness in life deprives Belief in one's own inferiority deprives the joy of life.

A child lives inside, he inhales the joy of life, gives love.

The Lord works miracles every day!

Anorectal bleeding (presence of blood in stools) Anger, anger, disappointment in life.

Life is beautiful and amazing, and I trust it.

Everything is fine and right!

Anus (anus). See also: "Hemorrhoids" Grievances accumulate, problems are added, but we do not know how to get rid of them. Get rid of everything that is no longer needed.
Anus: abscess (abscess) The inability to get rid of something. Anger at it. Understand that everything that is not needed in this life leaves the body and it is absolutely safe
Anus: fistula No desire to part with the garbage of the past Let go of the past and enjoy freedom.
Anus: itching Feeling guilty about the past makes life difficult. Let go of the past, feel freedom and enjoy it.
anus: pain Does not leave the feeling of guilt. Great desire for punishment. The past is over once and for all. I'm fine fellow! I'm doing everything right!
Apathy Fear, suppression of feelings and emotions.

I want to go through all the trials of life.

Feelings are not terrible! They are safe for me!

Appendicitis Blocking everything good. Fear of life. Make way for the flow of life! I'm out of danger.
Appetite (loss). See also: "Lack of appetite" There is no trust in life. Life is wonderful and safe. I completely trust her.
Appetite (excessive) Feelings of insecurity, fear. An urgent need for protection.

There is no threat, I am safe.

arteries Inability to enjoy life.

Joy flows through the veins with every heartbeat.

A feeling of joy fills me.

Arthritis of fingers

The feeling of being a victim.

Passionate desire to punish yourself.

Everything that happens in my life I see through the prism of love.
Arthritis. See also: Joints Resentment, feeling of dislike. Approve your actions. Love yourself and the people around you.
Asthma Holding back sobs, depressed, unable to breathe for one's own good. Take life into your own hands and breathe deeply.
Asthma in infants and older children Fear of life. Fear is in this environment. The child should feel love and complete security.
Atherosclerosis Refusal to see the good, resistance to all the good Look at life with love, see the good. Life is Beautiful!
Hips (top)

The thigh is the part of the leg that starts from the knee and goes up to the hip joint.

The hips are the support for the body and the main mechanism for moving forward.

I am free! I stand firmly on my feet! Thank you my dear thighs!
Hips: diseases There are no specific goals. Fear of moving forward.

I go through life steadily, joyfully and easily.

Beli. See also: "Women's diseases", "Vaginitis" Rage and anger at a partner. A firm belief in the impotence and inability of a woman to influence the opposite sex.

I am free!

No one has power over me, only myself.

I am feminine and it pleases me.

Whiteheads Unattractive appearance. Passionate desire to change it, the desire to hide the flaws in appearance. I am beautiful and loved!

There is no need to acquire parenting experience.

Resistance to the life process.

I do everything right: the right thing at the right time, and I am always where I need to be.

I approve and love myself.

Insomnia Feelings of guilt and distrust Tomorrow will be tomorrow and tomorrow will take care of itself. And today I calmly leave the day and lovingly surrender to a peaceful sleep.

Violence and malice! They rule the world.

The world is beautiful, and he settled around me and in me.

Lou Gehrig's disease; Charcot's disease or

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Success and self-worth are not recognized. Life is beautiful and it loves me! I am a standing person! For me, success is safe and easy.
Addison's disease (chronic adrenal insufficiency). See also: "Adrenals: diseases" Self-anger and emotional hunger. My body, my thoughts and emotions are beautiful! I take care of myself and I enjoy it.
Alzheimer's disease (a type of senile dementia). See also: "Dementia", "Old Age" Helplessness and hopelessness. There is no desire to accept the world as it is. Life is not nice. Live and enjoy life. Forgive, forget the past and surrender completely to joy.
Huntington's disease is one of the most severe progressive neurodegenerative hereditary diseases of the brain. The inability to change other people, and because of this grief, pain.

There is peace in my soul, the world is controlled by the Universe and I have no disagreements with it.

I don't want to change anyone.

Cushing's disease. (neuroendocrine disease characterized by increased production of adrenal hormones)

See also: "Adrenals: disease"

The psyche is broken. There are a lot of destructive ideas in my head. It feels like someone overpowered you.

There are only bright thoughts in my head and they improve my well-being.

I love myself, my body, my spirit!

Parkinson's disease. See also: Paresis Passionate desire to control everything and everyone. Fear.

I am completely safe and I trust the life process.

I relax life is made for me.

Paget's disease (deforming ostosis) Nobody cares about me. There is no “foundation” on which to build your life. Life takes care of me, supports me, she loves me.
Hodgkin's disease (a disease of the lymphatic system)

Terrible fear and guilt that you are not up to par. Attempts to prove their own worth, forgetting about the joys of life.

Being yourself is true happiness! I meet all requirements. I accept joy, I give it to the people around me. I love and love myself!

Huge sense of guilt.

Guilt seeks punishment.

In my heart I calmly, with joy, part with the past.

I am free! And they are free!

pain Desire for love. Eagerness for hugs. I can love and I love! I approve of all my actions. I can evoke feelings of love in others.
Pain from gas in the intestines (flatulence)

Unrealized plans and ideas.

Fear and tightness.

I completely relax, life flows easily and freely in me.

Warts Belief in your ugliness and a little expression of hatred.

I am the beauty of life! And I love her!

Wart plantar (horny) More and more disappointing future. No desire to move forward.

I move forward confidently and easily.

I boldly trust the life process.

Bright's disease (glomerulonephritis). See also: "Jade" Feelings of failure, razini and worthlessness. "Hands do not grow from that place." I do everything right, and I'm always on top. I love and adore myself!
Bronchitis. See also: "Respiratory diseases" Arguments, screams, nervous situation in the family. Everything is fine, harmony reigns around me.
Bulimia (increased feeling of hunger) A state of hopelessness, fear of tomorrow. The feeling of self-hatred overwhelms the soul ... Life is safe, she loves me, supports me and nothing threatens me.
Bursitis (inflammation of the synovium) Anger, anger and so you want to hit someone! Love and more love can handle anything that doesn't look like it.
Bursitis of the big toe Life is not happy at all. I am going to meet the beautiful, amazing changes will take place in my life.
Vaginitis (inflammation of the vaginal mucosa). See also: "Women's diseases", "Beli"

Self punishment.

Sexually motivated feelings of guilt arose.

Huge anger at partner.

Sexy makes me happy. The people around me treat me with love. I feel their approval.

I really don't like the situation you're in.

Does not leave the feeling of overload with work.

The truth is important to me, and I am friends with it. I love life and am happy to move forward.

I am free to move through life.

Venereal diseases. See also: "AIDS", "Gonorrhea", "Herpes", "Syphilis" Anything related to the genitals is sinful. Tormented by guilt on sexual grounds. Desire for punishment.

I accept my sexuality with love and joy. I accept all the thoughts that support me.

Chicken pox Hypersensitivity, tension, fear, very tiring expectation of some event. The world is beautiful! Everything about it is great! I relax and trust life.
Viral infection. See also: "Infection" Bitterness, life does not please, solid darkness. A stream of joy runs through my life. I allow happiness and joy to flow into my life.
Epstein-Barr virus or human herpes virus type 4 Fear of not being up to par. Striving to go beyond your limits. Depletion Internal resources are depleted. I am relaxing. I'm up to par. Life is beautiful and easy
Vitiligo (piebald skin) Complete alienation. Feeling out of society, out of one's own circle. Life is full of love and I am at the very center of life.
blisters There is no emotional protection. Resistance. Everything is fine! I go through life boldly, following new events.
Lupus erythematosus

Punishment, anger, hands down. Better to die than stand up for yourself.

I can take care of myself. I manage myself. I am free and safe.
Inflammation. See also: "Inflammatory processes" Fear. Rage. Inflamed consciousness. I am focused and calm.
Inflammatory processes Frustration and anger at the conditions of life. I approve and love myself, and I want to change all the stereotypes of criticism.
Ingrown toe nail

You are moving forward, but the feeling of guilt and anxiety about this does not leave.

The sacred right of every person to choose the direction in life. I am free and I am safe.
Vulva (external female genitalia) Huge vulnerability. There is no danger! It's not scary to be hurt.
Discharge of pus (periodontitis) Inability to make decisions. Anger. Uncertain attitude to life. I make my own decisions and approve myself. Everything is fine!
Miscarriage (spontaneous abortion) Fear of the future. Everything is going well, I value myself, divine providence helps me, and it takes care of me.
Gangrene The psyche is painfully sensitive. Unkind thoughts interfere with joy. My thoughts are free and harmonious. Joy flows through my veins! I am free and happy!
Gastritis See also: "Gastrointestinal diseases" Feelings of doom and uncertainty. I'm safe. I do everything right. I approve and love myself.
Hemorrhoids See also: "Anus" Anger in the past. Painful fear of separation. Fear of not being in time, not meeting the allotted time.

I don't need anything but love. And I part with everything.

I do what I want.

Genitals Symbol of male or female principles. Absolutely not scary and completely safe to be yourself.
Genitals: problems Not being at the top causes fear. I am perfection. I approve of all my actions. Love myself!
Hepatitis See also: "Liver: diseases" Fear of change. The liver is a storehouse of rage, hatred and anger. Everything is fine. The past is in the past. I'm moving towards something new. The soul is free, the mind is pure.
Genital herpes See also: "Venereal diseases" Belief in the sinfulness of sex and the need for punishment. Feeling of shame. Faith in a punishing God. Dislike of the genitals. Everything in me is normal and natural. I am pleased with my sexuality and my body.
Herpes simplex See also: "vesicular lichen"

Great unspoken bitterness.

No desire to express themselves.

In my words and thoughts - only love. There is peace between me and life.
Hyperventilation of the lungs Fear. Resistance to change. Distrust in the process of change. It is safe for me to be in any part of the universe. I love myself and trust the process of life.
Hyperthyroidism (a syndrome caused by an increase in the activity of the thyroid gland). See also: "Thyroid gland" Anger for ignoring your personality. I am in the center of life, I approve of myself and everything that I see around.
Hyperfunction (increased activity) Fever, fear, great pressure. Nothing threatens me. I'm fine and all pressure is gone.
Hypoglycemia (low blood glucose) Suppress the hardships of life. My life is bright, full of joys. My heart is light.
Hypothyroidism (a syndrome caused by a decrease in the activity of the thyroid gland). See also: "Thyroid gland" A feeling of stagnation and hopelessness, so that the hands drop. I build a new life according to the rules, and they completely satisfy me.
Pituitary Symbolizes the control center.

I control my thoughts.

My mind interacts beautifully with my body.

Hirsutism (excessive body hair in women)

Unwillingness to engage in self-education. Passionate desire to blame.

Fear and hidden anger.

I am surrounded by love and acceptance. Nothing threatens me. Nobody condemns me.
Eyes The ability to see the past, present, and future clearly. I look at the world with joy and love.
Eye diseases. See also: barley Not everyone is happy in their own lives. I create my own life, the way I like to look at it.
Eye diseases: astigmatism Fear of seeing yourself in the true light. Rejection of one's own "I". I want to see and see my own beauty and greatness.
Eye diseases: myopia. See also: "Myopia" Fear of the future.

I am safe and I trust and accept Divine guidance.

Eye diseases: glaucoma Crushed by old grievances, unwillingness to forgive. I look at the world with love and tenderness. I forgive everyone.
Eye diseases: farsightedness I am not of this world. I clearly see that here and now nothing threatens me.
Eye diseases: children's There is no desire to see what is happening in the family. The child is safe, he is surrounded by love, joy and harmony.
Eye diseases: cataract Foggy future, inability to look ahead. Life is full of joy, and it is eternal!
Eye diseases: strabismus. See also: "Keratitis" Action in defiance, unwillingness to see Seeing is absolutely safe. My heart is calm and quiet.
Eye diseases: exotropia (divergent strabismus)

One-sided view of things.

Fear of looking at the present right here and now.

I love and approve of myself here and right now.
Glands The tonsils are a symbol of restraint. Fear that something can start without your participation and desire. In my own world, I am the force and the creator.
Deafness Stubbornness, rejection and isolation. I rejoice in everything I hear. I am an integral part of the universe.
Shin The shins symbolize the principles of life. Ideals have collapsed. I live and enjoy at my highest standards.
Ankle joint

Ankles are a symbol of the ability to enjoy.

Guilt and inflexibility.

Life offers me joys, I accept them and enjoy them.
Dizziness Unwillingness to see. Incoherent fleeting thoughts. I am calm and focused. I enjoy life.
Headache. See also: "Migraine" Fear, self-criticism and underestimation of oneself. I approve of myself and my actions. I love myself and I'm completely safe.
Gonorrhea. See also: "Venereal diseases" Desire and need for punishment. I love myself, my body, my sexuality

The throat is a channel for expressiveness and creativity.

Feelings that I have no right. Feelings of inferiority.

My heart is open. I sing about the joy of love.
Throat: diseases. See also: "Angina" No desire to change. Inability to take care of oneself. Crisis of creativity. I can take care of myself. I have creativity and I show it. I want to change.
Fungus The past presses on the present and there is no desire to part with it. I live today. I am happy and free.
Influenza (epidemic). See also: "Respiratory diseases" Generally accepted negative attitudes, a reaction to the negative mood of others. Belief in disease statistics. Fear of getting sick. I do not succumb to external influences, I do not believe in generally accepted rules. I am free! I'm good!
breasts Symbol of maternal care.

I have a strong balance between what I give and what I absorb.

Breasts: diseases Self-loathing, feelings of worthlessness. Denial of everything. People need me. I take care of myself with joy.
Breasts: cyst, lumps, soreness (mastitis) Personality is suppressed, Overabundance of care... We are all free and I recognize the right of everyone to be what they want to be.
Hernia Wrong creative self-expression.

In my life tenderness and harmony.

Nothing prevents me, I remain myself.

I love and approve of myself.

Herniated disc Feelings of emptiness and hopelessness. It seems that life has deprived me of all support. Everything is fine! Life supports me and my thoughts.
Depression A state of hopelessness. In your opinion, you have no right to feel angry. But he is after you. I have my own life. There are no restrictions for me. I go beyond the limits and limitations of other people.
Gums: diseases There is no clear attitude towards life. Lack of ability to make and implement decisions I am determined. I lovingly support myself and all plans and decisions I bring to the end.
Childhood diseases

Belief in contrived rules and social concepts.

Adults behave like a child.

The child is surrounded by love, he is under Divine protection.

His mind is inviolable.


Unfulfilled dreams. Longing for them.

Great sorrow, little pleasure. There is a need for control.

I taste the joy of today. My life is filled with joyful events.

I live today.

Dysentery Concentration of anger and fear. There is peace and tranquility in my mind, this is reflected in my body.
Dysentery amoebic Fear, confidence that they are trying to get to you.

I live in peace and tranquility. My world is the embodiment of power.

Dysentery bacterial Feelings of pressure and hopelessness. My life is full of joy and energy. I'm good!
Dysmenorrhea (menstrual disorder). See also: "Women's diseases", "Menstruation" Anger and hatred for myself and for all women.

I love myself my body. I love all my cycles.

Everything is fine with me!

Yeast infection. See also: Candidiasis, Thrush Complete denial of one's own needs. I support myself with joy and love.
Breath A symbol of the ability to breathe life. Living is safe. I love life.
Respiration: diseases. See also: "Attacks of Choking", "Hyperventilation" Refusal to breathe deeply, to inhale life. Not self-love and not recognition of the right to exist. I am a human and have the right and can freely breathe deeply. I deserve love and a fulfilling life.
Jaundice. See also: "Liver: diseases" Unilateral conclusions, bias. I love myself, I love people, and I am tolerant and compassionate towards all people.
Cholelithiasis Pride, curses, bitterness. Thoughts are extremely heavy. I am happy to let go of the past. Life is amazing and wonderful.
Stomach The stomach is not only a container of food, but also the "assimilation" of thoughts. Life is Beautiful! I easily "learn" it.
Stomach diseases. See also: Gastritis, Heartburn, Stomach or duodenal ulcer, Ulcer Terrible fear of everything new and inability to accept the new. Everything is going great, life favors me, and I gladly accept everything new.
Women's diseases. See also: Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea, Fibroma, Beli, Menstruation, Vaginitis Rejection of femininity and rejection of oneself. I am a woman! I'm proud of it! I love my body!
Rigidity (stupidity) Inflexible thinking, rigidity. My life is secure. I allow myself to be flexible.
Stuttering Feeling insecure. There is no opportunity for self-expression. Tears forbidden. I can stand up for myself, express whatever I want. I am free.
Wrist A symbol of movement and lightness. I act wisely with love.
Fluid retention. See also: Edema, Swelling Fear of losing something. I easily part with what I do not need.
Smell from the mouth. See also: "Bad breath" Anger, thoughts of revenge in my head. The hardships of the past interfere with life. The past has no place in my life. I live in the present. I feel light and happy.
Body odor Fear of other people. Feelings of dislike. I am completely safe, nothing threatens me. I approve of all my actions. Love myself.
Constipation Old thoughts don't want to leave my brain. The inability to part with the past.

I let the flow of life flow through me. Everything new, vital and fresh enters me.

The past has no place in my life.

Carpal Syndrome. See also: "Wrist"

The imaginary injustice of life.

Frustration and anger about it.

I will build a new life. In my life there is only an abundance of everything, lightness and joy.

See also: "Thyroid gland"

A failed personality.

The feeling of sacrifice and warped life.

I decide everything in my life. I am full of energy, strength and intelligence. Nobody interferes in my life.
Teeth Symbolize solutions. I decide everything myself.
Dental diseases. See also: "Root Canal" Indecisiveness and inability to make decisions. Everything in my life is right. I make decisions based on the principles of truth.
Wisdom tooth (impacted - impacted) There is no place in your life to lay a solid foundation for the next life. Life! I love you and open the door to my mind for you. I have a lot of room for my own growth and change.

Desires are at odds with character.

Repentance and dissatisfaction. Passionate desire to get out of this situation.

I have peace and tranquility.

All my needs and desires are satisfied. Life is Beautiful.


See also: "Stomach or duodenal ulcer", "Gastrointestinal diseases", "Ulcer"

Huge fear. In the grip of fear. I am free! There is no danger. I trust life and breathe deeply.


See also: "Obesity"

Defenselessness, self-denial. The desire to achieve the desired is suppressed, the denial of oneself. Fear. The need for protection.

I love and approve of myself. I'm not scared, I'm safe.

I have no conflict of feelings.

Ileitis (inflammation of the ileum), Crohn's disease, regional enteritis Malaise. Anxiety and fear. I'm calm! I only do the best! I love and approve of myself
Impotence Guilt. Mother's fear. Sexual pressure and anger at the partner. I am not guilty of anything and I allow my principle of sexuality to operate in full force.
Infection. See also: "Viral infection" Annoyance, anger and irritation I am harmonious and peaceful.
Rachiocampsis. See also: "Sloping Shoulders" Complete distrust of life. Inability to go with the flow of life. Trying to hold on to the past. Fear, fear, fear. From now on, I trust the life process. I'm not scared! Life is beautiful and it's made for me. IM proud of myself. I have a straight back and a proud posture.


See also: "Thrush", "Yeast Infection"

Frustration and distrust of people, anger, a sense of scatteredness. I am what I want to be. In this life, I deserve the best. I appreciate and love myself and the people around me.


See also: "Furuncle"

Condemnation and anger at one's own unjust actions. I part with the past. Time heals and I let it heal my wounds that life has ever given me.

The future is seen in the dark. Inability to believe in a joyful future.

Life is beautiful, full of joy and happiness.

See also: "Respiratory diseases"

The desire to shout to the whole world: “Pay attention to me, look at me!

Listen to me!"

I am loved, appreciated and respected.

See also: "Eye diseases"

“Keratitis is an inflammation of the cornea of ​​​​the eye, manifested mainly by its clouding, ulceration, pain and redness of the eye.»

Very strong anger. A huge desire to beat everyone or at least hit. The world is beautiful and everything in it is beautiful. My love heals everything I see.

Grievances, constant "scrolling" of previous grievances.

Wrong development.

Everything is great. Love myself.
Intestines A symbol of getting rid of the unnecessary.

Getting rid of the past is easy, and I gladly do it.

I am happy to learn and absorb everything new

Intestine: problems

Fear and unwillingness to part with obsolete and unnecessary.

I discard everything old easily and freely. I welcome and accept the new.
Leather The sense organ and protector of our individuality. I'm calm. I remain myself and I am happy and calm.

Skin: diseases.

See also: Urticaria, Psoriasis, Rash

An old sediment in the soul, anxiety and fear. Feeling threatened. The past is over. There are joyful and peaceful thoughts in my head. I am free!

See also: Joints

Symbol of pride. The personification of the ego.

Own "I" in the first place.

I am a malleable person and flexible.
Knees: diseases Stubbornness, pride, unyielding ego and pride. Unwillingness to submit and unwillingness to yield. I understand others and feel compassion. Everything is fine! I forgive everyone, I easily yield and give in.
Colic Irritation, impatience, Discontent, irritation and impatience towards others. Everything is wonderful! I hear and react only to gentle pleasant words and love.

See also: Intestine, Colon mucosa, Spastic colitis

There is no certainty.

A symbol of the ability to easily part with the past.

Everything is going according to plan, according to sacred predestination.

I am part of the flow of life.

Coma Fear. Trying to avoid someone or something... I surround myself with love and protection. I myself create space around myself for my healing.
Lump in the throat Fear and distrust of the process of life. Life is made for me. I am happy and free. I'm completely safe.


See also: "Acute epidemic conjunctivitis"

Frustration and anger about what you look at in life

I look at the world with love and I accept it. The world is beautiful and harmonious.
Conjunctivitis, acute epidemic. See also: "Conjunctivitis" Anger and disappointment. Unwillingness to see. I love myself and approve of all my actions. I don't need to defend my case.
Cortical paralysis. See also: "Paralysis" Passionate desire to unite the family with an expression of love into a single whole.

Everything is fine! There is love in the family.

I am doing my part for the good of the family.

coronary thrombosis. See also: "Heart attack" Fear, feeling of loneliness. The complex of its shortcomings. I am one with life. The universe supports me. Everything is going great!
Root canal (tooth). See also: "Teeth" Destruction The main (root) beliefs are destroyed. Lost ability to dive into life. My beliefs support me. I myself create a solid foundation for myself and my life.
Bone(s). See also: "Skeleton" Symbol of the structure of the universe.

My body is balanced and perfectly arranged.

I love myself.

Bone marrow A symbol of deep beliefs about yourself: how to take care and support yourself.

The basis of my life is the Divine Spirit!

I am loved and fully supported.

Bone diseases: fractures, fractures Rebellion against foreign power. I manage everything myself. Nobody has power over me. The strength is in me.

Bone diseases: deformities.

(See also: "Osteomyelitis", "Osteoporosis")

The psyche is oppressed and tense. Stupidity and inelastic muscles.

I breathe deeply.

I relax and trust the process of life.


(See also: "Rash")

The desire to make an elephant out of a fly. Small hidden fears. Peace and tranquility in my life.
Blood Expression of joy circulating freely in the body I express the joy of life and receive peace and joy.
Blood: diseases. See also: Leukemia, Anemia There is no joy, no movement of thoughts. New joyful thoughts circulate freely within me.
Blood: high blood pressure Old unresolved emotional issues. I am here and now. There is peace and tranquility in my soul. The past is in the past.
Blood: low blood pressure

The mood is defeatist: “Nothing will come of it. Nothing will work"

Lost love in childhood.

Life is wonderful, everything is wonderful!


Barriers. There is no place for the flow of joy. I have a new life. She brings a stream of joy and happiness and there are no barriers.
Bleeding Where does the joy of life go? And anger too?

I am the joy of life.

I receive from life and I give to it.

Bleeding gums All life decisions are made bleakly. Everything is going right in my life. My soul is calm.

Feeling of power over yourself.

Anger and fear make it difficult to speak, to speak out.

There is peace in my soul. I am free! Nobody dominates me.

I can speak and express whatever I want.

Left side of the body

Symbolizes female energy, women, mother.

Symbol of susceptibility and absorption.

I am perfect! I have a great balance of feminine energy.
Lungs Symbol of the ability to breathe life

I freely and evenly breathe life.

Life is Beautiful!

Pulmonary diseases. See also: "Pneumonia"

Fear of accepting life. Sadness and depression.

Beliefs about the unworthiness of living life to the fullest.

I perceive the fullness of life with joy and love to the end.


See also: "Blood: diseases"

Inspiration is severely suppressed. Limitation.

Being yourself is absolutely safe. I am free!

There is no room for limitation in my life.

Tapeworm (tapeworm) Belief in your sinfulness. Feeling like a victim. Helplessness in front of others. I love myself and appreciate everything that is in me. The people around me are kind to me.


Warning! We need to refocus our lives on joy and love. This is the most important thing in life. For me, the main thing is the joy of life itself. There is peace in my soul and I boldly swim with the flow of life.
Fever Boiling feelings, anger.

I am calm, full of peace and love.

Face A symbol of what we show to the world. I am what I am. I always remain myself and it is safe for me.
Pubic bone Symbol of the protection of the genitals. Me and my sexuality are completely safe.
Elbow Change direction symbol. Changes, new experience and its perception. I am free and I easily accept changes, new experiences and new directions.
Malaria There is no balance with nature and life.

I am one with life and nature.

Nothing threatens me.


Fear, unwillingness to see what is happening.

Disappointment and anger.

I am surrounded by harmony and divine peace. They live in me.

I radiate goodness and joy. Life is Beautiful!

Uterus Temple of creativity. My body is my home.
Spinal meningitis Great anger at life. Thoughts are inflamed. All grievances and accusations in the past. I accept joy and peace.
Menopause: problems Fear of aging, self-hatred. Fear of losing the interest of others.

I love my body and bless it.

I am balanced and calm.


(See also: Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea, Women's Issues)

Rejection of one's femininity, fear and self-doubt.

A firm belief that everything connected with the genitals is unclean and sinful.

All. What happens in my body is normal and natural. I am a complete woman.

I love myself and approve.

(See also: "Headaches")

Sexual fear, hatred of coercion. Resistance to the process of life.

I am free. I trust and follow the course of life.

Life itself will provide me with everything I need.

Distrust and fear of the future. I am safe and have complete trust in the process of life.

The brain is a symbol of body control.

Computer, remote control body, thoughts.

I myself lovingly manage my body, brain, thoughts and deeds.
Brain: tumor Stubbornness. Unwillingness to revise and change old beliefs and stereotypes.

I easily and freely reprogram my consciousness.

My consciousness is constantly being updated.

calluses The persistent desire to keep in mind the pain of the past.

I leave the pain in the past.

I am free from the burden of the past and enjoy freedom.

I am safe, only joy and happiness lie ahead.


(See also: "Candidiasis", "Mouth", "Yeast Infection")

Making wrong decisions.

Anger at it.

I'm safe. I can change all my decisions at any time. I love and approve of myself.
Mononucleosis (Pfeiffer's disease lymphoid cell angina) Underestimation and indifference to yourself. Lack of love, anger about it.

I am perfect, everything is with me.

I take care of myself and love myself.


(See also: Motion sickness)

Fear of death and lack of control. Nothing in the universe threatens me. I believe in life and I am calm everywhere.
Urethra: inflammation (urethritis) Someone is bothering you. Blame and anger. I am the creator of my life. I only do happy things.
Urinary tract: infection

Shifting the blame onto others. Anger and irritation. to the opposite sex.

I am changing, rejecting the old stereotype of thinking.

I love and approve of myself.


Muscles are a symbol of movement through life.

Resilience to new experiences.

I am happy and enjoy life.
muscular dystrophy Not wanting to grow up, not seeing the point in it. I overcome the limitations of my parents. I freely use the best that is in me.

Adrenal glands: diseases.

(See also: "Addison's disease", "Cushing's disease")

Sense of anxiety. Disdainful attitude and defeatist attitude towards oneself.

Taking care of yourself is wonderful and completely safe.

I love myself and approve of my actions.


Terrible fear. A great desire to run away, hide from everything and everyone.

The inability to deal with anything.

Divine wisdom and providence will protect me at any time. I believe that! I'm completely safe.
Runny nose Internal crying. Pray for help. Everything is fine! I love and console myself, and I like it.

Painful communication.

Punishing yourself for sin.

I am happy to communicate. I love and forgive myself. I approve of all my actions.
Incontinence Containment of feelings, overflowing with emotions. And perennial. I love myself. Express your emotions and feel safe.
"Incurable Diseases"

It is currently incurable by external means.

You have to heal from within.

A disease that appeared out of nowhere will go nowhere.

Miracles happen daily. I destroy the stereotypes that caused the disease by going inside. I accept Holy Healing. I am healing.
Nerves Symbol of connection and perception. It is easy and joyful for me to communicate with everyone.
Nervous breakdown

Inability or unwillingness to perceive other people's views.

Focus on your personality.

I radiate love and open to communication.

I feel great and am open to communication.


Distrust of life and the life process.

Vanity, anxiety, fear, struggle.

My heart is open! I boldly walk through endless expanses. I have a lot of time and everything is just wonderful.
Indigestion Restless state. Grunts, complaints, fear and horror. Everything that happens in my life I digest with joy. I am open to new things.
Accidents Belief in violence, rebellion against authority. No ability to take care of yourself.

Peace and tranquility in my soul and in my heart.

There are no stereotyped thoughts about violence in my head.

(See also: "Bright's disease")

Disappointments and failures spoil life.

I'm good! The old has no life in my my life. I welcome everything new.

All my actions are correct.


The feeling of resentment intensifies.

Reluctance to let go of old grudges.

I easily forgive everything. I love and praise myself.

Legs Feet carry us forward through life. Life is beautiful and it's made for me.
Legs: diseases in the lower part The future is fearful. No desire to move. I am moving forward with confidence. I am happy to realize that the future is wonderful.
Nail (nails) Nails symbolize protection. I communicate with everyone easily and freely.
Nails (biting) Selfishness and hopelessness. Bad attitude towards one of the parents.

It is absolutely safe to become an adult.

Now I easily and joyfully manage my life.

Nose Symbol of self recognition I have intuitive abilities. I acknowledge it.
stuffy nose Self-worth is not recognized or valued. I appreciate myself. I adore and love myself.
Nasopharyngeal discharge Feeling like a victim. Children's insults and tears. Internal crying. In my world, I am the creative force. I acknowledge and accept this. I enjoy my own life.

Bleeding from the nose

Desire for recognition. Feeling of uselessness: I am not recognized and not noticed. Great desire for love. I'm just a wonderful person. I know my worth. I love and adore myself.
saggy facial features Resentment at life, "sagging thoughts." A jumble of thoughts in my head.

Im free person. I am happy and express my thoughts joyfully.

I enjoy every day, every moment of every day.

I'm getting younger.

Baldness Fear. There is no trust in the process of life. A great desire to control everything.

I am safe and I trust life.

I am happy, love and adore myself.

(vasovagal crisis, Gowers syndrome)

Memory losses. Fear. Physiological readiness to escape. I'm strong. I have enough knowledge to control my life and what happens in my life.


(See also: "Overweight")

Fear, need for protection, hypersensitivity.

Hidden anger and unwillingness to forgive.

I am safe, sacred love protects me. I take full responsibility for my life.

I forgive everyone. Joy fills my heart.

Obesity: thighs (upper part) Stubbornness and anger at parents.

Past, I forgive you. All bad things are in the past.

I help parents overcome parental limitations. It's not dangerous for me.

Obesity: thighs (lower part) Do not give rest to children's anger. Often anger at the father.

My father grew up without love and affection, and I easily forgive him.

Me and my dad, we're both free.

Obesity: belly There is no spiritual and emotional care. From this anger.

I have enough spiritual food. And I am growing spiritually.

My heart is satisfied and I enjoy freedom.

Obesity: hands Rejected love. Distrust, anger and anger. I can love and get as much love as I want.
burns Internal boiling, inflamed and angry. I have peace and tranquility. I create in my environment only peace and harmony. I deserve the best and best feeling.
Chills The desire to retreat. "Leave me alone". Retreat, withdrawal. internal tightness, I am free and determined. I will overcome everything. Nothing threatens me.
Numbness (spontaneously occurring unpleasant sensation of numbness, tingling, burning) Emotions die. Feelings of respect and love disappear. I gladly share love and feelings. I have no indifference. I am sensitive to the manifestation of love in every person.


(See also: Edema, Fluid Retention)

Intrusive, painful ideas. Soaking in them. In my head bright joyful thoughts. They flow easily and freely. I can easily navigate through different ideas.
Tumor Remorse. Old grievances and upheavals do not go out of my head. I am happy to let go of the past. I live today and everything is fine with me.


Life is full of disappointment and anger.

Feeling of uselessness, that no one supports.

I completely trust life.

I am not in conflict with life, I am safe.


(See also: "Bone Diseases")

There is no support in life, nothing to grab onto.

Life in unexpected ways always supports me.

I am able to take care of myself.

(See also: Swelling, Fluid Retention)

There is no desire to part with someone or something. I am free and safe. With ease and joy I part with the past.
Otitis (inflammation of the external auditory canal, middle ear, inner ear) Anger, irritation, unwillingness to listen. Quarrels between relatives.

I am in harmony with everyone. Love surrounds me. I listen to everything pleasant and I like it.

I am the center of love.

Belching Too fast greedy swallow everything that happens to you. Do not rush to do things and solve problems as they arise.
Lack of appetite. (See also: "Appetite (loss)") Self-hatred, denial of personal life. Great feeling of fear.

What a blessing to be yourself! It's absolutely safe.

I am a good person and I am happy and free.

Fingers Symbol of little things in life.

Everything is great with me.

I am calm about all the little things in life.

Fingers: big Symbolizes intelligence and anxiety. There is peace and tranquility in my soul.
Fingers: index

Symbolizes fear and ego.

“The ego is our false identity, the source of all psychological suffering and the root of our sense of self-importance.”

I'm fine and safe.
Fingers: medium Symbol of anger and sexuality. I like my sexuality and it suits me.
Fingers: ring finger Symbolizes friendly and love unions, as well as the sorrows associated with them. Everything is fine with me! My love is serene.
Fingers: little finger A symbol of the family and the pretense associated with it. In life, I feel at home. My home is my castle.
toes A symbol of minor details of the future. Everything is fine and solved, of course.

Hopelessness. Feeling that life has lost its meaning and its attractiveness. Anger.

I take power into my own hands, thus putting an end to all interference.

I do it with joy and pleasure.

(See also: Paresis)

Paresis is partial paralysis.

Resistance, fear, horror. Avoidance of someone or something. I am an adequate person. I am an inseparable part of life and the universe.

Bell's palsy (damage to the facial nerve).

(See also: Paresis, Paralysis)

No desire to express their feelings. Voltage. Holding back anger. I forgive myself and it is absolutely safe for me to express my feelings.
Paralysis (cortical paralysis) Resistance. Rejection of life. "Better to die than to change." Life is all about change. And I joyfully and easily accept life past, present and future.

(See also: Bell's palsy, Paralysis, Parkinson's disease)

Dead end. Thoughts are paralyzed. I am free! I am a thinking person! Everything is going smoothly and happily for me.

Peritonsillar abscess

(See also: "Angina", "Tonsillitis")

No self-confidence. not skill

seek to satisfy their needs on their own.

I have the right to meet my own needs.

Now I calmly and affectionately achieve everything that I want.

Liver Primitive emotions. Anger. Peace, joy and love in my life.
Liver: diseases. (See also: "Hepatitis", "Jaundice") Whining, complaining. Captiousness and justification of one's own captiousness. Bad feeling. My heart is open and I live with an open heart. I find love everywhere.
Food poisoning Other people control you, you yourself allow it. I have enough power, strength, and ability to assimilate everything that comes to me.

Tears are like a river of life.

Tears flow from rhinestone, grief, from happiness and joy.

Everything in my life is in harmony. I am at peace with my emotions.

(See also: Joints, Sloping Shoulders)

A symbol of the ability to joyfully endure the ups and downs of life. My life experience from now on and forever will be joyful and pleasant.
Bad breath Dirty gossip, dirty thoughts, dirty relationships. I think and breathe only good things. I love all.
Pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs). (See also: "Pulmonary diseases") Unhealed emotional wounds. Tired of life. Despair. Divine ideas are filled with the breath and intelligence of life. I breathe freely. This is a new beginning for my life.
Gout Intolerance, anger, the need to dominate. Peace and harmony surround me. Life is safe and wonderful.
Pancreas Sweet life symbol. My life is sweet.
Spine Support of life. Life supports me. Everything is fine.

Sloping shoulders

(See also: "Shoulders", "Curvature of the spine")

Hopelessness and helplessness.

The attitude to life turns the ability to endure the experiences of life into a burden.

My life is getting better every day.

My life experience from now on will be joyful and enjoyable.

I have a straight posture, beautiful shoulders. I love and approve of myself.

Polio Huge paralyzing jealousy. The desire to stop someone.

I only have good thoughts.

My spiritual warmth is enough for everyone.

Diarrhea Fear. Differences with life. Running away from problems. I have no problems with absorption, assimilation and release. Everything is fine with me and there are no disagreements.

(See also: "Injuries", "Wounds")

Punishing yourself for not following your own rules. I am the creator of my own life. And I create a life full of rewards.
vices Fear, inability to love yourself. Escape from yourself.

I am a good person, a wonderful person.

I, now and forever, will love myself and enjoy myself.

Loss of stability There is no concentration. Thoughts scattered

All my attention is focused on safety. I am improving.

Everything is fine.

Kidneys: diseases Failure, shame, disappointment. You react to everything like a small child. Growing up is absolutely safe. My life is going according to Divine providence. And this leads to a wonderful result.
kidney stones Anger, clots of undissolved anger. Problems in the past. I dispel them easily. Everything is wonderful.
Right side of the body It symbolizes compliance, refusal, male energy. Joyfully and easily, without any effort, I balance my masculine energy.
Premenstrual syndrome Rejection of female processes. Unleash the chaos.

I am a strong woman. I am in control of my life and everything that happens in it.

All parts of my body function perfectly.

Seizures (seizures) Passionate desire to run away from yourself, from family, from life. I feel good, everyone understands me. I'm completely safe. The universe is my home.
Suffocation attacks. (See also: "Respiration: diseases", "Hyperventilation of the lungs") There is no trust in life. Fear.

Nobody and nothing threatens me.

I'm safe. The world is beautiful and safe.

Problems of aging Rejection of reality. Fear of being yourself. Outdated concepts of the meaning of life. Public opinion.

Life is great at any age. I take very good care of myself. I love and adore myself.

Leprosy Belief in one's own insignificance and unsuitability. Inability to manage your life.

Love heals. Divine power inspires and guides. I am above all my shortcomings.

Everything is fine.

Prostate Symbolizes the male principle. I am courageous and strong. I rejoice in my male power.
Prostate: diseases Fear of aging weakens the masculine. Guilt, sexual tension.

My spirit is forever young. I am strong and I admit it. I love and approve of myself.

Colds (upper respiratory disease).

(See also: "Respiratory Diseases")

Disorder and confusion. Simultaneous blockage of events. Small grievances of persuasion, for example, such as: "Every winter I endure a cold twice or thrice."

I relax peacefully. There is clarity and harmony in my soul.

All just great!

(See also: "Skin: diseases")

Fear of being offended. No, more like a lost sense of self.

No desire and refusal to take responsibility for one's own feelings.

I love and approve of myself. I am open to happiness and joy.

I deserve all the best.

Psychosis (mental illness) Avoidance of life, and desperate. Self care. Escape from family. My mind is the creative source of Divine self-expression.
Herpes. (See also: "Herpes simplex") Angry words torment the soul. Fear of saying them.

I love myself and create only peaceful situations.

Everything is fine!

Sciatica (sciatica) Fear for the future, for money. Hypocrisy. I'm safe. Good everywhere. I live with great benefit for myself.
Crayfish Old grievances, deep wound. Grief or a great mystery devours, does not give rest.

The past is in the past. I forgive everyone, I consign the past to oblivion.

From now on, in my world only joy, peace and happiness.

I love and approve of myself.

(See also: "Cuts", "Injuries")

Haunted by self-directed feelings of guilt and anger. I love myself! And I forgive myself!
Sores (on the lips or in the oral cavity) Lips hold back poisonous words. The world is beautiful! In this world I bring and create only joyful events.
Wounds (on the body) Unexpressed anger fades. I am positive. My emotions are joyful.
Multiple sclerosis Iron will. Hard thinking. There is no flexibility. Fear. I create a bright and joyful world. My thoughts are only joyful. I enjoy life, freedom and security.
Stretching Resistance and unwillingness to follow any particular path in life. Anger. Life guides me only on the right path. My soul is calm.

Great need for protection and love.

Emotional hunger.

The love of the universe feeds me. I'm completely safe.
Vomit Fear of the new. Rejection of new ideas.

Only good things come to me.

I joyfully and calmly assimilate life and everything new that comes.

Rheumatism An urgent need for love. Resentment. Chronic upset. Vulnerability I myself am the creator of my life. My life is getting better and better. I drive away resentment. I am loved and I love people and myself.
rheumatoid arthritis Critical attitude to the manifestation of force. It feels like you're being charged too much. I am my strength. I love and approve of myself. Life is wonderful and wonderful.

Respiratory diseases.

(See also: "Bronchitis", "Cold", "Cough", "Flu"_

Fear of breathing life in full. My life is beautiful. I love my life. I'm safe.
Neck stiffness. (See also: “Neck: diseases”) Stubbornness is relentless.

I'm safe. Other people are sure that I am safe.

I love life and trust it completely.

Childbirth (birth) Symbol of the beginning of the life process. Everything is great. An amazing and joyful life begins with this baby.
Childbirth (deviation)

Karma. We choose our own parents and children.

We ourselves decided to come into the world this way.

Any experience is useful to the process of our growth. I am happy and content with my location.
Mouth A symbol of the perception of new ideas. Love lives in me. And I feed on love.
Mouth: diseases No new thoughts are perceived. Closed mind. Bias. I am ready (a) to absorb new thoughts, ideas, concepts.
Hand(s) The ability to retain life experience. I perceive all the events of my life with love and joy.
Hands (hands) Hold, manage, grab, squeeze and release. Pinch, caress. Return to the past. With my past, I communicate with ease, joy and love.
Suicide Life is seen only as a solid black stripe and there is no way out. I'm fine and safe. I consider all possibilities. You can always find another way, and I find it.
White hair Passionate belief in the need for pressure and tension. Stress. I am calm in all areas of my life. I have enough ability and strength.
Spleen Intrusive ideas. Obsession. I love life and believe that there will always be a place for me in life.
Hay fever. (See also: Allergy) Guilt. Fear of persecution. Emotional bust. I am completely safe and inseparable from life and all its fullness.

(See also: "Blood")

Symbol of the center of love and security. The rhythm of love is in my heart.
Heart: attack (myocardial infarction). See also: "Coronary thrombosis" Money is the main thing in life. For their sake, the expulsion from the heart of all joy. Happiness and joy in the very center of my heart. I love World! The world loves me.
Heart: diseases Old emotional problems. There is no joy in life. Joy lives in my heart, and I am happy to let the flow of happiness and joy through my mind, body, life.
Sinusitis (inflammation of the lining of the paranasal sinuses) One of the relatives is annoying. Harmony and peace fill me and all the space around.
Bruising (bruising) Self-punishment. Little shots of life. Everything is great. I radiate goodness. I love life and myself.

(See also: "Venereal Diseases")

Wasting your power and efficiency.

I only want to be myself. I love myself and approve of myself.

(See also: "Bones")

Bones are a symbol of the building of your life.

Structure destruction.

I have excellent health, strong body and excellent physique.
scleroderma There is no desire to take care of yourself, fencing yourself off from life. There is no determination to be in the center of events and take care of yourself. I am completely relaxed, I am completely safe. I believe in my strength and I believe in life.
Weakness Mind needs rest I give my mind and my consciousness a vacation.


(See also: "Alzheimer's disease", "Old age")

Anger. Helplessness and hopelessness. Unwillingness to see and accept the world as it is. I'm in my place and completely safe.

Colon mucosa.

(See also: Colitis, Intestine, Spastic colitis)

Stuck in the past. Outdated problems accumulate, clogging the slag removal channels.

The past is in the past. My mind is clear, I live in the present.

Life is joyful and wonderful.


A symbol of exit from the performance of life.

involuntary reaction.

I'm off to a new level.
Spasms Fear stirs up thoughts. I discard unnecessary thoughts, let go of all the bad. Everything in my life is wonderful!
Abdominal cramps Stop vital processes. Fear. Nothing threatens me. My life processes are normal.
Spastic colitis. (See also: Colitis, Intestine, Colon mucosa) Fear of losing something, letting go. No trust. Everything is fine. I am not afraid of anything, I trust the life process.
AIDS Belief in your own worthlessness. Defenselessness, hopelessness, self-hatred. Feelings of sexual guilt.

I am an important part of the universe. Life loves me.

I have strength and ability. I love myself and appreciate everything in myself.

Back Symbolizes support in life. Life supports me and will always support me.
Back: diseases of the lower part No financial support. Fear of lack of money. Life, I trust you! Everything I need, I get. All is well and well with me.
Back: diseases of the middle part The past captures all attention. I forget the past and move forward with love and joy. Life is Beautiful!
Back: diseases of the upper part Feeling unwanted and unloved. No moral support. The feeling of love is held back. Life loves and supports me. I love life, love and approve of myself.

Old age.

(See also: "Alzheimer's disease")

Fall into childhood. Great desire for care and attention. Escapism. At every level of life, the Mind of the Universe and heavenly protection operate.


(See also: Trismus)

A great desire to get rid of anger and corrupting thoughts. The flow of love comes from my heart. It washes all my emotions and every corner of my body.
Ringworm (ringworm)

Strangers interfere in your life and get on your nerves.

Lack of kindness.

I am free. I love and approve of myself. Nobody rules over me.
Feet They symbolize our understanding of ourselves, other people and life in general. I'm safe. Nothing threatens me. I am ready to change. I boldly look to the future.
Feet: diseases

Fear of taking a step forward. Fear of the future.

I walk lightly through life with great joy. Everything is fine!
convulsions Fear. Desire to grab onto. Voltage. Peace reigns in my soul.

(See also: "Arthritis", "Elbow", "Knee", "Shoulders").

A symbol of ease of movement and change of direction in life. I always choose the best direction in life. I am driven by Divine Providence.
Dry eyes Anger. There is no desire to look with love. I'd rather die than forgive. Evil eyes. I gladly forgive. I love life. I look with understanding and compassion.
Rash Insecurity, openness to attack. Everything is great. I have nothing to fear, I am well protected.

(See also: Urticaria)

Impatience for delay Desire to attract attention. (Children's way). I have peace and harmony with the life process. I love and approve of myself.
Tic, convulsions The feeling that someone is watching you. Fear. Everything is great. Life takes me as a whole. Nothing threatens me. I'm safe.


(See also: "Angina)"

Fear. There is no way for creativity. Suppression of emotions. I am free! Peace and tranquility reign in my soul.
Nausea Rejection of ideas, experience. Fear

Nothing and no one threatens me. I'm completely safe. I trust the process of life.

Life is amazingly beautiful.

(See also: "Cuts", "Wounds")

Guilt. anger, resentment. I highly value myself and love. All my anger and resentment is for the good.
Anxiety There is no trust in life, in the natural life process. I trust the life process. Nothing threatens me.
Trismus (spasm of masticatory muscles). See also: Tetanus No desire to express their feelings. Anger. Irresistible desire to command.

Life is beautiful and it favors me.

I can ask life for everything I need. I trust and obey the life process.


Waste due to Selfishness is wasted because of it.

Great sense of ownership. Revenge. Cruel thoughts.

I create a calm and joyful world. And I will live in it.

I approve and love myself.


(See also: Whiteheads)

Little outbursts of anger.

There is peace in my soul and there is no room for anger.

My thoughts are directed to good deeds.

Acne (pimples) There is no harmony and consistency with oneself. No self love. I am a divine creation. I accept myself for who I am.
Nodules Annoyance, bitterness, a sense of hopelessness. Self-love and wounded because of a career. I put aside slowness. And I am successful.

Motion sickness.

(See also: "Sickness (when riding in a car or train)", "Seasickness")

Fright, phobia of loss of control over oneself. I love and approve of myself, I am completely safe. My thoughts are always under control.
Motion sickness (when riding in a car or train) Addiction and fear. Dissatisfaction with oneself, a feeling of being “driven into a cage”. I can easily overcome difficulties, space and time with joy. I am driven by love and only love surrounds me.
bites Fear. Permissibility for every kind of neglect. I love myself and forgive. Every day I live better and better.
Animal bites Anger turned inward. Desire for punishment. I am a free man and nothing threatens me.
Insect bites Feeling guilty about even the smallest things. I'm calm and I don't have any irritation.
Fatigue Boring. An unloved job or doing an unloved thing. Resistance. I am overwhelmed with enthusiasm, enthusiasm and energy.
Ears The ability to hear. I love and hear well.
Fibrocystic degeneration Self pity. Conviction and complete confidence that good things can be expected from his life.

I breathe in life with full breasts easily, freely and joyfully.

I love life, and she loves me.

Fibroma and cyst.

(See also: "Women's diseases")

An insult inflicted by a partner is never forgotten.

The strongest blow to women's pride.

I leave the past, I commit it to oblivion.

I only do good deeds. Life is wonderful.

Phlebitis (inflammation of the veins) Anger, disappointment. There is little or no joy in life. Blaming others for lack of happiness and joy.

I have no disagreement with life. Joy and happiness fill my life.

Frigidity Fear. The belief that sex and everything connected with it is bad. Not accepting pleasure. Insensitive partners. Fear and fear of the father. I am happy that I am a woman. Great and absolutely safe to enjoy.


(See also: "Carbuncle")

Seething feelings. Confusion. Anger. Everything is calm in my heart. I rejoice and express love.
Cholesterol (high content)

Joy does not come because of clogged channels.

Fear of accepting joy.

Accepting the joys of life is absolutely safe.

I love life and open wide the channels for receiving happiness and joy.

Snore Hold on to outdated stereotypes. There is no desire to part with them.

I part with all the bad things that happened in my past.

I live real, bright and joyful.

chronic diseases No desire for change. Fear of the future. Feeling of danger.

My future is safe. I am changing and growing.

Life is Beautiful.

Scratches (abrasions)

Feeling like you are being robbed.

Life is too demanding.

Life gives me a blessing.

I thank life for its generosity to me.

Cellulitis (inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue) Self-punishment, accumulated anger and resentment.

I forgive myself, I forgive everyone.

I am free and enjoy life.

Circulation A symbol of the ability to positively feel and express emotions. I am free, I love life. Joy and love circulate freely in every corner, in every cell of my consciousness.
Cystitis (bladder disease) Anxiety. Fear of letting yourself go. There is no desire to part with old ideas. I am completely safe and joyfully with great desire to part with the past. Long live everything new: bright and joyful.
Jaw (musculo-facial syndrome) Anger, anger. Desire to take revenge.

Nothing threatens me. I really want to change, and I am changing.

I appreciate and love myself.

Scabies Freaky thinking. Allow others to get on your nerves.

I am the expression of life: alive, joyful and loving.

Only I myself (myself) can manage my thoughts and my life. Nobody has power over me.

Neck (cervical spine) Flexibility symbol. Thanks to the neck, a person can see everything that happens behind his back. Life is Beautiful and amazing! I live in harmony with life.

Neck: diseases.

(See also: Curvature of the spine, Stiff neck)

Evasiveness and unwillingness to see other sides and aspects of life.

Willfulness. There is no flexibility.

I consider all sides, aspects and issues flexibly and easily. I find many ways to the case and its solution. Everything is great.
Noise in ears There is no desire to hear the inner voice. Intractability and inflexibility.

Anything that does not look like a manifestation of love, I categorically reject.


"An endocrine gland in vertebrates that stores iodine and produces iodine-containing hormones". The main gland of the immune system.

Feeling like life is attacking. Fear that someone is eager to get to you.

I have only good thoughts that strengthen the immune system. I listen to myself lovingly.

I am well protected inside and out.

Thyroid gland: diseases.

(See also: "Goiter", "Hyperthyroidism", "Hypothyroidism")

“I will never be able to do what I want. When will my turn come?"

Feeling of humiliation.

I am a free, creative person. I don't have any restrictions. Life is wonderful.
Epilepsy Strong, almost painful feeling of persecution. No desire to live. The impression of intense struggle. Tyranny over yourself. Life is joyful and eternal. Everything is fine with me.
Eczema Mental breakdowns and a tendency to show irreconcilable contradiction. irreconcilable antagonism.

Peace and harmony live in me, I am surrounded by peace, love and joy.

The world is amazing and safe.

Emphysema Fear to breathe and inhale life to the fullest. Feeling unworthy to live in this world. I am a free person and I have the right to the fullness of life. Life, I love you!

Constant accusations. Disappointment, disappointment, it seems that there is no protection.

How good it is to be a woman!

I rejoice in my successes and achievements. I am a strong and smart woman!

Enuresis (urinary incontinence) Fear of parents, especially father. I love my child, I feel sorry for him. I understand it. Everything will be all right.
Athlete's foot The feeling of not being recognized. There is no ability to easily move forward.

I'm good, I love myself.

It is safe to move forward and I do not build myself any obstacles.


Symbol of strength.

Flabby buttocks lost strength.

I have a huge surge of power, and I use it wisely.

I'm safe. Everything is going great.

(See also: "Heartburn", "Stomach or duodenal ulcer", "Stomach disease")

Fear. Something gnaws from within. A firm belief in their inferiority. Everything is great and wonderful! My soul is calm. I do everything right. I love and adore myself.
Peptic ulcer (stomach or duodenal ulcer). See also: Heartburn, Stomach disease, Ulcer Fear, desire to please. Feeling of inferiority. I am a person! I am calm and joyful.
Language A symbol of the ability to joyfully taste all the pleasures of life. Life is generous to me. And I am happy and rejoice in the great generosity of life.
testicles The principle of a man is masculinity. It's not scary and safe to be a man.
ovaries Symbol of Creation I am calm and balanced. And my creative flow is fine.

(See also: "Eye diseases")

Anger. With anger and anger, look at the world around you or specifically

on someone.

I look at the world with love and joy. Life is Beautiful.

See more

A person who has felt loneliness since childhood is internal, constant and total. He is always alone with whomever I am.

At some point, he has a very close relationship (person, organization, idea), he identifies with them, merging, and on the other hand, this is too good to be true. The feeling that all good things will come to an end. Too good to last forever.

Relationships are broken.

Since this object contained the meaning of life, a person does not see the further meaning of existence, if this is not there, then I do not need everything else. And the man chooses to die.

The theme of betrayal.

* Any “deadly disease”, in particular cancer, is a message from our inner self (soul, if you like, self, unconscious, God, Universe): “The way you were, you will not live. The old personality inevitably dies. You can die psychologically as an old person and be reborn as a new person. Or die with your principles and your old life.”

Key points, the mechanism of the onset of the disease:

1. A person who has felt inner loneliness since childhood (permanent and total). "I'm always alone with whoever I'm with."

2. At some point, he has a very close relationship (person, organization, idea), he identifies with them, to the level of fusion, they become the meaning of his life. On the other hand, the thought gnaws at him - "this is too good to be true." The feeling that all good things will come to an end. "Too good to last forever."

3. Relationships break.

4. Since this object contained the meaning of life, a person does not see the further meaning of existence, - "if this is not there, then I do not need everything else." And internally, at an unconscious level, a person decides to die.

5. The theme of betrayal is always present. Or the feeling that he was betrayed. Or in case of loss (of an idea, a person, an organization), the main idea is “to live on means to betray this bright past / relationship. Loss is not always physical, often it is a psychological loss, a subjective feeling.

The self-destruct mechanism starts quite quickly. Cases of late diagnosis are frequent. Since these people are used to being alone - they are from the "strong and resilient" series, very heroic people, they never ask for help and do not share their experiences. It seems to them that being strong always adds bonuses to their lives, because they are so appreciated. They "do not want to ship anyone." Ignore their experiences - endure and remain silent. Servants. Mortality lies in the fact that a person cannot overcome this "loss". To live, he needs to become different, change his beliefs, start believing in something else.

The more a person follows "his rightness, his overvalued ideas, ideals, principles," the faster the tumor grows and he dies. Clear dynamics. This happens when an idea is more valuable than life.

1. It is extremely important for a sick person to know that he is terminally ill. But everyone pretends that everything is fine. This is very harmful. The very "mortality" of the disease is the door to recovery. The sooner a person finds out, the greater the chance to stay alive.

2. The diagnosis itself is therapeutic - it gives the right to change the rules of the game, the rules become less important.

3. Old principles inevitably eat up (metastasizing). If a person chooses to live, everything can be fine. Sometimes "imaginary funerals" with a symbolic beginning of a new life help.

Therapy features:

1. Changing beliefs (working with values).

2. Separate study of the topic of the future, for which he should live, setting goals. Goal-setting (the meaning of life), for which you want to live. The goal in which he wants to invest entirely.

3. Work with the fear of death. Increasing the psychological resistance of the body. So that fear activates energy, and does not weaken it.

4. Legalization of emotional needs. To make it clear that despite "coolness" they, like all people, may need both support and intimacy - it is important to learn how to ask and receive them.


Unreliability. There is no possibility of self-expression. Forbidden to cry.

I am free to take care of myself. Now I can freely express whatever I want. I communicate only with the feeling of love.


Symbolizes movement and lightness.

I act wisely, with ease and love.

Fluid retention (See also:"Edema", "Swelling")

What are you afraid of losing?

I am pleased and happy to part with this.

Smell from the mouth (See also:"bad breath"

Angry thoughts, thoughts of revenge. Interferes with the past.

I am happy to let go of the past. From now on, I express only love.

Body odor

Fear. Self-dislike. Fear of others.

I love myself and approve. I am completely safe.


Unwillingness to part with outdated thoughts. Stuck in the past. Sometimes in acrimoniousness.

As I part with the past, something new, fresh, and vital enters into me. I pass the flow of life through me.

carpal syndrome (See also:"Wrist")

Anger and frustration associated with the perceived injustice of life.

I choose to build a life of joy and abundance. It's easy for me.

Goiter (See also:"The thyroid gland") Hatred of the imposed in life. Victim. Feeling a twisted life. A failed personality.

I am the power in my life. No one is stopping me from being myself.


Symbolize solutions.

dental diseases (See also:"Root Canal")

Prolonged indecision. Inability to recognize ideas for their subsequent analysis and decision making.

My decisions are based on the principles of truth, and I know that only the right things happen in my life.

Wisdom tooth(with a difficult cut - impacted)

You do not make room in your mind for laying a solid foundation for later life.

I open the door to life in my consciousness. There is a vast space within me for my own growth and change.

Desires that run counter to character. Dissatisfaction. Repentance. The desire to get out of the situation.

I am at peace and calm where I am. I accept all that is good in me, knowing that all my needs and desires will be met.

Heartburn (See also:"Stomach or duodenal ulcer", "Gastrointestinal diseases", "Ulcer")

Fear. Fear. Fear. The grip of fear.

I breathe deeply. I'm safe. I trust the life process.

Overweight (See also:"Obesity")

Fear. The need for protection. Unwillingness to feel. Defenselessness, self-denial. Suppressed desire to achieve what you want.

I don't have conflicting feelings. Where I am, be safe. I create my own security. I love and approve of myself.

Ileith(inflammation of the ileum), Crohn's disease, regional enteritis

Fear. Anxiety. Malaise.

I love and approve of myself. I do the very best that I can. I have peace of mind.


Sexual pressure, tension, guilt. social beliefs. Anger at a partner. Mother's fear.

From now on, I easily and joyfully allow my principle of sexuality to operate in full force.

Infection (See also:"Viral Infection"

Irritation, anger, annoyance.

From now on, I become a peaceful and harmonious person.

Rachiocampsis (See also:"Sloping Shoulders")

Inability to go with the flow of life. Fear and attempts to hold on to outdated thoughts. distrust of life. Lack of integrity of nature. No boldness of conviction.

I forget all my fears. From now on, I trust the life process. I know that life is for me. I have a straight and proud posture of love.

Candidiasis (See also:"Thrush", "Yeast Infection")

Feeling scattered. Strong frustration and anger. Claims and distrust of people.

I allow myself to be who I want to be. I deserve the very best in life. I love and appreciate myself and others.

Carbuncle (See also:"Furuncle")

Toxic anger at one's own unjust actions.

I let go of the past and let time heal the wounds life has ever given me.


Inability to look forward with joy. The future is in the dark.

Life is eternal and full of joy. I look forward to every new moment of life.

Cough (See also:"Respiratory Diseases"

The desire to bark at the whole world: “Look at me! Listen to me!"

I am noticed and appreciated. I am loved.

Keratitis (See also:"Eye Diseases"

Strongest anger. The desire to hit who you see and what you see.

I allow the feeling of love coming from my heart to heal everything I see. I choose peace and quiet. Everything in my world is beautiful.


Constant "scrolling" in the head of previous grievances. Wrong development.

I think that everything is going well. I love myself.


Symbolizes getting rid of the unnecessary. Assimilation. Suction. Easy cleansing.

I easily assimilate and absorb everything that I need to know, and happily part with the past. Letting go is so easy!

Intestine: problems

Fear of getting rid of everything obsolete and unnecessary.

I easily and freely discard the old and gladly welcome the arrival of the new.


Protects our individuality. Sense organ.

Being myself, I feel calm,

Skin: diseases (See also: Urticaria, Psoriasis, Rash)

Anxiety. Fear. Old sediment in the soul. They threaten me.

I lovingly protect myself with peaceful, joyful thoughts. The past is forgiven and forgotten. Now I have complete freedom.

Knee (See also:"joints")

Symbol of pride. Feeling the exclusivity of one's own "I".

I am a flexible and flexible person.

Knees: diseases

Stubbornness and pride. Inability to be a malleable person. Fear. Inflexibility. Unwillingness to give in. Forgiveness. Understanding. Compassion.

I easily give in and give in, and everything goes well.


Irritation, impatience, dissatisfaction with the environment.

You only respond to love and kind words. Everything is going peacefully.

Colitis (See also:"Intestine", "Colon Mucous", "Spastic Colitis")

Uncertainty. Symbolizes the ability to easily part with the past.

I am part of the clear rhythm and flow of life. Everything goes according to sacred predestination.


Fear. Avoidance of someone or something.

We surround ourselves with protection and love. We create space for our healing.

Lump in the throat

Fear. Lack of confidence in the process of life.

I'm safe. I believe that life is made for me. I express myself freely and joyfully.

Conjunctivitis (See also:"Acute epidemic conjunctivitis")

Anger and disappointment at the sight of something.

I look at everything with loving eyes, a harmonious solution exists, and I accept it.

Conjunctivitis, acute epidemic (See also:"Conjunctivitis")

Anger and disappointment. Unwillingness to see.

I don't need to insist that I'm right. I love myself and approve.

Cortical paralysis (See also:"Paralysis")

The need to unite the family with an expression of love.

I contribute to the peaceful life of the family, where love reigns. Everything is going well.

coronary thrombosis (See also:"Heart: attack")

Feelings of loneliness and fear. “I have flaws. I don't do much. I will never achieve it."

I am completely at one with life. The universe gives me full support. Everything is going well.

root canal(tooth) ( See also:"Teeth")

Loss of ability to confidently dive into life. Destruction of the main (root) beliefs.

I create a solid foundation for myself and my life. From now on I am happily supported by my beliefs.

Bone(bones) ( See also:"Skeleton") Symbolizes the structure of the universe.

My body is perfectly arranged and balanced.

Bone marrow

It symbolizes the deepest beliefs concerning oneself. And the way you support yourself and take care of yourself.

The Divine Spirit is the foundation of my life. I am safe, loved and fully supported.

Bone diseases: fractures/fractures

Rebellion against foreign power.

The power in my own world is myself.

Bone diseases: deformity (See also:"Osteomyelitis", "Osteoporosis")

Depressed psyche and tension. Muscles are not elastic. Slow-thinking.

I breathe in life to the fullest. I relax and trust the flow and process of life.

Hives (See also:"Rash")

Small, hidden fears. The desire to make an elephant out of a fly.

I bring peace and tranquility into my life.


An expression of joy circulating freely in the body.

I express the joy of life and receive it.

Blood: diseases (See also:"Leukemia", "Anemia")

Lack of joy. No movement of thought.

New joyful thoughts circulate freely within me.

Blood: high blood pressure

Unresolved chronic emotional problems.

I gladly consign the past to oblivion. There is peace in my soul.

Blood: low blood pressure

Lack of love in childhood. Defeatist mood: “What difference does it make?! It still won't work."

From now on, I live in an eternally joyful now. My life is full of joy.

Blood: clotting

You are blocking the flow of joy.

I awaken new life in myself. The flow continues.


The joy is gone. Anger. But where?

I am the very joy of life, I receive and give in a beautiful rhythm.

Bleeding gums

Lack of joy over decisions made in life.

I believe that only the right things happen in my life. My soul is at peace.


Anger makes it difficult to speak. Fear makes it difficult to speak. They dominate me.

Nothing stops me from asking for what I want. I have complete freedom of expression. There is peace in my soul.

Left side of the body

Symbolizes receptivity, absorption, feminine energy, women, mother.

I have a wonderful balance of feminine energy.

Lungs They symbolize the ability to breathe life.

I breathe life evenly and freely.

Pulmonary diseases (See also:"Pneumonia")

Depression. Sadness. Fear of accepting life. You think that you are not worthy to live life to the fullest.

I can perceive the fullness of life. I perceive life with love and to the end.

Leukemia (See also:"Blood: diseases")

Inspiration is severely suppressed. "Who needs it?"

I rise above the limitations of the past and embrace the freedom of today. It's perfectly safe to be yourself.


Strong conviction that you are a victim and that you are sinful. You are helpless in front of what you take to be the attitude of other people towards you.

Others only reflect the good feelings that I have for myself. I love and appreciate everything that is in me.

Lymph: diseases

A warning that you should refocus on the most important thing in life: love and joy.

Now for me the most important thing is the love and joy of life itself. I go with the flow of life. Peace in my soul.


Anger. Boiling.

I am a calm expression of peace and love.


Symbolizes what we show to the world.

It's safe for me to be myself. I express what I am.

Pubic bone

Symbolizes the protection of the genitals.

My sexuality is completely safe.


Symbolizes a change of direction and the perception of new experience.

I easily accept new experiences, new directions and changes.


Unbalanced relationship with nature and life.

I am one with nature and life in its entirety. I'm safe.


Anger and disappointment. Unwillingness to see what is happening. Usually happens in children. Fear interferes with understanding.

Divine peace and harmony surround me, live in me. I am an oasis of peace, love and joy. Everything is going well in my world.


Symbolizes the temple of creativity.

I feel at home in my body.

Spinal meningitis

Inflamed thoughts and anger at life.

I forget all accusations and accept the peace and joy of life.

Menopause: problems

Fear of losing interest in you. Fear of aging. Self-dislike. Bad feeling.

Balance and peace of mind do not leave me at all cycle changes, and I bless my body with love.

Menstruation (See also:"Amenorrhea", "Dysmenorrhea", "Women's Problems")

Rejection of one's femininity. Guilt, fear. The belief that everything connected with the genitals is sinful or unclean.

I recognize myself as a full-fledged woman and consider all processes in my body to be normal and natural. I love myself and approve.

Migraine (See also:"Headache")

Hate coercion. Resistance to the course of life. Sexual fears. (Masturbation usually eases these fears.)

I relax and follow the course of life, and let life provide me with everything I need in an easy and convenient way.

Myopia (See also:"Eye Diseases"

Fear of the future. Distrust of what lies ahead of you.

I trust the process of life, I am safe.


Symbolizes a computer, a control panel.

I am an operator lovingly controlling my brain.

Brain: tumor

Miscalculated beliefs. Stubbornness. Refusal to revisit outdated stereotypes.

It's so easy for me to reprogram the computer of my mind. Life in general is a renewal, and my consciousness is a constant renewal.


Hardened areas of thinking - a stubborn desire to keep the pain of the past in the mind. Hardened concepts and thoughts. Solidified fear.

New ways and thoughts are perfectly safe. I free myself from the burden of the past and move forward freely. I'm safe. I enjoy freedom.

Thrush (See also:"Candidiasis", "Mouth", "Yeast Infection")

Anger at making wrong decisions.

I take my decisions with love, because I know that I can always change them. I am completely safe.

Mononucleosis(Pfeiffer's disease, lymphoid cell angina)

Anger generated by a lack of love and underestimation of oneself. Indifference towards oneself.

I love myself, appreciate and take care of myself. Everything is with me.

Seasickness (See also:"motion sickness")

Fear. Fear of death. Lack of control.

I am completely safe in the universe. My soul is at peace everywhere. I believe in life.

Urethra: inflammation(urethritis)

Anger. You are being pestered. Accusation.

In my life, I do only joyful things.

Urinary tract: infection

Irritation. Anger. Usually to the opposite sex or sex partner. You place the blame on others.

I reject the stereotype of thinking that caused this affliction. I want to change. I love myself and approve.


Resistance to new experiences.

Muscles symbolize the ability to move through life. I enjoy life like a fun dance.

muscular dystrophy

Growing up doesn't make sense.

I overcome the limitations of my parents. I freely use all the best that is in me.

Adrenal glands: diseases (See also:"Addison's Disease": "Cushing's Disease")

Defeatist mood. Self-care attitude. Sense of anxiety.

I love myself and approve of my actions. Taking care of yourself is completely safe.


Unable to deal with anything. Terrible fear. The desire to get away from everyone and everything. Reluctance to be here.

I rely on Divine wisdom and providence and it will protect me at all times. I'm safe.

Runny nose

Request for help. Internal crying.

I love and console myself in the way that pleases me.


Punishment for sin. The agony of communication.

I forgive myself. I love and approve of myself. Communication brings joy.


Overflowing with emotions. Years of containment of feelings. I

I strive to feel. Expression of emotions is safe for me. I love myself.

"Incurable" diseases

At the moment it is incurable by external means. You have to go inside to get healed. Appearing from nowhere, it will go nowhere.

Miracles happen every day. I go in to break the stereotype that caused the illness and receive Sacred Healing. That is what it really is!


They symbolize connection. organ of perception.

I communicate easily and joyfully.

Nervous breakdown

Egocentricity. "Clogging" of communication channels.

I open my soul and radiate love in communication. I am completely safe. I feel good.


Fear, anxiety, struggle, vanity. distrust of the life process.

I travel through the endless expanses of eternity, and I have plenty of time. I communicate with an open heart. Everything is going well.


Animal fear, horror, restlessness. Grunts and complaints.

I peacefully and joyfully digest and assimilate everything new in my life.


Inability to take care of oneself. Rebellion against authority. Belief in violence.

I discard the stereotyped thoughts that caused it. There is peace and tranquility in my soul. I am a standing person.

Nephritis (See also:"Bright's disease")

Overreacting to disappointments and failures.

I only do the right things. I abandon the old and welcome the new. Everything is going well.


Holding on to old grudges. Increasing feelings of resentment.

I forgive with ease. I love myself and will reward myself with thoughts of praise.


Carry us forward in life. Life is for me!

Legs(diseases in the lower part)

Fear of the future. Reluctance to move.

I move forward joyfully and confidently, knowing that my future is great.


Protection symbol. My communication is easy and free.


Hopelessness. Samoyedism. Hatred for one of the parents.

Growing up is safe. Now I easily and joyfully manage my life.

It symbolizes self-acceptance.

I acknowledge that I have an intuitive ability.

hoc mortgaged

Non-recognition of one's own value.

I love and appreciate myself.

Nasopharyngeal discharge

Internal crying. Children's tears. You are a victim.

I recognize that the creative force in my world is me, and I accept it. From now on, I enjoy my own life.

Nose: bleeding

Need for recognition. The feeling that you are not recognized and not noticed. Strong desire for love.

I love and approve of myself. I know what I stand for. I am a wonderful person.

saggy facial features

Sagging facial features are the result of “sagging” thoughts in the head. Resentment for life.

I express the joy of life and enjoy every moment of every day to the end. And I'm getting younger again.


Fear. Voltage. The desire to control everything. Distrust in the process of life.

I'm safe. I love myself and approve. I trust life.

Fainting(vasovagal crisis, Gowers syndrome)

Fear. I can't cope. Memory failure.

I have enough power and knowledge to control everything in my life.

Obesity (See also:"Overweight")

Hypersensitivity. Often symbolizes fear and the need for protection. Fear can serve as a cover for hidden anger and unwillingness to forgive.

Sacred love protects me. I am always safe. I want to grow up and take responsibility for my life. I forgive everyone and create the life I like. I am completely safe.

Obesity: hips(top part)

Lumps of stubbornness and anger at parents.

I send a petition to the past. It is not dangerous for me to overcome the limitations of my parents.

Obesity: hips(Bottom part)

Stores of children's anger. Often angry at the father.

I see my father as a child who grew up without love and affection, and I forgive easily. We are both free.

Obesity: belly

Anger in response to the denial of spiritual food and emotional care.

I am developing spiritually. I have enough spiritual food. I feel content and enjoy freedom.

Obesity: hands

Anger due to rejected love.

I can get as much love as I want.


Anger. Internal boil. Inflammation.

In myself and my environment, I create only peace and harmony. I deserve to feel good.


Internal contraction, retreat and withdrawal into oneself. The desire to retreat. "Leave me alone"

I am always completely safe. I am surrounded and protected by love. Everything is fine.

Numbness(spontaneously occurring unpleasant sensation of numbness, tingling, burning)

Holding back feelings of respect and love. The death of emotions.

I share feelings and love. I respond to the expression of love in every person.

Swelling (See also: Edema, Fluid retention

You are stuck in thoughts. Intrusive, painful ideas.

My thoughts flow easily and freely. I can easily navigate different ideas.


You cherish old grievances and upheavals. The pangs of conscience intensify.

I am happy to say goodbye to the past and turn all my attention to a new day. Everything is going well.

Osteomyelitis (See also:"Bone Diseases"

Anger and disappointment in life itself. It feels like no one is supporting you.

I do not conflict with life and trust it. There is no danger or anxiety.

Osteoporosis (See also:"Bone Diseases"

Feeling like there is nothing to grab onto in life. There is no support.

I can stand up for myself, and life will always support me lovingly in the most unexpected ways.

Edema (See also:"Fluid retention", "Swelling")

Who or what do you not want to part with?

I easily part with the past. And it's safe for me. Now I have complete freedom.

Otitis(inflammation of external auditory canal, middle ear, inner ear) Anger. Unwillingness to listen. Noise in the house. The parents are arguing.

Harmony surrounds me. I like to hear everything pleasant and good. Love is focused on me.


Fear. Too greedy attitude to life.

For everything that should be done, there is a place and a time. I have peace of mind.

Lack of appetite (See also:"Appetite (Loss)")

Denial of personal life. Strong feelings of fear, self-hatred and self-denial.

It's safe to be yourself. I am a wonderful person. I choose life, joy and salute myself as a person.


They symbolize the little things in life.

I have a calm attitude to the little things in life.

Fingers: big

Symbol of intelligence and anxiety.

There is peace in my soul.

Fingers: index

Symbol of "ego" and fear.

I have everything secure.

Fingers: medium Symbolizes anger and sexuality.

I'm satisfied with my sexuality.

The term "psychosomatics" was coined in the early 19th century. With its help, scientists tried to explain the origin of many diseases, the roots of which lay (in their opinion) in the relationship between the child and parents.

The psychosomatics (table of diseases) cited in the article tells how to treat human diseases by determining its psychological causes to be looked for in his past and present problems of relationships with others and with himself.

According to scientific research, the cause of about 80% of human diseases can be explained by psychological problems associated with mental or mental disorders of the patient.

According to scientific research, the cause of about 80% of human diseases can be explained by psychological problems associated with mental or mental disorders of the patient.

When bodily diseases appear, this is a signal that a person must change something in his life at the level of mental perception of reality.

Thus, a table of diseases was compiled, containing psychosomatic explanations of the causes of the disease and recommendations on how to treat them, using the advice of three leading psychological theorists:

  • Julia Zotova- the author of books and trainings devoted to psychosomatics, a well-known psychologist;
  • Louise Hay- the author of the book "Heal Yourself", which examines diseases and their psychological causes;
  • Liz Burbo- author of metaphysical explanations of diseases and the book "Your body says: love yourself" (1997).

Psychosomatic table

Disease and Treatment Recommendations Psychosomatic interpretation
Julia Zotova Louise Hay Liz Burbo

Treatment is not just drugs.

The world around is friendly and not dangerous. All life problems are completely solvable.

Psychosomatics: this table of diseases (how to treat is described in the last column) gives such an interpretation of allergies when a person wants something, but is afraid, and therefore he runs away.Is there someone you can't stand? You underestimate your own strengths and capabilities.
Angina or other sore throats

The patient should say to himself: “I can express myself freely and with joy. I want to get creative and change myself.”

The person cannot stand up for himself, cannot express his anger and does not want to change. Crisis of creativity.There is no way to express yourself, with difficulty refrain from rudeness.

A person must admit his shortcomings. And put aside attempts to achieve dominance over their loved ones with the help of the disease. Your choice is freedom.

The person is in an impasse that prevents him from breathing. There is no way out of aggression.The patient is unable to breathe due to a feeling of depression, barely suppressed sobs.The main symptom is difficulty breathing. It's harder for him to exhale. This means that he takes a lot, but gives little, and this causes an attack.
Joint diseases (arthritis)

The patient must stop the accumulation of his anger and other paralyzing emotions. You need to work with pleasure for the benefit of yourself and others. You need to love yourself and look with love at others.

The patient feels his resentment towards others and feels that he is not loved.

This is a disease of powerful old people who want to maintain their power.

The patient desires punishment, blaming and blaming himself. Feels like a victim.Rheumatic joint disease with signs of inflammation. Pain when moving around the clock, which limits the ability to move. Hides impotent anger at others.
Myopia You need to overcome the fears associated with early events.
Treat the future with optimism and respect other people's opinions.
The psychosomatics of this disease (how to treat it is described in the table) indicates the reason for the person’s unwillingness to notice everything that is far from him, but sees only his own. The disease often begins in egocentric children who are afraid of life.Man is afraid of his future.Lack of vision, in which a person has difficulty seeing distant objects. Adolescents are often intimidated by the possibility of becoming an adult. This also applies to adults who wish to limit their horizons.
Bronchitis, cough You need to determine your position in the family yourself, treat life problems with joy, because family troubles are a normal process. A person can declare harmony in himself and around, that everything is fine.Denotes suppressed irritation. It is necessary to find the reason for this. Frequent conflicts in the search for their place in life.
In adolescents, chronic cough is often associated with the search for their personal space.
Nervous atmosphere in the family, frequent loud disputes and scandals. Quiet only occasionally.Metaphysically, the bronchi correlate with family relationships. In quarrels, a person wants to break ties with someone from the family, but not wanting to speak openly, falls into despondency.
Inflammation and inflammatory processes

How to treat is determined not only by the doctor, prescribing anti-inflammatory drugs. The patient will hasten his recovery if he is grateful to his body and calmly concentrates on recovery.

The human body announces an internal conflict, a divergence of concepts of what is “right” and what is “wanted”.Psychosomatics (table of diseases) explains the causes of inflammation in feelings of fear and rage, when the "inflammation" of consciousness is manifested.This is the destruction of tissues, in which the body wants to recover and remake itself.

The patient must love himself, feel safe.

Accumulation within 2-3 years of a small irritation and emotions. When everything has accumulated and an annoying stimulus appears, the gastritis aggravates.Feelings of uncertainty or a lingering sense of doom.A person has accumulated a lot of angry feelings in himself, he has not managed to suppress them in himself.

Learn to manage your emotions and share them with others.

A person must give his head and brain time to figure it out and eventually understand and resolve all issues.

Chronic headaches are a sign of high intelligence combined with an inability to cope with one's emotions.A person underestimates himself, has many fears, often engages in self-criticism.A person blames himself for everything and beats himself on the head, making high demands on himself, tormenting himself, feeling guilty of imprudence.
Infectious diseases (colds, etc., even HIV)

How to treat: you need to maintain your inner strength, get rid of the fear of aggression, while not showing weakness and vulnerability, hoping to attract attention and achieve love.

Psychosomatics (table of diseases) explains that such diseases are caused by taking someone else to heart.Feelings of bitterness and feeling how little joyful life is.Infection of the body speaks not only of weakened immunity, but also of the weakness of the human spirit: he does not feel the strength to assert himself. Pessimists are often susceptible.
Excess weight

A person must learn to respect himself, listen to himself, trying to fulfill the requests of other people. Those around, having received a refusal, should understand “that you have great self-respect, and they will respect you more.”

An unconscious belief that in order to increase one's authority, one needs to occupy more places. "I'm not fat, I'm big." Sometimes it happens after a strong psychological trauma or a tragic event in the form of a defensive reaction. Feeling full of food gives you a sense of security and more love.A person experiences defenselessness, cannot get or achieve what he wants.This excess accumulation of fat in the body becomes a problem, causing a health problem. A person who has suffered humiliation in childhood, having matured, is afraid of being in an unpleasant situation associated with shame.
uterine fibroids

Cope with the fears caused by the possible onset of pregnancy.

If a woman is no longer of childbearing age, it is necessary to reorient her unfulfilled function of the mother to a different goal.

A woman wants to have offspring, but did not use her opportunity and “bears” a replacement. If a woman is not able to conceive because of diseases in the uterus, then her fear prevails over her desire to have a child.
Urolithiasis disease

It is necessary to learn to forgive and not immerse yourself in your grievances, to love yourself.

A stone is a concentration of rage and anger accumulated over the years.Bitter and heavy reflections, inflated pride and curses.
Runny nose

The reason lies in wounded pride. You need to isolate yourself from unnecessary and unnecessary problems, ask for help from others.

This is a compassionate attitude towards oneself, “unshed tears”. It comes from a sense of importance.Asking for help, tears inside myself.
Poisoning (nausea and vomiting)

The internal state of a person forces him to feel that another person is poisoning him, you need to show compassion for him and for yourself. To tell:
"I have the strength and ability, I can take everything that gets to me."

Psychosomatics: this table of diseases (how to treat is described in the last column) gives the following explanation: the causes of poisoning are the rejection by the patient of something unpleasant.Rejection of ideas with great persistence, fear of the new.Intoxication is the release of toxic substances by the body: when external, a person is strongly influenced from the outside, as a result of which physical poisoning occurs.
The liver and its diseases

A person gets angry instead of being able to adapt to events and situations, but in reality you need to think everything over and make a decision, not try to change others and at the same time be offended by them.

Poor health, constant complaints about everything. The accumulation of all negative opinions and life ideas.Constant captious attitude to everything and self-justification in everything.The metaphysical meaning of the phrase "to come out of bile" corresponds to the explanation of the causes of the disease.
Pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs)

Autosuggestion: “I am free and breathing, I listen to all divine ideas. This is the beginning of intelligent life."

An unexpected and threatening event has occurred, because of which the patient does not know how to cope with it and live.The person despaired and tired of life, accumulated unhealed emotional wounds.Difficult experiences due to an unexpected event that threatens the rest of your life.
Diarrhea (indigestion)

Diarrhea often begins with fear for oneself. How to treat: to get rid of this problem, you need to increase your self-esteem, then other people will also appreciate you. "I have no more disagreements with life."

Psychosomatics (table of diseases) determines the cause of diarrhea - this is a person's fear of bad consequences or manifestations of aggression, the desire to quickly get rid of everything unpleasant.Intense fear, rejection and flight from all troubles.A person on an emotional level hastily refuses something useful, depriving himself of joy and gratitude for a useful experience. Insufficient self-esteem.
Kidneys and their diseases

Learn to show your inner strength, regardless of critical statements. We need to learn to look and see the true appearance of people, and not create their ideal images in the imagination.

The disease manifests itself in violation of balance, when a person incorrectly chooses goals and ways to achieve, imbalance.Disappointment and failure in something, exposure to criticism. Feelings of shame and disgrace (as in children).The kidneys regulate fluid in the body, and therefore kidney disease speaks of the inability and impotence of a person to solve the necessary issues (in the service or in relationships with people).

A man needs to realize and accept his fears and illness, to get over it with the realization that physical aging does not affect creative and other abilities.

The reason is the age of a man, when the disease proves that, in addition to sexual problems, there are other values ​​in life (material and spiritual).Internal experiences and fears underestimate sexuality and masculinity.The disease in men over 50 years old means his experience and a feeling of powerlessness.
Cancer (oncology)

Illness is due to the accumulation of negative feelings after reaching the emotional limit. The way out is to forgive everyone you hate and become a different person, change.

The reason lies in childhood, when the child experienced a feeling of loneliness, constantly feeling that all good things will come to an end, and bad things will remain. Desire for death after betrayal.Old grievances and wounds, heavy grief or a dark secret do not bring peace, leaving a feeling of hatred that does not pass.Cancer is a consequence of the trauma of a person rejected, humiliated by betrayal or injustice.

A child with diabetes needs to stop thinking that he is being rejected by his family.

A keen desire for constant love and care from other people. In the elderly, it appears when gaining excess weight, when food replaces love.A great need for control accompanies grief and longing for the impossible.The patient is a sensitive and devoted person, he tries to take care of others, realizing some of his own plans.

(in teenagers)

Love yourself in any state "I am the divine expression of life."

There is no self-love, the teenager is in a feeling of disagreement with himself.
chronic insomnia

Sleep is a great adviser, everything will work out.

Too much control, fear of the unknown, anxiety, an attempt to push away something incomprehensible and threatening.The reason lies in feelings of fear and disbelief in life, feelings of guilt.The events that took place during the day cause anxiety and do not give a correct answer.
Eczema Anxiety and feelings of fear cause a nervous state, uncertainty.The reason is mental breakdowns and irreconcilable antagonism.The patient is worried and feels fear, little self-confidence.

It is important to draw the right conclusions and believe in yourself

The above summary information "Psychosomatics (table of diseases)" describes how to treat a particular disease, taking into account their psychological causes for a person to appear. Believe in yourself and heal diseases yourself!

This table, of course, cannot replace traditional methods of treating diseases, but it will help the patient find harmony in mind and body.

About the cure for diseases according to the method of Louise Hay, see this video:

All about the psychosomatics of diseases, see this video:

You will learn about the relationship between a person’s character and his illness from this video:

Today, doctors find in patients a large number of various diseases that occur in the human body for no particular reason. At the same time, some diseases are very insidious, since the patient did not have a single physical factor that could provoke the occurrence of a particular disease, as well as lead to its progression.

For example, a person passed all the necessary tests, while everything is in order with his heredity, but the disease is still present. In this case, doctors are already beginning to think about such a phenomenon as psychosomatics. What is it, causes, symptoms, a list of diseases, as well as methods of treatment, you can find in this article. Therefore, carefully read the information provided in order to protect yourself and arm yourself.

Psychosomatic diseases can have various causes, and a special diagnostic approach is needed to identify them. How the human psyche affects the health of the whole organism as a whole was studied by many scientists in ancient times. As Plato said: "In man, the soul and body are an inseparable whole." For more than two thousand years, humanity has been trying to understand more and more deeply how emotions affect human health.

Psychosomatics: what is it

Quite often you can hear people say that most of our diseases arise from nerves. Every year this phrase takes on more and more weighty meaning. However, let's see what we are talking about in this case. To do this, we will answer the question: “Psychosomatics - what is it?”

This is a special direction in medicine and psychology, which studies the influence of psychological factors, such as experiences, emotions and feelings, on the occurrence of various bodily physical diseases. This also includes a condition such as phantom pain. When a person does not have the prerequisites for the presence of pain, however, they still make themselves felt.

This term is of Greek origin and translates as "soul and body." It can be concluded that the psychosomatics of diseases is a science that deals with the interaction of the soul and the body, and also studies the violation of this interaction.

About psychosomatic disorders

Psychosomatic disorders are diseases or individual symptoms that develop in the body as a response to a stressful stimulus. Very often we are faced with headaches, pain in the neck or back. The psychosomatics of such diseases may have a hidden meaning, which will not be so easy to understand. Also, the occurrence of convulsions, weakness or dizziness is not excluded. At the same time, such conditions arise without any prerequisites from the physical side, that is, a person does not have diseases that could lead to such conditions.

According to many psychologists, psychosomatic manifestations occur precisely when a person is not able to adapt to life circumstances. That is, his nervous system is not able to receive a certain stream of data.

However, in addition to individual symptoms, there is also a huge list of psychosomatic diseases, which include cardiovascular pathologies, bronchial asthma and allergies. Psychosomatics will be engaged in identifying the causes of these ailments. Such diseases will develop when psychogenic factors occur. For example, if a person has stress, any psychological trauma or conflicts. Thus, diseases are the body's response to a psychological factor.

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Why stress makes us sick

Psychosomatics - what is it? This is a science that goes through new stages of development every year, because with the advent of new technologies, humanity is increasingly learning from itself what stress means. In psychology, a lot of attention is paid to such a concept as stress, and for good reason. Let's consider what it is.

Stress is a protective reaction of the body, which occurs as a result of the presence of a potential danger. Under stress in the body, the production of certain emergency response hormones increases significantly, so all processes begin to accelerate significantly. A person's breathing and heart rate increase, as well as the work of the kidneys and the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, our body is in a protective state and thinks about what it needs to do: run away from danger or resist it. In order to provide the muscles and organs with oxygen in a stressed state, the circulatory system needs to pump more blood, so the pressure in the vessels must increase. After the effect of stress is over, the person will throw out his emotions, the work of the cardiovascular system will begin to return to normal.

However, if a discharge does not appear in a person, then the vessels will be in a state of spasm for a long time, and this can cause arterial hypertension.

Animals in the wild constantly live in a state of stress, but they do not suffer from various somatic diseases. However, this is not the case with humans. The fact is that in the modern world, people must constantly restrain their emotions, such as fear or aggression, and thus changes begin to occur in the internal organs. As a result, old diseases begin to worsen or new ones arise.

The psychosomatics of diseases depends on how resistant a person is to stress, as well as on his other personal factors.

The main causes of psychosomatic diseases

As you know, without an exact clarification of the cause of a psychosomatic disease, it is simply impossible to cure it.

One of the most important reasons why psychosomatic disorders can occur is the presence of confrontations that are in the human psyche, as well as the presence of psychological trauma, the inability to express one’s own feelings and emotions with the help of words, the presence of fear to defend one’s own interests, the inability to recognize one’s anger , aggression and other negative feelings.

Very often, various stressors can cause injury and pain. Psychosomatics studies the influence of stress factors that will lead to a change in the physical state of a person. This should include the experienced loss of a loved one, a catastrophe or hostilities, as well as other emotional states that can have a significant impact on the human psyche.

Psychosomatic illnesses can also arise due to internal experiences. For example, in the presence of depression, feelings of fear or anger, as well as when feeling guilty.

Psychosomatic manifestations occur under the influence of chronic emotional overstrain or stress. According to doctors, it is the residents of large cities who are most susceptible to such conditions. However, the life of every person of working age is closely intertwined with frequent encounters with stressful situations.

Tensions in the work team, fear of the boss, constant quarrels in the family, unfriendly relations with neighbors and many other factors become causes of stress. Also included are traffic jams, a rush to a business interview, a constant lack of time, as well as information overload. But if a person is also tormented by insomnia, then his condition will worsen more and more. In today's world it is very difficult to live, completely protecting yourself from stress factors.

However, it should be borne in mind that there is nothing wrong with stress itself, since it is a protective reaction of the body. However, if a person experiences such a state very often, then the forces of his body will simply be depleted.

The causes of psychosomatic diseases also include the presence of negative emotions, such as envy, fear, resentment, disappointment, and others. Such emotions wear out the human body and gradually destroy it.

Psychosomatics of diseases by Louise Hay

Louise Hay is a very popular woman who has made an invaluable contribution to the treatment of psychosomatic diseases. She experienced many psychological traumas of fate, and then she was able to heal herself and help many people. Louise Hay described psychosomatics in detail in her book. In it you can find any disease and learn how to cure it with the help of special psychological practices.

Louise Hay's understanding of psychosomatics developed after many years of work in helping herself, as well as other people. But she took up the study of the influence of negative emotions on the body after a lot of childhood and teenage psychological traumas occurred in her life.

Doctors diagnosed the woman with uterine cancer herself, and, according to her, this is not surprising. After all, little Louise was raped at the age of five, beaten very often and severely, which is why such a disease arose. She was able to heal herself using the techniques she had been recommending to her patients for so long.

According to her, in order to get rid of the disease, we must understand the psychological causes of its origin. Only after you destroy the psychological causes of its occurrence, you can remove the disease itself on the physical level. Louise Hay's book on the psychosomatics of illness, Heal Yourself, tells how to help yourself by working with your feelings and difficult experiences.

Psychosomatic conditions in children

Psychosomatics also helps to understand the causes of diseases in children. In children, emotional disorders occur if the baby lives in a dysfunctional and conflict family. If in an adult such manifestations occur due to experienced stresses, then in a child, various diseases can occur due to parents. For example, if a child is still very young and is just learning to live, then he is completely dependent on his parents. The condition of the baby will depend to a very large extent on the relationship between them. If the balance is not maintained in the family, then the child will be the most important link, the purpose of which will be to restore this balance. And very often everything really recovers if the baby starts to get sick.

The main symptoms of childhood psychosomatic diseases

What is it - psychosomatics? This is of interest to many psychologists. Indeed, every year an increasing number of diseases have a psychosomatic origin. Consider the signs by which you can determine the presence of such pathologies in a child:

  • physical signs. A child very often suffers from colds and infectious diseases precisely at those moments when there is a mess and chaos in the family.
  • Psychological signs. For example, the parents of the child are divorced, but the father comes to the baby every evening and spends time with him. But this time, dad did not come, despite the fact that the baby was waiting for him very much. As a result, the child developed insomnia.
  • Frequent occurrence of accidents. Let's consider such an example. The child's parents divorced, but dad takes the baby to school every day. But now the father stops doing this, as a result, the baby begins to fall very often and get various bruises.

Once again, it is worth repeating that parents are largely to blame for diseases in children. The psychosomatics of childhood ailments must be taken into account. However, this does not mean that it is worth keeping a complete family just for the sake of the child. If the spouses continue to live together, while not feeling comfortable, but being in constant quarrels, this will also adversely affect the health of the child. Therefore, in each case it is very important to weigh the pros and cons.

About the list of diseases

We have already talked about why psychosomatics needs to be known. The cause of many diseases is experienced stressful conditions both in adulthood and in childhood. There is simply a huge list of ailments that arise precisely because of emotional disturbances. Such diseases affect all organs and systems. Each of these diseases carries this or that information. Consider some psychosomatic diseases, and also decipher why they occur:

  • Anemia. It occurs in people who have a fear of life, and are also afraid of losing something.
  • Arrhythmia. The presence of fear of being guilty.
  • Varicose veins. Usually such a disease occurs in those people who hate the situations in which they are forced to be. The condition arises simultaneously with the fact that you are very much overworked in life.
  • Overweight suffer people who are trying to protect themselves from the outside world and are in constant fear.
  • Vertigo occurs in those who are afraid to look at things happening around them.
  • Acne can occur if a person is dissatisfied with himself.
  • The cause of psychological illness is excessive obedience to parents, boss, state, and so on.
  • Brain cancer can occur in people who feel they are not loved.
  • If a person is dissatisfied with something, neck diseases can occur. Psychosomatics will help to identify the subtle causes of such diseases.
  • Diabetes occurs in those people who strive in every possible way to make their lives better. It can occur in those who could not fulfill their secret dreams.
  • If a person is indecisive, then in this case, he may begin to develop dental diseases. Psychosomatics will help solve this problem.

The list of such diseases is simply huge. You can read more about it in books on psychosomatics. Be sure to check out books such as:

  • Louise Hay "Heal Yourself";
  • Liz Burbo "Listen to your body";
  • Antonio Meneghetti "Psychosomatics";
  • Alexander Franz "Psychosomatic medicine. Principles and applications".

Features of treatment

In order to get rid of psychosomatic diseases, it makes no sense to use medicinal or any other conservative methods. If you do not get rid of the problem of an emotional nature, then it will be pointless to engage in physical health. In the treatment of psychosomatic diseases, it is very important to find an individual approach. In order to do this, it is very important to contact a highly qualified psychotherapist. However, even the patient himself, looking inside himself and conducting self-analysis, will be able to determine for what reasons this or that disease has arisen.

If doctors found psychosomatic ailments in a child, then this suggests that all family members should undergo a course of treatment. And in this case we are not talking about traditional healing methods. It is very important to visit a psychologist who can figure out what psychological state the parents of the child are in. In order to eliminate psychosomatics, it is very important to determine the cause of its origin, and most often it lies in the wrong environment at home. According to psychologists, even in order to cure adult patients, you need to involve his relatives and friends. For maximum results, the psychotherapist needs to work with the whole family. In order for psychological changes to occur, it is very important to change the environment. To do this, you need to somehow defuse the course of family life or even move to another housing.

However, in very many cases, psychosomatics is hidden so deeply that it takes a lot of time and effort to reveal it. For this, it is recommended to undergo a special psychotherapeutic course. Of course, for maximum effectiveness, doctors will also prescribe you the use of special medications.

Who is at risk

First of all, people who hide their emotions and experiences from the outside world fall into the risk group. After all, as you know, the more negative emotions accumulate inside us, the more destructively they affect our health.

The tendency to the emergence of psychosomatic disorders occurs even in childhood and adolescence, because it is then that the psyche is most unstable, since a small person simply does not know how to respond to external stimuli. In the modern world, however, there are also people who can simply not get hung up on problems, so they quietly live to old age without suffering from any diseases.

The risk group includes alcoholics, as well as people suffering from other types of addiction. In fact, alcoholism is also a psychosomatic problem. An alcoholic will not be able to get rid of his craving for alcohol until he believes that he is a person and is really capable of something. But the condition leading to alcoholism can be formed in childhood. For example, when very high standards were set in front of a child, but he simply could not meet them. In adulthood, unjustified expectations can lead to alcoholism.

Have you paid attention to the change in your state of health depending on your emotional state? So, in the fall, our emotions turn gray, and with it comes a cold.

She paid attention to the issues of psychosomatics and Liz Burbo. It emphasizes how much our emotions affect our health, so first of all try to monitor your condition.

How to learn to work with your emotions

Sometimes we do not know what to do with negative emotions, so we simply begin to accumulate them in our own soul. Every man and every woman should follow their inner state. Psychosomatics is a direction in psychology, studying which you can heal your soul and body. Often, a negative outlook on life leads to diseases through the prism of emotional states that arise from the period of early childhood. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to work with your feelings.

Psychologists recommend doing breathing exercises, meditating, doing yoga, and also conducting an internal positive monologue in order to balance your condition. If something is bothering you, relax and think about it. Praise yourself, remember how much you have already done, and you will understand that you can cope with this problem. So, she will no longer bother you, you can save your emotional state.

It is very important to find an activity that you enjoy. For example, reading a book, going to the movies, or doing embroidery can distract you from your problems, which means you won't be in the grip of negative experiences. But do not forget that the problem still needs to be solved.

Psychosomatics is always very dangerous. Only you can help yourself. So take care of your emotional health right now.