Three types of lesbians: butch, dyke and femme.

Fanfic(from the English fan - fan and fiction - fiction) - a kind of creativity of fans of popular works of art (the so-called fan art in the broad sense of the word), a derivative literary work based on some original work (usually literary or cinematic), using his ideas of the plot and (or) characters. Fanfiction can be a continuation ( sequel), background ( prequel), parody, "alternative universe", crossover(“weaving” several works), and so on.

Beta(Beta) - a person who reads fanfiction before publication and helps make it better. Beta suggestions can range from simple things like spelling and punctuation to more complex things like character traits, adding or removing scenes, and so on.

Beta-reader (sometimes also called gamma- beta, which deals with literary proofreading of the text

Disclaimer(English disclaimer) - a warning in which the author informs readers (and especially the copyright holder) that the fanfic or site in question was not created for profit, and indicates who exactly owns the rights to the characters used.

Warning(English warning) - warnings about the content of fanfiction, if there is a possibility of rejection among readers for any reason (slash, OOC, AU, obscene language, character death, etc.).

Rating rating is an informal system of definitions adopted by fanfiction authors to give the reader an idea of ​​what to expect, as well as how appropriate the content of the fanfiction or fanart is for certain age groups.

The following scale is commonly used (in ascending order):

G(General) - fanfiction that can be read by anyone.

R(Restricted) - fanfiction that contains sex and violence, obscene language.

Sometimes there are designations PG-15 or NC-21 - they drop out of the accepted list, the values ​​are similar to PG-13 or NC-17, respectively.

NC-21- the fanfic contains a detailed description of cruelty and sex, various perversions, both moral and physical. On most resources, such fanfiction is prohibited.

Pairing(English pairing) - the graph is usually used for love genres of fan fiction that describe romantic and / or sexual relationships. This line in the header allows you to determine which characters will be involved in such a relationship in the course of the action. Pairs are written through a slash - slash (First character / Second character). Well-known canon characters are usually identified by their initials. Fandom jargon usually has words for famous ships.

Drabble(Drabble) - excerpt. Often just a scene, a sketch, a description of a character. Sometimes a drabble refers to a short (100-word) story that has a double subtext and/or an unexpected ending.

Fanfiction types:

By the presence of a love line in the plot:

"Jen"(from the English general audience) - the love line is absent or insignificant, "just adventures." The term came from the abbreviated "general audience", any audience, and goes back to the rating system adopted in the cinema.

"Get"(from "heterosexual") - the defining love line, describes the relationship between heterosexual characters.

"Slash", or "slash" (from the English slash - a slash icon) - a fanfic in which there are romantic and sexual relationships between members of the same sex, a fanfic containing descriptions or references to homosexual behavior or feelings. According to legend, the term comes from the custom of combining characters with a slash (slash) in the pairing graph.

fem slash(eng. fem-slash) - fan fiction, which describes the romantic and / or sexual relationship between female characters.

According to the realities of the original world:

"AU"(from English Alternative Universal) - there are significant discrepancies or even contradictions with the world of the original.

"non-AU"(do not have special jargon) - there are no discrepancies with the world of the original, or they are controversial or of little significance.

According to the correspondence of the character of the heroes of fanfiction to their character in the original:

"OOC"(from the English. Out Of Character) - there are significant discrepancies or even contradictions with the characters in the original work.

"In character"- there are no discrepancies with the characters of the characters in the original, or they are controversial or insignificant.

Mary Sue(Eng. Mary Sue) - an original character, according to the general opinion, is the embodiment of either the author himself or what the author would like to be (a phenomenon inherent only in female fan fiction). A pronounced classic Mary Sue is not that hard to recognize, as she is necessarily dazzlingly beautiful and extraordinarily smart. Traditionally, she has an unusual appearance - not just beautiful, but original and with a twist, as the author understands this. The name is Mary Sue, either as the author or with a complex original name. If the canon format allows, then Mary Sue also has some incredible magical abilities. Appearing among the canonical heroes, Mary-Sue overshadows everyone with her beauty and talents, causes the respect of positive heroes, the envy of negative ones and the insane delight of all representatives of the opposite (and in slash - their own) sex. Then they start an affair with those heroes of the canon that the author likes the most, and finally save the world, discover ancient secrets, reconcile principled enemies, kill the main villain, etc. After saving the world, they happily marry the author’s favorite hero ... well, especially "original" authors - die a heroic death under the friendly sobs of all the characters.

Marty Stew, aka Marty Stu (eng. Marty Stu) or Maurice Stu (Maurice Stu) - the male hypostasis of Mary Sue. Appears then to charm the heroine. It is somewhat rarer than the average Mary Sue.

OFC(abbreviated Original Female Character) - "Original female character." Typically appears in fanfiction for a romantic relationship with a canon character. In Russian fandoms, the abbreviation is more often used NZHP- a new female character. You have to be careful with NZHP - they are always at risk of turning into a Mary Sue.

Respectively NWO- new male character.

"Genre"- a special note about the general "mood" of the fanfic.

General genres:

Action, Action (Action) - fan fiction with a dynamic plot, a lot of action, few mysteries and relationships between characters.

Humor(Humour) - humorous fanfic.

Parody(Parody) - a parody of the original work.

Dark or Darkfan (Dark, Darkfic) - a story with a huge amount of death and cruelty.

Deathfic A fanfic in which one or more characters die.

pov(Point of view) - "point of view", first-person narration of one of the characters.

Smart(Smarm) is a fanfic in which one character makes it clear, by word or deed, how important friendship (without a hint of a romantic or sexual relationship) with another character is to him.

Love genres:

Romance(Romance) is a fanfic about tender and romantic relationships. Usually has a happy ending.

Drama(Drama) - a romantic story with a sad ending.

angst(Angst) - these are strong experiences, physical, but more often spiritual suffering of the character, there are depressive motives and some dramatic events in fan fiction.

Fluff(Fluff) - this is a warm, unclouded relationship between the characters. Romance, romance and more romance.

Other genres:

H/C(Hurt/comfort) - "Carrot and stick", a fanfic in which one character, one way or another, suffers, and another comes to his or her aid.

ER(Established Relationship) - established relationship between the characters.

PWP(Porn without Plot - literally: pornography without a plot; or “Plot, what Plot?” - literally: Plot? What plot?) - plotless porn, a simple minimal plot, where the main emphasis is on bed scenes.

bdsm(Bondage, Domination / Discipline, Sadism, Masochism) - sexual practice, including coercion, sexual slavery, sadomasochism and other actions associated with the deliberate infliction of pain or restriction of freedom in order to obtain sexual satisfaction

Smat(Smut) is a fanfic that does not describe anything other than sex between the characters. Usually rated NC-17.

There are a huge number of lesbians and they are all different. But they are usually divided into three type:

Butch (girl-boy, most often they like to seduce straight women), so they can get invaluable experience and lessons in seduction.

Dyke (midway between butch and femme) prefer a sporty or uni-sex style, as well as short haircuts. Oddly enough, but in our country a girl can proudly say I'm Dyke, but in America this word is considered abusive and offensive towards lesbians, and for this you can get in the jaw.

Fem (the most feminine type of lesbians, most often they are Bi) for which they are not very loved, Bi and Lesbians rarely have friendly relations.

But there is another, broader classification, and not even one. This is what we'll talk about...

Types of lesbians


This is one of those types who consciously or unconsciously do not want to be a woman, they simply do not like this situation, and they run away from it in every possible way. Why? I'll explain now.

The early awakening of sexual desire in such girls (at 11-14 years old) leads to the fact that they become very different from their peers, they communicate with boys more often, are drawn to them, try to be “their boyfriend” for them, play with them in active games. The attitude towards the female sex, in principle, never bothered her, it is a matter of course, or just an incomprehensible attraction. Due to her age, she did not know the words “erotica”, “sexuality”, but she felt that attachment to a girlfriend or teacher is not just like that, it smells of pure and bright friendship here.

In adulthood, she chooses friends mainly from men, the male team is “her own” for her. He says about women that they distract a lot and talk about how much in vain. So this is understandable, because she has more sexual desire than ordinary women, so she cannot work quietly in the women's team. They do not feel hostility towards men, because they have many friends among them, many had partners - men, just women are better for them.

Outwardly, she is no different from a boy, a “young man”: short haircut, angular movements, strongly developed physically, gait. The reason lies not so much in imitating a man, but so much in the unwillingness to be a woman, she does not want, and is not interested, it is not convenient to wear skirts, blouses, blouses, tights, hairstyles, cosmetics - this is not her.

"Boys" most of all emphasize the convenience of short haircuts, trousers, the absence of cosmetics and heels, it is convenient and natural, and men have nothing to do with it.

In relationships with girls, the “boy” chooses an active, but sometimes feminine role.

Butch, unlike the "boy", chooses that the role of a woman, a wife, is not for her, but for a boy, this is by nature, well, she was born like that.

Such a choice can be made unconsciously, in early childhood, although it happens that such a decision is made even at a conscious age. It is quite possible that this was influenced by the presence in the life of a child of a strong, confident man, a model of strength, patience, love and tenderness, which could push him to “imitate”, which eventually resulted in leaving the female appearance and becoming a “man”, although only externally and in behavior it is reflected.

Butch tries to imitate the behavior of a man, maybe even more in an exaggerated way. It manifests itself both in sexual relations and in everyday life. Butch is she, the pronoun he is used only by lesbians in relation to them. At home, she does not perform any female duties and tries to shirk it every time, and it doesn’t matter if she lives with her parents or already has her own family, which she starts only with a woman, preferring more experienced and older. He does not contact men, perceiving them all as rivals, communicating only with gays, since they cannot compete with them.

In sex, he plays an active role, preferring many partners. This type is very important for every mistress to prove their capabilities and desires in sex. Lowen very rightly said that a homosexual seeks contact not because he is aroused, but because it is he who can give him this arousal, this expression can be applied to butch, since their sexual desire is great.


Just as the "boy" does not realize that she is "not like everyone else", the understanding of this comes later, one might even say, unexpectedly. Why this happens and how to determine them, I will now tell.

If you describe the appearance, then nothing special will distinguish it among
women. She is the same, she dresses the same, meets, thinks the same, but up to a certain point. She notices inclinations towards homosexuality in herself later on “boys”. The fact is that she develops relationships with her friends and she does not realize the eroticism of friendship, she looks at the guys, they not only like her, but also attracts them sexually, only she needs them for friendship, romance, equal relationships, but no more moreover, and the guys do not understand this and do not consider her the way she would like. This begins to offend, and she thinks about the reason for not folding relationships with guys, why no one likes it, and is she not frigid, or maybe it's too early? The "girl" is offended by men that they do not know how to be friends, and they only need sex.

She does not feel satisfaction from intimate relationships with men at all, and the feeling that she was “used” remains, gradually developing into the idea that men only need sex, and that the concept of “personality” means nothing to them.

A “girl” meets men no better and no worse than other women, it’s just that she’s not really interested in them, men are friends for her, but she doesn’t know about it yet. When she understands this, she first considers herself a bisexual, and continues to think that she has not yet met “her” man. The “girl”, having built relationships with a woman and having tried them, never looks for meetings with men and completely gives herself to a woman.

This is the most complex and difficult to describe type. Until the transitional age, femme behaves like an ordinary girl, wears skirts, dresses, bows, ruffles, plays with dolls and hopscotch with her friends. She begins to realize an incomprehensible attraction to women by the age of 15, but, realizing, she understands that it began earlier, only she did not understand then why.

This type is looking for a logical justification for his attraction, trying to explain to himself "why". Unlike femmes, "boys" and "girls" perceive homosexuality as a normal phenomenon and do not try to explain it at all. She believes that she loves women not because she does not love men, but because she is looking for certain qualities in people that are available for some reason in women, and it’s just safer with them.

Fem generally poorly understands what she is and what she represents. With the realization of homosexual attraction, she begins to deviate from conformity with the norms. She does not have a clearly defined look, she looks like a girl, or a boy, or maybe both at once. With sharp movements and absolutely not a woman's gait, she has a feminine softness, meekness and dependence on the strong and strong. Looking for strength, support, intercession in people, she demonstrates amazing shyness, insecurity and some kind of childish helplessness. True, this does not mean that she does not know how, cannot and does not decide anything on her own, she is simply arranged in such a way that if there is an opportunity to shift responsibility, activity to someone, she will do it without hesitation.

Fear of sexual relations is characteristic of almost all femme, especially with a new partner. That is why, and also because of the high need for affection, love, care and strength, she continues to maintain even insulting relationships that have become a burden, completely unsatisfactory for her.

Behind this delicate and defenseless shell lies a great conflict in relation to men. This is expressed either in a hidden form or, more often, hostility is quite conscious. With all this, she gets a paradox: male attention flatters her, while a man is a clear threat.

"Not a lesbian"

This is the most obscure type of all. She is not actually a lesbian or even a bisexual, she thinks about men, she likes them and is attracted to them. But at the moment she lives not with a man, but with a woman, because she is a beloved woman. She does not like everyone, only this one. How it happened, she does not know, and why everyone is interested too. Is it all the same who to love, "not a lesbian" really does not understand how you can choose who to love and who not.

They have a peculiarity, which is expressed in the fact that love is not attachment for her, not a quiet living together, but something so stormy, bright, explosive, madly in love and does not forgive betrayal. It all started with the fact that he and his girlfriend spend a lot of time together, study, for example, together at school, college, walk, live nearby. At the same time, her friend is clearly a lesbian, and she realizes that between them is not just friendly affection and love as a friend, something more, erotic
The ical thread will definitely manifest itself in behavior, and all the more so since there is no doubt “suitable or not suitable”, they have known each other for a very long time and managed to study each other. Further, it is no longer possible to make out who started the rapprochement from such a position, who was the first to say, offered to switch to “erotic language”, but they cease to be just friends. "Not a lesbian" normally refers to the difference between people, they can't all be the same! Communication with a friend is superimposed on the position “all people are different”, everything is fine with them, but they are so different, even if her hobbies are not the same as everyone else, and so she is an ordinary girl, slightly looking like a boy. She has no internal ban on this, the affection is huge, she needs it, and sex is just an addition to their already existing relationship that has developed a very long time ago.

The “non-lesbian” girl is feminine, but the girlfriend, on the contrary, has more masculine features, which is why it turns out that the relationship is the same, only the partner is a girl.

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Classification of lesbian love. Butch, dyke or fem?

For those girls who defied nature. And preferred to boys, female. What type are you? We read and classify.

A "girl" meets men no better and no worse than other women, she's just not really interested in them, men are her friends, but she doesn't know about it yet. When she understands this, she first considers herself a bisexual, and continues to think that she has not yet met "her" man. The “girl”, having built relationships with a woman and having tried them, never looks for meetings with men and completely gives herself to a woman.


This is the most complex and difficult to describe type. Until the transitional age, femme behaves like an ordinary girl, wears skirts, dresses, bows, ruffles, plays with dolls and hopscotch with her friends. She begins to realize an incomprehensible attraction to women by the age of 15, but, realizing, she understands that it began earlier, only she did not understand then why.

This type is looking for a logical justification for his attraction, trying to explain to himself "why". Unlike femmes, "boys" and "girls" perceive homosexuality as a normal phenomenon and do not try to explain it at all. She believes that she loves women not because she does not love men, but because she is looking for certain qualities in people that are available for some reason to women, and it’s just safer with them.

Fem generally poorly understands what she is and what she represents. With the realization of homosexual attraction, she begins to deviate from conformity with the norms. She does not have a clearly defined look, she looks like a girl, or a boy, or maybe both at once. With sharp movements and absolutely not a woman's gait, she has a feminine softness, meekness and dependence on the strong and strong. Looking for strength, support, intercession in people, she demonstrates amazing shyness, insecurity and some kind of childish helplessness. True, this does not mean that she does not know how, cannot and does not decide anything on her own, she is simply arranged in such a way that if there is an opportunity to shift responsibility, activity to someone, she will do it without hesitation.

Fear of sexual relations is characteristic of almost all femme, especially with a new partner. That is why, and also because of the high need for affection, love, care and strength, she continues to maintain even insulting relationships that have become a burden, completely unsatisfactory for her.

Behind this delicate and defenseless shell lies a great conflict in relation to men. This is expressed either in a hidden form or, more often, hostility is quite conscious. With all this, she gets a paradox: male attention flatters her, while a man is a clear threat.

"Not a lesbian"

This is the most obscure type of all. She is not actually a lesbian or even a bisexual, she thinks about men, she likes them and is attracted to them. But at the moment she lives not with a man, but with a woman, because she is a beloved woman. She does not like everyone, only this one. How it happened, she does not know, and why everyone is interested too. Does it matter who to love, "non-lesbian" really does not understand how you can choose who to love and who not.

They have a peculiarity, which is expressed in the fact that love is not attachment for her, not a quiet living together, but something so stormy, bright, explosive, madly in love and does not forgive betrayals. It all started with the fact that he and his girlfriend spend a lot of time together, study, for example, together at school, college, walk, live nearby. At the same time, her girlfriend is clearly a lesbian, and she realizes that between them is not just friendly affection and love as a friend, something more, an erotic thread will definitely manifest itself in behavior, and even more so that doubts "suitable - not suitable No, they have known each other for a very long time and managed to study each other. Further, it is no longer possible to make out who started the rapprochement from such a position, who was the first to say, offered to switch to "erotic language", but they cease to be just friends. "Not a lesbian" normally refers to the difference between people, they can't all be the same! Communication with a friend is superimposed on the position “all people are different”, everything is fine with them, but they are so different, even if her hobbies are not the same as everyone else’s, and so she is an ordinary girl, slightly looking like a boy. She has no internal ban on this, the affection is huge, she needs it, and sex is just an addition to their already existing relationship that has developed a very long time ago.