Anastasia Kostenko has a child. Anastasia Kostenko gave birth to a daughter Dmitry Tarasova

Today, July 10, the third wife of football player Dmitry Tarasov gave birth to his daughter. The athlete announced this on a social network.

Thank you, darling, for this miracle, ”he wrote, posting a photo with a baby in his arms.

The couple's fans immediately rushed to congratulate Tarasov and his model wife Anastasia Kostenko.

Recall that the story of this couple began with the scandalous divorce of Tarasov and TV star Olga Buzova at the end of 2016. The football player stated that he did not want to "live for the sake of likes", hinting that the host of "House 2" was flaunting their relationship. Buzova, in turn, accused the athlete of simply finding another - second vice-miss Russia 2014 Anastasia Kostenko. The model, originally from the city of Salsk, Rostov Region, immediately began to appear in the company of Dmitry at secular parties. At the same time, the couple did not hesitate to demonstrate their new relationship on Instagram.

Well, we recall that for Tarasov this is the second child. The first wife - gymnast Oksana Ponomarenko - in 2009 gave birth to his daughter Angelina. The football player does not forget his first "princess" and regularly spends time with her. True, now he has two heirs.


The story of the Rostov Cinderella, who stole her husband from Buzova: a biography of Anastasia Kostenko

Nastya's talents were developed from childhood - she graduated from a music school in the class: choreography, vocals, choir and piano. She participated in various competitions - not only beauty, but also local history, literary, vocal, choreographic.

From childhood, the daughter was a sociable child. She loved to perform - she danced and sang. I gathered all the neighbors and entertained them, - the mother of the model, Victoria Vladimirovna, shared in an interview. - We saw an asterisk in it right away. And the teachers noticed it too. You definitely didn’t have to blush for her at school. She has a fighting spirit, and she is not afraid of difficulties. ()

"Komsomolskaya Pravda" found unknown photos of rival Olga Buzova

A photo of that very performance was provided to us at the Image Center, a modeling agency that actually gave Anastasia a start in social life. Then the girl was found at a provincial beauty contest in the small steppe Salsk. There she grew up in a large family - she has two sisters and a brother. Mom worked as a psychologist-teacher in a local kindergarten, her father is an entrepreneur. ()


The unemployed husband of Olga Buzova gets rid of the elite apartment in which he lived with the star "Dom-2"

Everyone knows the story of how Dmitry Tarasov kicked Olga Buzova out of their joint apartment two years ago. But the fate of the property, in which there was a scandal, which eventually led to a divorce, was unknown for a long time. After all, soon the Lokomotiv football player moved to a country house, and not alone, but with model Nastya Kostenko. But recently it turned out that all this time the Moscow apartment of a player of a famous club was empty, and recently, Tarasov decided to sell it. ()

Dmitry Tarasov became a father for the second time - on July 10, Anastasia Kostenko gave birth to a girl in one of the elite maternity hospitals in Moscow. The football player was the first to share the joyful event with numerous fans by posting a touching photo, which depicts a newborn daughter in her arms. By the way, the fans were able to figure out that the couple named the heiress Yana.

“07/10/2018. Thank you, beloved, for this miracle, ”Tarasov shared his joy.

A little later, Anastasia Kostenko got in touch with the fans. The newly minted mother revealed the first details about childbirth. So, the model said that her little happiness weighs a little less than three kilograms. The football player's wife hurried to thank the doctors who helped her daughter to be born.

“Our long-awaited daughter was born! Lots of emotions and new feelings. I would never have thought that immense happiness could be 50 centimeters tall and weigh 2940 grams. Thank you beloved for what I feel with you,” wrote Kostenko.

Throughout the pregnancy, Dmitry Tarasov's wife actively shared her impressions of this unforgettable experience with fans. The girl noted that she had never been so happy before. According to 24-year-old Anastasia, she immediately fell in love with the baby as soon as she found out about her interesting position.

“Now I understand that the closer day X is, the harder, slower, and all thoughts and topics are devoted to one thing - a meeting with a baby that you have never seen, but you already love very much,” Kostenko said.

But Dmitry Tarasov shared touching revelations much less often. In recent weeks, too many problems have fallen on the footballer. At first he was not called up to the national team, then the Lokomotiv club refused to renew the contract with the athlete.

Later it turned out that the footballer had been trying unsuccessfully for a year to sell the apartment in which he lived with Olga Buzova. Tarasov was so desperate that he even reduced the price of real estate by five million. Also, StarHit managed to find out that two expensive cars belonging to Dmitry have been pledged for a long time, and due to debts, the athlete may lose them.

However, the black streak in the life of a football player was finally interrupted, because the birth of a daughter can clearly distract Tarasov from problems and turn into the brightest event of this summer for him.

Recall that for Anastasia this child was the first, but Dmitry already has a nine-year-old daughter Angelina from her first marriage with Oksana Bondarenko. Tarasov and Kostenko were intensively preparing for the imminent birth of the baby and even thought about partner childbirth.

Recall that for the first time information about the pregnancy of Anastasia Kostenko appeared in January 2018. Then the model did not comment on the rumors in any way, trying to protect her happiness from prying eyes. She confirmed the news about her interesting position only at the beginning of spring, posting several pictures showing a rounded tummy.

The football player Dmitry Tarasov and his wife Anastasia Kostenko had a long-awaited daughter. Happy moments young parents share with subscribers.

When the Tarasovs had a girl

The daughter of Tarasov and Kostenko was born on July 10 in the elite Moscow maternity hospital Lapino. Information that appeared in the press in January 2018. The girl did not comment on the rumors about her situation. Apparently, she didn't want to announce it too soon. Only at the beginning of spring, Anastasia confirmed the information by posting a photo with a rounded tummy.

"Hello, my sweet 2️⃣4️⃣🎂🎁"

The footballer was looking forward to the birth of his second daughter. Together with his wife, he even prepared for partner childbirth. Anastasia shared with subscribers - she has experience in caring for babies. She helped her parents raise two sisters and a brother.

What Dmitry Tarasov said about the birth of his daughter

The happy father was the first to inform Internet users about the birth of the girl. On his Instagram profile, he posted the first photo with a newborn girl in his arms and wrote: “Thank you, my love, for this miracle.”

Dmitry holds his newborn daughter in his arms

For a football player, the birth of a second child was a very joyful event. Later on the Web, he repeatedly thanked his wife for giving birth to his daughter. And on July 13, he posted a post that he took "his princesses" home.

"I'm happy❤️"

Anastasia also shared her happiness with subscribers. Shortly after giving birth, she posted a touching post on her profile: “07/10/18 - Our long-awaited daughter was born! Lots of emotions and new feelings. I would never have thought that immense happiness could be 50 cm tall and weigh 2940 grams! Thank you, my love, for what I feel with you!”.

“If you are told that it is impossible to embrace the Universe, do not believe it”

Kostenko also did not forget to thank the staff of the maternity hospital and the doctor who observed her during pregnancy for their work.

How Dmitry and Anastasia named their daughter

Many fans of the couple are interested in how the Tarasovs named their daughter. According to media reports, the baby's name is Yana. Now Dmitry Tarasov cannot spend much time with his family. Shortly after the birth of the girl, he went to Austria, where he joined the training of the Lokomotiv sports club.

Tarasov often posts photos with his daughter

The football player devotes touching posts to his wife and youngest daughter. In them, he writes that he is very bored. Anastasia and the baby are waiting for him in a country house, which the family acquired recently.

Buzova's reaction to the birth of Tarasov's daughter

Many people are interested in Buzova's reaction to the birth of a daughter from her ex-husband. Recall that they did not part on a good note, Olga in her posts tried to offend Tarasov and Kostenko. She did not comment on the birth of their daughter. Perhaps for Olga this event was a serious shock, or the girl was influenced by happy changes in her personal life, which she has so far only hinted at to subscribers. Now Olga continues to work: she goes on tour, records new hits, hosts Dom-2.

Many people are skeptical about the Tarasov and Kostenko couple - after all, the football player has two unsuccessful marriages behind his back. But looking at the photos of the family, I want to believe in the sincerity of the feelings of the spouses. We wish Dmitry Tarasov and Anastasia Kostenko family happiness. May their daughter grow up healthy!

Anastasia Kostenko

Anastasia Kostenko (24) and Dmitry Tarasov (31) began in early July - the couple had a daughter, Milan. Since then, the model has been sharing motherhood tips with her subscribers almost every day, talking about the baby’s everyday life and actively answering fans’ questions.

Anastasia Kostenko and Dmitry Tarasov with their daughter

And yesterday Anastasia in her Instagram decided to take stock and tell how Milan is growing. According to Kostenko, the baby is very calm. “What can I sum up? She is a great fellow, Thank God! I am calm, she even more so. No nighttime inconveniences, only feeding, which on average occurs 1-2 times a night ”(Spelling and punctuation of the author saved - Note ed.).

Anastasia Kostenko with her daughter

Kostenko also shared her daughter's achievements. It turned out that the baby loves to smile, starts to sing, raises her head while lying on her back, tries to crawl, and still does not pay any attention to the dog. “I can say that motherhood is a magical time if you are ready for it!” - admitted the model.

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By the way, Anastasia answered in her Stories a subscriber's question about why she still hasn't shown Milana's face. Kostenko admitted that she was afraid of people who might wish her bad. “I don’t feel comfortable that, in addition to kind and real people, “shadows” (reserve zero-pages created for nasty things, etc.) are watching our lives. But I understand that since August our baby has been under the patronage of all the saints, and even earlier, as soon as she was born, under our husband and I. Soon, maybe we will show our smile, ”Kostenko shared.

Anastasia Kostenko and Dmitry Tarasov